PJ 25
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1991 11:20 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 193
I spend time in this current circumstance on matters of very human detail for it is your human experience in which you are functioning. But you must have input and truthful correct insight into that which is higher dimensional knowledge in order to make your graduation. You must come into the sorting of the wheat from the chaff so that you can honor the being of perfection which you are and which has been hidden from your own perception--for Man is that which he is "trained" to be and yet at a level of Oneness with God--in that infinite energy essence--he KNOWS! MAN KNOWS! MAN JUST PRETENDS TO NOT KNOW FOR HE PERCEIVES THE FUN AND GAMES AND EGO TRIPS OF THE PHYSICAL PLANE OF PERCEPTION IS GREAT AND HE FEARS THAT WHICH HE CANNOT SEEM TO SEE OR TOUCH. AS THIS MISPERCEPTION OF EXISTENCE IS REINFORCED AND REINFORCED, MAN STUMBLES AND CANNOT FIND BRAVERY ENOUGH TO COUNTER THE BEAST EVEN IF GOD HOLDS HIS HAND FORTH--FOR HE "THINKS" HE CAN SEE THAT WHICH IS ABOUT HIM AND FAILS TO WITNESS THE HAND OF GOD. EITHER WAY, FRIENDS, THE BEING WHICH YE CALL "SELF" HAS TO MAKE THE DECISION AND THE JOURNEY AND SINCE YE ALWAYS TURN UNTO THE UNSEEN GOD WHEN "THE CHIPS ARE DOWN", WHY DO YE NOT TURN UNTO THE TRUTH OF THINE OWN GOOD AND PERFECT JUDGMENT PRIOR TO THE LAST MOMENT OF TRUTH?

Why would you denounce these writings as evil on the basis of another's opinions? Is another brighter or greater than thee? If you answer "Yes" then you disappoint me for all Men are created equal in the sight of God and since you will make that journey for "self"--why would you give your destiny into the hands of ANY OTHER? The other is an "authority"? and Expert? By whose pronouncement? Ponder it.

First I will again introduce some new, to some, insight. "Christ" is a state of being--not a name. Emmanuel, Immanuel, Esu, Jesus, Hatonn--are names just as John, Paul, George (in fact that is English for Greek, Gyeorgos (my) name). Christ is represented as the INFINITE SACRED CIRCLE WITHOUT BEGINNING OR END. "Sananda" is a state of being--not a name. Sananda is the state of grace and attainment as one with God. Aton is a state of being and in addition, is an accepted label for "God--One Light" and at the time of experience when the "One God" and "Oneness of All" was being recognized was the label utilized for it was the term used to designate the great central sun and source of life. There is nothing of mysticism nor "charting" about this nor is it revelation of secret societies. If it is a "mystery" it is only that YOU do not know this information--but now that you do, there is no mystery at all. God is not of mysticism, ritual or secret orders--GOD IS TRUTH, THE WORD, ALL KNOWING AND, WHAT GOD IS SO CAN YOU BE, AS THE MYSTERIES ARE OPENED INTO KNOWLEDGE AND THE MYSTICISMS AND SECRET PRONOUNCEMENTS WHICH SHACKLE YOU ARE PEELED AWAY IN THE LIGHT OF THAT KNOWLEDGE.

