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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 55
    CHAPTER 11


    WED., SEP. 23, 1992 1:46 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 38


    Most of you will read the preceding heading and know of that to which it refers. I take exception to the term in general use other than as it confirms what I give to you regarding the "taking of words" and changing meanings to suit the need. The Zionists Ultimate World Order groups proclaim any and all who question the numbers, facts and possible distortions of truth in the World War II prison camps are labeled "revisionist". This cannot be correct because "Revision" means: to consider or look over something written to correct or improve. Revisionist therefore means one who does these things. Certainly it can only indi­cate that a "thing" as written is simply being looked into as to factual or incorrect information as possibility. Certainly "facts" should present truth in any such investigation so in any instance where researchers are looking into that which is presented as historical truth they are simply doing that which should be done for correct outlay of history.

    Next, let us again identify "holocaust": Thorough destruction especially by fire. Now, from this definition, how did the ac­tions in, especially Soviet-run prison camps labeled "Hitler's death camps" become "THE HOLOCAUST"?

    Let us "reason" together. Firstly, the prison camps were not death camps--through fire. Nor did the intenders even come close to "thorough destruction" of anything--if indeed that was the intent. So you have ones writing history to suit a need or CAUSE. THAT is what I would loosely refer to as "revision". That would be a fabrication of truth to suit needs and would by its obvious intent represent revision of facts. Therefore, ones now looking into factual history and documentation of what did occur, CANNOT be revisionists but returners of truth into the equation after the "revisionists" rewrote the history to suit their desires and needs.

    THE HOLOCAUST was neither "THE" only one ever known to man even if it were correct in presentation but only dead bodies were burned--and they were not even burned in open fires. So you have a full facade of misstated information. Simply by this account you have neither "THE HOLOCAUST" as stated to have occurred nor do you now have "REVISIONISTS" efforting to find the original truth.


    Along with this surge of constraint on historical research comes the abuse of such ones as John Demjanjuk who was accused of being "Ivan the Terrible" from a "death camp". This man was denied his U.S. citizenship rights, shipped off to Israel and is innocent of all wrong doing, the victim of total lack of Constitu­tional protection from his own nation, the United States of America, sentenced to death by false and "no" documentation (now being accepted as incorrectly accused--by information pre­sented by ones in the U.S. who have risked their own necks to keep defending this innocent man) in a Tel Aviv, Israel court of injustice.

    Then comes the thrust for "laws" pushed through by "voice vote" to label "questioning" of events as "hate crimes", a felony offense subject to imprisonment or even death if violence ensues from issues--with only "circumstantial" or false testimony as the only convicting elements.


    If you believe these are simply little "Jews" at work, then you had best open your eyes--for there are damned few "Jews" among them who would pull down your nation. Those "little Jews" are planned to be the first exterminated by the Zionist Elite.

    I believe an example is better than a thousand words so please just look at the following and see if you can see WHY historical events need such remarkable effort into the finding of Truth. If there is NOTHING TO HIDE then the only thing found will be that the ORTHODOX VERSION AS THE JEWS PRESENT IT--IS TRUE AS IT STANDS, and perhaps even WORSE. To cover research under threat of "laws levied against such re­search" is obvious in intent to HIDE THE TRUTH for THEY know that the story will NOT STAND as thrust upon the world.

    Some ones now feel enough pressure, as in the Southeast Asian POW situation, to call a gathering to look into the matter. I use an article chosen, actually, at random (for there are so many) from SPOTLIGHT, Sept. 21, 1992 as example of both misuse of terms and which represents an announcement of such a meeting--to which all of you should attend.


    Revisionists Set 11th Conference. The following is a press release issued by the Institute for Historical Review, detailing the upcoming Eleventh Revisionist Conference. [H: By the way, a prior conference was interrupted by a bomb set by the ADL and so, too, was the building belonging to the Insti­tute for Historical Review set to "holocaust". In other words, "thoroughly destroyed by fire", claimed to have been done by the B'nai B'rith ADL. What would happen if it had been the Ku Klux Klan? The White Supremists? The Black Panthers? But, because it was done by a "Jewish" league it was "justified" as defense against hate-crimes being thrust against them for men were questioning the truth as presented by that group and the lies and liars protected by cover of LAW.]

    A stellar line-up of historians and activists from near and far promises to make the Institute for Historical Review's (IHR) forthcoming Eleventh Revisionist Conference one of the most memorable revisionist conferences ever.

    On the weekend of October 10-12 in Southern California, IHR friends and supporters will see, hear, and meet with the most prominent figures in the international revisionist move­ment, which disputes the generally accepted "holocaust" exter­mination story and focuses attention on other suppressed aspects of 20th century history.

    Founded in 1978, the IHR is a serious, non-partisan, educa­tional enterprise that continues the tradition of revisionism pio­neered by distinguished historians such as Harry Elmer Barnes, A.J.P. Taylor, Charles Tansill and William H. Chamberlain. The purpose of the IHR is, in the words of Barnes, to "bring history into accord with facts".

    The IHR promotes the cause of international peace by en­couraging greater understanding of the root causes of war. It firmly supports the First Amendment right to free inquiry and free speech.

    Dr. Robert Faurisson, who has survived murderous physical attacks as well as legal and economic assault, will report on the latest developments in revisionist scholarship.

    Prof. Arthur Butz of Northwestern University, whose path-breaking book HOAX OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY remains the standard revisionist text, will explain how the evidence looks today, 17 years after he finished the book.

    David Irving, the intrepid, world-renowned British historian, will give conference-goers an inside look into his work on the memoir of Adolf Eichmann.

    Fred Leuchter, the American gas chamber expert and execu­tion engineer whose forensic tests at the camps at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek shattered the holocaust story, will return to tell the inside story of the international holocaust lobby's campaign of economic, professional and legal harassment to punish and silence him.

    Jerome Brentar has done more to unearth evidence and eye­witnesses to clear Ukrainian-American John Demjanjuk than anyone else outside of Demjanjuk's own family. Now that the case against Demjanjuk is falling apart, Brentar will update attendees on the behind-the-scenes fight to clear Demjanjuk and his prospects for injustice in Israel and a safe return to America.

    Historian Mark Weber, editor of the Journal of Historical Review, will once again serve as master of ceremonies, keynot­ing the event with a look back at the recent accomplishments of the IHR and revisionism, and a look ahead at the bright prospects for the future.

    Dr. James J. Martin, historian, author and educator, will dedicate this conference to the memory of George Morgenstern, the longtime Chicago Tribune editor whose Pearl Harbor: The Story of the Secret War remains an unsurpassed study of Franklin Roosevelt's treacherous role in the December 7, 1941 "day of infamy" and America's entry into World War II.

    IHR editor Ted O'Keefe will speak on the second Mel Mer­melstein trial, focusing on the vital evidence that knocked the props from under Mermelstein's $11 million suit for libel, ma­licious prosecution, conspiracy and intentional infliction of emotional distress against the institute. [H: Not to be outdone, think about the fact that there is over $215 million set aside by the University of Science and Philosophy with a member of the Board of "300" on their Board, to bury the PLEIADES CONNECTION series and the outlay of Light and God. Everything about the "case" is being handled by Zionist lawyers and judges. Where there is this much "fire" chelas, there must be a holocaust brewing--against the WORD of Truth so that it never reaches you-the-sheeple.]
    IHR Media Project Director Bradley Smith, who is also head of the independent Committee on Open Debate on the Holo­caust, will speak about his headline-making Campus Project, which has published full-page ads challenging aspects of the holocaust story. He will describe the controversy that erupted at the universities where the ad appeared.

    This conference's mystery speaker has been for many years a tireless crusader for justice and historical truth. On the basis of his own intimate relationship to the case, he will tell the capti­vating story of one of the great enigmas of World War II.


