PJ 56

MON., OCTOBER 5, 1992 8:36 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 50


I shall not write, first thing, of crashed planes or floods in Florida, other than to say that if Bush doesn't stay OUT of Florida, there will be no Florida left. You can see these things going on and hopefully can discern the REAL from that which is foisted off on you.

As we sat in visiting yesterday I realized that I err very often just as do you of mortal life--facing every day. All are confused and the brain reels with the onslaught of unimagined things, ex­cept in science fiction. I too must learn to resist telling people how something should be done. Instead, we must face and tell what would be done and needs to be done. Perhaps you dwell too long in that which WAS and do not yet see that which IS. I do not wish, however, to take that wondrous ability from you which brings surprise with creative and innovative solutions to problems about you, your nation and planet. It is a very fine line, chelas, and we must both "feel" our way along very care­fully for the traps are laid with nary a slip by the Adversary.

Ah yes, this is constant again. What of Perot? I see that if he is pushed over the top and into the White House, you prevent Clinton (the choice groomed specifically by the Kissinger gang and the Committee of Bilderbergers for the sham job). You do, however, give strength to Bush and the Republicans but you will probably never find TRUTH from the past criminal activities of the administration. This is because Perot has told you that you "should be totally forgiving" and "let what HAS-happened go by the way and move on". That has worthy merit, after all, but lulls you back into the arms of Hypnos, the god of sleep. There are several ways it could go from here and through the next few weeks to E-day. Perot would, however, spark a "speaking" of the people in some manner and there would have to be at least a sham of change. Can the grass-roots movement of Gritz do it and win after all? I see not how enough can overcome the "three" rule. It could be done but perhaps Gritz' role in your redemption and return to freedom is to be witnessed and experi­enced in a far more important role than a cookie-cutter President hamstrung by the Elite Lobbies, PACs and bought-off Congress. You must go with your heart, chelas, I cannot measure all for

I must remind you that you must NEVER give up on that which you really want to do. The person with big dreams (not la-la-­land fantasies of magical nonsense) is more powerful than one with all the "facts"--IF THE "DREAMER" HOLDS THE HAND OF CHRIST-GOD AND THE "GOAL" IS TO AR­RIVE AT A SOCIETY IN THE IMAGE OF CHRIST-GOD'S KINGDOM.


* * *
We shall now write on these things: "commodity" dealers in ad­viser capacity and the use of "Christ" lies to give credence to their projections. Some of them know not in the least what they are actually doing. Further, some of them I have given great credit and asked you to heed their writings--for Truth is Truth from any resource and within ANY intent. YOU must come to know and discern that which is human "selling" and that which is Truth to give fullness to your insight and education.

Many of you who will read this will have been stung badly by some whose names will appear here. I cannot help that which is already finished--I can only give you that which comes for the greatest and highest good of you of God. Unless you have studied and retain and recall ALL of that which we have pre­sented unto you--do not belabor our lack of service prior to your errors. I have written about this very group and their operations prior to this and if you did not read it, I cannot help you. I can and will present it again for we gain new readers daily and it is too hard to catch up 65 JOURNALS and weekly papers.

Do I want you to stop utilizing the input of the ones who will be named in the following? What you do with information is purely and solely up to you. Several of the ones named will have given invaluable information and presentations. You will find that most were sucked in by Zionists fellow-writers and in­vestment advisers. Now it becomes a mad drive to "survive" in their own life-style and they will now mislead you greatly as to "what to do" in order to keep you "hooked" on their advice. In the end GOD wins, my friends, and all the denials and refusals to stand on stage with my people will merit them naught--but YOU are up to YOU!

I do not feel that I can do justice to an introduction to the "book" from which I quote at this writing for the information I have received in written format has not been given definite title, only prospective, and some misinformation is being analyzed and corrected, deleted or in need of comment before I print it and/or give urgent request that you obtain the journal in point.

You will see that there is amazing information in the volume in point for I will reproduce Chapter VII for you herein--with per­mission of both the author and the prospective publisher. Some of you will already have the information, this specific--from me if not elsewhere, and many of you will have had a copy of a "first printing" of limited numbers of the author's work regard­ing this subject.

I leave it into your hands for discernment because you are going to recognize some names which represent "authority" and "expertise" and are quite prominently represented in patriot libraries.

QUOTING: (Chapter VII)

[H: Headings are mine.]

A "CLUB OF ROME SYNDROME": The title is a bit of a play on words taken from the notorious "Club of Rome" which in itself is one of the most high regions of the International Zionist Conspiracy [Also known as the Committee of 300]. Not too long ago it became very evident that there was a grow­ing number of conservative newsletters and publications each of which was using Post Office Box addresses in Phoenix, Ari­zona. There, also, was something strange but very noticeable concerning this growing number of Phoenix box numbers, they seemed to be forming a continuous pattern of numerically se­quential numbers! Newsletters that for years had been published at addresses throughout the country now began having their mailing addresses changed to Phoenix. Their publications ap­peared to be the same but correspondence, subscriptions, etc., was now directed to a central axial point there in the Southwest. [H: Now don't rush to your latest newsletter and expect to find this information for when uncovered, a lot of things be­gan to happen very quickly--like covering up the boo-boo!] These were publications that had been in such locations as Florida, California, Colorado, Texas and so forth; why now were so many receiving their mail at a central location with their box numbers just one digit removed from their "contemporaries"?

