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  1. #9
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 58
    CHAPTER 15


    SUN., NOVEMBER 1, 1992 9:09 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 77

    SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1992

    As the days pass through and that which comes seems pointed and gloomy--remember, it is only because as we focus on the problems which must be attended, YOU MUST ALSO FIND THE BEAUTY. Our mission does not leave us with the privi­lege of abundant space or time for that which is only spiritual and wondrous. As we get MAN AWAKENED and things moving so that you can reclaim freedom--then how glorious shall it be! First we must stop the "bleeding" that the life can continue.

    By the time you see this it will be past elections in America for the great, great majority of you. I hope you will have heeded common sense--put aside the lies and misprojections of the evil conspiracy and voted for CHANGE. For on Wednesday, if Perot is in office--THINGS MUST CHANGE. The world is on hold, except for various wars, in waiting to see what you will do. On THIS day, the prayers are heavy for this place for even Dharma must pray that change comes for the panel of judges deciding the very fate of their home--waits for Wednesday to see if Perot is seated. If either of the other two are placed into lead­ership--the vision is clear. The Judicial System is in the final closing down of freedom of ownership by any "person" and the sledge will begin to fall upon your heads--ON WEDNESDAY!

    There shall be an attempt at a Grand Jury hearing in this matter--but as we have shown you from "everywhere"--the Grand Ju­ries are but tools of the corrupt Judicial System! If you will not have voted for freedom on Tuesday, friends, we may as well start shutting down for we will be openly attacked and I shall not ask those consequences of our workers--YOU WILL HAVE MADE A CHOICE!

    I find that you ones tend to take the fact that America West is in Nevada at separate ends of that State, and we do our formulation of the paper in Tehachapi because this is wherein Dharma dwells--the assumption is one of failure to "assist" in the projec­tion of the JOURNALS. This is going to stop, please, TODAY.

    I ask that an insert, a page or two, or whatever is required, be devoted totally to America West. This is going to be the ONLY press and publisher to bear the word of Truth if the Elite main­tain control after Tuesday. Tuesday will go down in history as the Lighted Day for freedom or Black Tuesday--the day freedom died in the world. And, you will have done it either way!

    Somehow the LIBERATOR has taken on a shade of possessive­ness which is barely discernible but becomes more limited as the adversary attacks various ones of the immediate structurers. Does this mean intent is negative? NO INDEED--it means that the desire for perfection disallows all to work in joy and free­dom, love and participation. When this happens for any reason--the purpose of such a publication is jeopardized by its pressures--especially on my scribe--which, by the nature of the creature, must not be further allowed. If there be things neces­sary when I am through with the input, then bring it to my at­tention and I will effort to correct it. If there be need (because of splitting of writings), make it brief, objective for information only, and release it.

    I have ones giving health-stripping attention to the project and better we have typos than no personnel. Do you not see, staff, how the adversary works? It is subtle and deadly!

    The JOURNALS are NOT selling and if they do not at least be­gin to carry the cost (which is now some $37,000 in arrears) America West cannot longer bear the burden. NEW volumes will distribute perhaps 700-800, in all. YOU may think man is eager for "good news" of glory--but, few are in actual counting for they want to believe the lies. Moreover, the need to share the Word because of distribution needs for getting the Word "out there" "in time" has been a drain on everyone so sharing has been the point
    --and not subscriptions. We do that which must be done and the rest must take its path. This is one of the reasons I wanted no-one to make rash moves to this place for there simply have been no funds for other than that which we have done and are doing and if we must close, ones have not made foolish moves in the assumption that abundance would somehow miraculously drop from heaven. God wins the war but the "Adversary" will seem to win almost all of the battles.

    The most important thing I can tell you is that there will be pro­jects but I am going to relieve some of the pressures on Dharma and E.J.--if Bush or Clinton are elected on Tuesday--they have paid enough so that we shall have to back off and devote atten­tion simply to projects so that we can continue to stay alive physically in order to collect our remnant. I am writing this to­day, prior to the election, so that it does not appear that it is "afterthought". My people are willing to do "anything" but no longer shall I ask them to bear so much while losing everything including themselves.

    For you who so graciously remembered Dharma personally, she is without words to know how to thank you. Please KNOW that the abundance of love is recognized. Know too, that anyone making investment has nothing to do with THIS. That is separate and apart from any of the writings except wherein ones have asked to have funds used for publications. Those too, are covered--that is WHY we must now take care of those, too, for distribution will be all but impossible following reelection of Bush OR Clinton. The Elite have ways of stopping all flow--all publications are already being shifted to ONE OVERSEAS OP­ERATION COMPANY THROUGH NEW YORK AND ALL PUBLICATIONS WILL COME UNDER THE CENSORSHIP OF THOSE WELL-CHOSEN PEOPLE.

    Why will it be different if Perot wins? Because you-the-people cared enough to buck a system unbelievably controlled and hidden. It is recognized that if you are brave enough to buck this system and elect against their instructions--THEY ARE THROUGH!

    This is WHY the "fixed polls" show Perot with never more than 14 to 16 percent. How else CAN THEY EXPLAIN THE FIXED ELECTION? They can just come forth in response to your inquiries that "...well, Mr. Perot never had more than 16% of the voters on his side--what did you expect"? Then, they will PROVE it to you with all these daily multi-showings of polls and false numbers and other total fabrications. Will you accept it? We shall see!

    The Ekkers are faced with having to KNOW that the price of "all they have" and a place to live, along with their very physi­cal survival rests upon stopping their work. The courts have made it very, very clear that they will deprive them of all justice on any pretense or another. It is an evil conspiracy but there is nothing they as individuals can do against it. I will not ask them to do more.

    I believe it becomes obvious WHY there would be no informa­tion that even remotely looks like a third party has a prayer of winning--so that you will vote for one of the two "FIXED" and "GROOMED FOR THE ELITE ORDER" henchmen. This Congress of yours is fully dependent on their very survival by the loss of you-the-people. There are trillions and trillions of dollars at stake for these criminals. They have tried to keep plans secret--we have spilled them along with other patriots but how long do you think a Perot or a Gritz can last if this final curtain falls again into the hands of the Elite One Worlders?

    This is WHY I have pushed to get information regarding patriots and whistleblowers, not the least of which are my own brothers, out there into the public--so that it is public and it is not as easy to murder in full view of all you-the-people, even if they CAN do so. However, you will note the remarkable ways in which they produce their heinous crimes and how you people relish it and feed on the blood of it. You have been programmed and conditioned to not even SEE what goes on--much less react to it. If you are homeless and hungry or drunk and sick--you cannot care about children in Somalia or a few Satanic parties being thrown for your babies.

    It was interesting to note that a catalog arrived to Dharma--for cookbooks. Hundreds upon hundreds of ways to prepare abun­dant foods--except there were certainly no recipes for Somalian cuisine or Sarajevo puddings. There was a noticeable absence of Zulu mousse or Soup Kitchen pheasant. Where are you peo­ple of the world?

    I believe you can say with clarity--life as you have known it--ends or begins on Wednesday, November 4th, 1992 in your time of counting.

    And now a bit of inspiration from our beloved Ken Coons:

    Why must we mortals suffer from our trials day by day
    And still not learn the lessons from our pain?
    We oft repeat the empty words,
    "There has to be a better way",
    While standing naked in the winter rain.

    We wish to cling to others for security and strength,
    And doing so we tie that binding cord
    That takes away our self esteem,
    And then as we reduce its length
    We bare our neck and cower before the sword.

    We have to think it over, is our favorite excuse,
    Though we have pondered it for many days.
    It's easier to procrastinate
    And live in comfort with a truce,
    And who knows, someday we may change our ways.
    But that someday eludes us and we suffer more and more,
    For we sink down into a comfort zone.
    The dreams in time just fade away
    And life becomes a pointless bore,
    We find ourselves unhappy and alone.
    How simple is the answer that can solve this senseless woe.
    Then you can cut the binding cord
    That makes you slave from head to toe,
    And only then can you improve your lot.

    For thoughts can be our masters or our slaves, as we may choose,
    They only bring us what we may allow.
    Cut off the thought that pulls you down
    And causes you to doubt and lose,
    And you will have your heaven here and now.

    [This was written by Ken in 1982 at age 49, in Boulder City, Nevada. He wrote it to help a loved one--IT HELPS US ALL! Thank you.]

    A point in point: If we can win this round, we can publish the wondrous journals and poetries for they would be respected and flourish for your support as you rebuild in freedom even if it be seemingly most fundamental as you come to see that which has been stolen and taken from you. What will be offered by the "Elite One Worlders" is and will be chosen from only the Elite "chosen" presentations intended to brain-death you. With controlled presses and distribution--THESE WONDROUS GIFTS OF BROTHERS SHALL BE LOST FOREVER INTO THE DARKNESS OF THIS EVOLVING "FALL" UPON YOU. AH, THE ADVERSARY LAUGHS AS HE WITNESSED YOUR BABIES, AND YOURSELVES, DRESSED UP AND EMULATING "HIM" FOR THE WHOLE OF THE WEEK AND NOW YOU PREPARE TO "VOTE" HIM "IN" TO FULL POWER WHILE YOU PREPARE FOR HIS NEXT MAJOR HOLIDAY--CHRISTMAS! PONDER IT, STUDENTS. YOU HAVE COME "A LONG WAY, BABY"---INTO THE CLUTCHES OF HELL.

    Will GOD still listen to you? GOD WILL ALWAYS LISTEN TO YOU, INTO INFINITY--BUT YOU WILL HAVE CHO­SEN IN SPITE OF HIS DIRECTIVES FOR YOU WILL HAVE PROVEN THAT YOU WILL NOT LISTEN UNTO HIM! Is it not wondrous, however, to have the measuring rod so neatly presented? Indeed, we shall see!

