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  1. #5
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 52


    WED., JULY 15, 1992 7:27 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 334

    WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1992

    It has just been brought to my attention that there is an offer of "exchanging" our "mailing list" with, at this moment of writing, unknown others. NO, NO AND NO, NO!! If this happens I shall make immediate changes in all connected publication/ distribution areas. OUR PROMISE TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS, READERS AND WORKERS--IS FOR TOTAL PRIVACY OF LISTINGS! IF WE NEED LARGER LIST­INGS--THEY CAN BE PURCHASED OR WHATEVER--OURS WILL NOT BE GIVEN, SOLD OR EXCHANGED. If our promise is not honored, THEN HOW DO WE EX­PECT ANYONE TO HONOR US? Something is getting very confused and confusing for if I find that that promise has been betrayed intentionally I shall take action.

    Further notation to the writers who are finding "errors" in the book, COMMITTEE OF 300, and somehow blame me for same. This book was suggested by me for information. I did not write it or promise total perfection--this is WHY it is NOT a JOURNAL as such. It is for your confirmation of that which we have given and we honor the author who is human, from the British Intelligence forces, and has efforted to his best ability within his knowledge to bring you information. How OTHER published material is handled is not in my prerogative to attend or even comment upon--but, privacy and security will at all times be honored with the "Phoenix" material and participant references. This is not a negotiable item and there can be NO COMPROMISE. Thank you.

    How nice that you don't have to concern yourself about it!?!? Truth from ANY SOURCE is Truth and confirmations are flooding in. If you have been listening and acting you are in good shape this day--if not, a lot of ones are going to be sorely hurting. I suggest the first thing you do upon receiving this is to get straight with higher Source.

    If you think I jest about planned Earthquakes, etc., I want all of you to know that "precious pretties" and dangerous objects have been removed and packed, on the floor, lamps set on the floor and all cupboards latched shut with elastic cords or bands--

    OK, harken up. You, again, do not have to listen to Hatonn be­cause the media and insiders are now spreading the word: Beam interruptions are planned for the period of time from the 23rd on in sporadic doses--globally. Now, comes "inside" information reported from off-shore that "some big and major occurrence is planned for the 28th". Are you getting the picture, friends? Here on in there will be one continuous string of events until you will be emotionally exhausted and vulnerable to all, in mass numbers.

    Horse's mouth? Is Bush "horse enough"? Is he planner or puppet? Doesn't matter does it? Will accusations get your supplies into order and your precious things into safety instead of crashing off the tables and walls? Do you have what is needed for several days of self-stability and care? There is not one thing of "natural" happening which is not orchestrated and thrust upon you unsuspecting citizens this day--from quakes to floods to tor­nados.

    Can you still function "within the system"? Of course--you cannot function any other way! Neither can you believe a thing they tell you about anything. I suggest if you are going to "gamble" on who may be correct--you observe the truth "so far" from these political worker-bees. Then THINK! What do I have to gain from you? We take no funds, we take no property, we take nothing FROM YOU. I believe the politi­cians cannot offer as much.

    I am going to reprint a portion of a "family" letter (brother) of one of our most closely-working persons. This one classifies the correspondence as "...hate mail from my brother". Amus­ing? No, painful and deadly. But who shall ultimately pay for the lack of care and respect of one for another? I ask P.C. to consider and "release it". Let "reason" be your insight and wis­dom your guide. I think you will note the "accidental" misrep­resentation of my label as (Hardon, i.e., Hard-on) and other "cute" observations. This will be typical of that which you get "back" from even loved ones of closest relationship. Why ar­gue? You do naught for them and waste valuable time for self. Just do not allow yourself to fall prey to their indecision and ab­surd inability to SEE and fail to prepare for self. A lot of peo­ple drowned when Noah's boat was launched,
    I suspect--even if the story be only a fable.

    "...I hope you didn't expect me to stay silent, right? I've been listening to 3 straight weeks of your usual ramblings... So­viet nuclear attack possible on U.S. which was later replaced by some milder form of catastrophe. Well, once again, thanks to the "flood of information by Hardon and the quazillions of peo­ple who read the Liberator this week (all 421 of them)" the world was spared, the "Elite" and the "Jews" cancelled the genocide. How much longer are you going to buy this line that is being fed to you?
    Have you ever wondered about how the "Elite" plans these dis­asters and takeovers... do they sit around a conference table and discuss these deals?...and more importantly is Hardon always present!... how else would he be able to get a hold of information like this in such a short period of time?... Maybe he's a part of the "Elite"? And why is he the only "investigator" to ever get a hold of this info? Why is he the only one who knows about the photon belt? Is this individual sinister or what? A decade ago the tensions were high between US/USSR, now that attitudes seemed to have changed, why does this man still want (I didn't say predict) war? Never does he ever do anything to bridge the gaps that exist in our worldly society but man, when he can lash-out at the Chinese, the Soviets, the Americans, the rich, the Jews, the blacks, the Salvation Army, Santa Clause and Peter the Rabbit, he goes wild! [H: Herein I cannot help defending myself--I never lashed out at Peter the Rabbit!] Never, ever, anything positive. Yes I know y see everything in that tabloid as being positive.... well, hell, I'd hate to see what you consider as negative.

    Anyways, this is probably my last correspondence to you be­cause I don't want to hear any more doom & gloom from the Martian Tabloid...! I won't have anything to write back to you about.
    Happy 4th of July!
    [By the way, it is also predicted that "to make Hatonn go nuts, take away his 'bold' key!" That would do it!]

    So--here we go with YOUR information breaking through and with only "421" readers, surely you don't need to "blame us".

    Globe & Mail, 8th July, 1992: The AIDS virus was genetically engineered by white scientists to annihilate black people, say black Muslims. Also, a cure is being covered up. The idea of such a conspiracy has found ready acceptance among San Diego's black community, reports the San Diego Union-Tribune; even black health professionals says reporter Cheryl Clar, feel the idea isn't far-fetched. Some cite a 1932-72 government ex­periment in Tuskegee, Ala. , in which black males were infected with syphilis [Please also see appropriate PHOENIX JOUR­NAL and A HIGHER FORM OF KILLING by Harris and Paxman and BAD BLOOD by Jones, etc., etc., etc.] to track the progress of the disease while penicillin was not administered. (One in 40 adults in Africa is infected with the HIV virus, and 30 percent of U.S. adults and children diagnosed with AIDS, as of March 30, were black).

    [REMEMBER, Semites are NOT "JEWS".]

    Globe & Mail, (Toronto, Canada) 8th July 1992:

    Discontent in Russia has spawned new Communist parties heavy on nationalism and anti-Semitism, according to the Miami Her­ald and Britain's Spectator magazines. Notable quotes: "It is the Jewish bankers from Wall Street that will end up owning our land" (from the All Union Communist party of Bolsheviks) and "The latest historical evidence proves Hitler and the whole of his Politburo to have been Jewish" (from the newspaper Russian Cause). [If we only have 421 readers, I also suspect THIS "info" didn't come from Hard-on.]

    CP: Verne Wilde, administrator of Weyburn Union Hospital in Weyburn, Sask., says the facility was not involved in a program in which more than 500 people were given doses of the psychedelic drug LSD during experiments in the 1950s and '60s. A news report on Monday said psychiatrists at Saskatoon's Uni­versity Hospital and Weyburn Union gave the drug to people who volunteered for a government-financed research project. Peter Boyle, executive director of the Souris Valley Regional Care Centre in Weyburn, formerly Saskatchewan Hospital, con­firmed that the research was conducted there. Former study subjects told CBC Television that they were not warned of possible side effects of the drug.

    What about the masked surgeons who did abortions without any anaesthetics in Yukon Territory, as reported on TV recently? Hospital denied any "wrongdoing" of course! Doctors (?) could not be traced!! [This information from a reader--BUT, how many readers and writers do you think are in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and/or in the Yukon Territory--if we only have 421 readers? I find it interesting to note that "abortion" is not particularly noted--only non-use of anesthetics.]
    Please see appropriate JOURNAL. We may not have more than 421 readers of our information--but, somehow we have managed to get every detail of these information-bits to you long, long ago! So be it!


    Associated Press. JERUSALEM, Globe & Mail, Toronto, Canada, Sat. July 4, 1992:

    Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir headed a special hit squad during his 10 years in Israel's Mossad secret service, an Israeli newspaper reported yesterday.

