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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 58


    MON, OCTOBER 19, 1992 8:59 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 64

    MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1992

    Good morning in the Light of the Radiant ONE. Things are heating up to the point of being all but unable to keep up. We do, however, have enough requests to print MORE confirma­tions as people share so we shall effort to do so.

    We do not have much early on update for Maynard Campbell's status so will delay further comment until there is worthy com­ment. Many are following up so we will share as quickly as there is input. Don't sit and twiddle on that "one" point, how­ever,
    or you will miss the rest of the show-and-tell.

    A letter from M.Z. (79 yrs.) in N.Y.: Marie cries out for vin­dication of truth in the LIBERATOR because she went to the lo­cal sheriff and asked him to check out the door to door activities in Michigan and "The report comes up completely blank".

    Firstly: I give you what comes so you can get confirmation as it unfolds. You have gone to a branch of the very ones in charge of the raids--what do you think they will tell you? Secondly, you have a situation wherein there would be a major political happening in "East Lansing" (where the incidents took place) this very day--a Presidential debate wherein the "top players" would be in town. The raids took place on KNOWN gun hold­ers and dealers (without permits, etc.), and were carried out by black suited U.N. SWAT team members exactly like the ones in Idaho and in Oregon over the weekend. The point was to clear the area for it was planned to get "very ugly" today and the demonstrators and shooters had to be brought into line prior to the event.

    I cannot, nor will I effort to "PROVE" anything--we give you what is coming down as it unfolds--I will not do more for I have NOTHING to PROVE to anyone.

    In the article you are about to read from Cmdr. Soltec via his writer, Kali: THIS should be all you need, precious. Be aware that things are about to burst and it will seldom be exactly where you think it will be. Note that this day they have had a repeat "burst" of surfacing gases and toxic superheated solutions concomitant with a mightier earthquake (over 7 points [7.2+]) than the original, in Colombia at the same site! Many were killed by the substances raining down on them or caught in the toxic fumes. Just stay close to your teacher, Kali, you are doing a superb job and we are grateful for the help--one cannot do it all as things pick-up in speed of happenings. I salute you--our "team" is in top performance so let us rejoice and be glad and not forever in the concerns.

    From Jim F., Florida:

    Oct. 7, 1992
    Dear Hatonn,
    How about a little confirmation from a newspaper or two? How about there is "no such thing as an (1) electron beam gun that can cause an earthquake"? Well, if you read the article in­closed, from NASA--printed in an Elite owned newspaper, Ocala Star Banner, 4 August, 1992 you will see that "NASA prepares for electrifying shuttle experiment"! It's right there in it. And (2) "Hatonn are you crazy? They can't ignite the ionosphere"! Well, if the satellite's wire cable hadn't gotten stuck it is now evident it would have been ignited as was the full intent--but for some reason the darn thing couldn't get unstuck. And (3), thank you!

    "Oh!" you people say, "there is no such thing as a Cosmo-sphere, i.e., a space platform"? Well, you just keep reading this article, please. People, open your eyes!
    Then the Wall Street Journal, 2 Oct. 1992 presents the story of a Moscow firm that shows they can control the weather. They have Americans figured out pretty good don't they? They put this "stuff" you tell us into print and we just giggle and go on as if nothing is there.
    In this article under "Weather Extortion" (1) It could divert typhoons, so how about creating one? (2) It could even have transformed hurricane Andrew into a wimpy "squall". Then how about transforming Andrew into a 180 mph killer? If peo­ple need the whole article maybe, just maybe, they'll wake up.
    Feel free to copy my letter and the two articles and even cor­rect spelling, etc.
    May God Aton help us, please. [With pleasure, son.]
    With Love and Hope,
    * * *
    Ocala Star-Banner, Tuesday, August 4, 1992:
    NASA prepares for electrifying shuttle experiment.

    CAPE CANAVERAL--Astronauts test-fired electron beam guns aboard Atlantis on Monday for the mission's headlining act: flying a half-ton metal ball on 12 miles of electricity-gen­erating cord hooked to the space shuttle.
    The experiment--a daring space first--was set to begin Tues­day afternoon with the unreeling of the slender but sturdy tether across Earth's electrically charged ionosphere.
    NASA expects the clothesline-like cable between the Italian satellite and shuttle to produce up to 5,000 volts of electricity as the formation zooms along at nearly 5 miles per second! [H: This would do it, old friends!]
    "The difficulty in this mission is that we don't know what's going to happen when we deploy", said NASA flight director Ron Dittemore.
    The first satellite released by the astronauts, a free-flying science PLATFORM, remained stuck in a precariously low or­bit.
    The European Space Agency, which owns the $213 million Eureca satellite, passed on an orbital-raising opportunity Mon­day to give engineers more time to figure out what went wrong after the craft was released Sunday.
    Eureca only got as high as 276 miles, 44 miles short of its target. Its thrusters were stopped because the satellite appeared tilted wrong.
    The prime suspect was a satellite sun sensor that may have been programmed wrong. If that's the case, the satellite was in the right place all along and controllers may try to fire the thrusters again Tuesday, said a spokeswoman for the European Space Agency.
    On its present course, Eureca and its load of crystals, seeds, shrimp eggs, bacteria spores, solar monitors, cosmic dust catch­ers and telescope eventually will sink through the atmosphere and burn up. The reusable satellite is scheduled for retrieval by shuttle astronauts next spring, provided it can be boosted.
    Engineers at the European Space Agency's control center in Darmstat, Germany, have struggled with satellite problems since Saturday, a day after Atlantis blasted into space.
    The satellite was supposed to be freed Saturday, but spent an extra day on the shuttle crane because of communications prob­lems. That pushed back everything else in the astronauts' schedule, including the Tethered Satellite test.
    Atlantis dove closer to Earth on Monday--from 264 miles to 184 miles--in preparation for the 30-hour experiment.

