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  1. #1
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#056, SEX and the LOTTERY

    PJ 56
    CHAPTER 15


    MON., OCTOBER 12, 1992 8:57 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 57

    MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1992

    Within the past 24 hours a Delta rocket with satellite was launched from Cape Canaveral and simultaneously came the an­nouncement that the "Communications Grid" for extraterres­trial search is going to be activated to coincide with Columbus' discovery of America and other hogwash.

    They are simply getting ready with equipment, and YOU ready to accept, that which will be coming down in the next few weeks. The "authorities" state that it is expected that full com­munications from extraterrestrials will "...come in on a very narrow 'artificial' frequency!" What in the world is an "artificial" frequency? That is exactly like saying you are "just a little bit pregnant". You are either pregnant or you are not! You either have a "frequency" or you do not! Arti­ficial? Well, whatever the traffic will allow!

    We are heard loud and clear in as many languages as there are people using a language. YOU are the dupes and my, how they do laugh at you--to the point they don't even bother to give you good stories--they deliberately feed you total B.S. to see how much they can get away with and play their games and tricks on you. These get sillier and more "far-out" because you will take ANYTHING they dish out without a whimper or a notice.
    What, also, is the foolishness over Christopher Columbus discovering America.? He didn't, in the first place; in the second place, it was not in the area of the U.S. and thirdly, he is now given credit by the Native Americans as having murdered "thousands of Indians". Well they aren't "Indians", they are "Humans" and represent the native population of the Americas and fourthly, as usual, Columbus didn't kill ANYBODY. Why in the world take exception to that which is a stupid "celebration" reached for by the elusive world thieves while ig­noring anything that could change the nation into a worthwhile "free" state? You innocent lambs play into the hands and plans for distraction and subversion at every opportunity! These ac­tions will cost you dearly during the next few years--IF there ARE a "next few years".

    You do realize don't you, that the great pyramids are in full sight of Cairo? This quake was also described as "...the worst quake to ever hit the area". (??) Moreover, it was not a big quake unless they change the numbers.

    This is the most important thing to watch--not the debates but the response to the debates.

    Immediately after last evening's debate Clinton had a walk-away according to the networks. However, today on CNN you will note that Perot was given a great deal of top billing and it was "rather decided" that maybe Perot "won". Note the next obser­vation as presented by the announcers: "...it appeared that Perot backed Bush more than he did Clinton in his "off the cuff re­sponses", even though it was obvious he was "efforting to keep off either side". Oh? Could it be that the top bananas know the danger of the Clinton camp with the backing of the WORLD MANIPULATORS who would fall into line on the top row front of a Clinton "win"? This is going to turn into a very interesting turn of events--so keep posted and by all means go back and read the description of early-on plans for just such an "emergency"!

    Amusing or heinous? The organizers of the "debates" fully ex­pect lawsuits over not even giving mention to other candi­dates of other parties or independents--but "...we can tie it up in court until after the fact of election--so go ahead and sue!" The cost of the TV time is being paid by the brewers, Anheuser Busch, a Khazarian One Worlder brewery. They won't even talk to the Law Center about it, stating that "...they don't have anything to do with speakers--WE JUST PAY THE BILLS!"

    If this is not a "free public debate", then does this not represent massive political "contributions" to "special interest politics"? Was this not billed as a forum for "informing the public"? Well, this is NOT what youze gets. You got orchestrated politi­cal action committee "sell-out-buy-out". There were a lot of things about the debates that you were not told perhaps? Ponder it.

    You are watching depopulation in action in many nations around the globe now. Typhus which seems to be "unresponsive to any drug" is sweeping across nation after nation, as is Hepatitis B.

    NOW, LET'S LOOK AT THE U.S. NAVY STATED GOAL: THE AIDS VIRUS IS TO INFECT 75% OF THE WORLD'S POPULATION BY 1995! Why the Navy? Because U.S. Naval Intelligence is THE crown jewel of the One World Order. The facts are that the Naval Intelligence group is THE way that your Ft. Knox gold was shipped out of the United States and into the Banksters' banks and vaults and as payment to dear little Israel! Its time you open your eyes and ears, put down the stones and get off your assets!

    Inoculation for Hepatitis will soon become mandatory and THAT is how the introduction of AIDS into the American pop­ulation started in the first place--through laced vaccine.

    Another thing that you ARE NOT TOLD, is that HIV I, one form of "AIDS" has been airborne in Southeast Asia for a great number of years!

    Will you continue to fiddle while the world burns? We shall see.

    PJ 56
    CHAPTER 16


    MON., OCTOBER 12, 1992 9:46 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 57

    MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1992

    Yes, indeed, I AM the catcher of complaints. I find it interest­ing to note what kind of complaints I get. A major one is that "...you don't give us what we want to read about, can't you stop writing about____ and write more about_____ ?" and, "...you
    have to start us more information about what you say be­cause I don't have time to read everything and so I don't know what you are talking about some of the time."

    Chelas, this is NOT "vote-out" or "vote-in" favorite subjects. This is NOT a case of "democratic" voting on my presentations. I will give you what you request to the best of my human coun­terparts' ability to serve you--BUT NO, I WILL NOT COMPROMISE ALL FOR THE ONE "IF" THE ONE CAN HAVE ACCESS TO THE INFORMATION IF HE/SHE WILL DO THE HOMEWORK!

    "Each" reader cannot see the whole of the reading public and, if I share letters, we are then condemned for doing that also. We have to simply keep going and perchance somewhere down the line we will hit upon your "favorite" subject material. I am not even efforting to give you what "you want" nor am I choosing subjects for specific groups who, for instance, want to tinker with "black energy boxes". I have a big subject on "black boxes" which I am working toward at this very moment--and you are not going to like what I write about it. YOU want them to HEAL. The adversary is using them to torture and mentally program the population. The more severe testing procedures are being used in prison or training camp situations along with groups of "demonstrators".