    Mr. Shamir's spokesman, Ehud Gol, refused to comment on the report in the respected daily Haaretz. "We never relate to anything that has to do with the activities in the secret services of Israel, even when it comes to the Prime Minister", Mr. Gol said.

    Isser Harel, who headed the Mossad during the time in ques­tion, also declined to comment.

    Mr. Shamir, who announced he plans to retire after his Likud Party's defeat in last week's election, has rarely spoken about his career in the Mossad.

    He once said of his work: "I changed names, passports and identities. In various places, I would go armed".

    The Haaretz report said Mr. Shamir headed the assassination unit from 1955 to 1964. The unit carried out attacks on per­ceived enemies and suspected Nazi war criminals, Haaretz re­porter Yossi Melman wrote, citing unidentified foreign sources.

    In February of 1963, Mr. Shamir dispatched a squad on two unsuccessful attempts to assassinate Dr. Hans Kleinwachter, a German scientist suspected of helping Egypt develop missiles, Mr. Melman wrote. In September of 1962, another German scientist working for the Egyptians, Dr. Heinz Drug, disap­peared mysteriously. "It was suspected that Mossad agents killed him". [H: They DID and "old you-know-who" pulled the trigger with the fatal bullet--point blank--less than 6 inches away!]
    Mr. Melman wrote that Mr. Shamir recruited to the unit for­mer members of the Stern Gang [Check out Rabin and Sharon. Editors, please reference the JOURNAL bearing these pieces of information--I am beginning to get ever so slightly annoyed!], the ruthless Jewish underground group he led in the fight against Britain for Israel's independence.

    Mr. Shamir and his Stern Gang colleagues were recruited, in part because they had "a lot of experience in murder, assassina­tions, planting bombs, threats and harassment", Mr. Melman wrote.

    The underground group assassinated Lord Moyne, Britain's resident Mideast minister [among many others of U.N. repre­sentation], in 1944, and was blamed for the slaying of United Nations mediator Count Folke Bernadotte in 1948, months before Israel won independence.


    If you still simply can't believe 421 readers could be "possibly" "somewhat" informed, I suggest you back up all this information from even more resources--try any one of the revealing books on CIA/Mossad connections and especially BY WAY OF DECEPTION by Victor Ostrovsky. Most of these books to which I refer can be gotten, I believe, through America West for I asked them to have reference where you readers can obtain such. Try any and all of Eustace Mullin's writings for diversification of subject material if you need reference. I have no corner on in­formation--YOU have simply missed it all from ALL resources behind the media black-out and the banning of information--right down to the truth about your DIVINE SOURCE AND INFI­NITE REALITY which is in the series NOW BEING BANNED THROUGH YOUR COURTS OF OUR PLEIADES CON­NECTION JOURNALS. I suppose there is information else­where in this paper to indicate how you might still obtain those. The government is now starting to find a way to ban and confis­cate all of the TANGLED WEBS series of JOURNALS which outlays the whole CIA and Intelligence community involvement right through the Committee of 300 Club of Rome. By the way, what do you REALLY THINK is wrong with the Pope? There are dozens of books to give you confirmation of my writings--why do you denounce me when you are not willing to see Truth?

    I also received a "cute" slam--really, it was aimed at a "brother" who had simply efforted to "share" information: Dear Com­mander & Mother Hitler:

    After reading such fabulous articles on Rollerblades, Santa Clause and puppets, I want to know what you think of other life-­sustaining/threatening products like Corn Flakes, Frisbees, Puppy dogs, skateboards, and Monday Night Football on ABC?
    [H: Now I ask you readers--who is the cleverest one of all--"mirror, mirror on the wall"? This is all in reference to the "Phoenix Blaborator".]
    San Francisco Chronicle IN JUST ONE DAY--July 9, 1992:

    "U.S. Withholds Funds--State Doubles IOU's...The state (Calif) will mail out more than $300 million in IOU's today to doctors and hospitals that care for the poor because the federal gov­ernment has refused to pay its share of Medi-Cal costs until a budget is in place.

    "The decision to hold back its usual 50 percent share of Medi­-Cal payments doubles the amount of registered warrants the state has to issue. The increase may mean that California banks will stop accepting the IOU's before the end of the month, officials warned....".
    Same day, same place: "Surprise Offer by Yeltsin To Trade As­sets for Debt. 'Bolt from the blue' at economic summit".

    "Munich: In a startling conclusion to the Group of Seven sum­mit, Boris Yeltsin offered yesterday to swap factories, energy resources and other properties for Russian debt. The Russian President said that he was 'satisfied with the results of our con­versations' and optimistic that negotiations later this year on debt deferral would be successful".

    This is THE most deadly game in town!

    "Rain in the California desert forced the Columbia to spend an extra day in space yesterday, stretching NASA's longest shuttle flight to a full two weeks".

    Funny thing about that--there was not enough rain at Lancaster, Palmdale, or Edwards to wet a patio! Who is fooling who? Enough activity was established in Los Angeles--by man-made devices--to precipitate ability to not land at Edwards. Edwards is, for all practical purposes, under siege. Laugh today--and check it out tomorrow!! Try again today to respond to yester­day's question: "What is Bush doing in Southern California?" Going to a ballgame? Try again!!

    "Perot sides with Japan regarding Soviet held islands....blah, blah, blah". But, note that Boris Yeltsin, in Munich, said he was going for an "official visit to Tokyo in September". An­other portion of the article states regarding Perot: "In the inter­view with the monthly magazine Bungei Shunju, Perot also reiterated his position that Japan and Germany should pay more of the cost of stationing U.S. troops on THEIR soil". How about THEIR TROOPS on YOUR SOIL? They ARE AL­READY IN THE U.S., you must know--don't you?
    "Miami: A key witness against Manuel Noriega has recanted his testimony that he passed drug payoffs to the ousted Pana­manian ruler, saying prosecutors pressured him into that an­swer...." Indeed, this is a "key" witness--none other than del Cid!! This SHOULD blow the entire set-up. But it won't--a railroad job is always subject to lengthy time schedule delays.

    "Judge Freezes Assets of Sheik Tied to BCCI: A federal judge yesterday froze the U.S. assets of a former Saudi Arabian banker.... Federal Reserve Board disclosed it is also seeking to fine him $170 million He was indicted by a Manhattan grand jury....".

    How quaint a set of regulations and kidnap/confiscation laws you have. How fortunate for ones such as Clifford Clark, George Bush and twigs, Saddam, and dozens of other BCCI par­ticipants that you can latch onto a scapegoat and break every law of your land to hide the criminals in point. I can only suggest you read the JOURNALS if you want the information--IN FULL.

    GOD of Divine Light is barred from the airwaves BUT: Arizona Daily Star, (July 8th (about), 1992): "Great Satan, prosecutors strike a deal" "The former host of 'The Great Satan at Large' cable television program pleaded guilty yesterday to contributing to the delinquency of a 17-year-old girl who stripped on the show.

    "In exchange for the plea, prosecutors dropped six exploitation and obscenity felony charges filed last year against Lou Perfidio, who calls himself the 'Great Satan'.... The show, which included nudity, violence, profanity and graphic sex, also featured a 17-year-old girl who undressed behind a sheer screen and performed simulated sex acts with her boyfriend, prosecu­tors said.

    "Perfidio said yesterday he now is on a waiting list to get back on the air.
    ‘I'll do basically the same thing, only better', he said. 'This time, I think I'll card everyone'".

    Now, how about reading SATAN'S DRUMMERs, a PHOENIX JOURNAL!

    "OH WOE IS WE"
    Why am I doing this "advertising"? Because apparently with only 421 readers--someone is missing a lot of pretty good observations and information. My MISSION is to bring the WORD unto your people. If you don't know WHAT HAS GONE WRONG, how can you change it? Further, if our books are banned and confiscated, burned and buried--AND YOU
    DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THAT THERE ARE SUCH JOURNALS--THEN WHAT AM I TO DO? If your own brothers, sisters, siblings and parents will NOT HEAR, how am I to get you information if I DON'T TELL YOU WHAT IS AVAILABLE? By the way--there aren't enough "emphasis keys such as 'bold" to serve my purposes to get your attention! I doubt it will "drive me nuts" but I do find the adversary just a tad irritating.

    If my own publisher pushes other books on his listing and for­gets to utilize heavy distribution information scattering--how are you going to hear?? Who will tell you what is available? We are not allowed to run ads in almost everything--even Spotlight whom I honor constantly. And how about the turn-down of America West as a distributor of GEORGE BUSH THE UNAUTHORIZED BIOGRAPHY because American West publishes the Phoenix material. Why? Because we are "anti-Semites" and other things equally as false and ridiculous. I am a Semite--who are you?