Let me example--if to focus attention on a given thing--say, tie a yellow ribbon on the tree to remind you each time that you see it, of your beloved friend or loved one in the military, it is a valid and wondrous tool for each time you see it if you will stop, focus and send love and energy, it is a marvelous tool. If, however, the ribbon becomes considered some magic artifact which holds the "magic of manifestation", it is empty and worthless--for you have given into the "thing" your "power". The ribbon is nothing save a ribbon--it is the value of the focus of YOUR energy which is the "power". Just as the super-drug does not heal the body--but only is a tool to assist the body, YOU, to heal. You must cure, the pill is a tool and nothing more just as the ribbon is a ribbon and nothing more. YOU, YOU WONDROUS FRAGMENT OF GOD POWER AND ONENESS, ARE THE POWER AND THE CREATOR AND THE ONE WHO MANIFESTS AND, MOREOVER, YOU CAN UTILIZE THAT WONDROUS GIFT FOR GOOD OR EVIL. ALWAYS GOD SHALL ALLOW YOU THE CHOOSING OF WHICH IT SHALL BE THAT YOUR EXPERIENCE CAN BE VALID, FULL AND THE LESSONS OF PROGRESS OF THE SOUL INTO MATURITY BE ROUNDED AND, FINALLY, INTO TOTAL ABILITY TO FUNCTION WITHIN THE LIGHT ITSELF AS TOTAL KNOWLEDGE WITH WISDOM AND PEACE BEYOND THAT WHICH IS GIVEN UNTO HUMAN ASPECT OF EXPERIENCE TO UNDERSTAND. Once that understanding is attained--YOU will no longer be in the present dimension of limitation.

Well, you might say, "So you've got Dharma trained and she parrots or arranges that which SHE believes and tosses it off on YOU." Let us look at that for a minute. We chuckle a lot at the very fact that she often tells me that, "My opinion does not seem to always represent the opinion of the Management." In human aspect ones have opinions and they are colored by impact of physical experience and not total objectivity and she may have all the opinions she wants in the physical experience. If, however, she writes for me, she may not input her opinion unless so stated, any more than would an efficient secretary who takes dictation for the "boss" signature. That is an agreement which is never breached and if it is, it is so stated and we lose zillions of exceptional scribes who choose to make the writings their own opinions instead of that one for whom they scribe. In many ways we become inseparable but an honorable scribe does not have a problem with confusing the two--in fact, the opinions become one in the same, but to present Truth unto the masses is indeed overwhelming, to speak at minimum about it. But then, one can take the work and represent it with interpretation and opinion--as long as they so state that it is their Perception and Interpretation of the meaning.

In other words, George can say that "...in my opinion, this is what Hatonn means." But it may or may not be exactly what Hatonn means for it is colored with the opinion of George. This is, further, why you ones are so easily duped regarding your Bible, etc. If to join a "Church club" you must declare that you believe the Bible to be total Truth in all its content and outlay, you have just been made the fool. Man has written and translated and erred in those translations according to his perception even unto the translation of a given word to mean such and such a thing, say, from Latin or Arabic into Greek and then German and finally into English for the English-speaking people. If you cannot take an English word and always have it mean the same, i.e. pare, pair, peer, pier, etc., etc.,--THEN HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW THAT THERE ARE PROBABLY ERRORS, AT BEST? But if you are allowing self to be so narrowly tunneled at the requirement of another who insists YOU function according to HIS PERCEPTION--you have released your power and self-authority unto another.

Let us take that further a bit. Say you have a child who attends a given "Church" with you. Now, you didn't REALLY mean you accepted every word but said so in order to be a participant in the club--fine for you, but what about the child who sees the rules and sees you swear to the rules, etc. Do I make my point? Then how can you suppose that total Truth would make it through the generations without erred input since Genesis and Alpha unto the present even if not by ill intent to tamper? This, dear ones, is called using your God-given gift of choice and reason. Reason being the only thing that sets you aside in the Godness of creation of beings. Further, to reason well--you must have knowledge--both good and bad--in perceptions to measure one against the other to reach valid decisions.

When you are told to not partake of certain information--why might that be? It is because the limiter is efforting to prevent you from learning something which may lessen HIS POWER OR CONTROL OVER YOU. God always says--read it ALL--ALL--and study it well for TRUTH WILL STAND THE TESTING OF INFINITY AND THAT WHICH IS UNTRUE WILL FALL ON ITS ASSETS SOONER OR LATER IF BROUGHT INTO THE LIGHT OF OPEN REASON AND LOGIC. In the light of Truth and revealed mysteries--the hidden is opened and the mysticism peeled away like the chaff in the winds at harvest. We further say--copy, share, tell, give, "plagiarize" and present that which we write to all who will hear and see--hopefully without YOUR opinion to PUSH them into your opinion but to allow them to see and hear for selves the logic, reason and unfolding of that which is sent of God for your knowledge and growth and it shall stand--into infinity. You need not defend anything we bring you--it needs no "defense" for Man is given reason as that wondrous portion of His creation--and in time he shall come into the Truth of that which IS!

