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  1. #1
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 53
    VOL. IX

    As the tattered fragments are tied into bundles which REVEAL the perpetrators and uncover their methods of operation--the truth "outs" and the citizen is given that which explains and defines. If he chooses NOT to hear or see, so be it for his is the lot of the LOST. GOD always provides the "way" if you but have the "will"--but although He walks with you, HE will not do it for you. He sends His Hosts and leaders to show the pathway and hold the lamp and allows vision of the "way" to reclaim that which has been taken from you--if you but see and hear. Walk gently in the dawning LIGHT.


    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.


    The Phoenix Journals includes bibliographical references and indexes.
    Contents: [Tangled Webs] -- [Crucifixion of the Phoenix -- [etc.] - Pleiades Connection (8 vol's).
    1. Spirit writings. I. Hatonn, Gyeorgos C. (Gyeorgos Ceres) II. Dharma, Computer person. III. Phoenix Journals.


    ISBN 0-922356-84-X
    First Edition Printed by America West Publishers, August 1992

    P. O. BOX 27353
    LAS VEGAS, NV 89126
    Printed in the United States of America
    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    DEDICATION.......................................................................................... ...................
    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ ...............
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... ..............
    SUNDAY, AUGUST 2, 1992............................................................................
    THOUGHTS ON "REPETITION".....................................................................
    RETURN TO GOD..............................................................................................
    TWO DAYS WITHOUT WRITING..................................................................
    COMMUNISM........................................................................................... .........
    THE RUSSIANS ARE (STILL) COMING!......................................................
    MORE SOPHISTICATED WEAPONS".......................................................
    CONCLUSION.......................................................................................... ..........
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... ..............
    SUNDAY, AUGUST 2, 1992............................................................................
    TODAY'S NOTATIONS.....................................................................................
    LIGHT SHOW (AND TELL).............................................................................
    EDUCATIONAL SHORTFALL........................................................................
    "THE SOVIET COUP AND EXTORTION SCHEME" ..................................
    BY C. B. BAKER............................................................................................... .
    SOVIET "ACTIVE MEASURES"......................................................................
    HUMONGOUS SOVIET FOREIGN AID DEMANDS....................................
    A NEW FORM OF NUCLEAR BLACKMAIL................................................
    CIVIL WAR THREATS.................................................................................
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... ..............
    THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1992.......................................................................
    WHAT'S GOIN' ON?..........................................................................................
    NOW--OR NEVER.............................................................................................
    GOVERNMENT BY EXECUTIVE ORDER....................................................
    POLITICS............................................................................................ .................
    INDICTMENTS......................................................................................... ..........
    PEROT............................................................................................... ...................
    HOW WOULD THE POLITICAL PLAN OPERATE?....................................
    SPECIFIC MANEUVER.....................................................................................
    SO HOW COULD IT WORK NOW?................................................................
    OTHER LOSSES.............................................................................................. ...
    CLINTON AND DEMOCRATS........................................................................
    ALL FALL DOWN? OOPS!..............................................................................
    STILL IN PLANS............................................................................................... .
    TO GEORGE GREEN.........................................................................................
    MY PURPOSE............................................................................................. ........
    OTHER ATTENTIONS......................................................................................
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... ..............
    FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1992..............................................................................
    IRS GAMES OF DEFENSE................................................................................
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ..............
    FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1992..............................................................................
    UPON YOUR NATION.................................................................................
    SENSATIONAL......................................................................................... .........
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... ..............
    SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1992.......................................................................
    LIGHT AND SHADOW.....................................................................................
    GIFT................................................................................................ ......................
    PANDORA'S BOX..............................................................................................
    ANOTHER VIEWPOINT AND ONE OF IMPORTANCE..............................
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ..............
    MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1992.........................................................................
    A CONFIRMATION OR TWO!........................................................................
    HUMOR IN PRINT.............................................................................................
    ITEM ONE: RCA BAN ON RECORDING.......................................................
    PHOTON BELT/RADIATION BELT IGNITION............................................
    BASES AND FINDING THESE BASES...........................................................
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ..............
    TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1992........................................................................
    YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN HOW IT WAS......................................................
    FROM THE ONONDAGA.................................................................................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ..............
    WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1992.................................................................
    IT IS TIME TO TELL YOU................................................................................
    FURTHER CONTACTS FOR GRITZ...............................................................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ............
    WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1992.................................................................
    MORE SUGGESTIONS AND "MUSTS".........................................................
    WATCH THE MOVING BALL.........................................................................
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. ............
    THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1992.....................................................................
    TODAY............................................................................................... .................
    POW HEARINGS............................................................................................ ....
    STEAMROLLER AT WORK............................................................................
    REAP THE WHIRLWIND.................................................................................
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. ............
    THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1992.....................................................................
    PERSONAL THOUGHTS..................................................................................
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. ............
    TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1992........................................................................
    CONVERSATIONS....................................................................................... .....
    BO GRITZ............................................................................................... .............
    CLASS ACTION SUIT FOR TRUTH................................................................
    COMMITTEE OF 300 "BOOK"........................................................................
    COULD THIS BE A DELIBERATE DISTRACTION? ...................................
    BILL COOPER.............................................................................................. ......
    GOD'S LAWS................................................................................................ ......
    GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS.............................................................................
    HOW MUCH DO YOU REALLY KNOW?.....................................................
    WHERE WILL YOU BE?..................................................................................
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................. ............
    THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1992.....................................................................
    EACH STEP................................................................................................ .........
    WRITE-IN VOTES..............................................................................................
    BANK SHUFFLING...........................................................................................
    BANKS UNDER "BO".......................................................................................
    WARNINGS AND ATTENTION......................................................................
    VOTE WON'T COUNT IN NOVEMBER.........................................................
    A CLEAR ANSWER TO THE PEROT MYSTERY! ......................................
    CANNOT HELP--BUT BRAG!.........................................................................
    AMERICANS LOST VOTE--LONG AGO!.....................................................
    CONSPIRACY CONTROLS THE NETWORKS AND WIRE SERVICES! FRAUDULENT COUNTS NOT NECESSARY!.......................................................................................... ..
    IT'S ALL SO SIMPLE!........................................................................................
    QUITTER OF ALL TIME!"...........................................................................
    MEDIA EXPLANATIONS ARE ABSURD!....................................................
    DON'T LET PEROT TURN OUT AMERICA'S LIGHTS!..............................
    THE ELECTION IS RIGGED! ..........................................................................
    BEING ON THE BALLOT IS NOT REQUIRED.............................................
    PLEASE HEED THIS PLEADING PETITION.................................................
    CHAPTER 15.................................................................................................. ............
    FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1992............................................................................
    TODAY'S NOTATIONS.....................................................................................
    IN PRISON.............................................................................................. .............
    CONTINUING EARTHQUAKES.....................................................................
    SAPPY EXPLANATIONS..................................................................................
    WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW DOES HURT YOU...............................
    THE ELITE ORGANIZATIONS........................................................................
    MYSTERY BABYLON EXPOSED..................................................................
    THE ROTHSCHILD DICTUM..........................................................................
    THE FIRST BANK OF THE U.S.......................................................................
    HOW THE SCAM WORKS...............................................................................
    CHAPTER 16.................................................................................................. ............
    SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1992.....................................................................
    MYSTERY BABYLON EXPOSED..................................................................
    THE BEST KEPT SECRET................................................................................
    THEIR MONEY IS OUR DEBT........................................................................
    CRIMINAL POWER EXPOSED.......................................................................
    REAL LIFE MONOPOLY..................................................................................
    THE BORROWER IS SERVANT......................................................................
    SOME OMITTED HISTORY.............................................................................
    THE CREATION OF COINAGE.......................................................................
    THE BIRTH OF BANKING...............................................................................
    ORIGIN OF USURY (INTEREST)....................................................................
    FRACTIONAL RESERVE BANKING.............................................................
    THE BAAL PRIESTS..........................................................................................
    THE GOLD STANDARD...................................................................................
    DANIEL'S VISION..............................................................................................
    ALWAYS LEADS TO DESTRUCTION...........................................................
    FREEDOM, AT LAST........................................................................................
    BABYLON RESURRECTED............................................................................
    CHAPTER 17.................................................................................................. ............
    SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1992.....................................................................
    MYSTERY BABYLON EXPOSED..................................................................
    FREEDOM COMES TO AMERICA.................................................................
    THE REAL REASON FOR THE REVOLUTION............................................
    VICTOR SURRENDERED................................................................................
    THE DOLLAR DEFINED..................................................................................
    JACKSON KILLS THE BANK..........................................................................
    THE PLOT FOR CIVIL WAR............................................................................
    SLAVERY EXPANDED....................................................................................
    RIGHT ON THE MONEY..................................................................................
    CHAPTER 18.................................................................................................. ............
    MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 1992.........................................................................
    STILL HAVE DOUBTS?....................................................................................
    THEN, THE EARTHQUAKES ARE OFF?......................................................
    POLITICS............................................................................................ .................
    CHILDREN IN THE MIDST..............................................................................
    CHAPTER 19.................................................................................................. ............
    MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 1992.........................................................................
    MYSTERY BABYLON EXPOSED..................................................................
    THE CRIME OF 1873........................................................................................
    A CROSS OF GOLD...........................................................................................
    THE GOLDEN RULE.........................................................................................
    THE CENTRAL BANK PLOT...........................................................................
    THE GREATEST CRIME IN HISTORY...........................................................
    CHAPTER 20.................................................................................................. ............
    MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 1992.........................................................................
    AFTERNOON COMMENTS.............................................................................
    MYSTERY BABYLON EXPOSED..................................................................
    THE ABs DESTROY GERMANY....................................................................
    THE ARROGANCE OF POWER......................................................................
    WHO OWNS THE FED?....................................................................................
    THE ULTIMATE GOAL....................................................................................
    THE AB's ONE-WORLD MONEY...................................................................
    DEFINING THE MONETARY PROBLEM.....................................................
    MONEY: A TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM...................................................
    FAMILIES OF THE WORLD CONSPIRATORS......................................
    CHAPTER 21.................................................................................................. ............
    MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 1992.........................................................................
    MYSTERY BABYLON EXPOSED..................................................................
    THE STANDARDS FOR STANDARDS..........................................................
    GOLD FAILS AS A MONETARY STANDARD.............................................
    TIME IS MONEY............................................................................................... .
    A TRUE STANDARD OF VALUE...................................................................
    HOW MANNY MONEY FUNCTIONS............................................................
    THE ABs' MASTER PLAN................................................................................
    THE ABs' ONLY FEAR.....................................................................................
    WHICH WAY AMERICA(N)?..........................................................................
    THE BOTTOM LINE AS PRESENTED...........................................................
    To the Editors who struggle to sort the incredible piles of work we pour forth for your attention. There are only a handful who bear this heavy load and they do a mammoth job very well in­deed.