    Armageddon has already begun--on Wednesday you will know which you have done
    --squelched the fire or poured gasoline upon it! What will your orthodox preachers of "voted-in" reli­gion tell you on Wednesday? You are STILL IN FOR MAJOR SURPRISES BEFORE OFFICE-TAKING IF BUSH IS ELECTED--COUNT ON IT. FEAR? INDEED--PRECIOUS ONES, THIS DAY, SUNDAY THE FIRST, I FEAR AS I WATCH YOU STRUGGLE, SWITCH AND FRAZZLED. As a school master with his students about to take the biggest and most important examination of their lives which upon rests their very lives--"I" AM IN FEAR--NOT "SCARED"
    --I "FEAR FOR YOU"! GOD please, Father, keep us all for we are about to test the very "free-will" of MAN, Your greatest creation and I, too, am helpless to change of the decisions.


    Please, brethren, KNOW it is as hard for me this day as it is for you for I have been allowed to give you NO MORE IN PROOF of myself, lest you make choices based on the WRONG conclusions. WE ARE EITHER FOR GOD IN GOODNESS INTENT AND BELIEF--OR WE ARE NOT--AND NO AMOUNT OF MAGIC WILL MAKE IT DIF­FERENT WITHIN THE SOUL BEING OF MAN.

    You who think I am but the teacher of Dharma and ones of you who are within this segment of circle--nay, nay--I also teach Gritz, Perot, Lighter, Weaver and uncounted others as personal guide and friend. It is only that through "here" do we put it to paper--the others must simply hear within and if it be hard for YOU
    --grant the incredible decisions these others who do not have even this much upon which to base decisions (for they have not realized the Truth of it) and confuse the resource. Choose well, and we can share this journey in its fullness--choose poorly and the journey is going to be very, very hard and, yes, I too, fear that I have not reached enough in my Father's work and NAME. Sometimes, the physical anticipation of such as crucifixion is but naught compared to awaiting of you, my brothers, to see if I have reached you THIS TIME.

    Who will tarry with me in THIS garden while we await? Yes, yes, Dharma,
    I KNOW, precious ones who will sit with me in this "watch".
    You are so near to seeing and receiving the KING OF KINGS--within the days in counting upon thine one hand of fingers--or bearing the darkness into thine inability to do the counting. WHO WILL KEEP WATCH WITH ME--THIS TIME!??
    Dharma, you and I have done that which we can this day at this keyboard. We meet this afternoon and we will share these things--but the limitations of time all but bears it impossible to change of the stream. I ask that you set this to phone line in last petition for this event ahead and send it unto our brothers who have struggled long and hard, i.e. Gritz, etc. The independents could release their people and urge a united front beyond which the liars could not deceive--but it must come from THEM for I can do no more. YOU MUST HAVE CHANGE WITH ABIL­ITY TO TAKE ACTIONS AND YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN A PERSON WILLING TO TAKE THE HEAT--


    PJ 58
    CHAPTER 16
    TUE., NOVEMBER 3, 1992 8:24 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 79

    For goodness sakes, chelas, let us get through the "day of the election before we handle all the "what if s" of the day after. There are many things to be considered, not the least of which is that, if our brother, Bo, has responded to ones with whom HE COULD WORK IN INTEGRATION on the problems facing you-the-people as he has reacted to me--then you are in pretty deep yogurt.

    Bo has had some pretty bad advisers as of the last couple or three months--ones from the "Phoenix Club", etc., and he just denounced me as a "reptilian chameleon" and asked me to re­turn to my "space ship" and ship out! I have now been de­nounced by that one as "ignorant", and a "Judas goat". Why? Because I see that the only chance of winning this day for you-­the-people (and that is all but impossible what with the "fixed" polling computers and the "running polls") is to vote for Perot. When you are a "CHOSEN ONE" and you capitulate with the energies of darkness--you are left stranded and immobile. It is a time of valor and cool responses in wisdom of actions, but then, allow understanding for a background of murder in the Rambo drill teams is not exactly what is expected of a leader for GOD. It is necessary--it is NOT easy. Remember--GOD DOES NOT "GIVE UP" ON YOU--YOU GIVE UP ON GOD!

    If the rest of you read as badly as does the Commander Green Beret, then you are in such deep trouble that to overcome and change this nation slips away from you. If Perot could win and get seated--you could then demand that the other candidates who were disallowed all hearings be brought in to share the views of the constituents and you could regain your balance. It is a time of totally cool heads and wise thinking in total rationality--not JUDGEMENTS AND FOOLISH LASHINGS OUT IN THE VERY TYPE OF IGNORANCE ATTRIBUTED TO ME.

    Sorry, chelas, wouldn't our old Adversaries just love it if I would, indeed, simply "ship out" and leave YOU--TO THEM? NOPE--I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE AND NEITHER AM I GOING TO STOP TELLING YOU HOW IT IS!

    I believe that even in your "Bible", which is quoted to me ad nauseam, it suggests that you have the wisdom and shrewdness of the serpent or fox and the stability and love of the peaceful dove. It also says the meek shall inherit the Earth. It also says GOD WINS; it also says God sends His HOSTS to accompany HIS COMING; it also says WAR is not of GOD--neither be "force". It also says render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and it also says that ye shall abide within the laws of the land lest ye be rendered "useless".

    I am shouted at that with God all things are possible, then belted with a barrage of limitations and judgments to the point I feel an apology may be necessary for the ones of you who have served so faithfully and flawlessly. I believe in the ending ap­praisal it shall not be "I" who shall have "changed colors as the chameleon" and so--we shall move on.

    No matter what happens in the elections of this day--there is a long and bitter time of accounting before inauguration and the evil whores will not go down silently or easily. I ask you again: "Where is Baker?" WHO IS ACTUALLY RUNNING YOUR NATION RIGHT NOW? Well, there is a lot to be done whether or not it appears right or wrong. There are ones in jeopardy of losing their lives if you do not take a stand. Must there be further death, for instance, in the Weaver family--have not the children paid enough? I can only petition Commander Gritz not to forget his power in these things in his anger at God--for if He does his work he shall be known about the nations and with a bit of "time" perchance there WILL BE an election in 1996. At this time it appears slim to zilch in possibility as you handle opportunity badly.

    I thank you, L.H., for ASSAULT AT RUBY CREEK, PHASE II--given here exactly as received this morning. At the ending of the writing notation we shall give her phone number and fax number. It is a time for unity as never before for if you only "...live by the sword so shall ye die by the sword".

    (Lonny Hall)

    Randy Weaver and Kevin Harris of Ruby Creek, Idaho now have friends all over the country. Their friends include two partners who were the key authors of the on-site Press Release composed during the siege late August this year: Honolulu businessman Eric Aaron Lighter and Lt. Col. (ret.) John Salter of Montana. Hundreds of heavily militarized law enforcement authorities surrounded Weaver's cabin for contrived gun charges. Weaver's wife and teenage son were shot to death. Also killed was one of the country's most heavily decorated marshals, who was with his top anti-terrorist team for a military style "hit" on the Weaver family. Lighter wrote the federal warrant for citi­zen's arrest of FBI Director William Sessions [H: By the way, you who think Sessions is in hot water over some indiscre­tions in expenditures and cross accusations with "Gates of CIA"--think again. Sessions is in deep yogurt for BOTCH­ING THE WEAVER-GRITZ ENCOUNTER! MARK MY WORDS! I AM WEARY OF PLAYING GAMES OF CAT AND MOUSE WITH YOUR SO
    -CALLED AND SELF-AP­POINTED LEADERS WHO TELL YOU WHAT TO THINK! Bo was to have been "taken out" as planned to bury many skeletons at once--but the big deal was not Bo being a threat on his own right but what he represented in MY SERVICE--KNOWN OR UNKNOWN TO HIM. I SUGGEST YOU ONES BEGIN TO THINK IN TERMS OF TRUTH IN REALITY AND LET US STOP THE DANC­ING. Well, he is alive--not by accident--and I believe you can see the unfolding efforts toward "otherwise"--I would hope his "tantrums" are singularly with one he NOW refers to as "Haton" and not "truly" his Source FOR THE SHEL­TERING HAND OF GOD IS LIFTED WHEN THE PER­SON DENIES GOD'S PRESENCE. One in particular, whom I shall continue to protect, went (at my request) di­rectly to George Bush and delivered my demand that the siege be stopped. The request was instantly answered with Paul Harvey's helicopter trip! Now, I don't care what any­one believes--but the "top" criminals know ME very well and it matters not what any of you call me but I suggest you start thinking about "respect" in a different light. Think what you will but common courtesy might demand that you honor those who do think differently.] and others for Bo Gritz, which was served, with witnesses. That arrest warrant caused the militia to finally let Bo Gritz up Ruby Ridge to negotiate for the safe release of Weaver, his remaining family, and Harris. With Lighter's support, Salter sued the Federal Grand Juries in Washington, D.C., which kept the Iran Contra case open past May 15, 1992 by proving that those Grand Juries were seriously tampered with. [H: Does anyone remember that I told you there was a Bush indictment unissued and being held? Some of you will remember because you questioned the seriousness of the statement. I believe you will note that it is now in the public! So much for confirmations.] Lighter is the key Iran Contra witness whose evidence was used by the Republican Na­tional Committee to save Reagan and Bush from impeachment, see May 31, 1991 Federal Register, pages 24836 to 24843. Lighter used his position to help convict Admiral John Poindex­ter after the alleged murder of his attorney by covert govern­ment action. Lighter and Salter later incited the CIA's Alan Fiers plea bargain that led to the indictment of top CIA officials. The indictment of former Secretary of Defense Cap Weinberger was also affected. The resulting indictments of CIA officials have led to a lessening in the public's fear of its own government, as well as an opening up of other investigations.
    With the aid of former Los Angeles police Captain Frank Is­bell and others, Lighter and Salter interviewed many at the Weaver vigil for their first hand accounts. This reporter was there as driver for Lt. Col. (ret.) "Bo" Gritz. Isbell was re­cently a key figure in convincing Ashland, Oregon resident, government victim Maynard Campbell, Jr., into surrendering to authorities. Campbell is recognized as a key investigator into the governmental corruption, terrorizing, and fatal attacks at Ruby Creek in the Weaver case.

