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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 55


    MON., SEP. 21, 1992 11:35 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 36

    MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1992
    From material compiled from The Jewish Utopia, Encyclopedia Judaica, Torah, Babylonian Talmud and Jerusalem Talmud. This larger "body" of information is compiled by Robert H. Williams and independently researched for accuracy. This is material presented "by the 'Jews' as their own plan of World conquest by year 2000". Since it is projected and placed into libraries-- although in selected departments wherein the "public" will not have easy access--it is both valid and of "their" own presentation, not that of so-called bigots or biased persons. Remember, the "JEWS" are a selected term from the mid to late 1700s as given by those who also call themselves "Zionists". These are not necessarily Judeans, Hebrews or any other "race" or "creed"--they are just as would be a "political" party who thieves the traditions, names and redefines (secretly as in "coding") words in languages which mislead the populace. I shall effort to repeat this opening statement frequently so that there is no misunderstanding about that which we offer herein. THIS IS INFORMATION FROM THEIR OWN BOOKS OF INSTRUCTION--NOT SOMETHING WE CONJURE TO MAKE ANOTHER LOOK BAD, FEEL BAD, OR SINGLE THEM "OUT". THIS IS THE "JEWISH UTOPIA" AS PLANNED FOR THE ULTIMATE WORLD ORDER (A STEP BEYOND THE NEW WORLD ORDER!).


    It is Israel and associated nations, the Israelitic group, those nations which help build the new social (or Socialist) order, which are to dominate the world; the others must perish.

    Notice that the "sin" specifically identified is that of idolatry. But Mr. Higger makes clear that all those who are spared must worship the Torah and the Israelitic god, in Jerusalem. Hence idolatry MEANS ANY OTHER RELIGIOUS FAITH! [H: Please go back and reread the NOW ENACTED PUBLIC LAW 102-14. THIS LAW IS NOW THE LAW OF YOUR LAND, PASSED ON MARCH 20, 1991, 105 STAT. 44, PUB­LIC LAW 102-14, 102nd CONGRESS (OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA)--BY VOICE VOTE (didn't even re­quire a roll-call).]
    Higger and his fellow Zionists are not talking in figurative terms. They are dealing in human blood, oceans of it:

    "Hence, Israel and the other righteous nations will combat the combined forces of the wicked, unrighteous nations under the leadership of Gog and Magog. Assembled for an attack upon the righteous nations in Palestine near Jerusalem, the unrigh­teous will suffer a crushing defeat and Zion will thenceforth re­main the center of the Kingdom of God. The defeat of the un­righteous will mark the annihilation of the power of the wicked who oppose the Kingdom of God and establishment of the new ideal era.

    "This struggle will not be merely the struggle of Israel against her national enemies but the climax of the struggle between the two general opposing camps of the righteous and unrighteous. A saying in the name of Rab states that the descendant of the house of David will appear as the head of the ideal era only af­ter the whole world will have suffered, for a continuous period of nine months, from a wicked, corrupt government, like the historical, traditionally wicked Edom. "

    The author minces no words here. Israel and her allies are to be the victors; Israel is to become the center of "the Kingdom of God"--implying that the world is to look on Israel as holy and worship its leader, "a descendant of the house of David". Web­ster's dictionary defines an Edomite as "one of the descendants of Esau, or Edom, the brother of Jacob". You remember the account in the Old Testament, the Jewish Bible, which glorifies Jacob's tricking and deceiving his half-brother, Esau, out of his birthright. Esau is always pictured in Jewish literature as the gentile, and the name is used as the CODE WORV for THE GENTILE; Jacob the CODE WORD for the JEW.

    * An example of the use of the Jewish code words Esau and Ja­cob is found in a sermon preached by Rabbi Leon Spitz during the Purim observances in 1946 (quoted here from the American Hebrew of March 1, 1946)".

    "Let Esau whine and wail and protest to the civilized world, and let Jacob raise his hand to fight the good fight. The anti-Semite... understands but one language, and he must be dealt with on his own level. The Purim Jews stood up for their lives. American Jews, too, must come to grips with our contemporary anti-Semites. We must fill our jails with anti-Semitic gangsters. We must fill our insane asylums with anti-Semitic lunatics. We must combat every alien Jew-hater. We must harass and prose­cute our Jew-baiters to the extreme limits of the laws. We must humble and shame our anti-Semitic hoodlums to such an extent that none will wish or dare to become (their) fellow-travelers'. "

    There are of course no laws against "anti-Semitism" except in the Communist countries. Anti-Semitism, anti-Catholicism, anti-Protestantism, anti-Irish, etc., are not crimes by our laws, though Jewish and "liberal" members of Congress have intro­duced such Communist-type laws every year and are coming closer and closer to getting them enacted as Congress has less and less understanding of or concern for principles, interfering more and more with social attitudes and relationships of individ­uals, one to another.

    Notice that Higger uses a capital G for gentile, which is the bib­lical use of the word, whereas the modern use rarely capitalized it, letting the word stand as a common noun. According to the Bible and also Webster's dictionary, the word meant: "as used by the Jews, one of a non-Jewish nation or of non-Jewish faith. "
    You must attend the fact of the "UNESCO Brown Man" (See Appendix), as you may call him or it, which was photographed from page 70 of the book United Nations: Blueprint for Peace. The author of the book says the picture is an official UN photograph. The cutline under the picture says it "represents all of us, everyone on earth" . Obviously, this raceless, characterless "man", standing on the world, is the UNESCO ideal toward which all of us must work, the blending of all the races of mankind into one composite raceless, nationless, homeless, characterless, faceless brown slob--utterly lost from all heritage and completely subject to the will of the Zionist "master race"--which, while producing the propaganda to cause us to blend, quickens the tribal pride of the Jews to keep them from blending. The statue resembles the "art" of, and evidently was done by, the Jewish revolutionary, Bernard Rosenthal who also did the famous or infamous trio, the Faceless Family, "Mr. and Mrs. Faceless and Little Faceless", showing parents and a child just like the picture in point (see appendix), representing the future family! (End footnote)

    Just as it is the nations who oppose, or even fail to support the Zionist ambitions, who are to be destroyed, so is it the indi­viduals failing or refusing to cooperate, who must disappear:

    "Who are the wicked? What constitutes wickedness, which is an obstruction to the establishment of the Kingdom of God? No exact definition of the terms can be formulated. A few rabbinic passages dealing with the subject, however, give a general idea of the meaning of wicked and wickedness, so far as a Jewish Utopia is concerned.

    "First, no line will be drawn between bad Jews and bad non-Jews. There will be no room for the unrighteous, whether Jew­ish or non-Jewish, in the Kingdom of God. All of them will have disappeared before the advent of the ideal era on this earth. Unrighteous Israelites will be punished equally with the wicked of other nations. All the righteous, on the other hand, whether Hebrew or Gentile, will share equally in the happiness and abundance of the ideal era."

    It is the Jewish power which is to decide which of us is "bad". It is hardly likely that anyone who opposes the Zionist-Utopian program would be found "righteous" by the Jewish judgment; he would, without doubt, be called "anti-Semitic" and condemned to the non-Israelitic camp.

    "Second, one's external religious observances will not neces­sarily put one in the category of the righteous . . . Only those who will be observant as a result of their conviction and faithful­ness will be welcome into the Kingdom of God.

    "Third, people who maliciously cause mischief and suffering to the upright and just, will be termed wicked, and the Kingdom of God will not have them. "

    Rabbinical and political organizers have often maneuvered to get some of the flock punished so as to intensify their cry of per­secution. And no doubt Professor Higger was unusually perse­cution conscious in the year 1932 when his book was published for Hitler was rising and the war between Hitler and the Jews already was joined.

    "Fourth, speculators, dishonest industrialists, and all those who accumulate wealth at the expense of the suffering of their fellow-men, will be unknown entities in the rabbinic Utopia.... [H: This of course refers to the suffering "Jew"--not any other segment. The Jew will aid in any possible way the usurpation of the rights and property of all non-Jews.]

    "Fifth, those who are thwarting the purposes of God in this era, and do not help to build up and bring about the new era, will consequently not enter the Kingdom of God. [H: Again, this refers to a god of the specific Zionists--NOT GOD OF CREATION/LIGHT. In other words, this states that any one NOT FOLLOWING THE DIRECTIVES AND PUR­POSES OF THE ZIONISTS (JEWS) WILL NOT ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND WILL THUS PERISH.]
    Those who "do not help to build up and bring about the new era" will be branded wicked on their foreheads and shall perish! As in the Communist states, you will not be permitted to be neutral; you will be given bloody assignments to liquidate friends or loved ones as a test of your loyalty to the Israelitic group and program--if they win. It already is in the testing pe­riod.

    And so:

    What is their program?

    It calls for a king, an all-powerful one (descended from the house of David): [H: There are a couple of things to look for in this statement: 1) It might be "assumed" by the "Christian" who recognizes the Christed Emmanuel (Jesus) to return in his second coming as this lineage from the house of David. No. "Jesus" was NOT from the house of David as recognized by the Zionists. This, again, is to fool the world, a created illusion to make the masses believe one thing while you are stricken by quite another. As with the Israeli flag and the so-called "star of David", this started as the "national symbol" with the crusade of DAVID AL-ROY. Re­call that David al-Roy began his teachings and rise to power as the anticipated "messiah" in Baghdad (Babylonia). The six pointed star was actually referred to as the "shield of David". Can you see how easy it is to fool some of the peo­ple ALL of the time--and then after stating and restating and then making "laws" regarding a thing-it is accepted as FACT when it is a lie at onset?]

    "I will raise unto David a righteous shoot, and he shall reign as king and prosper and shall execute justice and righteousness in the land. "

    That the "Holy One" whom all the world must worship is to BE A MAN seems evident:

    "In the future the Holy One, blessed be He, will arrange a chorus for the righteous in Paradise."

    The Paradise referred to throughout the Utopia is:

    "...a universal paradise of mankind.... established in THIS world--with no reference to the future world whatever. " (Mr. Higger's emphasis on "this".)

    The author further identifies the Holy One:

    "He will sit in the center and each of the righteous will be able to point to Him with his finger, as it is said: 'And it shall be said in that day: Lo, this is our God. '" [H: Not "universally" but only of "THIS" world. If each of the righteous as de­fined by the Zionist Ultimate Planners can point to the "man" it indicates a "place" and "a man" and therefore this "God" "King" cannot be of ALL but only the specific FEW.]

