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  1. #13
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 25
    CHAPTER 23
    SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1991 9:02 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 198
    Hatonn present and ready for a great deal of work this day--thank you for I must ask of you to do a lot of very tedious scribing.

    If you get hung-up on this massacre in the Middle East you are going to miss the other segments of preparation which continues World War III! I cannot, in Earth timing, get all the facets of information unto you and also give historic input which, if you have it not, simply brings denial, discarding of the Journals and ignorance is sustained. Things are NOT as they were given unto you from onset of historical tom-foolery. For instance, and this will be especially important to you ones who have read CURSE OF CANAAN and a few other documents--you will find that "Samjaza" is referred to as Satan. And so it is. Just as JUDAS ISCARIOTH is a total misrepresentation of the betrayer of Jmmanuel (Jesus) who was actually one labeled JUDA IHARIOTH--so are names changed "very, very slightly" in order to deceive you. Samjaza (Satan) is NOT Semjasa the heavenly son and guardian angel of God, the great ruler of those who traveled from afar through the space of the universe and from whom springs the lineage of the entity you would recognize as Adam.

    We are dealing with such deadly information that mere unfoldment of same is overwhelming to you who have been taught and misled, lied to and misled, and flat mis-disinformaton fed until we hardly know where to start in setting the records to correct.

    I know not how to get you to read that which is already beautifully done and is the most accurate history of the demonic descension unto Earth that has been compiled and documented to tiny details, THE CURSE OF CANAAN, Eustace Mullins. You will find a revelation beyond that which is credible to your "blown minds". Now, you can either get that book and read it--beautifully done--or you are going to sit and read it verbatim through my scribe--it contains the most important information on your planet. However, as with "Samjaza/Semjasa", I cannot just allow misinterpretations to remain unchallenged for you are going to end up seeing a wrong scenario from onset and conclusions will be ill-drawn. Biblical stories were written in such a way and then twisted to allow for misinterpretation to the extent that you will simply be discouraged and totally confused. Darkness will always deceive--it is their very creed and vow--and just as a good warrior, they have deceived until you accept the writings for face value--or less; you listen to a speaker and know not anything first hand. If I had the most wondrous gift of all, it would be that you would sit with these documents, the Bible, the Cabal, Talmud, etc., and the true historical research documents and compare them word for word--YOU HAVE BEEN LIED TO FROM THE BEGINNING BY THOSE WHO "ARE LIARS FROM THE BEGINNING!"

    In most cases in the English translations the deceit is not going to be as easy to see as is Samjaza/Semjasa or Satan/Sananda. These are set from the start to deceive you into the wrong path. Then, following mispresentation, the Orders of Darkness go into "SECRET" AND HIDDEN ACTIVITIES AND YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO KNOW TRUTH--but rather, finally accept that which you are told. Worse, millions come into the "Orders" and NEVER know that they are not of God. The trick is to get the Elite who would dominate--train them--and the rest of you simply do that which THEY tell you to do. For instance, if you join the Masonic Order you will end up with a pass-word recognized by all Masons, TUBAL CAIN.

    Cain celebrated the first "Black Mass", or Satanic Mass, on earth--therefore, you might now assume that Cain is a pretty nasty character. Now where do you find the use of "Cain" most utilized today? In the order of Freemasonry. No, I didn't say that all Masons are evil--why don't we look at history and Truth and stop the bigoted defense of one's false knowledge? IT IS THAT WHICH YOU DO NOT KNOW THAT IS DESTROYING YOU AS A SPECIES OF GODLY BEINGS. ALL "SECRET" SOCIETIES ARE NOT OF GOD OF DIVINE TRUTH AND LIGHT. And we can show you as much if you simply read and research the literature available unto you--including those Holy Books you tout and flash at me in almost continual flag-waving--perceiving that which you say is of God Lighted, when, in fact, it is fabricated and pronounced upon you and unto you by Satan HIMSELF through his offspring on your planet. Few, including ME, SANANDA "JESUS", AND GOD ON HIGH, expect you to know this information--THAT is precisely why we are unfolding it for your enlightened consumption. Oh, a great number of you will not believe it at any rate--FOR YOU DO NOT WISH TO CHANGE ATTITUDES, ACTIONS NOR OPINIONS. THAT, however, changes NOT ONE IOTA of the facts.

    I did not--nor do I care about--write nor sanction the rules of the Masons. I DO HOWEVER, KNOW ABOUT CAIN! And, the name of Cain survives today in Freemasonry in two forms, which are integral to the most crucial tenets of this association. First of all, murder, the threat of murder, and the constant re-enactment in one form or another, of murder--are basic to the most important Masonic rituals--simply look at them again, if you are a Mason, with a little imagination and truth. Thus a direct link to the first murderer, Cain, is established through the rituals. Now, you modern Masons will say about this proclamation that all this is total bunk and that the pledges, etc., that we recite don't REALLY MEAN this or that--oh YES THEY DO! You are just told they don't and further, MOST OF YOU would not participate if they did so. So, habits are formed and careful attention is paid as to WHO will know truth and who will be excluded from the true inner-sanctum. The Society worships Satan while you-the-member thinks you are worshiping goodness and light. I ask especially that you members think about a few things and "words" as I outlay just a brief description herein.

    Speaking of murder (above)--which it, of course, is not actually called except in the Mafia/Cosa Nostra organizations based on Freemasonry rituals--has a direct link to the first murderer, Cain, and is established by the rituals. The importance of the Cain legend to Freemasonry is also revealed by the fact that Cain slew his brother. IF YOU ARE ASKED TO ACT AGAINST YOUR OWN BROTHER IN BEHALF OF A FELLOW-MASON, YOU MUST DO SO, UNDER PAIN OF DEATH. Now, let us take that a bit further into the "humor" of the court system wherein almost all lawyers and judges are Masons! Guess what--you are going to get a much more impressive hearing if you flash a Masonic emblem or ring and wear your Fez to court. There are many instances where a man (non-Mason) who was pursuing a lawsuit against a Mason was astounded to have his own brother, who would be a Mason, come into court and commit perjury against him to help his brother Mason. This custom survives in other organizations to an even higher degree, i.e. La Cosa Nostra, wherein leaders often request a member to actually murder a close relative upon whom the death sentence has been passed, as the ultimate test of his loyalty.

    The name of Cain also survives in a second important element of Freemasonry--THAT SECRET PASSWORD--"Tubal Cain". Tubal Cain, a descendant of Cain, was the son of Lamech, the father of Noah, who had two wives, Adah and Zillah. "Zillah bore Tubal Cain; he was the forger of all instruments of bronze and iron. The sister of Tubal Cain was Naamah" (Genesis 4:22) (Sorry about that!). Naamah's revelries with her blood relative, Ham, resulted in the actual "curse" of Canaan; she is recorded, also, as the person who brought human sacrifice and cannibalism (a word derived directly from "Cain" and "cabala", or kaballa (ouch!)) into the world. Tubal Cain, grandson of Methosalah by Lamech, was the line of Cain, hence his name. He is known as the father of witchcraft and sorcery, hence his importance to Freemasonry and their use of his name as their password.

    Wait up--I have only just begun and so have you, Brothers seeking Truth and Light. For this wild bunch of the roost became the Khazars who decided to call themselves "Jews" and the true "anti-Semite" is in fact the "Jew" himself!

    Now, how could that be? Well, I am trying to whet your appetite for MORE information; for it is fascinating to see how the deceiving came to pass. You see, the "good guys" were the ones who descended from Shem, who were highly creative and productive--THEY WERE KNOWN AS SEMITES. On the opposing side were the "cursed Canaanites", who historically were the anti-Semites, the foes of the tall, fair-haired and blue-eyed descendants of that one, Shem. But the Semites were also recognized as great warriors and they very deftly defeated the Canaanites in every conflict and military encounter--they usually waited until attacked, however, they very often just drove the Canaanites right out of the territory according to the "instructions of God" which they interpreted as meaning to destroy them utterly. But, those "anti-Semites" had great staying power; when driven out of one country, they appeared in another to continue their same type of corruption and betrayal--very flexible, deceitful and willing to corrupt everything and everyone.

