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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 55


    THU., SEP. 17, 1992 9:59 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 32
    (Continuation of #1)
    The following information regarding PUBLIC LAW 102-14 comes to us from one who has shared and originated as in this presentation from another in Arizona. Since this is a Journal and I would wish to give credit for fine work, I am limited in that ability because of court action against us regarding Dr. Rus­sell's wondrous gifted work now banned from your free use of same, as scientific fact. The courts have labeled, in this interim time prior to trial, Dr. Russell's work as metaphysical philoso­phy with no basis in FACT. This is heinous as that work is scientific in total nature--the metaphysical humanistic use is at­tributed to ones who came after the scientific contribution to mankind.

    At any circumstance I shall simply identify the sender as J.H. and the originator as B.S.


    Re: PUBLIC LAW 102-14
    I hope and pray the enclosed material will infuriate you enough to join in the effort of informing others of the great peril that PUBLIC LAW 102-14 promises to have on all America.

    The contents are self-explanatory if read in a gleaning man­ner.

    PUBLIC LAW 102-14 is a true example of the anti-christ fighting with all its fury. The question is: do we succumb to the anti-christ or will we overcome the anti-Christ?? Truly, our choice to make in these the latter days.

    Remember, the blood of the uninformed is always in the hands of the informed. However, once they've been told, they are no longer uninformed. Their blood has been transferred back into their own hands.

    Sincerely in Christ,

    B.S. (Arizona)

    P.S.: The enclosed material definitely deserves more than a one time casual reading.

    P.P.S.: Perhaps it is time we limit politicians to 2 terms: One in office, and ONE IN JAIL.

    The following law went into effect in March (20th) 1991. Sen­ator Dennis DeConcini (D-AZ) told me in a letter dated October 2, 1991: "The bill enacting this law, H.J. Res. 104, moved swiftly through the Congress and passed both chambers by voice vote."

    This Resolution was titled "A JOINT RESOLUTION to DES­IGNATE MARCH 26, 1991 AS EDUCATION DAY, U.S.A." It was introduced in the House of Representatives by Robert H. Michel (R-IL) and co-sponsored by Richard Gephardt (D-MO). It was then co-sponsored by 224 more Congressmen. Con­gressman Bob Stump (R-AZ) was one of the 224 co-sponsors. [H: Indeed this is one of the ones where I asked you to write and demand to know how this "voice vote" could have come to be. I have received copies of many of the return letters which indicate: "It is none of your business"!]

    The real meaning of this law is not spelled out within the law itself but it is very strange that it was introduced, passed and signed by the President in a country whose laws ostensibly originate in the Common Law which comes from the Laws, Statutes and Judgments (Mosaic Laws) of the accepted "Holy Bible". As you will discover the Resolution has absolutely nothing whatso­ever to do with "Education Day".

    105 STAT. 44 PUBLIC LAW 102-14--MAR. 20, 1991

    Public Law 102-14
    102nd Congress

    Mar. 20, 1991
    To designate March 26, 1991, as "Education Day, USA"

    [H.J. Res. 104]

    Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded;

    Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws;
    Whereas without these ethical values and principles the edifice
    of civilization stands in serous peril of returning to chaos;
    Whereas society is profoundly concerned with the recent weak­ening of these principles that has resulted in crises that belea­guer and threaten the fabric of civilized society;
    Whereas the justified preoccupation with these crises must not let the citizens of this Nation lose sight of their responsibility to transmit these historical ethical values from our distin­guished past to the generations of the future;
    Whereas the Lubavitch movement has fostered and promoted these ethical values and principles throughout the world;
    Whereas Rabbi Manachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Lubavich movement is universally respected and revered and his eighty-ninth birthday falls on March 26, 1991;
    Whereas in tribute to this great spiritual leader, "the rebbe", this, his ninetieth year will be seen as one of "education and giving", the year in which we turn to education and charity to return the world to the moral and ethical values contained in the Seven Noahide Laws; and
    Whereas this will be reflected in an international scroll of honor signed by the President of the United States and other heads of state: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That March 26, 1991, the start of the ninetieth year of Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, leader of the worldwide Lubavitch movement, is designated as "Education Day, U.S.A.". The President is requested to issue a procla­mation calling upon the people of the United States to ob­serve such day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.

    Approved March 20, 1991.



    Mar. 5, considered and passed House.
    Mar. 7, considered and passed Senate.

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    Now that the Seven Noahide Laws are the law of the land it should behoove each of us to know and understand what the Seven Laws actually are [H: You WOULD want to know if the Methodists or Pentecostals passed a public law of the land, would you not?]; what the penalties for disobeying them are and; last but not least, by whom are they to be en­forced. Yours truly is still waiting for the "governmental" an­swers to this most important issue from his written request to both Congressmen Michel and Stump. While waiting for their answers I tried to find out on my own what this "Public Law 102-14" is all about.

    If you are curious and inquisitive I'd like to share with you what I found. The following is not easy or light reading. It ac­tually requires a totally different mind-set than that to which we are accustomed; e.g., to catch a thief one must think as a thief; or, put oneself in their stead.

    The following spells out the Seven Noahide Laws; the Lubavitch movement; the 'rebbe'; and Rabbi Schneerson. It was all gathered in context from the Judaica Encyclopedia, a Jewish publication. I could find but a mere mention in a few other publications but not enough to properly answer the ques­tion.

    May your discernment prevail and, as you read continuously ask yourself WHY did our "government" pass this law so swiftly and with only a voice vote??

    You will notice in the Whereas' above it states many times ethical values and principles. This is very important because in the sixth "Whereas" it states unequivocally where they were fostered and promoted. You'll also notice it is NOT from Com­mon Law or Christian principles and Biblical Laws. In essence, you'll discover, if you are in complete honesty with yourself, that Public Law 102-14 legally and POLITICALLY JUDAIZED THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WITH A BABYLONIAN TALMUDIC RELIGION KNOWN AS JUDAISM AND IN TOTAL VIOLATION OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO OUR CONSTITUTION WHICH STATES: "Congress shall make no law respecting an estab­lishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;.... " This is what the media, and all anti-Christian proponents want us to believe is "Separation of Church and State."
    You'll also notice in the ninth "Whereas" it is to go interna­tional with other heads of state signing. Is this just coincidental with the Messianic Age (One World Government under Zion­ism) that Jewry is zealously waiting, or was it deliberately planned that way? Consider the removal of "The Ten Com­mandments" from our so-called public schools. If all this doesn't total up for cause of concern for all of us then we defi­nitely deserve what they (the oneworlders) have planned for us.

    From the Judaica Encyclopedia:

    "NOACHIDE LAWS, The seven laws considered by rab­binic tradition as the minimal moral duties enjoined by the Bible on all men (Sanh. 56-60; Yad, Melakhim, 8:10, 10:12 [Babylonian Talmud]). Jews are obligated to observe the whole Torah, while every non-Jew is a "son of the covenant of Noah" (see Gen. 9), and he who accepts its obligations is a ger-toshav ("resident-stranger" or even "semi-convert" (See Av. Zar. 64b; Maim, Yad, Melakhim 8:10.) Maimonides equates the righteous man (Ihasid) of the [gentile] nations" who has a share in the world to come even without becoming a Jew with the gentile who keeps these laws. Such a man is entitled to full material support from the Jewish community (see ET, 6 (19540, col. 289 s. v. ger toshav) and to the highest earthly hon­ors (Sefer Hasidim [1957], 358). The seven Noachide laws as traditionally enumerated are: the prohibitions of idolatry, blasphemy, bloodshed, sexual sins, theft, and eating from a living animal, as well as the injunction to establish a legal system (Tosef., Av. Zar. 8:4; Sanh. 56a). Except for the last, all are negative, and the last itself is usually interpreted as commanding the enforcement of the others (Maim. Yad, Melakhim, 9:1). They are derived exegetically from divine de­mands addressed to Adam (Gen. 2:16) and Noah (see Gen. R. 34; Sanh. 59b, i.e. , the progenitors of all mankind, and are thus regarded as universal. [H: But it doesn't sound too bad yet, does it? Just good manners and habits? Watch out--it means a lot of things you do not yet even think about. This could "literally" mean no eggs, no milk, etc. Think again and then read on.] The prohibition of idolatry provides that, to ensure social stability and personal salvation, the non-Jew does not have to "know God" but must adjure false gods (that's a good trick if you can do it) (Meg. 13a; Kid. 40a; Maim. Yad, Melakhim, 10:2ff). This law refers only to actual idolatrous acts, and not to theoretical principles and, unlike Jews, Noachides are not required to suffer martyrdom rather than break this law (Sanh. 74a; TJ, Shev. 4:2). [H: I can only suggest that you "good" Christians who refuse to read this go to the library and READ THE TALMUD!--EXCEPT THAT THEY WON'T LET YOU HAVE A COPY.] "They are, however, required to choose martyrdom rather than shed human (Jewish [for "other" is classified as something else--not 'human'] blood" (Pes. 25b and Rashi). [H: I also note that the "leaders" don't shed anything including property-just the lowly "human" Jewish sucker. It is more of that, "You sac­rifice and we'll lead".]
    In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were consid­ered as Noachides (cf. ET. loc. cit. , col. 291, n. 17), whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate. Since the later Middle Ages, however, Christianity too has come to be regarded as Noachides, on the ground that shittuf ("associationism"--this was the Jewish interpretation of Trinitarianism) is not forbidden to non-Jews (see YD 151). Under the prohibitions of blas­phemy, murder, and theft Noachides are subject to greater legal restrictions than Jews because non-Jewish society is held to be more prone to these sins (Rashi to Sanh. 57a). The prohibition of theft covers many types of acts, e.g., military conquests (ibid., 59a) and dishonesty in economic life (ibid., 57a; Yad, Melakhim, 9:9). A number of other Noachide pre­scriptions are listed in the sources (see Sanh. 57b; Mid. Ps. 21; Yad, Melakhim, 10:6), e.g., prohibitions of sorcery, castration, mixed seeds, blemished sacrifices, injunctions to practice char­ity, procreate, and to honor the Torah (Hul. 92a). These are best understood as subheadings of "the seven laws". Noachides may also freely choose to practice certain other Jewish com­mandments (Yad, Melakhim, 10:9-10). Jews are obligated to try to establish the Noachide Code wherever they can (ibid., 8:10). Maimonides held that Noachides must not only accept "the seven laws" on their own merit, but they must accept them as divinely revealed. This follows from the thesis that all ethics are not ultimately "natural", but require a theological frame­work, (see Schwarzschild, in: JQR, 52 (1962), 302; Fauer, in: Tarbiz, 38 (1968), 43-53). The Noachide covenant plays an im­portant part in both Jewish history and historiography. Modern Jewish thinkers like Moses Mendelssohn and Herman Cohen emphasized the Noachide conception as the common rational, ethical ground of Israel and mankind (see H. Cohen, Religion der Vermunft (1929), 135-48, 381-8), and see Noah as the sym­bol of the unity and perpetuity of mankind (ibid., 293). Views differ as to whether the ultimate stage of humanity will comprise both Judaism and Noachidism, or whether Noachidism is only the penultimate level before the universalization of all of the Torah (see TJ, Av. Zar. 2:1). Aime Palliere, at the suggestion of his teacher Rabbi E. Benamozegh, adopted the Noachide Laws and never formally converted to Judaism.

