PJ 26

MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1991 8:16 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 207

Now, I believe, you ones can see that which was planned in the igniting of the fires in all the oil wells. Listen to that which is NOT said along with that which IS. Firstly, with great shock they announce that it "...appeared as if the demolition and ignition material was planned ' months' in advance rather than at the last minute." I personally told you months and months ago that it was thor­oughly "planned" and set up--and your "coalition" watched and waited while the Iraqis did it. Then the wells that were not detonated by Iraq were ignited by your planes with the use of napalm.

This was all done with full knowledge of Kuwait. Why? Because the other oil producing nations could increase their output, raise the price and a goodly deal was made with Kuwait while her wells were burning. This allows some other nations to make some money while the production appears to be needed---WATCH THE OPEC CONFERENCE AND LISTEN!

How many of you got your confirmation squared away with 60 MINUTES last evening? Assad, as I told you, wiped out thousands and thousands of Lebanese AFTER the agreement with the U.S. & Coalition over Iraq. In addition, added onto the 800,000 million dollars to Assad personally, there is an additional $3 BILLION going to Assad and Syria.

Next, did you hear Baker and his spokesmen? The announcement is: "...it appears we will have long term occupation of the area because of the heinous use of force by Hussein on his own country." I told you yesterday that the stories coming forth are a cover for you ones "being forced to not allow your troops to come home".

Confirmation of another fact, please: I told you that there are groups of your men in Iraq and Kuwait who are missing and many more of your people killed than you can possibly know. You had to admit the deaths as your own "friendly fire" slew them--but it is now "being denied" that a whole group of Green Beret forces are not accounted for after they went into Kuwait and some into Iraq. You must stay alert or you will miss bunches of very important in­formation.

I warn you--Saddam is being sabotaged and some very criminal and inhuman things are being done by terrorists to make it appear Saddam is perpetrating them--to cause continued civil war in the region--you are witnessing evil in full flower! A lot of those "sweet and innocent" Kurds come right out of the origi­nal bloodlines of the Khazars and you have many who were brought out into Europe and into the U.S. under the auspicies of Israel. Iraq is totally infiltrated with Mossad terrorists and you are witnessing "retaliation" in most heinous form. So be it, for in this time of chaos, it will be filled with unrest and brother against brother. So be it.

Dharma, allow us to please continue with our Journal subject. I believe we have straightened out your computer but I would appreciate it if you would check your options, etc. now, before we begin. Thank you--for you see they have tampered with the programming so that the saving mechanism is non-func­tional. I believe we are fine now.

We will begin with No. 4 of Accomplishment Plans of the Rothschilds and Illuminati.

No. 4
At the time of Weishaupt, one of the most critical issues was to take control of the press, since this was the only means of communication at this time. Now we have the added burden of books, magazines, the radio and of course, TV. You don't have to be extremely brilliant to see how these elements can be used in brainwashing a people. It is through the elements of the media that people are convinced that only through one-world government can you expect to escape the horrors of a nuclear war and the problems associated with food, poverty and disease.

I'm sure that many of you who will read this information know who controls the press in America. For those of you who do not, here are some facts for you to recognize. Almost a thousand (1,000) major newspapers, with a daily readership of over 47-million--are Jewish owned and/or controlled completely; over 48 top weekly magazines with a weekly readership of over 79-million are Jew­ish owned and/or controlled; magazines such as Ladies Home Journal, Readers Digest, U.S. News and World Report, Newsweek, Time and TV News.

For a while T. Turner had kept CNN pretty clean and separate and then, he too, succumbed and in return became THE channel which would be allowed to cover the world of the Middle East and feed disinformation to you and to Saddam during this conflict. How do you know "when" he became such a top banana? Remember Gorbachev's visit to obtain your wheat and make a "friendly tourist trip about the U.S."? Well, next, do you remember who joined the Gor­bachev's and Bush's at a White House dinner and were dining "mates"? Ah so--yes indeed, your old dissident friend who had been all but banned, Jane Fonda and her lover, Ted Turner! Watch constantly or you miss the fun clues. Turner broadcasting has made millions and millions off this little "war deal". First, you are sucked in to get any kind of "news" and then when the world is tuned in to CNN--you get the BS by the buckets full. This is brainwashing and training at its easiest.