    While the nice Semites were busily establishing one great empire after another, Asshur's building the Assyrian Empire, Cyrus the Great building the Persian Empire, and Shem himself creating the great Egyptian civilization, the anti-Semites were developing their own talents. These lovely talents included a great talent for trade and commerce, for travel, for making themselves at home in any country, and among any race of people--and ultimately taking over. Generally, they established their trading colonies along the seacoasts, for they lacked the courage to venture into the great wildernesses of Europe, where the Semites always made themselves at home. They always took that which was established and absorbed and merged within it. The Canaanites always remained true to the precepts of the Will of Canaan; they were (and still are) true to EACH OTHER, REGARDLESS OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES; they are constant in their love of robbery even if they have to distort and corrupt the laws into their own favoring, their love of lewdness, and their hatred of the masters, that is, anyone who tried, or tries, to interfere with their corrupt way of life. They always refused to tell the truth and do, in fact, annually take a vow called Kol Nidre (All Vows) at the time of "Atonement" which says that "all vows taken are null and void according to this vow". In other words: annually the vow is reaffirmed that "all vows are invalid". THEY DID AND DO, REFUSE TO TELL THE TRUTH EVEN IF IT WOULD BETTER SERVE THEIR CAUSE AND YOU CAN SEE IT IN ACTION IN EVERY COURTROOM IN THE NATIONS. (Go back and refer to the "PROTOCOLS".) By remaining loyal to these unchanged precepts, the anti-Semites had at their disposal vital weapons for their war against the people of Shem.

    The "Shemites", on the other hand, being fiercely individualistic never hesitated to pit their empires against each other, or even family against family, their overweening pride always taking precedence before any racial or historical imperative. Now, didn't you just have a whole bunch of dastardly personages? Ah yes, I believe you see that we all have a great many blunders to set to correct to come again into total perfection of Godliness--whichever path you trudged. These overzealous Shemites (Semites) went about "crusading" and remained invincible for hundreds of years. Meanwhile and simultaneously, the anti-Semites were busily expanding trade routes, and amassing their profits from trade (and to this day, the British aristocracy professes total disdain for anyone who sullies his hands with trade, this being from the ancient prejudice against the Canaanites); with these profits, they eventually became BANKERS TO THE WORLD! (IMPORTANT!!).

    While these Semite (later "Christian") crusaders went about crusading and opening up trade routes throughout the known world, they also opened up new avenues for graft and corruption. The Canaanites cleaned up during the Crusades and they amassed ever greater profits from each adventure.

    When the "Christian Knights" departed for the Crusades, dedicating themselves to the service of Christ (God forbid)--dead or alive--the Canaanites, who stayed prudently at home awaiting opportunity to knock--recognized it when it did and perfected various schemes to rob the knights of their money and property while they were away "protecting freedom for all and goodness and light whether anyone wanted it or not".

    Strange things always happen in the middle of Crusades and wars and hence it held true back then, also. Some of those Crusaders found shelter and protections at the hands of the Teutonic Knights, who were engaged in looking up the frauds perpetrated by the rapacious MONKS and CLERGY, who had forged title deeds and mortgages upon lands and property of absent Crusaders or those who had fallen in defense of the Cross in the Holy Land (oh, pain and agony). Time for reflection and study of the causes of the Crusades at home and abroad, when it is the scum of Europe settled upon its dregs and the best people had been almost entirely obliterated from the face of the continent--and now it is under way again! The rapacity of the popes and clergy down to the lowest monks was appalling to those self-sacrificing, stalwart warriors of the Cross, who had returned and found utter strangers in the places and homes of their kindred, and upon investigation it was discovered that frauds, forgeries of title deeds, and confiscations under pretexts of heresy had despoiled their kindred, and the meagre few who had survived were beggars upon the highways and lanes, perishing as tramps by the wayside.

    The Knights of the Teutonic Order built the city of Riga in Latvia in 1201; they conquered Estonia in 1220. They conquered Prussia in 1293, establishing a military tradition there which ended only after World War II. Although they were disbanded in 1809, the Teutonic Knights remained the inspiration of the GERMAN MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT which guided Germany through two World Wars. It was Hitler himself who wrote "finis" to their proud traditions, when he concluded the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in 1939. Ah, hold up, the plot thickens up herein - - - -

    Not only did that pact cede the nations of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, the ancient strongholds of the Teutonic Order, to the COMMUNISTS or Canaanites, but subsequently, all of the great estates of the last heirs of the Prussian tradition, the last survivors of the Teutonic Order, fell into the hands of the onrushing Soviet hordes.

    Confused? It all becomes simplistic--the "Semites" are REALLY the "anti- Semites" or Canaanites, the heirs of the Curse of Canaan, whose corrupt acts are dictated by the Will of Canaan; the true Semites are the fair-haired warriors who built one great civilization after another. Then how do you recognize these various forces in today's world? "BY THEIR DEEDS YE SHALL KNOW THEM". Those who are engaged in murderous conspiracies, those whose only loyalty is to secret international organizations, those who promote the use of drugs, bizarre sexual practices, loose morals, and criminal undertakings, in short, those who continue the rebellion against God, these are the Canaanites, the anti-Semites. So, in a great surprise of thought-controlled turn-around the very ones who remain true to the Christ path are the "Semites". Despite great and horrendous calamities and the sweep of powerful historical forces, the genetic pools of the original people of Shem, as well as those of Cain, the Canaanites, remain fairly consistent.

    How do you recognize the one group from the other? You should have no problem in looking about and deciding who are the true descendants of Shem. They are often represented (but of course, as race/color enters the picture the outline is a bit clouded)--but, for brevity, you will often find fair-haired, fair-skinned, predominantly blue-eyed, (simply from genetic lineage so don't get crazy) healthy, productive, proud, disdaining to engage in any dishonest activity, and always fiercely individualistic--these are the people who remain true to the tradition of the people of Shem.

    The Canaanites, on the other hand, are generally shorter, darker, more furtive, and almost always are engaged in some type of criminal, underhanded or semi-criminal activity, usually with special government approval or license.

    The writer Roget equates "license" with "anarchy, interregnum, mob rule, mob law, lynch law, nihilism, reign of violence", in other words, the acts of the Canaanites; yet in your United States today, you have imposed (accepted) on the citizens requirements for "license" to do many of the things free men would not be licensed to do; to drive or own a car, to engage in a profession, and many other intrusions into the individuality of the people of Shem. "License", which does NOT appear in the Constitution written by and for the people of Shem, means setting up requirements that only the Canaanites can meet, or license which only the secret clubs of the Canaanites will grant to their own; no others need apply.

    This is the cohesiveness required by the Will of Canaan in everything they do, socialistic and communistic, the individual submerged in the mass, and committed to conspiratorial social and business practices. They are also frequently involved, or advocating freedom of, all sorts of extra-curricular sexual activities which can be traced directly back to the orgies of old Baal, human sacrifice, and obscene sexual rites. AT THE SAME TIME, THESE "ANTI-SEMITES" WILL GO TO GREAT LENGTHS TO CONCEAL THEIR TRUE IDENTITY AND THEIR REAL LOYALTIES.

    Now hold your breath--they are often to be found in communities as the leaders and in activities advertised to the populace as "compassionate" and "caring"; they are often to be found in government offices, in the media, and in the educational institutions. In these areas, they ruthlessly promote the interests of their own kind, while presenting a solid wall of opposition to any one of the individualistic descendants of Shem who enter these professions.

    The great asset of the Canaanites (Khazars, Self-styled so-called Jews, Zionists) is that the people of Shem (others) have no idea what is going on; they rarely find success in a profession despite their great natural talents and appetite for hard work. Throughout their careers, they are oppressed and "luck" seems to pass them by more readily--worse, the harder these ones strive to bring goodness and Truth--the worse they fare.

    TIME GROWETH SHORT INDEED! History will not allow the people of Shem additional centuries, or even many more decades, to come into their (your) senses and realize just what is and has been going on. Just as they have been victims of massacre and genocide for centuries, the people of Shem now face the determination of the Zionist Canaanites to exterminate them utterly and finally, a goal which they hope to achieve BY THE YEAR 2,000--THE END OF THIS MILLENNIUM AND THE PLAN IS IN PLACE AND UNWINDING "RIGHT ON SCHEDULE". Oops--Hatonn said it again!

    Lighten up? Let us then turn to speaking of the Kremlin and those old Khazars. Boring, boring. You simply cannot understand current events without knowing about the past seven-plus decades of struggle for control of the Kremlin. But that struggle in turn is part of an even bigger historical picture. What you are witnessing today is the climax of a war of more than a thousand years between the two most bitter enemies on earth. It is the war between RUSSIA and "those old KHAZARS".

