PJ 61


TUE., JAN. 5, 1993 7:53 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 142


Dharma sits here with some 40+ lengthy letters which have asked for "direct" response. This is NOT what you are asking--and I cannot ask that Dharma respond to each of you for I have not even given her time to write proper "thank yous" which are her closest thing to living in a "normal" world. I understand that you believe yourselves to be "hearing" but as long as you continue to petition for things such as over and over asking to come aboard ship and be healed of this or that and/or "give me a 'show' so I can believe and better convince my brother" and "intervene, please, on the part of this one or that one", please send me money so I can do your work, help me win the lottery, etc., etc., etc.

I specifically refer directly to one, R.S. in N.M. You are a beloved brother with a great talent and participation potential--but you are petitioning for the incorrect things from my "Command". We need workers who take their role and go with it as they uncover it--we do not entrust impacting strategy to ones who simply share and tell it all. Ours is not a mission of "being" and service unto each as each requests. That is for God and man individual. I appreciate your offering services in any way suitable but you must understand that this is but a small piece of the "overall" and you must realize that "all" cannot do the "one" job. Nor is "one" blessed above that of "another" in service. DO NOT PLACE ME IN YOUR COMPUTER SYS­TEM "AS GOD"--I FILL AT THIS TIME A LEADERSHIP ROLE WITH THE HOSTS OF GOD AND, AT THIS TIME OF TOUCHING AND MISSION, SO SHALL IT REMAIN THAT WAY. WHEN CALLED, I RESPOND--TO YOUR QUESTIONS AND TO YOUR STATEMENTS FOR THE CALL COMPELS AN ANSWER OF WHICH I AM MOST HONORED TO SHARE--THAT SHARING, HOWEVER, COMES DIRECTLY TO THE INDIVIDUAL--NOT TO DHARMA!

We delight in the "sharing" and all writings are brought directly to me--but I remind you--there are over EIGHT FEET of piled up letters and items needing response--she has nothing clear on her work area save the keyboard itself!

I do not wish ever to discourage you from contact herein for this is where the confirmations and new information must flow--but FOR ALL! While we respond to the many as individuals the "all" would have nothing.

Most of you are still wishing to find your proof of our Truth which must become your own. You want it the fast and easy way--by osmosis! How did you get so confused in the first place? Well, if you do not study that which has been given, how can you expect to go forth and TEACH another that which you "think" we bring? Has not enough damage and deceit been thrust off upon your brethren? When the student is ready the teacher appears--but you will rarely find that teacher appearing AS YOU EXPECT! The letters of support and love are ALL that keep our crew going--but the individual requests for such as psychic readings are also burying them. Do not be disinformed, however, the very words of willing service are also an expres­sion of support and that, too, is necessary as fuel for the "fingers"--it is the inability to respond timely and/or with any input (for I give Dharma none unless in full intent of correspondence such as this) that causes a desire so overwhelming as to be miserable, for hers is a 24 hours a day task without ability to share with family or friends or any "normal" existence. Her only trips are to court for one case bashing after another. This angers even friends and unkind and unseemly things are foisted off on these ones in the ignorance and anger of "being neglected".

I herein ask E.J. to send a note to E.S. and tell her how unduly hard it is here and that you haven't got "your ---- together in any way at all--only scattered it thicker and deeper"; there will be no time for "friendly gatherings" and/or such activities as past ex­perience allowed--there is no point in injuring friends or ever misleading them. Any who come to this place come at the same level of understanding or they should not come. Dharma has of­fered her life work unto me as scribe and speaker--that will increase in both areas and, therefore, old friends who would find a close sisterly relationship WILL NOT. I can only offer unto you ones who serve so unstintingly while asking for nothing--not even a "sighting" shall bear the reward of that service for in the giving of the "me" God returns the gift eternally. Bombardment of my people brings only irritation to me of the Command for the action must be viewed as an ignorance of sequence in both Command and timing.

This is not intended to MOST of you beloved writers for you ask, even, not to take the time for response and, of course, you are the ones who fill the heart with desire for immediate re­sponse. Thank you. I am only petitioning you ones to NOT GET CONFUSED--YOU SHALL HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME SAID THE LORD THY GOD. I DO NOT FILL THAT ROLE AS A SHIP OR MISSION COMMANDER! In turn, according to my own appointed task, I relinquish those higher actions of "visibility" and "invisibility" as you ask to be granted to you as individuals for your safety. If you must "ask", you are most certainly not ready for the "magic" of such! If you really wish to learn such wondrous capabilities--go forth and study the "way to do it" which is neither magic nor mysti­cal. It is only mysterious because you haven't yet learned your lessons. We have laid forth the instructions in complete diagram right in the series of PLEIADES CONNECTIONS and you will "learn" it as presented or you shall not be given to utilize it. Ours is to bestow the Word and "how"--not to shower individu­als with magical talents to protect their physical assets. If you fear to stand for God--then you are not convinced of your own "knowing" for when in knowing--you have no need of such tricks for protection.
I suggest you ones quit playing in your fantasies and grow into the reality and KNOWING of Truth which far surpasses any tricks or mystical "wishing".

I wish to remind you all--it is necessary that I use this conduit in a myriad of other ways--from how to grow spelt and organize greenhouses in our own project model to exactly how much folic acid must be produced from the solution in catalytic response to a Gaia life blueprint amnionic fluid for same--SO THAT ALL AND ANY ONE CAN HAVE ACCESS TO CELLULAR RECREATION AND THEN, MOVING ON, THROUGH SIMI­LAR TECHNIQUES INTO TOTAL ENERGY COLLECTION FROM AND TO, ANY PLACE AND ANY USE. If you can­not see this larger picture--then we have nothing in common upon which to base a working relationship.

You who offer services in specific manner (or even in general manner) will find your "resume" or offering in appropriate placement so that Earth workers will have that knowledge and have ability to make contact. This is a very EARTHBOUND TASK herein--against all odds and there are some very unusual things which happen--but no magic--just hard digging with all but no funding and hard work. Even in the lawsuits the lawyers think they have a thing "locked in" only to find other conduits to be "had" right through a "fixed" and raping judicial system. This means that "I" HAVE TO TELL THEM IN WHICH AR­EAS TO SEEK MOVES AND HOW TO PRESENT THE CASE--THIS, TOO, USUALLY REQUIRES E.J. OR DHARMA IN ORDER THAT I BE HEARD!

