PJ 25
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1991 8:22 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 188
Do not concern, Dharma, over the computer--the Father's words are remaining within the master-brain. The conscious mind is a strange element of experience--when the higher consciousness is present the manifestations of thought within the physical dimension is dulled and your computers are tampered with in order to remove all at any and every opportunity in efforts to dissuade you and other scribes from their work. NONE SHALL AGAIN SILENCE GOD! SO BE IT!

Because I have spoken of the Zionists in the churches calling themselves "Christian", do not think that I finish with the subject of corrupted religious institutions. I do not, however, wish to withdraw or sidetrack from my subject of how the element has seeped into the very fiber of your being--as documented on your place by your people in your time of counting and experience.

The best way to do this is to unfold unto you ones that which has been taken from the shelves and destroyed or remains only through preservation against this day of revelation. It is better if you ones can take the information and go forth and prove of the accounts to your own satisfaction wherein lies cannot prevail in the light of confrontation of Truth. If you cannot come to recognize the anti-Christ within--how can you know Truth?

I shall postpone "TODAY'S WATCH" for I have many segments to show you regarding that which is happening in front of you and yet I have bogged my publisher with five "double" Expresses and I will not burden him further this day. He is giving you a compilation of our last several writings which might well be the most informative and valuable information you will ever experience in this life journey. I urge you readers of this information to obtain the prior publishing if you have not done so. We are taking the infiltration and corruption by the anti-Christ upon your place, one step at a time according to that which has come down in America--and thusly, the world.

Today we will take up AMERICAN FREEDOM & ZIONIST POWER. No, you will not like the information but I urge you to continue to read of it for in these writings are the REVELATIONS being revealed.

In utilizing this information, I honor gratefully, one Pitman Buck, Jr. for in his material he has done a splendid job and has displayed insight and writing skills of greatness. Mr. Buck claimed no affiliation with any organization and expressed his own views with great insight and wisdom and documentation of great importance.

At the time of the writing which I shall share with you, Mr. Buck lived in Texas City, Texas, and had been employed for twenty-five years as a technician with a leading chemical firm, with a special interest in the fields of mass spectrometry and infrared spectroscopy. This is a field of utmost importance to you in this transitioning world. I shall, however, protect all further information regarding this man for in these days of peril, persons who speak out and those one's families are in grave danger at every turn--most especially when their great contributions are unveiled by God that his children might gain insight.

Mr. Buck noted that in a speech given on March 26, 1977, before the annual Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner in Denver, Colorado, United States Senator James Abourezk stated that "..we now see a foreign country, Israel, wrapping itself in its state religion so that criticism of the state or its policies is perceived as a form of racism"--anti-Semitism. He further stated, "In this country it is much easier to criticize our own government than it is to criticize Israel!"

The information I shall give you was written and published in your year, 1977, without reference to publisher--I honor his integrity.

You have arrived at a time in historical passage wherein an ethnocentric, religious group which comprises less than three percent of the population has become THE leading factor in America's destiny. You have had over a decade to become deeper mired in the quicksand and have seen it not--whether or not ye perish is resting upon a tiny reed of hope. For you see, the shrouded workers have pulled the Constitution into the darkness and taken--through actions" "as if"--and compromised, then destroyed the foundation of your "BILL OF RIGHTS" AS A NATION UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL. YOU ARE NOT A NATION UNDER GOD LAW OF TRUTH, YOU ARE DIVIDED AND SERVE ONLY THE MASTER OF GREED AND SELF-ATTAINMENT, YOU ARE TOTALLY DIVISIBLE AND YOU HAVE ONLY "SHAM" LIBERTY AS THE MASTER-PUPPETEERS ALLOW YOU AND THERE IS "JUSTICE" FOR NONE AND YET LAWS GIVING UNTO THE USURPERS OF THE LAWS OF JUSTICE. YOU ARE VICTIMS OF THE HOAX.

Dharma, we shall do as prior work and print from the document provided. I shall comment as we go if appropriate and designate such. I feel it more appropriate for readers to hear it from the mouths of earth brother so they cannot toss it aside as super-natural "gibberish and ravings from an insane mind".

Later, we shall move right inside the secret archives of the Vatican and you will see that all of this has been a long time in the coming.


FREE SPEECH AND DISCUSSION on the topic of this pamphlet is so inhibited that even the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff cannot freely speak his mind on a college campus (the traditional site of intellectual inquiry) without being made to apologize to the Jewish community by none other than the President himself.

On October 10, 1974, General George S. Brown appeared before a Duke University Law School forum and in responding to a question he spoke of the strong Jewish lobby in this country whose chief interest is Israel. (In a recent article Joseph Kraft, who is Jewish, wrote of "Jews who cared chiefly about Israel..." during the 1976 presidential election.) General Brown warned the law students of the serious danger to America that unlimited support of Israel entails. For these remarks the general was called "anti-Semitic" by Zionists and pro-Zionists and was told to apologize by a president sworn to uphold the Constitution and the national defense of America.