    "In Jewish Law. While in the amoraic period the above-mentioned list of seven precepts is clearly accepted as the frame­work of the Noachide Laws, a variety of tannaitic sources indi­cate lack of complete agreement as to the number of such laws, as well as to the four possible additional prohibitions against (1) drinking the blood of a living animal; (2) emasculation; (3) sor­cery; and (4) all magical practices listed in Deuteronomy 18:10­11. The Talmud records a position which would add prohibi­tions against cross-breeding of animals of different species, and grafting trees of different kinds (Sanh. 56b). Nonrabbinic sources of the tannaitic period indicate even greater divergence.

    The Book of Jubilees (7;20ff.) records a substantially different list of six commandments given by Noah to his sons: (1) to ob­serve righteousness; (2) to cover the shame of their flesh; (3) to bless their creator; (4) to honor parents; (5) to love their neigh­bor; and (6) To guard against fornication, uncleanness, and all iniquity (see I. Finkelstein, bibl.). Acts (15:20) refers to four commandments addressed to non-Jews, "... that they abstain from pollutions of idols, from fornication, from things stran­gled, and from blood." This latter list is the only one that bears any systematic relationship to the set of religious laws which the Pentateuch makes obligatory upon resident aliens (the ger ha-gar AND ezrah).

    "NATURE AND PURPOSE. There are indications that even during the Talmudic period itself there was divergence of opin­ion as to whether the Noachide Laws constituted a formulation of natural law or were intended solely to govern the behavior of the non-Jewish residents living under Jewish jurisdiction. The natural law position is expressed most clearly by the assertion, as to five of the seven laws, that they would have been made mandatory even had they not been revealed (Yoma 67b; Sifra Aharei Mot, 13:10). Similarly, the rabbinic insistence that six of the seven Noachide Laws were actually revealed to Adam partakes of a clearly universalistic thrust (Gen. R. 16:6, 24:5). The seventh law, against the eating of flesh torn from a living animal, could have been revealed at the earliest to Noah, since prior to the flood the eating of flesh was prohibited altogether. The very fact that these laws were denominated as the "seven laws of the sons of Noah" constitutes further indication of this trend since the term "sons of Noah" is, in rabbinic usage, a technical term including all human beings except those whom Jewish law defines as being Jews. Nor was there a lack of tech­nical terminology available specifically to describe the resident alien. On the other hand, the entire context of the Talmudic discussion of the Noachide Laws is that of actual enforcement by rabbinic courts. To that end, not only is the punishment for each crime enumerated, but standards of procedure and evi­dence are discussed as well (Sanh. 56a-59a). This presumption of the jurisdiction of Jewish courts is most comprehensible if the laws themselves are intended to apply to non-Jews resident in areas of Jewish sovereignty. Of a similar nature is the position of Yose that the parameters of the proscription against magical practices by Noachides is the verse in Deuteronomy (18-10) which begins, "There shall not be found among you..." (Sanh. 56b). The attempt by Finkelstein (op. cit.) to date the formula­tion of the seven Noachide commandments during the Has­monean era would also suggest a rabbinic concern with the ac­tual legal status of the non-Jew in a sovereign Jewish state. It might even be the case that the substitution by the tanna of the school of Manasseh of emasculation and forbidden mixtures of plants for the establishment of a judicial system and blasphemy (Sank. 56b) itself reflects a concern with the regulation of the life of the resident alien already under the jurisdiction of Jewish courts. Of course, the seven commandments themselves are subject to either interpretation: e.g., the establishment of courts of justice can mean either an independent non-Jewish judiciary and legal system or can simply bring the non-Jew under the rubric of Jewish civil law and its judicial system.

    "THE BASIS OF AUTHORITY. A question related to the above is that of the basis of authority of these laws over the non-Jews. Talmudic texts seem constantly to alternate between two terms, reflecting contradictory assumptions as to the basis of authority, namely seven precepts "which were commanded" (she-niztavvu) to the Noachides, and seven precepts "which the Noachides accepted upon themselves" (she-kibbelu aleihem; BK 38a; TJ, AV. Zar. 2:1; Hul. 92ab; Hor. 8b; Sahn. 56b). This disparity between authority based on revelation as opposed to consent reaches a climax when Maimonides asserts that the only proper basis for acceptance of the Noachide laws by a non-Jew is divine authority based on revelation as opposed to consent reaches a climax when Maimonides asserts that the only proper basis for acceptance of the Noachide laws by a non-Jew is di­vine authority and revelation to Moses, and that "... if he ob­serve them due to intellectual conviction (i.e., consent) such a one is not a resident alien, nor of the righteous of the nations of the world, nor of their wise men" (Yad, Melakhim 8:11; the possibility that the final "ve-lo" ("nor") is a scribal error for "ella" ("but rather") while very appealing, is not borne out by any manuscript evidence). Of course, this same conflict between revelation and consent as basis of authority appears with regard to the binding authority of Torah over the Jew, in the form of "we will do and obey" (Ex. 24:7) as opposed to "He (God) suspended the mountain upon them like a cask, and said to them, 'If ye accept the Torah, 'tis well; if not, there shall be your burial" (Shab. 88a). [H: Now, to you Christians who bash these scribes of mine against the head--go back and read that sentence. You claim the word of the Holy Bible and yet clearly this law states, in fact, that you must believe the TORAH. There is no valid term "Judeo/Christian" in FACT. The two terms are mutually exclusive and at oppo­site ends of definition. This is something conjured in these latter days to confuse you from your belief systems in either case and suck you into political Zionism-Socialism under a one world order--under the TALMUDIC COMMUNISTIC ONE WORLD RULE--"THEIRS AND NOT YOURS".]
    "NOACHIDE LAWS AND PRE-SINAITIC LAWS. The amoraim, having received a clear tradition of seven Noachide Laws, had difficulty in explaining why other pre-Sinaitic laws were not included, such as procreation, circumcision, and the law of the sinew. They propounded two somewhat strained principles to explain the anomalies. The absence of circumci­sion and the sinew is explained through the assertion that any pre-Sinaitic law which was not repeated at Sinai was thenceforth applicable solely to Israelites (Sahn. 59a), whence procreation, would nevertheless not be listed (cf. Tos. to Yev. 62A s.v. benei; Tos. to Hag. 2b s.v. lo).

    "LIABILITY FOR VIOLATION OF THE LAWS. While committed to the principle that "There is nothing permitted to an Israelite yet forbidden to a heathen" (Sanh. 59a), the seven Noachide Laws were not as extensive as the parallel prohibitions applicable to Jews, and there are indeed situations in which a non-Jew would be liable for committing an act for which a Jew would not be liable. [H: The thing herein to note is that there WILL COME NEXT the separation of the so-called "Jew" from that of the Zionist. The intent herein is to FIRST PULL DOWN THE RECOGNIZED "JEW" AS AN AC­CEPTED RACE, CREED AND RELIGIOUS DOCTRINE.]

    As to the latter point, as a general rule, the Noachide is crimi­nally liable for violation of any of his seven laws even though technical definitional limitations would prevent liability by a Jew performing the same act. Thus a non-Jew is liable for blas­phemy--even if only with one of the divine attributes; murder--even of a foetus (see Embryo); robbery--even of less than a pe­rutah; and the eating of flesh torn from a living animal--even of a quantity less than the size of an olive. [H: This would seem to disallow "eating" of any flesh torn apart from a living animal, i.e., testes in the case of castration at branding, etc. It does not however, negate the sacrifice of animals, etc.--only the EATING of such flesh "torn from"...]. In all these cases a Jew would not be liable (Sahn. 56a-59b; Yad, Melakhim, ch. 9, 10). One additional element of greater sever­ity is that violation of any one of the seven laws subjects the Noachide to capital punishment by decapitation. (Sanh. 57a)."

    The preceding represented quotations and now we will look at definitions:

    Amoraic period: named in honor of one of a group of Jew­ish scholars named Amora, who was active in the rabbinical academies of Palestine and Babylonia from the 3rd to the 6th centuries A.D., whose commentaries on and interpretations of the Mishnah comprise the Palestine and Babylonian Gemaras.

    Mishnah: the section of the Talmud consisting of the collec­tion of oral laws edited A.D. c200 by rabbi Judah ha-Nasi.

    Germaras: argumentative teachings about these laws.

    Tannaitic period: named after one of a group of Jewish scholars named Tanna, who was active in Palestine during the 1st and 2nd centuries A.D. [H: Here is prime example of mis­use of the term "Jew" for this cannot be 'accurate' for "Jew" was not identified until the late 1700s.] whose teachings re­lating to Jewish law and tradition are founded chiefly in the Mishnah.

    Noachide: any non-Jew. [H: These are also called Goy or Goyim.]
    Anti-Semitic: is a senseless word used to denounce opposi­tion to Pharisaism, the Jews not being "Semites" but of all races, now as always. The cure of anti-Semitism is extermina­tion, as in the Iron Curtain countries, and insane asylums. The "CURE" is a promotion of Rabbi Leon Spitz in his article titled "GLAMOUR PURIM FORMULA--Exterminate Anti-Semitic Termites As Our Ancestors Did 2,500 Years Ago." This work was published in "American Hebrew" March 1, 1946.

    In the section above, subtitled Nature and Purpose, you'll no­tice the terms Jewish jurisdiction, Jewish sovereignty, a sovereign Jewish state, jurisdiction of Jewish courts, etc., being used. This terminology demands more than just casual noncha­lant reading. As was stated earlier in these pages "a different 'mind-set" is required. To put these terms in a proper contex­tual perspective, the reader must first comprehend the universal­istic mentality of World Jewry. We must also remember they believe the Seven Noachide Laws are only for non-Jews and not for Jews, and we must remember they believe only they have been ordained to govern and enforce said laws, and we must remember they believe said laws are universal. [H: NOW they are the law of your land, AMERICA!] Keeping this all in mind we must also remember they believe they are sovereign citizens anywhere they reside throughout the world. Their Talmud "gives" them this privilege. They do take a lot for granted and it is seldom, if ever, challenged. [H: And again--absolutely no one was even given the chance to challenge it.]
    When one considers (to bring it closer to home) the fact that they have OWNED--lock, stock and barrel--the Federal Reserve System, and have absolute power over our entire economic sys­tem, it is nearly impossible to say they are not sovereign here in America. They have exercised their sovereignty over the United States Government on a near continuous basis since July 9, 1868 the year the 14th Amendment was Ratified. We are now in their "yoke of bondage" thanks to apathy on the part of most Americans. We can also thank many spineless, cowardly and/or greedy politicians for Ratifying said Amendment; for es­tablishing the Federal Reserve System; in fact for establishing all 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto which are now in op­eration throughout America to one degree or another. Yes, Communism is alive and well here in America, except it is un­der a camouflaged label spelled D-E-M-O-C-R-A-C-Y. We can also thank our "well intentioned" clergy for allowing themselves to be infiltrated by the deceptors of deceptors and who now march in unison to the drum beat of their "Judeo-Christian" ide­ology.

    Judaism's claim that it is founded on Mosaic law, the Old Testament, is a prime example of "whited sepulchre" (see Matt. 23:25-27). On the outside Judaism is "shiny white" in appear­ance of Old Testament Law, but on the inside it is full of ven­omous Oral Talmudic law from the "pits of Babylon". This is their Torah, not the first five Books of the Old Testament, called the Pentateuch. It would behoove Christians (or anyone) to learn this fact and NEVER FORGET IT.


    Lest this get too lengthy, Dharma, allow us to close this portion. Thank you. We will continue on when we next sit together.

    Salu, to clear please.

