PJ 26

THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1991 9:12 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 210
Dharma, who told you the road would to easy and the rose without thorns? Precious, the thrust of spears and arrows can only confirm that our work is Truth. Would we quit when the gossip pains? How else can we give Truth without repeating that which is already told in Truth? Are we evil for using the dates on a calendar? Please, can you not see of the humor is this latest tattle telling? Yesterday you were in pain for they denounced us as "anti-Semitic" and now, today, from Florida comes the news that we are considered "Jews" and untrustworthy? Don't you understand that one does not kick the dead dog--Truth is reaching its mark and we have a job to do. Ours is to bring the word and build that which we can in the time given us through, Grace. Ours is to serve God of Holy Light, Mother/Father Creator and what humans--who believe themselves to somehow be Judge and Jury, having not even read our work--think and say shall not cause us to stumble.

If we offer the "way" to better manage in this time of chaos and usurpation of your Constitutional freedoms and offer ways of protecting selves--then we are greatly serving according to the needs of God's people. We petition hearing, we force nothing on anyone and we offer all that we have unto anyone who will partake--beyond that we solicit nothing and therefore, chela, you must rise above the prattling. I further suggest that if the person in Florida is having great difficulty in deciding that which to do with her funds of great size--hold them if she wishes and, further, I suggest that you decline to take them for whatever reason.

You ones who would offer services as requested must realize that ones who search and ask of every man his/her opinion is self-unfulfilled and at great confusion about Truth. Do you not see that ones would prefer to play at games with magical tokens than deal with the dreary truth of God's actual coming again upon your wondrous place? It remains far easier, still, for the camel to pass through the eye of the needle than for the rich man to find his way into God's kingdom wherein riches are not of empty Federal Reserve Notes. And YOU must remember that that which you did not ask nor accept--is not a gift nor a bonding. Therefore, what is the problem? Those who offer and then take back and hold and play games are not acting in truth but in indecision and false projections. GOD DOES NOT TEASE WITH HIS GIFTS, GRACE, TRUTH OR LOVE and lesser from a fellow being, Dharma, is not a gift worth the holding for the price of the "free" gift is far too expensive. Bless these ones who cast the spears for theirs is simply an inability to see clearly through the muddle of Circumstance.

We bless ones for their original generosity of spirit and then we go about our
work. A person who befriends and acclaims you on one side and then denounces you in secret behind thine backside--is not a friend, chela. It does not mean that we deny the honor and respect of that which they accomplish in wor­thy work to fellow-man. All are precious in our Father's eyes and the intent was meant well in the beginning but that which was not even solicited, but rather, offered and then withheld is nothing from onset--do you see? You are simply weary and the blows are a bit heavier but I ask that you release it unto me for I have very broad shoulders and I can carry the both of us without huff or puff--so be it.

I ask that George relax, one BC has been at his work and you are only having a replay of "slimy pukes", "Zionists unmentionables", "they are in collusion with the little gray aliens," of which they know there are NONE, and, "GG is with the CIA", etc., etc. It is simply a rerun--nothing more. TRUTH WILL STAND ALL TESTS AND ALL TIME WITHOUT DEFENSE OR QUARREL.

The quarrel with ME is not of using another's material--in all cases thus far (both) are in a state of fury because I denounced both as presenting false information. Both in point claimed others had stolen their material long before I came upon their little program. It is the "gray men" who are the problem to you ones--not little gray aliens from out there somewhere--the evil is already well settled in upon your place and in full control and moving full-steam ahead. The other information which has fallen to question was presented to bring the ones into the open--there are no great secret anythings ("orders", etc.) in God's Holy places and no select ONE ot speak for God.

Now, if you turn from your commitment unto God and cast back his gift unto you of the receiving of his Word--are you not worse than thine enemy who calls you false? Let us think on these things together--later, for now we must move on with our work. Thank you.

We honor without hesitation those who have given unto their fellow-man that which they have to offer in truth and I bow in appreciation. We are not playing games of tiddle-de-winks, beloved children--you are in the final days of decision. It simply is the way it is and all the bantering and objections shall not change an iota of the fact. Further, we shall wait upon God until HE says the time is correct and not one moment before. Salu!

No one likes their lies uncovered, chela, and in that position now sits Mr. Cheney who expounded on the information of the bombing of the sacred places by Saddam's own orders. We were rushed this morning and there is a bit more I need to add to that dissertation.

