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  1. #5
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#056, SEX and the LOTTERY

    PJ 56


    TUE., OCTOBER 6, 1992 11:08 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 51

    TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1992

    * * *
    The following is going to be very hard to take, but it presents FACTS which must be faced.
    This is more important in intake than our planned subject of the actions of one Henry Kissinger. This IS part of the actions of Henry Kissinger but not quite as visible at the moment as are his actions in Serbia, with the POWs in Vietnam and Southeast Asia and/or Iraqi intrigue. Therefore, we will simply give you, as received, the information in point regarding the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in preparations for the Global meeting in 1992.

    I am not going to explain these points to you for they speak for themselves and it is your responsibility to research points as they require questioning. Information is available and we simply have not the time to take each item for each individual who takes exception. What you WANT to believe is not what is FACT. I am not here to argue or sell anything--my purpose is to get facts and truth and share them, as I can, with you. I am the alarm on the clock--NOT THE CLOCK!

    As you read the following please keep uppermost in mind: Mr. Gore is THE "environmentalist" candidate and was a "biggie" at the Rio summit in 1992. A lot of publicity, mostly negative, was given to Gore at the time. Then remember, Clinton is a groomed child of the Bilderbergers selected to be the Presiden­tial "puller-offer" of these New World Order orders. But, Mr. Kissinger said, at the Bilderberger meeting this year: "We know Bush will play ball and we know that Clinton will when neces­sary."



    CORRESPONDENCE REPORT TO: Phone number: 314:631­9959. (This is the phone number of Congressman Gephardt).

    Secretariat for World Order
    September 20, 1991


    a. The time is pressing. The Club of Rome was founded in 1968, Limits to Growth was written in 1971, Global 2000 was written in 1979, but insufficient progress has been made in pop­ulation reduction.

    b. Given global instabilities, including those in the former Soviet bloc, the need for firm control of world technology, weaponry, and natural resources is now absolutely mandatory. The immediate reduction of world population, according to the mid-1970's recommendations of the Draper Fund, must be im­mediately effected.

    c. The present vast overpopulation, now far beyond the world carrying capacity, cannot be answered by future reduc­tions in the birth rate due to contraception, sterilization, abor­tion, but must be met in the present by the reduction in the numbers presently existing. This must be DONE BY WHAT­EVER MEANS NECESSARY.

    d. The issue is falsely debated between a political and a cul­tural approach to population and resources, when in fact, faced with stubborn obstruction and day-to-day political expediency which make most of the leaders of the most populous poor countries unreliable, the issue is compulsory cooperation.

    e. Compulsory cooperation is not debatable with 166 na­tions, most of whose leaders are irresolute, conditioned by localist "cultures", and lacking appropriate notions of the New World Order. Debate means delay and forfeiture of our goals and purpose.

    f. The United Nations' action against Iraq proves conclu­sively that resolute action on our part can sway other leaders to go along with the necessary program. The Iraq action proves that the aura of power can be projected and sus­tained and that the wave of history is sweeping forward.

    There is a twofold opposition which must be eliminated by quick action. There are rumblings among some of the "South" regions, notably Brazil and Malaysia, to thwart the aims of the UNCED Earth Charter and to thwart the international gathering in Brazil in June 1992.

    There is also the unfortunate vacillation of our own ranks, an argument that the UNCED leaders have made the agenda "too political" and that the way must first be prepared on a less abra­sive cultural basis.

    We present only the most recent evidence:

    * Gilberto Meilo Mourao, the Brazilian writer, warned in the August 4, Folha de Sao Paulo that at Munich in 1938, "It won't be easy to row against the current of that type of eco­logical epidemic, unleashed against our country, which threatens the structure of our cultural, spiritual, and political values, and against our very national sovereignty....Messrs. Chamberlain and Daladier, heads of the governments of England and France, calmly offered the Brazilian Amazon to the Fuehrer." Hitler reportedly observed that since the Amazon was in South Amer­ica, the United States would cite the Monroe Doctrine and reject a German occupation of Brazilian territory.