These ones are not scientists or lawyers--and yet, all this techni­cal "beyond even the thoughts of man thus far", must flow through their data banks. Dharma deserves to be awarded at least seven Ph.D.s for her education has become all but unlim­ited--and yet, she will tell you that she knows NOTHING! She is not, either, given to REMEMBER! She still relates far more to the people who sent crocheted doilies in delicate and beautiful patterns, afghan and abundant cooked specialties for she had no time for same. She cannot understand why she has to attend mold on slime on her beautiful kitchen counter-top for a new antibiotic for the world could not be conceived to come from her cupboard shelf.

We have a new problem here which was not brought to Dharma and E.J.'s attention until this past week or so. Many of the PLEIADES CONNECTION series have been sold by the pub­lisher--directly against Federal Court order. It is rather compli­cated as to how this occurred but, nonetheless--it has occurred and the Court holds Ekkers directly responsible for the "incorrect" assumption was made by the Federal Judge that Ekkers CONTROLLED the publisher. The publisher became too impatient over funds for same as they came in and retained them--this violates the very intent of the law regarding the banned publications and now there shall be Federal Court action coming against us once more--for a bit of greed and lack of full understanding and inability, or unwillingness, to handle the case in a proper manner which could have resulted in great return from "damages" if handled properly.

To any of you who would still desire those books (the greatest set of information on your planet at this time) you MUST GO DIRECTLY TO (I BELIEVE) TEHACHAPI DISTRIBUTING. This is a separate, in total, entity and, other than some already operating individual independent distributors located here and there who might still have the JOURNALS, is the only place wherein these are available. I would point out that what should have happened as you made payment to America West was that they were to forward the funds as received to this Distributor who would, in turn, ship the volumes. The books have been shipped but thus far the funds have not been sent--which reads in a court of law as "contempt of court" and defiance of a Federal Court order. This is most distressing at a time when we are moving so rapidly on other projects as the costs and time con­sumed are without limit
it seems.

I do not yet realize how we shall handle this matter--we are told that the JOURNALS are not selling at any rate--or at best, very, very few. This is the responsibility of the major distribution re­source and, yet, I cannot continue to ask participation when it is becoming so costly to both here and "there". The Ekkers, so far, have received nothing but major headaches and more and more expense from the publication of this work
--SOMETHING IS GROSSLY WRONG! God's work is often squelched--but by and large man will respond to Truth when he can find it--this means that he is not finding it and we shall have to consider re­structuring of some kind it would seem. Dharma claims that for every step ahead we find ten backward as to their own personal survival. No--lessons are learned one upon another and the cost cannot be measured against the gain. It is difficult to become a "senior citizen" in all Earth ramifications, however, and still fight harder and more tenaciously than any young adult. When friends turn and "do you in", it must be realized that this is the most painful of all journeys--and yet, God never promised rose petals without thorns nor did He offer a path of paved golden leaf. He said it would be harder than the passing through the needle's eye but He promised to see you through--and for these, it is sufficient. They only ask that YOU bear with their limita­tions for their hearts are with YOU--but their "hands" are MINE! THE FORCE OF GOD IS WITH YOU, CHELAS, AS YOU JOURNEY FORTH--BUT THE LESSONS ARE HARD WHEN THE WAY IS BENT BY YOUR OWN DOING. I CAN ONLY CAUTION YOU TO SEE BEYOND FOR, IN INSTANCES SUCH AS THIS, THE VERY GOOD DONE BEFORE BECOMES TAINTED AND QUESTIONED--AND WHEREIN GOD/CHRISTED BEINGS ARE CONCERNED IN CONNECTION OF TRUTH-BRINGING--BECOMES UNAC­CEPTED BY THE RECEIVERS. BLUNDERING IS ONE THING--DELIBERATE WITHHOLDING IS QUITE AN­OTHER.

In the moving to a distant place those ones asked if they could not continue in the work? I responded "Yes, but it would be very, very difficult as the assaults and 'remoteness dilution' took over in the consciousness"--it has proven to be thus far, true, in the latter. Fear and insecurity and search for security of lifestyle of high standards will do-in the unsuspecting EVERY TIME. There are over 65 JOURNALS (I believe at least 67)--could not 8 or 9 rest upon the shelves until the Federal case be closed? Greed is a blindingly sneaky thing which destroys con­cepts and I must allow a bit of healing in perspective to these ones before any further decisions are made. It is so incredible to me that ones do cut their own noses off in order to spite the face itself.
I do not see, either, how on the human foundation such as these things can be ignored for, after all, these ones be but stewards of God's property. These volumes are camera ready for press and ANY printer can put them to press--ANY­WHERE! There is expense, but even that has been shared, so we are at a loss as to how this has come to be--but it has and it must be confronted for, as a Federal suit comes to public focus
--it shall undoubtedly be quite ugly. Dharma was totally bashed and ridiculed at the preliminary "banning" hearings as E.T.'s became the joke of the court. The University of Science and Philosophy has put aside over $215 million dollars to "win" this suit and now, with deliberate breaking of the court order--de­fense is difficult at best. The case is basically against America West Publishing and America West Distributors but they could not be found and the court assumption (because our attorneys were inept and foolish) was that the "author/writer" from what­ever source--HAD FULL CONTROL OVER THE PUB­LISHER, ETC., SINCE THEY WERE NOT LOCATED FOR SERVICE OF THE COURT ORDER. The reason Ekkers be­come the focus is that the Judge ordered Ekkers to inform and remove all volumes from the publisher and they (the Ekkers) are held responsible for all actions otherwise.

Now in addition, all persons coming and going from the Ekker's various places of presence are under surveillance and will be ar­rested if anything deviates one iota from the law--and things will be "set-up" to cause suspicion of same. We have some who have served time in incarceration--and they are watched like the fly under the microscope, followed and are walking time-bombs if behavior deviates one iota from legal rules. Other ones here are offended by this--well, so be it--it doesn't exactly "make my day" either as I see ones coming under the impression that this is some sort of "find myself" gathering place.

