PJ 25
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1991 8:56 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 195
Please stay alert! Rejoice that the conflagration in Kuwait is possible to be ended shortly--IF, everyone keeps a cool head. But don't be lulled into a nap while the "fiddling" goes on for "Rome" is still afire.

For instance, now Hussein says, "I'll pay reparation and restoration contributions, etc., etc., etc." How will you enforce that he do so? You have nation after nation promising to pay you-the-American-taxpayer for holding a war for them--they hardly even came to the war--AND, FURTHERMORE, OF ALL THE BILLIONS PROMISED--LESS THAN 5% OF THE FUNDS HAVE COME THROUGH! How do you expect to enforce payments following a war? How do you expect an army of "brothers" to enforce anything?

Americans--you may be given an opportunity (break) in here whereby you can make an impact on your government to regain some segment of control back into your hands as a nation under God with government slowly coming back to "we the people, of the people and for the people". I petition unto you--DO NOT LET THIS OPPORTUNITY PASS YOU BY.

Why do you think the "shuttle trip for military purposes" is now being considered for launch--in spite of the cracked hatches? Do you actually think that the Soviets will allow a military weapon into "their" space?

Not so! You can go look up this next tid-bit: The Soviet Union has doubled its defense budget for 1991! This puts the Soviets on a "war footing", brothers. A doubling of military materiel is tantamount to WAR! WITH WHOM ARE THEY PLANNING TO GO TO WAR? NOT US IN THE COSMOS--REGARDLESS OF THAT WHICH THEY MIGHT SAY! Of course, an alternative to preparing to go to war themselves, could they be working up a better defense system--against you and Israel??? They have just mediated a war and set limits beyond which they cannot yet tell if you will go ,so you have and are experiencing a "dry run" for military strategy planning.

Do you actually believe the Soviets and Iraqis would allow themselves to "get caught" if Saddam had not originally planned and expected big guns from the Soviets to handle the war more effectively? And what of "after"--you would rather have a second dictator AND IRAN in charge of the Middle East? Remember the 52 hostages? Peace will be more difficult than the war and will drain away your resources at a tremendous rate any way the war ends.

Who will pay for the Soviet buildup? You just saw it--the hand quicker than the eye. While all eyes were distracted the "hand" (Kremlin) decreed a draconian devaluation of the ruble last month--in expectation of exactly that which the U.S. will do quite soon to pay for your war! The move actually means that the ruling Communist Party simply stole the money from the people of the USSR to cover the new military costs.

Prior to the latest increase it is known that a minimum of 25% of the Soviet Union's total gross national product was going into the arms buildup--as I have told you over and over prior to this--the Soviets have never stopped the buildup--and frankly, neither have you. Now--somewhere between 40 and perhaps over 60% is immediately swinging into military use.

Are you? Do you have any idea, at all, what the cost of this war might be? How can you know? Oh, the media! Let us look at the media: The national press, with all its polls and fact checkers, can't get the first facts straight about the war--Feb. 4 issue of Newsweek, says the cost of an M1A1 Abrams tank, as a good example, is quoted to be $4.4 million. Time magazine quoted the price at $2 million each. Dear ones, that is more than a 100 percent difference--one of them, obviously, has got to be wrong. The facts are that both are wrong and the $4.4 million is more nearly correct. And you can judge the "high" projections against things like over $11 million for one attack helicopter. The cost estimates depend on the "political situation" and what the controllers want you-the-people to know. Every time a patriot missile was shot off in error, or intent, over a million dollars burned. But, not to worry--"your politicians wouldn't lie to you-the-people!"

Oh, I see, especially now that the war is nearly over we wouldn't have need for a draft? Wouldn't "we"? Peace is going to require almost as many men as war and the volunteers are a little more reluctant, I would expect, to sign up again. So in spite of all the political denials--the foundation of such is under way full blast--"...just in case the need arises!" "There would need to be a smooth flow if there would be such need!"--you are told.


How does this description hit you? "Boy, it is fantastic, we fire off one of these zingers and it hits a tank and then there is an explosion and then another one or two and then the ‘tin can' glows white hot--it is fantastic!" No--not your enemy--one of your "Big Red One" crews, a young son of some 18-19 years. "We just kill the tanks, bam, bam, bam!" HOW MANY HUMAN BEINGS DIE EVERY TIME A "TANK" IS KILLED?" DOES THIS DO NOTHING TO THE SOUL OF THE "KILLER"? OR, IS DEATH IN WAR NOT DEATH? I HAVE TERRIBLE NEWS FOR EVERYONE--YOU CANNOT "KILL" A TANK, YOU JUST STOP IT FROM FURTHER OPERATION (PERMANENTLY OR TEMPORARILY DEPENDING ON ABILITY TO RECONSTRUCT)--YOU "KILL" HUMAN BODIES--PERMANENTLY!

Dharma, enough of "watching" for we are going to return to our subject of the current Journal, this current segment concerning AMERICAN FREEDOM & ZIONIST POWER--I did NOT say Judean power. The most precious gift I can offer you is insight and knowledge in a manner which you can now research for self. I strongly suggest that you do not turn your backs to anyone of which we speak while you wave your flags and ribbons in celebration--you will have only won a "skirmish". The battles in front of you are many and varied--the war is long from being won by you-the-people of the world.

Some of you look disgruntled and shout, "You were and are wrong, Hatonn!" No, I am not and I ask that you carefully read again that which has been given unto you. You ones seek error from higher vision (and all I have to do is look at "their" plans on their boards). World domination is being accomplished steadily at your expense and right on schedule as Mr. Lips tells you. You just don't recognize your enemy nor the war at hand--it has very, very little to do with one Saddam Hussein for he was your "friend" and you supplied him with weapons to fight and kill yourselves. He is still holding his massive destruction weapons. Haven't you noted that only TWO Silkworm missiles have been utilized? Haven't you noted that until today there have been no chemical or biological warheads? Haven't you noted that the ONLY intended real Scud target was hit dead-on! Where are the nuclear warheads which have now been established (in surprise) by your own government and Pentagon? Tell me WHEN all those "Russians" went home? I only ask that you be cautious in perceptions for things are changed on you "slowly" so that you agree to the poison bit by bit and then are too weak to finally fight the lethal dose, if you note it at all.

I have a little true story to tell you. As with one of my scribes, I periodically have to put her/him to fast and it is most annoying--but as pulse beams are changed sometimes they are geared to the very mineral particulate in the body and to counter the impact the body must be immediately altered in composition of cellular structure. That change can sometimes be more rapidly effective than to counter the beams electronically and harder for your Earth people to measure. Remember something very important indeed--God knows of every sparrow of the field and has counted every hair of your heads--He overlooks nothing and he abides within EACH so He has first-hand knowledge! So be it.



