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  1. #1
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 55
    With the passage of PUBLIC LAW 102-14, March 20, 1991, you made it LAW that you will have a national religion and it will be based on the Zionist Talmud and "Jewish" Torah. This is in direct violation of the Constitution of the United States. But it was passed by voice vote and made PUBLIC LAW on March 20, 1991--and hardly any of you noticed. This is the anti-Christ­-God in his march to Zion!


    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.
    The Phoenix Journals includes bibliographical references and indexes.
    Contents: [Tangled Webs] -- [Crucifixion of the Phoenix -- [etc.].

    • 1. Spirit writings. I. Hatonn, Gyeorgos C. (Gyeorgos Ceres) II. Dharma, Computer person. III. Phoenix Journals.

    ISBN 0-922356-87-4
    First Edition Printed by America West Publishers, October 1992
    America West Publishers
    P.O. Box 2208
    Carson City, Nevada, 89702
    Printed in the United States of America
    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
    DEDICATION.......................................................................................... ...................
    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ ...............
    TODAY'S WATCHIT.........................................................................................
    NEVADA.............................................................................................. ...............
    ARIZONA BORDERS........................................................................................
    OTHER "SPEAKERS"........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... ..............
    WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1992..........................................................
    HOLD YOUR BREATH.....................................................................................
    WORLD ECONOMY TODAY..........................................................................
    WHAT OF WARS?.............................................................................................
    SO. CAL. WESTERN SKY LAST EVENING?................................................
    HELP IN DISASTERS........................................................................................
    RANDY WEAVER.............................................................................................
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... ..............
    THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1992..............................................................
    HEY, WHAT'S HAPPININ'?..............................................................................
    THE HEART, I.E.: GOLD AND MONEY........................................................
    MISSILES............................................................................................ .................
    EARTHQUAKES AND SONIC BOOMS.........................................................
    OVERVIEW OF MAJOR EVIL FACTIONS....................................................
    PUBLIC LAW 102-14........................................................................................
    PERSONAL MESSAGE TO aka JOHN COLEMAN ET AL..........................
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... ..............
    THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1992..............................................................
    Re: PUBLIC LAW 102-14.................................................................................
    A GOVERNMENT TRULY GONE MAD!......................................................
    JOINT RESOLUTION........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... ..............
    FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1992.....................................................................
    TODAY'S LOCAL BAD NEWS CONFIRMATION.......................................
    ROCKET LAUNCH FROM KAUAI.................................................................
    FLOODS, ETC. ...................................................................................................
    POLITICS IN THE LOW LANES......................................................................
    NEW GOVERNMENT NEEDED......................................................................
    WHERE ARE THE TEACHERS NOW?..........................................................
    PHARISEES........................................................................................... ..............
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ..............
    SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1992..............................................................
    WATCHIT!............................................................................................ ..............
    ULTIMATE MEMORY RECALL.....................................................................
    CORPORATION SENSE....................................................................................
    THE ULTIMATE WORLD ORDER.................................................................
    as pictured in "The Jewish Utopia".................................................................
    ZIONISM FROM TALMUD AND TORAH.....................................................
    ALL OTHERS SHALL PERISH........................................................................
    THE AIM................................................................................................. .............
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... ..............
    SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1992...................................................................
    CONTINUATION: The Jewish Utopia............................................................
    WHO IS TO JUDGE?.........................................................................................
    GLORIFIES STEALTH AND DECEPTION.....................................................
    USES ESOTERIC TERMS.................................................................................
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ..............
    MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1992..................................................................
    FROM: The Jewish Utopia................................................................................
    PLANS FOR ARMAGEDDON..........................................................................
    HERE IS THE PROGRAM.................................................................................
    U.N. IS PART OF THE PLAN............................................................................
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ..............
    TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1992.................................................................
    WHAT HAPPENED TO BONNIE?...................................................................
    EARTHQUAKES......................................................................................... .......
    RANDY WEAVER UPDATE............................................................................
    AS TO OUR AUTHENTICITY..........................................................................
    CENTURY VIII: 27 (Nostradamus).................................................................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ..............
    TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1992.................................................................
    MUST BE TOTALLY JUDAIZED....................................................................
    HISTORY REVEALS RACIAL DIFFERENCES.............................................
    WE MUST BE BRAINWASHED......................................................................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ............
    TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1992.................................................................
    HENRY KISSINGER AND OTHER LIARS.....................................................
    PEROT AGAIN!.............................................................................................. ....
    YUGOSLAVIA.......................................................................................... ..........
    SIX STEPS TO POWER.....................................................................................