Along with "proving" the self-bombing of the sacred places came simultaneous "proof" of this fact by showing you planes which Saddam had "parked" by the ancient pyramid at Ur. Now, let's look at the truth of the situation--now presented by an archaeology professor who was asked as an "expert witness" on Mesopotamia in a National Public Radio interview on Feb. 14. He exposed the lies of U.S. Secretary of Defense Richard Cheney on the ancient ziggurat (pyramid) at Ur. He reported that the aircraft allegedly placed at the site of the pyramid by Saddam Hussein to prevent the U.S. from bombing them were actu­ally located on an airbase which has been there for 30 years. built by the British Royal Air Force.

As to Mr. Cheney's claim that the ziggurat had been continually occupied for thousands of years, he noted that the site had been abandoned by humans since before the birth of Christ.

Cheney's description of the ziggurat, an archaeological treasure dating from about 2200 B.C., as a model for the Egyptian pyramids of the First Kingdom, presents a slight problem, since the Egyptian pyramids were constructed 4,500 years before the Mesopotamian ziggurat.

He also said that if any first-year archaeological student ever turned in a paper containing this nonsense, it would have been passed around the department for laughs and the student would have "flunked".

Let us turn to work on the Journal for a while this evening for the historical data must be put forth before we can handle today's muddle very well. I shall not fail you, chela, and it shall all be made clear in its proper time. Blessings, too, unto our precious little sister who pens for the Master Teacher and unto our brother who serves Him also, for the journey is hard, too, for them but God shall see unto the rewards and you ones stand worthy in His sight and, therefore, none else can touch of you.

Jacob Schiff had been chosen by the Rothschild interests to come to America with several objectives, the major one of which was to control your Money System. The Rothschilds knew the importance of this and at one time, Meyer Rothschild, the head of the clan, was reported to have said: "Give me control of the money of a country and I care not who makes the laws."

In 1908, Schiff decided that the time was ripe to take charge of America's econ­omy. His chief agent for this seizure was a man named Colonel Edward Man­del House who was a close friend of Woodrow Wilson and who would later be­come his Presidential advisor. House had spent his entire adult life as an agent and courier of the Schiff enterprises and had worked closely with Bernard Baruch and Herbert Lehman, two more of the most influential of the conspira­tors. In the fall of 1908, these conspirators met at the Jekyll Island Hunt Club, located on Jekyll Island, Georgia, and owned by J. P. Morgan. This was to be a "top secret" meeting in which they would lay the final plans for the money takeover.

Among those present were J. P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Col. House, Senator Nelson Aldrich, Jacob Schiff, the heads of the New York City International Banks, Eugene Meyers, Herbert Lehman and Paul Warburg--in short, all the important International Bankers in the United States all of whom were also in the Illuminati hierarchy. So secret was this meeting that the regular employ­ees of the Hunt Club were dismissed during the meeting, and cooks, waiters, butlers, security personnel, in fact all help, were people who were trusted by the conspirators.

After a week of business and revelry, they emerged with a plan which they called THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. Senator Aldrich had the honor of being picked as the "stooge" who would "railroad" the Act through Congress. They held up on putting this plan into immediate action for one reason. First, they had to plant one of their men in the White House. He had to be a man who would be completely subservient to their desires. This was necessary so that he could sign the Federal Reserve Act into law. They knew that even if the Congress passed it, the President would have to sign it and that if the President were to veto it, there was too much chance of their plans for money control being revealed.

They found their man in a 67 year-old Democrat from the State of Virginia. Woodrow Wilson became President in 1912 and immediately after his inaugura­tion; Senator Aldrich began the process which would make the FEDERAL RE­SERVE ACT into law. Wilson waited impatiently in the wings to do the bid­ding of his masters and sign the bill. On December 23, 1913, when most of the Congress were home for the holidays (sound familiar?), the few remaining, mostly those who had been "hand picked" for the purpose, passed this trea­sonous bill which has become the "greatest money scam in the world's history".

To give you an idea of how heinous this act really was you must understand that your Founding Fathers realized the power of money. They knew that whoever held this power would control the country so they were extremely careful when writing the Constitution to set forth in writing that only the elected representa­tives of the people would have the power to coin the nation's money.

The Constitutional language was brief and concise. It was plain enough so that the average citizen could understand it without the interpretation of some lawyer. In Article II, Sec. 8, par. 5, you can read--and this defines the power of Congress: "to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and standards of weights and measures".