    * * *
    [H: No, I am NOT that "mystery guest". I bring truth to awaken you to your need for correct information--I do not have political interests except as to bring God's people home and that requires that you of the people get the truth in in­formation. I am accused of denouncing the holocaust (by UFOs Don Ecker, as example) and claiming that it did not happen. No, this is typical black information and disinformation in full blown force with intent to destroy. I have re­peatedly said that there were great horrors done unto ones in that war and in those camps. No worse, however, than was done in the camps AFTER the war unto civilians at the hands of your own military machine. Moreover, I have ob­jected to the lies because they, in themselves, lessen the re­spect and reverence unto the ones who WERE victims in death and torture in those terrible places. If it be ONE, it be too many! Six billion is no more than the ONE in intent for the ONE it is 100%. Can you see? Moreover, one child or kitten down a well-core is more heart-rending than 6 mil­lion down a well-core for the mind cannot comprehend the numbers and the heart is hardened by the assault (which is the exact intent against you). There simply were not 6 mil­lion Jews available to have been slain and, after all, there are more "Jews" receiving money annually from Germany in re­tribution than were listed as being in the camps--now, people, that means someone has made errors--intentionally or unintentionally. As a matter of fact, this past year the num­ber of 6 million was increased by 500,000 (half a million). Since you don't hear much about the "new" counting num­ber then it must have been "better thought of not to over­load the mentality of those about to wake up and smell the stench of the dead fish broiling in the sun.
    Indeed this has EVERYTHING to do with the subject in point and that to which we will again now turn.

    Continuation of THE ULTIMATE WORLD ORDER as Pic­tured in "The Jewish Utopia"


    While the Utopia cherished by the Talmudic Jews is to be to a considerable degree Socialist in economy, some private own­ership will be allowed for the author makes reference to it. He says property cannot be bequeathed to heirs. The confiscation of property from the heirs is socialistic.

    Though the Jewish revolutionary leaders proclaim to their people that Socialism (as also their concept of democracy--the kind found in Soviet Russia) is a Jewish invention. *

    * Jewish encyclopedias and other authoritative writings present Socialism in a friendly light, or make outright claims to the Jewish authorship of the movement. For example, the small book JEW AND NON-JEW, which rabbis handed to the Jewish soldiers in the U.S. Armed Forces during the second world war (published jointly by the Union of American Hebrew Congrega­tions and the Central Conference of American Rabbis) states:

    "It cannot be without its meaning that the Jew has played a leading role in the great modern industrial movements which have an ethical basis. Socialism was originated by Jews; and today Jews play a leading role in its spread and interpretation. And under the leadership of a Jew, trade-unionism has been brought to its highest point of efficiency and been given an in­creasingly ethical bearing. The Jew has thrown himself into the vortex of modem life with a most commendable zeal... "(End footnote)

    .........and though every sizeable Socialist organization and movement today is of Jewish origin and/or under Jewish manage­ment, evidently Socialism, like its twin Communism, is largely to be a temporary vehicle, a vehicle for destruction of the races and nations and conquest of private property. For in the Utopia after the Jewish machine gets the power, its leaders will scorn the doctrine of equality which they now so diligently spread among us.

    "There will be seven groups of righteous, classified according to seven grades of light, namely, the light of the sun, moon, heaven, stars, lightnings, lilies and of the candlestick in the Sanctuary. "
    Here again we see the Jewish revolutionaries playing a dou­ble game with us, secretly planning for an ultimate seven-strata aristocracy while spreading Socialism among us evidently to in­duce us to let the government take all our property away and own us outright--because if Jews are the missionaries of any new movement, such as Socialism, naturally they may expect to dominate it, if it takes over the government. They then will use the Socialist government as their vehicle for conquest of men and materials.

    Similarly, in preaching brotherhood and equality among us, their purpose must be that of making us forsake the pride which preserved our ancestors for ages, so that we will accept and soon breed downward among the indolent dark races and the lazy, unambitious, stupid elements of our own race. Why not, since :all of us are "equal"?

    Thais indoctrination is pure Communism. It is spread by both the Communists and the Zionists. It is offered as a Christian doctrine! The difference is that the Communists believe it; while the Zionists show that they are spreading it only for non-Jewish consumption. They quicken the "race" pride of their own people to a fanatical degree by their own propaganda at­tacking all opponents as anti-Semites! And by this clever dou­ble-faced propaganda device, they keep most of the Jews scared and herded into their camp for "protection"--protection which would not at all be needed in a world of tolerant unsuspecting gentiles, but for the fact that the Jewish revolution becomes so violent its leaders finally become identified, thus frightening and angering the alert gentiles and causing "anti-Semitism".

    Western people can hardly conceive of such racial and cultist fanaticism. If a group of Germans or Spanish or Anglo-Saxons or Swedes said such egotistical things about their own kind or hinted that God was going to make their people the ideal or holy people of the earth, the Jewish propagandists would flood America with movies from Hollywood, broadcasts by radio and television and newspaper stories about the racial bigots, inciting us to make war on them as "fascists".

    We have already seen glimpses of "the ideal Israel", in all its holiness: its bayoneting of helpless Arab women and children and the constant threat of aggression over neighbors in the Near East.

    The ideal and holy nature of Jewish power mongers likewise has been demonstrated in revolution after revolution among our ancestors for over 2,000 years. The Jewish-inspired, socialistic, international revolutions, such as the French Revolution, and in our time, the Communist, or Bolshevik, revolutions have red­dened much soil with the blood of Christians (gentiles).*

    * Jewish literature is replete with reports showing how their leaders inspired revolutions which undermined the stability and character of Western nations and racial elements, from Rome down to the current climactic world revolution. The Jewish au­thor Marcus Eli Ravage, in two articles in the January and February, 1928, issues of the Century magazine, summarized the Jewish revolutionary role in non-Jewish countries:

    "You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We ARE intruders. We ARE disturbers. We ARE subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest great war but of nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it."

    Ravage relates how his ancestors, hating the Roman government and soldiers, which had burned Jerusalem in an effort to stop Jewish subversive activities, infiltrated the early Christian movement emphasizing the doctrine which said "turn the other cheek" to an enemy, and the hate-the-rich doctrine (that a rich man could not enter the Kingdom of Heaven) to soften the Ro­man armies and undermine the great Roman civilization. RAV­AGE DOES NOT SAY THE JEWISH REVOLUTIONARIES "INFILTRATED" CHRISTIANITY: IT IS HIS THESIS THAT THEY DELIBERATELY INVENTED IT AND SPREAD IT AM NG THE ENTILES TO MAKE THEM OFTEN ND HUMBLE AND DEBASE THEMSELVES AND THUS. IN EFFECT. COMMIT NATIONAL (AND RACIAL) SUICIDE.


    We have already stated that all the wealth of the world is to be at the disposal of the rulers of Israel.

    "The great majority of the people will be farmers engaged in agriculture, and will obtain, without difficulty, their livelihood from the products of the land. " (p. 55)

    Think what such a development would mean for America: Today over three-fourths of the people of our country live in towns and cities. Evidently all or most of the metropolitan areas are to be wiped out. And if "the majority of the people" are to be farmers, then the world's population must be drastically re­duced, and it will have to be kept down, in order to provide farms for "the great majority". (The French Revolution, which had Jewish fingerprints all over it, was going to reduce the pop­ulation and send the remnants back to primitive life.)

    "Every one will acquire different kinds of land so that the product of the fields will satisfy the various needs of the individ­ual...in the new social order, every member of the ideal com­munity of the righteous, will receive without great effort what­ever necessary sustenance he may desire. "
    "... in the ideal era no one will lead a luxurious and spendthrift life because of inherited fortunes. One will enjoy and use only those things which he himself has earned through his own labor and efforts... No time will be spent by a part of the population in supplying useless luxuries. The laws and regula­tions of the new Universal State will, therefore, be few in num­ber and seldom violated... There will always be steady employ­ment, since production and distribution will be scientifically and universally regulated... Production will be organized inter­nationally and not nationally. Raw materials likewise will be controlled by a central authority so that the present waste will disappear. "

    Control by a central authority is the essence of this plan!

    "Gold will be of secondary importance in the new social and economic order... The city of Jerusalem will possess most of the gold and precious stones of the world... The depreciation of the importance of gold and its like, does not necessarily imply the introduction of the system of common ownership of property. The secondary importance given to gold in the new social order will be due to two main reasons. First, the equal distribution of private property and other necessities of life will automatically depreciate the importance of gold and other luxuries... The sec­ond reason is that the people will be trained and educated to differentiate between real, spiritual values and material values."