All the major TV networks are Jewish Zionist controlled as are all the major movie studios with the possible exception of maybe one or two who are not al­lowed to deviate much from the programming prescribed lest they go-under.

With such a control, you can see why government leaders believe they have the right to lie to "you-the-people", and why you are among the worst brainwashed peoples in the world, the Soviet Union not withstanding.

It has finally reached the point where your CFR controlled government can lie with impunity to the American people and they will be believed by the majority, even when it has been proven over and over again that they are liars! They even tell you that they are lying to you--for a purpose--and you believe that which they tell you is the lie. They told you on CNN, for instance, that this was a war of emotional misinformation "...to throw off Hussein", and what do you do--thrive on the 24 hours-a-day disinformation as if they hadn't even told you that was exactly that which they were doing. They made those announce­ments at station breaks, etc., so that in the Middle East no-one would know. It was an exceptional way to keep your troops totally misinformed also. IT WORKED!

Now, look at the wondrous parties and overdone frenzy for your returning troops from Saudi. No-one even notes the return of bunches of troops from Liberia and yet the world goes mad as ones come back from Saudi Arabia. It is almost pathetic for as some of the soldiers put it--"...we waited around for months and only got to 'work' less than one day and it was kind'a disappointing." You have no idea how many of your precious loved ones perished, some at their own hands of suicide, during those months of waiting and then in action of which you were denied information. The general assumption is that if you are scattered about the country and an announcement is made that a hundred men are killed, your loved one would be assumed to be one of the hundred. The only time you got a fairly accurate count was when many came from the same base and had to be acknowledged for their loss would be noted. Also, please note that some were given as dead--with obituaries--and were alive; that would tell you that the military was PREPARED with the proper disinformation stats.

And what of those ones in pain from their return from Vietnam. In your efforts to not repeat the homecoming fiasco--you have distorted this homecoming and the big boys have had you again--there are hardly any who would not now go right back to "defend" and "patrol" for they are now heroes for killing off hundreds of thousands of innocent people. You move like the swarms of birds or schools of fish at the orchestration of your dictators.

Do I discount the value of each returning life? By Grace, no--I cherish each one who makes it through the veil of darkness in any measure of "intact" but am appalled at what will happen to those returning ones within the month when they effort to relocate and adjust and now face the problems of making up for lost income, lost associations, etc. Believe me, the government has tremendous war plans in front of you and you ARE the Coalition.

A lot of newspaper men know this is true and some of them have great twinges of conscience because of it. There were some, beginning back in World War I, who when asked for a toast before the New York Press Club on occasions of public gatherings have said, in the words of one specific spokesman, "There is no such thing at this date as an independent press. You know it and I know it! There is not one of you who dares to write his honest opinions, and if you did, you know before hand that it would never appear in print. I am paid a good salary for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you would be foolish to write honest opinions, since you would be out on the street, looking for another job...if I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The busi­ness of this journalist is to destroy the truth; to lie outrightly; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and sell his country and-his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it!...We are the tools of the rich men behind the scenes. We are jumping jacks...they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents and our lives are all the property of other men...we are intellectual prostitutes." (This, the sad comments of an honest journalist on retirement before the New York Press Club, John Swinton, and one of the most recognized press men during that period of time.

Let us take another look back to the first days of the Illuminati. Because Britain and France were the greatest nations in the world at this time, in the latter years of the 18th Century, Weishaupt was ordered to foment colonial wars, including your own Revolutionary War. Their purpose was to weaken France and Eng­land. The French Revolution was scheduled to start in 1789, but in 1784 an act of God upset the timetable of the conspirators. This act proved to the Bavarian Government that there was indeed a conspiracy and that the Illuminati were at the head of it. The evidence they received could have spared France and saved that nation from its bloody revolution, but the French leaders refused to believe the evidence, much as most of the American people refuse to believe it today.

(Dharma, check the options for they have just removed your "autosave" com­mand. Thank you.)