    I HAVE ONE THING TO OFFER YOU AS SHIELDING AGAINST THIS TECHNOLOGY--GOD! God Light frequency is the ONLY shield you can get to interrupt those pulsed fre­quency bombardments. I can't tell how to technologically gain that attribute but ones such as Randy Weaver have it and one reason he must be taken OUT is that "...he knows too much and he couldn't be reprogrammed." This makes him more danger­ous than any spy or evangelical speaker on any circuit. The evangelists are telling you EXACTLY what the World Order Elite want you to hear and believe--a MAN OF GOD TELLS IT LIKE IT "IS" AND IT ISN'T WITH FLOWERS AND WHISK-AWAY RAPTURES. YOU WHO CANNOT BE BRAINWASHED FOR REPROGRAMMING ARE THE MOST DANGEROUS ENTITIES ALIVE FOR THE ADVER­SARY AND THE "ULTIMATE WORLD PLAN" .

    Therefore, you are going to have to be patient with me while I outlay information as I see that it can be taken within in some sort of understanding. KNOW that we effort to serve ALL and EACH but we have human limitations for our crew and they are to the breaking point of fatigue and overstress.

    I am infinitely grateful to you who continue to write and support (and to you who pick and hit) for both are necessary in order that we give balance and impact in its most acceptable form.

    To you who share for the "phone line"--blessings! It is through this kind of information, either rumor or fact--that the brother can discern and catch the clues. The lies will sort of themselves in this forum and so will Truth--for the open mind "trained" to REALLY hear and see will KNOW. (Ed. note: Call 805-822­0202 for daily updates from Hatonn)

    Now, Dharma, find the write-up on the Kahl patriot affair for it is a demonstration of this very subject in point. Patriots who do not do service primarily for God first and other things next, are not in protection. You will note last evening that there was such a careful lack of attention to GOD OF LIGHT as to stun the senses in that "debate". You will not succeed until one comes forth in the "name of God" with intent in total direction to God and while you function and "believe" the garbage you are trained to eat, it looks grim. However, interesting to note: GOD DOES WIN!

    QUOTING: Christian Revolt Long Overdue, by Ray Jude-vich, Ph.D.

    Yorie von Kahl, a Federal prisoner who was almost killed by deluded marshalls because he bravely stood by his fa­ther, Gordon Wendell Kahl, describes his father's intellectual and spiritual journey in a private letter to me (Ray Jurjevich). Gordon Kahl was an extremely brave American soldier in WW II. He was wounded twice and much decorated. He came out of the war to be shocked at FDR's sellout of the United States, seeing the Communists as the only beneficiaries of the war for which America footed most of the bill and invested thousands of lives in a non-victory for their own country. For two years Gordon Kahl studied the patterns of betrayal of America. He saw Communists as the most visible internationalist operators. He recognized the Jews as the chief promoters of the traitorous schemes. He recognized the United Nations, and the League of Nations before it, as the instruments of the internationalist pen­etration into the American sphere and preparation for enslave­ment. The layers of conspiracy were peeling off like the skins of an onion. But it was only about 1968 that he recognized in­ternational and "Jewish" Masonry at the center of the anti-American schemes.

    Being a brave and consistent man, he refused to pay taxes be­cause they were sneaked upon American people by alien plotters and were a violation of the American Constitution. The gov­ernment operatives (judges, IRS, federal marshals) were mobilized against him and he was finally crushed. He was destroyed not because he was dangerous to the American state (he was a patriot and dutiful citizen) but because he knew the most dan­gerous secret--that Americans are ruled by their enemies, the Judeo-Masons and "Jewish" bankers. He had to be silenced be­fore the secret became known to a sizeable number of Americans and people had to be scared away from "dangerous ideas". That is also why his son, Yorie, who had not fired a shot at the marshals, and barely survived their shooting him in cold blood, was given two consecutive life sentences in the Judeo-American system of "justice".

    [H: How many of you noticed the prime point in last evening's "presidential" debates? It had to do with eco­nomics: ALL candidates spoke of income taxes (that means IRS) WHICH ARE NOT LAWFUL UNDER THE CONSTITUTION, AND ALL THREE agreed that the Federal Re­serve "should be kept separate" and touted what a good job Greenspan has done running it. Here you have ALL YOU REALLY NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE THREE PEO­PLE PLEDGING TO RUN YOUR NATION--ALL WILL SIMPLY BRING YOU MORE WITHIN THE HORREN­DOUS NET OF DOMINATION. I was indeed inspired to further service by the realization that "our readers" watched those "debates" with different vision than all other viewers and, although you may feel "frustrated", chelas, enjoy your insight for you are truly growing and in that "knowing" Truth, you can become free as a person and then as a na­tion.]

    I chose the term "liquidated" deliberately. That is a Bolshe­vik/Commun-ist expression for murdering the opponents or al­leged enemies and traitors of the Marxist Party in power by the use of state terrorism. The quasi-legal murder of Gordon Kahl by the ZOG (Zionist Occupation Gov't) police is in no essential aspect different from murders of opponents in any Communist-enslaved country. The purpose is certainly the same: to stop the spread of "dangerous ideas" by not only killing the informed person, but, even more importantly, to scare other citizens from moving in the "dangerous" direction and inducing the mass of ordinary citizens to see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil about the Communist, anti-human regime, and even less about its "Jewish" sponsors.
    While other citizens invested their energies and time in trying to get rich or even barely survive economically, Gordon studied avidly the machinations of the Jews in usurping governmental powers and running the United States for their own benefit. He received no Ph.D., or M.D. or D.Sc., but if once this country is liberated from the ZOG, Gordon Kahl should be awarded posthumously an honorary doctorate in patriotic science.

    Four months before February 13, 1983--the date of the am­bush by the Federal Marshal of the peaceable citizen Gordon Kahl at Medina, North Dakota--Len Martin, a teacher and pa­triot, got acquainted with him and interviewed him about the se­cret and dangerous insights he had reached. The statements quoted below are those of Gordon Kahl. It had taken him years of reading, reflection and putting the pieces together into a meaningful and shocking whole.

