PJ 26

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1991 3:56 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 209


First it is necessary for "them" to create the leadership and organizations neces­sary to brainwash millions of dupes, both Jewish AND Christian--or whichever group is under attack. Blacks and other minorities received prime attention for they would be the most advantageous "tools" in the game of charades. These were the ones who would do the rioting and suffer the casualties, while the Zionist overlords ran the show top sheltered places. In 1909, Schiff set up and organized the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE. Now wouldn't that frost you--wouldn't you have thought this organization would have been started by a "colored" person or group? The Presidents and directors from its inception have been JEWISH. Jews appointed by Schiff while he was still alive and later by his successors who ran these organizations. In 1914, a real doozie came forth, birthed in total in­tent of take-over. Schiff came up with the ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE, of the Jewish Masonic Lodge, B'nai B'rith--you can't get more direct than that, chelas. It was to serve as a Jewish KGB, keeping its own people in line and harassing anyone who dared to tell the truth about International Jewry/Zionism. It is the largest and most complete private intelligence gathering apparatus and lie instigator known to human. It is actually an AGENT of a FOREIGN COUN­TRY, operating illegally, without a license on American soil--yet such is the power of the Zionist Lobby in Washington, it has for all intents and purposes become an advisory branch of the United States Justice Department--with free­dom from taxes for all.

Some non-Jews look on the ADL as primarily a "spy outfit", skilled in tapping telephones, infiltrating patriotic groups and meetings, tapping into computers and phone lines of my scribes and attacking anyone who does not follow the straight Zionist line. It is all that and ever so much more!

It is also a "sleazy, money-raising" operation which pressures Jews to give and when money does not come in fast enough, it will create problems for Jews, which they say they are fighting against. For instance, the leader of the neo-Nazi group which invaded Skokie, Illinois a few of your years back and caused a great furor, was a "Jew" from the Chicago ADL and so stated. This incident scared the dickens out of Chicago Jews and they shelled out much money for the ADL coffers.

The operating head of the ADL at this time is one Arnold Forster, a veteran
troublemaker and a skillful money-raiser. He says the ADL is merely a Jewish Defense Group and Political Action Committee, which spends its time and money "fighting racial bigotry", as it pursues its goal of "democracy", and "world brotherhood". If you believe this, my friends, you need to go to Pales­tine and ask the Arabs who are being murdered there about Jewish Democracy. By the way, do you remember after the so-called, (but isn't) cease fire--the Israelis said they lifted the curfew on the Palestinians? They haven't--for all pur­poses and intent the Palestinians are still under Martial Law controls and total curfews--even as Baker dons his beanie this day. Well, yesterday it was--for today he is wining and dining and making proposals and payoffs to your old buddy--Assad in Syria. You have really developed some endearing friends, America--the chief terrorist trainers and the chief terrorists of the world.

When there is no anti-Semitism available, Forster and his cronies create some and this enables him to blackmail Jewish merchants for the alleged purpose of "saving them from goyim persecution". This scam has worked for years and Forster is paid a huge salary for doing it. He has been in this game for more than thirty years and has used smear and blackmail tactics, and even created "nazi" groups in New York to deface Jewish tombstones and paint swastikas on the walls of Jewish synagogues. The scare stories he managed to raise in New York called for a Congressional investigation. Of course the ADL was NEVER investigated, only those old "bad" other people--EVEN AFTER THE PROOF OF INCIDENT AND PERPETRATORS WERE EXPOSED AND CON­FIRMED BY THE SYNAGOGUES THEMSELVES AND THE ADL OWNED UP TO THE LITTLE "CHARADE".

In 1986, the National Council of Churches in America, seeking information on the Christian Identity Movement in America, went to a Jew, Leonard Zeskind (strange resource), of the CENTER FOR DEMOCRATIC RENEWAL, an extremely "left-wing" organization. They made no attempt to go to any Identity leader for information, but instead went to this atheist, Christ-hating Jewish cen­ter. He wrote a "scurrilous" account of the Christian Patriotic movement which has been swallowed completely by the National Council of Churches leadership. Out of this, however, came some incredible dossiers on innocent people living "normal" American lives.

This sinister Zionist KGB maintains over 2,000 agencies across your nation. They advise and control every action of the NAACP, the URBAN LEAGUE, and many other so-called Black political activist organization, including Jesse Jackson's SOUTHERN LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE--which becomes indeed interesting now that Mr. Jackson has become a member of the CFR and is in with the really "Big Boys" of politics. They controlled Black leaders such as Martin Luther King, Stokley Carmichael, Ralph Abernathy, Julian Bond and the man I just mentioned, Jesse Jackson.

