PJ 60


MON., NOV. 30, 1992 7:34 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 106


Possibilities come and are allowed to pass--God wearies of sending opportunities which seem to hold no meaning--UNLESS PRECEDED BY MONEY!

How MUCH money has been made available to services, placement and persons of the Constitutional Law Center from this direct resource? How many cases have come forth in need of desperate help? So, from where has come the resource? From a blessed one in Florida! A few hundred in total from a scattering of people. An " investment" to be returned plus in­terest by a local--and all the remainder has come from borrowed money, most of which has been brought by loans against Ekkers' dwelling!

How many cases have been WON by this "Center"? How many cases have been brought to attention and left to wither on the vine? What about Helmsley? What about Tyson? What about Marcos? Could these ones not have "helped" you--had you helped them?
What think ye that God IS? Is He some bottomless pit of re­sources in monetary cash for YOUR benefit? Let me remind you--GOD SENDS OPPORTUNITY--YOU MUST TAKE THE ACTION!

The "Dan Clan" has been destroyed, the case of Ekkers has now eaten up all resources for that purpose as funds have been di­verted to the Law Center for its operation--and still we are no closer to positive resolution of even the Ekker case than when it was begun over four years past. The Ekkers have yet to be so much as "recognized" in the court after well over a hundred en­counters directly within the courts. What have we here, legal counsel?

There have been "water" cases which could merit running in­come and now, another in the adjacent location--IF ANYONE GETS ONTO IT! And where is the "Legislative" case? Can not a whole statewide employee network even support one case??

Either you get on with self-sustaining actions or all resources shall be stopped until such time as ones are willing to handle some responsibility for the support and maintenance of this or­ganization--IT IS NOT Ekker's responsibility nor private "child". Now, we must regain some reserves to allow for holding of their property to house my working facilities. WHY should Hatonn and crew continue to pour resources into some­thing wherein the Chief legal counsel refuses to so much as read my material?

Do you not think that it is important, this information just brought yesterday and now ongoing--a whole bottomless pit of funding through gold and return of "stolen" assets from the swine of corrupted criminal dealings? How can my own direct co-workers continue to allow this clamoring for "more" and "in advance" when one is doing 99% of the work-load? How can this continue?

How can "funding resource" continue to give and give and give--without any show of return? Indeed, there is NONE available YET--WHY?? Oh I see, the teachings do not coincide with the evangelical preachers of the "adjusted and tampered" book based on the spilled "blood" of a perfect MAN?? If ones do not attend the very TRUTH of who and what IS GOD AND CHRIST--then how can ones tout and continue to utilize HIS re­sources? No "time" to read? WELL, CHELAS, YOU HAVE A VERY, VERY LONG TIME TO BE DEAD!. PROBLEM IS, THERE WON'T BE CAPABILITY OF "READING" IN ALL THAT SPARE TIME!


Little things add up to very, very large signs and markers! The information we bring now regarding the massive entanglements of governments to strip you of EVERYTHING would seem im­portant! If that be not enough then I would suggest you look to a couple of other most important SIGNS!

Last week a very strong earthquake occurred in the Mediter­ranean--offshore from the island of Crete. It rattled the very foundations of the island itself. Does this have meaning? Well, yes, when you understand that the massive shaker came as a loosening procedure for the raising of ATLANTIS! YOU SMUG PEOPLE OF PLANET EARTH ARE A MOST NON-PERCEPTIVE BUNCH OF HOODWINKED STUMBLERS IN THE DARK.

There were also THREE shakers which tossed Puerto Rico around soundly. (Also THIS week). Important? Well, where did we have the most recent mass UFO activity which was filmed and presented through Japan???

I personally weary of demand for more and more and more--be it resources for "spending" instead of "earning" or more infor­mation so that you don't have to do your homework or obtain the JOURNALS--just wait for us to give you more and then stop our work to explain it all unto you. No, it is no longer going to work in such manner. I will give the information as it unfolds, we will continue to have meetings, etc.--but you ones have had years now to get "adjusted". If you have come unto this place­ment thinking God will magically provide and give instructions--think again. God provides you with ability to THINK and ACT. What do you wait upon? The ones already "here" have all they can do just to survive--there are no such things as "overseers" or "caretakers". If you have opportunity--seize the moment and do that which is "yours" to do. The ones who have contained the load and structure in this place are past retirement age and are weary--bone tired. Upon WHAT, EXACTLY, DO EACH OF YOU WAIT? RESOURCES?? WHY THINK YE IT BE LESS YOUR PERSONAL JOB TO GAIN THOSE RESOURCES THAN THAT OF DHARMA?? DHARMA'S JOB IS TO WRITE! OBERLI'S JOB IS TO SEE THAT THE WRITINGS ARE PUT FORTH. RANOS MUST IMPRINT THE WRIT­INGS AND THE LIBERATOR STAFF MUST EDIT AND BRING IT INTO BIRTHING AND DISTRIBUTION.

