PJ 55


MON., SEP. 28, 1992 11:52 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 43

May we please begin right away with the continuation of the subject in point: THE ULTIMATE WORLD ORDER as pic­tured in The Jewish Utopia.

In continuation of the subject regarding "Armageddon" let us move right in to


According to the Utopian plan, the anti-God Communist forces will have to be destroyed, after they have served their purpose. For the Zionists want all the world to worship a god, their god. They who have made Communism so monstrous evi­dently expect to be our St. George, and the more monstrous the dragon the more glory to the Zionist knight-in-armor who cuts off its many heads, saving mankind (for such as remains of mankind). Socialism, Socialist governmental monopoly power, will not be one of the dragon heads to be cut off, but anti-reli­gion will be.

It would surely seem that America is to be on the "righteous" side since our policies, like Britian's, support Zionism while the Communists shadow-box Zionism. But it is not conclusive that the USSR is to remain in the camp of the "unrighteous". The world planners are opportunists and now they are building Red China into a mighty war machine, with know-how and equip­ment largely from the Soviet Union. It is my guess that the master strategists plan to hurl Red China against both the USA and the USSR thus once more forcing us into a wartime marriage with a Communist country. In a desperate atomic struggle no man would dare criticize our ally, Soviet Communism or Jewish Zionism or our own government heads. We would quickly merge into a coalition Communist-type dictatorship with the Soviet Union, a world government, all but unrighteous China.

But to be on the side of the "righteous" we must embrace the Zionist god with law and "justice" administered from Jerusalem. The atomic war with anti-God China might well take care of all who opposed such developments. In such an alignment the USSR might be "reformed" from its anti-God position and in­duced to accept the god in Jerusalem. The world would be So­cialist and there would be no further debate about Socialism or Communism, but only mention of pro-God and anti-God, pro-Jewish and anti-Jewish camps--the righteous vs. the unrighteous! [H: If you can't see that this has already come to be, albeit the labels may appear ever so "slightly" different and less obvious, then you are in critical circumstance. These things are already come to pass.]

The role of any particular nation as of now must necessarily be a matter of conjecture on our part but the above plan would satisfy the Utopian requirements.

For several years we have been hearing the question: Will Is­rael be neutral in the next war? If not, which side will she join? [H: It is most important right now that you realize it is out of Israel that the wars, themselves, are planned and caused, orchestrated and arranged so that someone else does their fighting and dying for them! Even to the financing--YOU pay the bill--through the banksters to pay for the wars, making it possible to hold the war and then impossible for you to recover.]

First, it is obvious that Israel would jeopardize the position of some two-thirds of the Jews of the world if she sided with the Communists against us, for these two-thirds reside in America. *

The eminent Jewish writer and leader in England, Dr. Cecil Wroth, told a B'nai B'rith audience in Kansas City in MAY, 1952 (as quoted in a Kansas City newspaper, the exact date of which does not appear on my clipping), "You have now in the United States a good two-thirds of all Jews in the world." We do not know for sure how many Jews there are; the Jewish lead­ers historically refuse to publish reliable counts. Answering the question "Why is it forbidden to count Jews, one by one, even for a holy purpose," the California Jewish Voice, Feb. 15, 1957, gave the answer: "This restriction is found in the Tal­mud (Babil Yoma 22b) where it is written that it is forbidden to count Jews even for a mitzvah."

The New York Times (owned by the professional Jew, Sulzberger) in 1948 did dare to estimate (not necessarily count­ing "one by one", perhaps!) the Jewish population of the world, putting the figure at between 15,700,000 and 18,600,000. So if America has two-thirds of the total, we must house about 11,000,000 or 12,000,000 [H: Sure does seem to me that if some 6 million or 6-1/2 million were murdered in the holo­caust that the numbers are somehow inappropriate. I re­peat--there were not 6 million Jews in the German area to be killed in any holocaust of any kind!] Europe did not have six million Jews to lose during the war, as there were not that many Jews in all Europe; millions had left before the war started. Hitler could not have killed them. It seems obvious that they came mostly to America.

[H: Thank you, Mr. "Author", for repeating what I just said. This is the one biggest fact which disproves the Jewish holocaust story and WHY the Zionists make LAWS against questioning or publicly speaking in "revisionist" terms re­garding their lies.] (End footnote)
Second, if the Zionists did not get some of the Israelis slaughtered in the war, and did not maneuver to have Israel sacked and perhaps burned, or atomized, they would lose the trump card which has drawn so many crocodile tears from us stupid Anglo-Saxons and got so many of our sons killed on Jewish-mapped battlefields. Israel will have to take part, and on the side of the West--or rather, fighting beside those Western nations who are to be duped and used.

Finally, Mr. Higger himself says Israel is to participate:

"...Israel, and the other righteous nations, will combat the combined forces of the wicked, unrighteous nations... "

From Prof. Higger's book, it seems that our own country and allies (no doubt Britain and France) are to be among the righ­teous! This is splendid news, the first news of victory, even be­fore the war starts!

But are we to be victorious? Not in the sense that any of us or our children and grandchildren can profit by a victory. For it is Zion that is to conquer all. Or such is the plan:

"Assembled for an attack upon the righteous nations in Palestine near Jerusalem, the unrighteous will suffer a crushing defeat, and Zion will thenceforth remain the center of the Kingdom of God."

In the next world holocaust there may well be no victor, not even Israel. Certainly, if they succeed, you and I, as defenders of American traditions and individual freedom, will be on the liquidation list. We need not even expose Zionist activities to get into "The Jewish Black Book"*. All we have to do is defend our race, our traditions, our religion and our freedom. Mr. Higger made that clear; and the Zionists attack, vilify and ridicule all Americans who become prominent in the fight for Americanism.