You who have supported the Institute--for goodness sakes, you are at the brink of bringing the substance of re-creation of life cellular structure itself. You are growing and experiencing the project of the exact grains and foods which shall sustain you through all disasters; you are building structures within projects active, domed structures which are both beautiful and will with­stand winds of over 200 miles an hour. You have a Constitu­tional Law Center which is now recognized throughout the WORLD and are bringing in ones who WRITE THE LAW-BOOKS wishing to regain Constitutional Law and clean up the Judicial system--and still we have to plead and actually BEG for assistance. You have now available the equivalent of well over 25,000 pages of text in instructions and information and thou­sands of taped messages; you have a greenhouse project under­way--YOU ARE CHANGING THE WORLD FOR GOOD­NESS SAKES--CAN YOU NOT BE PATIENT AND WAIT UPON THE LORD? GOD DOES NOT LEAVE YOU--YOU FIND EVERY EXCUSE AND WAY TO GET RID OF HIM! YOU HAVE A MOTION PICTURE AWAITING THE FINAL START-UP FUNDING AND YOU HAVE FUNDING PRO­JECTS IN FUNDING--WHAT MORE CAN YOU POSSIBLY WANT OF GOD, MUCH LESS, THESE TWO PEOPLE SIM­PLY TRYING TO SERVE ME AND DO THEIR WORK? ABUNDANCE IN RETURN IS GOD--GREED IS NOT! IF YOU CANNOT MAKE UP YOUR MIND ABOUT IT--IS IT THE PROBLEM OF THESE PEOPLE WHO ASK FOR NOTHING SAVE A BIT OF REST AND A BIT OF RESPON­SIBILITY LIGHTENING?

Through this route you will reclaim your Enforcement Officers and guardians if they be reclaimed at all--things this day look very, very dim for you as a nation. I shall speak on those things now, and trust that you will get your own confirmation as you consider some of the recent moves of your would-be Kings.

I told you long ago that Bush did not want the job of Presidency--HE WANTS TO RUN THE WORLD ENFORCEMENT BODY--CALLED THE UNITED NATIONS. He has made all his contacts within the past week who would appoint him. Through loose talk and information release out of sequence--you let him get "away"! He has made many "deals" this past week and none of them are to your advantage.

As always, it will continue to be hidden and insidious and ap­pear to be "logical" in the way things "come-off". But, you will note by the price of gold that SOMETHING IS WRONG IN THE ELITE PLANNING! The excuse given for the plunge is that the Middle East is "dumping". Eee-gads! and I suppose Hitler was a Saint? Well, now is certainly the time to BUY! "Cosmos" has managed to block quite a few exchanges. Sad­dam himself has over 28 TONS of gold in Switzerland and that is why Switzerland refused to join the binding "Maastricht" id­iocy of deceit. The Russian Ukraine still has the outstanding "certificate" which can totally wipe out the British banking sys­tem. There is enough public press confirmation in obvious lack of truth and yet focusing on the facts, to give credence to this in­formation. CNN is playing the information to the public game--even the other networks are bringing all their journalists home from Somalia and will "rely on CNN for news". If YOU con­tinue to be blind--YOU WILL SOON BE DEAD BLIND!

Even on the functioning military bases--massive changes in rou­tine operations are coming into change. For instance, on bases the U.S.P.S. (United States Postal Service: not a Federal entity as you think--it is just like the IRS) will require entry to the bases and now a full delivery service even to interdepartment mailings which never leave the base. The bases being shut down are being shifted over to other uses--one being for "Reserves" and "U.N. training centers" as well as "refugee centers"--"in case of major disasters". This by any label means "Concentration" camps. One of the first such bases in change of "upstart" rather than simple "winding down" is March AFB. Others, such as Norton--have gone into almost full-time surveillance functions.


You who continue to toss the Greeting Cards (Sananda/Turin shroud image) about hither and yon in denial are interesting to say the very least. The cards were a gift from here to YOU. Whether or not you WISH TO BELIEVE THEM TO BE TRUE OR FALSE--CHANGES NOTHING. A most recent letter states that "Lord Jerias" says this is an imposter and is "positive proof" for "in the eyes there is not shown the LOVE that is in eyes of the 'real' picture of Jesus." Oh, and WHO is "Lord Je­rias"? I have never heard of same. No love in the eyes? Wherein did YOU look? "Real" picture of Esu "Jesus"? Wherein might be found that ONE--this "real" picture? WHO produced this "real" picture? Shroud is not valid? WHO said? What MAN told you these wondrous insightful things? To ac­cuse through the word "Sananda" in proving a point is more blatantly foolish than any other statement. "Sananda" simply means a higher state of being as in "Christ" and Sananda is a loving identification of RESPECT given to this Christed being once "also" called Esu Emmanuel or translated later by St. Paul, "Jesus". He has as many labels as there are groups who speak differing languages. How dare you limit your brother's percep­tion of truth by your own narrow illusion. If you care not for the picture card shared in love with you--throw it out, sit on it, eat it or whatever you wish but disrespect of even the "gift" is quite sad indeed, for the gift came with love from the givers who had nothing else to share with you. Theirs was a simple sharing of a Season's card which they found to be wondrous and wished to share with subscribers as well as make available to any who would wish them. To denounce the gift is almost as severe and MORE INSULTING than to denounce validity--do you who returned and defaced this card--return and deface all the cards of Santa Claus, Christmas Trees, the Nativity and Im­itation drawings of the Mother and Child? Do you set your­selves up as judge, jury and executioner of truth which does not suit you and your various "Lords" and "Ladies"? I would never be so cruel or insulting were I your teacher--which I most as­suredly tell you that I AM NOT, in this instance! A MIND CLOSED TO POSSIBILITIES BY SELF OR "HIGHER EN­ERGY" IS A SAD THING INDEED AND FITS THE "TIMES" IN WHICH YOU FIND YOURSELVES--DENYING THE VERY HOSTS AND GOD COME AND SENT TO BRING YOU HOME FOR YOU WILL NOTE--THAT THESE ONES WHO INSULT--HAVE NO OFFER OF TRUTH IN BETTER STEAD! THEY TELL YOU THAT YOU ARE IN THE "END" AND GIVE YOU NOTHING UPON WHICH A SINGLE ACTION CAN BE BASED IN TRUTH AND/OR "REALITY" OF LOGICAL FUNCTION. REMEMBER WELL: IT IS THE TIME OF SORTING! SO BE IT.

As a change I would give confirmations: Yes indeed, the head of the Mossad was in the Chicago area during the Christmas week--AND, yes, THE BLACK HELICOPTERS WITH BLACK-SUITED PILOTS BUZZING DISSENTERS IN THAT AREA ARE FROM AURORA, ILL. AND ARE PART OF THE FBI SPECIAL PROJECTS!

Also, comes from Illinois a report from MANY that the ground is shaking in areas close to the New Madrid Fault as to "scaring to death" the population. The report is that the ground is shak­ing "all the time" and, yet, no reports are given in the papers and all sorts are given by phone if ones inquire.