We hear from "Tim-buck-twiddle" that "...when the funds are available and jobs await--then call me. " Or, "Hey, I'll just move and wait while another attends my needs." "I won't get a job but I'll let God attend my needs." No, it is that some of God's people will then have to attend your needs while you smile and say "...see, HE did!"

If you have invested in the projects--do you expect a return of your investment? I thought so! Not only a return but with de­mand of usury and gain! Or, "....I shall just demand it back in full--right now!" How do you expect to EVER HAVE PRO­JECTS?? THE FUNDS ARE NOT HELD IN ORDER TO RETURN YOU MONEY ON DEMAND!! Until you ones get your own ship in order--how can you expect the "dock" to sup­port your craft?

How can the ones in charge of the projects ever get anything done with such threats and impossible circumstances thwarting their every movement? God does not sign your contract papers--the Ekkers' do! Not George, not Charles, not Patricia--the Ekkers! So, "there are no jobs!". Poo! Everyone who has WANTED a job has gotten one--perhaps you have just become a bit narrow in what is "acceptable" for your status?? I am not interested in "what you were", I find great interest in what you do NOW, your demand for working facilities NOW, and how you offer your talents unto service--NOW!! Not tomorrow, IF--NOW, TODAY! Don't ask ME what it is you CAN DO! I at­tend what I can do and to "DO" does not mean "HERE" or "THERE"--it means "WHEREVER" YOU ARE! Why do you continue and continue to ask Hatonn what YOU can do? ASK GOD WHAT YOU CAN DO--WHERE YOU ARE AND WITH THAT WHICH YOU HAVE! IF YOU TURN TO THAT WHICH YOU HAVE AND DILIGENTLY APPLY SERVICE--YOU WILL THEN HAVE THAT WITH WHICH TO SHARE MORE--IF YOU WAIT FOR GOD TO STRIKE YOU--YOU WILL WAIT FOREVER FOR THE ADVER­SARY WILL STRIKE YOU FIRST FOR GOD WILL NEVER STRIKE YOU!

"But I wrote to you," I hear, "...and you didn't even bother to respond to my letter and I know that I used the right address!" Oh, did you write to ME--or to Dharma?? Dharma works 24 hours a day at her job--is SHE your eyes and ears?? Be careful what you expect when you write THROUGH Dharma. I do not give her time for responding and you must learn to "HEAR" for selves from that One which HEARS ALL. I am most won­drously pleased to hear and share and especially respond to that which ALL can share. I am so grateful for you who spend time and love to share with my people, and especially Dharma, for she has no time for self and the life is both lonely and filled with constant attack and deadly games. But I cannot cause Dharma and E.J. to bear YOUR responsibilities of direction and partici­pation--it is more than that--it is a matter of total privacy. Dharma has no RIGHT to know your business!! Ones share and we are graced with more sustaining unity--but to turn about and accuse that you are failed because Hatonn did not write you a letter of directions and make a place for you in full demanded salary or give you a free place to live and in which to eat, in an-other's location, is ludicrous and shall not have response! Each of you has private and specific individual "GUIDES" if you but turn to them. "I" do not know them all personally for I have a mission and it is NOT in choosing or challenging YOUR GUIDES! YOU MUST CLEAR YOUR SPACES AND DE­TERMINE THE VALIDITY OF YOUR GUIDES.

Ah, indeed, weaning time is difficult for all children of all species. The kindergarten teacher must teach what she can and then move the student on to his next level of ability. Hatonn does not fill the allness role of God as guide--for I must attend our mission of specific duty.

Blessed are you who continue to send back-up confirmations and share that which comes into your attention and into your local papers that ALL might share as much as can be utilized in our limited spaces. Blessed also are you who have shared what you have in a time of need for my people who are exhausted for as you have helped them so too have you greatly assisted ME in more ways than you can possibly give measurement. Remember HE said, "As you do unto the least of these (Mine) so too have ye done it unto ME!" Each penny sent is accepted with love be­yond the visible for the very gift becomes the life-ring of "reason to continue"! The times are hard and the intent has been to drain you so that you cannot help self, much less an­other. God knows this and will provide vision for actions which CAN fulfill the needs--but the opportunities must be grasped and the labor done or the moment is lost.

There is always pain when things do not SEEM to go properly according to your preconceived notions. I am going to print herein an article from a beloved friend and pioneering and dar­ing radio speaker. This comes from the Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City, Utah, Sunday, Nov. 29, 1992. I think I won't com­ment other than simply to offer it exactly as presented: YOU attend it and see what YOU FIND WITHIN.

QUOTING: By Christopher Smith, The Salt Lake Tribune:

Hero-Turned-Heretic? Gritz May Be Leading LDS (Latter Day Saints) Flock Into Wilderness.

James "Bo" Gritz, the unsuccessful Mormon presidential candidate and leader of an ultraconservative political movement, also may be leading his LDS followers into danger of excom­munication.

Earlier this month, more than 28,000 Utahans voted for the decorated war hero. Now LDS leaders say listening to Mr. Gritz's apocalyptic tapes could be grounds for church discipline.

