PJ 54


SAT., AUGUST 29, 1992 3:43 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 13


Dharma cries out from the depths of total despair after working around the clock for over a week now. She has interacted with ones from the President (yes, Bush) through to a bloody moun­tain in Idaho where a "controversial" "third-party" candidate put his life on the line as a Patriot for a brother about to be mur­dered and whose wife and child had already been murdered.

So much of the mail is so wondrously gentle and undemanding--just warm and appreciative. Much is sent in support but the "humor" within is hurtful and painful. Ones such as P.C., whose material I have tried to utilize to give HIM insight instead of knuckle-thumping for unthinking blasts "against" God and Command. Each new contact brings more discomfort as if somehow by not attending ONLY YOUR PERSONAL NEEDS is directed at personally insulting or deceiving you.

My reception of information is greatly softened by KNOWING--unfortunately my workers have not the resource more than do you.

P.C., I DO believe that you and I ARE good enough friends to respond to your correspondence openly and bluntly as has been directed to me.

As to the other request for "plates" of the Liberator--NO, NO AND NO. Those are not decisions which are made by ones at the office, America West or anywhere else. I MAKE THOSE DECISIONS. If ones wish information other than that which you are willing to share on a non-regular basis--bless you, but ones can jolly well help support this intensive, thankless work by subscribing. Why do I speak so bluntly? Because you are speaking of giving away thousands of papers. The more the better in my opinion but my workers must account and already literally "go without" to serve. If you wish the papers, they can be sent easily from right here where they originate. Blessing upon you for caring and for the sharing--but I will not release the very originals which MUST be kept totally secure. Do you not understand? My people's very lives are at stake every minute of every day and this foolishness is very hard for them to understand. They are willing to meet your needs to the extent of requests but the requests become daily, more hard to handle for the "one" when hundreds and hundreds are asking for the same individual attention. I have to ask "Father Aton to temper my anger with patience, understanding and insight in order that no one be offended by these thoughts," I believe is the way you be­gan YOUR letter so allow for the same privilege, please.

For my workers here who are absolutely exhausted from no sleep and work--while vigil is kept, I offer the time and space to look carefully at that which has been received by we, on this side of the mailbox. Take note, friend, that if you only wanted to reach ME--I AM AS CLOSE AS YOUR FIRST THOUGHT--WHY PETITION MY PEOPLE? PONDER IT? Sharing and dumping this "load" is very, very DIFFERENT.

I shall ask for quoting, as usual, and I will again insert my comments!


May Father Aton temper my anger with patience, under­standing and insight in order that no one be offended by these thoughts. [H: Obviously HE did not--nor were you truly ask­ing for patience, understanding and insight--you were not even ANGRY--you were making a POINT which might have been actually well received if offered as such.]

Dear Pleiades Sector Flight Command/Cmdr Hatonn/Cosmic Council/Intergalactic Federation Council on Earth Transition,

Either I need the assistance of a "professional mental health worker" or simply require a missing explanation; whatever the case, I am as confused as confusion can be. Since the Cmdr is known for his crystal clear manner of communications and pre­cise explanations, to him I put these inquiries and sensed obser­vations but at the same time wonder aloud if Cmdr Hatonn does in fact speak on the behalf of the entire Flight Command, as it would be interesting to know their input and/or difficulties or disagreements these ones might be having regarding the laws governing interference by one planetary body with the affairs of another planet and the basis for the cosmic law of non-interfer­ence, as well as their views on the concept of free-will choice, which is the motivation for this communication. [H: No, it is NOT the basis of this communication for if you have read your homework you would know very well those opinions and, furthermore--just WHO did you have in mind to speak or receive? If you question my regulations, WHY, INDEED, WOULD YOU ASK ME ABOUT IT? WHO DID YOU DE­SIRE TO HEAR FROM AND WHAT? That interference, intervention and butting-in through act of force IS OK? Ac­cording to whose opinions of what is right and what is wrong? DO YOU KNOW ALL? ON WHAT DO YOU BASE YOUR OPINION THAT THERE NEEDS TO BE IN­TERVENTION? Further, HOW DO YOU KNOW THERE IS NOT ALREADY MASSIVE INTERVENTION? PON­DER IT. Perhaps THIS ALONE is why you are in your po­sition and I hold mine--better vision perhaps?]