    Little refresher: The kingdom of the Khazars vanished from the map of the world many centuries ago. Where did it go?

    The Khazars were the Canaanites--and the Canaanites re-labeled themselves Phoenicians and later, Venetians and sort of intentionally "lost themselves" as they pronounced themselves followers of Judaism and later---IN THE 18TH CENTURY--someone called them "Jews". The Canaanite political parties were the Pharisees, Sadducees, Zealots, Sessions, Assassins, Herodians, and Scribes. A later group, the Edomites, descended from Esau and later intermarried with the Turks, producing a Turco-Edomite mixture WHICH LATER BECAME KNOWN AS THE CHAZARS (KHAZARS), THE PRESENT OCCUPANTS OF ISRAEL (FORMERLY PALESTINE). Ah so - - - -?

    The Canaanites were divided into the Amorites, Hittites, Moabites, Midianites, Philistines, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians, Sepharvaims, Perizzites, and affiliated tribes, all of which are routinely denounced in that Good-book you call the Bible--right from "Genesis" on through. Isn't this fun?

    Today, except from a few of us "mouths", most people have never even heard of the Khazars, yet, in its day, the Khazar kingdom was a MAJOR power indeed, holding sway over a large empire of subjugated peoples. It had to be reckoned with by the two neighboring superpowers of that day. To the south and west of Khazaria the Byzantine Empire was in full flower with its Eastern Orthodox Christian civilization. To the southeast, the Khazar kingdom bordered on the expanding Moslem Empire of the Arab Caliphs. The Khazars influenced the histories of both of these other empires but, far more importantly, the Khazar kingdom occupied what was later to become a southern portion of Russia between the Black and Caspian Seas. As a result, the historical destinies of the Russian and the Khazars became intertwined in ways which have persisted down to the present day.

    History records that the Khazars were derived from a mixture of Mongols, Turks, and Nordics (Finns). As early as the 3rd Century, the Khazars were among the devastating hordes of Attila, the Hun. Around 550 A.D., the nomadic Khazars began settling themselves in the area around the northern Caucuses between the Black and Caspian Seas. The Khazar capital of Itil was established at the mouth of the Volga River where it emptied into the Caspian, in order to control the river traffic. The Khazars then exacted a toll of 10% on any and all cargo which passed Itil on the River. Those who refused were simply wiped out.

    With their kingdom firmly established in the Caucuses, the Khazars gradually began to create an empire of subjugated peoples. More and more Slavonic tribes, who were peaceful compared to the Khazars, were attacked and conquered. They became parts of the Khazar Empire, required to pay tribute continually to the Khazar kingdom. Tribute by conquered peoples has always been a feature of empires, of course, but not in the fashion of Khazars. The so-called "great empires" of the world always gave something in return for the tribute they exacted. Rome, for example, made citizens of those they conquered; and in return for the taxes they levied, they brought civilization, order and protection against attack from would-be invaders. But not so in the Khazar Empire. The peoples who were subject to the Khazars received only one thing in return for their payments of tribute, and that was a very shaky promise: the Khazars would refrain from further attacks and pillage so long as the tributes were paid. I think you might note that ones just recently "agreed to hold off retaliation in exchange for a whole bunch of money from you nice people who pay taxes". Now they have taken the "Vow" to be the ones to take-out Saddam for the world--through terroristic murder and they pronounce it right through the very lips of your Congressman, Solarz--you ones had better get those heads cleared and eyes opened.

    The subjects of the Khazar Empire, therefore, were nothing more than the victims of the giant protection racket. The Khazar overlords were therefore resented universally and bitterly throughout their domain, but they were also feared because of the merciless way in which they dealt with anyone who stood up to them. And so the Khazar Empire expanded until it occupied large areas of what is now Russia and southeastern Europe. By the 8th Century, the Khazar Empire extended northward to Kiev and westward to include the Magyars, the ancestors of modern Hungary.

    Let us have a break, for this is indeed tedious writing and I ask that all study it very intently for there are so many threads to unweave.

    Now, I have been swamped by inquiries as to what happened to the weapons, etc., of Saddam Hussein. And, "...what would Saddam perceive he did wrong?" In reverse order--he would, today, have instantly loosed the heavy-duty weapons and created massive destruction head-on and up-front. The horrendous weapons are being contained in security and some are and have been--and will be--moved to the super-power protection of the Soviets. YOU HAVE HARDLY EVEN BEGUN THIS MOTHER OF ALL WARS. THERE ARE MANY WAYS TO GO TO WAR AND THE ZIONISTS PLAN TO RULE YOUR WORLD SO YOU CAN KNOW THAT YOU ARE HARDLY BEGUN.


    Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr.

    PJ 25
    CHAPTER 24
    SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 1991 9:05 A M YEAR 4, DAY 199
    Let us commune, chela, for your heart is indeed heavy and the impact of the adversary great. This is something which should please be shared with the coworkers--both for their own self-security and explanation of differences of work loads.

    The massive attack continues to be directed at you, Dharma, for several reasons which I may as well give you for you are seeing the truth and you must face it clearly in consciousness, also. If you had, say, diagnosed "terminal" cancer--you would perceive the possibility of death of the body and yet, hopefully, continue to function and heal of self. You see that at some point herein there can be such an attack on you with these pulse beams which are coming almost daily and in far greater impact than prior to now that there may come a time when revival is not possible. I can only tell you, precious, that were that a possibility, the attacks would not stop even if you stopped the revelations as given by me. I witness nothing other than relief at the possibility of transition so that is not the problem--as with truth-bringers of all times, the continuation of journey in the face of the adversaries is the difficult portion. Also the responsibility to those who experience as a part of your very work and being is impacted so very greatly--so escape becomes out of the question--therefore, we keep on keeping on for as long as is required--which in this instance of historical outfolding--will continue right on into the reaches of the Cosmos--for we represent the teachers of the ancients and, always, we will be the ones with higher knowledge and responsibility to bring truth unto whichever dimension we might find ourselves.

    For you who ponder the contents of this message--I shall give brief explanation. Within the week we have written that which is equivalent to over half a Journal--only to have the computer tampered and the circuits interrupted and all of the work lost to the entire system--gone--and the time irretrievable. Each time this happens there is such an energy instant shift that the impact causes great interruption in the heart rhythm and the pulse impact within the dwelling is incredible at all times. Worse yet, the "homing pulse transmitters" are inadvertently exchanged and brought in from outside sources in total ignorance. They, however, are short-lived for as we locate them we can neutralize them. They are, to this point, set to personal frequency impact on Dharma and thus far, all others within the spaces are quite safe as there has been, to this point, no need to actually remove anyone else.

    There are others now writing and bringing forth wondrous truth and instructions--but they are bringing forth that which is considered, on your place, undocumented spiritual input to humanity which will be totally discarded if the work and information we are bringing forth can be stopped or brought into discredit. This is an entirely different type of exposure.

    Let me example that which happens when you have a good scribe/receiver of truth whereby a great following is attached. Let us use the newly Guruized Swami Paramananda Saraswatti. Who is that? Well, it is your old friend Penny Torres-Rubin and I believe you might find great interest in the newly outlaid sur-name. Was Penny/Mafu credible? I am not here to comment on such as that--but you had better look very closely at ones coming into a gifted situation and turning it into a circus--having been "ordained a Hindu monk last year in India". Now The Foundation for Self-Realization Beyond the Human Potential announced last week that it is buying a 40-acre "Camp Dove" from Faith Tabernacle, Inc., changing its name to "PARAMANTMAN DHARMA" meaning "the way of the supreme spirit".

    ‘HER' (whatever happened to good old Mafu?) group "...needed a place to hold retreats, etc., for its many followers after Jackson County turned down petitions to develop residential property outside Eagle Point," Saraswatti said.

    She said she realized her group could be seen by outsiders as another Rajneeshpuram, the city built by followers of Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh that overwhelmed the little town of Antelope in Eastern Oregon.

    "We are not disciples of Rajneeshes but do place some credit on his work," she said.

    Saraswatti said she was raised in the Catholic church and most of her followers came from conventional religions.

    "We are an organization of nondenominational spiritual beliefs," said Saraswatti.

