PJ 53

MON., AUGUST 10, 1992 6:55 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 360


Good morning and greetings in the Light of the Radiant ONE. May you be gentle in your journey but unbending in the KNOWING of your path in Truth. GOD gives that which is needed as that for which petition comes from the being who asks in highest good and honor. That which is asked for in greed and ill-intent will surely be given, in return, in KIND. If you al­ways ask of GOD to lead and give in selfless intent for "brother", then you can be assured of return of goodness unto self. For that which you press upon brother is pressed at the very same instant--UPON SELF! ASK DESTRUCTION OF BROTHER OR FELLOW CREATION, AND YOU SHALL BE SURELY DESTROYED IN LIKE MANNER--IT IS THE LAW OF THE UNIVERSAL CREATION. BE CAREFUL, THEREFORE, THAT WHICH YE ASK AND DO. SALU.
Take that which is written about "us" with humor in your re­ceiving. Accept that which is taunting in KNOWING it will be eaten "as the Crow" when the tide washes back unto the senders of ridicule. I promise you of my team--the tide will wash back and your taunters WILL NOT HAVE THE LAST CHUCKLE!! THAT, FURTHER, MAY BE MORE QUICKLY NOTED THAN YOU MIGHT AT FIRST GUESS--YOURS IS NOT TO KNOW WHEN--ONLY "THAT"--IT SHALL BE SO. You must hold this KNOWING within your silent place, in good hu­mor and Light that you do not appear the foolish snob when the "proof" is made quite clear. Is it OK to ask for that "proof"? Of course, chelas, HOW ELSE DO YOU THINK WE WILL BE ALLOWED TO GIVE SUCH PROOF? JUST ALWAYS ASK IN SUCH A MANNER THAT YOU DO NOT JEOPAR­DIZE OUR MISSION--AND ALWAYS BE INTROSPEC­TIVE--FOR WHOM DO YOU WISH THAT "PROOF"? IF IT BE FOR SELF--THEN WORK HARDER AT YOUR LESSONS AND SEE WHERE YOU LACK UNDERSTAND­ING.

Dharma, for instance, knows she "lacks it" in understanding and knows "she wants the proof for self"--BUT, we continue our work with the "KNOWING WITHIN" that rises above need for silly magic tricks and show-and-tell games and hoopla. Just be honest in your approach and--all of you--KNOW THAT YOU ARE FAR MORE WORTHY "WITHIN" THAN YOU REAL­IZE "WITHOUT". GOD DOES KNOW AND UNDER­STAND--IN AND WITHIN SELF. REMEMBER "THAT" TRUTH TO KEEP IT HOLY IN RELATIONSHIP--AND ALWAYS KNOW THAT THE HUMAN "HOUSE" AND EGO IS A FULLY SEPARATE AND DIFFERENT BEING IN CREATION--UTILIZING THE SAME MECHANICALLY PHYSICAL "VEHICLE" TO MAKE IT THROUGH SCHOOL. SALU.

There is a fine song-writer, we are told, who has written a song to this nation, U.S.A., called "WE MUST TAKE BACK AMERICA". The sharer of this information has given us the following but is not sure how to spell the name of the artist in point. I share as he gave it and you can research it for self--al­ways, YOU must now begin to take up information and follow-through for it is YOUR JOURNEY in point--not MINE. G.S. tells us the name "sounds" like "Steven Haus" (house, hoss, etc.). This person is under full attack from the establishment and incredible "flack" from the recording and media industry. Major stations have been banned by order to NOT PLAY THE SONG and RCA has pulled the song and will not let the artist have it back. The artist has a toll-free number for support and help. (Our people will effort to supply you with that number, but surely one of your readers will find it more quickly and please, phone it in to the Editors. Thank you for THIS is the way the network can work. It requires each and all to share, network and make a contribution at every opportunity for giving confir­mations, i.e. , the following
I have remarkable coincidence this day--letters from "teens" who are sharing top-secret information. One shares direct in­formation from parents who WORK within THE SYSTEM and on the very projects in point. THE PARENTS WERE TOO INTIMIDATED UNDER DIRECT THREAT TO SHARE--THE CHILD DOES SO WITHOUT ASKING ANONYMITY--I KEEP THE SILENCE AND SECURITY FOR PROTECTION. The other information also bears a label but requests silence.
I would say these are very mature teenagers who live in circum­stances where THEY CAN KNOW WHAT IS TRANSPIRING AND ARE SCARED TO DEATH FOR THEIR FUTURE EX­PERIENCE.