    The Orange County Register, (Calif), Sat., March 31, 1990: "Washington--Leading members of Congress said Friday that the nation should adopt a simpler, more secure method of identi­fying citizens and legal aliens.....This would be in the form of a National Identity Card". By the way, this would only be uti­lized until other means of identification can be introduced--perhaps in the form of invisible "bar codes" or, or, or...

    NEWS-CAPITAL & DEMOCRAT, McAlester, Texas, June 16 & 17th, 1992: "...a total of over 6,500 TONS of ammunition, most of it for howitzers and machine guns, is being transferred to AAP from the Pueblo Depot, near Pueblo, Colo., as the Department of Defense begins its closing of the Colorado facility". [H: And if you believe that facility is closing--you are in seri­ous trouble!]

    Now, for just a smattering of excerpts from these articles: "...will employ at least 11 convoys and will incorporate the ser­vices of more than 375 soldiers from active duty, Reserve and National Guard units based in 16 states.

    "The Army has designated the transfer of munitions from Pueblo to McAlester and from Umatilla Depot in Oregon to California's Sierra Army Depot.... The transfer will provide valuable hands-on training to Army Reservists and National Guardsmen who specialize in transportation and ordinance han­dling operations.... McAlester's depot operations will be ex­panded and continued.... 105 millimeter artillery rounds and 50 caliber machine gun ammunition will be stored in 21 of the plant's magazines.... The convoys will travel to Wichita, then to the outskirts of Tulsa before swinging south on Highway 75. The convoys will pass both Okmulgee and Henryetta before reaching the Indian Nation Turnpike for its final leg to AAP.... Another group of Reservists now activated and assigned to the plant...will unload...under the supervision of our swing shift storage personnel and surveillance inspectors. The Reservists are being housed in AAP facilities and have access to the plant's recreational facilities. An active duty transportation unit from Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. will be assigned to the plant to as­sist.... Operation "Golden Cargo" is a joint Army Forces Command-Army Materiel Command operation under the direction of the Sixth U.S. Army's 319th Transportation Brigade headquartered in Oakland, Calif...." Gosh, I do hope "THE FORCE" is with you!

    Well, so much for Blather Bold-key Hard-on. I wonder how many of you will ask GOD to walk with you?? Time marches ON--AND ON--AND ON, ah but, for how long? Perhaps the expected and long-overdue earthquake incidents are planned as a helpful gesture by your Elite politicians to rearrange your fur­niture for more casual experience. I certainly hope so for I would hate to cause you undue trauma in your daily mind-set routines. Doom and gloom? Will refusing to see and hear re­duce--or increase--doom and gloom? See, it IS, after all, in the perspective and perception, is it not?

    PJ 52

    THU., JULY 16, 1992 9:54 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 335

    THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1992

    In the beauty of the morning the only reflection of perception is that which comes from within. Is this a beauteous day or a dreaded day? Obviously if you are to be executed at 10:30 A.M., then right now is a bit of a "drag", it being 10:02 and the desire would be to stop "time". However, if you have grand and wondrous plans for 10:30, it is filled with excitement and anticipation with hope that the time will fly rapidly.

    The same is true of "warnings" which seem only to be foisting doom and gloom upon your beings when activities are already pressing and dreary enough. However, if one withholds "warnings" as they flow forth from knowledgeable ones who share--are you, in a sense, responsible if damage occurs to the others from which you withheld that information? Is this not that which the governments and military have already done to you for lo, these many decades?

    I actually have ones joshing and bantering that "....if Hatonn is warning about this or that, I don't have to worry about it hap­pening--ha, ha, ha!" So be it. But, less than 1/2 hour ago a person called from Yucca Valley to WARN that she had just been notified from the "seismographic center" that persons there are placed on upgraded alert. They were already prepared for a 7-8 point quake by ending 17th. IT HAS NOW BEEN UPGRADED TO THE EXPECTATION OF A 10-12 POINT "DISASTER".
    Next, a person called from Las Vegas to give input that activity in the military flights and all military movement has quadrupled just last evening and this morning. The word is "coming down" from alerted "troops" to anticipate MAJOR happenings within the next 48 hours.

    11:06 A.M.: I am asking Dharma to move back up to this loca­tion for ongoing update as it comes in to our attention. We need to each and all keep updates flowing and shared.

    We have "friends" in "high places" who have literally traveled back to Washington with "high officials", from Hemet, Califor­nia. There is confirmation that SOMETHING BIG is COMING DOWN within days if not hours. He is staying over in Wash­ington to acquire more inside information. However, he has re­quired that his wife and friends gather all "precious" "stuff" and go inland. In this instance, to friends in Phoenix, Arizona.

    The latest word out of "high places" in L.A. coupled with Las Vegas activities is as follows: The seismologists, in mass, are leaving the coastal area--they began leaving Monday and the last of the "authority crews" are leaving NOW. Cal-Tech seismologists have alerted the utility and "nerve center" emergency re­sponse places to be prepared for massive upheaval before the 20th of the month and IN NO EXCEPTION OF PREDIC­TIONS, WITHIN THE NEXT 20 DAYS. The subject is being handled under only "need to know" basis and orders are to "keep total silence". The media, press nor public will be in­formed.

    From Las Vegas from one who actually works within area 51 (where space-flight-capable "saucers" are often witnessed) comes the word to be on total alert. Razor wire is being placed around the periphery of all military bases--to contain people. This "informant" said that this same thing is happening on ALL military bases--at least within the Western areas.

    ELF (extra low frequency) beams are being pulsed into the land mass and are being recorded in massive levels at monitoring stations. Neither the people nor the earth can sustain without "breaking" under such bombardment. It is expected that the faults will break first.

    Low frequency impact causes distress, depression and "I don't give a damn about you" response to everything. They give off physically disabling side-effects.

    The same information is coming out of San Francisco, chelas. The notification system is alerted and ones who know the conse­quences are departing the city and coastal areas. The areas of Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, etc., are battened down and the Elite are gone "on vacation".

    Chelas, I can only deal with this Western geographic location. You should be getting information regarding happenings in scattered placements across the nation. It is now mandatory that you ones act as a network in purely human contact. There are ones in all locations who are "inside" and hear or KNOW facts and unless you are willing to share you simply will not KNOW as public citizens.

    If ones wish clearing networking of cross-filed input--I suggest that our people would be happy to receive and disperse rumors and/or updates. I don't know how you would wish to do this but surely radio stations who have been gracious to our presence should be notified and this information "faxed".

    George at America West can do whatever he sees fit to do in this circumstance regarding media contacts but in prior instances there has only been ridicule and, finally, denouncement and classification as "kooks".

    Dharma, do not return to the end of this document. I feel it needs be taken from the equipment and given into other hands. Then we can simply begin a new program if we sit again to write this day. Thank you.

    You do what you want to do, chelas, but I am remiss if I share not with you. I do not mind a bit of ridicule for the last laugh shall be MINE! Here is where an "ounce of prevention equals far more than a pound of 'cure'". For instance, if you have failed to bolt and "bungie" your upper china hutch to the wall--how expect ye to not lose your precious china when even a small "shaker" happens?

    Is this not what you have done year after year after year? You have failed to bind your public "servants" into security and now they have control over you. You hide and pretend that med­itation and "trust in God" will save you AND your china good­ies. No, but latching and tying or banding the cupboard doors will save the China or at least it will lessen the damage.

    "Oh, but I can't live that way. Why would I have things if I cannot use them?" you ask. I respond--if you are warned that a hurricane is likely to strike at 3:00 P.M. this afternoon and you can see the storm moving around and a tidal wave rising of some 50 feet and coming ashore and say you live on the beach-front, what would you do? Would you not effort to secure and consider the possibility of it passing you by, in a day or so? Well, you of Southern California as for instance, live on a net­work of faults and YOUR GEOLOGISTS, SCIENTISTS AND MILITARY ARE ON ALERT BECAUSE THEY EXPECT A 10 TO 12 POINT QUAKE ALONG THE WEST COAST ANY MOMENT. WOULD IT NOT BE GREATER WISDOM TO CONSIDER POSSIBILITIES OF IT HAPPENING? At worst, you will have some boxes in view and some survival gear read­ied.

