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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 26
    CHAPTER 19

    THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1991 7:50 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 217

    In the wondrous beauty of this new day it causes one to wish there were magical phrases and potions to cause all ugliness and pain to vanish. Suffice it to KNOW that "within" there can be such peace and release that you can have compassion and yet feast upon the beauty--all at once. God disdains the long and sorrowful face in the midst of HIS wonders; and so, too, is the ridiculous face of false piety even more distasteful--be yourself, reflect that which is REALLY mirrored from your soul and appreciate each emotion as a series of ac­ceptance, allowance and release.

    Even unto this particular place, and I must use Dharma and Oberli for example, for this is where I am focused at the moment. The world is blanketed in snow. Each branch and twig heaped high with beauty--feast thine souls and eyes and then turn unto tasks for as the snow is wondrous, so have the baby birds in the nests grown hungry through the cold night and the food is buried under the ice and many shall perish. Of the ones you train lo eat from your storehouse, you must tend of them--for YOU have taught them to depend upon you and thereby give joy one unto the other. For the bird who runs upon the mirrored window pane, bless it and move on--for if you turn to withering over each that fall and become ensnared in grief and stop thy work--the whole of the flock might well perish before the thaw of Spring.

    The lessons are great from EACH and EVERY incident upon your path. Look unto the government and see that which they have done unto the people of lesser income and education, and now, through the depression and loss of jobs. The government has treated you like the flock of birds--trained you to eat at "their" feed cups and depend upon "them" to give you shelter and clothing. Of course they paid not for it, but stole it from your own brother who is becoming now into equal need--but the storehouse has been emptied--given unto the Elite and shipped away from your own shores. Who will now feed the people who know not how to survive in the garden and fields? Do you not see how you have be­come one within a "socialist" state?

    Do you not see that which they do with the police departments and the brutality? They are conditioning the police and the populace against the day when enforce­ment of the Elite's demands are instigated. What can you do if you have no weapon and there are 21 police beating upon YOU? Isolated cases? No, the training is now deeply ingrained so that at orders from the Elite, ones can go forth and kill two million innocent people and consider themselves heroes and victors. Over what? God weeps, brothers, and yet, shall He simply abandon his children and turn into grief and let you die beneath the snow-covered shroud? No, he sends forth is Hosts who can see beneath the shroud, locate the ones upon your place who have KNOWN and SEEN beneath the shroud and project truth that you can stop of the madness and rise up and recover your gar­dens, fields and storehouses.

    You had best look beyond the pretty faces who tell you this day that it will be wondrous, the increased exports to "free-trade" nations such as Mexico. What is planned is to take your industry into the cheap labor places and exploit the laborers in that place as well as put you the masses out of work. They have now trained you to BEG FOR CRUMBS AT THEIR FEED-POTS WHICH THEY HAVE STOLEN FROM YOU. They have sent spokespeople to paint beauteous pictures which, in fact, will destroy the very fiber of your nation. They program and train these ones to lie like the silvery reptiles they are.

    What were you told last evening after April Glaspie gave a bit of lying testimony? "She charmed the listeners...." and "the truth of what she had said and done had been changed by the press - - - -", come now--facts speak for them­selves, she had been under GAG ORDERS since mid-August. Worse, you think you are getting proper news from Iraq this day concerning the civil uprisings. STOP IT! How is it that the U.S. is so infiltrated into Iraq that they can shoot down an Iraqi plane in Northern Iraq? Why are you allowing the oil fires to burn in Kuwait and infect the people when the fires could be extinguished in moments with fuel/air detonations? Why do you sanction the Sabahs who have to have their replacement of GOLD faucet fixtures in place NOW--while the nation has no water, no power and oil fires killing them?

    How can "they" show you a Kurdish babe with no visible signs of burns and tell you the child is sick unto death from "NAPALM"? Do any of you remember what "napalm" is? Also, it is claimed that Saddam has dropped Sulfuric Acid on the people--if he has every other heinous kind of "effective" gas and mi­crobe--why would he do such a non-effective and stupid thing as that? THIS is why you must become informed--the lies mean nothing if you KNOW NOTHING.

    To T.D., thank you for your inquiry and information regarding alien craft supposedly purchased by the U.S. from Russia and used in the Iraq war.

    There were several "space craft" in the area but they were neither manned by Russians nor Americans. Russia does have some aliens as does the U.S., however, we had monitors in the area of Iraq to STOP actions which would cause chain reactions which would cause destruction of your planet, The things of which the scientist, Dr. Wolff, would be speaking--are Russian Cosmospheres of which you of the U.S. or any from the "Coalition" would not have any de­fense what-so-ever. THE RUSSIANS DID NOT SELL ANY OF SAME TO THE U.S. AT ANY PRICE, MUCH LESS 650 BILLION DOLLARS. It is through the display of this kind of technology that the war came to an instant cease-fire.

    This is why, however, Gorbachev is in such bad straits with the opposition of the Soviet Union for one more breath and mile by the U.S. forces and the Soviet arsenal in Iraq would have been unleashed and I warn you again--Israel would have been totally obliterated--that is what the full intent was, as you were pulled into the web.

    You think you had a "handful" of lost soldiers? We have more than that aboard our craft, chelas, who asked to be removed and we responded. You still have groups of those you label, Green Berets, in captivity--and/or were killed. How is your government going to account for them to you-the-people? By all sorts of clandestine ways such as telling the families of the missing that their "person" is on a secret mission of some sort and quietly announcing sorrow over his death--at a much later date. Later, a lot of losses will be accounted for through "terrorist incidents", etc.


    The U.S. government and Pentagon will never willingly allow those ones home because the truth will be told and they won't allow that to happen. Ar­matage (yes, the same man who was sent by your government into the Middle East, Jordan, etc. a few weeks back) heads your government's involvement with the DRUG TRADE in Southeast Asia and places surrounding it. IF YOU DON'T WAKE UP SOON--YOU MAY AS WELL STAY IN YOUR STATE OF STUPOR AND HOPE THE SUFFERING WON'T LAST TOO LONG. WHAT YOU DO NOT SEEM TO REALIZE IS THAT IN CHANGING DIMENSIONS, YOU TAKE UP WHERE YOU LEFT OFF AND IT COULD BE A LONG-JOURNEY INDEED.

    About the UFO article--look at the story as it unfolds and you can tell the values therein. It is a matter of having to make some announcement to account for and cover the stories as will be coming back with your troops. But they give them­selves away with this statement: "Of course, it doesn't matter who's flying the UFO as long as they support the goals of the Allied forces. This craft is liter­ally the ultimate weapon. There's no airplane on Earth, not even America's Stealth bomber, that compares to it." Your Stealth bomber compares badly to almost everything in the air.

    Ah, a barrage of inquiries about the predictions made by your Geologic Survey teams announcing probable earthquakes along the San Andreas fault in Califor­nia. Why would you ask me? I would say this, however, I would look to see that which your government is up to relative to the Soviet Union and see if in fact, a Great quake would enhance the Soviet position,. They have allowed the moisture to move onshore and now that the crevasses are pretty slippery, it would be a most propitious next move to give you a little shaking. I tell you, people of the world--there is evil and power on your globe beyond anything you can sit and imagine. Your government Elite have protected you from this bad news! Oh, now you confront me with, "But Hatonn, you said it was the Zion­ists and now you say it is the Soviet nasties - -!" And so I have--I suggest you go back and read EVERY word I have written on the subject. These Zionist Khazars came right out of Russia! Israel is only an isolated focus and most of the leaders are now in America. It is called, among other things, "New World Order".

    I see we are back to calling Hatonn a "bigot" and "anti-Semite". My, my, sometimes it takes longer, doesn't it?

    Dharma, a nice "Jew" sent a most comprehensive article to us along with one who sent many documents involving the Vatican (Holy Church of Rome's Home). I won't get into the Vatican connection YET, because I am showing you the connection of Zionism and so-called, but mislabeled, Communism--as is bringing down the American house of cards. I have a tendency to pour it over you all at once and none of you can absorb it that quickly--so please stay tuned.

    I will, however, ask Dharma to reprint a bit of that which involved the "Jews" for it is the ones of Judean heritage who ire first targets for destruction, as usual.


    This was the placard at the front of the hall in a meeting of "Jews" who are doing all in their power to alert their people to the lies. Just Quote from the "Epilogue", please.


    sake of ALL JEWS.

    The above statement may seem strange to those Americans (Gentile and Jew) who have been brain-washed by the Zionist controlled news-media about the status of Israel.