General Brown made the following remarks to the student forum: "We have the Israelis coming to us for equipment. We say we can't possibly get the Congress to support a program like that. They say, ‘Don't worry about the Congress. We'll take care of the Congress.' Now this is somebody from another country. But they can do it." A Commentary article (referred to below) depicts Israel's United Nations Ambassador Simcha Dinitz and an Israeli military attache inside the Pentagon demanding of Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger full United States military logistical supporting equipment during the height of the 1973 Yom Kippur War. When both Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Schlesinger demurred, Dinitz threatened to call in several unnamed United States senators to force the issue. After President Nixon received calls from a number of influential supporters of Israel (again unnamed) from both inside and outside the United States, the Commentary article states, the President then personally intervened on Israel's behalf and ordered the full logistical support of Israel, "...being keenly aware of the possible political consequences of a further delay." No doubt this power to dictate is what the general meant when he said, "But they can do it."

Of course, the network television news managers decided to spare the American public such details concerning the Jewish lobby which would have confirmed exactly what General Brown had told the students about that lobby, namely, "It is so strong you wouldn't believe now." The network managers preferred instead to concentrate on the "technical" error made by the general when he said "They own, you know, the banks in this country, the newspapers." Had the general used the world control instead of the word own, he would have been home free.

For an enlightening article about the matters of which General Brown spoke--the huge Israeli draw-down of United States military equipment during the Yom Kippur War, as well as the astonishing strength and operational effectiveness of the Jewish lobby--the reader is referred to the article, "Kissinger & the Yom Kippur War," in Commentary (September 1974). Commentary is published by the American Jewish Committee.

Morris J. Amitay, a Zionist lobbyist and former staff aid to Senator Abraham Ribbicoff, told Washington Post journalist Stephen Isaacs that Jewish legislative staff members keep their Jewishness in mind when "aiding" their legislative bosses. (As reported by Leonard J. Davis, also a Zionist lobbyist, in The Cleveland Jewish News, January 24, 1975, p.20.)

There is ample evidence that many Jewish journalists also keep their Jewishness in mind when "reporting" the news. This evidence is not just a hypothetical parallel drawn from Morris J. Amitay's comments. Jewish writers themselves confirm this bias in Jewish literature. Naomi Ben-Asher wrote: "The question of Jewish identity...is no stranger to the writer whose Jewishness is largely a biological accident....For the non-writer...Jewishness can be a negligible factor of life...This irrelevance of a man's Jewishness to his work rarely applies to the Jew who is a writer." One is hereby well-advised to keep in mind that for propagandic purposes some news may be given national coverage while other news is directed only toward the Jewish community.

In another incident involving General Brown, the American public learned through a leak to the Israeli press--just two weeks before the 1976 United States presidential and national election date--that Ranan Lurie, a Jewish columnist, had interviewed General Brown six months earlier. In response to a question in that interview on April 12, 1976, the general had stated his honest conviction that Israel and her armed forces were "a burden" to the United States. The conveniently timed news leak of the general's remarks, duly reported by all three major American media networks, had the expected effect of embarrassing Republican candidate Ford in the American Jewish community. President Ford swiftly issued a statement that he did not agree with "the general's poor choice of words" and that he considered the matter closed. Thirty-two Jewish organizations immediately announced a special meeting to consider the situation. The next day the Jewish groups replied with one voice that, "The Jewish community does not consider the matter of General Brown to be closed."

The news-handling of this latest Brown incident was seen by many as another example of Jewish control and manipulation of news stories in order to gain the greatest propagandic effect upon the American people for the sole benefit of Israel. Although Mr. Lurie disclaimed any conspiracy concerning the timing of the news leak, he was quick to recommend (on ABC television news) that President Ford fire General Brown for expressing his view that Israel is a burden to the United States. (Mr. Lurie lived in Israel for years and presumably holds Israeli citizenship.)

As Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Brown is in a most favorable position to know how much of a military and economic burden Israel really is to the United States. The Houston Post reported that "defense officials said that the vital United States tank reserve in Europe was cut back in 1973 to replace Israel's losses in the Yom Kippur War." That paper further reported Pentagon sources as saying "...the tanks were rushed to Israel...leaving the United States army with less than 50 percent of the tanks it believed it needed to meet any thrust by the Soviet Union's vastly greater armored forces." An authoritative Pentagon source (reported by the Middle East Perspective, October 1976) declared that the "depletion of United States arsenal for benefit of Israel during the October War left our country without a single combat-ready division anywhere." Any American president who places the survival of another nation above the national interests of his own country should be tried for treason and run out of the country.

Every day Jewish power affects the life and pocket-book of each American citizen and taxpayer. Through the control of the national impact media of radio and television and, to a lesser degree, through the handling of national and international wire services and their dispatches, Jewish influence determines what will or will not be on national television, what the voters will know about political candidates and what tomorrow's press headlines will be. At the time of General Brown's appearance before the student forum at Duke University, Time magazine, in reporting the Brown incident in its November 25 edition, stated, "According to Washington Post Correspondent Stephen D. Isaacs' recently published book, Jews and American Politics, Jews head the corporations that own all three national television networks."

