PJ 52


MON., JULY 13, 1992 9:35 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 332

MONDAY, JULY 13, 1992
I have been utilizing material sent by Raymond E. Renick in several back writings. I come now to having to give names and details. I have permission and still I dislike the job because I know what added burden will be forthcoming to have this in­formation come from my "pen". You ones will come, one day, to realize the truth of my being but it is hard when the lies have been so deep and thick that belief in ANYTHING becomes all but impossible.

Ray, I simply ask that you stay within touch and within my shielding and you will be fine, son. I come in the service only unto GOD OF LIGHT IN DIVINE SOURCE; we have a mission and we shall serve to the best of our abilities--which by the way, are quite wondrous indeed. Confirmation will be coming--just for now, please accept possibilities so that permission is granted to us for "cover".


About 17 years ago, my brother John Renick was murdered in Phoenix, AZ. The Phoenix police covered it up and "lost" all the records and called it a "suicide". John was working for a company owned by a conglomerate controlled by Senator Barry Goldwater. John was passing information about the Senator's complicity in drug trafficking, land fraud and murder to a re­porter named Don Bols. Don Bols was murdered in 1975 by a bomb placed in his car. This information can be found in a book called THE ARIZONA PROJECT by Michael Wendland.

Don Bols worked for the newspaper The Arizona Republic which is owned by the Pulliam family. The Pulliam family also owns an Indiana newspaper called The Indianapolis Star. The Pulliam family is the maternal side of Vice-President Dan Quayle. Quayle is also implicated in many of the illegal activi­ties presented in the Christie Institute lawsuit under the RICO statutes.
I personally exchange information with Mr. Daniel Sheehan, the chief counsel of the Christie Institute.

About six years ago a friend of mine, Scott Alexander was murdered in Morro Bay. Scott was working with a DEA agent named Michael Francis Aivaz. The San Luis Obispo Sheriff s Department listed his death as a "suicide" also. Scott was in possession of much information about local drug trafficking and murders. He probably knew of the deaths of Niel McCrea and Steven Carr. (See "The SLO Connection" and other papers).

The information that Scott and John possessed was infinitesi­mal compared to information I have gathered over 40 years. My life has been threatened more than once. Frankly, I am amazed that I am still alive. (Over 200 persons were mur­dered who saw William Greer shoot John Kennedy 28 years ago. Many of the murders you read about in the papers are contracted by the government).

The purpose of the preceding paragraphs are to impress upon Katherine Abbey, Lloyd Somogy, and Phillip Simon the fact that I have NO intention of playing a Mickey Mouse legal game in a court controlled by friends of Judge William P. Clark. Clark, as National Security Advisor to President Ronald Rea­gan, helped plan the murder of the 269 people aboard the Ko­rean Airlines Flight #007.

Rest assured that there are MANY copies of this paper ready to be mailed at a moment's notice. They will be sent to the courts, the newspapers, the Government, the families involved and everyone mentioned on these pages. The Congress is con­ducting investigations on some of the subjects mentioned here. [Hatonn: Add to this listing the Constitutional Law Center and see to it that ALL INFORMATION in full, be into their hands and dispersed in at least three separate security placements instantly!! IF THE ADVERSARY WANTS TO GET "DOWN AND DIRTY" I BELIEVE HE HAS MET HIS MATCH!]

Upon enlisting in the Marines almost 40 years ago, I swore an oath to "Defend and Protect the Constitution of the United States of America Against All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic". Looks like someone is calling in my note. For several years I have been engaged in a campaign to expose the crimes of scum-bag government officials (including several sleaze-ball Marines). This effort has affected my private life and I am faced with some slimy litigation. This paper is a strange combination of public and personal issues, but it shows what can hap­pen when you defend your "certain unalienable rights which are endowed by the Creator".

Strangely, Katherine Abbey has rejected any "out of court" conferences. I'm sure the court will not look too kindly upon that decision. [H: Unless, of course, the court is the typical "fixed" circus now being presented in every "citizen" case.]
1.The court will NOT be thrilled to receive a public petition for a dismissal and private settlement. The San Luis Obispo courts are biased and prejudiced, especially concerning their own Judge William P. Clark of Sinsheimer, Schiebelhut and Baggett, who, along with ex-president Ronald Reagan and other county officials are involved with persons in drug trafficking, murder, money laundering. (See paper, THE SLO CONNECTION).
[H: Previously printed in LIBERA­TOR.]
President George Bush will not be too happy to be sucked into a penny-ante case which could reveal that he and his son Jeb were involved with a certain Panamanian dictator in drug trafficking and had to have a witness named Steven Carr murdered by local drug traffickers. The "hit" was performed by a man from the Cicilia-Falcone drug cartel of Tijuana (and Los Osos) and was covered up by San Luis officials. (See THE UNDERGROUND EMPIRE and THE CUTOLO AFFIDAVIT). [H: Reprinted in recent LIBERATOR.]