    * * *

    MOSCOW FIRM OFFERS "WEATHER MADE TO OR­DER"; WE REQUEST SUN: MOSCOW: Rain, Rain, Go Away, Go Soak Someone Less Willing to Pay.
    I have been granted the power to control the weather.
    That's what the people at Elate Intelligent Technologies Inc. promise. A small Russian company with big ambitions, Elate claims to have unlocked the secrets of the heavens. Its calling cards boast: "Weather made to order".
    Igor Pirogoff, Elate's commercial director, struts into this newspaper's Moscow office to try to persuade a journalist that Elate is for real. A lanky young man with long hair and thick mustache, Mr. Pirogoff comes equipped with a thick dossier of graphs, weather maps and scientific testimonials to make his case. Using electrical energy, he says, Elate can fine-tune weather patterns over a 200-mile range--and for just $200 per day.
    "Do you remember that strong wind in Moscow two days ago"? he asks.
    "We created that".
    When Elate isn't creating wind, he explains, the company can clear up "industrial smog, DIVERT TYPHOONS and chase away acid rain". "It could even have transformed Hurricane Andrew into a wimpy squall". The system is so effective,
    Mr. Pirogoff says, that Elate has pioneered what he calls "weather extortion", in which it "guarantees" organizers of outdoor events that it can provide perfect weather
    --for a steep fee. Those who balk are threatened with day-long showers. "Sure, it's like a racket", says Mr. Pirogoff. "But it's a new way to make money. And it's fun".
    For a skeptical journalist, what's needed is proof--a sign from above.
    Mr. Pirogoff is thrilled for the chance to show off Elate's technical prowess. Moscow's weather service has been predicting several more days of rain. So I order fair weather and clear skies. "As you wish", Mr. Pirogoff promises.
    Responding to my request, Elate's technicians at suburban Bykovo Airport sit down at their computer terminals to prepare a weather alteration experiment. The Elate system consists of dozens of aerials, each 25 feet tall, that discharge electrical en­ergy upward to react with ions in the air. The company says the system is cheaper, cleaner and far more effective than cloud seeding or other techniques that have been able to control rain­fall.
    Guaranteed, 100%.
    My order is placed on a Tuesday. Elate guarantees that, from Thursday noon until Saturday evening, all of Moscow will have good weather, despite the gloomy forecasts. "We'll even try for sun," Mr. Pirogoff says, "but I can assure you, 100% there will be no rain".
    The following day, a mere 24 hours before my unseasonably fine weather is supposed to begin, the skies are ominously gray. It even starts to rain. Unannounced, Mr. Pirogoff bursts into my office. "We did this, too", he says with an impish grin, pointing to the grim weather outside. "To heighten the sus­pense".
    In post-Communist Russia, scores of entrepreneurial compa­nies with clumsy English names like Elate regularly seek out Western businessmen and journalists with tales of miraculous and lucrative new technologies. Some are legitimate: There are thousands of talented former Soviet state scientists now using their brains to make an honest buck. But an equal number are phony. It's just hard sometimes to figure out who is whom.
    A little research reveals that, among Moscow's experts, Elate's reputation is mixed. Alexander Uspensky of the Hy­drometerological Center calls the company's directors "charlatans", while the chief air-traffic controller of Shereme­tevo Airport prefers the term "bogus". On the other hand, Mikhail Malyei, military adviser to Russian President Boris Yeltsin, was much impressed by a demonstration in which Elate seemed to clear up a thick fog blanketing Sheremetevo. "This is very serious", Mr. Malyei says.
    The company's founder, Lev Pokhmelnykh, is a respected physicist who specializes in "electrostatics". On Thursday, Mr. Pokhmelnykh pays a call. It is just minutes before my weather is due to begin and dark clouds are again forming overhead. Mr. Pokhmelnykh, a white-haired scientist with penetrating blue eyes, seems unfazed.
    Minutes later, as the experiment gets under way, the clouds suddenly, indeed magically, begin to disappear. The sun pokes through for the first time in two days. Within a couple of hours, the late autumn Moscow sky is clear and blue. It has become a toasty Indian summer day.
    A Russian colleague comments on the surprisingly superb weather. "I'm glad you like it", I respond, with a note of pride. There is suddenly a temptation, despite lingering skepticism, to suspend all disbelief I ordered nice weather and they delivered.
    If Elate can pull this off, perhaps it can do everything it claims.
    Mr. Pokhmelnykh is trying to persuade Moscow to let him tackle one of the Soviet Union's worst ecological disasters: the drying up of the Aral Sea, which he believes resulted from the presence of huge power lines along the Volga River. He says he can electrically restore the sea to life.
    On Thursday night, I crawl into bed thinking that maybe, possibly, this is all for real.
    Then Mother Nature has her say. It is Friday morning and the heavens have opened. Visibility outside is about 20 feet. In­side, my floors are soaked beneath windows foolishly left open.
    Emerging from the downpour at my office is Mr. Pirogoff. "It's raining", he says, poking his soaked head in the door. Still smiling, he does a song and dance about poor communication among Elate's staff. It turns out the engineer who knew about our experiment didn't tell the other one, who accidentally turned the system of Or perhaps, Mr.. Pirogoff says, the system re­mained on, but not at peak power.
    "All I know for sure is that when we were in your office and the weather was fine, the system was on", he says. "After that, I don't know. No one knows".
    In a last-ditch bid to preserve a shred of credibility, Mr. Pirogoff suggest a call to officials at Bykovo airfield, where Elate's system is based. "At the very least, I think there has been no rain there", he says.
    At Baykovo, an official responds over a crackling telephone line: "It's been drizzling here all day. Just like the weatherman predicted".
    So you skeptics, you are left with your skepticism. Don't fret over it. On the day that Gritz had a rally in Tehachapi, the Elite planned to take out most of California and promised total down­pour on "our" parade. I didn't mind the rain so much, or the wind, but it did seem unseemly and ungracious to take out Cali­fornia via the San Andreas Fault-line. So, the nice people "up-there" who can override any ground based units
    --so far, decided to make their point another way--"OK, sir, we won't take all the people out (since we tied up their beam systems and all who at­tended will remember there was NOT one cloud--NOR even a helicopter in the air to so much as monitor the occasion!) ...but Southern California will not have a drop of rain during their late summer rain season". How many of you note that you have NOT?(!!??) I prefer to call it "negotiation" rather than "compromise". You call it what you like but the Russians, from those space platforms and spheres, (and now YOUR puppet-masters from the grid system) can control everything there is to control, about the weather systems. You have had fully-staged demonstrations from Hawaii to Florida--I can't imagine what else you need! I hardly think the Elite Russians in those Cosmo-spheres are going to allow a little earth-bound scientist to "rain on their own parade"--do you?

    You have fully operational systems (actually built by "Constable" and we have written about it) that can actually clear a basin, like Los Angeles, of smog in mere days--with all the conditions of smog production unchanged. His group has done so--BUT, there is far too much money to be made by "smog" industries--so, there you have it! Good luck and thank you, Jim.

    This will be a day of "odds" and "ends", please.

    From Connecticut comes information from a reader forwarding more information from Constitutional Revival, P.O. Box 3182, Enfield, Conn. 06083.

    There is very worthy instructional information included in this document which might be VERY helpful to you citizens. It speaks to the issue of abuse by the judicial system and even unto disallowing "trial by jury" as is Constitutional. This has been a MAJOR cause for delaying this property legal abuse upon my people here in point. Not only have they never yet been allowed a "jury hearing" but have NEVER, IN FOUR YEARS WITH MYRIADS OF COURT APPEARANCES, HAVE THE EKKERS SO MUCH AS BEEN "RECOGNIZED" IN THE COURTROOM, MUCH LESS BE ALLOWED TO SPEAK. THIS, WITH THE HELP OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL LAW CENTER'S MR. DIXON IN ATTENDANCE! Still think you have a good system over all? Think a bit further and then con­sider what if it be you!

    This is an information and "how-to" letter produced by CON­STITUTIONAL REVIVAL:

    June, July, August, Sept., 1992

    To All Who Seek Truth:

    This is an era in which life can be very miserable for persons of principle. The politicians and policemen have been perfect­ing their age old craft of doing evil in the name of good while cleverly controlling the lives of supposedly free people.
    A recent example: Juanita Martin was on her way back to her house after dropping a runaway boy at his home, when she saw a police cruiser following her with his lights flashing. She pulled over to let him by, but he stopped behind her. She then went forward and the cruiser followed her all the way to her house.
    Juanita went into the house as three, possibly four, other cruisers joined the first one.
    The policemen kept calling her to talk to them, and she kept yelling at them to stay off of her property.
    Juanita called me on the phone. I drove over, parked in the driveway next to her car and went in the house at her request.
    Meanwhile the police kept calling to her to talk to them, but they would not talk from the curb. She insisted that they talk from the curb, so it was a standoff.
    About ten minutes later, as Juanita was yelling at them to stay off of her property, two cops walked over to her car and one of them put a ticket under her windshield wiper. The police mob then went away.
    The "ticket" listed charges of operating while under suspen­sion, failure to obey an officer's signal and expired emissions sticker, all Constitutionally invalid charges.
    Unless the words "in such a manner as to cause harm, or clearly threaten harm to others" can honestly be added to such charges as the above, the charges are Constitutionally invalid.
    The fact that the policemen went away shows that they rec­ognize that they needed a warrant to go onto private property to apprehend someone. It is unfortunate that they seem to be un­aware that even out on the highway a car is private property, subject to the law of probable cause.

    * * *
    The next seems to be in response to an "eviction/ejection" of ones, the Andrew Melechinskys, from their home. This seemed to have come about by "zoning" restrictions of unConstitutional nature. The Melechinskys did then, in fact, appeal to the court with OBJECTION TO AND DISCLAIMER OF DISMISSAL OF APPEAL AND CLAIM FOR RECONSIDERATION BY CONSTITUTIONALLY COMPETENT JUDGES. Our as­sumption must be that there was legal "objection" to the incident in point. The cause of action is not as important, readers, as is the procedure under discussion so don't drift off the subject. This could help you if you pay attention and if you are in such a predicament with a court handing down a "dismissal" it may serve you well. So, let us go on and see what was given as objection.

    On April 9, 1991 this court "dismissed" the appeal of Judge Nevas's December 23, 1991, denial of the Plaintiffs' "CLAIM FOR STAY OF EJECTMENT", "for the reasons set forth be­low". There were NO reasons set forth "below".
    Common sense, fair play and Constitutional imperatives dic­tate that the Appellants are entitled to know how this court can justify acting in such an irresponsible and inexcusable manner.
    Decent judges who take their oaths of office seriously cannot turn away persons seeking the protections of the Constitution, without at the very least providing wording out of the Consti­tution negating such protections.
    The Melechinskys have been grievously harmed by the un­lawful seizure of their home by U.S. Government officials act­ing in conspiracy with U.S. District Court judges. It is the duty of the judges of this court to alleviate that harm to whatever ex­tent possible.
    Somewhere in the recesses of the Appellate Court building is a courtroom with a judge who is primed and eager to give this case the Constitutionally oriented handling to which it is enti­tled.
    The Appellants need only to assert a claim to appear in that courtroom.
    The Appellants hereby assert that claim.
    The court is reminded that there is no power delegated in the Constitution which would allow the U.S. Government to claim the home property of Mary and Andrew Melechinsky in its own court, and that ABSENT TRIAL BY JURY THERE CAN BE NO LAWFUL SEIZURE OR EJECTMENT.
    The Appellants claim a reconsideration before the above mentioned Constitutionally competent Appellate court at which, in addition to the retroactive approval of their claim for a Writ of Prohibition, an order is issued requiring Defendant Andersen to return the Melechenskys and their belongings to their former status.
    Quick approval of the Appellants' claims is imperative in or­der to soften, to whatever extent possible, the unconscionable trauma to which the Melechinskys have been subjected.

