PJ 56

WED., SEP. 30, 1992 9:47 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 45


You think you may not have problems with China? Do you also, perhaps think, that Mr. Clark didn't REALLY do anything in China? Oops! Bush just vetoed a bill approved by Congress that places conditions on renewal of China's most-favored-na­tion trade status, saying it would hurt southern China and Hong Kong. Congress has tried to force conditions on China since June 1989--BUT NOT VERY HARD. But in it all, chelas, the leopard wants to "appear to change its spots". Stay alert.

How is your government military getting away with road blocks and confiscation of cameras, etc.? Easy, when they stop trav­ellers they simply tell them they are entering an "exercise/training area" and security is mandatory. They then determine if any pictures, etc., have been taken or information recorded regarding the block and/or any caravans or troop movements. If so, then all equipment is taken because of a "reality training program" wherein the "game plan" is to also act as if you were in "real war" and national security is at stake. In instances where ones have been followed, the encounter is quite different and niceness is not part of the game. Remember, the point is to leave you wondering about what is happening and give you-the-people a massive show of power and force. The media blackout is being tested as well for absolutely NOTHING is coming across the airwaves on Television, network radio OR PRESS. If ones insist on investigation it is dusted off as "usual" summer training exercises.

I believe that many of you readers will have witnessed very large UFO activity ("unidentified flying things") in MANY ar­eas which are brushed off as easily. A large disc with every­thing visible including the air exercise are brushed aside as: "We haven't had any other reports and don't know anything about it," or "Well, yes, it was reported but it was a test craft, a balloon or a holographic light projection system being tested for a motion picture to be filmed." You are dealing with an enemy you don't recognize. Mr. Bush covered everything a week or so ago when he publicly announced that UN troops and units would participate in, training exercises" across your nation--as a "cheaper" way to go than shipping your own troops elsewhere since YOU have the best facilities, having empty bases sitting around with nothing to do.

A MASSIVELY WIDESPREAD "SHOW AND TELL" IS PLANNED FOR FAIRLY EARLY IN OCTOBER AS ALL REPORTS CONTINUE TO FLOW. The "insider" reports still say on or about the 12th. The "exercises" are even called "October Surprise". Most of the real "dirty work" is planned for the Western areas but there are also some real "beauties" in the workings for New York, Chicago and Washington. I can­not say much other than keep your heads down, be prepared to dive for cover, be prepared to be without electricity and services and for gosh sakes KEEP YOUR BUNGLES HOOKED ON YOUR CUPBOARDS--ESPECIALLY ALONG THE NEW FAULT LINES AND THE SAN AN­DREAS.
You will then have been set-up for the later-in-the month (as presented TO me) plan for currency (and/or total collapse of the financial structure). Can it happen? YES! Will it hap­pen? I DON'T KNOW!

What do you do? You stay alert and go with that which flows to the best of your ability because you are needed. Get through it as best you can so that you will be available (and FREE) to function afterward. The Elite don't want to flush you all down at once so there will be need for functioning people able to op­erate. Remember that the Adversary does not want to be caught at his evil game and you won't be told the truth and so the fa­cade will go on for some time--as long as you can be fooled. The point is to do this all in a neat and tidy package without up­rising from you the people--except where planned chaos and mass rioting is a part of the plan. It will be a good opportu­nity to confiscate all weapons and other desired items so I tell my people, KEEP YOUR NOSES AND PROPERTY CLEAN--WE ARE NOT AT WAR! God does not win by WAR AS YOU RECOGNIZE IT.

I believe you can see what happens when you get Mr. Kissinger and his associates "managing" a nation or a movement. Eyewit­ness accounts now corroborate reports that at least 3,000 known Muslim men, women and children were massacred at Serb-run detention camps near the Bosnian town of Breko. This does not account for other places, this is only the one location.

