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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 26
    WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1991 9:07 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 202

    In the pickle pot, in a dilemma, in a mess, in confusion and muddling through the first skirmish of the "Mother of all Wars"! You are in a deflationary depression regardless of what your Earth brother broker will tell you. No? Oh I see, your "inflationary" EXPERTS say it has to be inflationary? Why? Undoubtedly the prices of some things will continue to climb for a while--but you must look to the banking/Federal Reserve wisp for your clues.

    The Fed must initially make reserves available to the banking system. The Fed does this mostly by buying government paper assets--treasury bills, notes, and bonds from the banking system and crediting their accounts accordingly. Then, in your fractional reserve system, the banks can make new loans and create new deposits for their customers up to several times their new reserves. It is, in re­ality, a legalized confidence game (scam). As long as the banks are willing to make loans, the Fed can expand deposits and currency and, hence, debt, and also the purchasing (spending) rate. The Fed has nightmares, however; what if the banks run out of "credit-worthy" borrowers and refuse to use the reserves that the Fed makes available to them to make new loans?

    The Fed is locked into this continuing credit expansion. It cannot stop. If ever bank lending slows, then the game is over and a scramble for liquidity begins. Banks and thrifts and other creditors will rush to salvage what they can from their nonperforming loan portfolios. Remember, if debts are not repaid by the borrowers, the creditors will rush to salvage what they can from their nonperforming loan portfolios.

    This is debunked by the "inflationists" by saying that the Fed can always create more and more and more money--and I have told you that they can do this, as well as telling you that there is ONLY credit--no MONEY. So far, then, the argument holds up--BUT they somehow fail to understand the essential second step in the credit expansion process, namely that the banks must use the reserves created by the Fed to make new loans. If they don't, then the Fed is merely pushing on a string--a wet one at that--and is helpless to continue the expansion. The Fed found itself in this precise mess in the 1930's. Banks had huge excess reserves but refused to use them to make loans. The banks were scared to death to make new loans. After all, you lost some 40%--some 10,000 of your 25,000 banks! This was between 1930 and the "bank closings" under Roosevelt in 1933. The banks were petrified they were so scared. The economic climate of the 1930's was highly uncertain. You still had some 9 million people out of work by 1939 and your population ratio had a much more pronounced percent­age of unemployed--that was about 17-18 percent of the work force. Therefore, it required over a decade to pull you out of the depression and required a war, in addition. World War II saved the "bacon" by allowing banks to have enough confidence to make loans related to war materiel. These, further, were secured by government spending--it is a spiral that eventually gets totally out of control.

    You must remember, as we discuss this situation of then vs. now, that the BIG difference was the demise of the gold standard. The main constraint on credit expansion in today's circumstance is high interest rates. You are going to see the credit expansion stretched to the outer limits of this interest constraint and, as with a rubber-band, it will reach its capacity to stretch and snap.

    Don't be misled by the prattling or the little perturbations and ups and downs as things fluctuate. Remember that all existing commercial loans and now over 50% of home mortgages have VARIABLE interest rates. As rates rise, many companies and individuals will simply not be able to meet the increases because their profits and salaries will not keep pace with the rising burden. This, in turn is referred to as a liquidity squeeze.

    Two items should be watched with the microscope and be prepared to move rapidly. One is called Total Fed Credit and the other is Total Reserves.

    Total Fed Credit is essentially the Fed's total assets on paper. These are mostly securities purchased by the Fed and are an accurate measure of Fed Credit Expansion. The total now is somewhere around $263 Billion. That is a mammoth number. The Fed is locked into creating even MORE reserves for the banking system.

    Are the banks using these reserves to make new loans? Well now, you have to turn and look at the total reserves, which are liabilities of the Fed. Total reserves are mostly deposits at the Fed that banks are required to keep against their standing loan levels. If total reserves are rising, then bank loans are expanding. There was a sharp rise in total reserves beginning back in February of 1985, for instance, just at the point where the dollar turned WEAK AND GOLD BEGAN TO RISE. Then in 1987, total reserves leveled off at around $60 Billion and have remained at about that level since. This is evidence, friends, that bank loans are NO LONGER EXPANDING, AND THE CREDIT EXPANSION PROCESS HAS PEAKED.

    Pretty nearly--but as with all things--there are flaws and holes. The Fed can control its assets but not its liabilities. It can buy all the government securities it wants, to create reserves for the banks, but it can not control either the demand for currency in circulation or bank loans. People decide on how many re­serve bank notes they want to carry around, and banks themselves decide on whether or not to make new loans. So when you hear people say "the government will never permit another deflationary depression", they simply don't recognize the facts nor how important those constraints are on the power of the Fed. In short, without other intervention of some kind from the Powers that Be, the Fed would be powerless to stop a deflationary collapse once it starts the snowball course.

    Once a "run on the dollar" begins, people of the world over will scramble to get rid of dollars and return to their own currency. You know that foreigners hold hundreds of billions of dollar assets in the U.S. A drop in the stock, bond, or real estate markets would easily trigger a flight from these assets--AND IT NOW UNDER WAY!!

    While you have been distracted by contracted manipulations in Desert
    Shield/Storm, flag waving and killing, another storm with greater "lone-term" consequence rages out of control within our own borders--unspoken of on the controlled media and the hype goes on a nauseam.

    Money funds are Pulling out of CD's and dumping bank commercial paper. Foreign investors are letting their U.S. CD's expire. Depositors with multiple accounts of $100,000 fear they will soon be limited to a total of $100,000 in insurance at best. So they are beginning to pull their money out.

    The mass withdrawals from the Bank of New England, the largest in recent memory, left the authorities so shocked that they decided to do something they had hoped would NEVER BE NEEDED AGAIN--PAY OFF ALL UNINSURED DEPOSITORS IN FULL--you see, they had some "very important" in­vestors. Further, this was supposed to inspire confidence in the banking sys­tem--but it has continued its slump anyhow and, like a landslide, it will zip downward.

    What you may not realize however, is that when they say that the recession will be over by mid-year, they may very well mean it--again, to suck you in for they can print enough new money to stall this thing until the Elite are safely into gold--(OUT OF THE NATION). Surprise: the reason the Bush son is set up in Bahrain is to receive and stash gold bought without going through the banking system and keep the dealings out of the U.S. as far as public "eye" is con­cerned. This is a rigged deal set up and orchestrated with private contracts be­tween George Bush and the "Royal" Sabahs of Kuwait.

    Now are you really surprised to learn that the agreements were drawn, orchestrated and the outcome set prior to this little fiasco in the Middle East? Sic, Sic. Even I told you over and over again. Moreover, look at the oil wells burning--isn't that just a real sight? Don't you just drool in horror at all that black smoke and pollution? They tell you "5-6 years to get those oil fires out!" That is the biggest lie thus far--they set at least half those fires and, yes, Saddam's group set the rest. However, just as they started them with napalm--they can as quickly extinguish them with one air/fuel explosion at each site--through "smart weapons". You see, it requires oxygen to allow burning. Fuel/air ex­plosives use all the oxygen and when the explosion is over so would be the fire.

    Well if you are a personal friend of the Sabah's or George Bush, I would suggest you put your millions into "underground", unreported gold and get it into something of security placement in Bahrain. If you don't know them or don't have enough assets to do such--then you need to be awfully careful. If you horde gold in bullion or extensive stashes in banks it will simply be confiscated--and the foreigners know it. However, "...you scratch my back, George, and I'll set you up, friend"--says Mr. Sabah.

    I can only give you information about that which IS and that which is planned--and they plan to get all the assets; that is the plan for world domination, my brothers. There is a big brick wall at the end of every maze tunnel.

    Then you say, "I'll just get a lot of cash, then and bury it!" Good idea, except it will be worthless--that, too, is well planned.

    They may or may not pull $50's and $100's prior to exchange of currency--but it looks more and more like probably NOT. Why? Because the ones they have set up to pretend to trap are now predominantly utilizing $20's and $10's. You can be prepared within the week for Mr. Bush to again turn his attention to the major drug problem and increase in crime and murders--and make a play for the guns. All the while he will have his henchmen arranging for his assets to be turned into gold and moved out of the country--along with all those other Elite Cartel "advisors" and "buddies".

    The next few serious moves along those lines will have to be subtle indeed, for Clifford Clark's and the Arab's bank, Bank of Credit and Commerce International, is now found to be the world's major money laundering facility and is in direct working relationship, with Clark's bank, First American....etc. That will hit the public eye so maneuvers must be very, very subtle here for a while while banks are being absorbed into other banks and then into the Central Bank--where none of the Elite want their assets to be captured. This is a REAL game of charades where the "little guy" is "had".

    Let me give you a hint, if you think you can stash a little gold privately--get cir­culated coins and pay the premium--not that this is necessarily a great way to go--BUT IT IS THE WAY THE MAJOR FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD MEMBERS ARE DOING IT!! Of course, they have inside pull in the ability to cash them in LATER. The other way they are covering assets is to use gold as collateral and take money which they then put into private projects, etc, hoping the collateral will Hold Safe. And with "them" using the tool, it will last as long or longer than any other approach.

    Depending on how much you have to lose or invest--get adequate corporations set up in Nevada and get diversified and the money, gold and everything OUT of your personal name.

    You ones want the magic of perfection so you win, win and make money. Well, this way there is the possibility. Setting firmly atop your stack of money either in paper or notes will surely cost you the assets. You either move with the security of the paths the Elite take or your assets will fall to them for this plan has been laid against this day for eons.

    To get your verification just look at the banks and what they are doing; let me spell out a bit of it for you. Let us move on from Bank of New England and the Harlem Bank where they DID NOT bail it out as with the Bank of New England, and look at another situation or two for relative evaluation.

    You know now about bank holidays, etc., as in Rhode Island. The banking collapse in New Hampshire is underway and the large majority of the money-cen­ter banks, including Chase, Chemical and even Morgan Guaranty, have less than five percent (5%) in capital per dollar of assets. Another decline of 1 percentage point in this key indicator will cause them to fall below the bare bones capital levels needed to survive a more severe recession--and that is exactly the way it is planned--so that all assets of property and credit eventually end up in the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT--ONE WORLD CUR­RENCY/BANKING CARTEL. These major banks are all working to ether to make sure this happens--it is not an accident, brothers.

    But watch the events of the great front page item, the most shocking of all to depositors and regulators alike--the crisis at Citicorp. Although Citicorp is not necessarily the weakest of the New York banks, it is certainly the largest among those which are in grave danger of total disaster. Citicorp is laying off a big bunch of employees and depositors are starting to tremble.

    Citibank is Citicorp's main subsidiary and it has significantly more capital, as a percent of assets, than Bank of New England had in its final months: some 4.8% vs. 0.8%. It is NOT enough to survive more than a very slight recession. Citicorp is already buried in spoiled, worthless real estate loans.