Mormon church leaders say Mr. Gritz's teachings about global conspiracies, impending governmental collapse and the Second Coming are out of line.

Mr. Gritz acknowledges that many of his ideas are not in line with mainstream LDS doctrine. And he says he has been warned by church leaders to be careful about what he teaches.

The admonishments have done little to deter the military hero and messiah of the new Populist Party. Col. Gritz is the leader of the America First Coalition, dedicated to such goals as abol­ishing the IRS, eliminating foreign aid, prohibiting foreign own­ership of American soil and opposing global government.

Mr. Gritz says he joined the LDS Church in 1984 after he heard the voice of God during a mission into Southeast Asia to search for U.S. prisoners of war.

After returning from the unsuccessful mission, Mr. Gritz and his third wife, Claudia, began attending services at the small LDS chapel in their remote community of Sandy Valley, Nev., 50 miles south of Las Vegas.

Mr. Gritz became the first member of his family to join the LDS Church and has remained active.

Still, Mr. Gritz acknowledges he "doesn't agree with every­thing the church teaches."

"I don't personally believe we will be gods", says Mr. Gritz. "I don't think God was ever like we are, very frankly. I don't know whether Joseph Smith was a prophet a little bit, a long time or always or never. It doesn't make any difference to me."

But Mr. Gritz believes his role as a leader of the growing movement of ultraconservatives was foretold seven years ago in his "patriarchal blessing", a Mormon's spiritual road map given by church leaders.

"It was very strange," Mr. Gritz says of the blessing. "It said you will have a gift of discernment. You will be given an ability to explain in words people will understand. You will have multitudes that will follow you. They will have no alle­giance to you. They will only have allegiance to what it is you stand for."


While you read these articles, keep in mind that leading "Mormon" representatives have themselves been involved in the very fundamental BANKING corruption of BCCI, RLB, BNL and on and on. They, in the form of Congressmen from Utah, Brent Scowcroft, etc., are directly involved as right-hand ser­vants of Henry Kissinger's Elite World Rulers, Kissinger Asso­ciates. Scowcroft is, himself, over his head into "TREASURYGATE". He is even one of the top directors of di­rect murder orders to assassinate ones who spoke out about "TREASURYGATE"--he speaks in behalf of the Mormon Church Hierarchy by his and "their" own pronouncements. He spoke to the graduation group at BYU this past year and is her­alded as a TOP LEADER OF THE CHURCH!!

He worked directly with John Sununu, former Chief of Staff to the President of the United States as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. He is a top ring-leader of the group set up to steal the entire free-world and turn it into slavery and take trillions of dollars in full theft from you American peo­ple. Yet you go with a group of church leaders who are now "purging" "Survivalists" and debasing a patriot, Bo Gritz. I personally told Gritz to "beware" for he would stumble if this path were kept--I hope he hears the cry in the darkness so that he might come into the wondrous task he is fitted to bear. Whether or not HE wishes to hear--it was ME who spoke with "my son"--and as with any parent--the way must be found by the child and student. Can he rise above the disappointments of his journey into Hell and guidance by the already blind? We shall see for it is not mine--OR YOURS--to JUDGE!!

Please allow me to present the other article for your considera­tion:

It's Judgment Day for Far Right: LDS Church Purges Sur­vivalists. By Chris Jorgensen and Peggy Gletcher Stack, The Salt Lake Tribune, Sunday, Nov. 29, 1992.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints is purging hundreds of Mormon dissidents who church officials say are preoccupied unduly with Armageddon. [H: If this doesn't bring terror to your hearts--what will?]

This massive housecleaning may be one of the church's largest since the 1850s, when thousands were excommunicated for everything from poor hygienic care and low church atten­dance to disobeying the Ten Commandments.

In recent months, Mormons from Utah, Nevada, Arizona and Idaho have been expelled and many others have been threat­ened. Numbers are impossible to determine because excommu­nication records are guarded closely.

Don LeFeyre, LDS spokesman, would not confirm that mass excommunications are unfolding. However, he did say LDS Church leaders increasingly have been concerned about ultra­conservative "super patriots" and survivalists, many of whom have quit their jobs and moved their families to mountain re­treats.

Those interviewed by The Salt Lake Tribune say they have faced church discipline for a range of transgressions--from hav­ing too much emergency food storage to adhering to the dooms­day predictions of popular Mormon presidential candidate Bo Gritz, who received more than 28,000 Utah votes in the November election. [H: I simply cannot let this pass without comment. It has always been the Mormons who preached and demanded that church members store food for survival, have bomb shelters and prepare for Armageddon!! Does anyone smell the skunks in the woodpile?? Do not these writings tell the entire story of corruption and diversion from God's pathway?? It seems to me that the very best thing that can happen to ANY CHURCH-MEMBER OF ANY CHURCH AND SPECIFICALLY THE MORMON OR CATHOLIC, "INDOCTRINATED" BY MAN, RELIGION--IS TO GET KICKED OUT BEFORE THEY DESTROY YOU AND LOSE YOU YOUR GOD FOR THE REMAIN­DER OF YOUR EARTH EXPERIENCE. The next should really "sock-it-to-ya" if you have eyes to see and ears to hear because the Church is now going to discount its own lead­ers!!]
In a recent speech, Elder Malcolm Jeppson, a member of the Second Quorum of the Seventy who oversees the Utah-South re­gion of the church, urged Mormons not to "take out of context words and statements made by church presidents that were given at a different time and circumstance than the present." [H: In other words--there is no stability or longevity to Truth, di­rection or God's instructions? Or, could the placement of MEN into categories acting "AS GOD" wane and ebb ac­cording to the whims of humanistic projections as to what is right, wrong--or useful to the power brokers? If you can't see it, chelas, there is little hope for your recovery.]