In 1774, when Weishaupt issued his orders, which were in manuscript form, a copy was sent to Bospierre, who was to head the French Revolution. The courier who was carrying this manuscript was struck by lightning as he rode through a heavy thunderstorm somewhere between Frankfurt, Germany and Paris (or so the story went). The Bavarian police found the manuscript, which was immediately turned over to the Bavarian officials. These promptly ordered raids on the newly organized Lodges of the Masonic Grand Orient and the homes of Weishaupt and his most influential associates. Enough additional evi­dence was found in these raids that the authorities were convinced of the au­thenticity of the manuscript.

In 1785, the Bavarian Government outlawed the Illuminati and they were forced to go underground: all lodges of the grand Orient in Bavaria were closed. Then in 1786, the Bavarian Government published details of the plot. If this had hap­pened in 1988, they would have probably sealed this information for at least fifty years, much as they did evidence on the assassinations of John Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr.

Copies of this conspiratorial document were sent to the heads of all European countries, but such was the power of the Illuminati in these governments--and of course this refers to the power of the Jewish Rothschild's, that it was universally ignored and the French Revolution took place as scheduled in 1789.

At this time, 1786, Weishaupt ordered his agents to infilter the lodges and form secret societies inside secret societies. Only Masons who were Internationalists, or those who were especially approved by the Illuminati were allowed to join these new organizations. One of the qualifications was that they must renounce God and accept the leadership of Lucifer (pain and agony indeed). While they carried out their subversive activities, they carefully camouflaged them under humanitarian and philanthropic acts, which concealed their revolutionary and subversive intents.

In order to infilter the Masonic Lodges (Dharma, autosave is gone again--please write the document. We will check out the computer at break.) of Britain, Weishaupt invited a man named John Robinson to Europe. Robinson was a very high ranking Mason in the Scottish rites. He was a professor of Natural History at the University of Edinborough. Robinson did not fall for the trickery of the Illuminati, to form what they called a "benevolent dictatorship". But he kept his reactions to himself so well that he was entrusted with a copy of Weishaupt's Constitution.

Because the heads of both church and State ignored the warnings given them by Robinson, the French Revolution was soon in full swing, drenching that country in the blood of innocent Frenchmen.

In order to alert other governments which might be affected, Robinson published a book in 1798 titled PROOFS OF A CONSPIRACY TO DESTROY ALL GOVERNMENTS AND RELIGIONS. Once again, his warning fell on deaf ears, exactly as you see happening this very day in America.

While many Americans are most touchy about believing this, there is ample proof that your own Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton were avid students of Weishaupt. Jefferson became one of Weishaupt's staunchest defenders in the New World and it was Jefferson who introduced the Illuminati to the newly organized Masonic Lodges of the Scottish rites in America, over the protest of Gen. George Washington.

It was men like 'Thomas Paine and St. Germain who tried to bring these things to your attention and you rebuffed them. They summed it up as being such as to "SPIT AGAINST THE WIND".

In 1789, Robinson warned all Masonic leaders in America that the Illuminati had infiltered their lodges and on July 19, 1789, the President of Harvard University, himself a high ranking Mason, issued the same warning to the graduat­ing class, lecturing them on the influences the Illuminati had on American reli­gion and politics. To top this all off, John Quincy Adams, who had helped or­ganize the New England Masonic Lodges, issued a similar warning. He wrote three letters to top American Masonic leaders in which he outlined how Jeffer­son was using his influence in the Lodges for the benefit of the Illuminati. Those three letters are now in the Whittenberg Library in Philadelphia. In short, whether or not you wish to accept it, Thomas Jefferson, the founder of the Democratic Party, was a member of the Illuminati. This, of course, had influence in establishing a "liberal" image.