    Who is to divide up the property? Who is to train and edu­cate the people to a specific purpose and ideal? Obviously that authority will be all-powerful, ruling every life. In Western countries, the ideal always obtained that the parent was respon­sible for the education of his children; it was the parent's right and responsibility to say whether or not his children should be educated and in what way, and in what the education should consist.

    The influence of Jewish Socialism, which swept Germany in the 19th and 20th centuries, threw the control of education into the hands of the state, largely replacing parentally controlled private education with state controlled public education. The same Jewish Socialism took root in America and has now all but completed the transfer of authority and responsibility for educa­tion from the parent to the state. This transfer is throwing power into the hands of the Jewish machine, since the Jewish inspired "liberal" movement dominates it. And this "liberal" dominated public education system is wiping out any knowledge of our traditions, the struggles of our fathers and their fathers to regain freedom of the individual, sweeping away our anchorage, leaving our children prime for indoctrination with Jewish "liberalism" and racial integration.

    The author makes clear that it is the Jewish power seated in Jerusalem, headed by a descendant of the house of David ("the Holy One") [H: Does it not begin to appear that this House of David could well be the House of David--Rockefeller? Note, please, that all the great "buddies" of the New World Order are slaves to that David Rockefeller empire, from Kissinger through the ranks.], an absolute dictator, which is to divide up the property, ceding it only to favorites.

    "For to the righteous and upright will belong all the wealth, treasure, industrial gains, and all the other resources of the world; to the unrighteous will belong nothing. "

    While property is not to be passed on from father to son, still there will be some private property--as stated heretofore--and since various kinds of land are to be included, so as to produce a variety of farm products, and since only "the righteous" are to hold property, we may hazard a guess that this points toward something like Jewish owned feudal estates. The Jewish ma­chine made "war" on the feudal estates of Europe and later on the landed aristocracy, precipitating the bloody French Revolu­tion and subsequent Communist-type class revolutions, which destroyed the last vestiges of the landed estates and many of the people who had built them. The landed estates had been founded by the finest of the Teutonic and Celtic tribesmen, the leaders of the red headed Celts, Goths and Norse Vikings, the Fair Angles and Saxons...giant men, described by historians as men of great stature, personal dignity, dogged honesty and gen­eral leadership. It was this mighty racial leadership, the foun­dation of this age of civilization, which had to be wiped out if the nationalistic Jews were to march on.

    The propagandists of Jewish revolutions ever have disguised their real aims; they shape their revolutions along class and reli­gious lines, but the result is race warfare, since it is by and large the remnants of the old northern blood and character, even though mixed with other white elements, which constitute the "upper class". The men of ability and ambition naturally be­come the upper class, and in Europe and the Americas, these men were for the most part of Anglo-Saxon and closely related stock. And as for the war on religion, both the Communists and the Zionists hate Christianity, attack it from without and infil­trate and change it from within--and in killing millions of Chris­tian leaders the Communists destroy the gentile leadership.

    [H: Something may slip by you in reading this material which I must cause you to stop and consider: This continu­ally refers to "Christianity" but the facts are that Christian­ity is only a PART of the annihilation plan. ALL who be­lieve in Creator-God as Lighted Creator are on the list. This is why on this very day there is such hatred and intent to annihilate the Muslims and thus and so. The intent is to also destroy the native populations of all nations because they believe in the Great Spirit Creator and sovereignty of Mother as in Nature. These are all things which the adver­sary cannot abide and will not abide. Do not sit smugly if you are in "another" indoctrined group (even Jewish) believ­ing in the goodness of God and Man as units of being--be­cause you are first on the list. The white Christians are the largest group to offensively be taken-out in this plan 2000--the rest of you are already intended to be depleted.

    The war is against US, but the Jewish strategists, apparently considering themselves to be a racial unit, have always been too smart to use the word race (except in writing strictly for their own kind; Mr. Higger, for instance, speaks of his people as a race). Their appeal, analyzed, is exactly a racial appeal, but outnumbered a hundred to one by people of other races, they would be foolish to launch out openly on a race war. Rather they must condemn as bigotry any thought of race while, para­doxically, quickening the "race" or tribal pride of their own people by constant talk of race bigotry and "anti-Semitism" among people who oppose their program.

    Notice how this cunning propaganda works: it makes the gentiles (the Whites) ashamed to stand up for the survival of their race, fearing to be called a scare name. But it makes the Jews feel that they are being attacked racially, and thus it quick­ens their "race" pride.


    * * *
    I ask that you carefully ponder these points for you as a mass of mankind are about to march into doom at the drummer's beat into oblivion.

    So, what are we here for? To tell you about it and point out that IT DOES NOT HAVE TO END THIS WAY! YOU CAN CHANGE THIS IF YOU WANT TO. I am here to gather God's children if that be the end result of your deciding--instead of giving up and moving into the plan of your own destruction. We will take up our brothers into the safety of the God realms--indeed, in form.

    146 I am continually barraged with "what can I do", "what can we do?", and "how in the world can I make people see?" Chelas, I don't have any magic wand--myself and my people are under constant attack on lives, not just denial by sleeping people. Families are torn asunder as denial becomes hard and fast and refusal to see is taken as a "Berlin Wall" of separation. We are called lunatics, subversives, cultists, anti-Semites and literally have property damaged and bodies shot at. I don't KNOW how you get people to listen and act so I rather "cop out" by saying that mine is to bring this information, my crew is to print the in­formation and prepare for a remnant in survival, act always low-profile and stay out of controversy to the best of ability for our work must be completed and it is not of public warfare of any kind. I weary of ones saying, "But you have to do something for us!" and "God wouldn't do this or that". You do not KNOW what God will or won't do--HE WILL DO ANYTHING HE WANTS TO DO FOR HE IS WITHOUT LIMIT--I, AND YOU, ARE BOUND BY LIMITS. I hear all the petitions and my heart reaches out unto you--I can even give you peace if your intent is pure and works are honorable--I CANNOT DO IT FOR YOU! I AND MINE COME FORTH AS MESSENGERS (HOSTS)--NOT CAVALRY OR RIFLEMAN, SUPERMAN OR BATMAN--MESSENGER. I, AS HOST, CAN ALSO RECEIVE YOU WHEN THE TIME IS APPROPRIATE--UN­TIL THEN, WE ARE IN PEACE AND OFFER THAT WHICH WE CAN--SPIRITUAL TRUTH, GUIDANCE AND A LAMP TO LIGHT YOUR PATH. JUST AS ALL GREAT MASTER TEACHERS COME BEFORE--WE ARE WAYSHOWERS TO A DARK PLANET AND A CIVILIZA­TION OF MAN (BROTHERS) IN TROUBLE. WE HAVE NO "MAGIC" POTIONS TO OFFER AND NO "ZAP YOUR IN­DIVIDUAL ENEMY FOR YOU". WE SHALL WALK IN THE LIGHT OF HOLY GOD CREATOR AND WITHIN HIS LAWS--OR, "WE" SHALL NOT WALK ANYWHERE! SO BE IT.

    Thank you for your attention.

    Dharma, stay please for I would like to speak a moment on the subject of U.N. troops ordered into your country.

    Good evening, Hatonn to clear.

    It is far more serious than presented to you ones. Indeed there is massing of U.N. troops by the thousands, in Michigan as stated, and in other places as well. Remember the Japanese in "blue hats" into California several months ago? They are ALL STILL AT READY, chelas. I remind you that great and hor­rendous things are going to come down on your nation and your people.

    Indeed, there are thousands (by the hundreds of -) requested to move into your nation to subdue the uprisings which are des­tined to come. They were ordered up at the time of the "Weaver" incident in Idaho because there is no intent of the pa­triots remaining in what is left of your military to SIT STILL for the takeover of your nation. YOU LITERALLY STAND ON THE THRESHOLD OF THE EVE OF REVOLUTION AND YOU SEEM TO SEE IT NOT EXCEPT AS THE DRUNKEN CHILD WITHOUT ABILITY TO FUNCTION.