    For you who can't wait to join a "commune" and follow a 31 year-old duped "NEW AGE" servant of Gurued nonsense--you will find them setting up shop in ASHLAND, OREGON--in their million dollar-plus additional millions land acquisition. May Holy God of Light have mercy upon the deceived for they cannot know that which they do and worse, project on ones who blindly follow into no-God's of Light Land.

    To Wally G., my most beloved friend and brother, I am sorry to unfold this for at one time you queried me most hard on why I did not follow Penny's path and have Dharma dance about and have a bit more theatrics! Wally traveled with this person and filmed, etc. PLEASE HEAR MY PETITION, MAN OF EARTH--IT WILL BE TRUTH WHICH SHALL SET YE FROM YOUR BONDS--NOT SWAMI PARAMANDA SARASWATTIS. AND IT SHALL BE THROUGH THE GRACE OF LIGHTED CREATOR GOD WHO SHALL DEMAND YOU COME INTO CHRISTED PATH OF GOODNESS IN TOTAL SIMPLICITY THROUGH OPEN UNDERSTANDING--THROUGH SIMPLE OUTLAY OF TRUTH AND CASTING ASIDE OF ALL GURU SWAMI SELF-ACCLAIMED PROFESSORS.

    For you who continue to ask me about "my brothers" Mafu and Ramtha, Lazarus and others--may you please accept the above as my response--and YOU shall have to discern for I shall give no more time to the debate. God and Christed energies of the Higher Realms, along with the Hosts sent as revealers of Truth are quite sufficient. Note that all of these self-proclaimed truth-bringers do bring Truth--always enough to hook you and then sink you! The evil element has no mercy when it comes to the destruction of the unseeing servant.

    Further, for those who continue to query me regarding Adamsky and other projectors of Spacecraft interchange from Adamsky to Lobsang Rampa--please use your own discernment--for I have no intentions of side-tracking into personalized interpretations of that which is almost ALL junk and fabrication. Have there been sightings? Indeed there have! Have there been contacts? Indeed there have--but when the impact in any portion begins to "show through" in dress, in proclaimed "authority" from the human's mouth--be highly suspicious. You have enough problems to clear from the pathway home to God without piddling around in "stuff" of delusion and/or illusion.

    I am not come to judge--I am come to outlay Truth of that which IS and give assistance in areas wherein you can help self to function and come into that Truth. Mine is not to play games with "someone's special Sananda" or alien space-cadet. I will meet personally in public grouping with any energy form who will confront me through his/her speaker. I can guarantee you that the take-ups of that offer will be few indeed--from and Anka to Torres and JZ. These ones not only will not confront me--they now, as in the case of Knight, refuse to even allow the Journals or Expresses in their bookstore or gatherings-----what might that tell you perceptive ones?

    We bring no trinkets of "golden rams' heads" nor retreats to balance the "inner self and open chakras"--we give you Ttruth and a way in which to deal with that Truth to the best of our ability in your given Earth-bound situations--NO MORE AND NO LESS! I serve as your friend and brother higher-universal-Man in a Commander's "jumpsuit"--right beside Jesus Christ--in a Commander's jumpsuit--and we both serve the HIGHER SOURCE--GOD OF LIGHT CREATOR/CREATION--no more and no less. We will give you, hopefully, methods which will be most earthly in possible ways of working "through" this system in order to better find your own way back into service and intent of God. Our offerings are not to make anything save building a transition point for any who would participate and allow salvaging that which you have, to the best possible advantage, while the Elite make their continuing and constant police-enforced methods to deprive you and strip you of all assets--in this thing constantly thrown at us--"Caesar's world". Funny thing about those who disclaim "Caesar's" as being evil on our part to share with you ones of God's world--which is everything there is in Creation. They are the very first to attack and then follow the instructions to try and bypass us and outsmart the sharing. We offer that which we see that can buffer to some extent even the things of worldly acquisition for it also requires that type of asset-management to get the remnant through, doesn't it?

    Ours is a commission to bring you Truth of how you have come to be in your present negative circumstances and uncover that which is deceit and of evil origins. Note I do not say "satan's origin" for "satan" is a simple descriptive word which only means "adversary"--therefore God can well be concluded to be satanic--for all things evil are those things which cause God to be the adversary thereof! Consequently I, Hatonn, am most certainly satanic--I am an adversary of almost everything happening and all those in power and intended upon your destruction upon your placement.

    God produced a "lighted star ‘light'" in a wondrous and perfect form who turned out to be a most disagreeable and horrid energy--YOU and your Biblical translators called him Lucifer and later when he got his rear-end booted out of the Heavenly (meaning only "high places" and places of Holy God's (Creator) place of power and authority--the highest authority) your deceivers got even more clever and deceitful and labeled him Satan (which means nothing more in translation than "adversary") and you made him some sort of super "fallen angel". This "evil god" actually exists only in the bemused minds of victims of religious brainwashing. Human is the "satan of Holy God" (adversary of Holy God) and "devils" really do walk the earth today, just as in the time of King David. They are no longer "spooks" for they have taken the form of physical beings--like you, and Bush, and Kissinger, and Bakker, and Baker, etc. The adversary of Truth infects and bloats and then condemns the bearer of his energy presence. They are human indeed, who wipe out a computer program bearing Truth of Godness (goodness) and unfolding of the evil plans to enslave you and capture you into the places of damaged soul forms and prevent your progress from outside the morass of physical density.

    We force not any of you to change a hair of that which you are doing--but I implore and petition you on bended knee to consider that which you choose most carefully.

    Dharma is, for instance, at risk when others are not for we are unfolding the truth of the deceivers from the beginning of taking the Holy Truth and instructions of God for you blessed creations called humanity and unto this very day--and laying it out for all to see. The satans and the devils do not like it very much for this would be their world of horror and hell wherein the desire was to entrap ALL human beings and souls--they have done an incredibly remarkable job, dear ones.

    Ours is to outlay in truth with as few errors, even in wording, as is possible working with your level of knowledge and our use of words for translation--to not form more contradictory input. We are stymied at times for as we use a simple term "Jew" it brings down the house. We are forced to use the term at times, incorrectly, lest there be no definitive meaning other than that which has been drummed and sold into your heads. The satans and devils in human form on your place DO NOT LIKE IT. We are not giving you rules for tiddle-de-winks, beloved ones--we are revealing the secrets of the inner secret societies that have foisted total lies, half-lies and evil power and enslavement upon God's creations and creation. THE SATANS AND DEVILS DO NOT LIKE IT!

    Are we the only ones--today, valid etc.? Hogwash! Of course not, and that is more of the confounded and confounding lie. There are many who have brought forth Truth--very few survive physically, but some do and some succumb to the overload and fear and move away from the service. Often Truth came from one of one generation and as the younger came to take the place of the removed elder--the work is corrupted and thusly portions of the original work, by association, fall in credibility. IT IS A HARD JOB BROTHERS--PLEASE BE KIND. It is a job which can only be accomplished with the direct assistance of Higher Source--please be kind and gentle in your bashing!

    I tell you that we are also trapped into using words such as "Jew" while knowing they are incorrect but they have "assumed" definition and we have naught else which YOU understand to utilize without lengthy discussion and WE ARE RUNNING--------

    (And the computer locked up again. Fortunately Dharma had "saved" frequently so we could recover this much.)

  2. #14
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 25
    CHAPTER 25
    SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 1991 2:00 P. M YEAR 4, DAY 199
    Dharma, we shall simply try again until we outsmart the bugs. For you readers--we just had the computer eat and destroy a portion of the prior writing. Sorry, adversary, we will print it again and again and I hereby suggest you cease and desist for you, sir, are not winning.

    After this break for reprogramming and rebalancing of the scribe we are going right on with the subject at hand and, herein, at the first of a writing is good opportunity to break down definitions which are used constantly--according to the "controlled" meaning as used today through incorrect interpretation and that which is the true meaning of given terms.

    Perhaps this section should also be placed in part at the beginning of all Journals bearing discussion of these points under current revelations. Thank you.


    We will only handle a dozen or so falsely used terms so as not to overload and will add to the dictionary as we move along and find it necessary.

    1. CHURCH
    CM: A building or organization used by Christians (predominantly, so as not be confused with synagogue or temple) to meet together regularly to sing, pray and worship according to denominational doctrines.

    TM: The English word "Church," the Scottish work "Kirk" and the German word "Kirche" all originate from the Greek word "KURIOKOS" which means pertaining to the THE LORD.