    That possibility is also valid in consideration. But, insurance can only be purchased when it is not needed! Ponder it. Now that "man" can orchestrate disasters which once could only be done by Mother Nature--you have doubled your risk and the price is far higher to purchase security. If it doesn't happen on schedule, how long do you live like bungie jumpers? I can't say for the hope is that you will become fatigued with the assaults of preparation and when you least expect the blast--it will come. This is the way "mind-control" and "action-control" works.

    If you are prepared for the earthquakes then you can turn your mind to other factors which confront you as a society.

    Many states and towns are in horrendous financial shape. Let us again consider California as an example. They have not even formulated a budget because the prospects are so financially, and tax-wise, bad. There are no funds and the banks are going to refuse, very soon, to take IOU's. What happens to, say, a prison system when there is no funding to PAY WARDENS AND GUARDS? What happens to the animals at the zoos when there is no one to attend them? I would guess the "National Guard" in blue helmets will look pretty good to you as they move in to regain order?
    I suppose those "emergency regula­tions" and FEMA rules which by executive order forces the guards back to duty--without pay (or be shot), will look pretty good to you? Well, this is the way the final acts of controlled One World Order works. The only thing is, it does NOT end. Once under total military control, you have no way to go back to normal life-style. The big boys have "gotcha". The day of reckoning is at hand and this particular "piper" intends on a massive harvest. You are the mouse--"they" are the cats. This is terrorism at work, chelas, from earthquakes to actual execu­tion--the waiting is devastating to the nerves and at some point you will "do anything" to end the waiting.

    All the while you are" waiting" you are being bombarded with that frequency pulses at depress you emotionally and confuse thoughts and "wipe you out" physically.

    People are so "good and helpful" after a disaster. Why, chelas, could you not work together in the same manner--BEFORE the disaster when you KNOW at some point it IS GOING TO HAPPEN? The remarkable thing is that people willingly suffer and even perish willingly and without grievers if the masses in numbers of departed be large enough. It is the single child down a well or a kitten up a tree that elicits all-out effort. Your adversary KNOWS EXACTLY what he is doing. At some point the human emotional system shuts down and zombie state sets in. You are now in "that" state of behavior. The "demonstrations" are orchestrated to confuse you even more abundantly for they give you the perception that someone cares about something. No, it is but confusion and things are never changed through such disorder. The orchestrated demonstra­tions only feed the fuel for the fire of more and more disorder.

  2. #6
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 52


    SAT, JULY 18, 1992 8:32 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 337

    SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1992

    What means this phrase, seize the moment? The day? The "time"? It means seize the opportunity which is "knocking" at your threshold.

    You have an opportunity before you that you shall NEVER have again! What will you do with it?

    Perot had become an "establishment" man--a tool, selected in careful planning but blind in his own "seeing". He is correct in his knowing that he could not win an election. Great heroic actions come from the ability to "see beyond" and "hear" the knocker tapping. What will he do now? Has he "betrayed you"? Why think ye that he has done so? Finally he begins to use some positive insight, chelas (students). Can you not see how "change" has swept the land? There are two or three or more ways in which his resignation can impact the world in a most positive manner!

    Perot has been incorrect in his perceptions that the system was basically "good". He is having to face the facts that the "system is basically horrid" and unchangeable under ordinary means. The reason his new campaign managers left him is because he could see what was happening and would not bend from that which he perceived the right moves to make. If Ross Perot were to become president under the set of circumstances as they were headed, you would end up in worse anarchy and total con­trol either way. By stepping down he will not be "hamstrung", as Col. Gritz puts it, by a system out of control and headed off the precipice.

    What clues did you get from the above? SEIZE THE MO­MENT. Ross saw that "he" could not do "it". But, what is done from this day will decide your fate as a nation politic. If you absolutely flood the "campaign" with demands that Gritz be put forth and supported, it COULD be done. Even if not, the man would become "known" and later that would serve its even better purpose. The "Elite" are terrified of "Bo" Gritz wherein they had done enough bribing in subtle ways to encumber Perot on "judgment day". With a new thrust AND Ross Perot push­ing and supporting Gritz--yes indeed--you-the-people could prevail.
    However, wait-up, and consider: Bush will not allow you to outstrip him except through total surprise and he has bigger surprises laid in your path for you to have distraction. You WILL fall to executive order all the while he says "Look how hard I'm trying". Clinton and Gore are Committee of 300 selectees for the presidency and are totally controllable by the Elite. Nothing has changed, chelas, from the moment we began the writing--only perturbations--IF you keep your eyes soundly on the "goal".

    Ross believes in big government and that, by whipping it into shape, he can make it work better. He is wrong. The majority of Americans actually like government redistribution of wealth, which includes benefits for the poor and the rich. Social security is a sacred institution, incumbents continue to get reelected and most Americans enjoy a good rally war now an then--i.e., Grenada, Panama, or Iraq. If Americans were truly concerned about fiscal problems, the Congress would have reflected these views a long time ago. Except for a silenced remnant, there are no cries for honesty about your problems and no proposals offered that actually address the issues. So what happened with Ross Perot?
    The phenomenon of Ross Perot is quite understandable and not at all a fluke. It was bound to happen. It grows out of the inherent contradiction of the interventionist, mixed economy that leads people to milk the system, complain it doesn't work, and resent paying for it. It is pure and simply "greed" at work in perfection--give an inch and the mile becomes far too short.

    So, what will you-the-people do? This man has given you op­portunity unsurpassed in history. What does "he", however, plan to do? Oh, well, he will say things such as: "I will keep pushing and running and we can later clean up the Congress". (Good idea), but a loss is devastating to the "workers" who have dug in and are now in betrayal in their own perceptions. WHAT WILL YOU DO? Are you ready to take the next step for which you ask God to show the way? Are you REALLY? Your Elite enemy is not going to "roll over dead"--the way will be nothing short of nightmare time--but, you have one willing to lead you! IT IS UP TO YOU, AMERICA. I told you in the beginning of this work that it could be done IF you really want it done--if not, it matters little for the steam-roller is moving and plans to flatten everything in its path.
    Please: SEIZE THE MOMENT! Win or lose an election--you WILL need honorable leaders to find your way home! Ponder it.
    I am asked if "our people" can receive phone calls and book or­ders and so forth for Commander Gritz? Of course--always, day or night. These are the ONLY ways we can support this movement at THIS particular time--THAT and giving voice to hearing of Truth. Unless this cause gets support and funding it cannot survive. But, if you give unto the cause of God and righteousness, freedom and sovereignty under God--then shall GOD give back unto you the glory and the pearl of great prize. Gritz WILL clean House (and Senate) and ALL the leeches hanging onto the administration fixed crime circle. He is without fear for he has met his Maker--he has seen his enemy in effort to destroy him and "his" nation--HE WILL NOT BREAK! It is up to you to SEIZE THE MOMENT AND DEMAND THAT PEROT PRESENT ARMS AND DUTY UNTO NATION AND GOD! Your dreams can come alive and sweep across the lands like a tidal wave of honor. So be it and may you be ever at ready lest you miss the moment when it comes.
    NOTHING OF IMPACT AS PLANNED, IS OFF! The word is out "from the government" that it will come forth within the coming days, these great "disasters".

    NASA AND FEMA are planning contingency plans for handling "...great tidal-wave disaster"--right now!

    They are also making plans and alternative plans for handling a full change of course of the Mississippi River and the ac­companying disasters.

    Troops are at ready in the outskirts of EVERY LARGE CITY in the United States--for RIOT CONTROL. The local military bases are now mostly encircled in razor wire in preparation for containing the populace in detention.

    Oh, there is GREAT DENIAL on the part of seismologists in all facets of "rumors" and "alerts" as are ACTUALLY COMING DOWN. They are "under order" to "not panic the public" and thus "keep silent regarding happenings".

    Do you ones realize that the recent quakes in California have all been upgraded in intensity by a tenth of a point--that is some in­crease, let me assure you.

    The water table in the L.A. Basin is down over a hundred feet. Water is pouring into and through the San Andreas Fault in MASSIVE amounts. In the desert areas of Mojave the un­derground facilities are leaking so badly that "all hands" are re­pairing as fast as possible and several areas are sealed off. THAT is NOT of your doing, it is to prevent launching of your "space weapons" and "disks". The shuttle "could not be landed at Edwards on its return from its last fiasco".

    Why do you think Mr. Bush was in Southern California--care to try another guess than the one you "thought-up" when I asked you before? Do you further care to guess who all attended the meetings in those strategic places?

    The desert and fault systems have been under total and constant bombardment by pulse-beams for weeks and it continues.

