PJ 58


SAT., OCTOBER 17, 1992 10:11 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 62


Please, please go back and study past information--you don't HAVE TO guess.

Watch what is happening with both Bush in the BNL bank cir­cumstance vs. politics and now, look at the federally incarcer­ated speaker who is going to give information on Quayle--RIGHT DOWN THE LINE LIKE WE GAVE YOU. This man sold marijuana to Quayle for distribution and was subsequently put into isolation until after the '88 elections to silence him--he is now unable to be hidden from news people and it should get nasty pretty soon. Remember that they needed a way to get Quayle off the ticket and the full intent WAS to put Perot into that slot. That is one reason Stockdale was allowed to blunder so badly at the V.P. debate. Just stay alert.

Next, everything is being done to get as much dirt on Clinton as possible. The problem is that when the drug exchanges at the Mena, Ark. airport (allowed by Clinton) hit the fan--so will the "source" of the drugs. This means that the blackmailers are blackmailing the blackmailers and it becomes dangerous to un­cover, in public, Clinton's REAL indiscretions.

The major earthquake in Colombia today is the direct show-and-­tell of recognition of the drug dealing headquarters as connected to your U.S., and associates. It is hard-ball time and you had best keep at ready.


This next bulletin and call for attention is still unfolding and we wish to keep you posted and focus attention but ask that nobody do anything "stupid". In advance I tell you that we have the Constitutional Law Center in full action, in contact, and piles of secret information are coming forth.

There is a writer by the name of Maynard Campbell. He is a Journalist, has written several books; one is Unfriendly Persua­sion, another is Massacre At Ruby Creek. At the present time he is writing an expose of the timbering interests. This sets the identification of the person in point. By the way, he also had a lengthy interview and writings in the Spotlight regarding Bo Gritz and the Weaver incident.

The "hotline" is working perfectly, friends, as while things were unfolding, information was pouring in.

Last evening on Radio Free America (Tom Valentine) came an emergency call from Maynard Campbell in Ashland, Oregon. He reported that he was at his lady friend's house and that they were surrounded by what looked to him like over a hundred federal SWAT team troops.

Now, what I give you herein is TRUTH for we give nothing un­confirmed unless we tell you it is not confirmed. Mr. Campbell immediately called Radio Free America as soon as it was on the air and did, in fact, stay on the line for some three hours. Dur­ing this time the man demanded to be told WHY the officers were there and was told that he would not be told until he got off the radio. This is a federally super-trained SWAT group just exactly like was sent into Idaho against Randy Weaver.

Bo Gritz is scheduled to be in Oregon this week-end and "I" can tell you that this was "scheduled" to coincide with that trip. Bo is in the loop of all that is going on here except that he does not have the full information that I can supply--or my people here, can give. McLamb is also in the loop so the network is working well--if you just keep on keeping on, patriots.

There are local people in Ashland investigating right now, as is the CLC. Much is going through Joe Tolman of American Bul­letin who has offices for that patriot paper in nearby Medford. Mr. Dixon of the CLC has been in contact with him and, now, I can give you a rundown, accurately, of circumstances.

The "charges" against Campbell seem to have something to do with a "mining claim" and there is some accusation about use of or cutting of, or something of the sort--some federal timber on the site. The mining claim is actually not in the name, even, of Campbell--but belongs to the lady friend. However, the arrest was not just for the lady
--it was definitely a trap to get Campbell and, hopefully, BO GRITZ.

Sometime after the fact, like 3:00 a.m., there was produced a summons (warrant) of some kind. We have now tracked an in­dictment of Campbell (SECRET INDICTMENT) to having been issued by a Judge "Garcia", who is well known by the Constitutional Law Center's Dixon. It was SECRETLY issued in Sacramento--not locally in Oregon. Further, it was issued some time back because copies of that document are floating around.

We know this to be true because a man by the name of Bob Kelly is working with Tolman on an expose called Chaos Is Coming. Mr. Kelly was at the dwelling and remained there un­til 3:30 a.m. when Campbell surrendered.

Mr. Tolman is in the process of doing this story and has some­how gotten a copy of the document (summons). There is a fol­low-on story being written in conjunction with input from Campbell called Chaos Is Coming (as mentioned above). The major point is to get this information flow STOPPED!

The facts are that there were a full two blocks cordoned off in Ashland, around the dwelling in point, and people were "evacuated" from their homes in the area.

The point is "again" to involve the White Supremacy group--with a massive outpouring of information pinning that label onto Campbell and others working with him. Obviously this was set up to incite rioting.

The Ashland Police took Campbell into custody at 3:30 a.m. and took him to the Jackson County jail facility--on a "NO BAIL" Warrant stating "Theft of Govt. Property". There also is some controversy over the mining claim. There is, how­ever, some kind of patent in process by the "lady" involved. I do not wish to give her identification for it is bad enough for her right now and our intent is to help these people--NOT GET THEM KILLED LIKE VICKI AND SAM WEAVER!