He urged Mormons "walking on the fringes of our faith to seek the safety of the center."

At the church's October general conference, LDS apostle Boyd K. Packer cautioned members about falling for the sur­vivalist line.

"Do not be deceived," he warned, by those, "who have not been regularly ordained by the heads of the church, who tell of impending political and economic chaos, the end of the world."

Targeted are those obsessed with the early speeches of LDS Church President Ezra Taft Benson and who believe the ailing, 93-year-old leader has been silenced because his opinions no longer are politically popular.

"We support President Benson 100%," says Elaine Harm­ston, who was excommunicated from her Manti ward last month with her husband, Jim. "He has warned us thoroughly. But there are some brethren who speak 180 degrees against him," referring to the leader's association with the ultraconservative John Birch Society.

The profile apparently was used to finger Elaine and Jim Harmston.

"Our stake president said, 'You cannot discuss the gospel in your own home with anyone except your own family or you will be excommunicated,'" says Elaine Harmston. "That was something we couldn't go along with."

But it was more than scripture study that upset the Harm­stons' Mormon leaders. The couple continue to teach and prac­tice a special form of prayer prohibited outside Mormon tem­ples.

Several weeks ago, the Harmstons' bishop read an open letter to the congregation warning them to stay away from the Harm­stons' study group or risk discipline.

[H: Now I wonder what in the world that group could have been studying? Blessed ones, bear the gift in glory--not sorrow or confusion. The proof of the massive pulling away from the God of Lighted Source is now evident before you--the church has been wholly consumed for the use for which it was originally structured--as the massive servant of the ADVERSARY according to the hidden and secret doctrines of the Freemasonry structure of Evil and Satanic activities. The leaders are corrupted and will disallow any member from receiving TRUTH in any form for the Truth will reveal the total and heinous lies of the very foundation of the church itself. This is WHY "Mormon" in the oriental lan­guages--MEANS "SATAN". Be blessed and eternally grate­ful to have seen the truth of it before you were lost to all knowledge and wisdom in ability to act in your own behalf. This is the way the evil bastards of humanistic rule work--demand no attention or input from ANY SOURCE SAVE THEIR OWN AND THEN, EVEN THEN, DENOUNCE SPEAKERS WHO CAME BEFORE AND SPOKE TRUTH. IS NOT THE HANDWRITING LOUD AND CLEARLY STATED?]
"There are thousands of people hungry for the truth and they're tired of the pabulum they're getting from the church," Mr. Harmston says.

As the study group swelled, Manti church leaders began surveillance on the Harmstons' home, taking down visitors' li­cense-plate numbers. The visitors were later called in for inter­views by LDS leaders, says Mrs. Harmston.

Larry Garmoth believes that's how he got caught.

"It's a small town," he explains. "Everyone knows what ev­eryone else's car looks like."

Mr. Garmoth says he was interviewed by his stake president and told not to associate with the Harmstons. Within weeks he was demoted from his security-guard position.


* * *
Well, chelas, THIS is right out of the Mormon run and owned newspress. IS THIS ALL "GODLY"??

For you ones who find it troubling that your own families do not hear you on the subject of "truth", take heart for you are not alone. The Mormon church actually has set against our own work and Dharma, through her own children. Her eldest son is married to a beautiful young lady and they have three wonderful children. Problems in the marriage and the death of the father caused the daughter-in-law to turn to the Mormon Church for it was the very loosely attended organization of the "father". She has now been sucked into the silence of any ability to hear or see truth of circumstances and there is no allowance for even a mention of our own work. The children are sucked into the vacuum of no other activities save through the church. The marriage is all but over and the thrust against Dharma tremen­dous as the adversary smiles his winsome "I've done it to you again" laugh of victory. Well, if you KNOW GOD AND TRUTH--you do not turn away and into their tricks of dark ritu­als as the servants tithe unto the wealth and great status of the Men of State. Blind lambs do not see the murderer but he wields the axe just the same!

Will the son care enough to change and withstand the assault? No, for he shows no signs of caring enough to demand change or direction. You must offer "more" and less unto "self indul­gence" if you are to bring change. If one is not willing to give of self and give up that which binds to the "selfishness" of worldly "stuff" and addicting substance--then change will not come in positive measure--only in pain and continued grief and misery. Pain is a necessary part of life--misery is by choice. Further, IF YOU REMAIN UNINFORMED, HOW CAN YOU EXPECT TO "LEAD" ANOTHER? SO BE IT.