    The entire area is being overflown and mapped as to damage and changes: "The ground looks like curdled cheese and there are 'rifts' and/or 'sinks' which are 20 to 50ft. in width and run for miles in length. The land appears to have been molten, or liquid, and 'curdled'," go the reports and pictures.

    Activity of the San Andreas "in motion" is reported from one end of its continental connection to the other. Teachers ARE on alert in the schools, paramedics are on stand-by, National Guard on military alert and the full expectation yesterday (Friday) was that the fault could not hold past 48 hours. THE EXPECTED MAGNITUDE:

    Both explosions of regular interval and duration and "light bursts" are reported the full length of the fault. This is true of the rim of the full Ring of Fire.

    There has been the ongoing shifting of military equipment and personnel and still tanks and equipment are seen in every part of your nation--in full battle paint and gear. MX missile-cars are seen on railroads throughout your country. Activity is almost frantic around all military bases and Yucca Valley is teeming with activity as is the Las Vegas area of Nevada.

    Chelas, these are facts which have been confirmed. I am not in the business of doing more than reporting to you as ones report viewing and network information. You have been warned to the best of my ability. I have been stationed mostly above the Mo­jave Desert near here and other Command Craft are monitoring from other "hot spots". Remember, Plan 2000 has only 7-1/2 years for completion so it will not improve unless YOU MAKE IT IMPROVE! We of the Command will NOT interfere or intervene save to get a remnant of our people through the activi­ties. I, further, observe that you are in serious, serious trouble--judging from the ridiculous and insulting treatment of myself and speaker on a MAJOR radio network on Thursday night last.

    I will ask that someone transcribe the tape for I want to present the interview to you for your confrontation. It was a night when I and my crew were at full-alert and yet, an interview had been asked and granted. The idiots involved were no less than nit­wits and insulting, degrading baboons (giving insult to the ba­boons). The callers, aided and abetted by "one of America's finest and most popular 'hosts" offered sexual encounters with Dharma and me, spoke of sexual positions and only two callers even remotely had any interest whatsoever in anything of value to you or your societal status.

    Why would I tolerate it and continue such an encounter? Be­cause I finally caused them to allow phone numbers to be given wherein "anyone really interested in serious content" could CALL for such information. This is the kind of batter­ing that George Green gets every time he makes appearance or interviews. Yes, I see an awakening but, boy, you surely do have to DIG to find it.

    Note that I have given great respect and honor to the authors and New Federalist for the work and daring printing of the UNAU­THORIZED BIOGRAPHY of George Bush. In return? When the printers of the La Rouche paper found out that George Green was connected to the LIBERATOR they refused to even allow George to carry the book! How often do you hear that group speak of God? I thought not. It IS hard to see it at first, is it not? La Rouche is an Internationalist and even though his presentations were on track regarding much in thrust--at least enough to hurt the Established government--there is NO re­building suggested "UNDER GOD WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL". Funny thing about the Spotlight, also; no one there will allow even advertising of JOURNALS or LIBER­ATOR in any publication. Why might this be? They have been directly contacted!

    I only desire that YOU SEE the difficulty in gaining change be­cause you are blocked at all turns in the most subtle manners. Knowing what is wrong is not enough--you must go somewhere with the knowledge and this is why the blockage--either keep you off the track from "doing" that which will regain founda­tions or leave you helpless in the hopelessness. Are there none, then, of established popularity, in papers which can serve God AND Man? Yes indeed, but they are few and far between and it is intended to be exactly that way. The point is, however, that Truth can be gleaned from them
    all--even your Establishment papers IF YOU KNOW THAT FOR WHICH TO LOOK!

    I realize that you ones are bombarded by your "channels" and "soothsayers" as to the Photon Belt "slipping in on them". Let's do a bit of "looking within" briefly and see why that might be.

    Firstly, the action coming up right now is MAN MADE and not the entry into THE belt of light. You must understand that you must be the ones who KNOW the difference in "natural" hap­penings and "man made" substitutes. We have given you information to discern and judge these situations. I cannot help it, chelas, if you have not attained the material and studied your in­formation. I still get myriads of letters from ones wanting to "know this" and "that"--when it is ALL well laid-out in the information we have brought. I am barraged with "why don't you tell us" and "how come you didn't let us know" and "why don't you tell us now how this or that works"?, It is all there in the JOURNALS, chelas--ALL OF IT. We DID bring it and IT IS the WORD and I cannot force you or cause you to either get it or accept it.

    Someone has sent a paper to us, called the Reaper, June 24, 1992. It has some interesting references and so we shall just ex­cerpt some of the documentation. The paper in point: Editor: R.E. McMaster, Jr., P.O. Box 84901, Phoenix, AZ 85071. He references the "Third Hammer" which is a personal projection of Mr. McMaster and is very interesting but I can't cover it herein and it is not my point for reference. I would guess that in MATRIX III you might also find references to the "time in point"--I have not perused it for that content.

    "...1992 International Tesla Symposium will be held at the Sheraton South Hotel in Colorado Springs July 23-26 [interesting timing].... Moreover, it is Tesla who is the father of all this new energy physics [new??] which is breaking through now, and will be featured in this incredibly energetic time frame. In short, the harmonics that are occurring in late July/early August are nothing short of incredible".

    "Now it gets even weirder. The second week in June, I began receiving information in Matrix III. Then on June 10 Robert Fridenstine called to tell me that sources in the U.S., as well as scientists in Canada and elsewhere, said the earth will begin passing through a photon belt on July 25. This is precisely in the 'Third Hammer' time frame! Robert (New Horizons Trust) Fridenstine stated there could be two phases to this, one a black phase and one a light phase, but he didn't know which we would go through, either or both, or which one first. The black phase, it was thought, could cause blackouts on the earth for 3-4 days, a total earth eclipse in which light would be 180 degrees out of phase. There are concerns about social disruptions, people go­ing berserk, and the temperature of the earth dropping three de­grees and maybe 8-10 degrees. On the other hand, the light phase of this photon belt could increase light intensity 7-10 times. This would be sufficient to blind anyone who goes into it, particularly for an extended period of time. Millions of us could be blinded. It could destroy all food, wildlife, and live­stock, or at least blind them. Welding goggles with #10 lenses would be necessary, as well as living in a basement, to survive this thing, whatever it is.

    "Interestingly enough, the increase in ultraviolet light intensity this year is already so great that some manufacturers of acrylics, varnishes and the like which are put on boats (which stay in the sun) have reduced their warranty times by 50%.

    "Since Robert's comments literally shed new light on my "Third Hammer" time frame, I immediately picked up the phone and called my old Christian Cherokee Indian friend in Indepen­dence, Missouri, whose dreams and visions are uncannily accu­rate. You will recall that I have mentioned this gentleman here many times before. Historically, over the past two or three years, when our information dovetails (and we come to the same conclusions using totally different methodologies) nearly every time it has been a direct hit.

    "To say this old Christian Cherokee was glad to hear from me would be an understatement. He told me that he had had a terri­fying dream. It was 'a one-time thing, like an explosion on the earth, not quite like a volcano, however. There were black rolling clouds that smelled like sulfur. It burned and blistered like hot ashes. Poison gas affected every living thing on the earth. He had to get inside and stay under cover because it would affect the ozone and everything. It came like a straight wave--parallel to the earth, like a wave of death, and it would bring cancer and other diseases. It would hit the southern states really hard, central Oklahoma, Arkansas. It was terrifying. It covered the U.S. and everything--parallel. Ashes and sulfur went past and plant life was burned. I've never seen anything like it. It hit the earth like hail. It occurred when it was hot, summertime. It was like a wind, an explosion, rolling black clouds, rolling in a straight line. Stay out of the sun at that time'".
    "If the earth is indeed going to move into a photon belt on July 25, then it could very well slice the earth just like this old Cherokee describes. Remember my earlier comment that when I first computed these "Three Hammers", because of the in­credible intensity of so many major turning points occurring at the time of the "Third Hammer" in late July/early August, I mused whether the earth was going to "blow up or something". The old Cherokee thought the ramifications of this event could carry into October/November".