I am reminded to tell you that one by the name of Skolnick also has a "hotline" and his organization is called "Committee to Clean Up the Courts". This is an excellent contact and resource for the ones at the Constitutional Law Center as a lot of research has been done and need not be duplicated! That number as given from a correspondent today is: (312) 731-1505. Messages are changed, as with ours, when new and critical information is presented, and at least 2 to 3 times weekly in any case. I have given this number prior to this but am pleased to offer it again as requested. Our thrust is to ultimately NETWORK with all these patriot groups so that you can have outlet for all information and, hopefully, through a focused resource. We offer the LIB­ERATOR for this cause as that is the purpose of its birthing. As we get more ones available in the CLC, we shall have regular "case" updates and entries. The ones at that place at present, are absolutely buried in cases and haven't time to summarize reports. Neither, at this time, is there available space in the paper but it does appear that we shall have to move to more frequent printings, get more subscribers to afford integration of several newsletters now "going broke" on their own account, or, or?? I, alone, have enough information to write two papers per day without telling you more than a smattering of all that transpires. It is frustrating to hold this information when you desire it so greatly but we do that which we can with that which we are given.

The following is interesting in its humorous aspect of dealing with a child's questions of never-ending quantity and quality. I hope all of you will read it with thoughtful response in your own minds.


by Gene Truncellito, Columnist
"Daddy, what happens after everything ends"?
"C'mon sweetheart, that's the end of the story. That's all there is. Be good and go to sleep".
"I don't mean the story. What happens when everything ends"?
"You mean everything"?
"Uh-huh. Everything".
"Nothing's coming to an end. What are you talking about"?
"Jimmy says they're gonna drop bombs some day and every­thing's gonna end".
"Oh. I get it. I'll have to thank Jimmy someday for sharing his wisdom. Listen, hon, nobody's gonna drop any bombs on you".
"But what if they do"?
"They won't".
"But what if they do"?
"Okay. Listen. You wanna know what happens when every­thing ends? Well, you don't have to worry. Because you know what? Nothing really ends. Everything just goes on and on for­ever! Okay? Now, c'mon, go to sleep".
"When Uncle Bob died Gram said he went to heaven".
"Right! There you go. A perfect example. Uncle Bob didn't just end. He went somewhere else".
"But what about when heaven ends"?
"No, no, no, that's like everything else. It just keeps going on, too".
"What if they dropped a bomb on heaven"?
"Nah. That can't happen".
"Why not"?
"Because it can't".
"Why not"?
"Because...because...God won't let it".
"You mean that God will let them drop bombs on me here but not in heaven"?
"Aren't you the slightest bit tired"?
"But I don't understand".
"Alright. I'm not sure I do either. If I try to explain it, will you try to go to sleep"?
"I promise".
"Okay. Let's see. I think it's like this. If you go out into outer space as far as you can go and never stop, you know what hap­pens? You come right back here to where you started".
"Where's heaven"?
"Heaven? Heaven is...it's sort of, uh...hmmm. Okay, here's what I think: when you go to heaven, you're really coming back here, just as if you flew into space. Only, you don't always come back looking exactly like you do now. In fact you can be anyone or anything you want, for all the lifetimes you want. That's why it's heaven. But there's a catch. You have to be good while you're here now. Otherwise, you may come back as something you don't like".
"You mean that this can be like the bad place, too"?
"So to speak".
"If this is heaven, or the other place, then where does God live"?
"Don't you wanna talk about, like, what I do at work or some­thing"?
"Where does He live"?
"Well, I guess He lives...um...well, He lives right here, inside you and me and all around us. After all, this is heaven, right"?
"Good. I like that".
"Good. Now please. Time for sleep".
"If they drop the bombs, will you be able to find me after I die, even if I don't look the same"?
"I'd recognize you anywhere"- - - - -


And just WHAT DO YOU TELL YOUR CHILDREN? What DID you tell them? Do they "float"? Who feeds them in those "clouds"?--well, perhaps it is time to ponder these things lest you not know what to do or where to go!?! Why do you LIMIT GOD? He always provides if you but see it and take it and KNOW IT.

Where is heaven?
Where does God live?
If they drop bombs on you where will you go?
How will God know you except for your works?
HO-hmmm! Time for sleep?

I thought so!

Good day, Hatonn to stand-by.

Dharma, I wish to write on the material from the Law Enforce­ment Officers, but this is too lengthy to continue here. Thank you.

PJ 61

FRI., JAN. 8, 1993 12:52 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 145



This whole scenario reminds me of the "Photon Belt" and some­how, again, a "thing"
is labelled "Hatonn's". Wow--you had best speak to earth-bound Andy and Dare if you want identifica­tion of update.

I consider the early talking has cost months of precious "time" in corralling the criminals. I will comment, however, on a few things of which you can take note and realize that "something" is afoot.

Gunther Russbacher was released just before Christmas and he and "wife" went immediately to Germany. Why? Well, who knows--but remember, his background is GERMAN royalty. He will be returning on the 10th to this country and will be on radio in San Luis Obispo on Tuesday, 1/12/93, for you who might be able to pick up the transmission. I'm sorry, we do not have the station call-letters.

Also, let it be noted that "good old" KAL-007 Judge William P. Clark and seller-out of U.S. to China more recently, was very much involved in getting the "pardons" for the Bush criminals. Clark was very strongly linked to the Iran-Contra mess, as you might well have guessed. Ah, 'tis those "tangled webs" at work again.

Many "patriots" who called these shots from onset are just about to regain their respect as confirmations of their accusations come to bear fruit. It seems you ones must bear the greatest burden and insults--but, Chelas, if not you--WHO? How shall a nation ever awaken if someone does not ring the alarm bell? Too much? Indeed, but how can one measure the harvest before the reaping? You can only speculate for even until the day of harvest the hail can come and destroy the crop.

Be patient, children of the WORD, for all is not for your eyes yet. Much is moving forward and you must "wait upon the Lord" lest you spoil of the wine by testing before its time.

You have your own government ready to blast you off again into war in Iraq. The word is out from British spokesmen that say they "support" the U.S. move against Saddam, and further, "....disregard for United Nations rules will not be tolerated by the U.S."! Also, we "...will probably reinstate the formerly utilized "precision carpet bombing if necessary". (???) "'precision', 'carpet bombing"?? Do you ever feel your head is in some kind of a smasher?

So, the U.S. has a war going in Somalia almost singlehandedly-- against starved natives who live in almost primitive circum­stances, a major war (but actually it will be the Israelis against Saddam) beginning in Iraq, the U.S. being asked to enforce regulations in Bosnia/Serbia--well, I guess you have to realize that most of the U.N. troops are in the U.S.!

So, back to Cosmos and the expectations of the 7th? What hap­pened? I don't know! What did they tell you would happen? You let Bush get away and all other indictments would be kept above top-secret by, further, secret Congressional sessions.