    As Commander of a mighty fleet at ready, I seem to have no ability to cause you to see or hear. I see you as another Sara­jevo or Sodom as the bombs burst upon your cities and all the while the cry will go out, oh God, how could you do this to us? You have denied God and his Messengers sent to give you in­sight--what do you want of us now? Do you wish to come aboard the sleek ships which you just an hour ago denied as re­ality? If you are of God Creator in Truth--you are fine wher­ever you are--if you are NOT then you are not safe ANY­WHERE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND? You are IN the trap whether or not you want to believe it. The only thing in ques­tion at this moment is, "What will you do about it?"

    The "leak" of information is somewhat of a "trial balloon" even to the extent of seeing what I will say and do about it. I have no intention of doing anything or even saying much more than I al­ready have, about it. I have told you there is massing of mili­tary equipment of foreign origin all about your nation--WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED? I have given you drawings of fa­cilities and spots wherein the troops are actually stationed and given you pulse by pulse blasts against your natural faults and against your large man-made structures such as dams. I can't do more and I can't tell you more--the ENEMY IS AMONG YOU! If this is "doom and gloom" to your eyes and ears, I am sorry, for it IS the way it IS.

    The thing you might well remember also, is that the "adversary" is an enemy of the factions which wield the most lethal power on your globe. As the "adversary" in the form of this wondrous Mossad U.N. Bankster's Ultimate World Order moves into ac­tion--I seriously DOUBT if the enemy in the Cosmospheres are going to sit still while you take his part of the world and HE IS GOING TO GO AND BE WHERE THE ENEMY NOW RE­SIDES IN GREATEST POWER--THE GOOD OLD U.S. OF A.

    Yes, Dharma, I think it is most appropriate to put this on the phone line--if you make it till tomorrow in functioning condi­tion. The days grow short "as you reach September" and so does your Cosmic "clock".


    PJ 55
    CHAPTER 12


    THU., SEP. 24, 1992 9:04 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 39

    Please reduce the following to some sort of short synopsis that can be added to the last of the writing yesterday, regarding UN troops, etc., for the phone information. I do not wish to take time to do that each morning but I will effort to give ample "new" subject material to change the phone message at least three times weekly, or more often as things happen. Or, if you can glean enough from the daily output to change it daily then the staff should do so. I do believe that some of the information is important enough to leave it on longer than one brief day. Thank you.

    I don't want to go into the subject in depth. I just want you to note what is going on with hearings regarding POWs, Kissinger involvements and other obvious things and, then, note that Kissinger's henchmen, Eagleburger and Scowcroft, along with William Clark are running your government and "doing" all the foreign affairs and decisions. Bush is only allowed to act on such stupid things as "family leave" and other things which dis­tract from facts of what is going on.

    Meanwhile--WHERE IS BAKER? HE IS SUPPOSED TO NOW BE RUNNING THE BUSH CAMPAIGN, RIGHT? Well, for one thing he is having MEETINGS UPON MEET­INGS WITH ROSS PEROT!! I guess I'll just let you chew on that one and move on to some very important "connections" you will have missed.

    Please note that the continuing bombardment on the San An­dreas Ffault line as it moves off-shore in California is causing swarms of quakes in the area which are going unreported. This is a crucial point of "friction" between the Pacific and North American plates. It won't be for much longer, however.

    Next, I ask that the article from News Straits Times, Sept. 22, 1992, be printed. It would seem to have little to do with any­thing presently going on in current importance. The incident in point occurred in Malaysia and, unless you served in Vietnam, Korea or, or, you probably don't even know where it IS. The focus is around and about Kuala Lumpur and obviously will be lost to most of the population. Kuala Lumpur is to the south of the Malay Peninsula and now the important landmark: North of Singapore on the Western coast of that land-mass. What do YOU think would happen to SINGAPORE if a massive split and dumping came across that Peninsula? It would take out one of the last remaining massively important money networks in the WORLD. Any "natural" appearing happenstance would HAVE to come across that area (of Kuala Lumpur) or a bit north be­cause that would be the vortex area of the volcano which formed the peninsula in the first place.

    Do any of you readers, not in financial circles, recognize the importance of Great Britain pulling the "pound" from the mar­kets--even briefly? Sharri, precious, can you now see why I wanted you out of the intrigue of this money confusion? It would seem that, whatever happens, things would simply be transferred across the board into new currency--but alas that is not so. All of the money hoopla is going along with Global cur­rency change, the European Community, the U.S. elections and monetary collapse planned for October (as presented). The at­tack on Singapore is a direct attempt to get the major point of transactions outside of Hong Kong shut down. It is fully in­tended that all be in chaos before even "thinking" about turning over Hong Kong to China. China knows this and has no inten­tion of sitting still--even if Eagleburger and Clark spend the rest of their natural lives in China.

    Every effort was made to bring Taiwan into the fold by lumping it, tradewise, in with Korea (NORTH Korea). This would seem totally remote from Singapore but it is politically not distant at all. Singapore (open banking) is attached to Thailand which is then adjacent to Laos and Vietnam. Now go back and remem­ber something we have already discussed: The docks, etc., from the Philippine U.S. bases are now established in Vietnam. Why would this be do you suppose? Why also does all this come at the same time as the investigations into POWs in your Congress? Oh, indeed it IS all connected. The only problem you should have, if you have been reading and studying your homework is WHO is causing the bombardment on places such as the Malay Peninsula.

    The Bolshevik Khazarians which were driven out of Russia moved to the U.S., mostly, as well as continuing to control Banking and business through steel trap enterprise and usury. The tentacles have reached out through ones such as Kissinger Associates and the Ruling Global Banksters into parts of the Asian world where they are NOT LIKED VERY MUCH. However, there is now a stronghold of Bankster operations, with massive interrelated interests with Israel going on all over the Asian World. They are hated with a passion you cannot believe in those areas. You as a world, global-wise, are on the brink of entering into a massive Third World War which will likely be Nuclear War One--and possibly, "Last".

    Now, if you go further back and read the writings about the Falkland Islands invasion and things happening about that time in history, you will find that there was a massive encounter go­ing on between Rockefeller interests and these Bolshevik Zionist interests. It matters little except that the Zionists always seem to win these encounters under the guise of "something else". In this instance, the Rockefeller brothers were simply taken out and replaced over a period of time--including Nelson.

    You will now HEAR, FROM HIS OWN MOUTH, that Henry Kissinger "was a Nelson Rockefeller man" and was actually campaigning AGAINST Nixon and Reagan, etc. This doesn't mean that he particularly disliked the Republicans but, rather, that it was intended that Nelson get IN. Actually, it wasn't even planned that he get IN--only appear to "get in". IF you have produced ALL the players in the game--on both sides--you can hardly lose, can you? Well, now you have Ross Perot who is an avid friend of Rockefeller and thus a friend of Bush. But--the Bilderbergers (Kissinger, et al.) have "groomed" Clinton for the "job".

    What I am saying to you is that you must go back and study your lessons as I have given them to you and then you can sort this out nicely. IT IS ALL A PART OF THE ULTIMATE PLAN 2000 FOR GLOBAL WORLD ORDER UNDER THE KHAZARIAN ZIONISTS--according to the plan expressed in The Jewish Utopia. ALL information is a fabrication to deceive you the masses of people, including those who call themselves "Jews" because they "think" that is what they are--yet, ARE NOT.

    The acting head of the Zionist movement in your immediate ad­ministration representing the Mormon element of the Zionists--is Brent Scowcroft. You will find that Scowcroft (a Kissinger As­sociate) was also completely entangled in the POW disaster in Southeast Asia. Eagleberger is also a high ranking member of Kissinger Associates and rubber-ducky, William Clark, now "Assistant Secretary of State" is in China making deals that will do you in as a nation. It is not you-the-people that anyone of these so-called "adversaries of the Khazarian Zionist Banksters" is against--it is your infiltrated elements which have come to dictate your government and already have full control of you.

    So, what happened in Malaysia? We will write it and then we will write about Eagleburger and Scowcroft and others, who set up a bank called "LBS" in New York for the purpose of fun­nelling weapons money, etc., to Serbia (where Kissinger Asso­ciates act as advisers to the war strategies). Ah, the tangled webs are tightly knit but when they begin to unfold it will be much as a "lockstitch" zipping apart if the proper thread is pulled.


