PJ 58


FRI., OCTOBER 30, 1992 1:02 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 74


Sometimes we must act instantly lest the moment pass which would have saved the day. I have a situation facing me right now which can save LIVES if we act promptly. I can only pray, too, that other journals, newspapers, Patriot journals, etc., heed the request and ACT in PRINT.

I have herein a "Declaration of Eric Aaron Lighter". This is the person who did, in fact, formulate and see to the development of the "Citizen's Arrest" documents in the Randy Weaver case.

Precious ones, even to the Campbell raid, it is all connected with the massive network of criminal actions by your Govern­ment. THIS CRIMINAL CANCER is so massive and deep that even though we have offered you much in bits and pieces or in detail we have not so much as touched the surface.

You are going to, by the time you are into less than a full page of this, undoubtedly question why and how could I so endanger Dharma and E.J. and others of our workers? To them, there is nothing more important than the service unto GOD at this pas­sage and in this mission. This means doing that which is neces­sary to restore HIS people and HIS chosen nation and planet.

It now can become most obvious why there has been continuous effort to break THESE ONES. Every criminal court action possible has been used against them to get their last remaining shred of "anything"--their home. They have nothing else to take. They both counter that whatever needs be done to rectify these atrocious crimes against our nation is worth the price. I believe you can see that I further protect them physically--though not always in comfort.

I, further, will be asked, why wait with this until too late to print it in the LIBERATOR prior to election. Because it will not be allowed to be shushed this way. Whoever comes out ahead on Tuesday will have to eventually FACE THESE CHARGES IN TRUTH--AS WILL THE CORRUPTED JUDICIAL SYS­TEM HAVING WORKED HAND IN HAND WITH THE CRIMINALS OF THE GOVERNMENT. DANGEROUS? INDEED, CHELAS--BUT IF NOT YOU--WHO?

The following will explain itself.

The information came by fax, very lengthy, directly to E.J. from Lighter. It also was sent to Bo Gritz on October 26. You will see from the MEMO to Gritz that we are not going to make you suffer through all but I ask that you pay most careful atten­tion to what we do bring. You will hear much, much more on­going unfolding of this and I feel it important enough to devote ever how many pages it requires to make this edition of the LIBERATOR.
The following will represent several documents but I believe to save time and spacing we will retype them in sequence. I ask you to retype them, Dharma, regardless of the added load, chela, because I want your data system to have it both mentally and on disc. Thank you.

On with the Declarations please. I am not going to explain each session as "quote", etc. Just be aware that all the following, until otherwise stated is relative directly to Lighter's material.

To: Lt. Col. (ret.) James "Bo" Gritz
From: Hawaii campaign Headquarters: U.S. Presidential Candidate
"Bo" Gritz
Date: October 26, 1992
We request that you, Claudia and the national campaign com­mittee take seriously the Declaration of Eric Aaron Lighter, dated October 23, 1992 (fax of same hand delivered without ex­hibits on Saturday, October 24, 1992 by Lucricia Thayne of Elkridge, Utah; and this day with exhibits by Greg Sali of Boise, Idaho), filed in the criminal case(s) of Randall Weaver, Kevin Harris, et al. (hereinafter referred to as "Weaver case"), which has attached to it by reference the September 25, 1992 three page letter from Mr. Lighter, with attached package of evidence of over four inches thick (hereinafter together referred to as "Declaration"), including for the following reasons:

1. The original of your affidavit is in the Declaration, which af­fidavit was signed with the intention to be filed in the Weaver case.
2. Since the Declaration is filed in the Weaver case, you have filed in the Weaver case.
3. Based on the allegations and evidence provided in the Decla­ration, the Declaration is filed in one of the most impor­tant criminal cases in America.
4. The allegations and evidence provided in the Declaration have provided what appears to be a significant, positive change in the Weaver case
5. There appears to be many rumors and innuendos regarding Mr. Lighter
and others named in the Declaration, which should be of no importance except that same may be clouding the significance and weight of the Declaration. What is important, is that the Declaration has, in essence, credibly explained the reason so many militarized police were on Ruby Ridge at the end of August, 1992, by re­moving much of the cover off the conspiracy in the Weaver case, and related cases.

[H: Signatures--On file but herein unlisted]

[H: I request that footnotes be noted as (1) but follow imme­diately in the document instead of as bottom of page foot­notes in order to help continuity and ease of publishing in this format.]

I, Rodney F. Stich, declare:
That I have evidence relating to the following criminal activities implicating federal officials:


(1): This list was prepared by Rodney Stich (510) 820-7250; P.O. Box 5, Alamo, CA 94507.