I cannot believe that so many of you know so little about this man, Kissinger, that seems to have dirty hands in every event in your entire world. He was a Soviet Agent, chelas, and has ar­ranged a Zionist-run purge of the globe.

Do you really think Perot will or can change very much? You had better read, again, his political platform. Raising taxes and getting people to "sacrifice" is "redundant-speak". If there are no jobs then a 50% or 100% tax isn't going to do much is it? You just have more flack being pushed into the air so you can't think or see.

Yes indeed, I am about ready to release some information along the lines of Zionist workers in your midst which will undoubt­edly bring nasty repercussions. Almost the whole lot of "financial advisers" are an organized Zionist group (working mostly under the facade of "Fundamentalist" "Born Again" Christians) who follow the Zionist party line to the letter. Hoodwinked public? Oh my, yes and indeed, you shall recog­nize most of the names. One name I shall list as involved to his eyes is one that I fully recommend and have recommended many times for his research reporting of things and events, i.e., South Africa situations, specifically. This is Don McAlvany. Does he know that he is a tool? Of course, because the whole "gang" have sequential secret mailboxes where all the information is sorted and fabricated--in Phoenix, Arizona, although none live there. In other words, you don't get what you see. That in it­self is OK except that the "group" has done a major "rip-off deal" and lie to you constantly. The ringleader of the "organization" is Larry Abraham. Does this make the work, say, of Gary Allen and Abraham regarding the "Conspiracy" wrong? No indeed--it was one of the best I have seen.

I probably wouldn't rise to the "bait" quite as quickly if these ones were not pushing the power game against my people. Don McAlvany and Lindsey Williams are now refusing to "appear" on the same speaking platform with George and Desiree Green. And this is at "survival" meetings. Why? Because they demand that Desiree STOP SPEAKING ABOUT THE LAWS OF GOD AS PRESENTED FOR IT "CONFLICTS WITH THE FUNDAMENTAL PRESENTATIONS THEY MAKE ABOUT RELIGION." This is from the Horse's mouth, chelas. In other words, lie about God and Christ and go along with the doctrines as presented by the Zionist Talmudists "Judeo/Christian" tradition or they will not be seen in the same company. Tells you absolutely EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THOSE SPEAKERS. The Greens have refused to capitulate and therefore we shall have to wait and see what comes of it. You see, the evil representative WILL NOT STAY IN THE PRESENCE OF CHRIST-GOD.

How can you know? Because if what Desiree, for instance, re­peats from Sananda (Christ) would be false--that truth would present itself instantly in the presence of these speakers on fun­damental hogwash. So, the ONLY recourse they have IS TO REFUSE HER TO SPEAK AT ALL. THEY KNOW THAT WHEN THE PEOPLE HEAR THE TRUTH THEY WILL KNOW IT TO BE TRUTH AND THEY SHALL HAVE BEEN UNCOVERED IN THEIR FALSE TEACHINGS.

By the way, you who would taunt George a bit about what he has seen and done--I think you might now need to know--the first craft he saw was a shuttle ship and it was MINE! THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS! I think that even George will enjoy "finally" knowing that bit of information for it has been a doubly hard road for him to walk during these past months, in my ser­vice. Desiree just attaches to the hand of THE MAN and hangs on--going forth to confront the crowds with news they do not want to hear--blessings are wrapped about them both for only the "daring" shall prevail.

There will be a follow-up book to back up what we say, and ever so much more as soon as we have time to go over other portions of it for accuracy. I do not "authorize" books or expect ALL information to be accurate when I recommend a book--but I do prefer to have no glaring errors for your further confusion. I remind you, the book on the "300", as example, is a good book for purposes of integrated information for handy reference and confirmation for you. In fact we are looking into how fea­sible it would be to print that book in less expensive form so more of you can afford to have it available. Truth can and does flow as readily from the Adversary as from God's servants. There has to be a LOT of truth in the Adversary's work to cause you to believe the lies he always inserts. Part of the problem is that "researchers", however, cannot often find the "whole" truth--especially when the full intent is to never be uncovered. We do what we can with that which is available for your "proof" and do it from a level of earth presentation that you can see and touch. What I plan to do is simply reprint in total a chapter out of the book in point and when the remainder is ready for publication I will inform you so you can have it on order.

