PJ 59
MON., NOV. 16, 1992 8:47 A..M. YEAR 6, DAY 92
As this new week dawns as any other to most of you, it shall also most likely be the LAST as you have known it! I have waited to give you this upcoming word until the sources of information could be gleaned from at least five separate inputs--even though no one will take responsibility because of too many changes in past experience. I am faced with the same thing, chelas--if I give you "PLANS" you take it and soon these "PLANS" become "Hatonn's plans", somehow. I observe--I do not plan your economic or social events!

On the 23rd of October President Bush signed into executive order a shut-down of all banks "for holiday". That was to have come with a collapse of the financial institutions in the U.S. on October 28, 1992--right on the schedule given to you prior to this.

Now we have information flowing of which I will only give you brief statement. It was intended that several people be assassinated (murdered) only days (3) before election. Bush headed the list to be followed by both Raelen and Gunther Russbacher AND Stich, who would in turn, be blamed for the mission of assassination of said Bush. This did not, obviously, come off but it is uncovered and we shall write about it as soon as the documentation arrives--I shall not place my scribe at further risk over this matter.

As planned this minute, ALL banks will be closed as of Monday 23rd November (a week from today). This "holiday" is planned to be in force for three full weeks! There will, in addition, be a MASSIVE trade-out of currency and all will be checked against the computer records within the banks for income tax checking, confiscation and/or fining of persons with unaccounted cash and/or deposits.

It appears at this time (although this has had to be postponed prior to this because of news such as "this") "hitting the public" that all currency (paper) will be exchanged at once. The new currency is now stockpiled in the banks. This WILL happen--if not November 23, then some time soon.

In addition, all federal "food stamps" will be changed out so if any of you put aside a few stamps "against a rainy day"--it is raining! Use them prior to next Monday for you will not be allowed to turn in for exchange more than one month's credit. With all transactions IDENTIFICATION WILL BE REQUIRED AND ENTERED INTO A CENTRAL COMPUTER.


Moreover, what are you going to do when a large number of banks do not ever reopen for public service? Large sums in any bank account at present which is "unaccounted for" will be confiscated until you can document reason for holding such sums, bank deposit boxes will be opened and the same shall hold true for anything "they" choose to hold, theft or arrest you for.

Is this true? Well, chelas, many of your writers, not the least of which is ME, have been telling you for three years that this is coming and that it would be arranged to hit in a holiday buying season to bring in more complete compliance. I have been telling you almost daily that the old vaults for storage of reserve gold were filled to overflow with new currency and "coupons", i.e., rationing and food stamps. You just elected the puppet for the downfall of your nation and it is upon you!

The military forces and police are on alert for expected and ORCHESTRATED RIOTS NATIONALLY AND INTERNATIONALLY for "kill force" enforcement of "order". It will be an opportunity to cause such civil unrest and disobedience as to cause revolution which will be put down in a most heinous manner.

At present the amount of personal exchange is only $1,000 and all other will need documentation or be confiscated. The exchange as it stands now, will be in multiples to one. As nearly as we can discern, coins will not be included but visible gold may well be confiscated before this is over.

It is no accident that the Russian missile was launched and will circle the globe for five days and is due to splash down off the North West Coastal area of the U.S. sometime Friday.

Neither is it an accidental scheduling of your last "contracted" shuttle for military purposes, top secret, launch in three weeks!

If you have disbelieved me up to now--I suggest you do whatever you please for--if this comes off--it is too late to do much of anything.

To my accepting persons--get ready to meet the requirements of the Elite. You should be in the only stable bank with minimal funds, even in Corporation accounts because, most banks will be inviable following the holiday. Even viable ones will be in chaos.

I've told you countless times that this would come and yet would come as a "surprise" and on very short notice. At the same time of transfer of funds there is all likelihood of laser tattooing for identification. Since this is a "widespread" bit of information which is yet unproven I have no further comment. However, it would certainly seem to be the LIKELY time to do this--as ones MUST EXCHANGE THE ONLY RESOURCE FOR SURVIVAL AVAILABLE. What do you do? Well, to mine, I suggest you do as your guidance tells you. You must survive and you are already into the "Beast's" system so I ask you what you are doing save being a burden on your brother if you fail to have access to food, etc. I remind you--this push to NOT take "the" mark of the Beast is also conjured to set you apart from the masses to be more easily identified as "enemy". To tattoo a "body" is the work of evil--YOU CANNOT TATTOO GOD'S "YOU". GOD ALSO, AND ALREADY, HAS HIS OWN MARKED AND IN TOW--SO WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? I SUGGEST YOU READ THE JOURNALS! You'll have three weeks of pure HELL to read--or riot!

