PJ 26

SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1991 7:09 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 219

Hatonn present and I believe that we have checked out everything which might "blow up" on you. For you readers, there is no "private joke" but everything Dharma "turns on" or "plugs in" has a very nasty habit of "blowing out" circuits. Actually, our generous adversaries set up electronic thrusters through the computers, the TV's and appliances such as answering machines, etc. So when Dharma sits to work, etc., the systems surge and often we have to counter the beams and "blow out" the machinery. It is always most difficult to come forth in the morning and begin work. Others leave us to our work in the morning and there have been times we have spent quite a lot of time in unconscious communion efforting to get the heart started after a pulse beam has arrested it. It is a most frightening experience and it can be two or three hours before an­other "human" discovers that there is a problem.

The attacks have been regular and constant since the incident with some 30 peo­ple, following your Thanksgiving time. It is quite unnerving to have CIA heli­copters in the living room window and have your television "blow out" as you turn it on at 4:00 in the morning. Brothers, be careful for there is incredibly sophisticated surveillance and "take out" technology available to your enemies. It is feasible for your adversary to kill you dead in mere split seconds and the result is cardiac arrest and no visible evidence of foul-play. Keep your shields up and secure. We have to keep Dharma in an electronic plasmic shield all the time now, and still she is often incapacitated. There is constant tampering and replacing of the equipment at the wire poles and electronic beams refocused constantly. Persons visiting the dwelling location usually are conscious of a whole symphony of changing tones as we monitor and counter. Do not be fooled by the idiots who occasionally appear publicly, as members of the CIA, etc., and have done some stupid things like break into Watergate. The teams for the most part are inter-trained with and by the Mossad and the KGB and are expert and incredibly good at that which they do. There are some pulse systems that cannot be neutralized except through higher frequency light beams out of your range of hearing or visualizing, so don't play with the enemy on your own.

If you think you are so sophisticated that you need no higher help in protection--think again! If you do not ask for protection, then I promise you unequivocally--you are not under attack for take-out. That, in turn, means that you are no threat to their "cause" and you are a "better tool for their work" than for that of "Truth". Ponder it most carefully. The big "UFO MOUTHS" are still alive because they give disinformation and confusion. You can, in fact, often tell the focus and truth of presentations by whether or not a speaker remains in good health with no impact from "Big Brothers". You can also tell the MINUTE they hit upon Truth and become dangerous, but by that time, many of the valid ones who have come into whole knowledge will have also learned to seek protection from HIGHER SOURCE.

There is nothing MYSTICAL NOR MAGICAL about the protection system--it is a pulse frequency which interrupts the bombarding frequencies focused on a given individual. They are easy to monitor from great distances. It usually requires a "build-up" of thrust, much like radiation which builds to a certain "level" before becoming lethal. This can be in instant overdose or over a period of time. With pulse systems, however, when the frequency is interrupted, there is usually rapid recovery. These beamed pulses are most frequently extremely low in frequency and if you have an isolated target--ARE SET SPECIFICALLY FOR THE INTENDED TARGET. This is what makes them so deadly for an individual for the "thruster" can be carried in a chip called a microdot and will usually not interfere with other than the target. This makes them dastardly to isolate but by the same token, they are rather short-lived at this time.

I am telling you readers this for two reasons, I am reminding Dharma and ones nearby--to give attention and do not act in foolishness--and, giving direct notice to the surveillance personnel who monitor this computer and; I thank you for your acknowledgment.

Mark it down as it comes forth, America. General Powell has now made "a first public statement" that "our troops will have to be present in the Middle East indefinitely--at least for many months". It is called the "gradual poisoning process" whereby you give the dose in small amounts until the lethal limit is reached--or, the old "boiled frog from the warm kettle" method. Sleep on, America, while they kill you dead.

I have a letter here which is duly worthy of response and I will utilize it to make a more worthy point than to simply answer the inquiry.

Please keep in mind that we have massive, massive task at hand and that I am a Fleet Commander. I am limited in my functions and am terribly restricted by the time limitations of the humans who do the physical functioning. Dharma simply cannot respond to the myriads of queries. These people in point, have written a most interesting letter of inquiry and DEMAND response--or, the inference is that they "will not believe in this truth". You are told to question, and demand truth "THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT DHARMA MUST RESPOND! I, further, ask right up front that you not be offended by my blunt re­sponse for I shall answer the questions but the facts are that they have been thoroughly answered and repeated one to three times in the Journals and in the Expresses. Please do not ask questions which are already answered in such great depth for the barrage of letters asking for LESS REPETITION is greater, indeed. There is so much material to cover that I have to ask that those things which are actually moot issues be held for a bit in order that we cover them in the intended material not yet offered, and/or, already covered--the world is in critical circumstance and whether Immanuel is spelled Jmmanuel, Emmanuel, Eimanual or Esu, is of no merit--the Master Christos will answer to any label--IF THE ADDRESS IS MADE TO HIS BEING IN SOUL INTENT FOR REACHING THE MASTER. GOD HONORS SOUL EXPRESSION AND VERY LITTLE MUTE WORKINGS.

Dharma, I apologize but I must ask you to copy the letter lest my response make no sense what-so-ever to the readers.

