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  1. #1
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 25
    CHAPTER 13
    FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1991 9:02 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 190
    In the Radiance of Light I come this morning filled to overflow with questions--in fact, my file runneth over! Therefore, I would put some of the inquiries back into thine hands for ye have enough under-cover information to pretty well analyze that which is going on and coming down. I intend to respond, so please stay with me but let us become quiet and see what wondrous information flows as I repeat the inquiries. First, I will give you some questions which are not asked by other than a minute few which bear more information on the whole than does anyone else.

    Who and what has stalled out the shuttles? Who is delineating the U.S. response to the Russian proposal? Who is structuring the response? Where is Henry Kissinger? Eagleburger? Scowcroft? Has Iraq actually shot any missiles whatsoever at anyone? What kind of tanks were at Khafji? What level of Iraqi warrior was at Khafji? Why are your military now downgrading the value of all the recently captured EPO's after the big flap about them? What are you learning from the "grapevine" about the "dug-in" bunkers?

    What does the U.S. military REALLY say about military capability--off the vidiot propaganda boxes? Has the Russian/Soviets let up on military buildup? Why do they have the final "blackmail-say" about what comes down--especially in America?

    What of the markets about the world? What of the money exchange? What of the price of gold? What is going to happen to gold? Why is Saddam so angry but will continue the game? Why is America between the hardest place on the planet and the rock of inflexibility? What will Israel do? Why are your top advisers back in Israel? (Oh yes they are!) Will the war be extended? Does it matter in the least? How many people control that which the U.S. does? Saddam's "scorched earth" plan? Why does the U.S. now denounce the Soviet's position on the Security Council? Why does the U.S. continue to have to take heed of that which the Soviets project? Let us look at a few of these things in perspective of objectivity in light of that which we have been providing you from the "underground" circuits of Truth instead of propaganda filled lies.

    I repeat and repeat--the Soviets and Bush had an agreement that there would be no nuclear war in the Middle East until 1992. That agreement was drawn and consummated at Malta. If there is a major out-of-control war in Kuwait, etc., there will be nuclear weapons utilized. Israel would desire that to happen to gain her objectives of land acquisition prior to the Soviet segment who despises Israeli Zionists gaining control.

    There is still no one on the Earth to match the space capability of the Soviets and to do a reasonably good job in this war you MUST have better surveillance and space capability--hence the need for the "defense/military shuttle trips". The Soviets have said they will simply take them out if they are launched. So, you have some unexpected cracks in the fuel tank doors or something equally as foolish on multi-billion dollar toys--all of them. Your administration has, further, been warned that if this "thing" doesn't come under control that the Soviets will make sure it does--that means there will either be devastating weather upheavals and/or major earthquakes in the U.S. and elsewhere and/or military action against domestic America from across your borders. Now, what is "under control"?

    Under control means that "there will be no nuclear war" and Israel has her nuclear weapons poised and aimed in her little "retaliation" mode of action. In the bombing of the nuclear facilities in Iraq, the "allies" have already released a lot of radiation into the atmosphere and now citizens are being brought down with the poisoning--beyond those who died instantly from either the attack and/or the immediate radiation.

    The Soviets have already told the U.S. that the desired accomplishments from the war have been attained and "enough already". The price of oil is up and basically the U.S. through the U.N. can keep the Royal Highnesses under the thumb for a while longer--in other words, total chaos in the Middle East.

    Another coup against Hussein is under the gathering and being presented to the world as a method of bringing Saddam under fire and topple the government of Iraq after the Kuwait withdrawal. Oh yes there is--there has already been one such attempt thwarted and reported (not by your papers or media but strangely enough, out of Nigeria, W. Africa). Perhaps I can just read it to you. The coup itself occurred on or about the 18th of January 1991 and you heard about it--as a notice that Hussein had begun to kill his own officers who disagreed with him.

    "A desperate attempt to sack the government of Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein and end the raging imbroglio in the Persian Gulf has cost seven lives, two of them members of the ruling Iraqi Baath Party, it was claimed in London on Wednesday.

    "The seven were allegedly caught and killed by security personnel who had uncovered plans by the "dissidents" to seize Baghdad's main television station to broadcast a call for the ouster of Saddam and end of the war with American-led allied forces.

    "The British newspaper, The Guardian, reported in London on Wednesday that the attempt was perpetrated last Friday (18th) and was thwarted by fate--a power failure at the station at the time of the plot. (No comment)

    "Mr. Sayyid Abdul Aziz Al-Hakim, a prominent member of the Shi'ite Muslim persuasion and senior opposition leader in Iraq was reported by the London newspaper to have blown the lid off the botched plan and killings, when he met with a British foreign office official in London on Wednesday (23rd.)

    "Hakim, a conspicuous figure of the Organization for Human Rights in Iraq, was said to have met separately in London also on Monday with British undersecretary of state for Middle-East affairs David Gore-Booth, in the company of another Saddam Hussein opponent and Kurdish minority leader Sami Abdulahman.

    "Whereas neither Hakim nor Abdulahman claimed to have witnessed the killings in Baghdad, the newspaper reported that it relied on Hakim's impeccable sources in Iraq.

    "According to the newspaper report, ‘The men planned to broadcast a message to the Iraqi nation, blaming President Hussein for starting another war and urging a general uprising. A power failure prevented the broadcast and they were caught and killed by security forces.' Now, this article came from the Daily Champion, Nigeria, W. Africa, 1/25/91 in which there was also a widespread plea for the Moslems to remain calm and not protest."

    Now we will comment about the power failure. You see, secrets are a funny thing--if you tell the one you think to be your friend it is very likely to work out like this one did. Under orders to stop bombing the military installations in Iraq--it was issued orders to "suddenly" take out the power plant to the television center--and to insure that the TV communications center would be helpless to broadcast, demolitions squads went in and personally shut it down and the perpetrators of the coup were "tattled on" and thusly "caught"! Dear ones, you don't have anything going on in that sector for the purposes given to you nor in the manner projected to you. ISRAEL DOES NOT WANT THE GOVERNMENT REPLACED--THEY WANT THE MIDDLE-EAST FOR OCCUPATION--STARTING WITH DEMOLISHING IRAQ AND MOVING ACROSS THE LANDS IN ACQUISITION.

    If any of you were witness to the CNN program last evening on which Henry Kissinger appeared--you know who is formulating the response to the Soviets. Mr. Kissinger said "He" would demand immediate removal from Kuwait on overnight notice (today that was in Mr. Bush's response). In fact, Mr. Bush responded verbatim to that which Kissinger had projected only hours prior.