The fact in point is that ones working on the projects themselves say that the "Photon Belt" "PROJECT"IS THE MOST SE­CRET PROJECT EVER. IT IS ALSO CONNECTED TO "SOMETHING" CALLED THE "BLACK-BIRD" PROJECT IN "SOME SORT OF 'GRID' PATTERN SETUP, THAT I DON'T QUITE UNDERSTAND". "I didn't know who else I could trust to tell--my folks get copies of the LIBERATOR for most issues, but they are ordered to keep silent. I know that it will be terrible and I am so scared we are all going to die and I don't want to die, sir Please tell me what to do--but don't mail it here because it will get my parents killed". Precious, you are honored and you have done that which is the only thing you can do. Hold to Truth, son, and YOU will find protection. Your nation and world stand at the crossroads and the way must be chosen in direction. God hears and re­ceives ALL and your daring document will be destroyed, burned, and ashes destroyed. Thank you and your fellow­man will one day come to recognize that which you have of­fered of self--for him. "I hear them also speaking about NASA and ignition of the 'radioactive' belt--they call it somebody's name that I don't know. I think it may be the one you have written about but I don't know enough about it to be sure. Would you check on it, please sir? Please, may I ask that you will transport my family and me to some safe place because we don't have anything to do about these terrible things but my folks can't do anything about it or they will be 'taken' and ar­rested and we think they would be killed if anyone finds out. God, I am so scared and I know that it is earth people doing this and terrorizing us but I don't know what to do, sir. Please help us. I am scared for you to use my name so if you would please just use my initials, I would thank you very much and maybe not give our location because we are watched all the time. I hope this gets to you because I am mailing it somewhere else--our mail is messed up so I think it is watched. I sure do thank you, sir, for reading this because I don't know anywhere else to go and my folks are right into this mess--but thank goodness, not in headquarters or at top-level. There are hundreds of people who are working in there that know all about this and can't do any­thing about it. I am real sorry that everybody laughs at you and the information because this is really 'real' and I can't sleep at night because I don't expect to wake up and if I do, I think I will be blind because my folks got eye protection that we have to keep with us ALL THE TIME, even as we sleep. Sir, I haven't read your papers very much but I hear my folks talking and I know whatever you are writing must be true--because my Dad says it IS and everybody 'better wake up' or 'what is coming down will blow away our planet'.

Is it alright to be scared? I am 13 1/2 and I paid attention in physics and chemistry--but I don't think I studied hard enough because they didn't tell us anything about all this stuff.

I sure do hope you can do something--even like tell the people. Every day I think it may be our last minute. Can you get this to God, sir? Thank you! I sure do appreciate it if you can. I don't guess I know who God is but maybe you do because my folks say he ain't in the church-house but is somehow traveling around with you people. I sure hope he will do something be­cause my Dad says it is getting worse and worse down here.

Thank you a lot, sir, and I hope that THAT GOD takes care of you, too. Yes sir, I sure do hope so. Is it alright that I am so old now and still get scared really far-out? I guess it isn't very cool and I should maybe just chill out like the guys say--but I can't seem to get rid of it. I'm trying to be real good, like I used to get before Christmas--so maybe you will listen. I hope so. I hope the Force is with you, sir, if there is one because we sure do need it.

I most sincerely thank you, sir--I'm trying to be respectful so you know I mean it".

* * *
If that cry from your own babies doesn't touch you, readers, WHAT HAVE YE LEFT TO CAUSE YOU TO HEAR? Please also be kind to me, old Hatonn, for I can hardly bear it and I too must wait and see. I can only promise to bring GOD'S PEOPLE INTO SECURITY WHEN THE TIME IS RIGHT TO COME HOME and it shall have to be enough--for GOD IS SUFFICIENT!


