PJ 60


THU., NOV. 26, 1992 9:10 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 102


Counting blessings this morning--or throwing stones at one, Hatonn?




President Bush says he is sending 30,000 U.S. troops into So­malia to "insure humanitarian relief supplies reach the starving children". THIRTY THOUSAND?? Do you have any idea how many men that is? To insure delivery of survival food to an already dead nation and to stop looting by a handful of gorilla bandits? Thirty THOUSAND? You best look around and see what else is in mind--because that represents ONLY U.S. troops and nobody has given a damn about those starving babies so far. Why today? Thanksgiving? Oh I would certainly think not, based on other happenings around the bases.


It is also interesting to note that all the Peace Treaties have not HELD WELL in Bosnia, etc. Well, that operation is a direct blueprint of Kissinger Associates at work and so is going exactly as PLANNED! Moreover, the bank in New York which we spoke of a couple of months ago, set up by Scowcroft and Ea­gleburger for Kissinger, etc., to funnel direct funds for arms into Serbia--is still helping out in that little altercation that is murdering thousands of innocent people.

Could it be that THIS has anything to do with Scowcroft's homey visit to the Bushes in Maine tomorrow? Gosh, it is hard to keep up, isn't it? Still trust the press? The media? Doesn't look too good to me! Also remember that with Eagleburger working as Acting Secretary of State--Scowcroft is chief "Advisor" to the President! What could they be cooking for your next dinner-party??

Bush hasn't been "running" your government for a long while but his name is already signed to executive orders that can pull down your entire nation--or cause it to be blown away! It be­comes a real curiosity as to which it will be. Or, will your na­tion simply fold to the Zionists? I don't think the Russians will like that because they kicked them out of Russia in the Revolu­tion--and now they have infiltrated the New Russian nation of the United States of America. Golly-gee, it is confusing, isn't it? It boils down to the FACT, however, that none of them are on the side of you-the-people OR GOD! SO, WHEN YOU ASK GOD TO HELP YOUR NATION UNDER SATAN TO GAIN THE GOALS OF YOUR GOVERNMENT--PLEASE DO NOT BE DISAPPOINTED WHEN GOD REFUSES!!!

By Ken Coons
I knew a boy who thanked his God for precious life and limb.
For clothes to wear and food to eat, they were so dear to him.
Good music on the radio, for there was no T. V.
Just now and then a picture show, which were all rated "G".
The boy grew up to be a man, these same things he enjoyed,
And he gave thanks to be alive, and that he was employed.
He married and gave thanks again, and children blessed the scene,
Each one a gift from God, he said, now life will be serene.
With gratitude he set his course to teach his family right.
They would be thoughtful thankful kids, and always be polite.
They would respect him, to be sure, and never sneer or sass,
His counsel they'd appreciate, he knew this, but alas!
There was no harder working man that anybody knew.
His family was his only vice, and as they lived and grew,
He gave to them his every hour, his blood and sweat and tears,
Tho nearly losing life and limb he gave thanks thru the years.
And yet he failed, he knew not how, for thanks was seldom said,
Tho sass and sneers were common place and courtesy was dead.
The music loud and wild was played, and TV every night.
The house a mess from room to room, each day an uphill fight.
And he was viewed by wife and kids, a hard and cranky gent,
Tho all the while he labored hard to pay the food and rent.
They came to him in time of need and he tried hard to please,
And i f a thanks was said, it was somehow lost in the breeze.
"I love you, and I'm Grateful, Dad," was never volunteered.
Forgive me i f I ask, are these the children I have reared?
Who take for granted every deed and don't reciprocate?
But none the less I love them, tho their thanks may come too late.

There's a key of life that I have found
That will unlock a multitude of doors,
Though it is simple, yet it is profound,
Perhaps this problem could be one of yours.

This concept is based upon the thought,
Be non-judgmental in your view of things.
There's no unpardonable sin as we've been taught,
Let guilt and fault no longer hold your strings.

From a thought an act is carried out,
because of a decision that is made,
And if a harmful action comes about,
Then on that bad decision blame is laid.

Without anger analyze each deed,
Don't let emotion cloud the facts at hand,
For you are not the judge of hate and greed,
Be glad you're here to live upon the land.

Every soul must live with his own deed
And many bad decisions will be made,
But don't let anger, bitterness and greed
Cause bad decisions to your charge be laid.

When you justify what you have done,
And give yourself the benefit of doubt,
Can you not also view another one,
In that same way, with bitterness cast out?