    PJ 55


    FRI., SEP. 18, 1992 11:36 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 33

    FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1992

    Dharma, and all of you, into the work will always flow the traitors. Please, chelas, do not think that I knew not how the one John Coleman would turncoat. But this man is a common thief and liar and has put many honest and hardworking patriots into disadvantage for the past many years--it was necessary to STOP him. It also was opportunity to find how many "in my own house" would be latchers-on to that which APPEARED better. This is why your world is in such straits, ones look for the "better deal" wherein it seems they can get what they want. This behavior is also that which gets stereotype-casting. This man's name is Joseph Pavlonski, trained in Israel and in the ways of conning other men, who are honest and sleepy, out of their property for his own use. He is no different than, say, Stephen Solarz who wrote 743 overdrafts in the now-defunct House bank. They were both trained by the same teachers of the New World Order Zionist pushers.

    It is hard, today, readers and listeners, because this one calling himself John Coleman has taken all the property belonging to THE LIBERATOR which was in his possession and had refused under order to relinquish it, with him. He took furniture which Greens had purchased for his use and left utility bills and other expenses hanging for these ones to pay.

    I suggest, E.J., that since George still has access to books and contract rights to same, that you submit the billings for the equipment to America West. If George had not suggested same there would have been legal action already under way and the equipment could have been recovered by the sheriff.

    Next, I suggest that this information be sent to the University of Science and Philosophy, Arcturus press and especially to UFO and Don Ecker. George may wish to do this "faxing". I also ask that a copy be sent to Dean Stonier of Global Sciences Congress.

    Then, pass this information to ALL of the ones named in the "objection to actions" list of Coleman helpers. HE is the one who named each as an inside contact and I refuse to allow you ones to take any more flack from those who now are in self-de­nial over the incidents involved. My, what tangled webs are woven when deceit becomes the game and the "master crook" sucks you in. I'm sorry about the hurt that has fallen upon those ones who participated and still cannot see what happened--but I still receive mumblings and rumblings of, "Well, I'll just take my this and that out and show them...." Show us what? That your intent was greed from onset and not intent of serving God, nation or brother? NOTHING has changed in my ground crew herein so if you hit them--YOU HIT ME AND THEREIN IS THE STORY TOLD. I don't yet know what will be done after the dust settles but for now there will simply be no open meet­ings for I shall not subject Dharma to such insult. I repeat, each of you who were named were not only "named" by Coleman but most identities were broadcast to the four winds on radio by Coleman as his blackmail tactics failed. You have not been "set apart"--you set self apart and since we have no group as in "church" or "club branch" we have no way to undo that which is already done.

    The kindest thing any of you can do, however, is to warn Bar­bara Ann immediately for this man is out of funds and will go where he knows he can get some. I will help you but I will NOT retrieve it for you. I suggest you make a mailing with all this information included, to ones such as the friend in Hawaii, etc., for they have had the blackmailing up front assault from the stolen lists. This criminal did the Hawaii damage when in Hawaii as guest for meetings set up by George as a massive fa­vor.

    Again, does this mean the book on the "300" is not valid? No, it is a good compilation of valid information and if George wishes to make it more available--I suggest he run it in press copy and drastically reduce the price so that ALL can have it--perhaps even as a give-away of some sort. A lot of names are missing from his listings of members of this or that, anyway, but it is an excellent volume for reference.

    I must tell you ones, however, that only valid information uti­lized by this agent is valid in any of his newsletters or refer­ences. He stood in the room spouting off dates and names regarding Nicaragua with a man present who HEADED those operations in Nicaragua and KNEW the data to be false. TO CATCH A THIEF YOU MUST THINK AS THE THIEF AND PATIENTLY WAIT TILL HE HANGS HIMSELF. HIS OWN DISCREDITING OF SELF CAN ONLY GIVE MORE CREDIT TO OUR OWN WORK. WILL ONES REGAIN THEIR LOSSES? PROBABLY NOT, BUT IT SURELY WILL BE MORE DIFFICULT FOR HIM TO OPENLY PRESS HIS WARES ANYWHERE ELSE.

    I remind you that I told you from "early on" that these three were not what they appeared to be and that you must be wary. The one thing you must have noticed is how infrequently he would come into my presence for any reason whatsoever. In the beginning his story and attitude were honest for he was to his wits end and desperate--and we helped him. He had opportunity for total change and acceptance--he only became greedy and evil in intent and trapped again within his own spun web.

    You will find that the young alias "John" was the real thief, in actuality. He ran up bills, stole the lists and spotted the re­sources--a master triad at work. If you have learned your lessons from this, then it is worthy in many ways for many had much to learn by focusing on this man's work when the truth lay already in the printing. I suggest the following would be true: If you said these magazines (JOURNALS) and papers were written by Astrophysicist Dr. George C. Hatonn, PhD, M.D., and for­mer agent with British Intelligence, CIA and Mossad Security Service--the JOURNALS would sell like cakes off the fire. We could even fudge a few lies within the pages and THEY WOULD STILL SELL. Why is it that man turns from messen­gers of God and unto the Elite liars? Can you see how far ye have yet to go?

    Dharma asks me, "But how could you tell us that the word in his work could be trusted as being more valid than almost anyone writing newsletters, etc.?" Because he used other's work and was pretty good at choosing WHICH to utilize--then he turned upon the original writer and claimed their work to have been thieved from his own. It is the adversarial ap­proach in every instance. He did have a presentation which elicited knowledge and trust but, on a mundane level of every­day sense, he could not change a light globe for self as all ones in this area noted--he would call on Jack or someone to wait upon him like a servant--all the while pumping the worker for information in a most appreciative and friendly manner. We allowed THIS so that you ones can now rest assured that we do NOTHING HIDDEN OR DARK IN INTENT. WE EVEN HAVE "WATCHERS" FROM THE HIGHEST PLACES IN THE GOVERNMENT AND THEY CAN FIND NOTHING OTHER THAN INTENT TO BUILD AND SERVE. DOING ALL WITHIN THE LAWS OF THE LAND AND WITHIN THE LAWS OF GOD WORKS VERY WELL INDEED AND YOUR ENEMY WILL ACTUALLY END UP PROTECTING AND ASSISTING YOU FOR HIS RECOGNITION IS THAT THERE WILL NOT BE ENOUGH AWAKEN TO DO HIM IN.

    Also, as the factions get more deadly, i.e., Congress vs. Admin­istration, the humans involved at top levels know about us and they know about what the Soviets are doing and it behooves them to be nice to our people. Our job is to bring information and offer it without force and to prepare and preserve a rem­nant--of which they already have no desire for participation, therefore, it is better to leave God's true workers alone, under the circumstances.

    No, I wouldn't kid you over something that important. There was a major rocket/missile Launch planned for KAUAI in November whereat the Island would need major evacuation and there were all sorts of warnings back and forth regarding the launch. I suggest you find out about it for selves and then it won't be so upsetting to find I am correct.

    Without more discussion than obvious fact, look at the devasta­tion of your grain belt and, now, your Iowa corn fields without ability to have another crop this year. Chelas, you have been set up like the 10-pins and the howling ball is striking all about you. You were warned that 1992 would be a year of massive changes and happenings and, dear ones, you have but weeks left in this year you label 1992. The New World Order is running right on schedule.

    How many of you were privy to the grand unplugging done by Larry King last night? It was rather fun--the subject was Presi­dential debate between Bush and Clinton and how they are playing games and first one them the other refuses. You can see that the Congress is out to hang Bush because the desperate game is to get Republicans into the Congress. The criminals may be in the Bush basket but the real deadly vipers are in the Congress and hence the need to get Clinton inside the Adminis­tration. The Elite 300 and Bilderbergers have it all worked out so all you have to do is stumble along on all-fours and heed your manners. In any case, after several calls regarding the debates and quibbling and blaming and speculating someone called in and rapidly asked if there was all this problem why didn't they just debate Bo Gritz? That was the fastest footwork and sleight-of-hand I have witnessed. That call was disconnected so fast and NO mention of it again in any conversation--just a whimper that it had made it through and then total cover. Not even to advertising where the audience: could "think" about what they "almost" heard--just immediate and deliberate distraction. The ORDERS ARE: NOT EVEN THE PRONOUNCEMENT OF BO GRITZ ON CNN--AND THAT EQUATES, THEN, TO ALL NETWORKS.

    Yes indeed, that undoubtedly is what you will have to end up doing--sooner or later. Set up a new government under the Constitution. Of course that is what the "South" tried to do in the Civil War but ultimately that is the only way you will clean out the rats' nests. So many things are unconstitutional about the Washington, D.C. government, anyway, that you already have the imposter nailed to one location. Stop the "blood flow" and it will die on the vine. The problem is, of course, that you would be against the full United Nations Soviet-run troops. This is, however, why it is necessary for the Elite to pull down the nation as a whole--economy and all. They must make sure you are hooked on welfare, hungry and homeless. In addition, you will in great masses be sick and actually dying. The pharma­ceutical houses will withdraw, on orders, medications from the masses as is happening in foreign countries in these wars and disasters--and you WILL die, you know. In fact, beloved and spoiled masses of luxury and high life-standards--you will die more quickly for you have no notion how to survive. Look at those in Florida, Los Angeles and now, KAUAI--they sit and wait--sit and wait--sit and wait--for what? Rebuilding? What about jobs? The nation, even the borrowing nation of borrowing nations has a limit to borrowing capacity if the Banksters want to shut it down--and they do--so what do the "sitting and wait­ing" ones do? They have no means of survival without the gen­erosity of helpers--they can't even get out of Florida geographi­cally if it is deemed not to be by the Government. The Gov­ernment has total incarceration of the population in the tip of Florida as if there were 40 foot fencing with razor wire. It is even more isolated in KAUAI if the Government wishes to cut those flights and boat rides out of that Island.

    Where are those speakers and groupies who denounced us for doom and gloom and fear mongering? How much has changed for your "just being"? How much has changed by your hand-holding and singing Aum-m-s? How much food do you have in stores for attending needs from the ones who said we simply "doom and gloom" too much and that you can change it around by simply "wishing it to be different" and having a few "love-ins"? Where are YOU going to go to get your rice and beans? The time of need is upon you, chelas, are you ready? Are our ones ready? No--not for long enough nor nearly enough for there are only a small handful and they have given ALL to see to it that YOU are warned. They have, however, done that which they can and will do more as ability comes--if it comes. If it comes not then they have served well, and placement is as­sured. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? Have you listened to the preachers who tell you it is fine and you will be tended by someone's blood spillage? Do you expect the soft clouds for rescue? Good, but I promise you that unless you are blown apart into very fine particulate you will NOT stay on those clouds. It is true, however, that you won't have to worry about food and drink. The ONLY way that you are going to ascend on your own merit is to become a substance lighter than air--that requires a full "blown" case of dispersion into molecular form which is highly incompatible with human physical life-form.

    How many of you will FIND the sums to WASTE at the Christmas season in shopping for Santa Clause? Might the child you "fool" rather EAT when he is hungry? How many of you say you "can't" and actually simply CHOOSE other things to spend your sums upon? I can only remind you that later, when you "WISH I HAD", will not change a thing if you DIDN'T. Next, ones will say, "...well, I would rather be dead than live 'like that' anyway!" No, for if you feel that way and do noth­ing, you do not have your balance with God and with that which comes in the hereafter and, therefore, I can promise you that you will kill for food to stay longer in the physical form for the terror of the passage without readiness is terrible indeed. Pre­pare for that which comes with your hand in the hand of God and whatever comes will be quite acceptable and, in addition, you will have listened, heeded and taken preparations against the day as advised by the messengers as we are sent unto you.