    Numerous references in the Utopia indicate that this man-god is to be the same as the Jewish world ruler, of the house of David. For instance:

    "Messiah, the ideal righteous one, will come from the East, where the sun rises. He will be a descendant of the house of David." [H: Everything in that statement indicates a MAN (not returned from anywhere) but rather, from the East in physical location and is the descendent of a MAN, David. This can only mean, chelas, a physical man and not a re­turned Christed being.]
    This ruler, described as the dispenser of justice, obviously is the "Holy One":

    "But in the future, the Holy One will summon the rich to judgment for having robbed and oppressed the poor. "

    The economic system will be quite socialistic: There shall be "new conditions and radical changes", "when human individuals in general, will each enjoy the work of his hands." The Com­munists set out to build such a system, but of course built the most privileged "ruling class" in history.

    The radical change will wipe our inheritances. There shall be a hundred percent inheritance tax;

    "For, at present, when man dies he leaves all for others. But in the future 'they shall not build, and another inhabit.'"

    You will have to help bring about this state confiscation.

    The United States government has adopted a substantial in­heritance tax, plus the graduated income tax recommended by Karl Marx, which takes as high as 91 percent of a man's annual earnings--amounting already almost to the total confiscation of property which Israel will require of all nations in the Utopia to come, after the great war.

    The new order will be an international order; Israel will be the seat and center of all activities; you will have to help pro­mote Israel and subordinate your country.

    "The nations will gradually come to the realization that god­liness is identical with righteousness, that God cleaves to Israel, the ideal righteous nation. The peoples of the earth will then proclaim to Israel: We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you. " (p. 31)

    "The people of Israel will conquer, spiritually, the nations of the earth, so that Israel will be made high above all nations in praise, in name and in glory. "
    Thus, the eternal drive of the Jews to induce or force the rest of us--primitive slave people--to worship the Jews. By now it must be evident to the reader that in using the word "righteous" the author has no reference whatsoever to morality or godliness; the righteous, by this usage, simply means those who join in the Israelitic program to reorganize and dominate the world. You are moral and godly only if you help promote the Israelitic movement. [H: This is why ones like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson can stand forth and say they are Christians, not Jews, and yet are Zionists and "proud of it". The fact of the matter remains that the Zionists are working THROUGH THE JEWISH cover in order to suck in the nations and peo­ple before you realize what the truth is or how you got trapped into something you don't even understand.]

    President Harry Truman would be among the righteous, for he helped the state of Israel get its independence in 1948 (against the urgent appeals of the then Secretary of War Forre­stal, who foresaw danger to American interests if a Communist-Zionist center of intrigue blossomed in the strategic geographic and oil center, the Near East). [H: For his outspoken truth-bringing Mr. Forrestal got sucked by force into a mental in­stitution and murdered by being pushed from an upper level window (after he was already strangled). These one­-worlders of "righteousness" will stop at NOTHING to ac­complish their aims.] In a sense, the United States would be among the chosen, for it has officially helped Israel subjugate and drive back the Arabs, it makes loans to Israel, and it has allowed American citizens (in violation of the United States Criminal Code) to send hundreds of millions of dollars to help Israel make war on nations friendly to us.

    Our government also little by little adopts the measures of the socialistic Utopian order of "the righteous".

    But to go on with the requirements of the program:

    The nations and peoples will have to accept some form of United Nations, which will embrace Israel's God:

    "The nations would first unite for the purpose of calling upon the name of the Lord, to serve Him. " [H: Please don't wiggle around and try to make this fit a Christian concept--the JEWS and ZIONISTS rejected that Christ as claimed through Esu Emmanuel (Jesus), remember? This is why there is NO "Judeo-Christian" anything, there cannot be, for each is mutually exclusive in meaning. The Jews did not accept the Christ "Jesus" as messiah!(!!), no way, no how! and 2000 years doesn't do a thing except get you closer to their plan of global take-over by year 2000 A.D.--in 8 years.]
    [H: You might further wish to argue that the "U.S. was birthed one nation under God ... " and consider the possi­bility of a messiah either Jewish or non-Jewish. Nope, won't work--for you were given "unalienable rights" by "Creator". Creator MEANS God of LIGHT AND SPIRITUAL DIVIN­ITY--NOT SOME MAN CHOSEN AND PUT ON AN EARTHLY THRONE TO RULE ALL OTHER PHYSICAL THINGS AND PEOPLE PRESENT WITH SPECIAL GOOD THINGS TO HIS PUPPETS AND ENFORCERS.]
    Jewish writers have traditionally claimed the United Nations idea as a Jewish invention, and the evidence supports their claims. Israel's Premier Ben Gurion told a Time magazine cor­respondent (see Time, August 16, 1948, "I consider that the United Nations ideal is a Jewish ideal." [H: Right from the "horse's mouth" and not one of our sly little teasers. You cannot get more blunt than is that, chelas.]

    The California Jewish Voice, February 23, 1951, stated that the Jewish Professor Lemkin of Yale University originated the Genocide Pact, and famous Jewish organizations have more re­cently presented him awards for his invention. The American Jewish Year Book for 1952, Vol. 53 (Probably in your public li­brary) states that both the Genocide Pact and the Covenant of Human Rights were the work of the American Jewish Commit­tee:

    "Our work in behalf of international safeguards for human rights has progressed steadily ever since we were instrumental in having the Human Rights provisions incorporated in the United Nations Charter at San Francisco in 1945. In 1950, after years of intensive activity, we were able to see the first great step in the ratification of the United Nations Covenant against Genocide by the requisite number of member states. To date, however, we must report the failure of the United States to associate itself with that ratification, although we have every hope that the United States will ratify.

    "We should like here to briefly describe our activities in con­nection with the campaign to put across the Genocide Conven­tion because in so doing we would be offering an excellent il­lustration of the way our specialized staff departments, our lay people and our chapters pool their skills and dovetail their ef­forts whenever the agency sets itself a goal on national or inter­national levels.... "

    Like the UNESCO propaganda, which is preparing the way for world "law" and United Nations power, to supersede the U.S. Constitution and our principles of government, the Geno­cide Pact and the Covenant of Human Rights contrive for special privileged status for racial "minorities" at the expense of princi­ples of law and justice, and of course at the expense of the "non­minority"--all at the expense of the freedom and rights of the white non-Jew. [H: Please note that the "Jew" despises the "Blacks" with a near hatred and yet uses them as a typical "minority" group to cause them to rise up and strike out. This is another thing typical of the Zionist so-called Jews--THEY ALWAYS GET SOMEONE ELSE TO FIGHT AND DIE IN THEIR STEAD--EVERY TIME WITHOUT FAIL. THEY ONLY ACTIVELY ENTER THE FRAY IF IT IS THE ONLY WAY TO GET THE JOB DONE AND THEN IT WILL BE THROUGH SECRET MEASURES AND NEVER OPENLY AS IF TAKING A STAND FOR "RIGHT".]
    Genocide is defined as the killing or harming of anyone be­cause of his race, or the killing or harming of a race or any part of it; and the harming included mental injury--that is, criticism or even opposition, perhaps, which hampers the fanatical ambi­tions of some racial fragment to whom a revolutionary cause be­comes holy. [H: Recall that we have already stated that an Israeli murder is done as "reprisal" but against a given group which usually has no connection with the original act. By any other language interpretation that is GENOCIDE. Further, if an Israeli is then slain for ANY reason--he be­comes a "martyr". You had best be carefully looking at these historic facts for they are about to eat you alive.]
    All nations have laws against killing anybody for any or no cause, and you can sue anyone who unjustly injures you. But the Genocide Pact would throw the defendant before a court in whatever country the self-appointed Genocide administrators might decide, for trial!

    It seems probable that the Jewish Utopia will require a single language for all mankind. Professor Higger quotes the prophecy of Zephaniah:

    "For then will I turn to the peoples a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve Him with one consent. " [H: Again you have a relationship in only a physi­cal experience for this presents a "pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve Him with one consent". No, Creator already has ONE universal lan­guage and needs no other for any kind of communication ei­ther to or from.]
    Inasmuch as the prophet used the plural, "peoples", he obvi­ously referred to more than just the Jewish people; the world supposedly would have to embrace the Jewish language. In our time, the Communists and the Zionists have been in disagree­ment as to whether Yiddish (created to go along with the Khaz­arian self-proclamation of being Judaists. Remember, the lan­guage was "Hebrew" or Aramaic) or Hebrew shall be the Jew­ish language. Communist countries have traditionally used Yid­dish as one of their official languages (the other being the lan­guage of the country to which the broadcast is beamed). The Zionists have held out for Hebrew as the official language, and they have the advantage that some of their ancient literature was in Hebrew. But in the past 20 years, the Yiddish language (a composite of German, Polish, Russian and Hebrew, using the Hebrew alphabet) seems to have outstripped Hebrew in popular demand in Jewish schools in America.


    * * *
    Dharma, I would like to leave this now if we may and move to the audio equipment for I believe it necessary to put this infor­mation to tape for the larger audience of weekly listeners. My intent is to wake up the sleeping so-called "Jews" as well as all others of God's creation. I single out no creed, color or race. If YOU ARE NOT in the Zionist conformed listings of who is suitable--you are set to the list to perish, Jew or non-Jew. Not only is "goodness" NOT a required attribute, but is very defi­nitely to be used against those who act in goodness. Any evil which breaks the laws of Creator to gain the physical means to the end of global domination and Ultimate World Order is pre­ferred and demanded. This IS the battle of "good" vs. "evil" in full-blown effect. The point being that if you can gain all that is physical man--he will simply give you his soul and you will have achieved Hell on Earth for you will have EXCLUDED Creator God of Light and THAT is the definition of "Hell".

    To you who would take exception to this information--go seek and find for self--it is there for the taking. Your nation is all but lost at the date of this writing, already passed by are your Con­stitution and your freedoms. It is in pure refusal that man will not look at that which surrounds him and question those ones and things that take that which is his heritage and right. All and each is created in equality in the eyes of God of Light--there is NO EQUALITY in the perceptions of these would-be destroyers of MAN. Have you not been ignorant quite long enough?

    Hatonn to clear.

    PJ 55


    TUE., SEP. 22, 1992 7:15 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 37


    The hurricane Bonnie served her purpose and will be moved off into northern waters without further notice. There are others forming which will serve as the next "either/or".