When you wish another happiness,
And mean it from the heart and soul that's true,
The very wish and blessing you confess,
Will automatically return to you.

Bitterness and hate will vex your soul,
And will become a cancer in your mind.
It will prevent your most important goal,
A gift of love and peace for all mankind.

Till you reach this new plateau of thought,
You will not comprehend its rich reward,
But when you do, the joy and peace you've sought,
Will lodge with you and will replace the sword.

Every day will find your soul at peace,
Your daily thoughts and deeds will be approved,
For when your bitterness and judgment cease,
The judgment placed on you is then removed.

(Anyone know who this is?)
In the hustle and bustle, accusations, excuses and hoopla of pol­itics, oft times the actual patriots and dedicated leaders are lost in the Texas Two-Step. This man worked his heart out for you and for Bo Gritz--HE WAS THE VICE-PRESIDENTIAL RUNNING MATE WITH BO. I sometimes wonder if in the fi­nal days of the campaign even Bo remembered!

Cy has done far more for you than run for Vice-President. He has supplied you with patriot information and charts and listings of the Trilateral Commission, CFR, and on and on. I honor this man greatly. I have met him and I salute him. I have here a message from Cy released on November 19th and I wish to share it with you readers for it comes from a dedicated heart and willing servant in full appreciation for all your own labors and prayers. YOURS IS STILL TO COME, CHELAS, DO NOT DESPAIR--IT WILL MOST SURELY COME.

Kerrville, Texas: Now that the shouting and tumult is in the past, I feel that I must make some comments concerning the campaign to our wonderful supporters. Many times during my travels, I have been asked if this was not a terrific strain to make so many speeches and meet so many people. My reply was and is now, it was so stimulating and at the same time so humbling. To meet those people, so enthusiastic and so sup­portive was to say the very least the greatest experience of my entire life. I am well aware of the sacrifices made by so many people to support our objectives that it will never be possible to adequately say thank you! But you must keep in mind that this effort WAS NOT IN VAIN! The ripples created by the princi­ples that made up our platform will never cease to erode the barriers that prevent our republic from being reborn. This is not my "Swan Song" but a plea to all of you to work even harder! I do not plan to recluse myself, but to dedicate my ef­forts to attain the goals so nobly set forth in our campaign. Since it is impossible for me to thank each of you. I hope those of you who receive this will tell everyone of my heartfelt appreciation.

Cy Minnett,
Vice Presidential Candidate

* * *
Indeed, you have living POWs, this day, in Vietnam and some remaining in Russia from Korea. The lies stretch from conti­nent to continent and the farce of "searching" is such a poor and sick cover-up of insured death to remaining men that the heart sickens at the display in the name of greed and trade.

What can YOU do? Never let it die in silence, this disgrace. How can such heinous things occur? The same way that all polls were "fixed" in the election and the "vote" meant not one thing! You even managed to give back into Congress the same incumbents that had proven themselves dirty and criminal in ac­tions. I think you begin to get the picture quite clearly? You will now note that even the Iran-Contra fiasco players will be "pardoned" by Bush before the election can be consummated on December 14th--or after IF the blackmail proceedings go well and the payoffs large enough.

With the POWs the "sellout" is not new--perhaps it is as old as war itself, but in the American scene for such as Korea, former President Dwight Eisenhower and his successors in office, with the connivance and conspiracy of the Establishment news media, deliberately lied to the American people about the fate of U.S. servicemen abandoned in the Korean War. By the way, have all of you read that which I have given you on this man, Eisenhower, and the horrendous prison camps in his charge following World War II? You should get that infor­mation, chelas, for most of the terrible pictures of "the so-called holocaust" came directly from those miserable murder camps--ordered up by Dwight Eisenhower, Khazarian Zion­ist! (See THE TRILLION DOLLAR LIE--THE HOLOCAUST VOLUME II, a PHOENIX JOURNAL, #40.)

Your president Dwight D. Eisenhower knew all about live American servicemen who were abandoned in Korea and shipped to the Soviet Union in 1953--but lied to the nation and claimed they were all dead.

It is much like Kerry's trip to find recent POWs in Vietnam, etc. The instructions from government (YOURS) was to come back and "tell us there aren't any signs of life or any remaining alive in Vietnam." Well lots of them are in Laos and Cambodia but technical claims make a point of "law".