    Dharma, allow us to finish the writing of yesterday regarding PUBLIC LAW 102-14. We need to finish that subject because you need the input prior to moving into the subject of the "Ultimate World Order". You readers (citizens) must under­stand that with this Public Law enacted, you are under law of the Zionist seven Noachide laws as laid forth yesterday. We will continue now by labeling the section:


    The missing link in Christian understanding is best expressed, on the subject of "Pharisees", by the Universal Jewish Ency­clopaedia. (1943): [H: These resources are utilized so that there CAN BE NO DEBATE as to subject material. If in­formation is pulled from "their" own words then it is hard to scream anti-Semite and/or "lies upon lies". Go to the source and uncover the writers and then the later speakers cannot deny the truth of the facts presented.]
    "The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break, through all centuries, from the Pharisees. Their leading ideas and methods found expression in a literature of enormous extent, of which a very great deal is still in existence. The TALMUD is the largest and most important single piece of that literature...and the study of it is essential for any real understanding of Pharisaism."

    Rabbi Louis Finkelstein was chosen in 1937 by the Kehillas (Jewish communities) of the world as one of the top 120 Jews who best represent a "lamp of Judaism" to the world. He has long headed the Jewish Theological Seminary of America with branches in New York and Los Angeles. In "The Pharisees", his two-volume work, Rabbi Finklestein writes:

    "Pharisaism became Talmudism... But the spirit of the an­cient Pharisee survives unaltered. When the Jew...studies the Talmud, he is actually repeating the arguments used in the Palestinian academies. From Palestine to Babylonia; from Babylonia to North Africa, Italy, Spain, France and Germany; from these to Poland, Russia and Eastern Eu­rope generally, ancient Pharisaism has wandered."

    In Rabbi Finklestein's history of the Jews, he states:

    "The TALMUD derives its authority from the position held by the ancient academies." (Pharisee) "The teachers of those academies, both of Babylonia and of Palestine, were considered the rightful successors of the older San­hedrin... At the present time, the Jewish people have no living central authority comparable in status to the ancient Sanhedrins or the later academies. Therefore, any deci­sion regarding the Jewish religion must be based on the TALMUD as the final resume of the teaching of those authorities when they existed." ("The JEWS--Their His­tory, Culture, and Religion", vol. 4, p. 1332, Jewish Pub­lication Society of America, 1949.)

    "THE TALMUD: HEART'S BLOOD of the JEWISH FAITH", was the heading of the 11/17/59 installment of a best-seller book by Herman Wouk which ran serially in the New York Herald-Tribune. To quote:

    "The TALMUD is to this day the circulating heart's blood of the Jewish religion. Whatever laws, customs, or cere­monies we observe--whether we are Orthodox, Con­servative, Reform or merely spasmodic sentimentalists--we follow the TALMUD. It is our common law." [H: This is out of their own mouths, little ones, so how can we be somehow putting them down by our writings as is continually assaulted upon us? They cannot have things all ways according to whims and wind shifts. This is all for your total confusion so that you will not notice that THEY ALSO STOLE AN ENTIRE HER­ITAGE FROM THE BROTHERS OF THE TORAH.]
    While we mentally maintain the contents of all these pages thus far, perhaps it is time we ask ourselves once again WHY PUBLIC LAW 102-14?? My opinion, based on research, is it will legally put all "Noachides" under Talmudic bondage and it will be at their discretion when they decide it is to their advan­tage to enforce said law. Their main objective for now is to get the law on the books. Once it is on the books it can be enforced at any time. [H: So you think that ones like Falwell and Robertson will 'wake up' and put a stop to this horrendous game? Think again! Both have PROCLAIMED PUBLICLY AND LOUDLY THAT THEY ARE ZIONISTS AND PROUD OF IT! GOOD LUCK!]
    From the New Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 8, 15th Edition verbatim:

    "NOAHIDE LAWS, also called Noachian Laws, a Jewish Talmudic designation for seven biblical laws given to Adam and to Noah before the revelation to Moses on Mt. Sinai and con­sequently binding on all mankind.

    "Beginning with Genesis 2:16, the Babylonian Talmud listed the first six commandments as prohibitions against idolatry, blasphemy, murder, adultery, and robbery and the positive com­mand to establish courts of justice (with all that this implies). After the flood a seventh commandment, given to Noah, forbade the eating of flesh cut from a living animal (Gen. 9:4). Though the number of laws was later increased to 30 with the addition of prohibitions against castration, sorcery, and other practices, the "seven laws", with minor variations, retained their original sta­tus as authoritative commandments and as the source of other laws. As basic statutes safeguarding monotheism and guaran­teeing proper ethical conduct in society, these laws provide a le­gal framework for alien residents in Jewish territory. Mai­monides thus regarded anyone who observed these laws as one "assured of a portion of the world to come". Throughout the ages scholars have viewed the Noahide Laws as a link between Judaism and Christianity, as universal norms of ethical conduct, as a basic concept in international law, or as a guarantee of fun­damental human rights for all."

    Once again we've got to know the meaning of their (Talmudic) terminology. Believe me, it is far different than any other you will ever encounter.

    From the JUDAICA ENCYCLOPEDIA verbatim:
    "Habad (initial letters of Hokhmah, "Wisdom", Binah, "Understanding", Da'at, "Knowledge") is the movement within Hasidism founded by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Lyady (1745­1812); as the name implies, Habad places a greater emphasis on the use of the intellect in the study of the Torah, and especially in contemplation on "the secrets of the Torah" (the Kabbalah), than is the norm in Hasidism. The founder's son and successor, Rabbi Dov Baer (1773-1827), settled in the Russian town of Lubavich, hence the name by which the group is now known. The third leader was Rabbi Menahem Mendel (1789-1866), son-in-law of Dov Baer and the son of the daughter of Shneur Zal­man. He is known, after the title of his major work, as the Zemah Zedek. (Shneur Zalman is called the "Old Rebbe"--Al­ter Rebbe--and his son the "Middle Rebbe"--Mittler Rebbe. The fourth leader, Menahem Mendel's son, Rabbi Samuel (the Ma­harash, 1834-1882), was succeeded by his son, Rabbi Shalom Dov Baer (1860-1920). His son, Rabbi Joseph Isaac Schneer­sohn (1880-1950), emigrated to the U.S. in 1940, establishing his "court" in Brooklyn. The present Lubavicher Rebbe, Rabbi Menahem Mendel Schneerson(1902- ), is a son-in-law of Joseph Isaac and the great-great-grandson of the Zemah Zedek. These biographical details are far from irrelevant since, in the Lubavich doctrine, great significance is attached to the person­ality and "soul-root" of each rebbe, past as well as present. Although the Lubavicher Rebbe is perhaps less hailed as a mira­cle worker than the leaders of other dynasties, he enjoys author­ity of a more absolute kind than they: his every command is accepted with unquestioning obedience by his devoted fol­lowers.

    "The early Habid thinkers developed the idea, founded in kabbalist sources, that deep in the recesses of every Jewish soul there is a divine spark, conceived of literally as part of divinity. When this is bestirred, like yearns to be united with like. This theoretical concept acquired great social significance in Lubavich, which has become a missionary movement to the Jews (and, to some extent, is more interested than Orthodoxy in general in attracting even gentile converts, in the belief that the gentile. too. acquires his 'divine soul' on his acceptance of Ju­daism. No Jew is held to be beyond redemption, no matter how far he has strayed from the Torah. Lubavich has attained as­tonishing successes in this field, winning over many hitherto un­committed Jews to a full participation in a life of Torah and mitzvot. The suggestion that Lubavich is a kind of Jewish Sal­vation Army is unfounded, but the movement is marked by an "evangelical" fervor wedded to an emotionalism that is some­what surprising in view of the founder's strong intellectual ap­proach.

    "It is difficult to obtain precise figures, but it is certain that Lubavich is numerically the strongest of all the hasidic groups, with tens of thousands of active members, in addition to the nu­merous sympathizers who are unprepared to commit themselves fully. The main concentration of the Lubavicher Hasidim is in New York. They are also active in other parts of the U.S. and in communities all over the world. In Israel they are concen­trated in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and in the hasidic village of Kefar Habad, in the Lod Valley. There is a European bureau of Lubavich in Paris; a Lubavich Foundation of Great Britain in London; and there are similar organizations in Montreal, in Italy and Australia.

    "At the Lubavich headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn, regular gatherings (the farbrengen) are held, attended by up to 2,000 Hasidim and others, at which the Rebbe speaks in Yiddish for hours on end; his message is frequently relayed by telephone to followers unable to be present in person. These talks are later circulated in pamphlet form, translated into He­brew, English and other languages. The farbrengen usually takes place on the anniversary of the great event in the history of the movement, such as the 19th of Kislev.

    "The Rebbe also receives his followers and others interested in the Lubavich ideas in private audiences (Yiddish yechides, He­brew yehidut, "being alone"). These are held late at night and give the Rebbe an opportunity to convey his ideas and advice in an intensely personal way, as well as giving his individual blessing to the Hasid and his family.

    "A spate [an unusually large outpouring] of education material pours from the presses of the Lubavich printing house, Kehot: reprints of the Habad classics; translations of these; messages from the rebbe; memoirs; and rather popular hasidic tracts. Lubavich schools flourish in many parts of the world. The self-sacrificing spirit of the Lubavich educators (in Russia, for ex­ample, they willingly risked their lives in order to hand down the tradition to the next generation) has won the admiration even of those Jews hostile to hasidism. Lubavich "missions" have been established in universities. The Rebbe was educated at the Sorbonne, and has often stated that this has made him aware of the special problems in matters of faith the university student has to face. Because of this, and because of the traditional suspicion of secular learning by the early Habad teachers, the Rebbe would prefer that Jews did not attend university, and always ad­vised his hasidim against a university education. [The Editor doubts if this is so now as most universities have been Judaised, or at least Hasidized. They Judaised the U.S. with Public Law 102-14. They also hold many high positions in the universities--all universities. Do not think it less so because a university may pretend to be, say, Catholic, Protestant, etc.]

    "Lubavich is greatly concerned that all Jews carry out the prac­tical commandments of Judaism. Wherever Jews meet in large numbers, Lubavich Hasidim are usually to be found urging peo­ple to put on tefillin, which they have ready for the purpose, or to perform the mitzvah of taking the lulav and etrog on Sukkot, or, occasionally, to sit in a mobile sukkah which makes its way through Jewish districts heralded by a loudspeaker. Packages of massah shermulah are dispatched to thousands of homes before Passover, together with the Rebbe's seasonal greetings.

    "In their missionary thrust, the Lubavicher Hasidim have adopted the slogan Ooferatsto (u-farazta), "and thou shalt spread abroad," based on the promise to Jacob: "And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south. And in thee and thy seed shall the families of the earth be blessed" (Gen. 28:14). Lubavich, aware of the similarities between its approach and Christian missionary activity, is highly sensitive to the charge of imitation and roundly denies that the term 'Jewish missionaries' is appropriate to the movement. Taking issue with 'a certain unfortunate but understandable tendency to equate the Lubavich movement with the familiar and classical missionaries (lehavdil) who exhort sinners to become penitents,' Lubavich af­firms that the correct translation of the Hebrew word teshuvah is not "repentance" but "return" to God and to His Torah. "A Jew is inherently good and wishes to do good; it is only because of various reasons for which he is either not responsible or only partially responsible that he committed an evil act. But inher­ently he is good." This is why Lubavich sees every Jew, no matter how estranged from Judaism [notice it doesn't say es­tranged from God, Ed.], as potentially observant, even poten­tially a Lubavich Hasid, who has to be given every encourage­ment to allow the divine within him to awaken itself. It is true that, of all hasidic groups, Lubavich is the most tolerant, but it is far removed from any attitude of easy-going tolerance towards unorthodox views or conduct. Within the U.S. Jewish commu­nity it occupies an uncompromising stance on the extreme right wing, and has expressed a rigid line on the who-is-a-Jew contro­versy in Israel politics. Basically this most understanding and sympathetic of religious sects is the most intolerant in theory, since its philosophy refuses to recognize that there can be any truth in viewpoints other than its own; it maintains that deep down every Jew really knows that the hasidic way of life is completely true and the only way to cope with the human situa­tion. [Ed.: human situation is based on what hasidism says the situation is.]