In addition, the ADL acquired absolute control over the advertising budgets of many nationally known department stores, hotel chains and key radio and TV sponsors, also the advertising agencies which serviced them--along with public relations corporations who do such in-depth work as for the Emir Sabah of Kuwait and produce such documents as the false testifying before Congressional Subcommittees with horrendous pictures of atrocities and phoney participants weeping and working in total safety far from the streets of Kuwait. And you, as a nation, bought it. By these means, for all intents and purposes, the mass me­dia of the United States of America is totally under Zionist control and woe be unto the politician or reporter who fails to remember this. There have been several Senators in the past who tried to buck the Zionist Lobby in Washington and were out on their ear in the very next election, i.e. Percy of Illinois, Full-bright of Arkansas, Rep. Finley of Illinois, etc.

This means fully that all of the major news that America hears is slanted or falsified in the direction of the Zionist overlords, as they desire it to be presented. Your own beloved Walter Cronkite stated: "Our task is not to tell the truth; we are opinion molders".

One of their major purposes is to sway sympathy for Black rioters and criminals, no matter where they are or what they do. This can be vividly illustrated by many incidents but one especially is clear. This incident took place in the nation's capitol a few months ago. Now, before you read this I wish you to know that I believe the Klu Klux Klan to be a totally evil organization as indi­cated by the secrecy and hood-wearing anonymous offenders--but that has nothing to do with the story--for you have "freedoms", do you not? The KKK had received permission from the Washington police for a peaceful march in your capitol. But the Blacks, agitated by agents provocateur from within, tried to disturb this "lawful parade" (as was certainly planned and anticipated) and were stopped by the Washington police, as they should have been. But the Blacks went on a rampage, burning cars, breaking store windows and looting stores--just as instructed and paid-off to do. The next day, a white correspon­dent with the Washington Postgave this explanation for the riot: "The Blacks rioted because their civil rights to confront the KKK purveyors of hate had been denied". NOW WHO DO YOU ACTUALLY BELIEVE WERE THE PURVEYORS OF HATE? ACTUALLY--NEITHER GROUP BUT RATHER, BOTH GROUPS WERE USED TO ACCOMPLISH THE AIMS OF THE THIRD AND MOST POWERFUL GROUP.

A prime mode of operation which gets the innocent "Jew" of Judean descent into horrendous circumstances is that he is always set us as one of the radical participants. For instance, in 1910, a Jewish playwright wrote a play titled THE MELTING POT. It was sheer communist propaganda designed to incite BOTH Blacks and Jews. The play was supposed to visualize how the American Whites were discriminating against both Jews and Blacks. At that time, no one seemed to care that this was propaganda because it seemed quite possible of truth. It was cleverly written and the propaganda was wrapped very well in the entertainment offered by the play--it became a big Broadway hit.

In those days, the famous Diamond Jim Brady would often hold fabulous banquets at the famous Delmonico's restaurant in New York, after the opening of a successful Broadway play. The author, plus cast and selected political and Broadway celebrities, were invited.

Myron Fagan, a well-known Hollywood playwright, who actually initiated some of this very information given you now, was invited to attend that party. There he met the English socialist George Bernard Shaw and a Jewish writer named Israel Cohen. Both Shaw and Cohen had worked together in London, with a Jew named Karl Mordecai Marx. Remember, at this time Marxism and Com­munism were just emerging and very few people paid any attention to what they were trying to do. No one suspected the propaganda which permeated the writings of either Shaw or Cohen. At that banquet, Cohen told Fagan that he was engaged in writing a book, which would be titled A RADICAL PRO­GRAM FOR THE TWENTIETH CENTURY.

Fagan at that time knew nothing at all about Communism or its connection with World Zionism; he was totally wrapped up in his work as a Hollywood writer--just as all of you are wrapped up in everything else except that which is destroy­ing your very nation and people. But he was shocked when he received a clip­ping from the Washington Evening Star, several years later in May of 1957. It was a verbatim excerpt from Cohen's book: "We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By pounding into the consciousness of the dark races, that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them into the program of the Communist Party. In America, we aim for several victories. While inflaming the Negro minorities against the whites, we will instill in the whites a guilt-complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Blacks to rise to prominence in every walk of life and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to inter-marry with the whites and will begin the process which will deliver America to our cause!" I have given this excerpt prior to this but it bore the re­peating BECAUSE IT WAS ENTERED INTO "THE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD" OF JUNE 7, 1957, BY REP. THOMAS ABERNATHY.

