PJ 26

THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1991 10:02 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 224

You ones need to be aware that the prior document was all but lost to the electronic attack upon my scribe and the equipment. I am going to make this addition and then I ask that my scribe be gotten out of the vicinity so that we can do a bit of "housecleaning". I remind you precious ones that when "the beast" is cornered uncovered for the world to see--he fights in the only ways allowed to him--through impact on the material and the beings involved. Truth is very painful to the criminal and now God has given you the Truth which changes the entire scenario of perception of you of the planet. The information is as old as the beginning and as new as the unwrapping of the deceit. However, you now have the tools with which to render the beast impotent. You call him by his Earth label, Khazar. You separate him into his heritage of stolen bloodline for there is nothing of Judean about the evil demon. All you have to do as a people to begin to regain your freedom and nation and then, world, is to call this beast by his name and set the record to straight and you reduce all his shams, deceit--his very platform of action--from his arsenal.

Doesn't it become far easier to understand the REAL situation when I say to you: "The Khazars from Khazar, in the camouflaged planes taken from the U.S. under deceitful cover of the worst terrorists in the world, were allowed to bomb into oblivion, the towns and people of Iraq--while you stood guard and ran the get-away car?" Ah, but 'twas not you, was it? It was the functioning mecha­nism of the Khazars which had already taken your government and military, media and mind-set. You are NOT anti-Judean--you may (I hope) be anti-­Khazarian (against the very anti-Christ). You are the S(h)emite so therefore, you who speak out CANNOT BE ANTI-S(H)EMITIC!

I want you to revel in that which I can witness and you have not yet the ability to see. The pulses against my scribe and this place are incredible and the more poured in the more we must "counter" and neutralize so that the air is nothing but noise and chaos. Every line from the surveillance offices are in use--TELLING THE WONDERFUL NEWS! THE KHAZARS HAVE BEEN UN­COVERED! This does not sit well with those who are the Khazars working in disguise and yet, the lid is off the bottle. Rejoice--not for that which you thought to be Easter Resurrection--for what is resurrected herein this Easter--is TRUTH and revelation of the anti-Christ and his mongrel tribes! You who considered yourselves to be one of the group calling yourselves by the conjured la­bel of "Jew" as set forth to ensnare you in the late 1700's A.D., I suggest you take a second look at that which you serve within the lie and take careful con­sideration to your intended fate and demise. And you, of Judean lineage--wake up, for your annihilation is planned by these Khazarians who have stolen from Palestine, annihilated your brothers in Germany and now fully plan to sacrifice you on the altar of riot and bigotry in order to keep the nations in unrest. TRUTH WILL SET YOU INTO FREEDOM IF YOU WILL BUT RECEIVE OF IT!

Well, how will you know how it goes if in fact, all is controlled by those Khaz­ars? Because if you are anti-Khazar you cannot very well be anti-"Jew" can you? IF, THEN, YOU ARE REFUSED HEARING OR PUBLICATION AT THE HANDS OF THE CONTROLLERS--THEN THEY HAVE JUST TOLD YOU THE TRUTH OF IT--THEY HAVE REVEALED AND CONFIRMED THAT WHICH I HAVE LAID BARE FOR YOUR REVIEW! TO CLAIM ABUSE AND BIGOTRY AGAINST YOU THEY HAVE TO REVEAL THE TRUTH OF THEIR BEINGNESS AS KHAZARS--IT IS A FINE LITTLE GAME OF THEIR OWN MAKING. How could you possibly be speaking about any people of God's Judea if you are speaking about a warring tribe who stole from other nations everywhere they went upon your planet? How can you be "anti-Judean" if you are speaking of Mongol/Russian/Nordic tribes who bear no Arabic or Judean blood whatsoever? If you go onto the radio or television speaking out against the Khazars, would you not be patriotic? Truly patriotic? If you speak against the Khazars rewriting your Constitution and enslaving your nation--are you not truly patriotic unto the United States of America and the brotherhood of Earth? Are you not UNPATRIOTIC if you DO NOT SPEAK OUT AGAINST THE KHAZARS? WHO COMMITS TREASON? IS IT NOT THE ONE WHO TAKES AND OVERTHROWS THE GOV­ERNMENT OF A NATION? PONDER THIS MOST INTENTLY FOR YOU HAVE "BEEN HAD" BY THE MOST CLEVER DECEIVER EVER ON PLANET EARTH--JUST AS YOU WERE TOLD IT WOULD BE--RIGHT DOWN TO LOCATIONS, TIMES AND SIGNS. SO BE IT.

