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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 26

    MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1991 8:16 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 207

    Now, I believe, you ones can see that which was planned in the igniting of the fires in all the oil wells. Listen to that which is NOT said along with that which IS. Firstly, with great shock they announce that it "...appeared as if the demolition and ignition material was planned ' months' in advance rather than at the last minute." I personally told you months and months ago that it was thor­oughly "planned" and set up--and your "coalition" watched and waited while the Iraqis did it. Then the wells that were not detonated by Iraq were ignited by your planes with the use of napalm.

    This was all done with full knowledge of Kuwait. Why? Because the other oil producing nations could increase their output, raise the price and a goodly deal was made with Kuwait while her wells were burning. This allows some other nations to make some money while the production appears to be needed---WATCH THE OPEC CONFERENCE AND LISTEN!

    How many of you got your confirmation squared away with 60 MINUTES last evening? Assad, as I told you, wiped out thousands and thousands of Lebanese AFTER the agreement with the U.S. & Coalition over Iraq. In addition, added onto the 800,000 million dollars to Assad personally, there is an additional $3 BILLION going to Assad and Syria.

    Next, did you hear Baker and his spokesmen? The announcement is: "...it appears we will have long term occupation of the area because of the heinous use of force by Hussein on his own country." I told you yesterday that the stories coming forth are a cover for you ones "being forced to not allow your troops to come home".

    Confirmation of another fact, please: I told you that there are groups of your men in Iraq and Kuwait who are missing and many more of your people killed than you can possibly know. You had to admit the deaths as your own "friendly fire" slew them--but it is now "being denied" that a whole group of Green Beret forces are not accounted for after they went into Kuwait and some into Iraq. You must stay alert or you will miss bunches of very important in­formation.

    I warn you--Saddam is being sabotaged and some very criminal and inhuman things are being done by terrorists to make it appear Saddam is perpetrating them--to cause continued civil war in the region--you are witnessing evil in full flower! A lot of those "sweet and innocent" Kurds come right out of the origi­nal bloodlines of the Khazars and you have many who were brought out into Europe and into the U.S. under the auspicies of Israel. Iraq is totally infiltrated with Mossad terrorists and you are witnessing "retaliation" in most heinous form. So be it, for in this time of chaos, it will be filled with unrest and brother against brother. So be it.

    Dharma, allow us to please continue with our Journal subject. I believe we have straightened out your computer but I would appreciate it if you would check your options, etc. now, before we begin. Thank you--for you see they have tampered with the programming so that the saving mechanism is non-func­tional. I believe we are fine now.

    We will begin with No. 4 of Accomplishment Plans of the Rothschilds and Illuminati.

    No. 4
    At the time of Weishaupt, one of the most critical issues was to take control of the press, since this was the only means of communication at this time. Now we have the added burden of books, magazines, the radio and of course, TV. You don't have to be extremely brilliant to see how these elements can be used in brainwashing a people. It is through the elements of the media that people are convinced that only through one-world government can you expect to escape the horrors of a nuclear war and the problems associated with food, poverty and disease.

    I'm sure that many of you who will read this information know who controls the press in America. For those of you who do not, here are some facts for you to recognize. Almost a thousand (1,000) major newspapers, with a daily readership of over 47-million--are Jewish owned and/or controlled completely; over 48 top weekly magazines with a weekly readership of over 79-million are Jew­ish owned and/or controlled; magazines such as Ladies Home Journal, Readers Digest, U.S. News and World Report, Newsweek, Time and TV News.

    For a while T. Turner had kept CNN pretty clean and separate and then, he too, succumbed and in return became THE channel which would be allowed to cover the world of the Middle East and feed disinformation to you and to Saddam during this conflict. How do you know "when" he became such a top banana? Remember Gorbachev's visit to obtain your wheat and make a "friendly tourist trip about the U.S."? Well, next, do you remember who joined the Gor­bachev's and Bush's at a White House dinner and were dining "mates"? Ah so--yes indeed, your old dissident friend who had been all but banned, Jane Fonda and her lover, Ted Turner! Watch constantly or you miss the fun clues. Turner broadcasting has made millions and millions off this little "war deal". First, you are sucked in to get any kind of "news" and then when the world is tuned in to CNN--you get the BS by the buckets full. This is brainwashing and training at its easiest.

    All the major TV networks are Jewish Zionist controlled as are all the major movie studios with the possible exception of maybe one or two who are not al­lowed to deviate much from the programming prescribed lest they go-under.

    With such a control, you can see why government leaders believe they have the right to lie to "you-the-people", and why you are among the worst brainwashed peoples in the world, the Soviet Union not withstanding.

    It has finally reached the point where your CFR controlled government can lie with impunity to the American people and they will be believed by the majority, even when it has been proven over and over again that they are liars! They even tell you that they are lying to you--for a purpose--and you believe that which they tell you is the lie. They told you on CNN, for instance, that this was a war of emotional misinformation "...to throw off Hussein", and what do you do--thrive on the 24 hours-a-day disinformation as if they hadn't even told you that was exactly that which they were doing. They made those announce­ments at station breaks, etc., so that in the Middle East no-one would know. It was an exceptional way to keep your troops totally misinformed also. IT WORKED!

    Now, look at the wondrous parties and overdone frenzy for your returning troops from Saudi. No-one even notes the return of bunches of troops from Liberia and yet the world goes mad as ones come back from Saudi Arabia. It is almost pathetic for as some of the soldiers put it--"...we waited around for months and only got to 'work' less than one day and it was kind'a disappointing." You have no idea how many of your precious loved ones perished, some at their own hands of suicide, during those months of waiting and then in action of which you were denied information. The general assumption is that if you are scattered about the country and an announcement is made that a hundred men are killed, your loved one would be assumed to be one of the hundred. The only time you got a fairly accurate count was when many came from the same base and had to be acknowledged for their loss would be noted. Also, please note that some were given as dead--with obituaries--and were alive; that would tell you that the military was PREPARED with the proper disinformation stats.

    And what of those ones in pain from their return from Vietnam. In your efforts to not repeat the homecoming fiasco--you have distorted this homecoming and the big boys have had you again--there are hardly any who would not now go right back to "defend" and "patrol" for they are now heroes for killing off hundreds of thousands of innocent people. You move like the swarms of birds or schools of fish at the orchestration of your dictators.

    Do I discount the value of each returning life? By Grace, no--I cherish each one who makes it through the veil of darkness in any measure of "intact" but am appalled at what will happen to those returning ones within the month when they effort to relocate and adjust and now face the problems of making up for lost income, lost associations, etc. Believe me, the government has tremendous war plans in front of you and you ARE the Coalition.

    A lot of newspaper men know this is true and some of them have great twinges of conscience because of it. There were some, beginning back in World War I, who when asked for a toast before the New York Press Club on occasions of public gatherings have said, in the words of one specific spokesman, "There is no such thing at this date as an independent press. You know it and I know it! There is not one of you who dares to write his honest opinions, and if you did, you know before hand that it would never appear in print. I am paid a good salary for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you would be foolish to write honest opinions, since you would be out on the street, looking for another job...if I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The busi­ness of this journalist is to destroy the truth; to lie outrightly; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and sell his country and-his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it!...We are the tools of the rich men behind the scenes. We are jumping jacks...they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents and our lives are all the property of other men...we are intellectual prostitutes." (This, the sad comments of an honest journalist on retirement before the New York Press Club, John Swinton, and one of the most recognized press men during that period of time.

    Let us take another look back to the first days of the Illuminati. Because Britain and France were the greatest nations in the world at this time, in the latter years of the 18th Century, Weishaupt was ordered to foment colonial wars, including your own Revolutionary War. Their purpose was to weaken France and Eng­land. The French Revolution was scheduled to start in 1789, but in 1784 an act of God upset the timetable of the conspirators. This act proved to the Bavarian Government that there was indeed a conspiracy and that the Illuminati were at the head of it. The evidence they received could have spared France and saved that nation from its bloody revolution, but the French leaders refused to believe the evidence, much as most of the American people refuse to believe it today.

    (Dharma, check the options for they have just removed your "autosave" com­mand. Thank you.)

    In 1774, when Weishaupt issued his orders, which were in manuscript form, a copy was sent to Bospierre, who was to head the French Revolution. The courier who was carrying this manuscript was struck by lightning as he rode through a heavy thunderstorm somewhere between Frankfurt, Germany and Paris (or so the story went). The Bavarian police found the manuscript, which was immediately turned over to the Bavarian officials. These promptly ordered raids on the newly organized Lodges of the Masonic Grand Orient and the homes of Weishaupt and his most influential associates. Enough additional evi­dence was found in these raids that the authorities were convinced of the au­thenticity of the manuscript.

    In 1785, the Bavarian Government outlawed the Illuminati and they were forced to go underground: all lodges of the grand Orient in Bavaria were closed. Then in 1786, the Bavarian Government published details of the plot. If this had hap­pened in 1988, they would have probably sealed this information for at least fifty years, much as they did evidence on the assassinations of John Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Copies of this conspiratorial document were sent to the heads of all European countries, but such was the power of the Illuminati in these governments--and of course this refers to the power of the Jewish Rothschild's, that it was universally ignored and the French Revolution took place as scheduled in 1789.