    Deafening blast heard in city, Seremban: By K. Vijiyan and Sufi Yusoff. KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. 22, Sept. 1992:

    Police and fire officials are stumped over a deafening blast heard across the city as far as Seremban and Kiang.

    The blast, akin to a sonic boom caused by supersonic aircraft breaking the sound barrier, left housewives, office workers and shopkeepers in jitters and wondering about its source.

    Some offices and homes also reported that their windows panes were smashed and cracks had appeared on their walls. In some areas like Taman Tun Dr Ismail, electricity supply was cut off.

    Housewives left their homes, shopkeepers abandoned their premises and office workers scurried for safety, believing the blast was an earthquake.

    This was pooh-poohed by the Meteorological Services De­partment (MSD).

    A spokesman for the department, when contacted in Petaling Jaya, however, admitted that the blast was loud enough for it to record a seismographical reading registering a 56mm ground movement.

    However, he said the department was unable to trace the source of the ground movement.
    He added that such a reading suggested a violent explosion which was definitely NOT caused by thunder or an earthquake.

    The explosion occurred at 1:56 pm and lasted several sec­onds.

    Fire and police stations and newspaper offices in the Kiang Valley were flooded with calls from curious and frightened peo­ple.

    Some said it was experimental blasting work by the Defence Ministry or even explosions of its ammunitions depot in Batu Arang, others pointed to Port Kiang where there were several chemical plants and oil storage depots which could be on fire and few thought it could be a huge bomb blast.

    Checks with police and fire stations and hospitals in the Klang Valley failed to reveal what had happened.

    Police and fire officials reported no major disaster while hos­pitals also did not have patients with injuries from such inci­dents.

    Selangor Criminal Investigations Department Director Assis­tant Commissioner Mohamed Ismail Yaman said police were unable to source the blast but were continuing their probe.

    Checks with the Department of Civil Aviation showed there were no plane crashes nor any report of a sonic boom from air­craft.

    A defence Ministry official said there was a tattoo rehearsal at Stadium Merdeka but no cannon was fired during lunchtime.

    The ministry said no explosion had been reported at any of its army installations.

    Quarries contacted said they usually carried out blasting with police help around noon. They, too, could not locate the source of the blast.

    A company dealing in explosives in Petaling Jaya said 95 percent of the quarries in the Klang Valley were using "emulite", an emulsion explosive, for blasting operations.

    "They only purchase 10 to 20 kg daily and only five to 10 kg is used for each blast.

    "It would take many tonnes of the explosive to produce the effect felt today and this is not possible as the authorities are strict about how much is used by each quarry."

    The official said he had also not heard of any mishap at any of the quarries today.


    You cannot know what goes on in the secret places. You don't even know when massive rockets are blasted off in your own nation or for what "real" reason they are launched. You HAVE global involvement in a well orchestrated "PLAN" for world domination working right on schedule. It is time to get straight with God Creator because the "adversary" is a long way out front of you and the intent is to suck you in before you get that relationship with Creator sorted and your protection in place.

    Now, let us move right on to the subject of the scam scandal on its way regarding Scowcroft, Eagleburger and other top admin­istration figures and the LBS Bank in New York City.

    For the writeup which I will use, I recognize Spotlight and do believe it is the first in breaking the news of this to the public. I don't wish to spend time sorting of it so please accept this as valid information.


    Top aides to President George Bush have been implicated in sordid money-laundering scandal. Exclusive by Warren Hough.

    Acting Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger as well as White House National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft face full-dress congressional hearings and possible criminal indict­ments after the election, congressional sources have reported. [H: Realize, please, that this is election politics but where there is this much smoke and other similar incidents exist, it is valid. However, due to "timing" of "leaks" you can know it is being done "now" for obvious political reasons.] A bank they set up and promoted in New York City has been involved in laundering nearly $2 billion in stolen funds.

    On the trail of covert cash transfers involving vast sums, Swiss authorities have uncovered links leading from major fi­nancial institutions in Switzerland and Bulgaria to LBS Bank in New York City, an international money center where Eagle-burger served as chairman of the board in 1980-81.

    LBS Bank was born of an intimate relationship between Ea­gleburger and Scowcroft--who were serving, respectively, as president and vice chairman of Kissinger Associates at the time--and Serbia's Communist leaders, congressional investigators say.

    "In simple terms, the Serbians were looking to buy influence in the United States; Eagleburger and Scowcroft were selling it," explained a veteran House prober, who has given trustwor­thy information for nearly a decade, asking only not to be quoted by name. [H: Note that it is not an "accident" that one, Panich, goes to "run" Yugoslavia just when he was needed by these turkeys. That very man is a wealthy at­tachment to the San Luis Obispo Connection and the con­nection might as well be DIRECTLY placed.]

    "Both men had built high-flying careers in the Washington national security bureaucracy as proteges of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. When Kissinger decided to cash in on his worldwide contacts, he set up Kissinger Associates, a high-priced consulting firm in New York City. Eagleburger and Scowcroft joined his firm shortly."

    Moreover, the two bureaucrats had long-standing contacts among the Serbian leadership. "For the relationship that de­veloped, built on payoffs, a bank is the ideal instrument," re­lated the congressional prober.

    LBS Bank was set up in New York City as the wholly owned subsidiary of Ljubyanka Banka, Serbia's second-largest money center. Eagleburger took over as chairman of the board. Scowcroft served as adviser on behalf of Kissinger Associates, where LBS Bank joined a list of blue-chip corporate clients.

    LBS Bank, backed by the Kissinger consortium, soon devel­oped profitable European contacts. Among them was the Trans K.B. Corporation, a cash-rich Swiss investment fund. Headed by two rising Swiss lawyers, Hans Kopp and his wife Elizabeth, Trans K.B. was rumored to have considerable influence in Washington: Mrs. Kopp, nee Ikle, was the niece of Fred Ikle, one of the most powerful U.N. national security bureaucrats of the 1980s.

    An ally of Kissinger, Ikle served as under secretary of de­fense for policy during both Reagan administrations, a post in which he became known as a key supporter of Israel's interests.

    One of the shared interests of the United States and Israel at the time was to keep the gulf war between Iraq and Iran go­ing, until both belligerents were exhausted. "It was an era of covert arms sales, intelligence exchanges, and other back-room deals on which the players made overnight fortunes," says Swiss journalist Ernst Boegli, a veteran investigative reporter. "Trans K.B., the financial firm of the well-connected Kopps, had all the right tie-ins to make a killing in the murky market."

    It did just that, Swiss law enforcement sources now say. In 1981, the Iraqi government chose Elizabeth Ikle Kopp's firm as the confidential transfer agent for $2 billion, intended to pay for the purchase of nine high-speed gunboats from Italian ship­yards.

    What happened next is still under investigation, U.S. probers say. What is known is that:

    * Iraq never got its warships;
    * $1.84 billion of the cash intended to pay for them van­ished; and
    * Earlier this year, Hans Kopp was convicted of fraud and related offenses in a Swiss court for his part in the Trans K.B. affair.

    At the time Kopp was found guilty, his wife Elizabeth Ikle had already lost her post as Switzerland's first female minister of police and justice in the wake of another money-laundering scandal. [H: I wrote about this incident long ago so can only ask that you review that information for I do not wish to go into it at this writing in more detail than is given herein.] "The Kopps have been linked to some of the biggest financial scandals of the 1980s," says Boegli.

    "But apparently because a number of other influential play­ers, including the U.S. Defense Department and the CIA, are also implicated in the clandestine transactions, a soundproof cover-up was lowered over the entire billion-dollar mess."

    Privately, however, Swiss authorities warned the U.S. gov­ernment that one of the money laundries linked to the disappear­ance of the Iraqi government's billions lost in the Trans K.B. af­fair was the LBS Bank.

    This was the mysterious New York clearing house operated jointly by Eagleburger, the Serbian government and the deahnaldng firm of Henry Kissinger--Fred Ikle's long time ally in the Washington national security bureaucracy.

