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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 52


    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.


    The Phoenix Journals includes bibliographical references and indexes.
    Contents: [Tangled Webs] -- [Crucifixion of the Phoenix -- [etc.] -- Pleiades Connection (8 vol's).
    1. Spirit writings. I. Hatonn, Gyeorgos C. (Gyeorgos Ceres) II. Dharma, Computer person. III. Phoenix Journals.


    ISBN 0-922356-83-1

    First Edition Printed by America West Publishers. August 1992
    P. O. BOX 27353
    LAS VEGAS, NV 89126
    Printed in the United States of America
    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


    DEDICATION.......................................................................................... ...................
    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ ...............
    WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1992...................................................................
    SATELLITES AND LIES...................................................................................
    FEMA INSIGNIAS........................................................................................... ...
    SEISMOLOGISTS ARRIVE...............................................................................
    COMMITEE OF 300 AND OUR ENEMIES....................................................
    BO GRITZ............................................................................................... .............
    A THOUGHT............................................................................................. ..........
    COMPUTER CHIP INJECTIONS......................................................................
    TO WHOM DO YOU TURN FOR HELP?.......................................................
    CNN?................................................................................................ ....................
    A TRUE AMERICAN CLASSIC.......................................................................
    N.Y. GOV. CLINTON OPPOSED CONSTITUTION .....................................
    THINKERS AND DOERS NEEDED AGAIN NOW ......................................
    POLITICAL THEORY UNIQUELY CRYSTALLIZED .................................
    BALANCE OF INNER FORCES.......................................................................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... ..............
    SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1992.................................................................................
    NOTATIONS........................................................................................... ............
    TOPICS FOR TODAY'S WATCH.....................................................................
    ATOMIC TESTING............................................................................................
    ENVIRONMENT......................................................................................... .......
    PUT FOOD SUPPLIES IN RESERVE...............................................................
    A YEAR'S SUPPLY OF BASIC FOOD.............................................................
    YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS..........................................................
    DISAPPEAR OVERNIGHT--WHAT IS FEMA?........................................
    FOREIGN SOLDIERS LIVING IN YOUR HOME..........................................
    THEN CAME CARTER.....................................................................................
    AMERICANS ARE COMPUTERIZED............................................................
    SEIZURE COULD BE "ANY" TIME................................................................
    WHAT IS AN EO?..............................................................................................
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... ..............
    SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1992............................................................................
    CONTINUES, PAT ROBERTSON IN POINT.............................................
    CORRUPTION AND CRUELTY......................................................................
    CONNECTION WITH FLIGHT 103.................................................................
    REPORTS AS WEAPONS.................................................................................
    CLOSE WITH MOSSAD....................................................................................
    CONDONES ACTIONS.....................................................................................
    DOWN-UNDER NOTE......................................................................................
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... ..............
    WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1992........................................................................
    THOUGHT FOR TODAY..................................................................................
    NEWS ALERT............................................................................................... ......
    IS COMMUNISM REALLY DEAD?................................................................
    SOCIAL, PHYSICAL, FINANCIAL CRIMES ...............................
    (SOUND FAMILIAR?)..................................................................................
    THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION.............................................................................
    ROLLER SKATES..............................................................................................
    PUBLIC BROADCASTING STATIONS..........................................................
    HOME SCHOOLING, A SERIOUS COMMITMENT ....................................
    PRESENT CHILDREN MUST FULFILL DIVINE PLAN...............................
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... ..............
    MONDAY, JULY 13, 1992...............................................................................
    TODAY'S WATCHIT.........................................................................................
    SO FAR!................................................................................................ ...............
    OTHER INSIDE INFORMATION.....................................................................
    SAFETY?............................................................................................. ................
    LIGHTS/BATTERIES DURING THIS TIME...................................................
    CAUTION, CAUTION, CAUTION...................................................................
    SIGNS OF MAN-MADE EXPECTATIONS.....................................................
    STOP THE GAMES............................................................................................
    GENESIS REVISITED, BY ZECHARIA SITCHIN.........................................
    POSSIBILITIES AND ASSURANCES..............................................................
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ..............
    MONDAY, JULY 13, 1992...............................................................................
    PREPARATION FOR FUTURE LITIGATION...........................................
    DHARMA SET-UP YESTERDAY....................................................................
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... ..............
    MONDAY, JULY 13, 1992...............................................................................
    URGENT! URGENT! URGENT!......................................................................
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ..............
    WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1992........................................................................
    NOTICE TO READERS.....................................................................................
    BE WHO HE SAYS HE IS?...........................................................................
    OTHER LOSSES.............................................................................................. ...
    TYPICAL "FAMILY" RECEPTION..................................................................
    AIDS................................................................................................ .....................
    LSD EXPERIMENTS......................................................................................... .
    SHAMIR LED HIT SQUAD...............................................................................
    MISCELLANEOUS....................................................................................... .....
    SURPRISE OFFER BY YELTSIN.....................................................................
    SHUTTLE LANDING.........................................................................................
    JAPAN............................................................................................... ...................
    NORIEGA............................................................................................. ...............
    ASSET SEIZURE--HOW WOULD YOU FEEL?............................................
    SATAN ON THE AIR.........................................................................................
    FRUSTRATION, PAIN AND AGONY "OH WOE IS WE"............................
    PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION........................................................................
    MILITARY CONVOYS AND AMMO SHIPPING..........................................
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ..............
    THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1992...........................................................................
    ALERT............................................................................................... ..................
    NOW FOR "NETWORK" ALERT!...................................................................
    SAN FRANCISCO AREA..................................................................................
    LOCATION AND GEOGRAPHY.....................................................................
    WHAT IF IT DOESN'T HAPPEN?....................................................................
    LET US LOOK AT "NO FUNDS".....................................................................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ..............
    SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1992...........................................................................
    SEIZE THE MOMENT!......................................................................................
    PEROT............................................................................................... ...................
    NATURAL PHENOMENON.............................................................................
    EAST COAST............................................................................................... .......
    MISSISSIPPI RIVER...........................................................................................
    MILITARY............................................................................................ ...............
    SEISMOLOGISTS....................................................................................... ........
    WATER TABLE IN L.A. AREA........................................................................
    PULSE BEAM BOMBARDMENT...................................................................
    SURVEILLANCE (LIQUEFACTION)..............................................................
    FAULT MOVEMENT........................................................................................
    EXPLOSIONS AND LIGHT BURSTS..............................................................
    MASSIVE MILITARY SHIFTING....................................................................
    THESE ARE SOLID FACTS..............................................................................
    JUST WHEN YOU THINK - - .......................................................................... ‑
    PHOTON BELT................................................................................................ ...
    ONLY HATONN TALKS OF PHOTON BELT?.............................................
    TESLA ENERGY.............................................................................................. ..
    BLACK OR WHITE............................................................................................
    PHOTON TORPEDOES?...................................................................................
    STAR TREK................................................................................................ ........
    WILLY WHITEFEATHER.................................................................................
    GREATEST HONOR..........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ............
    THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1992...........................................................................
    RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (R&D)...................................................
    NEW NEWS................................................................................................ ........
    SO, THE PHOTON PHENOMENON................................................................
    TIME YET TO GO!.............................................................................................
    PUBLICITY'S FUNCTION.................................................................................
    WE ARE HERE!............................................................................................... ...
    JAPAN BANKS/STOCK MARKET.................................................................
    INTELLIGENCE FORCES.................................................................................
    PRECEDENT........................................................................................... ............
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. ............
    SUNDAY, JULY 26, 1992.................................................................................
    NOTHING HAPPENING?..................................................................................
    CAMP DAVID?.............................................................................................. .....
    BAKER IN PHILIPPINES...................................................................................
    GO READ YOUR LESSONS.............................................................................
    EXAMPLE?............................................................................................ .............
    AND WHAT OF JESSE JACKSON?................................................................
    NO NULL-TIME YESTERDAY?......................................................................
    THE BIG ONE?................................................................................................ ...
    INDICTMENTS......................................................................................... ..........
    WAKE UP, WORLD...........................................................................................
    HOW DO YOU GET INFORMATION?...........................................................
    KISSINGER PREVAILS.....................................................................................
    BUSH LETTER TO NIXON...............................................................................
    IRAQGATE HANKY-PANKY.....................................................................
    CLEARLY LIED................................................................................................ .
    GUT POLITICS............................................................................................ .......
    NUMEROUS VIOLATIONS..............................................................................
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. ............
    MONDAY, JULY 27, 1992...............................................................................
    ATTENTION!.......................................................................................... ............
    FAX: CEASE & DESIST ORDER..................................................................
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. ............
    TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1992...............................................................................
    IMPORTANT NOTICE!.....................................................................................
    BUT, NOTHING IS HAPPENING?!?...............................................................
    BUT THE REALLY SERIOUS..........................................................................
    DEAD CARS................................................................................................ .......
    SPACE LAUNCHES...........................................................................................
    --AND THE PHOTON BELT.............................................................................
    LIFE RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC...........................................................
    NULL ZONE EXPLAINED................................................................................
    DARKNESS OR LIGHT ............................................................
    PREPARING THE SHEEPLE............................................................................
    FALSE AGENTS, STAGED RIOTS, NATIONAL GUARD...........................
    PHONEY ET INVASION/WORLD UNDER U.N...........................................
    U.N. TROOPS IN U.S. .......................................................................................
    STOCK MARKET CRASH................................................................................
    MARTIAL LAW/CONSTITUTION SUSPENDED.........................................
    THE SILENT PLACE..........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................. ............
    WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1992........................................................................
    WAR IS ON--WAR IS OFF--WAR IS .............................................................
    DOOMSDAY GOGGLES..................................................................................
    TO MY OWN,................................................................................................ .....
    CHAPTER 15.................................................................................................. ............
    WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1992........................................................................
    AFTERNOON HYSTERICS..............................................................................
    KILLER RABBITS............................................................................................. .
    CARTOON: KILLER RABBITS........................................................................
    NIKOLA TESLA INFORMATION...................................................................
    THE ELECTION IN 1984..................................................................................

    INFORMATION STARTS AT........................................................................

    I simply dedicate this document to ALL men who would know Truth and especially to those who would serve to reclaim freedom and heritage of a nation under God with liberty and justice for ALL.



    WED., AUGUST 5, 1992 3:10 PM. YEAR 5, DAY 355

    As we pen a foreword for this ongoing JOURNAL may I detour before we even begin to reference the JOURNAL in hand?

    In the heat of revelation of ill-begotten acts of deceit and entan­glements from which there seems no escape, comes time for reminding of fundamentals which made a nation GREAT and remembering the foundation which served citizen instead of tore him asunder.

    As I purvey information and scan the happenings of "just today" I am appalled at that which blasts my senses in behalf of you-­the-unknowing.