Dharma, allow us to write just a bit more so you can get a better vision of what we say in this newly lighted concept and then we will carry on farther at the next penning.

The Foreign Agents Registration Act, Title 22 U.S. Code sub:611 et seq., pro­vides criminal penalties for failure of propagandists and other active in Your country on behalf of foreigners to file highly detailed registration statements with the Attorney General, to file copies of all political propaganda (however disguised or sugar-coated), and to label all such propaganda conspicuously, and to keep and reveal record of tea activities.

"Political propaganda" is defined by the act to include any "communication or expression by any person...which is reasonably adapted to, or which the person disseminating the same beliefs will, or which he intends to, prevail upon, indoctrinate, induce, or in any other way influence a recipient or any section of the public within the United States with reference to the political or public inter­ests, policies, or relations of a government of a foreign country or a foreign po­litical party or with reference to the foreign policies of the United States...."


The same rules apply to "political activities" which in any way "influence any agency or official of the Government of the United States or any section of the public within the United States with reference to formulating adopting, or changing the domestic or foreign policies of the United States or with reference to the political or public interests, policies, or relations of a government of a foreign country or a foreign political party: SUB:611(o).

The Foreign Agents Registration Act is designed to include anyone "who directly or through any other person" carries on such activities and who acts as an agent, representative or "in any other capacity" at the order, request, or under the direction or control, or under in direct or indirect supervision, direction, control of a foreign principal Sub:611(c)(1). A "foreign principal" includes not only a foreign government but also a foreign political party, any person outside of the United States, and any foreign corporation, association, or other organization Sub:611(b).

There is absolutely no doubt that the ADL is operating in criminal violation of the Foreign. Agents Registration Act; that its foreign principals include the government of Khazar and its subdivisions, numerous Khazar Elitist (Zionist) groups such as the World Zionist (Elitist) Organization (WZO) and the Jewish (Khazarian) Agency, the Jewish (Khazarian) Defense League (JDL), etc., and their fundraising (taxfree) branches within the United States; and that the ADL works in complicity with large numbers of equally guilty parties in the American communications media and the political arena.

It is the job of the U.S. Department of Justice (except that the Judicial Branch of your system is also infiltrated and headed up by illegal Khazars) to enforce the Foreign Agents Registration Act. (Title 50, sub 851-858 contains additional provisions for registration of foreign agents with the Attorney General--(also a Khazarian). These sections are applicable to "every person" who has knowl­edge of espionage, tactics or terrorism of a government of a foreign country..." It stretches the imagination to assume that ADL officers are NOT fully aware of the activities of the terrorist organization known as the Jewish (Khazar) Defense League, an open agent of Israel (Khazar) which provocatively flies the Khazar flag--and totally defiles the Star of David. No one can miss the perfect orchestration of ADL and JDL activities. It is commonly believed that both agencies are manipulated by the efficient Khazarian espionage and terrorist arm, the Mossad but, while the department has exerted itself ordering American Protestant ministers to register as foreign agents because they arranged preach­ing and a few other public appearances for some clergymen of the "Christian League of Southern Africa, (Washington Weekly, Oct. 5, 1978), it has been cu­riously paralyzed when it comes to pursuing the ADL and its huge network of coordinated Khazarian agents. These ones, in addition to everything else, have lied on their passports about name, rank, serial number and nationality. What does this say about your government who has aided and abetted these criminals who are now in place to overthrow the government of the United States of America and enslave the population thereof? Obviously NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON.