    Note that the hour the shuttle was returned to base WITHOUT launching the satellite system intended to interconnect with "launched" rocket payloads, the storm began to weaken. Ev­erything tried last week could be called a failure because the hornets and frogs were nothing but silly cover to tax your intel­ligence and insult you-the-payors. The major intent was for Japanese benefit but that, too, failed to materialize. You STILL DO NOT have much going in "space". You can still do a lot of damage from within grids inside your atmosphere but you are in a REAL deficit position as regards overall power.

    Why? Because it will never be allowed that your global squab­bles reach out into the cosmos. The facts are that ones from your own place have control in the arena which contains you. These are human physical beings who are simply a long way ahead of the would be world rulers.

    Why doesn't the "Command" step in and let your toys work? Because you are the forefront nation now bringing the world into slavery. The United States of America as it has become has pulled away from every thing Godly, including the dumping of your Constitution, even to setting up a required religion under the requirements of the Talmud. This is PUBLIC LAW 102-14. I suggest you either get the tapes which I will make this day-- and/or--get the writings regarding same. This became law in March (20), 1991--wiping out freedom of religion. It simply hasn't been brought down on you. You are moving into the "rules and regulations" by your accepted actions. You are being completely stripped of your spiritual connections with God Cre­ator, thus limiting your experience and existence to the PHYSI­CAL STATE. That state of being only lasts in its cycles on physical dimension some averaged 75 years. In the scheme of infinity, that is a mere eye-blink, if that much. However, in the physical entrapment also resides the trapped soul for as a MAN thinks so is that man. You cannot rise higher in knowing when the conscious being is trapped in physical perceptions. So be it.

    No, do NOT unhook your bungies or set out your best crystal goblets on the window ledge, along the Western "front". The quake at Santa Rosa should have told you all you need to know. It was inland from the San Andreas and is simply more of the same tactics as in Southern California. The intermittent erup­tions of volcanoes such as Spurr (Alaska) are indications of con­tinued bombardment.

    Out of the Philippines will come the hope and assistance to God's troops and therefore is the reason for continued Pinatubo activity. God will prevail, it simply takes a while to arrange the mechanism for transfer and receiving. Clean your houses while you are able, friends.

    By the way, the whole of California and inland a thousand miles is still trembling like a ship at sea as the breakpoints weaken. The symptoms to the bodies physical are under assault by viruses and other substances that distract you from your symp­toms of dizziness, instability and inner ear-gastrointestinal "seasickness". The evidence must point to physical ailments lest you notice the motion under your feet. California is ONLY an example for the entire globe is under attack in one way or an­other to bring about the depopulation mandated, by the year 1998-99. By year 2000 the ULTIMATE WORLD ORDER plans to have a working society with no more than 550 million people.

    The "rulers" are prepared with supplies which will last them until enough of the lands recover to again support that many physical beings. But, things will continue to go wrong in the "movement" and we shall see. God wins--it is HOW HE wins that becomes most interesting. IT WILL NOT BE THROUGH FORCE NOR BREAKING OF HIS LAWS FOR THOSE WHO ARE OF GOD WILL REMEMBER AND THE MIND IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD. FIRST YOU MUST BE­COME INFORMED. THAT IS OUR PURPOSE AT THIS TIME--NOT TO SNATCH UP NOR SAVE YOU FROM YOURSELVES. IF YOU WANT TO SAVE YOURSELVES IN THE PHYSICAL EXPERIENCE, ALONG WITH YOUR GLOBE--YOU WILL WAKE UP AND GET BUSY IN THE WAYS OF GOD--THROUGH THE SPIRITUAL POWER WITH WHICH YOU WERE GIVEN CREATION.

    I am remiss for not catching you up mid-week but our load is tremendous and time waits not for any man.

    Randy has been indicted and charged with heinous assaults against Federal agents--which brings a life sentence to prison or DEATH. He was disallowed bail, much less, "fair" bail as de­manded by the Constitution. What has transpired since is not in my attention at the moment of writing. The children are placed in "mental institution" to reprogram their thinking. Indeed, this is what your nation has become--God will help you to "see", HE will not attend this FOR you.

    I herein respond to D.E. Jones. I would appreciate it if you would come from under the bushel, sir, and share with us that which you are being given. You are given this insight to assist in opening the eyes of your brothers in a format which they WANT to believe. The prophecies are now in the fulfilling and the meanings of the puzzles are coming forth. YOU cannot know of the importance of that which you are gifted to "see" as well as that which simply comes into your attention.

    For you who want to unravel more of the puzzles of, say, Nos­tradamus--read or listen on. Thus far only small fragments have been identified and correctly displayed. I chuckle as to that which is presented as "truth" in presentation, from Cheetham to Cannon. Some is valid--most is total drivel.

    Indeed, D.E.J., Nostradamus surely DID SPEAK OF BOTH THE COMMAND AND THE PHOENIX. Thank you for sharing insight and just clear your spaces a bit more completely and great and wondrous insights will be given into your care. You have some interesting energy forms working you over and I can only suggest you rise beyond them for your insight is good and, yet, the information is so important that you will be blasted by the adversary at EVERY TURN.

    I would like to share a portion of the correspondence received from D.E. Jones. (D.E.J.). Would you find it interesting to note that my scribe's initials are the same as is the surname? Ah, indeed, some coincidences are more interesting than are others. Her name was "Jones", her birth labels Doris Eloise. Birthed in the realm of the Eagle in the accepted sign of Scor­pio. These are simply "signs" to give you clues along your own pathways.


    CENTURY VIII:27 (Nostradamus)
    ....The original French is:

    "La voie auxelle, l'une sur l'autre fornix,
    Du muy deser hormis brave et gene t,
    L'ecrit d'Emperpeur le fenix
    Vu a celui ce qu'a nul autre n'est."

    Nostradamus spoke of the "Commander of the Phoenix".

    "The road of the soldiers of the One, certain the
    other (Hatonn, et. al.), is of the Vault. (It meant Heaven then.) Due to the moving desert, saving the brave and the gorse. The writing of the Commander of the Phoenix, Observed by the One. Those whom are hopeless are not."

    ....It is not hard, just very tedious because I use the Old French, not anyone's interpretation, but from the true quatrains in Old French to translate and go from there. I send this because I was so disgusted at P.C. letter I know what Hatonn writes is Truth. (I ain't crazy about it, but I do know it is the Truth.)

    [H: Referring to the first paragraph (in French):]

    ...much was phonetically spelled then! One of the rules of Nostradamus' games. It is from the book by Edgar Leoni, done in the early forties. He kept the Old French pure, (God Bless him for that). This is from over a decade of research, not hocus pocus speak to spooks. (Ones that lie too).

    "Emperor" in Latin means commander or general, to capitalize the word was a sign of respect. I will not bore you with all the details of Old French, Latin or Greek, but essentially, those strong enough to keep their faith, one that must be greater than Faith, will be saved. The meaning is very clear, but then I have spent a decade at it. No, I've never offered them up to anyone else--for my own reasons. All too soon, those who mock will be, "...gnashing their teeth," and many will be no more than Hot ashes on the winds.

    I will say that things will begin to really get ugly in late 1993 and just get much, much worse



    From S.Y. in West Palm Beach from the newspaper on or about 9/20/92:

    New York Times News Service:

    Israeli archaeologists have discovered [H: And I "still" have THAT bridge for sale.] the family tomb of Caiaphas, the Jew­ish high priest who presided at the trial of Jesus and delivered him to the Romans to be crucified.

    Buried in an ancient cave on the outskirts of Jerusalem, the family's bones were sealed in ornate and elaborately carved os­suaries, ceremonial boxes used widely by the Jews of the late first century. [H: How is it that the Israelis seem to "find" and get "control" of EVERYTHING ABOUT YOUR RELI­GIONS? How, too, is it that the term "JEW" is so widely used in descriptive information. Could it be that the assault on Southern Iraq is to continue to keep the Sugaring infor­mation buried away from your searching eyes? Better begin to read the information such as the Dead Sea Scrolls with a more perceptive eye to detail--for you are being fed bunches and bunches of lies piled upon lies.]
    Archaeologists say no comparable evidence exists for the re­mains of any other such major figure mentioned in the New Testament.

    After 2,000 years, the presence of Caiaphas' bones in the tomb cannot be verified. But the age of the bones, the inscrip­tions on the ossuaries and the artifacts that surrounded them all point directly toward his influential family.

    One of history's most reviled and enigmatic men, Caiaphas has often been portrayed by historians as malevolent, mad for power and blindly eager to please Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor.

    Academic debates about Caiaphas' role in condemning Jesus and his desire to please the Romans have raged for nearly 2,000 years. [H: And all the raging didn't make a bit of "it" truth.]

    Some historians contend that he played only a minor histori­cal role; others, supported largely by the Gospels, suggest that without the decision by Caiaphas, Jesus would surely have lived.

    Like many such discoveries, this one came by accident, when workers widening a road in Jerusalem's Peace Forest in 1990 stumbled across an unusually large burial site.

    Although it has been nearly two years since the site was un­covered, researchers have taken until now to assure themselves through the [H: And, thus and so it goes.]


    You are getting into deeper and deeper yogurt every day, chelas, as you accept all this propaganda piled upon you. Most of the Evangelical preachers on the TV are solidly into the Zion­ist movement and simply collecting more and more of your willing contributions to pay for your own death squad--"they" won't even give you a "funeral", you know.

    History also will prove that what is given in AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL is absolutely true. Even Mr. Nostradamus documented that Esu Immanuel did not die on the cross. (There is proof of this and yet, had you been given simple English by one, Nostradamus, HE WOULD HAVE BEEN BURNED AT THE STAKE FOR HERESY.)

    Some of you continually write that I, Hatonn, should "...get with the program and do a little show and tell". It is not "I" nor "we" who had best "get with the program", friends.

    May you walk this day in greater understanding and with more insight so that you find your way in TRUTH and gain freedom from the lies.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 55


    TUE., SEP. 22, 1992 9:08 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 37

    We will continue with the discussion of the ULTIMATE NEW WORLD ORDER as presented through THE JEWISH UTOPIA. This, so that there will be no misunderstanding wherefrom comes this information. It flows DIRECTLY from the "JEWS", who do indeed call themselves "Jews" and "Zionists"--whichever is suitable at any given presentment. Both of these terms were "created" from non-existent language terminology for this Ultimate New World Order.