Killings, mysterious deaths, persecution by Justice Depart­ment officials and federal judges, were the fate of many who could report criminal activities committed by federal officials, including the (a) Inslaw scandal, exposing the criminal activities by high Justice Department officials(2); (b) Chapter 11 judicial corruption, that may be the nation's most vicious criminal en­terprise; (c) pattern of air safety and criminal violations related to a series of fatal airline crashes; (d) October Surprise trea­sonous and felonious acts; (e) and obstruction of justice and per­secution of informants/whistle blowers by Justice Department attorneys/officials and federal judges; (e) drug smuggling by covert CIA activities; (f) looting of covert CIA savings and loans by CIA operatives; (f) obstruction of justice, felony cover-up, by every known check and balance in the three branches of government and in industry.

(2) The 114-page report by the House Committee on the Judiciary, called the Inslaw Affair, identified as House Report 102‑857, dated September 10, 1992, charged Justice Department officials with criminal misconduct, reflecting the corrupt mindset of those in control of the U.S. Department of Justice.

Captain Gunther Russbacher, U.S. Navy, Office of Naval Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency. Sentenced to prison in 1989 to silence him. Captain Russbacher had key information of the crimes related to the October Surprise, looting of covert CIA savings and loan institutions, drug smuggling by CIA fac­tions, and other unlawful activities. He flew a CIA Learjet into Crows Landing Naval Air Station, and then flew it to Seattle to pick up family members, which was considered unauthorized use of government fuel. He was the command pilot who flew to Paris in October 1980 key members of the conspiracy under­mining the United States, to block the release of the 52 Ameri­can hostages. (George Bush, William Casey, Donald Gregg, Robert Gates, and others.) He flew private citizen George Bush back from Paris in an SR-71. The implications in the treasonous acts in the October Surprise include widespread conspiracy, defrauding the United States, and the ability to commit these trea­sonous acts without any of the many checks and balances re­porting the crimes. In late 1991 Justice Department officials charged Russbacher with parole violations by charging that he impersonated a naval officer at Castle Air Force Base on July 30, 1990. Russbacher was at Castle for a debriefing following a secret SR-71 flight to Moscow that departed from Crows Landing Naval Air Station. Russbacher was also to receive from his Admiral boss in the Office of Naval Intelligence a promotion to rear Admiral from Captain.

Michael Riconosciuto. Former CIA operative, key party in arranging the wire transfer of the $40 million dollars to Iran in October 1980, as an initial payment for the October Surprise agreement. He is a computer and weapons expert. He has in­formation that could expose the parties implicated in the October Surprise agreement, as he handled the $40 million dollar trans­action through a series of banks starting in Mexico and ending up in a Luxembourg bank. He has information exposing Justice Department officials in the Inslaw scandal (through their desire to steal the technology for use by foreign governments at the re­quest of Earl Brian, a CIA operative). Riconosciuto worked on the Inslaw computer program that was literally stolen from IN-SLAW, while at the Cabazon Tribe/Indian reservation, near In­dio, California, which is connected to various scandals(3). He is being persecuted by Justice Department officials, apparently to silence him and discredit him.

(3): Friends of Attorney General Ed Meese sought to buy out INSLAW so that Justice Department officials who had links to another computer company could sell the program to various government agencies and to foreign governments. When Inslaw refused, Peter Videnieks, who had direct links to Ed Meese and Dr. Earl Brian, members of Reagan's California cabinet, threat­ened Inslaw's owner, Bill Hamilton, that they had ways to get the software. Meese had ordered a change in the former computers used by the Justice Department and a multi-million dollar contract was to go to Meese's friend, Dr. Brian.
Israeli agent, Ari Ben-Menashe, and a Michael Riconosciuto, had testified to
Dr. Brian's role in the scheme. Meese's wife held substantial stock in Dr. Brian's company. Also, it has been alleged that Dr. Brian was being rewarded for the part that he played in setting up the October Surprise meetings.
Riconosciuto was threatened if he testified before Congress­man Jack Brooks' committee, who had been "investigating" the Inslaw matter for several years, that Justice Department officials caused him to be placed in prison. When congressional investi­gators and the media continued to interview Riconosciuto, Jus­tice Department officials had him shipped around the country from prison to prison, to block his reporting of the federal crimes committed by federal officials.

Richard Brenneke. Feloniously charged with perjury when he testified in a Denver district court trial that he saw several of the October Surprise participants in Paris during the secret Oc­tober 1980 contract signing. Contract agent for the CIA for two decades. He was the co-pilot on the flight to Paris from the United States in October 1980, that secretly carried George Bush, William Casey, Donald Gregg, Robert Gates, and others, for the signing of the treasonous agreement with Iranian factions. Assassination attempt made by gunfire in Portland, Ore­gon. Justice Department attorneys attempted to silence and dis­credit him by charging him in 1988 with perjury for testifying in a Denver District Court trial that he saw Casey and other par­ticipants in the October Surprise in Paris at the time of the secret negotiations and signing.