    Twelve million Americans were mobilized in WW II, but only a very small number of them reached the conclusion that they had been "used" by some power beyond and above the le­gitimate U.S. government. Later Gordon formulated the con­clusion that at the center of that power were the Jewish Interna­tional Bankers and their front, the Freemasons. A movement was afoot to take over the United States. From 1930 to 1950-­Gordon's research indicated--five million Jews had settled in his country.

    His observations, he writes, "....started while I was on duty in Italy in 1943-1944, although the significance of the incident wasn't realized until later.

    "We noticed that Jews were getting on ships after supplies had been unloaded. There were a couple of Jewish fellows in our outfit. We asked them where these people were going and found they were ALL going to the United States. As the ships were unloaded, they would reload the ships with every Jew they could get aboard.

    "We just thought these Jews were escaping from Germany. We had believed all the propaganda about how Hitler was exe­cuting them, so we didn't think anything about it.

    "I didn't know what a Jew really was until I was in the army. One of the first things I learned about Jews was that you could hardly get them to fight. They were in the quartermasters, sup­ply, medics and things like that--anything not dangerous. That's where most of them were hiding out until the war was over.

    The Jews, Gordon realized, seemed to be groomed for a Communist Zionist takeover of America. The newcomers from Europe were changing their names. "During the summer of 1945, just before the war ended, I was a flight instructor in South Carolina. My gunnery officer, who had subscribed to the Washington Post, would bring it out to the base every day and show us pages and pages of names of Jewish immigrants who were getting INSTANT naturalization and many of them were changing their names at the same time. They were changing from their Jewish names to common names like Smith, Miller and many used Scandinavian names like Olson, Johnson, etc. The Post printed both the old name and the new name--like Ginsberg became Olson, etc." [H: But what a beautiful way to simply "phase out" those entities so that when it came to identifying persons who made it through the so-called holo­caust--the truth could be totally buried for those original "named" persons would no longer exist.]

    "The Jews didn't have to wait 5 years like everybody else be­fore becoming eligible for citizenship. They got it immediately. This alone is a pretty good indication that the Jews are 'running the show' in our country.

    [H: STOP (10:54 a.m.)! What you just experienced was a complete change in frequency pulses. The system grid was just engaged and anything can happen. Go now and check all latch-downs and remove anything from teetering situa­tion to the floor. When all the grid is again activated and in­terconnected with the satellite system (which may now have to wait for the next proper location of the orbiting receivers), there will be reactions--hopefully of small magni­tude but most likely of great reaction. At this point all I can do is document. Check your things, Dharma, alert the per­sonnel to re-check latchdowns on computers, etc., and let's go on with our work--this will go on for days. Go tie down the apples or you will be having a neighborhood "apple hunt". Every one of our readers has been warned again and again about the possibilities of action today--we can do no more, so check things and let us resume work, please.]

    Why would they otherwise be encouraged to take Gentile names, which is the first step toward assimilation, when the leading Jews wanted them to retain their Jewish identity? The secret headquarters of the planned ascendancy evidently had some scheme in mind. The United States was the only major power that had to be subdued before the One-World govern­ment could be established. The influx of the Jews was arranged with some hidden scheme in mind.

    Another extremely important fact discovered by Gordon and unknown to most Americans is that the U.S.S.R. was established by the "Jewish" bankers:

    It is becoming more common knowledge among the Ameri­can people that the Jewish International Bankers were behind the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917.

    By the time 1917 rolled around, Jewish financiers were al­ready entrenched in America's financial affairs to the point that they even owned America's central bank, the Federal Reserve.

    One of these financiers, Jacob Schiff, a Jewish European banker then living in America, kicked in 20 million dollars to help finance the revolution in Russia. Twenty million dollars was a tremendous amount of money in those days. This 20 mil­lion, along with other Jewish financing, enabled a Jewish revo­lutionary named Trotsky and a group of trained revolutionaries from New York's Jewish lower east side to be smuggled into Russia to engineer the Jewish takeover of Russia and to install Communism.

    A third geo-political set of factors concerned Germany. Her people had to be crushed before the Communist/bankers domi­nation could be established in Europe.

    Once Russia was in the hands of these International Bankers, the only power that stood in the way of conquering Europe was Germany.

    Since control of the money in Germany had long been in the hands of the Jewish banking family, the Rothschilds, it was easy to flood the country with unbacked paper money and weaken the German economy. By 1923, the German Mark was so worth­less it took a wheel-barrow full of Marks to buy a loaf of bread. The current inflation in the United States is caused by the same bunch of international bankers and can cause a collapse in the United States just as they did in Germany in 1923. The stage is set; they are just waiting until the time is ideal.

    Anyway, the collapse of the economy in Germany set the stage for a "savior"--someone who would lead the German peo­ple out of their predicament. Smooth talking Hitler emerged as that savior.

    Backed by American Jewish bankers and, I guess, a few Eu­ropean ones, Hitler began building up the German war machine. [H: Don't fritter your time by arguing this point--I want you to note how you can't even get "Bo" Gritz' name mentioned in public and tell me how an unknown kooky nerd could gain control of a whole nation and a military machine in just brief months unless he had a lot of help and got a whole bunch of financing--he was a paper-hanger, remember?] By 1939, the war machine was ready, so Hitler started the war in Europe.

    With the war in Europe in progress, it was easy for the Jew­ish-controlled newspapers and radio in the United States to create a war scare. Soon the draft was started and factories began manufacturing war equipment and supplies. Keep in mind one thing--wars are the Jew's harvest! [H: This, according to their own decrees.]
    The most dangerous realization was the fact that the FBI and the CIA, contrary to public "knowledge", are, like Communism and "democracy", tools of the Jewish bankers to advance their goal of One-World Government. A number of patriots had written in the same vein. Gordon had met a converted Jew who left the CIA because his conscience bothered him:

    He had found out what the CIA really was--that the CIA al­ways worked both sides of a conflict. One bunch of the CIA agents would be helping the left wing and one bunch would be helping the right wing. He said it works out that the left wing gets just a little more help than the right wing and the right wing always loses out.