Each subject we take up will come closer and closer "to home" so the game gets rougher and meaner but, ah, so much more valuable to your needs.

I would like to suggest that we begin to give you a "fun" column to go along with the superb work of Nora's research in the LIB­ERATOR. Then, I am asking that both Nora and D.E.J.E. who receives (from my co-worker) the solutions to Nostradamus' quatrains, to put them into suitable form for publication later.

D.E.J.E. shares with us to some extent and is willing to do more if we feel it appropriate--I not only feel it "appropriate", I feel the time is come wherein it is mandatory for your insight. There have been so many stupid and idiotic interpretations of this insightful seer's work that it is time to set it to straight.

As a bit of interest fodder: There are ones visiting America West from Guatemala. The important point is that they brought out their "banknotes" (money) to compare with the U.S. new bills with the "same" threads running through the notes. But, the interesting thing to note, chela, is that at the lower left hand corner of the note, it clearly reads: "Canadian Bank Note" in very tiny print. Oh indeed, the whole of the globe is sucked in and all but drowned already.

You ask for more information on what is happening in Europe with the New World Order. You can look around yourself and nation and see such similarities in what is happening to you as to be a rerun of history. The similarities are totally disturbing between present-day America and the phase entered by the for­mer Soviet Union nearly three-quarters of a century ago.

I would share with you a story excerpted from a work by Ivor Benson and was done exclusively for Spotlight so I give honor and respect to both entities and ask that you support that paper. There is much "wrong" with it but as with all documents--there is so much good in it that you cannot get anywhere else. Or if you are content with that which we bring you, fine. We try to share those things which I feel express the circumstances most fully and accurately. Please keep uppermost in mind that we are an integrator of information and a "sorter" of truth from fiction.

PJ 56


WED., SEP. 30, 1992 11:57 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 45


I do not wish to make this identification public, please. How­ever, I do need to give an explanation to this person who has come to "visit" us.

I do not wish him to feel rudely treated or not "accepted" in any way and, therefore, I will give explanation.

We have had so much flack from ones lately who insist on treating this "place" as some kind of communal or "church cult" type of "group". We are none of those things--our work simply happens to be in this place.

In the past we shared open meetings if ones wished to share in information and discussion and, later, business opportunity as projects are reality. We have no organization as such and it be­comes awkward and embarrassing to seemingly appear rude to visitors. The "paper" is no different than to go and visit the staff or Editor at the local Tehachapi News office but for some reason travellers come and wish to stay, live and be included in this non-existent "group".

Ones say that they are "called here" to participate in the "work". That is fine for I have nothing to say about where any­one is or lives. However, I assure you that I am not calling ones at random to come here for it is both dangerous, difficult and not of my doing. When "I" call you, you will KNOW you have been called and there will not be "I don't know, but I felt I am called to be here (or there or somewhere)." Yes, you must hear and feel your "own" call but I must remind all of you that what you are doing is making it appear we have a "group" of some kind here and WE DO NOT. Further, ones do now have meditation sessions of which I am not involved nor is my speaker. If we are invited in we will treat the invitation as any other gracious invitation for sharing. I ask that all in such gath­erings understand that the teachings are based on "Truth" and not a "Hatonn" "thing". When the world settles down and with­draws its iron claws from our flesh we can consider again shar­ing for the simple love of one another and sharing of a Divine Plan unfolding.