From R & P P.
Approx: 3/20/91
Dear George & Desiree',
Please direct the following questions to Hatonn for me. I have been reading the Expresses, and shared reading a few of the books you also publish. Both my husband and I have thoroughly enjoyed the knowledge and wisdom received through your publications. We feel entirely blessed to be receiving such a gift, and have begun the preparations for the future as suggested within.
My first question refers to your (their) use of the word "Universes". Since "uni" means one, how can there be more than one Universe: more than one totality of creation?
My second question is very heartfelt and important. I have been taught to look for the deception, and been impressed with "make me (Heavenly Spirit, Yahshua, Yahueh) prove it to you". In my research, I found there were no J's in any language until after the passing on of Yahsua, whom the world calls Jesus. I have been taught that the father's name is Yahweh (Yah=I come in my Father's name & shua=meaning savior). Haleluyah = Praise be to Yahweh=God= Our Father. I learned through earlier studies that the J=(J) followed the "i", and it does look like i except for it's tail (j), which connotes de­ception. Why then have you never used the true Hebrew names Yahweh & Yah­sua since there were no J's and Jesus is an impossible rendering of his name? I accept Esu, and Sananda as earlier, and present names, as a Hebrew born with this name Yahsua; nor have you used Yahweh, the Hebrew name of "Our Fa­ther". After all, Yahsua was a Jew--why not use his Hebrew name? What is Jmmanuel?
As an avid seeker of the truth of our Universe, planet and people here upon request a response to the questions given.
1 humbly await your reply, and loving response.

* * *

Firstly, dealing with "Universes"--we have only your representations of "language" with which to work and if you mislabel a "thing", we have to work with the terminology. We are presenting our work in English and have no intent of comparing every language on your planet lest we never make it past the first word. You as people of Earth are only aware of ONE "thing" you call uni­verse. There are actually universes above universes, below and alone side into infinity. Even God is not as you anticipate and the one of the Creative realms which may serve as "God of Earth", for instance may well not be THE majes­tic ONENESS of THE CREATION overall. As knowledge is inflowing, you will find that you are allowing selves to be limited by perceptions given unto you by those even more limited persons before you. I have covered this most thoroughly in THE PLEIADES CONNECTION VOL. I and if we can ever make it back to Vol II, we will work with it again in depth, for it deals with light and frequencies, no space-no time continuum. You see, if all be illusion (which it is then there are only perceptions and God-thought at best and inter­pretation at least.

As for "Jesus". I have also covered the "no J's" most carefully in prior writings and will spare the readership repetition; however, I will repeat that "Jesus" was not Emmanuel's name nor was "Jahsua". Jesus was a label picked up in Greece by Apostle Paul long after Emmanuel moved from the region. Jahsua is simply a repronounciation of Jesus and is also erroneous in total context. Never would I refer to "Yahweh" for it is also a rendition of a term which has been given "Jew" connotations of a most negative aspect of Father God. I have given long explanation of why we refer to the labels which we do utilize and I ask that you ones stop looking for curly-cues on script and look for overall truth of content of message. You will learn quickly enough to pick up the clues as must be presented by the adversary but if you fail to come into the content of truth in con­cept, you won't need the lesser lessons.

If you are keeping up with recent writings you will realize that the very word "JEW" was not a part of reference in any manner nor in any written language until the 18th Century (A.D.) and therefore, KNOW--JESUS BY ANY LABEL WAS NOT A "JEW"! This person under point was of JUDEAN birth. IS­RAEL was not a "place"--"israel" meant "chosen of God".

IMMANUEL is Pleiadian spelling and pronunciation of Immanuel (and get ready--most of Earth Man comes from Pleiades ancestry so it becomes most im­portant that you begin to latch onto the similarities of "human" brotherhood). Again, the "J" is non-existent but is pronounced softly as you would utilize the "J" in Spanish "Juan". We are caused to utilize that which gives "meaning" to a statement and there are not always words in all languages which express spe­cific ideas and sounds.

We utilize the term for the One God, ATON, the "Central Sun", the "All", etc., because this is the first RECOGNIZED label in the civilization after the passing of Lemuria and Atlantis, Pan, etc. It was Egyptian and many of you are serving again, who served at the time of presentation again, of the concept of ONE GOD. Much has been historically written and some is excellent. I cannot take time to write the ancient history of your planet lest your present structure not endure long enough to have need of it. Let us return the planet Shan (Earth) into balance and harmony and then we shall have great and won­drous brotherhood as we share the knowledge of the Universes and the planet Earth. Right now, you of Shan are ready to annihilate the very planet itself with all life forms thereon. That is unacceptable to the brotherhood in the cos­mos and unto the One God of Faith's creation.

My task, and that of my brothers and receivers upon your Shan place, is to bring Truth and unfoldment for your people that you can see and know that which IS. That is the promise of God and my focus is not on convincing any to believe that which we bring, even though that gives us great and wondrous joy, but our mission is to set Truth forth that you might change of your destiny if you so choose. What you choose to call "God", be it Wakan Tanka, Standing Buffalo, Yahwah, Aton or Phooey is none of my business. If you honor Phooey in thine heart as the Holy of God-ness, HE SHALL RESPOND AS GOD WITH AND WITHIN THE CREATION.

Please, you who wrote this letter and others who have written with IDENTICAL inquiries, do not feel either embarrassed nor intimidated if my response appears abrupt for it is not given in such manner. I am most grateful to you who write and share for it is a great help to ALL. Just please understand our limitations and the mammoth task at hand and be patient with our inabilities to repeat and repeat that which has already been given forth. We realize the ex­pense involved in gathering all of the Journals, not to even mention the time re­quired for careful study of each, or for that matter, the simple "reading" of all. Therefore, I do urge you to demand that your local libraries get the material in several copies thereof, for the Journals will be becoming more and more in de­mand with each passing day. Places that do carry the Journals and Expresses for "lending" are constantly without copies available. If you CAN afford to purchase them and/or additional copies--thank you for assisting the Publisher and writers for they are expending some 20 to 50,000 dollars every month to get this information out and the burden is incredible.

That is, however, not the thrust and we beg copying, sharing--any way to get the news about and among the people in great haste--we can pick up the inquiries as to detail out there somewhere. If, however, the people do not come into the overall truth of your plight--you are basically an endangered species headed for extinction on Planet Earth. Already, to regain freedom in America, much less the "world", is all but beyond the regaining. We can speak of nitty-gritty in the slowness of a winter afternoon after you return to "freedom" but there won't be the possibility if you do not take some action for there will be no freedom of speech or the written word.