Documentation is easy to come by--it is sticking out all over the media presenta­tions and controlled press but it is all but impossible to encompass its scope in a paper such as this, but at the next writing I will set forth examples (prior to the 1980's and a few current reminders already spoken of) for your research facilitation. At this point, however, I must get my scribe out of this setting for it is too dangerous to leave her longer at risk. Thank you for your thoughtful attention. I trust we are coming into some clarification of facts versus fiction as you have been fed upon. In love beyond expression, we of the Hosts stand ready to assist in any way we might--for you to regain your birthright--be ye Judean or whatever! It is time the enemy ceases, to in this. "war"--let us lay down the stones which have no meaning whatsoever, join hands in brotherhood against that which devours worlds and simply stand strong in the TRUTH for the evil cannot survive in the Light of Truth. Salu.

Hatonn to stand-by, please.

Thank you, Dharma, and my crew for getting this to the people as quickly as you can. Oberli, give a rough (for I want you to depart this place immediately) into GG's hands and allow someone else to put it to format. It needs some circulation today--but not by you, son, for you too are at open risk in this place. Once you depart there is no longer danger to the place nor the people remain­ing--it is personal attack and you must act for the safety of all, not just self.

PJ 26

FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1991 7:21 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 225

Of course it is "Good Friday"--all Fridays and all other days which are allowed unto you are GOOD. Beyond that it will, like unto any other day, be that which man appoints it to be.

"Should we participate in things of 'holiday' selection or let it pass; or should we make great proclamations unto God and promises, etc?" Why more than any other day should you make and KEEP promises unto God? These, Dharma, are foolish things laid forth by MAN in celebration of something or other. Easter was originally a very non-"Christian" holiday in Judea. Further, it was a tradition to release a prisoner destined for execution--thus came the leg­end of Jesus being crucified and a Barrabas set free at the people's command. It came, then, to represent the time of crucifixion and resurrection and also recog­nition of Spring and renewal--many things in many places. It has come to rep­resent to Christians a time to make an annual trek to the church building for the program pre-arranged, peering at lilies, chasing eggs and dressing in finery to show unto one another. BUT, there is still some shred of family togetherness supported which is GOOD, GOOD, GOOD!

As in all "holidays" it is a time of moving within and finding that source unto which you pay tribute--what might yours be? Man easily forgets even that which he KNOWS. Then he moves right along with whatever he is TOLD TO RE-BELIEVE--IF IT BE OF HUMAN IMPACT--i.e. an extra day off at week's end, etc. But look at that which has come to be in the United States--one nation under God and proclaiming itself a nation functioning under "Christian" morality. It is now turned over to the Khazars and first you are shown the Master Teacher depicted as carrying a cross through the streets of Jerusalem, and on and on and on. It SHOULD tell you that there is the recognition of the Christ having passed that way--but more so, it is to fool you into believing that the Khazars are actually on YOUR side. They are not, for while you are supposedly honoring resurrection, they are sacrificing and smearing blood upon their doors so that "their" God, Lucifer, will not find them lacking in worship unto him. Oh yes, at one time that ritual meant something of Godly wisdom--for when it originated there was a great plague about the lands and the mark on the door was a mark of "QUARANTINE"--which said: "If there be in­fection in your house, enter not into mine," and a bit of a different marking indicated, "illness within". YOU HAVE MADE IT MYSTICAL--AND THAT SOMEHOW BLOOD ON THINE DOORS WOULD CAUSE THE ANGEL OF DEATH TO PASS YOU BY. Again, it is the heart intent within--not blood smeared upon a door-post.

You will note a massive movement AWAY from the celebration of the true meaning which was once represented by Easter to the Christians as the Khazars take over--just as with Christmas--and mostly you will have the Khazars (Jews) mentioned FIRST in any news item on the TV media. It is simply a mark of the times. Christ was NOT A "JEW" except in the slang terminology of which you have been told within the past century and a half, to believe. "Jew" was created as a term in the 1700's---SO, THE ONE YOU CALLED JESUS, WAS A JUDEAN--AND NEVER THE TWAIN OF KHAZAR (JEW-Mongol, Rus­sian and Nordic) AND JUDEAN SHALL MEET!