    By taking part in this action, Andrew Melenchinsky has not submitted willingly to the jurisdiction of the federal court system. He is simply acknowledging that the federal officials have demonstrated that they have the physical firepower to force him into that jurisdiction in order to seek redress.
    This court does have jurisdiction to provide that redress. and (Signatures)

    * * *
    In another case concerning Leo Berning, we shall offer one last case. Please remember that we are not practicing lawyers but we are continually contacted and information is requested for updates and "What can we do"? This is only a smattering of things that others DO, which you might fit to your needs or suggest your own attorney does in your behalf. Better yet, have contact with ones who KNOW or are willing TO LEARN, such as the Constitutional Law Center. I further recommend that Mr. Dixon get in touch with Mr. Andy Mel of Constitutional Revival (address given above) and see if there is a working arrangement of value herein. At the least Mr. Mel will know some attorneys or Constitutionalists who can give input to the Law Center and perhaps relieve some of the mammoth load of burden of over­load on you ones in Sacramento. It is time to consolidate as pa­triots and how better than through the very law itself!?

    Leo's command and usage of the English language is very poor but if you keep reading his papers it becomes obvious that he has been badly mauled by the system. He says that in 62 court cases he has been involved in he has consistently been de­nied his right of trial by jury and has never had any of his other rights honored.
    [H: Unfortunately, the very fact that he has had 62 cases before a court is somewhat disconcerting be­cause these people who continue to be before the court on all manners of issues are considered troublemakers and "crackpots" and this does not help a plight of a nation of citizens but rather has a tendency to even cause the citizens with "cause" to react badly to the individual in point. Be careful that you do not likewise abuse a system that can come down very hard without cause at any rate and bring more pressure for the annoyances which are unnecessary. I make no judgement, nor even discernments regarding issues herein at point--it is just unlikely that a citizen with so many continual issues would be given gracious respect as de­manded. It is not "right"; it is simply the "way it is". I sug­gest that our people stay to issues of importance and keep the nit-picking out of center stage if you want REAL RE­FORM and not just snickering and ridicule.]
    There is no doubt that the right of trial by jury is being arbi­trarily denied to tens of thousands of persons, including Leo, who would benefit from such trials.
    If misdemeanor cases are included, as they should be under the Constitution, there are millions of people being denied their right of trial by jury.
    According to Leo, he has been done out of "1,832,850,000 of silver" without a trial by jury.
    [H: Please see what I mean right here; how can you offer much when there is no meaning given to "1,832,850,000 of silver". Are these "dollars"? Ounces? Pure silver or alloy? Silver paint? What? This goes beyond issues of "command and usage of the English language" and, though he should never be disrespected by the judicial system, it does become difficult to establish in this day and age, a starting place for understanding. The rest of his paper may well be totally substantiative but many judges will not read past that first line. What you NEED is a clearing house for HELP for a brother in trouble. I do not say this is "correct" behavior--but it is certainly the "normal" current behavior of the court system. Quantity of "cases before the court" is not even in point here for in the instance of the Ekkers, there have been perhaps a hundred and fifty motions before the court on this property issue--without hearings, trials or anything save hours of very expensive legal paperwork and quarrels with the judges in total cahoots with the opposition governmental agency in point, the RTC, as well as involving criminal actions of both the Savings and Loan in the case, a major brokerage house and other secret Elite participants which go all the way to the White House. The point I must make is that you ones need unity in order to cause the court to HAVE TO TAKE NOTE AND THAT CAN ONLY BE ACCOMPLISHED THROUGH DILIGENT WORK AND GOOD CONSTITUTIONAL DIRECTIVES.]
    His (Leo's) worst detractor seems to be U.S. District? Judge? Carl B. Rubin of the United States District Court for the South­ern District of Ohio, Western Division (Case No. CR-3-89-8) who ordered a probation revocation hearing on September 18, 1992. [H: This is the only reason I printed this particular instance.]
    So we make it on into a court situation which was of course, at best a "Kangaroo" trial.

    Afterwards it was proceeded to file a complaint against the "Judge" by Remonstrance and Claim for Corrective Action. "The citizens have a right to...apply...for redress of grievance...by...remonstrance". Article First, Constitution of Connecticut.

    We the undersigned, who have observed the proceedings in this action for several days, are shocked, dismayed and outraged by the many violations of Constitutional law perpetrated by "Judge" Michael Sheldon.
    The following unlawful acts, among others, have served to frustrate most of the protections of Constitutional due process which the accused, Juanita Martin, is entitled to rely on.

    1. "Judge" Sheldon has usurped jurisdiction in this matter, contrary to Article Ill, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution,
    "In all cases ... in which a State shall be Party, the Supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction" and without the probable cause jury finding required by Amendment IV in the words, "the right of the people to be secure in their persons
    ... shall not be violated ...".
    Said "Judge" Sheldon has thus made himself a party to viola­tions of CGS
    53a-92, Kidnapping, and CGS 53a-94, abduction.

    2. Said "Judge" Sheldon is pursuing a stale, therefore invalid action, in that the accused was forced to trial several months af­ter, under duress, she signified her readiness for trial. Any de­lay of over three days violates Amendment VI of the U.S. Con­stitution which guarantees that,
    "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy
    ... trial ..." (See also Article First of the Constitu­tion of Connecticut).

    3. Said "Judge" Sheldon has denied to the accused, her ab­solute and unchallengeable right to have unlicensed counsel of her choice. This right is guaranteed by Amendment VI of the U.S. Constitution, especially as supported by Amendment IX.
    Article First of the Constitution of Connecticut also guaran­tees the right of counsel, without restriction as to choice. ("No person shall be deprived of liberty"). [H: Here is the other point for which I print this writing; you are given the Constitutional right to have counsel (UNLICENSED) IF YOU SO DESIRE.]
    4. Said "Judge" Sheldon excused his failure to abide by the above provisions of the U.S. Constitution by pontificating that the U.S. Constitution does not apply to the states, in blatant vi­olation of Article V, Paragraph 2 of that Constitution which establishes clearly that,
    "This Constitution shall be the supreme Law ... and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby; any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any state to the Contrary notwith­standing".
    ...and with criminal disregard for Amendment XIV which mandates that,
    "No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the ... immunities of citizens of the United States ...".

    5. Said "Judge" Sheldon browbeat the accused into accepting a court appointed, licensed, stand-by counsel as a condition of honoring her right to speak for herself (under duress).

    6. Said "Judge" Sheldon has elevated court decisions above the Constitution, using decisions which flagrantly violate the Constitution as justification for further violations, effectively cancelling many of the unalienable safeguards of the accused.

    7. Said "Judge" Sheldon has been browbeating the jury pan­elists into agreeing:
    a. That they must accept the law, including his version of the Constitution, as he dictates it to them, even if it violates their consciences.
    b. That they must apply his version of the law as he tells them to, even if it violates their conscience.
    c. That their unalienable right as sovereigns to have, and act on, an opinion of the law does not apply in this court.
    d. That they are not to be concerned over the possibility of the judge making a mistake because that can be corrected on ap­peal, ignoring the facts that:
    (1) The burden of proof shifts to the convicted person, who becomes guilty until proven innocent.
    (2) Appeals are prohibitively expensive, partly because,
    (3) The appeals courts dictate virtually impossible procedures which must be followed by appellants, if they want their cases to be heard, and
    (4) Appellate courts demand large fees from appellants before their appeals can be filed, in violation of Article First of the Constitution of Connecticut which guarantees that,
    "Justice shall be administered without sale, denial or de­lay".
    (5) The higher courts are very unreceptive to Constitutional claims of individuals seeking their rights.

    8. Said "Judge" Sheldon did not allow the accused to make the panelists aware that when they take the oath they will be­come the judges in the case and that the judge will become a ref­eree.

    9. Said "Judge" Sheldon instructed the panelists that his in­structions are binding, when indeed they are not.

    10. Said "Judge" Sheldon has demonstrated that he intends to conduct some of the trial proceedings out of the presence of the jurors (judges), in violation of Amendment VI of the U.S. Con­stitution,
    "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall be entitled to a ... public trial ...".

    * * *
    This case continues on into the next issue of CONSTITUTIONAL REVIVAL but I believe it has served our purposes. The point is, citizens, that you no longer are given any rights under the Con­stitution--in your nation. You CAN offer rebuttal and unless the whole of you rise up and do so--you will continue to be buried under the "assumption" that what is being handed down is "law" and "acceptable" court procedure.

    It is, however, imperative that your presentations be, at the least, correct or you will be "thrown out" of the court by lack of proper proceedings. Our people have been dismissed and not allowed reentry simply because the "form" utilized was not "authorized" in format. This, too, is not proper but by the time you fight just for the sake of fighting, you run out of funds and ability to stay long enough to get any "law" determined.

    I honor you ones who "go to bat" in "spite of circumstances--but oh my, what a massively important tool you would have if you orderly structured your Constitutional recovery and left no opening to the "bought" system to decline your submittals.

    There are many points of valid importance in this above docu­ment which are, of course, in interest of time and space, out of context with no background, etc. I offer it only for the points given in behalf of Constitutional rights for I am not offering that any of you should "fight" her case for her--you don't know anything about it and that is why I have left it that way--so you will stay on the point and not get distracted by the case itself. You HAVE Constitutional rights and orders--IF YOU USE THEM. I only ask that you PROPERLY use them so that the way can be left open for all to utilize and not have other laws passed which bind the whole.