    The effort is always to give you receivers more and more infor­mation in timely manner. In this vein they have now come to offer a call-in number for update if there be any in "Today's Watch" and make available the word in taped format to facilitate "listening" while doing other tasks, etc. I am in great apprecia­tion to this crew who does the "necessary" and forgets the "we can't". You have little time, students, to graduate in wholeness and understanding so please be alert to the CALL and that which is sent for your use. Blessings rest upon you who will see and hear.


    WED., AUGUST 26, 1992 9:00 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 10

    WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1992
    In the pressure of the moment and with the pile-up of urgent in­formation on my scribe, I shall dispense with an "Introduction" to this volume save this brief reminder:


    I ask that instead of a lengthy "Introduction", we simply leave all material included that would have had to be put on "hold"; it becomes more and more important to have orderly progression of dated writings.

    We, too, weary to exhaustion of this subject material of das­tardly deeds and heinous abuse of planet, humanity and Consti­tution. But, is there a way OUT? Yes, if you take action and THEN introduce methods of management which insures correc­tion and continuing function WITHIN the original intent of the Constitution of the United States AND the "Bill of Rights" inclusively. As America goes so will then go the world.

    I ask that you pay very close attention to the closing chapters of this volume for there is outlay of the Banksters' assault and suc­cessful taking of your working physical world. There are also suggestions as to HOW to structure monetary matters and working methods of management of same.

    Since God will most surely work WITH you and will NOT do it FOR you, I ask that you give careful attention with the serious intent of its value. You have been "sent" a man who is willing to lead--but YOU must get him elected so he has Constitutional POWER and AUTHORITY under that Constitution to clean the vermin from the foundation of your nation. I am sorry, friends, IT IS UP TO YOU!
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 23:15.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#053, " IF THERE BE "WILL", THERE BE "WAY" "

    PJ 53


    SUN., AUGUST 2, 1992 8:46 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 352

    SUNDAY. AUGUST 2. 1992


    "People don't like 'repetition"? There MUST be repetition for in this day of total repetition--there must be the multiple presen­tation or no one hears or sees. There are two very valid rea­sons for this--1. After people have repeated or repeatedly heard a phrase a great number of times--most especially from an "authority" figure--they believe it whether it be true or false. It IS the method of training (brainwashing) the subconscious mind to cause the conscious mind to function according to "orders" from another. And 2. Anything and everything is only found or discovered ONCE in the world and therefore all coming subse­quently is repetition.

    If a person says something unworthy--no amount of repetition makes it worthy--only gossip and misinformation. If, however, it be worthy--he MUST repeat it over and over again until it is seen and heard. Repetition is the only form of permanence that nature can achieve and, therefore, you shall continue to hear many things repeated again and again. There can be no "overdoing" in the Truth of GOD. If you believe it to be different--then you did not hear it the first time!