    The "Judeo-Christian" (oh pain and agony on us all) use of this word carries with it an enigma that defies all logic and reason. The English Bible translators substituted the word "church" KURIOKOS for the Greek word "ECCLESIA".

    A Christian ECCLESIA is "A CALLED (convoked) CIVIL BODY": a local Christian assembly of elders (Christian Civil Government). The word "church" should not even appear in the English New Testament. It is a mistranslation. "KUROIOKOS" is not "ECCLESIA"! The words are totally different; the institutions are different. No where in the Bible do you find a kuriokos. There is only "the called-out (elect)" ecclesia whichunfortunately was mistranslated into "church", transforming it (in English) from Christian government to superstitious and ritualistic Baal Worship.

    Encyclopedia Britannica, Ninth Edition (1989):
    "In the New Testament, ecclesia, signifying ‘convocation', is the only single word used (translated) for ‘church'. It was the name given to the governmental assembly of the citizens of ATHENS (NOW GREECE), duly convoked (called out) by proper officers, and possessing all political power, including even juridical functions."

    Let us discuss each of these terms in context of examples, please. Jesus the Christ NEVER established a church on earth. Neither did he in "latter" days nor in "former" days. "Churches are man-made organizations that are, in most cases, creations of the "State" laws of incorporation or non-taxable organizations. There are no exceptions I can think of off hand. By following the State rules the President or minister or whoever falls under the official laws of the State and ceases to follow the total instructions of Jesus Christ or God Divine.

    During Jesus' mortal experience he directed his Apostles to establish ecclesias, not churches, among the Israelite people (israel: a people chosen by God and this does not mean even Judean nor Palestinian. It is a description, not the name of a state.) He commissioned them to preach the good news of the Reign (influence) of Christ (ideal type of humanity through right actions, thoughts and deeds). That does not say Jesus or Yeahoo--it says: preach the good news of the influence of the teacher giving forth the ideal type of instructions to humanity! Neither does it say to go forth and give your opinion as to what you desire to believe but project that which was given forth by the Christed teacher (messiah) messenger. ANY TRUE PROPHET OF GOD--knows this and would not sway the meaning nor mistranslate the words chosen for the "modern" translations of truth--GOD DOES NOT MAKE ERRORS IN PROJECTIONS OF DIRECT PROPHETIC DIALOGUE. ESPECIALLY WHEN GIVING FORTH "ORIGINAL" PROJECTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS--A GOOD CLUE AS TO WHERE "YOUR" FAVORITE PREACHER OR PROPHET MIGHT BE CATEGORIZED.

    3. SATAN
    CM: The Arch-Fallen Angel. An evil being so powerful as to rival God himself. Originally he was "perfect" in every way, but his pride led him to organize a heavenly insurrection among the angels in which one-third of "the heavenly host" revolted against God. God managed to retain his throne, and the rebels were banned from heaven and sent to earth. Earth, a lesser dominion than Heaven, became the kingdom of Satan--"the god of this world". He is the cause of all evil upon the earth, leads men astray and causes them to sin against God.

    TM: ANY adversary or opponent! God was a "satan" (adversary) to King David at one point (compare second Sam. 24:1 and first Chron. 21:1). If the English translators had been consistent, Bible readers would have known that an angel of the Lord was "a satan" (adversary) to Balaam (Nu. 22:22). In first Sam. 29:4, Philistines called a Hebrew a "satan" (adversary). The sons of Zeruiah were "satans" (adversaries) to David in second Sam 19:22. David wrote about other "satans" in first Kings 5:4,11:14, 23 & 25; Ps 38:20, 71:13, 109:4, 20, 29. In these scriptures, "adversary" is the same Hebrew word that is translated "Satan" in other passages.

    The super "fallen angel" (Satan) of the churches is an impossible myth. This "evil god" exists only in the minds of victims of religious brainwashing. Human "satans" and "devils" walk the earth today, just as in the time of King David. Fear and preoccupation with spooks make people unable to see their real enemies.

    This "Hebrew" word was never translated into its English equivalent as it should properly have been. The only change the rapists made was to capitalize the first letter, thus attempting to turn it into a name and not a definitive "active verb" word. Any true prophet of God would not place such a word as Satan in one of the original documents for God would not make such a direct error. Further, if the translators had been accurate the word would never appear anywhere in any Bible of any denomination.

    The so-called super "fallen angel" (Satan) of the churches is an impossible myth. This evil "god" exists only in the minds of people that have fallen victim to religious ideologies. Now, I too, have utilized the term from many references for you have conjured up something which does exist in your "REALITY" and therefore, it DOES EXIST. It did not, however, exist and was NOT A PORTION OF ANY ORIGINAL DOCUMENTED INSTRUCTION OF GOD. If the word appears--it has been given new meaning from that originally intended and is a true "EARTH" given word.

    Had that very descriptive word "satan" been correctly translated, the English word "adversary" or "opponent" would have been used in all the places where the word "satan" appears in the Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Talmud and all inclusive of all "so-called" Holy Books of instruction. I am forced to use the terms you utilize in my outlaying of the truth from the lies for you have no other background against which to find relativity and definition.

    4. DEVIL
    CM: Here is a dandy one: Synonymous with "Satan". The supernatural arch-demon who fell from heaven and now, with his legions of demons, reigns over the earth. God's arch-enemy who spoils God's plans for mankind and destroys people by his power over them.

    It is assumed that Man does not have the ability to resist "The Devil". Therefore, you are somehow helpless against his nasty old power--except when God chooses, periodically, to help you fight him. Mankind is generally under the control of this supernatural "spirit-being" who is immortal, omnipresent, and apparently a rival to God Himself.

    Let us look at the BIBLICAL MEANING:

    In the Old Testament this word is found four times--only in the plural (devils). Twice from the Hebrew word "shade", and twice from "saweer".

    1. SHADE: One who rises up against you (with insolence).
    2. SAWEER: A he-goat (related to mythological "satyr"--half man, half goat).

    Neither of these definitions from the Old Testament indicate anything supernatural or angelic. "Shade" simply means someone (anyone) who wants to hurt you. "Saweer" is a reference to a goat-type idol of the pagans.

    The New Testament Greek "devil" is "DIABOLOS": One who "thrusts through" (as with a sword)--no indication of supernatural power.

    (DIA--through, and BOLOS--to thrust.)
    A "diabolos" (a devil) is something, or someone, who intends to hurt or destroy you. A "devil" can be a person, a group, or an organization that seeks your demise. To find a supernatural "devil" in the Scriptures, he must be read in by prejudice and presupposition on the part of translators and readers.

    Therefore, the words "devil" and "Lucifer" are two words the "church" uses falsely and synonymously with "Satan". Neither of the Hebrew words translated devils indicate anything supernatural or angelic.

    In the New Testament the Greek word "diabolos" was translated "devil". Diabolos simply means one who thrusts through (as with a sword). No indication here that you have a supernatural spirit-being. Here again, beloved ones, no true prophet of God would misuse the word "devil" in the way it's used in the Holy Bibles or any "directly given Scriptures" from God on High. I care not what the "church" or "denomination" calls itself. Certainly all are incorrect but translated from the Judeo-Christian in the King James Bible was totally wrong as we shall see in a minute because Judeo-Christian has no meaning as such--these are two mutually exclusive terms and NEVER the twain can meet for they are in opposition one to the other.

    The word "Lucifer" as a proper name is simply not found in the Hebrew or Greek Bibles. That probably shocks a lot of you nice people, since everyone assumes it is, but the fact remains it's not. The Hebrew word translated "Lucifer" in the King James Bible is "heylel" which means "brightness".

    The New World translation uses "shining one", another translation uses "shining star and the Revised Version uses "day star" for the Hebrew word "heylel". I further suggest that probably in Lakota Sioux the term heyoka (a sacred clown) would also fit in there somewhere.

    Lucifer, meaning "light-bringer" is a name given to the planet Venus when it appears above the eastern horizon before sunrise. Venus being now a quite "dead" and ungracious-to-life planet is possibly quite suitably dubbed Lucifer. It is also a term stolen by the dark brotherhood of energy projections that Lucifer and Satan refer themselves as the Prince of Light--and befitting their vow to lie, cheat, steal and corrupt--it sounds better than the Prince of Darkness which is the correct term for the energy forms inhabiting the humans bearing these energies.