    Mr. Bush has also been told that if he does not get this "Peace" shut down posthaste that Israel will take this as the time to retaliate in massive force (which means nuclear weapons, friends). There are several things at stake here, not the least of which is that so far Iraq has launched almost no missiles at Israel and is simply waiting for Israel to begin the holocaust and then the response will be equally as devastating. So far the entire show has been put on by Israel and U.S. intelligence to propagandize the world into supporting this heinous atrocity of devastation to a nation and innocent people.

    How can you believe that Hussein is helpless? He hasn't even utilized any of the really devastating weapons in his arsenal! The Soviets advisers have never left Iraq and neither has the supply of weapons and parts coming from the Soviets. Who is kidding who?

    Let me reprint a couple of articles from the February 11, 1991 ARMY TIMES (That, dear ones, is the U.S. Army TIMES):

    "Gulf war leaves U.S. vulnerable to Soviet storm:"

    "The United States is in a strategic situation that brings its very existence into question.

    "Beginning with the explosion of the first Soviet nuclear device in 1949, the United States recognized that it faced a power that could destroy it in a matter of minutes, and thus built a countervailing nuclear arsenal. From the early 1960's we accepted the idea that nuclear war might be averted if we were to build conventional forces to a level that could bring the existence of the Soviet Union or any other nuclear adversary into question.

    "In the late 1980's we threw caution to the wind. Based almost solely on our faith in Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, we stopped modernizing strategic nuclear forces and reduced a promising anti-nuclear defense system to the status of a research project. Then in the midst of planning to drastically reduce our conventional forces, we deployed nearly the total combat power remaining into a strategic cul-de-sac in the Persian Gulf. What may be even more ominous, we have strained our logistic capability to, and possibly beyond, its limits to support the Persian Gulf war.

    "Meanwhile, despite problems of morale and partial withdrawal from Eastern Europe, the Soviet conventional forces remain intact and in position to move in any direction.

    "We recently were warned by the Soviet Foreign Minister that Soviet democratization is at an end. Yet we are engaged in a war in the Persian Gulf that could tie up our conventional forces indefinitely, but not tie down one single Soviet soldier.

    "The identification of military cargo aboard a Soviet freighter headed for Iraq on Jan. 8 coincides with the resurgence of KGB and military power in Moscow and the murder of unarmed Lithuanians seeking independence.

    "We have permitted Iraq to occupy the full strength of the American armed forces, other than strategic nuclear forces. Yet a fraction of the air and naval forces now in the Persian Gulf region could protect the only major interest we have there--the Saudi Arabian oil fields--and enforce a 100 percent blockade of Iraqi oil exports for as long as it takes to break Iraq's economic and military power.

    "By becoming trapped in this secondary theater we have opened the way for reassertion of centralized, totalitarian rule in Russia and thereby lost an opportunity to break apart the Soviet Union.

    "We had the tools needed--political, military and economic--to have made good our long-standing moral commitment to independence for Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Our firm support for freedom there almost certainly would have led to independence for Armenia, Georgia and possibly the Ukraine. Without the Ukraine the Soviets would not be able to wage war, nuclear or conventional, against the United States.

    "Now we are faced with the worst of all possible outcomes: What was already an inherently unstable Soviet political system has been undermined by economic collapse. Unwilling or unable to shift to a market economy that might have had some slim chance of success, the Soviet regime can now be saved, for a time, by the only pillars of stability left--the KGB and the military. The emerging Soviet chieftains are the most dangerous stewards imaginable for a nuclear arsenal that not only remains intact but has continued on a course of steady modernization.

    "It has taken months to commit our active Army and Marine Corps into the Saudi trap. The Marines can be deployed fairly quickly, but it will take months to get the Army out with its heavy equipment in time to meet an emergency elsewhere.

    "We have been in the eye of a hurricane concerning our relations with the Soviet Union and mistook it for everlasting peace. We do not know what lies ahead but the storm gathering in the Soviet Union tells us that we had better do the best we can to regain the equilibrium and freedom of action our foolish optimism has cost us." I shall protect the source herein because the "big boys" are really playing a dirty game these days.

    I wish to give a statement to you people. George is going on the air in just a few brief moments and I cannot get a full message to cover all these inquiries in time to be of value so allow me interruption to give you example of the subterfuge perpetrated against your children in uniform.

    I fully intend to report the second article from this paper for it has to do with the lopsided weapons power--lopsided in favor of Iraq and documented. I have already given you a complete breakdown of that power--but look what is being fed to your children: By the way, the average age of the troops in Saudi Arabia (U.S.) is 23-years. Do any of you remember your level of knowledge at 23? They are sequestered in the desert sands and the only access to news and information comes from CNN!!!

    Example of that which is given unto them: When questioned about facing such odds of being outnumbered with weapons of cannon variety, the young man (less than 23 by some 4 years) replied, "Well, yeah, but we aim better and I see it like this, if somebody throws a whole bunch of rocks at me and I only have to throw one at him, because I aim better--I win!" Does it not stand to reason that if the Iraqis have better, bigger and more technologically advanced cannons and the Russians who have perfected them to guide the equipment--that "poor aim" is not likely to be inclusive in this scenario? "Mother of Wars!" may go down in infamy as a statement--but understated as a fact!.

    Dharma, give this much into Oberli's hands and fax to George please and then we will continue and fax until we run out of time. Thank you.

    PJ 25
    CHAPTER 14
    FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1991 10:30 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 190
    This scenario of Peace offer and Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait is being orchestrated so that the world will KNOW BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT that the U.S., if it doesn't "play ball", is to blame and intends destruction unilaterally. You see, Saddam Hussein has absolutely nothing to loose further and everything to gain from war. Even the Jordanians KNOW of the awesome power remaining with Saddam. The leader of the religious element in the Middle East (throughout the region) is calling for immediate backing of the "People" into Saddam's support.

    Now that Saddam has agreed to the resolutions, the U.S. will be hanging out a mile if you refuse to cooperate. It is a really nasty predicament in which to find selves. Your military is all over everywhere else except where the REAL THREAT ACTUALLY IS IN PLACE TO YOUR NATION. YOU CANNOT DEPEND ON A SINGLE MIDDLE-EAST NATION BECAUSE EVEN THE ROYAL DICTATORS OF THE OIL NATIONS ARE LOSING THEIR MONEY HAND OVER FIST TO YOUR BANKERS AND WHEN THE ODDS GET WORSE THE SUPPORT WILL SHIFT AS THE OIL FIELDS GO UP IN SMOKE AND ISRAEL FULLY PLANS TO SEE TO IT THAT THEY DO.


    The bankers are shoring up the markets in hopes of sucking everyone who will invest into the show--and then if and when it hits about 3500, the collapse will happen.

    Gold is dropping--a good time to invest if using for collateral. Gold is sluggish because of the "confiscation" factor--but for collateral purposes in Cartel banks will be stable for quite a while.