A MAJOR REASON FOR THE disproportionate "Jewish" influence in the Congress stems from the disproportionate amount of money that Jews give to large numbers of American senators and representatives and the political parties. There can be no doubt that much of this money comes from Zionist and pro-Zionist sources as deliberate bribes to influence American foreign policy. In a greedy and imperfect society, Jews have learned well that economic power is political power. Stephen Isaacs observed in his Jews and American Politics (p.128), that "bribery has been an essential part of Jewish history".

Former Secretary of Defense Forrestal (and this gentleman got murdered for his sharing with you-the-people) recorded in his diary dated 3 December, 1947, that he realized that a substantial part of the Democratic funds came from Zionist sources inclined to ask in return for "a lien upon this part (the Palestine question) of our national policy." In a diary entry dated 26 November, 1947, Forrestal wrote that the chairman of the National Democratic Committee had told him, "Jewish sources were responsible for a substantial part of the contributions to the National Democratic Committee, and many of the contributions were made with a distinct view that they would have an opportunity to express their views, and have them seriously considered, on the Palestine problem."

The speaking engagements of the most pro-Israel politicians, and the flattering awards, plaques and honoraria received by them from pro-Israel groups attest to this deplorable fact of political life. United States public officials--such as Senators Hubert Humphrey, Clifford Case, Henry Jackson and others--hungrily seek out and accept speaking engagements before Zionist groups such as the AIPAC where they grub for the Jewish vote and shekel by promising Israel everything but the American sky. The reader can consult sources such as the Congressional Quarterly, Federal Election Commission reports and reports filed with the clerks of both houses of Congress for specific documentation of contributions. They are too numerous even to begin to list here but all such reports must be considered as incomplete for the years reported.

Few men or women seeking public office seem able to resist the blandishments offered by the affluent Jewish community. The Houston Post describes Senator Lloyd Bentsen's effort to garner Jewish support as follows: "Bentsen, who is testing the waters for a bid for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1976, has begun making appearances before national Jewish groups, many of whose members have been major contributors to Democratic campaigns in the past. Two weeks ago the senator addressed the American Zionist Federation in Miami and last Monday he spoke to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in Washington." (Senator Bentsen is a Texas oil and gas and insurance multi-millionaire who obviously does not need money; it is expanded political power he seeks with help from the Jewish community.)

Political candidates attempt to make these speaking engagements as profitable as possible by sweet-talking the Jews with laudatory comments about Israel. What better way than to compare Israel with America. So, at these functions there is always the inevitable, favorable comparison. The national interests of both countries are usually described as "common," "mutual" or "parallel" if not exactly the same. In the aforementioned case of Bentsen, the Post quotes his glowing praise of Israel to the Zionist lobby group of AIPAC: "...Bentsen described Israel as the United States' ‘sister democracy,' a nation that symbolizes to all mankind ‘the breaking of the chains of human bondage--it must not be allowed to perish.'" At another such function, former HEW Secretary Elliot Richardson told 2,000 delegates attending a Jewish War Veterans convention in Houston: "The president sees no need to distinguish in the Middle East between the interest of Israel and the interest of the United States."

For a fully documented treatise on Israeli democracy and how it compares with democracy in America, the reader is referred to a massive text, The Golden Calf. The twenty-fifth chapter of this documentary is devoted to the entitled subject. "‘Democracy' in Israel" and is available in pamphlet from the American Palestine Committee. This book will inform its reader of more truth and facts about Israel than he will learn from the electronic news media in a lifetime.

Israel has become our fifty-first state in all but name. Based upon fiscal year data, Israel is now the annual recipient of more United States aid than all the states of the union combined under the federal government's program of revenue sharing with the states. (Hatonn: It should shock you; know that it has been suggested that Israel be annexed as a State--this was rejected soundly by Israel for doing so would cut benefits currently flowing to Israel!!!!! In addition it was pointed out at the Israeli council regarding the matter--that more control and influence is retained for impact in the U.S. government by ‘acting in separation'.) According to Business Week (December 15, 1975), about a third of "$6 billion a year goes to the 50 states..." under the October 1972 Revenue Sharing Act. That is $2 billion distributed among the fifty states. United States aid to Israel in fiscal 1974 easily surpassed that amount when on December 26, 1973, President Nixon signed the Foreign Assistance Act giving $2.2 billion to Israel. (Hatonn: Surely you must recall that you now give over $3 BILLION IN CASH and an additional $9 Billion in other aid--having just handed over $400 million as a down payment in credits for housing for Soviet emigres. Worse than that, the entanglement over those funds got so testy that it was somehow neglected to get full assurance that the money would not go for housing in the West Bank--which is already under massive construction! But where is your U.N.? You had best start looking very, very closely at these magical hands and calculators! Please keep uppermost in mind that the document which I am utilizing was presented in early 1977 and is totally obsolete as to current figures.) In each subsequent year, the Congress has appropriated similar amounts for Israel and the end is not yet in sight. For verification of dollar amounts of these and various other appropriations for Israel, the reader should consult the governmental documents, "Foreign Assistance and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1976," 22 USC 2346, 7 USE 1701, and the note on 22 USE 2751 concerning the "Foreign Military Credit Sales" for 1976. The reader is referred to the Congressional Record (December 11, 1973, pp. H 11073-H 11102) for an interesting debate on H.R. 11088 which resulted in the $2.2 billion aid to Israel.

Leonard J. Davis wrote an article entitled "The ‘Jewish Lobby' in Washington" which was published in The Cleveland Jewish News on January 24, 1975. Mr. Davis is a staff writer for the Near East Report, the AIPAC lobby sheet. Mr. Davis acknowledges that "the Jewish vote is frequently identifiable as a bloc," and refers to Stephen Isaac's book, Jews and American Politics, to confirm that not only the ballot but "the contribution plays a major role in securing congressional support" for pro-Zionist legislation. He then explains from the same source: "Jews give more money to campaigns than any other American group, far beyond their 3 percent population figure would suggest. When the time comes for a congressman to decide which way to vote on a controversial issue, he may just remember which side of the ‘bread' is buttered."