The U.S. Marshal's number is 503 326-5178 and I suggest and ask that you barrage them with calls until the world looks level.

Since this is so blatant you are not to overlook ANOTHER ef­fort to trap Bo Gritz; it was better to surrender and not get Bo and others killed last night--so, Bo won't "show"--at least not yet.

We are expecting resources to give us a full story as given on Radio Free America within the next hour or so as well as within an hour or so a faxed statement from Tolman at site.

I can only urge you ones to stay alert if we need make a call to patriots. I have honored American Bulletin and Mr. Tolman for long and in the past we made connections between him and the Constitutional Law Center via an ad, some of you will recall, by one "Robert Martyr".

Many of you supported Mr. Martyr only to be hacked to pieces and abused by him.
I apologize but must remind you of something VERY IMPORTANT--God must work in very, very strange ways HIS wonders to perform. Now, when you need the valid foundation of connections between these men who CAN DO SOMETHING--IT IS DONE AND READY. The pieces are myriad with which to finish this magnificent tapestry--let us be ever mindful and grateful unto God for the ability to act timely and utilize the gifts made available.

This is a very major event unfolding and you must not allow it to simply "go away"
--IT IS UP TO YOU. Thank you.

We will need to leave this message on the line at least until to­morrow so our effort will be to monitor closely and only change the message when major "change" of circumstances or need to call is present.


It is a time for you patriots and people of God to take a stand--but never in FOOLISHNESS. It is NOT a time for MARTYRS! IT IS A TIME FOR INTELLIGENT PATRIOTISM AND A STAND FOR GOD-NESS!

Why don't they come for my people? They do--but they have to first GET THROUGH MY COMMAND! THAT IS NOT AN EASY TASK.

E.J., when you get the story a bit more complete please call our contact and make sure the information gets back to Bush's desk--or Kemp's or at the least the FBI. This can turn into something worse than Idaho ever was thought of being because there are a whole big bunch of well trained and armed patriots fed up with the government crimes and activities as well as ready to take back the press and media. Let us walk gently and allow the "enemy" to respond rather than "react". You are sitting on a powder keg waiting to blow--let us not detonate the very de­struction of your nation and subsequently your world.

PJ 58


SUN., OCTOBER 18, 1992 10:22 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 63

As you move along in the service of GOD you find yourself pondering the possibilities that you are either: bonkers, in a dream, "it can't be" or "...what are 'they, the Hosts' doing now?" I continually tell you that if you turn it into the hands of God to be used as He deems fit for the highest and best good--in His own time and way--it WILL make sense at some point least expected!

Just as there had to be some unseemly routes and methods to ex­pose an enemy in the form of one, Joseph Pavlonski--so, too, did there need to be means of exposing the University of Science and Philosophy--a total fraud upon you unsuspecting participants thinking yourselves to be "finding" God. This is a hookup DI­RECTLY to the "conspiracy". And, furthermore, that has been suspected and "known" for many years.

Any time you have a massive sum such as $215 million dollars put up and poured into legally stopping the word from flowing as in the PLEIADES CONNECTION and
Dr. Russell's work along with the true projection of GOD and MAN and Universal workings, especially from an unknown Grandmother and ama­teur paper dispersers,
I suggest you have a hidden termite somewhere. More evident is the FACT presented in court that there is no profit now or expected, from the material--only deficits and headaches for the producers of same.

Before it is over, you are going to find that there has been a re­markable relationship of "money" (big money) and more remarkable personal relationships with Elite hierarchy of the World Order.

I have been sent a copy of an article from a Staunton, Va. news­paper but the fax copy is too bad for Dharma to read and I would have it verbatim, please. So, we will wait. The article deals with a neighbor of the Swannanoa Palace of the "University" who presents his confirmation of events, etc. The rest of the article deals with denials, accusations and finally ad­mits that conspiracy theories have abounded and much money has changed hands turning the place into a New Age retreat having no impact toward God in Truth but, rather, misinforma­tion meditation dealing with paranormal connections and finally, presenting any Russell material in such manner as to be totally useless in a scientific projection. The place was turned into a New Age "seeking" retreat of great cost and expense and is a humanistic programming center. So be it.

I do think you will enjoy the other portions of the letter accom­panying the information so I will share it with you for your own confirmation on other topics.

The letter and information came to America West (George Green).

