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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 55
    CHAPTER 15


    FRI., SEP. 25, 1992 12:51 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 40

    FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1992

    As we sit to work this day the sadness lays heavy on the heart for it seems that ALL is somehow "betrayal". No, friends, it is NOT. Finding Truth is most wondrous indeed for as you find Truth you come up from that which is false into the light of seeing. Betrayal is painful because it is usually by one(s) you thought to be loyal in friendship, duty and brotherhood. You must understand that for long it has been that perceptions are one sided, most often, as to "friendship" for the "norm" is now to gain for self at another's expense and to do so requires the pretense of loyalty and friendship. To actually betray you must first belong--and often ones "pretend" to belong so as to be in­cluded and trusted with thine property, including your love and own friendship.

    Remember that even though the one betrayed feels the treason sharply--it is the traitor who stands in worse case of woe for he becomes totally without friend in the ending. This is because of cause and effect--that which is sent forth will always return in kind unto the sender and when the return hits, it is undoing in­deed.

    There is always talk of betraying one's country or lover, spouse or nation--but this is not the ultimate betrayal for there must al­ways be a moral bond first. All a man can actually betray is his conscience and for that betrayal the cup returned is most bitter.
    As we write of things which are so painful as to cause denial of possibilities, it is not easy to allow passage of new perceptions for betrayal following trust is devastating to the emotional sta­bility. Nothing hurts more acutely than betrayal of race, creed or nation for those things reach beyond the mere self-inflicted belief systems of the singular individual or narrow perceptions of groups. I know that to uncover these truths, again, is painful and will be denied for some simply cannot accept that they have been sorely duped--even though you KNOW that what we have given unto you is TRUTH!

    We are told to STOP or we shall be destroyed, discounted and our workers shall reap a barren harvest. NO, we shall not stop bringing Truth unto you for you cannot destroy TRUTH--you can only cover it, deny it and or bury it. It will always come forth into the light again at some point in the passage of experi­ence. TRUTH is all that will last into the eons of infinity for it is of spirit and spirit is infinite.

    You can refuse to read the material, hear the facts presented, deny and have great television programs to effort to prove that which we bring is false--you can even have Larry King Live on CNN on the same night Ross Perot is made a great spectacle of "surprise" at his running again--but it will change nothing. Do you see? It will change nothing!

    The world has been duped in mass and now the penalty phase of allowing it to happen is rested upon you-the-people. The worst part that our people have is that ones wish to start some "new" something or other and account us with "followers". No, go with GOD, do not trouble yourselves with E.T.s and who­dunnits. GOD IS WHAT IS IN POINT HERE--YOUR RE­LATIONSHIP WITH GOD!

    The subject continually comes up as to names and readings and great scriptures presented as if the mere presentation somehow is the miracle. No, call God what you wish, call the "son" Christed that which you wish for it matters not what label you place upon a "thing"--it is thine heart Truth and intent which is heard by Spirit. You are judged in Spirit by Spirit--things of flesh are but actions which may or may not present what thine spirit holds. Every "language" of the planets and cosmos will call God by a differing chant or tone--evil will likewise take the labels for confusion and deceit--it matters not. If you call God "Devil" and your intent is Godly and summons God of Light, it will be God who will attend for God is within and can only check that which is given in intent in the secret places of intent.

    This is fully known by the "Adversary" and his henchmen--this is WHY the lies instead of Truth. Lies will manipulate you, Truth gives you freedom and freedom is of GOD. When you learn this great lesson you will be ready for graduation--GOD IS TRUTH--EVIL ADVERSARY IS LIE. Even when the Truth is told by the adversary it is given in such a way that confusion can be the only accepted outcome--for it is the nature of the beast of physical presentation.

    The ten commandments are mostly false presentation. TRUTH IS THAT WHICH RESIDES WITHIN IN KNOWING GOD'S LAWS. You can tell by the way the Commandments were given that they were tampered with by men who wanted power and goods of physical claim. Your books have been twisted and the lessons "voted in or out" at the whims of the ruling and con­troling masters of the "game". Get yourself RIGHT with GOD in Truth of HIS LAWS and the rest will take care of itself for if you will only accept Truth you will KNOW the guidelines for ALL discernment. If you covet another man's wife and bed her--it is simply wrong. It was wrong to covet her for that is "lust" and "lust" is of the flesh only. LOVE requires NOTH­ING OF THE PHYSICAL--IT IS PURELY SPIRITUAL. Ex­pressions of Love or hate are all that can be physically acted out. Further, there are actions short of physical encounter which indicate intent of emotions in deception--but it remains the actions and deceivings of secret encounters which is "judged". What you do in the "darkness" or in an effort to be undiscovered is that which is "intent" and measures the action.

    Moreover, if thine children witness the subterfuge you have trangressed upon them also for they must experience the "lie" and they can only be taught to act likewise or be in feelings of "betrayal".

    People find other people who fill needs of spirit but those needs can be gifted in purity of action in loving friendship that only GIVES unto another greater support and LOVING friendship wherein all attachments can benefit in open sharing of relation­ships instead of clandestine encounters efforted at the hiding. Ponder it carefully. God allows, chelas, so it is always up to you. It is not your mission to judge another, either, but ye do not sanction or aid and abet such actions for the betrayed are too pained already without assistance of others unto the betrayer.

    Ones must, however, recognize that the betrayal of origin was not usually what "appeared" to be the deciding action. The be­trayal is most often long ago committed in emotional conflict--allowing for outside influences to intrude. This usually comes in the form of sympathy, understanding and lack of responsibil­ity to the circumstance--only the need to listen or interact in some way physically or emotionally. The problem rests still with the original interchange persons. This is why "affairs" are so prevalent. Most couples in an affair could not last in mar­riage with responsibility six weeks for if the problems of the persons involved are not solved then they will only present in greater show and tell when bound by the same set of cir­cumstances as originally displayed.

    Our beloved Laurie and family received a beautiful letter from Randy Weaver in appreciation for her continuing loving letters. He asks that ones also write to Kevin who is at the same address for Randy says he needs encouragement.

    Remember what your "TEACHER" said to his disciples: "When I was hungry ye fed me; when I was sick ye nourished me; and when I was in prison ye visited me." They then proclaimed that they had never done such unto Him and He replied: "When ye have done it unto the least of Mine--so have ye done it unto Me!" Hold these ones in Love for the pain of loss is so great upon them and only YOU ONES can set them free for they can do NOTHING for selves.

    Randy also says that his children are doing well on "Grandpa's farm". They need your support and love as well. They are at Rt. 5 Box 199, Ft. Dodge, Iowa 50501. Thank you for these might well be your own children in these days of darkness upon your place. I can attend the Spirit--ye ones must attend the physical and bring hope unto the Spirit so that the gifts can be received. Salu.

    Let us move on now with some of the written word on the sub­ject under discussion.

    Continuation: THE ULTIMATE WORLD ORDER as pictured in The Jewish Utopia.

    It is not uncommon to hear the question: Is Israel bent on ter­ritorial expansion?

    The answer can be found in many places. Time magazine, August 16, 1948, page 25, quoted David Ben-Gurion, Israeli premier, as saying to a Time correspondent:

    "We would not have taken on this (Arab) war merely for the purpose of enjoying this tiny state... There have been only two great peoples: the ancient Greeks and the Jews... Maybe, when the present process is finished we too will degenerate, but I see no sign of degeneracy at present. "

    Time's correspondent reported that as Ben-Gurion spoke:

    "The labor politician was replaced by the prophet. A dreamer's stare veiled his blue eyes. * The room was small but his voice throbbed loudly, as if speaking to multitudes against the winds on Mount Cannel. "
    * The Ladder of History, a high school textbook (MacMillan Co., 1945) says of the origin of Greece:

    "....a golden-haired race called the Greeks began (probably about 10(X) years B. C.) to settle in the big midway island of Crete, and on the north side of the Mediterranean Sea around the straits connecting with the Black Sea. They were much like the Aryans who were invading India... They were a delightful people, indeed, who contributed so much to poetry, art, sports, trade and liberty that their memory has been kept fresh by all peoples since, in gratitude and admiration... These nomads from the north were not the swarthy people of today's Greece, but a tall, muscular, blue-eyed race.... They never numbered more than a few millions, and they really flourished for about five hundred years only (from 600 B. C. to 100 B. C)... But to us they are the most important people of ancient times for they became the teachers of all Europeans and all Americans of European origin. (End of footnote)

    Ben-Gurion further indulged himself in his vision of a Jewish master-race:

    "We had a message to give the world but the message was cut off in the middle. In time there will be millions of us--becoming stronger and stronger--and we will complete the message. "

    Professor Higger told us even more specifically that Israel would expand:

    "'I will open rivers on the high hills and fountains in the midst of the valleys; I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water. ' The boundaries of the land will be enlarged and widened and its immediate spiritual, ethical and moral influence on the neighboring countries will be evident and very great. "

    If Israel continues its militant march, its people will rebuild Jerusalem into a fabulous glittering city, as previously de­scribed.