    This information comes from compiled data and research of one Robert Williams, whose security I shall keep in mind.


    You will have to embrace the Jewish religion, Jewish culture, Jewish thought:

    "The basis of that culture and wisdom, through which God's glory will be manifest upon Israel, and by light of which nations will walk, will be the Torah, Israel's traditional inheritance. For the source of Israel's new life of righteousness and of divine glory will be rooted in the Torah".

    This confirms our earlier statement that the unpardonable sin of idolatry will consist of adhering to any religious faith other than the Jewish Torah, with its "holy" head in Jerusalem.

    We have already pointed out that the Torah consists of the first five books of the Old Testament, the Books of Moses, the Pentateuch. [H: That term alone should scare the living day­lights out of you perceptive and insightful truth-seekers.] While the entire Old Testament is Jewish, it is specifically the Torah which most religious Jews acclaim as their Bible. It is the basis of much of the Talmudic interpretation of how Jews should conduct themselves, in their dealings with other Jews and with non-Jews. [H: We reprinted some of the Talmudic instruc­tions and we were blasted as being vulgar and evil. No, it is the set of instructions which are vulgar and reproachable--being totally against the laws as given by God Creator.]
    The "righteous" nations and individuals will have to glorify the Mosaic triumphs, conquests, deceptions, theft and slaughter of unsuspecting (gentile) villagers, as the basis of their religion and culture. Even so, your grandson could not become the grand exalted ruler, not being descended from the house of David.

    Our grandchildren must not be permitted to know that their ancestors came from Europe or anywhere but the "holy land". Our grandchildren must be denied any knowledge of the history, struggles and triumphs of our own people. They must assume that we all came from the tribes led by the scheming, bloody Moses of the Torah. They must never know that their ancestors once enjoyed, throughout untold ages, in their tribal life, sacro­sanct individual freedom under a fair and just code of laws, an elected king or chief and a representative government (out of which sprang the U.S. constitution and much of the*English Common Law, and modern parliamentary government).

    Dr. Charles Kingsley, lecturing at Oxford in the 1870s, told of "The Laws of the Lombards" and other Teutonic tribes quoting not only from a Lombard compilation of the seventh century, but also from the historian Tacitus, six hundred years earlier. (This series of lectures, titled The Teuton and the Roman, have just been republished by Northern World, 24 Highgate, West Hill, London N. 6, Eng.)

    Dr. Kingsley said the Teutonic tribes had the essentials of the modern Anglo-Saxon constitution, originated the jury trial by twelve men, guaranteed property rights and the freedom of the individual. They elected their kings or tribal chiefs, who were usually their military leaders, and important edicts had to be confirmed by the people or their representatives.

    "With their wives, children and cattle, the Lombards brought (from their Baltic home--RHW) also something with them that was not to survive against the memory of Rome. And this was the Teutonic laws. The liberties of the Lombards, if not their in­herent creativeness, were later destroyed by the Latin clergy, but for a while they survived, and a study of them is profitable as a fair specimen of the laws of any Teutonic people. You may compare them profitably with old Gothic. Burgundian, Franco­salic, Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian laws, all formed from the same parent model, agreeing often in minute details, and beto­kening one primeval origin of awe-inspiring antiquity. By studying them you can gain some idea of that primeval individ­ual liberty and self-government, common at first to all the races, but preserved only by the English...
    "The laws of the Lombards were collected and published for the first time by their King Rothar, in A.D. 643, two generations after the Lombards came to Italy. They were 'the laws of our fathers, as far as we have learnt them from ancient men, and are published with the counsel and consent of our princes, judges, and all our most prosperous army... and are confirmed accord­ing to the custom of our nation by garathings'(***as quoted)... it is clear from the publication that the law was in the nature of social contract, a distinct compact between king and people, from which you will immediately perceive that these Lombards, like all Teutonic peoples, were a free nation under a form of constitutional monarchy. They would have greeted with laughter the Roman idea of a God Emperor."

    Dr. Kingsley obviously was not talking about the original Ro­mans, the founders of the republic, a thousand years earlier, but of the degenerate empire, a motley mixture of more than 20 racial elements, predominantly negroid elements mixed with Mediterraneans. Little Celtic and Teutonic blood remained in Southern Italy. "The Lombards saw the evil of degenerate Rome, and despised it. They despised the cosmopolitan 'Roman' population which they had conquered."

    The "Roman" idea of a God Emperor, in fact, was largely be­queathed to the later Romans through centuries of Jewish influ­ence. (End footnote)

    So vast has been the movement of "liberalism" and progres­sive education that even most individuals of the present genera­tion have lost the golden thread of history. So valuable is it es­pecially in showing how far our people have been perverted against their native temperament and their once-great heritage of freedom and justice, that our history must be destroyed; the Is­raelitic group must see that it is entirely lost.

    Of the Anglo-Saxons, the Angles are known to have occupied a position which is approximately Southern Denmark, the Sax­ons just to the South of them, for centuries before the birth of Christ--during the centuries in which the 12 tribes of Israel were a pastoral, sheep herding people. The Lombards and the great Goth tribe, which split into Ostro-Goths and Visi-Goths were their brothers and near neighbors. The Celts apparently had lived somewhere near the upper Rhine river a thousand years before Christ. These tribes, both the Teutonic and the Celtic branch of the Nordic (or northern) race, were of fair complex­ion, tall and (as described by Caesar 60 years before the birth of Christ and by the historian Tacitus about 100 years after) blond or red headed.

    Herodotus visited them and wrote about their generous na­ture, their orderly living and their kindliness toward their chil­dren and kinsmen, nearly 500 years before Christ. It is obvious that they had occupied Northern Europe for thousands of years--before the 12 Tribes of Israel--a Semitic, Eastern Mediterranean or Middle Eastern people--existed as such.

    It was these Nordic tribes who originated the concept of free­dom of the individual and constitutional government; they had parliamentary government and courts of justice, and elected tribal chiefs, at the earliest stages of their known history.*

    * Will Durant's "Caesar and Christ" (1944) says the northern tribes pioneered the iron industry and taught it to the pre-Ro­mans of Italy 1000 years before Christ: "In the valley of the Po the descendants of these terramaricoli (the early inhabitants of the Italian peninsula--RHW) about 1000 B.C., learned from Germany the use of iron..." (End footnote)

    As long as the northern tribes rendered their loyalty to the tribe and race, they were indestructible. The only way the crafty Romans could make a dent in their armor was to propa­gandize among those tribes (notably the Franks) which had moved out of the north and settled among Mediterraneans, and had begun the process of outbreeding. Some of these could be recruited for warfare against the remaining northern tribes.

    The race was powerful till it came into contact with other racial elements, and especially with the Jewish propaganda movements which always, in Greece and Rome, incited one reli­gious cult against another, one political or military faction against another, and which "brotherly love" propaganda, per­verting early Christianity, made the Whites greatly speed their blending with the black and brown.

    The great Roman republic apparently was built by men of Nordic ideals, probably the early Celts but possibly also some of the Teutonic Nordics.*

    The textbook The Ladder Of History, says "Probably most of the early people of Italy came down from the north... They were a fair-haired, blue-eyed people like the early Greeks." (End footnote)

    But there were not many of them, and under the Jewish propa­ganda before the time of Christ, and especially later under the guise of the Christian movement, the Jewish subversion induced the big, sturdy, honest--if gullible--Nordics virtually to breed themselves out of existence, leaving an utterly unmoral, unambitious, carefree swarthy mixture content to live on handouts from a Socialist government, and let the great Roman order crumble round them. When the men of vision and character dwindled to too few in numbers, they could no longer maintain a high level of public character among the masses and Rome fell in a cesspool of degeneracy. The Goths, and later the Lom­bards, revived Rome but only till they, too, (always few in num­ber) softened under the degenerate, easy living of the racially chaotic Mediterranean. They made the suicidal mistake of tak­ing slaves.

    The tribes were indestructible till they came into contact with other races, and turned their loyalty to a geographic area and political unit rather than to tribe and race.

    By contrast with the freedom of the individual among the Teutonic tribes, the Jews--despite their fierce individualism and admirable skill in looking after their own interests--always man­aged (and still manage) to bind themselves in webs of private power organizations and coercive laws. They are constantly to­day inventing some sort of organization to bring pressure on somebody, or some governmental body, to get something for nothing or to divide gentiles (and perhaps to provide highly paid jobs at the same time). In Jerusalem at the time of the birth of Christ all labor and commerce was organized to the minutest detail. Every Jew was a "sea lawyer", gifted in interpreting his own rights. Labor unions, a Jewish invention, dictated wages and hours and other "unions" fixed prices and conditions of business conduct, and laws and the rabbis stood above these Laws even regulated charity; the owner of a fig tree could not completely strip the tree, but (by law) must leave some for the poor. *

    The students of ancient civilizations know a great deal about earlier races and peoples. Not all is guesswork. It was a white race, or element of a white race--the brunette Mediterranean branch--which built the great Egyptian civilization and which maintained it for three thousand years, letting it lapse into retro­grade only after the Egyptians began interbreeding with im­ported Negro soldiers and slaves (farm workers). Some of the men who engineered the building of the pyramids evidently were red headed, kinsmen of the northern European tribes.