Heinrich Rupp. Pilot on the Gulfstream that flew from New York to Paris carrying passengers for the October Surprise agreement. Part of his CIA contract agent activities included ar­ranging arms sales to Iran. Justice Department officials charged him with the crime of bank fraud (Aurora Bank, Colorado), in part of a CIA related operation, and then sentenced him to prison.

Stewart Webb. Investigator and insider to vast savings and loan corruption implicating major government and non-govern­ment parties, including covert CIA lending institutions and CIA operatives; money laundering through embezzlement from covert lending institutions to foreign bank accounts and to the participants; bribing of members of Congress with embezzled funds; involvement of the son of President Bush, and Bush, in CIA front lending institutions; cover-up by Justice Department officials. Persecution of Stu Webb by Justice Department of­ficials seeking to halt his reporting of the major federal criminal enterprises, while simultaneously protecting the key players in the HUD and savings and loan scandals.

Imprisonment of over 300 CIA operatives who had evi­dence of criminal activities committed by CIA and high fed­eral officials. These informants were involved with October Surprise, Inslaw, CIA looting of lending institutions, Chapter 11 corruption, CIA drug smuggling in the United States, and Jus­tice Department obstruction of justice. These CIA operatives were charged with federal crimes by rogue Justice Department personnel, and sentenced to prison, for engaging in covert CIA activities that they were ordered to do. In this manner the in­formants were blocked from reporting criminal activities, and the prison sentences were used to deny them credibility. In this manner the treasonous and subversive criminal acts implicating high federal officials were protected from exposure and criminal prosecution.

Rodney F. Stich. Discovered a pattern of hard-core crimi­nal activities, initially while a federal air safety investigator of the FAA (4) including felony obstruction of justice by Justice De­partment personnel and federal judges. After Stich published exposé books and appeared on hundreds of radio and television shows, which threatened to expose United Airlines and federal officials in the three branches of government, a scheme was concocted to silence his reporting of these criminal activities, misusing the judicial system and violating blocks of state and federal statutes, rules of court, related case law, and constitu­tional protections. To make the scheme succeed and block Stich's defenses in law, unlawful and unconstitutional orders were rendered blocking Stich from court access.

(4): A. Chapter 11 judicial corruption, implicating federal judges/justices, federal trustees, cooperating law firms, Justice Department attorneys/officials. Inslaw would be one tentacle of the Chapter 11 corruption implicating Justice Department offi­cials and federal judges. Evidence is in the form of personal experience, and the history of Stich's Chapter 11 case (Oakland, 487-05974J and 05975J), investigative media articles, secret July 11, 1990 Justice Department report, Congressional findings in Inslaw and Chapter 11 matters.
B. Pattern of air safety and criminal violation causing and permitting to occur a series of specific airline crashes and deaths. Stich (and other federal inspectors) discovered these crimes while a federal inspector, authorized to make such de­terminations. Evidence in the form of Stich's testimony as a federal investigator, secret FAA and other documents and other writings.
C. October Surprise. Stich discovered the smoking gun, the Navy Captain, who was silenced by imprisonment. As a confidant of the Navy Captain, Stich was given facts during eight months of constant communications, showing the details of major national crimes. Evidence is in the form of state­ments/declarations made to Stich by the highest ranking military office yet willing to report the out-of-control federal employees (CIA and others) engaged in the October Surprise; looting of covert CIA savings and loans; drug smuggling by CIA aircraft; persecution of informants by the George Bush faction of the CIA; and other major crimes.
D. Rampant drug smuggling by covert CIA factions, with the knowledge and aiding of other government officials.
E. Savings and Loan looting by rogue CIA factions, in control of covert CIA proprietary lending institutions.
F. Pattern of persecution of informants and whistleblowers including Stich, by renegade Justice Department attorneys who conspired to silence Stich through a pattern of sham law suits filed by a covert Justice Department law firm; unlawful and un­constitutional injunctive orders barring Stich from reporting the crimes in which they were implicated, and blocking federal statutory and constitutional defense against the persecution that included record-setting violations of civil, constitutional, and criminal statutes. When Stich exercised federal responsibilities to report the crimes (via federal court filings), and exercised constitutionally guaranteed right to defend via declaratory and injunctive relief actions, Justice Department officials/attorneys and federal judges repeatedly sentenced Stich to federal prison. Simultaneously, these same judges/justices and Justice Depart­ment attorneys and officials forced Stich to seek refuge in Chapter 11 to protect Stich's financially healthy estate. Then the rampant Chapter 11 corruption was applied to Stich's assets, seizing the assets without a hearing, violating numerous federal statutory and constitutional protections. The assets were turned over to a known embezzler, trustee Charles Duck, who promptly embezzled and looted the assets. Repeatedly, the Jus­tices of the U.S. Supreme Court who held supervisory responsi­bilities over the parties committing these treasonous and felo­nious acts, aided and abetted the national crimes.