    ALL OTHERS MUST PERISH..........................................................................
    ZIONISTS TO POLICE WORLD.......................................................................
    U.S. FLAG TO DISAPPEAR..............................................................................
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. ............
    WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1992..........................................................
    REVISIONISTS?....................................................................................... ..........
    MAKING HISTORY...........................................................................................
    MAIN SPEAKERS............................................................................................ ..
    OTHER SPEAKERS...........................................................................................
    SEVEN-STRATA ARISTOCRACY..................................................................
    MOST SURVIVORS TO BECOME FARMERS..............................................
    ISRAEL TO CONTROL EDUCATION............................................................
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. ............
    THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1992..............................................................
    ON THE POLITICAL SCENE DECEPTION....................................................
    PLATE POLITICAL IMPLICATIONS..............................................................
    POUND STERLING............................................................................................
    LOCATION OF BLAST CANNOT BE TRACED!..........................................
    BUSHIES FINGERED IN SCAM......................................................................
    HIGH-FLYING CAREERS................................................................................
    SOUNDPROOF COVER-UP.............................................................................
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. ............
    THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1992..............................................................
    A STORY FROM SALT LAKE.........................................................................
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................. ............
    THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1992..............................................................
    JEWISH-DOMINATED FEUDAL ESTATES?................................................
    TO BREED TALL, HANDSOME "RACE"......................................................
    BLOND JEWISH CHILDREN?.........................................................................
    ISRAEL JEWS FOR CANNON FODDER?......................................................
    CHAPTER 15.................................................................................................. ............
    FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1992.....................................................................
    BETRAYAL............................................................................................ .............
    GO WITH GOD................................................................................................. ..
    KEVIN HARRIS.............................................................................................. ....
    ISRAEL TO EXPAND........................................................................................
    THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE "RIGHTEOUS"........................................
    CHAPTER 16.................................................................................................. ............
    SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1992..............................................................
    LOOK AGAIN............................................................................................... ......
    COLOMBIA, ETC...............................................................................................
    SERBIA.............................................................................................. ..................
    GOODNESS IN ISRAEL?..................................................................................
    HIDDEN AGENDAS AND "THINGS".............................................................
    SHARE THE LETTER FROM CANADA........................................................
    MR. HIGGER INTERPRETS THE PROPHETS...............................................
    WHEN WILL THE UTOPIA BEGIN?..............................................................
    CHAPTER 17.................................................................................................. ............
    SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1992...................................................................
    ARMAGEDDON TO "RESCUE" THE JEWS.................................................
    MORE MILESTONES TOWARD A-DAY......................................................
    CHAPTER 18.................................................................................................. ............
    MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1992..................................................................
    WATER SUPPLY.............................................................................................. ..
    BAPTISM OF DEATH IN FRANCE.................................................................
    CAMBODIANS.......................................................................................... .........
    ASIAN REFUGEES IN GERMANY.................................................................
    WAKE UP TIME................................................................................................ .
    AS A CHILD--NOT CHILDISH........................................................................
    CHAPTER 19.................................................................................................. ............
    MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1992..................................................................
    WHO WILL WIN?..............................................................................................
    HOW TO CAPTURE AMERICANS.................................................................
    HOW CAN WE DEFEND OURSELVES?.......................................................
    CHAPTER 20.................................................................................................. ............
    MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1992..................................................................
    INTERRUPTIONS....................................................................................... ........
    CAN THE ZIONISTS TRIUMPH'?....................................................................
    IT'S UP TO US.................................................................................................. ...
    ABOUT THE AUTHOR.....................................................................................
    COMMUNISTS ATTACK AUTHOR...............................................................
    A FIFTEENTH CENTURY "PROTOCOL"......................................................
    THE FATAL DISCOURSE OF RABBI REICHHORN....................................
    APPENDIX............................................................................................ .......................

    This volume is dedicated with great respect, honor and appreci­ation to many who have presented like information but espe­cially to two whose work is most expressive and insightful for the time frame in which the information was offered.

    To BM Slack, P.O. Box 1140, Mayer, Arizona 86333 I offer appreciation for the superb information in the discussion of PUBLIC LAW 102-14 of March. 20, 1991.

    And to Robert H. Williams for his excellence in perception in THE ULTIMATE WORLD ORDER as pictured in The Jewish Utopia. THE JEWISH UTOPIA is THE authentic and com­plete plan of the Zionists for world domination. It gives suc­cinct instructions and explanation of the ultimate "new social or­der" which the Zionists plan to utilize step by step (and have done so) to establish after they have used Communism, democ­racy and a third world war to gain their ends. I can only hope your brethren will SEE AND HEAR.