    "The rebuilding of that city is a part of the plan of the ideal country, Zion. Jerusalem will be the capital of Zion. "

    Ben-Gurion, daring, arrogant premier of Israel, knew his Zionist program when he moved the capital of israel from Tel Aviv to fabled Jerusalem (in defiance of the timid, spinelss re­straints of the Western nations). Why should Ben-Gurion fear the wrath of Harry Truman, the total politician? Not a finger was lifted to restrain the rugged Zionist enemy of Western na­tions and races, though he provoked our Arab allies almost to the point of war which might then--and may yet--atomize the world.

    Mr. Rigger's dream of world peace and the constant "propaganda for peace" by the Zionists (like the Commu­nists whose basic literature always calls for an ultimate war to destroy the free world) are not to be taken seriously, in view of his revelation of the plan to deliberately bring about the mighty Armageddon--a war to make the world destroy itself. Peace probably is the dream of all races and tribes. But a study of the racial history of Europe indicates that there would have been few wars, probably no major wars, but for the organizing of the Jewish peace-proagandists to make the non-Jews grind themselves to bits. The supposi­tion is permissible that the Jewish strategists want peace--af­ter they subjugate all opposition and potential opposition.

    The question is, whose peace or whose wars are we to "enjoy"? Is man to be free to follow his conscience and worship his own God, or must he accept the consience and God of the Zionists?

    What specifically is or are the requirements of joining the righteous? What must you do to be saved, by the Zionist standards? What is the Israelitic, or Zionist program we must embrace? Everywhere, the author makes the answer clear: We must embrace world brotherhood and internationism; we must oppose the capitalists and embrace Socialism, and we must hate and oppose the "anti-Semites".
    These are the requirements for the nations; they are also the requirements for individuals, as he repeatedly makes clear. For instance:

    "The ideal Jerusalem, the capital of the ideal Zion, headed by the ideal house of David, will have her foundations rooted in universal brotherhood."

    Your country will be called unrighteous and will be de­stroyed if (1) it is a capitalist nation; (2) if it opposes Israel; and/or (3) if it does not embrace the above mentioned uni­versal brotherhood.
    "The unrighteous nations, as typified in the traditional Esau.... will not share in the ideal era. Their rule will be de­stroyed and will disappear from earth before the ushering in of the millennium. The wickedness of these nations will consist mainly in accumulating money belonging to the people, and of oppressing and robbing the poor. ...Another group of wicked na­tions, as typified in the traditional Edom and Rome (Rome burned Jerusalem trying to suppress Jewish subversion) will suffer the same fate as the first. Their unrighteousness will be characterized by corrupt governments and by their oppressions of Israel. "

    Notice that it is wicked for other nations to have money, for they oppress the people; but it is "ideal" for the Jewish Utopians to take over all the wealth of the world.
    Notice that it is unrighteous and wicked ("anti-Semitic") to oppose Israel, but the entire plan of The Jewish Utopia is a plan of opposition to gentiles, a plot to subjugate them or wipe them out.

    Thus, the present Zionist and Communist programs preaching brotherhood, racial integration, Socialism, UN­ESCO, the Genocide Pact, the so-called Covenant of Human Rights, the glorification of the United Nations, the constanty undermining and ridiculing and belittling of patriotic na­tionalism (among non-Jews), the swift and violent attacks on any non-Jews who express pride in their race, the coercive "Fair Employment Practices" laws ("FEPC"--forcing the white man to employ persons of the various races in his com­munity, though white men may go jobless); the cry of anti-Semitism; the world give-away program of our money to uplift all the other races at the expense of our children and grandchildren who are thus saddled with fantastic debts--all these propaganda and organizational drives identify them­selves as part of the program of Jewish nationalism, or Zionism, all moving us toward the goal of The Jewish Utopia.

    Now that we have seen the full plan, the goal of "world brotherhood" under a Jewish dictatorship, we need not ask who originated the above mentioned propaganda and organizational drives which sweep and shake our country like a windstorm. Jewish organizations and newspapers make no secret that Jews inspired all these internationalist movements; but we no longer need to be told, for the Jewish fingerprint is on them every one.

    By the Utopian definition, religion is no longer the worship of God; it is the political-economic-social-racial gospel of Communist "fronter" Bishop Oxnam and fellow travelers:

    ".... religion is to be the love of mankind.... Nations as well as local organizations will have to establish brotherhood.... "
    How plain could the author make it? Think of the thousands of local, national and international "brotherhood" organizations which have been put together in our time, and think of their in­fluence in softening and intimidating our people.

    It will give us a fair, if frightening, estimate of the ability of the Zionists and Communist machines to reach a dominant posi­tion over our unsuspecting people, to remind ourselves that in many of our schools, especially public schools, mental exertion and intelligence have been largely subordinated to "brotherhood"--"social adjustment", meaning largely racial "adjustment"--the acceptance of all the dark races in our social life in utter disregard of our own racial and family future. Our teachers, oblivious to and unaware of the Jewish power ma­chine, have adopted its program.

    The master strategists must know what they are doing to us. They must know that never in history have white and dark peo­ples mixed socially that they did not presently interbreed, and never has such interbreeding reached advanced degrees that it did not result in chaos and general degeneracy, with utter moral abandon, and crime rampant.

    I do not pretend to be wise enough to explain all the reasons why this is so; I do know that it is so. One obvious explanation, at least in part: As long as a racial element, or tribe, white, black, red, yellow, or brown, lives in homogeneous relation­ship, having its own culture and conscious obligations of tribal or racial citizenship, the accompanying pride and the training in the ancestral code of conduct maintains moral stability. When the tribe or race breeds out with others, it loses the pride, the consciousness, the sense of obligation.

    Even the Jews, despite their rigid code, interbreed quite a bit, in contact with other racial elements; but their interbreeding is nearly always upward in their own opinion. Our out-breeding can only, therefore, be downward (by their own estimation). The Jews stand to gain; we stand to lose. [H: Please under­stand that this does not have to be "factual"; it simply IS true-whether it be by intent or simply by accident, you come out with the same conclusion. A white child cannot help being white any more than a dark-skinned person can help being dark-skinned. There is obivous difference in physical aspect-THEREFORE, IT AGAIN COMES TO REASON THAT IN THE EQUALITY OF GOD'S PROJEC­TION AND LIKENESS OF "IMAGE" IT HAS TO BE RE­FLECTED IN THE ENERGY FORM (SOUL) FOR SOUL IS "LIGHT" AND LIGHT IS ALL COLOR--ALL THAT ""IS"!

    Another reason for racial degeneracy and the decline of white civilization wherever the white race progressively interbreeds with the dark is the much lower level of moral requirements and the lower level of energy and constructive imagination among the dark elements. As for crime, the police records in all our big cities show a fantastic difference and the FBI had the courage to publish a pamphlet Uniform Crime Reports For the United States and Its Possessions, issued by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Department of Justice, Washing­ton, D.C. Volume XXIII, No. 2, Annual Bulletin, 1952, show­ing an analysis of the principal crimes in our cities, by racial el­ements. Under the caption "Race", on page 117, this bulletin (available at the Government Printing Office) reads:

    "More than 98 percent of the persons arrested in 1952 were members of the white and Negro races. Almost 73 percent were members of the white race while slightly more than 25 percent were reported as members of the Negro race. The balance were Indians, Chinese, Japanese and other races. "

    [H: There is a breakdown according to arrest, type of crimes and thus and so but the date of 1952 so far outdates the re­flection of today that there is no real purpose in reprinting it here. It is noted that Jews are not separated from "white". I feel that repeating such information as given in the break­down gives nothing except more basis for "hate"--which we have to assume was the overall purpose in such a publication in the first place. The point is to bring race against race, creed against creed, religious doctrine against same and so on. If you fail to see this intent then you are bound to be swallowed up in the confusion and lose direction.]