I thank you most humbly for your correspondence which we can cover better as we move along with the Journals, for the Expresses are too limited in subject and space (already we are publishing a quarter's worth in quantity in less than a third of that time, and it is too much for adequate study and/or expenditure). We don't, however, know what else to do for the material must continue to reach you timely and it covers such a myriad of subject matter that we simply do not know what else to do about it. By and large we keep the publishing to the limit of Dharma's ability to write for if ONE person can write the material, then we feel the people as individuals can find time to read that same quantity and cover it pretty well. That means, however, that we have to ask ones who start late in the recognition of the Journals to do homework and pick up the back issues for there is an incredible amount of information on a lot of varying sub­jects and I know of no way to digest it for you--for we have already digested it and still it renders you buried under a deluge of information. We shall simply continue as best we can. Thank you.

THE HATE CRIMES BILL: The U.S. Congress has passed and President Bush signed a "Hate Crimes Bill" which requires the Justice Department to collect and publish data on crimes motivated by prejudice against a race, religion, ethnic group, or sexual orientation. Pushed through by the powerful gay/homosexual lobby, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, this law authorizes federal and state authorities to collect data on so-called hate crimes and to formulate laws or regulations to prosecute perpetrators of same. "Hate crimes" is then defined as an assault, intimidation, or harassment against a minority or homosexual group--in other words, unkind words or even thoughts toward these groups can be construed as a "hate crime".

Your Senator Helms argued against such a "bill" for you cannot legislate morality or kindness nor lovingness. Laws then, can become bindings which can be interpreted and reinterpreted and finally, hang an entire nation on the ba­sis of a "thing" never included in the original "law" and negate in point the very "thing" originally set out to correct.

As Jesse Helms entered into the Congressional Record (Feb. 8, 1990):

"Let the Senate understand that this bill is the flagship of the homo­sexual, lesbian legislative agenda. Apparently there is a great deal of political clout in the homosexual community. With this legislation, the radical elements of the homosexual community have hoodwinked a lot of people into believing that this is not a homosexual right's bill....The bill actually attempts to shift our focus away from criminal behavior and to­ward motivation behind the behavior."

The point being, brothers, is that any CRIME against ANYONE is what should be focused herein for it matters not whether the recipient of a bullet or a beating is heterosexual or homosexual--it is the bullet or the beating which is the point. You see, the law itself could be interpreted in one of your "Injustice" courts to be that if a "homosexual" beats a "heterosexual" then it is perfectly alright--legally and, somehow, morally. It is somehow now criminal to cast opinion against, say, a Black man but it is perfectly fine for the same Black man to cas­tigate a White man.

As it was pointed out, a person will be guilty of a "hate crime" for simply speaking out publicly, or having negative thoughts against, say, a "Jew", a Black, A Mexican, a lesbian, a homosexual or sodomite, or their political movements. Helms went on to say:

"We are now considering legislation based on statistics that include name calling at public rallies as crimes. Are we going onto the school yards of this country and when two kids get angry with each other and call each other names--what are we going to do, cart them over to the reformatory or add them to the list of 'hate crimes' perpetrators? This is ridiculous!"

Helms went on to point out the hypocrisy of liberals who defend flag burning and pornographic art as 'free speech" but want to jail someone for exercising their "free speech" by verbally expressing their disapproval of a gay, a black, or some other so-called and self-appointed minority group or organization. If this is a fact then, I would most surely pronounce that Dharma and those writing for the Space Command are a minority group and the ones who object to our liter­ature should be hanged or, at the least suffer, incarceration in prison for the re­mainder of their natural lives. Since we now establish unilaterally that Dharma is a "minority", then we request that William Cooper be fined and incarcerated and pay damage by cause of defamation and insulting "bashing" by referring to her as a slimy puke and threats (which certainly bashed her sensitivity) to throw "every fucking legal thing in the books at you!" Why? Because she writes Truth which disagrees with his presentations. But is this not "bashing"? Or, is it only those who speak out in behalf of Truth, freedom, the Constitution and rights of citizens who are allowed to "be bashed"? Is it not "minority" "bashing" to literally shoot rifles with nice live bullets--at Dharma? She cer­tainly seems to constitute a "minority" by definition. Or would you consider that the laws of the land are actually quite sufficient for protection--IF THE JUSTICE SYSTEM ACTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONSTITUTION AND THE LAWS THEREOF? That allows Mr. Cooper to say anything he wishes about Dharma and it is none of her business and, at any circumstance known to citizens, to be shot at is illegal and unlawful as well.

Herein and along the same lines, supposing that a citizen looked at the facts pre­sented in literature and announced a conclusion that, say, "The National Organi­zation for Women is made up of leftists, lesbians, and men-haters "--that person (citizen) would literally be guilty of a "hate crime".

Mr. Helms concluded:

"There is no doubt in my mind where the passage of this legislation will lead us. It will be the first time that sexual orientation--and that means homosexuality--will be marked out for protected status. The radical homosexuals know this, and this legislation is simply one step in their radical revolution. They make no bones about their ultimate goal in getting this Hate Crimes Act enacted. Mr. David Wertheimer of the Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project, commenting on the need for this legislation, said: 'Our final goal should be nothing less than the expansion of the Civil Rights Act to include lesbians and gay men."

Other supporters of this Hate Crimes Act are rather interesting: Anti Defamation League and World Zionist Organization, World "Jewish" League, Ameri­can Bar Association (could it mean just tons and tons of new business?), Na­tional Council of Churches (oh pain and agony), National Education Association (who also teach the techniques of proper homosexual sex acts to the school chil­dren), League of Women Voters, National Organization of Women, National Lawyers Guild, Presbyterian Church U.S.A., United Church of Christ, United Methodist Church, Unitarian Church, and all of the gay/lesbian organizations.