    While Rome burns, the Feds are merging the Big banks and please note today, the New Hampshire banks are in collapse--one down and the rest toppling. Your entire economy is falling apart.

    Big notes will soon be called and phased out--very soon and then will come the money recall--it is the only way the Feds can corner the old and replace it with the colored notes and then all will be recalled and moved to a debit card system and money in any form will simply be phased out.

    What about the "scorched earth" plan? Bush says it is under way in Kuwait. Well, Saddam told you he would do it--but moreover, he had done nothing about it until after Bush said it was already under way--your own military has bombed many of the oil installations this day and set the fields afire to turn world opinion. This does not mean that Saddam will not intensify the action for he will. If the ground war goes into effect in a major way, the world will appear to all be burning! But it will be the Israelis who will blow up and set fire to the Saudi Fields first--to swing public attention. I tell you, ISRAEL FULLY INTENDS ALL-OUT WAR--YOU JUST GAVE HER 400 MILLION IN BUILDING GUARANTEES AND DID, IN FACT, REMOVE THE RESTRICTIONS AS TO BUILDING ON THE WEST BANK--BECAUSE SHE APPLIED SO MUCH PRESSURE YOU DIDN'T MAKE HER SIGN A CONTRACT! WORSE, WITH THE (ALL VOWS) PLEDGE, A VOW MEANS NOT A THING AT ANY RATE. (THAT IS THE ANNUAL "KOL NEDRI" WHEREIN THEY VOW THAT ALL VOWS TAKEN OR MADE WITHIN THE YEAR ARE NOT HONORED!) IT IS PAST TIME THE WORLD CATCHES UP WITH THE ZIONISTS FOR THEY ARE WAY OUT THERE AHEAD OF YOU!

    And, so, how many people run your country? How many Zionists are there? It seems like all the speakers, news people and political participants have sir-names of Judean origin--ah so, to prove the point as to the accumulation and thrust for there are actually only less than some 2% in your population. So be it.

    Who is actually pulling the strings as to final word? The Soviets against the Zionists. The Soviets have the power and the Zionists have control of the U.S.--no more and no less but, ah, the Soviets actually have control of, and superiority to, the U.S. military and space command. It shall be a most interesting and busy few days, my friends--be cautious for that which you pray because you really do not wish that for which you are massively praying at the moment! Believe me, it is NOT THAT WHICH YOU PERCEIVE IT TO BE. GOD, PLEASE HAVE MERCY AND TEND OF THE CHILDREN SENT INTO THIS HEINOUS HOLOCAUST FOR THEY ARE THE PAWNS AND THERE APPEARS LITTLE HOPE FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE BEFORE THEIR BLOOD IS SHED.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 25
    CHAPTER 15
    FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1991 3:33 P.M. YEAR 4 DAY 190
    Let us continue with the printing of the second article from the Feb. 11, 1991, Army Times.

    "With artillery, Iraq can make war, headway: Aerial bombardment continues to take its toll during the allied air campaign against Iraq, but another kind of bombardment is yet to come. ‘It is with artillery that war is made,' said Napoleon Bonaparte, and casualty figures from America's most recent wars still bear him out.

    "In World War II fragments from exploding artillery shells caused 53 percent of U.S. battle deaths and 62 percent of wounds. In Korea, shrapnel caused 59 percent of the deaths and 61 percent of the wounds. Even in the close-quarter fighting in the jungles of Vietnam, where enemy rifle and machine-gun fire caused the majority of deaths, enemy shell fragments still caused 36 percent of the deaths and 65 percent of the wounds.

    "And a ground war in the Persian Gulf could yield even more casualties, because the military has allowed itself to become both outgunned and outranged in field artillery.

    "In Vietnam, the United States, despite its superior in-field artillery, found itself outranged by the North Vietnamese Army's Soviet-supplied 130 mm guns. The range, more than 30 kilometers, or approximately 18 miles, supposedly was matched by the U.S. Army's M107 175mm guns, but enemy guns were far more accurate than their U.S. counterparts.

    "The Soviets have supplied these guns to Iraq as well. That's bad news for the two U.S. Marine divisions in Saudi Arabia, as well as the Army's 82nd Airborne Division and 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). They still are armed with towed 105mm howitzers with a range of 11.5 to 18 kilometers, about 7 to 11 miles, as their direct support artillery, still far short of the Iraqis' 130mm guns, with a range of more than 30 kilometers. And even the general-support 155mm howitzers are not quite in range.

    "The Army's armored and mechanized divisions are in somewhat better shape. Their principal direct support, the self-propelled 155mm howitzer, has a range of 18 to 23.5 kilometers, approximately 11 to 14 miles, and their multiple-launch rocket systems, or MLRSs, with standard 227mm missiles, have a range of more than 30 kilometers and can be fitted with an army tactical missile system, or ATACMS, rocket that has a range of more than 100 kilometers, approximately 60 miles.

    "The most accurate howitzer in the U.S. inventory is the 8-inch self-propelled howitzer that can extend its 22.5-kilometer range to 30 kilometers when firing a rocket-assisted projectile. These are in short supply and, to make matters worse, the 8-inch battalion that normally supports the 3d Armored Division, now deployed in the gulf, is being demobilized in Germany.

    "What causes allied artillerymen the most concern, however, is not the Soviet-supplied 130mm gun but the approximately 300 South African- and Austrian-supplied G-5 and GH N-45 gun-howitzers. Firing a particularly effective high-fragmentation shell that can produce a shrapnel shower, it has a range of 45 kilometers, far exceeding that of any U.S. or allied tube artillery.

    "There is the prospect of U.S. troops pinned down by enemy artillery fire, with their own artillery outranged and unable to silence enemy guns. And what makes it even worse, Iraqi artillery not only outranges but also outnumbers the allied artillery. With more than 3,700 guns, howitzers and multiple rocket launchers deployed in support of its maneuver forces, Iraq more than doubles the allied artillery. And Iraq can put chemical shells on its larger artillery.

    "How did the United States get in such a fix? Instead of concentrating on conventional artillery, the U.S. Army became enamored with nuclear weaponry, putting its time and money into nuclear rounds for its 155mm and 8-inch howitzers and developing its nuclear missile systems. Only recently did it come to its senses and begin the howitzer-improvement program--but too late to do any good in the Persian Gulf.

    "Iraq, on the other hand, has been working on improving its conventional artillery for a long time. According to The Toronto Globe and Mail, beginning ten years ago, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein took advantage of the genius of Canadian arms designer Gerald Bull, who reportedly had been rebuffed by the U.S. military. Iraq not only acquired some 300 Bull-designed G-5 and GH N-45 155mm gun-howitzers, but also two new Bull-designed guns, the 210mm Al Fao, rated as the most powerful artillery piece in the world, with a range of 45 kilometers, and the smaller 155mm Majnoon, which has a 30-kilometer range. The Al Fao is the only self-propelled system of its caliber in the world.

