PJ 60


SUN., DEC. 13, 1992 7:28 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 119

Being short of time this morning, we shall dive right off into confirmation of the number one goal of the Banksters in confir­mation for your eyes.

The following comes from a reader who says he can't remember who gave him the "circulars" in point but he notes he has had them around for over 20 years and would share them with us as they came in to bankers years and years ago. In fact, the very realization of "how many years ago" is the blinding fact to con­front.


SOME INTERESTING CIRCULARS SENT TO THE LO­CAL BANKS: From the Bank of England to the New England banks in 1862:

"Slavery is likely to be abolished by the war power. This, I and my European friends are in favor of, for slavery is but the owning of labor and carries with it the care of the la­borer, while the European plan, led on by England, is for capital to control labor by controlling the wages. This can be done by controlling the money. The great debt that capi­talists will see to it is made out of the war must be used as a means to control the volume of money. To accomplish this, the bounds must be used as a banking basis. We are now waiting for the Secretary of the Treasury to make the rec­ommendations to Congress. It will not do to allow the greenback, as it is called, to circulate any length of time, as we cannot control that." [H: Remember that the "greenback" WAS NOT a Federal Reserve Note.]

Another of their circulars stated:

"To restore to circulation the Government issue of money will provide the people with money and will therefore seri­ously affect your individual profit as bankers and lenders."


Circulated among the leading bankers only--in 1933: "Capital must protect itself in every way, through combina­tion and through legislation. Debts must be collected and loans and mortgages foreclosed as soon as possible. When through a process of law the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong arm of the law, applied by the central power of wealth, under control of leading financiers. People with­out homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of capital to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us except as teachers of the common herd. Thus by discreet action we can secure for ourselves what has been generally planned and successfully accomplished."


This comes from C.W.A. and I thank you for sharing. It also gives me opportunity to respond to the many letters we receive regarding sharing of names and addresses. We are continually bombarded with: "Why don't you give names so we can get confirmation?" "Why don't you tell names, especially when you have already written things weeks before as we witness?"

and, "Why don't you give credit if you REALLY want us to be­lieve you?"

Number one: I give you Truth and if you choose not to believe it--so be it. Secondly: People ask for privacy from ones such as you who would place them in jeopardy of attention. And thirdly: I shall begin to give MORE when you ones who demand stop asking that your names not be used and do not sign the doc­uments and do not give return addresses. Just as your privacy is respected so shall be EVERY RESOURCE and one willing to share with you--but needing privacy and security. It appears that ones of you want it all without giving or risking even the slightest possibility of attention. I respect THAT--PLEASE DO LIKEWISE, FOR YOUR BROTHER!

Also, we get: "Why do you show a Las Vegas address and speak of being in California?" Because the corporation is in Las Vegas and my scribe is in California! There is a California ad­dress where some staff is available and receive mail. You can find ME, Hatonn, at either. You see, WE HAVE NO PRI­VACY. My scribe was the victim of deliberate surveillance and blatant following at high-speed chase day before yesterday as they attempted to simply leave their dwelling. The police can do nothing until they catch these ones in the act of violation of the law. The police are very nice and very helpful and patrol on their own--but you ones must realize, these games are deadly for the receiver in point and we are pained that readers would demand their task be harder and their lives be placed at even higher risk. What YOU may think is "credit" is actually most often, in this instance, a death warrant!

We are not here to represent the local "gossip column" print sheet. We are dealing with items which get people killed--but also reclaim freedom for nations and regain Constitutional LAW--in your U.S. placement "under God"! If you cannot see that it is the INFORMATION and not the gossip of impor­tance as discerned according to the guidelines we offer, then there is little hope of success in the greater mission.

ANYONE who offers his information and name to be used and has valid and timely information--we are grateful and utilize same in full recognition, even though 99.9% of the time he/she will be the ONLY one in recognition of the entity. Why do YOU hide and expect another to GIVE ALL? "Risk" must be a two way street if rewards are to be reaped. My people are AS HUMAN PHYSICAL as are any of you--why should they risk all while YOU risk NOTHING? NO--we shall continue to honor privacy as always and offer appreciation to any and all who share--in full knowledge that our commitment is always to your privacy and security! And, "IF YOU DENY ME THEN I SHALL DENY YOU UNTO MY FATHER!" Thus sayeth the Lord. There are many ways to show and prove denial! The visible is the least considered of all!