    As example, the game goes on and on and on. While you have your babies landing on the beaches of Kuwait--they themselves tell you the truth of it. When interviewed, the young men sim­ply say "...I have to do what I am ordered to do by our Presi­dent" and "...this time let's get it finished!" Get it finished? Get WHAT finished? I believe you are being told "at home" that this is an already "planned exercise" and maneuvers of ordinary nature. So what would be "finished"? What is "It"? How many are sent? How many are already there? HOW DO YOU KNOW?

    So, allow us to assume, as well, that the same type of "truth" is given to you about the "space project under way". Indeed, the lies are greater but so be it. The important thing to note this day is that "...it looks like the whole project will be called off". Billions of dollars simply dumped? Is it a misleading lie when actually a first strike is in the working within the next 24 to 48 hours? Does it mean that the opposition convinced your com­mand to stop the heinous exercise? What does it mean? It means that if I were you I would keep the goggles handy--just in case! It appears that things are not going well for your NASA project but you have other things afoot which are more clues of closer to home troubles.


    I am now efforting to give you publicly that which comes in as confirmation and information. When I have received at least FIVE sources with identical references--
    I shall give them to you for your own consideration. I am denounced as "false prophet" (I am a messenger--not a prophet--and Dharma is a secre­tary/translator) and "...the greatest liar of all time"! At least we get recognized as being the "greatest" something or other. Your world didn't blow up, shake away and/or blow-out with photons (at least not so you could see it) but the individuals calling names are so busy calling names that they missed all the clues and all that which did happen! Can you not realize that the very thing which is being watched in space and "called" a NASA en­ergy project--is the very instigator of the so-called Photon blast!?! Are there so very few who care so little of civilization as to call names to the messengers instead of thanking God for more time to be "alive"? Oh indeed, mankind as your species has come to be is most depressing.

    Now, for "insignias". In many places but confirmation has been verified for one in particular so I shall give it to your attention. At Hill Field in Utah (Ogden) the personnel have been ordered to remove all insignias of military reference and replace them with FEMA insignias. Is this true? For the disclaimers of my "truth", I decline to verify or qualify--I simply pass it along to you.

    On this day, at least half a dozen "top-ranking" seismologists have arrived for a lengthy stay in this town--Tehachapi. They have come because this place has been declared off-limits for destruction by human hands and/or pulses and the safety factor causes them to be unable to remain closer to the disaster points than this location. They have come from several places along the West Coast. The reports have now gone forth to the "experts" that there is "some sort of electronic shield" around this particular area and they are sent to investigate it. The blasts against this shielding are constant and massive.

    It isn't that the "enemies" are "ours"--it is that the Word is sup­posed to be stopped at all costs. Therefore, I wish to share with you some facts involved in the particular lawsuit brought by the University of Science and Philosophy concerning one Walter Russell. This particular "University", which is NOT, has come into something like a $125 million "gift". In addition, sitting on the Board of Directors is a direct member of the Committee of 300!! Does this make the assault just a bit more under­standable? I thought so. IT IS INTENDED TO STOP ALL INFORMATION OF TRUTH FROM REACHING YOU­-THE-PEOPLE!
    At this time there has been an extension of the court date till August 17th (a very, very strong day indeed) in which span the JOURNALS in focus (see elsewhere in the paper for details) may still be acquired. The resource is totally separate from any America West participation as well as having no connection with this scribe who, at any rate, receives nothing from the pub­lication in point. I believe, however, that the very act in progress points out the TRUTH of the circumstance. These spiritual Truths as outlaid in that set of particular JOURNALS are the most important documents on your planet this day! I can only again urge you to take advantage of getting them if you can for with this type of "power" behind the "fixed" court sys­tem--it will probably be that the books shall be banned and de­stroyed. Further, with a payload backup of $125 million to fight this case--how much "justice" do you anticipate receiving for the side of God?

    This is a prime example of the buying of an institution for the direct and prime effort of destroying and burying Truth to keep it from mankind. Oh, chelas, you are in such trouble and I know not how to help you except to cause you to open your eyes.

    Already this one problem has caused America West to all but bankrupt and the Greens to relocate away from this source in order to salvage anything at all. Yes, they can countersue but as you can recall from other typical legal cases such as the one in which Dharma is involved already--it takes YEARS without set­tlement and/or worthy hearing of any kind. In addition, the point is to cause such legal fees to accrue that unbacked "people" cannot fight long enough to prevail.

    In fact, a third lawyer has had to be acquired by these ones to simply face this assault. This now means three lawyers and the Constitutional Law Center involved--just to allow you-the-peo­ple to get information long since buried and never intended that you receive.

    I ask that this entire upcoming LIBERATOR be dedicated to full informational outlay of "Bo Gritz" except for this "Introduction" regarding the Constitution and Federalist Papers. I further ask that abundant extra copies be printed to make available to all who would share. This is a MAN chosen of GOD to serve you and lead you and yet, he too, must prove himself on the field of honor just as does each and every ONE. Will you take the cup and allow God to fill it--or will you dance with the devil and throw slings and arrows at the very messengers sent to show you the path? It is up to you--for I promise you--this man and these ones do not need the exercise in trauma--THEY KNOW WHERE THEY ARE HEADED! Once again the enemy has seemingly left you with a pile of sour lemons after "Perot"--nay, nay--sweet lemonade! But YOU HAVE TO DO IT.

    There are many truthbearers who would, with sufficient backing to allow for travel and interviews, carry the banner as speakers if but asked: Victor Marchetti, Ray Renick, John Stockwell, and on and on--but they have been battered and stripped at the hands of the conspirators--YOU MUST HELP THEM OR YOU SHALL NOT HEAR THEM FOR THEY HAVE ALREADY GIVEN ALL THEY HAVE--IT IS NOW UP TO YOU! YOU CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN, AMERICA--IF YOU WANT TO!

    From the point of Light within the Mind of God--Let light stream forth into the minds of men. Let Light descend on Earth--would YOU come forth and bear the lamp?

    If you are not pounding on the Perot groups and pressing for Gritz, then you err in action. We look not for perfection--we look for the brave man who will, like David, stand against the giant as the gnat and lead you to victory. If it be not this year then it must be that you have "someone" around to rally unto as this old world goes into a tailspin. I expect your year 1995 to be about as climactic and horrendous as you could expect. There­fore, time is indeed short for you to lay any foundation of net­work value in any manner. This does NOT mean that you have clear sailing until 1995; it means that you are in the throes of the beast right now. There will not be an election as you would recognize in 1996 so that which you do NOW is your last "performance"--which shall it be?


    All your nice young soldiers going away to a foreign land and required to have inoculations, etc? Remember them? They have just had programming chips injected along with the serum. Worse, they are considered "expendable" just as are the PRISONERS OF WAR SITTING IN PRISON RIGHT UNDER HANOI! THAT MEANS RIGHT UNDER THE NOSES OF THE "INSPECTORS" AND INTELLIGENCE OFFICERS WHO HAVE LIED TO YOU.


    Well, but, "How can I know who and what, etc?" (??) Keep up--if with nothing more than the LIBERATOR and JOUR­NALS. If it appears to be without your ability to believe what we lay forth for you--wait and watch the confirmations begin to pile in upon your watchful eyes and ears--if you get them awake. Learn the "clues" for which to watch--and open your mind to possibilities.

    I KNOW that you get NO NEWS and what is presented is phony and prearranged as show and tell for you--especially now, the CNN network. Of course you can KNOW that this is so--Ted Turner has publicly come forth and made a statement that he accepts NOT GOD for he is angry at God and tells all that "GOD WILL NOT HELP YOU"! He, further, is invited as head table guest at the White House when ones such as Kissinger, Gor­bachev, etc., pay State visits. He did, in fact, cast aside (publicly) the "TEN COMMANDMENTS" and replace them with the "Turner Commandments". Does this not tell you enough? These things which I give unto your attention can be verified by your own seeking. If a man will tear down GOD and cast HIM aside--he will think nothing at all of the destruc­tion of a nation and its people! Heed my words!

    I simply request that you ones keep your eyes on the "visitors" within the shield. Our enemies are now in the process of actu­ally "helping us" and so was it ever to be that way. I only re­mind you ones to be cautious, use discretion and STAY WITHIN THE LIGHTED ENERGY FIELD. GOD IS SUFFI­CIENT UNTO YOUR EVERY NEED. SALU.



    The Federalist is the most important work in political science that has ever been written, or is likely ever to be written, in the United States. It is, indeed, the one product of the American mind that is rightly counted among the classics of political the­ory.

    This work has always commanded widespread respect as the first and still most authoritative commentary on the Constitution of the United States. It has been searched minutely by lawyers for its analysis of the powers of Congress, quoted confidently by historians for its revelations of the hopes and fears of the framers of the Constitution, and cited magisterially by the Supreme Court for its arguments in behalf of judicial review, executive independence, and national supremacy. It would not be stretching the truth more than a few inches to say that The Federalist stands third only to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution itself among all the sacred writings of American political history. It has a quality of legitimacy, of authority and authenticity, that give it the high status of a public document, one to which, as Thomas Jefferson put it, "appeal is habitually made by all, and rarely declined or denied by any" as to the "genuine meaning" of the Constitution.

    In recent years respect for The Federalist has blossomed into admiration. It is now valued not merely as a clever defense of a particular charter, but as an exposition of certain timeless truths about constitutional government. It has caught the fancy of po­litical scientists throughout the world, has been translated into a dozen languages, and--surely the most convincing evidence of its lofty status--has become one of the three or four staples of the American college curriculum in political science. General Washington, who was trying merely to be friendly, wrote some prophetic words to Alexander Hamilton in the summer of 1788: "When the transient circumstances and fugitive performances which attended this crisis shall have disappeared, that work will merit the notice of posterity, because in it are candidly and ably discussed the principles of freedom and the topics of govern­ment--which will be always interesting to mankind so long as they shall be connected in civil society". The "notice of posterity" for the stern yet hopeful message of The Federalist has never been more attentive than in these drawn-out years of peril for constitutional democracy.

    The immense prestige of this work seems especially remark­able when viewed in the light of its origins. The Federalist is essentially a collection of eighty-five letters to the public over the pseudonym of Publius that appeared at short intervals in the newspapers of New York City beginning on October 27, 1787. These letters were still appearing in late March, 1788, when the first thirty-six were issued in a collected edition. Continuous publication was halted with number 77 on April 4, then resumed June 14, and concluded August 16. In the meantime, a second volume containing numbers 37-85 was published May 28.

