PJ 56


THU., OCTOBER 15, 1992 8:35 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 60


You think nothing is happening as projected? Perhaps you have a very narrow perspective?

You THINK Russia is having joint service WITH you of the U.S. in the Persian Gulf? Chelas, THAT Russian vessel is a missile/anti-missile SHIP. Joint action, they tell you, and all is just to get the "two" nations' servicemen accustomed to and comfortable with working as "friends" rather than "enemies"? NO--the Russians are there in the Persian Gulf alright but it is NOT to pleasantly stand by NATO and "watch" the embargo against Iraq.

Can't you see that it comes simultaneously with the release of the "so-called" transcripts on the KAL-007 airline disaster? Both the U.S. AND Korea KNOW that the transcript is not cor­rect--but Russia has the "box" and you don't! Quite a lot of things are going on behind the charade this day.

In the circumstance of the ship adventure in the Persian Gulf, pay attention to the Russian Admiral when questioned about Russia's "friendship" with Iraq. He immediately says that "it is political and I have nothing to say". I personally do not believe that Mr. Bush is going to be so free and easy with launching missiles at Iraq as long as that anti-missile Russian ship is ad­jacent to your own missile launchers!

Hoopla over such as past indiscretions while a student at Ox­ford? Who cares--the man, Clinton, is totally groomed by the Elite Committees and Bush is fighting for his life--literally. It remains to be seen if his back-up plans can succeed. So far quite a few of us are giving away all the secrets in advance and it gets harder and harder to carry through with disruptions--in open view.

You ones of my team had best consider the early morning blast against the shield to be a warning--that was us shoring the shielding as we are again at "stand-off'.

I believe you can see that Mr. Gorbachev is defying all rules in failure to testify regarding the Communist Party. Mr. Gor­bachev is a member of the Elite Khazarian One Worlders--Mr. Yeltsin plans to "do it" another way and it remains to be seen what happens.

The power plant which "accidented" in Lithuania and is now shut down yesterday--is exactly like the one at Chernobyl. The "little leak" is far worse than told and, being like the other plant, can go into the ground. It is near the "sea" and when the reaction hits the water it is going to be a real mess. The loca­tion of Lithuania makes it a deadly proposition for many, many people.

Lithuania is directly east of Sweden and south of Finland, southwest of Leningrad and north of Warsaw, Poland. The main clue is that i t is adjacent to an area known as "White Rus­sia". Note also that there is "news" of actions in and around "Archangel" (town) which is right on the "White" Sea. I am not going to tell you more about the geography of these places for I want you to go look it up and "see". The missile ship from Russia came from the area of Archangel, White Sea, off the Arctic Ocean--TO the Persian Gulf! Does anyone think that at all "strange"? Well, you had best be starting to think of it as strange!

While you were thinking nothing was going on, I can assure you that many things have transpired which mean major impact on the world. What do YOU think about the helicopter "accident" that killed Brazilian, Ulysses Guimaraes? Nothing? Who is he? Well, he was considered the "dean" of Brazil's legislature but guess what--he was one of the major leaders in September's successful campaign TO IMPEACH PRESIDENT COLLOR. That makes him a most offensive enemy of the Elite "Mob".

It should be noted that the "AIDS Hotline" that just got all the publicity turns out to be worse than the IRS "help" line. Con­sistently misleading, oversimplified or patently wrong responses were given, it is now reported. The check-up survey was di­rected by a physician who works specifically in AIDS related medicine--the group found that "Hot line volunteers gave con­flicting, often totally incorrect recommendations." And how is your day going?

Remember all those indiscretions of Clinton as related to the Warren Stephens banking backing that we wrote about months ago? Look now! "No matter who comes out on Top on Elec­tion Day, Jackson Stephens should be a winner."

"The billionaire investment banker is part of President Bush's Team 100, a group of $100,000 GOP contributors who can count on special White House access. His son and business partner, Warren Stephens, carries his own impressive Republi­can credentials, once having played host to a fund-raiser at which Mr. Bush mingled with Arkansas GOP leaders.

"But the Stephens empire also bankrolls Bill Clinton. Jack Stephens is the leading stockholder in a bank that GAVE MR. CLINTON'S CAMPAIGN A $3.5 MILLION LINE OF CREDIT, HELPING HIM OVERCOME A CASH CRUNCH AND REKINDLE HIS CANDIDACY "

The above, and more, directly from the Wall Street Journal, Monday, Oct. 12, 1992.

Do you REALLY think a "Bo" Gritz could get attention with two things against him--a total "ordered" blackout of even men­tion of his name, and how can he get anything near that kind of backing from you-the-people after having been stripped of your jobs, reserves and any manner of supporting such a campaign?

You will turn unto GOD of HOSTS and LIGHTED SOURCE, or, you will not change a thing except to further de­teriorate. So be it. Salu.