    Here is where you get your clue as to the intent vs. the "accidentally being caught" picture. Once it became obvious that real estate values were collapsing, you would think Citicorp would have cut back sharply, especially in the high-risk areas. Instead, in 1990, the bank lent over $12 billion to developers for commercial real estate projects--more than six times the amount loaned in 1980--and the highest for the past decade. Rotten apples somewhere in the barrel, perhaps?

    The vacancy rates zoomed upward, loan payments to Citicorp became indeed sparse. Property values dropped, sinking below the amount that the holding company, as well as other banks, lent to developers.

    However, the pain and agony does not stop there. Citicorp carries a delinquency rate on residential mortgages five times as high as the national average. They have other problems, too, as other customer loan delinquencies are also HUGE. Until recently, Citicorp management--from Wriston to Reed--thought that it could protect the bank from the ravages of big loan defaults by leaning heavily toward the consumer loan business. "Safety in numbers" was their motto, based on the assumption that large numbers of small consumers would not default. They were WRONG. Their loan defaults are mind-blowing and surging. There is no way to stop the thing--there is only knowing that it IS coming and gauge your activities accordingly.

    Look at that which you have in just this ONE bank: There is no other bank large enough to buy Citibank; the resources for a government bailout, which were abundantly available in the mid-1980's, are now gone; the economy, rather than enjoying a prolonged boom, is now plunging, and, most important, even if money could be created on the "printing presses", the resulting bulge in the federal deficits would torpedo the bond market, dragging down the government itself right along with it.

    Some think the FDIC can pull a trick off--forget it. Others believe the Treasury Department will come on the white horse. That is what happened in December when the Bank of New England went under and it was decided to cover all losses. At that time the Treasury made a $1 BILLION cash injection directly but it was simply a gamble that has proven to have failed. The extra $1 BILLION didn't stop the run. It did not prevent the failure. All it did was increase the size of the federal deficit (for you-the-people). If the Treasury tried to do the same for all large banks in trouble, the surging federal deficit would sink the bond markets.

    That leaves only one group to pay for the big losses at the banks--the depositors! No matter how shocking this may be, it is an event that is dead ahead. It is going to be a total financial shock. Brothers, check it out and if your deposits are in a sick bank that cannot be restored to financial health, you will lose: Direct access to your funds before and after a bank holiday; all or most of the interest income over the next several years and, at minimum, as much as 50% of your principal at the very best.

    Remember that Rhode Island "bank holiday" the Governor ordered? The order closed the state-charted banks and credit unions--on January 2. There were over 300,000 accounts involved. BUT, BUT, BUT--with all but 14 institutions open again for business, there are still 300,000 accounts frozen! What happened was that the original estimate was grossly understated--as with all bad news as it hits you the public--slow poison so you don't know right off that you are dead.

    Two months later--these depositors are still locked out of their money. Under the current "proposal" from the governor's office, the best they can hope for is non-interest bearing script which will mature in four years.

    What if you are one of the ones stuck in such a situation--in any state, for it is coming to ALL--with all this "funny" non-money. All you can do is do without or hope you can find someone who will take it off your hands and a good estimate of exchange value would be a HIGH of 15-20 cents per dollar.

    Hold your breath now, for you are going to be able to evaluate how bad it might be for you in similar circumstances if you do not reside in Rhode Island. The private Rhode Island insurance fund had MORE BACKING PER $100 OF INSURED DEPOSITS THAN THE FDIC! And, it is true that the FDIC has the backing of the Treasury--however, the Treasury Department itself will run out of funds because of the declining investors. The Treasury's only option will come to be to abandon the banks and abort any on-going rescue operations. There is nothing I can do for you, friends, except lay it before you and possibly urge you, again, to find out about both investments using gold as collateral and utilize corporations properly. I do not have time to go through this again and again--if you have interest in sonic measure of protection--see if you can get help through America West. I simply have no "human" means to tend each of your investments nor plan of salvation.

    The Fort Worth branch of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing has been printing up a storm. They printed up all the exchange currency for the Soviets and are now working around the clock on "anti-counterfeiting" notes with all this microprinting, etc. Be prepared, for when they "introduce" this mess of confusion upon you it can go in a myriad directions but you can be sure you will lose in the deal.

    It will be sudden and, just as with the Soviets, there will be LOW--HIGH-LIM­ITS. There will probably be a 10 for one ratio in exchange. You will have piles of papers to fill out and if you try to exchange too much cash beyond that which you would have from, say, three pay periods--you will forfeit a bunch. If you have big bills you will be held responsible and if "THEY" decide you might have garnered the funds illicitly--they will confiscate it. You will definitely be asked to come up with documentation of WHY you hold cash in large amounts--and yet, if you fail to exchange it, the old will be like the confederate money--WORTHLESS. IT IS ALREADY WORTHLESS FOR A BILL REP­RESENTS ONLY A CREDIT NOTE AND NOT MONEY AT ALL.

    You think it can't happen? Yugoslavia is having a 10,000 to one currency devaluation effective 1991. France will replace the 20 franc note (about $4 U.S.) with a new coin in 1992. The British Royal Mint has been minting Iraq's circulating coins for several years, including 1990.

    And watch out because the IRS has acknowledged that electronically transmitted returns are NOT PROCESSED THROUGH IRS'S NORMAL PROCESSING PIPELINE, WHICH INCLUDES GRADING AND SCORING FOR AUDIT POTENTIAL--INSTANTLY. In fact, you only have nine states where you can file electronically with returns that have "balances due" this year. All taxpayers that are due a refund, however, can file electronically, regardless of his/her state. Good luck!

    I am going to leave this subject as such and turn to "THE ORDER". You just experienced how the "ORDER" creates war and revolution. Now it is important that you listen to me for this is important to your confirmation of fact.

    President George Bush is a high-ranking member of the Skull and Bones ("The Order"). The Cheney family (Richard Cheney, Sec. Def.) is also prominent in Skull & Bones and involved, all through and about, is Danny Quayle's family. Cheney's family were active in "The Order" even before the first Bush member, Prescott).

    As the attack on Iraq happened so did the shoe drop in the Soviet Union. The Leninists moved one step back and glasnost and perestroika were brought to an instant halt as the troops moved on the Baltic States. Gorbachev claimed "no knowledge", etc., but we all know it was not so.

    However, perhaps you missed the fact that of the ONE BILLION dollar credits granted to the Soviet Union by your Congress and the Administration (and then supposedly held up because of the nasty behavior of the Soviet troops)--"9""0"-- 90 (NINETY) PERCENT had already been drawn down!--the cargo holds were already fully loaded with your grain before the police move was made.

    Now, in the madness and distraction--after the troops began to move out and now that you had all "that help" from the Soviets with Iraq--the Soviets now get an additional credit line which YOU THINK was the original $1 billion amount. Ah, the hand is surely quicker than the eye when the eyes are wrapped in rose colored paper and the visions--shown as with a movie scenario--exactly that which they want to show you.

    You still think this was a little war? Ask the families of the over 100,000 (70,000 of which were but children) slain Iraqis in Baghdad. Ask about the additional 30,000 to 50,000 slain persons on the roads back to Iraq. Ask the fam­ilies of the over 2 million slain Iraqis who were bombed in their homes all over Iraq--civilians! It was a total bloodbath and as your own pilots giggled and strutted and told you, regarding the roadway massacre--"...it was just like shooting fish in a barrel!"

    This was not the start of that touted great battle of battles at Armageddon--but the beginning of the set-up for same. The handwriting is there on the wall, brothers--in pure and simple English--you just don't know the definitions of the words.

    Where all of your seer-projectioneers are off, is that they still sit twiddling
    while believing that "Israel" is that new place in Palestine--when God comes for HIS PEOPLE, He is coming for His "i"sraelites. His chosen. The big ANTI‑CHRIST has moved in and occupies that little portion called Israel as self-pro­claimed by some men in the United Nations in concert with the Khazar Zionists who are so-called, self-styled "Jews"--the term "Jew", remember, only appeared FOR THE FIRST TIME IN RELATIONSHIP TO THESE NON-JUDEANS, IN THE 1700's.

    What will happen then? Oh, there will be a period of euphoria and a great "go for peace". A total pseudopeace. The world will be whooop-dee-doo and willing to submit to a new kind of world federation. BUT THIS WILL BE EXPLODED IN THE FUTURE WHEN THE COMBINED ARAB ARMIES UNITE AGAIN--AND GO FOR ISRAEL'S THROAT. Now, the leopard will show his spots and the Soviets will end up joined with the Arabs and THAT will be the big beginning of that wondrous battle called Armageddon. Check care­fully to see who signs treaty agreements guaranteeing Israel's security.

    America is referred to as Israel West already, so guess which losing side you are going to be on, America! After that dandy treaty is signed in Arab blood and the Bushes and accomplices get their assets into offshore gold, etc., there should be some 3 and 1/2 years to square around your choices and see if you can get this reversal off its dime--because you are then on the path to that great war. That next "beginning of Armageddon" war will itself (if not stopped) last another approximately 3 and 1/2 years, WITH RUSSIA ALLIED WITH THE ARAB NATIONS AGAINST ISRAEL, THE WESTERN FEDERATION AND GUESS WHO--CHINA!

    It will NOT be like your Bible Evangelists tell you, however, for the Zionists are the Anti-Christ and when GOD COMES TO GET HIS CHOSEN ONES--IT WILL NOT BE FOR THE ZIONIST "JEWS" OF A STATE OF ISRAEL--BUT RATHER FOR HIS "i"SRAELITES (HIS CHOSEN CHILDREN) AND THEY "AIN'T IN PALESTINE (ISRAEL)".

    So what are you going to do? It does NOT have to go according to "their" plan but it you do not as a nation and a world, wake up to the probabilities as laid forth. The plan is to have your world in total Rule by the Global One World Government and operable by year 2,000. You don't have much time do you? YOU CAN CHANGE IT IF YOU WANT TO! It is totally up to you. Ours is to bring Truth--assist in any way we can, those who ask and allow and move into the Godly path of Light. When God comes for HIS people, I remind you--there will be no evil brought within the places of the God places. At this point in historical evolution--YOU HAVE DELIVERED YOURSELVES INTO THE HANDS OF THE ADVERSARY OF GOD. IT WAS A MOST REGRETTABLE CHOICE INDEED. ON THE OTHER HAND, YOU WERE THE TARGET OF THE MOST CLEVER TRICKSTER OF THE UNIVERSE AND AS VICTIMS OF A CONTROLLED MIND-CONTROL SYSTEM OF VISION AND LIES--YOU KNOW NOT ELSE.