As we sit to write this morning I find my level of patience all but unsuitable for a Sunday morning when we are just about to manage ways to reclaim your Constitution. If pettiness and hy­per-cruel "stuff" doesn't quit hitting THIS FAN then I am going to release my people from your service. They work around the clock along with dozens of other "centers" in a last ditch effort to return Constitutional freedom and law unto your lands.

This day we have had a barrage of painful denials and attacks against the LIBERATOR for supposedly publishing "lies" against Randy Weaver and his attorneys. Now, this comes directly back "supposedly" from Randy himself. It actually is being caused by relationships formed since the incident at Ruby Creek.

One has formed a very close relationship with Randy and speaks of marriage plans, to Randy, having formed a close relationship with him since the incident. This is only representative of, if nothing else, lack of respect and intent following on the heels of the painful shooting of Sam and Vicki. While a nation mourns--the "victim" (Randy) plans a wedding?? Does this re­ally seem likely?

Why the anger directed toward the LIBERATOR, whose people have supported this man beyond all expected of anyone? Be­cause, supposedly, we ran information suggesting "problems with his attorneys" and in turn the "lies" hurt his case because there "ARE NO SUCH PROBLEMS!" Well, I ask that readers look at a copy of Spotlight's article called: Feds Break Rules in Weaver Case; LAWYERS FEELING PRESSURE. [See end of chapter.] Then, I suggest that if this can be brought to its lowest denominator by the Constitutional Law Center, and if it be found that there is no further appreciation for the myriads of hours of "patriot work" done at large expense to brothers and none to the ones actually involved--drop the work and return to attention to the Constitutional matters at hand. GOD DOES NOT GO WHERE HE IS INVITED NOT!

Now, to "Linda" who seems mostly involved in this matter--I suggest you take a most careful look at that which you are do­ing! Whatever you "think" you are doing is bringing damage beyond measure. The last thrust we have comes in the form of a directed message to me and the LIBERATOR of total denial and denouncement as offering "lies" to the public. I suggest the silly and stupid games stop lest a lot of people lose a lot more than irritation at my crew. You have sat to council with me and my workers--you have also claimed desire for participation and service--be this the way that desire is foundationed? This is NOT a New Age communal "allow in/love in". I suggest you take careful note of God's Commandments. Be this as it may--this is YOUR problem and no longer mine for in deliber­ate denial and breaking of those Laws of God--you show your intent. When you ask God to help you "create evil" and "wrongdoing" you have blundered for HE only helps you over­come evil--not develop it! GUESS WHO HELPS YOU DE­VELOP EVIL TO PERFECTION??!! WE HERE DO NOT SERVE THAT MASTER FOR WE TURN FROM IGNO­RANCE INTO "KNOWING" AND WITH THAT INSIGHT COMES GROWTH INTO HIGHER UNDERSTANDING AND ACTION. LUSTS OF THE FLESH WILL DESTROY YOU IN SOUL JOURNEY. SO BE IT.

This is only ONE who has been damaged at the hands of tyranny through oath and service to the United Nation's One World Order--but we tread not where unwanted. I certainly would not suggest ongoing attention to one who cares so little as to plan a wedding to a "stranger" whilst his family's bodies are hardly cold in the graves.

DOES THIS HAVE TRUTH? YOU find out for I am totally weary of the whole effort on behalf of my people. If in fact, this case boils down to White "Supremacists" which indicates fanatic racial bigotry--then that, too, must be confronted. Re­member--the CONSTITUTION IS FOR ALL CITIZENS! We are accused of being "the only paper who has lied and printed this erroneous information".??!!?? I suggest you refer to the two referred to herein--Spotlight and the American Information Newsletter, Boise, Idaho, as well as every other patriot journal or sheet, in an effort to get legal coverage for this man and Kevin Harris. To you who have contributed to the fund, I per­sonally thank you--even if there be no real appreciation from ones in point for if brother cannot help brother there is no rea­son for this journey.

This is NOT the case in point--the point is that ones who find themselves with opportunities to fill some personal need within selves to either be important or unabashedly cruel--cause these things to precipitate, for Randy is quite securely imprisoned so who might be at cause here?? You who would create such dis­advantage are most surely not working for the man in point, the nation and citizens--or most certainly GOD on whom you dump the entire reason for such actions. To take advantage of the pain of a man in such circumstance is beyond reason and to make it public as a thing of "interest" is quite remarkably poor in taste, if nothing else.