    The reality that Americans, especially the Jews, must realize is this:

    After almost 40 years of existence of the State of Israel, it should be abundantly clear to all open-mined people that the Marxist/Zionist experiment has failed. The result has been terror, murder, bankruptcy, rampant inflation--and wars with no real peace in sight.

    Israel is an armed camp whose policies are blatantly racist and rightly condemned by the United Nations. Israel's armies of occupation brutally oppress the people of the Arab lands, and because of United States blind support of Is­rael, the U.S. has lost credibility and friends in the Middle East. It has also lost billions of dollars of business contracts. Add to this loss, the billions of U.S. taxpayers dollars that have been poured into Israel.

    There are ten questions that need serious consideration if the is to be any hope of Peace in the Middle East, and if America is to once again he recognized as a champion of human rights;

    1. How long can we demand that Palestine be a Jewish state when most Jews do not want to go there and thousands who emigrated there have already left or wish to leave?
    2. How long can we refer to Israel as a democracy when for 38 years it has remained a police state without a written constitution?
    3. How long can we attack Communism and Soviet Russia and at the same time support an orthodox Marxist state of communes (kibbutzim) and Histadrut (labor organizations and Socialist enterprises)?
    4. How long can we cry out and condemn German and other Gentile atrocities while closing our eyes and even applauding atrocities by Israel against Semite Arabs?
    5. How long can we dream of a permanent existence for a state called Israel when Israel cannot survive a single lost battle and the Arabs can survive thousands?
    6. How long can we demand from humanity sympathy and support for a "homeland" we Jews abandoned 2,000 years ago and in the same breath ask civilized men to reject the pleas of recently routed Palestinians?
    7. How long can we continue to deceive the Western World that Israel is the only bastion of anti-Communism in the Middle East when in reality: (a) Communist Czechoslovakian arms helped establish Israel, (b) Soviet Russia voted for partition of Palestine and was one of the first nations to recognize the State, (c) Soviet Russia opened her gates and the gates of her Communist satellites for emigration of Jews to Israel and thus provide much needed military manpower?
    8. How long can we lure innocent and sentimental Jews with slogans of security and a full Jewish life into the great atheistic unsecured ghetto called Israel, where in truth, every principle of Judaism is violated?
    9. How can we claim Zionism "solved" the Jewish refugee problem by relocation in Israel when, in fact, it is the refugees who rejected Zionist temptation and who now live in security and prosperity in other lands and who support their impoverished relatives still trapped in Israel?
    10. How can we delude ourselves that Israel can continue to exist without permanent peace and accommodation with the subjugated Palestinians?

    Only by sacrificing exclusive labels like "Israel" and "Palestine" and drawing together in a free, non-sectarian "Holy Land State" can both these peoples find life, liberty and happiness.

    It should be obvious to any unbiased person (Gentile or Jew) that Israel can­not continue to exist nor should it exist. I say this not only for the sake of American Gentiles, but more importantly for the sake of us Jews, for when enough Gentile Americans finally awaken to the truth about Marxist Israel, ALL JEWS may suffer.

    Only in the spirit of God and the founding fathers of this civilization--Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed, can peace and happiness in the Holy Land be achieved.



    God blesses this man and those daring ones who stand with him. May the truth begin to shine forth.

    I must continue to integrate the decline of the American nation and people within the new concept of United Nations, New World Order, Zionism, etc., for it is all so related, and the highest stakes for reclaiming a Godly world rests therein. At this point, the majority of our readers are Americans and it is in America that we can have greatest impact in setting this thing about.

    We were speaking, prior to this, about the hypothetical triangle and we shall continue. The right side of the "perspective triangle" represents the social-political decline of Western civilization, and certainly America. As the moral and spiritual under-pinnings of society grow more and more liberal and farther and farther away from biblical "Christianity", one can expect the social and political realm to move as well--for one follows the other.

    "Theological liberalism" defines those who have left affirmation of scriptural authority, as flawed as it might have been, and allowed their belief systems to be open to any and every-thing. The political counterpart of the term "liberalism" invariably accompanies this change.

    A political sickness dominates America today. You can call it whatever you like for labels are constructed to deceive you, but whatever label you place on it, it is sapping your strength, your morality, our standard of living, and your freedoms.

    Every single plank in the Norman Thomas' Socialist Party platform of 1932 had been adopted in the U.S. some two decades ago, and today the liberals who dominate both political parties, the Administration, the Congress, the gargan­tuan government bureaucracy, the judiciary, academia, and the media are pushing America into the socialist quagmire described by George Orwell in his novels 1984 and ANIMAL FARM.

    It has long been said that the communist system would move toward capitalism and democracy, while the capitalist, democratic countries of the West would move toward socialism and communism--with East and West meeting some­where in the middle. Perhaps you can see the intent in meaning of "..merging the common interests of America and the Soviet Union". Funny thing happened years ago as officials in the British Labor Party and also the British Communist Party announced: "You cannot move directly from capitalism to communism. Socialism is a necessary stepping stone to communism and hence all commu­nists should work for socialism."

    Mikhail Gorabchev refers to communism as "scientific socialism" and to himself as a socialist, while the old communists of Eastern Europe now call themselves socialists and have renamed their communist parties "Democratic Socialists", "Social Democrats" and thus and so, absolutely giving no meaning to the titles what-so-ever.

    The U.S. government and power structure has been moving the country to the political "left" so gradually and for so long that most Americans don't even remember what America was like when it was truly free. Most Americans believe in free enterprise, not socialism, but your politicians are in piecemeal fashion, imposing socialism on you. Most Americans are traditionalists, who are interested in their families, their country, their businesses, their jobs, and their neighborhoods. In Washington, however, both Democrats and Republicans are fundamentally internationalists who view your traditional nationalism as old-fashioned, outdated, unsophisticated, and even reactionary.

    These "great" leaders tell you that you must be taxed more, sacrifice more for
    the good of all, and your defenses cut because of your huge deficits, and yet
    they spend ever-increasing billions of your so-called money (credit) for foreign
    aid, for the World Bank, for twenty-five percent of the funding of the United
    Nations and for dozens of other international boondoggles. The majority of Americans are simply hardworking citizens who don't approve of liberal wealth redistribution schemes whereby they are taxed to pay subsidies to those who don't want to work or to the impoverished Third World masses who never re­ceive the aid at any rate.

    But if you look carefully, America, you can begin to see that which is coming as surely as night follows day--there is no way to handle all this debt, is there? What happens when debt can no longer be handled? I thought you might begin to catch the glimmer!


    What had you yesterday? Mr. Bush unilaterally 'forgave" seventy percent (70%) of Poland's debt--right across the board and offered 'free-trade" adventures and "President" Waleasa said "God bless you, Mr. President". Why the sudden or not-so-sudden, gifting of Poland? Ah so--now we are going to find the worms in the woodpile again, are we not? Where does the POPE of ROME (VATICAN) come from? Why was THAT POPE chosen in the first place rather than the traditional Italians? Oh, chelas, if you don't get those eyes opened soon, you have a rude awakening in store for you.

    Most Americans are law-abiding citizens who don't approve of handing your neighborhoods and cities and housing projects over to criminals, while social workers, lawyers, and judges debate the finer points of the criminal's rights and disadvantaged background. While your streets, your property, and even your schools are unsafe and insecure, your liberal government's response is not to punish the criminals, but to nurture them, to deny the victims any means of self-defense (especially via firearms), and to then send you the bill. In many in­stances, the criminal is treated better, given more rights, and pampered more than the victim.

    Most Americans believe firmly in the principles of fairness and of equal opportunity, but Congress, the executive branch, and the federal judiciary have turned racist and are fanatically promoting quotas and reverse discrimination in favor of racial minorities, gays, womens libbers, AIDS "victims", the poor and so on. It is all orchestrated to bring total chaos and confusion and turn us against another and in division of the population--strength will flow to the police legislation is being passed that allegedly protects minorities, but in reality discriminates against the great majority of middle class Americans of all races and colors. Most Americans are certainly heterosexual, without argument, and yet the government, the TV networks, the American political left, and your educational system, in their obsession with homosexuality, are pushing homosexuality and the gay lifestyle down the Americans' throats while at best, the activities and concept are deviant in nature as nature presents associations in a natural state, of those which allow procreation and continuation of the species.

    Dharma, leave this room for a few minutes as we have some electronic tampering which must be tended immediately. Go lie down, come within the shield for you will soon be rendered unconscious. Act now! Go!