This is EXACTLY what happened when Bo Gritz went into the Golden Triangle area to "find" POWs--he was actually told to "find none alive" and report as much back. This is all entangled with Ross Perot, Bush, Paul Harvey, etc. Will you EVER get the truthful and correct story? I cannot say--but you surely haven't gotten it YET--not even from one claiming total patrio­tism, James Gritz. There was a massive cover-up going on all the way through and it is hard to believe one as brilliant as James Gritz didn't know something was rotten in the apple bar­rel. However, that is not for disclosure herein for you need to look further back than that which is obvious this morning. Read on and weep:

Retired Army Col. Philip Corso told the Senate Select Com­mittee on POW/MIAs on November 10 that he personally RECOMMENDED THE COVERUP IN A MEETING WITH EISENHOWER.

Participating in the cover-up, Corso said, are "those journalists who wrapped themselves in the American flag and accepted money from the CIA to report the 'party line' to supplement their incomes.

"I recommended that the report (on abandoned POWs) NOT be made public because the POWs should be given up for dead since we knew the Soviets would never relinquish them," Corso said.

"Out of concern for the POWs' families, the president agreed," Corso told a packed and somber hearing room.

"How many American soldiers were taken to the Soviet Union?" Corso was asked. "I knew about 800 or 900 for sure, but the number might have been as many as 1,200. My intelligence re­ports had referred to three trainloads and each train could hold up to 450 people."

The story was typically ignored by the Washington Post and much of the rest of the Establishment media even as it was making news in the hearings.

At a press conference the day before his sworn testimony, Corso, now 77, said, "The fate of our prisoners fell through the cracks. It wasn't an accident. It was policy."

The now retired intelligence officer, as chief of special projects, was under orders to track American POWs in North Korea and report to Eisenhower.

A former military intelligence officer, retired Air Force Col. O'Wighton Delk Simpson, corroborated Corso's account both at the news conference and at the following day's hearing. He denounced Corso for creating a "policy to forget all American Prisoners".

In his testimony, Simpson said, "Corso told me that in 1953 he was author of a policy, while on the White House staff, to aban­don all prisoners being held by the Russians.

"We were not at war with, and the U.S. did not want to cause any friction with Moscow," he said. "He (Corso) said this pol­icy was approved by President Eisenhower."

This treacherous policy hindered efforts, during the war, to track prisoners being held in Red China, Corso testified.

"The State Department, for instance, had put pressure on our intelligence sources in Taipei and Hong Kong to refrain from reporting anything that might show Peking's preparedness to enter the Korean War and thus support Gen. (Douglas) MacArthur's position," Corso said.

The late MacArthur had been fired by President Harry Truman because he objected to orders from Washington to keep his planes 20 miles outside of Manchuria, where the Red Chinese were massing. MacArthur wanted to strike directly at the Chi­nese to forestall an attack.

"So complete was the intelligence blackout caused by this spe­cific policy that troops of the UN Command did not learn of the presence of the Chinese Communist Army in North Korea until they met in battle", Corso said.

"It is hard for me to understand that as late as July, 1992....Pentagon spokesmen, and even National Security Ad­viser Gen. (Brent) Scowcroft, claim they have no information about missing U.S. Korean POWs being taken to the Soviet Union," Corso said.

During a meeting between Adm. John C. Daniel, deputy chief of the UN delegation, and Chinese Gen. Biewn Zhangwu, Corso said, his report on 500 sick and wounded American POWs held by the Reds was read by the Communist military commander.

The Chinese general "became so angry at hearing my facts that he snapped in half a pencil he was holding," Corso said. "He got up from the table and turned to leave. Then, he caught him­self, came back, sat down and glared at me in anger."

Although Daniel "made this charge in open session attended by newspaper reporters from many nations, the American news media never reported this damaging information to the American public," Corso said.

"The Communists never returned those 500 sick and wounded POWs," Corso said. "And this fact, too, went unreported by the American press. Nor did the policymakers and high gov­ernment officials in Washington ever make an issue of these charges."

Sen. Bob Smith (R-N.H.) gave the committee a 55-page sup­porting document "that shows, in explicit detail, that the gov­ernment of North Korea did not return a large number of POWs at the end of the war," he said.

"Our government believed men were still alive and in captivity and, until only a few months ago, has kept that reality from the American people," Smith said. "It has covered up what it knew through a pattern of denial, misleading statements and outright lies," Smith said.

* * *
And how was your day with your tummy full and ready to burst and the "good-life" settled down about you?

Might you say a prayer of kindness to those who have never had a moment's peace in all these years--both them and you as a na­tion betrayed!

Do you want God to do something to "those" who allowed this? How about those who hid behind ignorance? Do you want God to "fix their wagon"? Fine, BUT, might that have to also in­clude YOU? What did you do about this? Are YOU perhaps just as guilty as any? Ah so!