    It was reliably reported that shortly after that completed press release was faxed out, some bureaucrat monitoring the phone lines pressed the button for a plan "B" that triggered two groups of government inspired agitators and provocateurs to almost cause a riot. The riot was reported to have been a cover for the assassination of Bo Gritz, Randy Weaver, Lighter, Salter, Isbell and others. [H: Just another little confirmation or two!] The women and children in the crowd were moved back away from the pending riot staging ground, and a slight confrontation tested the waters. However, Salter confronted the crowds, even ask­ing them to vote by raising their hands if they wanted to avoid a riot. No riot resulted, but five armed men followed Salter back to the Deep Creek Resort second floor headquarters with intention to kill Salter. Lighter was in the room with Salter. Lo­cal patriot and religious leader Kim Conrahad stopped the group in the cozy resort's kitchen. Lighter and Salter were able to patch through the FBI up to Bo Gritz. The crowd, already upset by more bad news, was once more appeased.

    Lighter, Salter and others, through the Independent Society for the Advancement of the American Constitution (ISAAC), sent around the country detailed arrest petitions that confirmed and expanded the Ruby Creek arrest to also be against George Bush, US Attorney General William Barr and U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rhenquist. Before Weaver surren­dered under the protective eye of Bo Gritz, Lighter filed the original Ruby Creek arrest and the press release together in the Recorder's Office at Bonner's Ferry, Idaho. That filed arrest is supported with over four inches of potent evidence. This made Lighter an in-writing provably key Assault at Ruby Creek wit­ness.

    Like the other patriots at the assault site, Lighter and Salter came to Idaho to save lives. Lighter and Salter also came to permanently prejudice the criminal case in the event anyone lived through the ordeal. Lighter and Salter caught red-handed Federal bureaucrats across the country, especially in Washing­ton, D.C. These criminals committed outrageous tax fraud and arrogantly defied prosecution. Therefore, Lighter and Salter committed the same filed tax return fraud to the unavoidable sum of $50 Billion, and then turned themselves in to Federal Grand Juries in order to force prosecution of the Commissioner of IRS and others. Then Salter sued the Federal Grand Juries in Washington, D.C. for failure to prosecute Salter and Lighter. When the coverup continued Salter even confessed to all levels of court, including the U.S. Supreme Court. As an Assault at Ruby Creek key witness, Lighter confessed to the $50 Billion in court approved tax crimes expressly in protest of the corruption and coverup of corruption by the Idaho judges in the Weaver case. Part of Lighter's plan was to prove the dishonesty of judges by forcing them to conceal a felony, which is a felony called Misprision of Felony, 18 USC subsec. 4 and 3501. Among those that refuse to indict Lighter together with the Idaho judges are others Lighter confessed to: the U.S. Supreme Court, the Western Region Director of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, FBI director William Sessions, National Director of the U.S. Bureau of Prisons, the National Director of the U.S. Marshals, U.S. Attorney General Barr, IRS Commissioner Shirley Peterson, to name a few.

    [H: I find my people, the Ekkers, so distraught at the price of the criminal hands in play of their lives and property as to be READY, MR. DIXON, TO GET ON WITH A JOINT PRESENTATION IN THEIR CASE BY LIGHTER AND SALTER! I BELIEVE PERHAPS IT SIMPLY MAY NOT BE WISE TO BE EVICTED! TWO OLD PEOPLE BEING DRAGGED OUT IN HANDCUFFS AFTER ALMOST FOUR FULL YEARS OF BEING DENIED ANY RECOURSE UNDER THE PROTECTION OF LAW SEEMS A BIT ANNOYING TO ME PERSONALLY! IT IS OBVI­OUS, RIGHT TO THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, THAT THE CORRUPTION AND COLLUSION WITH THE FAILED SAVINGS AND LOANS (IN THIS CASE SANTA BARBARA SAVINGS IN CONNECTION WITH SALOMAN BROS. AND NOW THE BRASH AND BLATANT CRIMINAL ACTIONS OF THE RESOLUTION TRUST CORPORATION) IS IN FULL SWING TO DEPRIVE PATRIOTS, CITIZENS AND ALL PROPERTY HOLDERS OR DISSENTERS AGAINST GOVERNMENT CRIME AND ALL FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND/OR RIGHT TO FAIR HEARING AND TRIAL BY JURY HAS BEEN TOTALLY AND ABSOLUTELY VIOLATED. THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW! WHEN THERE ARE OVER 400 VACANT HOUSES IN THE COMMUNITY, AND WITH THE EKKERS EVEN WILLING TO PAY FAIR RENTAL (IN THE PAST, EVEN UNFAIR RENTAL) UNTIL SETTLEMENT OF APPEAL--IT IS OBVIOUS THE SYSTEM INTENDS TO KILL THEM BY STEAMROLLER. THE EKKERS ARE WEARY, ILL AND BROKEN--AND THEY HAVE NO WHERE ELSE TO GO WHILE THE PROPERTY WOULD SIT VACANT AND FALL INTO DISREPAIR AS WELL AS HAVING TOTAL LOSS OF WILDLIFE HAVING MADE THIS THEIR HOME AND "SOUP KITCHEN" ALONG WITH AN AVIARY OF BIRDS WITH NO PLACE TO RELOCATE. IF YOU CANNOT MAKE IMPACT--THEN PERHAPS PHYSICAL FORCE OF EVICTION WITH ALL MEDIA PRESENT WITH PHOTOGRAPHERS IS THE WAY TO GO!, PERHAPS EVEN LOCAL EX-JUDGE JA­SON BRENT WOULD BE HAPPY TO BRING HIS "AUTOMATIC WEAPONS" OF WHICH HE BOASTS, EVEN AT ELECTION INTERVIEWS--AND SEE TO THE EVICTION OF THESE DEADLY AND MENACING OLD PEOPLE! It would, further, seem that undoubtedly these people have "lost their marbles" and write for and publish for an "alien Space Commander" or something and print (in the words of Mr. Horn, chief prosecutor attorney at the time he was ruled "with" as OK by a Superior Court Judge, Randall, after witnesses saw him remove documents of proof in defense of defendants (Ekkers) from the court file--in the courtroom. In addition, this judge capitulated with Mr. Horn in that Mr. Horn threatened Ekkers if one word of the matter was spoken of outside the courtroom and/or pub­lished in the LIBERATOR of which he entered copies marked regarding Khazarians and proclaiming the papers to be preposterous lies. Judge Randall then became Presiding Judge and sat and deliberately smiled while ruling against the Ekkers in every encounter in the Superior Court. I be­lieve that the loss of their "marbles" is good case foundation for you certainly have plenty of documentation of their on­going voluntary publishing of this "preposterous" informa­tion! Sorry about this long insert--insanity took over.]

    A Department of Justice internal affairs arm, Office of Profes­sional Responsibility (OPR), was recently chosen to publicly at­tack FBI director Sessions as a scapegoat for the feud between U.S. Attorney General Barr and the CIA as to who is responsi­ble for the recent scandal known as Iraqgate. OPR is the team most responsible for covering up the massive tax crimes exposed by Lighter and Salter. OPR is also responsible for making sure Bo Gritz receives no credit for arresting Sessions. Lighter and Salter brought to Ruby Creek heavy baggage for the bureaucracy. Now a new development weighs the Idaho judges down even more. Before Weaver surrendered, the mother of missing INSLAW co-developer Barry Kumnick testified under oath be­fore Salter and Lighter at the Deep Creek Resort. It was learned that Frank Kumnick, Barry's father, was a close friend of Weaver who was also holed up and expecting to be killed af­ter Weaver. It has been learned that Barry Kumnick was des­perately needed by the Bush administration. Just before the as­sault on Weaver's cabin, there was huge pressure from former U.S. Attorney General and INSLAW counsel Eliot Richardson, top Washington, D.C. insiders and power brokers, and others, to appoint an independent counsel to investigate INSLAW. IN-SLAW is the software of the New World Order stolen by the Department of Justice, designed to keep track of virtually ev­eryone and thing in the world. Barry Kumnick developed the companion software, Architecture Of Thought, designed to "think" like New World Order protestors, and anticipate their behavior. An impressive number of murders and mysterious deaths dot the landscape of the INSLAW case. If Barry testi­fied, an independent counsel would surely have been appointed. Reports demonstrate that the government wanted to kill Weaver and family, and then "Squeeze" Frank Kumnick in order to flush out his son from hiding. Lighter received original evi­dence to support his point of view. Fortunately for Lighter, all of his evidence is immediately publicly filed on microfilm as his tax return of over 250,000 pages. Top CIA investigators around the country have assisted Lighter, such as Rodney Stich, former FAA investigator and author of Unfriendly Skies. A chief IN-SLAW software designer, Michael Riconosciuto, was set up by the DEA on false drug charges. Lighter recently escaped a similar contrived DEA sting intended to also take Lighter out of circulation.

    Lighter just filed another batch of evidence with the Weaver case, this time together with Bo Gritz's 34 page affidavit. Lighter's goal is to prove that the court's presumption that the government is "righteous" is falsely based. Lighter has asked all experts in the country to send him evidence defeating this wrong presumption to ISAAC's mailing address at P.O. Box 3913, Honolulu, Hawaii 96812. At the current rate of growth, the Weaver case is becoming one of the largest and most im­portant cases in the country. ISAAC is looking for as much support as it can obtain in order to succeed in this mission.