When, on November 13, 1969, former Vice-President Spiro Agnew spoke of "a tiny enclosed fraternity of privileged men" in the television news medium who enjoy "a monopoly sanctioned and licensed by government," he incurred the wrath of a small group of men more powerful than he had imagined. If the vice-president of the United States had hopes of remaining in political life, those hopes would have been better served with an announcement to lead a "Bonds for Israel" drive.

Not only are the private corporations of the electronic news media under Jewish control but Jews hold many of the government's most sensitive informational outlets to the public. President Ford and First Lady Betty Ford both found it useful to employ Jewish press secretaries. From the level of Department of State on down through the various executive branch agencies, whether it be Attorney General Levi's office, the Securities and Exchange Commission or the United States Information Agency, one is apt to find that the chief press spokesman or his assistant is either a Jew or works for one. If a private citizen wants to voice a complaint about the religio-ethnically biased, controlled broadcast media, he can contact the Federal Communications Commission which is charged by law with the regulation of the broadcast industry that uses the public's airwaves. A perusal of the 1976 Congressional Staff Directory indicates THAT MANY, IF NOT MOST, OF THE TOP OFFICIALS OF THE FCC ARE JEWISH!.

In 1969 the Senate Communications Subcommittee conducted hearings on Senate Bill 2004. The bill would have granted almost automatic license renewals for stations of the broadcast media. All three network presidents were there to testify. So was Nicholas Johnson, a former FCC commissioner but not with the National Citizens Committee for Broadcasting, a group concerned about single points of view and conflicts of interest. When the hearings began, the network moguls testified enthusiastically for S.2004 which would have allowed them to forget the public's interest and concentrate totally on making money and propaganda. The networks simply do not want restraints placed upon them by the public. Nicholas Johnson, a man who is not possessed by a mean, forensic disposition, gave a fifty-page statement to the subcommittee and testified thus: "The broadcaster in America today is, without question, the single most powerful man civilization has ever permitted to roam wild. We have used a very long thread to tether a dinosaur. He finds it restricting and asks that it be removed."

One would think that newspapers, all newspapers, would defend the right of free speech and press as a right of every American--to be exercised more particularly by those who have the official responsibility to defend the Constitution. But not The New York Times, owned by Arthur Ochs Sulzberger. On October 22, 1976, this prestigious newspaper called the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff "a general who talks too much." The writer would put several questions to the Times: what are the armed forces defending, if not the constitutional right to freedom of speech and press? During his superb thirty-five year military career, and now as America's chief military officer, General Brown has defended with his life the right of free speech and press for others, including the Times. and now the Times criticizes the general for exercising the very right he has helped to preserve for Mr. Sulzberger and his editor, A. M. Rosenthal. How unfair and ungrateful can a newspaper be?

If the Times were to interview General Brown, would he be expected to reply to questions about Israel honestly and according to his convictions? Obviously not, since that is what the general did in the case of the Lurie interview and the Times condemned him for doing so. The Times and other media ought to refrain from asking public officials for press interviews if they do not want or expect honest answers.

(Hatonn: It is most difficult to not interrupt at every sentence and make comment of irate objection to the thing that is pulling you down. In this very day--this very moment--you have been led into the pits of Hell in the burning desert and the lies grown bigger and bigger and mislead you into complacency. You are told that Iraqi forces are weak and worn away--the barrage of lies pouring forth would gag the maggots which feast upon the carcasses of the damned. You feast upon the lies WHILST THEY ARE TELLING YOU THAT THEY ARE TELLING YOU LIES-STRATEGY, THEY CALL IT! I AM OVERWHELMED WITH IRATE PROTEST IN YOUR BEHALF AND IN BEHALF OF THE CHILDREN YOU HAVE SENT TO BE SACRIFICED ON THE ALTAR OF EVIL.)

In an unusually courageous editorial, The Wall Street Journal (October 20, 1976) spoke to this issue: "It looks to us as if General Brown's real sin is excessive candor, which leaves us confused, since we thought everyone agreed our leaders needed to be more candid, not less so." The Journal then concluded its editorial by obliquely suggesting to pro-Zionist backers of Governor Carter that they might be better satisfied with press interview answers given by the Carter administration officials who had been lobotomized.

In his Lurie interview, General Brown also had a few things to say about other nations besides Israel. Concerning Britain, he said that England "is no longer a world power--all they have got are generals and admirals and bands." Unlike the Times which wrote that the general "talks too much," the Manchester Guardian Weekly (October 31, 1976) of England wrote, with obvious regard for the truth, that "The General need not apologize. He should tell us more."

The author has concentrated on the General Brown story because in many ways it is typical of Jewish influence exercised through the control of major news organs. This manipulating, filtering and censoring of information--done daily to a lesser or larger extent--depends upon how the media perceive the factual happenings as affecting the Jewish community here and abroad. One other example will be given.