Bush is running for Head Honcho of the United Nations and you can see that Clinton is breaking, ahead of time, all his commit­ments.

Clinton already, before inauguration, has told you all that he is not going to keep his word on ANYTHING. He is telling you that the Bush gang lied to him and that the deficit and debt is bigger than he was told and would grow far more rapidly than he had imagined and all bets and pledges made during the cam­paign are off!

He also pledged to NOT put any insiders into office. Then he puts Brown (the insider of all insiders) into the top slot in "Commerce" of all things. Oh, but "not to worry" --he will re­sign from his law firm and not do any lobbying for his old clients.
I suppose he will "shun" his old partners also--who will still do business with the old clients!
You do deserve a little confirmation regarding this "Cosmos" "thing". Of course it is "real" and so is the story of the Elite trying to rig it and take over the corporation. They not only "tried"--they did so. It was only through a fluke that the origi­nal corporate founders were able to reclaim the entity. But you can recognize relationships which give confirmation of the inci­dent by realizing that there are several major Elite organizations recognized as shadow government scallywags; the C.F.R., Tri­laterals, Cent., Bild., Rand, C.of R., etc. Well, among those is also one known as COSMOS!
It was formed to steal the Cos­mos Seafood Energy Marketing, Ltd. There are several nota­bles on the staff of Cosmos, among whom was Nelson Rocke­feller. These named are all members of one to several of the other Elite organizations: Carroll L. Wilson, Robert V. Roosa, Caryl P. Haskins, Joseph E. Johnson, James A. Perkins, Arthur F. Burns, William A. M. Burden, Lucian W. Pye and Emanuel R. Piore. I only list these ones because all of them are members of the C.F.R. and most are members of the Bilderbergers. Of course activities were and remained orchestrated by David Rockefeller (Chase Manhattan Bank) and other notables.

The COSMOS "group" is, of course, interlocked within the central organization known as The Round Table of the Nine. These are, starting with the Council on Foreign Relations: The United Nations, The Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, Royal Institute for International Affairs and the Tri-Lateral Commission--all interlocked Illuminati fronts. These swine went even further in their rip-offs and subterfuge of intrigue and their an­tics are recognized as "The Cosmic Conspiracy".

Since the group is called "Cosmos" and is composed of very wealthy one-worlders, it would appear appropriate to remain very, very cautious regarding the matter at point.

The way it was presented to the Nevada Secretary of State when the "takeover" was achieved through changing of records, etc., was because of the already existing status of this COSMOS or­ganization. It took very little to rearrange things. The fact that huge sums of money were funnelled through indicates validity of the original claims--even as presented out of sequence by speak­ers who became overexuberant in their outlay of speech before the facts could unfold. Some of the statements were true but--through early speaking--are now invalid. Other statements were never valid and the barrage of post-cards going into headquar­ters were overwhelming and certainly unsolicited--SO, on whose side are these public speakers? I suggest you carefully observe and continue to keep yourselves covered and your assets as well managed as possible

Markets are still reacting exactly as expected. Gold took a dive because of efforts to garner pay-off money by ones, including George Bush who had to pay a massive debt (a billion dollars) on December 29th. Note his trip to the Saudi's, etc., in order to garner that money. This "try and block" game all but undid the entire international economy. You will note, however, that the old boy has come up stronger and more supported by the top U.N. nations--EXCEPT CHINA. Don't let that fool you, though
--Bush made sure they got top "favored nation" status. YOU ARE UNDER U.N. RULE, CHELAS--HOOK, LINE AND SINKER.

Right here in this tiny village there was just a write-up in this week's paper--showing the SWAT Team members who trained late last summer IN MOSCOW--with KGB!! The most inter­esting thing in the article was that "...the Russians are less vio­lent than the Americans"! Well, Dharma has felt the sting of these "boys" of the local Sheriff's Dept. but actually it is the Federal Marshal's SWAT Team that does the dirty job of actu­ally shooting and plundering.

By the way, the Bankruptcy Court just removed the "stay" from the property and again it is "eviction" time. I can only say that Dharma is exhausted and, of course, every other barrage hits at once with everything from trouble with ones who have basically separated from my crew and also, America West, as the Univer­sity of Science and Philosophy now comes up with "contempt of court" suits against my scribe and the publisher.

I don't know how this will work out--but Tehachapi Distributing has had to simply close-down. They are divested of all books--I think to a book outlet in Las Vegas but have not investigated for those volumes have been out of our control and presence for lo these many, many months since onset of court proceedings.

There seems to be a problem with assumption that the Publisher has continued to market those volumes because of "set-up" pur­chases which were somehow paid to Am. West. and not relayed to the Distributing Co. in Tehachapi. This is unfortunate for we have made every effort to conform to court orders.

There is a mis-assumption that because Tehachapi Distributing placed the listing in
the LIBERATOR that somehow I, Hatonn, or my scribe had control over that. No,
Dr. Young decides what will be printed in the LIBERATOR and since there is no paid advertising accepted, that only allows utilization of those things he endorses. He is a professor in the subjects contained in the PLEIADES CONNECTION series. He is a student of Tesla and also Russell and those arrangements are left to his dis­cretion.

It comes to my attention that I have caused enemies to myself and ones here at this location. The words are harsh and ac­cusatory as they are thrust at me and my scribe.
I am at a loss as to how something precipitated in ones own place can some­how represent insult and offense when confronted by ones pay­ing the heavy price at the other end of the chain.

I have apparently offended our friends at America West, and more specifically America West Distributing in that I cannot imagine deliberately entangling our work with some 60 other JOURNALS by a need to reap benefit from these limited temporarily banned volumes. I used the term "greed" and it was accepted as being very offensive. Perhaps it is assumed that if one serves without limit in one direction that it automatically makes all actions worthy. I am sorry, I know no other word to utilize in this particular instance for it was known that these books were "banned" and my scribe held responsible for informing the publishers of same. So, if there is misunderstanding it is NOT from this sector. Dharma can simply sit and we will write a dozen books in these stead. If there is misunderstand­ing, I would hope that it shall be explained appropriately. I am told that it will not be discussed save through an attorney. I find this appalling, most especially since the attorney hap­pens to be the same for both parties. I do feel that the misun­derstanding may have come from an incorrect assumption on the way the books might have been handled earlier--but a book removed by court order is "LAW". There was a period following divestiture of the JOURNALS in point wherein they were only "pending" removal--and it was then that they were all sent to Tehachapi Distributing and totally without any proprietary management of any named parties. I am most distressed, now, that there will be some shadow cast on Mr. Martin when his actions have been open disclosure of all dealings. This has caused Mr. Martin to have to divest all stock of all books in distribution of all kinds, and it seems most unfortunate for he had already sus­tained losses for original business involvement. All parties KNEW these books were banned and hence the reason for total separation in the first place--I have neither explanation nor understanding of the whole affair.