    Congressional investigators are pawing the ground to get at this scandal, House staffers have told the SPOTLIGHT.

    "Just look at the setup", says one veteran prober. "Under Fred Ikle, the Pentagon adopts the policy of covert support for Iraq's war machine; so does Israel. Soon afterward, Elizabeth Ikle Kopp's Swiss investment firm receives an eye-popping $2 billion cash transfer from Iraq for discreet mili­tary purchases in Europe. The money--and $2 billion is a staggering lot of dough--disappears into a dependable money laundry."
    LBS Bank, U.S. law enforcement sources say, was just such a well-established transatlantic cash cleaner. In 1982, it was in­dicted and eventually convicted on money laundering charges in a different case. But that affair was also smothered in a high-level cover-up; Eagleburger was allowed to resign from LBS Bank's board without public censure, and soon he rejoined the Washington power elite as the new Bush administration's deputy secretary of state, the second in command of the U.S. Foreign Service.

    Scowcroft followed him from Kissinger Associates into the White House, where he has reigned ever since as head of the powerful National Security Council.

    The bitter price of this blatant high-level corruption was paid by the former Yugoslavia's ethnic minorities. Linked to the murderous Serb leader Slobodan Milosevic through the LBS Bank, Eagleburger was in no position to rally U.S. influence against the mounting genocide launched in Croatia and Bosnia by the militias of Milosevic.

    "What began as a typical Kissinger and Associates scam for a few million dollars ended up as a bloodbath of innocent Moslems and other minorities," concluded Boegli.


  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 55
    CHAPTER 13


    THU., SEP. 24, 1992 11:41 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 39

    In the interest of current, to the minute, updates on urgent and important happenings of immediate alert, I shall write on that which is going on this day. I ask that the information given last evening as to influx of UN troops into Michigan be the lead-off for the phone message. However, it must be updated now to state that in Michigan there are now confirmed UN insignia-bearing, black uniformed troops moving door to door in selected areas (to be given at later update when information arrives), entering dwellings and businesses without knocking and confis­cating firearms, communications equipment and ESPECIALLY, SURPLUS FOOD. If this seems like a nightmare in happening--it is. It was projected to you to begin in August by several sources. As long as you can get news by regular means, I shall refrain from comment.

    Ones of the "Special Forces" are notified as is the Gritz organi­zation so if you have nothing to add to the information first­hand, please do not tie up their phone lines.

    There are now some 300,000 troops headed toward New Mex­ico with tanks and heavy armored equipment. There are gun­boats in the Gulf of Mexico and this is causing inquiries from all over the map as to "just what is taking place".

    Ones are now personally seeing influx of troop carriers in large numbers entering the Luke Air Force Base and area northwest of Phoenix.

    Is this valid? Valid enough to pay attention for it is indeed most serious. It is "take-over" time and you have slept too long, it would seem. If these are but planted rumors, it will surface and I will only tell you what is being given through the "networks" to protect my people and keep information flowing as well as possible. May you ask God in to walk and sit with you in these days for the time is at hand and your buckler and shielding shall come from Lighted Source.

    A lady called to give the following story of two days past--in Salt Lake City, Utah. George Green was on the Sam Russell radio show and this lady heard it and therefore had a number to call to share this information.

    She said that she was NEVER given to pick up hitchhikers under any circumstances but on the day before yesterday she was driving on South State Street in Salt Lake when she passed a man walking on the street. She felt compelled to stop and take him in. He came into the car and as they drove along he told her he was to tell everyone to prepare with emergency gear and foods for within the next 30 days would come horrendous things. He then asked to be let out. She stopped and let him out of the car and then pulled away from the curb only to look back and note that there was NO SIGN OF THE MAN IN POINT. She was so shaken that she drove on about a block or so and, seeing a police officer, she pulled over and told him of the inci­dent, being totally "undone". The officer simply said: "Lady, you are the eighth one today! I do not know what to make of it."

    The messengers are at hand, chelas, will you not see or hear? We cry out to you and plead with you to hear and you turn your eyes away and hear not. THE TIME IS AT HAND TO HEAR FOR GOD IS CALLING OUT UNTO HIS OWN.

    PJ 55
    CHAPTER 14


    THU., SEP. 24, 1992 11:41 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 39

    Continuation: THE ULTIMATE WORLD ORDER as pictured in The Jewish Utopia


    The hint that land will be apportioned to "the righteous" in sizable estates and the all-powerful position of the Jewish lead­ers in the Utopian era apparently means that the Jewish planners hope to completely supplant the masters of the old feudal es­tates. Thus will they at last (if they succeed) bring the revolu­tion full circle.

    We find some support for this belief, or surmise, in the eco­nomic process in the Communist countries: the property was taken away from the gentiles (only a few rich Jews owned prop­erty, especially land, in Old Russia and Poland) by the Jewish-Communist dictatorship; and by the 1930s and 1940s, certain favored Jews had been granted fabulous state franchises in the Red empire. Miss Karpovskaya, the wife of Molotov (sister of the Jewish importer, Sam "Karp" of Bridgeport, Conn.) was given the perfume and cosmetics concession, supposedly for the entire Soviet Union; the (then) Jewish Deputy Premier Lazar Kaganovice, was put in charge of all the great industrial centers (of gentile slave labor)--quite a sizeable feudal estate. The Jewish financier, Jacob Ashberg, former affiliate of the Roth­schild and Warburg banking houses, operating at the Nia Banken in Sweden, handled the finances for the Reds, went to Russia a few weeks after the Bolshevik seizure of power in 1917 and, ever since, has been the dictator of Soviet finance.*

    * THE LONDON EVENING STAR. Sept. 6, 1948, reported a visit by Ashberg to Switzerland, "for secret meetings with Swiss government officials and banking executives". Diplomatic cir­cles describe Mr. Ashberg as "the Soviet Banker" who advanced large sums to Lenin and Trotsky in 1917. At the time of the revolution, Mr. Ashberg gave Trotsky money to form and equip the first unit of the Red Army. A spokesman of the Soviet Legation in Berne said, "Mr. Ashberg's visit will be private. He has property in Switzerland.".... The financial attache of the Soviet Legation described Mr. Ashberg as "the most unusual man the Kremlin has ever sent to the West. He bears no official title, is attached to no government department, is not in the So­viet Foreign Service and is not a member of the Cominform."

    Note that Ashberg, banker for the Communist empire, was a private capitalist, owning property in Switzerland. Major George Racey Jordan in his book, From Major Jordan's Diaries (Harcourt, Brace & Co., Bew Tirjm 1952) revealed that Ash-berg, during the second world war, sent a secret message by an extremely secret and important messenger, to "the very big boss" of the revolution in America--Senator Herbert H. Lehman, Jewish banker (for half a century one of the ring lead­ers of the American Jewish Committee and also of the Anti-Defamation league of B'nai B'rith). We may well believe that Banker Ashberg was for a long time, and may still be, the "very big boss" of the Communist revolution in the USSR. He is without doubt one of the foremost policy shapers of the highly secret self-constituted committee called the Communist Security System (CSS) which runs all Communist governments and all Communist Parties. (End footnote)

    The Secret police, which actually constituted the power of, or over, the government, at all times was headed by a Jew, up to the death or liquidation or disappearance of Beria. We have no knowledge of the racial identity of Beria's successor but the "Sheehan Document" (entered into the Congressional Record by Rep. Timothy P. Sheehan, August 5, 1957) indicates that there probably has been no change in power; the secret, hidden self-constituted committee called the Communist Security System (CSS) still runs the government and the Communist Party from behind the scenes and the officials seen by the public are only puppets.

    We know that the power of Bolshevism, or Communism, originally was completely Jewish. The Jewish inner clique could do as they pleased with the regime. During the second world war the regime had to make compromises to keep the whole populace of White Russia and the Ukraine from going over to the invading Germans, and now anti-Communism and anti-Semitism are forcing compromises, and forcing the hidden committee to keep Jews out of conspicuous positions.