    PJ 26
    CHAPTER 20

    FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1991 4:05 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 218

    KILL: To deprive of life; slay; slaughter; assassinate; execute; dispatch, sacrifice; destroy; put to death; put an end to; exterminate; liquidate; do away with; take out; commit murder upon; cancel; annul; nullify; turn off; turn out; shut off; stop; halt; erase; veto; cancel; lethalize; remove life from; oblit­erate; silence; cease operation;--and at least 57 more terms meaning ulti­mately the same!



    Hopeless? I know not! I do know that the human psyche will allow only so much and then calls a halt and Dharma, brothers, is about to that limit. What does man want of us? This game of hide-and-seek is growing pitifully old in the playing.

    We would like to point out that some of the newsletters that we were to have "plagiarized" are finally mentioning information we gave you weeks ago--try the PHOENIX LETTER of Dr. Sutton, try the LYKE REPORT, SPOTLIGHT, NEW FEDERALIST, RON PAUL, E.I.R.--and whatever else you ones write us about--WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US? Is your planet worth the attention? Do you of the planet give a damn? Who do you think is going "to do" it for you?

    Well, Oberli, we will have to have another TV for I cannot allow you ones to be without the non-news from time to time.

    We are appalled at the total lack of mass "caring" and the total absence of much interest in your world. I am humbly grateful to you who take time to share with us as you come into information for it is like working here in a black shroud--in fear of your life. Dharma is only in receiving of some two or three bits of information from outside each day. We know you readers are caring and we know that you contact America West--but Dharma lives in a veritable "box".

    We are accused of garnering great wealth from this work--where do such stories get begun'? Dharma has written, what now?, 28-30 books in the last 18 months and has yet to glean one cent from the labor. She is tied up in home litigation and receives food stamps. There have been some quiet gifts which are cher­ished and treasured. What does mankind want of his brothers?

    We are expecting the other shoe to fall from "brothers in the cause"? Again we are "charged" with plagiarism? Man tries God sorely!

    How many of you are up on current events? How many of you know your geography, religions, sciences, science fiction, social and political formats, just to list a few? How many of you know that this very day, Russians are in the United States acquiring YOUR money to upgrade their oil production? Further question No.2: How many of you know that Russia is the LARGEST OIL PRODUCER IN THE WORLD?

    How many of you realize there is near panic on the Japanese stock exchange and in their higher economic circles due to expected drop in exports BECAUSE OF THE DISASTROUS DEPRESSION EXPECTED WITHIN MONTHS, IN THE UNITED STATES? SO BE IT!

    I am here with hundreds of petitions for personal information. I am a Commander of a craft--I give you thousands of pages of information against which you can become discerning. I strike not out at you for inquiring for it gives measure of receiving, but I must ask patience for my scribe is debilitated from the load.

    For instance, I have many inquiries regarding the factual merit of many, many
    writings--two stand out; THE KEYS OF ENOCH, and ONE very large volume, some 1200 pages or so, called OAHSPE. These are supposed to be DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS FROM GOD AND SUPPLANT THE OLD BIBLE. THESE WERE TO HAVE BEEN DIRECTLY CHANNELED IN THESE LATTER DAYS--HOW DO YOU JUDGE THEM? NO. 1: IF THEY CON­TAIN THE WORD "JEW" PRESUMABLY SPOKEN BY GOD--FORGET IT! "JEW" WAS CONJURED BY THE KHAZAR ZIONISTS TO FIT A NEED FOR THEM AS THEY MADE A FINAL MOVE FOR TAKING YOUR GLOBE---IN THE 18TH CENTURY A.D. Therefore God would not have uti­lized the term in any manner prior to that time and would certainly not have uti­lized it even for your better understanding in the ancient time of a new world. My blunt suggestion is that you get with following the LAWS OF GOD AND THE CREATION as handed down in total simplicity and stop the haggling about who begat who and where, how, when and why. Someone begat you and you are in trouble.

    The word "oahspe" means the all", the sum--spirit, earth and sky as defined. Seems to leave out a great deal to me and in the projection of information in those thousand pages plus many pages of extra index--you might well define the word to be pronounced and accepted as "chaos". Is there valid information within those pages? Indeed as with all things--there is always much truth but the discerning becomes almost instant. How is the word "satan" utilized? Do they, and if so, how do they utilize the term Jew? What about the term "Yiddish"? Look to terminology and usage of terms which were only created within the past two centuries at best. For instance, when Lucifer was tossed out of "Heaven" on his ear by Lord Michael, he was called "adversary"--meaning satanic in "mis"-behavior. This was a term applied to the whole band of hooligans.

    Now, I believe it is "wet noodle" time and postponement of solo flight trial for you birds of this tribe.

    Let us assume that there were only 1000 planets in our galaxy which "might" have life forms----look at the Milky Way and laugh at that stupidity; none-the­-less, let us consider for the example, only 1000. Let us say that each planet has 1000 persons so now we are up to 1,000,000. In addition, within the ethereal places, let us assume another 1,000,000 (there are actually billions upon billions) and now I ask you--do you know Gyeorgos Saint Thomeras? Funny thing--you expect me to--right out of the blue sky, you expect me to know that which is in the mind of every energy--anywhere, age, b'date, phone number and economic circumstance!

    As in the note in front of me at this moment: "The guy from Ontario will be here Fri. 4:00". What guy? Which Ontario? 4:00 A.M./P.M.? Here? Where? With the whole of the CIA and Pentagon out to kill Dharma, this is all the information I am given? I am a fleet Commander and this is unacceptable.

    I must ask for a whole dossier on EVERYONE entering or passing through-- right to the mother's maiden name. If the bank can require it, might I ask as much? What do you know of this person? Any person? Who sent word to this dwelling? What is expected? What is requested? Does anyone know--or care? Am I, Hatonn, supposed to do something about this unknown person, Oberli, Dharma? Is this the same person we prepared for over a week past? I have a feeling this person is not nearly as secretive as are my associates?

    Everyone on your place, with the exception of a mere piddling handful, has at least two names. Some have eight or ten. Would you, if you knew you might be slain on sight, hop on over and visit with "Joe"? How about "Jane"?

    You ones must pay attention. Our very thrust is privacy and security and yet, you ones tell all and expect naught in return--I doubt it is only that you like the sound of your own opinion so greatly. Oh, I see, but some get to write and some don't and some this and some that. Yes, rightly so. However, I shall at this time mention some unmentionables--Thomas writes for Thomas is in training to write of Thomas/Esu at a future time--if we make it that far. Dru writes for her counterpart has to go on public stages and present God's words and Commandments and writing them insures knowledge thereof beyond that which can be garnered by that already written and merely studied. We can neither handle the additional load of material in this group nor is it time in sequence to load more on our readers--they are not keeping up as is. It is simply not suit­able for ones who carry great responsibility in the publishing company to turn away and spend time simply writing more volumes of information which will be out of sequence.

    Always respond to the "call" but do not turn from your accepted responsibility to do that which is out of sequence. As with Dru, if you take that which is given and break it down in perception, write it and study it, then you become proficient and worthy of sharing in knowledge and truth--not just opinion of a quick run-through. Those on whom forth onto the stages for presentation must have backup and time to study and become knowledgeable and that re­quires time of which, as with Dru, the Masters had to ask her to sit and write, for the time of study is so limited. An ignorant mouth is our greatest enemy.

    A few mistakes will destroy the very foundation which we have laid forth for assistance to our people. A flapping mouth gives away the security and privacy which is the ultimate key to shelter. You are under surveillance at all times and all must be kept in perfection and remember that Oberli has two hundred things going on--AND HE CANNOT MAKE ERRORS.

    Today, no matter what business you are in, even if it be voluntary services as with Oberli, there are at least two or three federal agencies such as OSHA, EPA, SEC, IRS, BATF, AND A DOZEN MORE at state, federal and local levels--at you and upon you and spying--just waiting one error and it is hanging time.

    The cost in extra paperwork, extra employees, time, money, and total aggravation of adhering to this myriad of regulations is driving tens of thousands of small to medium-sized U.S. businesses out of business. Why would anyone in their right mind volunteer their time for this kind of harassment? For God, and not anyone lesser I can well assure you--and for God means for brothers, and the job is eating all of us alive. The predators lurk like vultures in the wings just waiting for the perfect "shot".

    It is set up so that only the Elite companies can afford enough accountants and lawyers for survival in the bureaucratic onslaught.