I think you should look at that which was touted, moaned about and you paid Khazar (Israel) to make-up for in the Middle East. The Khazars shouted out that they were persecuted in their new lands and that the neighboring nations hated them and were bigoted against them--"BECAUSE OF THEIR NORDIC HERITAGE". THIS, RIGHT OUT OF THE MOUTHS OF THE HEAD KHAZARS (JEWS)". GO LOOK IT UP--AND FURTHER, I HAVE QUOTED THE VERY TERM SOME THREE DAYS PAST RIGHT OUT OF ONE OF YOUR NEWSPRESS RELEASES. Of course they are not loved in the land of Palestine--they are not of any bloodline of the region, they certainly are NOT Arabs--they are from the tribes of Nordic regions, sharing no tradi­tions and treating the Sephardic Judeans as outcasts while the KHAZARS (Ashkenazi "Jews") who migrated to Khazar (Israel) from Russia brought with them the ideology of socialism/communism and have put into practice the ide­ology. Moreover, after the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 the displaced "Bolsheviks" (Khazars--so-called and self-styled "Jews") migrated directly to the United States and set up government instead of the Constitutional govern­ment of the United States of America--and thus, now you have a socialis­tic/dictator form of forced, non-"republican" form of ruler ship no longer even pretending to be a "democracy" by majority vote of the "citizens". YOU DO NOT, YOU KNOW, ELECT BY "POPULAR MAJORITY", AMERICA.

Remember, these Ashkenazi Khazars (so-called/self-styled "Jews") worked hand in hand with the Nazis (Ashke-NAZI) in Germany and are literally responsible for the effort to kill out the Sephardic Judeans. They call themselves the "Elite Zionist Ashkenazi Jews". Dear ones, I am not making up some kind of story line to confuse you sleeping masses--THIS IS FULL DOCUMENTATION AND HISTORICAL PROOF--WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO SEE THAT YOU HAVE BEEN DUPED, SWINDLED AND ALL BUT DESTROYED BY A BUNCH OF RENEGADES IN CAMOUFLAGE AND CHARADE GEAR AND ACTION? THEY HAVE ALREADY WIPED OUT THE REMAINING FRAGMENTS OF JUDEANS AND NOW THEY MARCH ON TO ABSORB AND CONTROL THE ENTIRE OF THE GLOBE AND YOU NOT ONLY ALLOW OF IT--YOU HELP AND YOU DEMAND THAT IT BE ACCOM­PLISHED. YOU NOW RIOT AND FIGHT AGAINST YOUR BROTHER FOR YOU CANNOT EVEN RECOGNIZE YOUR DEADLY ENEMY!

I said that I would give you documentation which can be researched--I can only touch on a tiny, tiny few for I have neither inclination to more nor am I here to do the PROVING. You go prove it! Other ones have written and re-written documentation in effort to gain your attention and you ignore and shout "anti‑semite" at them, and then silence them by prison and degradation of their very beings.

Documentation of the ADL's actions as an agent of Khazar is neither rare nor difficult to come by; indeed, it is almost impossible to encompass its scope in less than volumes of material; therefore, we will only give a few examples.