I would suggest you check with Tehachapi Distributing if you wish to get any or all of the series of writings in point as pre­sented by Germain and our Hosts. There are about 8 or 9 vol­umes of the "Journals" in legally banned off-shelf holding. America West and our "scribe" have given up all interests and/or involvement with those issues. So, since they were given into the hands of a third party distributor, we have nothing more to do with them. The trial regarding the case is, of course, on "hold" at the request of the opposition. They got the work banned so they have no "rush" in mind. Since our thrust is as in dated periodicals, at any rate, we do not haggle over it as there was a marked deficit financially which is unable to be recouped in amounts ever to match the cost of litigation. I believe that two volumes were released if certain removals of names and in­formation would be complied with. I don't keep up because that was not my involvement then or now. The JOURNALS could well be handled as Time-Life or Newsweek or any other com­mentary type "journal". They come out in print about every three weeks and there is now about number 65 or 66 on its way to press. We are not competing with, say, Gone With The Wind--we are more like 200 + pages of educational/news/religious FACT, with the Journals. We try to keep subject matter pretty well in view--but the volumes are a daily "log" of dated material just like a newspaper.

The particular series of JOURNALS in point of banning, how­ever, are the outlay of "what is God" and relationships to YOU and the Universal "working" order of LIGHT, etc. It was given forth by the SAME "author" as gave it first to Walter Russell. I think you would find it interesting, extremely revealing and will also show you why the adversary certainly does not want you-­the-people to have it!

Our job is to bring the information forth--yours is to do what­ever you will, with it.
I suggest you do, however, get in touch with the other distributor (Tehachapi Distributors) if you can see your way to obtaining the material for it is the most IMPOR­TANT material you will ever have in explanation of the Di­vine structure of Creation.

The works were given away to one who was left without fulfill­ment of agreements when the Greens were caused to move into another State because of such things as this lawsuit to shut down publication of the JOURNALS. Fortunately not even several hundred million dollars could stop publication of them ALL.

Even though the volumes are now "collector's" editions, the price is unchanged and I believe there is even a discounting if you buy the series. You'll have to check it out. I believe that distributor may well list available documents in the LIBERA­TOR. At least, Dr. Young at the paper will be able to give in­formation. Thank you.

QUOTE: from C.E, Virginia.

(Approx: 10/15/92)

Dear George,

I thought you might be interested in the enclosed article which appeared in the Staunton, Va. newspaper. It was in con­junction with a front page story about a William B. Edwards, a neighbor of the Russells. He has been claiming a conspiracy surrounding the University of Science and Philosophy. I don't have that front page, but will go to the newspaper and get it if you want it.

Also, last Friday night around 7:15 a bright flash appeared in the East. I thought it was lightning until I realized the sky was very blue and cloudless. Saturday's news reported a "very high meteor was seen cruising very slowly from East to West." Another T.V. station reported "a green meteor was seen at 8:00 P.M. from Mass. to Miami" (North to South). An amateur video showed lights in a "V" shape with the point of the "V" heading south, trailing green vapor. "This meteorite blew up around 8:10 P.M." I didn't see this although I was outside be­cause I was trying to save a bear cub from being shot by the game warden. (I did not succeed.) The newscast was only reported ONE TIME.

Three weeks ago I passed a 2-1/2--3-mile long military con­voy heading West on I-64 through the center of the state. All trucks including flatbeds were completely covered by tarps. If they were just moving equipment, why was everything covered and secret? There aren't any military bases around here, either, except Norfolk. Speaking of which--the past 4 weeks there have been "convoys" of military helicopters--a total of 7 days--going over from West to East. Makes you wonder what's going on. I also had a friend tell me today that her son-in-law was called to sea duty and is sitting in the Gulf of Mexico. She thought it strange!

I did not know who you were when I called to order the LIBERATOR and "Conspiracy". Had I known what you were going through I most certainly would have offered help.

In my dealings with the Agriculture Department and with the problems and negativity surrounding my organic farming (I must be doing it right), I've gotten quite tough. So--what can I do?

I enjoyed talking with you--hope I have the opportunity again.

Most sincerely, C.E.

P.S.: ..... How come there's so few of us?! In all my under­standing I do have trouble with that one. How can so few really do something against so many?


This next comes from a good friend of ours who is a Journalist who writes for a student newspaper called The Mustang. His name is Ron Sease but I shall, at present, not list other informa­tion--for obvious reasons. His work (articles) is excellent, well researched and valuable. I would like to run them as possible in the LIBERATOR so that you readers can benefit as well from confirmations and further information. For your own informa­tion, until further contact, thank you, Son, and you are doing EXACTLY that which you need to do--there is no greater ser­vice than unto the youth! Further "purpose" will come in its own proper sequence.

QUOTE: THE MASQUERADE OF AIDS, by Ron Sease: The Mustang, Aug. 20, 1992. [H: I have more recent articles but I feel this is SO IMPORTANT that I ask to run this one first.]