    Some say, "Well, I don't want to know because what I don't know can't hurt me...!" WRONG! IT WILL ENSLAVE YOU! FURTHER THE PRISON IS NOT GOING TO BE EITHER GENTLE NOR COMFORTABLE.

    Let us close this, please. If there is additional room on this document--please give forth information for obtaining more detailed information regarding the Kuwait/Sabah/Bush, etc., material and any other that we have to assist our brothers. Dear ones, you have reached the time where "perfection" and "cleaning-up" as they say in the economist's circles is probably not going to happen. The best we can hope for is some measure of safety and ability to hold on to some of your assets while it is turned into projects which can grow and give you return--it is a tight-rope walk at best. You are very far behind in countering the game so well planned by your adversaries. I stand ready to help for it is all I can offer--knowledge and Truth; but it IS enough! Salu.

    PJ 26

    THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1991 8:26 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 203
    Instead of bantering about with the non-news this day, we are going to get down to nitty-gritty discussion regarding the Middle East War/Kuwait/Sabah-Fam­ily/Bush connection, etc. Chelas, this is hard medicine to swallow but you MUST come into acknowledgement that I am not simply feeding you "far-side" information. You can go check this out from documentation from many sources but I suggest you begin proving-up in easy-to-understand sequence.

    I am going to ask Dharma to print herein, a brief summary of the secret under­ground regarding things like the Global Regime of Interdependence--the REAL name for Bush's New World Order. Then, I suggest you get the "White Pa­pers" which will be given reference from KC&associates, 13510-A Aurora Ave. North, Seattle, WA 98133.

    This will deal with "why Bush had to have a war" and I am most grateful to one who has put it succinctly into focus. You will find nothing new from that which I have given you but I find that if you glean information as backup from Earth source--you tend to come into believing. I honor Craig B. Hulet of KC&associates for this valuable research and presentation. What I will give you is not comprehensive for it is taken from a radio interview of limited time allowance--so please, follow up. America West is getting information so that if you call them, they can either supply you with the "papers" or tell you where to obtain them--should you prefer to contact A.W. Thank you.

    Dharma, just roughly transcribe the tape, please. I will monitor and make comments, if deemed necessary, but mostly I simply want you citizens to hear it from "ground 0". I also request that our "Editors" not try too hard to turn the conversational English into perfect prose.

    Craig B. Hulet:

    This is a brief discussion of the orchestration of the entire event (Iraq/Kuwait/U.S. war) for political reasons that have been completely unknown to the American people. They were laid out long before August 2nd (1990) as a political objective.

    The objectives we were given throughout the period between August 2nd and somewhere around the first of January (1991) where COMPLETE MYTHS WITH NO BASIS WHATSOEVER--things like Saddam Hussein's military strength being a "million-man" army was a complete fabrication for he only had 475 thousand well-trained troops, 7,500 Reservists and the remainder are a "People's Army"--some as young as 11-years and as old as 80-years--so can hardly be considered as part of his military.

    In each stage of the war after August second, George Bush gave us a different political objective upon which to focus, like "defending Saudi Arabia", when the facts were that Hussein never had the industrial capacity nor the offensive capability of going any further than Kuwait, and everybody in the Pentagon and the White House knew that. However, they had to convince the American people of some reason to send the initial 200,000 troops over there and so they told us it was to defend Saudi Arabia.

    We were also told that Hussein was about to take over and control 20-50% of all of the oil in the region, which was and is an utter myth. He couldn't have controlled the oil and he couldn't even have threatened control of the oil during the month of August because the nations that were aligned against him on Au­gust 2nd, the Arab states, were Saudi Arabia, Syria, Israel, and of course, Iran on the East and Turkey on the North, so it is totally absurd to believe that one little country such as Iraq could have dictated, through military power, to the combined forces in the Middle East, including Egypt, which outnumbered him at least 10 to 1 in every single category of military capability.(Hatonn: Now take this information as absolute minimum for Craig is giving you that which was "known" and documented where he and his researchers could ferret out the information. It is understated, brothers--for Soviets (and you) had supplied Saddam with heinous weapons--but YOU had the same weapons with the excep­tion of Bull's cannons, etc. Please wait until you have read all of this before you stop and start comparisons to disprove one or the other of us. Please stop the nit-picking for you are in serious circumstances if you could remove even nine-tenths of the facts.)

    Saddam simply would not determine that he could be successful in going further than Kuwait in offensive. He did not ever intend nor feel capable of controlling the oil supply of the Middle East--that would be a totally fabricated lie served to we-the-people.

    This war was NEVER about oil--it was simply never about any of those things given to you. When George Bush told you that it was "NAKED AGGRESSION", he lied again because if it was seriously about "naked aggression" and we weren't using some selective moral indignation over Saddam Hussein's ac­tions, would we have hardly been aligned with Assad of Syria, who killed thirty thousand of his own people, annexed Northern Lebanon and installed a puppet regime which was responsible for killing a hundred and seventy thousand Lebanese? Yet, we are supposed to believe that, in this instance, naked aggres­sion so offended the U.S. administration that we would send half a million, or more, troops to stop it. That is another of the "great" myths--being a total lie. (Hatonn: You must understand the definition of "myth"--a myth is not necessar­ily "false" but Craig is using the word as representing "lie".)This is really what I see as the kind of problems that are of such a magnitude that you can safely say that the American government is so out-of-hand that THEY TELL THE TRUTH ALMOST NEVER!--TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. In one instance, where George Bush did tell the truth--nobody even understood what he really MEANT. That is when he said, "The U.N. Security Council would be used to enhance the New World Order"--that IS THE ONLY STATEMENT OF TRUTH GEORGE BUSH HAS SAID SINCE AUGUST 2ND--BUT NOBODY UNDERSTOOD HIM.

    Question from Interviewer: "One of the questions that I had is why Hussein allowed the U.S. military forces to build up to the capacity that it has--to a level where he could, apparently, no longer crush it through his military?

    Saddam Hussein had no choice, really, but to sit back and watch the build-up because Saddam's military does not have an offensive capability to make a move of that magnitude. He is a "counter-puncher" and he has powerful "defensive" capability. He defeated the country of Iran in the last four months of the war, where he could not defeat Iran offensively throughout the seven and a half years of that war. But when he suckered and brought Iran into Iraqi ter­ritory and brought their troops to him, he fought defensively, which is completely and entirely a different tactic. That is where he excels and that is where his greatest ability stands.

    The real question, rather than, "Why did Hussein allow our troops to build-up, where I don't believe he had a choice but to sit back, because at that point after August 2nd, he knew that he had been "suckered" into Kuwait. Let me explain what I mean by "suckered-in".

    Prior to August 2nd--one week prior--the American Government, the Administration and National Security Council, the CIA--the entire intelligence apparatus, had been informing President Bush and Baker that an invasion was imminent, into Kuwait. Up to seven days prior to August 2nd, the invasion was so imminent that there were serious "red alert" type memos and memoranda. Yet during that exact period of time, April Glaspie, our Ambassador to Iraq, told Saddam Hussein that we did not get involved in "Arab to Arab issues over border disputes". Now, she was attacked for having said that because it gave the green light to Hussein, to his way of thinking, to go into Kuwait. Baker chastised her publicly and said it was a "blunder". But in fact, Baker lied. Undersecretary of State John Kelly told the Senate Subcommittee EXACTLY THE SAME THING A WEEK BEFORE THE INVASION and he went even further as he said, "...we would do NOTHING to defend Kuwait because we have no defense treaty with Kuwait and this is an Arab to Arab issue." Under ques­tioning then, Margaret Tutwiller, a spokeswoman for James Baker's State De­partment, held a Press Conference and she said exactly the same thing as Un­dersecretary Kelly--"...we have no defense treaty and it is an Arab to Arab is­sue". So it was entirely corroborated that the Administration's position on Iraq taking Kuwait was a "green light" for Iraq to take Kuwait. Hussein believed he had the sanction and the approval of our Administration, or at least the auspices that gave what he believed was the right to go in and take Kuwait.

    Now then, on August 2nd George Bush screamed that he was surprised and
    shocked by this activity and called Hussein a "Hitler" and accused him of "Naked Aggression". Of course, that was totally feigned surprise and "naked
    aggression" was a total myth. BUSH KNEW HUSSEIN WAS "GOING IN".
    The question is--why would George Bush want Saddam Hussein to take Kuwait?

    Question: Wasn't Iraq already in Kuwait, working in the area around the sea?

    Well, Saddam Hussein has a perfectly legitimate claim to the Ramalian Oil fields region where the Sabah family has been slant drilling and stealing oil from him. And the Bubyian and Warbyian Islands, which is the area you ask about, is where Saddam Hussein wants a deep-water port. The fact is, that for the past two years he has already been dredging that area and the Kuwaitis have even helped finance the dredging of the area so Iraq could develop that deep-water port. Therefore, it is implied, in Kuwaiti activity, that the area was al­ready considered Iraqi territory. Those are the only two things that he asked to be remaining in his possession--and he agreed to totally pull out of Kuwait as long as those things were left to him--which were already his. Every nation in the world said they would go with that agreement and it was acceptable. The only people who found it unacceptable was President Bush and James Baker.

    Question: And why would they find it unacceptable?

    Because they have a "political agenda"--a political objective--that goes all the way back to April of 1990, and fully six months prior to that, during a study group session on the Middle East. The original political objective was much, much different than what we have been told. In April of 1990 there was a conference, an internationally led conference, at the White House--George Bush chaired it. Fitzgerald, the former Prime Minister of Ireland, authored the "white paper", the task force report, on the subject of the Middle East that came out of that April, 1990, conference. The political philosophy and the Interna­tional Community's view of the Middle East was forever changed at that point in history. They thought that, because the Soviet Union was no longer a player in the Middle East, the Western Powers--Germany, England, France, Japan, Canada and the United States (the International Community of Western Pow­ers), thought it was then time for them to move in and politically influence the Middle East in a greater degree than ever before. The first thing on the Agenda, they felt that they should control the region because of its natural re­sources and would stabilize the region by eliminating the military components of Iraq, Syria and, eventually, even Israel and Libya--eliminating them and totally disarming them militarily--unilaterally, if necessary. That they would use the United Nations Security Council as the means, if necessary, was called for in April of 1990.

    This political objective, that was stated in April of 1990, was corroborated again by a different source and that was Terik Aziz in his press conference after the Baker/Aziz meeting. Aziz stated that Bob Dole, and three or four other sena­tors, paid Hussein a visit in April of 1990 and gave him an ultimatum of a disarmament scenario where Hussein would disarm chemical, biological, con­ventional weapons and ballistic missiles. To do so he would receive credits and be allowed to be a player in the New World Order.