This bodes for some interesting speculation and conjecture, the results of which will probably be very close to being right on point. What has piqued the interest in this "coincidence" is the fact that many of these now consolidated entities at one time or other were all recommended or positively commented upon by the John Birch Society, Inc.! "Birds of a feather...." and they do flock together, especially if they have the same force which is directing and ultimately controlling them. Now these newsletter writers, editors, publishers, et al, have not physically relocated to Arizona; that, in most cases, would be inconve­nient. Recall that the current president of the JBS, Inc. (John Birch Society) resides in Massachusetts; the Society headquar­ters being in Wisconsin. So why this consolidation of mailing addresses in Phoenix? Could it be a central control function which is overseeing and more physically directing each??? [H: I would say this much: IF the addresses were in NEVADA, it would be "good business" and might well have not been noted at all--ever.]

It could not be that it is more convenient for the names associ­ated with these various publications are still far removed from these addresses. There would be no economical reason for the centralization of mail receipt if the mail, in turn, had to be for­warded to those who, supposedly, are writing, editing and pub­lishing the various "letters". "It just doesn't make sense, Admi­ral"! BUT, it does make sense if the reason for this centraliza­tion is that all of these publications are uniquely funnelled from the same basic source to insure that nothing comes forward which would not be in concordance with the "Master Plan"!

And just who are some of these in the "Club"? They are:

L. Abraham ( PO Box 84903, Phoenix 85071 )
D. McAlvany ( " 84904, " )
Bates ( " 84909, " )
Aden's ( " 84905, " )
World News Dig. ( " 84900,02 " )
G. North ( " 84906, " )

Each of these (and many others), remember, have been rec­ommended by the JBS, Inc. Let us look at one, in particular, who has been briefly mentioned before, but is certainly deserving of much more editorial space. That one is Larry H. Abraham.
Our Mr. Abraham supposedly produces the Insider Report and the GEO Report: I seriously doubt this. Currently, one Mr. Wallace "Chip" Wood is listed as the editor of the Insider Re­port but he has also taken over the editorship of the former "Johnny" Johnson Daily News Digest (Boxes 84900, 84902 and 84903). He wears two, or more, hats, but they cover only one head. A common connection? Certainly! Let us look at some of the historical record of Abraham and draw some positive facts to the surface and see just what type of person this has been fully aware of these positive facts.

We trace back in time to the State of Washington and the machinations and activities of L. Abraham within the State. Abraham was licensed as a Securities Salesman within the State of Washington under Washington Securities Laws. This was many years ago and he would have been considered, in simple terms, a Stock Broker.

Larry Henry Abraham, Sr. (L. Abraham) has been a resident of the State of Washington for many years, most of his life, to be sure. He was first employed there by his father in 1957 in the father's plywood business and remained there until 1960. For the next two years he was employed by both a radio station (KNEW) and a television station (KXLY-TV) and then, through about 1963, he was employed by the Pacific National Advertising Agency.

For eight years, 1964 through 1972, L. Abraham was ex­tremely close to the workings and inner activities of the John Birch Society, Incorporated. He was a paid Area and Major Coordinator for the JBS, Inc. during this period and was closely associated with the hierarchy, leaders and, certainly, the controlling forces of that "clan". He was aware of activities, goals and precepts of the Society that are never the privy of the "lower classes" and "run-of-the-mill" members; he had to have this knowledge to be allowed to occupy a position of Area Co­ordinator! Even more importantly, the John Birch Society, Inc. accepted L. Abraham for this period of eight years and it must be assumed and accepted that the JBS, Inc. knew full well the moral and mental attributes of this person. Keep that in mind and equate it to the facts that here follow.

Abraham got his feet wet in the securities/investment fields in about 1972; he became employed with the Pacific Coast Coin Exchange and stayed with them until 1974. He learned, or de­veloped, the fundamental ability to speculate with other people's funds.

Larry Abraham was learning quickly the rudiments of the ploys, the speaking with forked tongue; he had a convincing way and manner. In 1974 he, along with another "Operator", formed "Abraham-Reitz & Co." as a New York corporation and operated in the commodities field until 1977. In that year, for whatever contrived reason, he parted with John Reitz and sallied forth into the realm of the big boys; he formed "Larry Abraham and Associates" and proudly announced that he was now an In­vestment Banker. This reminds one of the subjective titles em­ployed by the "Penny Stock Boiler Rooms" (Brokerage Firms) operating from and out of Denver, Colorado. But, here, we should not sally forth too quickly for during the time that "Abraham, Reitz & Co." was in operation a large amount of in­vestor funds disappeared. The story folds and unfolds, Abra­ham claiming that an associate firm, Swiss Manhattan Metals Corp., was the culprit in the entire loss and that he (Abraham) was an innocent victim caught in a web of legal intrigue and poorly written securities laws of the State of Washington.