Now, in order to disallow you from giving all credit and/or "blame" unto Dharma, I herein ask that Sananda (Jesus Christed) allow Druthea, our beloved student and humble servant to share a lesson of lessons for you who would seek for Truth of actions and understanding of the commandments of God in the light of discernment of Truth. This child is humble and perceives self to be unready and thereby comes the ability of the teacher to see that His student is most surely ready. The responsibility rests most heavily on those who serve in Truth and the fear is always that somehow the scribe will inadvertently misrepresent the speaker. That is why the speaker forms great communion with the scribe and the clearance is pure and critical--every time--and the information coming from this place is edited by God, not a set of editors at the bookstore.

First, you must know how it IS and learn to find and isolate Truth and recognize it. Then you can be helped in your searching by ways which help others in finding the channels within self for discerning and communion--i.e., the utilization of the yellow ribbon, let us say, to focus a bit of energy unto another. Moreover, you must learn truly how to commune with self, higher self and beyond WITHOUT THE MYSTICAL CHARADE AS GIVEN BY MOST SELF-APPOINTED GURUS. THERE IS NO GURU GREATER THAN SELF! You must come into the realization that all things flow and become only ONE and if you don't understand that then I suggest the book, AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL. THERE IS ONLY ONE--IN ALL THINGS THERE IS ONLY ONENESS AND IT IS FROM THE SEPARATION AND DIVISION THAT YOU HAVE COME INTO CHAOS AND DISORDER FOR YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN THAT WHICH YOU ONCE KNEW.

Then, I ask that Sananda (Jesus Christos) give you input through Thomas. I would then have Joy to pen for Him but she is distant to such extent that the writing would not be timely to this location and it is the value of that very fact that is worthy of note. You will find that Truth never varies--only the presentation thereof. Further, you will, hopefully, be able to see that "I knew/know that!" and "There is nothing new in that!" I certainly hope so! If you do not see it, then you have given your wondrous and greatest gift of all--your God power--away, and believe me it will come into reasonableness when I say--to someone lesser than you for if another would accept your power from you--HE IS NOT OF GODNESS AND IS FAR LESSER THAN BE YOU.

I shall relinquish this forum herein unto my brother that you might see the fact that Truth when given in that total light of Truth is in sameness and yet, often given in differing perspective is most valuable indeed, in the touching of a chord of recognition in memory. May you be given into seeing that which is offered unto you. Saalome' In love and honor, I salute you and stand guard with the Guardians and Hosts in His service and humble service unto you for in God we are but ONE and as there comes into our perception an ending of some sort or another--KNOW THAT IT IS ONLY THE MOST WONDROUS AND GLORIOUS OF THE BEGINNING!

PJ 25
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1991 7:48 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 194
Let us pray, Dharma, for what is witnessed by God this day in the lands of that which were once Holy is indeed telling of the human insanity of Man against brother. It was stated so well last evening on your Larry King program--"There are no winners in this war and America shall lose the most even if the military adventure is overwhelming victory and suppression." When asked how long it would take to bring good relationships with the PEOPLE of the Arab nations, the Arab (an elderly man with many years of experience) said "...not less than until 2030 or ‘40; the people of these nations despise both their own wealthy, greedy royal rulers and the United States--the PEOPLE WILL RISE AGAINST YOU ALL FOR YOU CANNOT SUPPRESS THEM FOREVER!" This was a man of peace, having lived into his shadow years.