    * * *
    May we please leave this now as we need to be elsewhere for the next several hours. Thank you for your continuing attention. May you be given into insight without pre judgements for herein lies the foundation upon which you must build structures for progressing out of the incredible confusion thrust upon you. Note, however, that the ones "closest" to the viper will be smit­ten and that means those who "think themselves to be of the 'Jews" but are NOT of this group set forth to take the planet. It is as the Black Widow who takes what she wants and kills and devours even her mate. There is no honor among these thieves and you are a people betrayed, a nation betrayed and a planet betrayed--YOU HAVE BECOME PEOPLE OF THE LIE.

    Salu, Hatonn to clear.

    PJ 55
    CHAPTER 16


    SAT., SEP. 26, 1992 10:29 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 41


    As we gather thought for today's writings I would ask that you see between the lines as things are coming together here and there around your globe as well as at home. I wish to finish our document in compilation but I think it necessary to share a few directed attention focuses to help in clarifying just who are your global would-be dictators, persons and nations.

    Keeping in mind the involvement of Mossad and Israeli dealers of guns and associated drug and money laundering activities in these drug-ridden and enslaved countries--look what is hap­pening NOW. This to the "people" who were most Catholic in belief and, at least, spiritually set in Christian dogmas, good or bad:

    Bill to Legalize Satanism Proposed in Colombia: Senator Par­menio Cuellar (a U.S. select), member of the Liberal Party of President Cesar Gaviria (a U.S. select), introduced a bill Sept. 7 that legalizes Satanic practices (remember, this includes murder, blood sacrifice, animal mutilation and bleeding, sodomizing and sexually utilizing children and babies, as well as sodomizing animals, etc.) in Colombia, under the guise of protecting "religious freedom". Cuellar made the pro-Satanic aim of the bill explicit by stating in its preamble that freedom "should not only be for those who worship God, but respect is also due to those who claim to be atheists or even those who consider Sa­tanism a valid practice." He admits that: "human sacrifices and sexual practices are very much in vogue in Satanic rites, which are constantly increasing in number," but this should not be of concern, he says, since these practices are prohibited by separate laws. [And how is your day?]

    In view of what is coming out in the news this day regarding Serbia's murdering of Moslems in old Yugoslavia--please do not lose touch with who was hired to advise Serbia in her ac­tivities and supplied funds for and arms (among other hor­rendous things) to Serbia. If you can abide this connection with your own acting Secretary of State, Eagleburger, and Brent Scowcroft and Henry Kissinger (Associates included), Bushies and Twigs--then you don't have a problem--you are already "dead".

    Rabin got his Loan Guarantees from Bush recently while he vis­ited in Washington, and after all these months of nagging over building in occupied territories, etc., came out with absolutely NO restrictions on use or conditions attached. The Rabin gov­ernment has not, despite other accounts, stopped its colonization of Palestinian land by one iota.

    Could it be that Rabin is another Kissinger man? Ah so: Henry Kissinger has praised this Stern Gang killer as being "the most intelligent of Israeli politicians" and then turned about immedi­ately and pounced on Bush for the intent to sell more military equipment to Saudi Arabia. Bush, of course, has assured him "that Israel would be allowed to keep its military superiority for the U.S. will see to it."

    So what do you think is happening where "peace" is proclaimed, as the latest state of the art and intent? Who knows?! But: Is­rael Frees Terrorist for Good Behavior--the story reads. It has been released, by authorities, that convicted ultra-Zionist terrorist, SHIMON BARDA, has been released from prison long before his sentence was completed. According to the Washington Times for Sept. 14, Barda was caught in 1984, hauling 28 pounds of explosives and 15 hand grenades to the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, which he planned to de­molish.

    In 1988, he broke out of prison and stole weapons and tried again. Israel's High Court of Justice even asked the parole board last month to reconsider its incredible recommendation that he be freed early for good behavior, but the board in­sisted.

    You be the judge on the bench today and consider what this means. Obviously it is "TIME" to get on with blasting the Mosque and Dome of the Rock off the map to make way for the new evil-oriented TEMPLE OF SOLOMON BY THE ZION­ISTS.

    Get ready for the sanctioned depopulation of a globe. The site for the 3rd International Anti-Population Conference will be held in Cairo. Prior ones have been in Bucharest and Mexico City as late as 1984. The conference is jointly sponsored by the United Nations Fund for Population CONTROL and the UN Population Division.
    Within weeks an anti-population initiative will be launched, the Pentasilgo Commission (after Maria Lourdes de Pentasilgo, former Prime Minister of Portugal and a leading member of the CLUB OF ROME (Committee If 300)). THE PATRON­AcE FOR THE COMMISSION COMES FROM THE ROCK: EFELLER FOUNDATION AMON OTHERS OF LIKE STATURE WITHIN THE ELITE CLUBS--AND WILL ACT AS ADVISORS FOR THE CAIRO EVENT.

    I just thought you would like to know who the executioners are.
    I think you should know, if it hasn't been put on the "hotline" phone service, that along with the massive numbers of troop carriers being run about your nation of the U.S.A., there are tanks and vehicles now being shuffled about by commercial lo-boy trucks, also. Some of these are jointly relocated by rail and road. Interesting thing about the most massive transfer is that, in addition to armored vehicles, tanks and troop carriers (with, presumably, troops) there is one "shipment" that has over a hundred Black Hawk helicopters in cover. A great deal of the activity in the West is centered around New Mexico and an alert has been issued to be at ready for "possible Russian invasion (military term, not mine) through Canada but more probably through Mexico". The big iron barriers were not put up to stop aliens crossing the border (which it has not); it was structured and is being lighted to hopefully slow up the armored vehicles coming across. The massing of troops "seems to be" (I am told) in conjunction with that "crossing", and the troops are being shuffled right on down to the borders of Mexico/New Mex­ico/Arizona and on into Texas. UN troops from Japan, and your own U.S. troops, are also at ready at California crossings.


    By the way, OUR relationship with the Russian Cosmosphere operators is pretty good. Why should GOD serve his deadly en­emy and destroyer of HIS property? Ponder it--if yo u have "time".

    Before we move on to the writing on the subject of Zionism, I wish to share with you parts of a letter from an old friend, V.S., who writes from your Northern neighbor, Canada.

    Commander Hatonn: A word and a Salute! from the North­west mountains. I send a few 'newsworthy' reports from just beyond 'your' borders. Our 'daybreak news' frequently offers a singular insight into new 'deals' of State by Big Brother/Big Sister that often are not heard of again. I list here a few news items from Canada in the past sixty days.
    The British Queen made a flying trip to Ottawa in the expe­diter Concord--ALONE.
    Contracts have been given (just like that!), for three dozen 'state-of-the-art' helicopters costing 4.4 billion, 'for Coast Guard and military'. (No mention of population control.) (Ed. Note: What kind of helicopter costs $122,222,222.00?)
    A recently-closed truck assembly plant receives large orders for military vehicles--("their future assured").
    The 'immediate commencement' of a huge (50 million dol­lars), Armed Forces training center--(brand new!) to be located near Montreal and Laval Airport.
    These come on the heels of a new fleet of submarines (eleven million each). (Ed. Note: Better Bargain?) And we, too, do not have sufficient funds for domestics. This presents a new question: "How many countries are tooling up for an 'insured' Peace? (Gee, 7.)
    Now all this while our already-meager Forces are again sent abroad--a 'contingent' of 200 here; of 300 there, under 'Blue Bonnet' control, as a 'peace keeping force'. May we use your excellent study in "Space reading" (between the lines?) and see this term--peace keeping force--mirrored/reflected as "force keeping" peace?? This equates to Peace or else! (We too give you a choice already, "to make our day".) I shudder for the in­nocents.
    Now, Commander, I realize that this is not 'most recent' news but then--when our own most cherished Word comes from Stateside, it is always 'old hat' ..............

    * * *
    Just one more private notation to New Zealand. I have the in­formation sent Express. I will utilize it when the attacks on "Brother Edward" back off a bit. It does not help the work if our people are incarcerated, whether it be on trumped up "mental confusion" with enforced "help" or simply ending up in prison for speaking out. I am monitoring closely and you ones must realize that no matter how bad you perceive it to be--it is worse. I do not want any of you in more jeopardy than you al­ready are and dispersal of information can be traced. Do not concern that ones cannot come into "comfort" with "me". I am a messenger and it will come into its proper place in its proper time.