* The Jewish Black Book Committee was listed as a Communist front in the 1947 Un-American Activities Committee Report. Its national head was the late Communist-friend, Albert Ein­stein. The BLACK BOOK is apparently a list of Americans who dare to defend their country and its traditions. (End footnote)

How will they and their "righteous" agents, the "liberals", manage to suppress or liquidate such opponents in this country?

Many ways may be quickly developed under the hysteria of war, an atomic war. One way already is clear, and for this, machinery already is set up and ready: It is the Federal Civil Defense Administration, a Jewish invention. We will need "civil defense", and lots of it, if war strikes. But no possible combination of political appointees could conduct efficient emergency operations in case of bombing, fires, and general hysteria. The only force capable of coping with such an emer­gency is the local police in their own cities. They are familiar with their respective cities and local environs and terrain and seasoned for handling people under excitement.

The only way on earth to have efficient "civil defense" in a war emergency is to have the responsibility where it already rests, under the American form of government--with the local city governments and the people themselves. Let the police chief hand pick, train, equip and organize a citizens' auxiliary and you will have genuine civil defense. The police chief and mayor naturally will work out plans for cooperating with the county law enforcement authorities, the county with adjoining counties, and all will work with the armed forces, to save their own lives and children. The authority must remain at home.

James Forrestal, the patriot Secretary of Defense, worked out exactly such a plan and, in the fall of 1948, asked police chiefs and sheriffs throughout the country to organize such auxiliaries. Forrestal was also, at that time, trying to keep Truman from building up the state of Israel in the strategic and oil-laden Mid­dle East. The Marxist propaganda machine, headed by the Jewish smear agent, Walter Winchell, and the Anti-Defamation League mouthpiece, Drew Pearson, went into action against Forrestal. Rarely in our history has such a furious and lying at­tack been centered on any public official. By December, 1948, I predicted in a article (as any observer could have predicted) that Forrestal would soon be driven out of office. He was out by March, and, as the reader doubtless recalls, was hounded to near insanity and either jumped out or was thrown out the win­dow of the Naval hospital (where he had been held virtually in­communicado, denied even the right to see a priest).

The surest sign that the inventors of the Federal (as opposed to local) civil defense machine were not concerned with provid­ing genuine civil defense, to save lives, families and cities, and to preserve the local order of things, is seen in the nature of the organization they induced the President to set up: a Federal bu­reau of political appointees to run the entire civil defense, from coast to coast, the moment the bombs started falling, or the moment a region should be "threatened with invasion".

The hodgepodge of political appointees, even if they were seasoned field generals, could not get the job done. Only the local police could and can do it. The backers of the plan were unexpectedly challenged by a few far-sighted fighting police chiefs, sheriffs and perhaps some mayors. They fought for weeks over who should have the authority to give orders. Fi­nally, the local government advocates won. Congress for once wrote into the bill the American way.

But no matter what the law says; every head of the Federal Civil Defense Agency has been a left wing "liberal" internation­alist, fawning on the famous Jewish leaders. And the legal counsel is a Jew who has publicly called for the powers of dic­tatorship over the people in case of war. And the machine has set up a chain of command, down to the state, county and city, of political appointees of "liberal" internationalist leanings, or else oblivious to the world revolution in which we are caught. Neither these lower appointees nor the American people in gen­eral realize that the American system, and the Federal Constitu­tion, prohibit the Federal government from coming into our state and our city to police us, under any circumstances, even in war, unless and until asked to do so by the legislature, or if it is not in session, by the Governor. [H: You should be in total panic at this point in realizing that you now have KGB trained sher­iffs to police you and ready to enforce martial law and UN troops (so it isn't your own sons) to enforce all regulations in any circumstance--all prepared to respond when the chaos is ignited.]
This mighty wall has been our defense for nearly 200 years. It has protected us from a government which otherwise would have become a dictatorship long ago. Freedom can be had only by leaving all police powers entirely to the local community. But we have to man this wall of freedom or it will be beaten down. And if the people do not even know it is there, if they do not even have an inkling of the meaning of local government, and human freedom, how are we to expect them to man the Great Wall of Freedom?

[H: Now, I believe, you can see how dated this book really is. You have passed all requirements of downfall to the point of being totally under regulations of FEMA at this very moment. At the end of this dissertation I shall give you a rundown of who is this author. The volume in use is un­dated and bears no publishing information. This is for the protection of my scribe. I dedicate these writings in point to this man who braved the gauntlet to bring you truth decades past only to be tagged and battered by the opposition. Most of these patriots of the past will never be again recognized, but I shall do that which I can to see to it that as many as possible are not passed in vain for there was no way to fulfill their missions in whole for the nations' peoples could not awaken and see and hear.]
The gifted gentlemen who plan the take-over must know all this. They must know that as soon as their planted agents sound the alarm, over radio and television stations owned or dominated by prominent Zionists, the people will take orders from these voices, and the local police will be squelched. For 25 New Deal years our people have been conditioned to take orders from Washington. [H: Make that 'over half a century' now.]

Thus, no matter what the law says, the revolutionaries who advise and guide the liberal political appointees will have the upper hand and give the orders, from the first alarm. They will have to use the local police, but they will quickly replace any police chief or mayor who tries to exercise his constitutional duty to his people. They will shut down the schools, churches, libraries and courts, because their whole aim is to destroy local government and state government--the rock which so long has made Communist-Zionist take over impossible. And the politi­cal figure-head arriving in each community will get his orders as to whom to liquidate from the local secret agent of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. This Zionist machine, by its own bulletin, has agents in 2,000 American cities.