On that tragic day in December, 1913, a Day of Infamy much greater than any­thing the Japanese could do to Pearl Harbor, the men you sent to Washington to protect the Constitution from all enemies, without and within, delivered the eco­nomic destiny of America into the hands of International aliens (gray men) who hate you and everything you as Americans stand for.

Today, almost 80 years after this act of treason, most Americans believe that THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM is part of the American Government. They have no idea that it is governed by Federal Banks, whose heads are aliens, who are members of the International Illuminati conspiracy.

Who are these bankers? According to sources who are quite reliable, in
Switzerland, the following banks hold the controlling interest in THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. They are all Jewish owned and/or controlled. In their order of importance they are:

1. Rothschild Bank of London and Berlin.
2. Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris.
3. Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy.
4. Warburg Bank of Amsterdam and Hamburg.
5. Lehman Brothers of New York City.
6. Kuehn-Loeb Bank of New York City.
7. Chase-Manhattan Bank of New York City (David Rockefeller)
8. Goldman, Sachs Bank of New York City.


Approximately 300 people who are closely associated, many by marriage, own and control this system by holding stock or shares in the system. They control and interlocking, international banking cartel of wealth beyond most of which has been stolen from the working man of America through their Federal Reserve System.

First, the U.S. needs, say, a billion dollars to pay bills. Secondly, it notifies the U.S. Bureau of engraving to print one billion dollars in U.S. Bonds; Thirdly, the U.S. Government delivers the bonds to the Federal Reserve Bank as Promissory Notes. The U.S. Government promises to pay for these, its own Bonds, when they mature; Fourthly, the Federal Reserve Bank deposits these bonds for which they paid nothing, with the Comptroller of Currency; and then, the Federal Reserve then receives one billion dollars in Federal Reserve "money". THEN, NOTE HOW YOU GET "HAD":

The Federal Reserve Bank retains ownership of the one billion dollars in bonds, which it received free of charge.

The Federal Reserve notes are now distributed to member banks, so they have money available to pay the bills of government, cash government checks, cash checks citizens have received, make loans to citizens, etc. (Please note that under present banking laws, member banks can loan out some twenty times the amount they have on deposit--over and over and over and over - - -.)

Then the Federal Reserve Bank receives interest on its bonds, for which they paid nothing, note now how they laid it on you good people!

First the Federal Reserve got a billion dollars for nothing. In the meantime they get interest on the bonds they got for nothing and when they eventually cash them they get the money again. Now we are speaking of a mere "billion"--your government now deals in "trillions". For example, you borrow tremendous amounts each year so that you can give it away in foreign loans--mostly to na­tions that despise you.

It has been said before, most wisely: "It will only be as decent people in America, who are concerned for the well-being of our nation and our offspring, and wake up from this 'near fatal sleep', into which the conspirators have hypno­tized us. Can these powerful conspirator's be smashed? It will only come through the HELP of Almighty God, and the repentance of His people, so that He will, once again show mercy to us " Thank you, Jack.

If you believe these conspirators are content with the control of your money, you are miserably in error, and you are in for additional shock after shock after shock.

Here is where the real rub comes into play. While the Federal Reserve could control America's money, there was no way it could touch the earnings of the American worker, because your Constitution expressly forbids it---BUT--­SNAKES IN THE WOODPILE!--you simply got stabbed with a plank out of the communist Manifesto--IT WAS CALLED THE GRADUATED PROGRESSIVE INCOME TAX". This would lead eventually to the complete confiscation of all private property in the nation and the complete control of each individual's earning power. However, such a tax could not be brought about without an amendment to the Constitution.

BUT, as they had done with the Federal Reserve Act, these same traitors, with the same President, arranged for the 16th Amendment to become the law of the land and they "hoodwinked" the American people into accepting this absolute control over their earning power.

A little research will show you that most of the Congressmen who voted for the 16th Amendment knew very little about it because only two had even bothered to read it before they voted it into law.

The main effects of this Amendment--which was never supposed to rise above 2%, or so the American people were told--went into effect during World War II, when President F.D.R. applied a 20% withholding tax on all small wage earners, and up to 90% tax on higher earners. Of course, the conspirators had planned for this and were protected in their Tax Free Foundations. F.D.R. promised faithfully (read his lips) that the tax would be lifted when the war ended, but his promise had no truth behind it any more than the promise he made that he would "...never send American boys to die on foreign soil ".
It gets worse, so don't go away. The 16th Amendment never touched the earnings of the immensely rich. This is why a few years back you saw Nelson Rockefeller, with yearly earnings of somewhere around $26-million, pay an an­nual tax of $216.00.

