PJ 56


THU., OCTOBER 8, 1992 10:15 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 53

Why? Because "big daddy" plans to own ALL property, starve you-the-people and render you totally helpless and enslaved. Face it now or perish later--it is up to YOU.

QUOTING: ACRES, U.S.A. as presented by William S. Williams, October, 1992.

An invitation to set sail aboard the cruise liner NO HOPE again has been advertised. It leaves the dock within 60 days of the date of the receipt of the itinerary. You can come aboard by selling, signing and apply for debt relief via the purchase of a ticket to oblivion. This is done by jumping on board the Farmers Home Administration's ship of no return and accept­ing its invitation to provide FmHA borrowers several options for those who are more than 30 days late in making payments to that lending agency.

What actually is happening is another attempt to bring on board those who were not ticketed on the first disastrous voyage when the ship hit rocky bottom in unchartered waters. Four years ago Congress concluded that only the rich and famous were to benefit from the various FmHA debt settlement pro­grams set up via the 1987 Farm Act. A chronology of that event is available in Night Came to the Farms of the Great Plains, which now must be considered a survival manual, not legal deck furniture that becomes expendable as the water rises. The ship has been dry-docked, repaired and is now ready to set sail again. In general, a delinquent borrower under the new schemes is privileged to adjust his debt so that he:

1. Can continue farming, enabling FmHA a "better recov­ery" scenario, or
2. The farmer can deed his farm to FmHA with a leaseback and option to buy back his own land.
Nothing is really new. The dry-dock patching was cemented with old chewing gum. In either of these situations the "confessions" made by the delinquent farmer will pitch him overboard into a lifeboat without a paddle or create a whirlpool into which goes his family farm.

The confessions extrapolated by way of the various forms made part of the debt settlement programs amount to nothing more than an extension of granting authority by the farmer to all of his privacy rights as well as to the ownership of his land and most of his personal property to unforgiving strangers under the pretext of debt forgiveness.
[H: Where some of you may slip away from us here is that you will ask "...and how is this different from doing business with a bank?" Ah so, it isn't, only more tenacious because the government FmHA, FHA, etc., simply borrows from the bank and both the agency AND the bank then have to make usury (interest) gain on the money "loaned". It is a total "catch 22" but unnoticed because the rules are more lenient for the loans than from a "bank" and limitations of "amounts" are far, far more flexible when you move into as­sociated industrial situations (which, by the way, are feasible funding sources for projects which are going to be necessary and desperately needed.)]
More important, and, in a shocking acknowledgement of the real intent behind the program, "Whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of any Department or Agency of the United States should falsify, conceal or covers up pertinent information shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years." What gives here? Bankers, at most, simply deny a shaky refinance deal...but, fine and imprisonment?

In the rush to gain write-downs of debt, the farmer gives up by contract not only his freedoms, but all the privileges granted to him by not only the U.S. Constitution but also his right of foreclosure granted him pursuant to his various loan agreements which, in turn, are protected by state statute. The farmer, then, also forgives his lawyers, his financial ad­visors, the courts as well as the FmHA for all of their wrongs, liabilities and misdeeds. Failing all of this, our gov­ernment can now reposition the hapless producer so he can go to jail. Some already have.

This is pretty serious stuff. How can a criminal interpreta­tion be made by our own benefactors, the FmHA and various United States agencies or departments, which come to do good but, instead, do very well? The various settlement programs for delinquent farm borrowers consist of an Application for FmHA Services (Form FmHA 410-1) which contains requirements for the borrower to reveal cash income, cash expenses, operating expenses, family living expenses, crop production expenses, livestock production expenses, capital disclosures, refinance costs, loan fees and other cash-flow projections. FmHA 410-1 also makes the borrower confess to any involvement with plant­ing, growing, producing, harvesting or storing of a controlled substance, i.e. drugs. Truly, all FmHA borrowers are invited aboard a romantic sunset sail.

The financial statement--as of the date of his "application"--amounts to nothing more than a guessing game in which any mistake can be interpreted at the option of the FmHA as a falsification, concealment or a cover-up of a material fact, a fic­titious or fraudulent satement or simply a misrepresentation leading to the $10,000 fine or five years in the crowbar hotel. What a voyage the farmer can take by being a mere volunteer.