In a dialogue with Eric Severied, George F. Kennan, a former United States ambassador to Russia and Yugoslavia, noted author (two Pulitzer prizes) and foremost educator in foreign affairs was asked about the Middle East Conflict. Mr. Kennan promptly replied that before the Mideast conflict can be solved, the Congress must divorce itself from the Zionist lobbyists in Washington. (Mr. Severied just as promptly dropped the subject, evidently preferring not to pursue the matter any further.) In its Near East Report issue of September 17, 1975, the AIPAC attacked Ambassador Kennan for making his revealing, straightforward statement. According to AIPAC logic, it is evidently fine for one of its own staff writers to devote an entire article to "The ‘Jewish Lobby' in Washington" as long as it is printed in a selected medium such as The Cleveland Jewish News; however, a noted public servant such as Ambassador Kennan must never tell the American people at large of these sordid matters. General Brown and Ambassador Kennan are not alone; the facts and truths of these matters testify with them and will sustain their positions in the pages of history long after the Zionist State of Israel ceases to exist.

The congress has made only feeble attempts to regulate lobbies and to monitor their lobbying activities. The Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 was a step in the right direction. More recently, the House in the 94th Congress passed the "Public Disclosure of Lobbying Act of 1976" which would have required all lobbies to file quarterly reports on the exact nature of their business with congressmen as well as to report total money spent with respect to lobbying efforts. However, the Senate "majority of seventy" failed to act on this much needed legislation. It is possible that the Senate was too busy being lobbied to have time to consider it. Unfortunately, with human nature being what it is, there appears to be no easy solution to the problem. But the problem is a fact and a national disgrace. If the Congress continues to apply ethnic diplomacy in foreign affairs instead of considering the nation's interest as a whole, the future of this country is grim indeed.

On NBC's "Meet the Press" (July 27, 1975) the following colloquy occurred between NBC's Bill Monroe and Senator Mike Mansfield:

Mr. Monroe: "Another subject involving Congressional action--Greek-Americans influenced the House vote against arms for Turkey; Jewish-Americans have been lobbying against the idea of missiles to Jordan. Are we getting too far into a foreign policy made by Congress responsive to domestic political issues?"

Senator Mansfield: "Ethnicity does have its effect."

Mr. Monroe: "You are worried about this tendency?"

Senator Mansfield: "Yes, because I can only give my loyalty to one country, and that happens to be the United States of America. My father and mother were immigrants from Ireland, but my loyalty isn't to Ireland; it is to this country, no question."

The risks of ethnic diplomacy involve the dragging of a nation into wars unrelated to its national interests. Furthermore, the prostitution of the nation's laws by the Congress to narrow, separatist groups in order to gain special religio-ethnic results in a foreign land is a far more serious breach of the Constitution than a president's cover-up of a second-rate burglary.

JEWS HAVE MASTERFULLY exploited the economic and political values of religious unity in all ages, but nowhere has this been more evident than in twentieth-century America where they have taken extraordinary advantage of certain freedoms and rights which they sometimes deny to others.

These exploitations have gained them virtual monopolies in the motion picture industry, television news and programming, merchandise chain-retailing, institutional investment banking and stock brokerage, certain domestic and foreign commodity markets linked to their control of gold and uranium mining in South Africa and, of course, the diamond industry which Jews control worldwide from production to retail distribution. It would be difficult for even a casual observer to escape the conclusion that this hegemonic, oligarchic control by a single ethnocentric group could have occurred except by conscious, deliberate and conspiratorial efforts nourished from generation to generation by a religious ideology that teaches not so much the equality and brotherhood of mankind as preoccupation with its own greatness. Jews thus exemplify themselves as a self-worshipping people* (a fact which would be related to much of the persecution they have experienced). The practice of stick-togetherness, when carried out by non-Jews, is known as bigotry; when practiced by Jews it is politely called exclusivism.

* In his Occidental Mythology (p. 138), Joseph Campbell astutely observed that the hero in the biblical myth of descent and return is the Jewish people. This is in stark contrast to other ancient myths of this order wherein the hero or god is an individual!. The psychological implications for the Jew who believes in the myth of the Chosen People have been investigated by many, including Sigmund Freud. Some of the suggested implications fall within the bounds of human experience delineated by schizophrenia. This schizophrenic attitude is examined by both Jew and Arab in the excellent articles, "We and the Gentiles" by Rubinstein and "They and the Gentiles" by Mehdi in the July/August 1971 issue of Atlas magazine. The literature on this theme is practically inexhaustible and its central point seems best expressed by the Jewish-French writer Rabi: "Judaism is essentially a self-assumed tragedy" and "Anti-Semitism is a part of ourselves, of our being and our life." But as Mazrui has pointed out, "Israel's ethnic exclusivity, tied directly to the political logic of establishing a Jewish state, is the moral problem which many Western intellectuals have been psychologically unable to acknowledge."

(Hatonn: Please keep uppermost in your minds that the term "JEW" did not appear in literature nor in any language until the 18th century. Even at that it is a "corrupted" English word for the 4th century Latin "Iudaeus". Further, keep in mind that the so-called or self-styled "Jews" in eastern Europe were NEVER Semites, are NOT Semites now, nor can they ever be regarded as "Semites" at any future time by any stretch of the imagination. Therefore, to claim Anti-Semitism to this group of people is absurd for it has no meaning in relationship to them, whatsoever. The assumption is likewise absurd and impossible, that these "Jews" could be the "Chosen People" for they come from the Khazar lineage. Now, the wondrous question is HOW and WHY the origin and the history of the Khazars and Khazar Kingdom was so well concealed from the world for so many centuries? It surely exists and existed and historically is documented. Could it be by the same deceptions which capture the world now in erroneous information such as "Jews", "anti-Semite" and "Zionists"? By evidence of the (All Vows Vow) Kol Nidre, the self-labeled "JEWS" vow to keep no vows and swear on the Talmud to lie to all Goys--which is about everyone other than the self-styled or so-called self-appointed "JEWS". Anything you doubt herein--go look for yourselves for it is all written and documented!)

Imagine, if one can, an entire industry under control of a single Gentile or Protestant group, say the Baptists. How long would it take the American Civil Liberties Union to file a legal suit against such a monopoly, charging violations of various governmental laws which prohibit racial and religious discrimination?

While lashing out at the Arab oil cartel, Jewish groups seem little concerned about the Jewish diamond cartel or the oligarchic, Jewish control of the national television networks--ABC, CBS, NBC (and CNN)--whose newscasts and other programs are used daily to propagandize and brainwash the American people on almost any topic from abortion to Zionism.