    Remember China, Korea, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Angola, Yu­goslavia? The pattern is unmistakable. It was a British OSS chieftain Stephenson, for instance, who "discovered" Tito among Yugoslav mine workers in Canada, got him trained in the USSR and finally, with British help, established him as the bloody dic­tator of Yugoslavia. The right wing leader, General Mi­hailovich, abandoned by London and Washington, lost to Tito. [H: Anyone see a major similarity in "happening to find" a man to head the current area of Yugoslavia--from the Elite business community in of all places, California, U.S.A.? There surely isn't any gain on "peace" in Yugoslavia this day!]
    Another insight of U.S. patriots and students regarding the anti-Christian conspiracy concerns the Rockefellers as the prin­cipal pro-Communist conspirators and supporters of secularism and Masonic ideology.

    "Many informed people," says Kahl, "claim the CIA is Rock­efeller-controlled. This is very possible because the Rocke­fellers are really Roggenfelds from Germany. When they came to America, they changed their name to Rockefeller. There was a book written listing the top 500 Jewish families in the United States. It was written by Jews for Jews, and only 500 copies of the book were printed. These 500 copies went to just the 500 elite Jewish families in the United States and the Rockefellers were among this elite group."

    Gordon suspected, for good reasons, that all secret services, particularly in the Western World, are coordinated by the Jew­ish secret police, the Mossad. Now that is a very dangerous thought. It's almost eerie that Gordon spoke several months be­fore his death as if he anticipated it:

    "In our country, the FBI and U.S. Marshals will 'shut up' anyone who gets too outspoken in telling the truth about the causes of our nation's problems. The FBI and U.S. Marshals can kill or lock up, for any old reason, anyone who tries to ex­pose the truth and the courts will back them up. Red Beckman calls the U.S. Attorneys and Federal Judges the 'greatest cover-up gang' in history."

    The most astounding revelation about the anti-Christ conspir­acy is that Freemasonry is the chief sponsor of Communism and that both are fronts for the Jewish conquest of the world. The Catholic Church, for a while after the year 1800, used to call Masonry "Judeo-Masonry" because for all practical purposes Masonry is second-class Jewry.

    The good-sounding civic and social ideals of Freemasonry and Communism (liberty, equality and justice) are only bait for dumb Christians. The two fronts are the chief means of re­cruiting Christians to do the destructive Jewish job. Christians are so profoundly duped that they perform services antagonistic to their own Christianity, misguided by the false goals.

    "It has gotten to the point," Gordon observes, "...where so-called Christians are trying to out-do the Jews. They are doing just like the Jews do, only they are trying to do it better. They are willing to sell their souls for money. Most of these money and power-hungry non-Jews, who have achieved success in the business and political world, are Masons--MASONS.

    "When I got to tying this Communism thing to Jewry, I found that Communism was nothing more than a smoke-screen that the Jews operated behind. That's when I really woke up to what is going on in the world. Later, when I stumbled onto the fact that Masonry was set up as a front organization for Jewry--well, it was almost too unbelievable to grasp at first. I had to dig deeper to find out more about it to satisfy my curiosity. What I found was not very pleasant.

    "This Masonic bit is so secretive that few outside the Masonic higher circle are aware of the true character of the evils of Ma­sonry. Even lower degree Masons are not aware of the part Masonry has played in the manipulation of world events.

    "To make matters worse, there are masses of non-Jews, the goyim (human cattle) who willingly sell their souls and sell out their friends to get with this subversive crowd."

    Some of the Jews confided to Kahl that there is a center of Jewish power that coordinates the anti-Christian campaign on the globe, with subordinate regional centers responsible for ac­tion on particular continents. Readers may have difficulty ac­cepting this information because they have been conditioned by the media and by education to reject such ideas of central plan­ning and the initiating bodies as too fantastic to believe. Yet, when one surveys the growth of Jewish controls over the Chris­tian states through revolutions and ideological corruption over the last two hundred years, one cannot imagine that such events could have happened of themselves. Only chaos can occur without sponsorship and as the result of irrational forces. Any social structures that have to be built over decades or centuries are the result of some planning agencies, public or secret.


    * * *
    We can finish the writing on Kahl when we again sit for I don't wish the individual writings to be longer than this, without break, for there is too much physical stress to go without change in these long sessions. Thank you.

    I am extremely occupied, however, this day so please notify me when we can again write. Thank you.

    Hatonn to stand-by.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#056, SEX and the LOTTERY

    PJ 56
    CHAPTER 19


    WED., OCTOBER 14, 1992 9:45 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 59


    I certainly do suggest that you not accept what the "foxes" are telling you about the chickens dead in the hen-house. The "rumor" regarding the local water (in any given community in the "garden areas" of your nation the waters are contaminated) still being dangerous. Worse, as the pathogens are efforted to be killed, the chemical contamination rises. You must remem­ber, chelas, that in many areas there is a seven year drought which causes all reservoirs to be low and the minerals concen­trated. In areas where there has been flooding, there is a worse problem for the contamination levels are extremely high from the flooding itself.

    I know that you can't really DO anything about it as a political issue other than get proof and, as this community has done, bring a class action suit. But, even here, the symptoms were outright without ability to hide and still the suit is not over con­taminated water--but rather, the people in charge kept the fact secret instead of warning the people in time to take personal ac­tion.

    If you get a good filter system you "may" be getting good water--however, even with the filtered water--remember--the holding tank CAN get contaminated and breed little "buggers"--it does however, clean most particulate out of the resulting water. That can be cleansed by 7 drops of 35% food grade, hydrogen per­oxide. This is more effective in, say, 10 drops per gallon. However, at 7 drops per gallon, the taste remains good. Even with a whole bunch of drops the taste beats the chlorine and other additives of the system clean-up. You can also add a few drops of "bleach" but this is really untasty and further adds to the "poison" additives.