    Furthermore, your government is now criminalizing everything, giving out heavy fines and jail sentences to you-the-public for they want to destroy you. This means that offenses which were once mere civil problems are now criminal offenses. For example, if an employee of a bank, a stock brokerage firm, or a coin dealer simply gives any information to a client that can be "construed" as helping the investor to "avoid" the IRS reporting requirements emanating from the Bank Secrecy Act of 1986, the criminal penalty for that employee is ten years in jail and a $500, 000 fine PER VIOLATION! THE PENALTY IS FAR LESS FOR BANK ROBBERY, MURDER, RAPE, OR DRUG DEAL­ING.

    Violations of the Clean Air Act can result in a four-hundred fifty-year jail sentence (no, don't ask me to explain--I certainly didn't make the new rules); S&L or bank fraud can result in a one hundred year jail term (except for those who committed the crimes prior to now and are already "in processing of delinquent management"); and failure to register currently owned semi­automatic firearms can result in a one to eight year prison term with full in­tent of control and confiscation (turning in) all handguns, etc. Perhaps this would give you a notion as to just why the Administration wants to double U.S. prison capacity? It is not for traditional criminals such as murderers, drug dealers, bank robbers, and rapists, but for middle-class Americans who fall victim to the new rash of socialist laws and regulations.

    Crises of one sort or another (real or manufactured) are a great excuse for quan­tum jumps in socialistic legislation and government controls. Those planning the New World Order speak continually of crises--the population crisis, environmental crisis, social crisis, drug crisis, banking crisis, economic crisis, constitutional crisis and on and on. CRISES PROVIDE THE RATIONALE FOR CRISIS MANAGEMENT AND EMERGENCY REGULATIONS OUT­SIDE THE LIMITS OF THE CONSTITUTION. The primary issue with which the socialists are planning to socialize America in the 1990's and move you into a world government is number one: THE ENVIRONMENTAL CRI­SIS; THE GREENING OF AMERICA AND THE WORLD. This thrust is be­cause billions of dollars can be made by the Elite while the masses move along in a stupor "saving your environment". This is why the oil fires are not extin­guished in Kuwait--wasting billions and billions of dollars, when a few fuel/air detonations would snuff them out and allow simultaneous clearing of the air. The air particulate would simply incinerate and lack of oxygen would snuff the flames.

    Boy, you have a dastardly group of bandwagoneers. In January of 1990, Mikhail Gorbachev addressed the "Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders on Human Survival" (oh barf!) in Moscow. The distinguished "Nobel Peace Prize winner" told the visiting delegates:

    "We are in a world, and as a world we have an ecological imperative. We are approaching a point of no return in the environment. We are a human society and we are ra­tional, and we will not let an ecological disaster happen. There is an environmental consciousness that now per­vades Europe. In the past it was the nuclear threat. In the nineties it will be the environmental crisis."

    Then "Gorby" proposed a symbol for the world-wide environmental crusade--a GREEN CROSS, green ribbons, etc., and let's see, the supporters of Chief Gates in L.A. police brutality case are wearing blue ribbons and the war supporters are wearing yellow--what will you wear for God, brothers?

    OK, let's look at this "beast system of Revelation 13, globalism". Let's see what your Don Bell wrote in late 1989:

    "Regardless of all other attempts and plans, including military conquest, if the new World Order and its world government are to succeed with the necessary approval of the people of the world, there had to be created a great cause of global dimensions; a cause great enough to overshadow all racial, cultural, ethnic, religious, economic, and monetary differ­ences. There had to be created 'a religious revival to protest Mother Earth.' There had to be problems that could be expanded to crisis pro­portions, problems that individual nations couldn't resolve, problems that involved not the protection of the United States or of Mother Russia, but of Mother Earth. Therefore, the architects of the New World Order created three major dangers, not to any nation, or nations in particular, but to Mother Earth which they call 'the planet that is the homeland to us all, regardless of race, creed, or national origin.' Interestingly enough, this 'Mother Earth' worship appears in ancient Bible times. Many of the nations that the 'children of Israel' were to utterly annihi­late in the Promised Land (after the exodus) had as part of their reli­gious practices various forms of earth worship. Jehovah God found this so detestable He wanted it completely obliterated to avoid contamination of His people.
    "'Those dangers upon which the global environmental crisis is based are: 1) the greenhouse effect; 2) the ozone hole; and 3) toxic pollution. The media and the political left have taken these three global environ­mental crises, presented them as a permanent crisis and a threat to the global village', which can only be remedied by 'global cooperation.' Therefore, global authority with the power to overrule national gov­ernments must be established. 'A New World Order for a new age of cooperation is needed', the globalists say."

    Numbers one and two are non-existent and number three has been deliberately perpetrated just as at least half the oil-well fires were set with napalm canisters, by the U.S. in Kuwait--with full cooperation of the Coalition partners.

    So you now push forth substituting green for red--that is, you now push socialism labeled as environmentalism as the new priority to gain total control of the population and lands into the Elite's control.

    Then it gets more ridiculous: Time magazine nominated earth as the Planet of the Year (1988). Fortune magazine declared 1988 as "The year the earth spoke back". Then Gorbachev made a blather before the U.N. to top them all:

    "Let us also think about setting up within the framework of the United Nations a center for emergency environmental assistance."

    Then not to be outdone, in March of 1988, twenty-four nations met at the World Court at the Hague and called for a:

    "supernatural agency within the framework of the U.N. that could impose sanctions against any country negatively impacting the environment. "
    Who actually believes it would be a SUPERNATURAL agency who would handle the sanctions?

    An agreement flowed forth from these nations to accept the binding jurisdiction of the World Court (Supernatural?) under "a large number of international treaties". The U.S. State Department and the Administration enthusiastically signed on and signed away a large measure of (non-Supernatural) U.S. sovereignty!

    Meanwhile the "Greens" are organizing and increasing their power all over Europe in addition to the good old U.S.A. and parts West. In 1989, the Ecologist Party (Greens) won over eighteen hundred city council seats across Europe. Similar Green parties virtually dominated the domestic political scene in West Germany and Sweden. Over 2 million voters opted for the Green Party in England in 1989. Does the world need cleaning up? Of Course! However, do you actually think the very ones who destroyed it will do much in the cleaning up thereof?

    Now here we go: The environmental parties are pushing dissolution of NATO, the support for immediate and unconditional nuclear disarmament, the abolishment of private banking (environmental?), the establishment of government control of the amount of goods people can buy, the imposition of heavy taxes for air and road travel, the revamping of educational curriculum to in­doctrinate students with these Green issues. THE PROMOTION OF HOMOSEXUAL RIGHTS, and the support of "feminist" issues. Oh yes, indeed, these are "planks" in the party structure.

    These nice socialist issues are going great guns in America now, many under the guise of environmentalism. Even your Elite Zbigniew Brezinski, has publicly stated in Foreign Affairs (1990-91) that the environmental crisis is DE­SIGNED AS A COVER FOR THE GRAND MERGER OF EAST AND WEST, OF THE WARSAW PACT NATIONS AND THE NATIONS OF EUROPE.

    He wrote:

    "The Council of Europe and the European Community could also make an important contribution by offering to assist in the cre­ation of a central European program for ecological salvation."

    The environmental crisis is the vehicle upon which the New Age movement, the New World Order, and the communists plan to socialize Europe and America, and to move the world to global government before, the close of this decade. The environmental crisis is a cover for the grand merger of East and West, of the Soviet bloc, Western Europe, and America.

    The Administration, congressional liberals, and radical environmentalists have pushed the most horrendous environmentalist bills ever through both houses of Congress. The current cost of the 1970 and 1977 Clean Air laws is over $31 billion dollars per year, which is at least three times higher than anywhere else in the world, and the Bush Clean Air Act will cost American business between $50 billion and $100 billion dollars per year which will amount to over a TRILLION dollars for the decade--and that is just for minimums. It will drive millions of jobs to other countries where conditions and costs are more sensible--ENHANCING THE NEED FOR THOSE NICE NEW "FREE-TRADE" AGREEMENTS. IT IS THE FORMULA FOR THE DE-INDUSTRI­ALIZATION OF THE U.S. ECONOMY, WHICH IS ALREADY REELING DUE TO LACK OF WORLD COMPETITIVENESS CAUSED BY HIGH TAXES AND OVER-REGULATION.