* * * * * * * *
Allow us a rest-break and then we will take up the subject of THE NEWS, ISRAELIS AND THE U.S.S. LIBERTY. There is no way to tell it to you often enough, for you do not wish to believe it could happen--not to you and certainly not to America or the world. Why? You have had the prophecies since the beginning of Genesis--well, friends, it isn't over until GOD WINS! I care not how many of you choose to believe otherwise and think us to be bigots and wimps! GOD IS NEITHER AND TRUTH SHALL AGAIN PREVAIL UPON YOUR PLACE JUST AS WRITTEN AND THE JOURNEY THROUGH THE LIES WILL BE UNPLEASANT INDEED. SO BE IT.

To stand-by, please.

PJ 25
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1991 7:59 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 189
Dharma, your Brother Esu is present, chela. Let us look into the moment before we move forward for each has a journey--a purpose--and all must integrate into the other with precision lest the clock not tick properly.

You ones must not take of your portion and DEMAND too much of another lest you not understand their confusion. It is rare that we would expect of you ones to begin, for instance, a great project at the ending of a day. I witness that you write more quantity when the whip-lash is causing pain elsewhere. We cannot stop of the writing for time and action are mandatory--however, it is not to panic the support group. Further, by the reaction of the support group comes the pressure upon your senses which effort to stop you and allow time for other forms of living "catch-up". Man has waited too long and now wishes to have it all in the 11th hour--which we effort to bring as much as possible within those moments but he, too, must turn within and LISTEN to the Truth as it unfolds.

For instance, on this morning and you will hear it in full later--Saddam has said that he has given a REASONABLE response to Russia and further "...if it is unacceptable he intends to tell the world why the U.S. constructed and carries forth with this war." Well, chelas, it will indeed be revealing! The only hope the United States has for popular support is that the lies from your media have been strong enough to continue to hide truth and hundreds of thousands will perish in the interim, if the REAL TRUTH is pushed forth. It will also cause an intensification of effort to assassinate Saddam to silence him--oh sad is your state upon your planet. Sad indeed.

The subject upon which Hatonn expounds is the central core of Truth which ye ones must have lest you move into the transition without facts and Truth--so it must be pulled together in a document which will outline Truth and then the brothers can glean the deeper information from the books already written. Therefore, Dharma, YOURS IS TO WRITE AND WRITE AND WRITE AS WE GIVE IT UNTO YOU. ALSO, IT IS TO DISCERN OTHER'S INPUT WHICH WOULD CAUSE DISCOUNTING OF OUR WORK IF YOU DISCERN INCORRECTLY--IT IS MOST CRITICAL THAT YOU AND THOMAS DO NOT ERR IN DECIPHERING THAT WHICH GIVES DELUSION IN THE MIDST OF ITS BEAUTY FOR THAT, INDEED, IS THE WAY OF THE MASTER-DECEIVER. THE "TOOLS" WILL NOT REALIZE THEY HAVE BEEN USED. AND YOU MUST USE ALL THE CLUES AND TOOLS GIVEN FOR YOUR GARNERING OF THE TRUTH--ALL. For example, in the document which cost you hours of time on the yesterday--you discerned with the one word title but it is necessary that you familiarize yourselves with projections, for the masses will do so and they will cling to that which allows them continuation in the defaults.

"Jews" as a description and "title" of a Book given in the context that the man gave--as "the first and last" speaker sent by God (which makes him by obvious intent--THE giver of Truth which is the Messiah)--cannot be correct. Number one, "Jew", as you found within the week is a term only most recently applied to the ones of Judea--as in this term (title) JEWS--THE CALLED, indicates (whether or not the writer realizes it) means "ZIONIST--THE CHOSEN" which is not revealed actually until the last paragraph.

You ones wish to cling to the mystical and find cities of crystal diamonds and colored lights and thus and so--as from prior to the beginning--and believe that God began his "creating" just for earth and earth man! Bubble bursting time again. Earth is a place for human Man to experience and there was creation before and there is almost "relative" creation beyond in a very little differing dimension. There are and have been many great and Christed teachers, I among them and some of you, among them--but not the "only one". Therefore, you must study your lessons well, chelas who write and project data--for we shall give forth no dreamy-eyed information to deceive longer, the people. YOU ARE MANIFESTED INTO PHYSICAL REALITY AND ALL ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCE WILL BE AS SUCH--AND WONDROUS INDEED IT IS. FOR ALL YOU MUST LEARN IS THAT YOU CAN CREATE FROM THIS DENSITY IN WHICH YOU EXPERIENCE--THAT WHICH YOU NEED TO CHANGE OF CIRCUMSTANCE. AH, IT IS A GREAT RESPONSIBILITY YOU ONES BEAR BUT YOU ARE EQUAL TO THE TASK.

Ones project that which they are given and unless the Holy God sources have trained them, there is no way in which they can know of Truth vs. delusion and yet man must come up out of the dream-world and into the "dream-world" of greatness and Truth of manifestation for a physical experience IS one of manifestation and creation--either for furtherance of that which you label good or evil.