    How can you check on your own? Probably you can't afford to do so--because no one is going to tell you the truth of findings. Then, if you go to a water purification business they are apt to overdo the results in order to sell you an expensive system for purification. My suggestion is simply to add a drop of hydrogen peroxide (food grade) to your glass of water or beverage-use water--to be sure.

    ***DO NOT USE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE AS PUR­CHASED IN THE MARKETS FOR ANTISEPTIC USES (TOPICAL) FOR INTERNAL USE. ±THAT IS A 3% SOLUTION AND HAS STABILIZERS WHICH ARE TOXIC IF TAKEN INTERNALLY. USE "FOOD GRADE", FOR INTERNAL USE AND WATCH CAREFULLY THAT YOU USE IT PROPERLY! WOULD A "LITTLE" HURT YOU? PROBABLY NOT, BUT WE ARE NOT PRACTIC­ING MEDICINE AND PLEASE FOLLOW INSTRUC­TIONS FOR USE. IF YOU WISH TO USE THE PROD­UCT AT ALL--USE IT ABSOLUTELY CORRECTLY! I am not in the additive business, vitamin business, life crystal business, algae business or any other business save bringing you help where I know it to be worthy and in bringing you Truth. All else which might be offered by the people here for your as­sistance, is strictly THAT--for your help--without advocating ANYTHING. If I come along and tell you, for instance, that "star-dust" will cure everything including head colds and do not tell you how to get star-dust then I am but a foolish nerd show­ing my own ignorance. You are so limited by the laws which are inspired to keep you sick and not allow preventive care that it is all but impossible to help you at all. For instance, health food stores and holistic practice offices have been raided and totally stripped of all such things as hydrogen peroxide, folic acid and other helpful items. We have no intention of getting our people involved in any such thing or actions. Our people are simply willing to aid you where it is legal and helpful and at no profit beyond costs of shipping and handling.

    We are blessed with wondrous people who offer all they have to serve brother at this time of tightening controls and resultant hardships. They will continue to do so as long as it remains le­gal and product can be obtained. Beyond that, we can offer no more. It is planned to set up greenhouses for the growing of Chlorella as soon as funding is available--but until then, a high quality supply has been located with prices under competitive. It is a time of working together, chelas, and you need good health and food substance if you are to stay functional.


    You are going to have to "hear" this message in all locations so you must analyze your own position and location and act appro­priately. If you have "stored" water and it has been opened (or even if mot) to be safe--get that food grade hydrogen peroxide and add seven drops per gallon when you need to use it--just keep a small bottle handy by the water supply.

    If you have studied all the JOURNALS you will know what likely "disaster" is probable in your given area. For instance, below dams you can expect dam rupture as the most likely. In "storm" paths you can now expect tornados. In hurricane areas look for increasingly stronger and stronger winds and damages--WITH TIDAL WAVES. IF you are blessed enough to be warned to evacuate--DO SO! However, expect more and more unexpected abrupt happenings--without warnings. The point is to "hit" you--not "save" you! You must act accordingly.

    My personal perception is that San Diego area will be relatively OK as it would (the area) most likely split off and drift west­erly/northerly. Salt Lake is "iffy" but probably would have warning if breakup involves massive "sea" type flooding and lo­cals can evacuate to Alta, etc. It would be*a gpod idea to warn family and tell them to not "wait around" IF but to get some emergency supplies and be ready, for it is supposed to shake like hell in that area also. The Mormons are to their eyes in the Conspiracy (the church) so expect damage if it comes down to Cosmosphere activity--little damage if it is left in the hands of the conspirators because it will be projected as a "Zion" show­and-tell. It is a "time" when anything can go any way!

    Dharma, take this off please and then let us go on with our work. Thank you.

    PJ 56
    CHAPTER 20


    WED., OCTOBER 14, 1992 10:48 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 59


    A question asked many times daily is: "What is Bolshevism and what does Judaism have to do with it--and, where does Chris­tianity come into the picture?"

    I have written on the subject since onset of writing with this scribe. I have told you of involvements of Rockefellers, Kissinger, etc., in reference to Bolshevism right along, and yet, most readers can't "quite" get it sorted. Let me remark, how­ever, that the intent of your adversary is to keep things so con­fused that from one day to the next you can't tell just who is who. Just remember--THE ADVERSARY'S PLAN IS FOR TOTAL GLOBAL DOMINATION AND THAT INCLUDES ALL PLAYERS. THERE MAY BE SOME POLITICAL "IN"-FIGHTING BUT THE GOALS ARE IDENTICAL SO DON'T BE FOOLED BY ACTIONS BY ANY ONE OF THE ELITE FROM ONE DAY TO THE NEXT!

    The following comes directly from a document presented in 1933 and it is very good in concept. I believe it will give you more insight than other information I have seen. The article was presented by A. Homer, M.A., D.Sc., F.I.C., etc., in Oc­tober and November, 1933 and was written in reply to a chal­lenge. The information was collated from authoritative sources, both Jew and Gentile, to demonstrate the relationship between Judaism and Bolshevism, and the alliance between In­ternational Finance and its protegees, Bolshevism and Zionism.

    Once again it is mandatory that you clarify these things in your thinking minds or you cannot sort the problems and isolate "your enemy" enough to have appropriate insight and bring about change.

    I think, since we are writing an informative journal, that once again, it is better to simply journalize the original document and ones who wish can research more in-depth.


    Oct. 21st, 28th, and Nov. 4th, 1933

    A Challenge and a Reply
    (By A. Homer, M.A., D.Sc., F.I.C., etc.)
    At a meeting held at St. Joseph's Hall, Hanwell, in July last, to protest against the Bolshevik persecution of Christianity, the speakers, inter alia, enlightened their audience as to the part played by certain sections of Jewry in the establishment by terrorist methods of the Bolshevist system of Government which is avowedly "Anti-God", and, in its efforts to destroy the present social system of the world, is determined to stamp out Chris­tianity.