To begin with then, could anyone explain, for the life of me, precisely just what kind of abomination it takes for the Mind of the Creator to step into history once again to set things aright? How many more babies must be slaughtered in cold blood or sacrificed to Satanic ritual? How many more wars must be fought, wars over which it appears I/we seem to be having no control? [H: Does GOD create the abomination? How many babies must be slaughtered? I ask YOU--how many? How many more wars? DOES GOD make these wars? I ask YOU--HOW MANY will YOU SIT, COMPLAIN ABOUT, BITCH TO ME ABOUT AND ALLOW TO CONTINUE? YOU spend your time trying to prove who I might or might not be--WHY DO YOU NOT FIX IT? Why should we FIX it? We have done nicely with OUR reality and experience--HOW MUCH MORE WILL YOU ALLOW? GOD OF CREATION CREATED BOTH--AND YOU WERE TO BE THE GUIDES, THE STEWARDS--WHY DO YOU TAUNT ME WITH YOUR OWN FAILURES?]

How many more lies do the religious zealots have to perpe­trate on humanity regarding the cloak of secrecy that shrouds the Dead Sea Scrolls? [H: The WHAT? Dead Sea Scrolls? The whole thing is a lie to attempt to cover the other lies already told--where have YOU been?] How much more mayhem and destruction can there be until You arrive? [H: I suggest it will be bunches because ones like you will continue to ponder the chaff and miss the wheat while wallowing in self-pity at your confused state of what IS.] Can we not put out the fire before the house burns to ashes? [H: Yes, but with this attitude of "fix it FOR 'me'" I think it may well not be put out at the rate you are going.] If I purchase a Rolls Royce, I expect the tires to come with the car! [H: If you compare GOD to a Rolls Royce (albeit a rather gaudy affair), I suggest YOU have missed the entire point of all time and experience.] If the Pleiadian Fleet crosses a sector of the Universe in order to reach Earth to give us THE WORD, one would similarly expect this task to be accomplished preferably before the Earth blows apart, which it appears set to do any moment now. [H: WHY WOULD YOU EXPECT THAT? AND IF WE ARE WORKING IN AN AREA AWAY FROM YOUR VISUAL FIELD, WHAT MAKES YOU THINK WE ARE NOT SAV­ING THAT PORTION OF OUR OWN? We, the Hosts, are not sent here to SAVE anything from ANYTHING. We are here to bring THE WORD as promised and collect our peo­ple!--REMEMBER? (???) HOW DARE YOU ASSUME, BECAUSE OF YOUR OWN BLINDNESS, THAT ALL ARE BLIND? I, again, ask you what YOU are going to do about the plight just described? Are you simply going to continue to complain to me that "we" aren't doing enough? Well, it isn't "our" planet and I am interested in your SOUL--not your rear-end. Until you can understand the difference, we have little to speak about for even "alarm clocks" are but physical inventions of tinkering MAN.]