A LEGAL DISAGREEMENT? Not so, said the State of Washington concerning the Abraham contention that he (Abraham) was an innocent victim. The State came down on him for just and good cause and reason. The State of Washing­ton permanently REVOKED the securities license of Larry H. Abraham for the following violations:

1. "That he willfully made an untrue statement of a material fact...."
2. "..engaged in an act which operated as a fraud or deceit upon another person in a securities transaction."
3. "..engaged in unethical practices in the securities business."

The ORDER (SDO-142--81) revoking his license emanated from the Securities Division, State of Washington, on 10 August 1982. BUT, the Birch support of L. H. Abraham did not cease!

The dissertation on Abraham is given to clearly show a type of individual that is not unique in himself (note, again, those who were previously mentioned as 'some' of the members of the Club of Phoenix), but is representative of support of Interna­tional ZIONISM and who, in turn, are fully supported by the John Birch Society, Incorporated. Let there be no doubt about that last statement. As an interesting after-thought one could wonder if others of the ilk of a Jerry Falwell, a Pat Robert­son, a Billy Graham, a Jimmy Swaggart and a host of others of like cloth, FAKE Christian, leaders of the George Orwell Boobtube Networks are not also getting some portion of their mail via Phoenix, Arizona. They are ALL ZIONISTS: first, last and foremost!

L. Abraham did not go unseen or unheard of following the demise of his securities frauds in the State of Washington; on the contrary, he schemed to go 'International' ! A new team was formed to bilk the unsuspecting patriots and it had a lot of the premises and goals of the famous William Kennedy scam, West­ern Monetary Consultants! The team was Larry and Harry; Larry, of course, being Abraham and the Harry was the long known and infamous Harry D. Schultz of Monaco and the Harry Schultz letter, a tout vehicle, if ever there was one! (Harry frequently preceded his name with "Dr.", however, he had never been granted a doctorate from, or by, ANY accepted institution of higher learning.) Unknown, but probably there was a "Moe" also in their act.

They founded "Freedom Incorporated" [H: Enter now, in­formation which I have priorly shared with you, just to jog your memory.). Their initial goal: To raise $10,000,000.00 and put a dent in the "conspiracy"; to change the make-up of the world and bring proper law-and-order to the market place. Un­fortunately, there will be many who read this who will have had first hand investment knowledge of the inner workings (or lack of) of FI. Larry and Harry proceeded to con as many as they could reach through their own newsletters, Insider Report and HSL, and by having many other newsletter publishers promote the FI wares.

THE "FI" PLOY OF DECEPTION: It was coincidentally of interest that the stated objectives of Freedom, Inc. were cun­ningly akin to those that were spewed forth by the John Birch Society, Inc. Larry and Harry put their shoulders to the grind­stone and put forward for public consumption a glowing ac­counting of the aims and goals of their newly formed scam. They plied upon the patriotism of the flag-bearing goyim and expounded in vivid language just how Freedom, Inc. was going to turn the tide of socialism, the CFR, the Trilateralists and the bankers.

They vehemently contended that they had a critical advantage of actually KNOWING "who the enemy is" and with this infor­mation, they, and the members of the Freedom, Inc. organi­zation, could wage an effective campaign against "the enemy"!! A quote from one of their fliers reads: "Most have attacked the wrong targets. For a long time, it was thought anti-intellectual and simplistic to believe in the conspiracy theory. WE thought so, too! Until finally the proof of its reality was overwhelming. We were propagandized by them but now we will turn the tables on the CFR & Trilateralists, the New York mega-bankers, & all these appeasers of Communism, lenders to the USSR, creators of debt overhang, fosterers of government control over the indi­vidual, advocates of high taxation & its brutal enforcement." And additionally: We must pool our talents, time, & cash to create a global organization: Freedom, Inc. Through Freedom, Inc. we can influence legislatures at the grass-roots level every­where; we can elect directors to media boards; fund our own book publishing houses; fund and aid freedom fighters in An­gola, Afghanistan, Nicaragua, Mozambique, Cambodia." And one more quote of pure drivel from their "send us money flier": "We will press for an investigation of the US State Depart­ment We'll critically influence elections. We will create a groundswell via a network of both paid and volunteer workers in every voting district around the world. Where we can't influ­ence or change the media, we will start our own." Well now, reader, doesn't that all sound just Jim Dandy, Peachy Keen & etc.!!

This verbiage could have been taken almost verbatim from the gospel of "Saint" Welch and his Church of Deception. It is misinformation personified to the ultimate degree and the Free­dom, Inc. language is precisely what has been the language of the John Birch Society, Inc. It is the deception of false leader­ship and false guidance specifically designed to undermine and lead astray any who follow and wrongfully believe that they are being given the truth! Abraham learned well from R. Welch during those years as an Area Coordinator.