    (Hatonn: Now this is on record that Hussein refused to go along with this New World Order.)
    Of course Hussein said emphatically, "No--at least NOT UNTIL ISRAEL RE‑MOVES THEIR CHEMICAL-BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS AND THEIR NUCLEAR WARHEADS FROM THE REGION." So the forced unilateral
    diplomatic approach failed and they had to resort to the United Nations Security Council as the means to disarm Iraq and the rest of the Middle East. That is, and always was, the political objective. That explains "why" it was needed for Saddam Hussein to go into Kuwait and take it forcefully, as the provocation necessary to draw the UN Security Council and the U.S. forces into attacking Saddam Hussein.

    I have been saying, for over five months in interviews throughout the country, "This isn't about Kuwait--this is about taking out Baghdad and destroying the industrial-military complex of Baghdad." Nobody believed me for five months--everybody said, "No, this is about Kuwait because Hussein invaded Kuwait." Wrong! As soon as the bombing started, where did Bush send the fliers? Straight to Baghdad!

    QUESTION: What about the resources, the phosphates and sulfates, that Iraq has? How might that play into any of this scenario?

    Well, on August 20, 1988, the London Economist reported that James Baker, in what is known as the "Baker Initiative for the Middle East", paid a visit to Hussein. This was prior to the above mentioned conference of April, 1990. He suggested to Hussein that he would receive "no further credits from the West, from Saudi Arabia or Kuwait"--they had already made that clear--"unless he was prepared" (and he needed these credits to service his debt from the Iran/Iraq War. He had borrowed a tremendous amount of money, including 26 billion dollars from Western banks--Chase, J.P. Morgan--all the six big ones) "he would receive no further credits to service that debt unless he gave up his sulfur, phosphates--his oil and other raw materials--in perpetuity--as collateral." Of course Saddam Hussein is extremely "nationalistic"--he is an Arab Socialist--and he strongly believes in Iraq as a nation-state. He said, "Absolutely no," he wouldn't even consider such a thing. He knew it was giving up his national sovereignty--his people's sovereignty and so he absolutely refused to do such a thing. (Hatonn: Please refer back to the Cartel Plans and HOW they managed to suck all the third-world nations into the banking system through this perpet­ual resource for collateral sleight-of-hand.)That was the first beginnings of the Middle East being drawn into this so-called New World Order concept, because it is an economic regime and it is about "raw materials and monetary policy". It is being demanded of ALL THIRD-WORLD AND LESSER DEVELOPED COUNTRIES THAT THEY GIVE UP THEIR NATURAL RESOURCES IN MANY DIFFERING WAYS: DEBT TO EQUITY SWAP, ETC. BUT TO PUT IT BLUNTLY, THE WEST, THE INDUSTRIALIZED POWERS, OUR MULTI-NATIONAL CORPORATIONS WHICH ARE, AT LEAST A HUNDRED OR SO OF THEM, ARE DEFENSE CONTRACTORS, AND THE "CORPORATE STATE CORPORATIONS" OF THE SOVIET UNION (POLAND, WEST GERMANY--THEY ARE STATE CORPORATIONS BUT THEY ARE STILL MULTI-NATIONAL) INCLUDING THE KUWAITI REGIME. THE KUWAITI GOVERNMENT IS SIMPLY ONE BIG MULTI­NATIONAL CORPORATIONS) OWNED BY THE ROYAL FAMILY OF SABAH. Those countries and companies that "play ball" get to play in the "Global arena". If they don't, they are targeted for elimination.

    QUESTION: Now, the Sabah family has a great many holdings in the United States and so does Saudi Arabia, do they not?

    That was the key that guaranteed the International Community would line up be­hind George Bush, and it is a total lie that "he lined up the U.N. votes so quickly because of his tremendous 'ability' on the telephone". "Telephone Diplomacy" we were fed by the press. That is a complete myth (lie), they already knew what the political objective was for Iraq and Kuwait back in April of 1990 at the conference at the White House. They already knew that Iraq was being targeted to be disarmed and if Hussein didn't cooperate diplomatically, he would be dealt with forcibly through the UN Security Council. So when the or­chestration took place all the world leaders of the Western countries at the UN Security Council level all already knew exactly what was going on--it was a simple task to line up the votes and get resolutions against Hussein. The "fix" was already in place, to put it bluntly.

    The key, however, that made it all "work" and why, when Libya took Chad recently in a sponsored coup in Chad--when Syria took Lebanon and installed their regime--when the Soviets moved into the Baffles and used force, or into Afghanistan, etc., or the Vietnamese went into Cambodia--none of those countries mattered in the least. Nobody gave aid to these people and we certainly didn't send troops to stop the "Naked Aggression" against those legitimate regimes. This was due to one thing and one thing only: the guarantee that the UN and the U.S. and everybody would get in line and we would actually "have this war" to put Sabah back in his "pink palace" in Kuwait--that is the simple fact; that the Sabah family took the petro-dollars profit and invested in U.S. multi-national corporations--hundreds of billions of dollars off-shore and in our banking system with Chase, Morgan Guarantee, Morgan Brothers--$52 BILLION in T-Bills and Bonds (U.S. Gov't) and the interlock is so in­tense and so incestuous that the Sabah family has actually had a wholly owned corporation in the U.S.--still own it--Kuwait Petroleum owns Sante Fe International out of Los Angeles. They have had on the BOARD of Santa Fe International--of this Kuwaiti owned corporation--FORMER PRESIDENT GERALD FORD, who put George Bush in power as CIA Director, BRENT SCOWCROFT, who was an aide to Gerald Ford and is now the National Se­curity Advisor to President Bush, AND RODERICK HILL, CARLA HILL'S HUSBAND--she is now the Trade Representative of the Bush Administration and she was HUD Secretary under Gerald Ford. So you will note that the Sabah family has used their tremendous petro-dollars to PURCHASE POLITICAL INFLUENCE WITH THIS ADMINISTRATION AND GOING ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE NIXON AND FORD ADMINISTRATIONS. THAT IS THE KIND OF POLITICAL CLOUT THAT GUARANTEED THAT THE UN COALITION WOULD BACK THE USE OF ANY KIND OF FORCE AGAINST IIUSSEIN AFTER IIE WAS BROUGHT INTO KUWAIT TO BE­GIN WITH.

    OUESTION: Would you talk briefly about how Kuwait is so closely tied to the American companies?

    The Kuwaiti regime is unique in that it is very much like the Saudi regime, and that's why the Saudis and the Sabah family are working so closely, and always have. Being a Royal Monarchy, they do not operate the way Hussein or Qudafi, Assad or Mubarik, operate in their countries. When they sell oil on the global market--they don't "consume" their own production--they allow the East­ern Europeans to consume and they buy into things, i.e., they own a whole chain of gas stations, they own five percent of Texaco, they own a chain of gas stations in Europe but, more than that, fifty percent of everything that is taken in on those sales goes directly to the Sabah Royal family. The only one that can sign the checks--is Sabah, himself. Fifty percent of the profits goes to the Kuwait government which is also Sabah but is used, in addition, to disburse funds elsewhere and help control the population of Kuwait. The population is only about 600,000 actual citizens and the rest of the population is not made up of "citizens" and they are not allowed to "vote". The first 50% of profits, how­ever, goes directly to Sabah! Kuwait is a total feudalistic, non-militaristic despotic State--according to our own State Department. They have simply been able to wisely invest their money in the West, particularly in the U.S.--because they do have a fear of Islamic Fundamentalism and the Soviet Union.

    When you buy this much U.S. Corporate power, for instance, when you own 3, 4, and 5 percent of a Corporation such as General Electric and defense contractors and the people on the Boards of those defense contractors you have real clout. The Board members of those "defense contractors" are also Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Secretary of State, and Secretary of Defense and boy, you have bought considerable political clout and THEY KNOW IT!. It is purely and simply a protection racket, in a sense, but more than that, it makes them a key player in the new GLOBAL REGIME that George Bush keeps talking about.

    QUESTION: Do they not also own some 5% in McDonalds, Penneys, etc.?

    Oh yes, there is a long list of holdings that all of the citizens would easily recognize. The ones I focus on, such as IBM, Dow Chemical, Westinghouse, G.E., Atlantic Richfield, General Motors--those are all listed on the one hundred top (dollar amount) defense contractors in the U.S. You could say that they have purchased some stock in almost ALL of our major U.S. corporations. They never buy more than 5% of the class-A voting stock because if they did so it would force disclosure to the S.E.C. as to "who" is buying up America.

    They purchase government T-bills and bonds and what they have done is purchase a "deficit"-- a "growing" deficit--of the United States. That gives them very close linkage to the banking industry and the Federal Reserve System which is basically a "private banker's" bank which loans us our medium of ex­change called the "federal reserve notes". That is a very powerful thing to pur­chase if you are looking for strong political clout and influence within the U.S. Government.

    Ben Rosenthal of New York found out all of this described and found it extremely disturbing--between 1979 and through 1983. He filed suit to stop the ownership of Santa Fe International by the Kuwaiti Government. However, after his death it fell to the wayside and no one, to this day, has dared to bring it up again because people get dead over such issues. He had also filed a House Bill which would force the disclosure of foreign nationals' holdings in U.S. multi-national corporations and in the banking industry because he felt that they would be buying political influence and could, therefore, influence more affairs of the U.S. Government by having this kind of wealth. That act did pass (The Financial Disclosure Act) in 1982, but pressure was brought to bear through Charles Percy, a senator and whose daughter married into the Rockefeller fam­ily, on President Reagan and also Vice President Bush, at the time, to veto that financial disclosure act. The threat was, at that time in 1982, as documented by Ben Rosenthal (and now you might know why Rosenthal died) was that if they were to disclose financial holdings of the Saudi regime and the Sabah family along with Kuwaiti holdings in the U.S. Banking industry--they would shift their assets to Euro-dollars, Yen, Marks, etc. This would cause an immediate banking crisis in New York which would include ALL of the Six Major Banks. The threat held strong and the Financial Disclosure Act was vetoed by Presi­dent Reagan and to this day it is illegal for the U.S. Government to tell the American people how much financial influence Sabah has in the U.S.

    There is a new kind of "disclosure act" in the Senate but it is presupposed that Bush will certainly veto it. The reason Bush is concerned is that Bush is a "global operator". Bush sits on the Boards of Texas Gulf, Eli Lilly, Purolator--and a whole host of other multi-national corporations; but most importantly, the Interstate Bank of London, Dallas and Houston--an international banking fam­ily. There is no question that Kuwait has major dollars in that bank. George Bush is a large-scale Global Player. Bush has actually taken a perceived "step down" in his political career by becoming President of the U.S. His real politi­cal career had been as a Global Globe-trotter, if you will. It has been entirely a net-work of multi-national corporations who have widespread Global interests. In fact, take Texas Gulf, it is not even a U.S. Corporation and it does not oper­ate in Texas or in the Gulf states--it is a French "holding company" and it mines phosphate and sulfur (coincidentally, Iraq's raw materials that were re­quested) and turns it into fertilizers. George Bush is definitely a big player in the Global Regime.