    Almost immediately after the Communist conquest of Roma­nia and Hungary, it became evident that a few Jewish Reds had divided up the spoils among themselves. Even the interna­tionalist Time magazine (Sept. 20, 1948) carried an article de­scribing Bucharest as a city with the air of a pawn shop and told of the complete triumph of the dictator-Jewess Ana Pauker:

    "(Ana Pauler) lives in three great houses, moving almost ev­ery night because she fears assassins. One of her houses be­longed to Prince Brancoveanu. One belonged to Nicolae Malaxa, big industrialist and speculator. And one belonged to red-headed Magda Lupescu, ex-King Carol's mistress and now his wife.
    "Ana replaced them all. The power ... has passed into her hands. She runs Romania ... She is the leading Communist in the band of states running from the Baltic to the Adriatic Ana Pauker was born (1903) in Bucharest, where her father, Zvi Ra­binsohn, was a shohet, i.e. , the man who kills animals in accor­dance with Jewish rules ... Ana went to the Jewish school on Anton Pan Street...

    "Through seven huge Sovroms (Soviet-Romanian combines) the Russians (good grief, sic, sic) almost completely control transport, oil, timber, banking and everything else they can lay their hands on, even including Romania's tiny motion picture in­dustry. [H: If nothing else, this gives away the lie. The Jews have always run the motion picture interests in all nations wherein they have any status at all.]

    "... A recent visitor described Bucharest as 'a city with the air of a pawnshop' ."

    Romania was Ana Pauker's feudal estate. Accusations in America that the Jews were the authors of Communism seemed to have forced the revolutionaries to withdraw Ana and other Jewish dictators from public view and replace them with nonde­script characters.

    If the plans of the Zionists for conquest of property and peo­ple seem fantastic, you haven't seen anything yet. They plan to up-breed and out-breed their race or tribe into one quite dif­ferent from the present Jewish strain. [H: Herein I would sug­gest you who call yourselves "Jews" pay particular attention for it is "you" who are intended to "be bred out".
    " A sturdy race of strong, healthy, TALL, youthful and handsome people will be raised." (p. 58)

    "The Holy One thus said: 'In this era, some people are healthy and handsome, and others are not. But in the ideal era to come, all people will be handsome and praiseworthy.' This will be in accordance with the prophecy of Isaiah: 'All that see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed which the Lord hath blessed. ' ... Physical defects, like dumbness, blind­ness, deafness, lameness, stammering, barrenness in women and similar bodily imperfections, will likewise, not exist."

    The quotation from Isaiah indicates that the "people" here re­ferred to means the Jewish people, or rather the chosen, "righteous" elements among the Jews.

    The most beautiful thing on earth is human beauty. And the Jewish tribal fanatics are not the only people who have wished their kind more beautiful. Such a wish is normal. Any who does not, either consciously or unconsciously and instinctively, hope each generation of his race and kin will be more beautiful, physically and spiritually, more vigorous and gifted, than the preceding generation must be some sort of pervert. I believe it is generally accepted that the Creator planted in the breast of every man the ideal of his own race and hence the natural urge to see it improve and prosper.

    But to set out to make ALL the descendants of present day Jews beautiful and healthy requires quite a lot of authority over the Jews. Any breeder of good livestock knows the processes by which strains are improved: kill off all the ugly and un­healthy individuals and breed up only the carefully selected strains. The Jewish planner will have to liquidate untold mil­lions of their own people to stop the breeding of defective indi­viduals and individuals not "tall and handsome".

    All thinking persons doubtless would be sympathetic to a sane and humane up-breeding process for the Jews as well as for each and every race, if the process could be done voluntarily and in­telligently among the people themselves--according to the laws of nature.

    Hundreds of writers, speakers and scientists of our time have deplored the progressive degeneracy of the American stock and some governments in the past have undertaken to improve the stock of their people. Augustus Caesar tried it (with little suc­cess) a few years before the birth of Christ, by organizing colonies of settlements of selected families; Adolf Hitler tried it (after his strange fashion) [H: Ah, but the Adolf Hitler enter­prise was thrust forth by the Khazarian integrated people that became so unpopular as "turncoat" Jews in the German society and co-workers with the Nazi party. The facts are that it has simply come FULL CIRCLE within and toward the ultimate world order. You will note that the racial "outcome" is identical in intent.] and the Zionist political and banking machinery went into high gear to induce Nordic Chris­tian anti-Communists of America and Britain to destroy Nordic, Christian anti-Communists of Germany--the best blood of the Anglo-Saxons sacrificed to destroy the best blood of our first cousins, the Germans--the Western world committing suicide, for the benefit of the Communist-Zionist monster.

    The one thing above all else which the Zionists could not tol­erate was the upbreeding of the race--now much diluted and cowardly--which for over 2000 years had stood between them and world domination.

    But notice a striking difference in the gentile and the Jewish advocates of race improvement: the former group idealized the best types of their own race, whereas the latter group want to build a new Jewish race! For "tall....handsome" people are not Jewish, except as the Jews have taken in blood from other racial elements. [H: Don't be "thrown-off" by the term "handsome" for it does not mean in this context that which you perceive. All, and each, race is beautiful or handsome in its own right--what is present here is that the intent is to become handsome and/or beautiful according to "Nordic" or Anglo-Saxon appearance while breeding out the short, dark haired and complexioned Middle Eastern appearance. The original ones calling themselves "Jews" are the Khazarian Zionists coming from Nordic, Rus (Russian) and Mongol stock. The point is to NOW throw off the remnants of the "stolen" "racial" features that they used for "cover" and come again into the perfection in perception of that which they originally WERE--a band of hoodlums directly from the lineage of Lucifer. You didn't really think that "old boy" would just go away somewhere did you?
    The Jews traditionally are short in stature and never, so far as I have observed, have been described as a handsome people. Jews of recent centuries class themselves in two ethnic and lin­guistic groups, the Ashkenazim and the Sephardim. Webster's unabridged dictionary defines the Ashkenazim as "the Jews of middle and northern Europe, as opposed to the Sephardim, or Jews of Spain and Portugal." Of Sephardim the dictionary says "Jews who are descendants of the former Jews of Spain and Portugal. They are as a rule darker than the Ashkenazim or northern Jews. They are chiefly settled in North Africa, Greece, the Balkans, the Levant, Holland, England and Amer­ica.

    For many generations the Sephardic Jews considered them­selves so far superior to the Ashkenazim that they would rarely intermarry. They traced their culture (and some blood) to Spain of and preceding Isabella's time (before Isabella expelled most of the Jews to save Spain). But in the past two centuries they have virtually wiped out the lines of distinction. The Ashke­nazim in Northern Europe had taken in much German blood; while in Eastern Europe and Asia they had for centuries ab­sorbed blood from the Khazars and other dark, coarse Asiatic, Mongol elements. Thus there are in realty two divisions of Ashkenazim--though both speak Yiddish, a composite of Ger­man, Polish, Russian and Hebrew, using Hebrew characters.

    It might be said that the Mediterranean Jews, also, are di­vided into two almost distinct groups, the elements from Ethiopia and the Eastern Mediterranean, with dark skin, thick lips, noses curled downward, heavy lids and kinky negroid hair, and those interbred with southern and western European stock. (There are, of course, in small numbers, Chinese Jews, Japanese Jews, Philippine Jews, and so on.)

    The Mediterranean Jews generally have lost leadership dur­ing the past century, while the more virile "German" Jews have risen in finance, in science, in commerce and in political in­fluence. But towering above these in fanaticism, cold-blooded brutality, cunning and political organizing are the "Russian-Pol­ish" Jews. Anna Rosenberg (And there is abundant evidence that Mrs. Rosenberg was a Communist. The former Commu­nist, Ralph de Sola (himself Jewish) swore before a Senate committee that he had known her as such, and the December 8, 1942, issue of the then official Communist organ, New Masses, carried a pen drawing of her, fully identifying her as "NY Re­gional Director, War Manpower Commission", with an article contributed by her to that Red paper, copies of which still are to be found in some public libraries), Harry Truman's appointee as Assistant Secretary of Defense, has some of the features and characteristics of both the Ethiopian and the Russian-Polish Jews: heavy skin, coarse black hair, hooked nose, black or dark brown eyes with heavy, Oriental lids, coarse, crude, vulgar features and a fierce fanaticism which knows no conscience but is utterly brutal. (Generals who suffered humiliation under this small strumpet's tongue-lashing say she was as foul mouthed as any sailor.)