Dharma, we shall move on--for the slings and arrows are but flak in thine path to effort to dissuade you from direction. You will release these things unto me and "allow" for you cannot live for another. With a beginning count of nine--you are not yet through with the bombardment through your children. But whatever you do in their stead accounts for naught in their own journey of self-discipline and actions. You can only offer the "food"--you cannot cram it down their necks lest you choke them to death. God did not offer you an EASY way--only a SIMPLE one. You will keep to the course and ones will either use that which is offered in grace or fall away and you, in turn, shall release them from the bonds which pull you down for you can do no more.

What, for instance, is happening even in the above circumstance is so damaging the vision of the children as the words are cast and accusations shrieked that to undo the trauma is all but im­possible to achieve. Can you change of it? No! Even now, the children will have to grow and come into their own enlighten­ment for the damage is already present.

The generations at hand have been trained in this pathway as blinded servants to the adversary and that which is past is over--it is what is meant by the "teacher" who said: "Let the dead bury the dead." If the "dead" can again be made to see and live--rejoice--but do not join the dead to simply keep them com­pany for they recognize it not in any event. Always stand ready for the prodigal to return--but move on in every instance lest you not keep unto thine own direction. Birthing is only a con­duit into activity in experience--the "living" must be done by the one birthed!

We shall return to the "TREASURYGATE", please.

PJ 60


MON., NOV. 30, 1992 10:53 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 106


In returning to "TREASURYGATE" we will dispense with in­troductions again. You will have to catch up as best you can lest we miss the deadline on the paper.

Suffice it to say that the USA is not in real economic trouble. The report at hand shows the US government has perpetuated a financial fraud on its citizens for more than 40 years.

Further, written affidavits and verbal corroboration shows that, through the White House, assassination attempts, via the Secret Service, were made against three KNOWN citizens on July 8, 1991 to complete the cover-up under danger of being exposed. The assassination attempt was foiled and then the Secret Service falsely arrested five (5) individuals and subsequently indicted one of the five as given prior to this writing.

The US and about fifteen other nations entered into a secret fi­nancial treaty in the late 1940's and early 1950's to begin this fraud on not only the US citizens but the citizens of most of the rest of the free world.

This secret treaty is available to be exposed in federal court in the defense of the indicted individual referenced above. The le­gal firm to expose this treaty is one of the largest and most re­spected in the United States--which undoubtedly means that the firm itself is in collusion WITH the very enemy at point and further tells why nothing has been DONE SO FAR.

This secret treaty was the cause for dozens of financial debt in­struments from several countries: US, Japan and Switzerland to be issued. The issue of these instruments was based on actual assets owned by the entities but unknown to the citizens and taxpayers of each country--and set up to strip the citizens in order that the secret participants reap incredible rewards at the very expense of the citizens.
Shocking as it may now seem, the purpose of the issuing of these original instruments was to secretly and illegally sup­port other emerging countries identified herein. Further, part of the reason for moving "against" said nations in large measure is to indeed negate the service of the treaty by the more powerful of the nations in favor of full gleaning of the power-brokers while causing so much confusion and tur­moil, distraction and insult that the story of truth capable of being brought forth--would be silenced in disbelief.

The individuals that ordered the assassination and saw to the "attempt" were Mr. John Sununu, former Chief of Staff to the President of the United States, AND BRENT SCOWCROFT, MORMON LEADER AND ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT FOR NATIONAL SECURITY AF­FAIRS--NOW SERVING AS "CHIEF ADVISOR" SINCE EAGLEBURGER'S RISE TO ACTING SECRETARY OF STATE. Both Eagleburger and KISSINGER were involved in even higher capacity of "giver of orders".

The original subterfuge was given in order to glean special in­terest funding for things such as the Super Collider project to be constructed near Dallas, Texas. Also some $500 million in low interest loans to specific areas relating to small businesses in Texas and Oklahoma, among many others. Texas is the major focus point for the banking arrangements and the instrument holding resource would be in that State in the original planning.

In addition there are close relationships here in the oil embargo against the US in the early 1970s, the Aquino (Philippines) assassination, Gold from the Philippines., JFK assassination and also the Robert Kennedy assassination, October Surprise, and countless others but this will serve as "refresher".

This "story" is not a newly dreamed up spy episode for the Soaps--ALL DATA PROVING THIS ACTIVITY IS AVAIL­ABLE and is being held by Politicians and "Courts". There are video and audio tapes also available.

Portions of this story have been made available publicly through Texas local, statewide and then national television and radio. Paul Harvey and Charles Osgood are apprized of the informa­tion in full, just to name a couple of news commentators claim­ing to serve the public's best interest. In the "TREASURYGATE" document (report) all these names and places are listed for your verification. It is up to you to investi­gate--BUT DON'T BE SURPRISED TO HEAR THE VOICE ON THE OTHER END DENY EVERYTHING! YOU CANNOT EXPECT THE CONSPIRATORS TO REVEAL THE CONSPIRACY!