(5): 1. Repeated prison sentences and criminal contempt charges, commencing in March 1987 and continuing to this date. These prison sentences were in felony retaliation for exercising federal crime reporting statutory responsibilities and rights and for exercising the constitutional right to federal court access and declaratory and injunctive relief remedies seeking a halt to great harms inflicted through record-setting civil, constitutional and criminal violations:
Filing federal actions (a) reporting a pattern of federal crimes; (b) exercising declaratory and injunctive relief remedies to halt the terminal destruction of a lifetime of personal and property rights established in five judgments and under the laws and Constitution of the United States. The criminal contempt charges sought "support" in unlawful and unconstitutional in­junctive orders suspending for me the constitutionally and statu­torily guaranteed right to court access.
2. These contempt of court charges and repeated impris­onments were ordered by renegade federal judges and Justice Department personnel, seeking to (a) obstruct justice in the vari­ous criminal enterprises which Stich sought to report; (b) block Stich's defenses against the actions taken through a sham federal law suit and suspension of blocks of state and federal substantive and procedural protections, intended to destroy the multi-million dollar assets which funded Stich's exposure activities. Federal judicial involvement includes the nine justices of the U.S. Supreme Court.
3. Stripped Stich of his life's assets. his business, his home and converting him from a multi-millionaire to a state of poverty. This end result misused the legal system to financially destroy Stich. Through a sham law suit that immediately stripped Stich of the assets that funded his exposure activities, combined with suspension/violation of numerous state and fed­eral laws and constitutional safeguards that barred the action, the parties blocked Stich's reporting of the federal crime, and blocked constitutional and statutory defenses. To insure the success of the scheme, and to protect the parties carrying it out, state and federal judges/justices suspended all relevant substan­tive and procedural protections: (a) repeatedly, over a nine year continuous period, violated blocks of state and federal laws bar­ring the sham action: (b) repeatedly persecuted Stich with finan­cial sanctions and prison sentences when he exercised constitutionally guaranteed due process remedies specifically provided by California and federal statutory law; (c) rendered unlawful and unconstitutional injunctive orders barring me from reporting the crime and voiding federal defenses upon which I sought re­lief; (d) sentenced me to federal prison for exercising the con­stitutionally guaranteed right to federal court access and relief.
4. Forced Stich to seek refuge in Chapter 11. The sham law suit filed by the covert Justice Department law firm, the suspension of all state and federal due process, the persecution for exercising these protections, threatened to destroy Stich's financially healthy ten million dollar estate. Unaware of the ram­pant Chapter 11 judicial corruption, Stich sought refuge in Chapter 11.
5. Using infamous trustee Charles Duck, corrupt federal judges seized Stich's assets without the case on the calendar, without a noticed hearing, without cause, violating statutory and constitutional protections. Subsequently imprisoned trustee Duck then embezzled over one million dollars in assets, and commenced destroying the six million equity estate. Federal judges, up to and including the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court (having supervisory responsibilities over the officers of the court), aided and abetted the pattern of criminal activities. Stich was sentenced to federal prison by judge Edward Jellen, approved by judge Samuel Conti, for exercising federal reme­dies seeking relief from these and other criminal acts.

This persecutions(5) (see above) commenced with a sham law suit, filed by a covert Justice Department law firm, that immedi­ately seized Stich's life's assets which funded his exposure ac­tivities. State and federal judges combined their powers to block each of the numerous defenses in California and federal law and constitutional safeguards. They feloniously punished Stich for exercising constitutionally guaranteed defenses provided by spe­cific statutory law. They forced Stich to seek refuge in Chapter 11, at which time the Chapter 11 judicial corruption seized his multi -million dollar assets without the case on the court calen­dar, violating basic statutory and constitutional protections.
When Stich exercised his rights and responsibilities to report the criminal activities, and to defend himself, federal judges and Justice Department prosecutors acted in unison to:
* Rendered unlawful and unconstitutional orders barring him access to federal court. These orders blocked Stich from re­porting the federal crimes as required to be reported (and re­ceived) by federal crime-reporting statutes including Title 18 U.S.C. sub. 4; blocked Stich from defending against the retal­iatory actions taken to block his reporting of the crimes.
* Repeatedly charged Stich with criminal contempt, and sent him to federal prison, in felony retaliation for reporting the fed­eral crimes and in felony retaliation for exercising rights under the laws and Constitution of the United States to defend himself. Two active felony persecution cases are now ongoing in the Ninth Circuit, seeking to put Stich in federal prison for reporting the federal crimes and for exercising constitutional and statutory defenses against the felony persecution.
These judicial and Justice Department acts are federal crimes (Title 18 U.S.C. subsections 241) (conspiracy against citizen for exercising rights and protections under the Constitution and laws of the United States); Sub. 371 (conspiracy to commit offense or defraud the United States); Subsection 1512 and 1513 (retaliation against a witness/victim seeking to report the crimes to a federal tribunal).