    "The United States traditionally has compensated for its lack of long-range artillery through battlefield air interdiction and close-air support. Thus Iraqi artillery is one of the major targets of the ongoing allied air campaign and will remain a priority air target during the ground campaign.

    "Suppressing enemy artillery will not be an easy task, for as the British Tornado fighter-bombers found in their low-level attacks on Iraqi airfields, the Iraqis have a formidable machine-gun and cannon antiaircraft-artillery air defense system. But it is a job that will have to be done, for when it comes to land battle, it is still true, as Napoleon reputedly said, that "God fights on the side with the best artillery."

    And perhaps that is a good observation. Oh my, dear ones, you who keep talking about those SS-12's--indeed, indeed.

    Then why is Saddam playing ball now? Because the Russian Big Boys have told him to--or else. He is angry about it because as Yemen and Jordan leaders have said, "It will be the ground war in which Saddam's forces will show their might and have the chance of winning the conflict!" At which time, in addition, the Middle Eastern nations will join the fray.

    I josh you not--the Soviet Union is calling the shots and they mean business. If you ones can't shut this "thing" down, it is indeed going to be terrible.

    Only you ones of the "free-world" are fooled. The rest of the people, and especially in the Middle-East, know that Saddam did not blow up his own Churches. Regardless of the man's ruthless and bloody nature--HE WILL NOT OFFEND GOD DELIBERATELY BY DOING SUCH A THING. He would never damage his own people for it is simply not in the limits of that which his "religion" would allow. These stories are LIES! And again, "ALL THOSE TROOPS WHO JUST TURNED THEMSELVES OVER TO THE U.S." Where are they? In the hands of the Saudis? Come now, you haven't produced any of them--the entire scenario is to cause, hopefully, Saddam to think his troops are deserting! You found nothing of value in your raids--and "dummies" on the berms. You just can't imagine how close you are to devastation. You see, you had an agreement with Saddam and you black-mailed him through double-cross and he is angry indeed--and so are his allies. You will never be trusted in an agreement again in all your days as a nation for you are now lumped right into the same pot as the liars and cheats of Israel. Anti-Semitic? Spare me the drivel. Even the atrocities in Kuwait have been set up and filmed by Public-Relations companies, for best "Photographic impact" was, I believe, the exact phrase utilized.

    Is Saddam pure in heart? I doubt it! Were there atrocities in Kuwait?--oh yes, for war brings out the very most vile nature of mankind and after a saturation point there is mass psychology which takes over and there is nothing too vile to be perpetrated. Two wrongs DO NOT EVEN BEGIN TO START TO MAKE A RIGHT.


    Who do you choose as your respected source of authority? Who do you believe as they give you information? Well try this short writing in the U.S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT, Feb. 25, 1991, by the above title by David Whitman:

    Whenever man is most ungodlike, he beseeches the Lord for a little divine affirmation. Shortly before Moses died, he told his Hebrew followers: "God will go with you to fight your enemy for you and give you the victory." Ever since, prophets and presidents have designated the Deity as their principal ally when sending soldiers off to maim and slay others. In the gulf war, the charge to the altar started within hours of the first bombing raid. As telecasts showed Saddam Hussein unctuously bowing on a prayer mat, George Bush intently listened to the Rev. Billy Graham tell a prayer service at Fort Myer, Va. "We must fight for peace." Soon, Bush set aside a national day of prayer and declared the American-led coalition was "overwhelmingly on the side of God." And now, even as Radio Baghdad airs peace proposals, Hussein and his advisers insist Iraq has "triumphed because it upheld the spiritual principles and values emanating from its true religion."

    When politicians call the Lord as their witness, the first temptation is to scoff. What king, after all, ever vowed to consign men to their deaths for an ignoble cause? It's no coincidence that all sides in the gulf controversy, from Saudi King Fahd to antiwar protesters in the U.S., share the conviction that God is their corner-man. Inevitably, such sudden shows of zeal have the whiff of a foxhole conversion. Hussein, who gassed his own countrymen and pillaged a near-defenseless neighbor, is far from a model Muslim. And George Bush has scrupulously avoided parading his "born again" Episcopalianism--UNTIL NOW (and has actively lied straight into your waiting faces on every subject thus far). When Chinese autocrats slaughtered the innocents of Tiananmen Square, Bush felt NO DIVINE OBLIGATION TO STOP THEM OR EVEN TO RESCIND CHINA'S FAVORED TRADE STATUS.

    Still, behind the recent religious sallies lies a more genuine, if plaintive, spiritual stirring. Just like the prospect of a hanging, war--to paraphrase Samuel Johnson--concentrates a man's mind wonderfully. It transforms the world into a kind of madhouse where soldiers and civilians alike must rediscover the purpose or their lives. Surreal TV newscasts now amplify this madhouse effect, showing just about everything except battlefield carnage. Cormorants struggle to flap oil-tarred wings and bloodied civilians lie motionless on stretchers outside a Baghdad bunker--all amidst golden sunsets and palms that sweetly rustle. Yet no one can be immune to the silent agitation that something humbling and horrible is transpiring.

    In previous eras, that trepidation and attendant search for meaning were vented in daily church services. Now, when months and years seem clogged with pursuit of condos, cars and college tuitions, the presumption that life is a spiritual quest has faded. War, ironically, revived that ageless calling, sending near-record numbers of Americans to pray at synagogues and churches. Yet after the last mortar is fired, piety and compassion will likely play only bit parts in the New World Order. If truth is the first casualty of war, the last may be man's sputtering attempt to sanctify his world.



    How do you judge a man's religious worthiness? Saddam, it is said, began to pray three or so times a day--and the Saudi soldier laughs and says, "Ah, but he is NOT sincere for he should, and we do, pray 5 times a day!" What have you done to be worthy? "Warriors for God!"??? I think NOT! Worse yet, in this conflict--there is no understanding at all as for that which the young ones die. NONE!

    I am going to tell you what GOD hears with every fiber of his being. Here is a letter to God sent to Dharma to petition the Hosts and God for, although he prays, he, blessed one, is pronouncing publicly his devotion and petition to serve; from a young soldier serving in your military:

    13 Feb. ‘91

    "Dear Dharma,

    "Please inquire of the Most Holy One the following request of his servant, M.J., who is the soul of M.J. and what is his earthly mission at this most critical point of time?

    "I have always felt in my deepest being of a higher calling. I have been persecuted since a child for my always searching for the truth. He has given me a very keen intellect coupled with a crystal clear understanding of the world the way it is and should be. I have been all over the world and He has protected me since my birth of April 6, 1953 in Pennsylvania. I have witnessed spirits actually flee when I come in their presence (I can see them). They have also many times attempted to harm me....but to no avail.