    At this time, 1786, Weishaupt ordered his agents to infilter the lodges and form secret societies inside secret societies. Only Masons who were Internationalists, or those who were especially approved by the Illuminati were allowed to join these new organizations. One of the qualifications was that they must renounce God and accept the leadership of Lucifer (pain and agony indeed). While they carried out their subversive activities, they carefully camouflaged them under humanitarian and philanthropic acts, which concealed their revolutionary and subversive intents.

    In order to infilter the Masonic Lodges (Dharma, autosave is gone again--please write the document. We will check out the computer at break.) of Britain, Weishaupt invited a man named John Robinson to Europe. Robinson was a very high ranking Mason in the Scottish rites. He was a professor of Natural History at the University of Edinborough. Robinson did not fall for the trickery of the Illuminati, to form what they called a "benevolent dictatorship". But he kept his reactions to himself so well that he was entrusted with a copy of Weishaupt's Constitution.

    Because the heads of both church and State ignored the warnings given them by Robinson, the French Revolution was soon in full swing, drenching that country in the blood of innocent Frenchmen.

    In order to alert other governments which might be affected, Robinson published a book in 1798 titled PROOFS OF A CONSPIRACY TO DESTROY ALL GOVERNMENTS AND RELIGIONS. Once again, his warning fell on deaf ears, exactly as you see happening this very day in America.

    While many Americans are most touchy about believing this, there is ample proof that your own Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton were avid students of Weishaupt. Jefferson became one of Weishaupt's staunchest defenders in the New World and it was Jefferson who introduced the Illuminati to the newly organized Masonic Lodges of the Scottish rites in America, over the protest of Gen. George Washington.

    It was men like 'Thomas Paine and St. Germain who tried to bring these things to your attention and you rebuffed them. They summed it up as being such as to "SPIT AGAINST THE WIND".

    In 1789, Robinson warned all Masonic leaders in America that the Illuminati had infiltered their lodges and on July 19, 1789, the President of Harvard University, himself a high ranking Mason, issued the same warning to the graduat­ing class, lecturing them on the influences the Illuminati had on American reli­gion and politics. To top this all off, John Quincy Adams, who had helped or­ganize the New England Masonic Lodges, issued a similar warning. He wrote three letters to top American Masonic leaders in which he outlined how Jeffer­son was using his influence in the Lodges for the benefit of the Illuminati. Those three letters are now in the Whittenberg Library in Philadelphia. In short, whether or not you wish to accept it, Thomas Jefferson, the founder of the Democratic Party, was a member of the Illuminati. This, of course, had influence in establishing a "liberal" image.

    Realizing that they could not seduce the Russian Czar, the Rothschilds began a new attack against the money systems of the European nations and the United States. They used a very tricky method to gain control of the English Banking System. During the Battle of Waterloo, in 1815, the Rothschilds were able to falsify a report of the battle, so that the English people believed that Napoleon had won. (Shades of Iraq? Who did really win the Kuwait/Iraq conflict, chelas? How do you know??) The British Stock Market plummeted and shares fell to rock bottom. Who was there to buy them up at a few cents on the dollar? You guessed it--Mr. Rothschild's agents--and who do you think is there to establish millions from the oil debacle this day?? You guessed it! When the true news came that Napoleon had been defeated, the stocks went sky high and the Roth­schilds cleared millions of pounds in profits and ended by controlling the econ­omy of both England and the Continent. (Care to give a full dissertation on the facts of this Middle East conflict? Funny thing--Saddam Hussein also "claimed victory". Would "lips" Bush ever lie to you?? Are you just a bit uncomfort­able? I certainly do hope so!! Where did all those nice Republican Guards go? Where are all those really lethal and dastardly weapons of Saddam's? What ex­actly, are you-the-people given to back up anything they tell you? I suggest you be very selective in that which you believe to be shown "before your very eyes"!)

    Rothschild forced Britain to set up a new bank of England, which he totally controlled. This was similar to a later criminal activity, when a group of International gangsters led by Jacob Schiff had the Federal Reserve Act passed in 1913. (Schiff? Oh, yes, the same--pharmaceutical magnate! Try reading MURDER BY INJECTION and RAPE OF JUSTICE, both by Eustace Mullins. I prefer to not require Dharma do all that extra work of re-giving you facts when it is so beautifully available and researched superbly. Contact America West for I have asked that they carry these books for your confirmation. I greatly honor Eustace Mullins, among others who have braved the enemy and continued to serve their fellow-men.)

    At this point, I think it might be good for us to look at the activity of the Illumi­nati in the United States.

    In 1826, one Capt. William Morgan, a high ranking Mason, decided it was his duty to inform all American Masons how their lodges had been infiltered by the Illuminati. The Illuminati, through the Masonic Lodge, tried Morgan in "absentia", and sentenced him to death. Morgan was warned and fled to Canada. But the executioner, an English Mason named Richard Howard, caught up with him near Niagara Falls and killed him. This was verified in court through sworn statements and by a thorough police investigation--at a time when such could still be considered somewhat valid. The testimony of the trial is on record in the New York City archives if you wish to peruse them and can get someone to allow you to examine them.

    Very few members of the Masonic Lodge or the general public know any of
    this, nor that the public disapproval of this act was so general that it closed down over half of the Masonic Lodges in the Northern Jurisdiction of North America.

    In the early 1850's, the illuminati held a secret meeting in New York which was addressed by a British Illuminist named Wright. Those in attendance were told that the Illuminists were organizing Nihilists, atheists and other subversive groups into an International organization which was to become known as "Communism". It was intended to be the supreme weapon of terror which would eventually control the world.

    Communism was to be used to foment wars and revolutions. Quentin Roosevelt, an ancestor of F.D.R., Horace Greeley, a well-known newspaper publisher, and Charles Daner were appointed to head a commission to raise funds for this new venture. Of course, most of these funds came from the Rothschild's. It was this fund that financed Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, when they wrote "DAS KAPITAL", and "THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO".

    Commu (Dharma, STOP! The computer is going to shu

    PJ 26

    TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1991 8:04 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 208

    Hold up for just a minute, Dharma--let me finish checking out this equipment for it has really been worked over in order to destroy our work. Thank you.

    Check your options, please. You see, all your "save" orders are wiped out so we shall have to be most careful and check frequently.

    I have a stack of correspondence needing response and there are many subjects of great current value to allow you to see that which I have been expounding upon for these last days, but I must have this scribe elsewhere for a portion of this morning, therefore, I shall stick to the Journal subject for the most part and later we will put together a special Express in order to unfold response to these inquiries as each is of great importance--especially the one on cloning and robotoid duplicates.

    I also have a barrage of inquiries regarding a new release by Donald S. McAlvany. I honor Mr. McAlvany for his insightful work--however, I take excep­tion to his conclusions in many instances. He is absolutely correct regarding the "threat" to the U.S. from the Soviets. However, he is incorrect in his percep­tion of the Anti-Christ and the role of Zionists ("Jews") of the current day in relationship to "Israel" (the nation which was Palestine). I would like to enlarge upon that greatly and this is an excellent Journal to handle the subject. Please bear with me and we will discuss these things as he presents them to you, and have discussion regarding current status.

    I herein need to make a correction to an Express which has gone forth from here for I believe it does not express my attitude and further, I ask that anything added to Expresses or Journals by another of human input state as much for we are finding that what HATONN IS SUPPOSED TO HAVE SAID DOES NOT IN ALL INSTANCES EXPRESS THE INTENT OF HATONN.

    There was a recent statement expressing the fact that in the events as they stand in the Middle East, that there is a possible window open for participation in some kind of investment against gold. I further expressed that our friends herein, are willing and able to assist but I was projected as saying the window is quickly "closing". If I left that impression or misspoke, I greatly apologize. I feel it is merely misinterpretations of the group who put the messages to final print. The window may very well be slamming shut at this very second--but the way the expression comes across is that we somehow are soliciting and we are NOT. Remember please, that I have to also work with "probabilities" and al­though I can see in many instances "exactly" that which is, from planning boards and meetings, etc., I cannot and do not interfere with free-will choice nor interject definitive time limits which can easily be changed by events and impacted by alternative possibilities.

    The time IS SHORT for availability of changing out investments but I request that no further limits be placed on my instructions by any of my people. If there appears to be some limitations placed, please inquire of me prior to any printing or additions. We make available, if we can, that which is needed and offers possibilities with some measure of safety. We are in NO business of metals nor any other substance other than the written WORD. America West, however, is in the publishing business and presents many publications other than the Journals, etc., as I have said in prior writings--some of which I take great exception. However, it is HIS business and none of mine--except where my work is involved.

    He is an astute business man and works with ones who are totally reputable and able to institute our suggestions--nothing more and nothing less. If you are dealing with ones who sell investments in the market, or metals on the market--they have primary interest in their investment business therefore, we go to ones who check out in total integrity and have no vested interest what-so-ever.