The other child said almost the same thing regarding "how he/she came into knowledge of events"--but simply asked me to be like "Scotty" and "Beam us Up" because "...it looks like the only way off this awful place when they finally set it on fire"! Anybody "HOT" UNDER THE COLLAR YET? Indeed, it is time to stop throwing stones at Truth and possible truth--and get some leadership in your nation--or a lot more is going to be "hot" than under your collar. So be it.

In your circles of "fun and games" for gain, information, disinformation, misinformation and total B.S. come ones who, for the life of me, are beyond understanding, and who, while de­nouncing total Truth given in reason and logic, are believed, given credibility and honor IN SPITE OF "NO" REASON.

I sincerely appreciate ones who share such information being passed around as valid. Sometimes the insult is so blatant that I will not keep silent and allow even a hint of validity to be given such documents. I do this because I want ones sharing of such information to not assume because I decline response or denial--that I somehow approve validity of such garbage.

What has come to me as simple inquiry in the form of sharing is worthy of noting to ALL of you readers so that you can be dis­cerning in that which comes to you for attention. It is SIMPLY AND PURELY using guidelines for self in every instance--then, you need no other input to discern credibility. Of course, read­ers, if you have not bothered to read guidelines then this is an excellent example of HOW you can be HAD most foolishly in­deed. YOU MUST WATCH EVERY CLUE AND THESE DOCUMENTS START RIGHT OFF WITH THE FIRST AND MAJOR CLUE: COPYRIGHT WARNING.

If you offer TRUTH which you want "to share", it IS truth in fact--and cannot be of copyright value--it becomes 'NEWS' and property (already) of the public by its sheer "natural law" pre­sentment. I realize that "publishers" must utilize a "form" of copyright to get listed in the Library of Congress and in order for readers to "track" and find out-of-print documents or locate "in-print" documents through listings. To "warn of prosecu­tion for sharing ANY PORTION of a document presented as TRUTH, if shared in any manner--SPEAKS LOUDLY AND CLEARLY THAT IT IS INDEED, AT MOST, ONLY PAR­TIAL TRUTH AND MOSTLY LIE--ALONG WITH BEING INFORMATION (REPRESENTING TRUTH) BEING GLEANED FROM "OTHERS" WRITINGS OR SPEAK­INGS.

The documents under subject are called: (I wonder if this listing of title is also copyrighted?) THE HEERMAN RESEARCH PAPERS, by David Lee Heerman. In the first place, this is NOT the man's name nor is it valid information in any form. Even the information which IS valid is gleaned from other pre­sentations and structured in such manner as to render it useless except for very dark causes. I will be most pleased to take this up with the author in point but it is difficult to do an adequate public job with such threat of lawsuit if I even quote his work--for discussion. WHEN ONE PRINTS TRUTH HE DESIRES USE OF HIS MATERIAL FAR AND WIDE AND UNTO THE CORNERS OF THE EARTH FOR CREDIT TO MANKIND AND, USUALLY, EVEN TO A VERY BIG EGO STATUS. ONLY FALSE PRESENTMENTS ARE HIDDEN AND THREATS AND WARNINGS STATED RIGHT AT THE ONSET REGARDING THE MATERIAL. THE INTENT OF THIS MATERIAL IS TOTALLY EVIL IN PROJECTION, UNTRUE AND TOTALLY WITHOUT HONOR IN ANY MANNER.
My, my, I certainly do hope the "copyright" laws work in this case for it is both absurd and a disgusting insult to one seer, Nostra-Damian, if not outrage on behalf of an honorable and in-sighted Nostradamus. So far, Nostradamus has been right on target--it is IN TRANSLATION AND LACK OF ADEQUATE DECIPHERING that any of Nostradamus' work is found to be off "timing" and/or "incorrect". Man has been unable to prop­erly decipher Nostradamus any better than you did John in Rev­elation.

These papers in point today are 99% total foolishness covered over by 1% valid information. You could, if I had permission to share it with you (WHICH, OF COURSE, I DO NOT!) find the useful information right off at the first reading and simply discard the falseness. However, it is intended that you take within the lies and cast out the truth--so be it.