    Lonny Hall: (208) 772-2988, fax (208) 772-2699.


  2. #10
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 58
    CHAPTER 17


    WED., NOVEMBER 4, 1992 7:50 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 80


    I am Hatonn, come as leader of the Hosts in service to Christ-God. I want to remind you of that as we move into this, and all, discussions. You are in the time of the battles for possession of all things physical on your Planet and, from that reminder, shall we look at where we are this day--"after". I remind you, that there will be NO actual confusion in the transition of govern­ment--FOR YOU DID EXACTLY THE PLANNED AND OR­CHESTRATED HANDING OF THE UNITED STATES INTO THE HANDS OF THE ELITE--ABSOLUTELY AS PLANNED AND PRONOUNCED (DOWN TO THE VERY PLAYERS) BY THE BILDERBERGERS UNDER KISSINGER TO THE FORFEITURE OF "SAY" IN THE MATTER. Is Bill Clinton a 'BAD' man? What difference does it make? He is a puppet and for a few brief months it will all appear to be "changed" and "glowing". Would I rather have had Bush? Well, probably for the long-haul, yes, because he is fizzling out and you now have two healthy young puppets to play the roles.

    Ross Perot said it all if you listened and watched. When he held up the "Perot in '96" sticker and offered to "be around", he was giving you the "inside" poop, chelas. THIS election set the stage for a full coup in 1996 if you seize the moment. It is not proper, not pleasant to face the facts and the knowledge of what will take place in your nation in the next four years. What will Gritz do? He hasn't decided other than to "take that hill" one way or another. Young warriors are not usually patient in the battle dress.

    I had told all of you to start Gritz' campaign TODAY (Wednesday) but I now ask you to wait and see if nation and citizens come first or the ones with the "bad" advice for their own perceived truth and investments. I do not and will not sup­port the "Phoenix Club" (Arizona) nor any of the ones who are working, literally, against GOD in the guise of working FOR HIM.

    I know that many of you know that you have NO breathing time here in reality. It is truly the time to place your funds safely and I still can only offer the best approach is to borrow against it for projects, etc. I am not going to explain it--if you are inter­ested
    --get with Cort or E.J. or George Green (who understands it). We are not in ANY investment BUSINESS--we offer as­sistance to ones willing and wishing to hold what assets they can as best they can, protect investments in solidly "Establishment" banks and vaults to protect against confiscation of the gold col­lateral. This may well be our last opportunity to even mention it (during this lull of bank collapses). Then, it is going to be THE time to invest in this method against gold because there are mil­lions of tons of gold waiting (right out of Russia) to be dumped on the world--actually in holding but orchestrated to contain the growth in gold, first. Remember the Elite plan: take the U.S. market to 3500 and gold to briefly over $2,000/oz. THEY have not changed their plans for the Elite must have ways to PRO­TECT THEIR OWN ASSETS. THEY WILL DO IT THROUGH GOLD, ETC., AND OFFSHORE (BUT PREFERABLY "NEVADA") CORPORATIONS. THIS IS "WHY" NEVADA HAS SUCH CORPORATION LAWS! My overall projection for your assets and placement--is "Use it or lose it." I do not know how much can be saved when the big boys finally come for it--but the chances of holding assets in the world shaping up--IS ZILCH.

    This is alive and thriving this morning--but, for a while it prob­ably WILL look better. If the Bush cartel decides not to push the issue of "Presidential Orders" to cover a massive disaster in order to assume "Emergency Control", you are probably going to have a brief respite to hopefully lull you back into your sleeping. To see what is coming--watch what the Elite do across the globe.

    The Israelis, for instance, know they have you hooked now. George Bush gave this fits up until he saw the handwriting of failure at election on the wall--then, got passed the $10 Billion for Israel--along with other Billions in war machinery! The Palestinians state it best: "It is worse, if anything could be worse". The Russians don't even give it lip service today; it was so cut and dried.

    There will be an attempt to cheat you people of Truth in the guise of prosperity and part of it will be good because Bush was completely focused on his own personal gain and that of the fa­cilitated companies around the globe from which he and his family would reap great rewards. But look for all sorts of problems before inauguration. He is indicted on criminal charges and he will go to almost any lengths to prevent prosecution. The Democrats have promised him good things if he doesn't upset the apple cart further but as a politician he knows they are apt to now abandon him to the powers ALREADY IN CONTROL OF THE GOVERNMENT RIGHT AS HE WAS STILL SUPPOSEDLY "SERVING". There are a LOT of politicians who are up for total prosecution if justice falls per­chance. It won't, now, because you have put the chosen puppet into power and, worse, Clinton and Gore will need trimming because they actually began to believe what they were saying--and forgot, that they will have nothing to say about what comes down.

    What WILL happen now is that things will briefly upsurge (so use that time well) and then tumble badly--if it even waits for inauguration. Obviously there will be at least ten major banks which will fold quickly. Then as things begin to fall apart with seemingly no way to dig out--they will "have" you. You will agree to anything to get back on your feet. You will vote-in anything they suggest and actually YOU won't even have to vote for you put the bastards right back into the Senate and House! How handy for the ONE WORLD ELITE!

    SO, will you have four years to build and stir and campaign for a Ross Perot or Gritz or anyone outside the NWO? Indeed, for you have already stopped hearing about a "New World Order"--it will be called something else to throw you off the track. They will announce to you, probably, that "that" was a bad idea and then hit you with that which will hide the massive move into to­tal absorption within the "system".

    By the way, Clinton did not win the election. The computers placed the party and the man and not more than a couple of hundred even questioned it. See, Perot came in at "even higher than expected" they told you and you smiled and said, well, we at least got a "change". So be it. Mr. Perot knows that he won so by 1996 he is going to BE INFORMED! BUSH had already "bought the 'fall' "--let me remind you that a little "laryngitis" is a very tiny price to pay to make it really look good and honor­able and whip you people into "doing anything they suggest"! That only helped without measure, the sham "win". Well, if you give up that CONSTITUTION as is, it will be OVER! It very well may already be "over" for while Clinton and Gore rest and celebrate--the vipers are setting up the new outline of working control. IF you can hang onto national patriotism (and you can see that it is NOT dead) you may live long enough to try again--but you will then be within four years of total takeover so it will NOT be easy! Further, you will be working from literal prison cells with most of your patriot voices silenced!

    Well, I have been told to "space out" by some of your would-be leaders while Satan grins and whines. So, I guess we continue to lay forth the TRUTH and let you see more of your enemy be­cause obviously we have not caused enough to take note--and your would-be leaders have copped out on you for the moment. The only one who truly began to SEE and understand the terri­ble battle was that man from Texas. He did not see until he be­came the focus of the wrath of evil. You see, you only changed out the "PIPER" and refreshed him--you did not CHANGE THE TUNE!

    So, enough for right now, let's simply move on for "today" al­most nothing is changed
    --the players at the "Elite" level are spending their moments in strategy for take-over or retaining control.

    Over the next short while I shall be giving you a look at the "other side"--the view from the Russian side of the facade--much of it presented DIRECTLY FROM ONE YOU THOUGHT DEAD AND CONTINUES TO MAKE IT ONTO "UNSOLVED MYSTERIES". Right from Tsarevich Aleksei Nicholaevich Romanoff of the house and direct heir of the up­staged and presumed murdered Czar of Russia by the Bolsheviks--who now, by the way of reminding you--RUN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AS WELL AS THE WORLD THE VERY SURVIVAL OF CHRISTIAN CIVI­LIZATION AS YOU PERCEIVE IT DEPENDS UPON WHAT YOU DO AND RECOGNIZE. THE KHAZARIAN ZIONISTS (BOLSHEVIKS) ARE THE "ANTI-CHRIST" AND YOU ARE ALL BUT ABSORBED BY THEM--YOU CAN NOTE IT FROM THE FACT THAT EVEN IN ELECTION RESULTS THE BONDAGE "HELD"--NOT ONE MENTION AT ANY TIME OF ANY CANDIDATE SAVE EARLY ON. THE "LIBERTARIAN PARTY"--LOSING! The controlled MEDIA and "Larry King" pulled off the coup of the centuries. You will find out about it openly
    --very soon--for the winners cannot help their own ego presentations of power unto you-the-people. Even Larry gave it away totally by one of his own interviews with another examiner: "I am a total Democrat"! he said emphatically. They pushed Perot to get exactly the results obtained and Perot tried to use it instead of decline it--but he and we knew it was not going to happen in THIS ELECTION. So be it. It will be up to you people to get him informed--perhaps a sub­scription to the LIBERATOR might help.
    I know that many of you sent him material--but NOW he is ready to look at it. No, I am not, nor are my people, going to send him such a subscrip­tion or ten or a hundred until he can't NOT see it because--once again--this change MUST COME FROM YOU-THE-PEOPLE.


    What I am going to show you now is sent and I will give it DI­RECTLY as is--to you. It comes from the "Bible" of catalog weapons, ships, modern war material, etc. (JANE'S).

    THIS COMES FROM JANE'S DEFENCE WEEKLY, Oct. 10, 1992 and strangely enough it comes to me from "GENERAL DYNAMICS" on Nov. 2nd, 1992--as current as you can get!



    (TECHNOLOGY: by Nick Cook, Albuquerque, New Mexico)

    Russia is working on--and may have already fielded--mi­crowave weapons capable of paralyzing almost all modern Western defense systems. [H: By the way, much of this type of equipment has continued to FLOW INTO IRAQ! DI­RECTLY FROM RUSSIA!]
    Unleashing intense pulses of microwave energy that would destroy the solid state nerve systems that run throughout NATO radars and C'I systems, such weapons would be devastating if employed in a first strike wave of air attacks.