    P.C.: Thank you for the information on "crop circles" and the Journal with the excellent pictures. Perhaps we can take up that subject in the near future for most of the information "guessed at" by "experts" is not accurate any more than are "abductions" and "bloodsuckers from outer space". I also appreciate the sharing of "technical" information as sent to Dr. Young. Please understand that at present we are infiltrated by a couple of "so-called" technical people with "wondrous" information and "stuff"--they avoid ME like a bad case of Plague so I think you can understand the intent and it is NOT toward helping God or mankind--it is used as a means of infiltration of some kind. The whole thing is silly for you don't have to do anything to "infiltrate" here--there is nothing to "infiltrate"--ask us and we'll tell you anything you want to know. The Adversary simply cannot play a game, however, that is not clandestine and secret, dark and hidden. What astounds me is how many of you fall for the bait. So be it. I thank you for not jumping ship, friend, for we have much work to do and so few to do it.

    What would please my heart is to have this LIBERATOR turn into a paper made up of this type of information FROM all of you--updated constantly--for this KIND OF PAPER will be your only network of Truth. Truth is among you the people--you need no "space cadet" except as a seer for continuity and con­firmation. It is fine, we are getting where we need to be--God and messengers have every one of you beloved brothers and sisters "on-line". God's work is coming together even though it appears otherwise, so be it. The purpose of the regular JOUR­NALS was and is for the reaching out unto you awaiting your "call". Many will come forth claiming desire to serve--few will remain--but there will be enough for that which must be done. I salute you who serve.

    Let us now continue with THE ULTIMATE WORLD ORDER as Pictured in The Jewish Utopia.


    In the first part of this small book we asked the question whether or not Mr. Higger interpreted the Prophets of the Old Testament as trying to unite their people in a movement of Jew­ish nationalism, or did Higger accept the version held by most Christians that the Prophets were simply preaching individual morality and the worship of God. No doubt the reader has an­swered that question for himself by now. But the author an­swers it specifically on page 113, in his final chapter, The King­dom of God:

    "We are now in a position to discuss the Jewish conception of the Kingdom of God. The contrast between Christian dogma and the Jewish doctrine of the Kingdom is evident. The dog­matic doctrine of the Kingdom of the New Testament is not a continuation of the prophetic hope at all. Nothing is mentioned in the New Testament of the spiritual and material glory of Palestine in the day of fulfillment. The Kingdom that Jesus, ac­cording to the New Testament account, speaks of is more mysti­cal, inward and personal. The New Testament is mainly concerned, not with the earthly, but rather with the heavenly King­dom of God. We read thus in John 18-36, 'Jesus answered: My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, and I should not be delivered to the Jews. But now is my kingdom not from hence. '
    "Unlike the prophets, therefore, Jesus thought of the King­dom as having actually begun with Him and his disciples...

    "The Kingdom of God, as pictured by the Jewish prophets, on the other hand, is an ideal society of nations on earth, living in accordance with universal ethical rules of genuine justice, righteousness and peace. The ideal Kingdom is a universal idealization of the most important experiences of Israel in the past. The Davidic ruler, to be recognized universally, will be the perfect ethical character. The people who are to constitute the ideal community at the beginning of the ideal future are a remnant...
    "What the prophets anticipated did not come to pass. The rabbis, unconsciously, took up the idea of the Kingdom of God, where the prophets left off. The spiritual leaders in Is­rael expanded and developed that glorious dream of an ideal Universal State. The people who are to constitute the ideal community at the beginning of the ideal era, will be, instead of a remnant, the entire ideal people of Israel."

    [H: If you cannot see that MAN (from the beginning) wrote "the way it will be" and foisted it off on you unsuspecting people then look again at the LAST SENTENCE: "THE PEOPLE WHO ARE TO CONSTITUTE THE IDEAL COM­MUNITY AT THE BEGINNING OF THE IDEAL ERA, WILL BE INSTEAD OF A REMNANT, THE ENTIRE IDEAL PEOPLE OF ISRAEL " Remember: "Israelites" are "Zionists" by their own definition--not just "Jews". In fact it is said that the "Jews who are not Zionists and of the supe­rior 'tall and handsome' race will not even share in the ulti­mate world." Where does that leave you nice "Jewish" neighbors who thought you were God's chosen? These Zionists are working toward a species of ONLY fair-haired supreme humans who bear NO RESEMBLANCE TO THE PERCEIVED "JEWS". THIS INFORMATION IS FROM THEM (THE HORSE'S MOUTH) SO DO NOT DE­NOUNCE ME OR MINE, FOR YOUR FAILURE TO READ THE WRITINGS PRESENTED DIRECTLY FROM THE SAME ONES WHO WROTE YOUR INSTRUCTION BOOKS.]
    (Though the author shows that he interprets the prophets as working for a Universal State--of Israel--the reader may observe that he seems to contradict his earlier statements that only cer­tain chosen Jews will be "invited" to Israel--unless he means that only the "ideal" people of Israel will be chosen.)

    The Shinto-like character of the Zionist religion, the religion of Jewish racial-politico-economic nationalism (as contrasted with true religion, the worship of GOD, for instance, of the non-Talmudic Jews) is inescapable. The Jewish and non-Jewish flocks are to be made to believe that the "righteous" Jews are descended from God. The ruler shall be the "Holy One" [and very human]. All the world must WORSHIP that Jewish King AS GOD.

    "And he shall gather together a holy people...for he shall know them, that they are all sons of their God."

    When is the Utopia to be established? Do the Zionist plan­ners expect to bring about the commercial and political fulfill­ment of their interpretation of the Prophecies, what they call God's promises to the Jews, in our lifetime? What is the timetable of these peace lovers for bringing about the final war?

    We find many partial answers in The Jewish Utopia, many milestones by which we can at least hazard some guesses.

    Obviously the setting up of a Jewish state in Palestine was a milestone. The Zionists did that in 1948--without God but with the help of Harry Truman and the Soviet Union. [H: Why do you think there is so MUCH reference to your candidates to being somehow "like" Harry Truman? Does it not appear to even be ridiculous? Your George Bush constantly (like a robot) constantly refers to himself and his campaign as being likened unto Harry Truman's. Harry Truman was one of the blackest tools to walk your planet and you have all the candidates comparing themselves to this evil little trollop.]

    Israel is being developed and beautified (with foreign capital of course). [YOURS] The papers all the way back to August, 1957, announced plans for building a $500,000,000 port at Ash­dod. The will of the BRITISH ROTHSCHILDS leaves fabu­lous millions to help erect and beautify a capitol building and perhaps museums and the like. Plans are proceeding for devel­opment of irrigation. Israel is developing some atomic plants, "for peaceful uses" of course, and some other industry--with se­crets taken quite openly from American industry and laborato­ries, as for instance, through the information-gathering agency (normally called an espionage net) known as Technion, which operates in universities and industrial establishments.

    The United Nations has been established, and the Congress of the United States officially authorized the flying of the United Nations flag above Old Glory on the UN Building. (You or I would be held guilty of treason--and rightly so--if we flew a flag above our flag.) Thus begins, and grows, the nucleus for the world police force, and the UN is purely a Jewish invention.

    Higger says:

    "The nations will first unite for the purpose of calling upon the name of the Lord, to serve Him. "

    If the UN is to have a religious aspect, as here stated, its in­ventors intended the religion to be Jewish--and could that be the reason why religion has been conspicuously kept out of the UN so far, leaving the way clear? [H: Ah, but has it STILL been kept out--what about the U.S. PUBLIC LAW 102-14 NOW PASSED? IS IT NOT THAT THE UNITED STATES NOW OPERATES UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE UNITED NATIONS' CHARTER AND NOT UNDER THE PUBLIC LAWS AND CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES? YOU HAD BEST GO CHECK IT OUT LITTLE SLEEPY-­HEADS. THAT PUBLIC LAW WOULD NOT HAVE PASSED IF IT WERE NOT ALREADY LOCKED-IN TO THE UNITED NATIONS!]

    The East-West division of the world is nearly complete; the Moslem world of some 300,000,000 people has largely been shifted away from us toward the Communist camp. The Zionist Jews have done a clever job in this maneuver, taking land away from the Arabs, bayoneting their women and children, thus making the whole Moslem world (with the possible exception of Pakistan) so hate us for backing the Jews that the Moslems may at last accept arms from and cooperate with the Soviet Union.

    We might well say that this milestone has been erected, for it now awaits only an incident to set off Armageddon. Israel can attack Egypt and possibly set off the war. Or the Jews who dominate, or vastly influence, the Soviet dictatorship from within, through the hidden, secret power circle called the Com­munist Security System, perhaps can order or induce the Communist government to attack, or cause some Arab country to attack Israel--whenever the Jewish strategists are ready. They will not do so till they are sure the Zionists in the West can induce the President of the United States and the British gov­ernment to support Israel, we can be sure. Whatever the gentile Communists may want, it is logical that the Jewish Communists will not want war with the West till the West can safely be sucked in to fight the Arabs for the Zionists.