    This is an entirely different set of circumstances within the mind: Memories are like computer or "card-indexes" consulted, and then put back--very often in disorder--by various authorities whom you do not control nor even recognize. In all your jour­neys to date you will find that you have long since forgotten far, far more than you remember--and thus, the remembering must be as newness. It always, in addition, seems to be that you re­member best that which would be better forgotten. Memory is like unto a fishing net with holes and yet is also quite cluttered with fish as from a stream; but a dozen miles of water have run through it without sticking for there was naught to grasp onto for your "sorting" mechanism is now damaged.

    Too often man hears the phrase "Forgive and Forget". Nay, nay--instantly forgive--never forget! The only things to be garnered in worthiness are the things learned through remem­bering. The sad portions presented are cast forth because it seems the minds are now trained to insist on cherishing those beastly incidents and casting aside as hardly noted, the won­drous beauty of the experiences, save a fragment here and there as occasional nostalgia presents. How wondrous it would be if the mind were unable to forget the beautiful and automatically cast aside the perceived negative? But how would you recog­nize choices? You must always realize that oblivion is the dark page, whereon Memory writes her light-beam characters and makes them legible; were it all light, nothing could be read there, any more than if it were all darkness. Ponder it for you are experiencing in a setting of light AND dark images and manifested actions
    --'tis your training ground just as school is for the tot. Would it not be marvelous if you, as adults taught, properly, the child to grow in strength instead of deliberate weakness in the things of "true living" which must be learned before returning unto God?

    Ah, it is the purpose of all experience--and, why in fact, the ad­versary so stifles your senses that you cannot help but shatter into the oblivion of his own scenarios. It is the soul at stake on the gaming table of experience and you have forgotten. Spiri­tual expression and reality of soul LIFE is long ago cast out so that you MUST forget or only harbor questioning and ever so faint memory of something from another day or another time unrecalled in fullness. Our task is to simply allow the recall of the Truth so that you make decisions of higher purpose and mind-set worthy of your level of learning on your journey of experience BACK TO GOD. The guidelines are given and the path mapped--but the adversary places detour signs and hobbles at every turn. How will your life-stream story read? Will it say "...he sensed for a short little while and went". Or will it read: "It was a wondrous journey home unto the Light for he KNEW the difference!?" To each his own.

    I am always amused at that which "man" does to distract you--let us example one "Henry Kissinger". He is given honorary ti­tles and false authority and expertise and you all grovel at his words. But I ask you--does a great memory make a fine philosopher or a "correct" perception? Can a dictionary be properly called a grammar? Of course not--but it is YOU who must know the difference.

    Two days without writing and we are so behind that it seems the entire world has occasioned happenings in every portion. Ah, the human limitations will be happily forfeited by some. Expe­riences in the physical MUST be accomplished, however, no matter what the goal even unto the most tiny detail. Oh would it be that the words of blessings be remembered and the actions of life be ever guided by the moments of loving sharing as with the marriage hearts who commit to share and to a child growing with only the example of the adults to emulate. The settings are wondrous and the celebration beautiful, touching the memories and hearts of all who attend--but a celebration is but a passing moment to be put to memory--can you make a lasting experience instead of casting the memory to the attic along with the faded pages and flowers? It is a time when longevity of commitments must come to be "final" lest the things of the physical have no foundation upon which to latch onto for stability--for the intent of the would-be Kings are set upon you to tear you to shreds as they garner all within expression. Cherish all moments of beauty for they hold food for soul and heart--but remember the dastardly as well, for in the total forgetting lies the strength of your enemy. And always remember: CHANGING THE TERM OF A WORD IN A DICTIONARY MAKES NOT ONE IOTA OF DIFFERENCE IN ITS "MEANING".
    I am asked over and over again about the "death of Commu­nism", as a for-instance. Since "Communism" was never "communistic" in any fashion, how can it make a difference? What was and is "Communist" is actually Marxist-Leninist (in your more modern terminology which actually is only "socialistic-fascism"). The world now experiences this type of government control almost universally save in total dictatorships--to which you all aspire and are moving. In this case of modern experience--it is to the WORLD dictatorship that would-be Kings aspire.

    The next questions of today's observers revolve around partici­pants in the "show and tell". Can you understand that it matters not who the small individual players actually are? The goal is one-world, total global control. Because of the very WORD used, "global", there is indication of total physical manifestation interest and, yet, total isolation and enslavement of your "souls". The "soul" can be exemplified by realizing that, col­lectively, a nation has a soul energy, a planet has a soul energy and overall comes a master-intent of direction and action. Earth at this time, has a very, very dark intent which has manifested itself in the physical expression while "murdering" soul under­standing of higher expression. The minds of men are battered and overwhelmed with the assault of physical, sensing bom­bardment through brain manipulation and "washing". We have written of this experience in several JOURNALS with the subjects ranging from communistic brain-washing to American brainwashing--only to find BOTH ARE THE VERY SAME. You have to go back and look into the memories and the history books which have remained untampered and read the blueprints for the structures which eventually and now, NOW, bring about global mental control. Control the mind and you control the being in the fleshly format. If you cannot control the "mind", you can never control the being.

    You must remember, further, that by changing a "man" as leader, be it dictator in a nation of "dictator mind-set", or King in a monarchy, or President in a Democracy--you have the same set of goals staged and foundationed in the foundation of the rulers in power. For instance, Yeltsin is a far more deadly en­emy to your nation than ever was any prior leader of Soviet Russia. I did not say to all your nation's citizens--I said to your nation. There is a difference of great magnitude. People "get caught" in the games of the leadership and governments of nations and do the dirty-work for the rulers thereof. You are wit­nessing it TODAY as America again allows a criminal thief of your own freedom to send your beloved children off to foreign soil again--and again--and again--. I warn you, America: This is to get YOUR military OUT OF YOUR NATION WHEREIN THEY CANNOT BE AVAILABLE TO HELP YOU-THE-PEOPLE. This will allow you to be at the mercy of police departments now trained by elements from the Com­munist-Mossad terrorist groups and foreign military called "United Nations Forces"--headed by a Russian commander (as set forth in the charter of the United Nations, which is now the accepted authority of national practice--NOT YOUR CONSTITUTION).

    Of course they are--because there has never been any other in­tent. However, articles are now being written which still offer the thrust directly upon the "Russians" to pull attention from the "One World Order" elite who are the worse culprits.

    I have received at least twelve copies of the article by the above title in the past immediate weeks. It comes from the Summer is­sue of a religious journal called the Fatima Crusader. The arti­cle is well written but the conclusions are not correct in some in­stances. So much of the article is correct in perception, how­ever, that it must be worthy of sharing. When I receive so many inquiries about one piece of information, it is worthy for all--along with dissection of the projections to see what lies therein. Does this mean the author is a somehow manipulated disinformer? No--it means that ALL things must be looked at from all dimensions and directions WITH KNOWLEDGE OF FACT--NOT DISSEMINATED MISINFORMATION and that YOU must ingest and digest the material for SELF.