The young man in Korea in the military shall get my answer in the physical manner he can see and hear--for he already hears me, he only "desires" the physical contact--as do ye all, for that is your only perception of reality. If his ONLY purpose in this journey is to give support to, let us say, Dharma--then would not his journey be grand indeed? And, yet, as purpose is desired--it grows beyond all bindings and limits--how wondrous is the journey.

For you who do not know, the slings and arrows are striking my scribes from every direction of the physical and the bombardment is hard and expensive. The neighbors, in their hatred, and the local Community Services District has reported a dozen things to EVERY possible police agency and daily come the police enforcers. But you ones must know; and to experience is to learn. Until you understand that you are already in a position of having no longer "community" and no longer have freedom of even that which you perceive is "property" you cannot confront and change of it. But, Dharma, your first commitment, chela, is to write for a very, very busy commander who sets aside time for this projection to meet the needs of your cycles--I can only ask that you do not lose sight of the trees for the entanglement of the forest. Precious, I care not that ones call me Jesus for it is indeed a fine label and more ones upon your place have called me that than any other--labels matter not for it is Truth and Godliness, order out of chaos, peace out of restlessness which is sought, and I hold of the key and the way. Rest easy, little one, for you can only offer unto Man that which is the gift and then, release him for he must accept and take of it or it is, indeed, no gift. So be it.

You must further discern in that which is given in portions of which understanding can be gleaned. This is why you must access ALL, as with the writing of "JEWS" to discern whether or not the term is simply utilized for current understanding of subject matter or indeed is used as a "term in fact". You MUST be given that which can be understood by all levels of progress. This is WHY the Journals are written--so that ones can, in the conclusion of material, know the subject in point--having grown through the lessons and into knowledge. But neither can there be naught but the repetition of the lessons time after time lest ye never get to the true subject and much less into the wisdom with which to utilize the knowledge.

I rest my hand upon your heads in blessings for in you ones, I am so well-pleased and I cherish and appreciate you without measure. We are doing of our work and the Word is pure so that man can see--if he chooses to cover his eyes and ears--so be it for that, then, is of his choosing and not of your failure.

Commander, thank you for allowing me a brief communion for our troops are getting a bit frazzled and emotionally tattered working in the desolate bunkers of this battlefield of experience. I speak not to the ONE, but to the ALL for there is no separation but if ye make projections that your hand is my hand in service--make very, very sure it is MY hand you hold and serve for the evil brother has a million hands to tempt you and glorious stories to soothe you and great parables to lift your egos upon the imitation marble platforms which will collapse with the most tiny prick of the needle. Do not "follow me"--come in the equality and responsibility given unto you--and move beside me, in front of me but never feel unworthy and drag behind me for if ye listen, you will know the way from any position on the path. However, I caution you--if you feel YOURS IS THE ONLY WAY--ye shall be put behind for there is no leader of greatness who discounts another's values nor possibility of a "better way". Ponder it! The child in learning MUST recognize the teacher who has learned and bow to higher judgment and discernment--the student, however, will always be constantly tested by the teacher if the teacher be in any wise worthy and the teacher shall always, if he has achieved wisdom, bow at the very feet of the student for the perfection gained in the knowledge of Truth. Take my hand, when ye have "tried" me for blessed of the fold--I know the way for I come from that Greatest of all wondrous spirits only to serve--even unto the very least.

Thank you for attending me and I shall relinquish the printing pen unto my brother, that you might continue in thine work. It is glorious work for it gives us opportunity to honor ones who passed before and left Truth and wisdom through knowledge and the possibility for your standing upon their shoulders that your journey can be in more perfection and understanding for the place is far better for them having passed this way. It is for Man in the physical to learn in measured steps of understanding--total knowledge and revelation of the whole is that which is of another dimension of experience--beware of the one who pronounces total vision while in thine dimension for he lies! Insight is one thing--claim of total knowledge is another. This is why we of the returning teachers and hosts are NOT MANIFEST IN HUMAN FORMAT upon your placement--so that you can KNOW that ones who claim such position are NOT THAT WHICH THEY CLAIM TO BE. Note further that I did NOT say that there are not returned workers and higher beings among you and some of you are the manifested proof of same--but the higher HOSTS of GOD are NOT IN THE PHYSICAL FORMAT. If there are visits to and from--then it is perception of holographic dimension--sometimes quite "physical" in perception. You ones continually ask for "proof" to your physicalness in a physical manner--which can be most easily duplicated by tricksters.


For you who cannot "see the craft" in the heavens--you simply do not know that for which to look. On any given night when you would see the "stars" you can look into any direction and see the craft. As you connect with frequencies the brothers will give recognition--either through movement and certainly, no less, than the strobing of "colored" lights pulsed deliberately for your viewing. Massive craft are in your viewing range in these days and orbit in the same patterns as the stars--and yes, the astronomers DO KNOW and are simply forbidden to divulge the information unto you--keep attention for they ‘SLIP' with their tongues most regularly. If you see great motion of "light" from/to locations and the light be brilliant and leave no "trail", the craft is without your near atmosphere. If there is a long glowing "tail", then the craft is moving rapidly within your atmosphere thus heating the air particles which leaves the "tail". Enjoy your communion with your brothers in the cosmos for they, too, are weary of thine tending and long for their own "home" placements.