A recent and blatant example of pro-Zionist propaganda was telecast by CBS on August 26, 1976 under the title "The Tenth Level." This program depicted Jews and blacks as the few persecuted ones while WASPS (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) were depicted as the ever-present persecutors. The PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) was referred to as a "dedicated terrorist group", while no mention was made of the half-million Arabs who fled their homes in Palestine because of Jewish terrorist organizations such as the Hagana (the former military arm of the Jewish Agency), the Stern Gang and the Irgun Group which, on the night of April 9, 1948, ambushed the Arab village of Deir Yassin and massacred two-hundred and fifty-four of its inhabitants, many of whom were old men, women and children.

Some of these Jewish terrorists were later rewarded with election to Israel's parliament, the Knesset. A former head of the Irgun terrorist gang, Menachem Begin, remains in the Knesset where he has convinced Israel it should never deal with the PLO because it is a terrorist group!*

* On May 17, 1977, Menachem Begin's extremist right-wing party, the Likud, was victorious in Israel's national elections. The victory will elevate Begin to the position of prime minister of Israel (Hatonn: I believe that is borne out.) When Prime Minister Begin. comes calling on Washington for aid, as his predecessors have done before him, President Carter's White House welcome to "the Butcher of Deir Yassin" promises to explode the president's human rights issue. Millions of human beings, along with their leaders, will see the president's human rights campaign as nothing more than a political sham. (Hatonn: Alas, by that time everyone had gone back to sleep--mesmerized by other distractions.)

Scores of movies have been produced about Nazi atrocities in World War II, but the Jewish-controlled film industry has yet to produce a single movie about Zionist terrorism during the violent period of 1943-1948 which led to the reestablishment of the "Holy Land." The film makers decided long ago that, to the American audience at least, one "Victory at Entebbe" is worth more than one "Massacre at Deir Yassin."

Jews are good script writers, good image makers and good actors. And because a credulous Western world has accepted their created imagery, that world, so falsely led, is now faced with the enigma of reality. So confronted, Judaism has caused its adherents--particularly those in Israel--to be victimized by its own inventions. Truth and Reason are not moldable as putty nor will these fit into a house of fantasy.

Unprecedented social and economic crises exist in Israel today. the Jewish Frontier (October 1976, p.8) contains an advertisement placed by the Development Corporation for Israel. The following quotes are excerpts from that ad: "As we begin the new year, the people of Israel face tremendous economic burdens which will require a far greater measure of support from the Israel Bond Organization than ever before....The Israelis are making sacrifices. Taxes are the highest in the world, amounting to about 70%. The Government has been forced to cut back on health, education, and other social services....Israel is in urgent need of increased income...." The ad ends with a plea to the American Jew to strengthen his "Bond with Israel with an Israel Bond."

THE FORTUNES OF ISRAEL AND America have been allowed to become so entangled by monetary, political and emotional ties as to be inextricably bound together in an unholy alliance (some would say Holy Alliance). This strange alliance with Israel, developed over the past twenty-nine years, has brought this country--and the world--to the very brink of disaster. During the 1973 Yom Kippur War all United States armed forces were placed on worldwide alert, to come to Israel's rescue if necessary. The existence of this situation is itself prima facie evidence of the extent of Jewish power. There need be no further documentation of this fact.

Mr. Fagan Dickson, an Austin, Texas attorney, has made two trips to the Supreme Court to test the question of whether Israel is an establishment of religion within the meaning of the First Amendment. In the first case, the court side-stepped the issue on procedural grounds. In the second case, it passed the "buck" to the Congress and the Executive Departments and, without saying so, relied on the Nixon Doctrine of "Reasons of State".

A Pennsylvania businessman, Michael J. Bennett, filed a lawsuit to halt United States aid to Israel until Israel separates religion from state matters. According to Church and State (September 1975), "Bennett lived and studied in Jerusalem, where he met his wife, who is Jewish and a native of Israel. They had to be married in the United States, Bennett told reporters, because Israeli law does not allow religiously mixed marriages."

In keeping with an apparent policy to protect Israel from public embarrassment, the nationally televised news programs never informed the American public of Mr. Dickson's Supreme Court challenges to the fundamental issue of American support of Israel in the Middle East religious conflict nor through such media was the public told of the Bennett case as far as this writer can determine.

Our founding forefathers wisely forbade governmental establishment of religion or the union of church and state in any form or endeavor, whether it be called Zionism or just ism. Thomas Jefferson wrote, "...to compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of religious opinions which he disbelieves, is sinful and tyrannical." In Washington, D.C., these immortal words are engraved in the stone of the Jefferson Memorial: "I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." No free intellect can do less and remain free. It is indeed ironic that the success and fate of the theocratic State of Israel--where religion and politics are wedded--depend upon the military power of the United States whose Constitution requires the separation of church and state.

It now seems more than chance that determined that the ascendancy of America's post-World War II power should coincide with the establishment of the State of Israel. That Israel was established at a time when America had no military peer bespeaks volumes about Zionist influence and manipulation of American foreign policy.

A GREAT SAGA, CONCEIVED in mythic fantasy, is being acted out in the real world and, as each scene is played, it becomes part of the historical setting for what is to follow. The script for that story was finished by the Temple Jews about 400 B.C. with the Book of Ezra. For other Jews and converted Gentiles (Christians) the script was not completed until about 96 A.D.

Both scripts have been studied and the lines, although not always agreed upon, have been well learned. The rehearsals are over. The curtains are open. We are late as the play unfolds before us. The paramount question is, "When will the play-acting end?" That, of course, will depend upon which script is followed, and for how long, and which scene Reason will interrupt.

The 1973 Yom Kippur War, with its attendant Arab oil embargo against those nations helping Israel, marks the end of a period of global, strategic hegemony of the Western nations, led by the United States. The worm has turned or is turning. The beginning of the decline of Western, cultic imperialism has begun. Before this generation ends, the blacks who mine the gold and diamond riches in South Africa will tear down the fences which the cults of bigotry and exclusivism have erected.

A comparison of apartheid and Zionism shows enough similarities that an overt, conscious effort is required to avoid the conclusion that both derive from a form of racism. For comparison purposes and examination of some of the issues involved, one should read the following articles in Foreign Affairs: "Black Africa and the Arabs" (July 1975), "Inside the Laager: White Power in South Africa" (Oct. 1976) and "The Anti-Zionist Resolution" (Oct 1976). Other comparative examinations of Zionism and racism can be found in The Link (Vol.8, No.5, Winter 1975-6) and in the "Report on the Relations Between Israel and South Africa" released by the United Nations Special Committee Against Apartheid. It may well be that the decline of the West, aided by an intransigent Israel, will bring the social salvation of mankind. A spark of hope lies with the youth and anti-clericalists of the Jewish community. Often more sensitive and alert to social injustices than their elders, many young "Jews" openly condemn the racist capitalism which contains some of the seeds that perpetuate the historic "Jewish" problem.