At that time, of course Fagan could only wonder if the official policy of the Communist Party was simply the same as that of Cohen, or was this merely the thinking of one man? But in an official pamphlet, published by the New York Communist Party in 1935, titled "THE NEGRO IN A SOVIET AMERICA", he found that it urged Blacks to rise up and form a separate Black nation in the South and apply for admission to the Soviet Union. A firm pledge was made by the communist leaders that, if this happened, the Blacks would receive firm backing from communists everywhere, including the might of the Soviet Union. On p. 48 of this pamphlet was this pledge to the Blacks, "Any act of discrimi­nation or prejudice against the Negro, by a white, will become a crime under revolutionary law."

I guess you need a little proof, at this point, that the Communist regimes, both in Europe and on the American Continent, are under the full control of the Rothschild agents, which means The Illuminati?

The communist end of this world conspiracy was created by the "master minds" who were "capitalists". You should also note that both the Rothschild's, the Schiff's and the Warburg's planned and financed the Russian Revolution, after they had murdered the Czar and his family. We have written of this but for you who come newly into the writings, it bears repetition. Jacob Schiff alone, gave $20-million (and that was a lot of money in the very early years of the 1900's) to a man named Trotsky, who was on his way to Russia with 247 of the dregs of the Jewish East Side of New York City, the kind of Jews the Jews themselves call "kikes". They were stopped in Newfoundland by Canadian Customs and then released under pressure from the U.S. State Department, with the money that made the Revolution a success.

The Jewish/Zionist involvement is easily proven from statements made by Jew­ish leaders at that time. The Jewish Chronicle, the largest Jewish Newspaper in New York, in its April 4, 1918 issue stated: "...there is much in the fact of Bol­shevism itself. In the fact that so many Jews are Bolshevists. In the fact that the ideals of Bolshevism are consonant (in agreement) with the finest ideals of Judaism."

In 1918, Count Mensdorf, the Jewish Ambassador from Austria to London was
quoted as saying: "Israel won the war (WWI); we made it; we thrived on it; we
profited from it. It was our supreme revenge on Christianity." Notice that it is Jews who are making these statements!

There is absolutely no doubt that Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin took their marching orders directly from that little American Zionist, Jacob Schiff of New York City--so how does that make you citizens feel about the probability that your nation and banking industry are completely controlled also?

Can you begin to understand why your Congress, your Supreme Court, and
your Justice System was beaten into issuing the infamous Civil Rights Act of 1954 and subsequent unconstitutional legislation which has dis-enfranchised
White people whose ancestors built your country--BUT ALSO BROUGHT THE BLACKS AND MINORITIES INTO TOTAL AGITATION AND UNREST. It is not that there should not be equality of opportunity and no man has rights to have superior position to another because of any race or color--but to bring the confusion of enforcement into the already churning peoples can wily bring more hatred and contempt--which, of course, is the total intent.

Perhaps you can better understand why your Supreme Court, under pressure
from the Zionists, and sometimes with Zionists sitting in the august group, have banned prayer in public schools, Bible reading in schools, anything to do with the Christian/God celebration of Christmas? Can you understand why, in almost every case, it has been a Jew who has brought suit against school boards and municipalities. These are totally outspoken atheists. The Jewish-run ACLU which has pushed for the destruction of these Christian symbols also fits within this grouping. Today, they are laying the ground work for the removal of all town and city names which have a religious connotation: St. Paul, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Corpus Christi and thus and so....ridiculous? Well, none-the-less that is that which is under way! The head of the ACLU has openly gone on record in the boasting that "by the end of 1992, there will be no more Christian symbolism in any public place!"

Perhaps now, in view of this information and control--it might be a bit easier for you to understand why your President Eisenhower, in direct violation of your Constitution, ordered Federal troops into Little Rock, Arkansas a few years back to enforce Federal integration laws?