You then might ask, "How can I be refinanced or get any kind of debt relief without making some kind of a confession?" The answer is best contained in another question: "Why make confessions when the chance of error is disproportionately exor­bitant to the benefits hopefully gained?" Furthermore, you may want to ask, "Why give strangers my property with a willing and written approval without consideration let alone due process of law? Why, furthermore, self impose unilaterally a criminal possiblity leading to substantial fines and imprisonment beyond my control?" Even private bankers are not so crass!

The Farm and Home Plan (FmHA 431-2) is also enclosed in the application package for the luckless producer who again seeks relief. The borrower must make still another confession of the same kind of repeat information. Why again? Must such a rearrangement of the factual data be set forth for the benefit of the FmHA, or is it pure harassment just to trip up the borrower? Crops, feed on hand, livestock to be sold, growing crops, acreage estimates, costs per acres, supplies, prepaid expenses, all must be reiterated. Woe unto the borrower if he does not re­gurgitate the data on Form FmHA 431-2 identical to that ex­posed by him on said Form 410-1. To confirm, whether or not the borrower, indeed, is disclosing the truth, and nothing but the truth, in writing and certified, the borrower confesses to a debt repayment plan which, in turn, is verified by a Request for Statement of Debts and Collateral (Form FmHA 440-32) to which his creditors without consideration must respond. And, if all that is not enough to create grounds for mistakes, errors or inappropriate confessions, the borrower must then file an Appli­cation for Settlement of Indebtedness (FmHA 1956-1) which goes through the same exercise in futility. FmHA 1956-1, of course, is set up in a different format but still seeks to know the borrower's private affairs, his living expenses, indebtedness to government and other financial disclosures, this time all com­bined into still another form of balance sheet. We now have cross forms which set forth current farm assets, intermediate and long term farm liabilities. Again, the borrower must sign a statement he did not lie, cheat, steal, transfer or pillage his own property, yet, alone falsify any of the paperwork. If the bor­rower should get a write-off from the FmHA, the borrower by virtue of his own honesty permits the FmHA to report any writ­ten-off indebtedness as income to the IRS, bankduptcy provi­sions notwithstanding.

You would think the graciousness and gratuity of the "promise" of any writedown would be just that. But, there is none. Nothing. When it comes to making farmers confess, the gov­ernment knows no bounds. Not only does the Settlement of In­debtedness set the borrower up for an IRS audit but it ends up rewriting old loan obligations (without the release of indebted­ness incurred by them). Yet, more commitments, more promis­sory notes and more paper to make more repayments in accor­dance to new installment schedules are guaranteed by this form to be generated by the government's industrious and greedy lawyers. The mysterious and dangerous part of this commit­ment for such a nebulous promise is the inability of the producer to examine before hand any of the sale and leaseback papers, promissory notes and lien obligations to be mushroomed forth­with. If noncompliance to any of the terms and conditions of FmHA 1956-1 by the applicant should occur at any time a rollover of his property to FmHA is committed and all without guarantees on the part of FmHA to give the borrower a write­down.

You may think, "Enough is enough!" But, alas, no! Along comes a Financial and Production Farm Analysis Summary (Form FmHA 1960-12) which requires reiteration of the prior confessions only this time by loan types. Worst of all, up pops a revelation of "other" borrowers who may have been involved in various farm loans of yours. The problem is none of the state­ments which are made by these creditors are certified. The payments made to them, the income received and other factors any one of which can be used to incriminate the borrower who, indeed, has certified the veracities of the numbers.

Form FmHA 1960-12 finally sets forth a confessional recap­ping a five year production and yield analysis which data al­ready exists in a local county extension office. You better be­ware your analysis matches the "correct and authorized" one at the county office. Otherwise allegations of a cover-up will cer­tainly be lodged against you. At best, your "application" can be then denied. When that happens, which is always the case (except for the rich and famous) the borrower has set sail, vol­unteered a plea bargain via a pointless confession to gain nothing but walk the plank for a dunking of his lifetime, and a keel­hauling to boot.

The Notice of the Availability of Loan Service and Debt Set­tlement Programs for Delinquent Farm Borrowers proved to be just that. As noted above the Notice did operate to make a con­fessor out of each borrower, but, surprisingly, did not contract away the ownership of the farm. The old FmHA programs did just that at the application stages. The new FmHA program re­serves any takeovers until and after FmHA causes another an­ticipated default. The FmHA reluctantly leaves that little gem of discouragement for you when it might approve your request for debt relief. The escape clause for the Feds is still an op­tional feature for FmHA. The confessionals by the farmer to this point permit the Feds to determine whether or not you have sufficient equity or net worth making it worthwhile for them to steal, pillage or confiscate your land without the obstacle of foreclosure action.