    Next, let us look into:

    CM: The religion of Jesus which branched out of Judaism at the time of the early church. Both Christianity and Judaism have the same origins and the same God. (Oh, God forbid!)

    TM: A religion created for the purpose of destroying Christianity by watering down Christian ideals and neutralizing Christians. Also, designed to promote and protect Jews and Judaism in the Zionist sense of definition of those misused and created terms.

    Note: "Judeo-Christianity" is an oxymoron: (a moron dumb as an ox?) No--a word combination of two directly opposite things or ideas which are mutually exclusive as I just stated, thus defying all reason and logic.) Thus you can be sure anyone, any evangelist, any preacher, any monk, Saraswatti or other ill-informed human being using the term as a true term--is not projecting God but rather, ignorance at best, intended deceit at worst, upon your tender ears and/or eyes.

    6. HEAVEN
    MYTHOLOGICAL DEFINITION: A literal place somewhere in outer space where good people go to live when they are dead. The location where Jesus lives until He can return to Earth and rapture a select few people to take back to heaven from somewhere on fluffy clouds. A city is there which has gates literally made of huge one-piece pearls, streets of transparent gold and walls of sapphires, emeralds, topaz, jasper and other precious stones. The devil came from there, got kicked out (which he did), but he cannot go back (which he can't)--nor can anyone in the service thereof.

    CORRECT DEFINITION: Usually plural ("heavens") in the Greek, meaning "high places"--in terms of: 1. Elevation, or 2. Power and authority (jurisdiction). In the Biblical sense it is usually "God's government" (the highest authority); government under Jesus whose purity and righteousness is symbolized by pure and precious stones.

    This term is so tossed around by all the denominations of self-appointed "churches" as to nauseate quite thoroughly. It designates a physical place somewhere "out there" in the outer limits. This is such a false teaching as to even go beyond nausea and into anger. The word "heaven" actually means "high level" as in power and authority (jurisdiction). In that good old King James version of the Bible, the word "heaven" usually refers to God's position of power: His government. In other words, the highest place of rule. No place in the King James Bible does it refer to "heaven" as a physical place the good people ascend to or inhabit after they die.

    in the King James Bible does it refer to "heaven" as a physical place the good people ascend to or inhabit after they die.

    CM: A person or personage of God; either a third person in the Trinity or a third god in a council or godhead. This person is separate from the Father and the Son and has separate and different functions to perform in a believer. In some cases this "third person" can "possess" an individual so that he or she supposedly has no control over actions or words. Sometimes referred to as the "Holy Ghost".

    This one gets us into all sorts of trouble for now even we of Cosmic brotherhood have to explain our use of the triangle points (vortices and interconnectors) of the triangle which we refer to as the "triune" of total connection enclosing the infinite circle of sacred beingness--without beginning and without ending but inclusive of all that IS! In our Command our symbol includes the Phoenix for it is representative of the infinite beginning again (rebirthing) from that of the old ashes of that which WAS. Further it represents the connection of the "winged" or Cosmic brotherhood coming (or sent) forth at this time of renewal and transition in preparation for the coming of the "Greater".

    TM: Holy Spirit is not a separate person or separate "god". The English word "spirit" is translated from the Hebrew Old Testament word "RUWACH" (roo'akh) and from the Greek New Scriptures, the word is "PNEUMA" (panyew'mah). In both cases the words literally mean "AIR IN MOTION" (and in this wondrous day and age--usually "hot air" in a lot of forced motions from between the lips in the lower hole in the face.) Spirit is a desire; a feeling or disposition which compels us to move or act. Holy Spirit is God's wondrous and beautiful motivation in your/our lives and experiences to do "His Will" and obey "Him" according to His laws and those of The Creation. The word "ghost" (Holy Ghost as often used instead of Holy Spirit) comes from the German word "geist", and means a disembodied spirit of a dead person (another myth). It has no appropriate application or association in any manner whatsoever to Scripture.

    This term represents a power; motivation--not some person or singular third party in a triune triangle. It is, however, common for the term to be mistranslated from the Hebrew and Greek words for "Spirit" as Ghost. But most of the time it was translated correctly as "spirit". The word "ghost" comes from "geist" as I said: an old German word- - - -etc.

    8. GENTILE
    CM: Anyone who is not a Jew, and thus a potential "anti-Semite".

    TM: From the Latin word "gentilis", meaning "of the same gens, clan or race". In the Bible, the word "gentile" is a mistranslation of the Old Testament Hebrew word "goy", and the Greek New Testament words "ethnos"--both meaning "NATION OR PEOPLE" (ANY nation or people) and should have been translated as such. It does not mean "non-Jewish!" BUT--YOU BETTER WATCH OUT BECAUSE IN THE "PROTOCOLS OF THE ZIONIST ELDERS OF WISDOM--IT MEANS ANYONE NOT A "ZIONIST ‘JEW'". A modern version and mistranslation to be sure--but a deadly definition, at any rate.

    You can, however, always tell a FALSE prophet by his/her use of this term. This term would not have been in any of the books for it is a mistranslation of the Old Testament Hebrew word "goy". In the New Testament, it comes from the Greek word "ethnos". Both of these words as I said, mean "nation" or "people", (any nation or people) and should have been translated as such--any way you cut it, it DID NOT COME DOWN AS A WORD DIRECTLY FROM GOD ON HIGH--IN THE HEAVENS! It does NOT mean "non-Jewish" as we have to utilize the word for clarity but most churches misuse the term and never realize they have incorrectly spread false teachings. This is a new "media" word to further disinform you. It was planted in the Bible to get a very specific response in this day, my friends.

    CM: Non-essential beliefs, personal eccentricities and inflexible tenets which create differences between churches and destroy fellowship and unity.

    TM: Doctrine is a teaching; a principle; a studied conclusion or position. Sometimes called "dogma" (German for "doctrine"). II Timothy 3:16 says that Scripture is doctrine. Isaiah 29:24 says that the people who are in error will be able to understand the truth when they learn "doctrine".

    There are NO "non-essential" truths! NONE are expendable! None can be discarded or ignored! Truth stated as a principle is doctrine.

    Without doctrine it is impossible to teach or arrive at an opinion. Discernment, judgment and correction would be impossible.

    "Judeo-Christians" sometimes display an "anti-doctrine" attitude: a symptom of ignorance and total confusion. Some claim to have a position "against" doctrine (which is doctrine in itself), or one of neutrality concerning it. This is utter nonsense! Such a position, itself, as I just stated, is a most "absolute" form of projecting "doctrine". An anti-doctrine position exposes an ulterior antipathy for learning and wisdom.

    When a person learns true doctrine and then considers it non-essential and chooses to set it aside, he contracts chronic spiritual blindness of the worst kind. (Try 2 Thess. 2:10-12).

    Unfortunately by misuse of the words, the word "soul" and "immortal soul" get lumped into the chaos of the lies. As used mostly, "immortal soul" is pure heresy. The Hebrew and Greek words translated "soul" in many places in the English Bibles, were correctly translated "life" in many other places. Not too many years ago, friends (in your counting), it was not uncommon to say or read that "so many ‘souls' were lost at sea", naturally, meaning so many "lives" were lost. Therefore, you assume that the soul is always IMMORTAL AND NEVER CAN NOR WILL DIE! WRONG AGAIN! There is a portion of each manifestation which is "soul"; it is the portion of God-self within and therefore will be immortal--UNLESS--the entity remains in a state of intentional "sin" and then, dear ones, that good old Book tells you that "...the soul that sinneth, it shall die". Ez 18:4. Oops! a bit hard to swallow???

    The point of this dissertation is to allow you ones to look squarely at the truth of it--there is no magic blood-sipping in memory, of or flesh-eating in memory of--for it does not commemorate memory of anything a Christed teacher said or did--for Jesus, as you called him--BROKE BREAD AT THE TABLE AND SAID: EAT THIS IN COMMEMORATION OF ME AND POURED WINE AND SAID, DRINK THIS IN COMMEMORATION OF ME. HE NEVER SAID DRINK MY BLOOD AND EAT MY FLESH IN COMMEMORATION OF ANYTHING--THAT IS AN EVIL, "SATANIC" PRACTICE TO CAUSE YOU TO ACT IN BEHALF OF THE ADVERSARY.