    TUE., SEP. 29, 1992 8:33 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 44



    Word comes directly from Las Vegas, Nevada: Black unmarked helicopters have been landing and stopping traffic for "checking" on all highways to and from Las Vegas as well as other "random" checkpoints about the state. There are no ex­planations given, the helicopters land and block the freeway or highway and the agents making contact wear dark uniforms and black face shield.

    Unmarked military commands are now blocking certain high­ways and freeways entering and exiting Arizona borders and stopping traffic. Cameras and film are being confiscated--with­out explanation but at gunpoint if refusal to cooperate is offered.

    These things are taking place all around the United States and other American nations--but I will not offer such infor­mation until we have information from a contact. As we will not give advantage to the enemy, I will continue to protect my crew--therefore, if you have information to share--please do so for YOU may save your own neck and that of your brother.

    Take note that the insignias on the black uniforms utilized by the military-type invaders of homes for the purpose of confiscation of property, in Michigan (East Lansing) are MGTF (This stands for: Military Government Task Forces. This is one of several insignias to watch for. This was in use in the late 40s and 50s. In fact, in 1951 these units seized nine cities in California, seized the mayor and police chief, posted proclamations of ab­solute dictatorship over the populace--and in the name of the United Nations Military Government Forces. These same "exercises" have been run through ever since--usually at times of riots or "scares", either real or imagined. You still have this kind of control in Los Angeles ever since the riots as do you in Florida in Homestead area. These are simply EXAMPLES for there are many major cities across your nation which are under these "exercise" "training" operations which also have UN troops in place.

    This (MGTF) was then "branched" off into another operation called Federal Civil Defense Agency and on and on until these were joined under one command under integrated "emergency" Executive Orders and labeled FEMA. So, in the episodes going on at present around your nation(s) you will find ALL of these various labels utilized--this is for confusion factor. If and when they come to your door I suggest you give them whatever they ask for to the best of your ability--they mean business and America is NOT longer "free" with "rights"--all of the Ameri­cas now operate under the Charter of the United Nations with military operations headed by a Russian military command.

    Note that along with demand vaccinations and inoculations of ALL children by age two there is today the beginning of the end--in Canada. In British Columbia TODAY begins a mass in­oculation of the population's children (through university age) and then on into the older ages--AGAINST HEPATITIS-B. Chelas, this is exactly the way AIDS was introduced in mass in­oculation for Hepatitis B into the Homosexual community in New York City. HIV was given WITH the Hepatitis serum and from there you know the story! This is now a requirement in British Columbia, Canada, and is "expected to be made the law of the land in every province as well as in the United States", goes the public information statement.

    This is without a doubt the most asked question. It is assumed that God and Man are separate individuals and one has nothing to do with the other. The fact is that unless you understand what has happened to you there is no way to undo that which has come upon you.


    Your enemy--who would have your very soul and remove every vestige of spiritual heritage from you--is in control of your physical planet. THAT MAKES THESE ONES MY ABSO­LUTE ENEMY. THIS MEANS THAT THESE ONES ARE THE ENEMY OF ALL GODLY PEOPLE ON THE FACE AND WITHIN THE PHYSICAL EXPRESSION OF "EARTH".

    I am constantly warned, begged and advised to stop mentioning these controversial subjects lest we find it difficult to convince "others" of our presence as "Hosts" of God sent forth in prepa­ration for the final scenes of the "play". I care not of the con­troversy--Truth will stand into infinity and I bring you nothing save Truth. You are people of the lie and subjects of the "liar", the Prince of Deceit. If you like not that which we bring forth I can only suggest that you not partake--but I would also assure you that we bring TRUTH and you will move through the physical consequences of your own failures to heed the warnings of we the messengers. God will not scoop you out of anything as the liars have told you it will be. They may believe it them­selves, but they LIE and things will NOT be as the books and false teachers have presented it unto you. There is finalization of the Ultimate Plan for total control of your world, in full oper­ation, by year 2000--so, you are in the final days.