In addition to these acts, in 1991 Justice Department attorneys/officials and federal judges rendered orders barring Stich from leaving the counties of Contra Costa and Alameda (with the exception of Reno), while subjecting Stich to the latest criminal contempt charge for reporting the pattern of federal crimes stated here, and for exercising declaratory and injunctive relief remedies. Concurrently, he was forced to live on $1000 per month (including his rent payments), while his ten million dollar estate, which was corruptly seized by federal judges, looted, embezzled and destroyed the assets. Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court repeatedly protected these judicial crimes occur­ring in the areas for which they have supervisory respon­sibilities, and responsibilities under federal criminal and civil right statutes.

PJ 58


SAT., OCTOBER 31, 1992 10:24 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 76



If you failed to note the management of the Presidential inter­view last evening and the inability to get off the subject of Iran-contra along with the FAILURE of the 8th largest bank to fail--IN TEXAS--then this whole thing may be too much with which to contend. In the case of the bank, what are you told? "That you won't have an FDIC problem with 16 of the 20 banks in point--BUT, will have great losses with the other four". Of course, note, the "other four" are in the major cities: Dallas, Houston, Austin (state capital) and San An­tonio. Yes, indeed, Ross is right! There are over a hundred additional banks waiting until after Tuesday to fold!
Ron Rewald. Sent to prison to take the blame after the covert CIA operation known as Bishop, Baldwin, Rewald, Dillingham and Wong (BBRDW) was exposed by a Honolulu reporter.

Brett C. Kimberlin. His 1989 parole date was cancelled and reset for 1994, causing him to be imprisoned for an addi­tional five years, and he was placed in solitary confinement, in retaliation for making known to the media that he sold marijuana to vice-presidential candidate Dan Quayle from the fall of 1971 through early 1973 while Quayle was a law student in Indiana.

Director William Sessions, FBI. On October 13, 1992, Justice Department officials stated that they were conducting an investigation of FBI Director William Sessions relating to his unauthorized use of government transportation. This announcement came several days after FBI Director Sessions had stated that he would, independent of his Justice Department bosses, conduct an investigation into the Justice Department cover-up in the BNL scandal. This follows a similar pattern of silencing or discrediting others who threatened to expose the pattern of Justice Department corruption.

[H: Keep in mind several things regarding the above: Not only did this charge against Sessions come forward but it came forward immediately upon questioning by Sessions of Gates as head of the CIA and the hiding of documents by Gates and the CIA. Then, as relates to the matters spoken of earlier regarding national debts, etc.--GATES MADE A TRIP TO RUSSIA WHICH WAS TOUTED AS "...THE FIRST VISIT OF THE HEAD OF THE CIA-EVER"! Hmmmmm. Please keep in mind as we move on in subject material that we have not even "touched" on all the targets--but these have absolute PROOF OF ACTIONS!]
Danny Casolaro. Killed on August 10, 1991, as he was ob­taining additional evidence of corruption linking Justice Depart­ment officials to Chapter 11 racketeering activities, Inslaw, Oc­tober Surprise, BCCI, and Justice Department complicity. On Saturday morning, August 10, 1991, Washington-based free­lance reporter Danny Casolaro was found dead in a motel room in nearby Martinsburg, West Virginia. Casolaro had been working on a manuscript linking Justice Department officials with the Inslaw scandal, with the vast Chapter 11 corruption, with the October Surprise Scandal, and with the BCCI scandal.

Alan D. Standorf. Killed by blows to his head, which re­portedly occurred on January 4, 1991. His body was found on January 31, 1991, in the back seat of a car parked at the Wash­ington National Airport. His death is linked to the subsequent killing of Danny Casolaro because he was a source of inside in­formation. Riconosciuto had introduced Casolaro to Standorf. It is believed that Standorf, an electronic intelligence employee for the National Security Agency, was a key source for some of the information obtained by Danny Casolaro. Casolaro had pre­viously stated to a friend, Bill Turner, that a key source of in­formation on the scandals that he was investigating had disap­peared (referring to Standorf).