It is honor to serve you and we give freely of selves unto your needs--but as any upon human placement--thine brothers like contact and recognition for that which they are and do. And the greatest service of all, beloved chelas, is to give grateful appreciation unto GOD for that which you give appreciation allows the Great Spirit of your Creator to see your level of understanding and growth is great when a Truth is "grown-into" to such extent that a child only asks in behalf of "another" and for the "greater good" and not for self. So be it. Do not toy greatly with the orifice called "mouth" and the "tongue" within--for God hears the energy projections of the soul within and from that projection does HE make value judgment. Adonai.

I am Jesus Sananda, to bow to Command. Thank you.

* * * * * * * *
Please allow me to give appreciation unto my own "Commander-in-Chief", in whose service I come on this journey.

There is something I am going to relay to all of you ones at this point. Stop the nonsense of Christian vs. everything or anything! You ones have long since confused the term unto its demise. ALL ONES WHO MOVE IN TRUTH UNTO LIGHTED GOD/CREATOR ARE CHRISTIANS--I CARE NOT THAT WHICH YOU LABEL SELF. THE CHRISTED PATH IS THE ONLY PATH THAT REACHES UNTO THE SOURCE FOR "CHRIST" IS A STATE OF BEING--NOT A MAN'S LABEL--NOR THAT OF A GOD OF SOME SORT--IT IS AN "ACHIEVEMENT" LEVEL OF PERFECTION. IT MATTERS NOT IF YE BE NATIVE AMERICAN, ESKIMO, HINDU, BUDDHIST, ISLAMIC--IT MATTERS NOT "WHAT" IF YE ARE HEADED FOR THE LIGHTED TRUTH IN THE HIGHER DIMENSIONAL KINGDOMS VS. THE DARK PLACES OF THE PHYSICAL RULED BY THE DARK BROTHERHOOD, YE MUST TREAD THE "CHRISTED" PATH WHICH THE NATIVE CALLS THE SACRED CIRCLE OF INFINITY--NO END AND NO BEGINNING--INFINITE AND ALWAYS IN MOTION TO OR FROM PERFECTION--ULTIMATELY ENDING IN TOTAL PERFECTION--AFTER THE LESSONS ARE LEARNED! This is most important for you who single out this one or that one to denounce or favor as a group--be sure you know of that which you speak for if you understand Truth--you will not longer speak of separation so that which you speak, labels your level of ignorance louder than you realize.

Back to the subject of AMERICAN FREEDOM & ZIONIST POWER, by Pitman Buck as we are projecting herein regarding the incident of the American ship, U.S.S. Liberty.

Dharma, before we begin this writing, get Oberli to remove the disc from the computer--it is giving false information which indicates tampering with the equipment. Just have him remove it please and then we will continue.


ON JUNE 8, 1967, DURING the 1967 Middle East War, Israeli jet aircraft and torpedo-carrying gunboats attacked an American vessel, the U.S.S. Liberty, while it was cruising in international waters off the Sinai Peninsula. The Liberty was a highly sophisticated communications vessel operated by the United States Navy and a sister ship to the U.S.S. Pueblo which was captured by North Korea in 1968. Both ships were operated by the Navy for the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency. The Liberty was on an intelligence gathering mission when attacked by Israel as was the Pueblo when captured by the North Koreans. Thirty-four Americans died in the Israeli attack on the Liberty. One American died during the attack upon and capture of the Pueblo.

The news media that later gave very extensive coverage to the Pueblo affair displayed no interest in seeking for the public the answer to Time magazine's question, "Why did the Israelis go out of their way to attack a neutral ship?" Apparently, no investigative reporters were assigned to the Liberty story. News media that appear all too anxious to embarrass American public officials (whether they be presidents or generals) with the Jewish community are very reluctant to uncover and report any evidence to the American public and would embarrass the Jewish State of Israel. Any time a foreign nation is responsible for the deaths of thirty-four Americans, one-hundred and sixty-four others wounded and the ultimate loss of a United States naval vessel, the American people have a right to know something about the "why's" and "wherefore's." The Liberty affair should have been given widespread publicity. In view of the serious nature of the incident, one can conclude only that a conspiracy operated at the highest levels to keep the matter closed to an inquiring public. Such a conspiracy would find the Jewish controlled news media only too willing to cooperate in this case.

In a brief literature survey this writer found five books on the Pueblo incident listed in the 1975 edition of Subject Guide to Books in Print. In addition, the writer examined two other books on the Pueblo affair, including one by the captain of the Pueblo, Commander Lloyd M. Bucher. The other one was written by Rear Admiral Daniel V. Gallery, Ret., entitled The Pueblo Incident.