Almost all of you because it will be presented as a method to bring the economy into control and HELP YOU-THE-PEOPLE! As truckers cannot afford to continue to function and food is gone from the stores (in less than a week) what will you do the other two weeks? I think this Christmas will literally, if plans work as scheduled, be a time of Satan OR you will be returning to your GOD OF LIGHT in petition to save your very lives.

We always get around to that one, don't we? Well, I have given you the only method I have seen by which to protect anything-- and that is within their own system. No, I cannot enforce that you will SAVE anything when all this comes down--but remember something--the adversary (your enemy) WANTS IT ALL AND PREFERABLY IN ONE PIECE. The only possible avenue is exactly what I gave you before. Put the money into gold and then borrow against it--allowing the adversary himself to hold the collateral. They will MOST LIKELY NOT confiscate their own collateral. However, that may not be true. I suggest you readers who have ones diddling about--get them in gear. I know of no other resource who is set up to service such investment other than the Phoenix Institute BUT YOU HAVE TO BE INTERESTED IN SHARING WITH GOD FOR HIS PURPOSE OF REMNANT CAPABILITY--OR DO NOT APPLY! There ARE some who are diligently seeking a "way", it is up to you who know them to help them. The adversarial intent is TO HAVE IT ALL! Whether or not you ever get funds "returned with a smile" is possibly questionable at best--but even the adversary will need to continue to function AFTER the three weeks so I would guess that that system would continue after the incidents settle--especially if you don't give them any violent trouble. Remember, your advantage is that I know and have taught my people here how to utilize the laws as presented up to now--for benefit--AS STRUCTURED FOR THE ELITE "HAVE IT ALLS". You can bet on massive "changes" but the last changes to come will be in the manner in which the "adversary" would lose anything and in that measure you have some degree of shelter also. I DO NOT ADVOCATE ANY VIOLENCE--IT IS NOT OF GOD! SAFETY ITSELF RESTS UPON THAT REALIZATION. YOU CAN NEVER FIGHT THE ENEMY WITH ANY WEAPONS YOU HAVE AT THIS TIME.

I suggest you get prepared, IMMEDIATELY, for at LEAST three weeks of confusion, if nothing else, AND KEEP YOUR MOUTHS SHUT ABOUT IT.

I further suggest that none of "mine" make any "long-term" contracts--for this will probably cause the collapse of all property markets, real estate and cast you into total depression.

Keep this legal mess over the immediate property going as best you can--because choices are going to be great very shortly. However, the facade of continuation of systems will continue for a while. Now I remind you lawyers--get that suit separated and FILED against the actual participants in the "non-sale" of this property. The owners of the RTC also own the courts! I DO NOT WANT MY SCRIBE DISPLACED! IT IS NOT SUITABLE TO CAUSE HER TO HAVE TO WORK FROM AN EVEN MORE CONFUSING PLACEMENT THAN IS THIS ONE--IT IS TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR CLARITY OF TRANSMISSION--HOW MANY OF YOU COULD FUNCTION ON A GUTTER CURB OR IN "ANOTHER'S" SHARED BEDROOM IN HIDING? IT CAN BE DONE--BUT THERE IS NO NEED FOR SUCH, SO LAWYERS, GET ON WITH THIS FOR IN THIS INSTANCE YOUR FUTURE DEPENDS AS MUCH ON THIS AS DOES ANYONES! PONDER IT!!

Let us leave this now so that it can be given into the proper hands to get it to the people ASAP. Thank you.

NO! They are very much "ON". Just today you got your reminder: Over 35,000 measurable quakes have centered around Southern California alone. That missile is not circling around "out there" for nothing. Neither is your U.S. shuttle going "out there" for nothing!


PJ 59
MON., NOV. 16, 1992 10:09 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 92
Even in the midst of the fray I am continually asked, "...well, what are YOU going to do?" "What have you worked out with Bo Gritz on this matter?" "Does Ross Perot know about this?" "Is Kissinger behind all this?" Ad nauseam!