    Let us take leave of this please. Thank you for your service.

    Hatonn to clear.

    PJ 58


    TUE., OCTOBER 20, 1992 8:22 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 65

    TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1992

    Draw together your thoughts and prayers, children of God for the next 72 hours could be the most important of your experi­ence. Things are unfolding and it appears that this time the "last straw" may be loaded onto the camel.

    The leadership debates are over and what was hoped to be gained was NOT. Now the next set of "plans" may well go into irreversible action.

    Military bases were already on "alert", hospitals in various places are on special alert for receiving injured, ambulances are ORDERED "OUT" and being parked at ready OUTSIDE structures AS IN ALL EARTH MOVEMENT ACTIVITIES and now, in California (and this is information from the "horse's mouth" who is within this circle and also is an independent at­tachment to the State Fire teams) was notified THAT AS OF 4:00 A.M. THIS DAY ALL FIRE VEHICLES AND CREWS ARE ON FULL ALERT--STATIONED "OUTSIDE" AS WITH ALL EARTHQUAKE INSTRUCTIONS AND ALL WILL REMAIN ON FULL ALERT FOR A MINIMUM OF 72 HOURS. "A MASSIVE EARTHQUAKE IS EXPECTED AS ARE MULTIPLE FIRES--INCLUDING BRUSH AND FOREST". You can verify this information by driving by your local fire station (don't bother to call them, they cannot be truth­ful).

    What do I suggest? Again, get water purification supplies NEAR water storage, make sure all children are given emer­gency instructions in ALL areas because, if not now, when?? Make sure there are foods available for supping even without needs of cooking.

    Will revealing the plan be enough this time? I think "NO"--we will continue our efforts but with the happenings in Colombia and elsewhere--it has already started the "train" into motion. Chelas, there is no 'REASON' in the Elite mad-men's mindset. Just as Kissinger has been directing the Yugoslavia madness (eleven trips into the area [and placement of Panich in high position]--in the past eight weeks) this train to global control and depopulation is on the "road" and rolling.
    Bush told you--again--that you would need him because "crises" were coming and he was not joshing! You see, it no longer is even in his hands for he is but the puppet.

    Do what you will, but the word on the streets is that it's hap­pening and ALL WE CAN DO IS WARN YOU.

    It is mandatory to note what is now happening in the political thrust--and what is coming from it: i.e., the Vietnam councils are producing pictures of servicemen, over 4000 of them, all claimed to be dead. A demand is made to bring the "orders" to Glaspie re: Iraq and Hussein to public review; then the bank scandals are ready to blow full open! No, chelas, it would ap­pear the Elite octopus has its tentacles in a trap and emergency actions will have to be taken to stop the roll of information.

    What matters if you have more time and ye are prepared? You are prepared and ready for that which will come another day! My commitment is to WARN you over and over and over again, if necessary--for the "intent" is to allow nothing of the warnings to come about so you mistrust and you will be caught unpre­pared and again at sleep. Is it so unthinkable to simply check your emergency gear to insure you have something for you and children IN CASE?? So be it.

    Mark Lane (yes, the author/counsel of Spotlight notation and books on hidden events
    --Kennedy assassination, etc.) will be representing Campbell in his case--as will be involved the Con­stitutional Law Center. Therefore legal court action has been waived until later this week to allow for Mr. Lane's appearance as he could not be present earlier. The CLC attorneys are in contact and we will keep you posted as things unfold.


    I do not attend Gritz through this route unless absolutely neces­sary for security of my people--including him. What does he think of extraterrestrials? What difference does it make--he be­lieves in the Master Christ returning to your place and HE is an extraterrestrial! He believes in the Host's presence and guid­ance--and by any label, it matters greatly. What he calls "me" or does not call me matters not. His receiving mechanism is working just fine.

    I do not sanction any call to arms for weapons will be made useless and just get God's people killed as well. Be wise in your actions and attentive in your "guard". I ask that you who would continue to serve--at all times, use wisdom in action for we need you to continue your service--not be gun-fodder. This has no specifics as to locations--this is for EVERY location.

    Will this happen, you ask again? Chelas, you must now be pre­pared for ANYTHING at ANY TIME! GOD will walk with you and if you listen you will be given guidance
    --none shall think FOR you nor ACT FOR YOU! Keep the light about you, do not panic and hold the course for in that course rests your safety and instructions--as well as your shelter. "For I am with you in whatever may befall your path if ye be also with Me", sayeth the Lord of Hosts.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 58


    TUE., OCTOBER 20, 1992 2:21 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 65

    TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1992

    As we sit to pen again this day, much floods the consciousness and I respond to it.

    I am going to again tell you about the "phone information line" so that there is no misunderstanding to you readers who call. Anything totally out of context is dangerous information and clarification is a must if we are to make any headway in awak­ening the brethren.

    Today one called who is a long time reader but always with great skepticism, now wishes to cancel her LIBERATOR because we have come to have too much "gossip". Gossip? Cancel all information inflow so you do not have to look at Truth, per­chance? I'm sorry readers, we write for 6 BILLION individuals and if you do not like the way we bring information I am sorry but we are doing the best we can and shall continue to do so. It appears to me that one would wish to stay ignorant and, yet, I further perceive that it is TOO LATE. Do what ye will but do not "blame" such things as this for your own desire to remain in darkness and lack of information. Responsibility is the name of the game along with wisdom and coming into KNOWING.

    You ones are going to be barraged with those who will now claim we are false teachers, fear mongers and thus and so--es­pecially since the hookup of the phone line with immediate "action" information. So be it, I am going to continue to give you information as it flows in here through ones of YOU out there and I shall validate it wherein I can do so.

    One from our own little circle at the location of the phone re­source, called this very morning to say that it appeared that the phone message gave out too much fear and alarm. Dear ones, THERE CANNOT BE ENOUGH "ALARM". I have tried for years to get your attention--what does it take? At any rate this one stated that she had "gone to her own higher resource and the message was overdone" (which indicates negation and con­frontation that the message is false). She continued that "only" Northern California was put on "alert" status and felt we should not say these things. Oh? Funny thing, dear one, the message was later announced on national television that the "alert" was on for all of Southern California!(!!)

    I do not tell you what you HAVE TO DO. You do not, includ­ing this person in point, have to so much as call that phone line. If you believe not that which we give forth--why burden your­self with the information? There will be NO CHANGES from that which is given to place into public information through that source--I am truly getting weary of "competition" from what are espoused as being my own working brothers of this realm. The "brothers" are right here with me and there is no lack of communication so I have nothing more to offer all you receivers who contradict that which is presented. If you are not comfort­able with that which I bring and then confirm--then I have nothing more to offer unto you for you shall believe that which ye will! Information is being brought as it is received from EARTH resource--these are not some sort of "maybe" prophe­cies. The hot line is for immediate information as given through the very earthly routes within which you function--a network if you will. You can quarrel with me until we all turn purple and it will not change a hair of it. As information pours in it will be passed to you. Some will be erroneous but we are not to sort it all--we are to pass it along as we find it and find substantiation for the network information. We are NOT quarreling on a level of higher energy forms--THIS IS EARTH BASED INFORMA­TION AND WE DO NOT ACT AS A GOVERNMENT IN HIDING THAT WHICH IS YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW! So be it. Have not "others" decided that which "you" are able to know and handle quite long enough? You are each and all given gift of reason and knowledge, perception and choices--you are able to choose and judge what is happening quite well without us "censoring" more to buffer that which another thinks is unduly harsh.

    I cannot get harsh enough to suit me--I am trying to save your very lives physical--you are due a deadly earthquake in this area if "nothing" else were going on. It IS bad and it IS frightening--so for goodness sakes, get some supplies and preparations in or­der.

    Ah so! Another (this is the third report) man called this morn­ing from Southern Oregon and reports that not only were guil­lotines brought into a site of detention in southern Oregon but, in addition, so were several cremation ovens. He saw them with his own eyes so it is not hearsay. The reports come also from Florida, Louisiana and San Francisco--almost verbatim. Is this a form of simply terrorizing? Are they getting ready to burn victims of some death-dealing disease spread such as typhus? To protect my scribe from assaults of "lies"--I won't tell you whether or not to verify this--I will simply tell you that the re­port has now come from dozens of witnesses to same.