    The existence of Russia's highly advanced microwave weapon capability was discovered by US military scientists on a recent fact-finding mission to the All Russian Scientific Research In­stitute at Arzamas, near Nizhniy Novgorod, formerly Gorky.
    [H: Don't be foolish enough to believe this "time" drivel ei­ther because your Elite "runners" have known it from onset! It is YOU who is not in the knowing--except if you read the LIBERATOR or perhaps one or two other such journals. So, please take this article as heavy-duty CONFIRMATION of what we bring you, chelas!]

    The end of the Cold War and recent East-West initiatives to co-operate on a shield against emerging Third World ballistic missile threats is allowing US and Russian scientists to exchange highly sensitive data on weapons and capabilities relevant to space-based defence. [H: A bit more confirmation as to WHO this is for?]
    US officials who have made such trips to Russia admit that it is a double-edged relationship. Although both sides are making overtures--Russia needs the hard currency, while the USA wants advanced Russian expertise for its Strategic Defense Initiative--there is also a marked reluctance to divulge too much.

    While US research into high-power microwave weapons is also at an advanced stage--some specialists believe it also has such weapons--the strides made by Russian scientists in one par­ticular field, explosive pulsed power, surprised their US counterparts from USAF's Phillips Laboratory at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico.

    Using 'desk-sized' explosive generators--devices that could be incorporated into a weapon--Russian scientists have been able to convert the explosive energy into intense pulses of electrical power, according to US officials.

    "Their capacitor technology is not as good as ours," one Kirtland-based military official said, "but they can produce 10 times more energy and current than we can". [H: This is slanted mis-information also! You are simply working together in some areas as blackmail and/or joint ventures for taking the world.]

    USAF's Shiva Star facility at Kirtland, which has 864 capac­itors and weighs 250 tons, can discharge 10 MJ of energy in milliseconds. The facility is used for a variety of experiments including the development of potential space weapons and satel­lite survivability issues.

    By using high explosives to collapse a solid metallic disc at phenomenal speed
    --typically 20 km/sec--The Russians have shown that they can generate 'one-shot' 100 MJ power banks for unleashing levels of microwave energy unattainable up until now.

    Since the effects of microwave weapons can be negated with adequate 'hardening' measures, secrecy about their existence lies at the very heart of their use. "If people have these weapons, they're going to keep damned quiet about it", one Los Alamos National Laboratories official said. Other sources close to the program are in little doubt, however, that Russia has fielded, or is close to fielding a first generation of microwave weapons. [H: They are actually into their fourth or fifth generation of weapons and they can blow your planet (from Cosmospheres in orbit or from planetary bases) off the cos­mic map. It is you who are working with the primitive throw-offs of the Soviets. However, now that they are infil­trated into and actually control your country--the grids are hyped up to enfold you rather than have to blast you to oblivion. The New World Order will do the depopulation antics from the government level and the binding will close in on you from ground bases. "Bullets" are very definitely NOT the offense or defense of the future, or the present. So to get killed by doing stupid things with toy guns and knives is indeed remarkably outdated. I do remind my people, however, that WE have "stuff" that both penetrates and dis­solves and/or disrupts all the toys on the planet. It is not you of God who are worried (I hope)--it is the adversary (OUR ENEMY). So be it for your level of concern had best be riding on your relationship with Christ-God Creator! Just a bit of a hint to the "wise".]
    Los Alamos has been working with Phillips on microwave re­search for both offensive and defensive purposes since the mid-1980s. A new facility at Kirtland, next to the Shiva Star com­plex, will be capable of housing fighter-sized aircraft to test their resilience to microwave pulses.

    The fear is that heavy Western reliance on the microchip may make NATO's armed forces extremely vulnerable to surprise attack if microwave weapons ever fell into enemy hands. [H: Good grief, what are they saying? How much more "enemy" can the hands be??]


    * * *
    I believe, Brother Wes, that it will now be obvious what those "ships" you have seen ARE and WHY! A MASSIVE center is in the stages of enlargement and will include all the area in that geographic location. It is only a part of the "grid" but a massive one. This is not "NEW" stuff; it is only that we have told you so much that they now have to give you some bone to chew so they don't totally lose face while they perfect the system and get you totally under control as a nation and people.

    By the way, these "frequencies" can produce just about any mental response desired for instructions, actions and or physical ability to function. They also can be utilized to PROJECT crystalline viral DNA programmed biological infestation. Ah, indeed, yesterday you voted in DOOM, chelas, if you don't wake up, like today! How much CONFIRMATION do you have to have????

    Oh, by the way--a little aside. The US supposedly refused to make available to Israel, airborne electronic warfare (EW) sys­tems! Bully!??! Good old Litton Systems RWRs are being sold to a "Singapore facility" and through Singapore's Defence Min­istry it is intended to buy up Litton Systems RWRs and is requested to give access to the software source, the codes, as part of the "brotherly" deal--TO ISRAEL.

    The systems will be fitted to upgrade F-5E/F Tiger Hs. RF-5E Tigereyes and retrofitting capabilities is perfected for the A­4SU/TA-4SU Super Skyhawks to enhance self-protection against surveillance, missile and airborne emitters.

    In addition to not getting caught (the U.S. top criminals), Singa­pore will also be able to reprogram the system's threat soft­ware. The USA will retain the "original" codes as "defense" control??.... And good old Israel? Well--they HAVE THE CODES ALREADY--RIGHT FROM THE GOOD OLD USA CONGRESS WITH PERMISSION--AND THEY HAVE AGREED TO DISCLOSE THEM THROUGH SALES. Good old Israel--never GIVES anything away--always makes good hay with sales of your product, built with your money and sold to "your money". But then, you are looking for increased jobs? Well this now causes the "industry" to have to build "countermeasures" and systems against the released codes, etc. That sounds pretty good, except that "Oops," the jobs will be in Singapore!!! And--Turkey will get a pretty good deal also--not only did the Gulf War get 7 some odd billion dollars written off but it now has systems being produced for its F-16 fleet (also supplied by the US to them as a good neighbor gesture). But oops again--this will give jobs to the Turks. Well, you good old Americans won't mind--the weapons will, AFTER ALL, be USED AGAINST YOUR ARMIES AND NEIGHBORHOODS! Rest well, America, now that you are finished with that boring, dreary and seemingly unending barrage of political lies on the tubes. Just wait for Mr. Kissinger to explain what ISN'T hap­pening and the White House Gang to be cute and entertaining while explaining it to you and how much better is a guillotine than a cyanide slow death anyway!

    You don't remember my writing about this? Funny thing, all the way over to France, it was not missed, chelas--indeed, his name (see 'alias') are very common indeed if you want privacy--He became "Col. Michal Goleniewski", a "Polish Intelligence" officer of high rank and who supplied valuable information to the Western Free World on operations of Communist intelligence agents from which wondrously sensational spy cases re­sulted. DO YOU BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND WHY THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH NUMBERS TO INCLUDE ALL THE "TANGLED WEBS" SERIES? This person is/was the DIRECT heir to the Czardom of Russia. Oh, indeed, yes--it also explains that dear little story of Anastasia--little missing Anastasia! Em­press Alexandra died of a heart attack in Warsaw, Poland, in 1924. In 1952 the Czar, known as Raymund Turgnski died. His identification papers in Poland were prepared through the aid of Marshal Joseph Pilsudski. This young Aleksei went with his family to the Don Basini, central Crimea, Constantinople (Istanbul now), Vienna, and finally to Warsaw, Poland. As of 1966 both Maria and Anastasia were living. Aleksei contracted malaria from infected blood for he had hemophilia.

    Now what does all this have to do with anything? You are go­ing to see the arrangement of "sides" in this final "take the world" game. These ones represent the Christians of the Russias. This "Alexei" (Grand Duke of Poland) is/was the ONLY SON OF CZAR NICHOLAS II. NOW, TRY THIS ONE: THE CIA HAS ALWAYS KNOWN OF THE FULL IDENTITY! SO BE IT, CHELAS. AS I SAID: REST PEACEFULLY IN YOUR BLISSFUL "NEW WORLD" POLITICAL SYSTEM THIS DAY!
    Hatonn to just "drift off" here and let Dharma have a rest and consider actions of eviction. What she really wants to do is "QUIT", but I don't think that shall come to pass. Salu.

    PJ 58
    CHAPTER 18


    THU., NOVEMBER 5, 1992 12:46 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 81


    In the wonder of the gift which is another day, I can only urge you ones to stop your thrusting out in ignorance because "another" places his/her opinions and options upon YOU.

    I am set upon through my team as being all sorts of things other than which I AM--for I AM!

    Put forth are Yahshua, Yah-Yahshua, Esus, Eissa, Yehway, Yaweh--in every language, several honored names for the same entity being. Can you not see that the adversary takes your la­bels, utilizes them for self and if you are not in your shelter of LIGHT in recognition and "proving" of the energy come within--you shall be duped? Moreover, the stronger the human in his thoughts that "I cannot be fooled" is the easiest to fool! Put that attitude together with those who CLAIM to be appointed or anointed, born again and/or claiming great patriotism and they can fool these precious ones more quickly than the ignorant drifter. Further, by being one who has great mission, he is set upon in directed concerted effort to be pulled down from his task. This happens every day and to ones who think themselves invincible.

    I am beset with, "...but who is this 'Yahweh' or whatever, that ones such as Bart and Weaver call on as God"? GOD! Is that not "OK with YOU"? Why? Who told you so!?

    DJ has sent along a writing that touches some of the older names put forth and still does not even mention the one called "ATON" the ONE Light, THE SUN, THE ONE SOURCE OF LIFE AND CREATION and openly referred to before and since in the Egyptian tongue (along with others) as GOD. My, Ha­tonn's, namesake? No--MY NAME! MY STATUS! MY IDENTIFICATION! The "H" as expressed in English--is "silent". Therefore, do I then claim to be God? No--I AM! I choose expression as a Host come with MY SON again unto your place. You are never left to drift in a sea of confusion in this wondrous illusion of experience. Would your father not come for you? So be it.