Now, to the point under discussion. We have one who, I under­stand, makes lectures and seminars about the country, and he has come to this place to "meet" my scribe, etc. That is fine, except the material which he teaches seems to be that of Ger­main's work and the Pleiades Connection series. Therefore, I cannot even suggest that he contact Dharma BECAUSE THE COURT OF LAW HAS FORBIDDEN MY PEOPLE TO EVEN "SPEAK" ON THE SUBJECT OF THOSE JOURNALS WHICH ARE BANNED. THEY MAY NOT PUBLICLY SPEAK OF THEM, RECOMMEND THEM, ADVERTISE THEM, SELL THEM OR DO ANYTHING ELSE WITH THEM UNTIL THE CASE IS SETTLED--WHICH NOW AP­PEARS TO BE SOMETIME NOT PRIOR TO MID 1993.

I suggest that until things are settled in those areas of publica­tions that there will be nothing going on here or anywhere re­garding associations, jobs, or anything of the sort. At this time, yes, some "projects" are in progress but they include "building", Law, and there are no funds floating around to do more than the basic "get started" work. Those are projects of separate busi­ness which are attended as any good business and all are still under "permitting" timeframe.

If there is any discussion regarding the series of books in point, it will have to be done with Tehachapi Distributing for they are the only ones who have ANYTHING to do with those JOUR­NALS.

My people have been accused of unfair practices and holding seminars using work of the University of Science and Philoso­phy. NO--none of these people do. However, Mr. M. has come into naming as one who does so. I have nothing to say re­garding that matter--it is not a part of the Phoenix "anything". I fully give permission for my part, and on behalf of Germain, to utilize anything we have presented but we do not sanction nor not sanction anyone's use of it.

There is implication that we somehow have a "hookup" and "joint venture" of some sort and there are "watchers" in our midst to see just what we will do in every instance. I have to ask that Dharma and E.J. decline any connection with this visi­tor under almost all circumstances. The court calls it "guilt by association"--(somehow it never comes out "innocence" by as­sociation.) There may be some involvement with America West but they are now in Nevada with the entire publishing business and in total separation from the LIBERATOR, so I have nothing more to offer in the matter.

I appreciate Leon's gracious attention to these visitors but we are at a loss as to exactly what to do with them or about them. My request is that ones do not "just come" here for it is hard at best to bring this kind of information public. We are honored and pleased that ones are finding TRUTH and pathway through the work and recognize THE WORD. I understand fully, the need and desire but at this time we have nothing to offer and so little with which to "help" ones who come. Jobs are nonexis­tent, for all practical purposes, in this place, as is becoming true all over the nation--but this is a small, and sometimes vicious, little town and our ones are under constant and unrelenting at­tack. We tried to be open and sharing and ones in our own midst cut our throats--mostly without the slightest notion that they did so. Therefore, we have to be less than as sharing as we were. We have nothing to hide but we must now act as all or any other business establishment in the town. We hope this will be temporary for we had so many grand and close friends who came to support and share and offer help in the mailing of the paper and volunteer assistance. It is hard now, confining and sad that ones would do this to a loving group of people who simply wished to be together and share ideas and friendship. But such, dear ones, is how the world has become.

If you have been among the ones who joined with us and are feeling you are somehow now "left out", no, you are not! It is simply that we had to attend our business and first cause of mis­sion for if we "acted" like a church or cult then we would al­ways be treated as same. We seem to be accused of having "followers", etc. Why? I would hope that God would gain "followers" from our work--but I ask for no "followers" for Dharma or America West any more than for Eustace Mullins and his publisher. THE ONE IN POINT TO FOLLOW IS CHRISTED GOD OF LIGHT--we are but the messengers! Yes indeed, THIS IS THE WORD, and many will be needed to do the work as we move on--but you must see the place for what it IS and not that which you might WISH TO SEE. Thank you and please be in understanding that we are under constraints and wisdom is the best mode of action.

If inquiries are regarding publications or possibility of service in some connection with the JOURNALS, then I can only suggest a visit with Greens at America West in Nevada. (Be advised, however, that they are under the same Court Order as are Ekkers.) Please further understand that we are working as fast as humanly capable at the writing itself and we cannot have time for our people to consider other tasks or thrust of jobs. We ap­preciate every piece of correspondence, all information shared and all comments and suggestions--it is simply that we are lim­ited by those placed upon you of the human experience and physical restraint.