Feb. 20, 1992

President George Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C.


Dear Mr. President:

I write you in a sincere effort to ask your assistance in success­fully resolving the above referenced "TREASURYGATE" mat­ter as defined in the enclosures and by your doing so, forever put this problem behind our country's great history. This letter of information, pleading and FAITH is written to you with an attitude of full respect for your office, your long governmental service, and the nation you serve and in which we all live and love. Additionally, this letter provides you with data with which you quite possibly may be unfamiliar. [H: T.L.B. isn't such a bad politician in his own right.]

For almost two years, I and others have been trying to resolve a group of international bank obligations, written in US dollars and written on major banks in Switzerland and the United King­dom. Along with many private efforts we have asked for assis­tance from the Congress of the United States of America and several substantial state and national politicians, some of which are herein listed:

1. Sen. Phil Gramm - Texas
2. Sen. Lloyd Bentsen - Texas
3. Sen. Richard H. Bryan - Nevada
4. Rep. Charlie Rose - North Carolina
5. Rep. Thomas S. Foley - Washington
6. John Sharp - Texas
7. Gov. Ann Richards - Texas
8. Rep. Ray Thornton - Arkansas
9. Gov. Bill Clinton - Arkansas

To date we have had many unfulfilled promises and very solid roadblocks. We simply couldn't understand why we would get right up to the successful door then all of a sudden everything would stop.

In late June of 1991, we were asked to verify and resolve a group of United States Treasury financial instruments of which we had no prior knowledge. At the same time we were given another group of Japanese financial instruments, exactly like the US instruments, that were to be resolved after the US instru­ments. The financial objective of each group of instruments was generally the following:

1. Return 15 of the 16 US instruments back to the United States government for the benefit of the US government.
2. Resolve the Swiss and English instruments, with the assis­tance of the US government, and provide 40% of that resolution to the US government for the general benefit of the people.
3. Resolve the Japanese instruments, with the assistance of the US government, and provide 50% of the resolution to the US government for the general benefit of the people.

In order to accomplish this task quietly for the benefit of all concerned, we were led to one of your political friends; Mr. Robert G. Johnson, Executive Director of International Real Estate Institute, 8383 East Evans Road, Scottsdale, Arizona 85260-3614, (602) 998-8267, (602) 998-8022 (FAX). On July 3, 1991 we met with Mr. Johnson in Arizona and he was shown all originals of each set of instruments. We explained that we wanted his help, through his governmental contacts, to set an appointment with the Federal Reserve Bank in Dallas, Texas. In that FRB meeting we wanted them to verify the US instru­ments and help us follow the instructions to return them back to the United States of America. Mr. Johnson agreed to assist us and set the meeting with the FRB in Dallas for 10:00 AM on July 8, 1991. We made the FRB meetings in Dallas and six hours later were confronted by the Secret Service with guns drawn in our hotel room at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. Six hours after that confrontation by the Secret Service, we were arrested. At the same time, the gentleman with whom we were contracted was arrested in his hotel room in Austin, Texas. His name and title is:

Edison Damanik, Assistant International Government Mone­tor, ID #34461031, Special Forces Department of De­fense/Indonesia, Chairman and President, P.T. Galaxy, In­donesia.

The four of us that were arrested in Dallas, Texas on July 8, 1991 spent one week in prison and were released on our own personal recognizance. The "false complaint" against us was DROPPED on August 5, 1991. The appropriate judicial refer­ence is: Northern District of Texas, Magistrate John B. Tolle, United States v. Tommy Lee Buckley et al--Magistrate No: 3-91-268M.

The fifth arrested entity was indicted on two counts on Au­gust 6, 1991 but held in prison for over 70 days. He was fi­nally released on a $50,000 cash bond. His first pre-trial hearing was January 22, 1992 and his trial is scheduled to start on February 24, 1992.
The prosecution, through Mr. Damanik's former attorney, Stephen M. Orr, 612 San Antonio Street, Ste. 509, Austin, Texas 78701, has attempted four times since 2-22-92 to get Mr. Damanik to sign a plea bargain agreement and four times he declined. He will go to trial and defend himself with the certified facts and licensed witnesses.

Beginning in early September of 1991, I was assisted in pre­senting the majority of this information to the Congress of the United States of America through the good offices of Rep. Charlie Rose and Rep. Thomas S. Foley, the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The following persons are also aware of the material:

I. Mr. Tom Strzemienski--Staff for Rep. Rose.
2. Heidi M. Pender--Special Counsel to Rep. Rose.
3. Steve Rose--Speaker's office
4. Keith and Sam White

Rep. Charlie Rose went to the extent of sending a special letter of invitation to Mr. Damanik so he could come to Washington, D.C. The letter was dated October 7, 1991, sent from the Committee on Agriculture, Subcommittee on Department Oper­ations, Research, and Foreign Agriculture, and signed by Rep. Charlie Rose. [H: Does anyone note that these are the same departments (Agriculture) through which billions in dollars were funnelled into Iraq, etc.?] The letter was addressed to Hon. James R. Nowlin, Federal District Judge for the United States District Court, Western District of Texas, Austin Divi­sion. Judge Nowlin is the presiding judge that is being investi­gated by the Texas Attorney General for judicial impropriety.