    I, too, believe the window of "investment against gold" to be very short-lived, but on the other hand, if things do not go as the conspirators desire, there may be a bit more time.

    We are not mystical "fortune tellers", we are working with probabilities through a much more sophisticated projection system and we know the intended plans and the intended outcome of the plans. This gives us vision of both ends of the road but the journey to the distant end is covered with perturbations. If your intent is to do that which is of pure intent in the service unto God--ye shall not be given to blunder. If ye act for selfish reasons to somehow, "clean up" in a miserable world situation--please, take your business somewhere else. We are pleased to be of service and all should do very well, but I remind you--our business is to get through this period of time in as much wholeness as is possible in a world of total chaos. I can guarantee you of but one thing--THE INTENT OFTHE ELITE IS TO GARNER ALL OF YOUR ASSETS IN ONE MAN­NER OR ANOTHER--THE METHODS ARE IN PLACE AND AWAITING PROPER MOMENT TO INSTIGATE SAME--WITH TOTAL SURPRISE IN THAT THE HONEST MAN HAS NO TIME TO COVER HIS ASSETS NOR SECURITY CACHES AND/OR INVENTORY. THE PLAN IS TO TAKE ALL CASH AND RENDER THAT WHICH YOU HAVE, WORTHLESS AS SOON AS FEASIBLE. PROBABLY, ALSO, GOLD IN SAFE-DEPOSIT BOXES AND KNOWN STORES WILL BE CONFISCATED JUST AS IN 1932/33. As I study the probabilities, I still come up with the best mode of operation is to get collateral bought against notes with your assets. Note that even the foreign investors are PULLING OUT OF T-BILL's, CD's etc. YOU HAVE A MULTI-BILLION, MOVING ON TO A TRILLION DOLLAR, WAR TO PAY FOR AND YOU HAVEN'T EVEN BEGUN THE REAL WAR--YOU HAVE ONLY PLAYED AROUND IN THE DESERT MAKING A PLATFORM FROM WHICH THE ELITE CONSPIRATORS FOR GLOBAL DOMINATION CAN PERFORM.

    Thank you for inquiring: A motion picture complex of the most advanced holo­graphic filming equipment (unknown yet to full service of man), in a domed complex which will withstand winds of minimum 150 mph without sustaining damage. The motion picture complex will be complimented with domes hous­ing international television broadcasting facilities. Motion pictures and Televi­sion productions will be advanced in interest and TRUTH--the first film is al­most ready to begin shooting--SIPAPU ODYSSEY.

    Then we have a...plant for creating and perfecting machinery for compressed earth (ShanStone) building material. We have a particle cement (molded housing of cement) facility.

    We have organic, hydroponic and aerobic gardening in underground or earth‑
    compressed material for High-yield food production and reclamation of water
    and nutrients. We have a biomass operation planned, along with solar capability installations and "free energy production" as we can safely give it unto you.
    And of course, the WORD shall continue to flow in print as well as put to audio tapes to facilitate convenience for those who either have no time, inclination or lack reading capability (blind, etc.)--there is a whole variety of life-sustaining (with comfort and beauty) projects ready for the groundbreaking--some already well underway.

    We have no "commune" facilities and actually have not even a "group" for there is full intent to NEVER GIVE OUR ENEMY ADVANTAGE BY LOOPING US INTO SOME "CULT" SITUATION TO BE BROUGHT DOWN BY SAME. We do have a "little" gathering which we call the Holy Light Network for the benefit of gathering and discussing actions and possibilities and where I can commune personally. Mostly we work in exactly this manner--presenting the Truth to print with anticipation of full physical integration as it becomes safe for you and for our teams.

    As for ones outside our very limited number of "placed" receivers--I have no comment. Ones believe themselves to be valid when actually they are set-up to later discredit the work from this place. IF YOU FEEL YOU ARE SELECTED--YOU WOULD NEVER WRITE TO MY SCRIBE OR THE PUB­LISHER ASKING CLEARANCE. That usually indicates that you are writing something that YOU WISH PUBLISHED and it may or may not be from the Lighted Brotherhood--usually not, unless you are well-learned in clearing of space and recognizing "speakers"--there is no need for questioning if your speakers are VALID IN GOD'S SERVICE. THERE WILL ALWAYS BE OUESTION IF THE MESSAGES ARE COMING FROM GOD'S ADVERSARY. This does not mean that there won't be "doubts" if you write for God Almighty Creator--it is just that you will know how to identify and require identification and there will be no "hedging". Further, you continue to ask my input--I have no right to interpret nor interfere with another's scribes--good or ill-intended. Much exceptional information comes from ones who simply study very well the Journals and/or other valid information and I have no right to deny ones any right--and do, in fact, plead with you ones to extend the reach of Truth as freely as possible--Truth should be copied, reprinted and shared to the fullest possible extent. We are so pressed for time in the human format that I cannot ask insight on every piece of material written. I evaluate that which is known to me as valid and consider any sent unto me for consideration, but we receive piles of writings asking verification as to validity in everything from "time justification" to astrological numerology. My scribe simply does not have time for human life and I cannot ask her for more until we get our basic infor­mation unto you-the-people.

    If you are writing now, and have cleared your space--demanding withdrawal of all dark energies in THE NAME OF HOLY GOD OF LIGHTED CREATION with full intent of meaning of that statement in love and service unto God--then keep writing and it will evolve properly--please don't simply hop on a good-looking bandwagon for time is too short in your counting of "remaining time" to play games. Become discerning and glean that which is Truth of God from writings and learn that which is NOT and cast it aside--you shall learn to be most discerning and TRUTH WILL STAND ALL TESTING, PROVING AND INTEGRITY.

    Dharma, take care--the save mechanism is gone again and the machine just cut off this instant for it is set by our adversary to wipe out the program when you hit the "write/save" cue. We have saved it each time but be alert for we will lose a lot of work if we are not most cautious.

    Let us just turn from this discussion and see if we can get a bit of our original subject to print. If the equipment is in too bad a state of tampering, we shall simply have to give it up for today.

    We were speaking of the start-up of Communism, so let us begin herein at that point where we left off yesterday's discussion.

    Communism was not to be an ideology, but a secret weapon, a "boogie-man word", to serve the ulterior purposes of the Illuminati. "World War II was a Zionist plot to make way for the foundation of the Jewish State in Palestine. Zionist and Nazi leaders collaborated on Jewish immigration from Russia to Palestine and the United States. Testifying at the trial of Ernst Zundel, an anti-Zionist "Jew" who was an outstanding personality of the time in point, testified in Toronto, Canada in March 1988, "Zionism was willing to sacrifice the whole of European Jewry for a Zionist State. Everything was done to create a state of Israel and that was only possible through a world war. Wall Street and Jewish large bankers aided the war effort on both sides.

    "Zionists are also to blame for provoking growing hatred for Jews in 1988." (Taken from THE TORONTO STAR, March 31, 1988).

    Weishaupt died in 1830, but prior to his death, he prepared a revised version of
    the age-old conspiracy which, under various facades, was to control all the international subversive organizations, by working their agents into executive positions at the top of governments.

    In the United States you have seen such men as President Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson and Jimmy Carter, and other high-ranking officials such as Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, George Schultz, Gen. George Marshall, Owen Lattimore, Vice/President George Bush, and many more, who were stooges of the conspiracy. Now you can add dozens to the listing as you move into deeper involvement in war and gun controls, dis­solving of your Constitution, etc. They will represent direct participants, not stooges "for".

    World War II was to finally be fomented between political Zionism and their "yes" man, the United States and your one-time staunch anti-Communist friends, the Arab states. The conspiratorial agents are even now hard at work setting up more outreaching war and it has reached the explosion point in the Near East as well. Even as we write, the United States is still exchanging gun­fire with the Iraqi Moslem state and heinous terrorist attacks are under way in that area which are called the responsibility of Saddam's government while the unrest and attacks are staged and orchestrated literally, by the Israeli Mossad who is totally infiltrated within Iraq and all the Middle East nations.

    The final great war is planned to so weaken the nations of the Free World that they will become fractionalized and will be ready for "peace at any price, even that of slavery", while the Elite continue to grow stronger and stronger. The conspirators believe the nations who fight this war will have fought themselves into a state of complete exhaustion and economic bankruptcy, so that they can step in and pick up the pieces and thus achieve world control. How many millions of people die is totally immaterial to them.

    Can any intelligent person see what has happened in the Near East, Middle East and Central America and parts of South America and continue to be so naive as to actually believe it has happened by accident?

    It is so bad, and I shall cover this probably tomorrow, that Israel has been and continues to sell American high-tech defense secrets to everyone--anywhere. Your government set up "laws" preventing your own companies from doing business with certain ones--so, Israel takes up the vacant places, works out deals and goes full-bore ahead while your little companies, now deprived of their livelihood, collapse. The big business cycles around and comes right back to roost in the laps of the big boy Elitists.