Can you understand why President Johnson and 66 U.S. Senators, in spite of protests from 90% of the American public, voted for the pro-Communist Counsilar Treaty which opened the U.S. wide to Communist agents and saboteurs, even when your FBI publicly acknowledged that they KNEW there were thousands of them already in your country? Can you understand better why many of these same traitors in Washington, voted at a later date to give away your Canal in Panama to a Communist dictator, even though they knew it was dangerous to the very defense of your country? Funny thing about how that worked out, isn't it? You have agreements and contracts for drugs and money laundering and by golly, he was going to "nationalize" the Bush family resort property--so, the Panama invasion to suppress Noriega--an old ally and friendly criminal brother.

These acts, dear ones, and the thousands more, can be named only as TREASON, according to your Constitution of the United States, Article III, Section 3. This section, written in words any school child can understand, defined treason as: "Treason shall consist only of, levying war against them (the U.S.) adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort". Notice nothing was said about it being necessary to be at war with a country--but your blessed government, military and administration has done that, too. Yet they turn about and call the precious few who speak out--the treasonists and non-patriotic, effort to kill them and bring ruin unto them while the nation is distracted by the lies. Well, that which goes forth shall come back in kind, a hundred-fold--it is the Cosmic Law of universal cycles of "that which ye plant--so shall ye reap in kind".

My scribe and others who scribe directly for the Master Teacher and we of the Hosts sent directly from God, are accused of being Satanic--well, in the true sense of the definition of "satan", I certainly hope so--for they are very definitely "adversaries" of evil. But it is amusing, none-the-less that they who are in direct communication are the ones accused of the falseness, and not the total bigots who threaten their very lives in the name of the "Christian community" (oh pain and agony upon all).

Why have not the American people risen up in indignation to demand that the traitors in Washington, D.C. and in your State Houses be accused, tried, convicted, and tended as traitors which they are? Why instead, do you see them being elected into office term after term after term with known indiscretions to their credit as in the case, say, of Alan Cranston of California who has cost you taxpayers BILLIONS of your dollars through illegal and criminal practices? Perhaps it could be that the statement of a well-known historian was true when he said: "TREASON prospers, what's the reason. For when TREASON prospers--NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON!" Have you regressed so far from the "faith of your fathers", which raised your country to international promi­nence, that you no longer care when traitors run rampant in the halls of gov­ernment and trample on your Constitution and practice all manners of vile, immoral acts?

The time has come, Americans, when you must insist that an immediate, in-depth investigation and revelation be made of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Zionist-Americans in Washington who seek to run your country. These MUST be brought to account along with the alien FEDERAL RESERVE SYS­TEM, which has robbed America for over 75 years. You must insist that all priding be made public and that the conspirators be brought before the American people they have so woefully wronged and receive the just punishment for their treason. The time has come when you MUST take up the scalpel of truth and remove the cancer apathy has allowed to grow on your body politic and within your religious halls and places of teaching. You can no longer sit idly by and allow corrupt government to further sell you out. For you see, your freedom will not be lost on that day when a man with a red star on his helmet and an assault weapon in his arms hauls you off to the "concentration camps", or the "liquidation centers". Your freedom is lost when you see things happen in local government, in your town, in your local churches, you know are wrong, and you sit back before your TV sets and say: "I'm just one individual you know, everyone knows you can't buck city hall." Is that day already here? You have all but killed your own beloved America. You will haul her to the burial place, bury her, and over her grave erect a headstone with this epi­taph, perhaps: "AMERICA DIED, BECAUSE THE GOOD PEOPLE OF AMERICA DIDN'T WANT TO BE BOTHERED!"

If you ever get up your "guts" enough to take this necessary step to stop this cancer, then there will surely be a of "witch hunts" and "a return to McCarthyism" and "anti-Semites" and other colorful and despicable accusations. This will come from the liberals who takedown your money in massive amounts and from the so-called "Judeo-Christian" (oh, nausea) so-called "churches". But you MUST realize that the founders of your Republic and the writers of your Constitution, even if imperfect, recognized historical fact. They knew that when a government turns from being the servant of the people, to try and master them, then it became right of the people, THEIR DUTY, to change that form of government and so preserve their God-given inalienable rights!

Every unconstitutional act of your leaders in modern times, whether by Presidents Wilson, FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, Johnson, Kennedy, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, or Bush, were in line with the plans of the International Conspirators. Every un-constitutional decision which has been issued by your
Supreme Court, whether under the liberal Earl Warren, or at this present time,
has furthered this alien control over your America. Every traitorous decision by your elected Congress since 1913 has been to further the strangle-hold these aliens have on the American people--and I do NOT refer to little gray aliens from somewhere out there!