The glaring fact is here for all to see, at least for those who have the presence of thought to understand and rationalize what they are reading. NEVER does an implication to ZIONISM ap­pear, whether it be from the JBS, Inc. or the contrived Free­dom, Inc. money scam. They both freely and often allude to the CFR, the Trilateralists, the bankers and others in APPARENT control but NEVER do they pose the question of who controls these operations!!! These apparent forces in control are, in no way, the tip of the iceberg; they are lesser functions of the tip, and the tip, of course, is the International Zionist Conspiracy!

The Freedom, Inc. goal of raising $10,000,000.00 within six months was certainly never reached--never intended to be reached. The promise to refund monies to the subscribers who requested a return was a joke. There were many who requested a refund--none received any. Requests to see accountings of the books of FI were unanswered and legal action against FI was for naught. Ah, "Western Monetary...", to a lesser, although faster, degree.

Give this some thought. Some of the backers of "FI" just happened to be: Jim Blanchard, Gary North, Antony Sutton, Mark Skousen, Howard Phillips, Morton Blackwell, Hilare du Barrier, Robert Prechter, Julian Snyder, Ed Lee and the late Johnny Johnson. "The Club of Phoenix", for want of a better title.

Former John Birch Society, Inc. paid Area Coordinator Larry H. Abraham, Jr. still runs rife and rampant with deceit. After some twenty years he still has the audacity to claim that he was responsible for, authored and produced "None Dare Call it Conspiracy", which was entirely the product of Gary Allen. The Abraham association with Gary Allen was minimal. For a short period of time during and immediately following the publi­cation of NDCC, Abraham performed in a marketing role for Allen. None of the original printing of NDCC has any refer­ence to L. Abraham; on the contrary, Gary Allen gave full credit to all of his sources of data in compiling NDCC. It is further interesting to note that there was no close association between Abraham and Allen for many years thereafter. At a later time they did join in a newsletter partnership which was forthwith terminated by Gary when he learned of a number of financial and monetary discrepancies, which could not be ex­plained by his "partner"!

The JBS, Inc. did, initially, support the sale of "None Dare Call it Conspiracy". It was displayed at their local meetings and gatherings for sale and undoubtedly had a good sales result as a consequence. At no time, however, after Abraham began his lying assertion that implied that he was the author of NDCC did the JBS, Inc. ever come forward and counter the Abraham claim. Lying by omission, shall we say?

The ploy goes on with current advertising and flyers from "Phoenix" extolling the vast virtues of the accomplishments of Larry Abraham. He continually claims that he is a millionaire and has made millionaires of untold numbers of those who have listened to and heeded his profound investment advice. This as­sertion alone flies in the face of fact and reality when, again, it is duly noted that he has filed Personal Bankruptcy in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Washington, (Case No. 90-33994)! He therein listed his liabilities at a figure of almost $1,200,000.00 and assets less than $5,000. This is not reflective of an investment "Guru" in any way!

There are far too many Birch supporters overtly and covertly involved, not only with the promotion of the Larry Abraham rip-off of the unwary, but in and among themselves. Why does Gary North and M. Skousen, as examples, continue to outra­geously verbally, and by direct quotation, so strongly support and refer to Abraham in the most glowing of terms? There is a method to all madness and a destiny that shapes our ends. There has to be an underlying reason for the "Club of Phoenix" to adhere so tightly to a concept and belief that is common to each and to all of them. So what is this concept and/or be­lief?....IT IS ZIONISM!

The information contained on the last few pages is not uniquely known to this writer; it is public information available to all who care to look. It would be naive to even discuss whether such as North or Skousen were aware of the shady his­tory of Abraham. Most assuredly they are aware and they ac­cept him; but far worse, they promote and encourage him knowing full well his despicable and criminal performance. And these are the people who support and are supported by the John Birch Society, Inc.! Are they Zionists? Certainly they are, card carrying or not. Remember the "Duck"! The hypocrisy of the entire gaggle begs description and reason and is akin to the gutless wimp who flits from side to side, from flower to flower, as a butterfly, hoping to be on the winning side when the last shot is fired. NEVER has North (either Gary or 011ie), or Skousen, or McAlvany, or Schultz, or Abraham, or The John Birch Society, Inc. or etc., ever come forth with a definitive statement concerning Zionism and their relative position thereto! I challenge any reader to contact any of these, or others, and ask for a clear cut statement concerning his or their position on the Zionist One World Order Conspiracy. The odds are highly in favor of no reply or, at best, a rotation of meaningless, divisive prattle. Yet, they will all conform to the accepted belief that there is a conspiracy--a Communist Conspiracy. Does that not remind one of the JBS, Inc. philosophy? .... The iceberg con­tains fathoms of unseen danger.