Realizing that they could not seduce the Russian Czar, the Rothschilds began a new attack against the money systems of the European nations and the United States. They used a very tricky method to gain control of the English Banking System. During the Battle of Waterloo, in 1815, the Rothschilds were able to falsify a report of the battle, so that the English people believed that Napoleon had won. (Shades of Iraq? Who did really win the Kuwait/Iraq conflict, chelas? How do you know??) The British Stock Market plummeted and shares fell to rock bottom. Who was there to buy them up at a few cents on the dollar? You guessed it--Mr. Rothschild's agents--and who do you think is there to establish millions from the oil debacle this day?? You guessed it! When the true news came that Napoleon had been defeated, the stocks went sky high and the Roth­schilds cleared millions of pounds in profits and ended by controlling the econ­omy of both England and the Continent. (Care to give a full dissertation on the facts of this Middle East conflict? Funny thing--Saddam Hussein also "claimed victory". Would "lips" Bush ever lie to you?? Are you just a bit uncomfort­able? I certainly do hope so!! Where did all those nice Republican Guards go? Where are all those really lethal and dastardly weapons of Saddam's? What ex­actly, are you-the-people given to back up anything they tell you? I suggest you be very selective in that which you believe to be shown "before your very eyes"!)

Rothschild forced Britain to set up a new bank of England, which he totally controlled. This was similar to a later criminal activity, when a group of International gangsters led by Jacob Schiff had the Federal Reserve Act passed in 1913. (Schiff? Oh, yes, the same--pharmaceutical magnate! Try reading MURDER BY INJECTION and RAPE OF JUSTICE, both by Eustace Mullins. I prefer to not require Dharma do all that extra work of re-giving you facts when it is so beautifully available and researched superbly. Contact America West for I have asked that they carry these books for your confirmation. I greatly honor Eustace Mullins, among others who have braved the enemy and continued to serve their fellow-men.)

At this point, I think it might be good for us to look at the activity of the Illumi­nati in the United States.

In 1826, one Capt. William Morgan, a high ranking Mason, decided it was his duty to inform all American Masons how their lodges had been infiltered by the Illuminati. The Illuminati, through the Masonic Lodge, tried Morgan in "absentia", and sentenced him to death. Morgan was warned and fled to Canada. But the executioner, an English Mason named Richard Howard, caught up with him near Niagara Falls and killed him. This was verified in court through sworn statements and by a thorough police investigation--at a time when such could still be considered somewhat valid. The testimony of the trial is on record in the New York City archives if you wish to peruse them and can get someone to allow you to examine them.

Very few members of the Masonic Lodge or the general public know any of
this, nor that the public disapproval of this act was so general that it closed down over half of the Masonic Lodges in the Northern Jurisdiction of North America.

In the early 1850's, the illuminati held a secret meeting in New York which was addressed by a British Illuminist named Wright. Those in attendance were told that the Illuminists were organizing Nihilists, atheists and other subversive groups into an International organization which was to become known as "Communism". It was intended to be the supreme weapon of terror which would eventually control the world.

Communism was to be used to foment wars and revolutions. Quentin Roosevelt, an ancestor of F.D.R., Horace Greeley, a well-known newspaper publisher, and Charles Daner were appointed to head a commission to raise funds for this new venture. Of course, most of these funds came from the Rothschild's. It was this fund that financed Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, when they wrote "DAS KAPITAL", and "THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO".

Commu (Dharma, STOP! The computer is going to shu

PJ 26

TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1991 8:04 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 208

Hold up for just a minute, Dharma--let me finish checking out this equipment for it has really been worked over in order to destroy our work. Thank you.

Check your options, please. You see, all your "save" orders are wiped out so we shall have to be most careful and check frequently.

I have a stack of correspondence needing response and there are many subjects of great current value to allow you to see that which I have been expounding upon for these last days, but I must have this scribe elsewhere for a portion of this morning, therefore, I shall stick to the Journal subject for the most part and later we will put together a special Express in order to unfold response to these inquiries as each is of great importance--especially the one on cloning and robotoid duplicates.

I also have a barrage of inquiries regarding a new release by Donald S. McAlvany. I honor Mr. McAlvany for his insightful work--however, I take excep­tion to his conclusions in many instances. He is absolutely correct regarding the "threat" to the U.S. from the Soviets. However, he is incorrect in his percep­tion of the Anti-Christ and the role of Zionists ("Jews") of the current day in relationship to "Israel" (the nation which was Palestine). I would like to enlarge upon that greatly and this is an excellent Journal to handle the subject. Please bear with me and we will discuss these things as he presents them to you, and have discussion regarding current status.