    The Clean Air Act requires as many as one hundred fifty thousand American businesses, from heavy manufacturing to small print shops, to secure specific EPA permits for every one of more than one hundred ninety-one "air pollutants" if they emit more than two and a half to seven pounds per hour. Who will monitor and measure these emissions--the business, the EPA bureaucrats? In addition, every time a company changes any part of its process affecting any one of the permitted substances, even if that modification produces less toxicity, new permits are required. Every new product would have to pass through EPA filters. Penalties would include up to four hundred-fifty-years in prison and unlimited fines at $25, 000 per day, with company informants and competitors offered up to $10, 000 in bounties for reporting suspected violators to the EPA. (Remember, your nice Big Brother is now criminalizing what were formerly mere civil violations of governmental regulations.) Is it any wonder Dharma wants to just go hide under the bed--surely these ones don't want to start the projects we must have in order to make this passage.

    The act requires production of vehicles using alternative fuels (ethanol or elec­tricity--which the government and Elite will never allow to happen) and drasti­cally limits hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide emissions, greatly increasing production costs (which will never happen, either). The highly flammable fuel will turn minor car wrecks into flaming torches, if nothing else. Methanol, an­other mandated fuel, is highly toxic and can be expected to be a contributing factor in anywhere from hundreds to thousands of poisoning deaths a year, while doing absolutely nothing for emissions on later model cars. Well, this will only cost you driving Americans about $20 billion more a year for the privilege.

    The Clean Air Act sets about phasing out chlorofluorocarbons used in refrigera­tion, air-conditioning, foam insulation, solvents, fire extinguishers, aerosol cans, and in the cleaning of electronic equipment. These little CFC's are used by at least five thousand companies, in equipment worth around $135 Billion, to produce $28 billion in goods or services annually. American business and in­dustry will lose tens of billions of dollars annually from the phase-out of chlorofluorocarbons and many companies will simply be forced to close. At least you as a nation have a nice quiet, clean and regulated place to starve to death--if you aren't shot first for this tale gets far more miserable.

    Under this act, alone, tens of billions of dollars will be spent each year to cure acid rain, in spite of the fact that an official federal government study on acid rain by the National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program reported that relatively few U.S. lakes and streams were acidified and damage to crops, forests, and human health were negligible. Do I believe the report? No, but then I don't believe anything "they" tell you. The study, however, did say that $700,000 worth of annual timing of a handful of lakes would completely eliminate the problem--I do believe that little tid-bit.

    Now for the "greenhouse effect"--that is total bunk and a real 'nother one of the "great and empty crises" cited by the environmentalists. The Earth, good bud­dies, is actually in a coaling situation. This Clean Air Act will cost you tens of billions to lower atmospheric carbon dioxide levels which they claim are the cause of global warming, in spite of the fact that industrially generated carbon dioxide is a very, very minor part of total global CO/2 levels (i.e. 18 billion tons out of 759 billion tons of C0/2 entering the atmosphere each year).

    This "environmental crisis" is a very dangerous and false crisis manufactured by the socialists to socialize America under another label. Is the pollution problem serious? Oh indeed, indeed--perilous--but not in the areas given you as the critical points for the Masters of Destruction will continue right on with the real destruction and make trillions of dollars off you people in this new adven­ture.

    You are going to literally close places like Toledo, St.Louis, Detroit, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles, Chicago, etc. What "they" have given you as a charade to solve the problems will actually strangle the U.S. on the altar of ecological environmental madness at a time when depression will wipe you away at best. It will, however, create a whole bunch of new jobs and industry for Western Europe and points north and south of the U.S.--because there are already these plans laid to transfer the operations and industrial centers and this is just another excuse to do it with your blessings.


    Dharma, daylight is coming now so let us have a break. I must insist that you
    vacate this place today--at least you and Oberli. I cannot stress enough--it is very serious indeed, that which is being thrust against you and we have no abil­ity to neutralize it all without cooperation on your parts. Or, we can put you to bed and into sleep but we have to clear these electronic assaults.

    I am greatly distressed that you ones fail to consider this journey and task as serious in circumstance. You treat this like another "New Age Groupie Lark". I remind you--we are bringing Truth and the adversary wants it STOPPED! I object to having to repeat myself regarding this matter. I CANNOT have personal meetings until we bring this dangerous course you ones travel, under con­trol. There is too much chatter, picking, and tending of each other's business. No one would intentionally effort to destroy anyone or the work--or would they? YOU HAVE NO WAY TO KNOW, DO YOU? WELL, I DO AND I DO NOT LIKE THAT WHICH IS GOING ON. I must ask that things be handled in a far more diligent "business" manner. The only way given to the public to reach me, through Dharma, is through America West and therefore, I need names, places, communications, etc. I have not the time nor inclination to con­tinually be at the fragments, i.e. trying to respond to nameless inquiries and statements that say, "You know my situation, what can I do?" I know not your situation for it is none of my business and I have no right to ask that you do anything so, please, as you inquire, we are ever humbly grateful but WE MUST KNOW THAT WHICH YOU CAN DO AND ARE WILLING TO DO. NEVER WOULD I INTERFERE WITH THAT WHICH IS ONLY YOUR CHOICE TO MAKE.


    Hatonn to clear. When we sit to pen again, we shall (hopefully) take up with a discussion of your "HATE CRIME BILL". Ah, could you just pass a bill requiring LOVE. Salu.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 26


    THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1991 3:48 P.M. YEAR 4, DAY 203


    QUESTION: Who were some of the players in this Global Regime of Interdependence?

    What we are talking about comes in two layers and when you talk about the U.S. multi-national corporations you can refer to a study done through the 1976 Senate, under Lee Metcalf. He is now, too, strangely deceased and became de­ceased before the study was completed. They produced a study called Inter­locking Directorate Among Major U.S. Multi-National Corporations. It is demonstrated that there were no more than 3,500, mostly white-male Ameri­cans--Anglo-Saxon-- and they sat on boards of ALL the multi-national corporations and the major banks and foundations and a separate study, which was produced on the Federal Reserve System, showed that the same thing existed within the Federal Reserve System and ALL interlocking with the corporations, whereby one man such as William Webster (now head of the CIA and was with the FBI) sat on the Boards of as many as TWENTY MAJOR U.S. MULTI-NATIONAL CORPORATIONS, DEFENSE CONTRACTORS, BANKS--AND WHEN YOU CROSS-DIRECTORSHIP, ONE MAN SITTING ON THE BOARD OF, FOR INSTANCE, CHASE, WILL THEN ALSO SIT ON THE BOARD OF EXXON AND WILL BE SITTING NEXT TO A BOARD MEM­BER OF CHASE ALSO, WHO SITS ON THE BOARD. SAY, OF MOBIL. THAT IS HOW THEY "BEAT" THE F.T.C. RULES DEALING WITH THE "CONFLICT OF INTEREST" AND "FREE-TRADE".

    They ALL sit on each other's Boards and there are at most 3,500 or less people involved. One man, alone, may own as many as 50-80 hats and interests in corporations, foundations, the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, The Council on Foreign Relations--a complete network which is extremely small when you consider what they are doing. This was considered by the deceased Lee Metcalf as a threat to our very way of life if we believe in "free-trade". He felt it would cause the kind of political influence, and he was right, that it ultimately has caused--such as in the case of George Shultz who now sits on the Board of Boe­ing--after eight years in the State Department where he was the single most influential man in the State Department. He opened up trade with Red China and now the trade is wide-open to Red China, which is a major, major victory to Shultz who, as Secretary of State, moved to increase trade with Red China to the point where Boeing Corporation now has RECORD SALES HERE IN SEATTLE AND THROUGHOUT THE U.S. NORTHWEST. OF COURSE GEORGE SHULTZ IS NOW REAPING THE REWARDS OF HIS ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE STATE DEPARTMENT--HE IS ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WITH BOEING CORPORATION.

    What about Great Britain? What about Germany? What about all those others who are now petitioned and have agreed to give the U.S. money?

    Every single one of the countries, including Japan, are represented in exactly the same scenario as just described. They are all players and they have institutionalized their ideology into groups that the far right and the far left tried to consider them some sort of Global Conspiracy--such as is the Trilateral Commission. The make-up of the Trilateral Commission, which is no more than 300 individuals at any given time, is a make-up of Europeans, West Ger­mans, British, Japanese, Canadians and Americans. The same thing holds true and that's why when they refer to the Global Regime, they aren't thinking in terms of Imperialism the way the far-left used to think the U.S. was operating--that kind-of neocolonialism--it is far beyond that. That implies a nation-State trying to reach out and control the globe and still retain its nation-State status. These men don't even consider the United States as a nation-State, they consider the nation-State as Exxon, Chase, IBM, ITT, etc. That is who they believe are now the "nation-State" and that is where they put all the cards.