    I am also bombarded with inquiries about this speaker or that speaker. I have no comment on "other" speakers. Are they "valid"? I am asked. Oh indeed, I must answer--but ALMOST all are from the dark side of the Plan. I have no wish to com­ment for if you are a student of mine, you KNOW how to dis­cern Truth and Godly messengers. If you do not bother to learn your lessons you will be duped again and again and that, dear ones, is your own privilege--your right of passage in God's gift of free choices. The most often asked about in this category is Ramtha. Why would I need comment on one, Ramtha? If you cannot discern, why would you believe whatever I tell you? I will say that impact on his validity comes through the human speakers and is WHY we have no "organization" as such. The impact of human experience destroys Truth as quickly as possi­ble and ones fall into the trap of human desires. J.Z. is in the throes of divorce for her mate is not only bisexual in experience (I say "experience" because that term means NOTHING in spir­itual reality) and has AIDS as well as infecting countless other individuals. This kind of action is NOT OF GOD, is not sanc­tioned by God nor shall it ever be, no matter how many "vote-in the behavior as being acceptable". LOVE and ACTION IN PHYSICAL EXPRESSION are NOT THE SAME THING! LOVE in Truth is always RESPONSIBLE IN ACTION.

    I would also suggest that ones stop interpreting for another what I mean or do not mean in the writings. If the message is for YOU, you will get it! I chuckle in loving amusement at one in Nevada, M.A., whose friend took exception to what I said about a representative to Earth who claims to be THE contact for E.T.s and Hosts. The "insult" came into M.A.'s attention be­cause I had referred to "a redhaired woman who drives around in a Cadillac". I did refer to such a person as being as poor a representative to you the people as any dark energy aboard your planet. She drives around in a Cadillac with a "spaceship" atop it, she dyes her hair flame orange, wears rainbow satin robes and looks like a nit-wit from out of spook-land. THIS IS NOT WHAT YOUR COSMIC BROTHERS ARE ABOUT AND THIS IS A DANGEROUSLY FALSE PERSON IN EVERY RESPECT AND YET SHE IS TOTALLY WITHOUT UN­DERSTANDING OF HER OWN PREDICAMENT. This is NOT M.A. in Nevada! For you who love clues and mysteries: her initials are R.N.! SHE represents NOTHING from any Command out here and only embarrasses herself with the stupid antics. This is typical of the Adversary at work. Any species who can have ability to reach your planet are not going to run around like childish idiots for any who can reach your inner spaces are VERY TECHNICAL AND KNOWLEDGEABLE INDEED--and don't look like monsters and do not discredit CREATOR by such insults to his Creations.

    By the way, to you who feel I am stern and ungiving spiritually in my discipline: You hold the enlightenment of mankind on your shoulders and within your hands, speakers and writers. If you give false information you are as fully a tool of the evil ad­versary as if you deliberately destroyed soul growth of another. If you work with me you shall be kept to total perfection in your receiving and scribing--THAT requires discipline and forfeiture of "opinion" except in your own experience--BUT NEVER WHILE PRESENTING DIRECTLY AS DICTATED BY HIGHER ENERGY OF GOD'S COMMAND. Further, if you are clear within, you will fully agree in your own expression with all of God's laws. This does not mean you will act like a pious idiot for appearances to the multitudes--IT MEANS YOU ARE "CLEAR" AND A TOTALLY OPEN CONDUIT FOR TRUTH.

    It is not unusual to "receive"--ALL MUST LEARN TO AC­CEPT THE INPUT OF HIGHER GUIDES AND THERE WILL COME THE DAY WHEN IT IS SO. Be careful in your perceptions that it is fun and games and some sacrosanct and su­perior position of some sort to "be a receiver". It is not and is a pain in the you-know-where, dangerous, and God always sends messages of depth in meaning, responses to that which you are requesting in information and instructions on how to make it through this manifest journey. To babble that which others bab­ble in sanctimonious verbiage is but useless garbage for you will find the garbage building and--as with junk food addiction--be­comes the diet and poisons the intelligence and thinking mind with "it's OK to this or that." No, it is NOT OK to do that which is against God's instructions or the Laws of Creation. It is "allowed" for that is the testing of God--WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH YOUR GIFTED "CHOICES"? These ARE the lessons of physical journey in free-will experience.

    By the way, all you ones who read the messages and claim re­ceivership. If you are in fact, receiving--why would you think that I would reprimand you in Dharma's writings? If I reprimand Dharma--I reprimand HER--not through YOU. You ones must be sure of your connections and to whom you are con­nected--for I promise you--once connected to God's higher Command--YOU KNOW! Moreover you DO NOT NEED ANOTHER'S "OPINION" AS TO SUCH AS "REPRIMANDS". Those "feelings" of insult and hurt come di­rectly from the little dark fellow at your ear nagging you to be hurt and turn from God into the comfort of the "promising" ad­versary. CONSCIENCE is that voice of GOD and never is brought forth with "hurt" or "pain"--only loving sharing and growth. I detest the term "reprimand" for it connotes harshness and superior "control" of "my way". Discipline is something which arises in self in response to needs as expressed by the teacher's experience and higher knowledge. GOD'S MES­SAGES NEED NO TAMPERING FROM MAN NOR SHALL IT BE ALLOWED. OUR MISSION AT THIS MOMENT IS TO BRING TRUTH FROM THE CHAOS AND LIES THRUST UPON YOU--NO FURTHER DISTORTION IS AL­LOWED. Dharma may have her opinion--"on her own time". Further, we need not dozens of speakers--for that becomes sim­ply more confusing, so do not put yourselves through pain and sorrow if your mission changes. Each has a mission and pur­pose and ALL will not write, nor all will not print, nor ALL will not farm--some must make pencils if the word is to be written.