On October 24, 1991, on my second trip to Washington, D.C., I presented full documentation of what now is titled "TREASURYGATE" and the original of one of the Swiss in­struments, to Congressman Rose's office and the commitment of all instruments to his good offices/Congress for the benefit of the United States of America. All of that data is still in the of­fices of Rep. Charlie Rose.

Around the first week of December 1991 I was informed by telephone that when we were all arrested in Dallas, Texas on July 8, 1991, we were actually to be assassinated. Within about two weeks I received three affidavits that stated not only were the financial instruments VALID but THERE ACTUALLY WAS AN ORDER TO HAVE US ASSASSINATED. LATER, ON 12-15-91, MR. DAMANIK TOLD ME, IN PER­SON, THAT THOSE WHO ORDERED THAT ASSASSINA­TION WERE: MR. JOHN H. SUNUNU AND BRENT SCOWCROFT. THE INFORMATION FROM THE AFFI­DAVITS CAME FROM AN FBI REPORT. Copies are avail­able.

After Mr. Damanik's pre-trial hearing on January 22, 1992, I was informed about the real problem relating to all the financial instruments. It seems there is a SECRET TREATY involving 15 nations and 13 trustees that very few officials in each partici­pating country that is a party to the treaty knows about. Those trustees that are known only by code are.

1. USA ( Dollar U.S. TRUSTY ,677009 B. L )
2. UK ( "Pound Sterling Symbol" ..TRUSTY ,6750089797, G.L.K.)
3. Japan ( YEN V.C TRUSTY ,677009 b.i. )
4. Switzerland ( Swiss FRC TRUSTY ,3429786 b)
5. Taiwan ( TC TRUSTY ,675089797, V.L.J.)
6. Singapore (S $ TRUSTY ,670897973, B.LH )
7. Malasia ( M $ TRUSTY, ,564089792, G.LK )
8. Hong Kong ( HK $ TRUSTY ,89000566, C.L.T )
9. Germany ( DM TRUSTY ,6750989795, G.L.K )
10. Netherlands ( NF TRUSTY V.C TRUSTY ?????? )
11. France (F.Frc TRUSTY , 670089994, K.L. )
12. ????? (YC, INTERNATIONAL V.J. .......)
(POUNDS, TRUSTY B.L.J ,560897)
13. ????? ( SDR ,TRUSTY B.L., 78600997976)

I believe from investigation that #12 above is a British trustee for Egypt, Syria and Lebanon and that #13 is the United Na­tions/World Bank/International Monetary Fund--IMF, SDR--SPECIAL DRAWING RIGHTS.

Mr. President, this brings us to the real problem at hand. All of the above referenced and the enclosures is a small summary of the "TREASURYGATE" report, but as important is the trial of Mr. Damanik in Austin, Texas. Most of us feel quite sure that his trial will be postponed for several months for reasons that can't be exactly defined at this time, but irregardless of when the trial happens, Mr. Damanik is prepared to introduce into evidence and provide third party, licensed testimony of the ex­istence of the SECRET TREATY and the certifications of the financial instruments. Additionally, Mr. Damanik et al are preparing other legal actions if the trial is postponed. Mr. President, I believe you are the only entity that can solve this horrendous national and international ARMAGEDDON. For­give me, a non-political ordinary citizen, for attempting to give the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA some advice for the benefit of our country, but since you proba­bly are not informed about this "TREASURYGATE" matter, you could resolve this quickly and successfully. All public indi­cations point to the fact that you are a man of God, willing to do the right thing for your country and the citizens of your country. If that is a correct description of George Herbert Walker Bush, please, Mr. President, solve this problem for the benefit of the people of the United States of America, and for the benefit of our standing on the Judgement Day please do the right thing. History will judge you as the greatest President and leader of nations ever to serve.

With my deepest respect and trust, Sincerely,

Tommy L. Buckley

cc: Edison Damanik, et al.

[H: Obviously Mr. Bush has seen fit to continue his partici­pation and the cover-up as well. Chelas, we are not talking about a "little" embezzlement--we are talking about TRIL­LIONS UPON TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS ALMOST ALL OF WHICH END UP BEING IN "BEARER" PAPER (BONDS). Please print a copy of the ones attached.
I will now continue and finish this document with a copy of the writing dated Nov. 5, 1992:]
Two days past the presidential election and again we have been lied to by our government and the liars representing the government. As you read the following information, continue to remember that you as a taxpayer, citizen and patriot of the United States of America have been "had". You might even conclude that it matters little if the president is Bush, Clinton or Perot, neither would deal with the real truth at this time. It is our intention to literally force THEM to deal with these critical financial issues, now and forever.