The network, the web, of the collusion of intrigue generated within the "sphere of influence" of the Zionist Conspiracy and its lackey agents, of which the John Birch Society, Inc. is one, is more complex than could be easily imagined. The "Club of Phoenix" is but a small minute fraction but it is a completely representative function and example of the Zionist control of one of the major facets of control--Economics!

The tie-ins among the many and various agencies, centralized private media, "news letters", get rich quick ploys and scams is almost limitless. The majority of these are of a like mind set and are in business, firstly, to generate monies for themselves and, secondly, to make certain that they toe the "Party Line" and not deviate from the established "Pied Piper of Hamlin" scenario in leading the Serfs to annihilation. There are a few exceptions to this but they are the rare birds who have the in­testinal fortitude to tell the truth. One of these that comes im­mediately to mind is "Criminal Politics" by Larry Patterson and his fine assembly. [H: Well, let's not get completely carried away. I will say, however, that this group does "believe" it­self to be doing right by investors, etc., and certainly recog­nized the massive imprint of the Zionist Conspiracy--this mostly due to connections with one Eustace Mullins who has done a most impressive job of revealing truth to you blinded citizens.] But let's go back to some individual tie-ins involved in the intrigue of subversion.

It has been well and conclusively proven that there is a direct and purposeful connection between The John Birch Society, Inc. and, as example, one William R. Kennedy, Jr. of the days of Western Monetary Consultants and then later with his direct ef­forts to aid and abet the Israeli (Zionist) support for the fake Mid-East Iraqi war. That last effort, remember, was his co-chairmanship, along with the notorious Scott Stanley, Jr., of "The Coalition for America at Risk". It was shown that Stanley was an active tool of the Birch deception but the chicanery and dishonesty goes much farther.

Stanley was not only in direct collusion with Kennedy, but his range of activity also included close association with and support of Abraham and Schultz in the nefarious schemes con­cocted by that duplicitous daring duo.

In late 1988 another scheme was hatched by Abraham and his associates when they converted a makeshift existing investment firm, named Yorkshire Leveraged Group, Inc., into a new-named entity which they now called Freedom Funding, Inc.! Rather a familiar sounding title; rather reminds one of Freedom, Inc.! Well, it should, but read on. In January 1989 Abraham stated: "Freedom Funding, Inc. is now a multimedia company comprised of various divisions specializing in certain aspects of media development. Among the various media opportunities being pursued by the company are the acquisition or partial ownership of Conservative Digest magazine, American Press, Inc. a new news network company, Second Opinion Produc­tions, Inc., a new-being-formed video production company."

The meeting that decided all of this was held on Dec. 13, 1988 in Annapolis, Maryland and among those present at the An­napolis board meeting was a Mr. James Whelan, Ex. V-P and editor-in-chief of Conservative Digest and a Mr. Scott Stanley, Jr., chairman of American Press, Inc.!

Abraham glibly announced that the takeover of the former Yorkshire Group, now known as Freedom Funding, Inc. marked the beginning of our Freedom Inc. move into "...the building of a worldwide media conglomerate..." Shades of, shall we say, NBC, CBS, ABC, Ted Turner and even "Hanoi" Jane Fonda. The mere idea that this newly formed group was going to establish a "worldwide media conglomerate" is, of course, ridiculous; it would be akin to saying that they were going to establish a new international airline that was going to compete with the world's major air carriers. So, there had to be an ulterior, clandestine, subversive motive for setting up Free­dom Funding. The motive: to con the unsuspecting public; to get their funds and abscond!

One of the first priorities that Larry Abraham put into opera­tion was an immediate association with a small "penny" opera­tion stock brokerage firm. The firm that he chose, or that was chosen for him, was First Eagle, Inc. of Colorado Springs, Col­orado. Colorado Springs is not far from Denver, the home of the majority of "penny" firms of the nation and many of the most notorious swindlers in the business. "Good company" to be in but it is in no way a coincidence, to be sure. The tout was on and Abraham heavily implored all of the "investors" of Free­dom, Inc. to contact Ozzie Dunker, or one of his brokers, with First Eagle and immediately invest in Freedom Funding, Inc. When the stock was offered (selling) at $.35 per share Abraham was saying that "we see a strong future in the share price..." Incidentally, this statement alone is a violation of "The Rules of Fair Practice" of the National Association of Securities Dealers; it is termed "price prediction" and is a definite No-No! But Abraham was well aware of this violation in advance; remember, he had been a licensed stock broker until the State of Washington legally revoked his license.

The Conservative Digest publication was another carrot that was dangled for the unsuspecting to nibble upon. Abraham glowingly posed and elucidated his plans for the takeover of The Conservative Digest and what this takeover was going to accom­plish. He stated: "With Freedom, Inc's. managerial takeover of our public company, Freedom Funding, Inc., we are now in the process of merging Conservative Digest magazine into the Com­pany. We've compiled our business plan and are ready to launch a very aggressive expansion program We believe that with a capital expenditure of $900,000 we can, within 3 years, have a publication with a market value of $7-10 million....This would have a dramatic impact on the price of Freedom Funding Inc. stock. By purchasing stock now, investors will be putting money in the corporate coffers (writer's note: this can not be true unless the purchaser was buying Corp. Treasury stock and not open market stock).