Is it truly enough, patriotic American revelers of the Gulf War against nasty old Saddam--to wave a yellow ribbon? Just "who" should you guess "God should get"?

So, now that you have spent about $175 million on the election to get your bondage tightened, what have you got? Do you think that foreign aid will drop and you can recoup your tax money which was wasted on the campaign confetti, etc.?

Maybe you can recoup some of that Israel pay-off now that Clinton replaces lax Bush? Oops, does not look that way!

Along the painful road to soaring debt and economic downturn, have American taxpayers gone far enough to support your little albatross, Israel? Guess not, for according to Bill Clinton: "We must go one step further," urged Mr. Clinton in a confidential fund-raising letter addressed to potential contributors with a spe­cial interest in Israel.

Calling the tens of billions of dollars in handouts, the strategic support and political solidarity lavished on Israel by successive administrations "shabby treatment", Clinton asserted that "Israel and the American Jewish community deserve better."

In fact, they deserve "whatever they want, and then some", commented Issah Nakhleh, the respected dean of UN observers, after reviewing the Clinton communiqué circulated among "fat cat" donors to Israel a few days before the Democratic National Convention kicked off last July.

Proclaiming his "solidarity" with all "lifelong supporters of Is­rael", Clinton pledged that if elected, he will:

Immediately grant the ministate the $10 billion loan guaran­tee it was seeking (since granted by the Bush administration and Congress), and top it off with "any further assistance" the "influx of Russian immigrants" might require in coming years.
While cutting back on America's own defenses, Clinton promised to spend whatever is needed to "maintain Israel's military edge over any combination of....adversaries." In fact, "We must go one step further" and curb the military capability of such regional states as Syria and Iran, the letter adds--a startling proposition for Syria, which has been courting U.S. favor recently, and Iran, long used to aug­menting its military capability with weapons bought at steep markups from Israel itself.
To the long-suffering Palestinians, Clinton holds out only a cold shoulder: "I firmly oppose the creation of an indepen­dent Palestinian state," his letter declares.

The president-elect--at the time, a hard-running candidate--sounded particularly encouraging on issues about which even some Israeli adherents have grown doubtful lately.

Disregarding recent evidence, including a gloomy report by the State Department's inspector general documenting Israel's will­ingness to resell American military assistance shipments, and even stolen U.S. defense blueprints, to the highest bidder, Clinton proposed setting up a "new joint American-Israeli High-Tech Commission to work together on research and develop­ment for the technologies of the 21st century.

"If I am elected president, I pledge never to let Israel down," Clinton affirms in conclusion.

* * *
Oh well, not to worry--the majority of Congress are now di­rectly in control of you--through their own connections with Zionism and Israel!!! So, if you were concerned that a few hun­dred thousand unemployed here and there will make a deficit in the tax capability of paying Israel--note, that "they" also totally control the printing presses for money--i.e., Federal Reserve and World Bank! So, perhaps that 20,000 employee layoff from Bank of America alone, won't dent the flow too much. Merry "X"mas and may there be a bit of coal somewhere for your stocking this year. Never mind "Christ" in Christmas because it has long been missing! Surely dripping blood on a cross with a thorn crown is enough for such a "goody-two-shoes" even if the shoes be but open sandals against the cold. May God have mercy upon the lands of Earth for there is no PEACE this day in your nations.


Hatonn to clear. In great love and compassion I stand aside. Good day.

PJ 60

SAT., NOV. 28, 1992 8:45 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 104


There is simply too much to cover adequately in one short mes­sage so we shall be brief!

Even with MASSIVE pouring in of REQUIRED funds from pension and retirement funds, the market could not hold. Part of the reason for closure of massive numbers of Bank of Amer­ica banks in the world and especially in the U.S. is because "Japan" owns a large portion of Bank of America. The takeover of BankAmerica as the new "Mommy" will push the Japanese corporations out of control. The Elite involved are well paid and need not worry--the Japanese people however, will be in the same predicament as will you of the U.S.

A coup was pulled, citizens, and the full recall and exchange of currency had to again be postponed--but the plan is only to briefly postpone and distract you. Keep your eyes on the num­bers at the market place. The plan has always been to give you a final boost to that Dow Jones average and make you think that things are in full recovery--then get your funds, set up a recall plan for the remainder (if you have any left from shopping in the Elite-run stores for Satan Claus) and tumble the economy. 3500 remains the magic number give or take a bit.