    Even the information regarding these transactions makes it back into the U.S. through very devious and around-about measures--usually through blundering of press and media who let the truth slip through occasionally. For instance, be­tween 1984, when Israel struck a secret deal with China for the sale of over $3 BILLION worth of high-tech tank equipment, and the end of 1989, the mini-­state supplied the giant communist nations with a very broad sampling of so­phisticated weapons systems and advanced defense designs right off the U.S. drawing boards and some in totally fabricated form. How can this happen? Easily--right through the sanctions and with the blessings of the government of Corazon Aquino in the Philippines.

    Using the Philippines as a secret base and transshipment point, Israel sold the Chinese: missile technology, anti-tank and naval weapons, armor-piercing sabot shells, laser targeting instruments, sophisticated avionics, electronic surveillance and command systems, hypervelocity artillery and numerous other products of the most advanced American military technology. Then, as a secret maneuver, as the Saudis came to the U.S. and Britain to buy long-range missiles--the U.S. refused to sell, the British sold some but most limited at the demands of Israel, and so, the Saudis went to China and China very cooperatively dismantled and re-setup the missiles in Saudi Arabia. Thus, the full circle was completed to the point there is no way to tell one missile from another, one tank from another, etc. It is impossible not to "kill by friendly fire"--everything looks like, and is like, everything else.

    Please note again--at the first confrontation on the ground in this present war--the tanks which were plentiful were of the worst calibre possible and so were the fighting troops of Iraq--it was intended that the tanks not operate well and the troops be captured. It was a total testing of your abilities with the least possible loss to the Iraqis. The tanks were CHINESE and ones which the Chinese do no longer use. Your army NEVER encountered the Elite Republican Guard nor the advanced divisions of Soviet armor. This should make you so nervous that the old stomach ulcers are intensely painful at this point of whatever they are doing in the Middle East for it is NOT THAT WHICH THEY ARE TELLING YOU' If It

    (Computer locked up.)

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 26

    WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1991 7:32 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 209

    How can you not see? God, please grant me words with which to reach the hearts and minds for the acceleration of the evil Conspiracy sweeps across the lands like uncontrolled fires. Friends, please be patient while I speak with my scribe and ones in this vicinity of service. But I wish you all to see and hear for the way is filled with turbulence and hazards.

    Charles, yes, the helicopter which blasted the leaves from the trees in the front of this dwelling is the CIA's and came in from Edwards. The reason it came is that, on the night prior, the electronic equipment of the surveillance group was set to blow out the entire computer system and Dharma along with it. Much of the work is, of necessity, set up at the pole-line terminals. We warned them not to do it; they continued as ordered. We sent shuttle craft, encountered them--they still refused to remove the signals and we simply took out all their pole-line electronics signal system. I believe you shan't have much problem with the computer system this day. What was already programmed into the computers for annoyance, of course, remained and is for the most part, tampered with through wireless remote controlled signals. It will obviously become an endless, ever-increasing problem and one serious to them as they are obviously in­tent enough to be witnessed in action.

    It is our uncovering of the current things in the Middle East which brings the discomfort for if we can show you what happens in such a manner that you can see the unfolding, then they are in gross trouble--for the information we bring at this time, regarding the lineage of the Illuminati, ties into current activities hand-in-glove.

    Be prepared for instant response to command--but do not panic. If you feel need for great quantities of water or cessation of food intake--respond immediately, please, as an effort is under way to again match Dharma's frequency in order to blow it out. We, further, expect another attempt to take out the dwelling. We are in constant presence but I ask that you ones be most aware and remain cognizant of our presence that we do not slip up in communications. Dharma will be more "blah" than usual--allow her freedom to "withdraw" for we are receiving much interference and it boggles the "thinking" portion of the mind to some extent--mostly due to distraction from other physical discomforts. Abide with us and it will be fine, keep your eyes open for strangers in the vicinity and note them. Yesterday's helicopter intrusion below tree and house altitude was a scare tactic instigated to "call our hand". It did and I believe we have an understanding; however, understanding seems to only run one direction in your present world. So be it--walk peacefully, chela, for you sit in the palm of God's hand and He shall not take lightly, this bombardment.

    I do not believe that under any set of Earth circumstances, you will find that we come from a place of pious wimps or nerds as you refer to those you do not like. Many, many are simply going to find themselves experiencing in other dimensions--fully intact and somewhat uncomfortable--"It is not nice to try and Fool Mother Nature!" I believe is one of your advertising terms for misbehavior. There are always the ones who will effort to override higher command in an circumstance, regardless of who is the higher command.

    Alright, quiz time. How many of you noted that James Baker attended a burial memorial for some women killed in Israel--wherein he laid flowers? HOW MANY OF YOU NOTED HE WAS WEARING THE HEAD-DRESS (CAF) OF THE ZIONIST? Brothers, any way you look at "Judeaism" or Jewism, that which is represented by that particular head-gear indicates a disbelief in that or you called Christ. YOUR SECRETARY OF STATE JUST STATED BY ACTIONS THAT YOUR NATION IS A PART AND PARCEL OF THE ANTI-CHRIST MOVEMENT. You might say, "...well, he was just honoring and respecting their tradition!" NO, he was not. Would you walk into a "Satanic" service and murder in black robes and burnt offerings to "honor tradition"? YOUR PRESIDENT BUSH HAS ALSO BEEN SEEN ADORNED IN THE SAME HEAD-GEAR. It is not honoring anything; it is showing alliance as a brotherhood of Global control. George Bush and James Baker both belong to five notable anti-Christ/God organizations and if you ones don't come into balance of knowledge regarding these organizations, there is little hope of saving your freedom as a nation.

    This is what is incorrect about McAlvaney's book of which you inquired recently. You will find he protects the Israelis and discounts any who speak out against the Zionists. Not blatantly is it done, but with most subtle notations regarding other groups. He "thinks" he is serving the Jesus Christos in born again magnificence through evangelism. He nails the Communist lie quite nicely but refuses to even mention the Zionists as such. Well, you cannot have one without the other--for AS I WROTE ONLY YESTERDAY, COMMUNISM WAS STRUCTURED WITH NO "MEANING" TO THE TERM AT ALL FOR IT IS TOTAL GOVERNMENT DICTATORSHIP (NOT COMMUNISM) AND IT WAS CREATED BY A BRITISH ILLUMINIST NAMED WRIGHT. At the meeting where it was presented those in attendance were told that the Illuminists were organizing Nihilists, atheists and other subversive groups into an international organization which was to become known as "Communism". It was intended to be the supreme weapon of terror, which would eventually control the world. Communism was to be used to foment wars and revolutions and would be infiltrated by the group of so-called self-styled "Jews" (which term was conjured up in the 18th Century to fool the world). Remember that the "Jews" of self-appointed Talmud writers--were the Khazars of Russian, Nordic and Mongol lineage. They, further, were self-proclaimed "ANTI-CHRISTIANS" AND "ANTI-MOSLEM (ISLAMIC". We are speaking here, about diametrically opposed factions of mankind. When your leaders join the self-proclaimed "ANTI-CHRIST", "ANTI-GOD" fac­tion--what does that make you as a nation to be? Ponder it carefully for that is where you find yourselves today.

    The United States of America stated that it was founded as "One Nation Under God"--that did not say, "One Nation Under Jesus"--It did, however, by fact, assume that it would be "One Nation Under Christ-ness" (which is ultimately Godliness). Many "religions" fall into that category. Unfortunately, the ones who proclaim themselves to be solely under Christ (Christianity) are truly "anti-Christ" in behavior while they pull away from all Godly teachings and proclaim that which is evil to be correct behavior. But herein, I do not wish to preach spiritual lessons that you can discount as kooky fanaticism--we will speak of very worldly, physical things. Let us look at the decline of your American so­ciety--and this holds true for every nation in your world so do not giggle and say you are left out!

    You no longer have respect of young toward elders.

    You have blatant treason in high places with no notice.

    You have created a welfare state of dependency on State.

    A physician or lawyer asks not what is your problem but rather, do you have in­surance or a hefty bank-account?

    You KNOW that almost all you read in your controlled press is filled with misinformation and you can trust none of it.

    The courts no longer protect society nor is a man innocent until PROVEN guilty--a man must PROVE himself somehow innocent and that, without any as­sistance.

    "Charity" has become the biggest one business around, over $30 BILLION a year to the organizers of various organizations--as only a portion ever reaches the needy.

    Your "money" is based on nothing--"Sound as a dollar" passed with the gold standard.

    Long ago you gave up churches where you could find a preacher who really be­lieved in the divinity of Christ and preached from truth instead of according to doctrines set for a "MODERN" SOCIETY. We shall look at that "modern soci­ety" in a minute.

    You used to have "prayers" in schools--now you offer pornography and how to
    have safe sex and teach that homosexuality is the "way to go". It is simply not even a reasonable approach to the continuation of life forms. I don't care how gay a man may be, he cannot bear children and extend his creation through only the use of the sexual act.

    Problems in school used to be from lack of completed homework, spit-balls and talking in class. Now it is gun-carrying students and knife-wielding children who stab, shoot and murder. You have children running in mad gangs shooting at random--anyone!