    I can only suggest to you readers that if you don't want the news--then don't call that phone line at the LIBERATOR be­cause our people are working around the clock to get information on that line as it unfolds, to the very best of human ability.
    If you wish to "complain" about the line, then spare us for the cost of same is breaking the backs of the workers as well as the work required. We cannot do more unless we have help. One person did offer assistance with a generous gift but the person with whom she spoke did not have useful information for the expenses of a multiline system which we are told will be over $4000. The $600 will purchase another answering machine which is really needed, also, but please be gentle with our people for they foot the bill, do the work and have to be as terrorized as any other listener.
    We are offering you unraveled prophecies as quickly as we can when they are shared with us. We have more this day from D.J. as well as one of the most remarkable confirmations you will ever receive. This person in point was given instructions to take the picture from the Shroud of Turin and overlay a trans­parent image of the picture of Sananda (the Christ) from inser­tions in the very early JOURNALS--align the two and see what you get! The results are stunning! There is no way we can produce this phenomenon in the paper but perhaps our people can figure a way to have sets made at the photographer or printer, etc.--perhaps in card size. (These are cards, approx.
    4.5" x 5.5", available through the Phoenix Liberator, Inc., 2810 W. Charleston Blvd. Suite G6723, Las Vegas, NV 89702.) I will also require that the writings as given with the pictures be included in full, either within as with the verse in a greeting card or on the face cover itself. Those could then be offered as close to cost as possible, with handling expenses for our workers cannot longer pick up the full costs of overages. This must be made available to you ones so that you too can SEE how history is coming together to give you proof of that which you are now being given and experiencing. We the Hosts are come to "fulfill" as did the Master Teacher "then"
    and again now!

    The following information is not yet "ready" for publication ac­cording to the author (D.J.). Therefore, utilize it for general­ized confirmation until all facts are assembled.
    I am sharing it NOW, however, because frankly, we cannot tell for sure that YOU will be around a week from now, much less when books are assembled and published. Since this will be a page out of a volume, I will not make comment nor explain anything--just use what is here to your best enjoyment. Thank you.

    HEIGHT: Approximately five feet ten and one half inches.
    PHYSIQUE: Ecto-mesomorph (tall and muscular).
    WEIGHT: One hundred seventy-five pounds. American type build.

    FACIAL INJURIES: Fractured septum two places, right eye orbit ecchymotic and swollen (black eye), laceration to upper and lower lips, right nares enlarged from blow to face. Possible fractured left zygomatic arch (Cheekbone) with small bleeding laceration. Ooze of blood at edge of O.S. (Left eye). Streams of blood from both nares (nostrils). Midsagittal upper lip lacer­ation, possibly through vermillion border. (A cut up past the demarcation line of lip coloring). A deviated distal septum in­dicative of a fractured nose. Bilateral depressions on either side of the nose that could be indicative of shattered nasal cartilage. Right side of beard showing clotted blood. Multiple blows to the face, verified by Matthew 27:30, Mark 15:19, Luke 22:63 and John 19:03. (Sources: STET group and computer enhanced three dimensional image). Multiple deep puncture wounds from the "plaited" cap of thorns, most probably acacia thorns, which are approximately one to one and a half inches long. (Three-quarters to one centimeter).

    ERROR IN DR. BARBET'S THEORY: The "Destiny" spear head is 10 inches long (15 centimeters), the fifth and sixth ribs are located at what is anatomically called the mid-nipple line. The wound is clearly closer to the ninth and tenth ribs, NOT THE FIFTH AND SIXTH! Dr. Barbet also has the heart en­larged to nearly three and one half times the size of normal. A human heart, minus severe cardiac disease, is approximately the size of a human fist. There is no way that the ten inch spear could or DID penetrate the heart. With the magnification of 30x, it is clearly as I have stated, thus just above the diaphragm and liver, penetrating the lower and middle lobes of the right lung, thus giving forth the "water and blood" mentioned in the Scriptures. The "water" was from a trauma induced fluid build­up in the lung pluera from the "scourging" Esu Emmanuel re­ceived. The secret is hidden in plain sight of those who WILL SEE! The man in the shroud is NOT dead, the dead DO NOT bleed, the blood clots within minutes! There is not one sign of lividity (the pooling of blood after death) in the lower extremi­ties. Joseph walked approximately 400 meters to Pilate's palace before receiving permission to have the body of Esu, that is roughly, a twenty minute walk at best. The day was one of crowds and down, then uphill, it was more probably forty min­utes or better. Many have also missed the significance of a centurion soldier being there; this was not an ordinary execu­tion. Esu was also on a high cross of olive wood and acacia, (the common woods used for crosses then), He was high, as the Scriptures indicate, most were not put up high. Thus, two feet for the stabilization as an estimate, would make the center piece roughly twelve feet long and a weight of one hundred or more pounds to lug up to Golgotha.... And so, thank you, chela.

    You are welcome to turn us off, deny our words and warnings and instructions--even argue and bash about in your desire to make things "humanly and physically like you WANT them to be"--you can even vote-in your wishes and "out" your "rather nots"--it will not make any difference whatsoever except in your placement and journey. It will not change MINE or "MINE". BUT, you are most welcome to do that which pleases you vs. that which is Truth.

    But before you turn us off, perhaps you would enjoy reading the next piece which comes from a friend in Arizona relative to the location of Sedona:

    N.K.: Oct. 16, 1992.


    Dear Hatonn/Dharma,

    This letter to you is prompted due to so many incidents that are occurring in Sedona. I will sum them up as follows:
    Constant explosion type sounds are heard, with no explana­tion from the Press or the local radio programs. Quote: "There is no logical explanation for the sounds that have been reported to our local 911 number". One of our local officials asked if I was one of those "New Agers" with all their crazy stories.
    The "local" black helicopters are increasing in numbers and are now joined by the green army type helicopters. Sometimes they fly alone but most of the time in a group of 2 or 3. The black helicopters are always coming from Boynton Canyon and are, of late, heading toward the Village of Oak Creek where they circle certain places and eventually are replaced by the green helicopters. When the black helicopters are overhead, our emergency monitors are scrambled and our cordless phones go crazy when in use.
    The helicopters have now been joined by army type green cargo planes. The ones with 4 prop engines.
    Sounds are heard coming from under ground, our sidewalks are cracking, my own drive-way has cracked into the garage, the wall near the window in my office building is cracking away from the frame and the door in my office will not stay open any more without a doorstop.
    We now have black cars with tinted windows on all 4 sides in town, and there is no license plate visible anywhere.
    The CIA does not hide their presence at the local Coffee Pot Restaurant and are fully "equipped"....

    [H: The rest of the note is about personal physical ail­ments which have gotten out of control. This person was told that the "environment was absolutely polluted with all sorts of dangerous viruses that we have never before experi­enced" and it is not known what to do about symptomatic treatment--antibiotics only act on side-symptoms.]
    We have always known that something was going on in the Boynton Canyon area, my compass can attest to that, but-­PLEASE--what else is going on here in Sedona? I have always felt that I have been very protected in the eyes of God and that maybe Sedona is a Vortex/contact point for our planetary broth­ers. [H: Indeed, but they may not be the most beneficial "brothers" you could have. There is a cyclic opening of an energy field in the area of Boynton Canyon utilized for a long time by ones from Orion. Every effort is being made by military and government personnel to prevent the pas­sage of any from the underground areas of Boynton Canyon into and through that "window". The beings involved have been earth-bound but it is come upon the cycle wherein ex­changes can and will be made. These are NOT my people and they can be very dangerous for, if they serve any master at all--it is not the Lighted God Creator. I can't give you more on this, chelas, for it is not in my area of "right to do so"--it is a time of incredible physical pressures on that par­ticular location and you will find it difficult to function clearly there. Keep the shield around you and you will be fine for it is not easy to move anywhere nor is it "safer" anywhere.]

    I was "brought" here. Beyond all rational explanation I left California and moved here with very little in my pocket and a lot of Faith in my Guidance. My life has made a complete turn­around; I created a wonderful position in the work field and have been able to "touch" many people. Most of all, after 10 years of not having contact with Hatonn's material, the PHOENIX LIBERATOR and all the readers of Sedona and far reaching areas came with that Gift and the sharing and support has been wonderful. In these past years, my Faith has been tested, my "Philosophy of All" questioned and with discernment of the spoken and written words, doubt crept in many times. And every time, in some miraculous way, my Faith was re­stored and strengthened. Thank you for finding me again and putting my path back in the right direction.

    PLEASE...if you would shed some light on the Truth of that which is happening here in the Sedona area, maybe we could act accordingly. We sometimes feel to be protected here in this Sa­cred Indian area, far away from the large cities with heavy crimes of all sorts, we are limited to news, and of course do not get very much of anything that could be considered the Truth, except for your news from the LIBERATOR and that which we share with each other.

    Well I could go on. . . . etc.


    Peace be with you, blessed ones. It is the same in all places as this evolvement continues; times seems to speed in crazy spirals of impulses and battering frequencies. It is so and it is a time of "getting through". It is everywhere--you are just very fortunate to know that which it is for in that "knowing" can you find bal­ance and sanity. Remember that NOTHING can be done to you by these alien fabrications unless you ALLOW IT. You know how to block those pulses and if confronted by one of these en­ergy forms--demand it not so much as touch you in the name of God of Creation. They will back off, chelas, for they cannot function within the aura of LIGHT frequency of God projection. You do not have to be even "rude"--just firm and unbending. There are many, many wondrous things at the site of Sedona, from the Ancients also--but be cautious and always wise in your discernment of beings and judge in wisdom that which is taken as "action" and you shall be given to always "KNOW". All of the bombardments can only affect you IF YOU ALLOW IT. YOU HAVE THE POWER WITHIN TO COUNTER ANYTHING PUT AGAINST YOU IF YOU HOLD STRONG IN TRUTH. THERE ARE THE ONES OF GOD WHO MUST CARRY THE STAFF IN ALL AREAS AND SO BE IT ALSO FOR "THERE". KEEP ALWAYS WITHIN THE LIGHT AND YE SHALL BE SECURE! SALU.