    I further tell you that ANY person going through any place of teaching in preparation to minister unto "God's lambs" SHOULD KNOW THESE THINGS--THEREFORE, THE OBVIOUS FACTS ARE THAT IT IS INTENDED THAT NONE OF YOU COME INTO THE TRUTH OF THESE FACTS.

    10. JEW

    INTENT: To bribe and prejudice Bible-ignorant "JUDEO-CHRISTIANS" into passively granting the Jews a carte-blanche to do anything they please with total impunity--and to get you to hop in there and help them.

    TM: The word "Jew" did not appear in actual use until over 1000 years after the crucifixion of one called Jesus. It means someone who adheres to the religion of Judaism (modern Pharisaism according to the Talmud), or in some way considers himself (self-claimed, so-called) a part of "Jewish culture". For the modern "Jew" it has ABSOLUTELY NO RACIAL SIGNIFICANCE. "Jews" are some of the most racially mixed people on earth due to their multi-national history, their practice of interracial marriages, as well as their contemporary international bias. Down through the ages, they have moved from nation to nation as they were rejected (due to their immoral religion) by every land they have inhabited. Over 90% of "Jews" today are descended from the ancient Khazars--a racially non-Semitic bunch of anti-Semites in the true sense of definition as I have pointed out to you as regarded the passage of Canaan, etc. These non-Semitic people were from East Europe. It is estimated by your own historian's counting that, of those who claim to be "Jews", less than 5 percent have even the slightest claim to the blood line of Abraham.

    In your English translations of the Bible, the word "Jew" was incorrectly used to REPLACE:
    1. "JUDAHITE" in the Old Scriptures, which referred to someone from the tribe of Judah, or a citizen of the land of Judah, and
    2. "JUDEAN" in the New Scriptures which meant a resident of Judea, or a follower of the corrupted Babylonian religion of that area.

    Since, then, there were NO "Jews" nor "Jewish religion" at the time of the writing of the Scriptures, these names should never have appeared in the English translations, nor in the Books of any Doctrine of any "church". The word "Jew" or "Jewish" did not exist as words nor appear in actual use until over 1000 years AFTER THE RESURRECTION of JESUS. In ALL cases the word "Jew" was incorrectly used in your English translations of ALL of the Bibles to replace the true word "Judahite" in the Old Scriptures and "Judean" in the New Scriptures. No true Prophet of God would even accidently utilize these terms for any text DIRECTLY GIVEN FROM GOD. The terms are most ignorantly utilized and in ALL instances of use indicate either false writings or changes at the hands of "translators". There can be no other "divine" reason. This goes for any "church" anywhere.

    Now you might begin to see just why "YOUR PREACHER" of your typical "DOCTRINED CHURCH" who tells you what to do and what is right or wrong and decides your fate for you--JUST MIGHT NOT WISH YOU TO READ THE PHOENIX JOURNALS OR EXPRESSES WHERE YOU MIGHT FIND OUT THE TRUTH IN WHAT I HAVE JUST OUTLAID TO YOU.

    One more, Dharma, and we shall take a break, please.

    CM: A disparaging or antagonistic attitude, or hostile act toward a Jewish person, Jewish organization or the religion of Judaism.

    COVERT INTENT: Used to disarm, intimidate and confuse Christians and others into submission to Jews at the expense and eventual destruction of Christianity and all other belief systems based on anything other than the Zionist Talmud.

    ACTUAL MEANING: Opposition toward people of Semitic (Shemitic) origin---WHICH BY FACT INDICATES ANTAGONISM AND HOSTILITY ON THE PART OF THE "JEWS" TOWARD THE GOD-REVERING PEOPLE. Note: Most people who call themselves Jews are NOT Semitic in origin (Descendents of Shem), but are in fact, come from the lineage of Cain and birthed through the Curse of Canaan moving forward as Phoenicians, Venusians, Pharisees and Khazars into imitation "Jews". Shemitism (Semitism) has nothing to do with Jews, Jewish organization or Judaism--JUST FOR YOUR INFORMATION.

    Demand that people who confront you, give you their definition of words, terms and phrases. If you carelessly acquiesce to meaning "changes" in the war of words scattered at you from the "Bible" then you will remain a totally "thought-controlled" person and people.

    People are continually controlled by introduced "thoughts". Since words are what conjure meaning and bear definitions, in physical form, they become manipulative tools for controlling thoughts in massive manner and thereby change the way people think about certain things. To accomplish this, the controller need only to change the MEANINGS of important words to fit their particular religious and/or political view, and invent NEW EMOTIONALLY-CHARGED TERMS to keep you confused and ignorant.

    Eventually, all important words said by anyone will automatically convey the controllers' biased political/religious view and he will not even know difference. At this point it will become increasingly difficult for the opposition to construct an effective opposing argument because the words being used have been so effectively changed, defused, and/or made unpopular.

    I can only urge you to bear these things in mind as we move along here for it is the foundation upon which the lie is based and there can be no truth found in the confusion of the lie--and when the confusion becomes too great for response--you are told to "accept it on faith". BS! DO NOT TAKE SUCH STUPID ADVICE--THIS IS YOUR SOUL DESTINY AT STAKE HEREIN AND IT IS TIME YOU TAKE YOUR DESTINY BACK INTO YOUR OWN HANDS FOR YOU ARE BEING SOLD A BILL OF GOODS AT THE END OF A PRIMROSE PATH.

    Salu, thank you for your service and for your attention.

    Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr.
    United Federation Fleet
    Inter-Galactic Federation Command

    PJ 25
    CHAPTER 26
    MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1991 3:26 P.M YEAR 4, DAY 200
    To make the message complete we must replace that which was taken and destroyed by the adversary. It is simply necessary that we go through this repetition for, Dharma, there is no other way to get it to press. Then, as I roughly calculate, we probably have sufficient quantity to swamp the readers. Overload is not our intent so let us repeat that which we had destroyed and see where we stand. Thank you. I believe we had gotten through a portion of the Khazar Empire's history and moved them into the 8th Century where we found it had extended Northward to Kiev and westward to include the Magyars. (Modern Hungary).

    In about 740 A.D., a staggering event took place--even for such a time so long past. The Khazars had been under continual pressure from their Byzantine and Moslem neighbors to adopt either Christianity or Islam which, in itself, shows the total lack of "reason" among men. Frankly, I can't imagine that either would choose this ruthless group within either "religion" based on Godliness. Nonetheless, my opinion aside, the pressure was applied and the Khakan (Khazar ruler) wouldn't accept either. He had heard of a third religion called JUDAISM. For political reasons of independence, the Khakan announced that the Khazars were adopting Judaism as their religion--and here we have the transition. Overnight, at the edict of the Khakan, an entirely new group of people, the war-like Khazars, SUDDENLY PROCLAIMED THEMSELVES JEWS--imitation and adoptive but nonetheless Jews! This had nothing to do with Judea nor Palestine. In taking this proclamation they simply pronounced themselves "the chosen people--Jews!", no more and no less. The Khazar Kingdom began to be described as the "Kingdom of the Jews" by historians of that day. Succeeding Khazar rulers took "Jewish" names, and during the 9th Century the Khazar Kingdom became a haven for Jews from other lands. Keep in mind, please, that this has nothing to do with Judean races but, of course, the names taken were of Judean lineage.

    Please continue with the reading until you get through the next segment on "TERMINOLOGY" for your perceptions are totally incorrect from erroneous translations and intentional deception. I am, however, limited to having to utilize incorrect names and definitions for you have not the specifically correct translations in your usage.

    You must remember that "Jew" did not appear ANYWHERE in ANYTHING as a term or word, until in the 1700's (A.D.)--your 18th Century which indicates that a lot of proclaimed Truth of direct God Instructions is obviously blatant lies. You must be discerning when you find the errors to be sure that, as with myself, the authors are not simply utilizing "accepted" definitions in the choice of descriptive words. I have no alternative other than to explain my "usage" of a given term such as "Jew" when it is the "accepted" term--that does NOT make it Truth, nor correct. YOU MUST KNOW, HOWEVER, IF THE SPEAKER IS MEETING THE NEED OR IS SIMPLY IGNORANT OF THE ACTUAL FACTS. There is nothing wrong with being "ignorant of facts"--it is foolish indeed to refuse to hear Truth in order to remain in ignorance--THAT becomes "stupidity". THERE IS GREAT DIFFERENCE IN THE TERMS "IGNORANCE" AND "STUPIDITY". You ones MUST begin to see the "clues" for the dark brotherhood WILL ALWAYS BEAR A CLUE OP IDENTIFICATION. Now you can use as example, "Kingdom of the Jews" which I printed above---IT COULD NOT HAVE BEEN CALLED "KINGDOM OF THE JEWS"--THAT term came most recently. It was literally referred to at the time as the "Lands of the Judahites". Later, during the late 9th Century the Khazar Kingdom became a haven for Jews from other lands. But that is a bit ahead of the story.