    "My heart is bursting with this very writing and the tears are flowing. I saw the poor little Iraqi girl on TV bloodied and bandaged. Please oh Great One, I have searched and prepared my whole life. I am ready, I am yours. Use me mightily, give me direction. I do have some unique abilities as you know and I do have the name of Michael by no accident. The gathering is now--Thou knows my heart!"

    All know that Dharma does not have super-power--but just as do all, she most certainly has the ear of God and can lay a petition at His feet on the altar of Truth.

    I will also relay portions of the other letter which was directed to America West. The letter was in appreciation for the Journals and Expresses which had been forwarded to him as a gift from a friend in Texas. I would like to share this with you readers for it is an expression from a heart level beyond that which is often seen.

    "...Today I received the Feb. 91 (Vol 8 #1) of the Phoenix Journal Express. My heart again rejoiced as I read of the "Truth" and the coming world battle (finally) against the "evil one". As you know I am here in XXXXX in the Army and the propaganda is sickening. If that weren't enough there are almost daily demonstrations occurring all over XXXXX (by mostly college students, but also regular citizens!) calling for the U.S. and XXXXX to get out of the Persian Gulf! There have been almost daily threats to blow up the bases and/or kill G.I.'s, also. The gates are closed almost every day from 6 P.M. to 6 A.M. We are virtual prisoners! Security is so tight it now borders on fanaticism. If what we are doing is so "just" and God is on our side, then what are they so worried about? I guess they want to keep us alive and healthy until they can also send us to "Desert Slaughter (as we call it here)! Many soldiers have been sent from XXXXX to Saudi directly, already. The rumors have it that many more units are going...... One of my friends who is over there (someone "mysteriously" reported it to me) has gone blind because he observed a patriot (?) hitting an oncoming Scud (liberator) missile. Only 19 years old and for what? Nonetheless he will be avenged! Much information is starting to come and I believe HE is using me for HIS Glory! The TV Desert Slaughter reports are full of such lies. If you listen carefully you can catch the out-right lies and propaganda. . . . . . . Most of the men here are only concerned about going downtown to get drunk or catch AIDS-VD! I pray for them all--but they are lost it seems."

    ".....truth IS getting through in these last days just as HE said it would! I must close for now but before I go I wish to express my soulful appreciation to the lady from Texas who sent me the first Phoenix. HIS light is shining on her, also!......In HIS NAME AND SERVICE, I AM- - - - -"

    Then he asks humbly if and when he gets "leave" might he come to visit? Ah so--indeed, indeed.

    I am going to remind you who serve in the battle-fields. If ye ask God in Truth for your protection, so shall it be given and though ones fall to the right and to the left, ye shall be lifted up and shall not be damaged. Call upon God, scoop a place for your face in the Earth and ask God for His lighted shield--and so it shall be given. But do not bargain with God to simply effort at "getting through" for therein is the Truth of it--you shall ask in Truth and it shall be given in Truth and the commitment is accepted in Truth. Who might you be and are you worthy? It takes nothing save your humble and sincere petition in Truth.

    I care not how you label the guardians, Angels--Hosts, it matters not but the Guardians are present and each being accounted for in the fabric of the records--God's hand is as close as thine own thoughts and the Hosts are available and waiting to get you out of that earthly predicament, if ye but call--just be not predisposed as to HOW HE CHOOSES TO RESPOND but a lot of the youngsters in that desert are going to have some wondrous little trips into our security nets. Most will not remember in the consciousness but they will later say--"God must have wanted me for something else."
    And so HE DOES!!

    Enough, Dharma, the hour is late. Blessings be upon you ones during these days of shadows upon the land for know that God has the ultimate and better way. Salu.

    Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr.

    PJ 25
    CHAPTER 16
    SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1991 8:03 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 191
    That which goes forth this day shall live in the history of your planet as a day of infamy beyond any known.

    Your President Bush has sentenced to death thousands of your children and you bow in his presence and hail his name while you turn away from God and all that is Godly. May that same God have mercy upon you ones and may your children pass into other dimensions without leaving their curses upon you as a nation and a people.

    Your Zionist-controlled media has announced in one breath that the oil fields and oil drainage ditches are fired and that Saddam has a "scorched Earth" proclamation. NO--and you can now prove for yourselves the Truth of my words and theirs. In the very next segment it is shown YOUR OWN MILITARY MEN LOADING NAPALM CANNISTERS ABOARD AIRCRAFT AND YOUR OWN MILITARY SPOKESMAN SAYING THAT THE NAPALM "AT THIS TIME IS ONLY USED BY THE MARINES FOR FIRING THE OIL-FILLED TRENCHES!" I have given you great detail about weapons and the way you start crude-oil fires and set to flame oil centers of crude is with napalm. It is a heinous thing being done and the rewards of such destruction shall be visited back upon the ones who instigate such lies and destruction.

    On the very night before withdrawal came the heaviest bombing of a civilian city in history--Baghdad. Your own "Lips" says there will be no cease-fire while Saddam's troops pull out and move back into Iraq. Then, someone tell me why they would come out of protection to be shot and bombed, burned and slain?

    Meanwhile--at the same conference of announcing this heinous verdict upon a world, the representative of Thailand stands with the "Lips" and announces a coup of overthrow of the Thailand government setting the government into the hands of a MONARCH! Not democracy and freedom, friends--A MONARCHY. And there is jubilation and congratulations in abundance. I care not who runs Thailand for Thailand should decide--but what is this double standard which you foist off upon a world in confusion and death throes?

    Then the conference must end for the "overworked" President has to have his weekend holiday. Indeed he does, to get his programming refreshed and instruction-channels corrected. The Zionists dare not even leave the entity in the presence of the nation's people for fear he will be recognized for that which he is; all social functions are totally orchestrated and controlled and you ones turn your heads and bow to the serpent. You as a nation are ready to stain, forever, your heavenly symbol, the flag, with the blood of your prime generation and the yellow ribbons will be soaked in the blood of your babies. And still, you ask God to give you victory? You had better look upon your world in gracious gratitude every minute remaining in the beauty of the cycles called days for you have just limited them unless sanity prevails on one side or the other. There is great shame upon the lands this day!

    Dharma, I am sorry to require that you attend this subject one more time and then we shall ask ones to do that which they will with further counterings from that center.

    Again, I must respond to the many who inquire in like manner to Mr. Prust, author of the letter reprinted herein. I must respond for it needs no "defense" but, as in this case, a man is humbly asking for insight and honest inquiry compels response.

    "14 Feb. 91
    "Dear America West,

    "I received from A.S.S.K. Vol 57, "CALL TO ARMS", which I'm sending the page.

    "Sister Thedra claims your Sananda and Hatonn are frauds.