    "BUT, you speak of Christian Russians and obviously attend other things as valid and we cannot tell who is enemy or friend". We have written volumes upon volumes of HOW TO REC­OGNIZE TRUTH AND BEARERS OF THAT TRUTH--IF YOU CHOOSE TO NOT TAKE IT WITHIN, THEN SO BE IT. You want instant KNOWING? Then you shall be greatly disappointed for if you still think it to be thus then you are not to the point of receiving such "KNOWING". Further, I remind you who prefer, to trust in seers and psychics--both Nostradamus AND the one you like, Edgar Cayce--BOTH told you it would be the Christian Russians who would glean back the Kingdom of God and become the benefactors of the "people of God".. And, moreover, from those reaches called Russia and "Russian" would come the Anti-Christ who would move into the lands of the "chosen" and take their heritage and take the world and all things physical. It is so--from those reaches come the blended Khazars (Chazars) and they have stolen your nations and now rule your people--even unto you who think yourselves to be free. These ones would "... come to call themselves Zionists and would bring their doctrines down upon the world as bindings under their written laws and man would not remember that he was otherwise".

    LABELS/NAMES OF AND FOR GOD: God speaking to Moses: "When I sit in judgment on the human race, I am called Elohim. When I war on evildoers, I am called Zebot. When I recall a man's sins, I am called El Shaddai. When I have mercy on the world I am called YHVH". Quoted by Rabbinic teacher, Abba bar Memel, third century tutor trying to explain the multiple namings of and for God.

    The most frequently mentioned name for God in the Bible is YHVH, appearing 6,823 times. The equivalent in English, are the four Hebrew letters, Yad Hay Vav Hay or YHVH. Which could not be pronounced by the pious and Adonai, (My Lord) was used. YHVH is the Tetragrammaton of Shem ha-Meforash as well.

    Other names are El, which finds its counter part in the As­syrian/Semitic word Ilu and Elohim, Elohim, which is a plural term in Hebrew. There is also, El Elion, (Most High God); Ha­Boreh, (The Creator); El Elohe Yisrael, (God of Israel);
    El Ha-Gibbor (God the Strong One of God the Hero); Yahveh Elohai Zebot, (Yahveh, the God of Armies; more commonly referred to in English as "Lord of Hosts"); Kedosh Yisrael (Rock of Israel); Ha-Makom (literally; "The Place", i.e., the Omnipresent).

    The rabbinic sages of the first century even referred to God as Shalom (Peace). The cabalists of medieval times added other mysterious appellations with numerological significance, the one valued as most important being En Sof (Infinite One).

    Shem Ha-Meforash is Hebrew for Tetragrammaton, which in Greek means "four letters"; i.e., YHVH--those constituting the mystic name of God and pronounced Yaveh in English.

    Source: "The Book Of Jewish Knowledge", pages 184 and 401, by Nathan Ausubel, 1964 by Crown Publishers Inc., New York.

    This book also has the beginning of modern Zionism in it as well as the notorious Balfour Document, with which Lord Roth­schild's dirty little hands were involved.

    END OF QUOTING, and thank you DJ. We have shared this with Nora so that research can be more fun and enlightening as the resources bog the mind.

    Another thing which is continually being brought into our atten­tion lately is the one constantly popping up as a sort of "coat of arms" looking to be similar to a "double eagle", each facing in opposing directions but with only one body. The "double eagle" sign as used in many coats of arms and in many instances is NOT an eagle at all. When utilized as "original" signatures (turbans) (flags)--it is a double headed "phoenix" representing the "all-directional" vision and ability to rise from destruction into LIGHT from the very ashes of its supposed destruction. There is an entire volume of unfolding information "just" regarding that symbol.

    Yes, it WAS taken by those predecessors of the more recog­nized heads of Russia. That does not mean it is simply a signifi­cant "sign" of some Imperial House of Romanoff or something foolish. It means it is a gifted symbol and sign to be attended in this day of "conclusions". You ones will also note that if you take a picture of the double-headed phoenix on the sign of the Russian leadership it is also a dead-ringer for the double headed sign on the place of "Tehachapi"--which is named and came from its aboriginal natives--you go look at the "coats of arms" or whatever you choose to call them, and see for self. It actu­ally represents the "bird tribes" or the "people from the Sky" or the "winged people", the Thunderbirds, etc. The important thing for you to remember until we can unfold this story is that it is far more entangled than you can begin to imagine and the symbol represents a sign to the "comers" as a "flag" represent­ing the Christ-descendents as adverse to the Anti-Christ adversarials. Does this mean that the Czar of Russia was a purely Christian enlightened man? Czars would hardly ever be de­scribed in that manner, chelas--but indeed human and, there­fore, representing a "race" or "identifying" characteristic.

    The original Russians as recognized as "people in group" were and are very loving, peaceful and wondrously warm and gentle people. The Khazarian (Nordic, Mongol, Rus) integration and "takeover" of the lands brought with it the violent, mercenary and warring peoples to whom the citizens would fall. So, does this mean that the Czar of Russia at the time of the Bolshevik Revolution was a Christed being? NO--it does mean that he and his were "Christians" and just as in any other nation such as the U.S.
    --most are not at all like "Christ" but DO still refer to themselves as Christians.

    So what? Does that make it TRUTH? Why think ye that we did not push harder as the days shortened into the election? I be­lieve that it was promised to you, by me, that I would effort al­ways to give you insight and clarity as to best "advantage" to regain your nation. That means exactly what it says and that is exactly that which I did.

    James now surrounds himself and gains his advice from the very ones I just uncovered in the "investment world" of advisers and self-proclaimed "born-again" Christians who will suck the very blood and hard-earned assets from you unsuspecting followers. They are the very ones I referred to as the Club of Phoenix (Phoenix, Arizona). This is headed up by a liar and a cheat called Larry Abraham and includes some very blind and duped players. "Born-again" players are most often loud-mouth pre­tenders. They do not know of that which they spout and through the mush they project great Biblical knowledge and you are sucked into the web and then blood-sucked dry. These ones have been protecting their assets and those taken from you and placed them into what they "think" will be security in distant lands and banks--they will be "stripped" for they will be either "sold-out" and need go into those lands--or, they will simply be "relieved" of those assets and never allowed to bring back into the U.S. those funds. They give you great speeches mixed with half-truths and then denouncement of that which IS Truth. So be it. They think their nasty little games will cause me grief? It does, for I see you gullible lambs being caused to flap in the wind. Go back to your teachings and your KNOWING OF "RIGHT" and measure each thing against that which God has given you--and, if they pronounce that which is ONLY within the laws and games of MAN--you had best check it out very, very carefully!

    Does this mean Bo Gritz is "off my list? Certainly not--it does mean that at this time he JUDGES on no foundation whatever and calls God a Judas Goat and that does not seem in great wis­dom to me. However, God NEVER judges--and allows--even beyond that which MAN would ever consider in allowing. Re­member, YOU know not the mission or purpose or contract of another.

    We have many patriots who need your help now--even if it only be in remembering and support in their time of need. But as the incidents come to light so, too, come the ways to "fight" the battles. I, however, must leave the workings into the hands of the Constitutional Law Center for optimum interaction. I can tell you what to do--I cannot do it. I do find that as ones get into the trenches--it certainly becomes far easier to "believe" in Hatonn. This IS the unfolding, precious ones.

    We all now know who this person is and how he came to be set upon by the same ones who set upon Randal Weaver, etc. It becomes obvious of the concerted effort to get rid of all possible witnesses to the evil of the adversaries in power in your gov­ernment and shadow government.

    Know, chelas, that Bush didn't LOSE anything. He was bought off for the price of cover-up. Clinton will be a disappointed wreck when he realizes that the very evil beings of the enemy already have total control, placed players, political slots with puppets and on and on. Remember that Rockefeller, Kissinger, etc., are the highest ranking players in the Bilderbergers, CFR and serve on up into the Club of Rome (Rothschild's) and Committee of Global Banksters. All the U.S. has done is seal its fate into the hands of the higher Elite who already had ren­dered Bush useless. BUT, there is still compromise and negotiations for prices and silence, etc. If the full truth comes out about the Banking fraud, etc., it can very nearly bring down the Mormon Church and a big, big slice of the Roman Catholic Church--it makes the Mafia look like child's games. I can guar­antee you that Bush is being well paid for taking the "fall". You have to remember something--Clinton only took 47% of the votes and that was with as much "fixing" as has ever been done in an election. Perot actually WON the election but I note that--as I suspected--none of you will do a thing ABOUT IT! Perot actually won in all save two states! Boy, aren't those neat computer voting counters wondrous? And that electoral college criminal lie you have going--isn't that just dandy? YOU DIDN'T GO VOTE FOR CLINTON TO GET THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS--YOU VOTED IN THE BIGGEST CRIMINAL POTENTIAL OF ALL. JAY ROCKEFELLER TOLD YOU THAT ON CNN CROSSFIRE LAST EVENING. In the list of biggest contributors to Clinton, not to even mention loans and input from banks in Arkansas, etc.--were the giant agriculture commodities people and three major institutions of the Rockefellers!

    When queried about setting up government and insurance, etc., and "the confusion of a new structuring", Mr. Rockerfeller said it all "...don't worry about it--it is all set up and far more has been done than any of you journalists can suspect--cabinet offi­cers and top key people are already chosen and ready to take their places and get down to doing our jobs"! I actually believe that Mr. Novak literally "turned green". I suggest all of you go back and look at the Elite structure chart--you just jumped from the frying pan right directly into the fire.