All Americans who recognize the revolution for what it is, and who dare to protest the destruction of local government and the imposition of a Federal police dictatorship--these "unrighteous" citizens will just disappear in the smoke and the hysteria.

You will not be able to write, wire or phone your Congress­man, for the Federal Civil Defense Agency will control the mail and the telegraph and telephone systems.

The only defense you and I will have is to educate our neigh­bors now, while we have a chance to reach them with the facts.

Under such a situation it may be worth a great deal in the struggle to regain freedom, for the citizenry to realize that the defenders of constitutional government will be legally correct; while the oppressive government which usurps the rights of lo­cal and state government will be in the position of the revolu­tionary. Under such circumstances the Constitution seems clearly to authorize the people to make war on the usurpers. Article II of the Amendments says:

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

And Section I of Article XIV of the Amendments says:

"... nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law."

Other Articles also specifically provide protection for citizens who defend their constitutional government.

The reader who is unaware of the viciousness and determina­tion of the revolutionaries may refuse to believe that any group in such a powerful position in our country has any such designs. But they have already had 12 or more dry runs in as many American cities, using the equally revolutionary invention, the Military Government forces--which always are headed by leftist revolutionaries or "liberal" dupes. In 1951 these units seized nine cities in California, seized the mayor and police chief, posted proclamations of absolute dictatorship over the populace--and in the name of the United Nations Forces Military Gov­ernment.

[H: Not simply to cause panic and hysteria but to inform you that you are witnessing it happening again ALL OVER YOUR NATION. FEMA has taken control and Federal troops have been introduced from Los Angeles to Florida--however, what may fry your nerves to a crisp: THE BLACK UNIFORMED DOOR TO DOOR CONFISCATORS IN EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN (AND SEVERAL OTHER PLACES) WEAR INDENTIFICATION EMBLEMS IDEN­TIFYING THEM AS UNITED NATIONS--FEMA--AND/OR MILITARY GOVERNMENT TASK FORCES. IN MICHI­GAN, THE ID IS MGTF.]

So complete are the plans for seizure of power that they were leaked to the public via a magazine in 1955 [37 years ago!] The July 1, 1955, issue of U.S. News & World Report reported the plan which would annihilate the Constitution of the United States and possibly end for all time the individual freedom we have known:

"A military dictatorship, swift and complete, will take hold at the very moment of any big atomic attack on American cities.

"This is the word from top official sources in Washington fol­lowing 'Operation Alert', the civil defense exercise just ended. "The old idea of 'standby controls', which has been worrying some business men, no longer has any place in official planning.
"Instead, the President will simply take control--of business, banks, goods, prices, wages, just about everything--and worry about legal authority later.
"Martial law will be clamped on the entire country. This will be the President's first official act after bombs start falling. With that act the President will assume almost unlimited powers. Dictatorship from Washington, or from the President's nearby hideaway, will be backed by military forces...
"Business will be blanketed by regulations already written and ready for issue.... Workers will be ordered not to strike, or change jobs without permission... Censorship will be imposed at once... Factories will be told what to produce... Farmers.... may find their livestock, land and crops commandeered for military use...
"In bombed out areas, martial law will bring strict discipline, enforced at gunpoint by whatever armed forces are available. The Federal Civil Defense Act will come into full effect, em­powering authorities to requisition property, including private homes and automobiles. In these areas people will be subject to draft for whatever labor is needed.
"Individual rights and privileges will disappear for the time be­ing. Habeas corpus, which protects a citizen against imprison­ment without due process of law, will be suspended. So will freedom of speech... Under national martial law, so the think­ing goes, there will be no time for haggling over Federal au­thority, no time for people or business to balk at doing what they are told.
"Once the dust begins to clear Congress will be asked to ratify the emergency measures ordered by the President."

Thus, the end of the golden age of human freedom; the wiping out of the glorious Republic with its written limitations on gov­ernment and it constitutional guarantees against highhanded, ar­rogant officialdom.

And what a perfect blueprint for conquest by the gifted Zionist planners (who inspired this Federal "civil defense" trap and whose fingerprints are all over it). Julius Caesar, the interna­tionalist, who was always an underling of the Jewish financial and political leaders (and always heavily indebted to them for personal "loans") thus destroyed the great Roman republic (after centuries of racial homogenization had reduced the people to a state of degeneracy).

We are still talking about milestones on the road to the Zion­ist's Utopia. We have not yet reached the milestone of A-day, which is suppression of freedom inside our country, but we have reached a milestone on the road to racial and spiritual degener­acy; otherwise no President would permit a clique to draw up a blueprint for crowning him a Caesar; no President would dare think in such terms. If we had not reached a milestone down the road toward the take-over, Congress and the people would blast out of office any President who dared to put his stamp of ap­proval on a blueprint to wipe out the Republic and end, perhaps for all time, human freedom. [H: Sorry, chelas, but that milestone has come and is here! Remember, again, that this plan is to be in working perfection with depopulation almost complete BY YEAR 2000!]