    Mr. L. J. Hydleman, in letters written to the Editor of the Catholic Herald, has taken exception to the statements made, by myself in particular at the meeting. To him, and perhaps to many others who are unaware of the facts, Bolshevism and Ju­daism would appear to be"contradictions in terms"; the associ- ation of Capitalistic Jewry with anti-capitalist Bolshevism would seem to be absurd; and the use of Bolshevism, Zionism and In­ternational Finance (The Money Power) by a small and power­ful section of World Jewry as a means of gaining World Domi­nation are to be classed as "somewhat wild conclusions".

    Bolshevism IS A JEWISH CONCEPTION based on the teaching of Karl Marx and other revolutionary Socialists. It is characterized by destruction and chaos, and imposes its will and maintains its power by terrorism and murder.

    Bolshevism is, above all, Anti-Christian and Anti-Social, for, until the existing order has been destroyed, the so-called "Dictatorship of the Proletariat" in a universal brotherhood of nations cannot be imposed upon the world.

    There are many who would keep the public in ignorance of the part played by Jews, whether Socialists, Communists, Zionists or Financiers, in the events which have led to the de­struction of Tzardom; to the enslavement of the Russian people by terrorism, and to the imposition of the (Jewish-controlled) Bolshevik Regime; to the post-war "red" revolutions in Europe and Asia; to the economic and industrial war on Capitalistic States conducted under "The Five Year Plan"; to the unchecked persecution of Christians by Bolshevists in Russia, Spain, Mex­ico, and elsewhere; and to the rapid spread of Bolshevik activi­ties throughout the world, in particular in Palestine, the Middle East, India and China.

    Within the limits of a short article, it is only possible to give a fraction of the overwhelming amount of evidence (from au­thoritative sources, both Gentile and Jew) in support of these facts. The following instances, however, should serve to con­vince your readers that Bolshevism and Zionism are but means to an end--weapons in the fight by a Jewish World Power for supremacy in politics, economics and religion--that is, the fight for Jewish Nationalism, posing as Interna­tionalism, against Gentile Nationalism.

    The British Government published a White Paper (Russia No. 1, April, 1919) in which was contained a report from M. Oudendyk, the Netherlands Minister at St. Petersburg, who was watching British interests during the Bolshevik Revolution. M. Oudendyk states:

    "I consider that the immediate suppression of Bolshevism is the greatest issue now before the world, not even excluding the War which is still raging and, unless as above stated, Bol­shevism is nipped in the bud immediately, it is bound to spread, in one form or another, over Europe and the whole world, as it is organized and worked by Jews, who have no nationality, and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things."

    This report, dated Sept. 6th, 1918, was forwarded by Sir M. Findlay from Christiana to Mr. (later "Lord") Balfour. Inci­dentally, the above passage was deleted from a subsequent abridged edition of the said "White Paper". [H: This is also a prime mode of operation--to delete that which is not "wanted" in the history books.]

    The following facts demonstrate the part played by Jewry in the furtherance of Bolshevist activities:

    1. The hostility of both Capitalistic and Socialistic Jews to the Tzarist Regime is a matter of history.

    According to their own claims (The Maccabean, New York, 1905) the Jews were the most active revolutionaries in the Tzar's Empire. The Jewish Banker, the late Jacob Schiff, of the powerful banking group, Kuhn Loeb and Co., aided Russian revolutionaries. According to the Jewish Encyclopaedia, 1925, Jacob Schiff financed Japan against Russia in the war of 1904 to 1905.

    2. Jews engineered the Russian Revolutions of 1905 and 1917.

    From statements made by Sokolow, the Zionist leader, in his book, The History Of Zionism, and by other Jews, it is apparent that Organized Zionism played an important part in Bolshevik activities in Russia.

    The success of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution was made pos­sible by the financial support and influence of International (Jew) Financiers. (Vide: The Sisson Report published by the American Committee of Public Information, 1919. The Times, February 9, 1918).

    3. Statesmen representing the Allies, in 1919, endeav­oured to secure the recognition and representation of the Bolshevik Government at the Peace Conference at Versailles.

    Wickham Steed, Editor of The Times, at the period of which he wrote in his book Through Thirty Years, stated, regarding this move:
    "The prime movers were Jacob Schiff, Warburg, and other International Financiers who wished, above all, to bolster up the Jewish Bolshevists in order to secure a field for German and Jewish exploitation of Russia."

    4. International Finance (which is Jew-dominated) found abundant credits for the Five Year Plan.

    Krassin served as one of the post-war links between Jewish and other finance and the Bolsheviks.

    The intrigues by which financial credits apparently made to Germany reached Russia have been denounced in the U.S.A. Congress and elsewhere. The statements have not been refuted by the German-American-Jew Bankers thus implicated.

    5. That there is some alliance between the Bolshevik leaders, the avowed enemies of Capitalism, and the World's Super-Capitalists must be inferred from the fact that Felix Warburg, in 1927, was given a "Royal" welcome to Russia, in spite of his association with the Federal Reserve Bank of Amer­ica, and with the Banking Group of Kuhn Loeb and Co.!

    The Soviet movement was a Jewish, and not a Russian, con­ception. It was forced on Russia from without, when, in 1917, German and German-American-Jew interests sent Lenin and his associates into Russia, furnished with the wherewithal to bring about the defection of the Russian armies, and the overthrow of the Kerensky Provisional Government, which was "pro Allies". Thus:
    1. The Movement has never been controlled by Russians. For,
    (a) Of the 224 revolutionaries who in 1917 were despatched to Russia with Lenin to foment the Bolshevik Revolution, 170 were Jews!
    (b) According to The Times of 29th March, 1919, "..of the 20 or 30 commissaries, or leaders who provide the central machinery of the Bolshevist movement, not less than 75 per cent are Jews... among the minor officials the number is legion."
    (c) According to official information from Russia, in 1920, out of 545 members of the Bolshevist Administra­tion, 447 were Jews!
    2. The "benefits" of office under the Bolshevik regime have been reaped by Jews:
    The number of official appointments that have been bestowed upon Jews during the Soviet Regime is entirely out of proportion to their percentage in the State.