Having read your entire output (and enjoyed ever bit as much) I still unfortunately have difficulties in attempting to meditate my woes and over-anxiousness away. [H: God help us all if you COULD. That is precisely what is wrong with your species--just make it somehow "go away". You would be nuts beyond the "mental health worker" you speak of if you were not concerned and a bit over-anxious. DO NOT LUMP ME IN WITH YOUR OWN FAILURES OR CON­FUSION.] Despite many logical explanations put forth, includ­ing those found in the Journals, I confess not yet being able to understand God's reasoning behind non-interference both as an inviolate Universal law or as an individual free-will choice re­sponsibility and the allowance of this free-will choice left to the hands of barbaric man as he is given carte-blanche to terror and control, and why certain limitations are not imposed. [H: So, let us assume right now that GOD is clearly interfering with YOUR state of over-anxiety by causing this letter to be writ­ten! Do YOU as an individual merit a change in "Universal Law" to calm your pulsing over-anxious consciousness? How about "barbaric man"? What IS a barbaric man? Are you not asking for another to be stripped of his power, life and free-will to please your own opinions of what is Univer­sal Law and proper running of species and planet? DOES YOUR not understanding have cause for ALL to be bereft of understanding? Perhaps if you study more carefully--you could better understand instead of self-pity in the self inter­est of confusion. Is not "I don't understand" the best lie and cop-out of all mankind?] Would not a substantial amount of murder and mayhem have been avoided throughout history if man had not been permitted to kill or destroy anyone other than oneself as a for instance? [H: Ah, but you only focus, still, on "self". Why were YOU not alongside Col. Gritz on the Idaho mountain preserving the right to life of Mrs. Randy Weaver? Where were YOU or, should God have just struck the whole bunch deaf and dumb and toppled them over like mosquitoes on your forehead? We did prevent a lot of things and we did it properly--THROUGH MEN BIG ENOUGH AND DARING ENOUGH TO STEP FORWARD AND ACT INSTEAD OF WHINE AND COMPLAIN ABOUT GOD'S NOT DOING IT "FOR ME".] Couldn't mankind have learned his lessons equally well or bad without ability to Kill?? [H: Golly gee, I guess NOT.] The intent to kill or slaughter or maim could serve enough as an indictment thank you without the bloodshed. [H: Oh? Says who? And why, then, has it not been stopped by you who perpetrate it? Where are YOU while the children in the ghettos pop-shoot at each other be­cause they are too bored and brain-dead to do otherwise? WHERE ARE YOU? GOD GAVE YOU THE POWER TO ATTEND THESE THINGS AND LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE! I, for one, am tired of pounding on the head of a poor weary scribe who, frankly, no longer cares much what happens to mankind. Her opinion is that there aren't probably more than a couple of hundred who give a damn about themselves. Perhaps you had best thank God that we do not accept resignations so easily or you wouldn't even get this response. My ground crew at this location is fed up, exhausted and don't care whether or not you learn anything more about Pleiades or flying saucers--the whole idea of thought-trend is oblivious to them today while a nation walks on the brink of annihilation because MAN will not wake up and even recognize his ENEMY! Until it happens--it does not matter a whit in a pile of rubbish--WHAT PLEIADES IS LIKE.]

"Death is only one of life's endless trivialities in the screenplay illusion of the master plan," you retort? [H: I would certainly NOT retort with such drivel--it is either a beauteous gift of beginning or a seriously misspent experience--certainly not in trivialities. You either learn your lessons WELL or you are destined to confusion and more of the same.] Then why safeguard the families/relatives and "significant interactions" of we workers if it be so trivial? Ah-so! if you can save one you can save them all. [H: I don't SAVE anyone or anything--they take that which is given and USE it for protection. If my language is not understood, then I cannot help your per­ception for it is all with which we have to work if YOU are not willing to open your mind and reach into truth for that understanding presented. GOD DOES NOT SEND THE HOSTS TO SAVE--ONLY TO PREPARE AND TELL OF HIS COMING. ACTUALLY, THAT IS A MISSTATE­MENT--GOD IS WITHIN AND THUS, ALREADY ABOARD. THE HOST BRING THE ONE RECLAIMING THE CREATIONS OF GOD (KINGDOM). IF YOU BE NOT ONE OF "HIS" THEN YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GO ANYWHERE EVEN IN PERCEPTION--EXCEPT INTO FURTHER AND DEEPER CONFUSION. WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THE TERM "SAVE"? (???) How knowest thou that in death of the body is not release from the Hell already present? And, further, to SAVE that which is in torment--would be a sentence of pure torture and in­credible experience--HOW DARE YE JUDGE? IF YE BE GOD AND CLAIM RIGHT TO JUDGE--THEN WHY HAVE YE NOT ALSO DONE SOMETHING SO THAT GOD'S THINGS WOULD NOT HAVE COME INTO SUCH TERROR AND DISREPAIR? Indeed, I am tired of ones badgering us for your own lack of willingness to understand. Somehow you ones feel it is fine to dump garbage and insults upon US and, yet, if we speak back unto you without mush in the mouth--you are offended and turn unto the "other" who is "nice to me". This is not the case here, readers, for P.C. has tried for months to incite a good debate. I'm sorry that I have little time to do it justice. He is, indeed, loving this interchange and, for that, I honor him. I have several who allow me to make points "at their expense" and are good enough "friends" (and there is no greater honor than to be a "friend") to allow passion in retort. I promise you, Gritz did not say "Dear old brother, Hatonn, go up on that mountain and face the devil--because I am confused and don't understand why you have let this or that happen!" He took his shield of Light and his sword of "right" and marched head-long into the viper's pit and put his life be­tween that man and his executioners. His only horror was that he was too late to give his own life to save the mother and child. But it is not to be that he lose his life--unless YOU ones cause it--for he is willing to give MORE--how much are YOU willing to give for what is RIGHT?]