    You offer nothing for your children to emmulate--you feed them on violence of Miami Vice and pornographic jokes on Saturday Night Live, Playboy Channel and Rambo--then you wonder what has happened to the children of today!

    I like the description which has been given to this subject. The rise and fall of an civilization ALWAYS revolves as follows: From bondage comes spiritual faith, and from spiritual faith comes courage. From courage comes liberty, and from liberty comes abundance. ....From abundance comes complacency, and from complacency comes apathy. From apathy comes dependency, and from dependency comes bondage.... Where does this leave YOU?

    You in the United States, for instance (and this is the nation of which we are speaking--some other nations are farther ahead and few are "behind" in the cycle. If you are behind, you are catching up right fast as you follow Western ways), you are LATE IN THE CYCLE. You fall somewhere in the apathy/dependency--already moved out of the "abundance" stage, thanks to your government--and are rapidly descending down a secular humanistic, socialistic path full-bore ahead. As you demand more government controls in all aspects of your lives, and as you decline in all different areas of perception and action, you can and probably will lose most, if not all, of your freedoms before the decade of the 1990's passes mid-way.

    You will note that this cycle as described has taken somewhere around two hun­dred, or so, years. The United States is in severe decline as is Canada, as she floats between England and the U.S. impact of "America". This decline is seen: politically, financially, socially, morally, and spiritually. A useful illustration can be likened to a triangle. Let us make the left side of the triangle to be the "monetary/economic" decline of the Western world. This decline is ba­sically a result of all things which focus on the false premise that you can create wealth out of nothing. For decades your government has continually printed paper "notes" which you call money, and created debts beyond the counting as well as continuing inflation. Don't, however, feel alone, America--all other nations have done this as well. America's debt pyramid quadrupled from some $3 TRILLION in 1980 TO OVER $14 TRILLION IN 1990 AND RISING.

    With this new little war to include--it is likened to a new atomic-powered sky­rocket! This pyramid is based upon Quicksand and is beginning to swallow the pyramid and there can only be one of two choices, a major recession or a total devastating depression. The latter appears to already be in place. You are already into massive decline.

    Now, the right side of this triangle represents the "political/social" decline--which is somehow based on a false premise that "all men are created equal" or something similar in projection. This will "give equality" if it kills everyone or you steal from one at gun-point to give to another. The idea is to redistribute wealth and control the "greedy businessmen" whom, you are told, cannot be trusted.

    In the past some three decades you have had full-steam ahead accelerating socialism. "Communism" (as described above) has seized well over 40 percent of the world's land mass and population and killed more than 130 million people outright! You are swinging right ahead into that Global Government called, in­nocently enough, New World Order. Well, hold your breath for when we first began to write, I am constantly reminded that I said it will be associated with the "New Age" groups that downfall shall come. Ah so--and so it is. Once again, terms have been used incorrectly to the extent that "New Age" does not mean, any longer, the New Age of God--it indicates mysticism, beingness, do your own thing, live any way that grabs you and "...let us check out the star- signs".

    Unfortunately, the "New Agers" have succumbed to the United Nations percep­tion of function--idealistically and blindly without realizing the impact. They promise you, also, a global government of utopian dreams by 2000 A.D. The Communists (as described above--Zionists/socialists) also plan global domina­tion of the world by this "Zionism/communism"--by year 2000. This includes the banking cartel, etc.

    Now, the base of the triangle in point, and the problem which has actually created all the other problems--is the spiritual and moral decline. The United States has moved AWAY FROM GOD. It no longer has a Christ-centered foundation. Your country's beginnings were based on the principles of a majority of Christ's teachings as principles of living. You have completely moved away from that type of society. Even your "religious'' organizations are no longer based on the principles of God's laws--but rather, have been rewritten to include "it's alright to do" anything at all--against the Laws of God AND MAN--and call it "modernization". YOU CANNOT "MODERNIZE" GOD'S LAWS--"GOD'S LAWS" AND "MODERNIZED GOD'S LAWS" ARE MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE TERMS AND MODERNIZATION ONLY IS IN OPPOSITION OF GOD'S LAW AND CHANGES NOT ONE IOTA OF THE TRUTH OF THE LAWS IN ORIGINAL FORM. I did not say "Biblical presentation" of the Laws for that has already been rewritten to suit the Elite. You have a lot of people returning to the "churches" seeking truth but you have no depth in your spiritual foundation and people are now merely at­tending "clubs" touting "do nothing for your own responsible selves--but rather, believe Jesus did it all for you. In this way you will be whisked off to some glorious haven in the clouds, etc., etc., etc." NO, NO, NO--YOU WILL ANSWER TO SELF AND GOD FOR EVERYTHING YE DO AGAINST GOD AND FELLOW-MAN--WHICH INCLUDES FIRST ON THE LIST, SELF. Acts against the Laws of "right-ness" are acts of heinous nature against SELF and it will be SELF who falls into the abyss of despair and slavery unto the puppet masters.

    Alexander Solzhenitsyn was asked, "Why did the Russian people lose their free­dom?" He replied, "BECAUSE WE FORGOT GOD!" This has now happened in the United States and almost all other nations on your globe. God blessed America incredibly. You have been given uninterrupted prosperity and you have become sedated and lazy. You have no ability to function if the times re­ally get tough--and they will. You can't even cope with interruptions in your Television transmission during soap opera pornography or the Monday night football. You are angered even if a "Special Report" interrupts for brief segments to keep you updated on who is killing who in the war. You hang a few more yellow ribbons, bow your head and hope for no annihilation of the sta­dium during half-time and go on in your incredible blindness--ever tightening the blinders so as to protect your tunnel vision. You dear ones have become soft marshmallows who are overfed on poison junk, alcohol and drugs--to great extent. (I do not intend discredit or dishonor to those of you who are working around the clock "as THE clock--ringing your alarms".) You do not go to gyms to gain health but a physical prowess even to the extent of damage to the body in the process. You are obsessed with it--when painting your house or scrubbing your floors and walls would give the same exercise--FREE! Furthermore--you must have the proper designer-shoes and leotards to show off those beauteous bank accounts and muscles. You are driven in your search for inner peace and loving quiet and you find it not until the apogee and crescendo bash you about until your ears ring and you robotically keep running--running-­running, faster and faster--away from the goal of peace and more quickly into the cycle of chaos--away from God.

    Dear ones, in the United States you now hold titles in being the most: you are leader in homosexuality, pornography, promiscuity, drug use, alcoholism, and violent crime. This moral decline is a direct result of your spiritual decline, and the spiritual decline, in turn, has contributed to total political and social decline as well as destruction of your economic stability. Your children simply do not know which way to turn or that which to believe--for the parents do not know and this is due to the total moral decline of family.

    The decline of morals is locked together inseparably with spiritual decline which is the basis for ALL the other areas of function. You have forgotten your spiri­tual, I DID NOT SAY RELIGIOUS, foundations from where you originated. TE moral decline in your country in such a short period of time is totally amaz­ing. The U.S. is the per capita leader in the Western world for drug consump­tion--intended and deliberately inflicted upon you. You now produce as much or more drug substance as is shipped in from elsewhere.

    You are also the leader in the Western world in teenage pregnancies, although Russia is the leader in abortions which we will speak of later. Russia is not a "Western" nation, at any rate. Your teenage suicide and divorce rates top the lists of all. Your divorce rate is incredible. America publishes more pornogra­phy than any other country in the world. In the past, pornography was shipped into the U.S. mostly from the "free-love" places of Scandinavia. Now, in places as remote as New Zealand, South Africa, etc., pornographic movies made and published in America top the list of best-sellers--this includes horrible child-sex abuse and snuff films.

    You have witnessed and experienced the breakup of the family and increasing problems for teenagers run out of control. The family is tuned out and turned away in all social aspects. You teach "safe sex" in your kindergarten when a child hardly realizes there is sex difference. Sex education is taught in schools and youngsters and teenagers are taught how to have safe sex so they won't contract AIDS--when your leaders know that there is no such thing as "safe-sex" on any account, especially prevention of AIDS and other diseases. Your motion pictures and television programs are thoroughly saturated with sex and anti-family, anti-traditional values. Violence and sex in television is increasing and that which was unacceptable a decade ago, for adults on late viewing of "X" (by the way, that is the Satanic symbol) rated material is now shown at dinner-time prime-time WHERE IT IS KNOWN THE CHILDREN WILL BE VIEWING. There are NO ACCIDENTS IN PROGRAMMING!

    Much of the rock music promotes total violence and certainly, rebellion, depres­sion, suicide, sex and drugs if nothing else.

    Oh yes, your culture is almost to the pits in decline. Anyone over forty years of age can look back with the visions fresh in your mind and cringe at the view. According to your own records of a recent in-depth study about Satanism as a "named" cult, it was found that over 25% of teenagers in high schools in Denver, Colorado, are said by officials to be involved in "Satanism".