The conspirators protect their wealth, while they rob you of yours. These foundations, which were supposed to have been set up of humanitarian purposes, became the "hot beds" of sedition and radical communist activity. The disobedience of the Vietnam War era was funded by the Foundations who gave "aid and comfort" to those who were trying to tear apart your Republic. This was all a part of the Master PLAN.

These Foundations funded civil disobedience, the rights to spread pornography; the rights of doctors to murder millions of unborn babies; the rights of homosexuals and promiscuous persons to spread deadly diseases--and the list is too long to list herein and we would simply again be called bigots.

A good example of Foundation funding is the Ford Foundation which finances the CENTER FOR DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTIONS in Santa Barbara, Califor­nia. This is commonly referred to as "Moscow West". They have organized the "New States" and the "New Constitution".

Those are the Foundations--but what happens to the billions of dollars (credit) which are confiscated from the pockets of you hard working Americans? The major bottomless pit is your Foreign Aid, which now goes directly to your proclaimed enemy as well as the other old stand-by "friends". The largest lump goes to finance Israel. Where does it come from? Your government "borrows" annually multi-billions of dollars from the foreign banks, paying a high rate of interest, so that they can turn around and give it away to nations who do not even like you nice people.

Do you realize that you nice American taxpayers footed the bill when your mili­tary left Vietnam and left the naval base at Camhran Bay INTACT? Over $2-BILLION worth of your most sophisticated military equipment was left behind for the communists. Do you think this sort of thing happened by accident--without even disabling it? Your fighter pilots had to watch their buddies shot down by your own weapons and technology which YOU had GIVEN to the So­viets. Further, they were ORDERED to dump their bombs in a rice paddy, when they were given ORDERS NOT TO HIT AN ENEMY SUPPLY DUMP.

There is simply rotten and sordid play afoot, dear ones.

These are things that must be considered if you are to understand the decline of your nation. As you watch family decline it moves from one facet into the next with hardly a notice. Look at that which has happened to your judicial system. Justice? You no longer have anything that resembles a "Justice" system. You have Admiralty law with little recourse, run almost entirely by Zionist lawyers and Judges. Again, I can only suggest you re-read the Zionist Protocols. I sup­pose I should ask the staff to reprint the Protocols for it is so difficult to com­prehend that which has come down on you. As America, and the world, has plunged ever deeper into moral decay and moved further from the TRUTH of GOD and away from HIS laws, it has become common to see the legal system used for legal plunder, whereby millions of Americans sue millions of other Americans over some small perceived legal technicality or imagined offense, simply in order to plunder the financial wealth of the lawsuit's target.

Tens of thousands of laws on the books and a myriad of legal interpretations
have made this legal plunder by greedy individuals and lawyers, one of America's top economic realities. Virtually all economic, social and human endeavors in America are predicated on "what is the potential for a lawsuit". Every doctor, lawyer, accountant, businessman and person of any financial means must live with the constant fear of a lawsuit that will decimate his finances. It is part of your socialist, something-for-nothing mentality in your nation today, that someone, anyone, must protect you from all physical and financial harm. So, suing people has become your top growth industry, and hundreds of thousands of lawyers exist primarily to encourage, exacerbate and facilitate this pro­cess.

A bit of comparison might give you cause to ponder: America graduates one
hundred times more lawyers than does Japan, and Japan graduates one hundred times more engineers than America--which country is doing better at the "drawing boards"?

Decades ago, liberals, secular humanists and communists/zionists began to move into your nation's law schools in order to socialize and move the country
to the political "left". Today, most law school graduates are liberal and it is all but impossible to find a conservative law school, lawyer, or judge in America. The thrust of these judges and the vast majority of your politicians have one primary goal--to pass more laws and change the face and character of America and move it into the PLAN.

The result of this liberalization is a completely broken-down criminal justice system and one which encourages crime and harasses businessmen, conserva‑tives, Christians and the producers of your country. This thrust has resulted in tens of thousands of man-drafted laws being placed on the books which harass and restrict the average American, curtail his freedoms on an accelerating basis and have become the foundation of a government bureaucracy which wants to control and dictate every aspect of your lives--and does so to great, great extent.