Now, for you who think this is no place to air the LIBERA­TOR'S defense--where else do you suggest the lessons come and go? Or, has this world become so "ME" ORIENTED that you cannot realize that THIS IS THE LIBERATOR?

As we get closer to "success" in our work the blessings flow in and our appreciation is unlimited as the fuel from the brother­hood keeps the spirit alive and well. So much MUST be done in privacy of unknowing and willingness to work within that un­knowingness, that our goals might find fulfillment and not stop­page. BUT, the myriads of petitions for PERSONAL attention, answers to personal problems and dilemmas also pour in and have buried us. Then comes the anger at no personal responses. I have asked again and again to please understand our massive task at hand--it is not my scribe's job to beseech me or GOD in your behalf, much less to respond because you don't like a pic­ture or a reference or you don't agree with a viewpoint. I ap­preciate your opinions--ALL OF THEM--but they are not the business of Dharma who feels your soul journey is somehow her responsibility if we take not time to respond in kind. You must take these things up with GOD for He always responds directly for it is none of Dharma's business. The thrust in behalf of Randy Weaver just represented the straw that has broken the camel's back.

Can't you desire for and return to Constitutional Law and not concern about GOD? NO. God is THE major portion of your Constitution and "one nation under GOD". The facts are, you already have EXACTLY WHAT YOU HAVE PROVEN YOU WANT IN THE SYSTEM YOU ALREADY HAVE DEVEL­OPED--YOU JUST DON'T LIKE IT BECAUSE SOME HAVE GOTTEN MORE STUFF THAN YOU, OUT OF IT--if you expect no "truth" as offered by and through GOD and HOSTS.

Ones on your place in your midst and we of the "Cosmos" Hosts have worked unceasingly and at continued loss and persecution to bring you possibility of recovery in "truth". We offer it to you in brotherhood and in humility to simply be able to serve you as all avenues of freedom are closed to you via this beast who blocks every avenue toward abundance and freedom. Ones live in constant, never-ending risk of death and/or, at the least, incarceration for their efforts to preserve and reclaim your Con­stitutional breath of life. If you think JOURNALS and LIBER­ATOR are accidental events of ones who want something from you--pay better attention. They serve, have ALL their property stripped from them and still they serve on--THIS BE OF GOD, CHELAS--NONE OTHER!


Today, I have little patience or any desire to ask more of my people. We have been petitioned to reprint no more of the "tapes" in written [transcription] form in the LIBERATOR until we make a bit further legal progress. But we need your partici­pation and, therefore, I ask that all and each obtain a copy of the audio tapes available as the network begins to work actively as a unit. [See The Word ad on page 9 for ordering information.]

We make the LIBERATOR available as a sounding board, in­formation flow, instructions and idea-sharing in this massive movement to reclaim your nation UNDER GOD. I personally have shared with ones who lead herein and we have efforted to educate you-the-people (at least make available information) as to the needs and the "causes" of your circumstance. We also tell you what MUST be in order to regain structure with GOD to achieve such goals of freedom and safety within HIS places.

What you do with it is YOUR business--but if you like not that which is given in return for your inquiries and petitions to GOD--consider your requests most carefully--for GOD AL­WAYS RESPONDS! If YOU miss GOD's opportunities--BE THAT GOD'S FAULT???

May not ones with whom you disagree in physical aware­ness--have the same goal of soul and direction toward freedom? Can you not rise above the bickering to achieve the goal from whence you can then move on into higher knowledge in the safety of freedom to seek and perhaps find if you have not yet "found"? Can you not, in intelligence, see the opportunities in Truth and put aside the disagreements on points of unworthy at­tention?

I am herein asking that my people "here" place full force and ef­fort in integration to get their job done. It requires cooperation, labor and willingness to give and serve--all of which my people are prepared and willing to do. I hope that EVERY reader will not piddle about but will get a copy of the tapes [Again, see The Word ad on page 9.] laying out the "plan". We will not jeopar­dize our co-workers by foolish preprinting of information. We will make available that which is public and do so im­mediately--for this is the point of an "Earth" "journal"--not sensationalism or psychic fortune-telling--JUST WHAT IS--AS QUICKLY AND SUCCINCTLY AS IS POSSIBLE AND OUT­LAY ACTIONS WHICH CAN ACCOMPLISH YOUR GOAL.