This man says he has, through Nostech, isolated locations of an interconnected system of outposts in and around, specifically, Los Angeles--where is alien life. (We assume he actually means "extraterrestrial" presence, for I assume that in all locations IN AMERICA, YOU WILL CERTAINLY FIND "ALIEN" LIFE SINCE THAT IS WHAT AMERICA IS ALL ABOUT?


This "NosTech" "authority" tells you "how" to locate these bases and let us see if I can be accurate without using more than short sentences to ensure non-copyright infringement:

He continues regarding these clues, "All of which presented here have the same criteria for what I present as "Gray Alien Bases". That criteria being:

  • 1. The presence of the alien itself in what I refer to as a "Tingle Field". [H: Tingle field? Tingle field?(??) Does this mean you "tingle" if you come into the "presence" of, say, an unpapered Italian, Greek, Mexican, Canadian? You certainly WILL NOT "tingle" in the presence of an ex­traterrestrial--UNLESS THAT EXTRATERRESTRIAL WANTS YOU TO "TINGLE". Now, if you want to "tingle"--simply go stand under a high-power transport line or in the aura radiation of a microwave or television transmitter. You WOULD NOT pick up "tingling" as such from an extraterrestrial unless HE is communicating it to you INTENTIONALLY. "IF", indeed, there was a whole base full of these beings--THEY WOULD NOT "TINGLE" NOR SEND SUCH STUPID SIGNALS FOR DISCOVERY. YOU ARE NOW TALKING ABOUT DEALING WITH "INTELLIGENT" LIFE-FORM OF WHICH THERE IS VERY LITTLE ON YOUR PLANET.]

  • 2. A system of energy transfer and manipulation through simple materials (Stone). [H: Gads, chelas, how else do you "transfer energy"? The most simple material, I suppose, being simple "atmospheric" photons, particums and elec­troms. No wonder you sincere researchers get ridiculed and discounted--YOU ALLOW THIS KIND OF GARBAGE TO BE PROTECTED AND SCATTERED ABOUT AS SOMETHING OF VALUE. WHEN WILL YOU "GROUPS" CLEAN UP YOUR HOUSE? IT IS AS WITH MEDICINE AND DOCTORS--IF YOU HAVE QUACKS WITHIN--WHY DO YOU NOT GET THEM OUT? YOU FEED THE DISINFORMATION NET­WORK AND THEREBY KEEP IT ALIVE AND WELL IN MISINFORMATION AND THE WHOLE IS DESTROYED BY THE "PART". You DO NOT, however, destroy the man--you show the incorrect information for that which it is and the "man" will take proper status without judgment of same. Judge information, not MAN. I, FURTHER, WANT NO MAN TO TAKE MY INFOR­MATION BECAUSE OF ANY OTHER REASON THAN THAT IT BE TRUTH--BY PERSON OR BEING IS OF NO CONSEQUENCE WHATSOEVER--AND WE DO NOT COPYRIGHT OUR MATERIAL--WE ASK THAT IT BE SPREAD IN ANY MANNER POSSIBLE TO THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE FULL UNIVERSE--ANY WAY YOU CAN GET IT OUT THERE--IT WILL STAND INTO INFINITY AND WE WELCOME ALL ATTENTION SO THAT THAT MIGHT BE SEEN BY EVERYONE EVERYWHERE!]

  • 3. Interactions of energy between multiple sources with human body fields as one of them. [H: Says nothing and means less, if possible.]

  • 4. Some type of old alignment system such as ritual circles pointing to areas like 51, and S4. [H: Ritual circles? Extraterrestrials do not use RITUALS OR RITUAL CIRCLES. Those "rituals" are things of human expression in human format. If WE leave markings--they are NOT ritualistic--they are exactly what they appear to be, SIGNS and effort at communication in understandable form. They will be intended for specific ones and those ones RECEIVE THE MESSAGE LOUD AND CLEAR--THEY ARE NOT FOR EVERYONE AND THE ONES WHO DO RECEIVE ARE INTELLIGENT ENOUGH TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE.]