What is happening here is that which brought the most destruction to the tribes of Africa. Shaka Zulu came and rose to power through blood and hatred. The tribes had "codes of war"--they brought their spears and arrows and dressed in their war costumes and confronted the "enemy" tribe whereat they stopped a measured number of feet from one another and danced and shouted and "counted coup" on one another and yet blood did not flow and in the "formal" wars it was an accident if one was killed. Shaka came and marched across the line and killed everyone who moved and the tribes have mourned ever since. I comment not about renegades nor the rightness of the circumstance--it simply was how it was.

Look closely at that which you have become as a people--you feast on 100,000 air attacks against civilian centers and slaughter in the thousands like Roman Royalty at the gladiator shows and, now that the enemy is beaten and ashamed, you shame him further and put your thumbs downward and slay him even as he tries to surrender.

Now YOU ACCUSE ME AND MY SCRIBE OF BEING ANTI-AMERICAN AND UNPATRIOTIC. Well, my scribe is shattered with that which is happening for she, having come into truth of the life journey, cannot adjust to the death and persecution. I, on the other hand, am not on your place and I witness hatred and thirst for blood which surpasses Rambo in the U.S. and British troops. Note that when the Iraqis surrender to the Turks or other of the Arabs, there is embracing and love of brother for brother and the war represents control of a heinous leader and NOT the cause of the "brother".


Do not the Iraqis, in the ending here, have the right to choose and bring justice against the evil intent of any rulers and, with protection from the United Nations, call for elections, etc.? Who has pronounced one nation GOD over all others? Please go back and read "Psychopolitics" and see that which has happened. Your troops were caused to wait in unknowing, scorching heat, freezing cold and misery until they were ready to go unto death just to end the boredom and imprisonment of themselves in a horrid placement. Through the blood-letting and POWER they can now see that they might go home and the killing and smashing represents freedom. But it actually does not--it only represents the lessening of human goodness in a most subtle manner. So be it for these are the things that bring nations down and press the unseeing enslavement. This war was a test-run to set the pieces in place for the next segment of world domination.

When I speak of the One World Government and ones who have brought about the plight you face, do I strike out at the persons of ones such as Donald Keyes? No, for like all of you-the-people, they sought after world peace and understanding, government on a global scale that would protect, justly, all places from the tiny section of Africa to the giant forces. What happens, precious ones, is that the dream is stolen by the Elite Sadist Powers and set up by those powers and now you see the beginning of the results. You are not now tending of the world "rights" through a united council--you are witnessing "behind closed doors" power pronouncements and coalitions being formed out of the Elite and dictatorial and monarchial RULERS the control through massive force of the rest of the citizens and nations of the world. The show of power against Iraq is but piddling to the lesson your government is giving to you-the-people! You believe those soldiers are YOUR protection--no, they are a controlled machine which will now suppress YOU and ultimately end your freedom and few will recognize it until it is too late.

We are accused of being "Political Activists". All we do is tell you the truth of it and you will find NONE of our workers being activists as you suggest. If truth causes other to see and desire activism then that is of their decision--ours is to bring the uncovering of the lies. If we were of force, we would be present with our technical power and that would be the end of freedom for all of you for we have the power to annihilate your planet instantly. Dear ones, power is not the name of the game of life progression--the point is to come into balance with Godness and have power and control over one entity--self. When that is attained there is no longer even desire to control or overpower another. You have forgotten that which "freedom" really IS.

Do you think God is going to come forth and somehow "blast" everyone into submission? Nay, it will not be necessary for the Evil will devour itself for it cannot exist in the presence and within that which is Godly and Lighted by goodness.

I do not pray for "victory" over my brother--I pray that I not be tempted into the places of evil and Godlessness. I pray that My Spirit, which is omnipotent and Omnipresent, hear my petition and remain in attendance to my every attention. May YOUR SPIRIT, Great Spirit Creator, be incarnate in me. May Your power reveal itself within me and may it shine constantly "without" me--wherever I might find experience of my greater and immortal being as I journey through my experience which has been granted through Your Grace, unto me.