    Know that we treasure EVERY communication--EVERY ONE. We utilize as much information as you share as we can do so for this, ultimately, will be the way you come into understanding--from your own level of presentation by the unfoldment of Truth already presented upon your place and overlooked or hidden from your senses. In matters of the world operations I use nothing save that which is already available if only you knew where to get it--AND WOULD DO SO. YOU won't so we compile it into that which we hope you will find valid and cause you to go forth and research.

    The information utilized regarding the Ultimate Plan herein has been available since the late 1950s and yet almost no one has even seen it and most who studied it "then" are now gone. This is WHY the "plan" works so well--three generations of infor­mation input and you change a species. Suppress the Truth for three generations and the Truth is lost until the changing of a great cycle as NOW.

    The concept is simple: If you know the plan of your enemy you can block that operation from completion as he desires it. If you know not what is about you--you have no opportunity to change anything--you are simply dupes and pawns to be utilized.

    I may not awaken you ALL but if I only reach ONE, I will have served my mission with honor for if that ONE truly heeds and hears--HE WILL DO HIS RESPONSIBLE WORK AND REACH OUT UNTIL HE IS HEARD AND ON THROUGH THE MASSES. I FIND FAR MORE THAN ONE SO WE ARE IN GOOD SHAPE IF YOU TWIDDLE NOT.


    Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 23:26.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 55


    WED., SEP. 16, 1992 7:57 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 31


    The roller-coaster is picking up speed so that, as with Humpty Dumpty, the dive off the bombed out "end" will dump the na­tions into absolute and total confusion and inability to sort it--for years and years to come.

    Most of the people will continue like sheep in the "slaughter" chute, tolerating the prodding and accepting the "handouts" (if they come) with anticipation of looking like Somolian skeletons by the time you reach the chute's end. Fat sheep present more of a problem in disposal if not for "market" as meat. Or, could you be heading for "Soilent Green"? How will you know? Will you know because the "President" weeps at a letter from a "Gold Star" mother who does not RESENT the murdering of her son? Probably from anthrax introduction and not even from battle? Or might it be "friendly fire"? Practically no one, ac­cording to the government statistics, could have been killed from battle in your "precision bombing" war against a tiny Middle Eastern "third world" country.

    Still think the economy is not FIXED? How come, then, did Great Britain raise the interest rate a full five points today?

    You must look to Germany wherein it was said the last two days' market rallies owed the rallies to acts in Germany. What say ye to the fact that Germany is now REMOVING INTEREST TAXES DIRECTLY FROM ALL SAVINGS ACCOUNTS--IN ADVANCE AND WITHOUT PRIOR NOTIFICATION TO HOLDERS? Those so-called neo-Nazi rallies against the Asians are a bunch of B.S. and I see not how you miss it. They are so well orchestrated at government level that the very number of injured are precalculated as are the insults and slogans being brandished about.

    The plan is still ON for massive collapsing of the economies to­ward the end of October--if they can be held together that long. Final massive efforts of the monied parties about the globe are making last ditch efforts to scatter funding and get some assets into safety. As a for instance, it is going to be noted that the money for those lovely F-16s that Taiwan is buying (from the U.S.) is going to come from ones in the Philippines. Does any­one notice that the only pitch of the Republicans is toward re­covery through WAR MACHINERY AND WAR? This is as old as history itself.

    The U.N. Security Council voted to allow the "peace keeping" U.N. forces to use FORCE in Bosnia.