    "True to the Habad idea, the leaders of the movement stress education of old and young as the sure remedy for religious backsliding. When the truth is known, the Jew is bound to re­spond to it. All heresy and all laxity in the observances of Ju­daism are solely the fruit of ignorance. The Rebbe writes: 'In recent generations, more than ever before, the main emphasis has been on the need to bring the knowledge and practice of the Torah and Mitzvos to the widest possible segment of our people, in the greatest number of locations, without waiting for them to see it--in the hope that they will sooner or later realize the need for it themselves. The most effective way to accomplish this is, of course, through organized Torah-true education of the young, the young in years and the 'young' in knowledge.

    "Like the other hasidic groups, Lubavich believes strongly in the spiritual value of song and of dance. The Alter Rebbe set the pattern in his maxim: 'The tongue is the pen of the heart, but melody is the pen of the soul.' When the Hasid sings he raises himself above the material universe to achieve devekut, cleaving to God. The majority of Lubavich niggunim, "melodies", are without words. An exception is the popular Russian song Nye Zyuritze Chloptzi, Lubavich holding that there is no harm in adopting songs of this nature since there are "holy sparks" in all melodies waiting to be rescued for the sacred. Before the shofar is blown at the end of the Yom Kippur services the Lubavicher Hasidim sing a melody, Napoleon's March, said to be an adap­tation of martial music played by French troops when they in­vaded Russia. Dancing is said to be significant because it is the highest manifestation of inner happiness. The feet moving in the dance are likened in Habad thought to the non-intellectual quali­ties of the Jewish soul, and dancing to the glory of God is thus an expression of the simple, basic faith of the Jew who, if need be, is ready to suffer martyrdom with a totally unreflective love that reason cannot hinder. However, unlike many other Ha­sidim, the Lubavich Hasidim generally engage in the dance only on the great occasions in the Jewish year. As a holy exercise the religious dance must not be made dull through familiarity.

    "Segregation of the sexes in synagogue, school and in Hasidic life in general is strictly upheld, though women certainly have their role in the movement (the daughter of the Alter Rebbe, for example, is a great heroine in Habad lore), and the education of girls is given special attention. The movement has stated its op­position to formal legal adoption on the grounds that parents kiss their children, and if the Hasid and his wife adopt children they may be guilty of the sin of kissing members of the opposite sex to whom they are not related by blood.

    "The life-style of a Lubavicher Hasid differs in some respects from the patterns observed in other branches of Hasidism. In matter of dress the Lubavicher Hasidism (and the Rebbe him­self) neither wear the streimel and white socks, nor do they cul­tivate "corkscrew" pe'ot. Their hasidic melodies have a strong "Russian" association, and the Lubavicher type of beard, long and bushy, resembles the old-fashioned Russian beard. Torah study is the supreme imperative, next to prayer. In addition to the Talmud the Codes, Habad thought is studied in depth. The work Tanya, by the founder of the movement, is virtually known by heart, most of the Lubavicher Hasidim carrying the book around with them wherever they go and keeping it in their tallit bag. Opponents of the movement have decried the exces­sive veneration of their founder by the Lubavicher as bordering on the idolatrous.

    "There are experts in hasidic doctrine--the mashpi'im--one of whose tasks it is to expound in detail the higher mysteries of Kabbalah in their Habad interpretations [emphasis added, Ed. Now is a good time to reread the Joint Resolution on the first couple of pages of this information.] From the days of its founding fathers Habad has held to the view that the older ban on public teaching of the Kabbalah has been rescinded and that, on the contrary, in this period in history, when the footsteps of the Messiah will soon be heard, only a constant familiarity with 'the words of the living God' can succeed in awakening the powers of the divine soul.

    "A much discussed question is the movement's attitude towards the state of Israel. When Zalman Sharaz was President of Israel he would frequently visit the Rebbe, with whom he was on the friendliest of terms, a Lubavich knows nothing of the virulent anti-Zionism of the Satmar group. Nevertheless the Rebbe has never set foot in Israel and has been sharply critical of some as­pects of life in the State. In his approbation to the work of Simhat Olam by Rabbi M. Blumenfeld of New Jersey (Newark, 1954), the Rebbe takes the author to task for daring to suggest that the emergence of the State of Israel is athalta de-geulah, "the beginning of the (Messianic redemption)". On the other hand, messianic overtones can be discerned in the Rebbe's mes­sage immediately after the Yom Kippur War, and he has stated that those occupied territories lying within the traditional bound­aries of Erez Israel must not be surrendered. [One needs to un­derstand their meaning of Erez Israel, then you'll understand why Jim Baker's peace plan, now trying to be worked out, will go astray. Ed.]

    "The attitudes to modern sciences are similarly ambiguous. The Rebbe, not infrequently, makes use of scientific findings in his expositions; the splitting of the atom, for instance, is made to illustrate the Habad doctrine of bittul ha-yesh, "self-annihila­tion", the spiritual power which results from the mystical expe­rience when all thought of self has been abandoned. On the other hand, the Rebbe is uncompromising in his opposition to any untraditional views based on scientific theories. He has stated that the Jew is obliged to believe that the world was cre­ated out of nothing 5.736 years ago. God planting the fossils from the beginning because the world, to be a world, must give the impression of steady growth. It remains true, however, the Lubavich numbers among its followers some very distinguished scientists." End Judaica quote.

    I chose to quote verbatim Public Law 102-14, the Seven Noahide [Noachide] Laws and, the Lubavich Movement so no one could accuse me of taking anything out of context.

    The Lubavich movement is essentially the educational arm of hasidism, hence "EDUCATION DAY, U.S.A."

    The question Christians need to be asking is: Why are we, as a nation, adopting Talmudic Noahide laws when the Ten Commandments, Statues and Judgements already exist? They still exist today contrary to modern church teaching that they have been nailed to the cross and replaced by Grace. It was clearly God's Law and the Holy Bible that established America as the greatest nation on earth, not Talmudic codes and tradi­tions.

    It should be noted that Schneerson had been "honored" be­fore by our government. Carter proclaimed his 78th birthday "Education Day, USA", and Reagan proclaimed his 80th birth­day a "National Day of reflection". Quite an honor to be be­stowed on an anti-christ by so-called Christians.

    This information was compiled by Bill S. for Central Research Library. We thank you for sharing.


    I would like to note that there is another page but it is one that we have quoted prior to this as Benjamin Franklin spoke in agreement with General George Washington regarding the dan­gers and from whom those dangers spring. We have presented the quoted speech only to be attacked with every "name-calling" available from you readers. My scribe has had enough for this day so we shall save it for a "stronger" time. Perhaps we shall try again at the end of our outlay of the work, THE ULTI­MATE WORLD ORDER. It comes as pictured in "THE JEW­ISH UTOPIA". I apologize, readers, but I must print what is written. This is what is written by those ones calling themselves "Jews" so I understand not why you throw stones at us for pre­senting their own information unto your attention. It is time you wake up, sleepyheads, or your stay upon Earth Shan is limited indeed!

    Hatonn to clear for this segment, thank you.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 55

    SAT., SEP. 19, 1992 8:03 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 34


    "Methinks" that "they" stress much too strongly the Bonnie hur­ricane in the Atlantic not being a danger to shore. Chelas, THIS IS THE WAY THAT MANMADE HURRICANES ARE FORMED--out at sea with more and more pulsing currents until you have a mass as big as you want to do the damage afore-planned. THAT hurricane is being built to straggle around off­shore until appropriate to drive her inland. Where? Watch the noon-news and see WHERE they "let it slip" that a big happen­ing, like a missile or rocket, launch may be planned. If you are "lucky" and capitulations occur as being demanded on this or that point of action--it will dissipate. If not--it will be brought ashore where appropriate and you will be able to plot it daily by events as well as currents.

    The Russians despised and abhorred the Bolsheviks when in Russia and further despise them now that they are the big force in the United States of America. These are mainly comprised of Khazarian Zionists who CALL THEMSELVES "Jews" but are NOT. They are the Banksters of the world and have brought your entire planet to its knees. WHO IS YOUR ENEMY? It depends on WHOSE side YOU are on! I would suggest you look around you, get informed and figure it out. After all, chelas, even now and then an innocent man is sent to the legis­lature. Therefore, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. I simply remind you good people: "Put not your trust in kings and princes. Three of a kind will take them both." Ponder it!

    I also suggest to you ones who are in troubled families as within the larger troubled nation and planet--that you first do your chil­dren the largest service of all for if you really WANT to do something positive for your children, you should make every ef­fort to improve your marriage for upon your example will rest the rest of their lives in human form. Then, after improving the relationships according to the Laws of God instead of the rules of the destroyers, you can move on into restructuring the gov­ernment of your own nation or building a new one. Then and only then can you begin to restructure the direction of your world. You have to be alert, however, for the experts will usu­ally come with "an accent" to tell you what and how to change. Is this accident? No, for everything sounds more romantic and more factual expressed in an authoritarian "accent" of a foreign language.

    You ones struggle along as if the solution to problems is simply to "drop out", whether it be from a child who will not attend school to a marriage wherein the "sex spark" is dimmed--just get out of it, disclaim responsibility and "let somebody else" do it for you and, if you fail again, so what. You ones have been told to constantly depend on others to make you happy, success­ful--whatever. No, you will become responsible and balanced within self, and only self, or you will be endlessly disappointed and that which you have brought forth as children are doomed to the same destiny. Your first lesson of life is that if there were no problems, there would be no opportunities. If you cannot rectify a problem without "dropping out", then I suggest you have not gotten out of kindergarten. It is said that "If you give a pig and a boy everything THEY want--you end up with a good pig and a very bad boy!" I suggest you ponder it, parents, and see wherein YOU FIT. And ALWAYS, it will be the things of value that will require the most avid stand in their defense--es­pecially when the popular "vote" has ruled otherwise.

    Cort, for your "corner" in this week's LIBERATOR, please utilize Lewis' discussion on fund transfer. I get myriads of questions such as this: "I know that a corporation protects me, especially a Nevada corporation, but, I need to get some money out of my corporation. How can I do this to my very best advan­tage? I do not want to hold sums of large amounts in bank ac­counts because I know I will lose the asset one of these days. I want to cover in gold or something similar to the Institute gold collateral plan but I just don't know how to get even small amounts properly arranged."

    This question has a lot of answers, depending, of course, on how much income your corporation "makes", shareholders and whether or not you have issued shares (not a good idea), em­ployees, what is the purpose of incorporation, i.e., family estate & business, business, privacy and protection or whatever the need. I don't wish to spend time on this when there is ample in­formation available but I do feel that it is timely and would ap­preciate Cort's response in the LIBERATOR. Thank you.

