PJ 25
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1991 9:02 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 190
In the Radiance of Light I come this morning filled to overflow with questions--in fact, my file runneth over! Therefore, I would put some of the inquiries back into thine hands for ye have enough under-cover information to pretty well analyze that which is going on and coming down. I intend to respond, so please stay with me but let us become quiet and see what wondrous information flows as I repeat the inquiries. First, I will give you some questions which are not asked by other than a minute few which bear more information on the whole than does anyone else.

Who and what has stalled out the shuttles? Who is delineating the U.S. response to the Russian proposal? Who is structuring the response? Where is Henry Kissinger? Eagleburger? Scowcroft? Has Iraq actually shot any missiles whatsoever at anyone? What kind of tanks were at Khafji? What level of Iraqi warrior was at Khafji? Why are your military now downgrading the value of all the recently captured EPO's after the big flap about them? What are you learning from the "grapevine" about the "dug-in" bunkers?

What does the U.S. military REALLY say about military capability--off the vidiot propaganda boxes? Has the Russian/Soviets let up on military buildup? Why do they have the final "blackmail-say" about what comes down--especially in America?

What of the markets about the world? What of the money exchange? What of the price of gold? What is going to happen to gold? Why is Saddam so angry but will continue the game? Why is America between the hardest place on the planet and the rock of inflexibility? What will Israel do? Why are your top advisers back in Israel? (Oh yes they are!) Will the war be extended? Does it matter in the least? How many people control that which the U.S. does? Saddam's "scorched earth" plan? Why does the U.S. now denounce the Soviet's position on the Security Council? Why does the U.S. continue to have to take heed of that which the Soviets project? Let us look at a few of these things in perspective of objectivity in light of that which we have been providing you from the "underground" circuits of Truth instead of propaganda filled lies.

I repeat and repeat--the Soviets and Bush had an agreement that there would be no nuclear war in the Middle East until 1992. That agreement was drawn and consummated at Malta. If there is a major out-of-control war in Kuwait, etc., there will be nuclear weapons utilized. Israel would desire that to happen to gain her objectives of land acquisition prior to the Soviet segment who despises Israeli Zionists gaining control.

There is still no one on the Earth to match the space capability of the Soviets and to do a reasonably good job in this war you MUST have better surveillance and space capability--hence the need for the "defense/military shuttle trips". The Soviets have said they will simply take them out if they are launched. So, you have some unexpected cracks in the fuel tank doors or something equally as foolish on multi-billion dollar toys--all of them. Your administration has, further, been warned that if this "thing" doesn't come under control that the Soviets will make sure it does--that means there will either be devastating weather upheavals and/or major earthquakes in the U.S. and elsewhere and/or military action against domestic America from across your borders. Now, what is "under control"?

Under control means that "there will be no nuclear war" and Israel has her nuclear weapons poised and aimed in her little "retaliation" mode of action. In the bombing of the nuclear facilities in Iraq, the "allies" have already released a lot of radiation into the atmosphere and now citizens are being brought down with the poisoning--beyond those who died instantly from either the attack and/or the immediate radiation.

The Soviets have already told the U.S. that the desired accomplishments from the war have been attained and "enough already". The price of oil is up and basically the U.S. through the U.N. can keep the Royal Highnesses under the thumb for a while longer--in other words, total chaos in the Middle East.

Another coup against Hussein is under the gathering and being presented to the world as a method of bringing Saddam under fire and topple the government of Iraq after the Kuwait withdrawal. Oh yes there is--there has already been one such attempt thwarted and reported (not by your papers or media but strangely enough, out of Nigeria, W. Africa). Perhaps I can just read it to you. The coup itself occurred on or about the 18th of January 1991 and you heard about it--as a notice that Hussein had begun to kill his own officers who disagreed with him.

"A desperate attempt to sack the government of Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein and end the raging imbroglio in the Persian Gulf has cost seven lives, two of them members of the ruling Iraqi Baath Party, it was claimed in London on Wednesday.