First, there is no question that Khazar, which could never have existed financially, militarily, or otherwise without the constant support of the United States, wishes to exert all possible influence on your country and to draw all possible sustenance from it. Further, it must be America for all of the other nations of the world were not financially capable of supporting another nation as the take­over began and now, the seat of Khazaria's blood supply is umbilically attached to the United States--thereby making it necessary that the surrogate parent be­come one with the parasite. The other nations of the world, furthermore, saw what was happening and know that which has come to be and it became re­quired that Americans be "ugly" enough to be pretty unwelcome in any nation of the world. This drawing of sustenance, while preventing any aid or support by the United States going to countries on Khazaria's enemies list, and in par­ticular to the Arab countries from which Khazar hacked out its territory--even to the pushing out of Khazar the very Judeans in whose name the nation was founded. The World Khazar (Zionist) Organization (WZO) and the Khazar (Jewish) Agency (JA) are specifically designed to be the Khazar government's overseas arms. Even though purposely not made branches of the government, the status, function, and authority of the WZO and the JA are set forth in Khaz­arian law. Among their goals are to organize Khazar communities outside Khazar to serve Khazarian purposes, to spread propaganda, to see that money is collected (almost always to tax-exempt "charitable" organizations--even in this recent war there were great drives for money for Khazar--and the contributions were TAX-FREE) and channeled to Khazar, to encourage immigration into Khazar, and to influence various governments to formulate foreign policy and to pass laws which favor Khazar.

Oh, you still can't believe the "skunk" is not a "rose"? Dear ones by any other name, the rose is a rose is a rose and a Khazar is a Khazar is a Khazar--regard­less of how they try to "fool" you.

Most of the Khazarian aims in the United States are spearheaded by the ADL, with other Khazar-oriented groups such as the American Khazar (Jewish) Com­mittee (AJC) playing very important roles. The WZO and the JA keep a low profile, while the ADL poses as an American organization serving American Khazarian aims, though in reality honing its activities to serve Khazar on every point.

When Arab countries organized a boycott of Khazar, the ADL openly led the
fight to have anti-boycott legislation passed in the U.S., took measures to see
that American businesses were trading with Khazar under the anti-boycott laws, and even acted on Khazar's behalf as regarded Japan's cooperation with the Arab boycott.

"The Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish (Khazarian) organization, has long been bothered by the Japanese reaction to the boycott. For years, the organization has been trying on its own to persuade the Japanese to change their policy. Now, evidently wearying of those efforts, Anti-Defamation League officials are seeking the aid of the Ameri­can corporations. (The Wall Street Journal, May 13, 1968.)

On March 4, 1975, the New York Times reported that:

"The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith has written to President Ford reporting what it calls a concerted campaign among shipping companies, aided and abetted by American commercial banks unlawfully to comply with the Arab boycott regulations against the state of Israel (Khazar)."

Since 1966, the ADL has produced a radio program called "Dateline Israel
, some 26 new programs each year broadcast over hundreds of stations, which consists entirely of Khazarian propaganda. Prominent in the origins and production of "Dateline Israel (Khazar)" was ADL general counsel Arnold Forster, who was reported in the May, 1974 "ADL Bulletin" to have been in Khazar more than 50 times.

Forster, among his other achievements on behalf of this foreign State, wrote seemingly innumerable letters (always published) to the editors of major newspapers on subjects having exclusively to do with Khazar and the protection of furtherance of Khazarian interests. Every hint of cooperation with Arab countries by the U.S. was depicted as a dark collaboration with the forces of evil.

In 1973 ADL took out full-page newspaper advertisements whose message was that Arab oil-producing countries were greedy and that any change in the Mideast policy of the United States that might please the Arabs would not improve the American oil situation. The ads were designed to influence public opinion to ignore the obvious--that the oil cut-off by the Arabs had been a direct response to the United States mindlessly and illogically supporting Khazar in an aggressive war against Arab countries.

"Marriv", published in Tel Aviv, Khazar, reported (Jan. 14, 1969) that the ADL in the United States had made a study of Arab "propaganda" against Khazar, and had concluded that the center of export of such propaganda to America was Beirut, Lebanon. Arnold Forster was in charge of the ADL study.

"Mr. Foster (sic sic), who is now in Israel (Khazar) as one of the representatives of the Jewish organizations to the conference called by the prime minister, said that the Arabs have discovered the best way to lie is from a distance."