Why would I do anything with either Bo Gritz or Perot? It is your mess, not MINE! What are YOU doing? Moreover, what do you expect THEM to do? Can Bo rally Special Forces? Probably, but so what? Where would you send them? What can Perot do--buy the nation? The going rate is now multiples of "trillions", not "billions" of dollars!

Is Kissinger "behind all this"? No--but he sure is a part of everything evil that comes down as are his top cohorts, Eagle-burger, Scowcroft and NAVAL INTELLIGENCE (by the way--THIS is THE group that holds the nation security systems in hostage). When the "black-box" ("Football") was taken FROM BUSH--IT WENT INTO THE CONTROL OF NAVAL INTELLIGENCE! THIS IS THE SAME NAVAL INTELLIGENCE ROUTE THROUGH WHICH ALL OF YOUR GOLD RESERVES WERE SHIPPED OUT OF THE UNITED STATES AND THROUGH WHICH A LARGE PART OF IT WAS FUNNELLED TO ISRAEL AND STORED IN BASEL, SWITZERLAND IN YOUR ENEMY'S HANDS--THE HAPPY BANKSTERS OF ZIONISM! Please note the "sir-names" of the top advisers in transition of Clinton! And remember--Zionism (Zionists) come in all shapes, creeds and colors! Zionism is NOT Judaism!

Moreover, Mr. Majors just about blew himself out by referring to Great Britain and citizens as "British Israelis"! This was stated today on CNN! Sort of looks like the "plot" is pretty widespread, does it not?

So, now we are going to turn to other matters, like "Silverhawk", because there is abundance of information on these matters in point--you must have more on the spiritual Truth to sustain you.

I am also asked over and over--"...what happened to Little Crow?" Why don't you ask him and not me!? But I would suggest that NOTHING has happened to Little Crow--he awaits the perfection of the Great Spirit's call and command--not a space cadet's! Moreover, the "space cadet" is honored--I simply have not called so don't YOU effort to think in my stead! Attend thine own task and that of others will be attended quite nicely. Things will be exactly as they will be! (In Little Crow's inimitable wisdom of speaking and observation.) Why do you ones think there be "rift" when there is only "interruption" in the path or circuits? Do you think so little of "all" that you cannot believe at least a few simply await that which is service in proper sequence? The "timeless" connections are in the flight of a bird in symbol, the unseen love and support as the way is difficult--the strength of the silence so that the Great Spirit is heard and not the input of mortal man. Wisdom rests in the recognition of that which IS and its potential in the scheme and ultimate plan of God. If you constantly must have PROOF of something through the physical expression--then you did not believe in the first place. When the student is ready the teacher will be there! All long for strokes and affirmation--but in the higher knowing of such expression as spiritual existence--you NEED THEM NOT TO MAINTAIN TRUTH AND THEREFORE THE PRESENCE OF THAT LOVING TOUCH IS BUT "FROSTING ON THINE CAKES".

Now, with that said, let us return to Silverhawk's expression unto you, his brothers. We shall ask permission to print his work into a volume so that you might have it through his own projection--but for now, he is sharing that strength with which he is gifted to assist you through this troubled moment in experience that you might better understand.

QUOTING (Cont'd from The Winds Of God, The Resurrection. Silverhawk:

The true shaman is born, not made. He/she has a natural intent to live in the spirit world, more than in everyday world, and then to bring forth the knowledge from the spirit world into everyday practical use for the benefit of all life, people, and species. He/she is like unto a spiritual mechanic or doctor. The intent is to apply medicine in as wide a range as possible in order to restore and maintain balance in all things. This intent in the shaman is but the reflection of the intent of God or spirit that is an inherent desire in all life and all life forms.

When the European man forsook his natural medicine people in favor of linear science and invention, naturally this move was sure to bring trouble and imbalance in the mind, soul, and spirit of the people. That is why so many old Indians took on the white race through incarnation at this time, in order to bring forth balance and reconciliation, and so the good red road would not be lost for all time but would, in fact, be brought to an even wider range and finer level of excellence.