    Conceived in the pressure of a great crisis in human events, written with a haste that often bordered on the frantic, printed and published as if it were the most perishable kind of daily news, [H: I believe my people can relate to this.],
    The Federalist bore few marks of immortality at birth. [H: I wonder if the enemy will call this plagiarism and require a banning of this material from this magazine in order to bury this truth also? If you-the-people allow great truth to be buried at the hands of man--you shall perish!] It was, in fact, only one of several hundred salvos in the loud war of words that accompa­nied the protracted struggle over ratification of the Constitution. That new charter of government, it will be remembered, had been agreed upon and signed at Philadelphia, September 17, 1787, transmitted to the Congress then existing under the Arti­cles of Confederation, and thereupon laid, with no great show of enthusiasm, before the people of the United States. The approval of ratifying conventions in nine of the thirteen states was to bring the Constitution into effect. Few of its authors and supporters imagined that it would be easy to win such a margin of approval in the chaotic political circumstances of the world's first experiment in popular government over an extended area; all recognized that a clear-cut vote against the Constitution in any one of four key states would be enough by itself to destroy their hopes for "a more perfect Union".

    One of these states was New York, among whose claims to a vital role in the affairs of the new republic were a growing pop­ulation, a lively commerce, a pivotal position on the Atlantic seaboard, and New York City, then the seat of the government of the United States. It was also the home of Governor George Clinton [!], a doughty politician whose principles and prejudices and skills made him the most formidable of opponents to the proposed Constitution. Plainly New York was a state that could easily be lost and yet had to be won; plainly it was a state in which arguments voiced in public debate or actions taken in the ratifying convention might influence the course of events in other states.

    It was with such thoughts as these in mind that Alexander Hamilton, the recognized leader of the forces of ratification in New York, turned in the fall of 1787 to the task of winning his state to the cause of the new Constitution. The story of how Hamilton persuaded and plotted and bullied his way over the months to the narrowest of victories in the New York conven­tion is an epic of American politics that deserves to be better known. What is important to us about this amazing effort is that Hamilton found it both practically expedient and psychologically comforting to supplement his political activities with a contribu­tion to the literary war. Without his foresight, energy, and or­ganizational skill there would have been no Federalist to stiffen the friends of the Constitution and to instruct the minds of pos­terity. He conceived the idea of a series of thoughtful commu­nications that would explain and support the proposed Constitu­tion; he scrambled for worthy contributors and finally found them in John Jay and James Madison; he wrote almost two thirds of the total of 175,000 words: he carried on the project to its scheduled end long after the other two men had been forced to leave the field. While the Publius we know and cherish today is a composite of three men, one of these men, Alexander Hamilton, must ever be regarded as the political magician who brought Publius to life. [H: How very, very sad that you of the readership probably do not know what this means nor well remember the persons from history books and school--your children of today will never have heard of them nor do they care. What has happened to you, America? What has happened to your world? There are still great men but they are hidden from you and torn asunder while your very his­tory is tampered and buried--replaced by lies and greedy Elite conspirators.]
    The authors of The Federalist made up a first-class team of thinkers and doers. John Jay (1745-1829), the oldest and at that time most distinguished of the group, was a prosperous New York lawyer who had rendered three particularly eminent ser­vices to his state and country: authorship of the admirable New York Constitution of 1777, which was a prime source of ideas for the Convention at Philadelphia; negotiation, side-by-side with Benjamin Franklin and John Adams, of the Treaty of 1783 that gave America peace and final independence; and, as Secre­tary for Foreign Affairs under the Articles of Confederation, direction of the diplomatic maneuverings of the almost friendless republic. James Madison (1751-1836), although he could hardly have known it at the time, had already won lasting fame as the most useful member of the Convention of 1787. The Constitu­tion was the joint work of a half dozen or more superior men, yet even today, in part because of the notes he kept of the pro­ceedings of the Convention, few historians begrudge Madison the title "Father of the Constitution". Alexander Hamilton (1755-1804) was another New York lawyer who had served his state and country well, notably as a youthful comrade-in-arms of General Washington and as a prime mover of the events that led to the Convention of 1787. He, like Madison, was a delegate to Philadelphia; unlike Madison, he was irregular in attendance and unpersuasive in argument. His principal services to the new Constitution came only after the Convention had adjourned.

    All three authors of The Federalist went on after 1788 to even more splendid careers--Jay to the Chief Justiceship and to negotiation of the famous treaty that bears his name, Madison to a distinguished eight years as the leading figure in Congress and to somewhat less distinguished eight-year tenures as both Sec­retary of State and President of the United States, Hamilton to service under President Washington as the most influential of all Secretaries of the Treasury. For those who care about such things--and many readers of this introduction are sure to care--it should be recorded that both Hamilton and Jay were graduates of Columbia, Madison a son of Princeton.

    Throughout the long months during which The Federalist was running in the New York newspapers, and indeed until several years after publication of the collected essays, the identity of Publius was a well-guarded secret. This mask of anonymity, put on by the authors for sound political purposes, made it pos­sible for Hamilton, in a note written just before his death and discovered just after, to lay claim to a full sixty-three numbers of The Federalist, some of which very plainly belonged to Madison. Just why this man of honor and sound memory should have engaged in this extraordinary action is impossible to explain. In any case, he touched off a tortuous dispute that went on for generations between his political heirs and those of Madison over the authorship of various papers, especially numbers 49-58, 62 and 63. [H: I guess it hasn't changed much after all, has it?] Thanks chiefly to the scholarly labors of Professor Douglass Adair, we can say with some confidence that Hamilton wrote fifty-one numbers (1,
    6-9, 11-13, 15-17, 21-36, 59-61, 65-85), Madison twenty-six (10, 14, 37-58, and probably 62, 63), and Jay five (2-5, 64), while three (18-20) were the product of a joint effort by Madison and Hamilton. The skimpiness of Jay's contribution is explained by an illness that overtook him in the fall of 1787, the impressive bulk of Hamilton's by the inten­sity of his commitment. Madison's contribution, which is far more important for the present reputation of Publius than its modest size would indicate, was made possible in the first place only because the Virginian was in New York in the fall of 1787 as a delegate to Congress. His participation ended abruptly upon his departure for home in March, 1788.

    The Federalist worked only a small influence upon the course of events during the struggle over ratification. Promises, threats, bargains, and face-to-face debates, not eloquent words in even the most widely circulated newspapers, won hard-earned victories for the Constitution in the crucial states of Mas­sachusetts, Virginia, and New York. Publius, by his own ad­mission, spoke to a select audience of reasonable, responsible, and established men, and most such men had already been con­vinced of the necessity of a change in the system of government. The chief usefulness of
    The Federalist in the events of 1788 was as a kind of debater's handbook in Virginia and New York. Copies of the collected edition were rushed to Richmond at Hamilton's direction and used gratefully by advocates of the Constitution in the climactic debate over ratification.

    The fame of The Federalist derives, therefore, not from the events of a single decisive year, but from the whole course of American history. It is a sign, as it were, of the prodigious suc­cess of the Constitution, which, as it has endured and evolved over the generations, has called attention ever more insistently to the man who, having helped to write it, first explained it. Viewed from this perspective, which is the one we are privi­leged to take, The Federalist appears as four books in one: an explanation of the blessings of federal government; an indict­ment of the Articles of Confederation for their failure to provide such government, or indeed to provide much in the way of government at all; an analysis and defense of the new Constitution as an instrument of federalism and constitutionalism; and, light­ing up these more practical subjects with sudden bursts of bril­liance, an exposition of certain enduring truths that provide an understanding of both the dangers and the delights of free gov­ernment.

    As an explanation of the federal form of government The Federalist comes closest to being an original piece of work. Other men, to be sure--most notably Althusius and "the cele­brated Montesquieu"--had discoursed intelligently on some of the problems of unity and disunity among states with close emo­tional and commercial ties, but it remained for Publius to make the first real stab at expounding the merits of genuine federal­ism, which is, after all, a full and tricky step beyond mere fed­eration in the direction of consolidation. The Federalist deserves lasting credit for the clarity with which it insists that both levels of government in a federal system must exercise direct authority over individuals, that the central government must en­joy unquestioned supremacy in its assigned fields, and that fed­eralism is to be cherished not alone for its contributions to peace within the land and security without, but for the firm foundation it provides for the enjoyment of individual freedom over a wide expanse of territory. The Federalist, it could be said, converted federalism from an expedient into an article of faith, from an occasional accident of history into an enduring expression of the principles of constitutionalism.

    Those pages of The Federalist which catalogue the weak­nesses of the Articles of Confederation make much the least in­teresting reading today. In 1787-88, however, they made very interesting reading indeed, and many friends of the new Consti­tution valued The Federalist principally for its merciless indict­ment of the "palpable defects of the subsisting Confederation". Since the indictment was one that had to be made with force and in detail, one cannot begrudge Publius the joys he must have experienced in beating a horse that may look dead to us but was very much alive to him. [H: Dharma just put us into our "proper perspective" for I must tell you--she often thinks we ride and beat a very dead horse. No--remember--GOD WINS! Perhaps it is because she has hammered out thou­sands and thousands more pages than were The Federalist papers and, only now, a few begin to see the dawning. Can you not realize that there has always been need for "great" men if goodness and freedom were to hold?] And even in the muddiest parts of the hard going from numbers 15 to 22 there are solid observations on one of the major themes of
    The Feder­alist: the dreadful circumstance of a weak government in a dis­ordered society.

    Up to now, at least, The Federalist has worked its chief in­fluence on the course of events as a uniquely authoritative com­mentary on the Constitution. Today, as all through the history of American constitutional development, a particular interpreta­tion of some clause in that document can be given a special fla­vor of authenticity by a quotation from Publius. If he was un­derstandably wrong in his interpretation of some details in the Constitution--for example, in assigning the Senate a share in the power of removal and in giving a purely military cast to the President's authority as commander-in-chief--he was remarkably right about many more. Publius the constitution lawyer, in the bold person of Hamilton, reached the peak of intellectual power and of historical influence in the breathtaking assertion of judicial review in number 78.

    Publius the political theorist, in the perceptive persons of both Hamilton and Madison, is the man who has brought fame and influence to The Federalist in recent years--this despite the fact that all the more or less speculative musings of
    The Feder­alist make up at best a fragment on government. What Hamil­ton and Madison were capable of producing as political theorists in the closet of leisurely detachment and what they managed to produce as political strategists in the arena of zestful engagement were, alas, two quite different matters. The Federalist is a contribution to political theory only by accident--by the happy accident, one might say, that neither of its chief authors could ever make a point in the most earth-bound debate without paus­ing, if only for a moment, to put the point in a larger and more abstract perspective. Yet this, after all, is the familiar way in which some of the greatest contributions to political theory were brought into being, and one should not spend too much time re­gretting the startling omissions and uneven quality of The Fed­eralist, lest he be slow to pay the homage of painstaking study to such notable contributions as Madison's reflections on the plural society in numbers 10 and 51 and Hamilton's appraisal of exec­utive power as an agency of free government in number 70.