    [H: Can you take note that even the "Ancient" noted that the results of THIS happening would react into Octo­ber/November-SO, it could not be THE Photon Belt entry--but, rather, a happening by man-caused devices (explosives, etc.) because the Photon Belt impacts for 2000 years!]
    "Back to Robert Fridenstine. I told Robert what the old Chero­kee had said and asked if he could amplify, and gather more data. Robert stated he was told that the black phase will occur if the sun goes into the Photon Belt first. Then light would go 180 degrees out of phase and there could be a total earth eclipse, a blackout on earth for 3-4 days. however, if the earth goes into the Photon Belt first, the light phase, that's when light intensity could increase 7-10 times. This is why the old Cherokee em­phasized living in the basement, wearing protective lenses, staying out of the sun, going blind from the light and heat, crops being destroyed--if the light phase occurs. But he also discussed rolling black clouds. A black phase? These two men don't know each other.

    "Next, totally out of the blue, a masseuse called me to ask if I would like to come to a small private meeting in Montana to hear Dr. Lawrence Kennedy speak. She has never, ever called me before. My antenna went up.
    Dr. Lawrence Kennedy is a featured speaker on Crystalase (a crystal laser) at the 1992 In­ternational Tesla Symposium, to be held in Colorado Springs July 23-26, 1992. Needless to say, I went. Here's where more of the pieces came together".

    "Only ten people showed up, and I didn't know any of them, save the masseuse. Here's what I learned: Apparently, the galaxy is moving into a corridor of space where it's never been before. It's like a quantum leap. It's a time of birth pangs, where things become less materialistic and more spiritual" etc. But next came a good-one and I don't want to misstate so let me also print this exactly like written:

    "....I was told that a man named George Green, who used to (and perhaps still does) author a publication known as the Phoenix Journal, has said we could have three days of light or three days of darkness, July 25, based upon stellar orbital in­formation. Okay, I'm listening....".


    Strange how things get "changed" in the repeating? Intention­ally? Honest error? Disinformation? No, just efforts to share. George neither authors the document in point (though this does seem to be the thrust of the "enemy", to make you-the-people think so) nor does George speak of "3" days. If anything, George would repeat something like "110" hours and/or "5" days because that was the projection of the factual
    "null-time" of entry into the Photon Belt when it actually occurs. This will take into consideration a day on either side of the happening for movement into and out of the "null-zone".

    By the way, you who are devoted readers of the BOOK OF ENOCH and other volumes such as OAHSPE, not to even con­sider the Holy Bible as you call it, all refer to this period of time. How is it that this has suddenly become "Hatonn's Photon Belt" and we are denounced along with "space-cadets" as Sa­tanic extraterrestrial beings spreading doom, gloom and false teachings?

    I repeat what I ask now and have forever: WHERE FROM DO YOU THINK GOD WILL COME? HOW WILL "HE" COME? DO NOT THE HOSTS (MESSENGERS) AL­WAYS COME FIRST? ARE THEY NOT EXTRATERRESTRIALS? "Extraterrestrial" means "that which is not terrestrial"--all else is extraterrestrial. That means, chelas, God must be an extraterrestrial. Are you sure you do not turn away God because you have followed the preachers and deceivers into be­lieving that which "comes from space" to be of Satan? Ponder it--for it may well mean the difference in life and death unto you.

    I thank my brother who has sent a compiled volume called SEE­ING CAUSE AND EFFECT THRU THE EYE OF THE EA­GLE FOR PEACE.

    The "great bird" is, of course, the Phoenix and is carried as the theme throughout the volume. I would like permission to print this volume in total (no changes in ANYTHING by Editors). It is intended to be as Grandfather presented thoughts and ideas to this speaker.

    I know that you readers would greatly enjoy this presentation and will find our brotherhood totally bound one with the other in Truth. You will also note, when available, that the Earth­quakes, etc., as being presented now are next to the last entry into the volume--THE PHOTON BELT, THE LAST. Does this mean the "Ending"? No, it only means the beginning--of that which will come "after" but the evidence is there for your see­ing. So be it.

    To have my brothers from the Ancient "people" realize the Truth of that which I bring, means far more to me than all the riches and confirmations of physical humans in any station. My brothers KNOW TRUTH and have NOT FORGOTTEN IT ALL for they bore and bear the ORAL teachings from genera­tion to generation through those who held to the Truth or again awakened to serve in the revelations of cycle change. Grandfa­ther Whitefeather speaks from the memory of the Cherokee, Little Crow from that of the Lakota and others speak from Hopi--but all speak for Universal Truth in KNOWING and REMEM­BERING. Are any greater or lesser than another who bears Truth? No, for we are but all the ONE and Truth is Truth--told in many ways so that each might find "understanding"--nothing greater and nothing lesser--JUST THE ONE! When you get the volume in point, please note the identical sign of the "Phoenix" with only a very slight change in the "signature" of the picture. The "Phoenix" of the cosmic-brothers bears a "star" in the "heart" to indicate coming from the stars. The "Cherokee Phoenix", for instance, bears a banner which reads: Protection. In both the Phoenix is RISING! Ah, indeed, the "Bird Tribes" are present--the Thunder Brothers returned!

    I would please share a last thought as we draw this segment to a close for this is a thought provoking portion--you are at the crossroads and choices, sorting and purification are coming forth. A beloved and respected teacher of the Lakotas speaks and says, "It's time Indians tell the world what we know... about nature and about God. So I'm going to tell you what I know and who I am. You guys better listen. You got a lot to learn".

    And may it be heard! Mitakuye oyasin, Aho.

    Hatonn, in great respect and reverence unto my brethren, The Wisdomkeepers.

    PJ 52
    CHAPTER 10


    THU., JULY 23, 1992 9:54 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 342

    THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1992


    Thank you, Nora, for your hours and hours of work in the dusty archives of a little used portion of the libraries. We shall begin in this Edition of the Liberator, a section on Truth in docu­mentation. It will keep all of us on our toes--I, that I don't "slip" and you, that you must stop disclaiming on the basis of resources.

    Nora has always, from onset of the JOURNALS, been my snoopy-dog sleuth. She has dug into ancient texts in effort to find back-up information from credible ancient documents and dictionaries utilized by select groups, etc. She even took my name, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, apart letter by letter and did, in fact, come up with the meaning of each label, stature and origin for the purpose of confirmation of my being. We will hence­forth put segments of her research into each paper and then we will bind the information as suitable pages are assembled. As always, it is hard to know where to begin because there has been basically hop-scotch subject material--as we write on vari­ous subjects. I know that you will find it valid and interesting as well as confirming and educational. I ask that she choose a la­bel for the segment of paper reserved for her, i.e.: Nora's Cor­ner (as suggested), Sleuthing, Clues, Under the
    Eye-glass, or whatever seems appropriate. We are flexible and can change it if it doesn't sit right as we move along.

    This portion has been requested for a long time and once we even asked if
    you-the-readers wanted such an offering--the re­sponse was definitely very positive.

    You can all find truth in confirmation of all I (we) write for I only compile, bring from the secret places and integrate. You HAVE THE INFORMATION available in all instances--you simply have forgotten how to look for it and where.

    I suggest that all of you regular readers NOW see the non-news in different light and intake. If nothing else, you can begin to generalize and see how differing instances are connected. To­day we can give example for new readers just taking this morn­ing's actions here and there. I have no desire nor intent to write shocking revelations--for frankly, there ARE NO NEW shock­ing revelations. Every tid-bit is OLD and repetitious ad nau­seam. My intent is to awaken you to alertness so that you re­claim your capabilities to see through this man-laid veil of lies and into remembering your purpose, experience and journey. What I CAN and DO is to choose that which is pertinent for the moment and the rebuilding of your knowledge data. I do the research and choosing--Dharma does the secretarial typing and speaking for there is not enough time for any "human" physical to discern, judge and organize such massive amounts of mate­rial--even through total plagiarism even IF, in fact, the data were all assembled and ready to simply "copy".

    If you doubt the above statement--YOU go into a library and see wherein YOU would begin! I must remind you that some 56 JOURNALS have been compiled--54 by ONE person writing every word, since July of 1989. That is more than a book every three weeks (published) along with weekly (and often more fre­quent in the beginning) newspapers averaging some 30 pages. This, too, is predominantly produced by ONE person. There is a small group who Edit and Format and still we find that ones complain of not being able to read all we produce. We have chosen to present it through this manner so that we can bet­ter evaluate the ability of ones to READ--IF--only one person sets the work to paper.

    Why do I need to tell you this once in a while? Because we get new readers who
    Poo-Poo the material and discount the writers‑-working on the assumption somehow, that the work has gone on for decades. No, Dharma first heard the name, and met this person, Hatonn, in late 1987. All of our work has been accom­plished in less than five years of your counting, and myriads of other projects well under way in that same time period. I would hope that you accept this as a challenge that presents "higher in­put" to be capable of this kind of production. We are not here for "sensationalism" and constantly must remind all of you of that fact. Ours is not to even have interest in
    "top-secret" "inside" information other than to tell you what the "big boys" are doing in their own behalf and against you.