    Do you actually think we LIKE to tell you these things? Come, children, the facts are that something very BIG is coming down and my job is to share that which I can and so shall I do it. Al­ways look unto our purpose for service and mission upon these physical places. We do that which needs doing--not that which seems easy and allows escape from that which must be confronted.

    QUOTING (D.E.J.E. [D.J.]):

    "Si grande famine par onde pestifere,
    Par pluie longue le long du pole arctique:
    Samarobryn cent lieues de l'hemisphere,
    Vivorant sans loi exempt de politique".
    "Very great famine by a wave (or shower) of plague victims,
    By long rain the length of the pole of the arctic:
    Hoarded (or amassed) gold, herbs (plants), 275 miles
    above the hemisphere,
    Living without law, exempt from politics".
    "Samarobryn" breaks into amas or bryn, amassed or hoarded gold and herbs or plants. "Bryn" is phonetically spelled "brin", which in French means herbs or plants, i.e., foodstuffs. In early 1999 there are plans for the spacestation "Freedom" to be launched. It is a multi-national effort of the United States, France and England, (all of the G-7 group, in fact), plus a few other nations, but I cannot for certainty give you all their nam­ings at this moment. A league equals 3 miles or so, I used the ancient Roman league, but either puts this quatrain, quite liter­ally, into orbit. The first line speaks for itself, since the spacestation is set to be launched in early 1999, this sets the date for you. THERE WILL BE WIDESPREAD FAMINE BY 1999. And just to make everyone in America feel just ducky, there has been an "anti-hoarding" law on the books since ra­tioning of the 1940's. I do SUGGEST you go and read up on the rationing that took place in the 1940's and the era known as the GREAT DEPRESSION, then compare the times. If you have foodstuffs set away---?!?
    Erroneously, many think Michel's anagrams are always "places" or names; this is not so. They are, for much, also in French. As Hatonn has said (OVER AND OVER, AD NAU­SEAM), storms, disease, droughts and such will be WORSEN­ING. Michel's quatrains say the exact same thing THAT COMMANDER HATONN HAS BEEN TELLING YOU!! I do not do this because I like working 18 hours a day, I do it to save just a "few" more. Remember, a rectal-cranial inversion is lethal.
    [H: and also creates countless more "blind" spots!]
    Oct. 12, 1992:

    "Cinq et quarante degres ciel brulera,
    Feu approcher de la grand cite neuve:
    Instant grande flamme eparse sautera,
    Quand on voudra des Normans faire preuve".
    "The sky burning at forty-five degrees,
    Fire approaching the grand new city:
    Instantly, great scattering flames leaping up,
    When people requiring, (proof), from the Normans will
    come evidence".
    Nostradamus is not writing about any CITY! He is referring to the Jet Stream and radioactive fallout! In all probability he is referring to New York, which was at one time called New Am­sterdam. Boston is closer to 45 degrees latitude than New York is, but neither city is in point in this line, it is the Jet Stream that is being referred to! I give you your proof from a photocopy from The Nuclear Weapons Fact Book by Christopher Camp­bell, that goes with this quatrain. As you can see on the map, the sky will "burn" at 45 degrees latitude which extends on over, east, right across Normandy, France. This book was written in 1984 and, as you can read for yourselves, there were over 550 ATMOSPHERIC tests of nuclear warheads at that time! The reason New York would be a prime target is because of the financial districts; in fact, any major city over 50,000 people is a "target" during a nuclear war.

    It is also evident that if anyone bothered to check such a lati­tude at this moment in time, that indeed, the "...sky is already burning." (I heartily recommend getting Christopher Camp­bell's book from Presido Press, it is written with no apologies, just FACTS. Presido Press, 31 Pamaron Way, Novato, Ca. USA, 94946) It defines everything from PBW (Particle Beam Weapons) to EMP (electromagnetic Pulse or Phenomenon) and includes satellite warfare just to make us all feel very safe and secure.

    In Michel's time, most of western France and the southwest of France was considered "Norman" territory, as you can see, the fallout extends approximately 250 miles, (400 kilometers) north and south of that latitude.


    * * *
    It has grown too late to do the "Press Release" requested of us, entitled KILLING PEOPLE TO GET ELECTED. It comes to us via one Neal Chase who has shared other valid and good in­formation and I think it would assist all readers to attend the in­formation in point. As with all things and all presentation, mine included, be discerning and read always within the presence of God and Truth shall be shown unto your searching eyes and ears. I find the document well researched and well done and the least we can do is share that which we can in timely manner. It is too late for the current edition of the paper and will arrive at some readers too late for much input prior to election. I assure you, however, that no matter how the "election" goes, it is "fixed" and therefore the information is as valid and necessary after the farce as before. Our task is not to "elections"--but to the awakening of mankind!

    Allow us to close this segment please, it is a long and eventful day as the bombardment against the fault lines continues to cause frequency-field upheaval and chaos. This too shall pass. Salu.

    Hatonn to clear.

    PJ 58


    WED., OCTOBER 21, 1992 8:49 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 66


    As you WAIT and WAIT for something big to happen, perhaps you MISS the biggest of all. It is simply not wise to sit upon thine assets and "wait". While you are distracted you are usu­ally "had". Pay attention, listen to what warnings DO come unto you--SEE WHAT "THEY" MAY BE WISHING TO DIS­TRACT YOU AWAY FROM IN ANY GIVEN "PRE-WARN­ING" SITUATION FROM EARTHQUAKES TO SUN-STORMS--THEN PREPARE TO THE MINUTE TO MEET THE RESULTS IF THE WARNINGS BE UNFOLDED IN TRUTH--THEN MOVE ON WITH THINE TASKS. Always get your lists checked for needs, shore up suitably and attend what else needs tending. You will never again have one thing at a time if the adversary can arrange same. Let us look to other things than weather and earth change patterns.

    Ah, you might note, that Russia extends the ban on "nuclear testing" and other "nuclear" capable countries go along with that edict--except one--Britain. So, what does that have to do with you in the U.S.? Everything! GREAT BRITAIN DOES ITS TESTING IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA--RIGHT WITHIN NEVADA!!

    What of the lying tricks of George Bush who accuses Clinton of "lying" and "waffling"? Seems there is a document (top secret) now floating around written by Bush who went with a "hide-it‑from-the-public" stance on all Iran/Contra affairs. It has been pilfered from the secret files--but what else is new? It is a nest of rats pilfering and blackmailing one another. The point is that NONE of the people who would fill the Presidency are worthy of note. Perot might well WANT to do something and perhaps "could"--ah, but will he? If he could and would actually make positive changes would he be allowed to do so? LOOK AROUND YOU and see if you actually think anyone is going to be willingly allowed to pull down all the work of the adversary to this point in history wherein the prize is within the fingers? Come, come, chelas--it simply does not work that way.
    But you might go on to think--"but God may make it right for us hard working citizens and magically change it all around"! How many citizens do you REALLY believe are living and working solely within God's laws and directives? Anyone who STILL THINKS IT CAN BE POLITICALLY ACCOMPLISHED as to Godly direction is deceiving self. "Politics" and "Godness" are of opposite meaning!

    So we still struggle with the Iraq problem wherein it is proven then denied that your American leaders helped Saddam--so why, then, did the inspectors yesterday find: Electronic phaser welding equipment in a super-high technological facility underground--which is the highest state of the art equipment--DIRECT FROM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?
    * * *
    For the next information we offer, I turn to a document for­warded to me from Montana, U.S.A. with an urgent request from a brother who asks printing of same immediately.

    Before you read the information I have instructions and request--DO NOT GET HUNG-UP ON NAMES, LABELS AND/OR "WHATZIT"--I do not wish to sort it out for you but there is so much urgent truth to look at that it is time you sort. Truth is Truth--but there are many ways to present that truth--even if it be in tiny bits and pieces as each sorts and seeks and reasons. This statement does not sanction, deny or make comment for it is time for you to realize that names and labels are of no consequence--TRUTH IS OF CONSE­QUENCE! PERCEPTIONS come in all manners and pre­sentations--YOU GLEAN THE WHEAT AND MAKE THINE BREAD FOR IT IS CAST UPON THE WATERS FOR YOUR USE AND, THEREFORE, IF YOU CHOOSE TO STARVE SO BE IT YOUR "RIGHT".
    CONTACT: Neal Chase, 328 Stephens, Missoula,
    Montana (406) 728-4721
    September 29, 1992

    by Neal Chase
    Bush has a history of killing people to get what he wants. Nicaragua, Panama, Grenada and the Gulf War with Iraq which we are still in at this moment (we are only in a temporary cease fire). Now Bush has said that he wants to be re-elected and he says he will do anything to get re-elected. The American peo­ple are not only the biggest suckers for Bush's propaganda (that 60 Minutes and John R. MacArthur's book SECOND FRONT proves) but they are also his witless victims drawn to the slaughter toward an unwinnable war that would make Vietnam look like a game of tiddly-winks.