When you receive this INFO-PACKAGE relating to "TREASURYGATE", PLEASE make as many copies of this eighteen page package as you want and provide them to your friends, relatives, business associates, elected officials, etc. Then when you order the "TREASURYGATE" information, write, call, FAX or go see your elected officials and tell them that you simply will not stand for this to happen to our coun­try.......

You will also read herein that we intend to take this fight to the people and ask the people to help us. We are going to use every legal means available to resolve "TREASURYGATE" for the benefit of the citizens of the United States of America. If you want any of the following....... HELP YOUR COUNTRY NOW:

1. Total and immediate elimination of the national debt.
2. Substantial reduction in income taxes.
3. The best public school system in the world.
4. Meaningful reduction in crimes of all kinds.
5. A healthcare system that works and works for everyone
5. Jobs, jobs, jobs.
6. A president and congress that works for YOU.
8. Available financial credit for most everyone.
9. Stability, growth and financial freedom.

As you will learn, I can prove that "TREASURYGATE" is not only real but also valid from an informational and financial standpoint. What each of you need to ask yourself and your elected and appointed officials is: "Who knew about "TREASURYGATE", what did they know and when did they know it?" Here are just a few of the names that have received "TREASURYGATE" but so far HAVE NOT RE­SPONDED SPECIFICALLY:
1. President George Bush
2. Senator Phil Gramm--Texas
3. Governor Bill Clinton
4. H. Ross Perot
5. The United States House of Representatives
6. The United States Senate
7. Attorney General William Barr
8. Chief of Staff James Baker
9. Most Television, Radio, and Newspapers represented
in the Press Galleries in Washington, D.C.
10. The following specific entities: Senators Bentsen,
Wickles, Boren, Mack, Hatch; Representatives Rose,
Foley, Gingrich, Combest, Gonzalez, Wilson,
Thorn­ton, Barnard Jr., Sarpalius.

Within the "TREASURYGATE" data, I report specifically that Bush, Baker, Gramm and others are crooks of the worst kind. The rest may well be the same unless later redeemed. But wait, there is more. The number 2, 3, 4, and 5 entity in the CIA is in control of "TREASURYGATE". The FBI and DEA is INVOLVED and I can prove all of this both on a local basis and a national basis. I would like to get into the Federal Reserve but that is inside the "TREASURYGATE" data.
Finally and again, I need your help. Because I need you, you need me and I am available to you virtually 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. The bottom line is I WILL NOT QUIT. I can prove "TREASURYGATE", will prove "TREASURYGATE", and with your help, will take "TREASURYGATE" to the en­tire nation.

Read, enjoy (as much as you can) and let me hear from each of you.


Tommy "TREASURYGATE" Buckley

The White House
The United States House of Representatives
The United States Senate
The United States Judiciary
The Central Intelligence Agency
The Federal Bureau of Investigation
The United Nations
The World Bank
The Governments of Switzerland, United Kingdom, Germany,
Netherlands, Mexico, Canada, European Community,
In­donesia, Japan, and many others.
The United States Secret Service
The Green Light Group
Other Interested and Possibly Related Parties
The World Press--(Print, Radio and Television)


* * *
With all of this scattered around--HOW MANY OF YOU HAVE EVEN HEARD ABOUT THIS?? I THOUGHT SO!

Well, I am torn because by us coming into this and presenting this information I must virtually cause my scribe to be a recluse. The ones in the circles of this deceit did everything possible to stop us from bringing this to you in the LIBERATOR. But--THEY broke every agreement for security for my people. I have waited until now to present any of this to insure the ones involved as cover-breakers could come into protection. If a man such as Weaver and innocent babes and mothers can be slain--what think ye will stop the beast from devour­ing the truthbringers?
I will present contact information. AFTER communications with the Constitutional Law Center people is made and then, chelas, it will be up to you as to how badly you wish to save your nation and your own freedom.

Thank you, Dharma, for your service and willingness to with­draw, for security, for a while--you do not know who is your enemy in your midst. Go about your goings and comings but do NOT get involved in intimate groups or meetings unless I CALL SAME.

This is inclusive of our guest from South Africa. Not that there is problem but I cannot attend you properly if you are going to continue against my instructions. We must await actions by ad­versarial teams regarding this information publication. It is im­perative for her safety, moreover, that you two be kept in sepa­ration. Let nothing happen because we fail in our attention. This is NOT rudeness--this is mandatory protection. We can handle through network, the information to be shared and printed from that sector. Release the load unto me for you can­not see from my mountain-top.

I must, furthermore, remind ones to NOT allow this to be a gathering place for again the neighbors complain and we simply cannot have more problems upon the ones already present. Your job is to write and speak and E.J.'s is to attend the word next in order. The other distractions must be thinned out until we can see beyond this new thrust of bombardment against you.

Let others attend that which needs attending. Thank you for your cooperation.
Hatonn to stand by, please.