Advice? Again, I can only offer that which has been offered as security--BUT, you can watch what the big boys do and act ac­cordingly--however, THEY have methods of holding their as­sets, such as gold, which will not be available to you citizens--so you are going to have to work within the "system" and "laws of the land" but carefully protect assets through subtle coverage.

While the laws are as present, the ONLY personal protection and privacy that I see for yourselves is through incorporation NOW--prior to turn of the year. There will be attempts to change out the Nevada ownership regulations and cut down on privacy--however, if you have your paper-work in order--those corporations will still give you security. If you incorporate now you will precede the planned regulations changes as it is wished to make all ownership public AFTER December 31, 1992. Will they be able to do it? I think not the first year or so but for protection of the Elite system of hiding--there will be some kind of "Grandfathering" of the new laws. Either way--it is still the very best way to go.

This is a very small band of Native Americans in Nevada. Un­fortunately for them, gold is abundant on their treatied lands. The Feds swept away all treaty agreements and now the only remaining group in the area is tiny and all contracts such as "grazing permits", etc., are expired as of today!

The Constitutional Law Center was given to believe that all was calm and worked out in the matter and I am about as upset with my team therein as I can possibly be.

ON THE NON-NEWS on THANKSGIVING DAY, there was an unbelievable incident at the "reservation". The Feds had come in through the week prior and confiscated over 200 horses and hauled them away. They came back on Thanksgiving to get all the cattle.

There are some sisters involved as "owners" of the rights to the land. A "brother", in efforts to stop the Feds--before the cameras--doused himself with gasoline and set himself afire. THIS IS AMERICA, CMZENS!! TREATIES HAVE BEEN AND ARE RECOGNIZED AS THE GREATEST UNBREAKABLE LAW IN ANY LAND--AND LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE AL­LOWED TO HAVE HAPPEN.

The Feds put out the flames, but the man is in serious condition, and then, later, the Feds withdrew. Ah, but wait, they DID NOT withdraw because of the incident or the laws or, or, or: They withdrew because it turns out the "grazing contract" did not expire until the 27th (yesterday). And, moreover, where are the brother Indians? The touting is that there will result another "Wounded Knee" over this incident!! Oh?, there were no Indians in attendance, to speak of--and the only coverage of any Indian activities in the news was fo­cused on a walk in the South in remembrance of "The Trail of Tears"!

There are now at least three major incarceration camps in Mon­tana. You can KNOW this because the construction and activi­ties are early on enclosed in massive wire impounds with the se­curity razor wire slanted "inward" on the guard fences--as in prison compounds. In other words, to keep people and things "IN". Also near each of those areas and in rather remote lo­cations--but within eyesight of deer hunters, etc., are large en­campments of Cambodians (a minimum of 500 troops) in inten­sive training! When inquiries are made--ANSWERS DO NOT COME! So, people who have witnessed these things ASK ME! Please, this just brings pain to my workers for we have told you these things for well OVER THREE YEARS!

You will send some 30,000 (up now officially, from 20,000) of your troops, just from the United States, to Somalia to protect the food lines?!? Funny thing--the only reason this came to the surface is that there were already over 2,000 men in the area en route before anyone even mentioned such a maneuver! While you have massive numbers of your enemy training in your very dooryards--your protective units (all you have left) are being sent out of your country to such distant areas that they cannot return in time to give any assistance whatsoever.

Hatonn is accused over and over again about being a "fear mon­ger" and you are told to "turn away from this Satanic being be­cause he only preaches 'fear' ." I do not PREACH ANY­THING--and with the things going on in your world--if you aren't a bit nervous and concerned THEN YOU ARE AL­READY DEAD!

Yesterday's quakes in Southern California--NOW PROVE THAT THE QUAKES ARE MANMADE! The lies will con­tinue but the evidence is now present and witnesses proclaim that there were loud explosions before the quake with light bursts and continuing even after the "shaking" were loud sounds as massive avalanches "under" ground "as if in tunnels"! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

The Elite Feds of New Zealand have had to withdraw charges and release E.H. Hart BECAUSE THEY CANNOT LONGER DEAL WITH "THE PUBLICITY IN THE PHOENIX LIB­ERATOR". Readers, this is the most important breakthrough and recognition to date. You who do not believe in "OUR" presence--might wish to begin to reconsider for the Elite Power Brokers--DO!

Because so much of human insult is taking place in New Mex­ico, we have made ourselves visible in a massive show of illu­mination. The time was just before midnight on November 19. We were visible within a brilliant green-white luminescent en­ergy field. We were witnessed by thousands!!