    "Since I read this page, I've lost faith in the material from Sister Thedra and America West. How can two groups claim authorship from the same Sananda and Hatonn and then Sister Thedra calls your Sananda and Hatonn frauds?

    "I've now lost faith in the integrity of your material and in Sister Thedra. Now I don't want to read anything from either of your two groups.

    "Is there anything you can say to restore my faith in your material? If there is anything you can do to help me please let me know.

    "Sincerely, C.E. Prust.
    * * *
    Peace be unto you, son, for your inquiry merits response and your call is heard in the Truth and honor in which you ask input.

    I would answer with a question for you: Is God selective to self-appointed "speakers" and the possession of ONE? Is TRUTH a plagiarisable commodity? "Because I tell you Truth, does that make me less your friend?"--or a fraud?

    Because you ones petition unto God for answers to serve you through the most heinous time upon a planet and He sends us to give responses and instructions--does that make us servants of Caesar as accused?

    Now to some facts, please. I care not what ASSK claims nor disclaims--that is for your own inspection. I do tell you this. America West is a publishing company who publishes many books and distributes dozens upon dozens of books--NOT ONLY THE JOURNALS!

    Ones at the location in Sedona have not read more than two of the pieces of documentation sent from even this source--so how can any pronounce "fraud" against God and HIS HOSTS?? If you have not partaken of the information how can any pronounce judgment? Dharma has scribed over 25 full books on as many subjects and four full volumes published of Expresses--that is a lot of material to pronounce such judgments as "fraud"! You see, TRUTH IS TRUTH IS TRUTH AND STANDS ALONE--INTO INFINITY--AND WE HAVE YET TO HAVE ANYONE FIND A LIE IN OUR PROJECTIONS UNTO THE PUBLIC.

    It is said these ones make great amounts of money from the publications--nay, they have invested thousands upon thousands of dollars into the ability for you ones to have the Truth from our source--AND THEY REMAIN GREATLY "IN-THE-HOLE" as you refer to it--income does not begin to equal the expenditures of such constant publishing with great discounts in pricing for ones from California, Colorado, etc., unto the East Coast, New Zealand, South Africa and Norway just to name a few. Have you any imaginings of what it costs to give unto the world--Truth?

    These scribes, and Dharma is not the only one--in fact, Sananda writes volumes of work through Thomas--do they discount his "Sananda", also? Does Sananda, Christ, Aton belong to some-ONE?

    Group? Two groups? Perhaps there is a group in Sedona. There is no "group" in this place of publication. We have no gatherings for pay or profit--just small meetings for instruction and work dispersement. Further, we do not force nor demand anyone do anything with the work--our commission is to put the WORD OF GOD, AS INSTRUCTED, TO PAPER AND THAT, SIR, IS EXACTLY THAT WHICH WE DO.

    No one in this place claims to be "priestess" or "only" or "honored by secret mystery schools". In God's places there are no secret mystical places--including mystery schools. God is not SECRET--God is Truth and Light and NON-SECRET--for all to hold and share and be from which attended--unto the very tiny creature of the winged, eight-legged, two-legged--even unto the tiny one-celled life-form--which is all. There is no wondrous physical prestige of "Orders of Melchezidek or Emerald Crosses"--there are only humble servants striving to do their committed task of giving forth final instructions for a time of chaos and tribulation. There are only the willing hands who, hour after tedious backbreaking hour, put the "untold" to paper so that the lies behind the facade and veil can be revealed in the light of openness. If this be fraud, my friends--then so be it and ye shall be required to do your own discerning.

    You ones do not bow unto GOD and ask if there is going to be a "great explosion" or "earthquake" or "war"--you KNOW that there will be such--YOU ASK GOD WHAT TO DO WITH EVERYTHING FROM YOUR FAVORITE MONEY HORDE TO YOUR PRIVATE RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR MATE! HE ATTEMPTS TO GIVE RESPONSE AND YE MOST OFTEN HEAR IT NOT--so the time is at hand where Truth must flow to ALL and please note that the ones most consistently and unceasingly attacked and called frauds are the ones bringing forth the Truth which is desired by the dark brotherhood to be silenced. This scribe has literally been KILLED on four occasions within the past three years--THERE ARE BULLET HOLES IN THEIR DWELLING--DOES THIS SOUND AS IF "FRAUDULENT" MATERIAL IS SLIPPING THROUGH THIS RESOURCE? NO-ONE BOTHERS TO KICK A DEAD DOG, SIR.

    God's wondrous creation of Earth stands on the brink of destruction and ones quibble over "whose truth is whose!" Sir, Truth belongs to no-one--noONE! If one would deny his brother from having Truth to garner for self a "SPECIAL" place or status--then that one loves his brother very little indeed.

    God always encourages you to read, study and read some more--HE DOES NOT LIMIT ANYTHING THAT IS PUT TO PRINT--READ, READ, READ AND THEN READ AGAIN--TRUTH WILL STAND THE TESTING OF ALL TIME--INTO INFINITY. Further, "OUR" Sananda, Hatonn, Aton--will meet personally, and have done so, with these denouncers and the energies who proclaim to be "THEIR" special speakers. I find nothing further to say regarding the matter. If you find no balance, I know not what else to offer unto you, friend. I would suggest you continue to read BOTH nod see for yourself which gives that which ones ask of God in response and that which repeats and repeats that which is of the mysterious mystical projection. I have nothing else to offer except that which we share with all. I especially do not wish you to accept any such thing as fact that "Sananda" or "God" would be claimed in Truth by anyone--SIR, REACH OUT AND CLAIM GOD FOR SELF!! FOR HE IS NOT "OURS" OR "THEIRS"--GOD IS YOURS! AND YE ARE HIS! THAT, SIR, IS THE TRUTH UPON WHICH TO STAND--NOTHING LESSER IS ACCEPTABLE.

    Blessings be upon you for penning your inquiry for you bless your brother who has hesitated to write. God holds ye all and sends we of His Hosts to tend of the fragments in these trying times and prepare a place for His return and all the lessons have been taken and given in error and you are lost in the chaos of the maze--without direction nor mapping for the journey. We come with the map and the WAYSHOWER for God has sent us that you might know the way home unto HIS prepared place for you--no more and no less--GOD KEEPS HIS PROMISES! HE HAS PROMISED THAT MAN WOULD HAVE THE FINAL TRUTH LAID FORTH AS THE WORD--GOD IS TRUTH; GOD IS THE WORD AND NO WORDS OF ANY MAN OR WOMAN OF HUMAN FLESH SHALL CHANGE ONE IOTA OF THAT TRUTH. SO BE IT AND SAALOME'

    * * * * *
    Rest in peace, chela, for I hope, too, that we shall not need attend the matter any further. It is painful to be denounced and attacked by those who used of thine friendship and trust to effort to pull you down--but lessons must be accepted, learned, and your work continued for Man ultimately answers for EACH, HIS OWN--just naked Truth in confrontation between God and Self--there is no more and no less and ‘tis Glory to stand before God in radiance as he tells you, "Well-done, child, you are blessed in MY sight." And so it is, Dharma--for you are blessed in His sight--the way of the world is hard indeed but none walks alone. So be it.