I do know and remind you that ALL efforts will continue to keep this information from you-the-people. It is simply the way it IS and, therefore, absolute and total care must be taken in all dealings and undertakings to remain without blemish or taint. I find it hard to realize that this has happened for in the ending it is my scribe who will be called on to again attend the misery and ridicule of the Federal court, when she and E.J. have had NOTHING to do with such matters. Also, Mr. Martin went into the transaction in good faith and it is certainly our hope that this can be resolved immediately for there are neither funds nor "time" to attend such distractions. I repeat to all of you--WE LIVE WITHIN THE LAWS OF THE LAND AS HANDED DOWN UPON US--THERE ARE PLENTY OF MANAGE­MENT ALTERNATIVES TO PREVENT SUCH CON­FRONTATION AND, FURTHER, AS "PATRIOTS" THERE IS NO ADVOCACY OF CULTISM, ACTIVISTS IN PHYSI­CAL MANNER, VIOLENCE, SUBVERSIVE ACTIONS OR EVEN OVERTHROW OF ANY GOVERNMENT. Ours is purely intent to inform and--through knowledge--reclaim your Constitutional form of government. Your Judicial system is thoroughly corrupt
--but resisting the gun of the court is foolish indeed! We do not do such and I am at a loss as to why ones would be angry because I say as much! I can negotiate--I shall NEVER compromise on such matters! I would hope that all of you recall: "The path to you-know-where is paved with good intentions". I know not the ‘intentions' in any event--I only know that there are contempt of court charges against my scribe for which she has not so much as involved herself and further, it is said that "Mr. Martin has been ‘set-up'" in this instance and he was acting totally within the law with books already pub­lished and divested by the publisher and, further, no remunera­tion was ever made to the "author".

If I be at fault for "offending"--then I fail to see in what capacity I speak falsely and offend. I am accused of stating "untrue" things in the paper--Ah?? I truly am not in the habit of lying or misrepresenting circumstances. God is not "secret" nor are our workings. All we do can and will be done in the full light of day. If there be problems
--then why can they not be brought to attention and resolved? Why does a problem come to light only AFTER the damage is at the door, already knocking? If any load be too heavy--God will answer a request to lighten or re­move the burden entirely. He, nor we, ask nothing of any man beyond which he has committed to serve. I do, however, leave business to business managers for my job is to bring the WORD and show the way. I do give excellent business directions for all and any who would partake--as I can see from the higher view. However, when you ones choose to use only a POR­TION of that advice and claim your own intentions in an­other--you can see that it will not work well. It is so very important that our own immediate workers have absolutely untainted hands for even the "appearance" of wrongdoing or disregard for the regulations are unacceptable. I do not "punish" nor condemn--
I simply find that my scribe is be­wildered by what has happened herewith for it would truly seem that she has borne quite enough already without delib­erate challenge, without her knowledge of happenings from ones claiming great and lasting friendship and sharing of load. E.J. has, likewise, continual assault upon his individ­ual self.
We still have ones who attend our "meetings" which are not "group" or "church" and yet visitors or ones who "assume" some sort of "insider" status seem to think that they have "rights" of open public integration into whatever our associated businesses may be experiencing. Ones are guests in our place--not some "rightful" state of passage. All are welcome but none have "right" any more than in ANY business establishment be­longing to another and/or a home or property. We are "guests" in the LIBERATOR work-room when we have meetings and I am allowed passage as Host but not "owner" and certainly not as some sort of "ruler" in another man's place.

We have had another event following a meeting and, now, we must more selectively consider our little gatherings.

I have requested over and over and over again that Dharma be gotten from the speaking room IMMEDIATELY following the meetings--IT IS NOT SAFE FOR HER. I realize that this is a great difficulty because there is no exit without going through a common door. There are also pieces of equipment to be gathered and taken. This is not some sort of "performance" and should be a time of sharing and friendship. However, enemies come within our very midst with all sorts of intentions--even from time to time, to micro-chips and dots which are literally programmed to kill her. We don't want to cause any confusion or disruption of any kind--I only ask for a little space and time for her to get "on her feet" following a meeting or--on more dangerous occasions--out immediately.

Again, however, she was approached by one wishing to hug and load "defense of prior actions" on her head. In response to my request for this not to happen, E.J. reacted to what appeared from his vantage point to literally be an "assault" as it also did to another who always attends her until she gets her "land-legs" back firmly under her as it is hard on her for me to speak any­where from three to five hours without break. Her mind is not functioning in balance or clarity when she returns to the present situation.

E.J. reacted in almost "panic" and pushed the person from the space. The person then started back again to Dharma, at which point he again took her arm, within a heavy coat, and pushed her back from the immediate small platform. The party turned and again started defending self to Dharma and then turned and went to a smaller group,
as the room was still very crowded, the meeting just ending. This person is not a new guest and has over and over again been asked to not do this very thing. This very person has and continues to precipitate continual problems, distraction and major upheaval and discord from onset of arrival at this place several years past. Every possible consideration has been given to her from finding placement for her labor wherein none existed in need, etc. Some ones continue to effort to turn this group of business associates and friends into some sort of communal group. NEVER!! We function well and without assault in our works by maintaining our life-style ex­actly as is. Dharma has a job--to write and speak when I need it. It is not also to find jobs, housing, food and baby-tenders. This is a community wherein everyone moving here is equal and separate. We do not exclude--nor particularly "include"--for there is no such structure more than in any township into which any might relocate or come to share with friends. Just as with a community of any type, be there a special need such as a gath­ering for a campaign hearing, we unify with other workers and share the load--this certainly does not make us an open forum or public church-house or congregation.

If you come to openly share as with any friends within our home, you are forever welcome and we are pleased and honored to have you here. There ARE NO OTHER CIRCUM­STANCES! NONE!