    One of the leading authorities of this century on ancient Egypt, Prof. G. Elliott Smith of the University of Manchester, Eng., wrote in 1911:

    "The hot, dry sands of Egypt have preserved through a span of more than sixty centuries the remains of countless multitudes of the earliest peoples known to have dwelt in the Nile Valley; and not the mere bones only, but also their skin, and hair and the muscles and organs of the body; and even such delicate tissues as the nerves and the brain, and most marvelous of all, the lens of the eye, are available for examination today. We are able to form a very precise idea of the structure of the body of the Proto-Egyptian....no resemblance whatever to the so-called 'wooly' appearance and peppercorn-like arrangement of the Ne­gro's hair." (The Ancient Egyptians And Their Influence Upon European Civilization.) (End footnote)

    The vast difference in Jewish law and systems on the one hand and our Constitutional government, our live-and-let-live attitude and the freedom of the individual on the other, is due to a deep, abiding difference in racial temperament, attitude and ambition, and this difference is the key to the entire world situa­tion and to much of the history of the West for the past 2,500 years. The history of the world is a racial history. The differ­ence in the temperament and racial, or tribal, ambitions of the Jews and persons of "Western" or Northern racial stock is still evident for all but the blind. Yet, strange to say, our people fail to see it, fail even to suspect it--and now, under decades of in­doctrination by the "utopian" "Jewish" nationalists, many of our professors in high school and college even ridicule the idea that there is any difference in the temperament, intelligence and na­tive endowments of the different races. Their blindness is be­yond belief. They might as well say there is no difference in the temperament, intelligence and disposition of the big, dignified St. Bernard dogs and the nervous barking terriers. No amount of education, no amount of good food and housing will make one out of the other. The black Africans, however happy and admirable in their own environment, do not have the disposition and capabilities to build what we might call civilization; they have been free to do so for thousands of years, but still live in huts in their native lands. On the other hand, set a colony of white men down in any wilderness and they will strike out hell bent to make over the wilderness into the burden we call civi­lization. The white man creates his own environment. I would be the last to say that for this he is any better than the Negro; but if you like civilization and if you like your freedom you had better start waking up the blind citizens to the importance of preserving the white race. [H: Again, chelas, this has no ref­erence to "preference" or WHY conditions came upon you through the eons of time. The white-men destroy just as much as possible to "civilize" the environment whether or not anyone wants it that way--but, these attributes or disad­vantages are utilized to their full potential in the hands of the clever adversary who would have ultimate control of the globe and all upon it.]
    It is the Anglo-Saxon who must be undermined if the Zionists are to win. It is the Anglo-Saxon who must be softened, brain­washed, made to outbreed with dark races and leave the field to the Zionist strategists. This is not news to students of subver­sive movements. Our own Army Intelligence tried to warn us as early as 1920. The Chicago Tribune of June 19 of that year car­ried the Intelligence release, telling about a movement within a movement, a Jewish world power movement hidden inside the Communist movement:

    "This second movement aims for the establishment of a new racial domination of the world...the moving spirits in the sec­ond scheme are Jewish radicals. Within the ranks of Commu­nism is a group of this party but it does not stop there. To its leaders Communism is only an incident. They are ready to use the Islamic revolt, hatred by the Central Empire of England, Japan's designs on India and commercial rivalries between America and Japan.

    "As any movement of world revolution must be, this is pri­marily anti Anglo-Saxon.... The organization of the world Jewish radical movement has been perfected in almost every land."

    In studying the subversive movements of our time it is impos­sible to make headway without taking into account race, temper­ament and racial ambitions and disposition. Shintoism was Japanese. It grew out of a religious belief, but it just suited the Japanese temperament. Communism sprang out of Jewish cabalism, Jewish secretive organizing. We of open, lie-de­tector faces, of European stock, more or less honest and much more gullible, we could never invent a county-wide secret movement, let alone a world wide one. We are not especially interested in trying to regiment people, in trying to under­mine, deceive and destroy other races, nations and religions. We do not want to be bothered with the tensions necessary to conduct secretive, murderous underground activities. While we do not do too good a job of practicing the Golden Rule, even when not under alien influence, still we do ideal­ize the live-and-let-live philosophy. And because we are more or less honest, and generally incapable of secretive cunning and scheming on a sustained and organized scale, we are sitting ducks for those who do conduct such opera­tions. Our strength is in our temperament. Nordics in their own environment, can get along with hardly any laws and law enforcement bodies. But our temperament also is our weakness; for we can be snared into wars and suicidal movements without ever suspecting the existence of a trap.
    The native honesty and suicidal naivete of our ancestors was such that they considered it mean and low to use surprise or stratagems, or to win by unfair or cunning devices. In 102 B.C., when 300,000 Teutons met Roman legion and naively asked them to state the time and place to do battle, the crafty Romans set a trap and destroyed them, men, women and chil­dren--many of the women committing suicide rather than fall into the hands of the Romans.

    [H: Do you begin to see how you function? Part of you who hold out for demonstrations and timed statements of happenings, etc., from even we of the Command, do so as openly as did the Teutons tell their deadly enemy exactly where to be and what to do. The opposition and ones who would destroy the WORD and gain the world use this naive honesty ("suicidal honesty") to thwart you and pull you down and you blunder into the same trap time after time af­ter time. It goes beyond the inherent tendency to believe in the goodness of all men--it moves right into stupid misdis­cernment of those sent to destroy you. Even ones who come into your house and eat at your table and, while there, poi­son your food--you simply turn around and eat the poisoned food and ask them in again and again. You do not need go into battle and utilize "force"--simply do not offer them en­try after they have proven their intent to USE you for their own gainful purposes--even if they, themselves, do not rec­ognize their own purpose.]

    [H: Gross understatement of the century!]

    The same Nature which prescribed the temperament of each separate race, also provided a physiognomy to match. The Ori­ental has heavy lids, with slits for his dark, opaque eyes; his skin is dark and heavy; he is poker faced. [H: Does this make him "less equal" in spirit? Of course not but it DOES make him "DIFFERENT" in heritage.] It is easy for him to de­ceive; and naturally he is inclined to make use of the talents and facilities with which Nature equipped him.

    We, of thin, fair skin and light, wide-open eyes, rarely can deceive for long; our faces are lie detectors. We are so smug, so accustomed to security, success and frankness, that we do not perceive that certain aliens moving in among us are utterly different. We are thus at a tragic disadvantage in the psychological war directed against us from behind the alien masks. The big, dignified Nordic, of generous nature, courage, energy and resourcefulness, the man who has brought freedom to so much of the world, the natural leader who blazed trails and built much of the New World--this remarkable man is fast disappearing. His race is degenerating under the impact of perverse propaganda and is steadily breeding downward, not only within itself but with the less gifted, less ambitious races. [H: These are the ones who kept their word and stood by agreements at all costs--these are not the slimy, puny little cheats and liars who did-in the natives and stole their lands.]

    The entire white race is doomed, in fact, unless very soon its ministers, teachers and political officials quit trying to give it away and begin fighting for its survival.*

    Edwin A. Embree, head of the $30,000,000 Julius Rosenwald Foundation (all of which was spent in Communist propaganda inciting the Negroes against the white race) was reported in the Afro-American of June 10, 1944, as having told the National Conference of Social Work in Cleveland:

    "For 300 years white men of Western Europe and North America have ruled the world ...but the white man of the Western world is being offered his 'last chance for equal status in world soci­ety'."

    For this violence by certain incited Negroes against their white benefactors, we can thank the American Jewish Committee, which told its members in its annual report, titled "American Jewish Committee Budget, 1953" that the AJC was virtually the source and the over-all guiding authority behind the race agita­tion, the so-called "civil rights" revolution, and all related activ­ities:

    "The Civil Rights Division (of the AJC--RHW) plans its over-all program in terms of community and organizational needs as they are presented to the Department from a wide source of groups and individuals. Any realistic attempt to plan program, as well as to implement it, must depend on the efficacy with which we work in cooperation with outside agencies who present their is­sues to us.

    "Local Jewish Community Relations Councils and comparable organizations, all of which are alert to local, state and federal civil rights problems, bring their problems to us for advice, guidance and expert assistance. Needs are presented by organi­zations, such as the NAACP (National Association for the Ad­vancement of Colored People--RHW), on a national level, and by mayors' councils, and other city and state organizations on a local level. Special-purpose organizations whose sole function it is to work in such fields as housing or employment, and over-all civil rights organizations which serve entire communities or racial and religious groups, service us and are serviced by us.

    "In the field of employment, much effective work is done through such organizations as the 1952 Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, which coordinates the activities of all agencies interested in civil rights and which coordinates the varied efforts of ap­proximately fifty other organizations...
    "The Civil Rights Department maintains a particularly close liai­son with certain general purpose agencies working in the field of civil rights. An example of this is our relationship with the NAACP, which comes to us for assistance in certain matters where we have special competence, and we look to them for aid in solving what we consider to be mutual problems. The same is true of our relationship with the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union, a legal staff defending principally Communists and fellow travelers in court actions--RIIW).
    Thus, the American Jewish Committee is really behind the Communist revolution in our country. (End footnote)

    While there remains millions of Nordic families in our coun­try and we are perhaps 65 percent Nordic as a whole, neverthe­less we are no longer Nordic tribes; our problem now is the problem of the whole white race. The Nordics are rapidly mixing with the other two often charming but softer branches of the white race. Our problem is now white unity for common survival. It is the white race which invents and makes the weapons of mass destruction; even Russia under Communism has to depend on white scientists, industrialists and generals. It is the white race which will commit suicide with its own weapons unless its leaders change their course. If the white race will wake up to its situation and realize its power, if it will de­velop a common bond of understanding, the world wars cannot recur; the whole world will have peace. [H: This is certainly in no way a "Put-down" to any other races, it is simply a matter of FACT. You certainly do no favor to the lesser treated brother to join him in his slavery-you both will gain from the gathering into unity and lifting BOTH up from the persecution--but in TRUTH, not within the lies foisted off on you by would-be-rulers--OF YOU.]
    We need to understand only a few basic, simple funda­mentals: (1) that the world revolution in both its Communist and its Zionist phases, is destroying the white race; (2) that each member of any and every race has a right and a duty to love and protect his own, not because his race is better than any other but because it is his, just as he loves his mother because she is his.*

    * Evidently the white non-Jew ever has been a gullible fellow, easily herded by a crafty herdsman. When the Phoenicians were competing for domination of the commerce of the Mediter­ranean and other known sea lanes before the time of Christ, they used propaganda to scare off competition. Being double first cousins of the so-called "Jews", they were great propagandists. They circulated stories along the Mediterranean that some seas beyond the Gates of Hercules (the Strait of Gibraltar) were boiling hot, that others harbored deadly monsters. So well did they circulate the fable that the earth was flat that ships sailing out too far would fall off the edge, that the fable persisted for a thousand years, among the masses. [H: And YOU think there couldn't be a little "miscounting" of the numbers of "Jews" in Europe and within the prison compounds of World War II prisons? Why do you think laws are made to prevent the stating of correct outlay and numbers? If you can enforce a law for three generations, it becomes accepted fact and truth is hidden until some daring historian uncovers something like the PHOENIX JOURNALS some centuries later.] These tales discouraged the Mediterraneans of Western stock, and no doubt the Negroid elements, too, from following the sea.