    Comparing plans and objectives revealed in The Jewish Utopia with the present world situation we can arrive at a rather clear picture of the future war and even see which countries are to be wiped out as wicked and unrighteous--if the Zionist plans succeed. We can at least see what the Zionists are trying to bring to pass. Since Israel must expand and since it can expand only at the expense of the Arabs, the Israelitic group must de­stroy the Arab states. Already the Arabs and their Moslem sympathizers are vilified in the Jewish press, and in planted stories in the general press, as "anti-Semitic" (though the Arabs themselves are Semites). The Moslems are wicked and unrigh­teous (though all they have done to become unrighteous is to op­pose the Jewish invasion of their lands).

    But now the Communist Empire is supplying arms to some of the Arab states [H: As so too, have you!] and, though certain Jewish nationalists, or Zionists, originated Communism and im­posed it on the Russians and Eastern Europeans, and though some Jews still occupy powerful positions behind the iron cur­tain, it seems certain that at the proper time, the Zionists in the West will launch a campaign of abuse and fury against the So­viet Union (not against Communism as such) as anti-Semitic and ungodly! How else could the Zionists bring about a mighty war in the Middle East? And without the war, how could they get the Arab lands? And how else could they bring about further disintegration of the non-Jewish nations and races? Without a frightful crisis how can they and their "liberal" tools stampede us into surrendering our freedom?

    The Russian people, the Ukrainians and the overwhelming majority of Eastern Europeans are anti-Semitic (in the sense that they resent the bloody Jewish-inspired terror which gripped them under the Communist regime). But the Communist gov­ernments, on the other hand, have been overwhelmingly Jewish or pro-Jewish, so much so that all of these Red governments in­corporated in their constitutions specific prohibitions against "anti-Semitism", the only countries in the world which singled out the Jews for this special favor.

    To get the full benefit of the next world war, however, the strategists will have to raise the cry of official Soviet anti-Semitism, just as they did in the second world war against the Nazis. Our sons must fight to save the persecuted Jew and thus make every American or Englishman afraid to criticize any Jewish individual or machine, however subversive, for fear he will be smeared as pro-Communist! It is a fact that any Ameri­can today who could remotely be called anti-Semitic is anti-Communist; but no matter: the Zionist press in the West is so powerful, the newspaper publishers so fearful of losing Jewish department store and other advertising, and elected officials so cowed by any thought of being called anti-Semitic, that when some patriot is smeared in the propaganda releases as anti-Semitic hardly anybody has the character to stand up for him. The silly little scare word anti-Semite has made us a generation of cowards; this one little word is conquering the world.

    [H: I find that doubly interesting since it has NO MEANING WHATSOEVER OF TRUTH. The Khazarian Jews are most CERTAINLY NOT SEMITES any which way you cut the cake or pie. This is simply a term used to get a point across and confuse everyone all the while. It is the same thing as introducing a word into language of any kind--watch and see how long it takes to become law of the land and accepted terminology--even though it be a lie. YOU ARE WITNESSING THE MASTER-LIAR AND DE­CEIVER AT WORK--AND HE IS WORKING ON (OR OVER) YOU]

    * * *
    Let us take a rest, please. When we have next opportunity to write we will take up with how "Armageddon" is supposed to rescue the "Jews" so that the Zionists can take over the whole kit and caboodle. If you think the "Soviet Union" and "Communism" are dead and that the above will not happen--INDEED, YOU ARE MOST SURELY ALREADY "DEAD" IN FACT.

    I think it is time for you to stop asking that "the Force" be with you--but that you get as rapidly as possible on the side of "THE FORCE". I hope you will digest this information carefully and at not too much leisure for you are IN IT.

    Salu, Hatonn to clear.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 55
    CHAPTER 17


    SUN., SEP. 27, 1992 9:16 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 42

    SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1992
    INSTRUCTIONS RE: JOURNALS:: If I am in understanding, the prior book is not yet gone to print? Where is the backlog? If it is in the indexing, then cut the sources in the index because it is not good to have a JOURNAL bogged down, still, as the next one is ready for publishing. I would like these JOURNALS treated as what they are--that they go out about every 3-4 weeks--only one at a time. You cannot treat them as simply "books" or we lose our advantage and our ability to call them "dated magazine" or "news journals". If one is still floating around and we have been able to write a second one, then something is wrong with the system. If five or six people can't get out what one person is writing, then we are doing something WRONG. This IS our first line of defense in court: "Factual, dated material" in "reporting" fact and scientific material as re­gards the "other side" of that which is given as philosophy or metaphysics as generally accepted today. Further, I would rather have less than perfect "paper", etc., if we can cut the ex­penses some way.

    Second: Dharma, I want you to get the material sent on food grade hydrogen peroxide. This is a good additive to purify wa­ter a bit more safely than chlorine in greater amounts. What is going to have to happen is the installation of sound wave or "light wave" purification systems if the viruses are to be exter­minated. In other words, you are going to have to create a fre­quency "light wave" (x-ray) that is higher than the frequency of the crystalline mechanism or "equal"' so that resonance is estab­lished which will burst the "bugger" . I really don't want to go into that here. Perhaps we can have a few gather and ask some of these questions along with ones from recent inquiries so that we do not get too far behind on taping. I want at least 2 tapes available to THE WORD weekly, please.

    I hope that you ones within this small working crew can see that we are "cleaning the decks" in readiness for further growth without the disruptions of those who simply wanted to "be" here, etc. It is not only that some ones abuse our generosity and "take" without Godly intent in the picture--but others who are needed are separated out by the mere companionship, to prevent our own sharing to be used against us by our enemies. We have nothing to hide but anything taken out of context can be twisted into scenarios which are painful and often give a false picture. I shall no longer tolerate it.

    I note that ones who claim to be in our work also continue to fail to follow through. I am asked for insight and "solutions" and yet, when given, the "advice" and/or direct requests are ignored and deliberately not acted upon. This is fine, but do not then blame GOD for that which YOU do or do not DO. I am a mes­senger bringing the word and to save time and searching I will give unto my own crew, the needs. It is NOT as simple as "I will do that which you want AND that which I perceive to be better FOR ME." You can do that which you want to do but examples, in this instance, are most important and if your exam­ple is one of digression or total abandonment of our requests, then obviously you are NOT in tune with our work or THE WORD. This too is fine--just don't go about being angry be­cause you received an answer to something which you do not like. Some of you FORGET that that which YOU DO reflects on another who may well be asking God to solve their problem in a most "just" way and so HE does.

    It is time you consider your "anger" with God's suggestions be­cause the "suggestions" are so much better than HIS "actions" if, indeed, your request came forth as "in the highest and best good". HE will always choose that highest and best good and YOU MAY VERY WELL NOT LIKE OF IT. If you live in the context of YOUR OWN INNER AND OUTER CIRCLE OF RELATIONSHIPS, FOR INSTANCE, THE ANSWER MAY COME THROUGH A CHILD PETITIONING FOR GUIDANCE UNTO THE PARENTS OR TEACHERS OR OTHER CHILDREN. THE "ANSWER" MAY WELL BE APPEAR­ING UNFAIR--IT WILL ALWAYS BE JUST.



    A child cannot get through life and enter into "service" with nothing save shop courses and no disciplined mathematics, sci­ence and other skills only learned in programmed school experi­ences. I most certainly shall not turn my laboratories over to anyone who does not even know the Periodic Table, much less to one who does not even know what the "term" means. Ponder it. We already have enough "misfits" and undisciplined parents so that I need no more right under my nose! Thank you for hearing me for I am running out of ability to square these topics with you as we move on into greater and greater service and work. We have spent these years in preparation and learning factual insight and now you will either be ready to move on with us or we shall outrun you and if you are responsible for the child being left to the side--consider it most carefully for they can only be that which you reflect in them.