    In a recent televised report (Cable), General Colin Powell, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and head of all U.S. mili­tary operations (who was against going into Iraq in the first place), revealed that Iraq is still armed to the teeth. Powell explained that Iraq still possesses about 500 scud missiles and that the elite Republican guard is intact. They came out unscathed and are stronger than ever. He said that the Iraqis have reevalu­ated the situation and have made improvements. He said that the U.S. hasn't been able to find either the chemical, biological or nuclear facilities or destroy them. The Iraqi planes didn't fly (during Desert Storm) and for the most part are intact. And, like before, he has again advised Bush not to go in. Iraq has solved their anti-aircraft problem.

    Recent C.I.A. information published in Parade Magazine (page 14, Sept. 13, 1992) explains that to back Saddam into a corner (like Bush is doing to Saddam) means leaving him no al­ternative but to use his weapons of mass destruction of which he has over 500 scud missiles and an entire arsenal of chemical and biological weapons. Israel is also a target as well as our Ameri­can men and women fighting overseas most of whom joined up because they were minority middle and lower class and can't get any other type of jobs for good pay.

    Saddam has said that his war (which we are still in) is the mother of all wars, meaning that this war is the one that will give birth to all the other ones leading up to the final battle of Thermonuclear Armageddon (Revelation 16:16) (like the domino effect) where one third of mankind is finally killed in one hour (Revelation 9:15).

    This scenario is not only realistic but its possible time frame is fast approaching (with the election in November) and could easily take place shortly if Bush doesn't raise- his ratings in the polls by some other means. He could easily resort to bullying Saddam into another confrontation which would only end in dis­aster.

    Using the American President Harry Truman--the only man in history to ever drop the bomb (use Nuclear Weapons) as his role model, is not a comforting and reassuring sign from Bush.

    According to Hoag Levins, in his book, ARAB REACH, dropping the bomb made Harry King of the World.

    "When World War II ended abruptly in a geyser of glowing ash above Nagasaki, Harry S. Truman sat in Washington as de facto "King of the World". No other person in history had the range of unrivaled power enjoyed by Truman for the four years between the heat of the old war and the chill of the developing cold war".

    EUPHRATES: The Bible is Not a Liar
    In the Bible, in the Book of Revelation, it clearly states that the four winds of destruction are let loose from the river Eu­phrates (in Iraq) where they are being held back (Revelation 9:14;7:1). (See end of chapter for map.). This is not to be taken lightly. You can bet Saddam knows where the Euphrates River is. Most Christians don't know it, but the Muslims believe in the Book of Revelation and in Jesus as the Christians believe in the Old Testament. On a recent Final Jeopardy (the game show) they were asked who the Muslims were waiting for and they all got it wrong. The answer was "Jesus". Regardless if you believe about the prophecy of Revelation about the River Euphrates, you can be sure that Saddam believes it 100%! and feels that he is doing the work of God according to his beliefs. Bush is not only playing with fire, he is playing with your life and mine and those of all the American people and the world. What right does he have? The right to do anything to get re­elected?

    The Christian seer Nostradamus (a devout believer in Bible prophecy) saw the name of the one who will take revenge as "Mabus" in the mirror--which is Sudam! This is Saddam Hus­sein! Mabus in the mirror is Sudam backwards (mabus/sudam)!

    "Mabus [Sudam/Saddam] shall come, and soon after shall die,
    Of people and beasts shall be a horrible destruction,
    Then on a sudden the vengeance [Saddam's revenge] shall be seen.--II.62
    This revenge against American Christian forces in Iraq is further spelled out by Nostradamus in succeeding prophecies in­cluding Bush possibly being driven out of office because of his crimes and/or possibly losing the election if his ploy to trans­form himself into a war hero (Rambo) backfires in his face. Nostradamus names ALUS (Allied/U.S. forces) as the victims of this revenge.

    "The tyrant [Emir of Kuwait] will be put to death in the Moslem port [Kuwait], but that does not bring back free­dom. A new war breaks out, through spite and vengeance [revenge].--I.94.

    "By fire [fire bomb] and pestilence [chemical and biological weapons] the fruits of the trees are destroyed, then signs of oil in abundance [Arab oil]... The Moslem fleet will jeopardize frontiers by its attack. Presage 125, July.

    "His [Bush's] hand through the bloody ALUS [Allied/U.S. forces], he will be unable to protect himself by sea. Between two rivers [Tigris and Euphrates in Iraq] he will fear the mili­tary hand, the black and angry one [Saddam wears the black hat] shall make him [Bush] repent his actions.--VI.33.

    "The great Senate [U.S. Congress] will see the parade [victory parade] for one [Bush] who afterwards will be driven out, vanquished. His followers will be there at the sound of his triumph.--X.76.

    "The earth will tremble when an airborne force is defeated [Bush-Allied/U.S. forces]... The commander-in-chief [President Bush] will be asked to give himself up.--II.86"

    The Word, and especially the American people, desperately need an awakening (truth) to the situation in the world around them. From the Rodney King trial (exposing corruption in the legal system) to the hole in the ozone layer, the world is inflicted with a disease (caused by man) that needs desperately to be removed like a gargantuan cancerous tumor. Any method including radiation treatment (Nuclear War), needed to remove this festering and malignant rot from the body of humanity is nothing but mercy and kindness. Mercy and kindness are quali­ties and attributes of God. It is precisely this type awakening that a Saddam's Revenge would evoke that is necessary before the world plummets itself in one hour of Thermonuclear War.

    Since over one year ago (1991), that date given in the Bible, we have been trying to awaken the people of Montana and Mis­soula and the world to this serious calamity that is already upon us. As the Bush/Saddam debacle began in 1991 this date still holds as the beginning of the mother of all wars. Like a Hurri­cane that passes over a town (such as Florida) first the severe winds blow in one direction (Bush's rating went up in the polls and he killed 100,000 innocent Iraqi women and children)
    [H: That's what is reported--a whole lot more than that were slain as were a lot more U.S./allied troops than you were told!] and then we enter the calm of the eye of the storm--but it's not over.

    The second wave (like a Saddam's Revenge) comes just as strong and powerful but this time the winds are blowing in the opposite direction! It is the Americans that are in jeopardy and Bush would be exposed for what he is.

    All this to awaken the world and the nation before we are es­calated into a World War (WW III) like World War I that began in Yugoslavia. We have come full circle only this time the Arab-Israeli situation and the "loose-cannon" of Russia are fur­ther elements in this horribly uncontrollable scenario that Bush (one man) has the potential to release upon all of humanity.

    According to Robbins and Geesen (The Glory News), "big Bully Bush" needs to get "his pants blown off". In other words the American people don't know just what he has been up to. On a recent segment of 60 Minutes ("Nayirah" aired September 6, 1992) they showed how Bush and the Kuwaitis used the tes­timony of a fifteen year old girl, billed only as a Kuwaiti, es­capee who claimed that the Iraqi soldiers had taken babies off incubators and bayoneted over 312 infants in order to steal the incubators, as a ploy to lead America to war! Her testimony was shocking! She was all in tears to what she said she saw with her own eyes. Later it is exposed that she is actually part of the royal family, the close relative of the Emir of Kuwait and her father is the Kuwaiti Ambassador to the United States living in Washington D.C.

    After the Allied-U.S. (ALUS) forces re-occupied Kuwait they investigated the claim and found that it was TOTALLY FALSE! The first thing they did was investigate the hospitals at the maternity wards. There was not one case of any babies at all killed in that manner. They could only find one claim and that was riddled with holes and was spurious!

    Yet the true identity of "Nayirah" was purposely kept secret by the advertising firm of Hill and Knowlton (H&K) hired by the Kuwaiti government (price tag $11,852,329.00) to "sell" the war to the American people by lying about Nayirah and getting her to cry before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus. The whole operation of H&K to "sell" the war through lies and emotional propaganda tactics was run under the administration of Craig Fuller, President of H&K up until a week before the 60 Minutes telecast exposing his company. Craig Fuller was the right-hand man to GEORGE BUSH (his chief of staff) during Bush's vice-presidency showing that Bush knew full well (was in the loop) of Nayirah's true iden­tity as well as the ad firm and Congressman Tom Lantos, one of the original council members on the Congressional Human Rights Caucus that also deliberately withheld the truth from the people, the Congress and the rest of his fel­low members of the Caucus including the chairman. Fuller also worked on the election campaigns of both Reagan and Bush.
    Yet Bush repeated this story of Nayirah knowing that it was false at least 10 different times in order to EMOTIONALLY in­cite the American people to War and divert them from the FACTS. If Nayirah's identity were known earlier she would have been disqualified as biased as she is a member of the royal family and highly prejudicial and suspect.