    If you are going to utilize incorporation in Nevada then PLEASE DO IT RIGHT--OR LEAVE US OUT OF YOUR ARRANGEMENTS. We NEVER suggest you do anything to either EVADE taxes or create any breaking of the laws of the land. NEVER! There are ample laws which allow for tax shelters through legal and expected means as set forth by corpo­rations as well as privacy and good management for even "small" people, as you like to call selves. If you act in greed in order to serve selves--you are very apt to get into ego problems and get that veil pierced the first time the government comes to "getcha". I cannot warn you often enough and I do ask that if you simply want to greedily hold everything in your own name, rank and status grabbing--stay a long, long way AWAY from me in so-doing. USE the laws existing for benefit--don't abuse them or they will be brought down on you so hard and fast your head will swim until they let you out of jail--if they ever do.

    We only offer SOUND, LEGAL alternatives to help get through this time of chaos and economic trauma. We never give doom and gloom facts without offering suggestions as to how you might do better and if you wish to work WITH GOD'S TEAM, then there will be other alternatives and possible secu­rity options that you can't 'just" go do on your own for you
    have not "time" to establish methodology nor have conduits for management. This is abused herein, by ones thinking them­selves beyond the "rules" and thus demanding more than fair and just shares at mind-change whims--these we also hope will stay a very long way away from us. God answers the sincere petitions of His people--but if your intent is only for self and greedy gain-you shall not be welcome in the service provided. Check your intent before you call on our ones for service and inclusion, please. They are not here to 'judge" you or your intent but I AM HERE to see to it that all honest participants are protected from the tentacles of the greedy. So be it and watch your "footwear" and the way you "make your bed", for therein shall ye be finding yourself walking and sleeping.

    So much for the tinkering of the morning, Dharma. We are going to dive right off into the information provided and fol­lowing onto the past two days' writings. We are going to take up what is now called:

    This information is as pictured in "The Jewish Utopia". I shall not change the wording for that would only further protect the "guilty". I believe you who have followed along with our mes­sages will be able to begin to fit the final tapestry pieces together as you add these bits and pieces.

    The work compiled here comes from a small book, The Ultimate World Order-as pictured in The Jewish Utopia (with slight revi­sions) by Robert H. Williams. Mr. Williams has compiled the information into print and I shall do as usual--simply utilize the material, giving great honor for a daring and worthy job of pre­senting information which is efforted at burial in an ongoing and ever more drastic attempt at silencing.

    No, the ADL will NOT like this and the screams of "anti-Semite" will again flow loudly and abundantly. Note that THAT is the aggressive offensive of the ADVERSARY IN AC­TION. A little about this information: THERE IS A MASSIVE EFFORT AFOOT TO STOP THIS PRESENTATION JUST AS IS THE CASE WITH THE ZIONIST PROTOCOLS AND ONE WORLD ORDER INFORMATION--SO--THERE MUST BE TRUTH HIDDEN SOMEWHERE THAT IS DESIRED TO BE, ONCE MORE, KEPT FROM YOU-THE-PEOPLE and quite frankly, ESPECIALLY THE SO-CALLED "JEWS".


    "THE JEWISH UTOPIA", discovered by the author (Williams) in an unlisted Jewish collection in the library of the University of Texas, is the authentic and complete plan of the Zionists for WORLD DOMINATION. It pictures the ultimate "new social order" which the Zionists hope to establish after they have used Communism, democracy and a third world war to gain their ends. THE ULTIMATE WORLD ORDER is an analysis of "The Jewish Utopia", WITH EXCERPTS FROM THE ORIGINAL TEXT.
    [H: Where there are photocopies included, I ask that the Editors effort to reproduce them if legible. Perhaps the inclusion, even in poor quality, can give credence to truth of presentation. (See Appendix) I also ask that we give ample credit to the compilers of this information for as with to­day's patriots there is little mention of selves, dates of printing and/or copyrights. The information is far too im­portant for ego transgressions and all we can do is FUR­THER the information flow in order to serve the original compilers. Herein is our purpose in writing and publishing this material-that it might go further and broader into the Iwnds and eyes of your globe. Please note that "footnotes" ( ) as nearly following subject in printing as possible within the text. I thank J.H. for providing the first document for use. We now have several. People ARE awakening and be­ginning to focus on urgent truth and it brings joy for the voice in the wilderness IS being heard.]

    - - as pictured in "The Jewish Utopia"
    If the Communists think they are going to conquer all the na­tions and set up a world government under a dictator of their own choosing they may be in for a surprise. For their parent, the sect which originally launched the Communist movement as an offshoot to accomplish a specific and temporary purpose, has plans for an ultimate world order of its own; and this sect, commonly called Zionist, now vastly overshadows the much cruder Communist machine in skill, finance, organization and influence.

    The Communist plan for rubbing out all national, religious, cultural and racial lines and submerging the world in formless, characterless chaos for easy domination is grandiose enough. To say that there is still another, more grandiose plan beyond that for which the Communist machine was set up is indeed to challenge the credulity of most of us, especially of us Anglo-Saxons who are too busy with our humdrum routines to pull the propaganda curtain aside and see the giant hiding there.

    Not many years after I began studying the Communist movement, trying to understand it, I noticed a hint that Commu­nism was not to be the ultimate world order. Heinrich Heine, German-Jewish poet and Communist youth leader of the 1830s and 1840s (friend and co-revolutionary of Karl Marx) spoke of Communism as temporary.*
    * The Heine prophecy of the destruction of Russia nearly a hundred years before the event is so revealing and so amazing as to justify quoting at some length. Note the picture of a na­tionless, raceless world, "one flock and one shepherd . . . with an iron staff":

    "Communism, though little discussed now and loitering in hid­den garrets on miserable straw pallets, is the dark hero destined for a great, if temporary, role in the modern tragedy ......
    "It would be war, the ghastliest war of destruction . . . The sec­ond act is the European and the World Revolution, the great duel between the destitute and the aristocracy of wealth; and in that there will be no mention of either nationality or religion; there will be only one fatherland, the globe, and only one faith, that in happiness on earth . . . How could the drama end?

    "I do not know; but I think that eventually the great sea serpent (Britain) will have its head crushed and the skin of the Northern Bear (Russia) will be pulled over its ears. There may be only one flock and one shepherd--one free shepherd with an iron staff, and a shorn-alike, bleating-alike human herd! . . .

    "The Gods are veiling their faces in pity on the children of man, their long-time charges, and perhaps over their own fate. The future smells of Russian leather, blood, godlessness and many whippings. I should advise our grandchildren to be born with very thick skins on their backs."

    Why and in what way temporary? What did this far-sighted master strategist of revolution see as the successor to Commu­nism? Is it not disturbing enough that a machine dedicated to liquidating all opponents, wiping out the nations as such and the best blood of the races and blending the remnants into a faceless brown slob--is it not enough that this the Communist machine al­ready enslaves nearly half the people of the world and is armed with hydrogen bombs?

    If Communism is only temporary, what is to be the ultimate novus ordo seclorum, the new order, of society if the successors to the Jewish revolutionaries, Marx and Heine, accomplish their aim? Who are to be the masters of the new order and what do they want to do with our children and grandchildren?

    It goes without saying that no man can escape concern about such a scheme if it has powerful backing.

    For years I have felt that somewhere there must be a master plan showing what Heine and his fellow planners had in mind for us, after the fires of Communism burn away the heritages of the various races and cultures, religions and nations; after Communist monsters have killed out several generations of what they rightfully call "the leadership personnel", all who might have the intelligence, skill and courage to resist.

    But I little expected ever to have this ultimate master plan, this chapter beyond the Communist Manifesto, in my hands. Of the hundreds of documents I have collected on activities of the Marxist revolutionaries--including originals or photostats of of­ficial government reports, intelligence releases, Communist pa­pers, Zionist organizational reports to their members, Jewish histories of revolutions, biographies of their revolutionary lead­ers, etc.--I have never seen anything comparable; for this small book sketches the general outlines of the ultimate goal hundreds of years ahead, toward which all the various activities of the Zionists and their "liberal" dupes are, wittingly or unwit­tingly, contributing.

    [H: Yes, we HAVE given you this information in several forms, readers and listeners, but YOU DIDN'T DIGEST IT AND ACTUALLY PUT IT DOWN as some sort of radical, bigoted and "anti-Semitic" assault. YOU HAD BEST NOW PAY ATTENTION AND REALLY DIGEST this material for you ARE OUT OF "TIME". I will put this information to audio tape for I feel it time to dump this terrible load of truth on your shoulders before you are enslaved forever. For you "tapers", please do not rush to do this FOR me, for I want to comment as I go along and we will do this instead of regular "meeting" tapes for I want no meetings until our current problems are resolved.]
    [H: Be sure you read the writings of the past two days re­garding PUBLIC LAW 102-14 prior to diving off into this for it has EVERYTHING to do with YOUR NEW NATIONAL RELIGION!]
    Yet, the book was not marked secret; it was in plain English and in the Library of the University of Texas. (And, a friend found a copy in the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., supposedly a copy which was filed with application for copy­right in 1932.)

    It is a book of 118 pages, plus preface, notes and bibliogra­phy, entitled THE JEWISH UTOPIA (not "A" JEWISH UTOPIA, but "THE" JEWISH UTOPIA), by Michael Higger, a university professor, published by the Lord Baltimore Press, Baltimore, Md., 1932, and copyrighted the same year by the author.

    If the book is not marked secret, if it is in plain English, it is nevertheless almost safe, for it is largely couched in the eso­teric language which all Jewish revolutionaries have used throughout known history, language found even in their Torah, (The Books of Moses) and which Jewish writers im­parted to Communist literature. Their use of words which you and I take to mean one thing but which their followers understand as meaning something else, a system which our people little suspect, almost guarantees the security of the doc­ument. [H: To catch a thief YOU MUST LEARN TO "THINK" LIKE THE THIEF.]


    The author speaks of "the righteous" and "the just". He says they shall inherit the earth. He quotes the Prophets, the Books of Moses, etc. Who would suspect that he had political revolu­tion and total conquest in mind? But read on and you find that the "righteous" are to be the Zionist Jews and such gentiles as they may accept.

    That is what the author says repeatedly, on page after page. And note that this book is not the creation of the Jewish Professor, Michael Higger; he merely compiled it. It is the sum total of the prophecies, teachings, plans and interpretations of the foremost rabbis and Jewish tribal leaders of the past 2500 years--since the time of the Oral Law and the beginning of the Baby­lonian Talmud, with its double standard for Jews and non-Jews and its nationalistic, militant interpretation of the Torah (the Books of Moses, the first five books of the Old Testament).

    There is no mistaking who is meant by "the righteous". Mr. Higger says even those Jews who fail to enter into the pro­gram of the Utopia (which he reveals to be the same pro­gram of Socialism, brotherhood and internationalism as that of the Zionists and involving much also that is Communist) will be denied the Utopia. Even the non-conforming Jews shall perish, along with the rest of us.

    On page after page Mr. Higger's JEWISH UTOPIA unfolds the ultimate order. Some mighty force, with the ruler from the house of David on the throne, is to take control of every life, every shekel's worth of property, every acre of land, every nugget and coin; no child may live, none may be born, if the Power objects.

    And the regard in which THE JEWISH UTOPIA is held by the rabbinate may be surmised from the printed Texas Univer­sity Library seal inside the front cover, which says the book was "Presented by the Kallah of Texas Rabbis, 1939" to The Abra­ham I. Schecter Collection of Hebraica and Judaica" of the Uni­versity library.