We do keep Dharma quite isolated for security reasons--the en­emy constantly tries to kill her and the battering and badgering is constant. But, mainly, the amount of work is unthinkable and the quantity of output incredible and this is what is the largest cause of isolation--she is at work--there is no time off for good behavior, bad behavior or a Sunday stroll. However, informa­tion has to be gotten out timely or it is of little value. The time is at hand and we must attend the grain in its proper time--the chaff can later be removed. We do not have a Ramtha's J.Z Knight operation of any sort or similarity here and never shall it be otherwise.

As the work dealing with THE JEWISH UTOPIA has gone forth I am now receiving angry and hostile threats and statements that if we are going to use such "garbage" then the least we could do is simply give you EXACTLY what is in The Jewish Utopia and not some man's "lies" about it. OK, I guess you thought I would not have access to the work? Dear me, do you think my crew is that neglectful? That book was sent to us a couple of years ago, but we needed to give you background and then we needed to give you THE ULTIMATE WORLD ORDER prior to the other. At this point I am not at liberty to even dictate the material for we have already been threatened with another law­suit to go along with the one from the University of Science and Philosophy metaphysical New Age spoilers of Walter Russell's priceless work.

I don't care in the least for it is excellent exercise and advertis­ing for our own TRUTH but it is hard on and time consuming for my people. So, for now, you will have to do your own work. The book did go far enough to get into "small book" cover and with some research you can get a copy, I think. There is so little information in the book as to resource as to be useless. We are having legal checking into copyright authenti­cation as the statement only reads "Copyright, 1932" by Michael Higger and "Printed by The Lord Baltimore Press, Baltimore, MD, U.S.A."

Truth, as such, is not actually copyrightable but, you see, we have a dilemma--it is TRUTH of the PLAN as presented but the terminology and word definitions as presented are absolutely false. This means that as Mr. Higgers, for instance, uses the term "righteous", it does not mean what is said in the dictionary--he uses it only to apply to those who follow "The Plan" of the Talmud/Torah exactly. All others in the world are "not righ­teous". That means that Christians, Moslems, etc., are NOT "RIGHTEOUS" IN ANY RESPECT WHATSOEVER AND ARE THEREFORE MARKED TO "PERISH" (AND THAT DOES MEAN DEATH).

The work is dedicated to: THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM, SYMBOL OF THE JEWISH UTOPIA. So, I believe that you will recognize that it is authentic in every way except that the words are "coded" to mean opposite of that which appears. It is specifically written to update the Zionists' "Protocols" into modern and useable form for actions today.

It is valid and authentic but I will not represent it here until such time as I legally clear it. In the meanwhile, if you feel the need not to wait--please get your own copy for verification.

You ask for more information on what is happening in Europe with the New World Order. You can look around yourself and nation and see such similarities in what is happening to you as to be a rerun of history. The similarities are totally disturbing between present-day America and the phase entered by the for­mer Soviet Union nearly three-quarters of a century ago.

I would share with you a story excerpted from a work by Ivor Benson and was done exclusively for Spotlight so I give honor and respect to both entities and ask that you support that paper. There is much "wrong" with it but as with all documents--there is so much good in it that you cannot get anywhere else. Or if you are content with that which we bring you, fine. They have advantage over the LIBERATOR for we do not accept advertis­ing as such. I say "we" loosely for I have great input to the pa­per but management is left to the Editors and managers of the business itself. If it appears we run advertising please realize that Dr. Young approves the "advertisements" only on the basis of "information" and not for "payment". This keeps the infor­mation clean and clear but it is a great disadvantage in that ex­penses are mammoth without a way to offset costs--through out­side advertising. I hope that you who have asked to advertise or "joint venture" will be in understanding. We have, for instance, an offer to promote jointly a product called Sritea. This is a su­perb product and greatly beneficial to the body, but we do not use such methods for gain. If we recommend a product or item (or book) it is because it is valid and necessary information to accompany the writings published. We try to share those things which I feel express the circumstances most fully and accu­rately. Please keep uppermost in mind that we are an integrator of information and a "sorter" of truth from fiction. We do not "tell fortunes" or "read minds"--at least not as you might expect--allowing that we DO have that capability and use it as our mode of communication. We, too, only represent a topical newspaper and therefore wish to always give credit for information re­source.