Dharma, it is well past midnight--please let us close this segment and we shall take up with more on the legal system when next we write. Thank you, chela, for your long hours and I am humbly appreciative of all of you ones who get this work on to your brethren. If we walk in love and giving, we shall complete our journey together in wholeness, Let us not be bent by the attackers for if we hold our truth and unto one another the shield shall not be pierced! In the shelter of. HIS ALMIGHTY WINGS SHALL WE DWELL FOREVER AND EVER, AMEN.

Hatonn to clear, please. Walk in peace and KNOW that we are knowing of the "way" and so shall it be that we shall find the way cleared as we have need thereof.

PJ 26

FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1991 8:48 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 211

Hatonn in communion on this blessed day given us in which to work at our
task. Let us turn from that which is ugly and hurtful and unto the beauty which is God's gift of precious gems beyond all price. Look upon the wondrous shield of snow about the trees and fields and see the budding flowers thirsting for drink Talley have long been without water.

Enjoy the parent birds and fledglings as they feast upon the seeds Oberli has spread about for as you serve unto the least of "...mine, shall ye have served unto me". Listen to the sound of the shovel upon the walk that ones might come and go in safety--all of these things, dear ones, which seem so trite and small ARE THE THINGS OF GOD'S PERFECTION. Bless thine eyes given that you might see and the ears given that ye might hear--do not miss the fragrance of the rose as ye are paused to see its beauty. And then, turn to the wondrous perfection of MAN and let us reach out together to hold the hands and heal the minds that Man again function in that original perfection--for he knows not that which he does.

I honor one, Eustace Mullins, for in the tattlings come the need to pause and confront that which we say and do. If we are not called to look within then we become lax and perhaps sloppy from the frustration of the slings and arrows. Always know that which can be considered ''criticism", be it true or false--is the greatest of blessings for it brings us to attention and if we accept it with Grace and seeking of Truth, we have been given a gift beyond measure. Walk easy, friend, for the Hosts of God are not easily dissuaded nor turned aside and quite readily see beyond that which is spattered about by frivolous words. Do not, either, bend in your accepted task for the masses do not yet understand their plight and it requires all of us scribbling and shouting and then the few who see and hear shall turn into the many. You would not be doing your elected job in truth if there were not those who would silence you!

Take attention, EM, for you are the targeted prize of ones who might well not be in your planning. Hold to your own wise counsel and tread gently for quick­sand appears as any of sand--only softer and finer.

Next I would attend T.D., my friend from so long past that I would shock the readers--and still we disagree on some intents and purposes. Do not be so blind as to believe that the higher beings who come and go are devoid of passion or thought nor holding of ALL answers--for those must ultimately come from within self. T.D. and I have debated the question of the Akashic records since times long forgotten. I do intend to "pull rank" for as ones upon your placement know, I am given into the Cosmic task of overseeing the "records". The records in point are the prana data recordings of EVERY energy within the Universe. After moving into density of such compression as is Earth, for in­stance, the perceptions become but tunnel vision and yet, knowing that you know but unable to grasp the whole, the being ands frustration. For you who dabble in this subject material, you will better recognize the subject by "Akashia" or Akashic Records.

T.D., you debate in that "one of greater importance than you" had your record removed from the Akashic records. Please do not continue with this delusion. You might well have been removed from the accessible records for universal access--but NONE--NO-THING--is removed from the records of life streams--except at one time in the cycles of universal sequence--in the Seventh period of Life Creation--the resting of the cycle. This "twilight sleep" of the creation LASTS THROUGH SEVEN PERIODS/GREATTIMES (See THE PLEIADES CONNECTION). This period last about 311,040,000,000,000 years as you of the Earth human would count the annual rotations. In the twilight state of CRE­ATION all life and the whole universe simply cease for this moment in "time". You can equate it to the simple deletion of both time and space--a brief void of total rest. It is a time of no-thing, as all simply lies sleeping within the infinite bosom of the CREATION and null-time. While no creating thought exists there is no force, no time, and no space--there is only duration in a nameless state of total rest.

From this sleep comes the awakening and beginning of creating in the Creation AS CREATION, during the oncoming seven periods. Then the creating of living forms, the Creating of new Spirit in improvement of the CREATION, the Creating of great Spirit within the CREATION and then the true "life" AS spirit in self-creating, etc. Then finally, again, the great separation but highest im­provement of and during the seventh period.