On December 26, 1989, Co-publishers Larry Abraham and Harry Schultz announced that Conservative Digest had gone out of business. They also announced that they were sorry that there was no refund money available. Interestingly was the no­tation that if there should be any inquiries they should be di­rected to a PO Box in Wauna, Washington. Presumably the Abraham private address. It was most interesting to note that the address for the Conservative Digest had been P.O. Box 84905, Phoenix, Arizona, 85071. Ring a bell? box 84905 is now tabbed to the "Aden Sisters"!

It would be most revealing to learn the volume of FFI stock that was sold as a result of these various stock "touts". It would be even more interesting to learn of the disposition of the monies involved. Just how many dedicated, lower level Birchers, got stung would also be informative. You can bet your spare change that there were many, for there is little question that Zionist Abraham had more than access to the JBS, Inc. rosters!


* * *
I understand how terribly hard it is to sort out wheat from chaff--until AFTER the fact. The point becomes, therefore, that you DO get it sorted out lest you become even more confused by the subterfuge about you. It is THE time of false teachers, false leaders and workers of the Adversary. There are many truth-bringers who provide the outlay of factual truth. Our only intent is to provide a format for the sharing of the integrated whole for your attention.

May you be given insight and may you always go within into the silence of your wisdom center and then, only then, discern and judge. Discern the possibilities and then JUDGE THE AC­TIONS--not the man--and you shall have your answers in Truth. If a thing waddles, quacks and has webbed feet--he may well not be a "duck"; he could be a "goose" with a bad cold. Does this mean that ducks and geese are all bad? Certainly not--it means that you keep your eyes open wide and DISCERN.

Thank you for receiving and thank the author for sharing. We will give you information regarding this author and his works in the very near future.

We are indebted to all who would share with brothers as we make this treacherous crossing. So be it. Salu.

Hatonn to clear.

PJ 56


TUE., OCTOBER 6, 1992 8:22 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 51


More than a downed cargo plane is planned for the Israeli holy days. You witnessed a slash at it yesterday with your own stockmarket activities. (Remember who owns the banks and the major businesses--the Elite New World Order now being fought over for status primarily by the Zionists.) The Zionists use the Judaist's special events as guidelines for activities. Yesterday's plunge in the market and then immediate "bring-back" by evening was a good indication because gold rose but a little bit and silver was not even noted in change.

The most important "rumor" is that all the military forces, UN "training troops included", are now placed on "alert" beyond activities of the past weeks and months. The "red" alert to be prepared for full action with probably need for widespread and massive control action is set for the 29th of October. "War Games" now focused on "crowd control, riot suppression and mass citizen hysteria" is how the instructions read, for training purposes. The "action" squads have been training in demoli­tion, strategic area fire use, SWAT team "hot spots" response action, handling of mass dead-body removal, highway and free­way ingress and egress CONTROL of citizen movement in "contaminated" areas and/or disaster areas. Part of the plan of action is coded to have "countdown" revolving around the Octo­ber "holidays", i.e., Passover, Columbus Day, Allhallows Day, and of course, Election Day in early November. In fact, if things don't change in the election projections, it will all be un­derway in full measure before "election day".

You can go anywhere in the Mojave Desert these days and find active patrolling and live-ammunition war games under way. Go north from Southern California and you will be able to "hear" the activities. Some locals report that there were war games within easy earshot of their campground at Lake Nacimiento with many, many helicopters (black) in constant surveillance.

Just this past weekend in Seattle there were demonstrations, some against Bo Gritz, with "control" presentation of forces ready for riot control--with heavy mechanized equipment at ready and openly visible to all.

It is also noted that the terrible fire in the Northern California forest was preceded by a MASSIVE "mushroom" cloud which was visible for hundreds of miles before it was obscured by smoke from the fire it started.

Let us assume that Col. Gritz is who he claims to be and--being so well recognized as a "patriot" and as a Special Forces offi­cer--that he still has access to inside information (which he most certainly does). Now, let us assume that in having this kind of input--he can be pretty well up on what may be going on--be­hind the scenes. He has said, especially to groups in California, that it looks like "major disastrous events will probably take place before the November elections." Well, that would indi­cate to me, if I were a listener, that probably there will be some major disastrous event taking place before the November elec­tions. Watch out--the three top controller-contenders for the fourth most powerful throne in the world are about to get their acts together. Before you can even consider the U.S. Presi­dency, you have to consider the head of the "300" and the Head (REAL POWER) of the United Nations--which is NOT the U.S.A. You had best pay real close attention to the Crown of Great Britain, the British Israelis, the Banksters under those "crowns" and the major PLAYER in the struggle, THE ZIONIST MOVEMENT. Indeed, they are all part and parcel of the "same" but you can watch old Gorbachev in the "Communist" whirlwind of present uprising and Kissinger Associates' actions and get a good picture of events.