Now, homosexual inclusion in the Civil Rights Act means employers, churches, clubs, etc., will have to accept or employ gays in the same ratio as they claim to be in the population (just as with other minority groups, they claim some ten percent) whether they have AIDS or not. Would you have ten percent of all employee pools infected with deadly smallpox? Remember, that "bashing" or not, AIDS is Lethal and is now PROVEN to be spread through airborne transmission just like a nice little cold in the nose. Well, it matters not that which you think about it if it is included as intended--for discrimination against the groups would become a criminal offence.

However, the broader implications of this Hate Crimes Act are really ominous. Free speech in your nation is already in grave, grave danger. This legislation will be used against conservatives and Christians over the next few years as they speak out against groups who threaten the very way of life and freedoms of your nation, and will be used to sentence, jail, or otherwise destroy the opponents of any social deviation in the country--without recourse. Subsequent legislation will undoubtedly criminalize such "hate crimes" so that, one day in the very near future, a conservative or simply one who "disagrees" could be jailed for speaking out against the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Rela­tions, the State Department, or various leftist groups--all are minority groups and after all, "minorities are in need of your protection at all costs, including your very existence".

You may not have to worry about little bills and "acts" like the above, however, for the full intent is to remove your existing Constitution and replace it with the New Constitution under the One World Government and all will become moot as to freedoms, etc.

Let us take a bit of an example. Let us say, you are "Mr. Doe" and you live a bit of a stressed-out lifestyle and you simply do not wish to run the risk of acquiring AIDS virus. Let us say you even like the homosexual concept--well, sir, it won't matter what you "prefer" or do not prefer--you will work beside the homosexual--who may well have AIDS. Now, however, does this give equal rights to the heterosexual who has AIDS--no, it singles out for special privilege--the homosexual!

Well, you say, no-one MEANS "THAT" and "how could they enforce such a thing?" Easy--they plan to remove all your weapons for protection of self. They are now training your police with use of Soviet KGB and Mossad special forces to ENFORCE THESE LAWS AS THEY COME ABOUT--AND--TAKE AWAY YOUR DEFENSE WEAPONS. YOU WILL HAVE NO RECOURSE BUT TO OBEY OR PERISH.

Let us hear from LENIN:

"One of the basic conditions for the victory of socialism is the arming the workers and the disarming of the bourgeois (the middle class)."

and, from Noah Webster, An Examination Into the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution, 1787:

"Before a standing army can rule, the people must be dis­armed, as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The Supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword, because the whole body of the people are armed, and con­stitute force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on and pretense, raised in the United States." (SO FAR! IT IS NOW TWO CENTURIES LATER!)

How about James Madison, The Federalist Papers:

"Americans need never fear their government because of the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation."

And how about the words, in 1990, to a female student from Beijing, Red China, describing her parent's last words to her--:

"Tell the American people never to lose their guns. As long as they keep their guns in their hands, whatever happened here will NEVER HAPPEN THERE!"


So you see, the disarming of Americans is essential to converting the U.S. to a socialist America and merging it into a global government. Every communist leader from Lenin to Gorbachev to Gus Hall, chairman of the Communist Party, U.S.A., has reiterated that an important part of communist strategy is:

1) Arming the right people (i.e., the criminals, the terrorists, the revolutionaries, the communists).

2) Disarming the revolutionaries or nationalists who might meet violence with violence in any attempted communist takeover.

Communists, socialists, bureaucrats, and criminals have no desire to be shot--they prefer to deal with an unarmed citizenry which is helpless to resist any and all whims of the Elite. What is equally important is that both the communists and the criminal element have long proven that they can and will obtain firearms, no matter what the government restrictions to the contrary may be. So the theory of taking arms away from criminals is laughable at best.

The communists have taken over nation after nation when the number of communists in that country numbered less than three percent of the population. How could this happen? Because they were the ones with the guns. It happened in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, China, the Balkans and so many other countries I shall not list them. More recently, this happened in Cuba, Central America, and Africa. It is happening today in the Natal Province and black townships of South Africa--where the revolutionary "comrades" have the guns, made in the Soviet Union, and those of the non-Elite Christian and anti-commu­nist blacks remain unarmed by edict of South Africa's white liberal government. This is why word comes out of slashings and stabbings--they have no other weapons with which to defend themselves. This same scenario is being played out in the Philippines, in the mountains of Peru, and in El Salvador where the communist revolutionaries have the guns and the people do not. It is now hap­pening in a United Europe as thousands of well-armed Spetsnaz commandos and KGB with Mossad forces are pouring into Western Europe at this very minute.

Most of you loving and sleeping Americans are still not capable of understanding that the communists abroad and at home, aided and abetted by liberals, Zionists, socialist politicians and the controlled media are working overtime to disarm the American people. Through media disinformation, they have con­fused the people and the issues. Many people still think that gun ownership has primarily to do with target shooting, squirrel hunting, match competition, going after game, or collecting. These are recreational uses, and are relatively unim­portant.

Since we have already had the computer eat a portion of this writing, Dharma, and it grows too lengthy in segment, let us close it here and we will take up with this same subject as sit again to write. Thank you.

Hatonn to stand-by, please. Salu.

PJ 26

MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1991 7:55 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 221


I ask to have reproduced herein the message written by Chief Seattle to President Franklin Pierce, 1855. You ones of the world wish to put aside that which has happened historically unto your brothers by blinding your eyes to facts and assuming superior status by "....but, that could never happen to me!" Couldn't it? You who call yourselves Americans pushed out of their places the ones who were the Native Americans--the REAL Americans and you took their lands and traditions, put them on reservations and forced them into "your" ways, etc., etc. You binded the Eagle and the Buffalo hunter and now the bindings shall break thine own backs that which you gave as the bitter cup unto your brothers shall now strangle you as you fall into the same reservations, now called deten­tion camps for subversives and rabble rousers--dissenters. Just as it was re­quired to lay down the spears and huddle in helpless masses, so shall the weapons of defense be taken from you and you shall huddle in helpless masses--for that which was given forth was but a vision, a destiny projected, of that which would come upon you in the cycles of evolution in the perfection of the sacred hoop of life.