    COLD WAR is over? Does anyone feel a bit sickly today? You have met your enemy, alright, and he is among you. You might have missed a little point in war games: Russian officials admitted, after repeated denials, that the Soviet Union and later Russia has been violating a 1972 treaty banning germ warfare. The U.S. and Britain have voiced concern that the Russian gov­ernment had failed to act on a promise to halt its program for making illicit bacteriological weapons. Oops! I hope that every listener will get a copy of this week's LIBERATOR for it is a bird's eye view of the introduction (DELIBERATELY) of dis­ease into water supplies. The water you consume was already bad enough but under the non-need to test, ACTUALLY, for viruses, etc., the nation has been infected with same. Further, there is nothing you can do about it. In this little town written about in the paper in which the Constitutional Law Center is taking action--they can only act on the fact that the population was not given notice until AFTER sickness struck throughout the population.

    This was seen over such a large area that I feel it alright to comment. It was an attempted launch of a very deadly missile from Vandenberg. You ARE at war, remember. If you think your shuttle is up in space to study frogs and hornet's nests you are in serious trouble. Note that the announcements regarding intensive studies of "live" crystals never made the news after the FIRST announcement! They are dumping viruses (crystal life-forms) on you, chelas, by the BILLIONS OF DOLLARS WORTH.

    Ah, more "aid to disaster victims" the story goes? There hasn't been any so far! Insurance companies such as Sears Roebuck (Allstate) is under review for downgrade and the Discover card holders are paying higher costs because of it. The government, thus far, has not come through with ANYTHING except inabil­ity to cope with more and more disasters. Do you realize that TODAY in Iowa's southern portion the entire area looks like Pakistan earlier in the week? What will this do to the grain crops? It has been declared to be a "state of emergency" and a "federal disaster" this morning--AFTER the release of informa­tion of a federal disaster "package" for assistance to "already" disaster areas.

    The California quakes continue daily by the hundreds--you just don't hear. Yesterday a large one hit in the same area of Yucca Valley, with damage. How long will those faults hold? What kind of disaster cost will be incurred when that "Big One" hap­pens? How much return do you think you will receive from the defunct insurance companies and your bankrupt federal and state governments?

    Ft. Knox is empty of metals but is filled to overflow with new colored paper money--ready to exchange for currency now de­funct and ration coupons, itemized, numbered and ready for immediate distribution. I suggest everyone check your supplies--AND, get a bit of water decontaminant supplies because you are set up to be made ill from your very survival stores.

    We are continually complained to that "imminent" means any­where from next hour to next century. Well, yes, that is true--BUT THESE THINGS ARE FAR CLOSER TO THE NEXT HOUR THAN TO THE NEXT CENTURY SO I WOULD SUGGEST ACTING ACCORDINGLY.

    Lest ye forget: You are asked to give support to Randy. He can be receiving mail at: Boise County Jail, 7200 Barrister Dr., Boise, Idaho 83704. Do, however, send him stamps and writing supplies if you desire a response for he has nothing. I ask DIS­CRETION in subjects discussed for ALL is censored and in­spected by "intelligence". Please do not refer to any possible "old" experiences or connections as you perceive them to be. The point is to give support and love, along with sympathy for his losses and those of his children. Remember that a Mother and Son were murdered--DO NOT CAUSE THE FATHER TO BE ALSO MURDERED. ONLY NATIONAL SUPPORT AND ATTENTION WILL SAVE THIS MAN FROM THE TRAP STILL BEING LAID FOR HIM. HOW CAN ONE "LITTLE" MAN BE SO IMPORTANT TO THE BASTARDS IN CONTROL? IT IS WORTH CONSIDERING, IS IT NOT? IF YOU WISH TO SEND MONETARY GIFTS--DO NOT SEND THEM TO THIS MAN DIRECTLY FOR HE WILL NOT GET THEM, SEND THEM TO GRITZ FOR FOR­WARDING OR DELIVERY AND/OR HERE WHEREIN THEY CAN BE SAFELY FORWARDED. NO, OUR PEO­PLE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SITUATION OF RANDY WEAVER BUT WILL MAKE SURE THAT THERE IS SOME WAY TO GET INFORMATION AND GIFTS TO HIM. I'M SURE THERE ARE PLACES SET UP TO RE­CEIVE FOR HIM AND THIS "CAUSE" BUT IT HAS NOT YET COME TO OUR ATTENTION.

    REVELATION 22: 11-16

    And when that time comes, all doing wrong will do it more and more; the vile will become more vile; good men will be bet­ter; those who are holy will continue on in greater holiness.
    See, I am coming soon and my reward is with me, to repay everyone according to the deeds he has done. I am the A and the Z, the Beginning and the End, the First and Last.
    Blessed forever are all who are washing their robes, to have the right to enter in through the gates of the city, and to eat the fruit from the Tree of Life.
    Outside the city are those who have strayed away from God, and the sorcerers and the immoral and murderers and idolaters, and all who love to lie, and do so


    Dharma, the information can be entered (regarding Randy ad­dress) and put to the Hotline. Thank you.