    When we get enough of your attention we shall move from this type of controversial physical (and political) human dis­traction to outlay the important information you need for transition to higher levels of experience, integrated with your higher brotherhood of Man. This requires, however, that we give you the correct input to uncover the misconceptions and lies fed to you through the generations of ones who would control the world as a whole. You must understand your "Source" if you are to rejoin same--it is quite logical and rea­sonable--two things you have now been trained to not consider.

    Stop it! You will NOT lay this instance off on any "higher" source of actors. What is happening right now is fully Man-tampered and utilized for self-gain of the political would-be kings.

    You may note NOTHING happening in your "neighborhood" but I can assure you that your NAVY is finding itself bound by some kind of phenomenon which periodically shuts down every electric circuit and electronic piece of equipment on board ships and in command centers--in the area of the Persian Gulf and in the Mediterranean Sea.
    You plan to "surgically bomb" Iraq again? Where are you going to do that "from"? You are moving the Saratoga carrier from the Mediterranean to the Gulf? Oh? You may be allowed to get it there but you are NOT going to launch planes for bombing runs from it.

    You do remember, don't you, that the Gulf War with Iraq was Bush's war? Well, this one is to get rid of the information and destructive documentation against him, personally, this time. If you are a new reader, you had best get the back copies of the paper, the TANGLED WEB series of JOURNALS and pay at­tention to the "Gonzalez" congressional hearings.

    The act of aggression as pronounced by your administration against Iraq WILL GET YOU INTO A NUCLEAR WAR AND THE BOMBING RUNS WILL BE OUT OF ISRAEL--WHY DO YOU REALLY THINK BAKER IS IN THE "HOLY LAND"? (The very term makes me ill.)

    Let me tell you how my crew functions. We have ones fully planning to fly, tomorrow, from L.A. to Oregon (if the "big one" hasn't happened). We have ones going about their busi­ness as usual--as long as they can do so. They have "prepared" for contingency happenings and now go about their work.

    Man has "free-will" and you can be victimized or take control--whichever is your "bag". Constant asking "if" "it" is on or off doesn't do a thing except immobilize you. The things coming down right now upon you from earthquakes to power failure through pulsed photon lasers are none of our doing and, there­fore, not in our mandate to control as to "timing". I can only present probabilities such as how long the San Andreas can stand the bombardment it is receiving before slipping. You have some little recognized scientists whose work is often simply laughed at--who can tell you almost to the minute when the rift will occur--but you don't listen--so why continue to ask and an­noy them?

    One of these men remains in a "deadly" zone and, yet, he has prepared his instruments, laboratory and home for major impact so that he can continue to record FOR YOU.
    I honor this man for, actually, we are not at risk of life or limb. Our ground crew remains at risk but they, too, have prepared and will sim­ply ride out whatever comes down the pike.

    You do, however, do great service to your fellow man by mak­ing all of this information public--even if it be in ridicule for THE ONES IN CHARGE DARE NOT bring forth the full in­tent for the plan has been uncovered and the impact removed. The adversary relies on secrecy and deceit to pull off his dirty-tricks. Once revealed, he is caught in his own trap if he contin­ues with his evil plans of destruction. If he cannot blame "nature" or "act of God"--he is then caught holding the bag of tricks in his own dirty little hands. The alternative is to ridicule and denounce, lie and shut-down publications and pronounce­ments of truth by force. This is happening at this instant with many writers and not to leave us out--we too. You may not re­alize it but you averted massively destructive wars by U.S. "first-strike" on several occasions by the publicity of one or two men who knew the plan and blew the whistle, the first daring one being Dr. Peter Beter and a risk-taking radio interviewer on the very morning of the planned strike. How many times have YOU been saved from something and knew NOT? With every major disaster you get tale after tale from ones who had "literal miracles" in timing or placement. Where are YOUR guardian angels? They are there if you but LISTEN and act on the in­formation. You who ridicule SHALL NOT HAVE THE LAST LAUGH!

    Do you not think the Elite know we are here? Do you not think they know that the enemy has capability of attack and defense greater than your own? Indeed! They not only know but are annoyed that we continue to botch their plans by telling you the truth of their actions and plans. I want you to understand that THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN IS THE SWORD! if it be in Truth that the words are presented.

    What can your offenders do right now? We have told you their plans--if they continue, they will be discovered for we already have spread too much information. If they pull it off, the worst is a bit of interesting ridicule and public discrediting which will call more attention to our work and gain more interested people to our readership. The finer "wars" of experience are NOT fought with a gun, my friends--not at all. Frankly, I care not either way--for we need more "time" to get our working ele­ments moving. We are not in YOUR game of war or sorting of power--we have a mission which considers neither. YOU may think we LOSE either way--NO, INDEED--WE GAIN EITHER WAY! I believe it would be considered a sick mind that would demand a 12 point earthquake to prove a space-cadet or a "nothing" newspaper and JOURNALS inept. Funny thing--ones have described this material as coming from Dharma's "insane mind". WHO is insane--the one who tells Truth or the one who demands destruction for "proof"? The only thing you can logically deduct, if you squeak by again for a short few weeks, is that I speak Truth and the happenings are "totally" controlled by MAN. You can know this much because your own scientists are expecting the "big one" and cannot fig­ure out what in the soup is going on. When they "find out" they must then also bury the information under orders "not to panic the public". But while they are silent, the military troops build­up to "control riots". Riots? Why would you have riots? You see, chelas, YOU must begin to put the pieces together for selves and then you do not have to simply accept anything from either the Elite nor from "ME", for you will see beyond the fa­cade of secrecy and KNOW the big boys are up to something--which is NOT going to do you much good.

    Things are about to burst in Japan within the Banking system. I suggest to you who are waiting for documentation from the Japanese Bank as noted to me--get onto this NOW. There is hanky-panky and the Japanese stock-market is on the verge of collapse. I simply suggest you have your people take appropri­ate ACTION without waiting longer for after the top-level "meetings" tomorrow and on the week-end, there will perhaps be some massive changes and, at the least, delays in transac­tions.

    You must also note what is taking place in the "bloc" nations where the warring continues and continues despite "cease fire agreements" and even "humanitarian" shipments are interrupted. The news reporters have now stated: "...it appears that factions are firing on themselves in deliberate efforts to keep the fight­ing going through incidents appearing to be from opposition forces". NO--the intelligence mercenaries are continuing the "set-up" incidents to INSURE THERE IS NO END OF THE HOSTILITIES. Pay attention, chelas, or they will slip these things over on you. Watch all those cute little blue hats at work! The down-and-dirty players won't even be wearing the visible sign but it's all the same under the sheep's costume!

    Humanitarian aid? What is this "new deal", "old deal", "let's make a deal" and/or "no deal". You allow wars of incredible hardship in South Africa, the East Bloc nations and all over the map--but you will go into Iraq and bomb an Agricultural build­ing along with a few hundred thousand people who get in the way, while you still cause "inhuman" murder upon thousands and thousands of innocent people in Iraq? Is this truly the kind of NEW WORLD ORDER and ONE WORLD GOVERN­MENT WITH FREEDOM AND JUSTICE FOR NONE THAT YOU WANT? Well, you are going to get it whether or not you like it. You already have it!

    Dharma, let us now turn to inclusion of a segment of the mate­rial from Ray Renick. There are portions of that which will be presented herein that actually need clarification and input for it is not quite as presented. The author would have no way of knowing all points which make my statement factual, however. The writings in point are not the main point of this material so we will not make lengthy insertions herein.

    For instance, we have written in great detail about Capt. and Mrs. Gunther Russbacher, who will be mentioned in the text and there are discrepancies in the information which need clarification at some time but for purposes of Mr. Renick, it matters not herein. Just note, readers, that we are simply reprinting direct writings from Mr. Renick. We are grateful for his sharing and may his experience be a gift of insight to you-­the-readers.


    Evidence of Corruption, Collusion, Conspiracy and the Deterioration of The United States Judicial System:

    Almost 40 years ago, while in the U.S. Marine Corps, I learned about the illegal heroin trade and the complicity of the United States Government, the Central Intelligence Agency, and Air Transport Command/Air America in this activity. Follow­ing are examples of my own research and experience in this. Included with this paper are references, notes and documents. They are all public domain and can be copied and disseminated.