    If he does pay such homage, and if he also keeps an earnest eye out for the nuggets of speculation strewn all through the pages, the student of The Federalist will in time amass a re­spectable treasure of political wisdom about the problems and possibilities of freedom. While The Federalist has important things to say about all governments in general, it is popular gov­ernment--in those days called "republican" government--with which Publius is principally concerned. His dislike of instability and downright fear of anarchy are writ large and often in the es­says, but he offers us other and better ways than that recom­mended by Thomas Bobbes to bring peace and security to the community. To find "republican remedies" for the "diseases most incident to republican government" is the constant purpose of the authors of The Federalist.

    In the course of their long search for these remedies, the chief of which turn out to be federalism, social pluralism, and constitutionalism (that is, divided, balanced, and limited gov­ernment), Hamilton and Madison give their own answers to some of the oldest questions of political theory; and it is safe to say that no more eloquent, tough-minded, and instructive an­swers have ever been given by an American pen. Whether dis­coursing on the universal urge of mankind toward weakness and wickedness, demonstrating the existence of the saving graces of human reason and decency, accounting for the diverse interests that arise in a progressive society, finding a formula for liberty in the very fact of these clashing interests, setting both static and dynamic limits to the rule of the majority, or working out the balance of forces within a complex structure of government, The Federalist sends out messages of universal validity to all stu­dents of political man, and especially to those who wish him well. It is, in particular, the cold-eyed yet ultimately hopeful view of mankind that lifts
    The Federalist into the circle of clas­sics in political theory. No one can read the pages without be­ing reminded powerfully of both the light and dark sides of hu­man nature--of man's capacity for reason and justice that makes free government possible, of his capacity for passion and injus­tice that makes it necessary.

    It is, to be sure, a great pity that the authors of The Federalist had neither time nor inclination to sort out and restate in or­derly, comprehensive fashion their many brilliant observations about the nature of political man, or indeed about liberty or society or the purposes and forms of government. It is a greater pity, a source of especially keen distress to students of political theory, and they apparently found it unnecessary to make more than a handful of explicit observations on private property as a right of man, a pillar of ordered society, and a force in politics. Nor is the occasional character of The Federalist as a tract in political theory its only fault. As a piece of very special plead­ing--some have called it a lawyer's brief--it says the same thing over and over in a half dozen ways, tiptoes delicately around many of the hard criticisms directed against the Constitution and slogs ponderously through some of the silliest, and makes at least a few arguments and appeals which its authors must have had trouble justifying to their own consciences. Hamilton, in particular, was hardly the enthusiast for the Constitution that he appeared to be in these pages.

    In recent years a good deal has been made of the fact that Publius was a "split personality", speaking through Madison as a federalist and an exponent of limited government, through Hamilton as a nationalist and an admirer of energetic government. Yet Publius was, on any large view, at least as whole a personality as any reasonable man can be when he has to deal with the everlasting tensions of free government. His own ten­sions, it might be argued, are only an honest reflection of those built into the Constitution. The Federalist, like the Constitution it expounds and the polity it celebrates, is a "bundle of compro­mises". The wonder must always be, not that Publius spoke some of the great truths of politics in an offhand manner and with a hoarse voice, but that, in the circumstances of the case, he spoke as pointedly and coherently as he did. He managed to do this principally because the thoughts of his creators, while hastily written down, had not been lightly conceived. They were, indeed, the product of years of learned study and hard experience.

    Not every great political theorist has cared much for free and popular government. Of those who have cared, not every one has been candid enough to expose its disease, or hopeful enough to counsel a broad scheme of prevention.
    [H: Well, we finally got there didn't we? WE CARE ENOUGH TO BE CANDID ENOUGH TO EXPOSE ITS DISEASE AND KNOW ENOUGH TO KNOW THAT RECLAMATION CAN BE CLAIMED IF YOU WANT TO DO SO BADLY ENOUGH.] The Federalist is a famous work in political science
    [H: Mutu­ally exclusive terms--if it be political it cannot be "science".] because it does just that, because it mixes candor and hope, re­alism and idealism, in a message to all friends of liberty wher­ever they ply their honorable trade. And the message of The Federalist reads: no happiness without liberty, no liberty without self-government, no self-government without constitutionalism, no constitutionalism without morality--and none of these great goods without stability and order.

    Clinton Rossiter
    February 15, 1961

    * * *
    I have gone on at length to hopefully get your attention unto your task. We cannot do it for you--BUT IT HAS BEEN DONE BEFORE YOU--PERHAPS EVEN "BY" YOU.

    When the students are ready--God sends the teacher. I wonder how many of you are READY?

    Further, I wonder if it will be the same--that the words are locked away unattended for the most part--until centuries have passed and the authors gone--to be handled with appreciation?

    A copy of this book which contains the papers can be easily ob­tained, I believe, through any book store. It is a "Mentor book and published in the United States by NAL PENGUIN INC., 1633 Broadway, New York, New York 10019. In Canada by The New American Library of Canada Limited, 81 Mack Av­enue, Scarborough, Ontario M 1L 1M8. This particular book is most valuable for it has a final section which collates The Fed­eralist Papers with The Constitution of the United States of America. Every teacher must have a copy of this material and USE IT--for your children have lost their heritage and all his­torical roots. Please be among the ones who are willing to step forth and change this path to oblivion.

    August 5, 1992
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 23:06.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 52

    SUN., MAY 24, 1992 8:01 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 282

    SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1992

    Don't be afraid your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin! And while ye journey through the experience take time to love people for the good YOU HAVE DONE UNTO THEM--not for the good they have done unto YOU, for if you love not every­body then ye don't really love anybody. Also, you must learn that possessiveness and "me-ness" always ends by destroying what it efforts to protect. You must stand "together", yet not too near together. For the pillars of the temple stand apart, and the oak tree and cypress grow not in each others' shadow. Look not to another to see what they support or gar­ner lest ye miss that which is YOURS to treasure. So be it, may wisdom walk this passage with you.

    I begin by saying that Ross Perot must be doing a few things "right" for he has the "Industrialists" who once did business with him denying he has any merit whatsoever. Also, there are the paid few who speak out and refer to him in his early busi­ness days as being a "slave driver".

    Most of all, however, he is actually being denounced because he asked to be relieved of Navy duty--not because of the work load and/or Naval duties but rather that the MORAL DECADENCE OF THE RULES AND THE MEN WERE AGAINST ALL GODLY ACCEPTANCE. Do you, however, have the SAME man with which to deal? Can he be worse? Well, his opponents are gathering votes from the minorities on the one hand and playing golf while "Rome burns" on the other.

    How many of you took note this past week that the Chinese test fired the largest underground nuclear device they have ever tested to date? NOW WHY WOULD THEY DO SUCH A THING NOW THAT THIS HORRID COLD-WAR IS OVER? Better wake up, little siblings.

    Did you also note that the European Environmental Congress adjourned having accomplished nothing and most representatives not planning to attend the Rio World Congress? No funding and no binding regulations were laid forth to actually DO anything in Europe and nothing positive is EVEN ON THE AGENDA IN RIO! The regulations are going to be abandoned in the name of help for "industry" in order to allow the Elite to continue to shift production into those unregulated countries. Oh, the World Bank and International Monetary Fund will blather and regulate but that is to insure the ability to cut loans and life support sys­tems to the people under the guise of punishment for breaking regulations--however, it will only be "show" while the popula­tion is devastated--"watch my lips"!

    How many of you have at least a year's food supply for all members of your family?
    I am continually asked about this and "what is needed" and other pertinent "how-to's". I am asking Dharma to reprint a page from Countryside & Small Stock Jour­nal,
    Vol. 75 No. 5, Oct. 1991 by Daryl Hughes, 11708 Flemish Mill Ct., Oakton VA 22124. I do, however, urge you to simply consider this while you are awaiting arrival


    (Linen, crystal and silver are optional):
    Anyone interested in keeping a year's supply of basics on hand can easily do so following these guidelines. (Note: this diet is meant to sustain life, not necessarily to provide gourmet meals).

    For each adult:
    300 lbs. grain, stored in a cool, dry place. This is often put aside in the form of hard, red winter wheat, but you can also store oat groats, rolled oats, rye, corn, barley, white rice, etc. (Note: Brown rice is richer in dietary fiber, minerals and vitamins--particularly the B vitamins--than white rice, because the bran, or outer brown layer, is not milled away. But the bran oil is easily degraded by lipase enzymes into free fatty acids, leading to off-odors and off-flavors. Brown rice usually turns rancid after being stored about six months. An ethanol treatment to deactivate lipase enzymes in the bran has been developed in the lab, but is not yet commercially available).

    Wheat and barley can be stored for decades if put away properly. Oats and corn should be rotated through in 3-4 years. (I have been told that popcorn will grind up into a nice flour and it will store indefinitely. Note: At least one company--Mallard Pond Farms of Boulder, Colo.--sells pre-packaged mixes of waffles, pancakes and brownies, all made with popcorn flour. They tout the health benefits of the gluten-free flour).

    I have often ordered large amounts of wheat, etc., for people to store and we get it delivered to us in heavy-duty 5-gallon buckets. I rotate through mine as I bake breads regularly.

    Salt: Store 5 lbs. per person for a year's supply. I keep way more on hand,
    figuring it would make a good trade item if money lost value.

    Sugar or honey: 60 lbs. per person for a one year supply.

    Oils or fats: 2 lbs. per person for a year. (One gallon oil = 7 pounds.) Choose
    from oils, shortening, mayo, salad dressing, and peanut butter. The only strict rule on oils and fats is that you must pick ones you'll use and rotate through or they'll go bad.

    Milk powder (or a high quality protein such as poultry, beef, fish, etc. These can
    be cured, dehydrated or freeze-dried).

    Milk powder is difficult for most people to store because, generally speaking, they hate the taste of it. So they don't use it, and it goes rancid, and then it's really bad!

    Unless you are willing to use this product in your daily baking, or cut your fresh milk in half with it, I wouldn't recommend that you lean too heavily on the milk powder.

    The required amount is 75 lbs. per year. The absolutely best brand I've found is Maple Island.

    Plan to store half as much meat, poultry or fish as milk powder, and if you leave out the milk powder be sure to find another source of calcium.

    Legumes: 60 lbs. per person for a year. This includes any variety of beans (red,
    black, white, soy, etc.), peas and lentils.

    Water: Always keep a supply of potable water on hand--at least 14 gallons per
    person for a minimum two weeks drinking supply in the event of an emergency.

    For those of us who have not yet reached the point of total food self sufficiency, there are several places to order bulk deliveries from. The one I have the most experience with is Walton Feed Inc., 135 North 10th St., Montpelier ID 83264 (contact Steve). Call 1-800-847-0465 for a current price list. [H: Please note that these are not my per­sonal recommendations and the numbers may be invalid. I am simply repeating the information. Since I honor the author for doing the offering I certainly do not take exception to resources. At some point in the near future there will be facilities here which will be offering "survival" and "storage" supplies--at present, I have no better resource for your use.]
    Be advised that Walton Feed waits until they have a truckload full to send to your area, so delivery might require waiting sev­eral months. On the positive side, everything I've ordered from them has been very good, packed in nice buckets and bug-free. They will also nitrogen pack your grains in mylar bags in the buckets, for an extra charge, if you want long-term storage and don't intend to rotate.