Please give unto me this day, that which I need to better serve You, Creator, and that which is The Creation--ultimately, my fellow-being in whatever experience in whatever dimension in which I am allowed that experience. May I ever allow that other fragment as my relations to experience without my intervention or suppression. Let me always bow unto Your other creations and treat them as if I truly understand that which they are--Yourself in manifested testing of my own growth into perfection of Self in Your expression. Show me that I might recognize the truth of myself and, in that, may I always bring forth into radiance, Truth and reverence for all things of Your Creation that I might come into the total realization that it is MY creation that is manifested before myself and is a reflection of myself. Let me always consider the reflection of that mirror of self before me and judge it most carefully as to whether or not it reflects God or Evil.

Grant me strength of Spirit that I always attend my brother and fall not into the temptations offered by humanness of flesh and physical projection for it is but a fleeting moment in my journey. As I do unto others I know my actions and intent shall be returned unto me in like kind for as the seed is sowed so shall the harvest be in kind. If we live by the sword, so shall we die by the sword and if we live by Light so shall we rise within the Light--show us the way to bring unto our brothers TRUTH in thine own perfected radiance and harm no man nor creature for our commission is to bring truth and force no man for we shall always be given into respect and allowance of another's choice and passage. May we always be given into reverence to another for we are not given to know of another's journey.

Please allow me clarity and perception, tolerance and above all, mercy and love for within the Light of LOVE nothing of evil can sustain.

I ask these things in guidance and direction for Yours is the realm and it is within ME and EACH and ALL IS ONE, AND THUS WITHIN ALL--grant us the Grace of REMEMBERING. And may the KNOWLEDGE of the Truth and Your true Power be within me forever that I serve truly and infinitely in peace and brotherhood with ALL THINGS WITHIN THINE GLORIOUS BEINGNESS. I give gratitude for EVERY experience gifted unto me that I may learn and through the lessons learned by experiences, positive and negative, rise unto and into the protection that is GOD! I ask these things that I may serve in Godness and not in Selfness but that so, too, Self will discipline my path in the true realization that there is only ONENESS. Amen, and amen.

Dharma, we will please now write that which is presented through the hands of our beloved little sparrow, Dru for there is joy in the heavens these days as the fledglings recognize their ability to fly and take to the Cosmos with the wings of Godness.

Monitor your thoughts, words, deeds and actions for the following clues:


Feelings of inferiority or superiority over others will most often manifest as a two-edged sword, meaning both feelings may exist simultaneously in One who feels inferior, perhaps in his performance of some action or deed, may feel inferior because he has failed to be superior in his own eyes. Somewhere within his ALTERED EGO exists the Anti-Christ setting for him levels of performance perhaps beyond his current capabilities. He then will fight for the rightful superiority he is given to believe he has over others and thus continues to set himself up for failure in his own eyes. This is where the term "Competition" defined as striving: against another or others for some object has been distorted in society in such a way where one's personal worth as a human being is measured against his performance against others or rather than perfecting his "personal best", which is striving in personal ability beyond self-imposed limits.

And so it goes that one who is chided by the Anti-Christ within to feel superior to others will draw from his feelings of not wanting to be inferior, which often times translates to him as rejection of his beingness and unworthiness. This is where fear enters the picture and brings us to our next point.


It is very simple how this is done. The Anti-Christ keeps your altered ego in PAST-GUILT ORIENTATION or FUTURE-FEAR ORIENTATION. This is how your reality manifestation abilities are controlled.

As you wallow around in your past, re-living experiences with regret and self-pity, you cannot work in the present moment to change or create more desirable circumstances. This is why many of you may have heard the great wisdom of FORGIVENESS and RELEASE of all past emotional and physical thoughts, words and deeds. One must forgive self and all others. (Remember that this does not mean that you don't garner the wisdom of knowledge in Truth from the lessons of the experience, because that is why you created the experience in the first place--to grow in your awareness of THE TRUTH. The same rule about past-orientation is true for those who SPEND COUNTLESS hours in re-living pleasant past memories of the experience of living in and creating the "now". A rather appropriate cliche along this line says, "It's alright to look back, just don't stare".