    * The prime minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohamad, an­nounced on Aug. 16 that his country may boycott the Earth Summit and stated that if the conference is used to suppress the Third World, it would be better for these nations to hold their own meeting. Speaking to newsmen in Petaling, Java, Mahathir claimed that environmentalists have launched a global assault on Malaysia, while it is the developed nations, not Malaysia, who are polluting the environment.

    * Malaysia's Science, Technology, and Environment minis­ter, Law Hieng Ding, announced Aug. 20, according to the New Straits Times of Aug. 23, that Malaysia is preparing a document entitled "Greening the World," urging developed countries to use wealth and technology to turn the deserts green.

    * Ahmed Djoglaf, Algeria's delegate to the Aug. 15 meeting of the U.N. Conference for Environment and Development, said Aug. 23 in Geneva, according to the U.N. Inter Press Service, that "We have the old pattern of the North imposing the system and the South having to accept. Non-governmental organiza­tions are saying that the North has hijacked the agenda, and they are right.... They are prepared to let people die but not forests."

    * The Malaysian Sunday Times editorial of Aug. 16 said, "Environmentalists make so much of their noble mission in pro­tecting the environment which sustains all of us.... They do not credit Malaysians with much intelligence with a similar concern for the health of the land and themselves. Shades of precious fin de siecle romanticism; visions of the noble savage stalking big game in arboreal groves, in grunting communion with the voices of the land. The same kind of romantic claptrap that got natives all over the world sold down the river into slavery, decimated by smallpox and clap, driven from their land into alcoholism and hopeless helplessness. ....Malaysia has had its fill of cultural and intellectual domination...."

    * The Brazilian Jornal de Commercio on Aug. 19 reported that Brazilian Foreign Minister Francisco Rezek said that it was "hypocritical to campaign to preserve flora and fauna.... If the human race becomes extinct, there won't be any sense in pre­serving an exuberant flora and fauna on this planet."

    * Brazil's chief of staff of the Amazon military command, Gen. Thaumaturgo Sotero Vaz, stated in an interview in the Aug. 28 Folha de Sao Paulo, that the nation's armed forces will not permit Eco-92 resolutions restricting Brazil's sovereignty over the Amazon or creating "Indian nations" within the region. The general did not rule out the possibility that Brazil could be subjected to "something similar to what happened in the Persian Gulf", and declared that persons like Francois Mitterrand and Ted Kennedy would not be permitted to order reductions in or elimination of Brazil's armed forces. Sotero Vaz said, "If those idiots try to come in here, we're going to give it to them and treat them like guerrillas...." The governor of the Amazon, Gilberto Mestrinho, stated Sept. 8, "The general's position is the product of looking at reality."

    * The president of the Industrial Federation of the Brazilian state of Para in the Amazon region, Fernando Flexa Ribiero, was quoted by the press Sept. 14 as stating that environmen­talists want to make the Amazon "a sterile preservation". He said Eco-92 could "promote colonialist practices".

    * The Brazilian Daily Tribuna de Impresa quoted Joann Grossi, a spokesperson for the U.S. Agency for International Development, as saying that sterilization is the family planning "method preferred by President George Bush to increase the effectiveness of birth control in the Third World." [H: Now, don't act shocked, chelas, we have been writing about these things and these very people for the past three years!]
    * -The Italian Catholic weekly Il Sabato published a Sept. 14 article by Prof. Franco Cardini stating: "It must be said with utmost clarity that the plans of the International Monetary Fund for the (former) U.S.S.R. and the eastern countries are infa­mous... The European Community is in the position to supply not only suggestions, but also capital and technological structures, but all this obstructs the plans of the New World Order, which is strictly hooked to the United States, the country that remains (have we forgotten?) the most indebted country in the world, and is facing a crisis of production ex­emplified by the crashes of the stock market and the big banks. It is this new frontier that re-emerging liberalists would like to propose to the former Soviet Union...." The Article has been much discussed in Poland, as the first frontal criticism of the International Monetary Fund and the free-market model from this quarter.