Many have been called again into service for various reasons, from this state of rest to serve again in various capacities at the time of great transitions for mov­ing into this "Greattime" is when the spirit is gained perfection and the records are begun anew.

Please do not consider that you have ACTUALLY been removed from the records of Universal All--for that would indeed be ignoble and a most heinously unacceptable act if it were at any time, possible. It is a matter of fact that ones for various reasons, of God's choosing, can and are removed from that which referred to as God's Book of Life. That, too, is a most terrible circumstance.

I know that you know these things for you debate in secrecy. You do not pronounce WHO tells you this thing and only state that "you know, Hatonn". Do I? Why would I? There are billions upon billions of spirit forms about the Universe. Next, you continuously ask my opinion of things, persons and writings--If you were comfortable with the total Truth as given unto you--would you inquire of me? What think I of this or that "channel" who speaks and writes for Enoch? If it be Truth, I commend it--if it be false, I do not. I found the information you sent mostly accurate and I shall take it a bit further at another writing, for it is totally without understanding as it is stated for it is only in­tended that specific ones understand such grid systems. Now, to place within the equation, the frequency resonance at proper arcs, etc., you have a major puzzle piece to fit within your tapestry--but do not push the river for it is all but flowing too fast at present and technology has outrun the masses who must sur­vive within the chaos. I do not mind "..coming down from my soapbox", but I do have passion and I do enjoy a good debate--I did not say argument--I SAID DEBATE. You, elder brother, ARE quite special--why would you take of­fense? So be it.

I shall now turn to Wally Gentleman, a beloved friend and tireless worker in great negative circumstance of health. He has sent more of Sipapu Odyssey in draft and we are exhuberant over the production as it unfolds. Equally are we warmed as contacts and wondrous friends are brought forth to share talents and beauty. He brings to our attention Barbara Harris who has done tremendous work in Near Death Experiences. This is a most worthy responsibility to undertake for through the lessening of the terror of the transition will come the allowance of the beauty of growth and immortality. This work is indeed blessed.

Then he shares with us his visit with Mel Bucholtz, a psychotherapist of excellent repute--as a trans-induction mind therapist. This is where it is AT, beloved ones. Within the mind lies the wonders and miracles of the Universe--all there for your taking, the gift of gifts.

Wally sends a copy of a message of truth penned by this beloved and gifted per­son. We shall share it with all of you in just a moment. First I wish to tell Wally, that ones will be at work in acquiring the material you need and listed for you must have credible resources for our production must bear that which reaches, with reality through mental acceptability, into and becomes one within, the beings of each who witness the visual experience. The presentation WILL be accepted as a Divine solace for the searching and restless spirit of man, and as it is written and presented in such Love and Brotherhood of Godness and Truth--shall the fantasy become reality. God rests His hand upon thine work, friend.

Dharma, please print the beautiful and thoughtful sharing of the spirit of Mel Bucholtz that our brothers might pause and take respite from the dregs of that which we MUST present for there is such GREAT TRUTH within these passages:


The body is the landscape of the mind;
where the dramas of our early life
are still happening
or have become a kind of
rich preparatory engendering compost--
the vastnesses remembered
as the fruitful fields, valleys, marshes,
and desert of wisdom
standing behind us as we are here now
present in this way
in the moment of our lives.

It is a land
where the placid and awesome features
of the yet undiscovered wilderness
are wildly flowering from within themselves
for our unexpected future explorations.

And as we grow
out of our more infantile and fearful selves,
we wander into these unknown landscapes,
transformed into those sleek, feathered, scaly and wooly animals
we really are,
the ones we are both able and needed to be
to live in those wilder, more ancient,
unknown future parts of that farther
uncharted dancing, tingling, glowing,
purple thunderous, gentle
and softly rivered terrain of ourselves.

* * *
Oh, would that things were in perfection that I could take nothing from the troublesome of experiences and personalities and share one with another, only the wondrous appreciation and joy gleaned from our brotherhood. I would rejoice if I were given time to speak of no-thing negative or painful--but only of the joys ahead and the glory awaiting--but alas, that is not given unto me at this sequence for I am given task to alert you to how it IS. I do take respite to give unto all of you who commune and communicate with us--my humble apprecia­tion and gratitude. You cannot know how precious is the thoughtful piece of art of a heart and two doves sent quietly and without label, to Dharma and the per­sonal silent sharing when most often they are sent and there is no way to re­spond. The handstitched notebook is cherished and I shall tell of her secret for you deserve to know, ye who share with her. As things are painful she gathers the precious things and sits for a while with them in presence with the lovely flowers given and renews again into balance. No-thing great or tiny is passed lightly by--the rainbow pin, the flag with its bit of yellow ribbon--these are the stitches in time that save the robe from falling apart.