    Your hope for the next few weeks is, however, the confusion of the ones at the lower levels of the "system" don't really know what is happening or with what they can continue to get away with doing. They still have to bring the banks down, exchange the currency and move to a debit card system, bring the price of gold up (which already sprang a "sign" today) and hold the markets to keep fooling you while they finish the facade on the White House and Congress. Saddam is having his day in the sun but part of the Bush bargain is a great big whole-lot of the oil and minerals out of Arabia via and under Bahrain and other cute business transactions with his Elite business partners. Let us just pray they continue to try to get you back to sleep before they spring the shockers on you while you are still upset.

    I am not here to list the problems of one Maynard Campbell, a Patriot, a true Christian who responded when a brother was in pain and has dared to make it more and more and more public. He was set up to hopefully help bring down Gritz with him when he would fall. Life is strange, chelas, it would not be the expected ones who would stun "Bo"--but his own colleagues whom he grew to trust. It would be those ones who project as great speakers in seminars and cozy "insiders" who would dim that wondrous light waiting to be held high. He will be there and answer when the time is nigh and the need is present. He will stand beside his brothers on the line for this is the fabric of the man. How could he, any better than YOU, separate God from extraterrestrial Hosts who could see that which was the better way? He got his prayers answered--he just didn't re­member that for which he had REALLY petitioned. If he be of the metal necessary in the tempering by God, he will come to understand. If not, then that, too, is but the communion of him­self and God. We must let the body rest from the "run" and al­low the spirit to shore up its wounds. We cannot longer attend it for others in greater pain and position must have attention.

    I will write for you a bit from a book written by Maynard C. Campbell Jr. called ASSAULT AT RUBY CREEK. THE IDAHO MASSACRE! Please, readers--get a copy or more of this small book. I will give you some of it for I want you to recognize the truth of the horror of the incident in Idaho--BUT, THERE WILL BE SUCH OVERWHELMING EXPENSES AND STRUGGLES AHEAD FOR THESE BLESSED PEO­PLE THAT YOU MUST HELP THEM AND THEY WOULD RATHER YOU HELP THEM BY GAINING KNOWLEDGE THAN BY DONATIONS. EITHER OR BOTH ARE WELCOME BUT YOU MUST COME TO KNOW! (See end of chapter.) The best way that we can help is through the Constitutional Law Center so please, also, don't forget that Center for it must now run mostly on its own as the courts have finally closed in on E.J. and Dharma also and re­sources for the most expensive service in the nation are very, very critical. I can only assure you here, that this book shall touch you incredibly as you realize that this happened--it really happened, to God respecting Christians minding their own business in the United States of America--to silence those who could speak and tell of the criminal actions of your own persons put in places to protect and guard you.
    Our people are working night and day on these cases--with more cases piling up every day as the "system" closes in on you-the­-people. What is happening to those of THE REVELATOR publi­cation is just as bad in its way as any other--the IRS has taken all including the man to prison and will now railroad him through the State courts with "double jeopardy" with seemingly NO RECOURSE. We must attend those whose very lives are at risk first--but citizens, it truly is up to you as to how much these workers can accomplish for the load is all but too great. The "joke" of the day in understatement is that the "justice system is not cheap"! And yet, our own have to eat and have shelter just as do YOU.


    Maynard Campbell regarding Ruby Creek:


    So how could this happen in my country, the land of the free and the home of the brave? Like millions of other patriotic American Christians, I wept tears of anguish upon learning of the murder of Samuel and Vicki Weaver. My rage toward this corrupt government went white hot and I swore in my heart that these murders would not go unpunished. My heart was heavy with grief over the destruction of a family for no just reason, and I knew that I must carefully investigate this event to deter­mine if it was indeed the result of our government's typical foul and evil deeds. I had to find out for myself, firsthand, without relying upon the government's kept media. I traveled to north­ern Idaho, and then spent weeks interviewing friends, neighbors, enemies, and area residents. I gathered dozens of news­paper accounts, boxes of data, rolls of film, and recorded many hours of interviews, and still continue to do telephone interviews regarding this developing story, which in my opinion is not just a tragedy, but rather,....a massacre!

    My biggest concern in trying to explain this atrocity, is that I might not be capable of the solemn task before me. I have prayed for the guidance of my God's will in this matter, and can only hope that my own personal shortcomings do not detract too much from my efforts in this presentation. Only God's Word is perfect, all other books being written by men, and men make mistakes. I'm sure I might also, for which I can only beg that you give me a gentle judgment. I am not a professional author, either by training or experience. I began writing after God woke me up to the fact that we are living in a communist police state, in fact, the end time, "Beast", that the Bible refers to in the book of Revelation. I had just been released from the Ada county jail in Boise, Idaho, after defending myself and my prop­erty, which is not a crime , and I had only two courses of ac­tion open to me in life which were acceptable. One was to kill the corrupt government tyrants, the other was to tell people about it first. I do not know how to wake you up, just as I do not know how to tell this story. I can only pray that my God will wake you up, and I can only try to let this story tell itself.

    Excerpt: Sara's story.

    Sara Weaver, at the tender age of sweet sixteen, lay shiver­ing on the cold, damp floor of her family's darkened mountain­top cabin, her body wracked by sobbing, a Bible in one hand and a rifle in the other. She was convinced her death was im­minent, and was prepared to face it, but not without making her family's tormentors pay a price as well.

    "I was praying that if they were going to kill us, they'd take us all at once, because I couldn't stand to see any more of my family hurt. I couldn't watch them pick us off one at a time. I was praying that they would just firebomb us".

    Randy Weaver, his three daughters, and adopted son Kevin Harris hugged the small cabin's wooden floor, dark blue denim curtains screening out nearly all light. The sounds of their tor­mentors moving beneath their house, which stands on stilts, fil­tered through the floor. For long, nightmarish, unending days, Sara's mother's body, covered by a blanket, lay in a giant pool of blood on the cold kitchen floor, which had formed from the blood of her mother, her younger brother Samuel, her father, and Kevin. Her mother and brother were dead, her father wounded, and she was sure Kevin was slowly bleeding to death. Her 10 month old baby sister wanted to be breast-fed and was crying, "Mama, Mama", as Federal agents lit the cabin with floodlights and tried to coax the family to the door.

    "Elishaba cried all night, she was saying, "Mama, Mama, Mama". Dad was crying also, saying, "I know baby, I know baby, your mama's gone". It was like a nightmare. There was no way we were going to come out. When we were out­side before, they sniped my Dad, my Mom and Kevin. Hon­estly, for a while I thought I'd have to run out of the cabin and start shooting. I figured I was going to die, and I wanted to take a few of them with me".

    [H: THIS is a precious child speaking, readers--how many problems do YOU really have? Well, the nightmare HAS begun long ago--and now it is all but impossible to awaken. Maynard dedicates his booklet to Sara, and her entire family, both living and murdered, and to all the other members of the family of our King, Jesus the Christ, our Redeemer. Do you note he did not say "our Savior"--he said "REDEEMER"!]

    Let us share with you "Sara's Story" as presented by Jess Wal­ter, the Spokesman-Review, 9/2/92 as shared with us by May­nard Campbell.

    Cowering on the floor of her dark cabin with a rifle and a Bible, Sara Weaver was ready to die. For days, her mother's body, covered by a blanket, lay in a pool of blood in the kitchen. Her brother was also dead; her father was wounded; and she was sure her friend Kevin Harris was slowly bleeding to death. Her 10-month old baby sister wanted to be breast-fed and was crying, "Mama", as Federal agents lit the cabin with floodlights and tried to coax the family to the door.

    "I was praying that if they were going to kill us, they'd take us all at once, because I couldn't stand to see any more of my family hurt," said Sara Weaver, 16.
    "I couldn't watch them pick us off one at a time. I was praying that they would just firebomb us".

    Sara Weaver sat cross-legged and solemn in a North Idaho hotel room, her long brown hair pulled back in a pony tail. Her eyes were swollen from crying. In another room, her 10-year­old sister, Rachel, quietly ate a chocolate doughnut and 10-month old Elisheba toddled around in a diaper.

    On Monday, the three girls emerged with their father, federal fugitive Randy Weaver, from the family cabin, which juts from the rocky, wooded crest of Ruby Ridge, 40 miles south of the Canadian border. The Weavers had been inside for
    11 days, since deputy U.S. Marshal William Degan was shot and killed in the same gunfight.

    The next day, they came out of the cabin for the last time, Sara said. As her father checked the out-building where they'd placed Samuel's body, she said, a sniper shot him in the arm. Another shot her mother and Harris as he ran into the house.

    "They said it was a gunbattle" that led to Vicki Weaver's death, Sara said. "But no one in my family fired a shot. There were only their snipers trying to kill us". When FBI negotiators began trying to talk family members out of the cabin, they had no reason to trust them, Sara said. She said she knows people think her family is paranoid, but, "This isn't paranoia. Look what happened to us. There was no way we're going to just come out. When we were outside before, they sniped my dad and mom and Kevin".

    She stands by the version of events her father and Harris dictated five days after 200 federal agents began a siege of the cabin. Sara Weaver wrote their account down and it was hand delivered to family friends.

    In the letter, she wrote that as Randy and Samuel Weaver and Harris followed a barking dog down their hill, they came across federal agents in camouflage. One agent shot the dog, the letter continued, and Samuel Weaver fired at the agents. He was running toward the house, Sara said, when he was shot in the elbow and the back. Harris then shot Degan, she said.

    "The only reason Kevin fired at them was because they were firing at Sam", Sara said. "Even after Sam was dead, Kevin felt bad about the marshal dying".