    I stated earlier that the book was in plain English. The fact is, it is addressed throughout to students familiar with the TAL­MUD, the teachings of the foremost rabbis of Jewish history; it was not in the library proper but in the Abraham I. Schechter collection, to which one may access only by special permission; and it was not, and is not, listed in the library catalogue.

    We shall see presently the plan in detail. We would dismiss the entire book as a daydream by an unbalanced mind but for the facts of history, including current history, in which the So­cialistic man-trap has caught this and other countries and people, and is steadily sucking their blood.

    The Jewish machine has men in the most powerful posi­tions; protected by the cowardice of leaders who fear to be called "anti-Semitic". We are paralyzed by that atom-powered little scare word; we are children afraid of the dark.

    Apparently a good many Jews themselves are now fearful of the impending bloodshed. I have known, and do know, many Jews; while the Jewish temperament is incredibly true to pattern, there are many who realize that they have found the Promised Land, their Utopia here in tolerant, benevolent, rich America; and if we appeal to these, they might well join us in the fight to keep America free.

    Mr. Higger says those Jews who do not knuckle under and who are not "tall and handsome" will be weeded out.

    While our first concern is for the survival and continued freedom of our children and grandchildren, we ought to find helpful allies among the Jews. Several million Russian chil­dren and many millions of adults have been beaten to death, shot or starved by the insane Marxist machine called Bolshe­vism, or Communism; and the Zionists, Communists and their foolish "liberal" dupes are far advanced with the Marxist Socialist program in this threatened Republic.

    So that the reader may not be asked to take my word, I am showing several pages photographed (Seem Appendix) from Mr. Higger's unique blueprint for conquest.

    Professor Higger states his aim in the first paragraph of his Preface:

    "For my main problem is to reconstruct an ideal social life on earth as pictured by the rabbis of old."

    He adds, later:

    "An ideal society among the family of nations, as visualized by the prophets, although not realized as yet, will ultimately be achieved. Nations will come, nations will go. Dogmatic Chris­tianity has come, dogmatic Christianity will be gone. 'Isms' have created nations, 'isms' will destroy nations. Capitalism has brought happiness and woes to mankind; Communism may bring its paradise and hells to mankind. Doctrines have shaped the destinies of peoples, doctrines may bring destruction to peo­ples. But the millennium will come only when the nations of the earth direct their efforts toward the visions of the prophets, and make function the teachings of Amos, Isaiah and Micah. "
    Do Professor Higger and Talmudic rabbis interpret the Prophets as do the Christian? Or do they believe that the Jewish Prophets of the Old Testament were trying to keep their people dedicated to a religion of conquest, trying to keep them united and moving toward political and economic domination?

    Let us keep the question in mind as we read; eventually we shall find the answer.

    Mr. Higger continues:

    "A Jewish Utopia begins where Wells leaves off It starts with the world as the basis of the new social life. From that viewpoint, the rabbis picture first a scheme of a transvaluation, of spiritual, intellectual, and material values, and a complete spiritual transformation. Having laid this foundation of the new, ideal order, the Jewish idealists proceed with the rest of their plan, and complete the superstructure of their Utopia. In that part of the structure there are, to be sure, a few common ele­ments in the rabbinic and other Utopias as the ideals of common interest and mutual helpfulness; cooperation supplanting compe­tition in the new social order; the toil of industry being reduced to a minimum, and thus permitting a higher cultural and in­tellectual life. "

    Obviously, some catastrophic change is in store for the world. Isms will destroy nations. An ism has destroyed Russia in our life time--that is, a secret organization successfully pro­moted an ism as a device for undermining and capturing, and then gradually destroying, the Russian people, their culture, economy, religion and already, to a great extent, their best racial stock.

    From beginning to end, THE JEWISH UTOPIA emphasizes that what the rabbis, the TALMUD and the Old Testament were talking about was an earthly regime, not a spiritual one but an ideal political, racial, economic and social era (from the Jewish viewpoint) here on earth. And it is to be a one-world state, con­forming to a single ideology:
    ". . . Plato is chiefly concerned with what will hold the ideal city together. The rabbis, on the other hand, are mainly inter­ested in that ideology which would hold the whole world, or the Universal State, together."

    This concept of the Jewish religion as a conquering ideology, preparing the world for a Jewish-dominated military-political state here on earth, is not held by all the rabbis but it is the Tal­mudic interpretation, as the UTOPIA shows.

    The author hints that his paradise will be a Socialist order for it is to begin "where Wells leaves off" and H.G. Wells, a So­cialist,. idealized Socialism. A Socialist regimented world order would kill the spirit, dry up the ambitions, chain the imagination of the highly individualistic Anglo-Saxon and his kinsmen of the Western world, and likewise his friends in Asia, the Japanese and Chinese.

    * * *
    Dharma, we will effort to keep the segments to a length suitable for a sitting so that ones can digest the information as they move forward. This is the most important information you will ever receive in this manifested experience upon your place in human format. You are in the time of great evolution of species and planet. You are in the "Revelation" time of the prophecies. That which you WISH to believe has no bearing on that WHICH IS. My mission is to uncover the truth for your information that you might know that which is upon you--no more and no less. What you do with this information is that which determines your remainder of experience. JUST REMEMBER, CHELAS--GOD OF DIVINE LIGHTED SOURCE/CREATOR--ULTIMATELY WINS!(!!!) Perhaps, after all is said and done, THAT is the "ULTIMATE" PART OF THE DIVINE PLAN.

    For Dharma and my close crewmembers in service in the outlay of information, I must again state: This is not new to you or to the JOURNALS--but most have not come into the early JOUR­NALS and those wherein this information is laid bare--are BANNED for all practical purposes. They are efforting now to be placed in compound as "hate" crime revisionist literature. Already, the books with this information are banned from even crossing the Canadian border inspection. These are NOT to be confused with the series, PLEIADES CONNECTIONS, under assault by the Institute of Science and Philosophy, having been stirred and boiled by one alias, John Coleman. Oh indeed, the Piper shall be paid and dearly paid if reconsiderations are not immediately forthcoming.

    This "John Coleman" is now wanted by the Law Enforcement teams for all sorts of crimes. He ran out on his rental agree­ments, and all living expenses including dentists, physicians, etc., in the cover of night for packing and under the "interesting" cause of "terror", "having been beaten up by two thugs hired by George Green." The Sheriffs in charge know what is really going on but were unable to trace his actions on the spot but are in the tracking process at the moment. The man in point is so irrational that the Sheriff in charge of the investi­gation WARNS GEORGE GREEN THAT THE MAN PLANS DAMAGE TO HIS (GEORGE GREEN) PERSON. A BUL­LETIN HAS BEEN SENT THROUGH THE WIRES LISTING THE MAN AS "ARMED AND DANGEROUS".

    To all who got sucked in by this triad of thieves (agents for the above "plan"), I can only give compassion for he was good at what he did. It does not, however, change the lack of loyalty and/or assault against my people and myself as messenger of Truth. How all of this will resolve itself is in the waiting to un­ravel--but, I shall not openly expose my speaker/scribe further until security is achieved. We will go on about our writing and our work--but we shall not have further "open" gatherings for I will not longer subject my people to such hostility within their own place. You took God's greatest gifts and shattered them as worthless pieces of garbage. You accused and brought insult by your accomplice to this traitor in our midst. This triad did sell your "honor" on the auction and then accused you as individuals for having perpetrated the offenses. It is always the way of the evildoers. This IS the deceit of the adversary which is always utilized on his "victims". I can only hope that you will move into your lessons of that which is given for your learning and training for discernment that you might recover your balance and relationship with that which you claimed to seek. And, if YOU have pushed another from his path and prattled and prod­ded and caused him to respond in ill-conceived manners--I can only pray that the brother "had" be gentle in understanding and assume own responsibility for having been the "dupe" at YOUR ignorance.

    Let us leave this now. May the Light of TRUTH be abundant as you sort of these mighty things come upon you.

    Hatonn to clear, please.

    PJ 55


    SUN., SEP. 20, 1992 10:29 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 35

    SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1992
    (ULTIMATE PLAN 2000)
    Higger says the term "righteousness" has all but lost its meaning in the modern world; that "the Jewish Utopia is built upon this very term, or idea, of righteousness . . . the Kingdom of God in this world will come only when suffering mankind passes through the gate of righteousness."

    This sounds Not unlike a Christian, Anglo-Saxon or any other "Utopia". Idealization of righteousness is more or less universal. The Nordic, with his "New England conscience", idealizes righteousness and sometimes practices it. But we must ask by what standards righteousness is to be judged. The Chris­tian expects God and his own conscience to be the judge of righteousness; the Anglo-Saxon, the Negro, the Japanese, surely would not want to be judged righteous or unrighteous according to the wishes, ambitions or whims of a worldly Jewish authority. On the other hand, we could hardly expect ardently pro-Jewish Jews, including Talmudic rabbis, in their paradise, to cede power to ardent Christians, individualistic Norsemen who cher­ish their personal freedom, or the art-loving Mediterraneans who likewise must give vent to creative yearnings and who like a leisurely, unregimented life. Hence, the Jewish regimenters are sure to encounter resistance.

    'To understand the rabbinic conception of an ideal world it will help us if we imagine a hand passing from land to land, from country to country, from the Indian Ocean to the North Pole, marking 'righteous' or 'wicked' on the forehead of each one of the sixteen hundred million inhabitants of our earthly globe. [H: Does this counting date this books origin better than could I by giving you dates? (Sixteen hundred million inhabitants?) Does this not also speak of evolutions of civi­lizations and incarnations for growth of souls in ever changing experiences?] We should then be on the right road toward solving the major problems that burden so heavily the shoulders of suffering humanity. For mankind should be divided into two, the only two, distinct and unmistakable groups, namely, righteous and wicked. To the righteous would belong all that which God's wonderful world is offering; to the wicked would belong nothing. In the future the words of Isaiah, in the language of the rabbis, will be fulfilled: Behold, My servants shall eat, but ye shall be hungry; behold, My servants shall drink, but ye shall be thirsty; behold, My servants shall rejoice, but ye shall be ashamed. This is the force of the prophecy of Malachi, when he said: Then shall ye again discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth Him not. "

    But who is to direct the hand which marks on your forehead and mine, on the forehead of each of our children and our loved ones, "righteous" or "wicked"? Who is to say who may own property and who must die of thirst and starvation? Who is to dictate such conformity? Who is to deny us our own right to choose?

    Notice that Professor Higger considers that the Jewish Prophet Malachi used the term righteous as referring to the same persons to whom he, Higger, and the nationalistic rabbis would apply it today--righteous according to the standards, aims and desires of the leaders who build toward a Jewish paradise, a Jewish world order. That is not the Christian interpretation of Malachi and the other Prophets, Jews though they were. The Talmudic interpretation inspires the Jewish flocks to believe that the Prophets were addressing their appeals to their own people, trying to whip them into unity and consecrated devotion to the building of a Jewish world order.

    The Talmud* tells the Jewish flocks that Moses was their militant, conquering hero, and that the Mosaic Law which says love thy neighbor is for the Jews only. It shows the Jewish peo­ple are not bound by any moral requirement in dealing with gentiles. [H: You must always be keeping in mind that the term "JEW" WAS CREATED EXPRESSLY FOR THIS PURPOSE OF IDENTIFICATION OF "ZIONIST" LEADERS.]
    * There are TWO TALMUDS, the Babylonian and the Jerusalem or Palestinian Talmud. Any reference to the Talmud means the Babylonian Talmud unless otherwise stated, for the other is rarely used. The Talmud consists of many huge vol­umes. The English translation of it (from which I have many photostats, showing how the Jews are free to deceive and outwit the non-Jews, except where there is danger of reprisals) now apparently is available for purchase by libraries and, possibly, by gentile individuals. There is also a single volume of consid­erable size, called the Shulkan Aruch, a compilation of ex­cerpted teachings from the Talmud, which volume is in common use among rabbis and seems to be available in most big city li­braries.