    This is why he continues to bring up and push the subject of the New World Order, over and over again. That really is the political objective of George Bush by being President. He doesn't care whether or not he is re-elected if this war would go bad--he has stated as much openly and publicly--even in the Los An­geles Times.

    You see, all these holdings of Bush can be covered by placing the holdings in a "Blind Trust" and when he became President he did this for the first time in his career. He never did that prior to this--not even when he was CIA Director. He refused to place any of his financial holdings in a "Blind Trust". He has, to some degree, done so now. His blind trust is somewhere around a million dollars which doesn't even represent a drop in the bucket to his assets as of the day he took office as President. All the other holdings are in multi-national, international, etc., corporations where he is covered in secrecy. He does continue to receive what is called deferred compensation from the Zapata Oil which is a completely Bush-owned oil operation for off-shore drilling, where coinci­dentally, the first oil rig set up offshore--WAS IN KUWAIT! He also sits on the board and still receives "deferred compensation" from this. Deferred com­pensation is where the check is written but it goes into the "Trust Fund" and he can't spend it until after he is no longer President.

    There are a lot of ways to get around that "Conflict of Interest", especially when you are the President. You don't have to get rid of your stock--you just temporarily cease to sit on the active Board of those corporations.

    One of the most interesting companies on which he sits, actually he is a Limited Partner, with JAMES A. BAKER, III, in a corporation called Hollywood LPG II. It is a Houston, Texas, based company. The reason that it is so interest­ing is that in George Bush's "State of the Union" address, he suggested that because of this problem with Kuwait and Iraq with crude oil, that we must start looking, as a nation, to other means and other resources--specifically liquid petroleum gas. (That is what "LPG" stands for--i.e., Hollywood LPG II, is a Liquid Petroleum Gas tanker fleet.)

    Bush sits on the board, and owns stock in, Eli Lilly. Eli Lilly is a MAJOR world producer of fertilizers and herbicides. The New World Order, to which "they" refer, isn't something that will enhance the opulence of Third World nations, in fact it will reduce countries like Iraq, Syria, Iran, Jordan, and Libya back to pre-1979 forms of feudalism and poverty. At the same time, you don't want to reduce a population such as those to complete poverty for they need to be fed in some manner--and that means feeding the tremendous numbers of poor in the Third World countries. Just to accomplish this gigantic task will RE­QUIRE A LOT OF FERTILIZER! George Bush is heavily invested in Texas Gulf which mines sulfur and phosphates which, without them, you cannot make fertilizer. Eli Lilly, which makes fertilizer--and of course, when you are going to constantly fertilize the ground to grow crops like soy beans, you will have problems with the soil--and you have to seek other places and that is where her­bicides--also produced by this company--come in.

    The interesting thing about this connection of Bush to Eli Lilly is that there was planned--for the Latin America Drug War--a shooting war in Latin America. That is, in part, what took place when we invaded Panama--with setting up an anti-drug force for Latin America to invade Latin American companies. (Hatonn: Yes, indeed, I have told you all this--but you to hear it again so please, just keep reading.)Bolivia and Peru were definitely targeted. Part of the scenario for invading those countries in this so-called Drug War, was to use massive amounts of herbicides on the Coca crops and it was experimented on and the major portion of the experiments just ended in March of 1989-1990. At that point the product was approved for use to destroy the hundreds of thou­sands of hectares of Coca crops in Latin America. That product is called "Spike" and it comes from a Division of Elanco--a corporation of Eli Lilly. (Hatonn: This herbicide is deadly--remember a while back when it was used on the "Hemp" (marijuana) crops in Mexico, etc., and just happened to kill a bunch of workers and users? Brothers, I remind you--the drug trade is con­trolled right out of the Bush Administration! We are not talking of New World Order--we are talking about World (Global) total domination!)

    I remind you again, that Bush is on the Board of Eli Lilly and owns stock in that company.


    The New World Order is a term that is considered totally passe' by all the Elite and Elite Think-Tanks--and I haven't used the word myself in over a decade in any of my analytical work or research papers, even when I was with the Institute. THE PROPER TERMINOLOGY IS: "THE GLOBAL REGIME OF INTERDEPENDENCE" but if George Bush had used THAT terminology, people would have begun to understand right off that it was "economic" New World Order. It was absolutely necessary that the American people believe that the New World Order, when mentioned, would somehow have only to do with "Peace and Security" throughout the world through the use of the United Nations--or some nebulous attachment to moral rightness. THIS IS A TOTAL LIE IN ITS MOST CONTEMPTIBLE PRESENTATION AND USURPATION OF YOUR TRUST AND FAITH. THE NEW WORLD ORDER HAS NEVER BEEN ANYTHING ABOUT PEACE AND SECURITY--IT HAS BEEN ABOUT ONE THING AND ONE THING ONLY--IT IS A GLOBAL REGIME. A REGIME WHICH ALREADY EXISTS AND WE ARE IN THE TRANSITION STAGES OF IT--OF INTERDEPENDENCE. INTERDE­PENDENCE ISN'T SOMETHING THAT COME ABOUT THROUGH EVOLUTION OF FREE-TRADE LIKE SO MANY LIGHT-WEIGHT UNI­VERSITY PROFESSORS--WHO PROJECT IT AS SOMETHING OF A UTOPIAN VISION THAT ALL THE WORLD BEGINS TRADING WITH EACH OTHER AND SOMEHOW ALL WAR WILL CEASE AND PEACE WILL JUST WASH OVER THE GLOBE. It simply is not even a PART OF THE STRATEGY.

    Inter-dependence IS A STRATEGY. It was outlined in 1961 by Vincent Rock, a defense analyst of over 20 years, for the beginnings of it. He published a book called THE STRATEGY OF INTERDEPENDENCE which was initially used by the Kennedy Administration, and McNamara in the Johnson Administration. The strategy has been adopted ever since.

    The strategy works in every field of endeavor, for instance, South Africa. We are wholly dependent on South Africa for the "platinum group" metals, chromium and commercial grade gold. It is for "strategic" war materials. This is well published and well known--that we are dependent on South Africa; therefore, the Globalist thinkers of the world future society, who are utopian, would say, "See, there is the interdependence," so we can have a lot of influence with South Africa and South Africa will work with us and we can bring about changes. The fact is that we have enough chromite, chromium and platinum-group metals, in the LARGEST DEPOSITS KNOWN ON EARTH. IN THE STILLWATER COMPLEX BETWEEN THE BORDER OF MONTANA AND THE BORDER OF WYOMING. It is a tremendously large com­plex and there is an almost unlimited supply of these strategic raw materials. Based on the analysis of 1961, however, done by Vincent Rock, the strategy of interdependence is as follows: We shut down the mills and operation of the Stillwaters facilities and since 1963 it hasn't been mined. THEY WANT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, AND THE AMERICAN CORPORATIONS WILL GO ALONG WITH THIS, BECAUSE THEY PASS THE COSTS ON TO US ANYWAY, IN THEIR PRODUCTION FACILITIES--BUT THEY WANT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE TO "BELIEVE" THAT WE ARE DEPENDENT UPON SOUTH AFRICA (interdependent or mutually-dependent).


    This is EXACTLY that which is going on in the Middle East right now. They are going to create the PERCEPTION that without Kuwait's oil production and a free Kuwait under the Sabah family, there will be an insurmountable oil crisis. That is WHY we have to go to war and get this awful regime back into Gov­ernment. We have now been taught, erroneously, to believe that we are totally dependent on Kuwait for oil--a total lie.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 26


    SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1991 9:38 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 205

    I shall bring up only one matter as far as that of TODAY'S WATCH. It deals with that which we write in every manner possible for we come in the service of higher intelligence and, therefore, everything you have experienced and been taught comes from that which you call Bibles, Talmuds, etc.

    For the whole of this month and last, a great denial and revelation seems to be sweeping your religious halls. It is quite amusing to witness the ways in which people are reacting to the news that everything said in the Bible credited to the one, Jesus--was not said by Jesus.

    Your researchers and scholars as well as archaeologists have unearthed scrolls and artifacts which are disproving that which some churches demand you testify to believe in absolute verbatim pronouncement--of that book. Perhaps AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL will not much longer be so denied. Rejoice that light can be shed upon the fact that instructions and teachings have been sorely altered and adulterated to suit the needs of those who would control you.

    KNOW that in efforts to interpret the Bible, even the Revelations of John and the circumstances of "Cain" have been adjusted to produce an end result whereby evil controllers would be able to control through the WORD. We have come to set the WORD to straight.

    With the very subject under discussion in the present Journal, the assumption, from the analyzing of the portions just given unto you yesterday and through the lineage of "Cain", it would appear that the "good guys" are--of necessity and deduction--Anglo-Saxon "white guys". Surely enough, Cain, through Cush, etc., cavorted about with some women and people of "color"--so what? You have "some" historical data which can give ancestry and some lines of integration--BUT YOU OF EARTH ACTUALLY KNOW SO LITTLE THAT IT IS STARTLING, AND WORSE, AS TRUTH IS UNFOLDED UNTO YOU, YOU DENY IT AS QUICKLY AS YOU CAN.

    How do you think all those marriages and bad habits of sexual intermingling could happen if there was only Adam and Eve? Would it not be most incestuous, in deductions with logic, that you cannot have four if there were only two? Unless you stop the silly mysticism and unto death defending of that which is totally absurd, you will never bring your world to right direction.

    By the way, I note that much of the "proof" of Jesus' words being said or not said are exampled from a movie called The Last Temptation of Christ, or something equally as stupid. I ask any of you men, even those of you who pronounce yourselves to be totally macho--do you ACTUALLY think that if you were hanging on a cross with your life blood flowing out, nails in hands, wrists and feet--with all the weight of a tall man's body hanging--that you would be pondering a roll in the hayloft with an ex-prostitute? Blasphemous? Heretic? Don't be absurd, why would you "picket" and "protest" such incredible garbage? You lessen the stupidity of the picture as well as degrade the Master Teacher by giving one iota of mention or attention to such trash. Why do you ones not LIVE ACCORDING TO HIS TEACHINGS INSTEAD OF TROMP­ING AROUND WITH PLACARDS TRYING TO GET THE PICTURE-MAK­ERS TO SHUT DOWN? YOU JUST CAUSE ALL OF THE CHEAP-MINDED PEOPLE TO GO WITNESS THE PICTURE--OF COURSE, "JUST TO SEE HOW BAD IT IS AND JUDGE IT." No, it is a hype and it gets ex­actly the reaction planned and you, again, like sheep to the pasture--one after--another rise up in righteous anger and allow your babies to be sent to kill and be killed in the Middle East. So be it! Until YOU (YOU) come into Truth and alignment with the Laws of God and The Creation--YOU are the one at cause of the downfall of your planet--each of the YOU'S get yourselves into control, the matter of evil and destruction would be indeed moot.