Our people and even our Senators and Representatives seem no longer to understand that the Constitution never gives Congress or the President any special powers over the states and the people, regardless of the emergency. Even martial law does not give the President the right to suspend courts and the process of justice, or the right to invade a state and take over police powers (except by request of the state legislature or the Gover­nor). Congress never has the right to grant the President any special wartime or other emergency powers. This innovation of our lifetime is simply a usurpation, an outright violation of the Constitution. The frightening aspect of it is that the people permitted it with little protest during the Second World War, and now raise hardly a voice against the "civil defense" blueprint for dictatorship. The people do not seem to realize that no such power is necessary or even advantageous: that the people, given leadership and information, will always respond and, under their local government and leadership, will accomplish more than un­der compulsion and Federal "planning".

Another milestone revealed in The Jewish Utopia which gives us a general clue as to the Zionist timetable:

"The advent of the new era will thus be preceded by the 'travail' of the Messianic time, namely, great distress, foreign invasions, confusions and moral decline. According to another tradition, the three generations preceding the Messianic period will possess abundance of silver and gold, and other luxuries. Hence, the people will lead an immoral and ungodly life. "

Has our level of prosperity and easy living now so completely killed any public conscience, the courage to resist tyranny and subversion, that the time is ripe? Before the First World War the farmers and small town neighbors would have taken clubs and cleaned out the stinking mess in Washington, and would have made short work of the Communists and Zionists, the Anti-Defamation League, the NAACP, etc.

I remember those men and their courage in the early part of this century. We are now a generation of cowards and money grabbers.

The milestones show that the revolutionaries expect to bring on the crisis very soon.

PJ 55

MON., SEP. 28, 1992 8:00 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 43


Many interruptions have occurred since we began the various writings of today.

I wish to finish this document so please understand, readers, that it is after 8:00 P.M. and we are weary.

We will take up the happenings and strategies that are under way with Perot and the politicians but let it be not overlooked that the entire thing is a study in media interest. I think if you pay attention to that which we have given attention, you can see how things are shaking out. Will Perot run? It doesn't matter in the least but it is nice to hear the voices of the people being raised above the roar of the media chantings and blackouts. You will note that Perot does NOT get "blackout" treatment and THAT MEANS THAT IN SOME CAPACITY HE IS ONE OF "THEM". With the undercover activities and meetings with Baker, etc., it certainly appears that this group does not want Clinton to win this election. You had best not want that either because with a PAC-bought Congress, you don't have a prayer in you-know-where of pulling out of this pit. There is so much more than meets the eye that we simply can't do it justice here tonight. I have probably said far too much as we have moved along because I want YOU to see what is happening--not just have an observer make observations.

Is Perot telling you-the-people the truth? Indeed, but you have to remember he is an advanced guard guest at places like Camp David and where all the "good old boys" go to meet and scheme and play. He has anteed money every time the request has been pushed--from POW backing to anything requested of him. Bush is an old friend and, yet, Brent Scowcroft has his admiration and total respect (in Perot's own words) so you have a real can of worms here. Obviously the Bilderbergers want Clinton in the seat and right now Bush is NOT running the U.S. already. Therefore you may find that the most secure way to go to buy time and not have the entire nation collapse is to somehow in­sure that Bush makes it--that is, of course, the Republicans or an outsider who can be controlled, because the man in the slot makes no difference.

From here on in you are going to be surprised at just WHO seems to be coming to the rescue because the top Zionists may have overplayed their hands a bit too heavily.

The bombardment against you is in full-blast ahead and nothing is changed in the overall "PLAN".

So, back to quoting:

There remains the big question: Can they win?

After reviewing the steady progress the Jewish nationalists have made for centuries, in revolution after revolution, and the appalling power they have today as they near the climax of their amazing 2500-year struggle for domination, it might sound ridiculous to say flatly "NO". Any answer is obviously no more than an opinion, or a blind faith. My answer is, and always has been, "No". I just do not believe the selfish, scheming, bloody, utterly unmoral Zionist cult can destroy the whole world and bring the smoking remnants under its control.

I believe they have gone too far already. They are chal­lenged in the Communist countries by the people and now they are challenged even in the stupid, kindly, tolerant and timid West where the Zionist curtain of secrecy cannot be kept down much longer.

No matter who incited the Hungarian revolution of 1956, the fact that thousands of Hungarians, including many or most of the younger generation who were supposed to have become in­doctrinated with Communism, were willing to fight to the death for their freedom told the tale: The Communist monster cannot destroy the love of freedom; even in the slave state of Hungary, after years of Communist browbeating, men will die for free­dom.

An article in the August 18, 1957, Los Angeles Examiner quotes Chiang Kai-shek as reporting rebellion throughout Com­munist held China--this after the Reds have killed an estimated 15,000,000 of the community and provincial leaders, the best blood of every community. The leader of Free China, who has fought the Reds, ideologically and militarily, since 1927, and who is no gullible optimist, made the blunt prediction that "the general collapse of the entire Soviet empire and international Communism" is underway--one of the most heartening state­ments published in this generation.

However, the Generalissimo undoubtedly based his predic­tion on the assumption that men and women both in and outside the captive countries would keep on struggling and fighting the monster and he warned that, if the men in the Kremlin see their empire crumbling, they may risk an atomic war in the hope of saving it.

It is well known that the Red empire has been on the verge of bankruptcy or internal collapse several times in its history and might well have been overthrown or failed but for the intervention of the United States. Repeatedly we have rushed food for millions of discontented, hungry rebels, or made loans to the Communist government of Moscow, or instituted some hands-off policy such as Dean Acheson's policy of "containment". The policy of the Roosevelt-Truman-Eisen­hower internationalists has been to do nothing which would se­riously harm the Communist governments. This has given them time to grow and consolidate their gains. [H: I guess you can see that by no mention of subsequent Presidents since Eisen­hower, you have really "dated" this Journal. This can only bode ill for you-the-people for you can see what has hap­pened. There is no lessening of Communism or Zionism--there is only a lip-service sly and clever move to hide facts and call the hornet/scorpion by another label to further con­fuse your thinking. Look at the impact since Eisenhower--my, you have had to go through Nixon, Ford, Carter, Rea­gan and Bush--and I may even have left out one or two--BUT WITH ALL--THERE WAS ALWAYS HENRY KISSINGER PULLING THE STRINGS ALONG WITH A ROCKEFELLER.]