  • 5. Evidence of ritual sacrifice of all kinds of living animals on the sites.

[H: Extraterrestrials are intelligent enough to get to your planet--that means they are intelligent enough to work within the Laws of GOD AND CREATION. GOD CREATES--HE DOES NOT SACRIFICE (KILL, MAIM OR TORTURE) ANY OF HIS PRECIOUS CRE­ATIONS. THIS STATEMENT CAN ONLY PROVE IG­NORANCE AT BEST, INTENTIONAL MISINFORMA­TION AT WORST. If there are such "ritual circles pointing to...." specific areas--it is intentional and IT IS OF MAN.]

  • 6. The sights [sic, sic--"sites" perhaps?] themselves as some type of functioning device, usually multipurpose. [H: Do you ACTUALLY THINK GOD WOULD CHOOSE SUCH AN INEPT SPEAKER FOR TRUTH? IF, indeed, the receiver is honest in his "receiving" then the speaker giving forth the information through this receiver resource--is pretty seriously involved with DARK representatives--FOR THUS FAR--THERE IS NOT ONE SINGLE FACTUAL PRESENTMENT--NOT ONE!]


Ah, this writer goes on to say: "Important note: The presence of these aliens is not limited to these sights [sic, sic]. They can also be found in buildings, dwellings, and other places around L.A. They tend to stay in dark dry places such as closets, ceil­ing corners, under desks and beds, or in the shade of bushes". [H: Do you really think, reasonably, that exterrestrials of "intelligent life-form" would be in ANY of these stupid placements"?]
Please, readers, do not misunderstand what I do here for I am only still on page one of this foolish projection. This is NOT written in absurd manner--it is written with full intention of sucking you unsuspecting "searchers" within a mind-warp field of confusion. It is always UP TO EACH how this information will be received. It is time you start measuring, with reason, every piece of information you receive. The only way to mea­sure that information is against TRUTH and those resources are few and very far between--in whole. We offer that which we can, but we do not force or coerce so you must utilize inner KNOWING and then carefully gain information or you will be buried by this type of disinformation sent forth to trap you.

This author then goes on to make computer nothings and drawings of half-truthful information--THEN, takes a valid mapping of a large area, including Los Angeles, and presents THE un­derground tunnel system which is indeed valid. GOOD LUCK, READERS. Of course, he labels this valid map of another, "Heerman Research Papers". He then presents a rather inter­esting and somewhat insightful showing of "crop circles", etc. He actually hits upon the reason for them and then discounts the message by false and intentionally inputted disinformation of a most absurd type. He does not even realize he has been FED (GIVEN) FALSE INPUT--this being even "worse" as I discern the situation to be.

One of the other documents provided for my attention is more difficult to speak about. It comes as a presentation from one who claims to speak by and of the "Pleiadians". Again, the in­formation must be MEASURED against the LAWS and wherein the laws are "broken" in presentation--they are not of the HOSTS from Pleiades.

We need a break, Dharma, and then we shall take up this sub­ject in point. For each must learn to "discern" and "judge" that which is given. Please do not "judge" the persons who project for perhaps it is given FOR YOUR OWN LESSONS TO LEARN PROPER DISCERNMENT AND JUDGMENT IN ACTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS. YOU KNOW NOT THE CONTRACT OF ANOTHER, USE THAT WHICH IS GIVEN IN PROPERNESS AND YOU HAVE NO PROBLEM EITHER WAY. PONDER IT.

Thank you, I shall step aside and await your return.

Hatonn to clear.

PJ 53


TUE., AUGUST 11, 1992 6:28 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 361


There were times upon your place as dark and painful as this day in which you experience. It was mixed with glory and wonder for those who could see. But, it allowed evil to take foothold in the garden of apathy and forgetfulness and today you have forgotten.

You have forgotten to the extent that your children and now your grandchildren do not know for you have given them noth­ing to remember. It only requires three generations and the change is made--the brains trained and taken. You are now into your fourth generation of these deliberate mesmerizations. You have entered Zombie-land.

There are those of you, however, who DO REMEMBER and are awakening to the horror of the damage heaped on MAN civilization and, faced now with the journey home or to "lost land", you must take action or perish.