"The seven were allegedly caught and killed by security personnel who had uncovered plans by the "dissidents" to seize Baghdad's main television station to broadcast a call for the ouster of Saddam and end of the war with American-led allied forces.

"The British newspaper, The Guardian, reported in London on Wednesday that the attempt was perpetrated last Friday (18th) and was thwarted by fate--a power failure at the station at the time of the plot. (No comment)

"Mr. Sayyid Abdul Aziz Al-Hakim, a prominent member of the Shi'ite Muslim persuasion and senior opposition leader in Iraq was reported by the London newspaper to have blown the lid off the botched plan and killings, when he met with a British foreign office official in London on Wednesday (23rd.)

"Hakim, a conspicuous figure of the Organization for Human Rights in Iraq, was said to have met separately in London also on Monday with British undersecretary of state for Middle-East affairs David Gore-Booth, in the company of another Saddam Hussein opponent and Kurdish minority leader Sami Abdulahman.

"Whereas neither Hakim nor Abdulahman claimed to have witnessed the killings in Baghdad, the newspaper reported that it relied on Hakim's impeccable sources in Iraq.

"According to the newspaper report, ‘The men planned to broadcast a message to the Iraqi nation, blaming President Hussein for starting another war and urging a general uprising. A power failure prevented the broadcast and they were caught and killed by security forces.' Now, this article came from the Daily Champion, Nigeria, W. Africa, 1/25/91 in which there was also a widespread plea for the Moslems to remain calm and not protest."

Now we will comment about the power failure. You see, secrets are a funny thing--if you tell the one you think to be your friend it is very likely to work out like this one did. Under orders to stop bombing the military installations in Iraq--it was issued orders to "suddenly" take out the power plant to the television center--and to insure that the TV communications center would be helpless to broadcast, demolitions squads went in and personally shut it down and the perpetrators of the coup were "tattled on" and thusly "caught"! Dear ones, you don't have anything going on in that sector for the purposes given to you nor in the manner projected to you. ISRAEL DOES NOT WANT THE GOVERNMENT REPLACED--THEY WANT THE MIDDLE-EAST FOR OCCUPATION--STARTING WITH DEMOLISHING IRAQ AND MOVING ACROSS THE LANDS IN ACQUISITION.

If any of you were witness to the CNN program last evening on which Henry Kissinger appeared--you know who is formulating the response to the Soviets. Mr. Kissinger said "He" would demand immediate removal from Kuwait on overnight notice (today that was in Mr. Bush's response). In fact, Mr. Bush responded verbatim to that which Kissinger had projected only hours prior.

Mr. Bush has also been told that if he does not get this "Peace" shut down posthaste that Israel will take this as the time to retaliate in massive force (which means nuclear weapons, friends). There are several things at stake here, not the least of which is that so far Iraq has launched almost no missiles at Israel and is simply waiting for Israel to begin the holocaust and then the response will be equally as devastating. So far the entire show has been put on by Israel and U.S. intelligence to propagandize the world into supporting this heinous atrocity of devastation to a nation and innocent people.

How can you believe that Hussein is helpless? He hasn't even utilized any of the really devastating weapons in his arsenal! The Soviets advisers have never left Iraq and neither has the supply of weapons and parts coming from the Soviets. Who is kidding who?

Let me reprint a couple of articles from the February 11, 1991 ARMY TIMES (That, dear ones, is the U.S. Army TIMES):

"Gulf war leaves U.S. vulnerable to Soviet storm:"

"The United States is in a strategic situation that brings its very existence into question.

"Beginning with the explosion of the first Soviet nuclear device in 1949, the United States recognized that it faced a power that could destroy it in a matter of minutes, and thus built a countervailing nuclear arsenal. From the early 1960's we accepted the idea that nuclear war might be averted if we were to build conventional forces to a level that could bring the existence of the Soviet Union or any other nuclear adversary into question.