    The evil false teachers and scribes (how do you think they got to be called Scribes and Pharisees?) gave you a bill of goods to keep control in the hands of the Elite and subjugate you-the-people of all generations and sequence upon your globe. The entire scenario from the first words of Genesis is orchestrated to cause you to lose control of self. But you don't WANT THE TRUTH AND, THUS, YOU SIMPLY PROCEED TO KILL THE MESSENGERS. WELL, I SUGGEST THE WORLD DID NOT BEGIN WITH A "BIG BANG" BUT I CAN ALMOST PROMISE YOU THAT IT WILL END WITH ONE.


    I have bad news for you who wait for nonsense and mystical ghosts to gather you up--it is NOT going to come off! Furthermore, our commission, as the Hosts come to bring the Truth, only allows us to present the Truth--we force nothing and, therefore, it appears on any good "war day" that there will be very few we have to worry about hosting on the trip home. We literally witness ones grinning and joking and hoping they die in bed with a "good sex partner".

    Well, I hope you enjoy elicit experience for a very long, long duration for that which you attend now is that which will be carried with you--except the "partners" of neither sex will go with you! It is going to be a long time of learning those lessons of proper human actions--UNTIL YOU LEARN THEM. YOU WHO THINK THIS IS "IT" AND "SO WHAT" ARE WRONG--THERE IS INFINITY LEFT TO LEARN THOSE LESSONS OF GOD, FRIENDS-‑INFINITY. AND YOU WILL LEARN THEM. So be it. Allow us to turn to our work, please.


    Now, Dharma, allow us to get on with some REAL Truth which will give you background so that you CAN KNOW your enemy and change your plight. History writers have betrayed you, in most part, to allow the deceiving without
    confrontation--so, you had better attend the Truth we are compiling and displaying for your information. It is available now, and can be documented and many have done so--get off your duffs, open your eyes and minds and find out what you are about and what has happened to you--STOP BEING PURELY PUPPETS TRYING TO GET BY THIS MANIFESTED EXPERIENCE WITHOUT BEING "ALIVE". STOP BEING DEAD, BROTHERS--LIFE, TRUTH, LOVE, PEACE AND BALANCE AWAIT YOU SIMPLY FOR THE TAKING OF IT AS GIFTED UNTO YOU. AND YOU AND YOU--IT IS NOT THERE FOR THE EVIL CONTROLLERS AND WOULD-BE FEU­DAL-MASTERS--PULL THE CONFOUNDED SHROUD FROM OFF THINE HEADS!

    Oh, I startle you with harsh language? Does it startle you when Swarzkopf says, "Let's kick ass?". I am a Commander of the largest fleet you will ever imagine if you live to be 2,000-years--and I SAY IT IS TIME TO "KICK ASS!" Does it shock you when your President Bush says he is going to "kick Hussein's ass?" Does it startle you when he sends off your loved ones to slaughter like "fish in a barrel" God's other children? Well, it angers me to fever heat--and I think it is time you wake up and do a bit of reverse kicking! You do it by knowing Truth and simply snipping your puppet, strings and standing on your own knowledge. Ignorance and deceit are the ONLY REAL BINDINGS THAT YOUR ENEMY HAS--YOU GIVE HIM ALL THE REST OF THE TOOLS TO CONTROL YOU.

    I also used the word "guises", because when the Illuminati became too notorious, the Rothschilds and other international Jewish bankers began to operate under different names--this always covers in confusion (just as several good Nevada Corporations cover your privacy). In the United States, immediately following World War I, the conspirators set up an organization which today goes under the name of the COUNCIL OF FOREIGN RELATIONS (CFR). Yes, I certainly do realize that I am repeating from information in some of the very first Journals--but most of you have not read the first Journals and, there­fore, it must be briefly covered again and brought into connection. The CFR is actually the modern branch of the Illuminati, furthering Illuminati goals in the Twentieth Century. Its hierarchy, the Master-Minds in control of the CFR, are in a very real sense the descendants of the original Illuminati conspiracy.

    To conceal this fact, most of them have changed their original Jewish (Hebrew/Judean--then Yiddish) names to more commonly accepted so-called "American-sounding" names. For example, the family name of Clarence Dillon, once Secretary of the Treasury and very high on the totem pole of the con­spiracy, was LAPOUSKI. There are many others and I will mention them as we move along.

    In England, we find an establishment similar to the CFR which goes under the name of the British Institute of International Affairs. For all intents and purposes it is for the same purpose as the CFR. There are similar secret organizations in every major country, including the Communist nations, all operating under different names, but all tied to the central conspiracy.

    While they operate under different names, all these international organizations, including the CFR, continuously set up subsidiaries--front organizations, if you will--which are infiltrated into every phase of national affairs.

    At all times, these operations are controlled by the international bankers, who are in turn controlled by the House of Rothschild. The means by which they set up these various organizations are too numerous to go into in this particular message.

    It would be well for us at this point to go back to the original purpose of the founders of the Illuminati. One branch of the Rothschild family financed Napoleon during the Napoleonic Wars, while the other branch financed Britain, France and Germany and others opposed to Napoleon's internationalist aims. Immediately following the Napoleonic Wars, the Illuminati assumed that all the nations of Europe, who had been involved, were so destitute and worn out from the long fighting, so heavily in debt, that they would do anything and grab at any solution which would lead them out of their dilemma.

    So the Rothschild stooges set up what they called the CONGRESS OF VIENNA and at that meeting tried to create the first League of Nations. This was their first open attempt at a one-world government and was attempted on the theory that, since all the crowned heads of Europe were so deeply indebted to them--the International Jewish bankers--they would either willingly, or unwill­ingly, serve as their prostitutes.

    Unfortunately for them, the Czar of Russia saw right through their scheme and completely blasted it. This so enraged Nathan Rothschild, then head of the family, that he vowed that some day, either he or one of his descendants would wipe out the entire family of the Czar. His descendants finally accomplished that in 1917, when the Czar and his entire family were brutally murdered by Jewish assassins. (Don't ever underestimate that enduring hatred and I warn you that there is no one group who can hold hatred and gain revenge--if it takes all of many generations--than the Zionist Israeli self-proclaimed, self-styled and so-called "Jews" become "Yiddish". They would happily blast an entire nation with all people thereof into oblivion and not blink an eye in remorse. Further, they fully intend to do so and this is WHY you and Russia will be at war, good American friends.

    Keep in mind that the Illuminati was not set up as a "short range" operation. Normal conspiracies are set up on the basis of achieving their aims during the lifetime of the conspirators. But that of the Illuminati, which went back to 500 B.C., was based on the infinite patience of men who meant to be successful, no matter how many ages it took to accomplish their purpose. Strangely enough, this is the same thinking that permeates world Zionism. The reason being, they are one and the same conspiracy.

    Here is where we might again take note of the so-called Holy Books such as the Bible, Talmud, etc. These books do not actually give the sequence of God's in­tent--but rather give magnificent proof of the historical sequence of history as it actually was. If you call it the "Word of Lighted God of Truth" you sucker-in all the beautiful, loving people who know nothing other than that which they are taught by Earth teachers and demanded through laws set forth by the Conspira­tors.

    As a result of the above thinking, the descendants of the Illuminati are dedicated to keeping the plot in operation until one day they believe they will be success­ful and, in the words of the Jewish Talmud, "Every Jew will have 2,000 'goyim' slaves." The Chief Rabbi in France, in 1859, a Rabbi Reichorn, stated this when he said: "Wars are the Jews' harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100 million of them, and the end is not yet." This was before the Civil War and the two great World Wars. Many other Jewish writers confirm this Jewish thinking.

    Goldwin Smith, Jewish Professor of Modern History at Oxford University, was quoted in October, 1981 as saying: "We Jews regard our race as superior to all humanity, and look forward, not to its ultimate union with other races, but to its triumph over them."

    On page 155 of his book, YOU GENTILES, Jewish author Maurice Samuels writes: "We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own." (And ALL of it under their con­trol.)

    On Feb. 17, 1950, the Jewish banker, Paul Warburg, testifying before the U.S. Senate, contemptuously stated: "We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only' question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent."

    That this idea is still in existence can be seen from this letter which was sent to an Identity pastor by a Jew from Spokane, Washington (1988). He wrote: "Your people are so paranoid, it is obvious we can no longer permit you to exist. We cannot allow you to spread your filthy, immoral, Christian beliefs to the rest of the world. Naturally, you oppose World Government, unless it is under your Fascist-Christian control. Who are you to proclaim that your Christian-American way is the best? It is obvious you have never been exposed to the communist system.

    "When nationalism is finally smashed in America, I will personally be there to fire-bomb your church, burn your Bibles, confiscate your firearms and take your children away. We will send them to Eastern Bloc schools and re-edu­cate them to become the future leaders of One-World Government, and to run our Socialist Republic of America. We're taking over the world and there is nothing you can do to stop us. (UNQ.)" This from one of those people who is constantly screaming that Christians spread "hatred and anti-Semitism."

    Well, WE have gotten some dandy "deadly missiles", too, and a few of them against my scribe have been right out of the end of a rifle, along with poison pen letters from the very loving "Christian" community within our own lovely little village. I warn you, chelas, you are in dire circumstances for your adversaries do not bend--THEY KNOW WHERE THEY WANT TO GO AND TRUST THAT YOU WILL NOT HAVE GOALS TO INTERFERE; CERTAINLY NEVER GOALS OF GODLINESS.

    This, my friends, is the spirit of Zionist-Communism, which has been promulgated by the Illuminati plot.

    Going back to the beginning of the modern plot, you find the Jew, Weishaupt, who was trained in Canon Law by the Jesuits at Englestadt University which was the basis of his Luciferean theories. It was in 1770 that the Rothschilds set out to revise this "age old" plan of Jewish conquest.

    This plot was designed to give "the synagogue of Satan", so designated by one of those erroneous statements in Revelation 2:9, 3:9 (you know because there is a capital letter S which designates a person's name and satan only means 'adversary'''. See how wondrous it is to have some proper definitions to use for proper discernment? It suffices, however, as information regarding the point in discussion.), complete control of the world and impose its Luciferean philosophy on the entire human race who were fortunate enough to survive the social cataclysm they would bring to pass. As in "...and a new religion would sweep across the lands..."

    Weishaupt completed his plans on May 1, 1776. (Now you know why May Day is so important in communist countries.) It was on this day that the Illuminati was officially organized and put their plan for world control into operation.