    The population of Soviet Russia is officially given (1933) as 158,400,000, the Jewish section, according to the Jewish Ency­clopaedia, being about 7,800,000. Yet according to The Jewish Chronicle of 6th January, 1933: "Over one-third of the Jews in Russia have become officials. "

    [H: This should begin to make it more clearly understood as to why the reports of persecution of the Jews during and after WW-II in the "Russian" run camps was more treacherous than in other locations. The Russians didn't like the take-over of their nation by aliens.]

    3. "Anti-semitism" in Russia is now classed as counter­revolutionary and is punishable by death. [H: And that, brothers, was in 1933 and before so where do you think those "hate crime" edicts began? Once again "stop truth" by disallowing questioning or actions which contradict the "orthodox" minority projections even if they are LIES and total fabrications.]

    4. It is significant that the Red Five-Pointed Star, which in former time was the symbol of ZIONISM and JEWRY, is now the symbol of the Russian proletariat.

    Bolshevism was enforced in Russia by means of confiscation, terrorism and murder on a scale of unprecedented magnitude. According to Bolshevist figures and other estimates, in the rev­olution some 20,000,000 lost their lives, either by violence or from starvation and disease. Of these people some 1,766,118 persons had been executed before February, 1922. [H: Go back and read that AGAIN!]

    The "Terror" has become a permanent institution by which the Bolshevik (Jewish) Government maintains its tyrannical power over the enslaved millions of Russia and pursues its war on religion. [H: See, it worked so well "in reverse" that the world is now held hostage by fabricated stories and numbers of persecuted in WW-II. It also dis­tracts any "regular" people from looking back beyond the end of their noses--especially if a law is made to insure you CAN'T look back and bring forth FACTS.]

    These statements may come as a shock to many readers, both Christian and Orthodox Jew, who may have condemned the ac­tivities and actions of the Bolshevists without realizing where the true responsibility lay. They will be further disturbed to read from The Jewish Chronicle of April 4, 1919:

    "There is much in the fact of Bolshevism itself, in the fact that so many Jews are Bolshevists, in the fact that the ideals of Bolshevism at many points are consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism." [H: Chelas, this is right out of the "Horse's mouth" regarding self.]

    And from the Jewish World of March 15, 1923:

    "Fundamentally, Judaism is Anti-Christian", an expres­sion of opinion which is by no means new to the Jewish World, for, in its issue of February 9, 1883, there appeared the follow­ing:

    "The great ideal of Judaism is...that the whole world shall be imbued with Jewish teachings, and that in a Universal Brotherhood of Nations--a greater Judaism in fact--all the separate races and religions shall disappear."

    Bernard Lazare (a Jew) in his book, L'antisemitisme, asserts (translation), p. 350:

    "The Jew is not satisfied with de-Christianizing, he Ju­daizes, he destroys Catholic or Protestant faith, he provokes indifference but he imposes his idea of the world, or morals and of life upon those whose faith he ruins; he works at his age-old task, the annihilation of the religion of Christ."

    The wholesale persecution, torture and murder of Christians by Bolsheviks, in Russia and elsewhere, would therefore appear to be the logical and practical application of the above "ideals" as foretold by Milhelm Marr in 1879 and by Dostoievsky in 1880.

    Many Jews deplore the participation of members of their race, even though they may be professed Atheists, in the unbri­dled acts of destruction, cruelty and devilry which characterize Bolshevist tyranny.

    In an attempt to explain away the fact that Jews play or played leading parts in the perpetration of the hideous crimes of the Bolshevik Terror, Alfred Nossig, one of the spiritual leaders of Judaism, states:

    "Socialism and the Mosaic code are not at all in opposi­tion...all Jewish groups...have a vital interest in the victory of Socialism; they must exact it not only on principle, not only because of its identity with the Mosaic doctrine, but also on tactical grounds... The Jewish Socialist is reproached with playing a leading part...in the Communist terrorist party... This is only explained by two reasons; the complete estrangement of the Jewish terrorists from the spirit of the Mosaic doctrine and the strong mixture of Tartar and Cos­sack blood. That....has inculcated in them savage and cruel principles." (Vicomte Poncins, The Secret Forces Behind Rev­olution. PP. 158-160).

    (The reader may not be aware that the Eastern European Jew, known as the "Ashkenazim" or "German Jew" is of Jewish-Mongolian-Turkish [KHAZARIAN] extraction. The Western European Jew, known as the Sephardim, or Portuguese Jew, is regarded as purely Jewish in origin.)

    The European War, and its aftermath, dealt staggering blows to Western (Christian) Civilization. By contrast, however, In­ternational Jewry has emerged therefrom with enhanced fi­nancial and political power in all parts of the world.

    Through the use of the Money Power, International Jew Finance is now able to direct the internal and external poli­cies of the Governments of the impoverished States of Eu­rope and also of America.

    By this power, it has forced Gentile Governments to further the political aspirations of Zionism, and to refrain from protect­ing the interests of their own nationals from the activities of Bolshevists who are undermining the economic, social, moral and religious systems of all States.

    International Finance is not altruistic; it ever seeks its own material advancement and power. Europe is exhausted as a profitable investment. But Russia, Siberia, the Far East, India, the Middle East are awaiting exploitation, and would offer colossal gains to those who could superimpose upon them the mass-production methods of modern machinery.

    Bolshevism has opened the way to a Jewish Industrializa­tion of Russia and Siberia; it may deliver India and the Far East into the hands of International (Jew) finance; its part is to foster World Revolution and the destruction of religion so that the present social systems may be swept away--as in Russia.

    International Finance, after the success of the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, which Zionists had aided, realized that it stood greatly to gain by supporting the Zionist Movement, by forcing the Balfour Declaration on a financially harassed British Government, and thereby consolidating World Jewry into a powerful political factor for use in their own interests in world affairs.