    * * * * * * * *
    Let us return to the book, AMERICAN FREEDOM & ZIONIST POWER.


    IT IS CERTAINLY LEGITIMATE to inquire further how the extraordinary Jewish power in American politics could have come about in a democracy whose Constitution was designed to ensure that members of governmental bodies would express and represent the free will of a majority of the people whole protecting the basic constitutional rights of all. The free will of the majority of the electorate has been, it seems, more often ignored than expressed or more often frustrated than carried out. The defeat and frustration of America's best interests is continually being initiated, aided and abetted by special interest political activists whose views are often more representative of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) than of the broad American body politic. The AIPAC is the chief Zionist lobby registered in Washington, D.C. It publishes the Near East Report and sends it to all congressmen as well as to many State Department and White House staff members.

    Former United States Senator J. William Fulbright, who for many years served on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has stated that during his tenure in office there were no less than seventy senators ready to vote the bidding of the American Jewish community on any given issue affecting Israel. Understanding this inordinate and skillful Jewish influence is basic to an understanding of the American political predicament. There are two principal reasons for this extraordinary influence. One reason is the predominant role that Jewish mythology has played in shaping Western culture and religious ethos. The other reason is the large role that Jewish money plays in America's interrelated economic and political systems.

    In his four volume monumental work, The Masks of God, Professor Joseph Campbell observed that the primary purpose of popular religion is not, and never was, to discover "Truth", but to propagate a sentimental philosophy for maintaining a unified social order which would support the institutions of men. Since time immemorial, strong and widespread belief in popular religions has been utilized by political leaders to rally the common folk around some favored cause--be it the conquering of territories or the establishment of kingdoms. History is replete with examples of the use of religion for gaining political power. Some of the more notorious examples have been the Judaic Kingdom of David and the Holy Roman Empire.

    In this age of scientific enlightenment, the art of manipulating men's minds has blossomed anew with the establishment and expansion of the Zionist State of Israel. In this enterprise Judaism has enjoyed the unique advantage which antiquity provides, aided by an offspring religion, Christianity. America's interest in Israel has been described variously as "sentimental" or "emotional". Even Senator Fulbright, of scholarly fame, has expressed a willingness to commit this nation to a holy war over Israel. From the floor of the United States Senate Senator Fulbright stated, "We have a strong emotional interest in Israel and, as I said in a speech in 1970, I accept the validity of that interest and would go so far as to base a military commitment upon it." (Hatonn: Well, beloved readers, the United States of America this day has pronounced willingness to annihilate your entire army of troops and the whole of the Middle East for this false and evil master masquerading as God's Chosen. They are "chosen" but not of Holy God and they are deceivers and liars from the beginning and it is a sad thing which Man is about to do in the name of Satan, while calling it the "Name of God.") Senator Fulbright was referring to his speech entitled "Old Myths and New Realities--II" which he delivered to the Senate on August 31, 1970. In that speech, the senator said that the United States should frankly recognize its "sentimental and cultural bonds" with Israel. The senator further stated that "there is nothing wrong with a policy based on sentimental attachments." While on a trip abroad, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger used the words "emotional ties" in explaining America's support of Israel during the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

    The United States Constitution totally and emphatically rejects the idea that American military commitment to Israel or any other nation can be constitutionally carried out when based upon "emotional" and "sentimental" interests; these are mere substitute terms used to soften and make more acceptable the real reason for such commitment, namely, the religious affiliation with Judaism of a small but influential group of Americans. In his farewell address, George Washington urged all citizens to observe good faith and justice towards all nations and noted that a passionate attachment to another nation, among other evils, facilitates the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists. And later, Woodrow Wilson warned the Congress that only free people can hold their purpose and their honor to a common end, and prefer the interests of mankind to any narrow interest of their own. The present theme of national support for Zionism leaves the rationalist, who feels no emotional ties to Israel, stranded in a sea of irrationality. He is stripped of constitutional rights, taxed to support a theology he rejects, faces the possibility of being forced or drafted to fight a religious war alien to his nature and stands in social jeopardy of his peers. Somehow, the lessons of the Crusades and a thousand other years of holy wars have escaped even this generation of enlightened Americans.

    It is clear that Judaism has benefited from the protective mentality which shields an established or accepted religion from scientific or intellectual criticism. This protective mentality has been especially true in "Christian" America where the child Christianity is loathe to criticize its parent, Judaism. Judaism in America has also gained from the reluctance of Americans to examine critically the beliefs and actions of a people that has borne an unusual amount of bias and abuse, for whatever reason, through the centuries.

    Sometimes the reluctance to speak out against excessive Jewish political power stems from fearing the defamatory label of "anti-Semitic" which Jews readily and liberally ascribe to anyone who would dare question, investigate or otherwise examine critically the practices of Judaism, Zionism and Jewish exclusivism as these practices affect others. This use of emotional blackmail has effectively deprived many Americans of their First Amendment rights of free speech and free press. This subtle suppression of constitutional rights deserves exposure and the condemnation of all who cherish truth and fairness.

    The political exploitation of Judaism and the Bible is clearly illustrated in the 1976 presidential campaign of Jimmy Carter. Mr. Carter's chief issues advisor, Stuart Eizenstat, who is Jewish, said of Jimmy Carter: "...he sees Israel's future as a moral and religious matter of deep personal concern. The Governor believes in the Bible. He believes that Israel is not just supposed to exist, but that it must exist as a Jewish State." Furthermore, Mr. Carter was quoted as telling a group of Jewish leaders (note the selectivity of audience) in Atlanta, Georgia that, if elected president, his administration would give Israel "undeviating, unequivocal" support. In his evangelical quest for the most powerful office in the land, if not the world, political candidate Carter continued: "This is not just a political statement. As a Christian myself, I think that the fulfillment of Israel, the coming of that nation, is a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy." Someone must tell Mr. Carter, before it is too late, that religion or the fulfillment of biblical prophecy is NOT a proper concern of any United States Government!

    President Ford also allowed the use of emotionalism conjured up by biblical belief during his presidential campaign. Three days before the election date, this writer received official President Ford Committee campaign literature citing a specific chapter and verse from the Old Testament as a reason for returning the president to office. The letter was addressed to "Dear Fellow Christians" and began with the words, "I have urged the President Ford Committee to send you this material. Never before has the Bible believing Christian community played such a central role in a Presidential election." The letter was signed by "A.C. Janney, D.D."