All the Red empire has needed was time--time to train me­chanics, build factories, build a war machine, build super weapons with our laboratory secrets. Now the Soviets have the weapons with which--not to defeat us, perhaps, but to pre­cipitate Armageddon, and, in committing suicide, kill mil­lions of Americans and wipe out our cities.
The all-important job for us just now is to bring about the downfall, the disintegration, of the Red empire before the Zionists can use it to bring about the Armageddon which they must have. If we rob them of the war in the Middle East and the war emergency here at home, we will tear up their timetable and set them back perhaps a hundred years, giving us time to organize our defenses. [H: Do not be fool­ish to misread this for what you have "witnessed" is not a tearing down of the actual empire but a reshuffling of the players which is always a prime mark of the beast in opera­tion. The point missed in this man's writings is the supremacy of the Russian cosmic crews and craft--he knew not of such a thing at the time of his writings.]
At the same time, we should outlaw and destroy the Zionist cells here at home. [H: Well, you certainly have NOT done this--in fact, they have grown steadily more and more pow­erful even to making their "religion" the public law of the land.]
One thing we need to understand immediately: the Jewish planners are not infallible. Time and again their plans have misfired, in ancient, medieval and modern maneuvers. They ex­pected to capture Europe through Communism and then all the world, quickly after the First World War. They expected to annihilate the Germans or completely break their fighting spirit by the Second World War. They planned to take over our country immediately after that war in the hysteria of an abysmal financial depression. They evidently expected something big to result from their 1956 invasion of Egypt, but instead they not only had to back out, but their eagerness for blood unexpectedly, almost incredibly, drove hundreds of thousands of Christian laymen and ministers (those who had not been hardened pro-Communists but only deceived, and well meaning "liberals") away from them. All over America the Christian press turned on the Jewish militarists. Israel no longer was the sacred fulfillment of scriptural prophecy to these ministers.

[H: Hold your breath--is the above true? I thought you would catch the errors. Perhaps it appeared that way at the time of the writing--but in your country the evangelical movement has become totally Zionist and works for the ful­fillment of the Zionists' prophecies in the form of this PLAN--hook, line and sinker. Your own evangelist "Christians" have pulled down your nation into a Zionist movement.]

An Anti-Defamation League survey early in 1957 estimated that 75 percent of the Christian press had turned "anti-Semitic". [H: I am almost ready to not print the rest of this gentle­man's writing for if you are not paying close attention you may indeed think that I give you this as current fact. NO, his conclusions may have been seemingly as presented in 1958 but NOT IN 1992. So far, in 1992, the Zionists have brought about every last thing they set out to do and herein is where "hindsight" is so much better than guessing about that which may or may not come to be. The only reason I shall continue to quote is out of respect and honor for the incredibly insightful work of this writer in laying out the planning.]
We will have to have just one victory at the polls, electing a President with both courage and understanding, to snap off the head of the Zionist snake and keep it from again coupling up with the body, at least in our time. The guilt of the Zionist schemers must make them extremely uneasy with every rever­sal, big or little. They are obviously guilty of disloyalty to the United States Constitution; they obviously have their own world tribal government and now also a political and geographical state, and their loyalty is to that tribal government and state. Obviously, they are trying to bring about the disintegration of our country and its subordination to a world regime under their influence. [H: Obviously THAT president has not yet come along, has he? Will it happen this year? CAN it happen this year? How much do YOU hear about Bo Gritz from the na­tional population? Could it happen? Yes, but it surely doesn't look like it will be through ballots in 1992. And if you don't do it in 1992--when?]

This is treason.

And the recognized punishment for treason in all well or­dered countries throughout history has been death. [H: But what have you today? You have death to those who speak out against the treasonists. Doesn't look too good, does it?]

The willful, inner leaders of the Zionist world state must be punished and the hundreds of thousands of their followers who have had an inkling of what they were up to, must be banished--as the most humane way to deal with mass treason. They must be resettled preferably on a suitable island where they can make their own living by the work of their hands (since that is what their utopian leaders want), but whence they cannot subvert our people and country, and whence they cannot escape.

In this time of discouragement for patriotic citizens, when even our own government often is used against us and against the interests of our country, we should bear in mind the example of an earlier patriot of another country, who went through darker days but won a historic victory. The little green-eyed Is­abella came to the throne when she was 20, in a Spain that had suffered such complete degradation under seven centuries of Jewish machinations and Moorish invasions that she had to run time and again for her life. The "new Christians", the hundreds of thousands of Jews who had gone into the Catholic church two or three generations earlier (in a political and commercial ma­neuver and for protection against reprisals) had practically cap­tured the church in that country and were subverting it from within. (Their predecessors in France and Spain had inspired a movement called the Albigenses, which taught the gullible gen­tiles to believe that the body was evil, so the holy leaders should commit suicide; but which movement, at the same time, gave the masses such license that they sank in complete moral aban­don.)