Compare the writings of young Jewish authors such as those who wrote The Class Nature of I$rael with those of the old traditionalists such as Rabbi Stanley A. Ringer. Rabbi Ringer, writing in the Jewish Frontier (March 1972), stated: "First of all we need a strategic base. That is to say, Jews must establish their own ‘conditions' of production to be able to build a group structure based on mutual cooperation, ethnic self-interest and cultural and ethical integrity." If this statement by Rabbi Ringer does not advocate economic racism then the English language has no meaning.

The rabbi's advocacy of a Jewish economic system is racism of the rankest kind--a racism dependent upon religious bigotry. It is the kind of racism that has plagued the Jewish people throughout their history. What the world Jewish community needs is more Noam Chomskys, Moshe Machovers, Akiva Orrs, Israel Shahaks and Felicia Langers; these are people concerned about the brotherhood of mankind.

Few seem to recognize that the solution to the Jewish problem lies in the answer to the question, "Who is a Jew?". The author hesitates to use mystical arguments to answer a question which Judaism raises, but the question itself is cloaked with mysticism and, therefore, seemingly would exclude itself from logical or intellectual inquiry. Many years of study have convinced the author that any serious attempt to solve the Judaic dilemma (exemplified by the Arab-Israeli Conflict) must address itself to the temporal Jew's belief in his unique relationship with God. The spiritual analogue of that relationship is beautifully explained in the New Testament where the answer to the central question was given long before the Israeli Knesset ever sat in council to debate the issue:

For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:
But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God. Romans 2:28,29.

(Hatonn: and even in this writing is the total fabrication and mistranslation by usage of a word "Jew" which was non-existent prior to the 18th Century!)

The author could not resist giving the King James translation of this passage because of its poetic symmetry, but for his exegetic purpose The Living Bible Paraphrased is best rendered:

For you are not real Jews just because you were born of Jewish parents or because you have gone through the Jewish initiation ceremony of circumcision.

No, a real Jew is anyone whose heart is right with God. For God is not looking for those who cut their bodies in actual circumcision, but he is looking for those with changed hearts and minds. Whoever has that kind of change in his life will get his praise from God, if not from you.

The tropology of Scriptural language is here so clearly explained by the Apostle as to preclude any preference for the natural Jew unless, of course, one is intent on justifying certain ethnic attitudes and practices upon biblical or religious grounds. These grounds can and have been used by unreasonable and predisposed minds to justify anything.

It would be obvious that the efficacy of a wholly spiritual relationship cannot depend upon, nor relate to, the question of one's ethnic heritage. And clearly, societal discrimination should be on a higher plane such as ethics and not upon a basis of ethnocentrism. In the words of Dr. John Nicholls Booth, an eminent minister and educator, "Experience has shown that religion or ethnicism as the bases of nations are Neanderthal structures inconsistent with enlightened and beneficial political entities." The recognition and acceptance by man of his common genesis will not lead him into a system of theology or philosophy which is rooted in racism.

In Israel, the question of "Who is a Jew?" has caused deep family and social disruptions created by state efforts to define the question legally. Any illegitimate child born in Israel of Jewish parents is not permitted to marry there because of the state rabbinate's monopoly on marriage. The rabbinical courts in Israel interpret the Bible to say that mamzerim--Hebrew for bastards--cannot be regarded as Jews. These mamzerim are forced to wed outside Israel because of the rabbinate's refusal to allow their marriage. Even then their marriage is not recognized in Israel and the children born of mamzerim are also classified as bastards. In 1971, there was an estimated 40,000 Israelis whose social and family statuses were affected by Israel's biblical marriage laws, Dr. George Tamarin, an Israeli psychologist and anti-clericalist, has stated: "When India became independent, it did away with the untouchable caste. When Israel became independent, it introduced it." To dramatize their struggle in this area, anti-clericalists have set aside November 9th in Israel and declared it to be "National Bastard Day."

The Legend of the Chosen People is a product of the art of manipulating men--a prime example of mythic inflation. The Chosen People concept of Judaism is repugnant to Reason from which derived the principle of the dignity and equality of mankind. When followed in practice, it leads to violations of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and the United Nations Charter. Moreover, Christianity rejects the Judaic concept of ethnocentrism and Paul rebuked Peter for his hypocrisy in this matter.

The Chosen People concept is the bedrock of doctrinal racism. It is the founding rule of Jewish nationalism promulgated by modern Zionists under color and the supposed protection of religion. Historically, the concept has acted to deter the unity of mankind and the peace of nations. In this generation alone, four wars have been fought over it and a fifth is in the offing but has to wait while the nations involved take time out to rearm themselves. One wonders if the flames of passion against the goyim (other nations) are rekindled when the biblical exploits of King Saul are read by the "chosen people".

The United nations debate on Zionism brought the following response from the Synagogue Council of America which represents the Reform, Orthodox and Conservative branches of Judaism in the United States: "Zionism is the liberation movement of the Jewish people in modern times....but Zionism is more than a political phenomenon. It is an expression of Jewish religious belief and hope, for it witnesses to the most distinctive aspects of Jewish faith. Specifically, it is a profoundly spiritual expression of Jewish fidelity to the Biblical covenant which links a people, faith, and a land in an indissoluble religious unity. It is that unity which is most characteristic and distinctive of Jewish spirituality." It is noteworthy that Zionism is more than just politics or "a political phenomenon". It is essentially espoused to be a religion of biblical origin. The union of politics with religion has bedeviled the Jewish people throughout their history. It has caused perpetual strife not only within the Jewish community itself but between it and its neighbors, whoever these neighbors have been.

There can be no truthful denial that the Arab-Jewish conflict has grown from theological roots. Israel's own ambassador to the United Nations, Chaim Herzog, again confirmed this during the United Nations debate on Zionism when he stated that Zionism is the name of the national movement of the Jewish people as established in the Bible and is an integral part of the Jewish religion. After interviewing Israel's Prime Minister Ben-Gurion in 1956, the Jewish columnist Joseph Alsop wrote an article for the now defunct New York Post Dispatch (June 13, 1956): "In these days, the Old Testament is hardly news. Yet every Western policymaker and every Arab leader ought to study it prayerfully, for there is no other way to understand the spirit of David Ben-Gurion, which is also in large measure the priority of his people. That spirit is a cardinal fact in the Middle East; and if you do not take it as fact, you are bound to make the wildest misjudgments and nourish the most idiotic false hopes."