    An interesting note: FEMA (Federal Emergency Man­agement Agency) reportedly visited Walton recently and wanted to see the entire operation. They were most inter­ested in assessing the inventory. Executive Order #10988, signed by the President, provides for Federal takeover of ALL food resources in the event an "emergency" is declared. According to newspaper reports, President Bush was pre­pared to invoke this Executive Order during Operation Desert Storm. You can read it (the order defined) for your­self in the Federal Register, July 24, 1979. (Check your li­brary).
    Anyone with questions regarding food storage or wanting more help can feel free to write to me.


    Readers, please be aware that I get pounds of letters asking what to do if you can't store all the above or can't afford to do so. I can't help you more than I have done on numerous occasions when we have written about this and more information can be gotten from America West as to resources, etc. ((805) 822-9655 or FAX: (805) 822-9658). To simply order the book mentioned and receive a catalog call toll free:
    (800) 729-4131.

    If you absolutely have no way to store adequate supplies for long-term--at least store enough for a couple of weeks for emergencies. An alternative, although not too palatable to think about is to store a large quantity of Chlorella algae, Spirulina algae and a supply of supplements in the form of full-spectrum vitamins and minerals. With water, you CAN live indefinitely on this supplementation. Man, however, is not geared in this day to be able to enjoy such lack of emphasis on his eating structure so you must be your own guide. I can PROMISE YOU THAT NO-BODY IS GOING TO DO IT FOR YOU! The government is trying to make sure you DO NOT get the supplies so you had best work carefully from that aspect of the facts of it. Reread what was written about "FEMA" regulations.. The Executive Or­der in point is already in working presence so food acquisi­tion will fall into immediate regulation with any kind of emergency. We have no wish to have commercial operations of large size for it is obvious that business-wise after regu­lations take place, the government will simply seize the cor­poration and take the supplies and inventory. It is good to have such an operation only AFTER stocking for all parties who might be working as a unit in group storage, etc. GOD IS NOT GOING TO DO IT FOR YOU--GOD PROVIDES INPUT AND EXPECTS YOU TO DO THAT WHICH IS PHYSICAL IF YOU WANT TO SAVE THINE OWN NECK AND ASSETS. If you sincerely petition God and then DO YOUR PART, you shall know HOW to provide. IF YOU WAIT FOR GOD TO DO IT--YOU SHALL BE QUITE HUNGRY AT THE HANDS OF THE GOVERNMENT.

    I believe next it is appropriate to republish material already of­fered to you in other JOURNALS and LIBERATORS but I have been given an insert from this most recent edition of Spotlight and some parts of it are comprehensive and succinct. I cannot suggest that you simply take the material and accept it as is for the perceptions and conclusions are so obviously wrong that I cannot simply quote it and give proper credit to investigators. I respect one, Mike Blair, tremendously but to assume the pub­lished notion that the Soviets are disarming and that the Soviet Bloc has given up Communism and other rigid government re­strictions is believing in pipe dreams and smoke vapors. I be­lieve it worthy of reprinting herein for you who do not access that paper in point. At any rate--YOU MUST KNOW WHAT YOU ARE UP AGAINST. FEMA means Federal Emergency Management Agency. I also wish to focus on George Bush's CIA transgressions but I believe FEMA must take priority for this writing.

    FEMA is the acronym [Your government LOVES acronyms for it gets so confusing to you-the-people and the govern­ment (Congress) that no one can figure out what is being ei­ther talked about nor identified in many cases] for Federal Emergency Management Agency. It was established by Execu­tive Order 12148 and signed into existence by Jimmy Carter in 1979.

    It was originally planned as an umbrella administration consist­ing of the disaster and emergency response arms of nearly a dozen scattered federal agencies.

    Questions have existed about FEMA's role from the beginning. Veteran Washington watchers have long been puzzled by its se­cretive role, except, of course, those who put the confusing and dictatorial insurance plan into effect.

    The Reagan administration, for example, had plans for arresting tens of thousands of "potentially subversive" suspect aliens, critics and dissenters in the wake of an undefined national emer­gency. The only difference now is that it includes all of you who do not wish the installation of the New World Order. The bases are identified, outfitted and ready for your incarceration, RIGHT NOW.

    Does FEMA pose a danger to lawful government? Is there the possibility of a dictatorial overthrow of the Constitution with the President seizing all power?

    George Bush rarely gives a speech on world affairs that he doesn't refer, by word or implication, to the oncoming New World Order.

    Now, however, this new method is ready to nullify America's treasured Constitution, and the insidious EO's have gained a new and even more dangerous part to play in the plotting of the one worlders of the Trilateralist-Bilderberger ilk of the Com­mittee of 300 (Club of Rome).


    The massive danger of such schemes as those proposed by Rep. Newt Gingrich and Sen. Phil Gramm is that any declared "national emergencies" would allow the President to activate re­pressive EO's signed by presidents going back to World War II. Yes, indeed, for you who recognize this information: We have given this many times in many places--but did you REALLY absorb the importance and finality of the facts?

    Let's list the EO's again for your reminding--in brief format and then we can better discuss individual issues.

    EO 10995: Provides for the takeover of the communications media. In other words,
    forget about freedom of the press, TV, radio (speech). It is already controlled by the Elite business manipulators but this would simply bring it into absolute control by the President. The evolvement has been gradual enough that you actually probably wouldn't even notice the difference.

    EO 10997: Provides for the takeover of all food resources and the nation's

    EO 10999: Provides for the takeover of all modes of transporta­tion, control of highways, seaports, etc.

    EO 11000: Provides for mobilization of all civilians into work brigades under government supervision. In other words, YOU, as slave labor.

    EO 11001: Provides for government takeover of all health, edu­cation and welfare functions.

    EO 11002: Designates the postmaster general to operate a na­tional registration of all persons.

    EO 11003: Provides for the government to take over airports and aircraft.

    EO 11004: Provides for the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate
    communities, designate areas to be abandoned and establish new locations for populations.

    EO 11005: Provides for the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.

    Actually, do not be misled by the term "government" in the above "orders". These are Executive Orders and that means "THE PRESIDENT" will be the one to decide and cause to come into action the above listing of all facilities control and even decide when and where you shall be moved from your homes.

    All of the above orders were combined by President Richard Nixon into the notorious EO 11490 which allows all of these in­sidious things to take place if a national emergency is declared--and guess WHO can decide if and when you are experiencing a "national emergency"? Ah, I thought you could guess!

    Here are some direct quotes from a 40-page Nixon EO: "Develop plans and procedures for the Department of Defense utilization of non-industrial facilities in the event of an emer­gency in order to reduce requirements for new construction and to provide facilities in a minimum period of time...." --in other words, the confiscation of private (YOUR) property--in part or in total.
    "Develop plans and procedures for the provision of logistical support to members of foreign FORCES, their employees and dependents as may be present in the United States under terms of bilateral or multilateral agreements which autho­rize such support in the event of a national emergency".
    In other words, prepare for the billeting of foreign troops in your home, contrary to the Third Amendment.

    "Develop emergency plans for the control of alien enemies and OTHER ALIENS within the United States.... The location, re­straint or custody of aliens....".

    "The Secretary of Labor shall have primary responsibility for preparing national emergency plans and developing pre­paredness programs covering civilian manpower resources".
    Preparations can be undertaken for forced labor.

    "Provision for regulation of money and credit in accordance with the needs of the economy, including the acquisition, decentralization and distribution of emergency supplies of cur­rency; the collection of cash items and non-cash items; and the conduct of fiscal agency and foreign operations". That about gets it ALL, does it not?
    "Provision for the continued or resumed operation of banking, savings and loan, and farm credit institutions, including mea­sures for the recreation of evidence of assets or liabilities de­stroyed or inaccessible.

    "Regulation of the withdrawal of currency and the transfer of credits including deposit and share account balances".

    This should hit you where you live--in the pocket-book!

    There are those naive souls who believe that fears of the United States ever becoming a dictatorship are unwarranted. From the above EO signed by Nixon on October 28, 1969, the reader can judge for himself. ANYONE OUT THERE NERVOUS YET?


    Then along came Carter with more teeth than lips but as much "bite". He did up a dandy in EO 12148, titled the Federal Emergency Management Act (FEMA).
    All prior EO's having anything to do with emergency plan­ning were incorporated into it. This EO gives the President absolute power during any "emergency" SO DECLARED BY HIMSELF.

    From Carter's machinations emerged a totally new bureaucracy, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which assumed control of a chain of older "emergency agencies", in­cluding the Federal Disaster Assistance Administration, the Federal Insurance Administration, the National Weather Ser­vice, the Federal Emergency Broadcast System and about a dozen others.

    In an "emergency", FEMA was, through EO 12148, to virtually take over the key functions of the national government by means of "senior representatives" and "liaison agents" now positioned in every major government agency and handpicked by the President himself.

    Incredibly, FEMA even has the power to assume the duties of the President himself--and that is why he involves himself per­sonally in such matters as the L.A. riots, etc., to show that he has TOTAL AND UNQUALIFIED CONTROL OF ALL.


    This full document of Carter has been given to you so I shall not herein reprint it, but you can obtain a copy from the July 24, 1979 Federal Register. (Copies are also to be available from America West.)

    Finally, your nice friendly "communicator", Ronald Reagan, came along and updated this EO in his last full year in office--on November 18, 1988 (some would call it "lame duck" deep "due-due and owing"), leaving his successor, Bush, THE TOOLS TO CREATE A DICTATORSHIP, HIS "NEW WORLD ORDER". Is there any "wonder" all these nice "old" boys past presidents are so chummy and so "into" helping in all sorts of political capacities? How sleepy are you little Americans?

    If you would find the government's most tightly guarded instal­lation, you would find Fort Meade, Maryland. It houses, among other things, the secret National Security Agency. It is unmarked as to buildings, windowless offices and located on the grounds of Fort Meade. Hundreds of thousands of American citizens are computerized by technicians on the payroll of FEMA. You pay for your own imprisonment dossier and com­puter file in more detail than you can imagine in your wildest nightmares.

    Administratively, this place is the equivalent of an unlisted tele­phone. It has no official existence. There is no listing for it, no traceable designation. But it's there, friends, idling quietly and sucking up more and more information every moment of exis­tence, like a doomsday bomb waiting for its moment in history.

    The job of FEMA's secret data control annex at Fort Meade is to develop so-called CAPs--the term stands for "crisis action programs" (more acronyms)--to be implemented in national emergencies (see above). The term was originally used to de­note disaster relief plans at the Federal Preparedness Agency, once a department of the General Services Administration, now merged into FEMA.