Chief Seattle responded to a demand "to purchase" Indian land:

The Great Chief in Washington sends word that he wishes to buy our land. How can you buy or sell the sky--the warmth of the land? The idea is strange to us. Yet we do not own the freshness of the air or the sparkle of the water. How can you buy them from us? Every part of this earth is sacred to my people.
We know that white man does not understand our ways. One portion of the land is the same to him as the next, for he is a stranger who comes in the night and takes from the land whatever he needs. The earth is not his brother but his enemy, and when he has conquered it he moves on. He leaves his fathers' graves and his children's birthright is forgotten.
There is no quiet place in the white man's cities. No place to hear the leaves of spring or the rustle of insects wings. But perhaps because I am savage and do not understand--the clatter only seems to insult the ears. And what is there to Life if a man cannot hear the lovely cry of the whippoorwill or the argument of the frogs around the pond at night?

The whites, too, shall pass--perhaps sooner than other tribes. Con­tinue to contaminate your bed and you will one night suffocate in your own waste. When the buffalo are all slaughtered, the wild horses are tamed, the secret corners of the forest heavy with the scent of many men, and the view of the ripe hills blotted by talking wires. Where is the thickets? Gone. Where is the eagle? Gone. And what is it to say goodbye to the swift and the hunt, the end of living and the beginning of survival.

These brothers welcomed you ones to the shores of America and shared with you, GOD'S LANDS but that is never enough for human creatures of greed and lust for power and control. So you gradually and methodically simply TOOK THAT WHICH YOU WANTED. NOW IT HAS COME UPON YOU WHILE YOU WERE PROMISED MORE FREEDOM AND RIGHTS--YOU WERE EATEN ALIVE BY THE SERPENT OF THOSE WHO WOULD ENSLAVE YOU.

How can it happen? In myriads of ways. You are told that which is desired for you to hear and words turned into lies by the inflections and focus of points, i.e., this day they tell you, "Saddam Hussein is wealthy in his personal bank ac­counts and businesses--"...AND, "he 'skimmed' at least 5% of the oil revenues for self" the commentators continue. They tell you that, "...we will find his assets and force him to pay for all the damages he wrought upon the nations and his own people--but first, the nation of Kuwait, etc." What of Kuwait? The Sabah took 100% of all the profits from Kuwait! Fifty percent went di­rectly into the Sabah bank accounts and 50% into the Sabah accounts which were set aside for upkeep of Kuwait, etc., but TOTALLY UNDER THE CON­TROL AND CHECKS WERE SIGNED ONLY BY THE HEAD SABAH! How many of you are fooled by this totally incredible lack of honesty? Almost ALL of you--for you wish to HIDE BEHIND THE SHAM OF UNKNOWING. YOU WISH TO HIDE YOUR OWN EMBARRASSMENT AND SHAME OF THAT WHICH YOU ALLOW--WHICH IS WRONG--BEHIND YELLOW RIBBONS AND GREAT SHOUTING OF "PATRIOTISM". Patriotism is that which gives honor and service unto the nation--and the nation IS THE PEOPLE. You did not give "patriotism" by sending your beautiful children off to fight and die for freedom--you went to save a 100% rip-off criminal Sabah family and return all spoils unto THEM. Then you climb behind your yellow ribbons--and I assure you, to the rest of the planet Earth-the Americans now are represented by the YELLOW ribbons of cowardice and criminality. You are only SHOWN AND TOLD THAT WHICH THE ELITE MANIPULATORS SAY IN PRAISE FROM ONE SIDE OF THEIR FOULED MOUTHS WHILE LAUGHING UNTIL THE TEARS FLOW WITH THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE ORFICE--AND YOU ROLL AND LICK AT THE FEET OF THE VERY PUPPET MASTERS, WHILEST BEGGING FOR A BIT MORE SCRATCHING AND A FEW MORE CRUMBS.

In America it is now announced that the "Welfare" rolls are bursting as millions now apply for assistance during this recessionary period, and blah, blah, blah. Yes, and so it is--for if you must depend on the Master for crumbs to survive, soon you cannot survive without him and he can require anything he wants from you in exchange for the crumbs. "But how could we be suckered into such a mess?" you ask. Easily, and I shall just example ONE method of cancer be­come terminal in lethal control of the "body" of America. This is true for the entire world, my friends, but specifics often are the best teacher--by example.

Little Crow and Dharma sat for some hours yesterday as hearts and pain became one and the spirits cried out for understanding of this "thing" they had commit­ted unto God, to do--to bring Truth and then, in turn, walk within that Truth. It requires ALL--not the changing of Truth to suit the desires of the journey or the travelers--but to change the travelers into the Truth and take up the actions of that which God gives forth and requires of his speakers. No wondrous palaces of luxury and champagne baths, no stables of thoroughbreds, no parfumes and orgies of the flesh--but rather, being targeted by the bigots, sleepless nights and pain at the mammoth task ahead and in the moment. Ah, yes, and they are but two--for it is required of all who walk in the light of Truth that the brother can see and find his own way.

At some point in the journey it ceases to become an "example" but a discipline set for self because it is TRUTH--and TRUTH IS THE BETTER WAY. THE SORROW COMES FROM THE BLINDNESS OF THE BROTHERS WHO CANNOT SEE THAT THE WAY OF GOD IS TRULY BETTER! All (and this includes all who are attached or those who are, the "Crowlets" and the "Dharmlets", the Allets, the Chucklets, the Oberlets, Yeorglets, etc.) who expe­rience in the human consistency of flesh of human physical--are faced with the journey into "adulthood"--through the maze of that which is fleshly "desire", "fatigue", "misunderstanding of that which is taught as Truth but condemns the spirit to unrest" and all things Earthly. Then, as knowledge flows in fullness--theorization, too, must back away lest the "reader" or "listener" latch onto "their" opinion and fail to hear and see God speaking. Ones desire "their" pro­nouncement of values upon which to base their own decisions of validity--NO-­each must come into understanding of and for, SELF! Ones come to Dharma and ask her opinion of Little Crow's teachings and then go unto Little Crow to ask validity of the Phoenix material. Do you not see that they MAY NOT HAVE AN OPINION--FOR YOU? THEY MUST TELL YOU TO READ IT ALL AND DISCERNMENT WILL COME IN THE ABSOLUTE SAMENESS OF TRUTH--NO MATTER IN WHAT FORM OR EXPERIENCE IT IS PRESENTED.