I herein need to make a correction to an Express which has gone forth from here for I believe it does not express my attitude and further, I ask that anything added to Expresses or Journals by another of human input state as much for we are finding that what HATONN IS SUPPOSED TO HAVE SAID DOES NOT IN ALL INSTANCES EXPRESS THE INTENT OF HATONN.

There was a recent statement expressing the fact that in the events as they stand in the Middle East, that there is a possible window open for participation in some kind of investment against gold. I further expressed that our friends herein, are willing and able to assist but I was projected as saying the window is quickly "closing". If I left that impression or misspoke, I greatly apologize. I feel it is merely misinterpretations of the group who put the messages to final print. The window may very well be slamming shut at this very second--but the way the expression comes across is that we somehow are soliciting and we are NOT. Remember please, that I have to also work with "probabilities" and al­though I can see in many instances "exactly" that which is, from planning boards and meetings, etc., I cannot and do not interfere with free-will choice nor interject definitive time limits which can easily be changed by events and impacted by alternative possibilities.

The time IS SHORT for availability of changing out investments but I request that no further limits be placed on my instructions by any of my people. If there appears to be some limitations placed, please inquire of me prior to any printing or additions. We make available, if we can, that which is needed and offers possibilities with some measure of safety. We are in NO business of metals nor any other substance other than the written WORD. America West, however, is in the publishing business and presents many publications other than the Journals, etc., as I have said in prior writings--some of which I take great exception. However, it is HIS business and none of mine--except where my work is involved.

He is an astute business man and works with ones who are totally reputable and able to institute our suggestions--nothing more and nothing less. If you are dealing with ones who sell investments in the market, or metals on the market--they have primary interest in their investment business therefore, we go to ones who check out in total integrity and have no vested interest what-so-ever.

I, too, believe the window of "investment against gold" to be very short-lived, but on the other hand, if things do not go as the conspirators desire, there may be a bit more time.

We are not mystical "fortune tellers", we are working with probabilities through a much more sophisticated projection system and we know the intended plans and the intended outcome of the plans. This gives us vision of both ends of the road but the journey to the distant end is covered with perturbations. If your intent is to do that which is of pure intent in the service unto God--ye shall not be given to blunder. If ye act for selfish reasons to somehow, "clean up" in a miserable world situation--please, take your business somewhere else. We are pleased to be of service and all should do very well, but I remind you--our business is to get through this period of time in as much wholeness as is possible in a world of total chaos. I can guarantee you of but one thing--THE INTENT OFTHE ELITE IS TO GARNER ALL OF YOUR ASSETS IN ONE MAN­NER OR ANOTHER--THE METHODS ARE IN PLACE AND AWAITING PROPER MOMENT TO INSTIGATE SAME--WITH TOTAL SURPRISE IN THAT THE HONEST MAN HAS NO TIME TO COVER HIS ASSETS NOR SECURITY CACHES AND/OR INVENTORY. THE PLAN IS TO TAKE ALL CASH AND RENDER THAT WHICH YOU HAVE, WORTHLESS AS SOON AS FEASIBLE. PROBABLY, ALSO, GOLD IN SAFE-DEPOSIT BOXES AND KNOWN STORES WILL BE CONFISCATED JUST AS IN 1932/33. As I study the probabilities, I still come up with the best mode of operation is to get collateral bought against notes with your assets. Note that even the foreign investors are PULLING OUT OF T-BILL's, CD's etc. YOU HAVE A MULTI-BILLION, MOVING ON TO A TRILLION DOLLAR, WAR TO PAY FOR AND YOU HAVEN'T EVEN BEGUN THE REAL WAR--YOU HAVE ONLY PLAYED AROUND IN THE DESERT MAKING A PLATFORM FROM WHICH THE ELITE CONSPIRATORS FOR GLOBAL DOMINATION CAN PERFORM.

Thank you for inquiring: A motion picture complex of the most advanced holo­graphic filming equipment (unknown yet to full service of man), in a domed complex which will withstand winds of minimum 150 mph without sustaining damage. The motion picture complex will be complimented with domes hous­ing international television broadcasting facilities. Motion pictures and Televi­sion productions will be advanced in interest and TRUTH--the first film is al­most ready to begin shooting--SIPAPU ODYSSEY.