"In the late 1980's we threw caution to the wind. Based almost solely on our faith in Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, we stopped modernizing strategic nuclear forces and reduced a promising anti-nuclear defense system to the status of a research project. Then in the midst of planning to drastically reduce our conventional forces, we deployed nearly the total combat power remaining into a strategic cul-de-sac in the Persian Gulf. What may be even more ominous, we have strained our logistic capability to, and possibly beyond, its limits to support the Persian Gulf war.

"Meanwhile, despite problems of morale and partial withdrawal from Eastern Europe, the Soviet conventional forces remain intact and in position to move in any direction.

"We recently were warned by the Soviet Foreign Minister that Soviet democratization is at an end. Yet we are engaged in a war in the Persian Gulf that could tie up our conventional forces indefinitely, but not tie down one single Soviet soldier.

"The identification of military cargo aboard a Soviet freighter headed for Iraq on Jan. 8 coincides with the resurgence of KGB and military power in Moscow and the murder of unarmed Lithuanians seeking independence.

"We have permitted Iraq to occupy the full strength of the American armed forces, other than strategic nuclear forces. Yet a fraction of the air and naval forces now in the Persian Gulf region could protect the only major interest we have there--the Saudi Arabian oil fields--and enforce a 100 percent blockade of Iraqi oil exports for as long as it takes to break Iraq's economic and military power.

"By becoming trapped in this secondary theater we have opened the way for reassertion of centralized, totalitarian rule in Russia and thereby lost an opportunity to break apart the Soviet Union.

"We had the tools needed--political, military and economic--to have made good our long-standing moral commitment to independence for Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Our firm support for freedom there almost certainly would have led to independence for Armenia, Georgia and possibly the Ukraine. Without the Ukraine the Soviets would not be able to wage war, nuclear or conventional, against the United States.

"Now we are faced with the worst of all possible outcomes: What was already an inherently unstable Soviet political system has been undermined by economic collapse. Unwilling or unable to shift to a market economy that might have had some slim chance of success, the Soviet regime can now be saved, for a time, by the only pillars of stability left--the KGB and the military. The emerging Soviet chieftains are the most dangerous stewards imaginable for a nuclear arsenal that not only remains intact but has continued on a course of steady modernization.

"It has taken months to commit our active Army and Marine Corps into the Saudi trap. The Marines can be deployed fairly quickly, but it will take months to get the Army out with its heavy equipment in time to meet an emergency elsewhere.

"We have been in the eye of a hurricane concerning our relations with the Soviet Union and mistook it for everlasting peace. We do not know what lies ahead but the storm gathering in the Soviet Union tells us that we had better do the best we can to regain the equilibrium and freedom of action our foolish optimism has cost us." I shall protect the source herein because the "big boys" are really playing a dirty game these days.

I wish to give a statement to you people. George is going on the air in just a few brief moments and I cannot get a full message to cover all these inquiries in time to be of value so allow me interruption to give you example of the subterfuge perpetrated against your children in uniform.

I fully intend to report the second article from this paper for it has to do with the lopsided weapons power--lopsided in favor of Iraq and documented. I have already given you a complete breakdown of that power--but look what is being fed to your children: By the way, the average age of the troops in Saudi Arabia (U.S.) is 23-years. Do any of you remember your level of knowledge at 23? They are sequestered in the desert sands and the only access to news and information comes from CNN!!!

Example of that which is given unto them: When questioned about facing such odds of being outnumbered with weapons of cannon variety, the young man (less than 23 by some 4 years) replied, "Well, yeah, but we aim better and I see it like this, if somebody throws a whole bunch of rocks at me and I only have to throw one at him, because I aim better--I win!" Does it not stand to reason that if the Iraqis have better, bigger and more technologically advanced cannons and the Russians who have perfected them to guide the equipment--that "poor aim" is not likely to be inclusive in this scenario? "Mother of Wars!" may go down in infamy as a statement--but understated as a fact!.

Dharma, give this much into Oberli's hands and fax to George please and then we will continue and fax until we run out of time. Thank you.