I will say that, as we realize there is no resource for certain recommended items, a good example of which is "Life Crystals" and which are under attack with intent to remove, totally, from the public access, we shall effort to make the substance available to you. That means that I will have to give you a write-up on the substance but it does not mean that "I" or my scribe has anything to do with the product. We do have willing ones who will take their precious time to serve you readers with things such as this and tapes, etc., but these are NOT our thrust and I can only ask that you be gentle with any errors, etc., for this is not other than a service to you. We are not in the medical, legal or any of those types of businesses in any way and you must fully understand that. We simply will effort to make available to you that which I write about and you will not have easy ac­cess to elsewhere.

Another good example is the use of Hydrogen Peroxide. I in­tend to give you a lot of information regarding food grade Per­oxide. It is exceptional for water purification. For example, 7 drops in a gallon of water will kill the viruses in the water--de­liberately placed there or accidently contaminating same. This, further, leaves no terrible aftertaste as does other additives. You may well taste it but it is not unpleasant as is, say, chlorine, which is used in almost all municipal water supplies.

The point is that you can get hydrogen peroxide easily from many sources. It is not suitable to ship in the mail and there is no reason for you to have to get it through us if you are to have it. It is a time of helping one another where we can do so that as many as possible may benefit.

All such things must be structured as to do no damage to our primary work--THE WORD! WE MUST NOT EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES JEOPARDIZE THE INTEGRITY OF OUR WORK IN GETTING THE WORD UNTO THE PEOPLE. We have been overwhelmed with your willingness and desire to cooperate, help, support and do anything requested to keep these various "things" in separation from the "messengers" and the physical expression. In this way we can serve and share until such time as we are required by law to stop and if we abide by the laws we should not ever be required to stop for even the enemy needs a network for information and you will know that which is ours and that which is "theirs".

It is the same principle in working that is with the Institute wherein you can place funds against gold reserves, etc., for protection of your funds while also allowing for use of borrowed funds against that gold collateral. We are not in the "gold busi­ness" in any way whatsoever. We are not selling any kind of "securities" nor are we "banking". We offer a service helpful to both you and us for our thrust is to get forth the Word of Truth as rapidly as possible and give information and make ready a passage of the "remnant" according to the way things unfold in your world. This stands true also for incorporating.

We are not in the incorporating business--in any state other than Nevada--and "we" aren't in that business either. However, Cort Christie has set up a full corporation for the very purpose of of­fering that service to you readers and keep you informed and current with your corporation needs. It is a service to you who wish to participate--but he is not "just anybody's" agent--the service is structured specifically to readers who WISH to par­ticipate and are willing to fulfill their portion of the agreement by making certain that all things are done timely, appropriately, accurately and legally. You are offered help to get security, privacy and sheltering during a very, very difficult time in fi­nancial "history"--we are not going to help you evade anything--taxes or otherwise! Several of our team attend every available Nevada Corporation Seminar as well as other educational man­agement training classes to keep absolutely current and knowl­edgeable in management by use of Corporations and other enti­ties offering shelter and good business practices. All can be ac­complished within the laws of the land and, moreover, within the laws of God. If you wish to play sneaky semi- or non-legal games--please go elsewhere for help. It is, however, a foolish person who offers to be an "agent" in a questionable transaction.