2. Judge William P. Clark will not be too thrilled to see his name in a public court transcript concerning his facing charges on bombing the KAL 007 airliner. Neither will the sitting judges who are friends of Clark be very thrilled.

3. Carol Hallett will not be happy to get sucked into this pro­ceeding. She is already mentioned in the Kerry Committee U.S. Senate Report on Terrorism and Narcotics.

4. William Johnston of Los Osos, realtor, will not be happy to be dragged into court since he has had shady real estate dealings in the past. He will be hard put to explain how he can notarize legal documents with a notary seal that has been expired for three years! This fact alone should neutralize this whole proceeding.

5. Sheriff Ed Williams will not be thrilled to find out some of his finest deputies are mentioned in papers connected to this proceeding. Is it possible that the Sheriff himself is involved in this? Has not the Sheriff been involved in shady real estate dealings? Isn't real estate a classic way of laundering drug money? [Hatonn: While you ones are "at it", please con­tinue the investigation to include Santa Barbara Savings and Loan, Shea and Gould, Home Fed. Savings, Solomon Brothers and Resolution Trust Corporation coalition, also the Deukmajian connection, the municipal courts of Kern County (along with other counties adjacent), local in­volvement with Judges and legal firms in all county courts and how many more billions just the folding of Home Fed will cost YOU-THE-PEOPLE. In the process, Law Cen­ter, note the PUSH to bring into LAW the "Doench Dume" "doctrine" so that there will be legal precedence for taking ALL property from you-the-people on any drummed-up basis AT ALL! THE ONLY WAY TO WIN THESE ROUNDS IS TO GATHER TOGETHER AND MOVE!!]
6. The Board of Supervisors will also not be happy to be dragged into this. Several board members have received large political contributions from cattle and real estate Politi­cal Action Committees (PACs). Real estate is a classic way of laundering drug money!

The local cattle businesses have long been involved in im­porting cattle from Mexico. Not only do the trucks have secret compartments for drugs, but the cattle themselves carry drugs in their bodies. Some supervisors have gotten rich off the destruction of our children. (Read the book THE UNDERGROUND EMPIRE and THE SLO CONNECTION).
7. Lt. Colonel Richard Peasley is NOT going to be happy about this! Along with Lt. Col. Robert McFarland (USMC) and Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North, the three of them, working with the National Security Agency brought us such "neat ideas" as the internal sabotage of the Delta Force hostage rescue attempt (at "Desert One") and the 1983 bombing of the Korean air liner KAL 007. Judge William P. Clark was head of the NSA at the time of the KAL 007 bombing. Clark is a resident of San Luis Obispo County and Peasley was a resident of San Luis Obispo County (Paso Robles).

Clark's protege, Col. Richard Peasley was Commander-­in-Chief of the White House helicopter squadron "Marine One" as well as chief of White House security. As "Top Gun" of Marine aviation he would be the White House expert on how to blow airplanes out of the sky.

Shortly after the 007 bombing, Clark hurriedly left the NSA and McFarland took his place.

In June of 1986, there was another plot to assassinate President Ronald Reagan by blowing his helicopter out of the sky on his trip to Venice, Italy. The plot was to be carried out by
Col. Oliver North's partners in Iran-Contra, Syrian terrorists Abu Nidal and Monsur Al-Kassar. The purpose of this was to put George Bush in charge and initiate martial law. Another San Luis resident, Gen. Louis 0. Giuffrida, was head of the Federal Emergency Man­agement Agency and in charge of planning and executing martial law. (See "The King Alfred Plan-Rex 84").

The commander of the helicopter squadron, "Marine One", Col. Richard Peasley, quietly replaced himself as command pilot on this mission with a subordinate! Peasley did not go with President Reagan to Italy! The as­sassination plot was cancelled because in May 1986 the Christic Institute brought a lawsuit against the U.S. Gov­ernment for previous assassinations by these same people! (See "Avrigan vs. the United States", "Cocaine Politics: Drugs, Armies, and the CIA in Central America" Capt. 10, page 163 and Radio Free America #32).