    "The Law Moses gave unto us as an heritage; it is an her­itage for us, not for them." (Sanhedrin 59 a.)

    "Ye are called men, but the goyim (gentiles) are not men, but beasts." (Baba Meziz fol. 114 b.) [H: Does that not put most of you in your place in relationship to this New World Or­der?]
    These quotations are translations from the 9-volume German­language edition of the Babylonian Talmud in the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. [H: So it would seem pretty hard to deny presentation as they have with the Zionist Pro­tocols, etc.]
    The Talmud is a many-volume compilation of Jewish history and traditions and the teachings of the ancient rabbis. One of its most important elements consists in interpretations of the Law of Moses by rabbis over a period of centuries, in legal decision af­ter legal decision. The quotations above are from different rul­ings in different cases. Whereas the Christian who accepts the Old Testament as either sacred or at least historical, thinks of Moses as a great moral leader appealing to all the world, the Talmudic rabbis consider Moses a great military commander. By their interpretation, Moses kept the Children of Israel in the Wilderness "forty years" so as to discipline his flock, raise up an army and train it to goosestep. And, of course, the Old Tes­tament does say that Moses' soldiers fell on unsuspecting vil­lagers and annihilated them, men, women and children. The Books of Moses plainly glorify this slaughter and the theft of the land from unsuspecting gentiles. [H: This is no way or by any means of Lighted Creator God of Source. God of Di­vine Source of Light--only creates, he does not destroy--he ONLY creates for there is no need of other in the unlimited presence and ability of the ONE CREATIVE SOURCE!]

    * Historians now say that the Hittites whose peaceful villages were thus attacked, were a fair, blond people speaking a lan­guage so much like early German that many words were identi­cal. The Hittites, like the Germans 1300 years or more B.C., also knew the secret of working iron.

    Read especially the Books of Numbers and Deuteronomy, for additional examples of how the Jewish adherents should take what they want.

    "And we took all his cities . . . And we utterly destroyed them, as we did unto Sihon, king of Heshbon, utterly destroying the men, women and children of every city. " (Deuteronomy 3:4-6)

    Not only Zionism but Communism, too, acquired much of its hatred of Christians from the spirit of hatred kept alive by rabbis in the ghettos of Europe and Russia--the constant repetition of "mine enemies" from the Old Bible.

    "And ye shall be saved from your enemies. . . " "And let thine enemies be scattered; and let them that hate thee flee be­fore thee. "

    The master-race concept, the zeal for conquest and self-adu­lation were kept alive in the ghettos for their interpretation of the Torah:

    "And it shall come to pass . . . that the Lord thy God will set thee high above all the nations of the earth. " (Deut. 26:19). "The Lord shall establish thee a holy people. . . " (Deut. 28:9).

    Read also in Exodus how Moses had his fellow Jews borrow jewelry and other valuables from the Egyptians the day before they slipped out of Egypt. They did not return the valuables. [H: Sound familiar, anyone?]

    We may sympathize with the racial or tribal pride of the Jewish men in the wilderness when they resented the presence of a non-Jewish woman in the tent of one of their brothers; but the example of bloody fanaticism shown when they stoned the cou­ple to death because the woman was not Jewish is a strange ex­ample indeed to come from those who cry loudest for brother­hood (from us to them) and who are the first to condemn such race pride (in non-Jews).

    Whatever the Christian may think of the intent of Moses, the Talmud teaches the Jews to believe that Moses was talking only to their ancestors, not to the goyim, when he said Love thy neighbor; Thou shalt not steal, etc. The Talmud gives adequate cause for the belief among the Jews that Moses was a military leader, keeping the Children of Israel in the wilderness the figu­rative forty-years so as to train them under the brief, rigid Ten Commandments, which thus would be his police code to keep them in hand. By this interpretation, Moses was indeed building an army of conquest.

    The Talmud thus indicates that when Moses said Love thy neighbor as thyself, he meant Love thy Hebrew neighbor; thou shalt not steal (from thy Hebrew neighbor), etc.

    If this is what many Jews believe and if the Torah is the core of their religion, very well; it is their privilege to worship as they please, even if they plan thereby to annihilate us. But let us open our eyes and defend ourselves. We must not blame them if we let a small tribal group bring about our destruction.

    While the Encyclopedia Britannica (p. 771, Vol. 21, 1949 edition) says "The Talmud is still the authoritative and practical guide to the great mass of the 'Jews', still not all the rabbis ac­cept the Talmud, with its glorification of secrecy and cunning and its incitation to blood-letting and conquest. Rabbi Elmer Berger, for instance, repudiates both the Talmud and the Torah. In his Partisan History of Judaism (Devin-Adair Co., New York, 1952) he attacks the Books of Moses as expressions of nationalistic fanaticism, only partially based on historical fact. He shows that modern Zionism springs from this ancient "Zionism".

    * Rabbi Berger accepts the Prophets, and about 1947 he told a closed meeting of delegates to the convention of the American Council for Judaism (a small anti-Communist, anti-Zionist group) "God promised us world priesthood." Thus he and his group, too, have a program. But there is a vast difference: Their program, apparently, is only a missionary ambition--to Ju­daize the world by open and legitimate missionary methods. One does not have to accept their program. The Christian and some other religions are not bent on destroying all who refuse to knuckle under.

    Mr. Higger leaves no doubt of his meaning in using the word "righteous". The word as here used is a cabalistic, esoteric term. The whole substance of the text shows that the "righteous" are those nations and individuals who work with and for the Zionist world program. The author even explains some of his key words, by direct definition. For instance:

    "At the outset it should be pointed out that the terms redemp­tion and salvation have a radically different connotation from that which they have in Christian theology.... Jewish redemption stands for the physical liberation and freedom of Israel. For the people of Israel will attain the height of their spiritual functions and potentialities only through their attainment of material free­dom and liberty. "
    Redemption then, for the Zionist, has nothing to do with "redemption from sin", nothing to do with his personal relation­ship with God and the hereafter. It refers to a political, military and geographical accomplishment, and setting up of the state of Israel and the "liberation and freedom" of the Jews.

    The terms liberation and freedom, as used by Zionists, like­wise are consistently misinterpreted by gentiles, as is the Jewish term persecution. A study of Jewish revolutions in many coun­tries shows that the word persecution is almost universally used to mean prosecution. Even those Jewish writers who tell in de­tail about Jewish revolutionary and seditious activities against the government of their host country, brand any punishment of the guilty Jews by courts of the land, as persecution. Notice that in the three-volume HISTORY OF THE JEWS IN RUSSIA AND POLAND by Simon Dubnow, one of the foremost Jewish historians, though Dubnow relates with pride many of the sub­versive, violent movements launched by Jews, he always brands their punishment as persecution. Similarly, the Jewish press and planted articles in the general press in America, during the trials of Jewish Communist officials in Russia, Poland and Hungary during the past few years, have treated the trials as persecution rather than prosecution. And the courts and Stalin were anti-Semitic! (Stalin lived with Rosa Kaganovich, sister to his close friend, Jewish Deputy Premier Lazar Kaganovich, though there cannot be found a record of any marriage.)

    "All the treasures and natural resources of the world will eventually come in possession of the righteous. This would be in keeping with the prophecy of Isiah: 'And her gain and her hire shall be holiness to the Lord; it shall not be treasured nor laid up; for her gain shall be for them that dwell before the Lord, to eat their fill and for stately clothing. ' Similarly, the treasures of gold, silver, precious stones, pearls, and valuable vessels that have been lost in the seas and oceans in the course of centuries will be raised and turned over to the righteous. . . In the present era, the wicked are ordinarily rich, having many comforts of life, while the righteous are poor, missing the joys of life. But in the ideal era, the Lord will open all the treasures for the up­right, and the unrighteous will suffer. God, the Creator of the world... will be happy, so to speak, only in the era to come, when the world will be governed by the doings and actions of the upright... "

    Now we are beginning to catch broad panoramas of the Zionist Utopia, the ultimate world order, as longed for by Pro­fessor Higger and the principal rabbinical teachers of 2500 years: "Ye shall be hungry" unless you are among the "righteous". "All the treasures and natural resources of the world will eventually come in possession of the righteous."

    Since only the righteous shall own property and all the rest of us shall, in fact, perish, it is important to know who are to be judged righteous and who unrighteous. Which of us are to be among the chosen, enjoying the Kingdom of God here on earth; and which of us are to be among the hundreds of millions of human beings denied even food and water?


    "In general, the peoples of the world will be divided into two main groups, the Israelitic and the non-Israelitic. The former will be righteous; and they will live in accordance with the wishes of one, universal God; they will be thirsty for knowl­edge, and willing, even to the point of martyrdom, to spread ethical truths to the world. All the other peoples, on the other hand, will be known for their detestable practices, idolatry and similar acts of wickedness. They will be destroyed and will disappear from earth before the ushering in of the ideal era. All these unrighteous nations will be called to judgment, before they are punished and doomed. The severe sentence of their doom will be pronounced upon them only after they have been given a fair trial, when it will have become evident that their existence would hinder the advent of the ideal era. Thus, at the coming of the Messiah, when all righteous nations will pay homage to the ideal righteous leader, and offer gifts to him, the wicked and corrupt nations, by realizing the approach of their doom, will bring similar presents to the Messiah. Their gifts and pretended acknowledgement of the new era, will be bluntly rejected. For the really wicked nations, like the wicked individuals, must disappear from earth before an ideal human society of righteous nations can be stablished." (p. 37)

    That makes it clear. Now we know that unless the United States as a nation joins wholly, in fact and in spirit, in the Is­rael-Zionist movement to promote the new social order, our nation is doomed (if the Zionists win). The Zionists call the process of liquidating opposition, "social surgery".


    * * *
    I ask that we break this writing right here, Dharma. I will next look at the "plans for Armageddon" and see if you can't have even a bit MORE insight. I also ask that this information be published in the least expensive format possible and offered at as low a price to cover expenses and give overage enough for fol­low-on printing, as possible. YOU ARE MEETING YOUR ENEMY AND HE IS CLEVER AND DECEITFUL. HE USES EVERY TERM IN YOUR LANGUAGE TO OPPOSI­TION OF MEANING AND THE TRUTH IS, YOU ARE DOOMED IF YOU SEE NOT THROUGH THIS VEIL OF LIES AND PHYSICAL CUNNING. YOU NEED NOT LOOK BEYOND THAT WHICH IS OBVIOUS--HE WHO CALLS, HIMSELF BY THE THIEF'S NAME IS THE ONE THAT IS GUILTY. IF "HE" CALLS HIMSELF "JEW" AND/OR ZIONIST-THEN HE IS YOUR ENEMY--IF YQU DO NOT IN FULL INTENT AND PURPOSES OF "HIS" GAIN. CALL YOURSELF ONE OF "HIM". Time has run out for the choices. You are either "of God" or you are His enemy!

    May insight into the truth of your circumstances be given into your blinded eyes.

    Salu, may the blessings of LIGHT be shown unto you.

    Hatonn to stand aside

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