    * India's delegate at the Geneva UNCED negotiations told the Earth Charter organizers, with the support of negotiators from China, the Philippines, Chile, Venezuela, Ethiopia, Ghana, and Malaysia, that "we are not here as supplicants, and we have not come here for aid," but "compensatory financial flows" to underdeveloped nations are required, according to the Sept. 13 Indian press. The delegate, Chandrashekar Dasqupta, also strongly opposed plans to bring environmental matters un­der the U.N. Security Council, and insisted that "development" be put center stage instead of bracketed next to the environment. He told newsmen that both India and China will have to be satis­fied on these questions before they attend the Rio summit, declaring that without the assent of India and China, no charter will be worth the paper it is written on.

    * At the Non-Aligned foreign ministers' meeting in Ghana, India's external affairs Representative, Madhaysinh Solanki, called Sept. 11 for a comprehensive and integrated strategy on debt and a development consensus for this decade. The African group at the conference sponsored an urgent call for an interna­tional conference on debt.

    * The U.N. Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) issued its annual report Sept. 16, declaring, ac­cording to BBC, that the liberal free market is not an appropriate model for the developing nations. Finance should serve in­dustry, not the other way around, the government has a key role to play in certain sectors of the economy. Directed credit for special projects is sometimes necessary. Developing nations should look to Germany and Japan rather than the U.S. and Britain as examples. The report deplores the tendency to intro­duce an "Anglo-Saxon" banking system into developing coun­tries.

    * An official of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) said Sept. 10 that the Geneva UNCED results were "absolutely a serious setback. There will be no convention on forests by June 1992 for Brazil. Nobody wants to say it publicly, but the forests convention is finished. The situation has reached a deadlock. This is the first casualty for the UNCED process. In­creasingly, UNCED is being broken down into blocs, with the developing sector i n one bloc. We hear the statements of Ma­hathir, and these can be serious. We hope it is just a tactic to precipitate new negotiations, but it has the potential to set the ball rolling and cause other countries besides Malaysia to with­draw. It is a very difficult situation."

    * A senior advisor on ecological affairs to Britain's Prince Philip said Sept. 15 that Eco-92 organizer Maurice Strong had "over-politicized" the issue of environmentalism and had raised "ridiculously messianic expectations" for the Earth Summit. "Strong is mis-focusing attention away from a clear and present danger confronting the entire ecology movement; the general shift in paradigm toward favoring economic growth, in the for­mer communist nations.... We should be avoiding too much overt politicking. We should concentrate on change-of-aware­ness models, and attack the underlying ethical-moral considera­tions that motivate people. Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, that is our biggest challenge. We will have a major problem if they try to achieve the level of economic growth of the advanced Western nations. This is potentially one of our biggest challenges, and Prince Philip is getting more and more involved in dealing with it.

    "Strong is somebody who spent too much time at his wife's New Age center; it obviously touched his mind. It all reminds me of the so-called Millerites of the 19th century, who predicted that the world would come to an end at some point in 1844, so they all went into the mountains to prepare. The world didn't come to an end, and the Millerites became the Jehovah's Wit­nesses. That is what I see happening with the Earth Summit. Just listen to Strong talk about 'the most significant event in hu­man history ever', and 'the last chance to save the planet' . What would be more ridiculous, and guaranteed to create a mess? We see the backlash already, in the reactions of various Third World countries."

    In the face of mounting opposition from Third World ele­ments, certain forces in the Eastern European and Russian re­gions, and by the Vatican, and certain weak-kneed response within the ecology effort, what really is the purpose of traipsing around America to convince a handful of farmers, unionists, lo­cal officials, churchmen, and university environmentalists of the necessity of the Earth Charter? If one truly wished to convert the American public, would it not be necessary to say fully, openly and explicitly what must be done? And that it must be done now?

    Do you really imagine that parading some Third Worlders before "hearings" conducted by local celebrities, the Third world will simply quiet down, or that the American press cover­age of these events will overwhelm this opposition?

    Will you take action now that President Bush has the political momentum or wait until you must convince America to fight a hundred Vietnams simultaneously? This is the time to save the Anglo-Saxon race and its most glorious production, the Anglo-Saxon system of banking, insurance and trade.