You had best remember this: traitorous acts la your leaders, whether it be President, Congress, the Supreme Court, or whatever, never happen by any from of ACCIDENT. They have all been planned by the over-all blueprint for your destruction as a free people.

You can bet anything you wish that the 70-plus Senators who "vote the straight Zionist ticket" (over two-thirds of your Congress) are under direct orders from the Conspiracy. They are, whether or not they will admit it to you-the-people. They have been bought and paid for and the blackmail comes down heavy indeed.

Haven't you ever pondered just HOW a man can go into the U.S. Congress (when the Constitution gives the most power to the State representatives) and then come out in a few years as a multi-millionaire? Why do these men spend eight to ten million dollars to get elected to a job that pays a rather (proclaimed by the participants) meager salary? It might look good to you Joe, Tom, Dick or Harry but to those men who had to have a big raise--it must be small indeed.

It really doesn't add up, does it? Especially, when they show by their actions and their voting records that they are not all that much interested in the welfare of the people who just put them into office. Do you think they spend all that money just for the prestige it brings them? Don't be stupid, America! There are very few men in your government today who are free from the "taint of treason and therefore keep silent".

This is a good place to close this segment. We shall take up how Jacob Schiff entrapped the American people and the effect it has had on your "American Way of Life", which at one time was the shining light unto the entire world. I feel you need a bit more background prior to dealing with all that is under way this day. I am efforting to pull it together into a bit of a bundle whereby you can look at it a bit more closely and perhaps better understand why the thrust must be NOW if you are to reverse this monster which is consuming you as a nation and a people.

May God rest His hand upon your beings that you might be given into the seeing of that which is upon you. Salu.

Hatonn to clear, please.

PJ 26

THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1991 7:02 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 210

Great blessings rest upon you ones who share with us, for it is the way we can KNOW that which is concerning your conscious mind. I feel that this is a good opportunity to respond to a few notes of REAL VALUE to ALL of you. I have one from J.M. which I wish to take item by item but it fills two pages and I have attempted to respond to his questions in the aggregate of our writing or in prose, as we have moved along. Yes, Dharma, I like to give you symbols you do not use for it keeps you alert, chela. And remember, most blessed are ye who stay alert! Readers, the egg comes on the Cosmic face, however, when I misuse a quite traditional term. All of you must keep in mind that my language is of the Universal and I, too, have to learn your languages. I believe I have a pretty good vocabulary according to my scribe's proficiency--grammar as to punctuation and spelling are quite another matter and you ones please forgive our errors. I ask that editors not tamper and please know, you in the public, that much of which I do and say annoys them greatly. I KNOW most of your "rules" but some of them are totally absurd and "remove" meaning from a sentence--which, of course, is why the ridiculous placement of punctuation. It matters greatly whether or not Esu might have said to the hanging man to his right--"Today I say, you shall be with me in Paradise". or "Today, I say, you will be with me in Paradise", or "Today: I say you will be with me in Paradise". Please understand that we are NOT writing books for Journalistic ex­cellence--WE ARE BRINGING THE TRUTH UNTO YOU AS FAST AND AS SIMPLY AS WE KNOW HOW TO DO SO.

We expect to win no awards from Pulitzer nor the Nobel Peace Prize--for you must be a member of the Elite or a tool thereof and useful in some manner to the Elite--to get such awards. Besides, I feel we would fall into higher company than we could stand--for one of the Zionist Senators has come forth to nominate George Bush for the Peace prize right after he ordered the murder by bombing of some 130,000 Iraqis. This, by the way, introduces the first piece of correspondence. This is given in such love and trust that I wish you to accept it as it is given for it is such a great example.

I ask that you read it first as, say, an American and/or "Coalition" person--then, read it as an Iraqi who has lost everything, including home, family, business and all in his life--caught in hell with no place to turn for escape.

Dharma, leave out the business portion for that is private; begin with the second paragraph please.
"March 8, 1991

".....While I have your ear, I'd like to say I'm puzzled by the lack of an explanation in the Expresses for what is a very different Allied war outcome than was projected by Hatonn. There should be no blaming of Hatonn for being "wrong"..he saw what was coming and simply re­ported it. What does need to be addressed is that SOMETHING changed that projection and we need to acknowledge the tremendous dif­ference an outpouring of prayer and Love can have on a negative situa­tion. We have just witnessed a miracle of sorts and there is no mention of it! Instead of hundreds of thousands of our troops dead, they are coming home.