The story is now that E.J. pushed this person down (twice), hit her in the face and bloodied her nose, etc. There are plenty of ones who witnessed the action and yet even in a full room most did not realize anything transpired. That indicates how violent and physically abusive it actually was in fact. However, now, ones who were not even present at any time on the premises have formed a coalition to "get E.J." These ones continually have meetings wherein Hatonn is discussed, cussed, denounced and grumbled about--including his scribe and others considered somehow the "inside group". We have no group--much less "inside" group. We write books and print a paper. We plant, build and have projects--this is hardly "inside" as we go through our labors. NO ONE HAS EVER BEEN DENIED ENTRY TO ANY OF OUR NON-BUSINESS MEETINGS. These same ones seem to think that all business should also be "their" busi­ness and workings are continually scratched over, bickered over and discussed until the world looks pretty level. I see no "right" to involve in our business any more than we would involve in lampmaking or other business of any individual in this commu­nity. I think none would like it if I came within your business and demanded to see your books, be invited to every meeting you may have, tell you how to run your business and who to hire, fire and what to pay them or any other routine living aspect of any life. Why do some continue to think there is right to contradict, have opinion, etc., about ours? Some "friends" who were not even present have passed on such stories as E.J. "...cut her head when he struck her causing her to fall and the cut re­quired stitches!" It would be amusing if it were not so blatantly "sick" and these kinds of lies are very dangerous indeed.

Why do ones come to our place, sit at our table, claim friend­ship and partake of our sharing--and hate us so viciously?

So many beloved and precious friends come to gather with us and we cherish and are humbly grateful for your presence in our midst. To touch with friends brings the greatest treasure of all--a purpose fulfilled in this journey. To lessen the experience of this kind of sharing by the few who would disrupt and cause dis­sension and contention is becoming more and more unac­ceptable. I repeat--I, too, am but a guest in the house of the LIBERATOR staff, specifically the blessed ones who volunteer and send forth the paper without reward and without complaint. We share as a family wherein all readers are likewise our fam­ily. To treat our greetings and gatherings as anything else is not truth nor acceptable. Why would you come to a place wherein you disagree and discount ones who allow you within? If you have no belief or positive association with us, why would you continually come? Would another even let you within their door? Do you push your way to another's table simply because you dwell in the same State? City? Town?--even on the same street?

Why do ones continue to come into our place when the wish is only to hurt and disagree? I care not if you disagree with me--ye shall never be forced into my presence nor into the Word in any way. What goes on here? Well, it goes on EVERYWHERE
--for it would seem strange indeed that ones would continue to come within a gathering wherein they hate and de­spise and disbelieve the very points I do not compromise--the Truth of God. Why would you embrace the energies sent to de­stroy you? The Christ loved and did not judge the man involved in any instance--but never allowed of the evil intent within his being. If you open yourself to all manner of evil in the guise of "love" and "allowing"--those energies will devour you totally and separate you from the very expression of that Truth. THAT is their purpose--to destroy YOU and pull you from your path unto LIGHT. They will separate you from your very expe­rience within the halls of Truth for when they go they will take you with them EVERY TIME YOU ALLOW IT. And they WILL GO because darkness will not remain long in the LIGHT of Truth. These ones only flourish through hidden deceit, cha­rades of pretense, half-truths or total lies--and they will not tol­erate the light to shine upon themselves or those they encapsu­late. If you think "allowing" all and any action and thought in the guise of "loving" and "being" and each "can do his own thing"--you err. But, you must do it in your own space--not mine! You may love unconditionally, you must forgive in­stantly--but you learn and do not forget and you love the man but abhor that which is against the laws of God and Creation. There is a big difference and it behooves you ones to realize it.

You are incorrect if you are so weak in your own pathway that you allow another to so easily pull you from your KNOWN truth IN THE GUISE OF "LOVE" and "I know better FOR YOU than you do for self--just come on with me and I'll show you better"
--all the while pulling you into confusion and farther from the spiritual Truth and into the physical aspect of experi­ence and consciousness. If a "thing" or "action" is against God's laws and if deviate from those in any way--it is "wrong". Not any argument, allowing, shouting, voting or bending--will make it otherwise. When you ask me to sanction ill-behavior and incorrect actions--you offend me and, at the very least--grossly underestimate me.

These foolish beliefs and actions stem from the New Age lies of "everything is acceptable" and "to each his own", etc. NO, ALL is NOT ALRIGHT! When you allow these negative en­ergy forms within your very being--you have denied God in fa­vor of the adversary. Why can you ones not be strong and de­mand that these who would pull you away--come within YOUR respected consideration instead of, without benefit of study of that which you believe, moving off into their world of confu­sion? Not only that, most of you allow them to pull away others with you to suit their own distractions. Why do you who would claim God for self allow your own silence and "change" to suit the pushing desires of another?? When a person becomes AN­GRY and DEAF to your own petition--is there not possibly something quite wrong? Can you actually call this LOVE? LOVE listens and hears, is courteous and respectfully willing to share and learn--then reason and define. When ones will leave your presence in a snit rather than "endure" your perceptions--you have neither LOVE nor respect and the sooner you realize it the more fully you will live your relationship within God. Why do YOU dump your own belief for the rantings and demands of another? Or, for the tender temptations of a sweet touch on a lonely journey for the moment of physical expression. Truth requires no rantings or refusal to hear another nor even another opinion or viewpoint--Truth will prove of its worthiness. Re­fusal to listen, see, or give respect usually IS HIDING WITHIN A LIE--afraid of what might be truth other than as presented and instilled within their beings.

I share these things of personal nature because most of you readers understand our thrust with these works and consider yourselves to be exactly what you are--our brothers and sisters in this journey and mission. If you did not, you would read another's newsletter and not waste your precious time. You feel our brotherhood and the consideration of the "call" and the "times at hand"--our mission, if you will. It, further, usually seems that to be "close" in physical expression somehow makes it all easier or better, or at the least, less confusing. No, it only brings more attempts to pull ones from their path and distract from intended mission. God is where YOU are as closely as here--there is no time nor space--only now and "is" and the Radiance of HIS expression. We are come for the sharing and if we share not ALL, how can we even pretend "brotherhood"? If we can continue to "touch" at a soul connection, then, and only then, can we unify in our task. Ours must be a journey of sharing both that which is considered good and that which is ever present to pull away from freedom in all things manifest.

If ye be offended by Truth and Light shining upon thine actions--then ye know me not nor recognize the Truth of my mission. You have "right" of free-will--ye have not "right" to intrude upon mine nor any "other" upon your own any more than I have "right" to intrude upon you and yours.

We are so behind with our current updates that I feel I must take time here to cause you to look at your Social Security circum­stances. If you remain uninformed--you will be "without".

I take this directly from The Lyke Report, a digest which I con­sider exceptionally good at choosing pertinent information in a most timely manner. This is so "right on" that I thank their Ed­itors and will offer it directly for your consideration.


During fiscal year 1991, $63 billion was diverted from the Social Security Trust Fund and used to paper over and disguise the actual size of the federal deficit.