Rumors need to come to an end concerning AIDS. Govern­ments and politicians must be held accountable for their criminal actions and schemes against the human race.
The world needs to know who is responsible for the pro­jected, slow genocide of six billion people on the planet we call Earth.
The facts are finally coming out. This is the worst plague since the black plague of the sixteenth century.
Since John Lear can communicate the facts, excerpts from the "Wilderness Outlook" will be used.
IMPECCABLE CREDENTIALS: "I've been flying for 35 years, 30 as a commercial pilot. Presently, an airline captain for a major cargo airline but I've flown 160 types of aircraft in over 50 countries. I've flown for 28 airlines with over 16,000 hours of flight time, over 12,000 in jet transports.
I held 17 world speed records in the Lear Jet, and the most FAA certificates issued to a single individual. I've flown missions worldwide for various governmental agencies and I flew in Southeast Asia between 1966 and 1973. I've flown both experimental and production test flights.
I was the youngest American to climb the Matterhorn in Switzerland in 1959, and I am a senior vice commander of the American Legion Post No. 1. I have four daughters and live in Las Vegas but I grew up mostly in Santa Monica.
I studied Industrial Design at the Art Center College of Los Angeles and was a State Senatorial candidate in Nevada in 1980.
My father, William P. Lear, Sr., helped develop the first car radio, the eight track stereo, and the automatic pilot for the first jet fighter; he also developed the Lear Jet, one of the first and most successful business jet transports".
This article will detail Mr. Lear's knowledge concerning AIDS.
"AIDS: AN R & D PRODUCT OF THE U.S. NAVY. Yes, AIDS was developed by the U.S. Navy between 1969 and 1972. Credit for the perfection of the virus and its cure was given to R.M. Donnier.
First released in Africa in 1975 in laced doses of the smallpox vaccine, Africa is now almost 100% infected.
The AIDS virus was introduced into the United States in 1978 in New York, San Francisco, and L.A. in laced doses of the hepatitis B vaccine. It was distributed by the Center of Disease Control which specifically targeted the white, male homosexual group. This was done so that AIDS would spread rapidly with little concern; the public would dismiss the disease as only a problem for homosexuals or drug ad­dicts.
The population has been led to believe the AIDS virus can be prevented through judicious use of prophylactics and/or rubber gloves when, in fact, HIV 1, one form of AIDS, has been airborne in Southeast Asia for a number of years. The U.S. Navy's stated goal for the AIDS virus was to infect 75% of the world's population BEFORE 1995".
Sound unbelievable? Think in terms of world population growth versus food consumption. You have not been given the proper information.... "Because", they say, "..it is none of your business".
Small towns along the U.S., Mexican border are the last to know anything concerning AIDS, due to disinformation.
In the book CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY: THE STORY OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300 [H: This book can still be ob­tained at a very nominal cost through America West until present supply is exhausted and then I believe the book will be made available as backup material purpose at an even greater reduction in pricing. I do not have information so please contact America West for information--I believe the phone number is listed on the back page of this paper.] Dr. John Coleman [H: Joseph Pavlonski] lists 21 mandates and the names of the 300 most powerful people in the world. It also lists the Universities, Corporations, and Banks that supply the Committee of 300. [H: Well, a lot of them--but there are MORE and he actually protects the real culprits of which he is a part, but it is valid enough that we did, in fact, support, pay for and still are paying for,
Dr. Coleman's presentation. A necessary "lesson"--TRUTH is TRUTH from whatever source and it is most valuable to have such information col­lated and integrated for reference. It is sad that one would bite the very hand that fed it.
So be it.]
Biological warfare on the continent of Africa is the Elitists' way of imperialistically claiming Africa. Collective knowledge of who is responsible for the murder of billions of people would create a world war.
We as a nation have been caught up in many deceptions engi­neered by the Elitists. In the days ahead, we will realize that the governments have no intention of curing the AIDS epidemic even though they possess the cure. The name of the game is, only for themselves.
Now that we are in a political year, what do you think the President is up to? Could he be on the list of Elitists? If he is behind the 21 mandates Dr. Coleman lists,
to destroy the in­frastructure of the United States, wouldn't that be considered treason?
Whatever happened to the American Dream? To educate oneself is still one answer while society appears to be crumbling around us.

* * *
Thank you, Ron. I can only hope that your readers will have access to AIDS: THE LAST GREAT PLAGUE, A PHOENIX JOURNAL and others that outlay this whole wretched mess in detail. I have to leave it to the Editors to list the proper sources. (Editor's note: See Ordering Information to order in back of book)

Dharma, allow us to close this document as there are other pressing needs this day while the lines are slowed by the Sunday break in the Campbell affair. There will be heavy inpouring of contacts tomorrow so we had best attend other matters this afternoon. Thank you.

Hatonn to clear.