"Negativity can be reversed in thought and your readers need to understand this most powerful Truth. Understanding this, they will have something positive with which to work. I think some of the messages can be so overwhelming in import that they have had an adverse effect on some readers who become fearful and hopeless thinking there is nothing they can do. It's my opinion that the import of the messages need to be balanced with what readers can do to change these projections with their mind energies. They need to understand the unlimited power of Thought which is backed by Love.

"There are many more snakes in the woodpile. It would be wonder­ful to have an informed readership actively reversing in thought, with the power of Love, all the insidious plans and activities of those who would enslave mankind. That would truly be an example of God in ac­tion and make your newsletter not only an important source of informa­tion, but a most worthy tool for accomplishing the mission of saving this planet not only for a remnant but for a real harvest!

"Thank you for listening. And may the arms of the Infinite surround and protect us All forever and eternally. (L.F.)"

Thank you Linda. I believe with the more recent writings I have given you insight into what happened in the Iraqi massacre. Pure and simply--the Russians shut the holocaust down to save for yet another day.

Since this goes along with our Journal material I shall take time out for discussion of this point. It is not JUST military power supremacy--it is real con­frontation time in the Soviet Union. Gorbachev has led his people into the en­trapment of the Elite One Global Government headed by the Zionist Khazars who call themselves anything convenient to deceive the world. Gorbachev was given orders to stop the war for nuclear bombs were perched and aimed at each other, by both Iraq and Israel. The AGREEMENT was to have no NUCLEAR WAR before 1992--in the Middle East.

I care not what the media tells you--over 2 MILLION Iraqis perished in your bombing raids. Some of the most wondrous churches which have stood nine times longer than the United States has been a nation, were destroyed. You were told it was at the hands of Saddam--no; it was from the bombs directly targeted upon those ancient and sacred structures. The evidence is not public so you can get your hands on it for it has been gathered and buried as quickly as it is released. However, I ask now that information be written herein which will give you cause to "remember" that which was told to you--BEFORE THE STORY REVERSED.

On or about February 4 you were told that a church--some 1,900 years old and
claimed by many to be the oldest church in existence--was heavily damaged in air raids.

The story was ignored by the Establishment media and only came forth from underground papers and word of mouth. The media was ordered to hold the story. But you see, these things are precious within the Arab world and the news was a shock to the Arabs and it made the news of the day. Headlines in Jordan screamed objection that St. Toma (Thomas) Cathedral in the ancient city of Nineveh was destroyed. Nineveh was a remarkable city associated with the walking of the one you called Christ--and prior.

The story has now been confirmed by the Vatican. The church was some nine times older than the United States and there is much anguish for now there are pictures and the destruction is awesome. Vatican spokesmen stated: "Iraq's oldest Christian church was severely damaged by an allied bombing raid in late January. St. Thomas Church near the northern city of Mosul (across the Tigris River from the ancient city of Nineveh) was practically destroyed by bombing." You can check it for yourself, the spokesman was Joaquin Navarro-Valls of the Vatican reporting to the Catholic News Service.

The U.S. Pentagon remained mum as reports streamed back about St. Thomas Church, along with Islamic (Christian/Moslem) shrines in other Iraqi cities, being destroyed or badly damaged in targeted raids.

Navarro-Valls said the Vatican was able to confirm through its own channels that the church was bombed. He said the roof was blown away and massive destruction was throughout the structure which remained standing.

This one church in focus herein is located in ancient Nineveh, the ruins of an ancient capital of Assyria, about 120 miles north of Baghdad (about 140 miles north of ancient Babylon). The site is near Mosul, a major trading center and birthplace of Iraq's Chaldean Catholic Patriarch Raphael I. Bidawid.

Your California State Senator, Wadie P. Deddeh, a Chaldean Iraqi-American, told a local Catholic newspaper, "We don't know how many people are being maimed, injured and killed in the bombings. I pray to God that someone with Christian compassion will start to speak out as they (the Iraqi people) begin to bury their dead ones. But I don't see any compassion."

The most "telling" portion of this story is that which was given unto you-the­ public. You were told that Saddam had ordered the bombing himself. You were told a whole bunch of garbage and I become irate at the acceptance of such as if you had one-track vision. It was the bombing of the Holy places which caused the Iraqis to hold the really destructive weapons. It was felt that it would become evident that they were NOT sending all the Scuds which were being fired--but alas, the media is more powerful than the truth.