Then we have a...plant for creating and perfecting machinery for compressed earth (ShanStone) building material. We have a particle cement (molded housing of cement) facility.

We have organic, hydroponic and aerobic gardening in underground or earth‑
compressed material for High-yield food production and reclamation of water
and nutrients. We have a biomass operation planned, along with solar capability installations and "free energy production" as we can safely give it unto you.
And of course, the WORD shall continue to flow in print as well as put to audio tapes to facilitate convenience for those who either have no time, inclination or lack reading capability (blind, etc.)--there is a whole variety of life-sustaining (with comfort and beauty) projects ready for the groundbreaking--some already well underway.

We have no "commune" facilities and actually have not even a "group" for there is full intent to NEVER GIVE OUR ENEMY ADVANTAGE BY LOOPING US INTO SOME "CULT" SITUATION TO BE BROUGHT DOWN BY SAME. We do have a "little" gathering which we call the Holy Light Network for the benefit of gathering and discussing actions and possibilities and where I can commune personally. Mostly we work in exactly this manner--presenting the Truth to print with anticipation of full physical integration as it becomes safe for you and for our teams.

As for ones outside our very limited number of "placed" receivers--I have no comment. Ones believe themselves to be valid when actually they are set-up to later discredit the work from this place. IF YOU FEEL YOU ARE SELECTED--YOU WOULD NEVER WRITE TO MY SCRIBE OR THE PUB­LISHER ASKING CLEARANCE. That usually indicates that you are writing something that YOU WISH PUBLISHED and it may or may not be from the Lighted Brotherhood--usually not, unless you are well-learned in clearing of space and recognizing "speakers"--there is no need for questioning if your speakers are VALID IN GOD'S SERVICE. THERE WILL ALWAYS BE OUESTION IF THE MESSAGES ARE COMING FROM GOD'S ADVERSARY. This does not mean that there won't be "doubts" if you write for God Almighty Creator--it is just that you will know how to identify and require identification and there will be no "hedging". Further, you continue to ask my input--I have no right to interpret nor interfere with another's scribes--good or ill-intended. Much exceptional information comes from ones who simply study very well the Journals and/or other valid information and I have no right to deny ones any right--and do, in fact, plead with you ones to extend the reach of Truth as freely as possible--Truth should be copied, reprinted and shared to the fullest possible extent. We are so pressed for time in the human format that I cannot ask insight on every piece of material written. I evaluate that which is known to me as valid and consider any sent unto me for consideration, but we receive piles of writings asking verification as to validity in everything from "time justification" to astrological numerology. My scribe simply does not have time for human life and I cannot ask her for more until we get our basic infor­mation unto you-the-people.

If you are writing now, and have cleared your space--demanding withdrawal of all dark energies in THE NAME OF HOLY GOD OF LIGHTED CREATION with full intent of meaning of that statement in love and service unto God--then keep writing and it will evolve properly--please don't simply hop on a good-looking bandwagon for time is too short in your counting of "remaining time" to play games. Become discerning and glean that which is Truth of God from writings and learn that which is NOT and cast it aside--you shall learn to be most discerning and TRUTH WILL STAND ALL TESTING, PROVING AND INTEGRITY.

Dharma, take care--the save mechanism is gone again and the machine just cut off this instant for it is set by our adversary to wipe out the program when you hit the "write/save" cue. We have saved it each time but be alert for we will lose a lot of work if we are not most cautious.

Let us just turn from this discussion and see if we can get a bit of our original subject to print. If the equipment is in too bad a state of tampering, we shall simply have to give it up for today.

We were speaking of the start-up of Communism, so let us begin herein at that point where we left off yesterday's discussion.

Communism was not to be an ideology, but a secret weapon, a "boogie-man word", to serve the ulterior purposes of the Illuminati. "World War II was a Zionist plot to make way for the foundation of the Jewish State in Palestine. Zionist and Nazi leaders collaborated on Jewish immigration from Russia to Palestine and the United States. Testifying at the trial of Ernst Zundel, an anti-Zionist "Jew" who was an outstanding personality of the time in point, testified in Toronto, Canada in March 1988, "Zionism was willing to sacrifice the whole of European Jewry for a Zionist State. Everything was done to create a state of Israel and that was only possible through a world war. Wall Street and Jewish large bankers aided the war effort on both sides.