Barry Kumnick . Disappeared approximately March 1991. He was working on upgrade to Inslaw's Promis software for the Justice Department. Justice Department officials had offered to purchase the software, and then, as in the Inslaw case, refused to go ahead with the acquisition, forcing Kumnick to file Chap­ter 11 bankruptcy. Kumnick then disappeared and has not been heard from since.

Cabazon Indian leader (Alfred Alvarez) and two other people. They were killed on July 1, 1981, at Rancho Mirage, near the Cabazon indian reservation in Southern California. The three people were murdered after Alvarez protested the takeover of the Indian nation and ties to Justice Department offi­cials (including Earl Brian), Wackenhut, and CIA activities.

Attorney Dennis Eisman. Shot to death in April 1991, 24 hours before he was to meet with Michael Riconosciuto (being persecuted/prosecuted by Justice Department officials) to con­sider whether to take on his case against the Justice Department. Shortly before Eisman was killed he was to meet in Philadelphia with a woman who would deliver important evidence showing Justice Department official, Peter Videneks, threatening Ri­conosciuto, if Riconosciuto testified before the Congressional committee investigating Inslaw. Danny Casolaro had been in communication with Eisman before Casolaro was murdered.

Alan Michael May. Found dead in his San Francisco home on June 19, 1991. May was involved, with Michael Riconosci­uto, in the October 1980 movement of $40 million bribe money to Iranian factions, to delay the release of the 52 American hostages, in the "October Surprise" scandal. May had requested Riconosciuto not to divulge May's ties with the Iranian hostage scandal, out of fear for his life. Within four days of the publi­cation in the Napa Sentinel of Riconosciuto's description of the October Surprise scandal, May was killed. The local coroner stated death was due to a heart attack, but a subsequent autopsy revealed that May had poly pharmaceuticals in his system.

Attorney David Mayer. Killed by gunshot on February 6, 1989 in the San Francisco Bay area. On February 7, 1989 he was to appear in the U.S. District Court at San Francisco, be­fore Judge Paul Vukasin, Jr.(6) defending defendants in drug-related charges that were believed tied in with covert CIA activ­ities. Mayer was an activist seeking to expose the Contra-drug connection involving the Reagan-Bush administration, the CIA, Justice Department officials, and others. Mayer's investigation and files disclosed links between high federal officials and asso­ciates, and a number of major federal crimes.

(6): A friend of Earl Brian, Edwin Meese III, and other parties implicated in October Surprise, Inslaw, Chapter 11 corruption, Justice Department pattern of cover-up, and all part of the Rea­gan-Bush coterie.

Paul Morasca, Found tortured to death in his San Francisco apartment in January 1982. He had links to the Cabazon Indian reservation, money laundering and business relations to the ad­ministrator for the reservation, John Nichols (with alleged CIA ties, allegedly paid to have Alvarez killed). CIA operative Michael Riconosciuto, and associate of both Nichols and Morasca, found the body and then drove 500 miles to the Cabazon Indian reservation and told Nichols of the death (who then called the police). Riconosciuto allegedly gave a card con­taining secret bank account code numbers to Mary Quick in Fresno, for safe keeping. She was then killed, and her purse taken.

Abbie Hoffman. Reportedly committed suicide at his home on April 12, 1989, just before he was to deliver his manuscript to Playboy's Chicago offices.

Former Senator John Tower. Killed in an unexplained
plane crash at New Brunswick, Georgia, on April 5, 1991, just as the Iranian hostage scandal was again surfacing. Tower had a great deal of highly sensitive data on the Iranian hostage scan­dal and the part played in it by his aide, Robert McFarlane, George Bush, and the many others. Tower, his senate aide, Robert McFarlane, relatives, and friends, were involved in the October Surprise and related scandals that were surfacing at the time of his death.

Reported assassination of three navy officers on the evening of April 30, 1991, at Fort Ord, California, linked to CIA and Justice Department factions. The reported deaths in­cluded Captain Samuel Walters; a female navy officer whose first name was Marilyn; and an Admiral whose name has not yet been identified(7). The flight was expected to be carrying the "smoking gun" (Gunther Russbacher) who could expose a pat­tern of criminal activities by high government officials, impli­cating the Justice Department, Central Intelligence Agency, high federal officials in the executive branch, and federal judges and trustees.

(7): But who is known to CIA operative Gunther Russbacher.

The criminal activities included, inter allia, (a) October Sur­prise activities, some of which have never been exposed; (b) a pattern of looting of America's savings and loans and close re­lationship between CIA factions and key parties in the savings and loan corruption; (c) drug smuggling by covert CIA opera­tives; (d) massive corruption within Chapter 11 courts, using the courts to cover up for the looting of covert CIA proprietary companies and using Chapter 11 as a major funding vehicle by stripping Chapter 11 filers of their assets. Circumstantial evi­dence of the existence of this crash comes from Russbacher and indirectly through his immediate boss, an Admiral in the Office of Naval Intelligence; and from statements made by a reliable CIA informant to St Louis Post Dispatch reporter Phil Linsalata.