The spiritual heritage of American people is HERE. It has gone nowhere--YOU HAVE GONE TO SLEEP, PURELY AND SIMPLY. The heritage has not been extinguished--only covered over by the dank curtains of illusion deliberately drawn--the vi­sion blinded by the glare of lies, greed and stupor.

The spiritual fire still has embers and can still burn if fanned and tended. It is beckoning for America, indeed the world, to come closer, to listen, to learn, and to share in its warmth and com­fort. It is time that the curtains be drawn back--from the ones of darkness to the steel, iron, bamboo and buckskin. It is time and you must KNOW it.... Teach the Children. You MUST pro­vide a place for them in which they can do their work, their mission. This means that you must KNOW and tell them. They are the Grandfathers and Grandmothers of tomorrow and you have given away tomorrow. You have forgotten the "Laws". Not those putrid laws set forth by MAN who controls with power and force--but God's Laws which govern MAN's soul and spirit. The supreme Law of the land is the Great Spirit's, not Man's.

The Native Americans REMEMBER. A couple of centuries ago the Creator saw that even they, the Wisdom Keepers, were wandering from their ways because of the changes the White Man had brought. So He sent a message to those sent again to remember and lead the "people" back into Creator's path. Now it is time for us to pull our minds together as one and thank those who give unto the spillage of their own physical life blood to show the way.

When the Creator created us, HE used a part of HIS heart in each one of us--He now wants his heart to return to HIM. Mo­ment by moment he sends down His love to us wherever we might be. And He asks that we carry out the duties that we were directed to perform. And for this we are very grateful. So let us put our minds together as one and try to be the people that He wants us to be. And let it be that way....

It is not enough to "look" for wisdom. Wisdom comes only when you stop looking for it and start truly living the life the Creator intended for you.

You ask for signs of "proof", magic whirlwinds and silver-winged angels; you ask for miracles to "fix it all". No--YOU are the miracle and if you look around unto that which Creator has given in "PROOF" unto you, the scales shall be lifted from your eyes and you will again see your direction. Until you can truly SEE--a miracle would be wasted upon your blindness--for YOU ARE THE MIRACLE FOR WHICH YOU SEEK. AHO.

Get out your tissues and hankies for I am going to share a letter from "Old Charley, a Vet, and his 'getting-old' friends who hurt more than anyone knows". I KNOW, BROTHER--I KNOW!

Would Hatonn listen even though we don't consider ourselves stupid? You have told us, on page 5, June 16, PL:

"Greed and envy within perceptions of falseness shall ever be the way of it". Then you quote, "Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors"--and--"for it is not for you to judge another and you must have compassion for another who feels need to bring pain upon his brethren". Later on you say "... that the enemy is stationed among you and yet you trust all as if they be chosen directly of God--NO--MAN CHOOSES FOR SELF AND IT IS YOU WHO MUST COME TO CONFRONT THE EVIL PRESENCE".

[H: Please pay careful attention to this which follows for these are the "grandfathers" trying to lead, trying to serve after having served, filled with pain and not knowing how to reweave the tattered threads into whole cloth. Those you trusted to be "wisdomkeepers" betrayed you and thus, your children, your heritage and your world. This is a cry out of the despair--but a willingness to go on. The message to be found herein is that "if GOD will somehow LEAD--we will hear and do". GOD IS LEADING, GOD IS SENDING FORTH IN RESPONSE TO YOUR PETITIONS--WILL YOU RECOGNIZE THE GIFT? THE GREATEST GIFT AT THE MOMENT IS IN THE FORM OF A SIMPLE MAN--A WARRIOR--TO LEAD A PEOPLE AND NATION BACK TO ONE NATION UNDER GOD WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL. It is the first step, dear ones--the first unsteady step to recovery BUT YOU CAN DO IT! TOGETHER WE SHALL DO IT! GOD WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU ALONE IF YOU BUT LISTEN IN LOVE AND ACT. THE ACTIONS MUST BE WITHOUT THE GUNS AND SWORDS--THE WEAPONS "TRUTH" AND THE WIPING AWAY OF THE LIES AND CLEVER DE­CEITS. HATE IMMOBILIZES AND FOCUSES ON THE VERY ASPECT OF ACTION WHICH DESTROYS. DE­SPISE AND LOATHE YOUR ENEMY OF GOD--BUT DO NOT WASTE YOUR BEING AND SERVICE THROUGH THE LUXURY OF "HATE" FOR HATE ONLY DE­STROYS THE BEARER--NOT THE OBJECT. TRUTH IS FAR WISER THAN THE SWORD. THE PEN FAR MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD--AND THE ENEMY'S DEMISE FAR MORE PERFECT THAN WITH THE SWORD. PONDER IT CAREFULLY FOR YOUR SUC­CESS IN THIS BATTLE DEPENDS UPON IT.]
We know the FRS (Federal Reserve System) was formed by greedy internationalists and Congress accepted their fraud against the people of our country. We do not forgive them and we do judge them as thieves and crooks who have bankrupted our nation and our people, and that goes for the two houses of Congress whose members have refused for 79 years to clean up that fraud.