    But the computerized action plans instrumented at Fort Meade have nothing to do with aiding victims of hurricanes or other natural disasters. They are blueprints for taking over the U.S. government and converting it into a command system under the "emergency management" of federal bureaucrats. This might be OK if the commander were not worse than the commanded.
    Privately, congressional investigators, intelligence analysts and veteran Washington newsmen familiar with the inner machinery of the vast Federal Bureaucracy have long expressed a lot of concern and anxiety about FEMA and I would guess that is very much understated. An "umbrella administration" born in 1978 when President Jimmy Carter combined the disaster and emer­gency response functions of nearly a dozen scattered federal outposts into a single agency, FEMA has always been recog­nized as an "activist" and secretive fraternity up to "NO GOOD".


    This was labeled Operation Rex 84. These un-Constitutional plans were first discovered and revealed by some good inves­tigative reporters in 1984 and brought public--only to be totally buried and quashed.

    The expose did wreck some of FEMA's plans for immediate setting up of mass "emergency detention centers" and cost Giuf­frida his post as director--and until that little interruption could be overcome the workings were focused on secret preparations for insuring the continuity of the federal government in ill-de­fined "emergencies".

    Ah yes, Gerald Ford was into the thick of it, also, so don't start counting chickens before the eggs. The above statement is fully attributable to Gerald Ford and was enunciated by Ford in Ex­ecutive Order 11921, and fully understood by FEMA to mean that one day they would be in charge of the country under the control of whatever "President" would be placed "in power" at the appropriate time. But at the time the bureau­crats fully understood that they would be waiting for their "real" mission, preparation and then take over when some "situation" seemed serious enough to turn the United States into a police state as declared by that President.

    As an illustration of FEMA's conspiratorial core, we can cite the instance of the 1989 visit by President George Bush to Cartagena, Colombia, to attend a so-called regional drug summit with three Latin American presidents. There were rumors of a terrorist threat against Bush by Colom­bian drug hit squads. This was fully known by the Central In­telligence Agency. Teams of Secret Service, FBI and CIA agents were mobilized to find out how serious was the threat, while back at the ranch in Washington FEMA went to work on an emergency program in case the presidential plane was hit by a Stinger missile somewhere over Colombia. Now what do you suppose they have up their sleeves for the meeting in Rio?

    FEMA's emergency measures included preparations to round up more than 10,000 Americans "red-lined" in the agency's com­puters as "activists, supporters or sympathizers of terrorism" in the United States.

    In August 1990, after Iraq invaded Kuwait, FEMA got ready to deal with "terrorist emergencies" in the United States by churn­ing up the same old discredited computer compilation of "terrorist supporters and sympathizers", adding thousands of names to it and alerting the U.S. Army to set up detention camps to hold these innocent victims of its bureaucratic brutal­ity.

    Executive Order 12148. July 20, 1979: By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, including the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950, as amended (50 U.S.C. App. 2251 et seq.), the Disaster Relief Act of 1974, as amended (42 U.S.C. Chapter 58 note), the Disaster Relief Act of 1974 (88 Stat. 556), Section 43 of the Act of 1950, as amended (50 U.S.C. App. 2061 et seq.), Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1958, Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1973, the Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act, as amended (50 U.S.C. 98 et seq.), Section 202 of the Budget and Accounting Procedures Act of 1950 (31 U.S.C. 581c), and Sec­tion 301 of Title 3 of the United States Code, and in order to transfer emergency functions to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, it is hereby ordered as follows:


    1--1 Transfers or Reassignment of Existing Functions.

    1--101. All functions vested in the President that have been delegated or assigned to the Defense Civil Preparedness Agency, Department of Defense, are transferred or reassigned to the Director for the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

    1--102. All functions vested in the President that have been delegated or assigned to the Federal Disaster Assistance Ad­ministration, Department of Housing and Urban Development, are transferred or reassigned to the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, including any of those func­tions redelegated or reassigned to the Department of Commerce with respect to assistance to communities in the development of readiness plans for severe weather-related emergencies.

    1--103. All functions vested in the President that have been delegated or assigned to the Federal Preparedness Agency, Gen­eral Services Administration, are transferred or reassigned to the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

    1--104. All functions vested in the President by the Earth­quake Hazards Reduction Act of 1977 (42 U.S.C. 7701 et seq.), including those functions performed by the Office of Science and Technology Policy, are delegated, transferred, or reas­signed to the Director of the Federal Emergency Agency. [Does not the wording herein fully indicate a full working knowl­edge of the fact that "earthquakes" can be fully and totally controlled to come off right on planned schedules?]
    1--2. Transfer or Reassignment of Resources.

    1--201. The records, property, personnel and positions, and unexpended balances of appropriations, available or to be made available, which relate to the functions transferred, reassigned, or redelegated by this Order are hereby transferred to the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

    1-202. The Director of the Office of Management and Bud­get shall make such determinations, issue such orders, and take all actions necessary or appropriate to effectuate the transfers or reassignments provided by this Order, including the transfer of funds, records, property, and personnel.


    2--1. General.

    2--102. The Director shall periodically review and evaluate the civil defense and civil emergency functions of the Executive agencies. In order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of those functions, the Director shall recommend to the Presi­dent alternative methods of providing Federal planning, man­agement, mitigation, and assistance.

    2--103. The Director shall be responsible for the coordina­tion of efforts to promote dam safety, for the coordination of natural and nuclear disaster warning systems, and for the coor­dination of preparedness and planning to reduce the conse­quences of major terrorist incidents. [H: Does this ACTUALLY sound like you are all over the "cold-war" and don't have to worry about survival and, or, or, or and or? Chelas, he who keeps his eyes shut is going to be blind when the time comes for sharp vision just to stay alive.]
    2--104. The Director shall represent the President in work­ing with State and local governments and the private sector to stimulate vigorous participation in civil emergency pre­paredness, mitigation, response, and recovery programs.

    2--105. The Director shall provide an annual report to the President for subsequent transmittal to the Congress on the functions of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The report shall assess the current overall state of effectiveness of Federal civil defense and civil emergency functions, organiza­tions, resources, and systems and recommend measures to be taken to improve planning, management, assistance, and relief by all levels of government, the private sector, and volunteer organizations.

    2--2. Implementation.

    2--201. In executing the functions under this Order, the Di­rector shall develop policies which provide that all civil defense and civil emergency functions, resources, and systems of Exec­utive agencies are:

    (a) founded on the use of existing organizations, resources, and systems to the maximum extent practicable;

    (b) integrated effectively with organizations, resources, and programs of State and local governments, the private sector and volunteer organizations; and

    (c) developed, tested and utilized to prepare for, mitigate, re­spond to and recover from the effects on the population of all forms of emergencies.

    2--202. Assignments of civil emergency functions shall, whenever possible, be based on extensions (under emergency conditions) of the regular missions of the Executive agencies.

    2--203. For purposes of this Order, "civil emergency" means any accidental, natural, man-caused, or wartime emer­gency or threat thereof, which causes or may cause substantial injury or harm to the population or substantial loss of property.

    2--204. In order that civil defense planning continues to be fully compatible with the nation's overall strategic policy, and in order to maintain an effective link between strategic nuclear planning and nuclear attack preparedness planning, the devel­opment of civil defense policies and programs by the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency shall be subject to oversight by the Secretary of Defense and the National Security Council. [H: Ok--where are your shelters and food re­sources?]
    2--205. To the extent authorized by law and within available resources, the Secretary of Defense shall provide the director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency with support for civil defense programs in the areas of program development and administration, technical support, research, communications, transportation, intelligence, and emergency operations.

    2--206. All Executive agencies shall cooperate with and as­sist the Director in the performance of his functions.

    2--3. Transition Provisions.

    2--301 . The functions which have been transferred, reas­signed, or redelegated by Section 1 of this Order are recodified and revised as set forth in this Order at Section 4, and as pro­vided by the amendments made at Section 5 to the provisions of other Orders.

    2--302. Notwithstanding the revocations, revisions, codifi­cations, and amendments made by this Order, the Director may continue to perform the functions transferred to him by Section 1 of this Order, except where they may otherwise be inconsis­tent with the provisions of this Order.


    3--1. Establishment of the Council

    3-101. There is hereby established the Emergency Manage­ment Council.

    3--102. The Council shall provide guidance to the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency in the perfor­mance of functions vested in him.

    3--3. Administrative and General Provisions.

    3--301. The heads of Executive agencies shall cooperate with and assist the Council in the performance of its functions.

    3--302. The Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency shall provide the Council with such administrative ser­vices and support as may be necessary or appropriate.


    4--1. Delegation of Functions Transferred to the President.

    4--101. The following functions were transferred to the Di­rector of the Office of Defense Mobilization by Section 2 of Re­organization Plan No. 3 of 1953 (50 U.S.C. 404 note); they were subsequently transferred to the President by Section 1 (a) of Reorganization Plan NO. 1 of 1958, as amended (50 U.S.C. App. 2271 note), and they are hereby delegated to the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

    • (a) The functions vested in the Secretaries of the Army, Navy, Air

    Force and Interior by the Strategic and Critical mate­rials Stock Piling Act, as amended (50 U.S.C. 98 et seq.), in­cluding the functions vested in the Army and Navy Munitions Board by item (2) of section 6(a) of that Act (50 U.S.C. 98e(a) (2), but excluding the functions vested in the Secretary of the Interior by Section 7 of that Act (50 U.S.C. 98f).

    (b) The functions vested in the Munitions Board of the De­partment of Defense by Section 4 (h) of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act, as amended (15 U.S.C. 714b(h).

    (c) The functions vested in the Munitions Board of the De­partment of Defense by Section 204(0 [originally 204(e)] of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended (40 U.S.C. 485(f)).

    4--102. The functions vested in the Director of the Office of Defense Mobilization by Sections 103 and 303 of the National Security Act of 1947, as amended by Sections 8 and 50 of the Act of September 3, 1954 (Public Law 779; 68 Stat. 1228 and 11244)
    (50 U.S.C. 404 and 405), were transferred to the Presi­dent by Section 1(a) of Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1958, as amended (50 U.S.C. App. 2271 note), and they are hereby delegated to the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.


    (a) The functions vested in the Federal Civil Defense Administration or its Administrator by the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950, as amended (50 U.S.C. App. 2251 et seq.), were transferred to the President by Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1958, and they are hereby delegated to the Director of the Fed­eral Emergency Management Agency.

    (b) Excluded from the delegation in subsections (a) is the function under Section 205(a) (4) of the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950, as amended (50 U.S.C. App. 2286(a) (4)), relating to the establishment and maintenance of personnel standards on the merit basis that was delegated to the Director of the Office of Personnel Management by Section 1(b) of Executive Order No. 11589, as amended (Section 2--101(b) of Executive Order No. 12107).