In his literature survey on the Liberty affair, the writer was unable to find listed anywhere a single book about Israel's attack on the Liberty. Not one! Furthermore, a lengthy search has turned up only two in-depth articles in national publications about the Israeli attack on the Liberty. One was James J. Kilpatrick's "June 8, at 1400 hours" (National Review (Hatonn: which is reason enough not to believe much of it at any rate, being edited and projected by one of the most Zionistic entities on your planet.), Sept. 5, 1967, pp. 952-958). Nine years after the Liberty incident Anthony Pearson, a Canadian journalist, published the results of his investigation into the Liberty affair.

Mr. Pearson spent several years and crossed three continents chasing down leads and information for his Liberty story. His findings indicate that a conspiracy had existed between the United States government (President Johnson, CIA and NSA) and Israel which would allow Israel to capture certain Arab lands up to predetermined boundaries. The Liberty was on station off Sinai to monitor the war's activities. Because of the initial success and advances of Israel's so-called preemptive attack on Egypt, Jordan and Syria, the Israelis decided to advance beyond the predetermined lines and take additional Arab lands not agreed upon by Johnson. Through the Liberty's intelligence surveillance and reports to the CIA (monitored by the Israelis), it was learned that Israel intended to break the agreement with her co-conspirator. Israel decided that the Liberty had to be sunk. Israeli jet planes were sent out to do the job and were later joined by motor torpedo boats. Thus, one of the most cold-bloodied acts of treachery in recent warfare was carried out against a friendly nation, the United States, without whom Israel could not exist.

On January 20, 1969, a public naval Court of Inquiry was convened in San Diego, California to investigate North Korea's seizure of the Pueblo. It was attended by at least a dozen news journalists who, by their affiliations with many segments of both print and electronic media, assured the public of widespread coverage of evidence developed by the Court of Inquiry.

The Court found evidence of negligence starting with the Pueblo chain of command and extending right up through higher echelons of the Navy. Among many other recommendations, the Court of Inquiry recommended that Commander Bucher and a subordinate stand trial by general court-martial. The Court's Convening Authority, Admiral John J. Hyland, rejected the Court's recommendations on court-martials because of the extenuating circumstances and Secretary of the Navy John H. Chafee concurred with the admiral's opinion. Meanwhile, thanks to the news media, Commander Bucher's name became a household word and automobiles driven all over the country bore bumper stickers reminding the public to "Remember the Pueblo."

In contrast to the pervasive news coverage given to the North Korean capture of the Pueblo and its attendant Court of Inquiry hearings, the best public relations that tender loving care could provide accompanied news reports about Israel's attack on the .S.S. Liberty. In this endeavor the United States government had the anxious cooperation of the Jewish-controlled American news media. Accordingly, on June 11, 1967, a secret naval Court of Inquiry convened in London, England, to investigate Israel's attack on the U.S.S. Liberty. As far as this writer can ascertain, no newsman put up a squawk concerning the public's right to know more about Israel's attack on the American ship. Newsmen who went to great efforts and traveled long distances to get seats at the Pueblo hearings would rather not complain about the secret LIBERTY hearings in London.

According to Mr. Kilpatrick's National Review article, the Court of Inquiry developed evidence "that the Israeli armed forces had ample opportunity to identify Liberty correctly," but the Court "had insufficient information before it to make a judgment on the reasons for the decision by Israeli aircraft and motor torpedo boats to attack." Of course, the Court did not know of the secret agreement between Israel and the United States concerning the Israeli-coveted Arab lands and the CIA and the NSA were not about to tell it. Without this knowledge the Court had no way of knowing the true purpose behind the Liberty mission; and without knowing that purpose, the Court had no way of knowing that Liberty's intelligence had discovered Israel's violation of a top secret agreement. (Three civilian communications experts manned the Liberty's "inner sanctum" which housed the electronic communications gear and not even Commander McGonagle was allowed into those quarters of the ship.) It is doubtful if the Court's Convening Authority, Admiral John S. McCain, Jr., knew why the Court hearings were ordered to be held in secret, though he may have suspected it had something to do with the government's fear of public reaction to an act of infamy. But the government need not have worried about that reaction; even if the London Court hearings had been public--the American news media would have seen to that.

Anthony Pearson reported in his Penthouse (June 1976) article that out of secret hearings that Congress held on the Liberty affair, a leak revealed that two of the Israeli planes that had attacked the Liberty were piloted by Americans--ex-navy pilots--who had immigrated to Israel. Since the hearings were secret, this leak could be neither publicly confirmed nor disproved. Now the news media have been notorious co-operators with leak purveyors, but this leak about ex-U.S. navy pilots attacking the U.S.S. Liberty while flying for Israel was one leak that the news media definitely did not want to broadcast! And they did not, as far as this writer can determine. Again, it may be observed that for the same reason that some legislative staff employees keep their Jewishness in mind when working on Capitol Hill, it is apparent that some journalists keep their Jewishness in mind when reporting, or not reporting, the news. Biased news reporting--especially with regard to the Arab-Israeli Conflict or other areas of Jewish interests--reflects the basic philosophy of a handful of men who control the broadcast media and who ultimately influence the news judgments of their paid editors and producers.