The European has spread his creations all over the world and is now beginning to see that he has reached a dead-end unless he expands his range of perception to include the spirit and silent knowledge, within his formula. We old Indians knew this would happen way back when we first saw the European. He was not open to choice. In nature, if you want to get along, you go along. This law was here long before man and will be here long after. You must awaken and see these laws, while there is still time, son. Learn to live in balance. Listen to the teachers and heed their words. One ignores the Truth at one's peril. When you take, you must give back. When you are given to, you must re-give. Treat others as you would like to be treated. If (when) all come to live by that one golden rule/law, we will be in a perfect world. It will come. It WILL come!

As the purification rolls on, the natural shaman will ascend to his rightful position within mankind and fill the vacuum left by the false priest of arrogant medicine and science. Life will become simple and clear then and re-balance will naturally occur.

You can see and feel love everywhere if you become still within. Have you ever met the innocent gaze of a child and had him burst an unconditional smile your way? Have you ever smiled like that since you were a child? Have you ever seen a "wild" dolphin leap clean out of the water with the pure ecstasy of being? Gaze at a garden or forest of plant people in stillness and feel the love and willingness of being as they anchor to the mother and reach for the warmth of the father's radiance. See the many creatures live and breathe and dance with life. They are all innocent children. They are love; the innocent fire and......so are you. Awaken, remember, be still, let God in, let ecstasy take you, have you and have its way. Be the bride of Christ. Know that you are the son or daughter of the most high love. He is also as innocent as a child, you know. He loves all unconditionally, yet He is the author of all wisdom. My God! You must experience how tenderly you are held and cherished. It is "we" who judge ourselves harshly and hold grudges and accuse one another, not God. He only waits and beckons to you in a million ways, every day, to awaken and remember. Meditate. Walk through that gate and know this Truth. No one, neither God nor Sananda nor I nor anyone, can walk through that gate "for" you. "You" must walk through of your own free will. Engage!

The sacred four directions of man are mind, emotion, soul and sex. These make up the aspects of our being that require self mastery in order for eternal freedom and being to take root in us. There are two other directions that must come into play also. They are, as above, so below; the monad and the gonad. From your crown or monad, you must bring in the energy and anchor it to your gourd of fire or gonad. So you must stand in the middle of the wheel in the center of the cross of Alpha/Omega and address each direction with balance and respect. When you bring the energy in your crown from God and anchor it, you are then "Christing". I see the word Christ as a verb, to "Christ". Through the Christ you get to the Father and He to you! Its is done through meditation, through discipline and through attention. Well, take your time, you have all eternity. However, we are closing a great cycle and the opportunity to fly through this portal has never been better and will not return with such magnitude for another 350,000 years. Now Sananda is a true master of Christing as well as the Lord of the Gold ray and I'm sure he will be happy to assist if asked. So, if you want "Jesus", then you have him too. However, he will not, cannot, do it "FOR" you, only "WITH".

Through meditation you can learn to watch your mind and "see" what it does and how it works. The more you examine self with ruthless objective perspective, the more you will become familiar with the mind and can see how to change it, discipline it, direct it, command it and thus come to master it instead of it mastering you. The mind is one of the four lower bodies and must come under your dominion in order for you to master self. Remember, you are not your mind, "you" are spirit. Your mind is your possession. Be not possessed "by" it. Meditate.

This is a real rip-roaring one for most of us. Especially rangers, I tell you. What treachery these things are when they are out of your command. They cannot be "suppressed" into mastery. They must be raised unto a higher octave of address. "Peace, be still" is the watch-word here. If you must "vent" profusely, then do so, while at the same time being aware of a "stillness" behind your emotions. When you are done venting, go directly with your mind into that stillness and seek resolution and light to apply to the reason for your outburst. This will bring you back to balance and stability within self and you will experience light "burst" within the matter. You may feel a little foolish when you realize that if you had been still and done that in the first place, you could have avoided the venting. "Eureka!" You are on your way to masterhood. Every time you catch yourself, take two steps forward. This is the discipline of the "path". You will find that you vent less and less as you progress, until it becomes a habit to go to stillness whenever there is need of balance. This is the Ascended Master way of life. It is most rewarding.

Let me tell you that you are getting this from a former "champion venter". I should have done Shakespeare. I could have played Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights. Now, after years of practice, stillness is a habit at last.