    America's decline and plunge head-long toward slavery continues to proliferate at compounding speed. Your children have great confusion as to moral behavior and participate in activities destined to, at the least, give them fatal disease and emotional confusion. Across America it is found that over 70 percent of teenagers said that premarital sex is fine, 56% said they approve of "living to­gether in trial marriages", 9 percent of these children have had at least one abor­tion and most of these, more than one; 15 % of the men knew that at least "one of their sexual partners" had had an abortion--thanks to them; 51 percent said they approved of abortion as a means of contraception; over half of the students reported having had more than one sex partner, and some 24 percent had had five or more partners with no checking for disease possibility; and half said they have sex at random and 26 percent participate regularly. Now, brothers, if this is not breaking the Commandments of God--then perhaps you will tell me that which does! And YOU have taught your babies that this behavior is not only acceptable but the "way to go".

    When Lenin came to power in the Soviet Union one o the first things he
    (and later, Stalin) determined to do was to destroy and restructure the family.
    Easy. no-fault-type, divorce was instituted, sexual immorality was encouraged and abortion became totally acceptable. THE FAMILY BROKE DOWN AND SO DID THE ENTIRE RUSSIAN SOCIETY. ALERT!

    It isn't just your children trying on these sports for entertainment, your government houses are hotbeds of total evil activities. The illicit heterosexual es­capades of all the Kennedy "boys" is giggled about and emmulated and all will remember the Wilbur Mills, John Tower, Lyndon Johnson, Gary Hart and myriads of others, who romped about and cavorted with everything from secretaries to prostitutes. Your own evangelical movement has fallen into the pits due to this illicit behavior of your very "teachers of God's truth??". One repre­sentative from Ohio was recently convicted of having sex with a child--again.

    And what about homosexuals in your houses of leadership? Sexual preference? Dear ones, what in the world are you talking about? I don't care what you think about it--homosexual behavior is amongst the most immoral and deviate behavior, and the government is a critical aspect of the nation's health.

    Publicly announced (so you have no idea of the depth or extent of this behavior) most recently, have been three prominent homosexual Washingtonians who have contracted and died of AIDS from homosexual contacts. Terry Dolan, head of the National Conservative Political Action Committee; Dan J. Bradley, head of the leftist Legal Services Corp.; and Rep. Stuart McKinney (R-CT). McKinney had two gay lovers who died of AIDS and lived with a third for five years on Capitol Hill. A former congressman from Maryland, a gay who was forced from office in the early '80s when caught "cruising" for teenage boys, says that at that time there were at least a dozen closet, and active, gays in the Congress and somehow this was supposed to make his behavior acceptable. Since then, a congressman was ruined by a gay scandal involving murder; another was caught having sex in a Capitol Hill men's room; and another has been caught with his male lover running a call boy/call girl ring from his apartment.

    This last representative, Barney Frank (D-MA), a long-time homosexual, answered an ad in Washington's Gay Blade newspaper in 1985. The male prosti­tute who placed the ad, and who was convicted in 1975 of cocaine distribution, and in 1982 on four counts of production of obscene items involving a juvenile, possession of obscene materials, oral sodomy (for you innocents--mouth to anus copulation), possession, sale and use of cocaine--moved in with Congressman Frank. For some two years, Representative Frank had him on his payroll at $20,000 per year (thank you, taxpayers), while the prostitute used the repre­sentative's apartment as a homosexual/heterosexual sex-for-hire whorehouse.

    After this story became public, liberal politicians have risen to the aid and defense of Barney Frank. Some of them are literally calling this despot "one of America's top congressmen", "...a great American leader", etc. The Congressional Ethics Committee gave him a very minor tap on the wrist for his behavior and getting caught, and he has continued as a powerful liberal leader in Congress. What does upset you citizens?

    Meanwhile, this man's homosexual call-boy-lover is beginning to talk about other Congressmen and Senators who have been his customers for both male and female prostitutes at this Capitol Hill "best little whorehouse in Wash­ington".

    Gay activist leaders in Washington estimate that there are at least thirty homosexual congressmen who are active participants.And you-the-people have given ample tax-money aid to obscene art displays. Even though the most contagious method of the spread of AIDS is through saliva, on July 11, 1990, the U.S. Senate voted to force restaurant owners to hire AIDS-infected homosexuals as food-handlers.

    Please keep in mind that AIDS is deadly, incurable and most uncomfortable. Would it not appear that the top leaders who set up the downfall and the global plan--do not give any attention to AIDS? Why would that be? Because they planned it this way and they abhor the deviate behavior of the puppets and plan to annihilate them through this means of murder. There is cure/antidote for AIDS, plus the fact that these top leader Elite participate in no activities which would incur the disease. They are immoral--not stupid. They also have available, the antidote--which by the way, was created prior to the intentional infes­tation of the world population.

    The Federal Government is now pushing churches to "...adjust their teaching on homosexuality". A very recent report from the Department of Health and Hu­man Services states: Religion presents another risk factor...Many traditional fundamentalist faiths still portray homosexuality as morally wrong. Religion needs to re-assess homosexuality in a positive context within their belief systems.

    And, indeed, government and private legal action is now being taken against churches and businesses for "alleged" discrimination against homosexuals. In New York, former Mayor Ed Koch issued an Executive Order granting "bereavement leave rights" to homosexuals whose "domestic partners" die. As local, state, and federal governments have come to accept and push as well as protect, the homosexual sodomite movement, the public is forced by law and the gun at the head, to also accept this form of behavior as acceptable among the populace. Again, I must repeat myself: there is preference of company of another human and there is "illicit behavior" integrated within the relationship--IT IS THE "BEHAVIOR" WHICH IS ABHORRENT, NOT THE FRIEND­SHIP BETWEEN TWO INDIVIDUAL HUMAN BEINGS. You can object all you wish, people--but this behavior and attitude is against the Laws of God AND The Creation and all the rewriting of the rules and passing of human laws WILL NOT CHANGE ONE IOTA OF THE TRUTH OF IT. IT IS WRONG!!! IT IS AGAINST THE LAWS OF GOD OF LIGHTED CREATION! IT IS TOTALLY WITHIN THE WRITTEN LAWS OF THE SATANIC BROTHERHOOD! YOU CHECK IT OUT FOR IT IS ALL DOCUMENTED AND AVAILABLE FOR YOUR CONFIRMATION.

    One last comment here and we shall close this segment and take a respite.

    The moral decline including the "homosexual revolution" is evident on your art gallery walls. The good U.S. taxpayer-funded National Endowment for the Arts reflects the moral plunge in Washington and the influence of homosexuality and other liberal moral standards. Now, for you who have also accused us of being unpatriotic, etc., I would note to you that homosexuality is NOT accept­able in the military services and great problems have been caused as it is ef­forted to make it so. You cannot have it BOTH ways, friends. In the summer of 1990 a most despicable showing of art works were passed about your coun­try. The objections for expenditures for this "art" was overruled and remains in place--thanks to your wondrously "moral" congress.

    One of the works displayed was Robert Mapplethorpe's "celebration of homosexuality", an exhibition which portrayed such poignant sights as a man urinating into another's mouth and the artist, himself, posing with the "long end" of a bullwhip dangling from a well-known, well-labeled body cavity, pro­nounced "B000-sh" in Arabic.

    Another display was a "work" entitled "Piss Christ", a large photograph of a crucifix immersed in the artist's most recent "medium", his own urine.

    When asked by the press, since he worked with urine, what his next medium would be, Serrano replied: "Semen". The Mapplethorpe and Seranno works both got money from the taxpayer-funded National Endowment for the Arts and one Senator, Jesse Helms, efforted to see that it didn't get repeated but here he stood alone--he was simply laughed at, called a religious bigot, and accused of "violating our First Amendment right of free expression:. Even President Bush has refused to condemn THE FEDERALLY FUNDED "PROGRESSIVE ART" AND HAS NOW CALLED FOR ADDITIONAL TAXPAYER FUNDING--WHICH WILL CONTINUE.

    You might be happy to note that business is not far behind--Seattle First National Bank, whose parent bank is Bank of America, has agreed to offer a "gay affinity" MasterCard for homosexuals throughout Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska. The card is intended and designed to help raise funds for gay and lesbian groups throughout the Pacific Northwest as a trial and then ex­tended outward.

    Congressman Dannemeyer of California gives the following information in a re­cently released publication, "Homosexuals are now insisting that young people be taught how to perform homosexual acts as well as heterosexual acts. They demand that such instruction be mandatory in our public schools and that the courses also teach that homosexuality is a normal and desirable appetite.

    Many schools have instituted such sex education.

    The communists recognize that a country in moral decline is an easy, easy target. In 1960 they told their cadres in America:

    "Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them ' censorship' and violation of 'free speech' and 'free press'. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and ob­scenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as 'normal, natural, and healthy"

    Dear ones, even the tampered Bible pronounces that of all human behavior besides that of murder, homosexuality is the most severely condemned behavior of human. It further states that no society can survive the widespread practices and acceptance of homosexuality. Likewise in opposition, the Talmud and other Manifestos urge their participants to institute decline and weakening of the nations and people through the deviate behaviors by pronouncing them ac­ceptable and pushing therefore, the behaviors.