Isabella had a New England conscience and a patriotic zeal; she fought back. For 20 years she fought--not all Jews, but the guilty Jews--and their allies, the Moors. After a lifetime of struggle she succeeded in breaking the Moorish resistance in a decisive battle at Granada (in 1492) and a little later expelled most of the Moors and Jews from Spain.

[H: The next is the final entry by this author and is well worth heeding.]

Our political leaders are not going to save us unless and until the people demand salvation. It is up to us. We must organize for self defense. A single organization of white citizens, each required to study the racial history of his people financed by some of our many rich men, and inspiring a similar race-pride organization among the Negroes, with friendly cooperation be­tween the two groups, could ultimately win the victory. Nature is strongly in our favor; neither the Negroes nor the Whites gen­erally want "integration"; several million Negroes in recent years have signed petitions urging Congress to appropriate money to help them settle in a country of their own in Africa, and a bill is now before Congress to help them.

The enemy holds the whip only because of his skillful use of fear propaganda above our cowardice and ignorance. His hold on our presidential nominating conventions and on governments and peoples is precarious. Once we wake up and acknowledge that it is un-Christian to soften and subvert our own race, that in so doing we are betraying our children into slavery, once we begin speaking up against the fraudulent Zionist missionary of "brotherhood" and begin defending the future freedom of our own children, we will suddenly shake off the spell of the voodoo priests. Once we begin talking straight to our elected officials and giving them the necessary moral support, they will outlaw the Zionists as well as the Communists, and the black-magic revolution will vanish like a bad dream.

Let us be warned by the insane outburst of Mr. Higger when he said (p. 19) the motto will be:

"Righteous Unite! Better destruction of the world than a wicked world!"

Better destruction of the whole world if the Zionists cannot make us all conform to their requirements!

The Israelis now are making atomic fission materials in their own secret, guarded plant: and Jewish revolutionaries in America (famous Jewish radicals) have great influence over, if not outright control of "our own" atomic weapons and, unless there has been a recent change, a Communist Jew is head of the atomic projects in the USSR. Bombs can be placed strategically in our industrial cities and exploded at A-day by radar. Atomic dusts are so poisonous that a small organization could poison the nation's water supply (as Ana Pauker said the Communists would do when the time came).

There are radical Jews high and low in our bacteriological warfare laboratories; they can spread strange disease among us while covertly vaccinating the "righteous" among their own people. There is strong suspicion that they are already liquidating the foremost of our anti-Marxist leaders by invisible death, possibly inducing cancer in a Senator's blood­stream by atomic radiation planted in a chair cushion or up­holstery.
Unless the American people recapture their government and smash the Zionist machine the insane elements in that machine may wipe out mankind.
Every man, sooner or later, has got to answer to his chil­dren and his country. How will you answer?
[H: Moreover--every man, woman and child, sooner or later, will also ANSWER TO GOD! HOW WILL YOU AN­SWER?]

* * *
[H: Now, before changing the subject, I have here a bit about the author which is written in conjunction with this information. I think, again, that it is best if I simply ask that what is written be accurately repeated. You have to understand that this is some 30-odd years old.]

Robert H. Williams, a native of West Texas, son of a Bap­tist minister, is a lecturer, news analyst and authority on subver­sive movements. He is a contributor to Encyclopedia Britan­nica's "Ten Eventful Years", author of several booklets on Communism, Zionism and Americanism, and is publisher of the monthly newsletter Williams Intelligence Summary.

In 1942 the author, as S-2, head of the Intelligence staff sec­tion, for Basic (or Replacement) Training Center No. 4 of the (then) Army Air Forces Counter Intelligence investigative staffs in the AAF. Later he became executive officer for the Intelli­gence and Public Relations section, Headquarters Miami Beach Schools (commanded by Brig. General Ralph H. Wooten), with the title The Intelligence Officer. In this assignment he trained and directed the combined and expanded Intelligence section over the various Miami Beach Air installations.

For more than a year thereafter (in 1943-1944) he was a Combat Intelligence Officer (with secondary Counter Intelli­gence duties) in the Second Air Force, helping train bombard­ment crews. In August, 1944, he again was assigned to Counter Intelligence (detection and prevention of sabotage, subversion, etc.) as his primary duty, becoming the Counter Intelligence Of­ficer for the 314th Bombardment Wing (of B-29s), and remained in that assignment to the end of his active duty, August, 1945, serving with the bomber wing on Guam, under command of Brig. General (now General) Thomas S. Power.

After the war, he was transferred to Military Intelligence Re­serve, from which he was honorably discharged in December, 1950. As an Intelligence officer his efficiency rating was never lower than Excellent; for 12 consecutive months it was Supe­rior. On departure from Guam for the United States he was commended by General Power "for your performance of duty as a member of the Wing Intelligence Section, particularly as Wing Counter Intelligence Officer. You have demonstrated ability and a devotion to duty which have served as a model to other members of the command."

Unable to deny the author's carefully documented charges of subversive activities, the Communists and the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith circulated stories that "Williams is not and never was a member of Military Intelligence Reserve"--though for two or three years after these fables began to appear in ADL and Communist publications Williams was a Major in Military Intelligence Reserve. When he became over-age in grade and applied for a one-year extension in the Active Re­serve, the Anti-Defamation League put intense pressure on G-2 at Washington to drop him, but after a four-month investigation of Major Williams and his publications, his file was marked "NO ADVERSE INFORMATION" and G-2 granted his re­quested extension, in the coveted classification of Counter Intel­ligence Specialist.

When President Truman designated Mrs. Anna M. Rosen­berg as Assistant Secretary of Defense in charge of personnel (giving her almost absolute power to fill key positions with revo­lutionaries), Williams published a factual, documented expose of Mrs. Rosenberg's Red record. On the day (Dec. 21, 1950) the Senate confirmed Mrs. Rosenberg's appointment Williams was discharged.