    If a child has no goodly parent in responsibility then the child cannot grow beyond that reflection of what he has. And, being a "parent" NEVER ENDS, ONCE BEGUN. WORSE, THE RESPONSIBILITY WAS "ACCEPTED" FAR LONGER BACK IN YOUR JOURNEY THAN IN THIS APPARENT MANIFESTATION. Once the child has reached "maturity" in age, you are obligated to allow it to choose its path but must be ready to undo that which is in error if given the opportunity. If YOU have set the wrong stage for growth, then the respon­sibility is greater for the "sins of the Father shall rest upon the sons." God will always show the way in every instance--BUT YOU WILL FIND IT WILL ALWAYS REQUIRE YOUR RE­SPONSIBLE ACTIONS IF YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE IN ANY MEASURE FOR THAT WHICH THE CHILD HAS BE­COME. Each adult (of age) must be allowed to go his own way--but if he comes back within the circle, then responsibility resides therein again, even if it only be to disattach and serve notice of same. I guarantee that in every way--even unto the rearing of a child--you shall reap that which you sow and if you give bad reflection and example it shall come back unto thee in pain and regret. Ponder upon these thoughts because, living in this time of chaos and confusion in such a physically oriented world, it becomes most difficult to bear that kind of responsibil­ity. I shall write soon on these "Tough Times" and see if we can offer some often overlooked thoughts to achieving balance and possibilities.

    Does this mean that to be in my presence you must have perfec­tion in thought and deed? NO--but neither may you go forth and state that "Hatonn said it is alright" if it is NOT and you know very well that which is right and that which is not sanctioned by God. I AM A MESSENGER, HEAD OF THE "HOSTS"--I MAKE NO EXCEPTIONS REGARDING GOD'S LAWS! NONE! AND YOU MAY NOT GIVE INDICATION TO ANY ONE ANYWHERE, THAT I DO SO--NOT EVEN IN "OPINION".

    We work within the laws as written in the land and within, ALWAYS, the LAWS OF GOD. I did not, however, say "the laws as given in that book of rules as presented by your adver­sary"--I said "THE LAWS OF GOD". So be it.

    * * *
    Let us start right off this morning with our subject in point for we do not have long to devote to writing this day.

    THE ULTIMATE WORLD ORDER as Pictured in The Jewish Utopia:


    Given another world war to save the "persecuted" Jews, and our children will be doomed to subjugation and probably en­slavement, simply because their fathers and mothers had not the foresight or character to fight to save them.

    How can the propagandists make the West believe the Soviet Union has turned at last against its founders? Already since 1948 we have seen the preview more than once. Whenever the public began to talk about the fact that so many Communist spies and Communist fronters were Jewish, the Soviet govern­ment always officially came to the rescue of the Jews in the West by holding a big public trial of some "Jewish" official, or officials. The charge always was treason or disloyalty to the Communist order! Just right to make the students of history in the West look ridiculous when they tried to warn their neigh­bors that Communism was a Jewish invention. [H: This has been the biggest mode of operation for decades and in the meanwhile the ones persecuted were the innocent ones thinking themselves to be "Jews" as now defined--but are NOT. Oh indeed there have been Judaists persecuted--BUT NOT ZIONISTS!]

    The trials did not necessarily prove that Jews still had the up­per hand in the invisible Soviet government, the Communist Se­curity System. For it may well be that Zionist agents could get the particular Jewish officials to spy for Zionism, then betray them to the Communist government, and thus bring about the public trial--which our stupid "liberal" newspaper correspon­dents and the Zionist press and infiltrators into the wire services almost always represented to the American public as anti-Semitic!

    Fantastic, certainly; but indisputable. Facts cannot be de­nied.

    Whether or not certain Jews continue to dominate or hold in­fluence in the Communist regime need not make any difference. Even if nearly every Jew is pressured to get out from behind the iron curtain by the Zionist machine, before A-day (for Ar­mageddon or Atom-bomb day), and even if the remaining gen­tile Communist dictators are wise to the plot--the Zionists no doubt can produce such incidents, get some Jews indicted and tried, and picture the Moscow regime as officially anti-Semitic.

    If the enslaved people of Russia come to believe their Com­munist slave masters have thrown off the Jewish yoke and are anti-Semitic, they will fight for the regime. If the indoctrinated, tolerant Anglo-Saxon thinks the Red regime is anti-Semitic, he is apt to fight against it. Thus the Zionists can make the East and the West fight a desperate war--each side actually fighting against its own future welfare.

    And assuredly the Zionists can maneuver in the Middle East to steer the war to cause thousands of Israelis to be killed. And it does not take many to give the Zionist propaganda machine in America a chance to go into hysterics over persecution of their people by anti-Semites.

    And politicians who have to be reelected may not dare try to get the facts to the American people, to keep us out of the planned war. These politicians, in fact, may not at all under­stand the game, for few of them seem to have the courage to glance behind the Zionist curtain, even in the dark, to see what goes on there.

    At the risk of making this picture even more fantastic, I am forced to point out the opportunity such a war will or would of­fer the Zionist "idealists" to help purify their tribe. It has been evident for some years that the Zionist redistributors of their people, through HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Shelter and Aid So­ciety, organized in 1881, which has branches and agents all over the world) were letting few of the most unsightly Asiatic Jews come to America; shunting most of these to Israel. Also, they have been stirring up anti-Semitic outbreaks in various African and Middle Eastern countries so as to make Jews there migrate to Israel. Not only do they need them in Israel, to fight and to work, but, if my guess is correct, they expect to get most of these low class Jews wiped out. [H: Indeed, you do not see Kissinger or Eagleburger, Falwell or Robertson (pledged Zionists by their own lips) going to live in a Kibbutz in the desert sands of Israel. No, the elite or "higher class" by their own distinction, infiltrate all other nations.]

    Actually, we are not just guessing, except as to details, for Mr. Higger himself told us that the Zionists would build a race of tall, handsome men, eliminating all the Jews who were not tall and handsome, who had physical defects and so on. And it must disturb the high class Jew to think that eventually his line must blend with the Negroid and Mongoloid Jews; the Yemenite sheep herders (often the butt of snide jokes in the Jewish press) and the other dregs of their tribe.

    In summary: there are three plausible reasons why the Zion­ists keep on pressuring their people to come out of iron curtain countries: (1) They must get most of them out so that few will remain to be slaughtered by bombs and the "anti-Semitic" peo­ple, when they turn loose of the beaten, abused Bear's tail; (2) They need them for work and for cannon fodder in Israel; and (3) In Israel, the master strategists could maneuver to get them (the short and the un-handsome ones) wiped out.

    How soon the Zionists will complete the operation of getting most of the Jews out of the Communist countries and thus will be ready for A-day, we can only guess. They have been getting them out ever since the end of the second world war, and almost every issue of the many Jewish weeklies in America tells of some more Jews coming to America or going to Israel from a Communist country. Most of these reports picture the Jews as suffering under the Communist regime but some reports (in the Jewish papers, which gentiles rarely read) flatly deny that Jews behind the Iron Curtain are discriminated against.

    The Los Angeles B'nai Birith Messenger of July 26, 1957, quoted Dr. Nahum Goldman, president of the World Zionist Organization, as telling the Zionist Action Committee at Jerusalem:

    "The time has come to place the question of Soviet Jewry be­fore the bar of public opinion... " Dr. Goldman revealed that he had met during the past year with a number of Russian repre­sentatives and believes that there are good prospects for the de­mand, through contacts in the Communist governments of East­ern Europe, for the right of Soviet Jews to migrate to Israel. He cautioned, however, that Jewish demands must not be trans­formed into a crusade against the USSR.

    We may be sure the Communist governments are not doing anything to hurt the Jews for if they were, we would hear a mighty tirade against the anti-Semites. So the time has simply not yet come.

    The strange revolutions which broke out in Poland and Hun­gary in the summer and fall of 1956, it now appears, were at first incited by the Communists themselves (quite possibly in collusion with the Zionists) for two or more purposes: (1) The Communists all over the world were off on a new Party line de­signed to appear to divorce the satellite governments and the Communist Party in America and other Western countries, from Moscow domination. In a little sham battle, which actually lasted only a few hours in Poland, the virtually unarmed Polish mobs "whipped" the mighty Red army, unseating the Moscow Communist dictator and replacing him with a Polish Communist (who oddly enough had just been released from prison by the Moscow government and allowed to go to Poland in time for the uprising).

    The whitewash Polish "revolution" worked, for the "liberal" internationalist Eisenhower-Dulles administration immediately began asking Congress for aid to the new "independent" Polish government! And the Supreme Court has come dangerously close to saying that the Communist Party in America no longer takes orders from Moscow (and therefore is just another Ameri­can political party.)