    We shall lay out the writing as given and I can comment in my usual fashion of "interrupting" which some assess as boring and uninvited but then, the writer does have some privileges after all. Just as with a TV button for "power", you can punch it off if it fits not your needs. God asks and expects you to see every angle and aspect of an issue with good and thoughtful factual data and then, only then, can the wondrous "computer" compute correct outpouring of information. It can be a game far more entertaining, if nothing more, than a good game of chess wherein you must watch your move as well as the other player's moves. If you are just learning the initial guidelines for "Chess" then you must have some understanding from the "teacher" as to how to discern the more advantageous moves and allow insight into what the opponent at the board might have in mind to use against you and in his own favor. The stakes are indeed high in this "life game" of Chess, my friends--THE WORLD.

    I believe you will note that the article is given as reprint of an extract (1992) by Donald S. McAlvany. I do find it interesting to note that I got NO copies of McAlvany's material and yet, great flocks of incoming inquiry from the "Fatima" reprint. I honor Donald McAlvany as one of your most insightful and caring Journalists of your century so I certainly do not single him out for "picking on". In addition there are a couple of other writers presented within the same topic section so we will sim­ply take them in order. Thank you.


    Readers have called and written to ask if this writer still agrees with his analysis of events in the Soviet Union in the September/October issue of MIA (McAlvany Intelligence Advi­sor) (see The Fatima Crusader Issue No. 38 page 5) in light of recent developments. The answer is: more than ever! Yeltsin is still a hardcore Marxist-Leninist in spite of his rhetoric to the contrary and no one should feel better because he has the "nuclear briefcase" with his finger (instead of Gorbachev's) on "the button". [H: I am continually asked "who" would be the best President, Bush or Clinton? I say "...whichever one is elected! For then, that one has the power and therein lies the story".]
    Eleven of the so-called independent republics are still run by Communists and the 12th, the president of Georgia (Zviad Gam­sakhardia, a freely elected anti-Communist) has been over­thrown by a Communist (KGB) [by any label you choose] backed military coup. So all 12 republics are now run by Communists! None of the republics are free or truly indepen­dent. Unfortunately, perception is reality, and most Americans have been misled to believe these republics are really free. They are not!
    The Soviet military, the largest in the world, has not been dismantled in any way. It is still under the control of the Rus­sian Republic and the old Communist Party. The defense in­dustry has not been dismantled in any way. Its 600 weapons factories are still cranking out weapons as rapidly as ever, in­cluding one highly advanced nuclear submarine every 33 days which has only one function, that is to be a nuclear first strike weapons launching pad. Senator Malcolm Wallop (R-WY) said recently in USA Today:

    The KGB has not been dismantled in any way or diminished in manpower except by a few hundred. It has been reorganized into three departments and is still functioning as always within the "old Soviet Union", and all over the world. The three KGB departments are:
    1) Central Intelligence Service--in charge of the security of the republics and the Commonwealth of Indepen­dent States as a whole and in charge of international espionage, subversion, etc.; 2) Interrepublican Security Service--coordi­nates the work of the republics' security services, and conducts counterespionage within the CIS; and 3) the Committee for Guarding the Commonwealth of Independent States--consists of unified border guards, for guarding all CIS borders and the CIS economic zone. The KGB has set up a new disinforma­tion service centrally located within the U.S. which is presently spewing out disinformation all across America.
    The Commonwealth of Independent States is the New Federation described in the September/October '91 MIA, predicted by Golitsyn in "New Lies For Old", and planned at the 26th, 27th, and 28th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in '81, '86, and '90. Gorbachev brilliantly fulfilled his mission (i.e., the dissolution of the Soviet Union) [H: For all the world to see and assume factual. The very point of his going to work as President of "Kissinger and As­sociates" in Moscow tells a whole other story, however, does it not? The point herein is not Gorbachev, however, so please do not be distracted by "players" but pay attention to the meaning of the play itself.] and has brought the script to the present point. His opposition to the Commonwealth was fake--he pushed for it for seven years! Now Yeltsin, another fellow actor on the Russian stage, will carry the plot on for a time. Like the TV soap opera "Dallas" or "Knotts Landing", Gorby has (at least temporarily) been written out of the script. [H: It is very, very dangerous to believe this statement. He has never been written out of anything--he got all your stores and reserves and was part and parcel of the "coup" which displaced him. You are now witnessing a LARGER show on the road against what would be called the Russian hated "Bolsheviks". These are the Khazarian money-chang­ers and bankers of the Elite power faction. Since so many of your own Elite national and worldwide families and leader­ship fall into this latter category, along with the Committee of 300 and the Royalty of Great Britain--you are in SERI­OUS JEOPARDY OF DOWNFALL AT THE HANDS OF THESE RUSSIANS (as a nation). One faction is after EV­ERYTHING, including your soul--the other also wants supremacy but is not nearly as interested in your continual survival--so it is difficult to measure just who is your enemy if you are simply we-the-people. Is it better to die by an Eli­tist bomb or a "nationalistic" bomb? Strangely enough--for the soul journey and intent--it DOES matter--physically it obviously matters not.]
    The current phase is called "planned (but controlled) chaos". Very little in the "old Soviet Union" is happening by chance or accident. The purge is continuing in the old Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the power is still centered in the Central Committee of the Communist Party. Food and other short­ages, economic bankruptcy, and poverty are being exagger­ated by Soviet disinformation to elicit Western aid and sym­pathy. [H: Actually, it is worse than this expressed view­point--it is a major form of total blackmail.] The republics will follow the pattern of Eastern Europe, closet Communists will continue to rule. They will have to carry more of their own economic weight in the future, however, just like Eastern Europe, and will be given more economic and cultural freedom.