In other words, the "application" has amounted to noth­ing more than establishing a certifiable and documented confessional to determine whether or not you are worth sav­ing for future plucking or if you have enough assets now to make it worthwhile for them to salt you away. Only via your confessions under certified contractual arrangements can such a determination be firmly established. Time limita­tions are therefore imposed upon all the delinquent borrow­ers to assure a speeding up of the deep-six procedure.

As set forth in the "purposes" behind the primary and preser­vation loan service and debt settlement programs, a presumption is raised that you do not, as a borrower, own your farm. No producer who holds a deed to his land should be led to be­lieve he is not the owner of his land even though there may exist various liens or encumbrances clouding his title. The farmer, the rancher, the fruit grower is still the owner. Nei­ther the FmHA, FCA and/or any other lender owns the land. Those entities cannot acquire such title until you sign it away via a bonafide deed. Yet, when you apply for the aforesaid servicing you are led to believe the FmHA is your blessed benefactor and you, without being given one penny of consideration, must forego your statutory rights to fore­closure by completing the "application" and be willing to submit a deed to the FmHA to gain debt servicing benefits when the loan is consummated.
[H: Please don't get bogged down in the "above" for it too is erroneous in concept. IF YOU CAN HAVE YOUR PROP­ERTY "TAKEN" BY TAX LIABILITIES AND/OR ANY OTHER METHOD "OUTSIDE" YOUR CONTROL--YOU DO NOT "OWN" ANYTHING. Further, you will find the same TYPE of limitations and requirements on ANY "loans" offered by the government--free or low-interest, etc. It is purely and simply a basic set-up also followed by the Resolu­tion Trust Corporation to confiscate commercial and housing properties FOR THE BANKS AND BANKSTERS!]
Just what have you really accomplished by going through the various stages of this confessional:

1. The Application (FmHA Form 410-1) is not set up as an application for any services, even though it is captioned as one. As stated above the form is arranged to make you show what property you own, what your sex is, your nationality, and dis­close if you have a criminal background. The form is rife with warnings to you when and if you should lie, steal or cheat and provides for your voluntary participation in the government's monitoring of your actions. This is a right the Feds never had over you before you entered into this contract. Nowhere in the application is there a solicitation for any assistance whatsoever. [H: Further, it is set up and structured so that the govern­ment can lie, cheat, steal and misrepresent until hell freezes and there is not so much as notary seal required on their part!]

2. Further, you release to strangers pursuant to "Statement Required by the Privacy Act (Form FmHA 410-9)" your Social Security Account or Federal Identification Number and other personal matters obtainable by any law enforcement agencies, employers, businesses, landlords, creditors, their credit report­ing agencies and any other party or entity the FmHA decides you may be worthy of inspection. These interested parties can be, of course, your business competitors, or even the general public as a whole.

3. Further, your Farm and Home Plan (FmHA 431-2) com­mits the borrower to discuss with the FmHA any important changes that may become necessary and again reemphasizes that it is a federal crime to make a false statement. Your imagina­tion can run wild thinking about the potentialities of FmHA em­ployee collusions or otherwise to gain access to your property rights and privacy information. (Have you ever had a verbal dispute with your County Supervisor?) Yet, to this point, no proposed borrower has even applied for any relief for assistance (as he may believe he has) but, has only confessed his net worth, the way and with whom he lives and, otherwise, gives outright strangers access to everything he should hold dear.

4. Further, the Request for Statement of Debts and Collat­eral (Form FmHA 440-32) amounts to a release by the borrower to the FmHA the extent of any debts outstanding to any creditor, payment history and the amount of security encumbering the borrower's real and/or personal property. A certification as to its privileges to invade a borrower's rights is printed on FmHA 440-32 but is worthless because there is no provision for any government agent to sign it. You indeed make a commitment, under oath. Why cannot you hold the government to the same criteria?

5. Further, the Request for Verification of Employment (Form FmHA 1910-5) goes deeper into the borrower's privacy than a simple request for verification implies. If the borrower does not permit his salary and other past or present data be dis­closed to a nameless and faceless FmHA a basis for loan settle­ment rejection can be established.