    A Greek scientist and mathematician named Pytheas (a Nordic, by the way) sailed out the Gates of Hercules, north to the British Isles and on to Iceland, developing and proving some navigation formulas. He wrote a book about his voyage, incorporating the formulas to their sea captains, and their potential value to com­petitors; so they launched a campaign of ridicule which made Pytheas and his book the laughing stock of his time. So suc­cessful was the smear campaign that the book completely dis­appeared, but the Phoenicians used the formulas, and these for­mulas became the basis of modern navigation. Within the past century the facts have been established--not however from Pyth­eas' book, which is still missing, but ironically enough, from fragments quoted from it by his detractors for purposes of ridicule. (End footnote)

    If we are to accept the Torah as our own ancestral history and our religion (PUBLIC LAW 102-14, MARCH 20, 1991) AS IS NOW THE LAW OF THE LAND), as the Zionist Utopi­ans demand, then it is necessary that all other history disappear from the schools and libraries of this earth. [H: This is WHY there is all-out effort at all costs to ban this information, and especially the information on your God connections, from the face of the earth.]
    This explains why the Jewish revolutionary organizations, and their "liberal" dupes are so ardent in promoting "progressive education", the race-mixing teachers' "workshops", etc. (The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith in its bulletins has claimed authorship of the teachers' summer workshops, which are indoctrination courses in pro­gressive education, racial integration and Socialist and Interna­tionalist concepts--the landmarks of the world Jewish revolution, which one must promote to be "righteous". These summer workshops, now in scores or hundreds of public school systems, are patterned after the Communist "workshops"--and use the same name--of the revolution of 1848.)

    While Jewish nationalist, or Zionists, launched Communism as a temporary, destructive "front", its objective was not exactly the same as that of Zionism. Communism mixes all the races, whereas the Zionists would destroy or Judaize only the religion of the non-Jews, and destroy the nations and races of non-Jews, while building a seven-strata racial hierarchy among their own people, firing them with such fanaticism that they will not substantially accept their own race-mixing propa­ganda, driving them to build a Jewish nation which is to be the seat of power.

    The Communists want a Communist world; the Zionists, a Jewish world. As the Zionists gain power, the fact that the Communists are suckers becomes increasingly evident for they destroy the resistance of the nations and races while Zionism takes over. If Zionism wins it must destroy its Communist ille­gitimate child.

    [H: The above two points are about as important as you will ever find in sorting out WHAT IS GOING ON IN YOUR WORLD TODAY:]
    The author says (page 29) for the "ideal civilization to take root":

    "One nation would have to establish its life on a Utopian foundation, thereby leading the way for the rest of the world to follow its example. A model, ideal state comprising a group of righteous individuals and living an ideal life, will gradually spread its teachings and influence from nation to nation, throughout the world. The Kingdom of God will then become a fact.

    "Israel is the only nation that is suited for that purpose... What Tennyson has said of the human race, may well be said of the ideal Israel: 'We are the Ancients of the earth, and in the morning of the times'. ... The Kingdom of God will come only through an ideal Israel. "

    The author emphasizes the exalted position which Israel is to hold after the holocaust:

    "Isaiah's prophecy will then be realized: 'And their seed shall be known among the nations, and their offspring among the peo­ples; all that see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed which the Lord hath blessed.' Israel will thus become a light, a symbol of the ideal life for the nations, so that, in the words of Isaiah, 'the nations shall walk at Israel's light, and kings at the brightness of Israel's rising. '

    "...The people of Israel will thus conquer, spiritually, the na­tions of the earth, so that Israel will be made high above all na­tions in praise, in name and in glory. "


    * * *
    Does it now begin to make sense as to WHAT happened and how it came to be that suddenly "Communism" simply was pro­nounced "DEAD"? It was time to move on to the next more terrifying step in the overall plan of world domination. Well, there are still some die-hard "Communist believers" and free Russians who don't like the Israeli plan for Zionist domination. You liked it in America and let your government be swallowed hook, line, and pay for your incarceration by yourself, to take place. This is WHY everywhere in the world where you would find "Communism" taking hold (as in Central and South Amer­ica, as example), you would also find Israeli instructors and the ever-present Mossad at work. These Zionists stole Communism the same way that they have stolen your Constitution, freedom and Democracy. Well, the Russians don't like it and if you are a freedom-loving American or free-world citizen--you don't like it either. This is WHY, however, the seats of your vermin in­fested places of cities, banksters and power will be taken out by the humans with the most powerful capability in weapons and technical ability. So, a bunch of you goodly brothers get hurt? It is the way it is for you have slept too long. Your friends, if you are of God's intent, will be spared to the best of the ability of the brothers in the Cosmospheres with the capability as pro­jected through human physical--and, on the surface you who hold to the "Phoenix" Truth will be spared--if possible--but the would-be rulers have no brother out in the cosmos and they have infiltrated your numbers so greatly that to get them--most of the ones of your globe will perish also. The intended and purpose­ful depopulation of the globe is under way--the infections in­jected and now you will experience until you die of either dis­ease or war--IF YOU FAIL TO SEE THE MONSTER FOR WHAT IT IS. GOD WILL DO NOTHING TO SAVE YOU FOR YOU HAVE RIGHT OF CHOICES AND CERTAINLY HE WILL DO NOTHING TO SAVE HIS VERY ADVER­SARY--SO, YOU HAD BEST FACE FACTS AND STOP THE LA-LA LAND FANTASY FARCE.

    We are NOT going to produce light shows and "miracles" to impress you--that is the game of the adversary. You are going to come unto us and unto God Creator in TRUTH and not through B.S. about "being". It is through "actions in intent" that you are "judged" and witnessed. IT IS TIME YOU STARTED MAKING A LITTLE MAGIC, PERHAPS. I am exactly who I say I am and the adversary knows it well--If you know not who you are, then you are in real, real trouble. If you can't seem to make up your mind about me and my mission--you are in even greater trouble because you obviously are not "one of them" with a ticket to security shelter and are obviously marked by the beast to perish in that la-la land dream-state. If you perceive this as my being "hard", so be it--hard as carbide-steel nails! I don't even "bend" wherein the "laws" are con­cerned--neither shall I "break"--nor shall my crew.

    It is time you stopped playing at believing the stories of the ad­versary about everything from ritual to what is actually God. You don't have the slightest idea yet, about God, and if you think you have a wimp for a Commander--I trust you will surely "think again".

    Let us close this segment, please, at this point. Thank you. Hatonn to clear.

    PJ 55
    CHAPTER 10


    TUE., SEP. 22, 1992 1:51 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 37

    As we sat to dictate I perceived a need to write longer instead. I have asked Dalene to handle these tapes on this subject of PUB­LIC LAW 102-14 and THE ULTIMATE WORLD ORDER through the information in The Jewish Utopia as "regular meet­ing" tapes. It is such important information that I do not know another way to make sure it is digested. Dalene balks a bit as I understand some of you have indicated that written material not be considered "meeting tapes". I shall study the circumstances and then decide toward the weekend. We will have a rather large meeting dealing with the Constitutional Law Center and hopefully some extremely important participants. This will be a selected "business" meeting regarding approaches to common law integration. It cannot be opened to the public for we have no space available for such so it will have to be put to tape even for those in the local communi.ty. My intent is NOT to burden you with expenses of hay.ing to get tapes but I know no other way to reach you with information other than to make it avail­able in this format. Further, the information is so timely that waiting for ordering of the tapes is not acceptable either. We need to work a bit on integrating ability to purchase tapes through THE WORD on THE LIBERATOR's credit machine if that is now valid so that calls for tapes can be accepted instead of the waiting period. I believe that could be worked out some­way--I shall ask someone to look into the matter in exchange for some other type of service in equity. If I had time and space I would put it onto the telephone "Hotline"--I consider it that im­portant.

    It is hard to offer such information for ones do not read or listen far enough into the body of the information to glean intent from the offerings. Immediately, according to your training, you shout bigotry, anti-Semite and I won't listen further. Chelas, if you refuse to "hear", how can you ever discern truth?--for you negate through the refusal the ability to gather enough in­formation upon which to base any reasoning conclusions. It is your choice to turn down the evidence if, after you receive all, you still cannot find balance from that which is given. But I plead with you to not cut your own throat with the razor placed in your hands by your enemy claiming to be your guides, friends and "leaders" of authority.

    If you can stomach what is being given in regards to your POWs and MIAs through the mouths of the liars and murderers, then you are in serious trouble. There have been ones in the past days who proclaim the proof of men left behind in the South­eastern Asian Wars. Today HENRY KISSINGER sits as au­thority and lies through his teeth as he says no men were "knowingly" left and if they were (which of course there were) it was the fault of the evil enemy and Congress and you-the­people who insisted on ending negotiations to end the war. He is blaming YOU for the loss of your own fathers and husbands, sons, friends and comrades. "Knowingly"? My goodness, beloved ones, there were almost 400 men left standing on the tarmac when the last planes departed Hanoi. They were not picked up so where are they?? He is giving all sorts of last ditch cover-ups in treachery such as, "They were shot down in cold blood as they parachuted to the ground in that awful, cruel place," and "They were bombed without mercy by those evil enemies and the administration did all it could to save them."

    It becomes more imperative to finish the written document so you can better label the "players" than to put it to tape today, so here we are again and I do thank you, Dharma, for doubling up on the work today. The players are becoming known by their "works" now, chelas, so please pay close attention to the de­scriptions so that you can see the bounders among you.

    I am again petitioned for update on Perot. It is exactly what it appears to be. Of course he will "run"--it was never planned otherwise. It was good strategy and it has worked so far. It also keeps truth from entering through the pearly gates of the White House in the form of a patriot. I have compassion for you who seek to do that which is for your brother and your na­tion--I hope it does not have to turn from compassion to "pity" for the blunders about to be made. Eyes and hearts open, please brothers, for there will be even greater need for your dis­cernment and action AFTER the fiasco than now. Things are happening so quickly now that you are apt to get completely lost in the fog which will be put down around you.

    What you are watching in the area recognized as Yugoslavia is the typical "ethnic cleansing" program of massacre and looting engaged in by the Serbs following EXACTLY the patterns es­tablished by Israel in its "war of independence". You see, "if" another does same it is called "genocide" and "holocaust"--if Is­rael is behind the action it is called martyrdom and ethnic cleansing. Keep your head in the sand-bucket and you won't need to cover the part remaining exposed, much longer.