    Meanwhile, Western aid continues to pour into Russia even as the West is on the brink of financial collapse. America, NATO, and much of the West, led by George Bush, are con­tinuing to plunge into unilateral disarmament in spite of the 30,000 Soviet warheads still pointed at us. But be assured, Yeltsin says, they are only pointed at us because they can't think of another good target to point them at. Ominously, at this writing, Russia (or the CIS or the "old Soviet Union") is now beginning to sell some of its nuclear weapons to its client states around the world (replete with Soviet nuclear technicians). Imagine these weapons in the hands of Iraq, Syria, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Libya, or Nicaragua. [H: You can further re­alize that the point is to blackmail and embarrass the leader­ship of your nation for years past--by such things as insisting that the Soviets did have POWs from the U.S., and other nations, and that, actually, some are still alive and func­tional. You must pay attention to all the news to glean ANY NEWS AT ALL. Most of it will be well hidden and secret but you can read between the lines most efficiently if you but keep up with our input.]
    Bush is retargeting America's missiles "off the ‘old USSR'" [H: Ah, indeed, but the reason is not because it is no longer an enemy--but rather is supreme in command of military and space "might". Your administration and the "New World Order Leadership" know the ONLY possible "last ditch ‘maybe'" lies in the "first-strike" attack on Russia. I believe you can "feel" the pulse system in action showing you that THAT won't work either! Frankly, you are between the proverbial rock and very hard place but the ones REALLY efforting to get rid of you-the-people are "your own" lovable liars and deceiver criminals.]; is planning to stop new production of all planes, helicopters, tanks, and nuclear attack submarines and concentrate only on research development for future weapons; has cancelled the navy's super quiet Seawolf submarine and cut the Air Force B-2 Stealth bomber production from 132 to 20 planes; has cut the U.S. defense budget to its lowest level (as a percent of the economy) since the 1930's (a move which will cost millions of jobs in the U.S. defense and aerospace industries); and according to U.S. News and World Report (2/10/92) is attempting to "mothball the entire U.S. de­fense industry".

    Something very strange and ominous is taking place. Amer­ica, under George Bush, has begun a crash program to disman­tle its military/defense capability even as the Russian (CIS) [H: Please note that they didn't even bother to change the title except from "Agency" to "Service" and you never noticed!] war machine, already vastly superior to our own, remains es­sentially intact. What if Yeltsin turns out to be a bad guy or double-crosses Bush? What if there is a military coup in the old Soviet Union (CIS)? What if the Russian leaders double-cross their American friends in the New World Order. [H: Ah ha! Worthy of thought! Besides, for you ones who realize Dharma is still alive along with some of our other "players"--please note that we are the ONLY ones with power greater than that of the Soviets from any direction you choose to monitor!!]
    What if the McAlvany Intelligence Advisor Septem­ber/October '91 analysis of Soviet strategic deception was es­sentially correct? How does the Bush unilateral disarmament differ from surrender? In case any of the above should even­tuate, a disarmed America could be highly vulnerable to nu­clear blackmail or nuclear attack--the New World Order notwithstanding. George Bush could not be doing more to put America at risk if he were head of the KGB, the Politburo, or the Russian military itself!

    Gorbachev's quote from his book PERESTROIKA (pg. 36) should be remembered when one surveys all the "apparent" changes in the "old Soviet Union":

    "To put an end to all rumors and speculations that abound in the West about this, I would like to point out once again that we are conducting all our reforms in accordance with socialist choice. We are looking within socialism, rather than outside it, for the answers to all the questions that arise. We assess our successes and errors alike by socialist standards. Those who hope that we shall move away from the socialist path will be greatly disappointed. Every part of our program of perestroika and the program as a whole, for that matter, is fully based on the principle of more socialism." [H: Please go back and read that at least three times! Note he didn't even bother to use the term "COMMUNISM". Wake up, dreamers, the coffee is boiled dry and the toast is already burned beyond the scraping.]

    (MIA Ed. Note: By "socialism", he means "Communism" will now be replaced by the term "social democracy". As the French Proverb says: "The more it changes, the more it remains the same".)

    The most sophisticated, Machiavellian strategic deception operation in world history is continuing to accelerate in the "old Soviet Union" and new "Commonwealth of Independent States". The Russians continue to talk peace, poverty, and dissolution via their global KGB directed disinformation network, while continuing to plot the demise of the West and to prepare for war. The period from now till 1995-97 could not only be the most dangerous since World War II, but in all of world history.
    * * *

    We gave you the information referred to by reference to prior McAlvany writings in the "Fall" last. I hope that you will take the time for reference and refreshment. He who is informed can be prepared with that which will allow survival and physical ability to continue. He who refuses to see, hear and/or prepare is destined to pay the price of that intentional ignorance. No amount of yellow ribbon will save one iota of your assets. No one STOPS Mr. Bush from continuing with his heinous games--BECAUSE THE ONES IN POWER KNOW HE HAS EXEC­UTIVE ORDER AUTHORITY TO DO EXACTLY THAT WHICH HE WANTS TO DO AS IF HE HELD TOTAL DIC­TATORSHIP CHIPS--WHICH HE DOES UNDER UNITED NATION'S CHARTER AND EXECUTIVE ORDER FEMA REGULATIONS. "Well," you might ask, "...who IS my enemy"? It all depends on who YOU are and what YOU plan to do about your circumstance! You don't have any plans? Too bad--you should! If you have no goals and no plans--you shall never get anywhere nor ever REALLY know what hit you when that locomotive runs right on over you without so much as a "last-rite" for your smashed and squashed bones.

    While you have shouted and demonstrated for "equal rights for 'this' and 'that" you have lost all equal rights as human species. So be it. I hope you will ponder your circumstance because you are just about to self-combust.

    Close this portion and begin another, please, Dharma. I don't want a longer segment lest the opposition consider this a "novel" of some kind rather than a "newsletter-type JOURNAL".
    Thank you.


    PJ 53


    SUN., AUGUST 2, 1992 11:48 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 352

    SUNDAY, AUGUST 2, 1992

    Dearly beloved, we are focused on this day upon the many in­stead of the detail. You will not find the answer if you cannot relate the fragments into the whole.

    All over your globe you will note aircraft are "dropping" from the sky--"...for no known reason". Volcanos are still erupting but you are not kept informed. Imelda Marcos goes forth to Hong Kong on government "pay-off" business but all the attention given her travel is "she bought new shoes". And I ask, "On what do you spend your funds"? Is it not alright if a person spends their own assets on that which brings them pleasure--be it beer, bowling balls, fishing rods or football tickets? Could the media thrust be simply to distract you from the facts? How many realize that until "her" business is completed--other ac­tions must wait? In fact, even Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines will continue to erupt ash and cinders until her business is finalized.

    What of California's "Big One"? Well, I am shown that it is still "on schedule" and I certainly suggest you not unpack any precious porcelain pieces until an "all clear" is proven--which will, of course, be the "big one". Your "big boy" government administration has not been able to gain supremacy over you through encounters with your enemy so you still have to have reason for giving your nation into the hands of the Dictator Bushlips. Your space effort of this week is a total disaster and flop and the view from up here is pretty sad to say the least. The Soviets with their newly launched men and equipment are laughing all the way to the "throne".

    Will your Elite be able to BUY peaceful coexistence? I doubt it because the blackmail money flow is enough at present since the intent is to pull down the Soviet Bloc nations at any rate and with any excuse--you see the bloodletting in progress. Meanwhile, you continue to dance with Saddam while the nations burn. I would say that Saddam's reactions to your "threats" and "war" tell you more about his relationship with Yeltsin's Russia than anything to date. Your efforts in Iraq have been nothing more than a sick farce since onset. I wonder if you will even revive the old "yellow ribbons" or just forget it this time? Well, I suggest that you won't have TIME FOR RIBBONS FOR THE PLANS ARE TO KEEP YOU VERY, VERY BUSY ON THE HOME FRONT THIS GO AROUND.