Gunther Russbacher is reportedly among the top three covert CIA operatives. He held extremely responsible positions in the intelligence community, including (a) incorporating and operat­ing numerous covert CIA financial institutions, controlling hun­dreds of millions of dollars in CIA funds in secret bank accounts in the United States and overseas; (b) One of only a few CIA SR-71 pilots who flew highly sensitive missions, including flying George Bush back from Paris in an SR-71 following the secret October 19, 1980 weekend meetings in Paris as part of the Oc­tober Surprise; SR-71 pilot flying one of several SR-71s to Moscow on July 26, 1990. His deteriorating health and harsh prison conditions, and the constant felony persecution by Justice Department attorneys/officials may preclude him from ever tes­tifying.

Attorney Dexter Jacobson. Killed on August 14, 1990, just prior to presenting evidence of rampant Chapter 11 judicial cor­ruption to the FBI. Jacobson and Stich exchanged information on the Chapter 11 judicial corruption several months before Ja­cobson's death, but did not get into the part where Justice De­partment attorneys/ officials were at the core of the corruption. His death relieved the pressure on corrupt Chapter 11 judges, federal trustees, covert CIA and covert Justice Department law firms, and ties to the various scandals observed by Russbacher and reported to Stich.

Attorney Gary Ray Pinnell. Killed on February 11, 1991 in San Antonio, Texas, just prior to presenting evidence of Chapter 11 judicial corruption to the FBI.

William Casey. Director of the CIA, who was a key par­ticipant in the secret October 18, 19 and 20, 1980 agreement in Paris (October Surprise). On the morning that he was to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee on the secret agreement, he experienced seizures in the CIA offices. After subsequent brain surgery he died on May 6, 1987. Friends stated that Casey had stated he would truthfully testify about the October Surprise scheme.

Michael Hand. Found shot to death after the cover was blown on the covert CIA proprietary, Nugan Hand Bank.

[H: AGAIN, PLEASE! These are just a smattering and come from a resource, no more and no less. Yes indeed, this is confirmation that those tales I have been sharing with you are true, positively, and only touch the surface. All are re­lated to the massive network of corruption and crimes. I don't know how to get you to get the back JOURNALS in which we have detailed these things (all of these ones, so far) and more, more, more. But--until you realize the extent and proof of these incidents, there is not a prayer of reclamation of your nation, justice and Constitution. With the money system, judicial system and media in total control of your (the people) adversary you have not a prayer in you-know-­where of surviving. Many ones have literally put their name and necks on the line for you-the-people and I won't call further attention to them here but I give unending apprecia­tion and "protection" unto them. How are these "spoilers" still alive to tell? Because we have scattered documentation to the four corners of your earth and IF they should turn up in attempt to kill or dead, THERE ISN'T ANY WAY YOU WILL NOT HEAR ABOUT IT! THIS IS ALSO WHY WE HAVE TO CONTINUALLY KEEP DHARMA AND E.J. (THE EKKERS) BEFORE YOU-THE-PEOPLE AND EVI­DENCE IN MANY, MANY PLACES TO BE BROUGHT FORTH INSTANTLY IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO THEM. THESE PEOPLE (ALL OF THEM) HAVE RISKED EVERYTHING--ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS "VOTE" AND THEN DEMAND CLEAN-UP--IF--YOU DON'T WAIT TOO LONG!]


Anson Ng. Shot to death a month before Casolaro's murder. Ng was in Guatemala, working for Financial Times, to inter­view Jimmy Hughes, who had important information on mis­conduct relating to the murders on the Cabazon Indian reserva­tion, Inslaw, and Iran Contra. Jimmy Hughes had fled to Cen­tral America to escape the fate other possible informants and in­formers experienced.

Jonathan Moyle. Journalist killed in Santiago, Chile, in April 1990. He was investigating a sale of military equipment by arms merchants in Chile to Iraq. Of possible interest, CIA sources report that electronic components for Iraq's "super-gun" were shipped through Santiago to Iraq, and involved CIA offi­cials, including Robert Gates.
Arnold Raphel. Killed in a plane crash in which sabotage is suspected. (With Pakistani President Mohammed Zia ul-Haq, on August 17, 1988.) He was one of several top officials in the Carter Administration that sabotaged the official negotiations by the United States under President Carter, by being part of the Reagan-Bush conspiracy.

Mohammed Ali Rajai. The former Iranian official was killed in a bomb blast in his Tehran office(8).