There is no way suitable to give appreciation to you who send confirming infor­mation, books and observations--along with very dangerous material, such as a most daring young man just sent unto this place--the inner working manual of the Masonic Order. This to give confirmation that that which we project is Truth and can be found in great confirmation--it is difficult for a scribe, for they work in the silence of ignorance just as do you readers.

It is not easy for a young and beautiful child to write of the Commandments of God, when her cup is as filled with sorrow and dismay as is all of your cups. There is no magic to receiving such information--for these ones would rather play in the ignorance of that which is abundant income, beautiful "things", luxury and participate in that which is touted to be so much "fun". The human rebels at Truth for it represents limits and depravation of that which is touted to be so grand. But you will find spirits at peace and abundance of soul that reaches beyond all understanding of Earth limitations. When God has shared His Love and energy within thine being--there is NO GREATER--NOTHING WHICH YOU CAN KNOW THAT CAN TOUCH IT--NO-THING, NO EXPERIENCE. If you linger with God for long enough to share of is total giving and Love--ye shall never again turn about--IF YE BUT ALWAYS REMEMBER! Ah, brothers, it IS the time of REMEMBERING HOW IT TRULY IS! AS THE TRUTH SHINES FORTH AND THE DECEITFUL BROUGHT FORTH INTO THAT LIGHT--SO SHALL THE EVIL AND DECEIT MELT WITHIN THAT LIGHT--UNCOVERED AND UNABLE TO SUSTAIN ITSELF. AS THE DARK CORNERS ARE ILLUMINATED BY LIGHT SO SHALL THEY DIMINISH UNTIL THEY ARE NO MORE--THE BEAST SHALL SIMPLY DEVOUR ITSELF. WHEREIN THERE IS BUT ONE TINY SPARK OF LIGHT--THERE IS NO LONGER DARKNESS! NEITHER CAN ONE WHO COMES INTO KNOWLEDGE MOVE BACK INTO IGNORANCE. HE CAN TURN DELIBERATELY AWAY--BUT HE CAN NEVER MOVE AGAIN INTO INNOCENT IGNORANCE. SO BE IT AND SO SHALL LIGHT COME FORTH UPON THE LANDS THAT MAN MIGH MAKE INFORMED DECISIONS FOR SO IS IT PROMISED THAT IT SHALL BE THUS.

Most of your lives are about proving something, either to yourselves or to someone else. Perhaps, if you cease so hard at the efforts of "proof" and allow the unfolding of Truth, it will come to pass in ease through the "allowing". Dear ones, that which you are trying so hard to avoid will NOT go away until you confront it and always, with God you are stronger than anything which can confront you.

You have this moment--THIS MOMENT! IF YOU SPEND YOUR PRECIOUS MOMENTS IN WORRY ABOUT WHAT MIGHT COME TO BE AND WONDER WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN--YOU WILL IGNORE THAT WHICH IS. But, again, I must bring facts into your confrontation--Before you can break out of prison, you must first realize you are locked up and recognize who has locked you therein. A most funny thing happens as you become aware and conscious of that which IS--if you acknowledge you are unconscious, you are no longer unconscious. Ponder it.

And for you who persist in sticking your head in the sand-pot, one thing is for sure--you will get your rear kicked! You see, if you don't know what direction to take and continue in the sand-pot, you have not acknowledged where you are. AND MOST IMPORTANT: THERE ARE NO VICTIMS, ONLY VOL­UNTEERS!

As a nation and as a people--if you are constantly being deceived and mistreated--then know, you are cooperating with the treatment. Ponder this greatly and see if you are cooperating with the adversary!

Dharma, I do not wish to take further writing on this morning. You have duty elsewhere and I would rest the souls a bit for the battering has been great. There are many very positive avenues of action in this time of confusion and force upon you--stop and regroup, re-read the possibilities of action, seek the avenues of privacy we have offered and the possibilities of actions within the system which can work in your behalf--we need stable, durable stanchions and that comes from a solid foundation of knowledge--if you know that something is wrong but ye know not "what"--how can it be corrected?

Blessed be this day given unto us for our work.


Hatonn to clear, please. May the peace of God abide within, that we might serve with "out".