PJ 25
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1991 10:30 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 190
This scenario of Peace offer and Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait is being orchestrated so that the world will KNOW BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT that the U.S., if it doesn't "play ball", is to blame and intends destruction unilaterally. You see, Saddam Hussein has absolutely nothing to loose further and everything to gain from war. Even the Jordanians KNOW of the awesome power remaining with Saddam. The leader of the religious element in the Middle East (throughout the region) is calling for immediate backing of the "People" into Saddam's support.

Now that Saddam has agreed to the resolutions, the U.S. will be hanging out a mile if you refuse to cooperate. It is a really nasty predicament in which to find selves. Your military is all over everywhere else except where the REAL THREAT ACTUALLY IS IN PLACE TO YOUR NATION. YOU CANNOT DEPEND ON A SINGLE MIDDLE-EAST NATION BECAUSE EVEN THE ROYAL DICTATORS OF THE OIL NATIONS ARE LOSING THEIR MONEY HAND OVER FIST TO YOUR BANKERS AND WHEN THE ODDS GET WORSE THE SUPPORT WILL SHIFT AS THE OIL FIELDS GO UP IN SMOKE AND ISRAEL FULLY PLANS TO SEE TO IT THAT THEY DO.


The bankers are shoring up the markets in hopes of sucking everyone who will invest into the show--and then if and when it hits about 3500, the collapse will happen.

Gold is dropping--a good time to invest if using for collateral. Gold is sluggish because of the "confiscation" factor--but for collateral purposes in Cartel banks will be stable for quite a while.

While Rome burns, the Feds are merging the Big banks and please note today, the New Hampshire banks are in collapse--one down and the rest toppling. Your entire economy is falling apart.

Big notes will soon be called and phased out--very soon and then will come the money recall--it is the only way the Feds can corner the old and replace it with the colored notes and then all will be recalled and moved to a debit card system and money in any form will simply be phased out.

What about the "scorched earth" plan? Bush says it is under way in Kuwait. Well, Saddam told you he would do it--but moreover, he had done nothing about it until after Bush said it was already under way--your own military has bombed many of the oil installations this day and set the fields afire to turn world opinion. This does not mean that Saddam will not intensify the action for he will. If the ground war goes into effect in a major way, the world will appear to all be burning! But it will be the Israelis who will blow up and set fire to the Saudi Fields first--to swing public attention. I tell you, ISRAEL FULLY INTENDS ALL-OUT WAR--YOU JUST GAVE HER 400 MILLION IN BUILDING GUARANTEES AND DID, IN FACT, REMOVE THE RESTRICTIONS AS TO BUILDING ON THE WEST BANK--BECAUSE SHE APPLIED SO MUCH PRESSURE YOU DIDN'T MAKE HER SIGN A CONTRACT! WORSE, WITH THE (ALL VOWS) PLEDGE, A VOW MEANS NOT A THING AT ANY RATE. (THAT IS THE ANNUAL "KOL NEDRI" WHEREIN THEY VOW THAT ALL VOWS TAKEN OR MADE WITHIN THE YEAR ARE NOT HONORED!) IT IS PAST TIME THE WORLD CATCHES UP WITH THE ZIONISTS FOR THEY ARE WAY OUT THERE AHEAD OF YOU!

And, so, how many people run your country? How many Zionists are there? It seems like all the speakers, news people and political participants have sir-names of Judean origin--ah so, to prove the point as to the accumulation and thrust for there are actually only less than some 2% in your population. So be it.

Who is actually pulling the strings as to final word? The Soviets against the Zionists. The Soviets have the power and the Zionists have control of the U.S.--no more and no less but, ah, the Soviets actually have control of, and superiority to, the U.S. military and space command. It shall be a most interesting and busy few days, my friends--be cautious for that which you pray because you really do not wish that for which you are massively praying at the moment! Believe me, it is NOT THAT WHICH YOU PERCEIVE IT TO BE. GOD, PLEASE HAVE MERCY AND TEND OF THE CHILDREN SENT INTO THIS HEINOUS HOLOCAUST FOR THEY ARE THE PAWNS AND THERE APPEARS LITTLE HOPE FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE BEFORE THEIR BLOOD IS SHED.