    Being the President of the United States is a grand vehicle through which to ac­complish the dynamics of the "New World Order", or, "Global Regime of Interdependence". That is why I have said it is a step down for George Bush but a most important step.

    The ones who will be in charge of the New World Order or "Regime" are the same men who are in charge right now. They make up the cabinet, multi-national corporations, defense contractors, the leading bankers for they also sit on the boards of IBM, ATT, etc. They already are in charge and they have agreed to agree on that first premise. It isn't a regime such as the "Christian Fundamentalist" "thing" with a world dictator, etc., it is too well planned to ever have the appearance of such. It is a kind of feudalistic cooperation between the "princes" of the "district". Those "princes" being the C.E.O.'s and Directors--the "districts" being the interlocking or intertwined regions where the multi-national corporation crosses over all country borders.

    They no longer see nation-States. They operate in every country and they truly believe, and here I have a book called PEACE AND AFFLUENCE THROUGH MULTI-NATIONAL CORPORATIONS by Herbert Mertz, which goes so far as to say that the Regime is already in place and it is just a matter of making average layman aware of it. They go so far as to think that we should vote for our political rights no longer through Congress and nation-State Gov­ernmental apparatuses but through the multi-national political apparatus. Mertz is a Director of The World's Ecocracy.

    One thing I learned while I was with the multi-national corporations as a consultant, is that one thing totally devoid in the thinking is the welfare of the people, themselves. I have had it stated to me very clearly that "as they create the Regime and move-in and eliminate regions and first employ people and then throw them out of work and move an operation to a foreign place--however they transmit it--wherever there is disruption and the people are hurt by it, their atti­tude is simplistically stated and the words are: "When the sheep are fleeced--they bleat".

    The Regime is clearly a feudalistic operation. I know well, some of the gentlemen who run some of those major corporations and they are, indeed, feudalistic in their thinking. I would go so far as to say that they are behavioral-social­-Darwinists with a nasty stripe of Nietzsche.

    There are many similarities, in fact, years ago I spoke with a newspaper reporter on that very topic. There is a loose merger between the radical right and the lunatic left and that is because they have a lot of the same enemies--for in­stance, Henry Kissinger. The John Birch society did a lot of research into the multi-national corporations and they are interpreted to mean that David Rockefeller was therefore, a Communist, because he was also working with the Soviet Union. The far left always looks at it as a kind of monopoly capitol with a Marxist flavor in trying to install a kind of capitalist Regime throughout the world. Forget free-anything however, for that is the very LAST thing on the minds of these men in point.

    G.E., for instance, is a feudalist-State that has more in common with a socialist dictator such as Noreiga or the Saudi regime than they will ever have with the "free-market".

    You must think back a bit to what the Sabah's threat was and then the Saudis' threat if there was any disclosure of financial holdings in 1982. The threat was that they would go to yen or marks, or whatever it would take to cause a banking crisis. In 1982 we were under a recession and there were tremendous bank failures and the large banks were also in trouble due to the Latin American debt along with the Third World debt. That threat was very REAL and so, think about the threat today if we didn't put Sabah back into his "Pink Palace" with his 70+ wives. What would Sabah do?

    It is about making an example of Hussein and totally DESTROYING his military-industrial complex if possible by actually bombing him back into the stone age. Then they look to Assad of Syria and it is clear that the message is that "...now you will disarm--right?"

    As we move along here we find that is only the first major piece to the overall puzzle. This is a new dynamic and the reason it came about so quickly is because Soviet influence left the Middle East as a major "front". Because the Soviet Union appeared to no longer be a major influential player in that area, the Western Powers of the Global Regime could rush in and fill the void and create the dynamic which in the first instance is Iraq falling as a military power. (Hatonn: Here is where the information is now comprehensive enough to validly understand that the Soviets ARE STILL THE MAJOR MILITARY AND TECHNOLOGY-CAPABLE FORERUNNER. This is something that simply no-one has been allowed to know outside of the tiny handful of key players such as Kissinger, etc. It IS through the Soviets that the war was brought to a handy and abrupt halt with Hussein's toys intact and both sides were required to make a cease and desist peace "deal"--"or else!")

    Using Iraq as an example they could go on until Syria and Libya and the rest of the countries would disarm unilaterally or the same fate would befall them. For instance, Baker recently went to Jordan and put out the "Olive Branch of Peace" to King Hussein and said "...we want you to be a part of the New World Or­der". The press was told that that was what was offered, however, what was told to King Hussein was considerably different for there was a strong implied threat that "...when we are through with Saddam--you guys are next!" They are taking the entire Middle East back to pre-1979 when there was a Shah of Iran, no military conflict between Iran and Iraq, Libya and Syria were not a military power to be reckoned with--they want to go back to where there were non-mili­tary despots running those Middle Eastern countries with a SECRET POLICE POWERFUL ENOUGH TO KEEP THE PEOPLE, THAT ARE IN POVERTY, AT BAY AND CONTROL THEM SO THEY DON'T GET OUT OF LINE NOR CAUSE ANY RIFFLES IN THE WATERS TO ANNOY IS­RAEL. Then, too, all of the natural resources of the Middle East will simply be exported through the corporate network into those regions where they want to industrialize like Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary. It is a constant pat­tern of controlling one's resources and who gets it and who sends it to which companies and who gets the proceeds from it. How it works best, according to their thinking, is with feudalistic regimes such as the Saudi and Kuwaiti Regimes.

    Countries like Iraq and Syria that claim national identity and have a strong military defense to back it up have to be removed from power. That's because their, concern with Peace in the Middle East or protecting Israel from the Arabs--it is only a front to major extent, especially the "Peace" reasoning. Israel is an entirely different matter and is totally absorbed into the Global Elite system. It is boiled down, unfortunately, because the Exxon/Chase--the cabinet that makes up those very same Boards--can't then go to Syria and dictate economic policy. If you try to do so, they get their back up, like Hussein, and basically tell the West to "go to hell".

    There are some real flaws remaining with ones, for instance, like Libya. The problem is that the West will push the thing until they very well might pull off the Global plan but there is always the probability that these objectors will get together and get their backs up and have some kind of terrible confrontation. The Arabs know what is under planning and they are split as far as leaders--but the Arab people are united.

    The facts are that no matter how the war turns out--Hussein has won a tremendous victory in a political reference for it only has presented the obvious--that a tremendously powerful nation like the U.S. can and will simply move over and pulverize any lesser power who crosses its path in disagreement. The Arabs are totally united in two things--their total hatred of Israel and their total hatred of the United States of America.

    Thank you Dharma, we will just close this off at this point for we are out of space. However, I just want to request that you ones obtain the "White Papers" and get informed. We have spoken at length on this subject and fleshed out that which these authors have not seen and the "whole" is a massive picture, indeed. You readers get your bearings, confirm to selves the truth--and then ponder what might be done to reverse this plague upon the world.

    Remember what I told you yesterday--there will be a coalition of all Arab nations joined by the Soviet Union and then, brothers, the fur will fly and a bunch of chickens are going to get thoroughly plucked. I believe you can see why it is not as simple, either, as simply bringing "the boys" home--the Middle East is a boiling cauldron right now and will remain so--you have just made enemies un­der the surface with almost every nation in the world. So be it.

    Thank you for your service and thank you for your attention. the only portion we did not cover is nuclear capability and we have already covered that quite thoroughly so I choose not to run over on this document.

    Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr.

    PJ 26


    FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1991 7:59 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 204
    Hopeless? Dharma, (sic, sic), that is exactly the response expected and worked for--to make you who are working around the clock to bring light--stop and give up, We cannot do that, chelas. God has no intentions of forfeiting the world Earth.

    You ones should be asking at this point, "What is wrong with Dharma--what is the big occasion of distress?" Just bunches and bunches of little things for, when you come into Truth, you see all that is NOT given unto you and you glean truth from the lies and then the circuits of compassion and distress over-wash the Human emotions. She is exhausted and yet, we need to write 10 times a day and still cannot cover it all. You have been in the dark so very long, beloved ones. And no, Thomas, JOY, and Dru cannot help for theirs is a dif­ferent penning task--to set the messages of the Christed presence to paper--those messages which bring again unto you the TRUE, JUST AND CORRECT direc­tions for life, balance, the laws, etc. Dru has now put to paper the command­ments almost in entirety in brief explanation, and will now put to print "the deadly ‘sins'". You have to know, ultimately, how to pull your "whole" selves out of the muck into which you have been pushed.

    What would be in the news this day that would distress? You would guess that there is only wondrous good-news with soldiers coming home and the frenzy at peak--no, look behind that which is hardly mentioned. At any rate, I must give her some time for I have made the load too great day after day after day. I will attempt to keep this to a minimum of time this morning.