    (2) The Zionists wanted to get nearly all (not quite all, it seems) of the Jews out of Poland, mostly to Israel. So there ap­peared some anti-Semitic acts in the "revolt".*

    * (A dispatch from Jerusalem on page 1 of the Los Angeles B' nai B'rith Messenger, August 16, 1957, quoted "two Ameri­can Jewish scholars....at the International Ideological Confer­ence now taking place" as saying that "any strategy of trying to frighten American Jews into settling in Israel was futile." They did not, however, condemn the scare technique as a failure in getting Jews to Israel from Iron Curtain and Mediterranean countries. (End footnote)

    However, the Polish revolt did not quite come off, as regards scaring the Jews out of Poland. The Hungarian revolt did better because, after the first few days, genuine anti-Communist citi­zens rose up and were joined by a stream of deserting soldiers from the Hungarian and also the Soviet Red armies (some bringing their tanks and ammunition).

    The Hungarian revolt came off at the same time as the inva­sion of Egypt by Israel, France and Britain, and it seems possible that the Zionists expected the invasion to ignite the world war. Or perhaps they were not ready for the world war but de­cided to get most of the Jews out of Hungary, in case the war unexpectedly became general.

    The Toronto Globe and Mail of January 3, 1957, ran a long and revealing article on the evacuation of Jews from Hungary. It was written by correspondent James Senter from London and later I phoned Mr. Senter in Canada to clarify certain details. The article reported:

    "A high ranking Canadian official slipped across the Austro-Hungarian border recently as part of a dramatic story of com­placency, fear and international intrigue.

    "The purpose of the trip was to persuade 150,000 Jews to leave Hungary before it was too late. Sworn to secrecy, the Canadian.... waited seven days before turning the details of the trip over to me... "
    The Canadian official met secretly at

    "... one of Vienna's largest homes where he found 15 promi­nent leaders of international Jewry assembled. They were an alarmed group from Israel, Switzerland and elsewhere. For several weeks they had been sitting on the border with unlimited funds at their disposal in Vienna and Zurich. Yet, despite all their efforts, they had been unable to persuade more than 3,000 Jews to leave Hungary. In the same period, however, 2,000 Jews had disappeared in Budapest alone. It was feared they had been deported by the Russians.

    "Hungarian Jews were complacent, the group explained. They had little contact with the outside world and were subject only to Communist propaganda. Since the end of the Second World War they had done well in business, in the civil service, and in government. Some had become well-to-do land owners. They felt they were secure. "

    When it became apparent that the Jewish leaders of Hungary who met with the delegation at night, inside Hungary, could not be induced to get their people out of the country, the head of the delegation ordered them to do so:

    "ft has been decided', the Canadian quoted him as saying. 'These are orders from the top. * You must come out. ' "

    * "Orders from the top" confirms charges made by patriotic citi­zens, generation after generation, that the Jews still maintain a secret tribal government, with power over Jewish citizens of gentile nations. (End footnote)

    A quick recapitulation of the above report reveals much: The Hungarian Jews had found a Promised Land; they were doing well under Communism; they felt so secure that they would pay no attention to the pleas of their brethren, till they were finally given outright orders "from the top".

    [H: You are in grave error if you fail to understand that these Zionists have "found their Promised Land" in the United States for "the chosen people". The seat of the "temple" activities is intended for Jerusalem but the Promised Land is any and all places of great wealth and natural resources. At this time in evolvement of the PLAN--it now represents "THE GLOBE".]

    In view of their favorable situation and their sense of protec­tion by the Communist apparatus, and in view of later reports from numerous sources, we know that it was not the Com­munists that they were supposed to escape from. It was the re­volting Hungarian and Russian soldiers and Hungarian citizens, who had risen above the original whitewash revolution of Octo­ber, quickly converting it into a genuine anti-Communist revo­lution--and all anti-Communist revolutions behind the Iron Cur­tain are in some measure anti-Semitic because the enslaved peo­ple have to overthrow a secret-police rule which still is highly Jewish in complexion. Hungary had been under the Jewish Communist regime of Bela Kun (or Cohen) during the short-lived Red dictatorship right after the first world war; and Rakosi, the strong man of Hungarian Communism after the sec­ond world war was a Jewish monster of the crudest character.*

    *According to the "liberal" writer, John Gunther, who knew him and interviewed him, Rakosi "is of Jewish origin and the family name was Rosencranz". Gunther said Rakosi was "one of the half dozen most important international Communists in the world today". See Gunther's BEHIND THE IRON CUR­TAIN, 1949. (End footnote)

    If the Zionists expected to launch Armageddon by their 1956 invasion of Egypt, with France and Britain, they miscalculated. Eisenhower (who was also Jewish in origin), who had positively crawled before the Jewish bankers and political and organiza­tional leaders since he was a lieutenant colonel under Mac Arthur in the Philippines (where be began courting the Jewish political machine by going to the B'nai B' rith club in Manila and playing bridge with its members), now suddenly stood still. He was supposed to back Israel, of course. Some unseen force held him back. The only sizeable force other than Zionists (since the death of Robert Taft) known to influence his policies is the Standard Oil-Chase National Bank crowd. Dulles is a relative of the Rockefellers and a member of this crowd, and Eisen­hower made Nelson Rockefeller one of his aides and advisers.

    The Rockefellers are in many Communist fronts and work with the Jewish bankers in almost all international financial and political exploits and plots; but they apparently do not want to give up the fabulous oil fields of the Middle East to the Jewish expansionists.

    When the President would not be drawn in against Egypt, the Soviet Union did not come in. Israel, France and Britain were left out on a limb (one which promised no foreign aid billions); and the invasion was called off.

    In scrutinizing the Zionists' timetable it would be interesting to know whether or not they intended the Egyptian invasion to start the final war.

    In any case, they kept their agents on the Austrian border of Hungary (which border, by the way, the Communists left prac­tically unguarded for weeks) herding the Jews across and re­settling them. Many they flew to America in U.S. Air Force planes rushed to them by President Eisenhower (though by no legal authority). Others they shipped to Israel. Estimates of the number of Jews who have come out of Hungary since October vary from 17,000 to as high as 100,000. They kept coming out all winter and the Jewish papers and some correspondents kept saying there was to be another revolt in Hungary in the spring, followed by another one in Poland, and certain incidents hinted that a third would follow in Romania (where there were, by Jewish newspaper estimates, a few years ago, as many as 400,000 Jews).


    * * *
    Let us leave this now so that we might attend other duties. I would hope to finish this volume within the next couple of days, please. You readers are running out of time to have the facts available to you. This Communist segment is already infiltrated into your lands and preparations for the war which will un­doubtedly end as Armageddon is setting-up positions (on Ameri­can soil this time--among every other "free" nation on the globe). May you heed the warnings.

    Salu, to clear.

    PJ 55
    CHAPTER 18


    MON., SEP. 28, 1992 8:05 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 43

    MONDAY, SEPT 28, 1992

    You who are told your water supply is NOW SAFE had better watchit! Nothing has changed except perhaps the turbidity and E-coli count. The viruses are still present and it only takes ONE of the little crystalline forms to make you very ill and live with you the rest of your bodily experience awaiting revival under stress and physical debilitation--just like the "fever blister/cold sore" herpes virus. Most areas have just as inept management as does this local "Golden Hills" operation. The manager is not an engineer nor even educated to manage such an operation. This is not an insult to the man--it is simply that he does not know that for which to demand testing. Does it matter? Indeed, like the safety of the entire area for it is NOT JUST GOLDEN HILLS/TEHACHAPI, IT IS KEENE/TEHACHAPI, TEHACHAPI/TEHACHAPI, MOJAVE, ROSAMOND, ETC.

    I am bombarded with "You usually don't give us these bits of news without telling us what to do about it--what can we do?" Oh boy, a hard one. What is available is being ripped off the shelves as quickly as possible. Food grade hydrogen peroxide properly used will knock these viruses out of the cells. Crystal life-forms with DNA structure for cellular whole recovery will do it over "time". All of this was purposely attacked before the introduction of contamination so that you can't do much to de­fend selves. As long as the bodies are fairly healthy the bugs won't show up too heavily in impact, so you sit as ducks on the iced-over pond with feet stuck--until circumstances fit the need to strike you.

    To clean up the water supplies is going to require combinations of "Light wave" purification with, probably, the ozone method as follow-on. You must hit the virus structures with resonance at least matching that of the contaminant, or higher, in order to burst the cellular structures. The intent, as with AIDS, is to re­duce immune systems and produce organ malfunctions to the point wherein the "regular" microorganisms can bring down the host. People do not die from HIV--they die from accompanying diseases that the body cannot handle.

    The Elite would-be rulers are depopulating--so get off the kick about "research" into "saving and curing". There is NO intent to cure anything! If you don't face this monster soon, there won't be enough of you left to matter.