For the ADL, there is obviously one over-riding issue--Khazar--and old allies who don't agree become persona non grata. ADL Chairman Kenneth Bialkin, in a New York Times item (Aug. 19, 1979), said that "some black leaders have become persuaded by new left propaganda and have taken up with the worst of pro-Arab, anti-Israeli (Khazarian) elements". Bailkin called such blacks "troublemakers".

A couple of years earlier, when black American workers wanted to comply with the Arab boycott of Khazar, the ADL said that a coalition including Blacks who said they would be the first to lose their jobs if Arabs withdrew their business, involved "bigoted extremists" linked to "anti-Semitism"--a good example of name calling when logic would lose the day and reason would be totally absent in the very fact that anti-Semitism means nothing in this instance for the term it­self would indicate those involved would be anti-THEMSELVES!

When the executive committee of the B'nai B'rith International Council met in 1960, the president concluded: "Positive action by the Jewish (Khazar) communities should be taken to combat Arab League propaganda", and "a program of counter-action to deal with the Arab League (duly registered) should be considered". ("Summary-Minutes B'nai B'rith International Council, Executive Committee Meeting January 26-27, 1960, Amsterdam, Netherlands")

The B'nai B'rith, swearing that it is strictly a religious, charitable, and welfare organization, has taken an active role in getting funds from Germany as compensation or reparation to Khazarians who claimed to have been unjustly damaged by Hitler's government. A revealing insight into the procedure is offered by a B'nai B'rith "Memorandum to Members of the Board of Governors from Maurice Bisguer" (Feb. 17, 1960)" "In accordance with the claims agree­ment resulting from West German B'nai B'rith negotiations, the predominant amount of funds is to be reserved for Israel (Khazar)."

A typical issue of the "ADL Bulletin" would appear to have been conceived and composed in a Khazarian information office. The June, 1980 issue, for exam­ple, which happens to contain an uncomplimentary article about Liberty Lobby, begins with an article by Secretary of State HENRY KISSINGER (who was pic­tured receiving an award from the ADL) entitled "The Middle East". With sub­heads such as "No Negotiation with PLO", it contained nothing even remotely displeasing to Khazar, and lest you miss its real point, the following words are emphasized by being printed in a shaded rectangle: "While in office and after, I never believed and I do not believe now that the solution to the West Bank problem can be the creation of a Palestinian State"! (Henry Kissinger)

Inside the front cover of the same issue is a comment by ADL national director, Nathan Perlmutter. Leading off with the news that anti-Semitism, "..as we have customarily measured it", has been declining, he says that the greatest danger "to us" is oil because nations which want oil from the Arabs are snug­gling up to the PLO, and, "in the hapless balance is Israel (Khazar)".

There then follows a long, illustrated article on a trip to Khazar by M.S. Forbes, editor-in-chief of Forbes business magazine, a trip which had been sug­gested and arranged by the ADL.

"He went at the suggestion of Maxwell E. Greenberg, the Anti-Defamation League's national chairman and Abraham H. Foxman, its associate national director, following a dispute between ADL, and "Forbes" editors over rejection of a league ad on peace in the Middle East which had been submitted for the Forbes annual Arabic Middle East edition. ADL felt the ad had been rejected because the magazine feared offending the Arabs...."

So the ADL officers, suggesting "that a Forbes trip to Israel (Khazar) was long overdue", met Mr. Forbes in the Middle Eastern nation, introduced him to the right people in government, the military, and business, and showed him the country. Mr. Forbes, of course, loved Khazar and the Khazarian leaders, on whom he bestowed such accolades as "sharp, incisive", "perceptive, candid, with good judgments", "able, impressive", and "Oh, fabulous". Mr. Forbes likened America to Khazar and had nasty things to say about the PLO.

The next article in the June, 1980 "ADL Bulletin" was entitled "PLO/Khomeini Connection". It dealt with the cordial relations between the PLO and the ever-unpopular ayatollah, and concluded that both "..share the goal of destroying Israel (Khazar)", and that "..to give them power is to whet their appetites, increasing their lust for destruction".