Ones stream into the "Indian Gathering" in greater numbers of faces of white or other tinted pigments than of the red-man to hopefully find the magic ritual, color, smoke aroma or whatever, only to effort to have truth somehow "rub off" by the wearing of an Indian artifact or "sacred" stone or feather. The truth is borne in the GODNESS of concept, of CREATOR/CREATION and all the smoke and dancing of Little Crow can do NOTHING for you who wait and observe and do nothing save seek opinions of the smoke-maker. Self, naked with God Creator in balance with that which brings Harmony and Balance unto The God Creation in balance with that which brings Harmony and Balance unto the Creation is where it's at! Self, in responsibility of actions and discipline of self in the laws of God and The Creation is the only passage point--but there are many paths leading unto that point--actually ALL paths eventually end at that very point of ONENESS OF DESTINATION--you simply have not yet learned as much.

Dharma cries out in inquiry unto me--"Why would you bring the ship unto Little Crow while I cry out to touch and see and feel and hear--the REAL thing?" And my response? For the same reason the son of Tanka was placed before YOU, to see and touch, for YE WILL NOT TEACH OF GOD'S PEOPLE THINE OPINIONS OF A THING--YE WHO ARE SENT TO BRING THE TRUTH FROM GOD ARE NOT ASKED TO "HAVE OPINIONS" BUT TO EXPRESS THAT WHICH GOD EXPRESSES, ESPECIALLY IF IT DIFFERS FROM THAT WHICH YOU HAVE SO EGOTISTICALLY ASSUMED TO BE TRUE. You must KNOW that a "feather" from the Tanka's robe and/or the "crystal" from a "space craft" are not GOD--NOR HIS WINGS; THEY ARE A FEATHER AND A CRYSTAL!

You must know that the things you ones label "Supernatural" are not so! The Spirit may allow man to do some things which appear "supernatural" for the dimension of a particular experience--they are not. Know that in all things--a thing appearing to be "Super" is only the "natural" in a given, platform of ex­perience. This is why there is great and wonderful longing of the unraveling of MYSTERIES--but there is NOTHING of MYSTICISM about it. If you would serve well, you take the things which appear mystical and reduce them to reality of "possibility" and in so-doing you remove the mysticism by solving of the mystery.

"Oh, but..", you say, "...there must be magic in the smoke of the pipe of the
ancients." No, the smoke of the pipe is a "focus of energy" that if the heart releases the negativity of the inner energy into the smoke it can be a means of
cleansing--not the smoke but the spirit. This is WHY it is considered "SACRED" and why it is "WRONG" to toy with that which is sacred.

There was evidence to be enjoyed on the yesterday experience of the meeting in a restaurant of the little group, for in the same room came 40 people freshly re­leased from the "so-called Christian Crystal Cathedral" to have a celebration brunch. They were dressed in their most "modern" finery while the Pleiadians and the Pagans were dressed like "people". They espoused great and wondrous "Church" experiences as to where "who" sat and the view and the music, etc. They very discreetly sat with their attention turned, but always conscious in
glances and snobbery, to the Pleiadian and the Pagan. Who was closest to God? Neither--for it is the SPIRIT which one with God and not the man.

"Come into my way and ye shall be given to rise up as on wines of Eagles!"
Where is the Eagle gone? I suggest you all be finding out the answer to that query!

Further, how think you that you will somehow now "WIN" for God by separating your total beings away from "THINE ENEMY"? If you would "WIN" for and with God, ye shall do as thine enemy--live among his people and KNOW that which he is for he has captured you from WITHIN and only by moving back "without" shall ye overcome and it requires you work right within the system for ye shall not be given to sit atop the clouds somewhere and wave magic wands--YOU WILL TURN INTO THE ACTIONS OF TRUTH FOR IT IS THROUGH A MAN'S ACTIONS THAT HE IS JUDGED. YOU SHOULD ALL HAVE LEARNED, DEARLY, THAT "LIPS" DECEIVE--'TIS THE ACTIONS WHICH TELL TRUTH.

All is related to all and you err if you perceive that that which I just gave unto you is somehow not relative to this which I shall now share with you. You must come into seeing HOW a "thing" or circumstance comes into being. If you are to catch a bird, let us say, you must first learn his "habits", where he eats, when he comes for food, where he sleeps and what he does in each of these situations. How did he train the "seedgod" to put his morsels out at the proper time to appease his hunger, etc. This is how you enslave a species--you meet the needs of their habits then ultimately they become habitual to your "seeding" times. The more gradual the change and the more demanding the impact, say, winter when birds cannot feed elsewhere, the more powerful the chains. Ponder it.

I am going to take information herein from a "white paper" presented by the publication services of SPOTLIGHT. It is information presented in August, 1981 (almost a decade past). I utilize this as a tool so that you can better see how this has worked its way from a fledgling power to an all-powerfull resource of the adversarial preceptors of freedom.


In 1981 most Americans had never heard of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL). In 1991 most Americans still have not heard of it and if they have, have absolutely no interest in it and have no idea what it is or does. Many of those who have heard of it, including some of its own more naive sup­porters, regard it as nothing more than another in the vast herd of organizations that claim to be promoting brotherhood. Only those who have paid attention to what the ADL is actually doing have a real conception of its nature.