    Homecoming! Rejoice and then, let us face the truth again. Welcome the children and loved ones but don't turn your eyes away in thinking the monster is gone--he has just had his feast of blood and will go, momentarily, for a rest. Don't expect those returning ones to know as much as you do, for they have been in a desert with even more restricted input of knowledge. They will, however, have heard of the numbers of suicides from your own beloved ones who became too distressed in that place. You appear to have a strong group return­ing and in many ways--you do; but in the ending they are only stronger in the fact that they are part of a "machine" from which they cannot extract them­selves.

    How is it that there are OVER FORTY news people "going to be released" in Baghdad? You were told of only three from one network and two, last week, from CNN! I can promise you-the-people that they will be silenced and that which comes out will be censored in its entirety--"for National Security". If you ones can ever break the press away from their shackles you will win this "secret" war against the people of the world.

    While the world is in shock over an incident of the beating in Los Angeles by the Police Department of a black suspect being taken into custody. This is what has really pulled Dharma down, for one of her own children, now dead of "suicide", was treated to a dose of the L.A. Sheriff's Dept. He was just a sixteen year-old who had just gotten off work, on Halloween night, and on his way home was dragged from his parent's automobile--through the window, by his hair, beaten and cuffed so tightly that it took six weeks to regain full use of his right hand. When objections were entered, the "forms" (for you have to ask the County Supervisors for permission to bring charges) reached the Board of Su­pervisors--8 hours too late to be filed. How many of you know these rules?

    Dharma was employed at Children's Hospital of L.A. for some 10 years. The battered children, especially blacks from the ghetto areas, were brought in EVERY NIGHT to emergency. At one point, one child lost an eye at the Police's hands and it was simply too much for the young doctors on service. They brought charges---GUESS WHO LOST THEIR JOBS?

    Now, they will tell you that this incident--captured by a witness from his apartment balcony--on film, is isolated and "just never happens". Phooey, it hap­pens regularly and is the "rule" and not the exception to the rule. THEY ARE IN TRAINING TO BRING YOU-THE-PEOPLE INTO TOTAL POLICE CONTROL FOR THE REGIME COMING DOWN ON YOU--PLANNED AND UNDER WAY! The hospital incident above is only one of a hundred just she could give and she was nowhere near Emergency Room--and worse for the situation--it was 15 years past--how think ye it is this day??

    Have any of you readers witnessed the hundreds of Kuwaiti citizens crossing the border and now WALKING to Kuwait City? They are angry and hungry after first being disallowed entry to their own country and totally ignored. They scream "war" (NOW THAT IT IS TOO LATE) against the Sabahs for" ...no government should treat its own people like this--like dogs and worse--we are starving and they do nothing.....!" There are hundreds upon hundreds at the border and the Kuwaitis won't let them re-enter their own country!

    Now the big flash is that "...the Arab nations are putting up a big reward for removing their 'fellow Arab' Hussein from power, by death if necessary!" And, of course, that is the way it will have to be, NO! The "Arab Conspira­tors" who are in the loop of the One World Regime are trying to take him out before the people can rise up against them. America and World: KNOW that the plans are too well laid to allow survival of anyone who can fight back. You see, your world is controlled totally by those original 13 to 14 families with a few old line ball-players allowed to play for awhile, while it is convenient to utilize them and their resources. YOU HAVE NOT LIBERATED KUWAIT--YOU HAVE REINSTALLED THE DESPOT OF DESPOTS BACK INTO HIS IVORY AND PINK PALACE. YOU ARE IN GRAVE TROUBLE, WORLD--INDEED, VERY, VERY GRAVE AND YOU CONTINUE TO WHOOP AND BOW TO WONDROUS BUSH WHO LAUGHS AT YOU AND DROOLS OVER THE CARCASS OF THAT WHICH HE HAS PULLED INTO DESTRUCTION. HE IS ONE OF THE HEAD MACHINISTS AT THE TOOL SHOP. BE WARNED: FOR HE IS ONLY A ROBOTOID REPLICA-- THE BIG BOY IS STILL OUT THERE PULLING HIS STRINGS WHILE YOU WATCH AND APPLAUD THE PUPPET SHOW. BY FAR, THE WORST IS YET TO COME.

    No matter what we give unto you, you are stunned and put it aside thinking "this one" might be incorrect--so we will keep right on keeping on.

    Let us go back to an interesting old story from your "Good Book" that might be well worth looking at again this day. Let me just outlay a very impressive mes­sage from the "FOREWORD" of a booklet entitled, THE GREAT CONSPIR­ACY on the subject of WHO'S STOMPING ON CHRISTIAN CIVILIZA­TION? This is compiled by Brig. Gen. Gordon "Jack" Mohr, C.P.D.L.

    Isaiah 22:25--"There is a conspiracy of her prophets (leaders) in the midst thereof, like a roaring lion ravening the prey; they have devoured souls; they have taken the treasure and precious things; they have made her many widows in the midst thereof."

    In Psalm 2:2-4, you can read these words: "Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord, and against His Anointed, saying, 'Let us break their band asunder, and cast away their cords from us, He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall have them in derision." (Or contempt.)

    Off and on you will hear about the "Conspiratorial Theory of History." This is certainly in line with the words spoken by the Psalmist and they echo those spoken by President F.D. Roosevelt when he said: "Nothing in politics happens by accident; it was all planned somewhere, in some smoke-filled room."

    But if you mention a conspiracy today--a conspiracy to control the world and make men and women slaves--the Elite of the world, the sophisticated, the educated, laugh knowingly, tap their heads and declare you to be a "looney kook" of some kind.

    Yet many Americans know that there was a conspiracy to kill President John Kennedy. They know it was not the work of one slightly demented man. Even when the Warren Commission said one man did it, intelligent Americans said: "Why then, did you seal your findings for decades? Who are you protecting?"

    Now consider today--March 8, 1991--the ones in charge of the Book Depository from which the "so-called" assassin fired his death bullet has decreed that Oliver Stone may film a motion picture from the site--BUT NOT USE THE SIXTH FLOOR THEREOF!! Of course not, for it would be uncovered before all the world THAT IT COULD NOT HAVE BEEN THE WAY IT WAS GIVEN FORTH TO ALL OF YOU!

    When something unusual happens, which does not appear to be by accident, people have the right to ask: "Who did it? Why did they do it? Were there more than one of them? Who financed them? Who benefitted by the death of President John Kennedy? Did the man who replaced him have any debts which he paid off?" Is it not even more proper, in fact, to DEMAND these answers?

    Where are you, children? Even your Bible--which you continually tout to me in your anger at my bringing Truth--tells you beyond any shadow of a doubt that there is a long-range conspiracy against God and His people of all faiths. Herein are references from THAT BOOK that can confirm this conspiracy, three of which are in Psalm 2. In Isaiah 14, you can read about a very power­ful arch angel named LUCIFER, who tried to arrange a conspiracy in heaven, TO KICK GOD OFF HIS THRONE AND USURP THE THRONE. It went so far that he seduced 1/3rd of the angelic hosts to join with him in the conspiracy. And, if you study the Bible a bit more carefully, you will see that this great conspiracy HAS BEEN IN OPERATION SINCE THE DAY THAT GOD PLACED YOUR FOREFATHER "AU-DAUM" (Auld Dum-de­Dumb Dumb) in the beauteous "Garden of Eden".

    To identify a conspiracy, you MUST KNOW WHO is being conspired against. The Bible tells you that this great conspiracy is against God and His People. Not the people you call "Jews" today, who are the very ones your Teacher in Rev. 2:9 referred to when He spoke about: "Those who say they a Jews (JUDEANS) and are NOT; BUT ARE OF THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN." We are speaking here, about God's TRUE "israel" people, who we know are not those who call themselves "chosen people" from Palestine (Israel). I am going to take a bit of an exception to some of the material in this booklet for I refuse emphatically to give you information which will pit you against brother. For terms are used which would tend to isolate the "chosen" of God into nation­alities and lineages which can not be completely accurate. Most especially, through the evolvement of "time", I shall most certainly not allow my readers to slip into bigoted, race-isolated stance. The "REFLECTION OF GOD'S IM­AGE" bears no color nor race as such--only the energy (spirit) of God which is (LIGHT) and is all comprehensive from all "colors" and therefore could broadly be considered "white". It is factual that one's of this generation have come forth from mixtures of those who originally came from ancestry of various "colored" beings as to skin, etc. But the color of the skin had nothing to do with the ac­tions of the evil perpetrators who worked against God. As a matter of fact--those beings might well be the very ones who will now set the record to straight for YOU ARE NOT GIVEN TO KNOW THAT WHICH GOD ALLOWS TO COME FULL FLOWER. IT IS NOT MYSTIC, IT IS SIMPLY NOT YET REVEALED FROM THE "MYSTERY"

    We are going to utilize some exceptionally good information--for the most part--which came out publicly in about year 1988. It is about the Great Conspiracy. I am going to utilize this time period for it brings into focus, within your time perceptions of recognition and memory, that which was well under way. We have to make these connections again and again for few will retain much "total" recall from prior writings. Sometimes parables must be presented in several ways to meld the point and focus the point.