    There is, also, the promise that the nations, people and planets of those who fall into the practices of such behaviors and actions will reap the reward of perishing and the people shall be separated away from God--in their own free-will of choosing! So be it and Amen. Allow us a rest, please. Gyeorgos
    Ceres Hatonn

    PJ 26
    CHAPTER 10

    WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1991 1:50 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 209

    Let us shift back now, to the subject of Illuminati and intent toward Global con­trol. The preceding chapter fits in integration far better than you might, at first glance, realize. It all boils down to a single "Christ-ness" and a single "Anti­-Christ-ness". This is whether you like of it or do not. Background will help you understand the NOW.

    Every revolutionary effort since the French Revolution has been financed by the International Jewish bankers, who have profited by backing both sides and they love to boast about it. As far back as 1928 they were boasting about it. In that year in Century Magazine, Jewish writer Marcus Eli Ravage wrote: "We Jews are at the bottom of nearly all your wars; not only of the Russian, but of every other revolution in your history... we did it solely with the irresistible might of our spirit, with ideas and propaganda." Now dear ones, you can cast stones at our words if you so choose--the preceding was out of the mouth and pen of a self-proclaimed "Jew".

    The Jewish writer, Oscar Levy, in the preface to his book THE WORLD SIGNIFICANCE OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION, wrote: "There is scarcely an event in modern history that cannot be traced to the Jews. We Jews today, are nothing else but the world's seducers, its destroyers, its incendiaries."

    You are supposed to believe, today, that the International Pharisees, like the Pharisees of Christ's time, are only tools or agents of the Great Conspiracy, when they are the "heart and soul" of the conspiracy itself. Whether or not you wish to accept this, whether or not your Pastor is honest enough to accept it--does not matter a whit. When you back "them", you are backing the enemies of God, His Son, your Lord His Hosts, and His "church". They hate for anyone to expose them and will do most anything to silence the speaker. That is why many of your pastors are scared into silence, even though the truth is known.

    Why do you suppose the average American has been brainwashed into believing that communism is a movement of the working class, when it is controlled by the International Zionist Bankers? The movement to control the world is not a movement of workers, striving to better themselves, but of the International Elite who, led by Zionist money and power, are seeking world control at any cost. The Jewish bankers control the world's economy and thus its people. Like the "money changers" of Christ's time, who received His most violent denunciations, they are the power behind the move to destroy Christianity and Godly civilization. The Bible tells you: "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty!" (2 Corinthians 3:17). The conspirators know this truth, so they seek to stamp it out and that is their major target.

    The headquarters for this world conspiracy in the late 1700's was Frankfurt, Germany, where the House of Rothschild's (known as the Red Shield) was formed by a Jewish banker who adopted the name Rothschild and linked up with other international Jewish bankers who had quite literally "sold their souls to the devil". Remember that the 1700's is labeled the 18th Century. This all oc­curred as the term "Jew" was originated to designate this grouping of Elite out of the Khazars.

    After the Bavarian government's exposure in 1786, the conspirators moved their headquarters to Switzerland, then London, and finally only after World War II, to New York City, where it is located today.

    The Rockefellers, original proteges of Jacob Schiff, have taken over the manipulation of the North American area and David Rockefeller, dead or robotoid, acts as head of the clan--this entity remains one of the most influential men n the world this day.

    In its final stages, the world conspiracy calls for a king/dictator, a United Nations and a few subordinate organizations such as the CFR, a few billionaires, such as the late Armand Hammer and some top scientists, economists and edu­cators who have proven their loyalty to the conspiracy. The rest of the world is to become a mixed-up mass of mongrelized humanity, who for all intents and purposes will be slaves of the world system. This is quite literally taught in the Jewish religious book, the Babylonian TALMUD, where it states that in the Jewish World Government, "Every Jew will have 2,000 goyim slaves".

    At this point, we should look at how the American government and its people have been literally tricked by this one-world plot. Always keep in mind that the United Nations, which is found on American soil in New York City, was cre­ated to be the housing for the conspiracy.

    The REAL foundation of the plot to take over America was laid during the Civil War, by Rothschild agents who had been planted in the United States as far back as the Revolutionary War. They have been preparing this country for ultimate takeover ever since.

    Your first President, George Washington, was more than a match for the Illuminist agents and on several occasions he wrote letters to leading Masonic leaders, warning them of the attempt to infiltrate the Masonic Lodges of America--furthermore, evidence proves that, although Washington was himself a member of the Masonic lodge, he was rather inactive and seldom attended their meetings. Again showing you that most members of such lodges have no idea of that which is the foundation of the organization. Most members and initiates think the rituals amusing and a "bit of a lark"--certainly NOT to be taken seriously.

    It was not, however, until the time of the Civil War that the conspirators launched their first concrete effort to control your economy. You can know from history that the chief advisor to President Jefferson Davis of the Confeder­acy was a Jew named Judah Benjamin, a noted Illuminist. You can also know that the Lincoln Administration was riddled with Rothschild agents, much as they control your present government through the CFR. These agents attempted to steer President Lincoln into a financial deal with the International Jewish bankers. But old "Honest Abe" saw enough "light" through their schemes and bluntly rejected them, thereby incurring their wrath, just as the Czar of Russia did a bit later when he torpedoed the first League of Nations. Sic, Sic--and you thought Lincoln was slain for freeing slaves.

    For insults, both real and imagined, both the Czar and your Abraham Lincoln paid with their lives. Investigation into the assassination of Lincoln shows that the assassin, John Wilkes Booth, was not a Southern sympathizer as your history books aver, but was a member of a secret conspiratorial group which was controlled by the Illuminati. THE NAME OF THIS GROUP HAS NOT BEEN REVEALED AND THE EVIDENCE WAS IMMEDIATELY COVERED FOR MANY YEARS, JUST AS THE EVIDENCE HAS BEEN HID­DEN MOST DILIGENTLY IN THE LATER ASSASSINATION OF JACK KENNEDY!

    The ending of the Civil War temporarily destroyed chances for the House of Rothschild to gain control of your money. They already controlled the economy of Britain, France, and most of the European countries. This was only a temporary set-back for them. But in the United States they had to start from the beginning. Shortly after the Civil War, a young Jewish immigrant from Ger­many, named Jacob Schiff, arrived in the United States. His mission was to gain control of the American money system for his master--the Rothschilds.

    Schiff was the son of a Rabbi and had been especially trained for his mission in Frankfurt, Germany.

    It is not necessary for us to go deeply into Schiff's background for we have done so previously, but it suffices to say that Rothschild recognized in him, not only a potential "money worker", but more important, recognized in him the ideal agent for the conspiracy. He saw the latent Machevillian qualities which would turn Schiff into one of the most important agents in the world conspiracy.

    Schiff became the primary cog in the plan to control the American money system. He came to New York with orders to buy into a banking house which would be the "springboard" into acquiring ultimate control of your economy. He had several primary assignments:

    1. The most important was to acquire control of the American economy,
    2. He was to find men in important government and business positions in your country who would be willing to serve as "front men" for the conspiracy,
    3. He was to create minority group strife, particularly between Blacks and Whites, and,
    4. He was to create a movement which would eventually destroy Christianity in America.

    Let us trace the trail of Schiff's actions as he set out to accomplish challenge #1, control of the American Money System.

    His first step was to buy into a banking house, using Rothchild money. It had to be a house over which he would have complete control. After carefully scouting around, Schiff bought a partnership in a New York firm called Kuehn and Loeb. Like Schiff, both Kuehn and Loeb were German Jews who had immigrated to the U.S. in the 1840's from the ghettoes of Germany. Both of them started their business careers as itinerant peddlers. In the mid 1840's, they pooled their interests and purchased a merchandising store in Lafayette, Indiana under the name of Kuehn-Loeb. They serviced covered wagons heading west. In a few years, they had a string of stores in Cincinnati and St. Louis. Then they added "pawn brokering" to their pursuits. By the time Schiff arrived on the scene, Kuehn and Loeb were well-known bankers in the U.S.

    Shortly after Jacob bought into the firm, he married Loeb's daughter, Theresa. Then he bought out Kuehn's interest and the firm, headquartered in New York City became known as Kuehn, Loeb and Company, International Bankers. By this time, Schiff was in complete control of the firm.

    From the very beginning this agent of an adversarial conspiracy posed as a great philanthropist and a man of great religious holiness. But under his pious exterior, he carried out the satanic policies of his masters with nothing short of brilliance.

    To achieve control of the U.S. Money System, Schiff had to get cooperation from the Big Banking elements in your country. In those days, Wall Street was the heart of the American Money Mart. J.P. Morgan was its unchallenged dictator. Next in line were Biddle and Drexel, two great banks from Philadelphia. All the money interests in America danced to the beat these three banks played, with Morgan always in the drummer's lead.

    At first, these banks treated the little bewhiskered Jew from Germany with con­tempt. But Jacob knew how to overcome that. He threw them a few Rothschild bones consisting of the distribution of European stocks and bonds which master Rothschild controlled.