Now, Future-Fear orientation is a big stumbling block for most all of humanity. Fear, in itself is a great separator of the human creature from his Creator. Fear is the biggest tool of the Anti-Christ within. Since the Highest Command of The Creation is to "Achieve the wisdom of knowledge inasmuch as this will enable you to wisely follow all the laws of The Creation", then it stands to reason that recognizing the Truth in all things, including your IMMORTAL connection with God, will vanquish from your being any fear of some future experience, since you as an immortal-soul God Fragment ARE the MASTER of your destiny. You see, fear paralyzes the senses and only can manifest within the being if he sees himself as separate from his creator rather than a fragment of the ONE. It is this ILLUSION of being separate from the ONE that has trapped humans within the false bondage of fear. If one recognizes the Truth and is willing to see the manifested illusion as it really is, one will see the natural balance and inner peace that is achieved by TRUSTING the Father within, and wisely following the Laws of balance given by God and The Creation.

This now brings us to the point of remembering and understanding THE LAW OF ONE. All beings and creations are equal in the reflection of God, only each is different in abilities, talents and beingness as an expression of the ONE. You see, there cannot exist any separation, all come from the ONE great source of all, THE CREATION and all will return to our source, THE ONE. Humans exist as individual fragments of the whole, a fragment of and, if you will, seeded with all unlimited potential of God-awareness and wisdom. When we LOVE the essence of Spirit within all there is no longer any illusion of separation. We are simply honoring GOD within ourselves and all others. We no longer are separated by our fears and unworthiness. We are God's expressions of LIFE, we ARE the SPIRIT OF LIFE ITSELF.


For example, it is not your fault that your husband is an alcoholic and beats you, or that your parents abandoned you, or that you were fired from your job, or that your government leaders are corrupt, or that we have gone to war and on and on and on.

What the Anti-Christ within is actually telling YOU is that you are not responsible for the experiences in your manifested reality. This false belief causes you to cast BLAME on another or others and not take personal responsibility for YOU creating the manifested experience through the influence of the Anti-Christ within you.

Ones will often times argue with this truth and say, "Well, I cannot control the free-will of another who chooses to be angry with me, or steal from me, how can I be responsible for the behavior or actions of another?" It is true YOU are not responsible for the free-will behavior of another, BUT you ARE responsible for "buying into" THEIR games and making yourself a VICTIM to it. YOU choose how you will RESPOND in ALL circumstances. Remember THE LAW OF ONE? The Anti-Christ within THEM is the same Anti-Christ that YOU choose to allow to exist within you. The Anti-Christ is looking for a place to reflect itself, and YOU choose whether or not you will reflect back the Anti-Christ or whether you will recognize the trap and instead reflect back the Divine Love of the Father Within which therefore leaves the Anti-Christ nowhere to roost within YOUR temple of GOD.

Here is a portion of a most wondrous prayer by Hatonn which is helpful to remember in your daily communion with God and in times when you feel you could be lured into the Anti-Christ drama of another. "Father, let me always allow YOUR will to manifest through me that I stand in judgment of no man and yet wisely judge that which is given in action against YOUR HOLY PRESENCE."

(Hatonn: Oh yes, I hear you--"...if YOUR higher self is God, Hatonn--then how can you speak and say how to speak to God?" Simple--because I, therefore, know that which God hears and honors--just as so should YOU! Let us put it this way "...if the message of the horse comes directly from that horse's mouth......!!?")

You see, whether you are aware of it or not, you are unconsciously manifesting ALL within your scope of reality mostly with your "altered" ego. The beautiful thing about this truth is that when it is realized, one can become a conscious creator of a truly balanced manifested experience by surrendering his altered ego to the loving Divine God within him and so thereby balancing all of his creation within the Laws of God and The Creation.