The LIBERATOR was THE voice to and for the people in the effort to preserve your nation in the Civil War Days--The PHOENIX LIBERATOR IS THE VOICE WHICH SHALL SERVE YOU-THE-PEOPLE IN THE RECLAMATION OF YOUR NATION NOW.

YOU can make this a voice of the level of sound which WILL BE HEARD AND ATTENDED--OR, you can bicker, negate and air petty laundry--AND INSURE FAILURE FOR SELF AND SUCCESS TO YOUR ADVERSARY--EITHER WAY--IT IS UP TO YOU!


Thank you. The Light shines brightly now in potential glory--let us make sure it is seized in truth of opportunity lest God not give another "chance" unto you. Walk tall and strong for ye are provided all you need if you but accept it.
Salu. Hatonn to clear.

E.J., this is for your convenience, son. After reading this por­tion, we will take the time to air yesterday's taped conference and then, afterwards we will take time to discuss it and possible actions. Jack and Diane will have already run copies of the tape in point so we will have any receivers of this tape simply stop listening and turn to the tape in point--in order to not duplicate work. Time is so urgent.

Readers and listeners need to know that these ones will also be arranging for availability of our OWN medium for healing life supplement which will actually phase out Life Crystals to great extent. One has been working with me DIRECTLY and we have perfected the substance and now must find the way to se­curely make it available. This would "seem" easy--it is incredi­bly difficult. We may well have to offer in bits to be later used in combination, or "given" with return of "donation" into a third entity. All things in the substance are pure and available any­where as totally natural items--but obviously the desire is to kill people--NOT HEAL THEM! Look carefully at all the tools and possibilities given to you in our lessons and the correct approach will show itself and/or a few trials will serve well toward that end. Our intent is to offer "the most and best" for "the least" for resources become very precious as the economic picture darkens. Please, we must turn this "thing" about and you are now given the way to do it--LET'S DO IT!

Next, please take the information from Byron Beers in hand. Call him and get permission to share this with Andy, Cy and Dare--asking--for pertinent additions deemed useful. Invest in compilation of the folder as presented or similarly and make available at "cost" plus postage, etc., and/or use as "instead of" a LIBERATOR edition.

In fact, I would like Byron to send one, if he has not already, directly to the others in point and save time.

My perception is that, with a transcription of the conference call information, you have a supreme package to offer as is. We are in the information business ASAP so don't waste time in editori­alizing, etc. WE HAVE TO BEGIN WITH FREEDOM OF YOUR NATION IN ORDER TO PROGRESS TO FREEDOM OF SOUL!

Thank you. The Light shines brightly now in potential glory--let us make sure it is seized in truth of opportunity lest God not give another "chance" unto you. Walk tall and strong for ye are provided all you need if you but accept it. Salu.

Hatonn to clear.

Lawyers Feeling Pressure

The federal govern­ment is waging a cam­paign of intimidation against attorneys inter­ested in the Randy Weaver case, in an at­tempt to deprive him of his right to mount an ef­fective defense against capital murder charges.

Lawyers throughout the Pacific Northwest have told The SPOT­LIGHT they fear for their profession­al lives in the wake of the prosecution of Randy Weaver and family-friend Kevin Harris proceeding in Boise, Idaho.
The fears are stirred by the prospect of confronting the unlimited resources of the federal government, and in the broad brush with which the Establishment paints anyone who stands up for the rights of peo­ple charged with holding unpopular or unacceptable beliefs.
An attorney said he "is stepping away from the case" despite what he called "all kinds of Constitutional is­sues" surrounding the trial.
"I'm not retained, and I'm not ap­pointed," he told The SPOTLIGHT. "Someone could paint [me] as a skin­head lawyer. That could hurt me."
Last month federal lawyers asked the court to remove Gerry Spence from Weaver's defense team and withhold payment from public de­fender Charles Peterson, according to an Associated Press report, in a clear example of the government at­tempting to intimidate the attorneys and deprive Weaver of an effective defense.
The feds say the lawyers have vio­lated a rule of criminal procedure barring attorneys from making out-of-court statements during a case.
"It's more posturing by the govern­ment to put Randy Weaver in a light most unfavorable to him," Peterson said. Peterson has talked to The SPOTLIGHT, but cited court rules in refusing to give specifics on the case.
Spence, a nationally known crimi­nal attorney, is representing Weaver without charge. He has reportedly made statements outside the court­room attacking the government's case.