Again, help clarify to one's like me no less than God's per­spective on this concept of free-will choice.

[H: I believe I have given you "no less than God's perspec­tive on this concept...." If not, "I" cannot help you! ASK GOD! Why do you ones ask ME? You ask God to temper your anger--but you direct the questions to ME through a secretary who has a bad case of tired-fingers.]

If indeed Hatonn does speak for the better part of the Com­mand in which case no dissention is manifestly present, then I imagine the consensus goes something like this: "Let's wait and see how many more nitwits decimate each other and, exactly to the tune of someone else's prophecy, arrive at 2 milliseconds to midnite during all-out nuclear war, arrange a splendid show of bravura as we pull up our ground-crew and wave bye-bye to screaming billions!" [H: Really P.C., you "imagine that...."? Who would you like to have answer this "imagining"? I in turn, say that "I imagine that you are NOT thinking at all! And, if you are, and you want to do things YOUR way--why not do it? Could it be that you and yours have already DONE IT and now wish to complain about your success? Does it annoy you that YOU have been and continue to be so EVIL AS A SPECIES? Why, also, would I snatch up ones against their will to SAVE THEM? Again, what do you mean by 'SAVE'? I HOPE YOU PERSONALLY LOOK VERY CLOSELY WITHIN AT WHY YOU ESPOUSE THESE THINGS AND ARE SO INSULTING TO WE WHO ARE ONLY HERE TO SERVE. WOULD YOU HAVE ME LEAVE MY GROUND-CREW AS WITH THE POW/MIAs? You have claimed to be one of my ground-­crew--shall I just leave you while I snatch up those who do not wish to GO?

Further, I thought it was YOU who wanted a great show­-and-tell. What is this taunting now, about some "...show of bravura....and wave bye-bye to screaming billions!"? And, "...wait and see how many more nitwits decimate each other and, exactly to the tune of some else's prophecy...." My ones work around the clock around the week and around the year--to tell you how to not be a nitwit and be left waving bye-bye--why don't I just choke you or torture you bodily until I MAKE you see and hear? Why don't I just go ahead and kill you because you are not able to pass through a fre­quency beam and then taunt at YOU--WELL, YOU MADE ME DO IT! You insisted I SAVE everybody whether they liked it or not--now, look what you have done and look how you make me look to those others on the hill waving sweetly with extended middle finger!" Which is exactly that which I have gleaned from you towards me and my brothers from this letter!]

Now I ask, who is being more cruel, the elite Earth con­trollers and their bag of tricks and zero population antics, etc., or Space Command, who, in full knowledge and with ability to deter the outcome, are content to simply observe without inter­ference, who in fact emphasize over and over as if to remind the adversary of his complete reign on unabandoned destruction, their steadfast determination at non-interference?? "Brothers"?? [H: P.C., how dare you? You who cannot even cause your own brother to understand your input? How can you dare to strike out at a GOD OF JUSTICE? Do you lack frustra­tion in dealing with the human aspect of MAN? What think you that we who KNOW difference feel for your species and insults? I repeat: God nor Hosts did nothing save give you perfection and you have destroyed it--only now to complain like the child who eats his own chocolate bunny at Easter (stupid habits and excuses for religions) and now has it not.]

I assume your calculations include a healthy measure of dis­satisfaction in the response of Americans who one day may come to learn what was unfolding all across their beloved land, as they grapple to understand why the knowledge of your awareness of the One World Government plot and your decision to remain at arm's length from the battle lines or the negotiating table or TV screen eluded their discovery. Might these and fu­ture generations see this as nothing less than a cover-up on your part, as accessory to crime? [H: What makes you think I "stand at arm's length"? Besides, "arm's length" is very CLOSE INDEED. What makes YOU think we attend not these negotiation tables? What, for that matter, makes you believe we are NOT on TV? (???) Would YOU know? How dare you to assume anything about US? Just because YOU do not experience--does that mean that someone in Washing­ton D.C. does NOT? Oh, I think that surely you must jest! Future generations? I shall have future generations--I won­der if YOU will? And, if you teach those possible "future generations" what you represent, what care I what they think of my accessory to your crimes? If YOU care not--why think ye that I should?]