    The United States Supreme Court declared in a 1971 decision that "Political division along religious lines was one of the principal evils against which the First Amendment was intended to protect." The appeal by political candidates and office holders for votes based along the religious lines of their constituencies is a throwback to the politics of the Dark Ages. In the words of the historian Edward Frank Humphrey, "Such an irresponsible and potentially dangerous policy may win an election, but it may also make the country ungovernable." Any candidate who seeks political office in America on a sectarian basis deserves not the vote but the contempt of the people.

    A president-elect is required to swear an oath to defend the United States Constitution. As president, he is not permitted by the Constitution to take governmental measures in order to fulfill personal or popular beliefs in biblical prophecy. (It is, therefore, unethical for a candidate to campaign on that promise.) In the context of the on-going Middle East Conflict it is rather frightening to hear or read of a presidential contender promising Jewish voters that, if elected, he will conduct American foreign policy in such a way as to fulfill his or their private concept of biblical belief. One can only hope that Carter, as president, or anyone else here or abroad, will not feel the compulsion to push the nuclear button in order to implement a private or popular interpretation of the ***biblical Battle of Armageddon! (Hatonn: Is it possible that on this very day--that has actually been placed into play?) Strong popular belief in a mythical prophecy may result in the self-fulfillment. Time magazine (October 4, 1976) states that a late Gallup poll indicates that 40% of all Americans "believe that the Bible ‘is to be taken literally.'" From an Associated Press dispatch The Houston Post (Nov. 4, 1976) reported that, "Former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan said Carter's ‘religious, almost messianic' attitude toward Israel reflected the feelings of the American people." Again, one can only be thankful that Jimmy Carter was not elected by a landslide as a result of this evangelical crusade for The White House.

    The scene of presidential candidates Carter and Ford groveling for Jewish support during their second television debate was so demoralizing and pathetic that Time described it thus: "Ford and Carter fell all over themselves in wooing the Jewish vote by vowing all-out support of Israel." Time reported that "Jerusalem is relishing the spectacle of both candidates trying to outdo each other in public support for Israel." Time quoted Israel Foreign Minister Yigal Allon (who had watched the TV spectacle in New York) as saying, "I don't know if Ford or Carter won. All I know is that Israel won."

    It is most certain that America did not win that debate. On February 3, 1948, former Secretary of Defense James V. Forrestal spoke to Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., who was then worried that the Democrats might lose the election to Tom Dewey if they did not strongly support the Zionist position on partitioning Palestine. Secretary Forrestal pointedly told Roosevelt it was "about time that somebody should pay some consideration to whether we might lose the United States." That was twenty-nine years ago. (Hatonn: now 43-years ago.) In the interim, four Arab-Jewish wars have been fought and tens of thousands of precious lives lost--sacrificed at the altars of ignorance and greed. A substantial amount of this killing and dying was paid for by billions of dollars extracted from United States taxpayers who have suffered the ravages of run-away inflation and oil shortages precipitated by a short-sighted Middle East policy of power-seeking politicians who refused to follow the advice of their own Department of State.

    Now (1977) the United States has two-hundred technicians in the Sinai Desert stationed between the combatants. Several American presidents have pronounced the Middle East Conflict the gravest threat to peace confronting the world today. That conflict had its inception with the rise of Zionism and became a full-fledged war upon the declaration of Israel as a national ***unity. In the context of these facts, one would have to be out of touch with reality to suggest that Israel has not been a burden to the United States and the world community.

    The Israel-first policy followed by every American president since Harry Truman, with the exception of Eisenhower, is a policy of treason. The television picture of American sovereignty being held hostage by a small pro-Zionist clique which owes its first allegiance to a foreign nation is a debasing and scandalous sight. America needs no more such debates if the highlight of their greatest contention is to see which candidate can promise Israel the most.

    David Ben-Gurion, the first prime minister of Israel, is quoted as saying, "A Jew is a Jew first; his allegiance to the state of his abode is the allegiance of a stranger in a host country." Because of their strong political support of Israel most Jews of the world seem to be pro-Zionists if not actual Zionists. There are signs, however, that Israel's appeal to world Jewry may be declining.

    Zionist Israel has historically based her emotional appeal to various countries to "Let my people go!" on the supposition that they would flee to Israel from the alleged persecutions in their native lands. Now that the record indicates that most Jews who choose to leave Russia are beginning to "flee" to nations other than Israel, the Israeli Zionists have decided to close the emigration center in Austria and to cut off economic assistance to them--economic assistance given to Israel by American taxpayers for the specific purpose of helping these Russian emigrants. The 94th Congress passed Public Law 94-330 (H.R. 12203 of June 30, 1976) which granted $15,000,000 for assistance in the resettlement of refugees from the Soviet Union and other communist countries in eastern Europe. Most of these refugees are Jews. (See also the American Jewish Year Book,Vol. 75, p.178.)

    A New York News Service dispatch from Jerusalem reported that "Up to 62 percent of the average 1,000 Soviet Jews granted visas for Israel monthly have switched to other countries during proceedings in an Austrian reception center..." The dispatch states that in an obvious move "to block these record defections by Soviet Jewish emigres, Israel has decided to eliminate processing in Austria...." (The reader should know that when Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky, himself a Jew, threatened to close down the center several years ago, he was denounced by Israeli Zionist as an "anti-Semitic" Jew.) The dispatch concludes that this decision by Israel "would, in effect, prevent Jews leaving the Soviet Union from choosing destinations other than Israel when they arrive by train from Moscow." It is evident from this mean trick by Israeli Zionists that their much publicized and patronized concern for other Jews is not strictly humanitarian. Israel needs more soldiers and settlers to occupy captured Arab lands that it has announced it will not relinquish peacefully. Russia represents the best national prospect for a source of recruits. But Israel has not hesitated to throw a stumbling-block in the path of those emigrant Jews from Russia who refuse to choose Israel in their search for a better land. (Data from the Austrian emigration center show that the great majority of those who decide against going to Israel come to the United States.) In spite of this harsh turn by Israel, stubborn pro-Zionists continue to lobby for "unequivocal" support for the Zionist state. The Congress should demand that Israel return any monies granted her for settlement of refugees who decided to settle elsewhere.


    * * * * * * * *
    Thank you for your service and you, readers, for your attention. We honor the daring speakers of Truth who have brought forth information only to be denounced and mostly, now, end up quite dead at the hands of your so-called closest ally. God desires no more martyrs, beloved children, and honor will be given those who dared so that your nation might have and retain its freedoms under your Constitution. How many are worthy of that contribution of the ultimate gift unto you for "no man hath greater love than to lay down his life for his brother."

    Salu, may you ponder these Truths most carefully.

    Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr.

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