The government's tactics came to light after The SPOTLIGHT had tracked down a pair of attorneys, not directly involved in the case, who have expressed outrage at perceived threats against. attorneys.
"We are the last bastion between the people and the government," said a Washington state-based attorney. "If we're afraid, or can't do some­thing, where is everyone else?
"It's a fine state of affairs when you have to be afraid of your own government," he added.
Another attorney, who actually spoke with Harris after he was hos­pitalized in Spokane, did not file a notice of appearance with the gov­ernment for two reasons.
The first was Harris's judicial well-being. The lawyer, who prac­tices. criminal law in both Washing­ton and Idaho, said the government would not pay for Harris's defense unless it appointed his legal coun­sel.
This attorney described his prac­tice as small. He said he could not afford to provide the type of defense he envisions Harris needing at no cost.
"In this volatile of a case, I could easily envision the judge saying [Harris] has counsel so we will not make public defender funds available," the lawyer said. "It's going to take federal funds to pay the bills. He needs the best defense."

He too said he was afraid of the reputation he might receive defend­ing those associated with alleged "hate" groups.
Weaver and Harris are charged in 10 counts involving first-degree mur­der, conspiracy, obstruction of justice and possessing firearms stemming from the shooting death of federal Marshal Michael Degan, according to David Nevin, Harris's court-ap­pointed attorney.

The trial date is set for October 26 in Boise, but the federal government is seeking a delay, according to attor­neys.
Degan was part of a group of at least five marshals discovered by a family dog as they were snooping about on Weaver's property August 21.
When 14-year-old Sam Weaver saw a camouflaged man shooting his dog, a confrontation occurred be­tween the marshals, the boy and Harris. The boy was shot in the back. Harris apparently shot Degan in retaliation.
The incident started an 11-day siege in which a federal sniper shot Vicki Weaver, Sam's mother, through the head while she stood at the open door of the cabin holding her 10-month-old baby. Randy Weaver, 44, and Harris were both wounded dur­ing the siege.
Weaver is a former Green Beret who chose to take his family and live self-sufficiently apart from so­ciety on a mountain top rather than face what he says were trumped-up charges involving the sale of two shotguns sawed off a quarter-inch under specification to an undercover government agent.
The federal government is seeking the death penalty against both men.
In addition, Weaver is facing addi­tional charges involving the firearms violation and failure to appear at a previous court date.


Because federal prosecutors have asked to move the trial date back, some speculate the federal govern­ment will try bring the defendants' religious beliefs and opinions on race into question.
A lawyer not involved in the case told The SPOTLIGHT that prosecu­tors will put the defendants on trial for "thought crimes."
"[Prosecutors] will make [Harris and Weaver's] religious beliefs rele­vant, then cross-examine them on their views," he added. "The jury won't like some of the things they hear. The government believes they can muddy this thing up until a jury can't find them not guilty without saying 'we believe in [the defen­dants') beliefs'."
Spence and Weaver made very clear in statements released after the prominent attorney agreed to take the case that they "see eye to eye on very few political and reli­gious issues."
Nevin said extraneous matters have nothing to do with this case. All that matters is what happened on the mountain, "and there are only three living people who were there.
"This case can be litigated without dimensions of White supremacism, White separatism, skinheads and neo-nazis," Nevin said. "I think the likelihood is zero that it will be.
"Prosecutors will try to tie these guys [Weaver and Harris) into every 'evil' organization in the last 10 years," he added. "Doesn't that amount to persecuting these people because they have particular beliefs?
Nevin warned the federal strategy could backfire on the government.
"The guts of this thing is a murder charge," he said. don't think Kevin Harris is guilty of murder. Juries don't like people to play 'hide the ball'."

Can't Get Stories Straight
Numerous contradic­tions in government ac­counts of the murders of Sam and Vicki Weaver point to a cover-up.


Accounts by law enforcement offi­cers involved in the siege and shoot-out at the Randy Weaver cabin in northern Idaho are inconsistent and at odds with those given by surviv­ing Weaver family members.*
According to a version of events in a newspaper interview with 16-year­old Sara Weaver, the fire-fight which left her 14-year-old brother Sam dead began when he and family friend Kevin Harris followed their barking dog down a hill toward cam­ouflaged federal agents on the prop­erty without a warrant, who then shot the dog. Sam returned fire and was shot in the back and elbow and killed. Harris then shot Marshal William Degan.
One of the surviving marshals, Arthur Roderick, told the Boston Globe they were retreating to avoid injuring the boy, and opened fire only after the men blundered into Randy Weaver, who was "screaming like a fool," with no mention of shoot­ing the dog or the boy.
But Roderick told a grand jury he had shot the dog and then sought cover in the woods.
The other marshal, Larry Cooper, had a third version. He said they met Sam and Harris in the woods, and Harris opened fire on them.
There are also three government versions of the killing of Vicki Weaver, shot through the head by a sniper at the cabin door as she held her infant daughter. Federal agents said variously that Mrs. Weaver was shot as she was firing at a helicopter, that she was hit by accident when a sniper shot Harris and the bullet passed through him, and that she had been part of a now-disproved "midnight gunfight" that supposedly occurred days before she was actual­ly shot.