6. Finally, and not until an actual Application for Settlement of Indebtedness (Form FmHA 1956-1) is offered has the borrower made any overture for assistance. The borrower then commits to pay FmHA a specified sum of money as his consid­eration for consideration of settlement, but the FmHA commits to nothing. The "application" is unilateral and moot. It is nothing more than a confessional to undercut the privacy of the borrower. It simply sets up the groundwork to evade the bor­rower's rights to foreclosure. It stages the foundation to deprive the borrower of his ownership rights in his own real and per­sonal aproperty. It identifies that property. The proposed bor­rower comprises everything, the FmHA comprises nothing.

In the remote chance a delinquent borrower wins approval of any debt settlement (however, only the rich and famous get such debt relief) the new promissory notes, deeds, assignments and bills of sale securing the ownership positions of the FmHA will surely separate the borrower from his property. The new pa­perwork will leave the debtor in a worse financial position than if he simply went through the statutory rights granted to him via the foreclosure laws. The borrower also retains his rights to sue lawyers, the FmHA and the others who sold him out during the previous years of "assistance", by not seeking this debt settle­ment scheme.

Foreclosure was devised by our various legislatures to protect the vested equity of borrowers from theft by lenders. Foreclo­sure statutes were mandated to assure the borrower retains cer­tain rights alluding to that equity and other interests to estop or­ganized assaults and willing surrenders by unknowing borrow­ers, without due process of law. Assets of such borrowers must not be rearranged to be picked off like ripe plums in the sum­mer's sunshine!

Borrowers, beware! Do not mediate, sell, sign or abandon your property and your personal rights. You state: "What now? I want to believe FmHA and my government allow me good and real privileges to reorganize my affairs to enable me to begin to adjust my debt."

The solutions proposed by FmHA are not that. They simply amount to confessions by you setting up your prop­erty for confiscation by people who did not earn it, till it, repair it or simply maintain it. Your preparation of these "application" papers give the FmHA an open sesame to all of your property, including your appreciation interests and hard-earned equity.
Your course of action is to recognize the problem for what it is--the manipulation by nonowners of your ability to freely and openly market your production without trade re­strictions benefiting nonowners and obstructing your access via unfair price structuring of your own production. Worst of all, your indebtedness was magnified by your inability to control your lender's ability to interfere with your cash-flow via its strength to control your interest rates, your repay­ment schedules and its right to call in your demand notes for little or no reason. This permits a lender a license to col­lapse your operations when the regulated price of your commodities unfairly cannot meet your production costs, in­cluding interest payments.

Such "confiscatory-pricing" privileges put any borrower at a severe disadvantage. The programs of the various Farm Acts promulgated by FmHA do not even attempt to address the in­equities of the situations foisted upon the borrowers.

The ship No Hope does continue to ply various ports of call to take aboard all who purchase fares on counsel of lawyers, ac­countants and other hand-holding advisors (PrairieFire, various farm unity coalitions and ecumenical ministries), all of which are undisciplined. The FmHA sunset cruise does sail through unchartered and troubled waters. You need not buy passage to save the family farm via such waybills as presented in the set­tlement programs enumerated above.

Until FmHA quits acting as a collection agent for banks via the devious schemes proposed above, which are nothing more than "sting" operations, the mass emptying of our countrysides will continue. Huge grants of land will also disappear from our tax rolls, further deepening the cash flow crunch for counties, state and federal coffers. Only when the FmHA starts to really assist its borrowers by promoting programs which can permit them to approach meeting their costs of production by way of a fair and protected parity pricing structure can the true and hon­est function of the various farm acts be realized.


* * *
I get the feeling that you possibly may have misunderstood my statement as to the ability of "businesses" to gain goodly fund­ing, especially for start-up, if related to farm or home products. As you noted in the article above--there are so many FORMS and BRANCHES of this operation that sorting is all but im­possible for the novice. The above is written by an insightful Business Management Counselor, in Boise, Idaho . P.O. Box 3455. Zip: 83703-0455. Telephone 208:343-2763 (For you who may wish to thank him or blast him for we get used to ei­ther.)

Next we have a simultaneously run article from Acres U.S.A. regarding the subject just covered.


Four years ago, Acres U.S.A. told farmers not to complete the forms FmHA sent to borrowers of record shortly after the election and before Christmas. [H: Shades of rerun?]