    The Zionists themselves later, in 1928, realized that their Movement had been exploited by International Finance, and, in 1929, did not hesitate to say so. For, at the dictates of powerful Jew Financiers, the Zionist organization, as the official liaison between World Jewry and the Mandatory Power for Palestine, was superseded by the Jewish Agency, a body containing power­ful non-Zionist elements. [H: Go back and read this para­graph. This is the beginning of the coalition of the Interna­tional Finance Elite and the Zionists--1928. Don't forget, for a second, that this all was written in this particular article BEFORE WW-II.]
    International Finance, by its support of Zionism, has ob­tained the power to exploit the vast resources of oil, chemi­cals and other substances in the lands to which Palestine is the outlet. By the same means, it has dumped into Palestine, the most sacred country in the world, thousands of Bolshe­vik Jews who would destroy all religions and who, from this strategic centre, are engaged in propaganda, designed to draw Palestine, Egypt, the Middle East, India and the Far East, into the gigantic movement begun in Russia, and to de­stroy British Imperialism. (Vide Eberlin.)

    The part played by INTERNATIONAL FINANCE in fur­thering Bolshevism is a source of bewilderment to those who do not understand that the MONEY POWER, ZIONISM and BOL­SHEVISM are but weapons in the hands of INTERNA­TIONAL JEWRY. On the face of it, astute Jew Financiers, with their knowledge of mankind, would not be so stupid or so insane as to pour vast amounts of capital into the world-wide activities of Bolshevism unless they were certain, in their own mind, that their own interests and power were secure, whatever happened to the rest of humanity.

    The alliance between Jewish Finance and Revolutionary Movements was no mystery to D'Israeli (Lord Beaconsfield), for, just after the European Revolutionary upheaval of 1848, he wrote:

    "The influence of the Jews may be traced in the last outbreak of the destructive principle in Europe. An insurrection takes place against tradition and aristocracy, against religion and property. Destruction of the Semitic principle, extirpation of the Jewish religion, whether in the Mosaic or the Christian form, the natural equality of man and the abrogation of property, are proclaimed by the secret societies who form provisional govern­ments, and men of Jewish race are found at the head of every one of them. The people of God co-operate with Atheists; the most skilful accumulators of property ally themselves with Communists; the peculiar and chosen race touch the hand of all the scum and low castes of Europe; and all this because they wish to destroy that ungrateful Christendom which owes to them even its name, and whose tyranny they can no longer endure." Life Of Lord George Bentinck, p.497 (1852).

    Similar statements have been made by many other writers of eminence and crudition.

    History shows that the Jew has always been, by nature, a revolutionary and that, since the dispersion of his race in the second century, he has either initiated or assisted revolutionary movements in religion, politics and finance, which weakened the power of the States wherein he dwelt. On the other hand, a few far-seeing members of the race have always been at hand to reap financial and political advantage coincident with such upheavals.
    In the present case, however, World Jewry may have let loose a force of destruction which International Finance may find itself powerless to control--in fact, another Frankenstein monster.

    Dr. Oscar Levy (a Jew) in 1920, in a letter which has been printed as a preface to a book, The World Significance Of The Russian Revolution, by G. Pitt Rivers, attributes the fact that:
    "Jewish elements provide the driving force for both Com­munism and Capitalism for the material as well as the spiritual ruin of the world...to the intense idealism of the Jew."

    However, as he points out, all Jews are not Financiers, Zionists or Bolshevists.

    Dr. Levy considers that the Jews have most grievously erred: "We who have promised to lead you to a new heaven, we have finally succeeded in landing you into a new hell ... I look at this world, and I shudder at its ghastliness, I shudder all the more as I know the spiritual authors of all this ghastliness... But its authors themselves are unconscious in this as in all they are doing."

    [H: TRUE, if you within that grouping do not wake up and stop this madness of your own "claimed" brethren, you are first doomed for they will give no quarter to those of you from whom they have stolen the most.]

    It may be true that the fanatics who have committed the many, and only too well-authenticated acts of destruction and devilry are not fully aware of all that they are doing. For, Bol­shevism is but one of the several weapons employed by a small and very powerful group of men who lust for World Domina­tion, to whose prototypes Christ pronounced the following in­dictment:

    "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." (St. John, Chap. 8, verse 44) [H: This is specifi­cally for you who denounce me and claim that what I give you cannot be of the "Bible" of Christ. You had better get busy with your homework because I am Head of the "army" of Hosts (angels) who come as messengers with that CHRIST-GOD and the time of choosing is at hand!] and whose existence in these days has been referred to by Jews of such eminence in politics and finance as Benjamin D'Israeli and Walter Rathenau. This small group of men (Jews) has long exercised a hidden dictatorship over the affairs of Europe, America, and, to some extent, in Asia, by means of the en­slavement of National Governments, to what Herzl, the first leader of the Zionist Organization, called "our terrible power of the purse". This method of control could not be applied to Tsarist Russia, therefore the end was achieved by means of Bolshevism, a method which is also being used to bring the East into subjection to them.

    The machinations of this group of men have been crowned with so great a measure of success that members of their race have had the effrontery, in their recent representation of Tri­tannia, to attach the Seal of Solomon to her Shield and the Ju­daistic symbol of the Serpent around her Trident. And the de­scendants of those who rejected Christ have not only joined hands with "Anti-Christ", but also with those who would expel God from His Universe and set up in His place Gold and the Machine as symbols of their gross materialism.

    Unless the power of this section of Jewry is checked by human or super-human means, the peoples of the world,. whether Gentile or Jew, are doomed to slavery of body and soul.


    * * *
    Dharma, just leave this right here! Citizens, you had best read and reread this document! This was written, researched and has been done so again and again since its original presentation. There has NEVER been so much as a breath of rebuttal--be­cause TRUTH IS TRUTH IS TRUTH!

    YOU DO?
    Hatonn to clear.

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