Do you really think the "criminals" are going to let their actions come before the laundry committee for cleansing if they can prevent it--even if it causes massive Third World Wars? You are in the countdown to finalizing depopulation and Plan 2000.

I am urged by a new reader to be preparing the people for a massive defeat of Gritz and get on with telling the readers what to do after the defeat. I don't know how this person expects me to do that more than I have--is it possible that this one should read the JOURNALS and more of the paper? Or, is it possible that magic will appear from the cracks and crevices, gutter or passageways and Perot will win and all will live happily ever afterward?? No, already a swarm of responses come back to us stating that it certainly appears that " Perot is simply a stooge for Bush!--just look, sir, at what he is doing!" Chelas, what do you EXPECT? There is NO MAGIC in your fantasy land real­ity. The Plan is to bring the Ultimate New World Order--One World Government by Force--into full operation by year 2000. This must have action above and beyond the most nightmarish thoughts of ordinary man to accomplish--for you are out of "time". To depopulate a planet to 550 million bodies by year 2000 means over six BILLION will be exterminated in the seven years!(!!!!)


Bad news today: it is all but impossible to purchase silver coins, etc. This is a very bad sign. If you have a source I suggest you use it but remember there are limits to amounts you can pur­chase of any metal or "cash" without being reported to the Feds. Anyone purchasing more than $10,000 from any dealer (ever) must be reported and those "reports" are computerized for a full purchase per person reading. This is, after all, all computerized via the nice theft job of the software from INSLAW! This is a part of THE program for keeping the largest most widespread tabs on individuals in the world today.

For you who would continue to deny the messengers of Christ-God, who was first, last and always will be--I suggest you harken back to a great messenger who spoke with great wisdom in EVERY LANGUAGE: "HE WHO DENIES ME SO SHALL I DENY HIM BEFORE MY FATHER!" THINK UPON IT!

As you face the days of confusion seemingly without letup of enemy forces (anything which pushes or pulls you from balance) assaulting and battering, remember that you are growing--al­ways growing. As you face this circumstance, that insult--re­member something most factual about "Criticism" and those who criticize--they must have nothing better to do or they would be doing it and not attending YOU and Criticism never built a house, wrote a play, composed a song, painted a pic­ture, improved family life, reared a child, wrote a book, saved a brother or any other thing of worthy nature. Criticism tears down ONLY--suggestions build, criticism destroys.

It is tough right now in your experience. Life gives you the test very often before you have full chance of studying the lesson--the message is to keep on keeping on, allowing insight to flow, being open for new expression of all types so that discernment learns guidelines and KNOW THAT GOD'S HEART AND WISDOM SEES WHAT IS MOST OFTEN INVISIBLE TO THE HUMAN EYE. Praise is so soothing to the senses but consider this, it never teaches you anything NEW--it only fo­cuses on that which is past. Does this mean you must seek out criticism instead of praise?--yes, if you must seek out either. Criticism allows you to look at yourself--if you are willing--while praise sometimes lulls you into ego trips which trap you into stalling out on your growth.

However, you must learn to always teach through "praise" for the heart blossoms in the light of praise and withers in the pres­ence of criticism. Allow for growth, not withering.

We have a message awaiting time and space appropriate for sharing which came out of a "pre"-environmental meeting of the hierarchy planners of the New World Order over a year ago. This in preparation for the big "Earth" meeting of a few months past in Brazil. The purpose was to evaluate status of the New World Order and balance against the plan laid forth by Cecil Rhodes (British/South Africa) long, long ago. The document has been "leaked" out of Representative Richard A. Gephardt's office. Remember, he is the "Majority" Leader, is on the Bud­get Committee and Committee for Select Intelligence and at the time was a major player in evaluation of the status of the New World Order Plan.

It is pretty awful to behold, chelas. It lays it right out there in front of your eyes--"...depopulation is not running on sched­ule and nations will be put on mandatory compliance with reduction numbers. This means that foods, medicines and aid will not be allowed to flow and that which does will be intercepted. The population of the globe is to be no more than 550 million people by, or shortly thereafter, year 2000." I believe in the U.S. the reduction is by 100 million (less) people by year 2000. It is planned to pull more of you out than that because you still get influx of foreign immi­grants. Except for selected and "useful" newcomers, the lower "class" (as defined by the Elite) will be wiped out.
Disease is being introduced into the water supplies and by other methods such as vaccinations and inoculations, and thus and so.