There were about 300 farm publications in the U.S. at the time. These ranged from large monthly magazines to quarterly news sheets. Almost all echoed FmHA's advice in favor of the farmer completing the forms--if they touched the subject at all. Many of the quarterly news sheets could not take a stand be­cause their next publication date was too far away. Only one farm publication came out against completing the forms. This was Acres U.S.A. Here the editor analyzed the forms and concluded that the government was asking the farmer to sign away all of his legal and constitutional rights in and out of court in favor of FmHA. A quit claim deed was cleverly hidden in the packet, and this document conveyed title to the farmer's property. Many farmers failed to see the legal sig­nificance of this document until it was too late. The Acres U.S.A. editor recommended that the farmers not fill out the forms and instead take their chances in and out of court.

This brought FmHA and the groups it had suckered into sup­porting the agency up fighting from their chairs. Acres U.S.A. and its editor were both denounced, many of these denounce­ments being orchestrated by FmHA and by private groups that should have known better. Farmers' Legal Action Group of St. Paul, Minnesota lashed out at Charles Walters with a news re­lease circulated to the farm press, radio and TV stations, and metro dailies. It told how "nationally recognized lawyers", meaning Jim Massey and Dale Reesman, had denounced as "false" and "misleading" the advice offered to financially dis­tressed farmers by Acres U.S.A. Massey urged farmers to ig­nore Walters and bring legal action against him based on having followed the journal's advice to their detriment. On the other hand, Family Farmers Foreclosure Legal Assistance Program (FFFLAP) ran a survey of foreclosed farmers. In cases in­volving lending institutions, large corporations, or the govern­ment, fully 98% of the individuals lost. At least 97% of those who engaged legal talent, opined that they had been betrayed by their lawyer and handled unfairly and illegally by the courts.

Some religious leaders were appalled that Acres U.S.A. would challenge the government. Some name-calling resulted. Nevertheless, Congressional Research Service revealed that FmHA had packages with the names of some 83,000 farmers on them. The agency had no intention of rewriting more than 16,000 borrowers. This meant that 67,000 farmers were to be administratively foreclosed and put out of business and off of their property. This may be the largest and saddest foreclosure ever in the history of the world. And only one farm paper and one editor foresaw and warned against this danger. [H: Chelas, why must the ones who serve the greatest be the ones to be put down, insulted, abused and efforted at destruction? Could it be because the "anti-Christ" is at work in all of these massive coverings? It is time to stop joining the ranks of "rock-slingers" and get on with reading the fine print of your execution papers.]

As soon as FmHA made its announcement, various private groups joined the yammering on where farmers could get the forms filled out. The forms were complicated beyond any rea­son. Over 70 documents were involved. They appear to have been designed to obfuscate the scheme that the government was hatching.

Almost on signal, various boiler rooms opened to help farm­ers "comply". Many charged as much as $2,500 to fill out the complicated forms. Farmers who were skinned by these shys­ters were already impoverished due to the collapse of the farm economy. Now they were fleeced out of what little they had in order to "comply" with the government's request.

Some of these boiler operations even staged public signing events, which the press covered like fleas on a dog. Farmers who signed and returned the forms were made out to look like they had twice the mentality of Albert Einstein. In actuality they signed away their farm operations, which could now be foreclosed administratively.

The 1992 foreclosure scenario features a modified agenda because the enclosure is supported by the likes of Senator Paul David Wellstone of Minnesota, who should know better. Farm producers are again buried in misinformation and will certainly--by willing transfer--give up their life investments.

Half of the notice proposal is made up of details explaining loan servicing intentions, application procedures and what forms are included in the package. The rest of the package consists of the forms which require the farmer to divulge what he has earned, will earn and what he presently owns. The disclosures are required so as to enable the FmHA (and others who will profit by the proposed transfers) to know exactly the assets of the farmer. None of the forms this time create the transfers. Such transfers are presumably reserved for the "lucky" farmers who do get their refinancing packages approved. At that time the hapless victim gets his debt "adjusted" so he can continue to farm and "the FmHA will receive a better recovery on the money" or that "victim" who may lose his land to FmHA gets his farmland and/or his home "back" "through an option to buy". The farmer only gets a choice of the weight of the millstone being tied to his ankle.
[H: Or the size of the noose around his neck! The reason I take the time and space to run this is because once again you are at the same identical set of circumstances as four years ago--right to the "timing" and elections. Moreover, there has been an assault against farmers with everything from flooding, drought, contamination and, of course, fruit flies and white flies and on and on and on--which will require help if the "farm is to be saved".


* * *

May you be given into the seeing and may you accept the hand offered in order to help sustain you in goodness and freedom--may GOD walk this road with you.

Hatonn to clear--Salu.