    Colonel James "Bo" Gritz made several trips to southeast Asia to look for POWs and MIAs. He returned information and video tapes about U.S. Government/State Department/White House complicity in the heroin business. The government tried to incarcerate Col. "Bo" to prevent his exposing the govern­ment's crimes. The government lost its case. After the trial, on the courthouse steps, in front of the T.V. cameras, the U.S. prosecutor Maddox announced, "George Bush called me on the phone and told me to ‘Get Bo Gritz'". I personally exchanged information with Bo about drug trafficking and assassination.

    [H: I would like to insert a little "interest point" at this juncture, regarding Bo Gritz's case. The "government" set up one of Bo's "colleagues" (which I will leave unnamed here for the present time) and brought some dummy charges against him and then offered in exchange for testifying with false evidence against Bo, a dropping of his own charges. The man refused and is now serving his fifth year of a fourteen-year prison sentence. Still think you are playing with a "wimp"?]
    Barbara Honegger exposed the "October Surprise" story about how George Bush and Ronald Reagan stole the 1980 elec­tion. Her friend Richard Brenneke faced incarceration for helping her expose those two criminals. Bush's National Secu­rity Advisor Donald Gregg perjured himself at Brenneke's trial and Brenneke was acquitted. For several years I have ex­changed information with Barbara and sent tapes to her. I hope I was able to be of some assistance.

    U.S. Navy Captain Russbacher has been falsely incarcerated to prevent his testifying about his role as George Bush's pilot in the "October Surprise" election theft. I hope my exchange of information with Mrs. Russbacher has been of some assistance. I have much information on the Russbacher case.

    [H: Here at I must make a statement. I know well Mrs. Russbacher and I have no comment regarding her story. I DO observe that either she is confused or has some facts of misleading nature given her. For instance, she had a severe falling out with Barbara Honegger after her relationship be­gan with Gunther Russbacher. She has been badly used and abused at any slicing of the cake, but some of her facts are NOT. For instance, she says: "....we were just leaving Reno when fighter planes were rallied from Nellis to take us in custody (Russbacher and Rayelan had just married and were utilizing Casey's CIA "Little Blackbird" craft). Well, a lot of that particular story does not add up and yet has been told over and over and over again. It is a long, long way from Reno to Nellis Field (right at Las Vegas) so WHY would this slip of the lip be allowed? It is also obvious and Rael (as I call her) knows she was "set-up" at every turn of the puzzle prior to her marriage of totally absurd circum­stance. This does not mean that her story is invalid--only that it is obvious there were NOT coincidences but, rather, fully planned encounters at every turn.
    Next, Mr. Renick just a few days ago sent us a news release. I appreciate it very much for within it was a notation that Rael had had an investigation done and it was discovered that George Green and the Phoenix material are both "placed" disinformation resources. I speak for the Phoenix material only, in this instance, because there is actually no connection with George Green other than that he owns the publishing company, America West, through which the JOURNALS are published--not even printed. The LIBERA­TOR is now a totally separate entity with a home base of Las Vegas and Tehachapi and NOT Carson City. This is NOT to "pull away" from one, George Green, it is only to point out that there is and never was any other connection and I will not tolerate George bearing responsibility for anything of my own position. America West publishes many books and of­ten, in promotion meetings and lectures, the JOURNALS are not presented more than "in passing" as reference. I protect his right to privacy and he has every right to pro­mote his publications and distributions as would any other marketer. I have not been "discharged" by America West and therefore have no fault to find therein. If there is information held by ones who "INVESTIGATE" and then speak behind hand-backs--I suggest they share openly with all of us. I, for one, do not wish to give one iota of misin­formation to any reader or receiver but I cannot be respon­sible for what others utilize as "their opinion" of my books and papers--THAT is their business and none of mine.
    I do know that there were many discrepancies in Mrs. Russ­bacher's story as written and America West declined to publish her book and/or promote her "motion picture" pro­posal.
    I wrote at length about the Russbacher story and honored her greatly for her efforts in the face of such tremendous odds in her endeavors to help Gunther. But, I must note that sometimes too much help is very endangering to the "inmate". You ones must know that Gunther is a pilot of exceptional talents along with being a "sheep dipped" agent. He is NOT a native American and therefore did not find answers in the Constitutional Law Center for the "law" simply says he is not a citizen under that Constitution. I would, however, like to know what HER resource investigators dis­covered that is so hush-hush. I do not work in "secret" so I suggest we lay it ALL RIGHT OUT THERE ON THE TABLE FOR ALL TO SEE!.
    Gunther is in double jeopardy because his talents have been needed--and utilized
    --by Bush since his incarceration. One of those instances was to fly Bush to and back from Moscow immediately prior to the opening shots of the Iraq war. And you thought "October Surprise" was interesting? My, my--the Gorby-Bush arrangement surpasses anything like an "October Surprise"! The "Blackbird Project" is ever so much more interesting than is the "Blackbird" Spy-plane
    SR-71 in point. So be it. I still suggest to all of you-DO NOT MISS THE TANGLED WEB series of JOURNALS for James Bond never had so much intrigue as truth. In fact, James Bond was taken directly from incidents out of British Intelligence.] RETURNIN TO QUOTE

    Many times I have assisted in organizing presentations of the Christic Institute. My files are full of their information on drug trafficking, assassination, money laundering, bank fraud and election fraud to "put away" much of the American Government for life. The corrupt Federal Courts have used every cheap trick in the book to prevent them from bringing their in­formation to the public.

    My own personal involvement goes back almost 40 years when I learned about U.S. Government/CIA heroin trafficking in French Indochina. Today hundreds of POWs and MIAs are incarcerated in Southeast Asia, with the collusion of the Department of Defense to hide that dirty information.

    I possess a short film clip that shows William Greer was the decisive triggerman in the President Kennedy assassination. A Supreme Court Justice from Santa Barbara headed the commis­sion that blamed and framed an innocent man for that murder.

    I possess papers, documents, and copies of a lawsuit filed in Southern California that shows the U.S. Government and the courts deliberately framed and imprisoned the wrong man for the murder of Senator Robert Kennedy. Judge William P. Clark of San Luis Obispo is mentioned in the lawsuit.

    There is evidence that the National Security Agency with William P. Clark as President Reagan's National Security Advi­sor was responsible for the bombing of the Korean Airlines KAL 007 and the murder of the 269 passengers.

    My personal investigations, research and files on murder and drug trafficking in San Luis Obispo County show connections to real estate development, cattle business, and high country offi­cials and also connections to some of the highest government officials in the United States Government. I was corresponding with Senator Howard Jarvis when he announced, "San Luis Obispo County is the crookedest county in the state". Public Works Projects such as the Los Osos sewer system are based on falsified data and are designed to assist real estate development and drug money laundering.

    My personal attorney, Mr. Phillip Simon, is in a very precarious position. He's going to have a fine time explaining to the courts, the judges, the Bar Association and his future clients how he can accept fees and represent so many people on opposing sides of an issue.

    First of all he represented Scott Alexander who was mur­dered because he knew too much about drug trafficking and murder involving high government officials. (Steven Carr was murdered because he could identify George Bush's affiliation with Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega).

    Secondly, he represented Michael Francis Aivaz, who, as a federal agent used Scott to help gather information on Los Osos drug traffickers. Aivaz was at least an accomplice to Scott's murder. (Last time I saw Mike Aivaz he was a "basket case").

    Thirdly, he represented this author, who has spent many years gathering information on these crimes. Simon was told "up front" that this prospective client's legal problems involved both Alexander and Aivaz! Simon said, "I don't want to hear about it". Having previously represented Alexander and Aivaz and living in the small community of Los Osos, Simon knew damned well what was going on! Sounds like "conflict of inter­est"?

    Then he had the audacity to decide by himself to NOT for­ward a request for a quiet, private conference. (However, there may have been some collusion involved). The public dis­semination of this information is based on his decision.

    In all fairness it should be pointed out that Simon is well aware of the large number of persons that have been "terminated with extreme prejudice" (a U.S. covert intelligence term). Per­haps he is just covering his own backside. If witnesses, presidents, senators, etc., can be "terminated", lawyers would be "No Problem".

    Under these conditions he cannot represent me. I will peti­tion the court to discharge him and return all fees.

    (Please make and distribute copies.)


    Let us close this portion and when we sit again we will continue with Ray's, ANALYSIS OF AN ASSASSINATION PLOT.

    Thank you, Hatonn to clear.

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