    But he had an even more potent weapon available. Following the Civil War, American industries had a phenomenal growth. The world had never seen any­thing like it. You had great railroad systems to build; oil was discovered; your mines were producing untold wealth; steel and textile industries were bursting out of the seams. All this called for vast financing and of course, most of this financing came from abroad, where it was controlled by the Rothschild interests. Schiff, playing a crafty game, became the "patron saint" of such men as John D. Rockefeller, Edward Harriman and Andrew Carnegie. He financed Standard Oil for "Rocky"; the railroad empire for Harriman and the steel industry for Carnegie. Now wouldn't you all like a nice "sugar daddy" like that one?

    Next, he opened the money doors of the Rothschild's to Morgan, Biddle and Drexel, as he arranged for them to set up branches of their banks in major European cities. Cleverly arranged, these banks were always in a partnership with the Rothschild interests and subordinate to them. Each partner was expected to "pay his pound of flesh" to the Rothschilds. It was clear to the "Big Three" from the beginning that Schiff was the boss and they simply swallowed their pride and accepted it. After all, "business comes first!".

    By the turn of the century, Schiff had tight control over the banking fraternity of America. This included the Lehman Brothers; Goldwin-Sachs and other International banks, plus the "Big three of Morgan, Biddle and Drexel".

    With full control of the American Banking System in his pocket, Schiff was now ready for the giant step which would gain full control of America's money system. Under your Constitutional system, all control of your money was to remain under the control of Congress (does anyone remember?). So Schiff's task was to seduce Congress into betraying the Constitutional edict by surrendering that control to the hierarchy of the Illuminati. In order to legalize this surrender, it would be necessary for Congress to enact special legislation. To accomplish this, Schiff had to infiltrate Rothschild stooges into both houses of Congress and even more important, he would have to have a Rothschild stooge in the PRESIDENCY, a man without moral scruples or integrity, who would obey every order that came to him from the Rothschild's and sign this legisla­tion into law. To accomplish this, he had to gain control over one of the major political parties with intent to control all political parties as the plan would move along. I believe you can see that that has been magnificently accomplished.

    The Democratic Party seemed to be the more vulnerable at the time, since it was the hungrier of the two. With the exception of Grover Cleveland, they had been unable to place their man in the White House since before the Civil War. There were two major reasons for this. First, the Democrat party was a poor party and secondly, there were considerably more Republican voters than there were Democrats. This obviously had to be changed.

    The poverty matter was not of great concern, since Schiff had access to the Rothschild wealth. The voter problem was a bit of a different story. Remem­ber now, we are dealing with an extremely clever operator in Jacob Schiff. Here is how he went about solving the voter problem. The solution shows how the Jewish leaders care very little for their own people and will sacrifice the "little 'Jews'" if it will bring them into power.

    About 1890, there were a series of "pogroms" (an organized massacre of a group of people) in Russia and Central Europe against the Jews, in which thousands of men, women and children were ruthlessly slaughtered. These "pogroms" were masterminded by those nice Rothschild agents, working on the dislike for Jews, which had been built up in these countries over the years be­cause of unscrupulous "Jewish" business practices. Their plan was to force hundreds of thousands of Jews to flee Russia and Central Europe and find homes in either Palestine or the United States. Palestine was not a very good choice in those days, so the vast majority flocked into the United States.

    These immigrants were aided by self-styled humanitarian organizations, using Rothschild money, which were set up by Schiff. While the vast majority of Jews arriving in the United States settled in New York City, many were shipped to other large cities such as Chicago, Los Angeles, Detroit and Philadelphia. Within thirty years, these people had become citizens and had been taught to vote a straight Democrat ticket, no matter what!

    This Jewish minority was then joined by Blacks, who had also been recruited by Schiff's efforts for Civil Rights. This became a major voting bloc for the Democratic party. By 1910, these minority voters had become a vital factor in the political life of America. This was the plan Schiff used to plant such men as Senator Nelson Aldrich in the Senate and Woodrow Wilson in the White House.

    At this point let's digress for a bit and go back and look at another important point in Schiff's scheme to control America. I am now referring to his plot to destroy the unity of the American people by creating minority groups and engendering racial strife. By forcing Jews to leave their homeland in Russia, Schiff had a ready made minority group who would do his bidding. But the Jewish people themselves, frightened by the violence they had seen in Russia, could not be counted on to produce the violence necessary for Schiff's plan. So he turned to a sleeping minority in America which was much more numerous than the Jews. I am speaking about the Blacks, and such men as Martin Luther King, Jr., Stokley Carmichael and others, who carried out their so-called peace­ful demonstrations under the guise of Civil Rights and always under the firm di­rection of Rothschild agents. I'm sorry, chelas, in political stakes as high as these, God is rarely actually invited into participation and it is one reason that ones of great impact must be eliminated when they become troublesome and while they can still be utilized as "martyrs". Next, all that was necessary to bring about rioting, looting, rape and murder, was to arouse the baser members of the Black race, who were always looking for some excuse to get even for the evil the white people had brought against them.

    Working together, under Schiff's control, these two minority groups, the Ashkenazi Jews and the American Blacks, began to produce the rioting which would tear America asunder.

    You will find that while Schiff was laying his plans for the takeover of the money system, he was also working on the plans for the chaos they hoped would destroy the unity of the American people.

    While this racial holocaust has never been fully realized, the enemy agents are
    still working on it and you can see the terrible potential which was seen in the race riots which destroyed vast areas of your great cities a few years ago. It is still boiling under the surface, waiting for the proper spark to set it off. Your streets are rampant with unrest and drugs, assault weapons, disease and hatred. This explosive situation will erupt one of the clays into the worst tragedy that has ever hit your continent. There will be police force slaughter of the kids in the gangs as gun control and confiscation is brought into law--the children of the gangs will simply be shot. Worse for the masses of warm, goodly human be­ings--because the military consists of so many blacks and minorities--the enforcement will fall to the brothers of the same group being exterminated. THE SAME PEOPLE WHO PUSHED THIS IN THE PAST ARE PUSHING IT TODAY.

    This potential for racial violence has grown with the vast immigration of legal and illegal Asiatics and Hispanics into your country in the past half century. Almost without fail the immigration laws were changed by the liberals in Congress to pave the road for this very holocaust and, almost without fail, they came from the Democratic party. Don't get bent-out-of-shape about immigration of aliens into your country--there are proper ways to handle immigration in a humane and fair manner with brotherhood--not this hatred fostered by your foolish laws.

    At present there is evidence that in Los Angeles alone there are over 100,000 armed gang members who are constantly fighting among themselves and the slaughter is evident every week-end. This would be bad enough, except that now they are spilling over with their warfare into the suburban areas which are not on "home turf". In frequent recent attempts to control this situation as many as 1,000 combat-geared policemen have efforted to bring these gangs into control--without success. The problem worsens daily. The price of this crime has risen into the hundreds of millions of dollars each year.

    The liberal policy has been expounded to the point where anti-American radicals, both professors and students, have been given a haven of refuge on your college campuses. In 1985, for instance, F.B.I. sources stated that there were estimated to be a minimum of 45,000 Marxist Professors teaching in your in­stitutions of higher learning--and the number rising annually by leaps and bounds. On many of these once conservative campuses, conservative speakers are shouted into silence by a few radicals, who are among the most vociferous when demanding their own right to "freedom of speech"--then the demands are backed up by police intervention.

    I do not make the rules nor the story--but you will find that in every radical group there will be a leader claiming to be "Jewish" and coming from the most wealthy of the Jewish families. In the recent past these few radicals all but ran the colleges and universities and the administrators were helplessly afraid of them.

    The same Zionist Jewish control can easily be seen by anyone who will look at the problem openly without shouting or hiding from "anti-Semitism" nonsense. Look at EVERY issue which is being used to destroy America, and behind it, financing it and often actually outright and publicly controlling it, will be a self-acclaimed Jewish racist. I do not mean "racist against Jews"--I said "Jewish racist". The Jews are the most racist of all groups of persons.

    Look carefully at every effort to take Christian principles out of the public schools and Christ out of Christmas--and Christian symbols out of the schools, parks and now, the Christian churches. Oh no, this is true and it is NOT amusing. You will find a "Jewish ' movement' and person behind it with non-bending intent accomplishment of the task at hand. Look carefully at every effort to knock the stand which is being taken by Christian Patriots and you will find the Jewish A.D.L. (Anti-Defamation League) and W.Z.O. (World Zionist Organization) at the lead against whatever it might be.

    As you further study this conspiracy, you will find that it took infinite planning and patience to be successful. So let us take a few minutes and look at documentary proof as to how they set about to destroy God/Christ America.

    Dharma, allow us a break, please, and we will then take up the methods for destruction of the U.S. as planned and orchestrated against you-the-people. We have already spoken of destruction of the family and because I used the term "communist", forget any difference for there is NONE. These terms of "Jews", "Zionists" and "Communists" were originated to bring into power the Globalist Elite Conspirators.

    I will move to stand-by and go over this computer while you have a rest--please leave the room as we need to always take caution. As we wrote, I believe you heard the efforts to access the circuits--but I believe we have it pretty well under control today. Thank you. I shall stand aside. Gyeorgos

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