    We are the living sponsors of the great Cecil Rhodes' will of 1877, in which Rhodes devoted his fortune to: 'the extension of British rule throughout the world... the colonization by British subjects of the entire Continent of Africa., the Holy Land, the Valley of the Euphrates, the islands of Cyprus and Candia, the whole of South America, the islands of the Pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain, the whole of the Malay Archipelago. the seaboard of China and Japan, the ul­timate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire...."

    We stand with Lord Milner's Credo. We too, are "British Race patriots" and our patriotism is "the speech, the tradition, the principles, the aspirations of the British Race". Do you fear to take this stand, at the very last moment when this purpose can be realized? Do you not see that failure now, is to be pulled down by the billions of Lilliputians of lesser race who care little or nothing for the Anglo-Saxon system?

    A. The Security Council of the U.N., led by the Anglo-Saxon Major Nation powers, will decree that henceforth, the Security Council will inform all nations that its sufferance on population has ended, that all nations have quotas for RE­DUCTION on a yearly basis, which will be enforced by the Security Council by selective or total embargo of credit, items of trade including food and medicine, OR BY MILI­TARY FORCE, WHEN REQUIRED. [H: Anyone nervous yet?]

    B. The Security Council of the U.N. will inform all na­tions that outmoded notions of national sovereignty will be discarded and that the Security Council has complete legal, military, and economic jurisdiction in any region in the world and that this will be enforced by the Major Nations of the Security Council.

    C. The Security Council of the U.N. will take possession of all natural resources, including the watersheds and great forests, to be used and preserved for the good of the Major Nations of the Security Council.
    D. The Security Council of the U.N. will explain that not all races and peoples are equal, nor should they be. Those races proven superior by superior achievements ought to rule the lesser races, caring for them on sufferance that they cooperate with the Security Council. Decision making, in­cluding banking, trade, currency rates, and economic devel­opment plans, will be made in stewardship by the Major Na­tions.
    E. All of the abowe constitute the New World Order, in which Order, all nations, regions and races will cooperate with the decisions of the Major Nations of the Security Council.

    The purpose of this document is to demonstrate that action delayed could well be fatal. All could be lost if mere opposition by minor races is tolerated and the unfortunate vacillations of our closest comrades is cause for our hesitations. Open decla­ration of intent followed by decisive force is the final solution. This must be done before any shock hits our financial markets, tarnishing our credibility and perhaps diminishing our force.

    * * *
    Note appended to the document: "NOTE: These pages of Racist, Nazi, World Order, pronouncements were distributed at the 9122/91 UNCED meetings, presented by the United Na­tions. Maurice Strong spoke at the meeting.

    When Communism and Capitalism collapse, World National Socialism will rise up to replace them. "NAZI" stood for "Nazional" in the word National-Socialism.


    DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Zei Steever, US UNCED Coordi­nation Center.
    DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, Jack W. Blanchard, Environ­mental Scientist, Office of Environmental Analysis
    DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, Annie Petsork, Specialist in In­ternational Environmental Law, Policy and Legislation. The Environmental and Natural Resources Division.
    AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, Vin­cent Cusumano, Chief, Economic Policy and Planning Divi­sion. Office of Agriculture, Bureau for Science and Tech­nology.
    UNA-USA, Washington Office, Kathryn G. Sessions, Policy Analyst.
    IOWA PEACE INSTITUTE, John McDonald, President.
    IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY, Dennis Keeney, Professor of
    Agronomy and Director, Leopold Center for Sustainable
    DAIRY FARMER, Atlantic, Denise O'Brien.


    DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Zei Steever, US UNCED Coordi­nation Center.
    DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, Jack W. Blanchard, Environmental Scientist, Office of Environmental Analysis.
    DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE , Annie Petsork, Specialist in International Environmental Law, Policy and Legislation.
    The Environmental and Natural Resources Division.
    AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, Vincent Cusumano, Chief, Economic Policy and Planning Division. Office of Agriculture, Bureau for Science and Technology.
    GRINNELL COLLEGE, David G. Campbell, Henry R. Luce, Professor in Nations and the Global Environment.
    IOWA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, Larry L. Bean, Administrator, Energy and Geological Resources Division.
    OSAGE MUNICIPAL UTILITIES, Weston D. Birchal, General Manager.