    Ah, many reports of incidents of "UFO" activity above the Northrop installations on Friday evening (late). Whizzing lights all over the area with zig-zag patterns, rapid direction changes and heavy electricity in the air along with audible pulses and "tones". This is simply your "New World Order" in practice for the next acts of the play. It is not our "M-O" to put on these kinds of "shows" during this time of sorting and discernment. We do not wish to confuse you by allowing you to think those actions are from "outer space". Just as with the "Christ" in hu­man manifestation--we are NOT on your place as aliens! If we come now we come in a much different manner than with such antics. This does not mean, however, that we are not very often on or in attendance of your physical placement. In these days of confusion, it is known by all prophecy that the "Christ" nor the "Hosts" are manifest human. This is so there is no misconcep­tion about anything of this relationship.

    You DO have craft from alien visitors and you do have aliens both real and cloned--but the Hosts of God are NOT among the ones presented to you. The ones in service as "crew" are well-attended and protected and as you see more and more of the clash of "Titans" and would-be "One World Gods", the confu­sion will begin to evaporate. However, I hasten to remind you--if you don't hurry with your understanding--it will be too late in the "getting smart and/or wise". The facts are, unfortunately for you of the "free" (bad) world, your Elite do not have a very good working relationship with us of the Command. We keep out of ALL of your business--but I can assure you--the old "Soviets" are a long, long way (by bunches) out front of you in technology and ability to neutralize your own games and toys. They can knock out anything dangerous to them and can usurp all things which might give them advantage--such as your com­munications satellites, etc. You have now defied the enemy by some of your games and the intent is to cause you to pay the piper for tolerating your insurrection. As bad, however, for you is that "they" don't care how your government does it but YOU are going to pay for their rulership. Well, perhaps an even worse realization might well be to consider that your own beloved Thomas Jefferson even mortgaged his "slaves" (literally). This, even though he "championed" liberty. You must realize that that which becomes the accepted "norm" is that which is projected and "established" as a traditional aspect of life-style.

    In the Jefferson Founding Father exemplification the very con­tradiction bespeaks the attitudes which come to pass. The Na­tive Americans never accepted, nor do they to this day, Thomas Jefferson as anything other than a criminal and evil personage. His religion, in fact, along with the formulation of "life", "liberty" and the "pursuit of happiness" became accepted and has held a nation together. When that is removed, the nation will fall as a unified "people".

    How did you grow so distant and far from your "established proclaimed goals"? By going to sleep to the sound of the music and voices of those you gave rights over your very existence, have you lost your way. You have allowed new definitions to take the place of the ones original to terminology--and you never noticed when the language changed into one of totally "foreign" signature. You allowed "Tide" to become a soap instead of ocean swell and you only jeered when a vice-president added an "e" onto the end of potato. But, how many of you realize the southern national presentation was one of "pota-toe"? This, be­cause the tuberous item resembled an oversized and swollen "toe"? Even had the VP not read a "cue" card--he might have made the same blunder in spelling. I wonder how many of you attended more than the political jargon?

    Is it not far more important that, say, petitions signed by 400 parents, the school board in Westfield, Massachusetts rejected a proposal that would have required that teachers for grades 1 and 2 be "thoroughly proficient in the English language". This is, after all, an English speaking nation? Well, there were warn­ings heeded that such a provision would violate civil rights laws. It was perfectly legal, however, to ignore the concerns of par­ents worried over the quality of the children's education. Re­member: "...get control of the educational system and you can destroy the nation" and "Keep the people ignorant and they shall become totally stupid and can be duped at every turn"! How much "education" do you think is taking place in Sarajevo or Dobrinja? Is this Bosnia or Yugoslavia--how about maybe Czechoslovakia or East Georgia, or perhaps it is in Gaviria? Now it surely can't be Gaviria for that seems to be where cartel leader Escobar is exercising in Colombia. But what about So­malia? There are over one and a half million people dying of starvation while in Bosnia a busload of babies is attacked. The babies having been orphaned by this "Soviet-led (pushed) mili­tary upheaval"--call them what you will. Oh well, who needs education when you have a "fixed" government to give you in­structions, directions and rules?

    I suppose it is not surprising that the Elite do not like Hatonn-- perhaps TRUTH is not in their bag of acceptable attitudes?

    Let us speak more on this Soviet change.

    QUOTING: Same Journal, The Fatima Crusader, Summer, 1992.

    There are many people who are taken in by the on going propa­ganda about the so called collapse of Communism in the "failed coup" of August '91 and the "resignation" of Gorbachev. In the interest of keeping you free by telling you the truth and to de­fend you from all the lies and disinformation that are continually dished out to you in radio, TV and newspapers (both secular and religious) we present here a report by C.B. Baker.

    He draws upon the daily press of the West to demonstrate that the Coup was a planned and staged event put on by Communist Russia, under the direction of the KGB, the Russian Military and the Communist Party (including Yeltsin and Gorbachev per­sonally) [H: At least the writer referred to the "Communist Party" by proper name. It is no different than if you re­ferred to the "Republican Party" or "Democratic Party", "Nazi Party" or any other party such as "Libertarian"--you have no change in policy, only a "Party" label designation change.], in order to enslave you and cheat you. To see how this was done and continues to be done read this report here be­low.

    BY C. B. BAKER
    On September, 27, 1991, President George Bush announced U.S. unilateral disarmament. Bush ordered ALL U.S. strategic bombers and a large part of the intercontinental ballistic missile force to stand down from their 24-hour-a-day alert status, which has been maintained for more than 20 years. He also ordered the removal of all nuclear weapons off of all U.S. surface ships. Bush's order has left America DANGEROUSLY VULNERA­BLE TO A SURPRISE ATTACK.

    In effect, Bush WAVED THE WHITE FLAG OF SURRENDER. Few Americans understand that the President capitulated to a series of NUCLEAR BLACKMAIL THREATS, repeatedly made by Soviet leaders over the last year.

    In his speech, Bush stated: "In the Soviet Union, the advocates of democracy triumphed over a coup that would have restored the old system of repression". The President lied. The Soviet coup was one of the greatest DECEPTIONS in history. Millions of Americans have been DUPED into believing that Soviet "Communism has been overthrown".

    The truth is that COMMUNISM HAS BEEN STRENGTH­ENED BY THE PHONY COUP. Immediately after the coup, Soviet leader Gorbachev closed down a partially elected legis­lature (made up of many non-Communists) & replaced it with a State Council, made up almost exclusively of Communists.

    The August, 1991 coup attempt to remove Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev was part of an elaborate deception and ex­tortion campaign that was designated to dupe America into be­lieving that "Communism has been overthrown". This cam­paign was engineered to push U.S. unilateral disarmament and generate mammoth U.S. foreign aid for the U.S.S.R.