    4--104. The Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency is authorized to redelegate in accord with the provisions of Section 1(b) of Reorganization Plan No.1 of 1958 (U.S.C. App. 2271 note), any of the functions delegated by Sections 4-­101,
    4--102, and 4--103 of this Order.

    4--105. The functions vested in the Administrator of the Fed­eral Civil Defense Administration by section 43 of the Act of August 10, 1956 (70A Stat. 636) were transferred to the Presi­dent by Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1958, as amended
    (50 U.S.C. App. 2271 note), were subsequently revested in the Di­rector of the Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization by Sec­tion 512 of Public Law 86-500 (50 U.S.C. App. 2285) [the of­fice was changed to Office of Emergency Planning by Public Law 87-296 (75 Stat. 630) and then to the Office of Emergency Preparedness by section 402 of Public Law 90--608 (82 Stat. 1194)], were again transferred to the President by Section 1 of Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1973 (50 U.S.C. App. 2271 note), and they are hereby delegated to the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

    4--106. The functions vested in the Director of the Office of Emergency preparedness by Section 16 of the Act of September 23, 1950, as amended (20 U.S.C. 646), and by Section 7 of the Act of September 30, 1950, as amended (20 U.S.C. 241-1), were transferred to the President by Section 1 of Reorganization Plan NO. 1 of 1973
    (50 U.S.C. App. 2271 note), and they are hereby delegated to the Director of the Federal Management Agency.

    4-107. That function vested in the director of the Office of Emergency Preparedness by Section 762(a) of the Higher Edu­cation Act of 1965, as added by Section 161(a) of the Education Amendments of 1972, and as further amended (20 U.S.C. 1132d--1(a), to the extent transferred to the President by reorga­nization Plan No. 1 of 1973 (50 U.S.C. App. 2271 note), is hereby delegated to the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

    4--2. Delegation of Functions Vested in the President.

    4--201. The functions vested in the President by the Disaster Relief Act of 1970, as amended (42 U.S.C. Chapter 58 note), are hereby delegated to the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

    4--202. The functions (related to grants for damages resulting from hurricane and tropical storm Agnes) vested in the President by Section 4 of Public Law 92-385 (86 Stat. 556) are hereby delegated to the Director of the Federal Emergency Manage­ment Agency.

    4--203. The functions vested in the President by the Disaster Relief Act of 1974 (88 Stat. 143; 42 U.S.C.5121 et seq.) except those functions vested in the President by Sections 301 (relating to the declaration of emergencies and major disasters), 401 (relating to the repair, reconstruction, restoration, or replace­ment of Federal facilities), and 409 (relating to food coupons and surplus commodities), are hereby delegated to the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

    4--204. The functions vested in the President by the Earth­quake Hazards Reduction Act of 1977 (91 Stat. 1098; 42 U.S.C. 7701 et seq. ) are hereby delegated to the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.


    5--1. Revocations

    5--101. Executive Order No. 10242, as amended, entitled "Prescribing Regulations Governing the Exercise by the Federal Civil Defense Administrator of Certain Administrative Authority Granted by the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950", is revoked.

    5--102. Sections 1 and 2 of Executive Order No. 10296, as amended, entitled "Providing for the Performance of Certain Defense Housing and Community Facilities and Service Func­tions" are revoked.

    5--103. Executive Order No. 10494, as amended, relating to the disposition of remaining functions is revoked.

    5--104. Executive Order NO. 10529, as amended, relating to federal employee participation in State and local civil defense programs, is revoked.

    5--105. Section 3 of Executive Order No. 10601, as amended, which concerns the Commodity Set Aside, is revoked.

    5--106. Executive Order NO. 10634, as amended, relating to loans for facilities destroyed or damaged by a major disaster, is revoked.

    5--107. Section 4(d)(2) of Executive Order No. 10900, as amended, which concerns the Commodity Set Aside, is revoked.

    5--108. Executive Order No. 10952, as amended, entitled "Assigning Civil Defense Responsibilities to the Secretary of Defense and Others" is revoked.

    5--109. Executive Order No. 11051, as amended, relating to responsibilities of the Office of Emergency Preparedness, is re­voked.

    5--110. Executive Order No. 11415, as amended, relating to the Health Resources Advisory Committee, is revoked.

    5--111. Executive Order No. 11795, as amended, entitled "Delegating Disaster Relief Functions Pursuant to the Disaster Relief Act of 1974", is revoked, except for Section 3 thereof.

    5--112. Executive Order No. 11725, as amended, entitled "Transfer of Certain Functions of the Office of Emergency Pre­paredness", is revoked.

    5--113. Executive Order No. 11749, as amended, entitled "Consolidating Disaster Relief functions assigned to the Secre­tary of Housing and Urban Development", is revoked.

    5--2. Amendments.

    5--201. Executive Order No. 10421, as amended, relating to physical security of defense facilities, is further amended by (a) substituting the "Director of the Federal Emergency Man­agement Agency" for "Director of the Office of Emergency Planning" in Sections 1(a), 1(c), and 6(b); and (b) substituting "Federal Emergency Management Agency" for "Office of Emergency Planning" in Sections 6(b) and 7(b).

    5--202. Executive Order No. 10480, as amended, is further amended by (a) substituting "Director of the Office of Emer­gency Management Agency" for "Director of the Office of Emergency Management Agency Planning" in Sections 101(a), 101(b), 201(a), 201(b), 301, 304, 307, 308, 310(b), 311(b), 312, 3' 13, 401(b), 401(e), and 606; and, (b) substituting "Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency" for "Administrator of General Services" in Section 610.

    5--203. Section 3(d) of Executive Order No. 10582, as amended, which relates to determinations under the Buy American Act, is amended by deleting "Director of the Office of Emergency Planning": and substituting therefor "Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency".

    5--204. Paragraph 21 of Executive Order No. 10789, as amended, is further amended by adding "the Federal Emergency Management Agency" after "Government Printing Office".

    5--205. Executive Order NO. 11179, as amended, concern­ing the National Defense Executive Reserve, is further amended by deleting "Director of the Office of Emergency Planning" in Section 2 and substituting therefor "Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency".

    5--206. Section 7 of Executive Order NO. 11912, as amended, concerning energy policy and conservation, is further amended by deleting "Administrator of General Services" and substituting therefor "Director of the Federal Emergency Man­agement Agency".

    5--208. Section 5--3 of Executive Order No. 12046 of March 29, 1978, is amended by deleting "General Services Ad­ministration" and substituting therefore "Federal Emergency Management Agency" and by deleting "Administrator of General Services" and substituting therefor "Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency".

    5--209. Section 1--201 of Executive Order NO. 12065 is amended by adding "The Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency" after "The Administrator, National Aero­nautics and Space Administration" and by deleting "Director, Federal Preparedness Agency and to the" from the parentheses after "The Administrator of General Services".

    5--210. Section 1--102 of Executive Order NO. 12075 of August 16, 1978, is amended by adding in alphabetical order "(p) Federal Emergency Management Agency".

    5--211. Section 1--102 of Executive Order No. 12083 of September 27, 1978 is amended by adding in alphabetical order "(x) the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency".

    5--212. Section 9, 11(b) of Civil Service Rule IX (5 CFR Part 9) is amended by deleting "the Defense Civil Preparedness Agency and".

    5--213. Section 3(2) of each of the following described Ex­ecutive Orders is amended by adding "Federal Emergency Man­agement Agency" immediately after "Department of Trans­portation".

    (a) Executive Order NO. 11331 establishing the Pacific Northwest River Basins Commission.

    (b) Executive Order No. 11345, as amended, establishing the Great Lakes Basin Commission.

    (c) Executive Order No. 11371, as amended, establishing the New England River Basins Commission.

    (e) Executive Order No. 11658, as amended, establishing the Missouri River Basin Commission.

    (f) Executive Order No. 11659, as amended, establishing the Upper Mississippi River Basin Commission.

    5--214. Executive Order No 11490, as amended, is further amended as follows:

    (a) Delete the last sentence of Section 102(a) and substitute therefor the following: "The activities undertaken by the de­partments and agencies pursuant to this Order, except as pro­vided in Section 30003, shall be in accordance with guidance provided by, and subject to, evaluation by the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency".

    (b) Delete Section 103 entitled "Presidential Assistance" and substitute the following new Section 103: "Sec. 103 General Coordination. The Director of the Federal Emergency Man­agement Agency (FEMA) shall determine national preparedness goals and policies for the performance of functions under this Order and coordinate the performance of such functions with the total national preparedness programs".

    (c) Delete the portion of the first sentence of Section 401 prior to the colon and insert the following: "The Secretary of Defense shall perform the following emergency preparedness functions".

    (d) Delete "Director of the Federal Preparedness Agency (GSA)" or "the Federal Preparedness Agency (GSA)" and sub­stitute therefor "Director FEMA", in Sections 401 (3), 401 (4), 401 (5), 401 (9), 401 (10), 401 (14), 401 (15), 401 (16), 401 (19), 401 (21), 401 (22), 501 (8), 601 (2), 904 (2), 1102 (2), 1204 (2), 1401 (a), 1701, 1702, 2003, 2004, 2801 (5), 3001, 3002 (2), 3004, 3005, 3006, 3008, 3010, and 3013.

    (e) The number assigned to his Order shall be substituted for "11051 of September 26, 1962" in Section 3001, and for "11051" in Sections 1802, 2002 (3), 3002 and 3008 (1).

    (f) The number assigned to this Order shall be substituted for "10952" in Sections 1103, 1104, 1205, and 3002.

    (g) Delete "Department of Defense" in Sections 502, 601 (1), 804, 905, 1103, 1104, 1106 (4), 1205, 2002 (8), the first sen­tence of Section 3002, and Sections 3008 (1) and 3010 and sub­stitute therefor "Director of the Federal Emergency Manage­ment Agency".

    SECTION 6. This Order is effective July 15, 1979.

    The White House
    July 20, 1979
    Under the Constitution, the President is vested with the ex­ecutive power of the government (Article II, Section 1, Clause 1), the power to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution" (Art. II, Sect. 1 Clause 7), and the power to see that the laws are faithfully executed (Art. II, Sect. 3). From these powers is implied the authority to issue "executive orders".
    The President must have the authority to issue directives to keep control of the executive branch and to provide detail to legislation. Neither Congress nor the courts have the right to prohibit the executive branch from adding or subtracting authority from one government agency to another, for ex­ample.
    However, this presidential power has been abused in the form of executive orders that impinge across legislative con­cerns which are properly the province of Congress.
    The validity of executive orders (EO's) has been questioned many times dating at least to the Civil War. However, a ruling as to the extent or limit to which they may be used has never been determined by the courts or by Congress.
    The Federal Register contains the text of EO's issued by the presidents. There is no congressional authorization re­quired, nor is there any review by the judiciary. All EO's are "laws" made by a single man--the President of the United States.
    Do any of you have the slightest idea or vaguest notion as to WHO heads this monster called FEMA? No, I don't mean the President. I mean, who is director of FEMA?. Ever heard of someone named Wallace Stickney? I thought not! May God bless you and keep you for your government certainly is NOT going to do so.