We did this specifically because you will be seeing many imita­tions of the "real thing" in the time to come because with laser systems such "balls" of "light" can be "constructed"--however, not the size and with the maneuverability witnessed by this par­ticular event. Reports are of witnessing "zig-zagging from Al­buquerque to Roswell, to Hurley, down to Baynard, to Silver City--then across to Las Cruces."

I have some very worthy workers in the areas indicated and I want them to know that WE ARE PRESENT. WES and RON, just hold the course because you are going to be receiving more and more--but do not be foolish because all opportunities to keep silence about our presence is being maintained. There is so much happening "on your place, via massive control and pro­duction" that you will begin to think you have gone insane--do not fall for such attitude. This is all "very real" in your witness--just keep shielding secure.

Does anyone know what happened to the Russian missile?? Did you hear all the hoopla on the controlled press?? How about the media?? Where has that missile been? Oh, YOU heard?? How quaint--one of the most important technological expressions in your century--and it got NO COVERAGE?

Now, chelas, it DID COME IN! And, on page "5" in a tiny top column came the announcement--just as a rather unimportant so­ciety "bad concert" review might. Well, the "stuff" on board this multi-billion dollar toy is actually enough to make you ill even if the "real stuff" doesn't. You will note that every "turkey" for dinner was massively covered and Reagan's pre­sentation of a bottle of jelly beans to Clinton got international coverage--but an enemy ship with an uninspected payload of a missile did NOT EVEN GET HONORABLE MENTION! Well, neither do the foreign enemy troops training in Montana get mentioned! Is there just possibly SOMETHING wrong here? Let me quote:

Seattle welcomes Russia's goodwill space capsule. Seattle (AP) Nov. 26, 1992.

A Russian navy ship bearing a space capsule full of symbolic treasures steamed a final half-mile to a Seattle pier Tuesday for a greeting by officials and the start of a long weekend of festivi­ties.

As a high school band played "Louie, Louie", the state's unoffi­cial rock anthem, the Marshal Krylov inched to its moorings. About 400 people, many of them Russians who arrived here Monday on charter flights, greeted the 692-foot radar ship. [H: This is an enemy ship larger than two football fields! On board is every kind of technical tracking and "intelligence" equipment known to man, and you get a high school band playing rock music--and met by "mostly" Russians! Good gracious, people, are you totally insane??]
Members of the Krylov's crew of 450 lined the railings, waving and snapping pictures. Some tossed commemorative pins to schoolchildren who had turned out for the event.

"If our two nations can learn to live together in harmony and respect, there's no barrier that we cannot surmount," Mayor Norm Rice said.

The gray and white ship, built to track missile tests and space flights, sported a new coat of paint, although the red star at the bow needed a touch-up.

Chained to the Krylov's deck was the scarred and scorched space capsule it plucked from the Pacific about 80 miles off the coast on Sunday.

The spherical, 5,152-pound Resurs 500 spacecraft circled the Earth 111 times after it was launched Nov. 16 from the once-se­cret Plesetsk Cosmodrome near Archangelsk.

Inside the capsule were religious icons, greetings from Rus­sian President Boris Yeltsin, a cut-glass replica of the Statue of Liberty and a pair of wedding rings to be exchanged with mar­riage vows Saturday by a Russian couple who arrived in Seattle on Tuesday night. It also contained pleas for Western invest­ment in the former Soviet Union.

The spacecraft orbit and delivery, dubbed Space Flight Eu­rope-America 500, commemorates the International Year of Space and the 500th anniversary of Columbus' arrival in the New World.

It's also a demonstration of Russian efforts to convert the country's defense technology to commercial uses.

Seattle residents are no strangers to visitors from what was once the Soviet Union. The 1990 Goodwill Games and a series of visits by Russian research vessels in 1991 brought many Rus­sians seeking business ties with the West.

A conference on Russian-American business is scheduled, along with art, folk dance and photo exhibits, and a parade fea­turing the space capsule. Krylov crew members and other Rus­sian visitors have been invited to residents' homes for Thanks­giving dinners, and the public will be allowed to tour the ship.

The space flight and port visit marked "a new era of more economic cooperation between our peoples", said Vice Adm. Gennady Verich, who directed the satellite recovery effort.

And lastly, you in New York and vicinity who have come down with the dastardly "flu" from such things as being in the rain in New York at the parade--IT AIN'T FLU! GOOD LUCK, AMERICA--YOU NEED IT!