    The barbaric murder-and-plunder onslaught of Communist-led Serbian militias against other nationalities of the former Yu­goslav federation resembles nothing so much as the terror cam­paign waged by Zionist guerrillas in 1948-49 to "cleanse" Palestinian Moslems and Christians "from their ancient lands"--how quickly a world forgets if the liars tell their lies big enough, loud enough and in enough confusion.

    This is now the consensus among policy analysts and historians who have been reviewing newly released documentation indi­cating that Israeli forces carved out a state for themselves by in­flicting widespread atrocities, rape, looting and massacres on the civilian population in their way. THIS IS NOT OF GOD OF LIGHT--THIS IS TALMUDIC HORROR BASED ON THE ULTIMATE PLAN FOR GLOBAL ORDER.
    This information has been made public recently, by independent Israeli historians, and has provided confirmation of the pioneer­ing research compiled by respected scholars and observers at the United Nations.

    From eyewitness accounts and contemporary documents the steps have been retraced and out comes the proof of long-sup­pressed "war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide" committed by Israeli militias in their drive to leave key regions of Palestine "cleansed" of its historic settlers. Among them:

    Israel "violated the territorial integrity of Palestine and occupied 80 percent thereof".

    By "violence and massacre", Israeli forces expelled more than 800,000 Palestinian Arabs from the native land of their families and forefathers.

    Israeli forces "looted, pillaged and plundered" 95 percent of the houses, apartments and commercial buildings, as well as "the machinery, furniture, merchandise and all worldly possessions of the Palestinian Arabs in 80 percent of Palestine."

    Fearful that the civilized world would recoil--and withdraw its recognition--from a new state created by such brutal and lawless means, Israel ordered all records and documents of its conquest in Palestine sealed for 40 years. (Sound familiar?)

    The massacres have now been verified--hundreds of them now--after those forty years of silence. At least 580 civilians were methodically slain in Doueimah alone. This testimony has been suppressed for these four decades but it now is being proven by the corpses remaining--with crushed skulls, etc.

    From almost every long-suppressed report in the Israeli army's archives about the occupation of Arab villages, there comes the smell of massacre. Even the ones, Shamir, Sharon and Rabin were actual "hit men" in the Stern gang who killed even U.N. representatives--themselves, with their own hands on the gun and finger pulling the triggers.

    The records reveal a pattern of deliberately inflicted Israeli ter­ror designed to cause flight so that regions of Palestine would be 'cleansed' of Arabs.

    Little wonder, chelas, that after retaining Kissinger Associ­ates as a "strategic adviser" in the 1980s, the hard-line Serb Communist leadership decided to seize all of the former Yu­goslavia's ethnic regions by replicating Israel's genocidal conquest of Palestine. This is now coming forth directly from veteran UN observers.

    As a former Rockefeller house scholar, White House consul­tant and finally as Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger and Acting Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger led the way in covering up terrorism and looting that gained statehood for Israel. They could assure the Serbian leadership that Kissinger Associates knew how to wipe the public record clean of such atrocious crimes.
    All we can do is continue, even if you become bored and ob­ject, to bring you TRUTH and hope that you will see and hear.

    Now to continue with the subject under discussion, from THE ULTIMATE WORLD ORDER from The Jewish Utopia.


    The "spiritual" conquest of the world (by psychological war­fare, at which the Jews are past masters) ought to be compara­tively easy after the Communist monster has ground up the races and nations, leaving only a dull, characterless, morally weak homogenized mixture--a "shorn alike, bleating alike human flock"--shorn of traditions and moral standards to anchor to, shorn of the memory of a better life which was once an ancestral heritage, and shorn of the courage and character to fight for freedom and economic well being. Communism, by its very nature, hating the capable, successful individuals, is self-de­structive. But it destroys the races as it destroys itself. It drags the world down with it, like a fire which burns itself out but leaves only dead embers.

    By what steps will Israel become the dominant power and how will the Jews in Israel enjoy the "happy era"?

    The author already has told us there would be a bloody Ar­mageddon which would break the strength of the "unrighteous" nations [H: You and others like you], those who resist the Jewish revolution.

    But after that: the Jews themselves must accept the most ex­acting regimentation if they are to make the surviving non-Jews look on them as holy:

    "Before the nations of the world recognize Israel as the ideal people, Israel will have to undergo a spiritual development, the Jew will have to be prepared to lead the world to righteousness. For, it will be a serious and daring challenge to Israel, a chal­lenge in which the fate of humanity will be involved.
    "The first step will be the adjustment of Israel's every day life to the principles of truth, justice and righteousness, as under­stood in the ideology of a living universal God. These principles will not be merely blank and empty phrases as employed by modern professional preachers. They will actually function in the relationships between Jew and Jew. 'Then shall the nations bless themselves by God, and in God shall they glory.
    ' "
    Here we must suppose that the words truth and justice mean truth and justice; for here the author is talking about relationship "between Jew and Jew". This is precisely what the Talmud teaches: a Jew must play fair with his fellow Jew.

    As for the non-Jews, by Talmudic standards anything goes that will not bring reprisals on the Jews. To be fair with the author, I searched his Utopia from cover to cover trying to find any requirements that the righteous Jews also exercise truth and justice toward non-Jews. Nowhere in the book did I find a hint of any such requirement. Throughout, the book calls for "righteousness" on the part of all people--conformity by all of us to the Jewish program; but nowhere is the obligation of "righteousness" or fair play reciprocal.

    Obviously, then, we must conclude that the strict regimenta­tion which the Jews in the future Israel must undergo is for the sake of appearances among the rest of us--or any of our off­spring who survive. They must put on the appearance of "a holy people".

    The second step:

    "...an ideal Israel will have to be a holy people. Their holi­ness will be so apparent that every one will call them the holy ones. "

    The author adds:

    "The main concern of the ideal people will be how to utilize God's goodness which is stored up for them. As a result of the abundance which God will have bestowed upon the people, it will be possible for them to devote themselves exclusively to their completest moral and spiritual development. "
    "Third, Israel will become a nation of prophets... Nature it­self will cooperate with the nation of prophets, in prophesying an optimistic future for mankind; it will be an optimism symbolized by sweet wine dropped down by mountains. "

    By comparison with this tribal fanaticism, the late Hitler's ef­forts to revive Nordic race pride looks like a kindergarten game.

    "Fourth, Israel will become a nation of scholars... Israel will experience a spiritual and cultural renaissance, resembling the revelation they experienced in receiving the Torah on Mount Sinai. Wisdom and learning will instill new life into the people. The basis of that culture and wisdom, through which God's glory will be manifest upon Israel, and by light of which nations will walk, will be the Torah, Israel's traditional inheritance. For the source of Israel's new life of righteousness and of divine glory will be rooted in the Torah. "

    Years ago I came to realize that the Jews place on human in­telligence the very highest valuation. For this good sense they should have the admiration of all of us. They are a gifted peo­ple in many respects, partly because they cultivate mental activ­ity. They say their religion itself stimulates logical processes and challenges them intellectually, presumably because it chal­lenges and incites them to put forth strenuous effort on their own behalf. Christianity unfortunately does not fire our people with the necessity of self-preservation or success but, as often inter­preted, seems to imply that we should humble and humiliate and debase ourselves before other races.

    It implies that we should be satisfied with our lot, regardless. As often interpreted, Christianity does not stimulate us to learn the great principles of nature and the universe and to strive for accomplishment. Naturally, a thoughtful, honest person can not accept this mis-interpretation of Christianity, this false empha­sis. It would hardly be in the spirit of Christianity or the wor­ship of God to promote the deterioration or suicide of any one of the several divinely created races, which races represent the highest order of God's handiwork. A faithful interpretation of the Christian spirit on the other hand requires that we encourage every race to preserve itself and that we help ourselves to pros­per in our own environment that our children may enjoy the same freedom and culture which our ancestors fought to pre­serve for us. It will take a powerful, vigorous and proud white race to stand united in sufficient strength to resist the Jewish movement, which still has the inspiration and power of tribal unity. [H: Further, in order for the other races to preserve themselves they are going to have to join with the "white" race or in the division of this clever master-puppeteer--all will perish. The "Zionists" do not, for instance, intend that the Blacks survive at all. Nor do they intend that any other actually survive as "races". However, as you note what is happening in Germany this day with the introduction of the volatile factor of Asians into that society, a new scam politi­cal extreme element is again rearing its head. This will only get rid of more of the Jews, Asians and unwanted other peo­ple in favor of the Zionists One Worlders.]

    The Jewish planners have only to keep on preaching "righteousness"--that is, brotherhood and equality--among us; unless we wake up and reverse our field we will presently so debase ourselves, so degenerate mentally and morally as practi­cally to give them the victory by default.

    "Fifth, in the ideal era, Israel will be peacefully united and no enmity of any kind will exist among them.... Similarly, the leaders in Israel will be peacefully united in their responsible task of directing the fate of the historic people. Israel will con­sequently become the instrument of peace among the nations of the world. "

    Peace, that is, among the nations which embrace the Jewish religion [H: Which now has foundation by Public Law in your very own U.S. of A.] and order and acknowledge the ruler from the house of David. But in fact, the fanatical dream­ers may find that the only way they can hold their grip on the world, their balance of power, is to keep factions constantly at war one with another.

    "Sixth, Israel will be a living testimony to the absolute unity of God. Consequently, in the ideal era, there will be no people who will believe in the division of the Godhead into two or more parts, or persons. Only those people who believe in one God will survive in the ideal world. " [H: Ah, it gets harder doesn't it? This is the very sleight of hand and speech of which I warn you. Remember THIS God to whom they refer will be a physical God who shares none of self with you low-life humanoids of his realm. There is only ONE ultimate Creator--but this is NOT THE WAY IT "IS"!]
    This repetition of the intent or desire to destroy everyone who fails or refuses to accept the Jewish religion and new world order emphasizes the incredible bloodthirstiness of the Jewish revolutionaries. It is simply beyond the temperament of the peace-loving, live-and-let-live gentile to comprehend such craving for power over others.

    "...the main justification for Israel's distinctiveness and sepa­ration, from all other nations, will be that she identifies herself with the living and everlasting God, the Holy one of Israel; that she preserves the memory of historic experience of receiving the Torah, and that she gives the Torah's ethical teachings to mankind. " [H: Again, look at what it says: TORAH. It does not say Holy Bible, New Testament and/or Old Testament or those teachings of ANY OTHER RELIGION OR DOCTRINE--IT SAYS EXACTLY WHAT IT MEANS: Torah!]