We do not forgive those who stole billions from our Social Security Fund which belonged to the working people who paid into it for their old age. We judge those who stole this money as thieves and money criminals and they ought to pay for their type of sins. People are no longer sovereign as individual human beings and our nation is now nothing but a puppet for the UN (the Trojan Horse within our gates) and our Presidents even go to the UN to sign papers to give the UN dictatorship over our people in our own homeland and the people are not allowed to do anything about such treason because they have FEMA to aid a foreign police state in our own states and cities and on our farm lands. Why don't the TV networks tell the truth? Because the banks might not let them get to their money??? Or, they will be repaid in some big way and be saved from the concentration camps??? WHY? that word can be hollered a thousand times and there is no answer but fear from the people who can be hauled around mentally by the IRS by the thousands every year so as to collect more billions. Didn't Perot sell the government computers etc. as his part towards wealth and did he not say the IRS needed a better computer to collect more billions? For what? More social programs for the non taxpayers to bankrupt taxpayers? Why shouldn't we hate those who have stolen from us for years and keep on, the same theft program for fifty years--but the President signs a hate-law that makes it a crime to hate the evil--what we as an individual believes now becomes evil--in other words that is thought-control as if we were robots to be used as anything the government, now the foreign UN--can think about--this world government--to hand out any disease or any law to take from us what we had in our right to own private property. We have nothing to live for anymore and if we dare think or hate or lose our compassion for the evil--etc.--thousands of laws yearly in states and cities and counties and the federal defacto-government--and we only need the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule--they would have given us national and in­dividual honor and honesty. If you are God, Hatonn, why haven't you in that capacity made the crooks and criminals pay by stopping them from prospering on and on for fifty or more years? Do not jump on us for asking that question--why can't the truth be told to make the thieves found out? Even the little papers which have told us the truth have to go out of business, the editor dies or something sad and hurting results--why to the truthful--why not the mean?

Nearly 60 thousand died in the Vietnam war, for what? A "peace prize" for Kissinger who said "a win is not desirable". He humiliated our military and our nation but he gets more and more power to control our nation and its people. Where will Is­rael occupy within our country--our nation and its people. Where will Israel occupy within our country--now the Russians are inside and ready, who WILL THE COMMUNIST UN PROTECT? Who runs the Churches where there are no morals, no decency, anymore? Where are all these "ologies" coming from? Old Hubbard, remember him--his Dianetics--his getting rich at it--and it cons on and on--did they also say Christ only got as far as "cleared" and never reached the next "whatever" that is--and there's Satan too--and even scientists manufacturing a human-headed horse, and how about this dolphin with ARMS? Who allowed those Russian criminals here and other aliens. WHO? WHY?

Who ARE those Freemasons and who are those British who are always in the bushes and ready with another plan for the world--why did the Queen come here and go to Communist China after the Brits had done a dope job on mainland China long ago? Old Cecil Rhodes must be wheeling in his grave that those colonies may now be taken back as both the colonies and the GREAT Britain are now bankrupt and they might merge to shed more-tears together and then grab other territory--or will Israel have done it ahead of them? Tavistock is waiting, any­way.