Let me just add that there is a difference between the passion born of love and the lower emotions. Never suppress this passion. It is a symphony, a dance, a poetry of expression. It is high joy and desire. When you are anchored in stillness, then you can truly know the reality and beauty of love passion. Without stillness, lower emotion is where you fall. Love passion is one of the three powers of actualization which are; unbending intent, blazing love passion, and clarity of goal. The present moment is where lies all power. The present moment lies directly between future and past or vision and memory.

The soul is your akashic. It contains the sum total of all your experiences through time and eternity: All your lives, your loves and losses; your victories and defeats, your trials and accomplishments and on and on. In meditation you will begin to "see" all of this come up. You will have flashes of your history and who and what you have been. Things you are particularly struggling with now, have most likely followed you through time. As you invite light and divine assistance and understanding and guidance into your crown and anchor it in meditation, you will begin to experience bursting revelations and comprehensions will unfold. You will "see" through the veil and gaze into perfection. You can then begin to replace discord with this perfection of feeling. This is grace. This power heals and completes your karma, so to speak. It is simply resolved and lifted off, freeing you and your mind and emotions and allows the true passion of love and life to come forth. This will happen more and more as you go.

All this progress is painfully slow at first. It is the same for everyone that way but the further you go the faster you go and find yourself beginning to take quantum leaps into freedom. Soon you can fly free for very long periods. Then it is but a matter of fine tuning and flight time experience. You will find that your soul is clean and new and that you suddenly have a great deal of "space" for wonderful things, space that was formerly taken up by conflicts. You have forgiven all and self for all trespass. This is freedom. This is true freedom and you will find yourself having tea with God everyday. It is simple. Not easy----simple.

Yeeow! No! Not that! Can't we skip this one? I remember wishing that very thing not long ago. However, if you want complete mastery and freedom, you can't....skip it. It is the very gourd of fire. It is the life force itself--the kundilini. I speak of it last because, for so many, it will be the last to be mastered. I haven't mastered it yet myself, but I'm on the way. Sex is an irresistible urge, of course. It is the force of intent of all life to make more of itself. Sex drive is the life force of God. It cannot be suppressed or ignored. What a silly idea, but it can be meditated upon and light brought into the matter. It is not the highest expression of love, in my perception, but it is the primal love drive of life itself to make more life. Only "man" has had the free will to "warp" this beautiful thing all out of shape. Only he can use this force as an instrument of egomania. I can only say that it will never go away. It can only be "refocused".

As you rise in awareness, perception, range and light, you will experience a gradual lessening of interest in making babies and just "screwing around", so to speak. I don't mean to degrade the experience for, when there is "true" love, sex exchange is a most beautiful and powerful passion. True love is rare, however, yes? You can and will grow to evolve out of any misuse as you progress in awakening. The old expression will be replaced by new realizations. Ascension is all about "generating and conserving energy". To master self, you must stop wasting energy by "indulging" in undisciplined and discordant mind activity, emotional activity, sex activity, and soul guilt. When you are completely done with wasting energy, you can "recycle" all that energy back into your equatorial grid and use it to be conscious with--in fact, super-conscious--or for anything else for that matter. You can replace cells faster than they die and thus experience "eternal youth". You can, in fact, condition your body to accommodate enough energy to transfigure your being into ascended "light". This is it! This is the "secret"!! Simple, huh? Easy? .....No! It takes time, desire, discipline, and commitment. However, you have what it takes already built in. We are like unto warp-drive starships who have come to believe that all we have is impulse power.

When you are truly tired of the merry-go-round of Karma and you just "see" through it one time too many, you will engage this path as surely as a child sheds a bicycle in favor of a car and he won't miss the bicycle after the first cruise at sixty miles an hour. It is just growing up is all. It happens when it happens.

[Hatonn: This is a bit thick and deep and I will ask you to wait and get the book for the rest of this subject writing for I take exception to the lesson offered. Always man of Earth human species efforts to cause this experience to be totally boggling to himself. The facts are, friends, when you get focused on responsibility and your purpose for experience in this journey--YOU SIMPLY FIND THERE ARE OTHER THINGS FAR MORE URGENT AND IMPORTANT TO YOUR MISSION THAN DINKING AROUND WASTING TIME AND "USING" ANOTHER MALE OR FEMALE FOR YOUR UNGUIDED RELEASES AND EXPRESSIONS--MOSTLY OF CONTROL AND POWER.