    As we speak of this in a setting of the late 1980's you must, up front, realize that most information and background came from 30-50, or more, years prior to that. We have to go back, again, to the Illuminati of the Elite One Worlders. You will again see how it all connects, frankly, all the way back to the beginning of your human experience on your planet.

    These One-Worlders, known as the Illuminati, fully planned and are now ready to take over your world. You, as a world, are coming apart and you deserve to know WHY AND HOW! WHAT YOU WILL DO WITH THAT INFORMATION IS TOTALLY UP TO YOU-THE-PEOPLE. I REPEAT--MINE IS GIVE YOU THE TRUTH; I CANNOT "DO IT" FOR YOU!

    These writings herein are about a Great Conspiracy; in fact, an ages-old conspiracy to enslave ALL peoples of the world under a one-world system con­trolled by a totalitarian dictatorship. This is defined by your dictionary as: "A combination of men for an evil purpose; and agreement between two or more persons, to commit some crime in concert, particularly, a combination to com­mit treason or incite sedition or insurrection against the government of a state."

    Because this conspiracy has been a "Jewish" (Refer to the "DEFINITIONS" which I have given you prior to this writing for I MUST utilize accepted terms as presented to you for you no longer have the proper terminology suitable to make clarity. Thank you.) plot from the very beginning, the media has been very careful to poke fun at anyone who believes in what they call "The Con­spiratorial Theory of History". They will admit to many other conspiracies in the 6,000 years of "written" world history, but say they do not believe one is going on now. I am going to prove to you, little ones, beyond the shadow of any reasonable doubt, that there is and has been such a conspiracy underway to enslave you and destroy Godly civilization everywhere on your globe.

    This plot remains generally unknown to the majority of your people and when ones speak out about it, they are apt to be received with worse than scorn, contempt, and most often even hatred and abhorrent violence. There can be no doubt that we are labeled as "anti-Semites" but that is getting to be quite "passe" so check your "definitions". I cannot help it if the ones who have set this thing into operation now call themselves "Jews" and I am very sorry, indeed, for the Judeans who have allowed that to take place. The reason for this plot not being generally recognized is because the plotters have total control of the media of the land. They control the newspapers, magazines, radio, TV and the Motion Picture outlets (anything that might promote their ideas and shush yours). This is proven and "they" are quite egotistic and proud of having ac­complished this against you-the-people. It is not secret any longer--they boast about it constantly and you STILL hang on their presentations like addicts to the poison drugs.

    In recent decades, television and the movies have been in the forefront of this "brainwashing" process. These are almost totally controlled by International Jewish interests. This control has been so exaggerated and misused that it has your political and religious leaders, as well as your major educators, to the point where they believe they have the right to tell the people what they want them to hear, rather than what is truth.

    Your National leaders tout that they have received this power from their "positions in government", although your Constitution Republic was set unto be the "servant of the people, rather than its master". Today your leaders, while ostensibly in power, are controlled by shadow figures who lurk in the background, ever becoming more and more open, pulling the strings of government, no matter what political party "is in power". This is why you see little change in economics or foreign policy when there is a change of administration. But with this last change to George Bush, you have married into the big league of puppet-masters. You have not had an "American Government in Washing­ton" in three quarters of a century--and then, it wasn't worth speaking of as non-manipulated. You have been infected and pushed around la the alien fig­ures of the International Zionist Bankers, who now control our total economy and thus the country.

    The idea of those ruling Elite is to so change the thinking of you good, patriotic Americans so that you can be peacefully merged with the nations of the Third-world and Communist states.

    During the Korean War, 1950-53 (and surely you dear ones must realize that you still have military personnel in Korea and American POW's in Russia), when your armed forces came under United Nations control for the first time, you saw your boys murdered by the tens of thousands in a war your leaders never intended to win, while your national wealth went into the pockets of the International gangsters who were totally responsible for it. This was all part and parcel of the plan to weaken and divide America. You saw its horrible aftermath in Vietnam. BOTH of these "no win--no plan to win" wars were part of the world-wide conspiracy which has already destroyed much of your world. In every instance, although Americans have been brainwashed into believing your government was anti-Communist, it was your tax dollars and aid which kept this enemy of mankind alive and well and killing YOU. "Communism" is just a convenient "word"--don't get yourselves hung-up on it for it doesn't mean anything--it will now shift to something like the New World Order or some other meaningless term.

    It is vitally important for you mothers and fathers, whose loved ones died in those wars, to know the truth about this betrayal for it continues on and on and gets worse and worse all over your planet. You in America see that which IS in places like Panama, South America, Central America and the Saudi desert--but you don't get much on South Africa as it really is, nor other places like China where you get a distorted picture which, in fact, could not be buried because of its size--and Satan must always wear a bloodstained clue of the players actually involved, i.e. Bush, Scowcroft, Kissinger, etc.--never interrupting "business" with Red China and glad to have the trouble-makers out of the way at any cost--including death by tank-squashing.

    It is more important still for you to understand that, standing behind the traitors in government, there is a comparatively SMALL group of men, whose SOLE PURPOSE IN LIFE IS THE ENSLAVEMENT OF THE WORLD AND TO ENRICH THOSE WHO PROCLAIM THEMSELVES AS THE ONLY ONES CAPABLE OF RULING YOUR COMPLEX WORLD.

    In order to get a more clearly visible view of this evil plot, it is necessary to go back to a time in Europe, to its modern beginning. "Modern" is the chosen word because the underlying plot was hatched too many centuries ago to cover herein, long before the time of the Teacher called Jesus the Christed, in the dusty streets and innards of Babylon.

    I am going to tell you about the man that resurrected this ancient plot in 1776 and who was the architect of the modern conspiracy that you erroneously call "communism". Then I will bring you again to the more recent times and show you how the conspiracy remained and grew in operation. Many of you, if you are not familiar with the prior Phoenix material--or similar information--will be shocked and you will first deny and refuse belief. This is Truth and the facts are now down in your own ability to read them and garner proof if you but take the time to look for them.

    You continue to use terms which are totally without meaning other than accepted and conjured erroneously so we will need more definitions as we move along. One term which must be defined before we move on is what is meant when one is referred to as a "LIBERAL". Webster's Dictionary defines liberal as: 1. of a free heart; munificent; bountiful; generous. a liberal donor. 2. gen­erous, as a 'liberal donation'; 3. not selfish, narrow or contracted; embracing interests other than ones own; 4. embracing literature and sciences generally, as a liberal education; 5. open; candid, as 'liberal communication of thoughts'; 6. large; profuse, as a liberal discharge of matter; 7. Free; 8. not mean, low in birth or mind; 9. licentious; free to excess.

    So you can see, this commonly used word covers a very large range of thoughts from the good to the despotic. But the world conspirators seized on this word and used it as a pivot on which to build their activities. In itself, if sounds innocent and humanitarian (another mark of the beast). But you must use ex­ceeding care, for the term "liberal" is also used to describe someone or their ac­tivities, who are actually subversive in nature. Most of the agents of the world conspiracy, come from the ranks of those who consider and call themselves, "liberals".

    The satanic plot to control all of mankind was launched in the 1760's under the organized name of the ILLUMINATI. This subversive organization was organized by a Zionist named Adam Weishaupt, who had been converted to Catholi­cism, became a Jesuit priest and then became an agent for the Jewish house of Rothschild.

    It was the Rothschild wealth that financed this venture. They also planned and financed every major war and revolution beginning with the French Revolution. They worked under various "guises" and names, but it was for the same purpose and backed by the same men.

    Dharma, let us leave this writing. I ask that you get out of this location as
    quickly as conveniently possible. The others are behind, at best, and I need you
    out of here for a while, please. There is much on this subject and we will keep at it so allow us respite.

    Hatonn to stand-by, thank you.

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