Of course, you know by now self-punishment is encouraged for "past" sins (errors). Which is really your altered ego unworthiness (inferiority/superiority) which we discussed earlier, expressing itself in the following ways: Criticism of self and others, greed, lust, jealousy, envy, guilt, shame, self-doubt, depression, helplessness, anger, hatred, resentment, impatience which leads to frustration, illnesses and diseases which lead to the death wish of the body. Self-punishment is the effect of the cause of believing the lies of the Anti-Christ. This may continue, life-time after life-time, the poor immortal soul becomes self-locked onto the wheel of reincarnations (Hatonn: Oh yes there IS! And if you believe otherwise, so be it for it is you who are the misinformed. Reincarnation does not necessarily mean that you return to this placement, even--but if you do not believe in reincarnation (re-experience of soul in manifestation--somewhere) then by deductions taken further--you DO NOT BELIEVE IN GOD'S HEAVENLY REALMS, EITHER. You cannot have one without the other and because this is such a powerful Truth, it was deliberately removed from the books you, as humans, would call your Holy Books in the form of the Holy Bible as you label it. The fact remains in the ancient teachings and you ones, this day, are facing an enemy who DOES know of life experience after this one and KNOWS this is but a passing experience.) and seeks to punish himself for his perceived sins of the past in hopes of redeeming himself to his Creator God. If he just understood the power and importance of forgiveness and release of his "past" and adhering to the laws set forth by God and The Creation, he would be free of his bondage in an instant.

Yes, God created "Cause and Effect" so that each soul could grow in his awareness and become empowered with the true responsibility he has of his thoughts, words, deeds and actions. In other words, so that he could recognize his power and the importance of responsible God-Balanced manifestation.


For example, the law of God which says, "THOU SHALT NOT KILL". This means in your THOUGHTS as well as your deeds you shall not wish death upon another human being of God. This rule does not mean you cannot defend yourself if your life is threatened, because that is suicide and also against the laws of God.

This also means that by becoming pregnant, which is being the vehicle of one of God's new creations, and having an abortion because of YOUR irresponsible sexual behavior, it is still MURDER any way you look at it. Remember "personal responsibility!". There are definitely many possibly undesirable "effects" to illicit and wanton lustful sexual activity. Pregnancy and disease are two obvious results which do and have occurred more often than not.


Your desires for those things and "possessions" of the material world include not only physical manifested "things" of the material world, such as a television, house, car and money, but also emotional desires such as sexual conquest, marriage, children, friendship, acceptance, recognition and worship. The Anti-Christ within will keep you always seeking outside yourself for the false promise of fulfillment with more, bigger and better "things". And as the poor soul readily jumps on the treadmill of unfulfilling work to make the money he now needs to fulfill his desires, his soul pines away for something more, something just beyond his reach--if only he had more, money, a more prestigious job position, a bigger home, a newer car, more vacations--more, bigger, better. The false promise is never enough and it will not fulfill the cry of the soul to recognize and connect with the immortal spark of his Creator within. So the Anti-Christ will tell you to forget your problems, have some fun, relax, have a few drinks, take some drugs, you deserve it and can afford it now.... and before long the dear God Fragment is shrouded in the darkness of addiction and misery.

So does this mean it is wrong to have things of the material world which you manifested? Not at all; God is abundance in all Kingdoms, but the catch is you cannot become attached to things of the material world and to your emotional desires. You are borrowing this wondrous physical body and all of the "things" of the manifested world will NOT go with you when you leave your body in whatever sort of transition you earn. It is ONLY YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL THAT IS REAL IN THIS JOURNEY TO ONENESS WITHIN. All else is manifested illusion. However lovely and precious it is, it remains as the props and the backdrops for the players remaining. This is just ONE drama of billions fed by the Breath of Life from God and The Creation. And then again, it is really just ONE drama and we are but co-creators in the play of life unfolding.

So the key to releasing yourself from bondage to the material plane is to become DETACHED from it which is to disconnect from your attachments to "things" and emotional attachments as well. To become detached emotionally one must forgive and release (see #4) all perceived transgressions upon self and others. This is not to say you have no care or compassion or Love--you absolutely DO and MUST have unconditional love of all beings and creations of GOD--(that IS their essences as existing as a part of the ONE)--but you must detach from all manifested illusions and emotions which weigh you down in vibration much like wet wool garments on your body.