    In December, 1990, President "Gorbachev battled doubting re­formers (in the Soviet legislature) to get Gennadi Yanayev, a Communist Party functionary, appointed vice president" (9/2/91 U.S. News and World Report). "Yanayev's entire career has been involved in propaganda agitation operations against the West",
    (2/8/91 Washington Times).

    The 6/11/91 Washington Times reported: "While Gorbachev's emissaries confidently shake their begging bowls in the world's industrial capitals, other of his emissaries are busy spending an estimated $3 billion and $4 billions a year in these same capitals (and in other non-Communist centers) on a hostile program called 'active measures' ".

    "The U.S. State Department defines Soviet 'active measures' as ‘deceptive operations that attempt to manipulate the opin­ions and/or sections of individuals, publics, or govern­ments'". [H: Ah, but for some strange reason your nation plays right into the hands of the deceit! Is there perhaps something afoot that is kept FROM YOU-THE-PEOPLE?]
    The present aim of U.S.S.R. 'active measures' is to convince Western ruling elites that the West has a moral responsibility to ...Bail out the Soviet Union... The powerful Soviet propa­ganda campaign to bring the U.S.S.R. to the July, 1991 G-7 London economic conference is part and parcel of Soviet 'active measures' . [H: Note what has happened since this article was written: the Soviets (Russia) is now a permanent part of the G-7 (now G-8) of leading world industrialized nations. This IS a group of the world's "leading financial GIANTS". Does this actually fit with the "tin cup" routine of "tend us"? The Soviet Union (needing all this help) is in dire circum­stances with hardly ANY industrial capability except for weapons and technology to be utilized toward One World Control. Yeltsin has even offered his "industrial" facilities in exchange as collateral--that which is obsolete and already doesn't work. Do you hear echoes of snicker-snicker? Yeltsin HAS GOTTEN EVERYTHING HE AS ASKED FOR PUBLICLY--AND EVER SO MUCH MORE THAT WAS NEVER MADE PUBLIC BUT, RATHER, BURIED IN "NATIONAL SECURITY" HOG-SWILL.]

    "The National Strategy Information Center Publication: Political Warfare, says there 'is mounting evidence' that Gennadi Yanayev (acting as Gorbachev's chief of staff) is also the man in charge of Soviet 'active measures'. That is a serious charge because it would mean that the anti-U.S. 'active measures' have not only the personal support of Mr. Gorbachev, but the most successful of these Soviet 'active measures' has been the teflonized image of Mr. Gorbachev as a 'reformer, friend of the West, and humanizer of Communism'".

    Martin Ebon's 1987 book, THE SOVIET PROPAGANDA MACHINE stated: "Two terms in the Soviet propaganda vocabulary convey a mixture of conspiracy and camouflage; they are 'aktivnyye meropriatia' (active measures) and 'dezinformatsia' (disinformation). 'Active measures' cover a wide range of overt and covert manipulative actives, which include 'disinformation', a catchall term for fraudulent information. Misleading or misdirecting an antagonist is as old as trapping animals, hiding Greek warriors inside a wooden 'Trojan Horse', or building Potemkin Villages". [H: The latter some of you may need to "look up" somewhere.]
    The alleged August coup attempt was another form of Soviet 'active measures' aimed against America and other Western industrialized nations. The man who was the official leader of that coup's Emergency Committee [H: Oops! Sounds like FEMA to me.] was none other than this very same 'active mea­sures' specialist, Soviet Vice President, Gennadi Yanayev.

    In May, 1991, Mikhail Gorbachev began a nuclear extortion campaign against the West. The 5/6/91 Washington Post re­ported that the Soviet President is "worried about a shift in American attitudes toward the Soviet Union".

    He threatened that "the world once again could plunge into the abyss of the Cold War" Gorbachev was agitated by "the cool U.S. reception to Moscow's request for $1.5 Billion in farm credits" and "by the disappointing response from American business to invitations to invest in the Soviet economy".

    The 5/23/91 Washington Post described the size of Soviet aid demands: The Soviet President suggested that the West send $100 Billion. "Gorbachev warned that, without Western assis­tance, the Soviet Union might not emerge from its deepening economic crisis, and world stability might be threatened". The true size of Soviet aid demands upon the West is much higher than the Soviet president publicly admitted. The 6/1/91 Washington Post reported that officials at the International Mon­etary Fund have revealed that the Soviets are requesting $250 Billion in tribute, in the form of foreign aid from the West. But the true size of Soviet extortion demands is much greater.

    Henry Kissinger [H: Does always pop up doesn't he?], the powerful Learned Elder, Trilateral Commissioner, and mentor of President Bush's National Security Adviser (Brent Scowcroft), let the truth out in his 9/17/91 Washington Post ar­ticle. He stated: "Soviet needs are huge... They would amount to $1.5 Trillion a year, for at least five years".

    During his speech at the Nobel Prize ceremonies, President Gorbachev repeated his nuclear threats. The 6/6/91 Washing­ton Post reported "under Gorbachev, the propaganda of success has been replaced with the propaganda of failure... The Soviet President suggested that Western countries have a huge political and economic interest in preventing the collapse of his pere­stroika economic reform movement". He stated: "To me it is self-evident that if Soviet perestroika succeeds, there will be a real chance of building a NEW WORLD ORDER. If pere­stroika fails, the prospect of entering a new peaceful period in history WILL VANISH.

    The newspaper described the Soviet President's threat: "Gorbachev is seeking to confront the seven leading industrial­ized nations (at the G-7 meeting) with a stark choice: Invest billions of dollars in the Soviet Union or risk the return of the Cold War". Gorbachev's threat suggested "ominously that if it proved impossible 'to reach an understanding regarding a new phase of cooperation', the Soviet Union would have 'to look for other ways, for time is of the essence' ".

    The Soviet President also stated that the Western aid must have no strings.
    It would be "futile and dangerous" for Western lenders to set conditions. The 6/10/91 Wall Street Journal de­scribed Gorbachev's Nobel Prize speech as "the language of extortion". The 5/7/91 Washington Times reported that Senator Bill Bradley (D. NJ) described Gorbachev's Nobel Prize speech as being: "an attempt at a new form of Nuclear Blackmail".

    "Give us money or we won't be able to control our nuclear weapons". [H: Perhaps another "strange aspect" of these newspress articles is that they are printed in primarily ELITE BANKSTER-OWNED, TOTALLY CONTROLLED PAPERS.]
    Gorbachev claims that Western aid will be used for economic reforms, but in the years since he took power (in 1985), the U.S.S.R. has utilized almost all of its economic resources for a huge increase in military spending. [H: So what has changed--they now use YOURS!]
    The 5/7191 Washington Times reported that in December, 1990, KGB chief Vladimir Kryuchkov made a speech accusing Amer­ica of selling rotting and contaminated grain to the Soviet Union. "He even warned against foreign investment, charging that Western businessmen and governments endanger Soviet secu­rity". He also attacked "offers of Western aid".