The actress Vanessa Redgrave narrated a film called "The Palestinian", which, although few who criticized it had actually seen it, outraged the ADL because it was reportedly anti-Khazar and contained an interview with the head of the PLO. There were vigorous efforts to prevent the documentary from being seen in the U.S. and to ruin Vanessa Redgrave's acting career. Arnold Forster said on behalf of the ADL that to advocate the overthrow of Khazar was "the ultimate anti-Semitism". Miss Redgrave commented:

"The American public cherishes its right to information and to form its own opinions. It should not be abrogated into the hands of a minority of fanatical Zionists (Elite) who want to destroy the Palestine Liberation Organization and lie about its aims." (Los Angeles Times, Jan. 18, 1978)

In a pitch letter to ADL supporters on November 10, 1975, Dore Schary listed as examples of the ADL's good work: Suing the U.S. to thwart the Arab boycott of Khazar, exposing the collusion of other groups with the Arab boycott of Khazar, and persuading the Gulf Oil Company to repudiate and publicly declare that it will never again repeat a contribution to "the Arab propaganda campaign" against Khazar. Next on the agenda: "The recent vote in the United Nations attacking Zionism (Elitism) as 'racism'..."

When President Jimmy Carter compared the Palestinian movement (to return to the farms and homes that had been taken by Khazar) to the U.S. civil rights cause, spokesmen for the ADL called the comparison "insulting", and "frightening". Arnold Forster exercised his gift for meaningless semantic smokescreening by calling the PLO "false revolutionaries" and "murderers" (Washington Post Aug. 3, 1979).

On January 9, 1981, the ADL's headquarters publicly distributed, under the la­bel, "News", a report called "World-Views and Middle East Policy", by Kenneth Jacobsen, which compared the probable Middle East policy of the incom­ing Reagan administration with that of the Carter administration. The entire discussion centers on the relative benefits to Khazar which would result from the different policies. Carter, the report said, had seen Third-World nations (Arabs) as essentially neutral, and to be won over through "friendly" ap­proaches, which meant that the "U.S. would downplay Khazar as a strategic in­terest, would see the Palestinian issue as the central problem in the Middle East, and would make periodic overtures to the PLO." (Not good.) Reagan, on the other hand, would bring with him those who would see both a Soviet threat and an Arab oil threat. (Good.) By convoluted and illogical arguments, Jacobsen comes to the conclusion that the U.S. has shown "unnecessary obsequiousness. to the Arab world", and that the best way for America to meet the oil problem is to join more closely with Khazar in its hostility to the Arab nations.

"With the new approach, there will be no hesitancy to support Israel (Khazar) as clearly America's most reliable ally and to identify Israel (Khazar) as a strategic asset to the U.S."

Many examples could be cited to prove that the ADL, day after day, year after year, works within the United States as an agent in the service of a foreign nation. Not only are such political activities a violation of the Foreign Agents' Registration Act, but also disqualify the ADL from its tax-exempt status.

This might appear to be "long time past" but, friends, it has only grown more and more blatant and completely open in its attempts to bring your nation into total and complete CONTROL and you are all but there. We will repeat a no­tice of interest which I utilized only a few days past.

"The Federal Election Commission HAS ADMITTED IT FOUND ON FEBRUARY 6, 1990, THERE WAS 'PROBABLE CAUSE' TO BELIEVE THE ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE OF B'NAI B'RITH AND THE AMERICAN JEWISH (KHAZAR) COMMITTEE HAD ILLEGALLY PAID FOR A SMEAR CAMPAIGN IN 1986 AGAMT PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE LYNDON LA ROUCHE. The FEC said that although the two groups broke a rule barring corporations from financial involvement with federal elections it decided not to prosecute because of 'the relatively low dollar amount at issue'. The FEC did not explain why it was only NOW making its decision known."

No prosecution? Brothers, there are a lot of people, including La Rouche (who all he did was run for president of the United States in that "free" land, one nation under God with Liberty, and Justice for all) who are in PRISON! DIRECTLY DUE TO THIS ATTACK!

