The special reason you should begin to understand the essence of it now is because it is against all scientific tradition and concept. It will be proven to you all through this book, however, for our whole case rests upon it. If present day belief is right in its concept that the atom is held together from the inside, then there is no case, and these writings would be worthless. If we are right in our knowledge that all matter is a powder keg which is intensely desirous of being released from its forced imprisonment, and needs only the right kind of match to explode it, you can then see that radioactive fission is that match, and these writings are priceless saviours of the race.
It only stands to reason, therefore, that if every cell in your body wants to explode, and that radioactivity releases millions upon millions of deadly niton and alpha “matches” in our atmosphere, which will help your body cells to explode, and you breathe in enough of them, you could no more continue to live than your tire could hold its air if you open its valve. This actually happened in a laboratory where some radioactive gas escaped and a man breathed it in. He had a lethal dose and could not live. Of course he could not live, nor can the whole human race and the earth’s vegetation live when microscopic strontium, barium, radium and plutonium “matches” by the millions are in all the water you drink, all the food you eat, and in every breath you take. Some of your cells will constantly explode. Strontium will give you bone cancer and make you breed terribly abnormal children. Radium and plutonium will kill you by eating your red blood cells and causing leukemia victims by the millions. We will give you the detailed reasons for this as we proceed, but we do not need to tell you what cyanide of potassium will do to you, for you already know. Nor do we need to tell you what chlorine, the most deadly gas which laboratories fear, will do to you, for you already know. What then can plutonium rays do to you? They are a million times more deadly than chlorine gas, which every laboratory dreads. Also, what can it do to the planet? Its rays will endure for 20,000 years or longer. It is quite possible that the earth could remain barren that long, or very much longer. Organic life would have to “evolve” again from its very beginning.
That could happen if you continue to spread those thousands of reactors around your world, for each reactor has a uranium pile of ten tons. That means that thousands of Frankensteins would be in your midst against which you are totally helpless. You could not even approach them to destroy them--check out Chernobyl. Naturally that could not happen, for mankind would discover his great error long before the country could be dotted with plants, but it is more than probable that enough would be constructed, and their shields be come as dangerous as they themselves are, to cause wholesale migrations to far northern latitudes for very survival. Great cities would become deserted and tens of millions would die from polluted food, water and air. You have seen it portrayed for you in practical movies as well as living (or dying as the case is) proof in Chernobyl and surrounding areas thereto. Worse, you in America sit with these plants scattered at random about your nation with some plants literally on fault lines expected to experience major earthquakes. The primeval life which would necessarily become imperative for the small number of survivors in the then temperate climate of the North and South Poles, would set civilization back for many thousands of years, for life would be utterly impossible within a thousand miles of naked reactor plutonium piles.
One of the greatest errors in reactor construction is the use of aluminum tubes for uranium containers. Aluminum would become charged with radioactive death very quickly in comparison with silver, gold or any other metal on the blue side of the spectrum. Steel is on the red side, but its density is so much greater than aluminum that it is a better metal than aluminum for that purpose. Nickel would be better than steel, for nickel is on the blue side. The idea of constructing shields of any material at all, for protection against uranium and plutonium, is only a temporary expedient. The time will come when the shields will be as dangerous as the cores and you are almost there with several of your reactors. It is absolutely impossible to be otherwise. The time element may be long, but when that time comes, the greatest migration history has ever known will have to take place, and its road will be paved with millions of dead, largely from leukemia which will rapidly increase until it becomes a scourge. Already cancers and immune deficiency diseases are the plague upon your nations.
I will drop one more “bomb” on you and then we will have a rest break. The element of surprise which could delay the discovery of the great danger, and thus allow more plutonium piles to come into existence, is the fact that scientists are looking near the ground for fall-out dangers and other radioactive menaces. The greatest radioactive dangers are accumulating from eight to twelve miles up. This seems to be totally ignored--deliberately ignored. The upper atmosphere is already charged with death-dealing radioactivity for which it has not yet sent you its bill. It is slowly coming, however, and you will have to pay for it for another century, even if atomic energy plants ceased today and all plants had not been built in the past two decades. That is why it is possible to have many reactors in use before discovering it is too late to stop building them. It would be impossible to destroy them for they could not be approached. Plutonium and uranium piles cannot be destroyed in any other way than by redistributing them the way Nature does. As that is utterly impossible, the only recourse left to Man is to flee from them and let the centuries renormalize the earth made barren by Man.
Need a shocker? In Britain, in 1956, it was already known and printed, that which would happen to you all: “Since records have been kept the amount of radio-strontium which has fallen out on Britain has multiplied six times. In 1948, radioactivity, to roughly two-thousandths of a gram of radium, had fallen out on each square mile of countryside. Since then the rate of deposition has increased, and now the equivalent of nearly six-thousandths of a gram of radium are settling each year. And there is plenty more of it to come. The concentration of radioactivity eight miles up is some 200 times greater than it is at ground level. Between 10 per cent and 20 per cent of this is thought to settle upon the earth each year.” I suggest you calculate the “time” lapse and know that radiation is a “building up” process. I think you should ponder these statements; consider that it has been over 2 decades and half through another--just since that prior statement was set forth. Moreover, take a place like France wherein almost ALL power is produced by nuclear power and the waste put into the sea. You in America only consider your own waste material with great horror and disdain--ponder it worldwide--I doubt you will breathe easily the remainder of this day. Then, you gather together and make little frequency boxes to heal that which ails you all the while you are pouring on the death poisons as fast as you can and demanding MORE. So be it.