Because of the theological nature of the Middle East Conflict, it is unlikely that the diplomatic or military forces of the United States, or of other nations, can solve the dispute. That dispute is the result of belief in Jewish mythology and it will end when men quit their beliefs in mythic folly. That dispute will end when man learns that in creedal, formal religions symbols are created to fill the void of man's ignorance or to stand in place of the ineffable. But God will not be mocked by any definition of creed or limitation of symbolism.

"Like the Nyanga tribesman...[who] shares a ‘psychic identity' with the animal--an identity that exists in there realm of myth and symbolism," the Christian fundamentalist shares a psychic association or "mystical participation" with the natural Jew who claims to be the "chosen" of God. Unfortunately, Zionists and other zealous fundamentalists have concerned themselves with the symbols (such as the temporal "Holy Land" or the temporal "Holy City") rather than the realization of a spiritual relationship with their Creator. So while the natural Jew fights his symbolic war with murderous weapons supplied by the United States government, his spiritual counterpart will be attempting to follow the Golden Rule.


* * * * * * * *
So be it and may God place His seal and blessing upon the Word of Truth. You who proclaim yourselves to be "Jews" and say, "...I am Jewish and I should know--that it is certainly not this way!" I suggest you look again for you are most grossly misinformed and that disinformation and misperception will lead you FIRST down the "primrose path" into the briar-patch. You of the "Godly Jews" who have given of time and money toward that which you understood to be the "Chosen place and people of God" are deceived and what you have done is contribute to the downfall of your very origin and heritage and placed it into the hands of the infidels and deceivers of Truth. I ask only that you stop the denial long enough to find the Truth of this which we are giving unto you for it is now passed in years long enough to have your proof of these statements--but you shall have to look where the answers have been hidden and suppressed for deceivers continue harder and more violently to cover the lies. So be it and I close now that this segment may be added unto the Journal.

Good day and Saalome',

Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr.
United Federation Fleet
Inter-Galactic Federation Command

PJ 25
FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1991 8:15 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 197
To you gentlemen who removed the entropy to places unknown but out of the sight of my scribe, I am indeed grateful beyond expression. Dharma has offered to give up her seat on the ship and that of Oberli, George, Desiree', Patricia, John, Al and Eleanor in exchange. I suggested it might not be suitable but she insisted that we must begin to run this outfit like an American/Bush liberation process--wherein ONE decides the fate of the many. Well, I have a place for ALL OF YOU for we almost lost our scribe on the yesterday. It was far more serious than having the adversary destroy three hours and 14 pages of instructions to the local personages--they about got her too!

We will run for a period on alternate power source (hence the REAL need for that generator and drum of diesel). This stops some of the impact coming directly from the computer electronics system.

The blast coming back here is incredible and, I find, without much introspection or thought to the whole. I am told to "stick it up - - - -" and "you A--H-- are wrong--not many allied soldiers died so it wasn't much of a holocaust and certainly not World War III". Didn't they? Was I wrong? No Holocaust???

Firstly, there were far more "allied" deaths than given unto your attention and, frankly, the ones which were hardest to "cover" and "hide" were the ones created by your own allies in error (friendly fire?).

Do you think that Iraq, and now Kuwait, will find it was not a holocaust? Further, it would not be over at the moment if it were not for your REAL enemy--the Soviets. You slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people--most of them civilians--women and children.

Now for Kuwait and atrocities. The greatest atrocities occurred on the road back to Iraq. Have you looked at the pictures of that highway strewn with bodies and "killed" vehicles---thousand and thousands of slain people blown apart by your aircraft. Oh, I see, well they were retreating and could damage ground forces. Well, what of those 5 to 40 thousand Kuwaitis that the Iraqi forces took from Kuwait and hauled off to "somewhere"? I thought you might get the drift!

What has happened is that you have now gotten rid of the Iraqi insurrection AND the best of the Kuwaiti resistance people (the young and their families). So be it, children, for God counts an Iraqi as dearly as he counts a Brit! He loves a Kuwaiti as dearly as he loves the most tiny American. This just happens to be the way it IS--I did not make it up to spoil your celebration for I tell you this, the celebration you see on your TV will be dampened considerably as the dead are mourned. Man, however, is strange indeed--no matter how the person dies in a war, or why, the mourners are greatly soothed by the fact that "he gave his/her life for country!" I wonder- - - -!

World War III? War on Drugs? War on Crime? While you pretend to fight your battles you-the-people lose of the war of God Truth. You fight your way right into the very planned helplessness and denounce and attempt to take-out any who appear to disagree. You continue to shout "anti-Semitic" at my people and unto ME and there is no such actual term for the "Jew" you shout to protect is no "Jew" at all, least of all a Judean! By your very shouting you prove to the world that in actuality YOU ARE THE "ANTI-SEMITIC" FOR YOU KNOW NOT WHAT A "JEW" IS NOR WHAT ONE OF JUDEAN DESCENT IS! YOU ARE FOLLOWING A PARTY-LINE MADE AND SET-UP TO CAUSE YOU TO BE THE FOOL. YOU HAVE JUST DRIVEN ONE MORE NAIL INTO THE COFFIN OF FREEDOM AND BROUGHT ONE MORE SEGMENT OF DISAGREEMENT IN THE MIDDLE EAST INTO THE CONTROL OF THE MONARCHS AND ELITE RULERS. Do you ACTUALLY BELIEVE those nice royal families who own the Middle East are going to let those peasants run the government? Come now--they spit on the laborers for they have a CASTE system and the lowly are not worthy to own--they are considered only worthy to "serve"!

Oh yes, you WILL pay for the cost of restitution and rebuilding. They don't, however, need your money or taxes to do so--although you will get mammoth taxes and they will confiscate your funds. Remember the lesson I gave on the printing of money? All "money" is "credit" and so it goes. The taking of your perceived assets is to bring you to your knees without telling you the truth of it.

Daily you guage the state of affairs by what CNN tells you and the market is up and then down and then flourishing and then "off just a little"--look beyond--you are in a depression and there are millions out of work and no probability of growth to give them work. Indeed, when the "big boys" tell you the plans are going according to schedule--THEY CERTAINLY MEAN EVERY WORD OF IT--EVERY WORD! Worse, they will now change their attention unto you-the-people so you might begin to get nervous.