"Zionists are also to blame for provoking growing hatred for Jews in 1988." (Taken from THE TORONTO STAR, March 31, 1988).

Weishaupt died in 1830, but prior to his death, he prepared a revised version of
the age-old conspiracy which, under various facades, was to control all the international subversive organizations, by working their agents into executive positions at the top of governments.

In the United States you have seen such men as President Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson and Jimmy Carter, and other high-ranking officials such as Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, George Schultz, Gen. George Marshall, Owen Lattimore, Vice/President George Bush, and many more, who were stooges of the conspiracy. Now you can add dozens to the listing as you move into deeper involvement in war and gun controls, dis­solving of your Constitution, etc. They will represent direct participants, not stooges "for".

World War II was to finally be fomented between political Zionism and their "yes" man, the United States and your one-time staunch anti-Communist friends, the Arab states. The conspiratorial agents are even now hard at work setting up more outreaching war and it has reached the explosion point in the Near East as well. Even as we write, the United States is still exchanging gun­fire with the Iraqi Moslem state and heinous terrorist attacks are under way in that area which are called the responsibility of Saddam's government while the unrest and attacks are staged and orchestrated literally, by the Israeli Mossad who is totally infiltrated within Iraq and all the Middle East nations.

The final great war is planned to so weaken the nations of the Free World that they will become fractionalized and will be ready for "peace at any price, even that of slavery", while the Elite continue to grow stronger and stronger. The conspirators believe the nations who fight this war will have fought themselves into a state of complete exhaustion and economic bankruptcy, so that they can step in and pick up the pieces and thus achieve world control. How many millions of people die is totally immaterial to them.

Can any intelligent person see what has happened in the Near East, Middle East and Central America and parts of South America and continue to be so naive as to actually believe it has happened by accident?

It is so bad, and I shall cover this probably tomorrow, that Israel has been and continues to sell American high-tech defense secrets to everyone--anywhere. Your government set up "laws" preventing your own companies from doing business with certain ones--so, Israel takes up the vacant places, works out deals and goes full-bore ahead while your little companies, now deprived of their livelihood, collapse. The big business cycles around and comes right back to roost in the laps of the big boy Elitists.

Even the information regarding these transactions makes it back into the U.S. through very devious and around-about measures--usually through blundering of press and media who let the truth slip through occasionally. For instance, be­tween 1984, when Israel struck a secret deal with China for the sale of over $3 BILLION worth of high-tech tank equipment, and the end of 1989, the mini-­state supplied the giant communist nations with a very broad sampling of so­phisticated weapons systems and advanced defense designs right off the U.S. drawing boards and some in totally fabricated form. How can this happen? Easily--right through the sanctions and with the blessings of the government of Corazon Aquino in the Philippines.

Using the Philippines as a secret base and transshipment point, Israel sold the Chinese: missile technology, anti-tank and naval weapons, armor-piercing sabot shells, laser targeting instruments, sophisticated avionics, electronic surveillance and command systems, hypervelocity artillery and numerous other products of the most advanced American military technology. Then, as a secret maneuver, as the Saudis came to the U.S. and Britain to buy long-range missiles--the U.S. refused to sell, the British sold some but most limited at the demands of Israel, and so, the Saudis went to China and China very cooperatively dismantled and re-setup the missiles in Saudi Arabia. Thus, the full circle was completed to the point there is no way to tell one missile from another, one tank from another, etc. It is impossible not to "kill by friendly fire"--everything looks like, and is like, everything else.

Please note again--at the first confrontation on the ground in this present war--the tanks which were plentiful were of the worst calibre possible and so were the fighting troops of Iraq--it was intended that the tanks not operate well and the troops be captured. It was a total testing of your abilities with the least possible loss to the Iraqis. The tanks were CHINESE and ones which the Chinese do no longer use. Your army NEVER encountered the Elite Republican Guard nor the advanced divisions of Soviet armor. This should make you so nervous that the old stomach ulcers are intensely painful at this point of whatever they are doing in the Middle East for it is NOT THAT WHICH THEY ARE TELLING YOU' If It

(Computer locked up.)