The ADL was founded in 1913 by the B'nai B'rith (Sons of the Covenant), a Jewish fraternal organization dating back to 1843. Now, I offer the dates so that you have no need to accept what we tell you at face value--GO LOOK UP THESE FACTS FOR THEY ARE AVAILABLE TO YOU-THE-PEOPLE IN SUBSTANTIATED FORM AND DOCUMENTATION. The B'nai B'rith has always publicly represented its own activities as essentially charitable. It is TAX-EXEMPT and contributions are TAX-DEDUCTIBLE. Its creature, the ADL, was allegedly intended to act as a counterforce to anti-Jewish sentiment in the United States. Originally, it appeared that the ADL was to be nothing more than a publicity organ of the B'nai B'rith whose purpose was to combat reli­gious prejudice against, and unflattering stereotyping of, the growing number of Jewish immigrants in the United States.

It quickly became clear that the ADL had taken to itself a more ambitious role. It would have not only a positive propaganda function, it would also have a "monitoring" or espionage function, along with a suppressive, censoring function whose goal was to prevent anything being heard, read, or seen which was opposed by those who control the ADL.

Additionally, the scope of the ADL's protection of the Jews against defamation was defined to include the encouragement of political and social programs and attitudes which would help the Jews (most of whom were arriving from Eastern Europe and were perceived as people of distinctly alien race, tongue, beliefs, and customs) gain more and more power, status, prosperity, and influence. Be­cause the Jews on the whole were "outsiders" working their way up--as were other immigrants--the ADL took a stance that was harshly opposed to people who already "belonged", as well as to their opinions, religions, traditions, heroes, institutions, clubs, jokes, scientific theories, and everything else which tended to bind together and stabilize the already-established Americans into a relatively homogeneous cultural and social whole.

There was an effort to make the ADL's efforts appear more altruistic, and to disguise their true thrust, by creating the appearance of working on behalf of all minorities, for brotherhood in general. A proof in 1981 that such a scheme was consciously contrived by the ADL is found in a secret report entitled "The Pro­posed B'nai B'rith-Anti-Defamation League Operation in Latin America", writ­ten in 1965 by Arnold Forster, who for many years was general counsel of the ADL. Depicting Latin America as a kind of new frontier for development by the ADL, and lamenting only that Latin American Jews are not more unified and more aware of the threat of anti-Semitism, Forster writes on page 46:

"(Many elements in the Jewish community are convinced 'things are good'. These people have closed their eyes for many years to existing anti-Semitism, hoping that by doing so it will go away. This group is fearful that public action designed to counter anti-Jewish hostility will 'stir things up'. They are reluctant to 'make waves', attracting atten­tion to themselves. The only way these Jews will be persuaded to join defense efforts is to 'dress up' programs with the problems of other eth­nic groups, camouflaging the fight for the Jewish minority in an across-the-board fight for all minorities.)"

You can obtain a full copy of this amazing blueprint for expansion into South America by exploiting and intensifying social problems which, as you can now see ten years later, was effective indeed--through Liberty Lobby, White Paper on the ADL, 300 Independence Ave., S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003.

If resentment arose among the established Americans (most of whom were of Northern European descent), then it would be ascribed to selfishness and preju­dice; a strong sense of guilt must be inculcated in those who felt the natural re­sponses of pride and self-defense even as the ADL and other Jewish groups worked to increase Jewish pride. If anybody criticized the ADL or the aims and people it supported, then he was an "Anti-Semite" and a danger to democracy. If anybody opposed legislation that would take money, power, or privileges away from the established Americans and give them to unestablished Ameri­cans, he was somebody to be shunned and humiliated on account of his greed and bigotry. Even those who manifested simple patriotism and pride of heritage were ridiculed as "nativists" or attacked as dangerous fanatics. "Nationalism" became a dirty word in the ADL dictionary because of its connotation of white cohesion. Meanwhile the ADL always dealt sympthetically with any ideology--socialism, communism, internationalism--which promised to break down the existing leadership of society.

That was during the first half of this century. And then came political Zionism--no longer just a dream of returning all Jews to a single nation of their own, but instead an active process by which Palestine was to be seized by Jews from its Arab owners and turned into a super-nationalistic state with an official religion, to be populated by Jews from all over the world and supported patriotically and financially by those who did not actually go there.

What was bad in America was fine in Israel, as far as the ADL was concerned. America needed a "pluralistic" (that is, accomodating every race, religion, and culture) society, while Israel had a monolithic society. America needed a total separation of church and state (no displays of Christmas trees or crosses on public grounds, and no prayers in public schools, etc.), while Israel was insepa­rable from Judaism as the usurpation of the local areas of the Middle East were completed and the population merged into the new Zionism.

The ADL became the instrument of a foreign power following the Zionist policy of terrorism and aggression in Palestine which resulted in the foundation of Is­rael. ADL leaders are constantly traveling to and from Israel and have frequent communications with Israeli diplomatic personnel in the United States. ADL publications, such as the "ADL Bulletin" and "Facts", are largely devoted to Is­raeli and Zionist matters. The energy of the ADL is largely focused on stifling criticism of Israel in the U.S. by labeling such criticism "anti-Semitism" and seeking the ruin of any politician or private citizen who dares to say anything against Zionism or Israeli interests.

Here we must again mention the USS Liberty (ship) for it is such an important point. After Israel's planes knowingly attacked the American ship, "USS Liberty", and killed 34 American sailors and wounded dozens more, the ADL boasted about its success in covering up and distorting the truth about the atroc­ity. When Liberty Lobby's daily radio program, "This is Liberty Lobby", re­ported on Israeli military attacks on the Arabs, the ADL called the program anti-Semitic and bigoted and undertook a long and vicious campaign of lies, threats, and economic intimidation to get the program off the air.