Later a high ranking officer of the Adjutant General's De­partment told Williams that the Jewish revolutionary, the late David K. Niles, one of Truman's aides, had ordered the dis­charge via Mrs. Rosenberg. Presumably it was her first official act. The discharge was honorable; no charges ever were filed against Williams; it was issued under Para. 6a (11) SR 140-175­1, a paragraph under which an officer can be discharged (honorably) without so much as notifying him. The only answer Congressman John Phillips ever was able to get from the George C. Marshall-Anna Rosenberg Department of Defense as to why the author was discharged was that wide publicity given to cer­tain statements contained in his booklet Know Your Enemy and his newsletter impaired the author's future usefulness in In­telligence. Obviously, this referred to the fact that the au­thor had dared to expose the Zionist revolutionary machine, including certain Jewish generals and officials who were pro-Communist or of doubtful loyalty.
Williams' home town daily paper, the Santa Ana Register, classified this as one more of the political discharges for which the Truman administration had become notorious.

Williams' publication continued to grow in influence and cir­culation despite propaganda attacks and the pro-Communists made a still more extravagant effort to discredit the author. While the weak Congressman Harold Velde was chairman of the House Committee on Un-American Activities the Anti-Defama­tion League of B'nai B'rith and the American Jewish Com­mittee planted on the committee, as its chief legal council, their friend, a radical left winger, Robert Kunzig, and through him these two subversive organizations, which attack all anti-Communists, arranged and held a secret meeting with Velde in which Velde agreed to use their "finger men" and their so-called files.

Late in December, 1954, after Republicans lost the election and Velde was through as chairman and to be succeeded by the fighting American Congressman Francis Walter, and Kunzig knew he was to be fired immediately--he got up a pamphlet which he called Report on Neo-Fascists and Hate Groups (using the very terminology of the Communist and Zionist smear agents in his title) attacking more than a score of anti-Commu­nists but not a single Communist individual or organization.

In this so-called report, Kunzig repeated the fables of the Communists and Zionists about Williams:

"Williams advertises himself as a member of Army Intelli­gence during World War II. The deception is evident from the fact that Williams' Intelligence duty comprised less than a year as an administrative officer for the Intelligence section of a bomber wing. In the position, he would have received no Intel­ligence information dealing with the Communist conspiracy. His assignment to Military Intelligence was merely in the Reserves, from which commission he was relieved by official action of the Army, effective December 21, 1950."

When the new chairman of the House Un-American Activi­ties Committee, Francis Walter, read about this so-called report in the papers he angrily and publicly denounced it, said he had never heard of it before and that the Committee had no knowl­edge of it, and added: "This sort of thing is going to stop."

He got rid of Kunzig and in June, 1955, a four-man sub­committee of the Un-American Activities Committee, holding hearings in Los Angeles, convened a special executive session to hear Williams and correct the falsifications of his record of ser­vice in Army Intelligence.

With the appearance of Williams' latest booklet, The Ulti­mate World Order , revealing (probably for the first time in history) the actual Zionist plans for domination, the author expects renewed attacks by the alien cults to keep the people from heeding his warning. [End of "Author" section.]

* * *
Thank you. Now, I shall just ask for a bit of reminding infor­mation:

The principles and morality of these latter-day Protocols are as old as the tribe. Here is one from the Fifteenth Century which Jews can hardly pronounce as a forgery, seeing that it is taken from a Rothschild journal.


The Revue des etudes Juives, financed by James Rothschild, published in 1889 two documents which showed how true the Protocols are in saying that the Learned Elders of Zion have been carrying on their plan for centuries. On January 13, 1489, Chemor, Jewish Rabbi of Arles in Provence, wrote to the Grand Sanhedrin, which had its seat in Constantinople, for advice, as the people of Arles were threatening the synagogues. What should the Jews do? This was the reply:

"Dear beloved brethren in Moses, we have received your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which you are enduring. We are pierced by as great pain to hear it as yourselves.

"The advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the follow­ing:

1. As for what you say that the King of France obliges you to become Christian: do it, since you cannot do otherwise, but let the law of Moses be kept in your hearts.
2. As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your goods: (the law was that on becoming converted Jews
gave up their possessions); "make your sons merchants, that little by little they may despoil the Christians of theirs.
3. As for what you say about their making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christians' lives.
4. As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may de­stroy their churches.
5. As for the many other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix themselves up with the affairs of State, in order that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.
6. Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by experience that, humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power.

"Signed V.S.S.V.F.F., Prince of the Jews, 21st Caslue (November), 1489.

In the year 1844, on the eve of the Jewish Revolution of 1848, Benjamin Disraeli, whose real name was Israel, and who was a "damped", or baptized Jew, published his novel, Con­ingsby, in which occurs this ominous passage:

"The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes."

And he went on to show that these personages were all Jews.


* * *

So, you might say that "this was in 1844 and 1889 and could have nothing to do with any current events"--Oh? Please, read on:

In its issue of 10 March, 1921 (No. 214) La Vieille France gives the version of a funeral oration which was published in La Russie Juive. It is perfectly clear that the funeral oration and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion come from one and the same mint. Both are prophetic; and the power which made the prophecies has been able to bring about their fulfillment. This oration is so important that we again print it herein. There can no longer be any doubt as to whose is the power which is dis­turbing the world, creating World Unrest, and at the same time reaping all the profits. Jewry is enslaving all Christian peoples of the earth as well as all God-loving peoples of other doctrines. There IS a Zionist World Plot and it now stands finally and completely unmasked.