    This diabolical plan called for the destruction of all known forms of government and religions, with their special target, Christianity, among other Godly reli­gious groupings who teach Godly actions.

    This plan was to become successful, as the masses of mankind, whom Weishaupt called "Goyim", (a Yiddish word which literally means to the Jew, "non-Jew animal") were to be divided into opposing camps, on social, political, economic and religious issues.

    These are the exact situations which are continuing to tear your world apart. The opposing sides--were to be armed and incidents created, which would lead to violent confrontations. One of the best examples comes to mind in the present and continuing trouble in Northern Ireland. It has been pictured by the media as mainly a Protestant vs. Catholic problem, but it is not. It is a deliberate at­tempt, by the conspirators, to set one religious group against another, with the purpose of ultimately weakening them, and the United Kingdom, to an extent whereby they can be absolutely controlled.

    This was the essence of the preaching of the Civil Rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a few years back, when he led his people and white liberals in so-called "peaceful" Civil Rights demonstrations. His theory was, and often verbally expressed by him, that when Blacks marched peacefully in an all-white area, it would cause confrontation with some whites who would be radical and thus ensure government intervention and bring about civil Rights laws which would benefit the Blacks. He was right. His masters knew exactly what would happen. Unfortunately, too often the Neo-Nazi types and the KKK played right into his hands, they being even more damaging than the initial perpetrators.

    Radical demonstrations of any type can very well end up in terrible violence. This is why it will only be through truthful KNOWLEDGE of how it actually IS that you can prevail--for otherwise you are considered trouble-makers and silenced. This is why the WORD OF TRUTH IS SO POWERFUL--THE PEN IS TRULY MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD IF YOU CAN GET THE PEOPLE TO SEE AND HEAR. This is why the press and media are totally con­trolled and the publication of books is censored and material such as these Jour­nals, literally removed from shelves, hidden and destroyed. You who hold these Journals hold the Truth of the world in your hands and because of the functioning of the "system of the conspiracy" it will be you who will have to see to their distribution. It has ever been thus--remember the sign of the "fish" drawn in the sands?

    You witnessed this same plan as above come into operation again during the Vietnam War when war protestors, paid for by the conspiracy, fought with police and caused all sorts of civil disturbances. The plan then, as now, was to so weaken and divide America that they would eventually destroy the Republic.

    They have been so successful that, within the lifetime of many of you, you have seen the United States go from a Constitutional Republic into a Socialist Democracy, and you are actually standing at totalitarian Communist dictatorship. Sorry about that but it is the way it is.

    If you look closely at the actions within all the nations, but predominantly in the U.S. for this message, you can see the enemies' efforts to discount and destroy the influences of Christianity and other Godly belief systems, and you will find the activities will be financed by the select few and are Zionist-led--right to the war in Iraq against the Islamic people. You see, Islam is a cross between Christ teachings and Moslem faith. This is also why the Native Indians are pro­nounced and labeled "PAGAN" so that it distracts and discounts their total be­lief in God Creator/Creation and Balance of Mother Earth from which all spring.

    It should be of interest to you to note that the program of the Illuminati, follows step by step, the blueprint for world conquest laid down in the PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION, which was first unearthed about 1898 as we have given you in print on at least three or four instances. I realize that both Jewish leaders and their Christian "stooges" have proclaimed these to be counterfeit. But I call to your attention the fact that, in order to have a counterfeit, you must first have an original. The counterfeit follows the original. THE IMPORTANT THING TO NOTE IS THAT THE CONSPIRATORS ARE FOLLOWING THE PROTOCOLS EXACTLY AS THEY WOULD A BLUEPRINT.

    Now here is real irony personified. It is interesting to note that Adolf Hitler, the man the Jews say they hate most, next to Jesus Christ, was financed in his rise to power, and during World War II, by the Rothschild's, the Kennedy's and the Warburg's and the Zionists stated in Article II, Par. 5 of their "counterfeit Protocols", "We have the gold of the world in our hands, not withstanding we had to gather it out of the oceans of blood and tears. But it has paid us, even though we have sacrificed thousands of our own people." ANY NICE AMERICAN WHO HAS LABELED HIMSELF A JEW WHO READS THIS MUST TAKE NOTE--FOR YOU ARE THE FIRST TO BE TARGETED FOR SAC­RIFICE FOR THIS NEW WORLD ORDER.

    International Zionism has never hesitated for a moment to slaughter hundreds of thousands of their "lesser brethren" if it would aid their plan for world conquest. You can see this in Russia this day, as the persecution against Jews is carried out UNDER JEWISH LEADERSHIP!

    Dharma, might we break this chapter off at this point and we will pick up the subject of Russian/Zionist persecution as we sit to write on the next occasion. Thank you. I shall move to stand-by until we are ready to resume our work.

    PJ 26

    SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 1991 9:36 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 206
    No, Dharma, as I come into recognition of your thoughts--HE was not super­human, just as you ones are not super-human. The very act of manifestation in the physical form requires that you not be super-human. You may be able, under certain circumstances, to do that which is perceived as "super-human"--it is NOT. It is within the capability of the human through whatever resources uti­lized, to function in any capacity. This is the TRUTH of physical manifestation in your density/compression of manifested experience. If your experience devi­ates from that which is required within your experiencing manifestation--you are instantly within another experience for all circumstances are likewise changed. Just as, let us say, you are on a journey headed in the direction of direct North. You change your mind, reverse your direction, turn about and go to the direct South--YOU ARE NO LONGER GOING NORTH!

    You must always look forward to another experience in another dimension-- BUT your purpose and accepted task of experience is to perfect and function within that dimension in which manifest in the current moment. Stop the dallying with the changing of dimensions for that comes instantly and, of neces­sity, the moment you stop functioning within the one of present experience. Come into communion and integrity with God--and you need not waste this experience dallying with the PERCEIVED NEXT.

    I have only one comment regarding the world today. Pay attention to that which they are giving forth about chemical weapons Saddam is using on his people to bring them into line. Whether or not it is true, is of one point--it is not for the reason you might perceive, that they TELL you of it. At this point the only "chemical" utilized is "tear gas" and I believe your police find that quite acceptable a manner in which to torture dissenters. Saddam Hussein and his henchmen are simply not very nice people, dear ones--that was a point which was never in contention.

    What this big newsworthy spread of propaganda at this time is doing, however, is setting you up for the NEED to keep troops, etc., in the Middle East indefinitely to "protect" something or other. And, still giving forth in perception of integrity and need to do the heinous things which your people perpetrated against the Iraqis. A "worse" evil does not make the "lesser" evil somehow better. You ones bombed hundreds of thousands into oblivion and all the "chemicals" used afterward does not make that right in the eyes of God. So be it.

    The situation in Kuwait is so vile that I do not even wish to comment on it--if you can't see it for itself and the political mish-mash of "women's votes" (totally against their Constitution) and/or this or that is total rot--Baker is simply into the "next phase" of global control--ON HIS WAY TO ISRAEL TO GET NEW ORDERS AND GIVE AWAY SOME MORE OF YOUR NATION AND MONEY. YOU HAVE ALL BEEN SUCKERED-IN AGAIN AMIDST THE FANFARE OF HOMECOMING.

    Let us return to our subject in point, Dharma.

    In 1983, when Mr. Andropov was head of the Soviet Union, 21 of the 23 men making up the Comintern (the Soviet ruling body) were "Jews". Every one of the top military and police commanders in the Soviet Union were Jews. This meant that, in spite of all the stories coming out of the USSR concerning Jewish persecution, it was being carried out with the permission of Jewish authorities for their own ulterior motives. You see, that is what was intended--destroy that which you have usurped and of which you have taken the place--stolen identity! The point is that it becomes a necessity to get rid of the rightful people so as not to uncover the lie and cause the thieves to become accountable for their das­tardly deeds. The persecution, of course, generates a tremendous amount of sympathy for "Jews" in the Christian world and adds to the wealth flowing into Jewish coffers. Whenever persecution of Jews slacks off, the money flow be­comes a trickle, so Jews invite persecution to keep their people in line and line their pockets with gentile gold. You ones might well be feeling quite foolish by this time in your insight-gaining.

    The conspirators chose the word "ILLUMINATI" for their satanic plot, because it means "holder of the light". Weishaupt's idea was to pick men of great mental ability and wealth to govern the world and prevent future wars. Using the slogan "Peace on earth!" The same slogan the conspirators used to get you involved in World War I and II. You must remember, World War I was the "war to end all wars!" World War II, the "War to make the world safe for democracy". Your presidents in both wars, both Democrats, assured the people that their sons would never be sent to fight on foreign soil. While Woodrow Wilson was parroting this Illuminati phrase, he and Churchill were drawing up the plan for the sinking of the liner Lusitania, to get America involved in World War I. Many of you surely can remember F.D.R. and his fireside chats before World War II when he said: "I say again, and again, and again, I will nevah send American boys to fight on fawn soil. Nevah! Nevah! Nevah!" Yet while he was making these remarks, a plan was being drawn up in your State Depart­ment, which was to pressure Japan into attacking you, and thus Pearl Harbor. When it came, your leaders deliberately withheld information from your Pa­cific fleet, until it was too late. World War II was never fought for the safety and benefit of the Western World, but once again, or the world Jewry to make sure they would reap a homeland, Israel, out of Palestine.

    So Weishaupt's idea was to enroll the most intelligent people of the world and he used the masonic lodges of Europe and America, Lodges of the Grand Orient, as recruiting headquarters. Of course 99.9 percent of all Masons never dreamed of such a thing--before, during or after. During all this, he was acting under orders from the Rothschilds.

    The Rothschild plan called for the Illuminati to accomplish the following points:

    1. Use monetary and sex bribery to control men already in high places in various levels of government. Once these men fell to temptation, they were to be kept in perpetual bondage to the Illuminati through threat of exposure and out­right threats of violence against them and their families. Those who refused to "play ball" were often eliminated. There is much proof that this was true with Sen. McCarthy, Rep. Larry McDonald, Sen. Taft and many others who died most mysteriously and who government agencies refused to give any investiga­tion.

    There is ample hard evidence available now that the drug traffic which is raising so much hell among your youth could be reduced to a trickle but for the fact that powerful men, high in your national government, are protecting, subsidiz­ing and profiting from it. Yet, when men of courage offer substantiating evi­dence to prove this, they are either harassed by government or mysteriously die. (For those of you who would like more evidence of this--look into the sojourn of one Col. "Bo" Gritz.)

    2. The Illuminati, through the faculties of colleges and universities, have culti­vated students of exceptional mental ability, who are recommended for scholar­ships in Illuminati centers of learning. Foremost among these are the Rhodes Scholarships, which trained such liberals as the ultra-liberal Senator from Arkansas, William J. Fullbright.

    The main idea is to indoctrinate these young men and women with the idea that only a one-world government can stop the world from being destroyed by a nu­clear holocaust.