I cannot speak for the rest of the crew at America West en­terprises nor for the readership of The Liberator and much less for the Command, [H: Ah, but I see that you will put in your preferences and input at any rate.], but I certainly would not object to a little interference now and then out of compassion for the slaughter of innocent babies and the nearly 7 billion people who do not receive their weekly God-send that is the Phoenix Liberator/Journals. Besides, how many attempts at Dharma's life do you tolerate before you strike back, with your pen, of course, not with your photon blast vapor gun; wouldn't want you to confuse the two--it might just solve too many problems at once! Seems to me if "my money is where my mouth is," on­going murder attempts on my scribe's dear life would justify entirely the use of at least non-lethal force as retaliatory action by any good Commander's standards. [H: Obviously it be­comes apparent why YOU are NOT the Commander! Do you write all this insulting assault upon the senses and then proclaim to wish to PROTECT my scribe? Or, is it just other attackers you wish put down? I shall be happy to va­porize you if that is what you wish but you might only be simply "confused" about it and denounce the actions as be­ing unfair. Why don't YOU "interfere now and then out of compassion for the slaughter of innocent babies,....etc.?" You obviously have no concept of how many of those very babies "slaughtered" that I DO bring home to safety--ALL OF THEM! Nanu-nanu! And, "attempts on Dharma's life"? Most I, or she, stops--the ones that are carried out successfully--obviously have not been permanent so I would assume you know not a thing about that which you write!

What "other" problems would be solved? If I get rid of YOU, Bush and Kissinger (all are robotics anyway--except you and even YOU cannot be sure of self) what would I gain? What would be gained for the slaughtered millions of babies? GOD created perfection--you destroyed it--HE has again created it, how many of YOU will be there? Are you actually worthy or just "talk" a good game? I thought not.]

A bout of "negotiations" with added blackmail of my own such as perhaps a self-invitation onto ABC World News Tonight would certainly be included in my list of permissible priori­ties/confrontations. [H: Oh, is that MY network? Why don't I just destroy all of YOUR property and see if YOU still like it--or would you just call it vandalism, theft and breaking and entering? Would it make you a believer or a greater enemy? Whose side are YOU on, P.C.? It certainly is NOT mine or the beloved JUST GOD I serve.]

However, since I gather you are on orders to await the de­struction of fully 3/4 of the world population before making contact, no matter what I write herein will change the course of history, but I'll try anyway:

Dear Cosmic Counsel, [H: (sic, sic), do you want the head lawyer (counsel) or do you wish to petition the Council?]

Seeing that there are things we-the-people cannot do our­selves at this late stage, I therefore take the humble liberty to request help from the Command to which I proudly belong and obediently obey and under whose written principles of conduct based on God's Laws of Love and Balance I effort to live my life, in calling forth the assistance of crewmen and appropriate technology enabling me thus to accomplish my personal goal and worldly objective of spreading forth The Word to the four corners of the globe, which I understand, for some reason be­yond my ability to comprehend at this moment in my evolution is the mandate of my "contract" and the principle purpose of my embodiment in this manifestation on this planet this time around, in however manner and in whatever way I choose as long as death is not involved, specifically to take over operations for an unspecified period of time all major US media with a view to uncovering the grand lies and unbelievable distortion of truth created by the elite hoodlums, as a service to fellow neighboring Americans and my own brothers in Earth Command, the conse­quences and repercussions of collective and individual actions involved in this "equal opportunity" endeavor, such as pursuant arrest for whatever reason, etc., being safeguarded from the start and graciously provided by members of your outstanding Command.