1. Every hundred years, We, the Sages of Israel, have been ac­customed to meet in Sanhedrin in order to examine our progress towards the domination of the world which Jehovah has promised us, and our conquests over the enemy--Chris­tianity.
2. This year, united over the tomb of our reverend Simeon-ben­Ihuda, we can state with pride that the past century has brought us very near to our goal, and that this goal will be very soon attained.
3. Gold always has been and always will be the irresistible power. Handled by expert hands it will always be the most useful lever for those who possess it, and the object of envy for those who do not. With gold we can buy the most rebel­lious consciences, can fix the rate of all values, the current price of all products, can subsidize all State loans, and there­after hold the states at our mercy.
4. Already the principal banks, the exchanges of the entire world, the credits of all the governments, are in our hands.
5. The other great power is THE PRESS. By repeating without cessation certain ideas, the Press succeeds in the end in hav­ing them accepted as actualities. The Theatre renders us analogous services. Everywhere the Press and the Theatre obey our orders.
6. By the ceaseless praise of DEMOCRATIC RULE we shall divide the Christians into political parties, we shall destroy the unity of their nations, we shall sow discord everywhere. Reduced to impotence, they will bow before the LAW OF OUR BANK, always united, and always devoted to our Cause.
7. We shall force the Christian into wars by exploiting their pride and their stupidity. They will massacre each other, and clear the ground for us to put our own people into.
8. The possession of the land has always brought influence and power. In the name of social Justice and Equality we shall parcel out the great estates; we shall give the fragments to the peasants who covet them with all their powers, and who will soon be in debt to us by the expense of cultivating them. Our capital will make us their masters. We in our turn shall be­come the great proprietors, and the possession of the land will assure the power to us.
9. Let us try to replace the circulation of gold with paper money; our chest will absorb the gold, and we shall regulate the value of the paper which will make us masters of all the positions.
10. We count among us plenty of orators capable of feigning enthusiasm and of persuading mobs. We shall spread them among the people to announce changes which should secure the happiness of the human race. By gold and by flattery we shall gain the proletariat which will charge itself with annihi­lating Christian capitalism. We shall promise workmen salaries of which they have never dared dream, but we shall also raise the price of necessities so that our profits will be greater still.
11. In this manner we shall prepare Revolutions which The Christians will make themselves and of which we shall reap the fruit.
12. By our mockeries and our attacks upon them we shall make their priests ridiculous then odious, and their religion as ridiculous and as odious as their clergy. Then we shall be masters of their souls. For our pious attachment to our own religion, to our own worship, will prove the superiority of our religion and the superiority of our souls.
13. We have already established our own men in all important positions. We must endeavor to provide the Goyim with lawyers and doctors; the lawyers are au curant with all inter­ests; doctors, once in the house, become confessors and di­rectors of consciences.
14. But above all let us monopolize Education. By this means we spread ideas that are useful to us, and shape the chil­dren's brains as suits us.
15. If one of our people should unhappily fall into the hands of justice amongst the Christians, we must rush to help him; find as many witnesses as he needs to save him from his judges, until we become judges ourselves.
16. The Monarchs of the Christian world, swollen with ambition and vanity, surround themselves with luxury and with nu­merous armies. We shall furnish them with all the money their folly demands, and so shall keep them in leash.
17. Let us take care not to hinder the marriage of our men with Christian girls, for through them we shall get our foot into the most closely locked circles. If our daughters marry Goyim they will be no less useful, for the children of a Jew­ish mother are ours. Let us foster the idea of free love, that we may destroy among Christian women attachment to the principles and practices of their religion.
18. For ages past the sons of Israel, despised and persecuted, have been working to open up a path to power. They are hitting the mark. They control the economic life of the ac­cursed Christians; their influence preponderates over politics and over manners.
19. At the wished for hour, fixed in advance, we shall let loose the Revolution, which by ruining all classes of Christianity will definitely enslave the Christians to US. Thus, will be ac­complished the promise of God made to His People.


* * *
Let us simply leave this here for I know not how to get through to you if you refuse to accept this information from the very ones who have laid the PLANS for ultimate world control and depopulation of the masses.

Do I hate these ones? NO--I respect them as I would any deadly viper. I respect them and they are my enemy--these would be enslavers of a world filled with my Father's creations.
I am of God of Holy Lighted Source and unto THAT Source is all my allegiance. I shall give no "quarter" unto this enemy come upon and taking that which is of God. He denounces and destroys that which is goodly and tramples all in his path of greed and corruption. HE IS MY ENEMY AND SO SHALL IT BE FULLY KNOWN AND RECOGNIZED. So, will I take my phasers and swords and cut him to shreds? Oh no, not so is the way of God but HE SHALL BE SMI TI EN AND BROUGHT DOWN INTO THE PITS FOR THAT WHICH HE HAS DONE AND COMMITTED UPON THE PERFECTIONS OF THE FATHER'S MANSIONS. WOE BE UNTO HIM WHO CHOOSES THE WAY OF THE SERPENT!

And so is the time of choosing upon the peoples and upon all the lands for the time of the Lord is at hand, readers, for the PLAN of the enemy is come upon its final phases geared to the turning of the century and millennium. The trumpets sound the warn­ing. Will YOU hear?

God blesses you weary travelers upon HIS path. Thine day within the LIGHT is nigh. We have come to collect you of OURS home into security--if ye will but heed the call.

Salu and Amen