    This was essentially the argument which was used to erect the spy center called the United Nations, on American soil. It is subsidized primarily by American dollars and you can keep absolute tabs on that which is done through that organization.

    The Illuminati rationale seems to be that only the very intelligent elite of the world are capable of ruling the world and that the rest of you poor, ignorant suckers don't know what is best for you--from your money investment habits and retirement programs to your sexual behaviors. Of course this idea always results in great profit and control for the Elite.

    In addition to the Rhodes Scholarships, the Illuminati operate three known schools: one in Gordontown, Scotland, another in Salem, Germany and the third in Greece.

    While Karl Marx was busy writing the Communist Manifesto, under the careful guidance of one group of Illuminists, a Professor Karl Ritter from Frankfort, Germany was writing the antithesis under the direction of another group. The idea was that those who direct the conspiracy would use differences to enable them to divide and conquer. They would divide the human races into conflicting camps and brainwash them into fighting and destroying each other, all po­litical parties, and all religions, especially Christianity.

    The work Ritter started was continued after his death and was completed by a German Jew named Frederick Wilhelm Nietzsche, the founder of Nietzscheism. This idea was later developed into the philosophy of Fascism, then Naziism and was used to foment World War II.

    In 1844, the Italian revolutionary leader Mazzini was selected by the Illuminati to direct the world revolutionary program. He served in this capacity until his death in 1872. During this time, Mazzini met a Confederate General named Albert Pike and found him to be a willing student of Illuminism.

    Pike was fascinated by the idea of a one-world government and in time became the head of this conspiracy. Between 1861 and 1871 he worked out a blueprint for three world wars, which he felt would be necessary for the world takeover and for various revolutions which would condition the people to accept Illumin­ist control within the Twentieth Century.

    Pike did most of his work from his home in Little Rock, Arkansas. A few years later, when the Illuminist Lodges of the masonic Grand Orient became suspect because of revolutionary activity, Pike organized what he called the NEW REFORMED PALLADIUM RITES. He set up three supreme councils, one in Charleston, S.C., one in Rome, Italy and the third in Berlin. It was about this time that he began work on a mammoth literary work called DOGMA AND DOCTRINE, which was to become the "Bible" of Masonry.

    He established 23 subordinate councils in strategic locations throughout the world. These have been the secret headquarters for world revolution ever since.

    The First World War was to be fought to allow the Rothschild's to destroy the Czar of Russia and to transfer Russia from a Christian country into the stronghold of world atheism and Zionist Communism.

    Political differences stirred up by agents provocateur were to be used to foment this war. After the war, communism was to be used to destroy other govern­ments and weaken and ultimately destroy Christianity. One of its leaders boasted: "We will sweep God from the skies". Now this is a pleasant thought, I am sure, for you who feel your nation is built on one nation--under God!

    World War II would become necessary if the conspirators could not take over world control at the end of WW-I. This war would be brought about by a controversy between Fascism and political Zionism. Here we note again that Hitler was financed before and during the war by the Jewish Krupp family, the Warburg's, Rothschild's and other International Jewish banking groups. The supposed slaughter of six million Jews, which any intelligent, thinking person can see, was an impossibility, did not bother the International Jews in the slight­est, since they have always been willing to sacrifice their own people if it would help them gain political control.

    The "myth of the holocaust" was necessary to create worldwide hatred for the German people and thus bring about a war against them. The conspirators knew that in order to be successful, three great Christian nations would have to be destroyed, Russia and Germany on the European continent, and the United States in North America. It should be of interest to note that World Zionism had already built up a war chest of some $2-billion to be used against Germany, as early as 1902.

    During World War II, International Communism was to be built up to where they would be equal in strength with United Christendom. Of course, this became possible, as traitors in both the British and American governments gave, or sold, your atomic secrets to the enemy. During this period, the men in the CFR did everything possible to build up the strength of the Soviets, while hin­dering the military strength of the U.S. and Britain. Men in your government such as Dean Rusk, Gen. George Marshall, Dean Acheson, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and many others, all members of the CFR, were acting in the category of traitors against the United States, while Britain had their own in of full operation also.

    When Communism reached a par with Christendom in military strength, then political Zionism was to step in and contain them until the time they were needed for the final thrust which would bring about world control.

    Any honest student of history can see how Stalin and President F.D.R. worked "hand in glove" to bring all of Eastern Europe into the Communist Camp and how this treachery was aided and abetted by the Zionist Eisenhower. This resulted in the murder of one of your top generals, George Patton, who unfortu­nately saw through the plot and made an effort to stop it.

    Eisenhower was paid off by the conspirators with the Presidency of the United States when his major competitor, Sen. Taft of Ohio, was literally eliminated before the election. Eisenhower refused to allow Patton to move his troops to the eastern border of Germany, and Patton was forced by Eisenhower's orders to hold them on the border of Western Germany until the Communist forces came in and took control of the area.

    Earlier in the war, both General Patton and British General Montgomery wanted to invade Europe through the soft underbelly of Italy. This would have short­ened the war by at least two years and would have saved millions of lives and billions of dollars. But Churchill, F.D.R. and Stalin held out for a later landing in Normandy and, while this was going on, the Soviet forces moved into East­ern Europe and took over complete control of the area. When Patton, in frus­tration, brashly announced that he intended to blow the whistle on Churchill, F.D.R. and Eisenhower when he returned to the states, he signed his death war­rant for he was too much of a threat to them to be left alive.

    Every President since F.D.R. has followed the treasonous policy of "giving aid and comfort to the enemy". Even the great conservative "showman", Ronald Reagan, while pontificating against the Soviet "evil empire" had signed legisla­tion which was indeed most beneficial to them directly.

    For years, the American people have been told by their government that it was the United States who was holding back the tides of Communism when the truth, as any fool can plainly see, is that whenever this enemy of mankind has been on the verge of economic bankruptcy, it has been your government, using your tax money, which has kept them on their feet and the operations only pick up in regularity and amounts.

    World War III was to be held in abeyance until needed and would be finally fo­mented between political Zionism and its prostitute (the U.S.) and the Arab world which was anti-Communist and once your staunch friends. Under American foreign policy since the first World War it has become very dangerous to be your friends for you have always "stabbed them in the back" while aiding and abetting your enemies. This of course, was part of the conspirator's scenario. With a little honest insight, you can see them at work in Washington at fever pitch at the present moment.

    Their plan, of course, is to so weaken and fractionalize you that your people will sue for "peace at any price", even that of Zionist-Communist slavery. By the time the world has fought itself into exhaustion, the conspirators believe they will be able to step in and take control.

    Can any intelligent person look at that which is happening in the Middle East, the Far East, South Africa, Central America, and right there in the U.S., Australia, New Zealand and back to Canada, and believe these things are taking place by accident? Certainly the things you see being done by the Zionist and Communist world are not for the purpose of peace, no matter how many Sum­mit talks you see between the leaders of America and the Soviet Union. These meetings do not come as a plan to "stop war", but to simply hasten your surren­der to Zionist designs.

    3. The students who received special training, plus other agents, were to be placed in special branches of governments as experts and specialists so that they would advise top executives to adopt policies that would, in the long run, serve the conspiratorial plans and bring about the ultimate destruction of government and religion.

    In 1933, a group of 47 American university students were sent to Moscow to study at the Lenin School of Psychological Warfare, University of Moscow. 45 of these students were young Jews. They were to be taught the essentials which caused the campus riots you saw during the Vietnam War. They were addressed on arrival by Laventria Beria, then head of the KGB. Among other things he said to them: "Use the courts, use the judges, use the Constitution of the country, use its medical societies and its laws to further our ends. Do not stint in your labor in this direction. And when you have succeeded you will discover that you can now effect your own legislation at will and you can, by careful organization, by constant campaigns about the terrors of society, by pretense as to your effectiveness, make your capitalist himself, by his own appropriations, finance a large portion of the quiet Communist conquest of that nation." (p. 8, COMMUNIST TEXTBOOK ON PSYCHOPOLITICS. See prior Journal.)

    Your news media was filled with accounts about a few men, fourteen I believe, all of them poor financially, who were accused of sedition, plotting to over­throw the government of the United States. They were all found innocent in a court of law. But while the media made "much ado about nothing", they completely neglected to tell the American people about the large number of Com­munist agents who the FBI admitted they knew were in the U.S. Of course, some of you understand that this is what media control is all about--hide and seek--cover and run.

    Look at some of the CFR conspirators who have operated in your government: Dean Rusk, as Secretary of State; Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense; Gen. George Marshall, the man who sold China into the hands of the Communists; Hubert Humphrey, the one-world senator from Minnesota; in Cranston, the CFR traitor from California--convicted of indiscretions in the S&L debacle, Henry Kissinger, the top Jewish double agent from World War II, who has consistently sold out American interests to those of the Zionists and Communists; Zbigniew Brzezinski, a university professor who has been heavily into the conspiracy. Then came George Schultz, your Communist-Zionist-­leaning Secretary of State and a CFR member and of course, Vice President and now, President, George, Bush, who from a teenager has been trained by the conspirators. Then, let's see, there is Frank Carlucci, who was your Secretary of Defense, James Bales, Secretary of the Treasury and over 80 other appointed men in Ronald Reagan's "conservative" government. There were at that time some 38 U.S. Senators and Reps. who were active members of the CFR; 12 in the Federal Reserve; 12 in the U.S. Treasury Dept.; 16 in the State Dept. and 40 who were U.S. Ambassadors. I don't think you even want to know how many there are at this present moment for with the change of Administrations it was "open swearing-in time!" Even good old "Brother" Jesse Jackson bit the bullet.

    In your banking system, at the time, Chase-Manhattan had 19 board members who were outstanding members of the CFR; Bankers Trust has 9; Morgan Guaranty 14. In the media, CBS has 12; NBC 11: ABC 6; Associated Press 4; New York Times 24; Times, Inc., 7; Newsweek/Washington Post 22: Dow Jones 6 and the U.S. military is riddled with them until every top commander, in every branch of your military service, is a member of the CFR. Try CNN now, who fell with Ted Turner and guess what, Gen. Powell and on and on and on and on.

    At the top, as Chairman of the North American branch, and very near the top of the world Illuminist hierarchy, you find David Rockefeller!

    Dharma, the computer is in trouble--close this now and we will consider the problems at hand. I would have you leave the area if at all possible for the dwelling is targeted. Don't panic, just quietly leave for a while so that we might counter some of the pulses. Thank you, chela, I know it gets hard to be under constant attack and have our work ruined but we shall prevail--and it is known that we shall prevail--it is annoying and we must not give in to the bombardment. Go in Peace and enjoy a respite. Salu.

    We will pick up at No. 4 when we write again.

    Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr.

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