[H: Whew--running for contest winner of longest sentence or just avoiding a "thinking" session? What makes you think you can't change it? Late stage? Who let it get "late"? Are you saying that you get no help from "Command"? Do you insult me and the Council members by claiming to "...proudly belong and obediently obey and under whose written principles of conduct based on God's Laws of Love and Balance I effort to live my life, in calling forth the assis­tance of crewmen and appropriate technology enabling me thus to accomplish my personal goal and worldly objective of spreading THE WORD to the four corners of the world." WHY? You don't believe nor do you practice that which are the laws as is evidenced by your asking us to BREAK THEM ALL. I think I would consider carefully that which you jest about, friend, for you have invoked the "Council" and you petition for personal gain in worldly matters, ask that we break the laws of Universal truth and then lay forth a sar­castic rendition of "...your outstanding Command". I have a rather high "rank" on the Council, old friend, and you have just insulted me and mine for three pages of fun and games. You spend hours typing garbage which you do not mean and then whine that you have no time to do your work to earn your own goals. I would suggest you attend the con­tent of your petition a bit more carefully.]

Since I am a fragment of you in service to God, I see no rea­son you should deny me whatever technological assistance the task at hand will require... [H: Oh? IN light of the foregoing I can see several reasons NOT to allow you much of any say whatsoever. Perhaps the remainder of the gargantuan sentencing will shed light...] in light of the fact that this reasonable request for assistance is not to be mistaken by the charming adversary for outright Pleiadian interference, since it is purely and simply a request for hardware being granted to an Earth person. [H: You already have all the hardware you need to blow away and destroy the rest of the world--why would you ask the Council for such trivial accomplishment as to giving you the means to destroy and slaughter the rest of the babies and God's creations--or is your pulse system and nuclear bomb only going to "get" the ones YOU are ticked-off at? And you are still angry at why I won't turn over original paper "plates" into your hands? If you would petition unto the Cosmic Council for such things-would I be a good steward of my task to turn over the very WORD into your keeping or sharing? Humor is one thing--what you are doing here, P.C., is quite another and I would petition you to look at it most carefully--you jest and play with something that is most critical to your very survival of soul--does it mean so very little?]

If the elite madmen can initiate a technology, etc., then it certainly stands to reason that members of the same non-aligned command can contract and exchange among selves. I thank you Cosmic Council in advance for your kind assistance and eager participation as I await your instructions. New York Times here we come!! (A schematic follows): Pierre

Dharma, there is more but we need a break, please, as there are so many urgent things to attend. Thank you for your patience for this one knows not what he is doing! When we finish we will simply continue on here and start a new pro­gram with a new subject.

PJ 54


SUN., AUGUST 30, 1992 8:55 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 14



At the top of our list today is Constitution Law Center actions. Because of the "Center" it appears California WILL do some­thing about passing the budget--while the Legislature blames the Governor and back and forth. No time for speeches--just read the information:

Sacramento (Calif) based Constitutional Law Center has filed a civil lawsuit against EACH legislator for their failure to pass a budget by 6-15-92--A CONSTITUTIONAL MANDATE.

This unique class action lawsuit demands that each legislator be personally responsible for this constitutional law violation and pay penalties out of their own pockets.


This terrible tragedy greatly overburdens the economic condition of this state and its citizens.

The cavalier attitude of our legislators toward this crisis is dis­gusting and will be repeated yearly (and in every state) unless the Law Center is successful with this lawsuit.

1. VOLUNTEERS. CALL (916)485-7901 TO ASSIST.
2. MONEY. We anticipate we will spend a minimum of $250,000. We do not have the money and need your donation.



QUESTION: What does an earthquake in Culver City, Calif., eruption (with MASSIVE ERUPTION EXPECTED IMMEDI­ATELY) of Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines, two eruptions of volcanos and two earthquakes in Japan, SMELL of sulfur fumes in Los Angeles claimed to be from the Salton Sea (over a hun­dred miles southeast of L.A.) and a Fed. standoff with a man named Weaver with Bo Gritz in attendance--have in common? This, of course, not to mention the mess in Florida or the torna­dos which destroyed portions of other states just last night. In addition, is anyone LISTENING to what is happening in Bosnia-Hercegovina, the Persian Gulf, Iraq, Israel and South Africa?(???)

All the "war" incidents are obviously plays for total power by the Elite and/or ruling controllers--LISTEN to what the "people" say--if and when they are interviewed, "...we don't know these people who claim to be 'our neighbors'--they are hired military 'special forces' fighting and killing IN A POLITICAL WAR which is NOT OURS! Our very families are being killed on both sides because there is only ACCEPTANCE of intermarriage among all of us and we are struggling to not lose memory of that fact." Ponder it. Is it already America? Those "we-the-people" have NO WEAPONS, cannot do anything, even obtain food, because they are shot by snipers. Have WE NOT SPOKEN OF HOW IT WILL BE? THINK! THINK! THINK!