    PJ 55


    THU., SEP. 17, 1992 8:36 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 32


    It is quite simple when you ponder it--you are on the roller­coaster ride--too late to get off and moving toward full steam ahead without visible means of slowing, stopping or choosing a better stopping point.

    The NEW WORLD ORDER is at the end of this ride and it will then be known as the ULTIMATE WORLD ORDER. It is the Zionist hope to establish this Order after they have used Com­munism, democracy and a third world to gain their ends. You in the U.S. have quickly become the major nation in the "third-world" for you have been "hooked" and stripped. I REMIND YOU--THIS IS NOT JUDAISM OR "JEWISH" AS YOU WISH TO RECOGNIZE THE HIDDEN GROUP OF THIEVES-THIS IS A PRESUMPTION WHICH IS FALSE AS TO JEWISHNESS. YOU HAVE MET YOUR ENEMY AND YOU HAVE BEEN TRAINED AND BADGERED TO NOT SEE HIM IN HIS INVISIBLE NEW CLOTHES.

    What is happening with gold and silver? EXACTLY WHAT WAS EXPECTED IF YOU KEEP UP. It cannot rise by leaps and bounds until the market is triggered at just under 3,500. The dollar is in disastrous circumstance as is every other cur­rency in the world--ready for new currency and global money. The "show and tell" is for sparring position.

    Why the recent drop in gold? Several things and several gov­ernments have sold gold in order to get foreign currency, i.e., Italy, etc. In a similar move they shoved up interest rates by a lot. Facts are that most markets didn't have news of this which is even more wondrous because there COULD NOT be a fair market reaction. There is a lot of gold being exchanged into things like jet fighters and thus and so for it is hard to get gold transfigured into, quiet money at a time when money is being re­vamped and taken from use.

    The Zionist Banksters of the world have drained off all reserves (for money backing) from your nation in one way or another and YOU have no hard metal on which to base money.

    It was and is predicted that gold will bottom in 1992 so it still remains a good investment if investment is as collateral in order to put value to immediate project work. Just to tinker with gold is going to be foolish in the long run but might well hold for a while. Everyone needs some stores and it remains best for same, along with silver--for immediate needs in collapse.

    London gold must hold over $332 and climb back to over 360 to get any life at all. If the $332 low breaks, it foretells a move back to possibly in the $280s to $300 bottom zone which were lows between your years 1982 & 1985. The intent, then, is to move it up strongly in the next two years 1993-94 as money is changed and confusion reigns. 1995 will be a horrendous year of changes and you had best be prepared. Until then expect fluctuations and, for this reason, if invested as collateral or oth­erwise--for goodness sakes don't sell--for it is time to purchase, not sell. If you cause ones to sell your collateral be prepared for loss in any circumstance because of attendant fees. It will NOT hold market expectations for it is manipulated. The point is that myriads of tons of gold are being processed onto the markets but prices are being kept LOW. It would at first appear that if gold is low there will be great drives to buy but this is illusion--there is abundance of gold and thus the ability to keep the purchase price lid on for the Elite who do the manipulation.

    Ones who use investments as threats or levers will not find the way easy for there are few places who will attend the security of the product and the project. Too soon the controls will be thrust upon you and it won't matter either way--at that point a piece of a good project is all that will save your assets.

    The Vandenberg "missile" launch of a few nights past--was NOT a successful launch. However, the more important point to realize is that these types of launches are going on in almost every state in your Union. On 9/14/92, for instance, a 70-foot missile presented a REAL light show in the southern sky and was easily seen for 5-700 miles away from launch site.

    There was something significant about the "flight" and this is true of all such current launches: the missiles are triangular, ex­tremely bright (photons), and when they "shut themselves down" there is NOTHING there. In this instance of Vanden­berg, for instance, even though the flight was NOT successful--it was successful to this point and was, of course, missed by the media in every instance of public release. The missile becomes invisible. This does not mean that your enemy cannot track it--it means that your enemy is in on the game. The invisible objects are NOT invisible to either alien craft or "closer", to the Cos­mospheres.

    The interesting display of "rumbling" shudders over Coastal Southern California yesterday morning (for several hours) was not quake nor sonic booms as finally described to you. Neither was it the "regular" returning blast of the "photon spy plane". It was caused by a series of pulse blasts which do cause air-quakes but not of the military type you would perceive of craft breaking sound barriers. California is being polished and readied for dis­aster. As these things are happening constantly (without notice or after the sleeping pill is given and return to normal drugged sleep is achieved) with almost steady pulses to all areas. The quakes happening are in the areas of fault lines where there is still "snag" or "hang-up". Note that these are getting heftier and more damaging on impact.