Instead of amassing a surplus in the Trust Fund to insure the benefits of future retirees, $63 billion of your Social Security contributions or "taxes" was spent to cover the cost of general government and interest on the national debt.

When you add in the $63 billion of surplus Social Security taxes being collected in 1991, the correct figure for 1991's fed­eral deficit becomes $431 billion--not the $368 billion being re­ported! The fact is, the real deficit continues at very dangerous record levels.

If you are contributing to Social Security, the thousands of dollars which are supposed to be put away each year for your retirement aren't being put away at all.

(If a private company were to handle your money in the same way Congress is managing your Social Security funds, they would face felony charges, huge fines and long jail terms).

Unless funds are put away today, when the "baby boom" population retires, there won't be enough working Americans to support them at the same level. Unless the diversion of surplus funds is stopped, either future retirees' benefits will have to be dramatically reduced or the nation will face a tremendous new tax--a tax which could possibly include a tax on all Social Security benefits.

The true size of the federal deficit is $431 billion--over 17% greater than previously reported! And we cannot afford such massive deficits. Today, already 61 cents of every income tax dollar you pay goes just to pay the interest on the federal debt. At our present rate, in less than eight years, it will take 102% of all personal income taxes just to pay the interest on the debt. (For a point of reference, that's the same situation Mexico and Brazil face today.) [H: The reason this subject is so pertinent at this moment is that I just told you that Clinton is already BREAKING his campaign promises (in advance) because these figures above are not accurate either--it is so much worse that even the new Administration is totally over­whelmed.]
To eliminate these deficits, it would be necessary to more than double everyone's federal income tax--a tax increase of that magnitude would almost surely throw us into a deep recession or worse. The diversion of the Social Security surplus and this en­tire crisis has come about for one reason: the massive federal deficit.
[H: Wrong--there is another reason--THE NEW WORLD ORDER plan to strip you of everything and all property. This is deliberate in intent and orchestration as well as being totally criminal.]

Several years ago, President Reagan appointed a privately-funded Commission to study ways we could eliminate waste in the federal budget. You may remember the Commission--it was popularly referred to as the Grace Commission. It was the Commission which publicized the Pentagon spending $436 for a $7 hammer and the like. [H: Well, goodness sakes, what about the $30 thousand toilet for your space flights-just an­nounced?]
The Grace Commission first documented and the General Accounting Office recently confirmed: There is enough gov­ernment waste in the federal budget to nearly eliminate the deficit. The Grace Commission discovered over 2,478 exam­ples totaling $424 billion in government waste!

Because of the growing federal deficit, America is on a colli­sion course with national bankruptcy. At present, we are eight short years away from the day when 100% of your personal in­come taxes won't even cover the interest on the national debt. [H: This was taken from Straight Talk, and presented by the Lyke Report.]
I would take some exception to the article only in that it is UN­DERSTATED as are all presentations regarding the state of your other retirement plans such as Pensions and Retirement of all kinds. The majority of the Banks are about to collapse--note the smaller ones are being absorbed by the big ones even in Japan.

While you aren't watching--it is estimated that surely enough, 100 to 125 banks with assets of more than $75 billion will go broke by the end of 1993--in spite of what might be sliding over your attention. This comes directly from the Bush Administration--THIS WEEK. Interestingly enough one executive Economist, formerly with Citibank, argues that 1,492 banks are in such deep trouble as to be unrecoverable. The elusive prob­lem is not with the "banks" as such--but with the "holding companies" with assets of at least $10 billion with negative eq­uity/asset ratios. Strangely enough, the top ten such are headed by Security Pacific Corp. whose merger with Bank of America, surely enough, "somehow" got blocked. Others are Wells Fargo & Co., Shawmut National Corp., MNC Financial Inc., Michigan National Corp., Midlantic Corp., UJB Financial Corp., Chase Manhattan Corp., Citicorp, and Marine Midland Bank, Inc. These are the ten weakest but there are another 40 or so holding companies that have assets between $1 and $10 billion in a similar situation of negative equity/asset ratios. This is quite handy, however, as the Saudis come to collect their money--because ones such as Chase Manhattan Bank can belly-up the holding companies and capture all those nice oil funds in­vested by those nice Saudis years ago and now coming payable. (See the PHOENIX JOURNAL #4 called SPIRAL TO ECONOMIC DISASTER for more on this matter, see the BOOKLIST in back of this JOURNAL).

By the way, even as we sit and you think currency recall is not going to happen--IT IS!

As of last October banks were ordered by the "Fed" to no longer recirculate the series 1988 and older $100 bills. Even bills in perfect condition are to be held and returned to the Fed­eral Reserve. Only new 1990 series are to be distributed unless absolutely necessary. The plan is to sneak in without a bank holiday or devaluation. Interesting? If you keep up with "Cosmos" you might find this very interesting, indeed. The Bu­reau of Engraving & Printing has also been printing new $10 notes and now ones are moving into circulation with--surely enough--metallic code strips! We have now had several calls of ones received by our own readers so it is no longer hearsay. The code was already in the $20 bills so stay alert and let us try to ease through this without a total recall and massive loss of as­sets. Dear ones, if we can squeak through, perhaps we can hold some sort of stability. Watch the clues and remain prepared for the moment you let down your guard and get careless--you will be hit with closures and recall exchange. Never forget that the point is to garner all of your assets and property of all kinds. Institutions such as the IRS and RTC are set up specifically to insure that capture of your property. Banks are dangerous, investments are worse--please, readers
--do not go back to sleep--NOTHING IS SECURED--YET!

By the way, the latest whispers abounding are on a sure-fire new law that will drastically change the federal estate (inheritance) tax and will confiscate nearly half of the life savings of millions of middle-class Americans. It won't matter whether your life savings are in a home or a farm or a small business--or a bank account, the Clinton tax collector is coming to get YOU. The statement of one of the drafters of this bill: "If you have helped people with their long-term care (Social Security, health, etc.), it is only fair to tax them when they die".

So, go look it up? Nope, there are denials of its existence by the legion. When a portion of the bill got "leaked" the Demo­cratic Leadership yanked it back and called it "an incorrect ver­sion". Right. In actuality, word is getting around because this hits everyone--especially you nice middle-class taxpayers. It is "just to ease you into this nice New World Order". Note that every one of Mr. Clinton's speakers are touting that phrase--"fitting into the New World Order" as if it were your established form of government forever and ever--perhaps it shall be?!?

And so, let us close this long dissertation on odds and ends. May the Force be with you--you could use some help!

Salu, Hatonn to clear, please.