The State of Israel called its attack on the Liberty "a mistake" and paid a paltry total indemnity of $6.9 million to Liberty's crew casualties and family survivors, but only after an international law suit was filed against Israel in the World Court at The Hague by family members of the crew (Hatonn: And, of course, you American taxpayers put up the funds to pay the "fine"). Israeli aircraft had reconnoitered the Liberty for five hours before attacking her. If the attack were truly "a mistake," it was a mistake that took the Israelis five hours to decide to make. It was also "a mistake" for which no one in Israel ever stood trial. Zionist Israel faced the dilemma of investigating a case of jet pilots and torpedo boat commanders who obviously had not acted on their own in a decision to attack an American naval vessel. A public and thorough investigation of the facts in this case would have opened a bag of worms that even Israel could not have stomached. So nothing was done that could have led to a court-martial or trial of anyone.

The writer has just learned (1977) that the American Palestine Committee has obtained, under the Freedom of Information Act, the Court of Inquiry documents covering the 1967 Liberty case. The United States Navy file, now mostly declassified, "...contains numerous photographs of Israeli planes and torpedo boats attacking the ship while it was plainly flying a huge 13-foot American flag (in clear weather). There is also testimony that the attackers engaged in ‘jamming' to prevent the ship's calls for help from reaching the U.S. Sixth Fleet." Since the United States State Department has not yet declassified its files on the Liberty tragedy, The American Palestine Committee has stated its intention "...to pursue the matter until we have all the answers." (Hatonn: More wishful thinking, especially in more current times--the Freedom of Information Act provides you with NOTHING. You cannot get information not wished for you to have under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. This is one of the best clues to truth or lies. If "secret" and "top-secret" files are revealed under this act, i.e. MJ-12 U.F.O. material, etc. is legible--it is false! YOU CANNOT GET ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS FROM THE GOVERNMENT!) For further developments on the Liberty the concerned reader should contact The American Palestine Committee and should also write his congressman urging a full and open congressional hearing on the case. (Hatonn: Case in point--how many of you in the interim 19 years have heard of any inquiry into this matter? I thought not! I can further tell you that a lot of the disclosers of information regarding Zionists' activities and cover-ups etc, are DEAD--i.e. Jack Bernstein, whom we quoted only a few days past in THE LIFE OF AN AMERICAN JEW IN RACIST MARXIST ISRAEL. And, of course, John King, Sr., and on and on goes the list. The ones remaining alive have come within our circle of protection where we can literally protect (shield) them from the pulse beams and barrage of everything from chemical to biological introduction within their systems. I remind you that you are dealing with the "big bad boy" himself and you actually have only ONE protection--God of Holy Light.)

Incidentally, the Liberty's captain, Commander William L. McGonagle, was recommended for his country's highest award for service above and beyond the call of duty and his crew was recommended for presidential citations. Commander McGonagle received his Congressional Medal of Honor and the Liberty's crew (those that survived) received their presidential citations. (Hatonn: Does it not remind you of the passing out of "medals" to the survivors of the Panama "invasion"?)

In contrast to all the publicity given the Pueblo case, there were no car bumper stickers traversing the country exhorting the people to "Remember the Liberty." As far as the American people at large were concerned these brave men may as well have received their country's highest honors anonymously--thanks to the American news media which tippy-toed through the whole Liberty affair knowing that keeping the American public uninformed would be in Israel's best interest.

(Hatonn: We covered this story quite thoroughly in SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET, I believe was the title--out of some 25 Journals now, I too, get a bit forgetful of singular contents. An important point I must make again herein, however, is that the men, following the incident--were forbidden under sentence of death ‘from your government' from divulging information regarding the Liberty!)


* * * * * * * *
I only have one more point of immediate attention to point out to you. You will all be having access to "Nostradamus" via television during the next few weeks--it aired in Southern California last evening. It is changed from a two-hour motion picture featuring Orson Welles in an hour's propaganda hosted by Charlton Heston. It is a direct updating to give you the viewers the DIRECT PERCEPTION that Saddam Hussein is the ANTI-CHRIST. This is a ploy to distract you from the fact that the State of Israel and the Zionist KHAZARS are the ANTI-CHRIST. I suggest you be most discerning in your value judgments for this is leaving you with perception which is total lie. The FACT THAT THE PROGRAM IS BEING AIRED RIGHT NOW AT THE TIME OF HOLY CELEBRATIONS OF ONE SORT AND ANOTHER--PROVES TO YOU THAT THAT WHICH WE ARE GIVING YOU IS INDEED, TRUTH! BE CAUTIOUS INDEED LEST YOU BE SUCKED EVEN MORE DEEPLY INTO THE DECEPTION. SAALOME'


Allow us closure of this segment for I need your presence elsewhere. Thank you for your service. God is ever in your presence--so I trust ye shall keep of it in mind in your every action, thought and deed. So be it.

Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr.

To clear, please.