    From earlier passages, notably the obligation of Jew to deal justly with Jew, but the absence of any such requirement in the Utopia that the Jew deal in like manner with the non-Jew, we must suppose that though Israel will give us the Torah, Israel will not also give us the Talmud, which apparently is to remain the rule and guide of the Jews. Thus there will continue to be the double standard of ethics and morality which has caused kings and priests and masses of aroused Christians at various times for the past thousand years to burn all available copies of the Talmud, trying to stamp out Jewish subversion.

    "Such will then be the perfect ideal nation... the spiritual fire of Israel will devour the wicked nations. [H: That means all nations who remain patriotic and nationalist in any way whatsoever--i.e., the Randy Weavers of the world inclusive.] The following biblical verse will then be fulfilled:
    "And all the peoples of the earth shall see that the name of the Lord is called upon thee, and they shall be afraid of thee. ' "

    Will the Jews and their allies destroy the non-Israeli peoples, the "unrighteous" by violence? Or will the destruction be by in­direct methods? [H: I suggest you pay very close attention to this next.]

    "When they discourse about the victory of the righteous over the wicked, the Jewish sources rarely imply the idea of re­venge on the part of the upright and the just. The wicked are to be eliminated from the scene merely because the destiny of humanity is to be guided and controlled by a new army, the army of the righteous will assume the responsibilities of the new state of the affairs of mankind."

    The use of the word revenge above reminds us that the "unrighteous", the "wicked" and "unjust" are so judged because they refuse to embrace the Israelitic order; they are judged righteous or wicked by this standard only. Revenge for what? For not accepting the Jewish movement? Here again is the im­plication that we do them injury, at least mental injury, we per­secute them, if we resist the revolution.

    The Jews came into our midst of their own volition; we opened our gates to them. Certain of their numbers set about to destroy us. We who resist are unrighteous and wicked. We must not defend ourselves. If we do we are "anti-Semitic" and the revolutionaries, or their agents, will take "revenge".

    [H: I believe one of the very hardest things for me to watch and surely, for you to understand, is how these "Zionists" have usurped that which is beautiful in the experi­encers of truth. Ones who entered into the doctrines of, say, the Mormon religion will soon find that they are "Zionists" of a kind they had not anticipated being. In ignorance, dear ones, you signed into the "Jewish" Talmudic experience and are recognized as "real" Zionists or "false" Zionists. False Zionists are ones who belong to that portion of the Church called "The Church of Jesus Christ..." You will ultimately find that there is no connection with Christ or "Jesus" in fact. The TRUTH of these circumstances will be finally recognized in every "accepted" religious "order" on your globe. My point herein is not to break down various doctrines--just KNOW that you will find the flaws in the ointment.]

    Do our Jewish neighbors and the Jews who seem happy to do business with us, join Mr. Higger in this vicious design toward us? I can't believe it. It is hard to believe the rank and file among the Jews know that, in supporting Zionism and its "liberal" program, they are supporting this Murder, Inc. against their unoffending neighbors.

    Jerusalem is to be the source of the law, and that means, of course, the headquarters of the world police:

    "The prophecy of Isaiah will thus be fulfilled... For out of Zion shall go forth the Law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. The city of Jerusalem will thus become the metropo­lis of the whole world, and the nations will walk at her spiritual light. "

    Thus is the political world-power state draped in robes of re­ligion. This is not religion at all; religion is the worship of God. This is self-worship.

    The nations as political powers must disappear, leaving ONLY "cultural groups", possibly somewhat along the geo­graphical lines of the politically and racially extinct nations:

    "...with the advent of the Messiah, who will usher in the ideal era, all the national ensigns and laws, which are barriers to genuine international peace, brotherhood and the happiness of mankind, will gradually disappear. "

    Notice the word gradually. It will take time, even AFTER Armageddon.

    Will there be a flag of any kind, any symbol of indepen­dence, nationalism or patriotism, other than Jewish nationalism?

    "Only the Messianic flag, the symbol of knowledge, peace, tranquility of the individual mind, will remain, and all the na­tions will center round that emblem. In the present era one rec­ognizes his own standard, or flag, and through that standard the individual identifies himself with the subdivisions of mankind. But in the ideal era, all these castes, divisions and subdivisions will not exist.
    "All will recognize one flag or standard, bearing the name of God--There will no longer be a problem of militarism, pre­paredness, fortifications, barracks, armies, navies, immigration, tariffs, and their like. The problem will be a pure matter of past history and intellectual curiosity. Nations, with their respective cultures, will not only tolerate each other but will appreciate each other's cultural and intellectual backgrounds and tradi­tions. The world will be one open city, free for intercourse of trade, migration, and education. Genuine liberty and freedom will be the watchwords of the new social order in the world. The whole earth will be for the whole human race. "

    That is, of course, for those who do not defend their own na­tion, race, culture, family, religion and independence.

    Here, plainly enough, is the Zionist plan for the United Na­tions world.

    Christianity (already Judaized) will be suppressed, forgotten or so infiltrated and changed as to remain only a name, its ad­herents actually worshipping the Torah. For

    "...Israel will be a living testimony to the absolute unity of God. Consequently, in the ideal era, there will be no people who will believe in the division of the Godhead into two or more parts, or persons. Only those peoples who believe in one God will survive in the ideal world. "

    This is a slap at the Trinity concept traditionally held by Christians; it advances the unitarian idea by contrast. There can be no worship of Christ as the Son of God.

    This hints that the "Messiah" to come, the son of the house of David, and God will be one and the same, a human being the exalted ruler, in Jerusalem--and we see much additional evi­dence leading to this supposition, throughout the Utopia. We have discussed this already, but because of its importance, let us glance again at it:

    "Messiah, the ideal righteous one, will come from the East, where the sun rises. He will be a descendant of the house of David, who was bright as the sun; and his light will be a symbol of life for the upright and just in the world. The very name of Messiah is, therefore, light. Consequently, all the beloved of God, the righteous, will shine forth as the light of His glory..."

    And we see elsewhere that the non-Jews are to be made to believe that the inner chosen group of Israel will be a holy peo­ple."

    "....an ideal Israel will have to be a holy people. "

    There is abundant evidence that both the Communists and the Zionists are deliberately selecting smart young revolutionaries and sending them to Protestant theological schools, whence, being far above the average ministerial students in intelligence, and being skillfully trained and no doubt aided by their fellow infiltrators, might be expected to rise rapidly to positions of power in the hierarchy of the various denominations. This is, of course the very plan laid down in the instruction within the Protocols. Evidently agents also are infiltrating the Catholic Church. The prominent Zionist leader of Australia, A.L. Patkin, a native of Russia, who helped build the Red revolution in his Origins Of The Russian Jewish Labor Movement (F.W. Cheshire Pty., Ltd., Melbourne, 1947) not only showed that all the foremost leadership of the Bolshevik revolution was Jewish, but also that many young Jews worked into the Christian churches in Russia to promote the subversion:

    "The Jewish youth... some formally converted to Christian­ity...worked underground under assumed names, now as teachers, now as vagabond preachers..."

    In Spain in the 14th and 15th centuries, Jews so thoroughly infiltrated the Catholic church as to take it over almost com­pletely. Isabella, during her 20-year-struggle against subver­sion, had Jewish father-confessors, (as well as finance ministers) and even the Cardinal was Jewish.

    In the past forty years the Communists (by sworn testimony of ex-Communists) have made great headway infiltrating the Protestant pulpits; and now we see many ministers who look Jewish and who preach the "social gospel" of racial suicide, and the Kingdom of God on Earth. So powerful are they, and so cowardly most of our leaders, that the investigating committees have been unable to conduct a successful exposure of this near-fatal subversion.

    There is nothing on earth, not even a barbed wire fence, to keep Communist and Zionist agents from invading our churches and preaching racial integration in the name of Christianity.

    Now, evidently these agents have risen to the top in the Na­tional Council (formerly Federal Council) of Churches of Christ, for that body, which claims to represent about three-fourths of all Protestants in America, including the "old line" denominations, has reached an agreement with the American Jewish Committee whereby that Jewish nationalist power ma­chine supplies a stream of "educational" films and literature to these Christian denominations, works with the National Council staff in preparing Sunday School and church literature, and has the privilege of censoring any other NCCC "Christian" litera­ture. This is not hearsay; the American Jewish Committee told about it in detail in its thick "American Jewish Committee Bud­get, 1953". And in its publication called the Committee Re­porter, in the summer of 1956, the American Jewish Committee outlined to its agents the methods its propaganda and strategy board had developed for destroying Christmas observances in American schools. The Jewish anti-Christians recommended to their agents "a quiet reconnaissance...before any forays are launched" against Christmas observances in any school system, "And it should never be a one-man foray. Once the reconnais­sance has been made, the necessary information obtained, the time is right for intensive discussions among representative local Jewish leaders and rabbis..." [H: Anyone care to deny that the latter is taking place?]

    If the American Jewish Committee and associates can wipe out any knowledge of Christianity they will find it easier to im­pose the Torah on our grandchildren.


    * * *
    It has been long this day but I hope that you are beginning to see the happenings meshing with the writings. As you come upon another "Christmas Holiday Season" keep open your eyes and ears and just watch and listen. The entire Season is one of commercial interests under the pressures of a depression. You will be drawn farther away from your emotional balancing re­sources and more and more into the Jewish traditional celebra­tion. Just watch and experience and you will have your own conclusions.

    There is one thing which I believe you should think about: God is allowing--HE is not stupid. When you lay your sensitivities and "Well, my God is gentle and kind and never raises his voice--even in irritation," then I know that you are but a baby and ready for the trip to the slaughter house for lambs. God simply does not utilize ways of the flesh to gain HIS ends for He has no interest of growth in the human physical flesh--HIS is the Kingdom of infinity. These human idols and the idol's instruc­tions are not of God of Creation--they are the tools of enslave­ment of a human species. You will learn the difference or there is little hope for your individual passage at this time of cycle change. Of course it is hard to face Truth after eons of lies but you find that the "earth is not flat" and that the "solar system does not revolve around your planet" and, and.... You have even found that leeches only bleed a person to death and that AIDS can be spread through kissing--what is the matter with you sleepy-heads? You should by now even guess that the Federal Reserve is NOT "governmental" at all and that the IRS is a col­lection agency for the private banksters. Is perishment worthy of thine ignorance? So be it.


    Hatonn to stand aside. Thank you.

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