PJ 56


FRI., OCTOBER 9, 1992 9:42 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 54

In the area of Long Beach (Wilmington, Los Angeles, Califor­nia) at about 8:45 P.M. last evening came an explosion in a Texaco oil refinery that was felt intensely for some ten miles and notable for over 20 miles distant. THIS is not the important part of the story, however, for we don't even need go into what caused the blast or what this incident indicates. It is that which would only be heard on the airwaves ONCE, which is impor­tant.

A couple of hours after the blast a "safety engineer" who "floats" and has a high position in Texaco "finally" got through on the phone lines to a local channel covering the explosion. He gave his name (I won't because he has enough problems today I would guess) and he said this was "...an accident ready to hap­pen". There had been several small explosions in the complex which "blew" and, at least, personnel were on alert and it could only be hoped that the warnings had paid off. The man said he and his safety crew had hounded Texaco to do something and invest the money to secure the installation. They had refused to do so on the basis that "it was expected that there would be a massive earthquake or some kind of major disaster in the area BY DECEMBER, PROBABLY BY MID OCTOBER and therefore repairs and shoring-up NOW would simply be negated within weeks."

The man was questioned graciously and then had to be released so that the "station" could go to live copter scenes. He was asked if he would speak again--and agreed; he did not, however, have a repeat opportunity. When queried by other callers they were told that "time limitations" prevented any follow-up of in­dividual callers.

I suggest you think about this VERY CAREFULLY for projec­tions have come from several sources (not me) that the 12th would be SABO (San Andreas Big One).

You will also note that the price of oil on the market, went UP due to the "explosion". This is as if one fire in one part of one refinery would effect the entire world fuel supply! Pay attention and perhaps you will make it through.

In all the hoopla nonsense about the Clinton/Moscow trip and Bush's lips moving again--did you HEAR WHAT HE SAID? (Clinton was a college youngster taking a mid-season break va­cation. I have no comment about the trip for that is not what is in point here.) Bush went on about "supporting" the enemy by visiting and somehow taking part in anti-war demonstrations, "...our enemy. ...and when I think about those prisoners of WAR (ours) sitting in a prison camp--I am appalled and cannot accept this man as Commander-in-Chief of the United States military command!" "OUR PRISONERS OF WAR"?? WHAT PRISONERS OF WAR, MR. PRESIDENT?? YOU JUST MOVED YOUR LIPS AGAIN AND I THINK PERCHANCE TRUTH ERUPTED! EVIL WILL ALWAYS "WEAR A CLUE" AND TRUTH "WILL ALWAYS OUT" FOR THE "SLIP IS ALWAYS JUST BEYOND THE LIPS"!

By the way, at about the same time last evening--the whole of California gave a "shudder" from one end to the other. It was not noted on the news but is worthy of your attention.
Not a good week? It isn't for a lot of people from here to Rome. The Italians do not like being blamed for the indiscre­tions of the Mafia and the U.S. Administration. The Italians are, right now, starting an in-depth investigation of the BNL scandal. I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you because the Italian nation is far worse off than is the crime-ridden U.S. but it has stirred the pot and it looks like Henry (Gonzalez) will find other fodder for his fire. It is now noted on "both shores" that the culprits are predominantly from Kissinger Associates.

This comes on pretty good information: Dr. Givanearlo Voltri. Dr. Voltri is an Italian court auditor who is in the United States specifically to look into the BNL scandal. I would guess that if he finds anything too amiss, the Mafia with its reputation of daring deeds, will not allow too much to hit the public in its un­tampered form. So be it.

The Constitutional Law Center is entering the case of Weaver/Harris ("The Idaho Incident"). Contacts with legal counsel have been made and action plans are getting under way. There will need to be a lot of public support and do be sure and continue contact with Weaver and Harris. I am sure this will be welcome information for them--unfortunately they don't get much information from inside.

The attorneys for the two are ecstatic over the entry of the CLC because "....there is no such thing as 'common law' or Consti­tutional consideration given in Idaho--anywhere--and under no circumstances can WE change it but maybe you can open a few eyes and ears." They are very grateful for the help because it is obvious that this was and is a total "railroad job" from start on the mountain to the courtroom. All is being done to get Gritz tied up in this mess and keep him occupied while the final elec­tions "fixes" are put to bed. You will have to make an even louder outcry than in Idaho if you wish to see a change.

Also, The Constitutional Law Center is being asked to see what they can do to get Gritz into the "presidential debates" starting in San Diego. What odds do YOU give?