    Beth Freeman, Economic Coordinator, Des Moines, Iowa

    Shelley Sheehy, Waterloo Office

    U.S. CITIZENS NETWORK FOR UNCED, San Francisco Catherine Porter, Executive Director.

    **Copies of testimony will be filed with the above and other U.S. agencies that have responsibility for determining the U.S. position at UNCED; appropriate agencies in the United Nations system and the U.S. Citizens Network for UNCED.**

    * * *
    I believe that the best thing I can do for you right now is to leave you digesting the foregoing. I don't know how much longer you are going to deny truth--but, you are out of time ac­cording to time-keepers of the Ultimate New World Order! I can only suggest you go back and read this several times, get rid of your denial, closed minds, yellow ribbons and rock-throwing­-and look around you. If you can't see it happening before your eyes--you are indeed blind OR dead. Remember, the United States has a quota to meet also, of over a hundred million people to be weeded out permanently. Do you actually think there will be allowed a cure for AIDS and other well programmed and or­chestrated methods of accomplishing the above? Not only are you going to be depopulated but the evidence of having done so will be used as an example for other nations of "higher" technology. The "inferior" nations will simply have slaughter ses­sions--such as is happening in Yugoslavia, South Africa, Soma­lia, etc. The plan is to get a whole big "lump" taken out with earth shifts planned for "soon", and other "natural appearing" disasters and contamination. GOD HELP US ALL IN THE DAYS TO COME. BLESSINGS UPON YOU WHO SEE AND HEAR FOR WITHIN THE LIGHT OF GOD IS THE ONLY PASSAGE OUT OF THE "PLAN".

    Hatonn to stand aside.

    PJ 56


    WED., OCTOBER 7, 1992 9:08 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 52


    I suggest you HEAR every word Ross Perot is going to show you. He will give you the "state of your mess" more succinctly and clearly than anyone else in the top three. DO NOT get bogged down in the politics of this unseen battle--just garner the facts and "be prepared" on election day because you are still in for some big surprises! Lesser of evils will probably be the way to go this time.

    Don't get mired in this program either. There are some things about the Gritz "movement" which are NOT too great. There is still a great hang-up on the part of some of the ones very close to him which are incorrect perceptions and will merit you more disinformation--and this time, it will be regarding your "spiritual" balance. You need this man and his public recogni­tion far more for "later" than for this period of evolved chaos. Let the river flow! Ones clinging to the "old time religion" and who fail to recognize the TRUTH in spiritual connections as to "how it really is" are going to also "miss the boat".

    Constitutionally, the approach of Gritz COULD work--but at this time it would never be "allowed" to work in Washington D.C. and that is where the stage is now structured.

    It becomes more and more apparent as the days pass that the worst thing for your nation would be a Clinton/Gore win for that is what the Elite plan to have happen--even to the "fixing" of the election results.

    I have to insert here that there is a lot more information regard­ing Randy Weaver than is known by one, Bo Gritz. I am not going to jeopardize the already BAD projections for Weaver by revealing anything herein--but when you get a statement that there is misinformation in the LIBERATOR regarding what this man KNOWS--I suggest you WAIT to hang us because what is not openly known even by "insiders" is more intriguing than most of you can handle and continue to read this paper. I, after all, (check your notes) did NOT say that Randy Weaver had served IN Cambodia or Laos or Vietnam or, or, with Gritz. I said, "could it be"? and "wouldn't it be interesting if?" I also referred to "a team". BUT, I DID state that Paul Harvey was tangled to his eyes and was personally involved with the whole affair WITH GRITZ. Not "with" as in "agreeing" only WITH as in "knowledge of" and "accompanying", etc. He certainly was NOT "with" Gritz in divulging truth of the Golden Triangle intrigue.

    I believe you will find that Weaver knows far more damaging "stuff" to the government hoods regarding the U.S. than any Golden Triangle mess half a world away. Everyone must stop thinking in just your own little tiny world of experience when you consider these matters of clandestine Special Forces activi­ties.