Are not the ones in Florida totally helpless awaiting hand-outs and government tending?? Was there not total control of a given area where none were allowed (by police force) to leave or enter? Are not the devastated at the mercy of controllers in EVERY ASPECT OF EXISTENCE? THINK ABOUT THIS ALSO!

Weaver is wounded (shot in the arm) and Bo will not leave the area. If the Feds want this man so badly as to do such a horren­dous thing over one (set-up) firearms violation wherein there was actually NO VIOLATION--do you think the man will last incarcerated where they can poison him or simply give him car­diac arrest? Come, come. The Feds DIDN'T EVEN COME WITH A "WARRANT FOR ARREST", little blind lambs. I am going to write all morning on this and allow you to draw conclusions--for I would not want to endanger these men with "NATIONAL SECURITY" violations by causing them to reveal the nasties in the closet. WHO ALL DO YOU THINK MADE THOSE CLANDESTINE TRIPS INTO CAMBODIA, SHAN­LAND, ETC? WHY WOULD PAUL HARVEY BE IN­VOLVED? I THINK WE MAY HAVE A BIT OF SLEUTHING FUN HERE AND SEE WHAT CONCLUSIONS YOU-THE-PEOPLE MIGHT COME UP WITH. WHY WOULD THE FEDS AND ADMINISTRATION WANT THIS MAN ON THE MOUNTAIN MINDING HIS BUSINESS--DEAD? Perhaps GOD answers prayers for those who pray for insight, after all? You must understand, reader-listener, that if a thing is classified "NATIONAL SECURITY" and information is divulged by the one ordered silent--it is DEATH ON THE SPOT! IF THE FEDS WILL KILL A MOTHER AND CHILD--DO YOU NOT THINK THEY WOULD IMMEDI­ATELY SHOOT, BLOW-UP OR NAPALM A "SPEAKER"--ON THE SPOT AND CLAIM "NATIONAL SECURITY" LATER--AND BE ALLOWED TO DO SO? All INDEED, GOD MAY BE MOST WONDROUSLY INSIGHTFUL IN THESE MATTERS.


Culver City (L.A.) had an earthquake today. There was imme­diate release of "sulfur smell". The sulfur odor has been build­ing since the first quake in "Landers". The excuse given is that it is coming from "dry fissures" in the Salton Sea--over a hun­dred miles distant.

Salton Sea is created by volcano activities in the past--it is an inland "dead sea" and those volcanos are ready to rip apart. Remember the writings on "deadly fumes up through Lake Elsi­nore" we wrote about a couple of years ago? Get ready--these will be DEADLY! You can now expect minute by minute pos­sibility of the San Andreas "going" and with it will come "fumes from the very streets and sidewalks" as Nostradamus put it. The area of 29 Palms military base is UNDER EVACUATION as will soon be the civilian surrounding area.

In Needles, California there are train-loads of military equip­ment off on sidings ready for use. Wake up--America. The earth shakes in this area until nausea is the constant complaint and particulate in the air is causing massive allergy and irritation response in ones who DON'T HAVE HAY FEVER! The areas around the original quake sites are of "cottage cheese" con­sistency and in appearance as seen from air surveillance.

Why didn't "I" tell you about the hurricane and Florida? I DID!! I did so from the moment it was created! However, if you don't GET the information what difference does it make?

My people do not have funds to publish more often nor carry more "hot lines"--they are doing the very best that they can and it never can be "enough". If you don't subscribe to the paper then you can't have it timely at any rate. Even then we are us­ing first class mail to speed receiving but the paper is "going broke"--so there you have it. Our staff is failing physically from the around-the-clock burden and no rest.

Big things going on in the Philippines. Mt. Pinatubo is spewing sludge and is going to erupt massively at any minute with "no further warnings anticipated". (That is the way it always is when it is "triggered" and, if not "triggered", why would such a statement be made?. They "say" the eruption will be even big­ger and more devastating than last year's and already evac­uations are taking place from the mountains nearby! And how is your day?