    I suggest all of you get a copy of the definitions as we give them forth and carry them in your pocket and as you are denounced as bigots and "anti-Semites"--hand the speaker a list of authentic researched truth. Don't "try" to defend "truth" for it always defends itself. If people refuse to see--so be it; leave them alone in their foolishness.

    Meanwhile and backing up a century or so, Khazar domination over the peoples in a most horrendous and brutal manner continued unchanged. But then a new factor evolved. During the 8th Century these ones came coursing down the great rivers--the Dnieper, the Don, the Volga. They were the eastern branch of the Vikings, these ones who came upon the world of the Khazars. They were known as the Varangians, or as the "Rus". Like other Vikings, the Rus were bold adventurers and fierce fighters; but when they tangled with the Khazars, the Rus often ended up paying tribute like everyone else.

    In the year 862 a Rus leader named Rurik founded the city of Novgorod, and the RUSSIAN NATION WAS BORN. The Rus Vikings settled among the Slavonic tribes under Khazar domination, and the struggle between Vikings and Khazars changed in character. It became a struggle by the emerging nation of Russia for independence from Khazar oppression.

    Over a century after the founding of Russia's first city, another momentous event took place. Russia's leader, Prince Vladimir of Kiev, accepted baptism as a Christian in the year 989. He actively promoted Christianity in Russia, and his memory is revered by Russians to this day as "Saint Vladimir"; and so, a thousand years ago, Russia's tradition as a "Christian" nation began.

    Vladimir's conversion also brought Russia into alliance with Byzantium. The Byzantine rulers had always feared the Khazars, and the Russians were still struggling to free themselves. And so in the year 1016, combined Russian and Byzantine forces attacked the Khazar Kingdom. The Khazar Empire was shattered, and the Kingdom of the Khazars itself fell into decline. Eventually most of the Khazar "Jews" migrated to other areas. Many of them wound up in eastern Europe where they mingled and intermarried with other "Jews". Like the prior tribes of the Judeans--these, too, became dispersed. The "Kingdom" simply was no more.

    As they moved and lived among the Jewish people, the Khazar Jews passed on a distinct heritage from generation to generation. One element of the Khazar heritage is a militant form of ZIONISM. In the view of these self-proclaimed, so-called Khazar Jews, the land occupied by ancient Israel (Palestine and other portions of the "Holy" Lands) is to be retaken--not by miracles, my friends, but by ARMED FORCE. This is what is meant by Zionism today, and this is the force that created the nation which calls itself Israel today. The other major ingredient of the Khazar heritage is hatred for Christianity, and for the Russian people as the champions of the Christian faith. Christianity is viewed as the force which caused the ancient so-called "Kingdom of the Jews", the Khazar Kingdom, to collapse. Having once dominated much of what is present-day Russia, the Khazar "Jews" still want to re-establish that domination--and for a millennium they have been trying continually to do just that.

    In 1917 the Khazar Zionists passed a major milestone toward the creation of their own state in Palestine. That same year they also created the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Brothers, there followed a Christian holocaust, the likes of which the world has never seen. The Khazar "Jews" were once again in control of Russia after more than 900 years, and they set about the task of destroying Christianity by destroying Christians--over a 100-million of them, and at the same time over 20-million religious Judahites also died at the hands of the Khazar Zionists. As I have pointed out before--it is the religious "God-believing Jew" who pays the highest price, and first.

    This is what the religious Judeans and the Christians were up against in their 60-year struggle to overthrow the atheistic Bolsheviks; but they finally succeeded in their overthrow program, and now the 1000-year-old war between the Russian Christians and the Khazar "jews" is reaching a deadly climax. At stake is not only the future of Russia, and of Christianity, but also of the Jewish people as a whole.

    I have an interesting story to give you. It is a repeat from me but one which bears repeating. On August 19, 1979, Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum died in New York. He died in the morning, and was buried the same afternoon. Very short notice, and yet some 100,000 Jewish men arrived in time for the funeral (you see, through usage of an incorrect term even those who are truthfully "something else" now called themselves "Jews" without quarrel.) It is hard to imagine how many more hundreds of thousands could not arrive on such short notice. A month later, on September 18, his followers placed a memorial tribute by way of a paid advertisement in the New York Times, and clearly it spoke for many "Jews". Among other things it said, quote: "He was the undisputed leader of all Jews everywhere who had not been infected by Zionism"; and also: "With a courage all too rare in our time, he called the Zionist state ‘a work of Satan, a sacrilege, and a blasphemy.' The shedding of blood for the sake of the Zionist state was abhorrent to him."

    Those words were spoken by Orthodox Jews mourning for their fallen leader. And the new Christian rulers of Russia would agree for they, too, regard the Zionist state of Israel as a counterfeit, a cruel and dangerous hoax of Christian, Moslem, Islamic, Buddhist and Jew (along with all other "religions") alike.

    The Khazar state--called the "Kingdom of the Jews" today and a reflection of that which was, a thousand years ago--was a parasite, living on the tribute from conquered peoples. Likewise today, Israel depends solely for its survival on a never-ending flow of support from outside. Left unchecked, the Russians believe that the Khazar Jews will destroy Christianity by means of Zionism, and Russia through Bolshevism; so Russia's Christian rulers are on the offensive against their enemies of that thousand years past, the Khazars, by whatever name they use.

    I can only warn all of you--again, you must open your eyes or your own foundation of a God-foundationed nation and people are destined to destruction--aided and abetted by the ignorant or purposeful colleagues within the very "churches" who proclaim to teach Christianity but are actually now teaching total Zionism. Whether or not you realize it, your wondrous nation of the Americas has become the battle-ground of the Christian Russians and their deadly enemies--the Bolsheviks and the Zionists. And, like it or not, you are caught up in the all-out war which is actually hidden from your viewing by a fixed and secret media and Federal Government.

    Dharma, I believe we will leave this document at this point. We are not nearly finished with the subject for you ones must stop throwing stones and come into researching the Truth of this which I give you and prove it to selves. These ones, precious children, are the "Anti-Christ" and they will point fingers and call Hussein, for instance, the prophetic "anti-Christ". No, he may be quite anti-Christian, although he isn't; and he may indeed be terrible and violent--but he is NOT THE ANTI-CHRIST. That is a total distraction and misinformation so that you will remain in your state of sleep and fiddling while the world burns.

    Tomorrow we will immediately continue with this and we will take up the "Judeo-Christian Heritage" HOAX. We will speak of Political Action Committees and World Zionist Organization and Jewish Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. We have presented it prior to this but you who did not read the prior material MUST have the information and I know no other way to get you to see it. Please remember a few infamous words cast at you by these ancient Canaanites (Communists)--"We will bury you!", "We will hang them and they will give us the rope to do it!" and "We will take the world and your nation and we don't even have to fire a shot to do so!" Ponder this, America, for the goal of this group has not deviated one iota since the beginning of "time" upon your planet! You have now met the enemy only to find most of you have become it; insidiously and most deviously the "camel now resides in the tent" and YOU are cast out!. So be it.

    Now for you ones who ponder daily the clues and those who would be calling themselves "for you" and THE group and speaker of Truth--LOOK TO THE CLUES AND SIGNS. In a most recent book put forth by one who denounces my scribe and others' "Sananda" (whatever that might mean) is a large section called "MASADA". I suggest all you "inquiring minds" look up the meaning of that word and find its origin and location. You may have a bit of trouble with translation but I don't think so. Also, guess what the White Star of the East represents? So be it. Bless you children seeking Truth, for it is indeed hard, especially in the beginning and through all the painful disappointments--to find it. God stands eternal and constant--lean upon Him when the way gets hard and accept the shelter of His wings for they are sufficient unto ALL THINGS, ALL TIME AND ALL BEING--AMEN.

    Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
    United Federation Fleet
    Inter-Galactic Federation Command


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