    We have a hot tip right from "Horsey's mouth" from sources who have experienced IN, and know all about, underground cities and activities. This person worked within these installa­tions and would be "out of touch" without warning, simply "disappearing" for months at a time.

    There ARE "space aliens" in some of those installations--seen by this person. There is confirmation that Tehachapi is exactly what I have told you it is. And, a full confirmation comes re­garding Edwards Air Force Base installations as well as the in­terconnecting facilities.

    It is reported, also, that there is a tremendously large "city" in the Gulf of Mexico, south of Galveston, as well as a very large underwater city in the area of the Kwajalein Islands, west of Hawaii and this is also home to a very large ballistic missile base.

    The relationship to the Rockefeller-Falklands-Georgia Island op­erations is stated as being impossible to miss.

    Is all this TRUE? Well, if you want confirmations you are go­ing to have to take all the pieces offered and see how the puzzle pieces fit. You have to realize that we are "set-up" constantly in order to later make a statement that "we trapped old Hatonn". I hope I am a better "sly old fox" than that, chelas. Even a "set­up" is going to be "mostly" correct, i.e., flypaper has to have "some" sticky on it or it won't catch anything! This is just a thought and, certainly, I am not denouncing this one who shares information. I simply want you to know that I do not trap easily and it is time for your own confirmations regarding these things. Check out the lists we have given you and recognize the other locations given you--and you will have pretty good insight.

    I say this because just yesterday we received the most obvious letter of "gotcha" that I have seen but so crudely done as to think it came from an "intelligence" source. This was regarding the "PLEIADES CONNECTION" series and so carefully worded as to have missed NOTHING in the accusations and yet with obvious presentation that the writer had not even seen part of the JOURNALS in point nor read any of them in full. It is embarrassing to see how crudely ones make fools of selves at the hands of the master traitors.

    YOU are "stuck" with the world as it is, friends, and therefore you are going to have to get those eyes open and SEE--really see--what is going on around you--then, act accordingly.

    The real cause of the crisis of confidence in the British currency
    came, not because of simple currency change timing and a "falling out of bed" but more like a "falling out". Will you find it interesting to know that the day before the pound sterling crashed into the basement, Ukraine's foreign minister arrived in London for talks (and bank withdrawals) with his British coun­terparts. Kiev's emissary reminded them of his country's claim that the Bank of England has on its books a LARGE Ukrainian deposit--AND KIEV WANTED TO MAKE A LIKEWISE LARGE WITHDRAWAL. With calculations of "interest" but not including service charges (for handling of a large amount of gold) the account is WORTH 16-TRILLION pounds. That is worth some $41-trillion Canadian (this comes through one of Canada's banks). This little sum measures out to about $770,000 for every Ukrainian man, woman and child. AND WHO WILL HAVE THE LAST LAUGH? The deposit was made in 1724 and it is certainly obvious that Britain never in their wildest dreams thought it would be remembered much less withdrawn.

    And what of the Bank of England? Oh, they say they are still "looking" but can't seem to find authorization of this account, although there is record of "A" gold deposit at the time indi­cated.

    So, chelas, let us move on today to an interesting focus on our old buddy, Henry Kissinger and a few of his antics. As with the wonders of the "Soap Opera" we must update constantly or the players get lost. Thank you.

  2. #6
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#056, SEX and the LOTTERY

    PJ 56


    WED., OCTOBER 7, 1992 10:15 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 52

    What with the International Monetary Fund now focusing on the good old U.S.A. after destroying, according to plans, the devel­oping nations, the planned riots in Germany, the now terrible plague of Typhus to add to the misery in Sarajevo, it seems al­most redundant to talk on the subject of one Henry Kissinger. On the other hand, when you realize that it is Henry "Kissinger Associates" that "advise" and set-up the situations in all those scenarios, it seems there is NO WAY to speak of him quite of­ten enough!