    She said a bullet that grazed Deputy U.S. Marshal Arthur Roderick must have been fired by her brother. [H: But it was not. Degan was SHOT BY HIS OWN TEAM (FRIENDLY FIRE), HE WAS SET UP BECAUSE HE HAD LEARNED TOO MUCH ABOUT SOME OTHER DEALINGS--LIKE IN THE INSLAW CASE. It is all totally intertwined and he was wanted "out" and was "taken out". This man was shot at least three times. He was wearing a bullet proof covering wherein two bullets were lodged and a third killed him. The angle of attack was such that none of the Weaver group COULD HAVE KILLED HIM. Moreover, for a bit of sup­port for my statement--an autopsy was not allowed, the body cremated immediately and all evidence destroyed on the spot. Oh indeed, I have gruesome stories to share with you--like many dogs being killed dead and buried without a mark on them, completely "embalmed" with "caked" blood in a manner whereby and to the extent nothing would touch them nor would the bodies decay. This was all indicative of the same things fed to the public about mutilated animals, etc. These dogs were picked up and buried (by government agents). There were "dozens" of other animals in the vicin­ity of the Weavers which the federal-U.N. troops killed, all of whom were then buried, and later MYSTERIOUSLY dug up and removed. Again, I remind you that this is a most "interesting" "kill". " There are no marks on the animal. It never bloated or smelled. Flies won't stay on it. The very day one dog in point was found and photographed (just happens to be in the book in point) it was already dried out. Instant mummification. I'm told this is typical of a scalar weapon kill. According to non-classified sources, the scalar weapons....etc."]

    ....Her father, charged with assault for firing that shot, wasn't near the gunbattle, she said. "My father only fired warning shots," she said. "He's never fired a gun at anyone in his life".

    After the shooting subsided, Randy and Vicki Weaver and Har­ris went down the driveway and retrieved the boy's body. With the sound of military vehicles and helicopters echoing through the hills, the Weavers cleaned Samuel's body, covered it with a sheet and put it in an outbuilding. [H: By the way, the first shot at Samuel blew his arm off and the second struck him squarely in the back. With his mother, the shot that killed her was from a fragmenting bullet which tore half her head and face away. These kinds of bullets are banned as "inhumane" even for hunting. How do you know this is true and that evidence was totally hidden forever? The bodies of Sam and Vicki were immediately cremated so no information could be gotten "later" and this was the final blow of blows, for the family was completely against cremation in their beliefs. ....How safe do you feel today, Americans?]

    "None of us got any sleep that night," Sara said. "We were crying about Sam and trying to get prepared for an attack. We were waiting for them to come up the driveway and take us out".

    The next day, they went to their root cellar for food. Later, when Randy Weaver reached to unlatch the door on the out­building, a bullet sliced through his upper arm and went out his armpit. "I ran up to my dad and tried to shield him and pushed him toward the house," Sara said. "If they were going to shoot someone, I was going to make them shoot a kid". They all ran into the house, where Vicki Weaver was holding the door open. "She was yelling, 'You bastards'", Sara said, "and she was holding the baby".

    A bullet smashed through the door's window and hit Vicki Weaver in the head. As she fell, bullet fragments hit Harris in the chest and arm.

    "We pulled mom inside, locked the door and closed all the shades", Sara said. "We were terrified".

    For the next four days, Randy Weaver, his daughters, and Har­ris hugged the cabin's wood floor. Dark blue denim curtains screened out most of the light, but they could still read Scripture most of the day, Sara said. The sound of people moving be­neath the house, which stands on stilts, filtered through the floor. They prayed often and gave cayenne pepper and herbs to Harris, who was spitting blood and in tremendous pain. They showered his wounds with three bottles of peroxide to prevent infection.

    "I thought we were going to lose him the first night", Sara said. "Family members cried through the night on Aug. 22, cradling their guns on the floor, jumping every time the cabin creaked. Elisheba cried during the night. She was saying, 'Mama, mama, mama'. Dad was crying, saying, 'I know baby, I know baby, your mama's gone'. It was like a nightmare".

    Sara said that as early as Sunday, Aug. 23, they yelled to fed­eral agents outside that Vicki Weaver was dead, but the FBI ne­gotiator, who called himself Fred, kept asking to speak to her.

    "They'd come on real late at night and say, 'Come out and talk to us, Mrs. Weaver,' or 'How's the baby, Mrs. Weaver?', in a real smart-alecky voice", she said. "Or they'd say, 'Good morning, Randall. How'd you sleep? We're having pancakes. What are you having?' It was like psychological warfare. It made me so mad".

    Fearing he might be shot, Sara Weaver said she tried to stop her father from going to the kitchen, where there were windows. She crawled into the kitchen, around her mother's body and brought back canned apricots and sardines and water.

    Convinced the FBI meant to kill them and destroy any evidence, the Weavers decided on Wednesday to write their version of events. They thought of passing it to Randy Weaver's sister, Marnis Joy, but Sara said they were afraid agents would kill the woman and blame the family. "Sometime in there, we heard Bo Gritz wanted to come up", Sara said. The colorful former Green Beret and Populist Party presidential candidate was in­strumental in ending the siege and talking the Weavers from their refuge.

    Gritz swaggered into Naples Wednesday, saying he was a friend of Weaver's from their days together in Army Special Forces....

    ...The FBI used a robot to deliver a telephone to the porch, but the Weavers refused to answer it. They were afraid it would contain tear gas or would be a trick to get them outside to be shot by snipers, Sara said. "They had tapes of my grandma and grandpa telling us to answer the phone, (radio commentator) Paul Harvey was telling us to answer the phone. But there was no way we were going to take that chance", she said.

    By Friday, Gritz was talking with the family and brought down word that Vicki Weaver was dead, five days after the family told the FBI, she said. "I guess they kept it secret as long as they could", Sara said. [H: Indeed, indeed--they set out with fuel and fully intended to incinerate the house and all inside. This was only called off because a neighbor got the he­licopter and all loading of tanks on video tape and got it into secure hands.]
    From the beginning, Sara said, she counseled her father against leaving the mountain. She believed federal agents had no inten­tion of letting her father leave the cabin alive.

    "Honestly, for a while I thought I'd have to run out of the cabin and start shooting", Sara said. "I figured I was going to die, and I wanted to take a few of them with me".

    Slowly, Gritz wore them down. A family friend, Jackie Brown, brought some milk and fruit to the cabin and she and Gritz re­moved Vicki Weaver's body on Sunday, the 10th day of the siege. That day, Harris also was evacuated. He was taken to Spokane, where he is in serious condition. He is charged with Degan's murder.

    Randy Weaver asked Gritz if they could stay until Sept. 9, a day that has religious significance for the family, Sara said. Gritz told them the FBI wouldn't let the siege last that long.

    On Monday, Gritz talked the Weavers into surrender, provided the girls could return by Sept. 9. They walked from the cabin and a short way down the driveway, flanked by camouflaged agents, Sara said.

    "I tried to get them to meet my eyes, but none of them would look at me", Sara said. "I was just so mad".

    One agent asked her if the house was booby trapped, she said, and she was amazed so many troops were afraid of her family and their "spit-and-Kleenex house".

    The girls spent a few minutes with their father before he was chained and flown to Boise, where he was booked on the assault and firearms charges.

    The children have spent two days quietly with their grandparents in a motel room. But David and Jeane Jordison are planning to return to Iowa soon....

    * * *
    I urge you to get the booklet in point. But, I further urge you to be most careful in the receiving of the perceived meanings of many of the Biblical quotations for you shall remember--killing in any form is not of God and yet you will get quoted a whole bunch of "God's words" which would incite you to war. NO--IT IS NOT THE WAY NOR WILL IT WIN THE WAR! Pro­tect selves, yes, but dear ones, this enemy is mighty in his EVIL and you are small in your goodness but greater in your power--but ye must know from whence comes your power! Thine en­emy shall be vanquished by the WORD which is more mighty than is the sword. THE WORD OF GOD SHALL NOT BE QUIETED! SO BE IT.

    SO, DO YOU HAVE AN ANGRY GOD BEFORE YOU? WHAT MEAN YOU BY "ANGRY"? YOU HAVE ONE BE­FORE YOU WHO WILL STRIKE WITH THE SWORD OF JUSTICE--LET IT BE KNOWN THROUGHOUT THE LANDS! YE WHO PERSECUTE MY PEOPLE AND CAST VILENESS UPON THEM SHALL REAP THE WHIRLWIND AND SHALL BE CAST OUT INTO THE VOID OF THINE EVIL PASSAGE. "I am a patient God, sayeth the Lord, but I shall bear the scales of justice within My hands and the evil-doers shall feel the blast of My justice as from the fur­nace of infinite hell. For, as ye have done unto the least of Mine--shall ye have done it unto Me!" And that is not too wise, Lucifer--not too wise, indeed.
    Chelas, tend your brothers for the time is not yet for the com­ing. That too shall be accounted for so, have you done it unto the least of mine, thine goodness, too, have ye given unto Me and ye shall be spared in the passing and in the fields, one shall be taken and the other left to his JUSTICE SHALL SWEEP YOUR LANDS LIKE THE SICKLE THROUGH THE WHEAT-ROW AND "MY PEOPLE SHALL BE GATHERED AS THE LAMBS AND THE LANDS CLEANSED OF THEIR CORRUPTION AND AS IT IS WRITTEN SO SHALL IT COME TO PASS IN THESE DAYS OF COUNTING".

    Thank you, scribe, for man shall know WHY his judgment is hard and upon whose heads shall rest the justice of the dastardly deeds. Indeed, the justice is at hand but the time is not yet come. Stand strong, little brothers, for we are near, and that which needs be done shall be in the doing. Naught is hidden from God and none who rest in evil shall be in the sparing. He who stays the course with we of the Godhead, shall surely sit to the side of God.

    I say to you today: Ye of Me shall be with Me in Paradise. He who dwells in evil shall be put down with that which put him down. NO EVIL SHALL BE BROUGHT FORTH INTO THE PLACES OF GOD AND HOSTS--NONE!


    Hatonn/Aton to clear.

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