You will be fed everything from deep breathing to masturbation as necessary and officially authorized manners of expression even unto being a medical necessity. No, it is necessary that your heart beat--sexual intercourse is not necessary under any CIRCUMSTANCES--even unto procreation as you must be aware today. You have been taught all sorts of erroneous things about that activity but almost 100% are wrong. That one act and seemingly need for that act has brought your nations and peoples to total destruction! You are going to come into control of all things physical for self or you are simply substituting one action for another under the misperception that it is somehow NECESSARY! IT IS NOT! The author gave you the answer to his own misperceptions in the beginning of this writing on this subject when he said "...I have not mastered (this one)." How can I speak of this? Because I HAVE mastered it!]

Picture the earth surrounded by a golden aura glow. Remember the gold ray as the sustaining mother principle of God. Now give the earth a name, see her as a mother, a goddess in wholeness. She is Gaia, a garden of life.

Because the nature of spirit is pervasively electrical, all forms exist in oneness and unity and the "intent" of spirit is one of balance in and between all things. You are out in space, now, like a god looking down at Gaia as witness, floating in stillness. See this as true, what I have said. See Gaia and all life forms as one individual with the life forms being different parts of her body in expression. Now, where is Gaia's brain? Which life form represents her brain? HA! There "you" are. Now you are back on Earth, sitting in a chair. You are it! You are her brain, man. Man is Gaia's brain. He is the being in which spirit can be conscious of itself. He is the periscope of God and the brain of Gaia at once. Quite a being, huh? OOPs! THIS JUST IN! A CRISIS REPORT. MAN IS ONLY USING 3 PERCENT OF HIS BRAIN. THERE'S TROUBLE IN THE GARDEN. MAN IS RETARDED. He is sleeping soundly in a sensory jungle, pin-balling like bumper-cars, in a freefall reactionary amusement park. Who's tending the garden? Who's minding the store? Oh my God! This just can't be! Oh yes it can...and is. Clap! Clap! Time to wake up! What is that other 97 percent of the brain supposed to be doing? Let's go deep now into the answer.

Now we are back to the reality of "range". Now we also go back to the beginning--the "primitive premise".

When man was first placed here, he was more light than physical. He had a complete comprehension and awareness of Gaia and all she contained and was the witnesser, balancer, tender, co-creator being that accommodated all of her mind and being within his mind. Like a fully activated computer "modem", (monad), he was linked to the master computer of God and Gaia and thus served as the man or spirit in the field and the "leg man" for God, the great mind. This is being 100 percent "on", folks. This is "unlimited" range. Our brain is designed to accommodate the universal and Gaia mind altogether and accomplish rapid computations at the speed of light and thus bring about and maintain balance and integrity within all and between all things.

Our modem got turned off, and we lost contact and oneness with planetary and universal mind. We thus simply "fell" into the sensory pin-ball arcade and have been bounding around ever since. Not to mention being jacked around by the "pin-ball wizards", you know, those "seedy" types that just hang around and cause trouble for society.

Well, now we are back to meditation. It is the gateway to full activation again. We have an "arc of the covenant" already built into our beings. Step by step, sequence by sequence, we can re-activate our modem/monad and come back to experience one-ness with all once again and thus fulfill our purpose and destiny. Reactivation is a process, however. Our bodies are not conditioned yet to sustain or accommodate "full" brain/mind activity. The computer has been "down" a long time and, if we tried to do 100 percent straight away, every circuit in our being would "blow". So the sooner you begin activation, the sooner you will arrive, through process, at 100 percent again. Sooner or later you must and will. Why not sooner then? When you reach 100 percent activation, you will be where Sananda is and all the other Ascended Masters.

There have been times in my "hot" moments when it feels like I have managed 20 percent activation. It is an awesome and ecstatic experience. That percentage is a guess. Only God knows where I am in the process. That's okay. I'm on the way. That is the important thing. I'm busy being re-born or reactivated. Much better than to be busy dying.

Man has called this re-activation experience by many names like samadhi, nirvana, the kingdom of heaven, rapture, etc. Well, call it what you like. Just call it.....in. This is the highest goal of man that I am illustrating. This is the "God Head". When you reach 40-50 percent, you can qualify to drive a star-ship and go where you will. You can then be a master tender and co-creator. At 100 percent, you are a builder of worlds. Ah Ho, brother. This is the "great" work. This is the grand journey....back home.