    By the way, for you who rush out to buy Richard Secord's book to find all the dirt piled under the carpet--you won't find much more than dingy carpeting. You have to read between the lines so hard that most will miss the connections. However, it must make you see and understand how fully the actions are "within the law" as perpetrated by the ones involved. The "fine line" between truth and lie is well studied by the involved participants and the "law" is studied most carefully and anything not "legal" is made legal because it's "nice to be the King!" There IS more to Gen. Secord, however, than meets the eye so it is wise to read and wait. You have to remember, for instance, that if "one" production of "Bush" says "...and I was not in Paris"--lit­erally the mouth speaks "truth". This is where "doubles" and "replicas" do their handiest fill-in roles--it also allows easy fooling of all sensitive apparatus to measure lie against truth. It is only you-the-people who get trapped by such devices.

    But, on with Kissinger and "October Revelations" as presented here and there.

    Since "surgical" depopulation efforts were shown in Iraq I sup­pose we have to start there and then we will move on to POWs and the miserable show and tell at subcommittee hearings.

    Did Saddam actually get "suckered" or is there more to the story? Well, if you deal with what led up to the "Gulf" incident and measure that which was "said" by your government and the U.N. about Kuwait (poor Kuwait--has anyone paid attention to the last few days' free elections in Kuwait?) one has to realize that still "more than meets the eye" goes on and on and on - - - .

    Guess what! Henry Kissinger and his associates are shown and proven to have had a direct hand in the suckering of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein or, at the least, his seeming cooperation in the whole plan. Saddam is not too nice a human person in justice and LIGHT so it remains to be seen how "suckered" he actually WAS.

    First, Kissinger et al. arranged the flow of money to allow the build up of Iraq's war machine and then maneuvered him into moving into Kuwait right on cue.

    I remind you--some of the world's foremost foreign govern­ments regard Kissinger Associates as being THE U.S. "shadow government" and which served as the lead "policy counsel" to every one of the participants in the Iraq conflict.

    It is KNOWN that one Alan Stoga, a vice president of Kissinger Associates, was in Iraq on many occasions for private meetings with the top leaders for months (up to a couple of years) prior to the Kuwait precipitating crisis.

    I do hope you have time to get to more accurate "surgical hear­ings" regarding the events than you had success with your "surgical bombing" in the fray as are being suggested in the U.S. I would remind you, however, that the bombings had THE intended effect--measured depopulation by force as we spoke of on the yesterday. The message is far more easily seen by ones "in charge" of the "PLAN" than by you who still think the world is basically "good".

    What are listed as the two things Bush Republicans seem to fear most by questioning?

    1. Was last year's devastating Gulf War the outcome of a secret scheme to "set up and entice" Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein into choosing a military solution to his dispute with Kuwait, as new evidence being presented in a federal court now suggests? Even if this question is directed--the answer will not be suffi­cient for it allows the side-stepping of the liars as to the REAL CAUSE, and;

    2. Did Henry Kissinger and his swarm of weapons bearers play the key role in this whole "play"? If so, as findings indicate, why do they still have such dominant influence over U.S. for­eign policy? Do you think you will get a simple answer to THAT one?

    The stir to somehow confront these "untouchable" issues has been powered by discoveries by your beloved Rep. Henry Gon­zalez, chairman of the House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs, who decided to pursue the money trail be­hind the war against Iraq, no matter where it would lead.

    One of the cash conduits traced by Gonzalez led, crookedly, to the Atlanta branch office of Italy's huge government owned bank, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, known generally as BNL-­not to even mention the branch of this same bank tucked away in Chicago. Some $5 billion (known) in loans went to Iraq during the late 1980s from just the Atlanta office of BNL. Of course, the effort has been to set-up a "lone gunman" in the form of Christopher Drogoul, the BNL branch manager who signed off on most of the transactions. Now, it is too difficult for even the congress to cover up the probability that "others might have been involved". Shades of 011ie North?

    Drogoul did plead guilty to having approved vast cash transac­tions and said he did so without obtaining the permission of BNL's head office in Italy--undoubtedly affixed firmly to a Kissinger Associates branch office! He probably will get to change his plea in light of lack of carry-through on his promised "protection" which didn't protect but actually "set-up" his con­viction.