    As to floods in Pakistan and/or in Iowa, etc., it simply is the way it is going to be. There will be floods wherever the most damage to crops can be presented and monetary damage can be established. You will, if you remember, recall our writings said that winds will finally reach sustained levels of 150 mph as cli­mates and weather patterns change. You will experience ever-increasing intensity of violence from volcanos, earthquakes, hurricanes, tidal waves, floods, fires, droughts, plus extremes in temperatures. These are expected to be at their worst from about 1991 through 1997 when the Global Government is in fi­nal establishment and you are under control--or dead. Remem­ber--Global control BY year 2000. 1995 is expected to be the worst ever for earthquakes--this does not even take into consid­eration the San Andreas in California for it is not expected to be able to endure intact until 1995.

    I care not what you WANT to believe, you are not out of a "cold war" with Communists--you are into a do or die show­down with TWO factions of anti-God. If the Communists think they are going to conquer all the nations and set up a world gov­ernment under a dictator of their own choosing they are going to have big surprises. For their PARENT, the sect which origi­nally launched the Communist movement as an offshoot to ac­complish a specific and temporary purpose, has plans for an ULTIMATE world order of its very own; and this sect, com­monly called Zionist, now vastly overshadows the much cruder Communist machine in skill, finance, organization and influ­ence. These Zionists come from every so-called walk of life and race. There are more blue-eyed pale-faces than there are brown-eyed ones thinking of themselves as "Jewish". Zionism is NOT "Jewish", I remind you and "anti-Semite" has no such meaning in any event. IF YOU DO NOT KNOW YOUR EN­EMY HOW CAN YOU PROTECT YOURSELF? THE ZION­ISTS ARE TOTALLY COMMUNISTIC SOCIALISTS IN THE MIDST OF THE PLAN 2000 WORLD TAKE-OVER. I SHALL AGAIN WRITE ABOUT IT AND I TRUST YOU WILL READ IT WITH OPEN MINDS. THESE ONES DO NOT COME FROM THE HOUSE OF SHEM (SEMITES); THEY ARE FROM THE HEART AND SOUL OF THE PHARISEES. THE LIES ARE ABOUT TO BURY YOU. THESE ONES WILL WAR WITH SELVES, SLAY THEIR OWN AND START RIOTS WHILE CALLING THEM­SELVES BY NAMES TO INCITE RIOTS AS IN IDAHO OR GERMANY--THE PLOT IS ALWAYS THE SAME--TO CAUSE CHAOS AND DIVIDE THE PEOPLE INTO HATE GROUPS. YOU WILL RECOGNIZE THIS THRUST OR YOU ARE DESTINED TO PERISH IN IT.

    PUBLIC LAW 102-14
    I remind you of Public Law 102-14 which is a true example of the "anti-christ" fighting with all its fury. The question is: do you succumb to the anti-christ or will you overcome the anti­christ? Your choice is now in these latter days of a world as you knew it WITHOUT any semblance of freedom and human dignity.

    Remember something else, troopers: the blood of the unin­formed is always IN the hands of the informed. However, once they've been told they are no longer uninformed. Their blood has been transferred back into their own hands!
    Our trust and mission is to INFORM. What you do with that in­formation is your choice but my mission is not finished until I have brought the Word--whether or not you agree or like of it. If you prefer to continue to live in your narrow trap of deceit and lies, so be it. This "law" in point was designed, written and signed by your President and passed without you knowing a thing about it. It was lumped in with subterfuge and foisted off on you on a cute thing called "Education Day". It has nothing to do with Education Day then or now. That was March 20, 1991. The Joint Resolution reads like something out of the "Middle Ages" of special groups who control and would desig­nate March 26, (1991) as "Education Day, USA". I suppose I shall have to share that with you, also, if these next writings are to have sense in continuity or collective "meaning".

    To Joseph Pavlonski (alias John Coleman et al): It is most surely suggested that you get in touch with ones at Global Sci­ences Congress and clear your debts. Please contact Mr. Dean Stonier. You have major outstanding debts to many people and if you do not wish your book to be totally discredited along with self, it would behoove you to mend your fences--IMME­DIATELY. You could begin to clear yourself by returning the computers and electronic equipment loaned to you by this group at THE LIBERATOR. Debt for the books themselves as first printed will be given into the hands of the publisher, America West--but equipment MUST be returned to the owners.

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