On September 4, 1986, after the funeral of Peasley's mother, and after a few beers, Col. Peasley incurred a slight case of "Diarrhea of the Mouth". In January 1987, Col. Peasley resigned from the Marine Corps and went to Bell Helicopter. (See "The Torbitt Document" about Bell's role in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy).

8. Lloyd Somogy is not going to be happy when he learns that there are a thousand copies of this paper awaiting his decision on how far to push this matter. Public officials are not going to be happy to learn that Somogy insisted on making a "federal case out of it". The president is not going to be happy to hear a "hick" town lawyer is dragging his crimes into the public eye. [Hatonn: Perhaps we could even make sure Mr. Bush gets a few dozen copies during his travels to southern California this week? How about some 10,000 scattered to the four corners of the globe? Is it about time, chelas, to take a stand for TRUTH instead of simply "mouth" it? This is far more devastating to a civi­lization and nation than a little earthquake or rainstorm! All we can do is suggest and then take action in this man­ner for I shall not stand silent while ANOTHER IS MUR­DERED for trying to bring you-the-people TRUTH. THIS KIND OF BLOOD IS FAR MORE DAMAGING THAN ANY CRUCIFIED MAN IN SOME ANCIENT TIME. Are YOU among the traitors to God and don't even know it? I think you had best begin to reconsider the stories handed down to you because the stuff is about to hit all the fans and ALL will be caught in the spatters. What are YOU willing to do to change your nation and your world?? I wonder!]

9. Phillip Simon and the courts and the Bar association are not happy about how he can represent three persons on opposing sides in the same matter. Simon was told "up front" that this prospective client's problem involved the murder of Scott Alexander and the cover-up and complicity of Mike Aivaz. Simon said "I don't want to hear about it" and extended his hand for the retainer fee. Nevertheless he has information on it in his files. Perhaps someday Simon and Somogy can share an office in Bulgaria or Mozambique.

10. And of course, Katherine Abbey:

A. She will not be happy to explain to the court why she perjured her official court documents. Cancelled checks exist which show she spent many months engi­neering a
B. She will not be happy to again perjure herself about existing property agreements. She will be asked to produce the papers she took from the file cabinet in­cluding the one with the illegal notary.
C. She will not be happy to explain to the DEA about the morphine syringes buried in the back yard which she "liberated" upon the deaths of Mary Perry and Helen Peasley. The RN licensing board and the administrator of Atascadero State Hospital are also not going to be very happy either. Under the "zero tolerance" laws this could result in complete confiscation of property.
D. She will not be happy when asked to identify a certain M-2 (select fire) carbine which she used in a shooting Qualification match for the Department of Civilian Marksmanship Program. The U.S. Army will have computer records of that qualification. The carbine was purchased with profits from a real estate transac­tion. The IRS does NOT have records of THAT trans­action. The IRS will not be happy.
E. She especially will not be happy if any incarceration re­sults.

11. And finally, the CIPA--The Classified Information Pro­tection Act. The CIPA is a shady law used by the courts to prevent government criminals from testifying in court about their illegal activities. It was used during the Iran-Contra hearings to exonerate government scum-bags and sleaze-balls and keep their misdeeds out of the court records. Conversely it is used to prevent honest citizens from bringing criminal charges against the government. It was used against Col. "Bo" Gritz and the Christic Institute to prevent their bringing charges of crimes by government officials. There are also laws which provide for confiscation of assets of persons who write uncomplimentary things about the government. Some of the old rulings are CIA vs. Marchetti, Troon-Humphrey, and the Marshall rulings. There are new, even stricter laws about this which are so secret it is difficult to obtain any in­formation about them.

So--All the skeletons are out of the closet and all the bridges are burned. The first three copies of this state­ment will be delivered to Simon, Somogy, and Abbey. I will expect a reply on intentions of proceedings within three days. After that an unlimited number of copies will be sent starting with George Bush. The local political ac­tivists and the Zerox machines will have a field day.

* * *
I suggest to readers that it may well be less expensive to simply get extra copies of this paper. Your friends want confirmation of our validity and truth--here it is--ongoing and as "James Bondish" as you can get and still be breathing. I suggest that you of the crew be prepared for extra printing and, of course, ones will probably wish back issues. I will, however, make ev­ery effort to get the JOURNAL bearing this whole information series immediately to press. Thank you. I depend on you read­ers, just as do other involved persons in our outlays, to scatter the information far and wide for it is the only security these daring speakers have--public KNOWING. MURDER in public in front of everyone is difficult--but John Kennedy is valid proof that it CAN BE DONE! But, NOT IF YOU ARE REALLY LOOKING!