As all members of Congress know, more than one man of politics has been con­signed to private life because he was less than adoring of Israel, or even because he admitted that there is such a thing as a Zionist lobby or a Zionist influence on the American press--an influence which, less than incidentally, is felt mainly through the ADL.

More ominously still, it now appears that Zionist influence in the U.S. is spear­headed by the Israeli secret service, the Mossad, and that the ADL and the openly terroristic Jewish Defense League (JDL) are orchestrated by the Mossad. The ADL maintains a pose of opposition to violence, while the JDL, openly flying the Israeli flag within your country, screams for blood and makes physi­cal assaults on its victims. The same man who loses his job or is denied an of­fice because of the ADL is liable to be beaten up or shot by the JDL. The ADL and the JDL are two horns of the same beast.

According to Joseph P. Kamp, Arnold Forster, the long-time general counsel of the ADL, was arrested many years ago for painting swastikas on a synagogue. Much more recently, the Associated Press reported that Irving Rubin, West Coast leader of the JDL, was booked for investigation of using an explosive de­vice in the bombing of the Beth Sar Shaloom Religious Center in North Holly­wood. In 1990 there were several incidents which were ultimately proven to be perpetrated by "Jews" themselves in an effort to cause major racial disturbances.

This apparently incongruous behavior points up the important fact that the ADL (and the JDL) must have anti-Semitism in order to exist, and they will create the appearance of it if they cannot find it growing in the wild. Zionism is, in fact, founded on the Zionist's acceptance of anti-Semitism as a natural and un­avoidable phenomenon which can be ended only by the movement of Jews to their own homeland. (Herzl, "The Jewish State: An Attempt at a Modern Solu­tion of the Jewish Question", 1943, pp. 19-20; Hertzberg, ed., "The Zionist Idea", 1966, p. 49.) As long as most Jews show no inclination to migrate to Is­rael, the fear of anti-Semitism whipped up by the ADL serves the second useful purpose of garnering tremendous financial and political support for Israel among Jews in America and elsewhere.

The scope of the ADL's propaganda efforts would be impossible to detail in a short space. The ADL line is planted in everything from comic books to text­books, "true confessions". The television series, "Holocaust", was basically an ADL creation and was accompanied by a great outpouring of ADL-orchestrated publicity and a barrage of study guides for use in schools and churches. The same is true, to a lesser extent, of the series "Masada". Without even going into the historical inaccuracies of the two films, their messages can be summed up easily: 1) The Israelites were (are) nicer than all other humans. 2) Jews al­ways are persecuted by unappreciative "gentiles". 3) Israel is Jewish property and 4) Israel is the only hope for Jewish survival.

Before taking a break from writing I want you to take note of several things.

One, it is the time of the celebration of several "Holy" holidays--Passover, Easter, Ramadan, etc. Now, in the U.S., what have been the predominant signs of the celebration? Christian symbols, etc.? Well, in the past few years, what has taken place in your television viewing? Ah so--predominantly "Old Testament" stories and a major thrust to the "Poor-Jew" holocaust playing and re­playing and thus and so. Now, look at the news on the yesterday--the Zionist thrust enters into EVERY scenario without your even being aware.

There was mention of a holiday time of several religions--but, the following three segments of visual attention flowed to the Jewish celebration and here is one you had better look at closely for it bears more information than can be imagined: it showed the hundreds and hundreds of boxes of Jewish foods be­ing distributed in great and massive quantities (this being "their" description)- -"TO THE NEW SOVIET JEWS RESETTLING IN THE THE U.S.". Oops, wasn't the $400 million dollars you just gave Israel for the purpose of resettling all those Soviet Jews into Israel? Then came the commentary that, "We are trying to get away from the one-track narrow thrust of the Easter holiday, by integrating all creeds, blah, blah and blah!" Now, keep in mind that one of the most severe denouncements of Dharma's presentation at one point was that "Easter" was mentioned as a pre-crucifixion "Holiday". The rocks flew like machine-gun bullets--so, what have we here? So, to all you Christians--Easter is the time of Christ? Right? Wrong! It has now turned into the celebration of the Zionists in great suffering at the hands of the Christians--according to your controlled media and you Christians are the first to pack the boxes of traditional items for their enforced celebration. It was also stated that, "...most of the people receiving the traditional foods of the Jewish faith, had never been ex­posed to them prior to now--having been so persecuted in the Soviet Union as to have been deprived deliberately of partaking of their traditional accou­trements and feasting foods." Further, it was stated that, "..therefore, in order to fully appreciate their newly found 'freedom' a pamphlet accompanied the food packages giving the traditional stories for proper understanding of the 'ancient traditions'". Sounds to me as if there are some "new traditions" being thrust around quite deliberately and have naught to do with "ancient" anything.

Now secondly, the "U.S. is going to ' allow' Assad and King Hussein of Jordan a meeting--since there is concern of these two nations in range of missiles from Israel--and the newly placed U.S. Patriot missiles in Israel, to come to comfort regarding security."

AND, what about the new episodes of "stabbings" of Israelis? To solve the problem they are going to bar all Palestinian single, young, males from even working in Israel and will deport many who are already in Israel. No, chelas, THIS "STUFF" CAME FROM YOUR OWN CNN!

Following all this BS, above, there was a long dissertation on the horror of slashings and fire-bombing and could the knife now be taking the place in "terror" of the rock throwing? Why no mention of guns? BECAUSE THERE IS NO WAY TO DEFEND SELVES IN THOSE "AREAS" EXCEPT WITH PRIMITIVE WEAPONS OF STICKS, ROCKS AND HEWN KNIVES--THEY WERE DISARMED TOTALLY BY THE ONES IN POWER! TAKE HEED AMERICA AND WORLD--YOUR DISARMING IS AT HAND!

Let us take. a respite, please. I have not forgotten our last segment and "gun controls" but you may as well integrate this information a bit as we move along and you can see the measure of your journey.

Hatonn to clear, please.