By the way, have you noticed that, as the war wound down and Saddam was told not to launch those madman weapons, your shuttle suddenly got cracks worthy of notice? Please, dear ones, at least hear us and then see how the pieces fit as you move one day into the next with their false projections. An informed public is a secure public. If you can get your loved ones home now, treasure them, cherish them and stop this thing coming down upon you. Bow in gracious appreciation unto God for another opportunity to salvage some remnant of your Constitution.

Is the Constitution God inspired? Well, it was structured by some elite men in the U.S.--in secret! At that "convention" the entire prior rules of order were totally scrapped and replaced--just as would happen this day if a Convention is called and allowed. It is not that perfection is present--indeed, it is that that which would come down would insure enslavement at the hands of this particular New World Order Elite Puppet-Masters. For this time there is no question as to the validity of "God inspired". It is inspired and demanded by the order of the "Skull and Bones" of which Mr. Bush is a very active credited leader, as was his father.

There is even humor as to the Skull and Bones Society--the women of America keep botching all the plans of the "boys"--have you taken note, men of the world--the women now are demanding opportunity to membership in that Society! What is your old cliche? "....never underestimate the power of a woman scorned??" You may yet find the Skull & Bones reduced to bone-meal.

Next I wish to share with you a letter which was sent to our beloved Wally G. and he has sent it on to be shared. It is from one who is not familiar with our work even, so we honor him for some insightful thought--there are thousands of clear-headed, clear-thinking, individuals--we are only efforting to bring information together in a lump so that you might glean the advantage of the many. I have no particular attention to be given unto "Hemp", for instance, which is the subject of the letter--but the points are well taken. Please note that this "illegal" plant was grown for government use in World War II in Texas, for example, and the bar-ditches still bear the reseeding of natural cycle. Laws change according to the desires of the Elite, dear ones--"smoking pot" is the least of your worries, although it has been pushed into becoming a "problem" also. For thousands of years hemp was just a most totally useful plant in so many ways it could have been called the "miracle" plant. Let us share this document, please.


18 FEB 91

Dear Wally,

It was a pleasure talking with you. Sorry to hear you're not feeling too great, but glad to hear you're still working and gladder still to hear you're doing an environmental script.

It seems to be time for a movie equivalent of Rachel Carson's SILENT SPRING, and in fact much of my recent thinking has been focused on the local-global consequences of our current environmental policies and how we might adjust them into more intelligent directions. I've centered it around our current center world stage event:

U Thant said, "World War III will be the battle to save the earth from environmental ruin." He was right and it's here now: This is not the Persian Gulf War; this is the Battle of the Persion Gulf, opening gambit of World War III. (Hatonn: And you had better take note of this truth!)

Remember, they didn't call it World War II when it first started either, so we better get used to the idea that we're in World War III--and that the environmental ruin we face goes far beyond the scope of Saddam's oil slick and the burning Kuwaiti oil fields.

The nature of the ruin is local-global: Ecosystem destruction that kills each life and all life; and liberty destruction, which destroys each human freedom and all human freedom.

One ravages the planet; the other, the human soul, and they are interrelated patterns, not discrete phenomena, and their common root lies in our addiction to petrochemical oil and our prohibition of hemp.

Hemp was prohibited in the United States during the 1930's, just as a new machine for bringing the plants' processing into the 20th century came on line. Its prohibition was achieved in significant part through the price fixing and/or lobbying efforts of: a) petrochemical companies who would have faced profit-threatening competition from hemp-based products, and 2) the police state bureaucracy that had grown up around alcohol prohibition and was in danger of extinction after its repeal. (Hatonn: For you of the younger generation who may not realize it--all your nylon, dacron etc., for ropes and fabrics, plastics for bowls instead of woven baskets, etc., are carbon fuel-based products.)

The prohibition of hemp deprived the people and Earth of their best protein source, paper source, fiber source, energy source and therapeutic substance. Essentially every subsistence level of human need for food, fuel, fiber and medicine can be manufactured from the hemp plant at considerably less monetary, environmental, and governmental cost than from any other raw material. (Hatonn: He is correct and worse, as you ones effort to come into self-sufficiency--you have no replacement for that plant. It is arranged that way for to simply have a "rope" for tethering your cow--you must now go to the cartel for acquisition.)

Consequently, the prohibition of hemp is having the same effect on the people of the Earth as the U.S. Federal Government's slaughter of buffalo had on North America's native peoples: It is depriving us of our sustenance and making us dependent upon governments that strip us of our culture, dignity, property, freedom and health and tell us we'd better like it or die.

Governments achieve this as a direct consequence of our addiction to petrochemical oil as an energy source: The prohibition of hemp deprives the people of the Earth of a healthy, renewable, decentralized energy source and forces them to become dependent upon a toxic, finite, chokepoint-vulnerable resource.

The prohibition of hemp is: a) A petrochemical price support system that concentrates power and wealth in the hands of those who control it and impoverishes those who must buy it to survive; and b) an environmental disaster of dangerous proportions because half the trees on the planet have been cut down since it was banned and all the cars are running on toxic petrochemical oil instead of benign biomass-based fuel oil.

The socioeconomic conflict resulting from petrochemical addiction and hemp prohibition regularly results in violence, which then gives governments whose operational premise is "protecting the general welfare" an excuse to: a) Attack each other's people through warfare; and b) attack their own people through the construction of police states, which are as toxic to liberty and prosperity as petrochemical oil addiction is to world peace and ecosystem health.

Our petrochemical dependency is addiction in the classical sense of being an obsessive-compulsive need for something that is counter-productive to our health. Policywise, it brings to mind a writing of the Catholic theologian Thomas Merton: "We rely on the sane people of the world to preserve it from barbarian madness and destruction. Now it begins to dawn upon us that it is precisely THE SANE ONES who are the most dangerous."

We simply can't keep living this way--and we just as simply don't have to. We took a wrong turn back in the 1930's that set us on the path to petrochemical addiction and its attendant socioeconomic-environmental destruction, but we can get back on the right road by returning to our roots--our hemp roots.

By immediately ending the prohibition against hemp cultivation, possession and use, we open the biomass door to a global environmental policy of "Conservation through Conversion," to a worldwide transition from unhealthy energy dependence based on toxic, finite petrochemicals to a healthy energy independence based on a renewable, environmentally-sound plant whose decentralized production and manufacturing will create economies of location rather than scale and thus further reduce energy needs. (Hatonn: Now before you laugh yourselves silly--the man is absolutely correct. You youth who have no relationship to anything other than "pot" "weed" smoking--ask your parents if they are old enough to remember when hemp made the finest cloth, the finest and strongest ropes and bindings, the finest fiber-rich food supplement and so on. God provided you with a plant of great benefit and you have been trained now to only abuse it as substance which disallows all other uses in addition.)