    President Gorbachev and his own cabinet repeatedly placed new Stalinist shackles on the Soviet economy. The newspaper re­ported that in January, 1991, Gorbachev personally signed a de­cree that allows the KGB to "do what it pleases to combat what is called 'economic sabotage' ". Gorbachev's decree allowed the super-Stalinist, KGB chief Kryuchkov to block economic reforms. Yet only a few months later, the Soviet president was making a series of public speeches demanding hundreds of bil­lions of dollars in Western aid. Allegedly to support "economic reforms".

    On June 18, 1991, KGB chief, Vladimir Kryuchkov made a top secret speech to a closed session of the Soviet legislature. Alexander Nevzorov, a Leningrad TV spokesman, provided his viewers with a tape recording of Kryuchkov's speech by the KGB--which indicated that the KGB wanted Kryuchkov's threats to reach the West, "as a part of the 'active measures' extortion campaign". [H: Can you not see how clever was the manipulation by threat and blackmail of "making Irangate" intelli­gence information public, Watergate "stuff", MIA-POW in­formation in the Asian sector public, etc.? They had all they needed to do exactly what they said they would do back with Khruschev--"bury you". Do you not think that the administration will do "anything" to keep that information from reaching you-the-people? All they have to do is just keep reminding your "big boys" of the facts involved.]
    Kryuchkov attacked proposed economic reform schemes as be­ing a so-called "capitulation to the West and the CIA". He de­manded increased Soviet military spending. The secret speech painted America as the U.S.S.R.'s mortal enemy, in the same style that was utilized by Stalin's Kremlin associates during the 1940's and 1960's.

    The KGB chief also warned that Western intelligence services are "working on plans for the 'pacification and even occupation' of the Soviet Union under the 'pretext' of controlling Moscow's nuclear capability". (6/23/91 Washington Post). Ominously, Kryuchkov compared the present situation to that "in 1941, when the Soviet Union ignored warnings of an impending inva­sion from national Socialist Germany".

    The well publicized leak of Kryuchkov's secret speech took place only a short time before the G-7 London economic conference of the leaders of the world's seven most industrial­ized nations. The purpose of the deliberately leaked Kryuchkov speech was to frighten [H: No--blackmail.] those G-7 leaders with the message: "Send hundreds of billions of dollars in aid to the Soviet Union or the dangerous Stalinists will take over".


    On June 22, 1991, Kryuchkov and prime Minister Valentin S. Pavlov attempted to get the Soviet legislature to strip Gorbachev of his presidential powers. The move was also supported by Interior Minister Boris K. Pugo and Defense Minister Dmitri T. Yazov. (All of these were later participants in the August coup against Gorbachev.) In the June legislative manoeuvre, Gor­bachev was easily able to repulse Pavlov, but the attempt (taking place three weeks prior to the G-7 meeting) was another fright tactic, widely played up through the Western me­dia. Many Western experts on the U.S.S.R. were shocked that all the conspirators (against Gorbachev) remained in their jobs.

    In December, 1990, Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevard­nadze made a surprise speech, announcing his resignation be­cause of an impending "dictatorship".
    In March, 1991, She­vardnadze renewed his warnings, stating that president Gor­bachev has "only three or four more months to save democratic reforms in the U.S.S.R." before Stalinists took over. Despite his resignation, Shevardnadze continues to be on good terms with Gorbachev. These repeated public warnings demon­strate that Shevardnadze was playing a major part in the Soviet extortion campaign.

    Col. Viktor Alksnis (also known as the "Black Colonel") is one of the leaders of the Soyuz hard-line group in the Soviet legis­lature. At the same time Gorbachev began his own nuclear blackmail campaign, Alksnis suddenly started giving a whole series of interviews to Western news organizations. Even though he claimed to oppose Gorbachev's policies, Alksnis rein­forced the Soviet President's own threat-mongering.
    In his 7/91 Christian Science Monitor Monthly interview, Alks­nis stated:
    "A civil war in the Soviet Union means an unavoid­able World War III. ...Our situation is very similar to that of the United States in 1861".
    The 5/31/91 Washington Times reported that Alksnis stated: "If civil war here is unavoidable, it will involve nuclear arms and weapons of mass destruction". Col. Alksnis told Britain's New Statesman on April 5. "Yes, we shall perish but we shall take the whole world to the grave. YOU WILL PERISH WITH US. There will be no borders. The conflict will splash over them, first into neighboring countries, then into a world catastrophe". [H: I do hope that you didn't hear this here--first!]
    During the same period, Alksnis had an interview over U.S. National Public Radio in which he stated that Soviet nuclear missiles, used in such a U.S.S.R. civil war, will "accidentally" hit targets in the United States. The 2/8/91 Washington Post reported that top Soviet military leaders "were in fundamental agreement, with Alksnis".

    To be continued in "The Fatima Crusader's" Next Issue [H: I sincerely hope that someone remembers to send us a copy of same so that we, too, may present the information. But let us herein continue with the Editor's Note.]
    Due to lack of space, the rest of this very important news sum­mary will be continued in our next issue.

    Some of the topics covered by this continued report include:

    *Political Insiders Knew It Was a Phoney Coup.
    *A Coup Staged for Western Mass Media.
    *Soviet Coup Hoax Staged in Order to increase Flow of West­ern Aid.
    *Communist party Crooks Plunder Soviet State Funds.
    *Bush Pushes Backdoor U.S. Taxpayers' Financial Aid for U.S.S.R.
    *The KGB's Long Record of Successful Coups.
    *Contrary to Mass Media Big Lies, the Communists Still Hold Tight Control Over Soviet Union.
    *Strategic Soviet Threat To America Increases After Coup.


    * * *
    I would note herein a petition to the readers of this particular Journal in point, The Fatima Crusader, that this is a Holy Catholic Journal. In view of visions accepted and those pre­sented at "Fatima", it would behoove you to take all this most seriously indeed. They claim that Pope John Paul II, wants to obey Jesus' command to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. "He is fiercely opposed by satanic forces around him. We must help him by our prayers and sacrifices. Jesus himself told us through Sister Lucy of Fatima: ‘It is never too late to have recourse to Jesus and Mary'".

    I have no comment on the "church" in point nor regarding the "Pope" other than to note that this Pope John Paul II is Polish and is as involved as any other of the Elite personages in what is going on in the world. I honor this Editor, I presume, Father Nicholas Gruner, for insightful attention to most dangerous trends in historic movements of nations and governments. It is difficult, at best, to remain Godly in the face of such stringent assault by doctrines and religious dogmas. Blessings rest upon you, Sir, for the worthy sharing of this particular information to an awakening (I pray) world.

    Salu, Hatonn to clear.

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