How can there be any hope for the people when the govern­ment itself won't do their jobs to represent us, the people? Carter gave our Canal, our shipping lifeline to the communist, Torrijos, and the Senate went along with that sellout and even paid the recipients to take it. Some of those Senators still draw pay, one of them being Sam Nunn of Georgia who is head of the Armed Service Committee. And that's what happens to those who betray us--why?

When we are invaded from the north end or from our south­ern border we will be unable to fight for our own country be­cause the UN will have taken over because they have been given the power by several Presidents and those EOs (Executive Orders) are loaded with ways to take over the people to make them serfs and slaves on their own properties.

And we are supposed to forgive and not judge these financial monsters and others who have betrayed us? We should have the right to make the punishment to fit the crimes--that there never could be another S&L scandal to burden down the taxpayers--make those who stole the money pay back every cent --

We want to thank you for the Journals etc., you have put out with many truths for few will believe them until everything per­sonal has gone and then it will be too late.

Maybe you will never have time to read anything from peo­ple like us, but as long as some truths come out, we will read them if we can find the money to buy them.

We thank you.

Old Charley, a Vet, and his getting old friends who hurt more than anyone knows.
* * *
[H: To finish this part, Dharma, we need Gritz' brochure for I want to make it pure copy. We can insert it later today.] (See end of chapter.)
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".... as the Creator looked over what He had created, He saw that many things could hurt our people, that many obstacles stood in our way. So He sent us four Protectors, four beings like angels who watch over us and help us when we need it. Often it happens that we find ourselves in dangerous situations. Then, somehow, we get out of it and it was only a close call. That's because the four Protectors are still watching over us and helping us. And for that we are very grateful. So we put our minds together as one and we thank the four Protectors for do­ing their duty. And let our minds be that way....".

Well, Little Crow, I also call on you! It is time, Son, to tell the world what you know...about nature and about God. So when will you tell us what you know and who you ARE? These peo­ple had better listen for they have got to learn. Man has got to find TRUTH in even the simple things. A MAN has come up with such a song and dance as to "walk around a rock clock­wise, then counterclockwise--to handle a "time shift". This one mocks the very sacred reverence of our original people in their nonsense and foolishness--insulting the very evolution of cre­ation. Little Crow, I refrain from calling you Sioux in my pri­vate communion--for that is White Man's name for you--you are Lakota and GOD named you "people" and "human" and if you do not step forward soon, son, to tell the people how it is--for now we have brought forth a "forum" in which to begin to be heard throughout the lands--then I shall have to do it and it is not given unto ME. It is YOUR task, given from Eternal Spirit unto you. Ah, you said to Dharma, brief years past as you recog­nized the call--"...what we do shall change the world as we know it"! She laughed for she could not see. It is time to take up the challenge and lead the way for you are in a "hopeless" land of pain and slavery--LET MY PEOPLE FREE! AHO!

Dharma, close this for I have other for you to do but we shall return to this today. It the time of calling to the warriors--the gathering of the Eagles for the Phoenix rises and so shall HE bring our tribes home. It is a time of valor beyond all which has come before. It is time for Great Wisdom as never before. Have the people not waited long enough for the leaders to come and set them free? They must cut the bonds which bind them--but they have forgotten how. It must be told from the ones who can remember--to lead
--and it must be through the WORD as given through the Spirit of Being in the eternal link of GOD AND MAN.

As you ones serve and face odds so great as to bewilder the an­gels themselves, I see your fatigue, and often, despair. NO--you shall not be given into the trap of selfishness--for YOU ONES HAVE COME TO SERVE AND BRING THE LIGHT UNTO THE DARK PASSAGES--I do not release you from your commitment--we will see the journey THROUGH. So be it.

I stand aside that you might attend other needs. I await your summons. Those things which pain so greatly, are sent unto me--you will release them for they are not your burden--I accept them for they ARE mine. Hatonn to clear.

Christ: BO GRITZ' CAMPAIGN BROCHURE REPRODUCED, you can see later in the PJ-Pdf .