At the same time, we could radically reduce the exponentially growing threat of the worldwide police state organization created by hemp prohibition because not only would they no longer be chasing hemp producers and consumers, they'd have to do away with regard to the other prohibited plants, too.

The reason is crop substitution. In many areas of the world, opium poppies and coca plants are grown by native peoples who get next to nothing for their labor in relations to the finished product price but who nevertheless make more money from opium and coca than from any of the other "substitute" crops government tries to push off on them. If these people had the choice of growing hemp instead of opium or coca, most would enthusiastically do it because not only could they sell a portion of their crop for cash, the rest of their crop could directly provide them and their communities with food, fuel, fiber and medicine.

Repealing hemp prohibition is therefore the means by which we can: a) Better feed, clothe and feed the people of the world; and b) better starve the police state apparatus on its totalitarian vine instead of fattening it on the freedom of We-The-People.

Equally important, the repeal of hemp prohibition will radically reduce the likelihood of war being fought over finite, chokepoint-vulnerable energy source because the primary food /shelter/fuel resource would be growing in everybody's back yard, window ledge or living room.

Of course, Texas oilmen and the rest of the predatory petrochemical/pharmaceutical dope pushers won't like it but if we are to save the earth from environmental ruin we must ensure that the opening battle of World War III is the spark which ignites a peaceful plant revolution, not a chorus of multiple thermonuclear detonations.

WHEW! That's been inside for a long time, Wally; thanks for being the impetus for getting it out.

Hope you enjoy the material produced by others; etc, etc,. Best Regards, R.H.

(Hatonn: And you thought the only good of hemp was for smoking and "mind- blowing" experience--no, that was fostered by the Elite to entrap you and allow removal of one more stepping stone to freedom and lock-in to their products. I hope some of you are totally aggravated over this thoughtful perspective given in truth--it is a good example of thousands of things of like matter brought against you unsuspecting peoples of this world. Hemp will grow ANYWHERE. IT IS ONE OF THE WONDROUS PLANTS PROVIDED TO SUPPLY A FLEDGLING HUMANITY WITH "TOOLS"--LET US SAY, IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN FOR LACK OF BETTER DESCRIPTION--JUST AS ARE SOME OF THE WONDROUS AND FORBIDDEN PLANTS OF THE NATIVE CULTURES. YOU HAVE A GREAT BIG BUNCH OF THINGS TO UNDO, PRECIOUS CHILDREN--A GREAT BIG BUNCH!)

R.H. then jotted down what he labeled:


1. How many SCUD's could Saddam shoot at Israel if oil was a buck a barrel?

2. How many F-15's could King Faud buy to threaten Israel with if oil were a buck a barrel?

3. How big would Syria's petrochemical-supported Army and Air Force be if oil was a buck a barrel?

4. How large would be the threat level of all the Arab armies and Iran if oil was a buck a barrel?

5. What would the investment portfolios of Texas oilmen look like if oil were a buck a barrel?

6. Which two Texas oilmen wield enormous power in the geopolitical arena?

7. Which of those Texas oilmen assured Saddam Hussein that the United States didn't give a rat's ass whether he invaded Kuwait or not?

8. Which plant's prohibition props up the price of oil at twenty dollar-plus levels?

9. What Texas oilman is hell-bent upon enforcing this plant's prohibition?

10. Which plant's prohibition deprives the people of planet earth of their safest therapeutic substance?

11. Which Texas Oilman AND former board member of a major pharmaceutical company is totally hell-bent on enforcing this plant's prohibition?

12. Whose father got this Texas oilman appointed to the board of directors of that pharmaceutical company?

13. Which plant's prohibition deprives the people of planet earth of their best protein source?

15. How many trees are cut down each year to make paper grocery bags for the U.S.?

16. How many trees would have to be cut down each year to make paper grocery bags if we restarted making paper from hemp?

17. From what plant's fiber was the flag sown by Betsy Ross made?

18. The paper from what plant's fiber allowed Banjamin Franklin to open the first American printing plant independent of British suppliers?

Well, fortunately he has also supplied you with the answers:

1. None.
2. None.
3. Not very.
4. Not very.
5. Pathetic.
6. George Herbert Walker Bush and James A. Baker III.
7. James A. Baker III
8. Hemp.
9. George Herbert Walker Bush.
10. Hemp
11. George Herbert Walker Bush.
12. J. Danforth Quayle.
13. Hemp.
14. Hemp.
15. 38 million.
16. None.
17. Hemp.
18. Hemp.

* * * * * * * *
Now, see how many question you can make up dealing with the same entities as related to oil companies, off shore drilling rigs, fish-meal importation and so on--I alone, have given you several volumes of material from which to research your listings. I urge you ones to give the thoughtful sharing of such information great appreciation and thoughtful reasoning with logic and proper "awakened" perceptions. The WORLD extends beyond Sports Illustrated sneaker-phones and swim-suits and TV couch-potato growing. Tunnel vision will cost you your existence and freedom--very, very shortly if you fail to wake up and smell the "hemp" burning!

Dharma, enough for this writing for you are still queasy and I desire you away from this place again this day.

Just appreciate the drink for Mother as being given and simply enjoy it for it has been indeed long for Southern California. Don't over-look the fact that within this very month--the earth has split open at Edwards Air Force Base with cracks over three feet deep running linearly some distance in "miles". So much ground water has been removed that even if there were not cracks--there is sinking of up to three feet in the runway areas. It is serious indeed. You have been prevented from having the rain right from your own dimension and you might wish to ponder why the Soviets have allowed you this rainfall! Yes, I suggest you ones get busy smelling the "hemp" burning!

I remove to stand-by. Thank you for your service and for your attention. Thank you RH for sharing and please, Wally, make sure he receives a copy of this. Perhaps you ones will send an extra copy so that Wally has it available. Welcome aboard, son--we need you, not as activist for we do not "activist" as is expected--we simply bring Truth which will ultimately allow Man to take his firm stand--"fighting" and "weapons" will only bring more police force--TRUTH BY THE WORD SHALL OFFER YOU MEANS OF GAINING FREEDOM. BLESSINGS UPON YOU ONES FOR GOD IS WITH YOU AT EVERY STEP--EVERY BREATH AND EVERY THOUGHT--SO PLEASE, MAKE THOSE THINGS WORTHY OF HIS PRESENCE.


Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr.
United Federation Fleet
Inter-Galactic Federation Command