Now I must bring forth the knowledge of our counter-parts in Gaia. We command the land. Who commands the sea? Right! Whales and dolphins. Their great brains have never lost activation. They have continually commanded the balance in the oceanic world. They have also been suffering greatly from our retardation as we mindlessly dump poison into their world and ours. They call to us in crisis. "Where are you, brother"? "What is wrong with you"? they ask. They beach themselves and die in front of us, trying to get the message through the meat-heads. I'm amazed when people go down to the beach and scratch their heads in wonderment. "Why did dey do dat, duh"? They wish for us to re-activate so that we can cross-reference in brotherhood once again.

God and Gaia know all about this. They also have brain-tool people with enough activation here at this time to accomplish their intent. Intent such as, "atomic transfiguration". Now from Pleiades source, I have received information that states that this planet, Gaia, was designed to "comfortably" accommodate five hundred million human beings. Since I am human here, this idea causes quite a "cringe". If this is true, then humans are more than ten-fold overpopulated here. I can't help but look around and see the probable wisdom of that figure. Man is such a smart-ass. He invents and invents greater technology in order to "squeeze" out more resources from Gaia in order to what, see how many of himself he can cram in here? He can neither properly feed, educate, love, or create comfortable room for those he has now. I have to give the white man and red man credit here as the only two races that seemed to comprehend the value of limited family size. The white man saw this as a way to create greater family abundance and liberation. The red man saw the ultimate truth about how many of man's numbers Gaia was designed to accommodate. However, all men have and have had their share of retarded foolishness and I do include myself.

From this knowledge base, I think we had better be prepared for many forms of Gaia's rebalancing and purification, as well as the atomic transfiguration effect. She has always had her way in her dance with Creator's life. Little boys will often be quite naughty, till mommy comes to whack them back to civility, as she has done many times in the past. Now, however, in the ending of the great cycle, Gaia must transit into a higher frequency of life. Therefore, her "special" work with "special" children is coming to an end. She must have strong and awakening children with her now. The "special" duty will fall to another mother being. It is someone else's turn, she says. And so it is. So, hurry up kids. The bandwagon is rolling by now.

As Gaia moves, we must move and change with her. If she does rebalance us to a half billion optimum, there is going to be a great deal of "space" created for the remnant. We must remember that God and Gaia will give us anything we want if we will "balance" within the law. As we learn to awaken and use more of our brain, we will see "how" to do things in a more graceful and gentler fashion. After the purification, I'm sure that the sentiment of wisdom will be that, "Let's not go through that again, shall we?"

The civilization of the fifth world must be simpler and more refined, as we human beings become simpler and more refined. A unity and comprehensive consideration must bloom in our minds. Truth must become obvious. We need not become hunter/gatherers again, nor do I feel we should. We've already done that. Let's move on. Let's take the best of what we have done and amplify and harmonize it with Gaia. We must re-emerge as her ultra brain-mind being. This is what we really want anyway, isn't it--to be home and safe and warm? Let's go for it. There has never been a shortage of anything here but awakening. Well, except that we cannot make the Earth "bigger" in order to accommodate more of us. Man must come to control and master self. God and nature cannot do that for us, at least not in a way that we would like control to be. We must harmonize with the obvious laws of creation if we want a paradise world, and if we want to be sons and daughters of paradise. Man is "planted" on worlds with the intent that he civilize himself and master self in order to grow to star-level co-creator/sustainer. We are meant to be the instrument and co-operator of the great mind as a worthy participant in its infinite growth and expression. Pin-ball was not in God's planning. That was someone else's idea, the adversarial one; in fact, the one who wishes to be God unto himself and make his own laws. Well, he must come to realize that the creation can never overcome its creator. That should be obvious. Would you let your hand slap your face under its own power? Not for long, I'll bet.

Let's go now into the meditation of the fifth world in full, and how we can get from here to there in one piece and what "there" can look like and be like. Our goal is to create and sustain a civilization and world, on a par with those of the Pleiades and a "man" in harmony with all to live in it.


Thank you for a long morning. May the voice be heard throughout the lands that MAN can and may find his way.

Salu, Hatonn to clear, please.