I must ask you local ones to be alert, cautious and act with the seriousness this must have. A "hit" was set-up for Dharma yesterday and that is why I had to remove her physically. We have no pick with anyone but damage to my crew is unacceptable and I shall take any action required if actual attempts are carried through. This is direct warning information to the receivers of this electronic monitoring. I shall be patient with antics such as yesterday but I will toler­ate no follow-through. My crew is off-limits and I suggest that all you Elite puppets respect agreements for you shall NOT LIKE MY DEFENSE SYSTEMS IF I AM FORCED TO USE THEM!

"And just who do you think you are"? you ask? I KNOW THAT I AM PLENTY BIG ENOUGH TO VAPORIZE ANY OF YOU--WE CAN CALL IT "UNCREATE" IF YOU PRE­FER. THERE ARE RULES TO THIS ADVERSARIAL GAME AND YOU CAN JUST GO AHEAD "AND MAKE MY DAY". I most surely suggest you back off from my peo­ple--this is not idle threat or simple warning--this is FACT.

I care not one iota whether or not you believe in UFOs and Space-men aliens. We are here and your Elite Puppet-masters KNOW US WELL and we will keep out of things just as long as the treaties and agreements, made by your so-called leaders, are honored--break them and the piper WILLbe paid.

We would never have even gotten into your affairs to the extent we have if you had not broken every moral lawful code regard­ing my people's property and lives--BY THIS VERY BUNCH OF CRIMINALS AND BLOODSUCKERS. Our mission to your planet is not to war, not to panic nor terrorize but simply to gather our people and secure them. The command in point is to tell you the truth of Your Divine creation and journey and the more rapidly we are left alone to get it done--the sooner we shall be out of your hair and leave you to your own chosen destruc­tion or change--whichever you CHOOSE.

You will not, either, be allowed to greatly damage the crys­tal communications central system--it is now my suggestion that you stop your silly adventures at same. I believe it is time to "get Serious" because we of my Command are VERY SERIOUS! I salute my "enemies" because I am thus kept fully alert and on-my-toes, so to speak. I trust we can come into understanding without more painful encounters. MY MISSION IS OFF-LIMITS TO YOUR SILLY GAMES AND I PROFFER A GENTLE REMINDER OF SAME. SALU

PJ 52


MON., JULY 13, 1992 1:32 P.M. YEAR 5, DAY 332

MONDAY, JULY 13, 1992

Confirmation of my earlier writing has come in from outside sources and I am asked to share it with you. I repeat what I have said over and over again--I will not tell you WHEN a thing is to be happening--I can only give you that which is "planned" and awaiting orchestration and playing.

It is planned by your people to trigger the "Big One" "by" the 17th of July! I will lay out what has come now, from two diverse directions and locations:

Deactivated "guard" units have been put on emergency alert and "reactivated" throughout the California coastal areas. I have no input in other locations as yet.


The guard units are under orders not to even tell spouses of ac­tivities--but all military planes are being emptied of fuel in order to prevent loss to fire-- "BECAUSE THE BIG ONE IS GOING TO HAPPEN 'BY' THE SEVENTEENTH"--INDEED, OF JULY.

I would remind you to look at clues and locations of various "players" in this game of Russian roulette. I suggest you read my earlier writing of today and perhaps you can see the possibilities a bit better.

This activity is taking place in many locations--and at least as far East as Bakersfield and as far south as San Diego and north to all units along the Hayward Fault, etc. This means expectations of massive upheaval is anticipated.

With the pressures built up along that San Andreas, chelas, it will be very intense under the best of circumstances. I know not what else to do for I cannot tell your fortunes and perhaps wis­dom will prevail. I would guess, however, that "wisdom" is not among the attributes of your enemies. Ones who will kill off millions with virus AIDS are not apt to consider your inconve­nience in stricken areas. Remember those Executive Orders?

It is up to you to decide WHO is a great planner for I will not jeopardize my crew by telling more. I realize it is very difficult to tell WHO is the immediate culprit and who is the hostage--but, it matters not in the immediate need for preparations and care. You have been sitting on the explosives for a long time and the explosion is overdue--so, I can only hope you take heed and listen within for guidance. God walks with you if you but respond.