    With love and best wishes for a future---I Am Hatonn, to clear.

    PJ 52


    SAT., MAY 23, 1992 10:26 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 281

    SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1992
    As we untangle webs of deceit and misperceptions you ones are going to have to face the facts that painful information will sweep over you as tidal waves of disappointment in ones you thought to be Godly and in service unto Nation and Planet. Is it blindness? I leave it to you--mine is to tell you the stories as they ARE and yours is to discern.

    Pat Robertson, prospective owner of the prestigious news ser­vice (UPI) is the Israeli terrorist Yitzhak Shamir's "FAVORITE AMERICAN" (IN HIS OWN WORDS).

    Televangelist Pat Robertson, who turned up unexpectedly in Rutland. Vermont on May 12 offering to pay a reported $6 million for the remaining assets of the "busted" United Press International (UPI) at a court-ordered bankruptcy auction, may well end up in control as a front for an organization long re­garded as one of the world's leading news services.

    If Robertson IS allowed to purchase UPI, foreign agents will be pulling the strings. You nice Americans had best demand an in­vestigation and you will find that Robertson's bid is simply a part of an expanded Israeli penetration of American and Inter­national Media.

    If Robertson gets UPI, it will be a very sad day for all the world's press--it will be the death knell for any worthy news anywhere in the world.

    There is a storm of criticism which has been set off by this at­tempt to take over the remnants of long-dying UPI and from it comes thrusting forward, Robertson, who has emerged as a fig­ure most Americans have never seen and don't remember from political days. He is simply recognized as a "nice" evangelist on television. This is an unscrupulous media manipulator and he is linked directly to sinister international intrigues, genocidal atrocities and the world's most ruthless secret service, the Israeli MOSSAD.

    In 1981, with the assistance and planning of the Intelligence force, Robertson set up a TV-radio center in southern Lebanon, where a troop of Israeli-backed mercenaries known as the South Lebanese Army occupied the frontier areas. This was a "savage, trigger-happy militia paid and armed by the Mossad", as described from involved intelligence officers and corre­spondents who have covered the Lebanon "beat" for some 20 years. They outdid their masters in cruelty and corruption. Among European newsmen they were known as "Totschlagers", enforcers who clubbed their prisoners to death in a most slow and painful manner to either obtain information or simply "set example".

    You might well find Robertson to present a pious pretense to impartiality but his radio and TV stations in Lebanon have been, from onset, used as a military tool by the Israeli proxy South Lebanese Army.

    In Latin America, the televangelist's Christian Broadcasting Network similarly became and is a major "tool" of Israeli inter­vention and a cover for the suffering, death and devastation left behind by Mossad "pacification" tactics.

    The Israeli government has rewarded Robertson's loyal support with a commemorative medal and other honors which he openly boasts about on his local programs. Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, a lifelong terrorist, hailed the television pastor as "my favorite American" which is an accolade that spurred Robertson to even greater efforts on behalf of Israel right to the steps of the White House campaign set upon in efforts to bring greater inte­gration of Israel into the Washington U.S. government. Thank you, Heavenly Father, that he failed.

    Ones from the higher ranks of Intelligence say Robertson "claims to be a minister of God, but he does not even qualify as a Christian. He ignores the Old Testament and misinterprets the New Testament in order to justify any territorial claim Israel makes". The acquisition of UPI is recognized as a total and unadulterated "disaster" because the press will simply be run by Israelis for Israel. Please, chelas, there is only blind and mind­less devotion to foreign interests herein. The greatest help given unto the ADVERSARY is through these misleading evangelists who capture the attention and minds of you-the-people who are looking for God--in all the wrong places. Can you not find HIM within in HIS TEMPLE?

    What of this connection? Everything from the KNOWN torture, oppression and international terrorism is involved.

    Challenged about the scant evidence it presented to indict Libya for the downing of Pan Am flight 103, the Bush Administration let it be known it had a "mystery witness" under wraps to BACK UP ITS CHARGES.
    Who might that be? One Jamil (or Ami) Ga'aka, who is a "sometime" airline clerk and undercover Israeli operative.

    UN delegates, many of whom had joined the Bush Administra­tion's drive last month to clamp sanctions on Libya, voiced a lot of concern about the discovery that the U.S. government's most tightly guarded source is an asset of the Mossad, Israel's se­cret service.
    Since 1980, the U.S. has been lured into military intervention-‑or into disputes that barely stopped short of war--time and again by disinformation concocted by Israeli agents. The press provides no checks or balances: the worse the violence triggered by the Israeli deception, the louder it cheers and the harder you are pounded with false information.

    Even the CIA, an ally and accomplice of Israeli intelligence since World War II, privately admits the Mossad uses clandes­tine and doctored reports as a weapon "for silencing anti-Israel factions in the West" and for attacking Arab adversaries. This is readily discussed and reported in intelligence circles.

    Foreign observers, who follow the U.S. lead on Middle Eastern issues, express unusually strong doubts about the case against Libya in the wake of reports television evangelist Pat Robertson had emerged as the leading bidder in the May 12 court action for bankrupt United Press International, still regarded as a major news service in such countries as the Hispanic nations. They consider, in the words of Mexican commentator Abel Bonilla Alvarez (internationally recognized), "..Robertson is a loud, un­scrupulous propagandist for Israel. He has broadcast lies and disinformation to cover up some of the Mossad's worst crimes. The day he gets control of UPI will be a dark day for the Arab nations--and also for Latin America".

    Guatemalan diplomats who are anxious to remain anonymous because of the power of this press element and the Mossad working in Guatemala, say that Robertson worked openly and closely with senior Mossad officials in the early 1980's to sup­port a military coup by Gen. Ephraim Rios Montt, who is a self-described "born-again" Christian and a disciple of Israeli "pacification" methods.

    After Rios Montt seized power in an Israeli-orchestrated 1982 coup, Mossad officials, instructors and technicians took charge of the entire Guatemalan national security system--the military, the police, even the customs service.

    What followed was genocidal--a wave of repression against Guatemala's largely Indian rural population.

    Robertson and his so-called "Christian" Broadcasting Network took the lead in covering up these Israeli war crimes and in dis­seminating propaganda that misrepresented both the nature and the tragic toll of the Mossad "pacification campaign" in the countryside.

    While Robertson and his reporters were allowed free access to Guatemala's combat zones during this period, many other Christian ministers and priests were driven out, their churches turned into army barracks or stables by troops under the com­mand of Israeli instructors. Religious workers were often tor­tured by Israeli interrogators--and by 1983 the Vatican protested the murder of a Franciscan priest by Guatemala's Mossad-led security forces.

    Robertson and his "Christian" network led the propaganda drive to hide these atrocities from public view, and especially from U.S. audiences. It is so serious, in fact, that Robertson is pending indictment by Guatemala and you may well find out, America, that UPI is run by an indicted war criminal, whose extradition to Guatemala is before the UN Security Council on far more serious charges than the rigged accusations of ter­rorism against Libya!

    Robertson's close ties to and support of the state of Israel means that he condones that state's routine use of torture and sum­mary execution of Palestinians in the illegally occupied ter­ritories.

    Israel is the ONLY nation in the world that gives such barbaric treatment of subject peoples the sanction of its laws and courts.

    Israeli soldiers have for the past year operated under rules of engagement in the Occupied Territories that allow them to use deadly force against those suspected of "security offenses". This term encompasses everything from rock-throwing to run­ning away from soldiers. Palestinians have appealed to the international media to publicize the many such executions they have witnessed, but to no avail. Do you think it will be better if the "international" chain-link is controlled and operated by the perpetrators themselves?
    The Israeli High Court established guidelines in 1987 permitting the use of torture in interrogation of Palestinian prisoners.
    This includes beatings resulting in breaking of limbs, solitary confinement in closet-sized cells tied in painful restraints, im­mersion in water, electric shock, burning with cigarettes, etc.

    Robertson seems to simply look the other way without comment as these atrocities occur under his very nose. Many of those Palestinians who have been killed and tortured are "Christians", readers. What make ye of this? Will it be enough for your con­science to say "I didn't know!"?

    Mel Gibson has fallen into the hands of the new "Hate Crime" elements for expressing his personal opinion regarding homo­sexual behavior and abortion issues. When questioned he replied openly and with preface stated as to it "being his PER­SONAL opinion and nothing more". He has been condemned by an organized group called Hollywood Supports, a self-pro­claimed "anti-homophobic and anti-AIDS discrimination" orga­nization demanding action under the "new" laws. Gibson's crime? He declared that he is not homosexual and thinks homosexuality in behavior is wrong. He further said he thinks unborn children have rights and should not be killed. Outraged homosexuals and abortionists declared Gibson persona non grata and asked boycotting of all his films past, present and not be allowed to make films in the future. Gibson doesn't yet seem too worried but I hope he will keep us in mind if he gets "out of work".

    Watch the sleight of hand at work. Why is "any" information coming forth or promised? Because the Soviet KGB has re­leased information (sold it) and it is valid. It also totally black­mails the CIA. Now, the "fixed" information is promised but even that doesn't seem to quite "appear". Funny thing, no mat­ter how they tamper and cover it still comes out that the CIA was absolutely involved to their tiny little eyes.

    Gates, as in "Robert", CIA director, gave testimony before a Senate subcommittee holding hearings on pending legislation that would require disclosure of up to 1 million pages of secret records relating to the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Gates said he would not wait for the legislation to take effect and would release "all" CIA files on Lee Harvey Oswald. He is in a lot of sub-committee hearings lately promising all sorts of things and never proving or producing a thing--from Pa­triot missile failures to the latest Banking hearings of Gon­zalez. The purpose of releasing the documents, he said, was to put an end to what he described as the "insidious, perverse no­tion that elements of the American government, that my own agency, had some part in the assassination". He was referring to PLAUSIBLE DENIAL, the book by Mark Lane, which presents proof that elements of the agency were indeed behind the murder of JFK--along with other information now come forth in PROOF of involvement. Gates claims he released the entire preassassination file on Lee Harvey Oswald, which began in December, 1960, but the State Department had sent a cable to the CIA in October, 1959, saying Oswald, a Marine with access to secret codes, had defected to the USSR. So the CIA waited for 14 months to open a file on a known defector with damaging information? Oswald was directly working for the CIA at the time and prior to the time in point. The entire chaos over the truth is now to cover the direct links of ones such as Bush in the assassination itself. Bush, Nixon and Johnson were all directly involved and all actions since, including Watergate, were to hide the fact of such involvement. Your government has been made up of obscene criminals for the past many decades.

    He who continues to refuse to use his eyes and ears shall be­come as the blind salamander--blind and deaf and dwell within the earth as a prisoner in the darkness.
    So be it.

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