How about another bit of confirmation? You understand that the $400 million dollars to go to Khazar for housing, etc. was held up a bit in disbursement because you objected to Khazar' s bombing raids into Lebanon. They objected and demanded even more money for their "suffering" and "anguish" and you gave it--along with releasing the funds ($400 million) with agreement to not build on the West bank, etc. So, here it comes, Headline article in the (back) pages of the press on March 21, 1991:

"ISRAEL (KHAZAR) BREAKS ITS WORD. Israel's (Khazar's) government denies a report that it has already gone back on a promise to the Bush administration not to resettle Soviet Jews (Khazars) in Pales­tinian lands. That vow had to be made before Israel (Khazar) could get a $400 million housing construction loan it had been DEMANDING for months from the United States. But several thousand temporary dwellings for the incoming Soviet immigrants already have been set up in the Occupied Territories, and more are planned. Israeli (Khazarian) officials insist they have made no final decision on where the newcom­ers will live."

It is never intended that the funds be paid back as a loan, nor was there any intent or consideration for NOT setting up the housing in the Occupied Territory of Palestine.

Dharma, since this has been another day of bombardment of you and the computers, I think we might better conclude this segment at this point for we are not going to be allowed to make more input until we clear the bugs out of this equipment. We will just conclude herewith and take a break while I re-sort the electronics. I can only repeat--WE HAVE NOW GIVEN YOU THE TOOLS YOU NEED TO STAND AGAINST THE EVIL BEAST--WHAT YOU DO WITH IT IS UP TO YOU; BUT HE IS FURIOUS AND IS LASHING OUT IN EVERY DIRECTION. HOLD STRONG, CHELA, FOR WE HAVE YOU IN PROTECTION. THE ORGINS OF THOSE NOW CALLED KHAZARS IS FROM THE REACHES OF THE MOST EVIL VACATION SPOTS OF THE COSMOS. DO NOT CONFUSE THEM WITH THE TOUTED "LITTLE GRAY ALIENS" FOR THE KHAZARS ARE VERY HUMANIZED AND ARE THE TRIBES OF THE ANTI-CHRIST--IN PERSON!

A suffocating atmosphere of threat, extortion, blackmail, character assassina­tion, and falsehood hangs over the activities of the ADL and all the Khazar organizations. It is an atmosphere deliberately poisonous of freedom of speech and thought, designedly stifling of the open exchange of ideas, and contrary to the provisions of the Constitution and to the most important considerations that motivated the American revolutionaries to create a new and independent nation in the first place.

The ADL is alien in concept and subversive in operation. It is unethical, un-American and illegal. It operates as a thought police, smearbund and intimida­tion mafia using traditional American institutions and gullible citizens to further the foreign policy aims of a "foreign nation" and the political power of political Elitism and individual Elitists. Its "chutzpah" cannot be excused, nor can the actions or inaction of Americans who know of its outrages but because of fear, fail to stand against them. Nothing can be more important than to expose and contain this evil force. Nothing less than the safety of all Americans and the world ultimately, is at stake as irresponsible Elitists play Russian roulette with a world nuclear holocaust--boy, you ones just squeaked by this time by the very skin on your teeth--and it is NOT over, my friends.

And further, I remind you--the next major thrust in the United States is to gain control of your weapons, pass gun restrictions and very soon confiscate, all weapons. Then the economy will collapse and you, dear ones, will be captured. Which will come first? I do not know--for it depends totally upon what you­-the-people DO. THE ADL IS FIRST ON THE LIST OF THOSE ORGANIZATIONS FIGHTING FOR GUN CONTROL. Furthermore, in the "War on Drugs" you are now going to "GIVE OUT" needles to the addicts in Los Angeles. I somehow thought it was against the law to utilize illegal drugs. Oh well, what could a space cadet know about Earth reasoning? I can tell you one thing--it is now a SURE WAY to make sure the AIDS virus is spread more methodically! Salu

Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr.
United Federation Fleet
Inter-Galactic Fleet Command