7. Now there is one more point to ponder because many of you will and do ask, "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE TO THE REST OF THE WORLD IF I CAST OUT THE ANTI-CHRIST WITHIN ME AND THE REST OF HUMANITY REFUSES TO DO SO?":

It DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Because again, remember THE LAW OF ONE? Humanity and the creations of God are all related as a part of the ONE. Your manifested world is a DIRECT reflection of what exists within each of you. You each are a part of the pool of mass consciousness, which means you each are responsible for your portion of the whole. For example, a comparison can be made between the pollution which exists in the air, water and ground of this wondrous planet and the pollution of the Anti-Christ which YOU each support within yourselves. So for each one of you who recognizes and casts out the Anti-Christ within, you are essentially healing a portion of the disease of mass consciousness. YOU make a BIG difference by committing your will to the knowledge and wisdom of TRUTH in God's Kingdom. YOU become a part of the solution for healing the cesspool of darkness in mass consciousness, rather than remaining as a part of the problem. You see, you will then carry the Light of Truth and Wisdom of our Father within you and others are attracted to it, because it is the joy of the Spirit of LIFE itself and YOU become the vehicle for offering it to them. May YOUR candle of Love, Truth and Light deliver the Divine Spark of Understanding to ALL who await their call from HOLY GOD OF THE LIGHT AND OF THE CREATION! AMEN.

* * * * * * * *
Well done, chela, well done indeed. And for you who would have more of the directed teachings and explanations of that which has been given and then corrupted by Man,--"straight from the Horse's mouth"--I suggest you stay tuned! Master Esu "Jesus" Sananda intends to give this chela direct and literal instructions as to that which you call the "COMMANDMENTS"--you may be surprised to find that there may not even be TEN of them, but that is not for me. For that which you will receive will come directly from Emmanuel Sananda (Jesus), Lord Michael and Germain. You are going to witness a world in transition and transmutation and there is rejoicing in the Houses and Councils of God. Amen.

We know and understand that this is THE information for which most of you readers long for and have awaited--but all things must flow in proper sequence and again, I remind you--if you know not the problems and uncover the lies, you cannot recognize of the cure for the diseases which have been created to keep you blinded.

I am going to ask closure of this portion following addition of Sananda's message via Thomeros Efi (Thomas) for the name itself (Thomas) is "Communion, Twin within the Light and bringer of "Communication"). Dru is our loving term for Druthea (Bringer of strength through the teachings and Gift of God). We are grateful indeed, to share in the service unto Man and God.

These writings will be placed to print in their own volumes as we move along but we will adhere to necessary sequence for optimum speed of acceptance and fullness of understanding. Our beloved Joy's word is into and finishing the second volume of three books and will soon be available as the material is almost ready for publication--awaiting the final format. The cover will bear a reflection of Sananda and the term "Joy" needs no explanation! As other scribes are introduced we shall rejoice also, at the graduation into unity of purpose. Oh yes, and Dharma shouts, HALLELUJAH! (She "thinks" she will get a rest! let us not burst of her bubble.) I get another funny reaction--When Little Crow was sent to tell Dharma that she would write at least three more volumes (some 10 volumes past), it has been laughed about greatly by one who kept saying "when are we going to have done enough"? Little was their realization that God always has plans for ones who effort to limit--he makes of them the scribes so that they, too, can produce in unlimitedness!

Keep your sense of humor, chelas, for the journey is an experience to be accepted in fullness and joy--not with thine faces long and thine spirits down--IF YE WALK WITH GOD OF TRUTH THROUGH THIS JOURNEY IT CAN BE NAUGHT BUT JOY! Ye must release that which is perceived as "bad" form thine possession of it--for it is NOT YOURS TO POSSESS! PONDER IT.


I am Hatonn, to close and stand aside while you take opportunity to think upon these things. Salu and Adonai.