    Do you not realize that major, major incidents about your globe wherein your loved ones ended up in battles of destruction, i.e., Vietnam--were originally stirred up prior to your hopping into the free-for-all? You are simply seeing the master puppeteer pulling some unmistakable strings. Mitterand is in serious health failure, the southern portion of the nation wherein the worst financial poverty was at play and a nation exists wherein political uprising is a breath away, is being disciplined. France will more happily join with the European Community or be dev­astated. The eyes can see clearly if the mind be cleansed and truth be fed into the circuits. The message is: "You will join our 'free' community or perish!" Always it will be violence and "stuff" thrust against the most helpless of the nations because they have no way to make REAL BIG trouble. This way the lessons can be given without fear of worse than bread lines. At some point however, it doesn't work too well as is evidenced by the French Revolution (which was also bought and paid for by the Elite Bankster Zionists). Indeed, chelas, these would-be-Lords have been at it for a very long time while they put the world's populations to slumber.

    These floods around the world give ample opportunity to destroy water and food supplies through scarcity and contamination.

    You cannot have overflooding of the lands without resultant in­fections and famines. All governments have been brought into bankruptcy, the world is in massive "depression" and you are IN THE TRAP WITH THE DOOR SHUT--will the final turning of the key end your misery? NO--you have not yet fulfilled the adversary's plan against you--it includes much more deadly games to come. If you don't awaken and see that you DO NOT HAVE TO PLAY OUT THIS GAME, you are not going to make it. I can only offer insight--I cannot make you accept it. I can only ask, again: LOOK AROUND YOU AND WHAT DO YOU SEE?

    Did I forget to mention another situation which has now been given reminding to me? I don't think I passed the news along that there are some 1,500 Cambodians imported into Idaho to pick mushrooms. To pick mushrooms? I didn't realize Idaho HAS mushrooms, much less enough to have to im­port, from abroad, mushroom pickers from Asia. I suppose the migrant mushroom picker union is not sufficient in America.

    Guess who heads up the supervisor crews? The same Cambodi­ans who are in charge of the Cambodians along the Mississippi River strategic points which we have written about for well over two years. It would certainly make you ponder "JUST WHAT IS IN IDAHO THESE DAYS?" would it not? Surely there must be something more than Randy Weaver and a few U.S. American patriots?

    I won't even play the 20 questions game with you on this subject because it goes right along with our subject in point: Zionists and Ultimate World Order.

    In the Second World War the intent was to get rid of the Jewish people in Germany--either ship them out and/or as they did with thousands, send them to Palestine. We are going to put aside all "extermination camp" lies and move with truth of operations at that time. The Zionists had already moved into Germany and taken over the economy and, basically, the government. The Zionist desire for this superior race as we have been outlaying went into full action through a stupid little dupe called Hitler. He was a nothing and the epitome of that which the Zionists were trying to "breed out"--he was in fact, a Jew. That is not news unless you have been isolated in a cave for most of your life and know no history.

    They cannot do that again and so bunches of "Asian refugees" have been deliberately brought into Germany and set up in places where jobs are already non-existent and where the local economy cannot hold and attend the needs of these people who do not even speak English, much less German.

    The obvious reaction is to have confusion. Enter into this groups both trying to save their own race and nation, stirred by placed troublemakers--call them "white supremacists out to de­stroy the helpless minority" and you have the same identical set­up as in pre-war Germany before.

    If you cannot see that this is deliberate and that the same "groups" are paying for the transfer of refugees (why in the world would Vietnamese and Cambodians end up in Germany?), you are still sleeping. Who, except the would-be Kings, could afford to arrange for such transfer? World, YOU ARE IN IT! I, again, cannot urge you strongly enough to get in some sur­vival stores for the time is at hand for the "famines" and "pestilence"--the grain this year has been wiped out in the U.S. by storms and the "whiteflies" are wiping out your garden crops in the West and now, fruitflies are introduced again into the cit­rus crops. Indeed, get your head out of the bucket and look around you. The waters of your nation are infected with viruses which are not cleansed from the systems by normal means so you ALL continue to contaminate selves. Remember, viruses are not even tested for in the water supply and the viruses being currently utilized are VERY SIMILAR to HIV and would not show up on regular testing equipment.

    Well, the old Commander is feeling a bit old today, weary and wondering--how many will awaken IN TIME? I also know, however, as you must learn, that if I focus on my goals and ser­vice unto God and brother instead of on regrets and things past which cannot be changed--I don't feel either my annoyance nor my ancient age.

    I continue to gather information so that I am not at disadvantage and, then, through KNOWING my strengths, I win without having to do a thing in violence--the factions of the enemy will break off and devour self. It is now under way.

    All you really had to do was watch and listen to Henry Kissinger's inability to even "double speak" at the subcommittee hearing on POWs/MIAs this week. It gets harder for these liars to hide truth, does it not?

    By the way, the network (TV) that Pat Robertson just purchased was owned by Ted Turner. Now, realize, please, that Pat Robertson is a POLITICAL evangelist with GOD not even run­ning a close third in importance. The proper WORDS are ut­tered to get your contributions and the blessings are handed out to "give you your salvation without doing anything except contributing" and you're off on your fantasy land la-la journey to doom.

    He (Pat Robertson) gave Ted Turner his start in the industry. Ted Turner, by his OWN MOUTH has said: "Don't expect God to help you 'cause HE ain't there and HE won't!" (And this is THE best buddy of your friendly "savior and teacher", Pat Robertson.

    Ted Turner went further and publicly denounced and threw out the "TEN COMMANDMENTS" as presented in the Bible and WROTE HIS OWN called the "Turner Ten". Believe me they do not resemble anything from GOD--but then, some of the Ten Commandments as you got them don't either. Those were given mostly to insure control over the students who would not DARE act outside the laws of the Rabbis and Priests.

    When you are told to come unto God as a child it MEANS: "Come with the open searching wondering of a child". It does NOT mean in "childish behavior" with closed minds and tantrum tactics to get your way. To experience the wonder of life through the eyes of a child is the most rewarding feeling in the world. The most deadly experience is to never grow beyond the childish things.

    And again, it comes again to the "child" for, no matter how you wish it to be otherwise, you can't expect your children to lis­ten to your advice and ignore your example. What examples do you give unto your children and those of the world?

    A continuing question to me is, "How can God and you ones allow the suffering of the children about the world?" I remind you--WE DON'T, YOU DO. How many children does God and we of His crew save? ALL OF THEM! PONDER IT. WE HAVE THEM ALL, AFTER YOU DO YOUR HEINOUS PHYSICAL DEEDS UNTO THEM.

    Do these things worry you? Really? Well, I have seen that "worry" is most often a "substitute for action". So, what are YOU going to do about this mess in which you find your­selves? I know what I am going to do--so it remains only that YOU decide what it is that you will do.

    As a parting "daily thought", I understand that Don Ecker has given another part of his series in UFO. I sincerely hope he doesn't weary of the subject because we have only "just begun" in seeing "who is who"! I do understand that some are confused and frightened and we are proven to be false speakers and, in fact, secret "agents"? Good, the perception of "secret agents" is most easily cast off for we are so "secret" that everyone in the world knows about every last thing we do--except perhaps, dis­informed Don Ecker.

    If Jim "F" is such a good information source I wonder why it is that Jim FENTON attended so many of our "meetings" but his lady friend soon became too dark in intent to even walk in our room? He takes the word back to Ecker that "Doris and E.J. are surrounded and protected by ex-Special Forces people." So be it! I am pleased about that--I hope you all now feel a bit more secure for certainly Doris and E.J. DO. I am sorry about J.F. for he truly desired that I do something to PROVE my re­ality to him so he could take it back to those "in the know in the circle". He told me that he "knew and was respected by many of them" and that he "could get a lot of word out there". No, we do not play in the evil children's camp, brother. You will be "used" and spat out like the lemon pits when you are discredited for your earnest inquiries.

    These people are adversarial dis- mis-information plants and if you bumble into their clutches in worldly lack of protection and behavior against the laws of God, you will be left to their in­struction and finally, destruction. You, Fenton, had an oppor­tunity to find Truth and walk among the stars--you chose Don Ecker and the UFO human despots. I suppose, now, you will blame GOD for your own poor choices?

    If there be "Special Forces" among us, would it not appear that some of "those who were within the system" found out how vile and treasonist are the "rulers"? Would it not seem that those ones, if they be in our midst, have SEEN and KNOW that which we give is TRUTH--from underground bases to intended de­struction of your nation and globe? Why do you ones continue to play in the "mystical" and refuse to see the reality of your circumstance?

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