* This article is drawn from material appearing in the American Information Newsletter, 2408 Main St., Boise, Idaho 83702.

PJ 60


WED., DEC. 16, 1992 9:33 A. M. YEAR 6, DAY 122

"Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord".

Yes indeed, these familiar words ring out each year at the cele­bration of the Christmas Season. You should have had your warnings, Christians, when, to shorten the troublesome job of writing cards, etc., back in the 1940s, there started the abbrevi­ation recognized as "X-mas". Am I going to blast the "nativity"? No--I just want to note (and perhaps we can reprint this for you later this day or week) comes a front page article from U.S. News and World Report under SCIENCE & SOCI­ETY: THE FIRST NOEL. "Yet as familiar and enchanting as it is, the Christmas story--like much of the Bible itself--has come under intense scrutiny in recent years..... New Testament scholars have debated whether the Nativity stories should be un­derstood as history, religious legend, theological proclamation or perhaps a combination of all three..... While many have come to reject the historical veracity of..... " Then, too, you must note the cover picture wherein the hours-old child is fondling a sheep and the "mother" is worshipping the child. Truth remains that the mother of any newborn child which is anticipated with love and joy--is in "awe" of the miracle at hand--but is NOT generally "worshipful" of the tiny bundle of necessary attention and care. I would guess that a first time birth--after a long ride atop a beast, in a hay-bin without more than help from a stranger--the mother would be more exhausted than looking heavenly and angelic worshipping on her knees at the half-grown infant's feet! Neither will you EVER find an infant acting like a three year old when only hours of age. These are stories which sound good, art which looks good but are the projections of love and acceptance of "a miracle per­ceived"--not absolute presentation. Does this make the "idea" of a beloved and wondrous happening less valid or wonderful? No, it recognizes the intent of the magnificence of the happening itself--and yet, the MIRACLE is present at the birthing of EV­ERY babe--beast, particle cell, or human child. The MIRACLE is in the life breath itself--the "living in physical presentation" is the offering of that life to the growth of the species and in the "living" of that life experience.
The point is that the "had" press is getting you more and more conditioned to do, finally, away with all traditional Christian "religion". Remember here that you are, in America, under law of the Noahidic religious doctrines of the JEWS! Remember the "Public Law" of which we continually speak? Better check it out.

This wondrous teacher came of flesh to offer you TRUTH of the LAWS of GOD within balanced CREATION from whence ALL springs eternal. He showed the way and taught the laws which would bring you "tickets" home again unto that family of God in presence---just as have come other teachers of that same Truth--and now, come again in a last-ditch effort to draw you into rea­son, logic and realization of your glory and your infinite power and reality. If WE but touch ONE--we have done our work well--for after all, THERE IS BUT ONE! Whatever ye be or claim to be--Merry Christmas--for it is a time of remembering and KNOW that your relationship with GOD THE FATHER is as pure and simple as the babe birthed in new life. THAT FACT cannot be smothered by any doctrine--no miracle greater and NO LOVE SURPASSES THAT MOMENT OF TRUTH.


You may not recognize the signs of trouble in "River City"--but they are there, little ones. They most surely are there!

Today there is announcement that "..it appears there may, after all, have been ILLEGAL banking through that house banking system...." I guess so! Where do you think 127 Congressmen could cash and gain control of the bribe payoffs to them? You certainly can't take a $2 million draft to your local constituent's branch bank of Independent Bank of Anywhere, can you? In­deed there are things coming out which will give you clues that something is afoot.