In "holding off retaliation" Israel demanded the bombing of certain sites--those of the shrines and churches. I warn you ones again--the Anti-Christ will wipe every sign of Christian belief from the planet if possible--and by any means pos­sible. Are these the precious Judeans of God? Of course not--they have no blood connection to anyone remotely referred to as Judean.

There is no such thing as "right" in war but to blow away an ancient nation and the civilians therein is heinous beyond anything I can imagine. Saddam Hussein is ONE man--no more and no less, and to slaughter men, women and children under the guise of "getting Saddam" half a world away from you and no threat unto America in any manner what-so-ever is beyond heinous; you simply have no words for the truth of it.

Precious Linda, do you see, dearest one--that it is hard for me to respond to your "miracle" through Love and Prayer? Do you see where God is placed by man? Who shall die and who shall live? Your sons or theirs? Is it a "miracle" of "Godness" to the grieving and still dying nation of Iraq? THERE ARE NO WINNERS IN WAR--WAR IS EVIL AND THERE IS NEVER JUST CAUSE FOR WAR--DEFENSE IN FACE OF DEATH IS HONORABLE--ALL WAR IS EVIL.

The Soviets stopped the war (in response to your inquiry) and you had to agree for you have not the military power of the Soviets, who, like you, have only continued massive increase in weaponry and space power. You could not even get your shuttle off the ground--remember? But yes, there is nothing more powerful than Prayer through honorable and selfless intent, through Love. It will be that which salvages your planet--through confrontation and recognition of TRUTH of how it IS. If you do not come up from out of the lies, you have no notion for that which you petition unto God.

My being is laden down with pain as I bring these messages unto you, my brothers and sisters. We write until Dharma's heart is bursting and the keyboard wet from our sorrow--but it is our commitment and our mission for it is ordained by God that you shall be brought into knowing. I, too, often plead to have this cup lifted from me I see that which lies ahead and man awakens so slowly and often--when awake--cares not in the least.

As for your troops coming home, hold up your rejoicing for the ribbons and flags will be tattered and torn before these sons and daughters of your America all come home again. SOME of your loved ones are coming home. You knew not how many were sent--over a million when you were told half as many. How many have returned? You see, you know not for in the great distraction and reveling there is no notice.

Where is Saddam? Is he really? Where are the weapons? You know that Baker has just been dealing and giving away more of your property and making concessions to Israel and now Assad in Syria. They are now pulling the most powerful terrorists together in order to control you who will object when you open your eyes, into forceful surrender.

As is coming in the Arab nations--there comes a time when the poverty and very lives in the living become so negative in oppression that death is preferred. That is when the world shall quake in her tracks for the people will ultimately rise against the offender and oppressor--remember: "From bondage comes spir­ituality, etc." You are in the Reign of Evil upon your planet. It was written thus and yes, you must act and act with intelligence--but you cannot act if you know not what against nor who is your enemy and refuse to accept same.

Yes, I am aware that our messages are of such magnificent and overwhelming import that they have an adverse effect on some readers--through fear and hope­lessness. However, I must continue to give forth unto dim strong and allow the weak to gain strength in their own time for the moment is at hand for the unveiling and so shall it come to be that Truth be laid bare and the beast revealed for he has all but devoured your civilization and destroyed the wondrous Mother Planet as well in his greed and need for blood and destruction. I shall not back away in order to offend no one--I shall continue to pour forth Truth until the cup of lies is emptied.

My brother, whom you have called Pale Prophet, Jesus, Esu, etc., (the Christos now Sananda), travels in my presence upon the craft of the golden wings of the Phoenix craft and he is giving forth explanation of the commandments as origi­nally presented in truth, as well as setting the words to right which have been changed by the deceivers. That will come forth to you as it is readied for the printing. It shall come from another scribe so that you ones can better find bal­ance of acceptance and Dharma cannot bear this burden alone--the load is too heavy in your trap of "time".