    Yet with Presidential "confirmation" and Bush, Fuller, Lan­tos, Hill and Knowlton and the Kuwaitis all keeping this a se­cret, the U.S. Congress passed the bill to war by a margin of only 5 votes and 6 of these were based solely on Nayirah's bo­gus testimony alone. When Bush says he will do anything to get re-elected this includes propaganda, lying, manipulation, as well as murder (killing people). Watch the tape relating to this material and see how you the American people and the media were fooled, and have continued to be fooled. Will you be fooled again?


    The reason Bush made war with Saddam in the first place was simply to raise his ratings in the polls by removing his wimp image and therefore he needed a "war" he could "win", that is, come out looking good at, like Rambo or John Wayne or something. After the United States broke their treaty to turn the Panama Canal over to Panama by warring on Noriega, Bush was still seen as a wimp and was low in the polls. So he needed another "war" to make him look like "Rambo" to get the peo­ples' favors.

    The first glimmer of hope for his scheme was when Ameri­can Intelligence discovered the codes to the Iraqi anti-aircraft system. The Iraqi system is the most sophisticated anti-aircraft system in the world. It all runs on computers. Radar instantly picks up anything flying over Iraq, aligns the big guns and blasts it out of the sky. American money helped install this system when we allied with Iraq to stop the threat of Shi'ite Iran and the militant fanatical Ayatollah Khomeini. Whoever installs the system and sets it up knows the codes.

    The Shi'ites believe that America is the "Great Satan" and are always taking hostages or hijacking planes and using car bombs (as in Lebanon on our Marines) on Americans. But now they are supposed to be Bush's friends? The American People will believe anything!

    When Bush found out that we had the codes to jam the Iraq anti-aircraft he realized he could go in there and drop payload after payload, sortie after sortie, upon Iraq and not one plane could be shot down. With the greatest military "fireworks display" ever (and telecast live on TV) he would assuredly come out on top and raise his ratings. Now all he had to do was find a way to start a war with Saddam, our long time friend and ally against Iran, the real threat in that area.

    Bush couldn't use the excuse, like in Panama, that he was fighting for democracy because Iraq is the only democracy over there. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are dictatorships run by despot Emirs who Bush allied himself with against the democracy Iraq. So he had to find another way.

    After he got the codes he knew what to do. He purposely had the American Ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, (Pierre Salinger, Secret Dossier, p.45f.) tell Saddam (the executive of the Iraqi parliament) that Iraq could go ahead and take back their 19th province (Kuwait) which Britain and France had ille­gally took away from them after the end of World War I. The same as if Canada took Montana for themselves during the Civil War and then later the U.S. would want it back.

    Iraq was very happy that their Ally and American friend and support against Iran, that helped arm them to the teeth, was now willing to even help them solve the problem (by non-interfer­ence) that France and England brought upon them in 1921 when they took away its 19th province and gave it to the despotic Sheiks, turning them into the richest people in the world as pup­pets for the British oil companies (such as Shell Oil and British Petroleum).

    Once Bush told Saddam (through the ambassador) that he could have the 19th province in private and that the U.S. was not interested in "Arab-Arab conflicts" (Salinger, p. 58) then Saddam and Iraq moved back into their 19th province. Then Bush turned to all the people of the world and yelled, "See! See! See the horrible bully Saddam! He is against our interests"! (meaning oil and the economic interests of the Trilateralists). But it was really Bush who was against our interests for now gas prices have risen and if Saddam is killed (which Nostradamus says he will be after his revenge) this will create a massive power vacuum to be filled by Russian backed Iran. Domino one, two, three...Armageddon.

    Bush has done this for his own interest and no one else's. Besides bringing his rating up, his son George Bush, Jr. owns oil wells in the Persian Gulf right off the coast of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. The reason Bush has purposely delayed doing anything with Saddam until now is because now is right before the election and back then wasn't. October (before the election) could have more surprises in it than just Halloween and Devil's night!

    The same as Carter delayed the release of the hostages until right before the election of 1980 or the way Nixon got elected on the platform to end Vietnam but then waited four years before the next election to stop that war to get re-elected, Bush holds restarting the battle with Saddam as his final trump card which if left with nothing else and unable to raise in the polls in any other way he can easily play, as he has done before over and over again in his history.

    During the Reagan/Carter election, Carter purposely delayed the release of the American hostages until right before the elec­tion so that their last minute release would boost his re-election. But it was Bush who then intervened (in order to influence the election in his and Reagan's favor) and delayed the release of the hostages until the very moment of Reagan's inauguration by engineering the Arms for Hostages trade off. This is documented in former President of Iran's, Bani-Sadr's, book, MY TURN TO SPEAK.
    In a way Reagan was a puppet, signing Savings and Loans (S&L) deregularizations (and many other things) so later Bush's son Neil and his pals could steal a lot of old women's money and get away with it in the Savings and Loan burglaries. More money was stolen by Neil Bush and the S&L bandits than by all the bank robbers and safe crackers throughout the entire history of America put together. Officials estimate that the S&L bandits stole anywhere from 80 billion to 180 billion dollars in only ONE year! whereas all the bank robberies add up to only 2 bil­lion over the entire history of the United States. It is believed that Bush was pulling the strings behind Reagan all the time (while Reagan sat around watching old movie reruns from his Hollywood days) making Bush's first year as president really his 9th year in power. Nostradamus explains.

    "For nine years the thin man [skinny Bush] will keep a peaceful rule, then he will fall into so bloody a thirst [began with Panama], that a great nation [America] will die for him without faith or law; killed by a much better natured man.--II.9".
    At least the cause of Saddam is to defend Islam and resurrect (El Ba'ath) the former Ottoman Empire for the sake of his peo­ple. Bush is out only for himself and has even most likely gone against his Trilateralist friends. This makes Saddam (Mabus) a much better natured man. The Saddam's Revenge comes as the second wave of war in the prophecies of Nostradamus.

    "For several nights the earth will shake [first bombing of Baghdad]; in the spring [temporary cease fire] to great efforts [Desert Storm and then Saddam's (Mabus') Revenge] in suc­cession.--II.52.

    And like the Bible (Revelation 9:14), Nostradamus identifies the scene of defeat in Iraq at the great river Euphrates.

    "The great band and sect wearing a cross [American Chris­tian Armies of Bush] will rise up in Iraq...[Mesopotamia] near the Euphrates with a tank force and will hold the law to be its enemy.--III.61.

    Now is the time for all the people of the world to awaken! We had already forewarned the world of all these things over one year ago in releases such as "Saddam's Revenge" and "Bush Loses the War"!, long before everyone else had begun to see the light. Over one year ago we warned that Bush would have his chance to restart the war as a push to get re-elected and now one year later the papers and media such as the New York Times and 60 Minutes have given these truths credibility.

    If Bush falls low in the polls and has no other possible chance of winning, his history shows that he is not beyond re-starting the gulf war up to get re-elected. No one says that Bush has to do this, however. It is his choice. If he does do this he will be responsible for unleashing the four winds of destruction from the great river Euphrates (in Iraq) by pushing over the first domino.

    [H: There is but a tiny bit more of the document. If you wish it all, then please obtain it from source for I cannot give into print the final paragraphs. They are brief but state that religious order has been formed by a "man" as its head and this will "fix" the problem if all follow, etc., etc. NO, it is not accurate and though I honor greatly the people in preparation of these informative documents--I will not give credence to that which is not fully correct in "man's" projec­tions of God-connections, orders and foundations of and for action. It is stated that "(The Baha' is Under the Provisions of the Covenant) free from all charlatans, fakes, frauds, liars, imposters, phonies and corrupt limitations". THIS IS NOT SO! To even make such a proclamation is indeed showing that the earliest foundations of the statement itself is fraudulent.
    Does this make the truth less truth? NO--if anything, it shows more credence, and most certainly I highly honor Neal for his compilation of excellent perception.
    He also gives references which we will not take space to reprint herein--those can be obtained from source also if de­sirable. Thank you.]

    The nuclear web 13
    The fallout pattern assuming a one megaton surface burst on Manchester, the plume shaped by a uniform north-westerly wind of 115 mph. An equivalent south easterly wind would engulf Edinburgh. The contours indicate accumulated doses of 3000, 900 300 and 90 rads to unprotected people. A dose of 450 500 rads will kill about half of those exposed to it,

    Fallout: The way the wind blows.
    More than 300 DIFFERENT RADIOACTIVE PRODUCTS ARE FORMED IN NUCLEAR FISSION; After the detonation of an atomic bomb, the stable isotopes will form on the pulverized fragments of the weapons(?) itself and on the dust and ash of the ground burst. As the cloud cools the particles will fall back to earth in plumes shaped by local climatic conditions. Finer particles will enter the troposphere where they will travel around the world precipitating in the same hemisphere in which the explosion occurred. Attacks on US or Soviet ICBM fields and submarine bases, or a ‘limited' nuclear war in Europe, would produce broadly equal long term deposition along latitude 45. Since 1945 there have been over 1320 nuclear detonations, 551 in the atmosphere.

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