Since the myriads of reports of the secret (but public) flights of the Aurora--by the space industry itself have come to attention, it seems quite foolish on the part of the CIA and Intelligence community and the Air Force to deny its presence. However, TODAY they have done just that: "There is no such craft; we nor anyone on the planet have any such craft that can fly at anywhere near the Mach 7 or 8 as touted. There is NO SUCH CRAFT; we are working on no such craft, and the SR-71 (retired) remains the fastest craft available. The Air Force un­equivocally denies existence of such a craft as does the Intelli­gence service." They said it--not me--and right on good old CNN!

A call from South Africa reported on an article just released re­garding the "U.S. Presidency":

"Fairly or unfairly, for those who fear that Clinton's decid­edly 'new democrat' pitch was just an election ploy--his wife is exhibit A.

"While chairing the Paris State Legal Services Corp under Carter, she oversaw suits to obtain federally funded sex change operations for the poor and restore three quarters of Maine to an Indian tribe. Under her tutelage in the late '80s, the pro­gressive New World Foundation gave grants to organizations like Randall Robinson's TransAfrica and a front for El Sal­vador's Marxist FMKN Rebel Group."

Note that Mrs. Clinton is getting many females and token Blacks into the higher places of status--but not Mr. Clinton's TOP AD­VISORY CATEGORIES WHICH MAKE THE RULES! She has very definitely reserved THAT placement for self.

I am not going to discuss details about this ongoing situation. I cannot jeopardize my people or the project by loose speaking. Suffice it to say that things ARE happening and if you pay at­tention you will see what many of them ARE!

You can see that a lot of things planned by the Elite criminals were unable to take place as originally planned--one being the shut-down of banks and exchange of currency. Further, to ac­complish the "plans" as outlined will require gross physical ac­tion by troop force and would require "UN" troops at that be­cause your major military leaders are not now in favor of doing what the already indicted President (Bush) demands. But, chelas, this all DOES NOT mean they won't TRY something horrendous. However, the fact that the stock market is only "holding" and not pushing to either 3500 OR dropped out--means a lot more than normal working order.
Note that there was an attempt to start new riots in Los Angeles this past week--but it didn't work! These are such important clues that I cannot urge you strongly enough to pay utmost at­tention and do not lull yourselves back into sleep. If, also, you happen to be monitoring this paper and phone line to get your own guidelines (as in adversary) I suggest you hurriedly get your act and your business in order "lawfully" or YOU ARE GOING TO FALL! YOU WHO HAVE TAKEN THE BRIBES AND UNLAWFULLY HARMED, DAMAGED AND/OR GLEANED THROUGH UNLAWFUL MEANS--WILL BE BROUGHT TO TASK ABOUT IT FOR ALL PERPETRA­TORS ARE NOTED AND HAVE BEEN UNDER CLOSE SURVEILLANCE--IN ADDITION, THE ELITE WILL THRUST THE "BLAME" OFF ON AS MANY OF YOU AS POSSIBLE.


You-the-people are being given, through Divine integration, a chance to turn your nation back into a place of freedom and again be the "lamp" unto the world. If you do not seize the mo­ment and the opportunity--it will indeed be long before again comes possibility of freedom on your globe. Will you do it? My prayer is that you will see and act.

There will be more information on the week-end and as prior to this the output from here will basically only be in the form of tapes as regularly offered via THE WORD. We will eventually make the LIBERATOR THE voice of freedom, instructions, up­dates and thus and so. At present, things will go in silence for the major part so that no plans are divulged which allow escape for the vipers.

The intent is to also make the Constitutional Law Center the fo­cus for legal instructions and actions as the recovery takes place. Our legal "Dean" is today in Washington and will meet with "legal heads" to make contacts in order to rapidly set up a massive network of legal helpers. You must understand that as the Constitution is brought into action and the Bar Association is demolished--"lawyers" are going to learn to practice "service" unto the people and there will most certainly be plenty of work for all good, clean attorneys--but, they will have to learn Com­mon Law and Constitutional Law to participate. There are more willing beings than might be expected for as the courts fall as now projected in almost total corruption and Judges are required to give up all affiliation with the Bar Associations under the "missing" 13th Amendment--you will see a massive sweep of criminals into their "just" rewards!

Does this "Cosmos" stuff have anything to do with the exodus of major industries and corrupt businesses moving outside the U.S.? My goodness, YES! The bastard players who came from afar must now seek safety afar. This bodes badly for other na­tions EXCEPT THAT, as the culprits are brought to the bench of justice--it will grab up a lot of insipid beings who simply "ran off". Nation by nation the "fix" must be made and it truly will remain to be seen as to how many will actually WANT the change. UNDERSTAND THAT GOD IS RECLAIMING THAT WHICH IS HIS--AND IT WILL BEGIN RIGHT IN THE GOOD OLD U.S.A. AS EXPECTED.