    Bernard Baruch might be cited as one example of the "German" Jews. Standing six feet, four inches, he obviously has a great deal of "European" blood in his veins. He has the Jewish nose and a type of Jewish mouth; but by comparison with so many of the crude, almost hideous Mongol and Semitic-Ne­groid Jews, he may well have been described as handsome in his younger days.

    Strange to say, his Nordic blood has not eliminated the Jew­ish temperament, entirely, for his life has been steeped in se­crecy, cunning and intrigue. It was he who maneuvered to get Truman to appoint Anna Rosenberg; it was he who, with Com­munist-friend Dean Acheson, drew up the plan to give all our atomic defenses over into a United Nations world police force or dictatorship, as soon as the Soviets would agree to inspection of their war plants--inspection not by Americans, mind you, but by persons appointed by the Jewish inspired United Nations! Mr. Baruch's trap may be sprung on us at any time, for our govern­ment has publicly committed us to the plan.

    During the past two centuries thousands of Jews have inter­married with the British aristocracy. For the most part, they retain the names of the once great Anglo-Saxon families; they hold the estates; they speak English with a British accent. They had developed a great deal of loyalty to Britain and almost for­got they were Jews until the war with Hitler subjugated them for Zionism. Many of these English Jews are fine individuals, physically and intellectually; many are three-fourths or more Anglo-Saxon.

    There are also many handsome French and Spanish Jews, though not very tall as a rule; and some of their women, like some of the English and German Jewesses, are very attractive.

    Only by such interbreeding with other racial elements--with tall and handsome people--can the Zionists raise up a breed of "tall and handsome" Jews for Israel. For like begets like; you cannot breed up a line of race horses from plow horses or mules. The genes of your ancestors deter­mine whether or not you are to be tall and handsome.

    This strange adoption of the racial ideals of another race is a tantalizing phenomenon. It reminds me of the theory of some students of ethnology that the reason the Jewish propagandists hate and ridicule the "pure Aryan" Anglo-Saxons and other northern Europeans is that they are jealous of the fair com­plexion and the refined features. Mr. Rigger's Jewish Utopia tends to confirm this theory.

    Reports almost incredible are coming out of Israel to the ef­fect that many of the children, unlike their mothers and fathers, are blonds, even with northern European features. An article by Adrian Crawley in the London Daily Telegraph of May 25, 1938 said:

    "Fair hair and blue eyes are so common in Zionists that not even the most blatant Anglo-Saxon can prove his identity. "

    Anne Sharpley in the London Evening Standard of November 6, 1956 says of a Jewish couple in Israel:

    "She and her husband are dark haired, but by the same strange alchemy that affects all Israel-born children, their baby son is fair haired. Israel-born Israelis (called Sabras) can be immediately spotted all over the country. They are bewilder­ingly blond and big. If you saw them in Whitechapel you would swear they were Swedes. " [H: So, chelas, use a bit of "deduction"; what think ye that might be going on here? The most modern genetic DNA alterations are done by the Zionists in Israel. The first life-form was "created" in Israel in the form of a crystalline virus! I think you may begin to see the picture if you give attention to it.]

    Blue eyes and light hair come from the genes of only one race in the world, the northern or Nordic, from mostly around the Baltic. There are light brunette Nordic strains (with fair skin) but no other race produces a strain with blue or grey or light hazel eyes and red, blond or light brown hair. Wherever you see these characteristics you see evidence of Nordic ances­try. Whether Jew or African, Chinese or American, Italian or Spanish, the individual with these features is at least part Nordic.

    Whence comes the "blond blood" in Israel of this generation? A brief item in the California Jewish Voice of June 28, 1957, may be related to this question:

    TEL AVIV (JTA) (for Jewish Telegraph Agency)... Many children and teen-agers brought to Israel recently have devel­oped deep personal problems as a result of the sudden aware­ness that they are Jews, Moshe Kol, head of the Youth Aliyah movement reported here.

    "Mr. Kol declared that some of the youngsters who did not know they were Jews, until brought to Israel by the child rescue movement, suffered psychological shock. For those who cannot cope with this shock, the Youth Aliyah leader continued, individualized attention is provided in Youth Aliyah centers."

    Who are these children? Could they have been German and Scandinavian, and perhaps British war orphans, taken over by Jewish agents during and immediately after the war? Could some of them have been "rescued" from Dresden while we, un­der Jewish incitation, were bombing the women and children of that open center of culture during the second world war?

    There are only two ways by which parents "homogeneous for dark hair and eyes" could acquire blond children: by adoption or by artificial insemination. If the newspaper re­ports of fair Jewish children in Israel are true, (and I have seen numerous such reports) then these children are adopted or are from artificial insemination (unless there were blond fathers who are not the supposed fathers).

    It is not uncommon practice in our time for a mother to bear a child from male sperm artificially planted in the womb. It now appears that both the male sperm and the female egg probably can be successfully planted in the womb. If so, a Jewess or a Negro woman could give birth to a blond "pure Aryan" child, which would not be related to her and have not a drop of her "blood" in its veins.

    We can only wonder about this process, which seems related to Mr. Higger's book of wonders.


    It is significant that Mr. Higger says the inhabitants of Israel eventually will be "selected":

    "Since the city (of Jerusalem) will be the capital of the land of the righteous, its inhabitants will be a selected group of upright and just. In the terminology of R. Johanan, in the Jerusalem of the present era, anyone may enter; but in the Jerusalem of the ideal era, only those who will be invited will be permitted to enter."

    Mr. Higger says the Jews will have many children. This craving is emphasized frequently in his Utopia. (A recent news dispatch says the birth rate of Israel now is higher than that of India.)

    Higger analyzes the dictates of the various rabbinical and other Talmudic authorities on the subject of proselytes and con­cludes that the consensus of opinion is that "multitudes of prose­lytes will be absorbed and assimilated" by the Jews.

    But only proselytes, of course, who accept the Utopian pro­gram. We would not suppose that these will be invited to Jerusalem.

    While this racial plan for the Jews is of importance to us, in view of the Zionist strength and the fanatical intent to accom­plish the Zionist aims, the plan is even more important to most of the Jews of this and other countries, including Israel, for ap­parently few of them will be chosen. Certainly, if we analyze this plan correctly, the millions of Jews who are not tall and handsome, who are not vigorous and well formed, or who do not otherwise measure up to the master-race requirements, will have no place in the Zionist world. They will not be in­vited to Israel. They will not be permitted to have children, or at least not grandchildren. They will be eliminated no less than those gentiles who prefer to retain their indepen­dence, their culture and their race. The Jews now in Israel--or most of them--evidently are not to be the chosen ones. We must suppose, in fact, that they are to be used as cannon fodder; that they are to be slaughtered so the Zionist ma­chine can cry persecution and rally us stupid Anglo-Saxons to fight the enemies of the Zionists--our Arab friends--clearing the land for Jewish conquest.
    If the Zionist plan were one to help upbreed all the races, to improve their intellectual and physical beauty in each generation, the whole world could enter into it with pride and the fullest cooperation. Unfortunately it is quite the op­posite; it is a plan to subjugate or eliminate all but the "master race".

    Observe the contradictory position in which the propaganda machine has put the Anglo-Saxon or Negro or Japanese who loves his own race, and wants it to survive and do well: this racial loyalist is logically bound to be a friend and ally of every other race, anxious for it, too, to survive and prosper. Yet the Zionists, who want to destroy all but their own, have man­aged to put the onus of scare names on the man who loves the separate races. He is a bigot, a race hater, a white supremacist, a white chauvinist, an anti-Semite and so on.
    * * *
    There is no way to stress strongly enough the importance of these writings. You are meeting your enemy head-on now and there are intended for perishing of some 6 BILLION (or more) people from your globe. I suggest you check your ticket and see wherein is your destination. The facilities on Earth place are limited and selective indeed. The other possibility is on craft such as mine, in service to God Creator. You had better, in­deed, be about your "checking".

    Hatonn to clear.

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