As to your "business", Linda. Do not think that anything has changed greatly in the "business" world. They plan to take it all from you-the-people and I cannot project that which will be by July nor would I make projection if I could. The shackles are tightening daily behind the distractions. You are getting ready to be dumped on again--an additional $30 BILLION was just poured into the S&L RTC. Your banks are being shifted to central banking under the claws of the "Big One"--the entire thrust is to structure the entire world (and it is under way from Employee/Pension benefits to Health Insurance) under one form of operation. The plan is to move out of the U.S. in massive evacuation to places where labor is cheap and no problem, leaving America to pay the price and be reduced to willingness to come under the PLAN. This is all set to be in place and operational by year 2000. So you see time is running on the clock and windows of opportunity are likely to be brief at best. You must each take that which we can share with you and then go with that which seems right in action--I can do no more and certainly my human counterparts who take this additional load unto themselves in service unto you readers, can do no more than offer and serve.

May I, herein, take opportunity to give a humble "thank-you" to one who has gifted our publisher with funds to send volumes of information unto some 170 legislators in the state of North Carolina. He has asked for silence as to resource but we of the brotherhood of Hosts, thank you most gratefully. I ask that California State Senator, Wadie P. Deddeh get as much information personally, as you can send to him--immediately! George, will you see to it, son? You ones tend to forget that the Iraqis, too, are your brothers and fellow-citizens and the pain is beyond belief for these brothers for they have not been pulled away so completely from family and tradition as have the generations of Americans under constant attack and deceiving.

How can it be that the most wondrous nation in the world has come to be the most feared and abhorred? The rest of the nations can see that which has come to be and hold only love for you-the-people and feel great sorrow for you for the veil has not been drawn so tightly as to blind others as has been done unto

Be aware of that which is coming in getting you prepared--every day now, they are telling you NOT to expect the rest of all your loved ones home for this or that reason, in Iraq. They are telling you openly that it will be a long time before you can have your loved ones back--LISTEN TO THAT WHICH THEY SAY TO YOU!

Think you that all the mysterious crashes and petro/chemical company explosions are accidental acts of nature? Come, come, beloved ones--do not tie the yellow ribbons into blindfolds--you are under attack in a most insidious manner and the facts are instantly covered to insure no panic while the "Elite" come to understanding. You are getting some follow-up lessons of hand-slapping for launching a Vandenberg missile and an Arian French rocket with your military satellite aboard last week. The government knew EXACTLY where the retalia­tion would be to the place and minute. The enemy you do not yet perceive has incredible abilities at command.

Now, Dharma, print the second letter please, the one asking anonymity within the press, from Dr. C.J.M.

"March 10, '91

"Dear Hatonn,

"I want to confirm your allegation that the news media is completely controlled. I was "shocked" when this happened on commercial TV, but it just confirms what you said and if there are deletions and manipula­tions of facts on this one incident, then I can imagine what goes on on a large scale. A few weeks ago, right after the ground war started, there was a plane crash at Los Angeles International Airport. RIGHT AWAY WITHIN MINUTES, ON THE SPOT, reporters were there talking to wit­nesses, live in person and witnesses over the phone. At least five wit­nesses said that they heard a "POP", an explosion and there were large flames engulfing the tail section 10 - 20 miles away from the airport from where people were watching from their apartments. Later on--on the "regular" news hour and the days following, nothing was ever men­tioned about this and it was blamed totally on airport controllers and the congested traffic. Sincerely, CJM."

I believe this speaks clearly for truth in reporting. I can give you more personal information. On the following day from that "crash" my scribe was in L.A. and "happened" to bump into a young reporter from one of the L.A. TV chan­nels, who is a friend of Scribe's son. He had been on "duty" all night from the moment of the crash and never left the site until 20 minutes before the encounter. He said that all information was censored and "no-one" could "or would" say what happened but it appeared the smaller plane underneath was NOT in the flight path but actually off to the side of the runway--so something was badly amiss and reporters were simply not being given information. I believe we all know what happened! Dear ones, if you allow yourselves to be se­dated--then I hope you sleep well for you are in the midst of it--you are losing your nation and your freedom. So be it.

I need my Scribe elsewhere so we shall bring this to a close. When we write again, we will pick up with the Journal, Dharma, but I needed to respond publicly to these two writers. Thank you.

I wish to acknowledge some incredibly interesting information which continues to flow from a group who has done great research into these adversary groups of which we are writing, and in addition, are unearthing great control having been inserted from the Vatican/Papal source. Indeed, dear ones, we will get there also, for do you not see? It is all of the same. Evil has usurped every place of Godness and is now bringing into final unification, the Elite Plan. Dear ones, cannot speak strongly enough--you are in grave circumstance and I plead with you to see and hear for the time is at hand for that which you have been expecting for lo, these generations. The time has come for the revelations.

Salu, Gyeorgos Hatonn