Do I criticize their plan? Goodness no--it is almost perfection and is working very, very well. The mainliners all know what it is and even those dandy evangelists who are born-again have set their stores in other countries to insure safety as well as prepar­ing places of security--it is just YOU who are going to pay--(THEY THINK!) Most who "THINK" they have the key and the ticket--DO NOT! So, they will continue to tear down TRUTH while they build. Therefore, what could be good about this apparent mess? GOD! GOD WILL BE SHOWN FOR WHAT HE IS! Their lies and very plan of annihilation gives us the conduit for bringing Truth unto Christ-God's people. If this were not happening, you would not listen--you would consider all to be "out there somewhere" and all would move and march to this evil drummer. "They" did not even "buy" your souls--they stole your very heritage and ability to cope, defend or KNOW.

Moreover: it is wondrous that you have ones in the circles WHO DARE TO BRING THESE DOCUMENTS TO LIGHT FROM THE HIDDEN FILES. What do we gain to sit and criticize? We can take that which is now given unto us and confront the evil-doers, present the Truth unto the people and DO SOMETHING. I totally respect my enemies--you should stop the whining about them and do likewise. While you sit and criticize you are incapable of thinking of action to counter that which you can perceive simply by the act of the criticizing. If you are critically "incorrect" it behooves you to shut your mouth and open your mind and allow a little praise to the ones you hit so hard.

A statement has been reported to us as coming from "Bo" Gritz. When confronted by a questioner on this past week-end in Washington (state) regarding Command, space guides, etc., he quoted his "Bible" and said: "If a prophet be true, praise and honor him; if he be false, stone him."

Immediately, ones went forth assuming Commander Gritz had suggested "Hatonn be stoned." Why don't we try "honor" in­stead? If I have sorrow over a beloved brother such as "Bo", it is that there was so little time to balance false teachings against the Truth as it IS and will become evident in the near future. He is caused to travel in circles who smother him with their open, call of patriotism and honor; only to be making hay in their own right before the darkness hits. He is quoted as saying there is misinformation in the Phoenix writings. Indeed he perceives exactly correctly IF one reads NOT CAREFULLY. If one scans and leaves out the "would it not be interesting IF..." or leaves out the "NOT" (even in the above sentence) does it not change the meaning? This is the method I have to reach unto the ones awaiting instructions, confirmations and status. If you don't read the information at all, as for instance, Col. Gritz has not time to do--what would you discern if you were in his shoes? Would you not listen to those ones who travel with you and CLAIM to know all about the Phoenix material? Dear ones, we are so "right-on" that the very groups around are copying our very names--the economic evangelical group of rip-off artists with their instructive newsletters, etc., are even recognized now as the "Phoenix" Conspiracy OR "Club of Phoenix" (they work out of Phoenix, Arizona.) and we just wrote about that yester­day. This IS the way of the Adversary (CLUE NUMBER ONE). He takes that which is "right" and "holy" and utilizes the term to deceive by placing a different definition to the lan­guage--BUT DOESN'T TELL YOU SAME.

One of the most deadly "projects" in the Vietnam era was the "Phoenix" project. Even the symbol of the Phoenix (bird) is now being touted in the seminars going around as a "symbol of Satan". Sorry! No matter how the names are changed to suit the evil-mongers--it changes nothing. We are come, we are represented by the Phoenix, it has always been known that it would be this way--and so it IS.

The speeches against this "Shadow Government" and "Conspiracies of Treason" are well done and it is assumed that the outcry from the information will distract you from seeing the "Conspiracy of Zionism" and the planned destruction of "Christ-God" believers and followers of goodness. LISTEN TO WHAT THEY SAY! They claim to believe totally on the word of "Jesus" and then soil his very image with their human physical limitations of your "Godness". The entire thrust is toward a physical experience--either physical rapture, blood symbols for "salvation" and/or "do these 'things' and it will be fine!" They do not tell you that you must live the "Christ" Laws--in Spiritual intent to actually accomplish these transformations--they vote in or out laws to suit the human expression--but GOD is Spiritual expression--THE TWO ARE NOT THE SAME!


It is and was, since the beginning, also KNOWN that God sends His messengers and guides to show you the way in these times of transition from evil into LIGHT. I am sent for this purpose. It is also known, since the beginning, that before the ending God would send the Word of Truth--that all who would see and hear could make choices regarding his own Divinity--be reminded of the laws in Truth and the WORD would be made available for the taking so that MAN could make his Spiritual choices. Ah, and so it IS. It is simply the time of choosing, chelas, that which brings you into Glory in the pres­ence of your higher being or keeps you locked in the human perceptions which are NEVER ENOUGH, always fraught with would-be rulers and deceivers and an environment of deceit and lies.

WE MUST BE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT for the enemy does not rest in his effort to hide us, deny us, assault us and get rid of us. HE CANNOT! THE TIME OF TRUTH IS AT HAND--FOR ALL PEOPLE AND ALL NATIONS, CREEDS AND COLORS. The beast will devour itself--BUT, it will de­vour you first if you serve that beast for he cannot get you off the planet and into security of any other placement--on or off the globe. WE CAN! BUT WE SHALL NOT BRING OUR ENEMIES! THINK UPON THIS! SALU!