Nothing is OFF as to Earth changes. Too much damage has been done to avert all natural activities and changes. You must also know that it is the time of great changes which are already into motion and "will not be stopped". These things you must understand--and prepare for contingencies. You can make it just fine IF you attend that which is "right" and recognize duties and direction in return unto your Lighted Path. You have an op­portunity to experience the most glorious time of goodness be­ginning on your planet than ever in history of same. I petition you to consider your own directions very carefully for if your direction continues in selfish greed unto physical luxury at the expense and pain of another--I would guess you won't make it very far for as man sees his glory through the coming again into Godness--he shall no longer tolerate the evil transgressions of the adversarial liars and cheats. That is, until you all get put back to sleep again. The promise is perfect and the potential great--we shall see that which you do.

This will take work and participation along with demand for faithful action and standing forth. Blessed are all of you pre­cious brothers who have worked and waited, struggled and peti­tioned for God's help for you will have opened the door and al­lowed us within. I salute you for the pioneers pay the most hor­rendous price.

I must remind you that between Christmas and New Year's there will be NO LIBERATOR. The press which prints the pa­per will be closed. Also, during this coming week both Jack and Diane as well as Kathy and Dave--will be away. They are spending their "holiday" time at work. Both are going to meet with ones about Doomed construction and with our beloved brother who is perfecting (with me) the product of which we have been lately speaking which will integrate the healing prop­erties which can perfect cell restructuring according to their spe­cific blueprints. Our hope is that we will be able to begin to make this available to you soon after the new year. We know already that we can make it available to you at a much lower expense than is currently being costed to you even through our own facilities for the Life Crystals--and, it will have more abun­dant life form.

I would hope, also, that we can begin to give inexpensive capa­bility of giving you access to the membranes which can be uti­lized by you in culturing your own healing "tea" gifted by our own Pleiades brothers to the ones of high Tibet thousands of years past. This, with the return of the "chondriana" in its full re-creation for you--will give possibility of healing of your planet's people and, as well, added to animal food can give ex­cellent health, naturally, to your domestic food-producing ani­mals. You will be able to phase out a lot of meat products without losing the "taste" as we will be able to phase in duplicate-flavored vegetable substances and yet still retain the milk, eggs and abundance of your dairy products.

At any rate, I just want you to know that our blessed children here are taking their time (and families) to attend these confer­ences to move on with this availability as quickly as possible. There will be a phase-out--phase-in period so that I don't think you are going to be wasting anything product-wise. All must be done correctly, however, to meet the needs and requirements. After the first of the year it would be hoped that FDA and IRS and other absurd practitioners of evil upon the citizen will be diminished. Until such time, however, all must meet regula­tions.

What this really means is that the tapes from this week-end's conference with the "Cosmos" group will not be available until about the 28th of December. Diane and Jack will be back on the 24th and will immediately duplicate the tapes but the postal service will be closed. This means that mailing will be immedi­ate but allow a couple of days for delivery, please.

I know that they speak in behalf of everyone here at this location and Dharma wishes to especially thank you people for your sup­port and wonderful gifts of cards, letters and love which have poured in upon them. It has seemed a long and lonely (at times) working vigil--but the rewards are so great that there is loss of ability to express adequately and I seem to allow her no time for individual writings. Please all of you know and understand that these people here feel no different in service than do you--right down to hoping to "find my purpose and job!" Each, including you who accept the Word, are each as valued and valuable as any who put it to print--the service is ONLY DIFFERENT! Each task may be "more important" at a given "time" or point of production--but still it cannot be "greater" for each must be done and experienced in order that the "whole" can come to pass--THIS IS HOW ONENESS COMES TO BE!

Blessings are truly abundant upon you all who see this way and set aside dogmas in order to observe, if nothing more, the possi­bilities unfolding. God understands your inability to have KNOWN but do not press your "luck", chelas, as HE frowns greatly upon REFUSAL to look and hear and THEN make deci­sions in knowledge. Confirmations of our Truth as Heavenly Hosts with God are increasingly being shown unto you and our greatest prayer is to be able to welcome YOU ALL aboard! The Light of God shines round-about you in this unfolding of Truth upon your place--even as the adversary seems to have taken your very life-expression. Remember--GOD WINS!


Hatonn to clear.