(8): New York Times, August 31, 1981. He reportedly met with George Bush and William Casey on October 18, 1980, just prior to their fly­ing to Paris for the secret agreement signing.

Cyrus Hashemi. Killed after stating that his arms sales to Iran were part of the October 1980 deal between Iranian factions and the Reagan-Bush factions to delay the release of the Ameri­can hostages.

Shahpour Bahktiar. The last prime minister for the Shah of Iran, with knowledge of the October Surprise conspiracy, was killed on August 6, 1991 in his home outside of Paris. He had evidence proving the existence of the secret October 1980 agreement between American and Iranian factions in Paris. Shortly after he was killed, his friend, former Iranian President Bani-Sadr, reportedly recanted statements he had made identi­fying the existence of the October Surprise agreement.

Hassan Sabra. Chief editor of the Lebanese weekly Al Shi­raa, who had been exposing the involvement of Americans in the Iranian hostage and Iran-Contra scandals, was shot on September 21, 1987. This was the same day that Mehdi Hashemi was executed in Tehran.

Sadegh Ghotbzadeh. Foreign minister of Iran during the Iranian hostage crisis. According to October Surprise, a Re­publican-loyalist faction in the CIA negotiated with Ghotbzadeh to encourage the Ayatollah Khomeini to go along with the scheme to delay the release of the American hostages until Rea­gan's inauguration. In October Surprise, Secretary of State Alexander Haig's aide, Michael Ledeen, tipped off the Khome­ini regime to an alleged coup attempt involving Ghotbzadeh, which resulted in his death.

Ayatollah Mohammed Beheshti. Killed by a bomb explo­sion at the Islamic Republic Party headquarters in Iran on June 28, 1981. Beheshti reportedly sent a representative to the secret Paris meeting in October 1980.

Glenn Souham. He was a business partner of Iranian arms dealer Cyrus Hashemid and to Adnan Khashoggi.

Mehdi Hashemi. He was executed in Iran on September 21, 1987. He was head of Khomeini's office for export of militant Islamic fundamentalism.

President of Pakistan. Killed in a sabotaged plane crash in 1988, following a falling-out with CIA operatives.

John Fredrich. And his body-guard, were shot dead in Sale, Australia. (Fredrich was a close ally of Colonel Oliver North and Amiram Nir, and had considerable knowledge of the Iran-Contra scandal and the Inslaw case. Nir died in Mexico). According to Michael Riconosciuto (A CIA operative), Fredrich was the third party that he was using to try to set up an inter­view with Michael Hand of the Nugan Hand Bank (covert CIA bank) for an Australian Television station. Fredrich owned a company (National Security Council) dealing in search and res­cue equipment. Fredrich's real name may have been Haffen­berger, before moving to Australia.

Houshang Lavi. Attempted assassination. He worked with Iranian arms dealer Cyrus Hashemi (now deceased) on an Ira­nian arms sale. Shortly after trying to obtain documents show­ing a large arms sale with Iran, as part of the October Surprise agreement, an assassination attempt was made on his life.

I have considerable hard evidence of criminal activities im­plicating high federal officials, including Justice Department personnel, federal judges, federal trustees and CIA personnel that constitutes in some cases treasonous and subversive activi­ties against the United States and its people. This evidence was initially obtained while I was a federal investigator for the Fed­eral Aviation Administrator, holding federal authority to make such determinations. Thereafter, the evidence was obtained while a victim of felony persecution trying to block my report­ing of these crimes, through private investigations, and through the sworn statements given to me by deep cover personnel of the Central Intelligence Agency.

It is my firm belief that these various criminal activities are interrelated, and constitute the greatest internal threat to our form of government that has ever existed.

These criminal activities are described in the book Unfriendly Skies--Saga of Corruption, and in the forthcoming book, De­frauding America. Segments of the various criminal activities that I discovered are also described in Congressional reports, in highly researched and documented expose books, magazines and newspaper articles.

I declare the above statements to be true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Executed this fifteenth day of October, 1992, in the City of Walnut Creek, State of California.

[Legal signature affixed]
Rodney F. Stich
P.O. Box 5
Alamo, CA 94507
Phone: 510-944-1930/820-7250

* * *
So, I suggest to any of you doubters: CALL IHM! And, readers--rejoice in this thought, that since centuries past--this is the most incredibly important and wondrous time to be experiencing in life on planet Earth--in the reclaiming of freedom and justice. Will you be a part? Will you effort to stop the patriots? Are you not sick unto death of the LIES? Is it not exciting to be a PART of this unfolding story? This is beyond James Bond and Sherlock Holms, chelas--this is LIFE and ability to change things by your own actions! So be it.