    Drogoul took a fall for others and could not possibly have engi­neered such a complex and widespread operation all by himself any more than could one Oliver North in his scenario. You will note, however, that in the end--it worked out swimmingly well for little "011ie" while a man like Randy Weaver rots in prison without even being allowed "bail" for a quarter-inch too short shotgun charge. Oh yes, I do forget--he now is charged with assault on a Federal Agent and some kind of "conspiracy" with Kevin Harris to bring damage to another.

    You have to remember something else about the BNL-Drogoul case--it "officially" got closed after "bagging" Drogoul.

    However, when the ensnared executive, Drogoul, was in federal court in Atlanta Sept. 14 for his "routine" sentencing, there was a nice new defense attorney at his side: Bobby Lee Cook, 65, one of America's top trial lawyers, who had "somehow" be­come "interested" in the affair. Where are these "interested" attorneys for Randy Weaver and Kevin Harris? Where, after all, did Mr. Spence go? The attorneys now listed as being Weaver's are NOT any of the ones named in any of the news releases--by Paul Harvey or Gritz, if you can trust any of the current information from Randy Weaver himself. Behind the scenes? Who knows but Randy--the case comes to trial very, very shortly--perhaps the shortest time before a major trial of any in the recent United States judicial history!


    Far from having been the sole swindler behind the BNL scandal, Drogoul had been nicely set up, the victim of a scheme orches­trated at the highest levels of the U.S. government. His case was manipulated by very high-ups in order to hide the wrong­doing and blunders of Washington bureaucrats and Wall Street financiers.

    During Drogoul's sentencing hearing, his second-in-command, Franz Von Wedel, who had never before been heard from, said it was an utter lie that Drogoul acted alone in a rogue operation. Von Wedel said Dorgoul acted ON THE ADVICE OF THE BANK'S CONSULTANTS, KISSINGER ASSOCIATES, whose suggestions Drogoul also discussed on a special line with the bank's chairman in Rome, with whom he spoke daily. This has cast a whole new light on the case, with the judge dismissing the government case as having been aimed at proving a rogue oper­ation only.

    In reality the money trail of the huge "cover and deception" op­eration known as "Iraqgate" leads (again) right to the White House, Washington and Wall Street. But it, as usual, goes right to the rat-hole hidden linchpin between the two above; Kissinger Associates, the high-priced New York based con­sulting and dealmaking firm those nice foreign leaders re­gard as YOUR "shadow government".
    Right from the mouth of a congressional "investigator" comes the following paraphrased statement: Take a look at the princi­pal players in this setup. There is BNL, one of the world's leading banks, owned by the Italian government; there are some huge U.S. corporations, such as the Bechtel Co., the largest worldwide construction and logistics conglomerate. There are other financial interests, such as LBS Bank, an arm of the Ser­bian Communists, set up in the United States by Lawrence Ea­gleburger, now the acting secretary of state (a Kissinger associ­ate, remember) and Brent Scowcroft, the top Presidential adviser and then, there is the White House, and finally--there is Saddam Hussein, Iraq's leader.

    It would be certainly obvious that these disparate power centers all followed the guidance of the SAME adviser on their colli­sion course, would it not?

    Saddam Hussein granted only a single audience to U.S. Ambas­sador April Glaspie during the two years she spent in Baghdad--and that was immediately before the outbreak of the war itself. Now this comes from Michael Saba who is a corporate consul­tant who visited Iraq frequently during the same period of time in question. He preferred to deal with Kissinger and his en­voys--but it may end up being his "fatal mistake".

    We shall see--for as the players in the One World Government-Ultimate World Order take off the gloves and go at it in this election farce, some interesting things may very well evolve into the light. It means, however, that to keep the lid on--some very devastating things must come down on you SHORTLY to allow for absolute control of you-the-citizens.

    Hopefully, you witnessed the outright foolish appearing denials of this "mouth" of Kissinger--at work. As profoundly good a liar as is this "poor excuse" for a human man, he simply couldn't pull it off and good old Larry King (Live?) couldn't smooth it over except to you poor people who missed the show in action at the hearings.

    So, despite the outraged denials by this former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in testimony before Congress, it is obvi­ously clear he and Richard Nixon BOTH knew American ser­vicemen were deliberately being left behind during the pull­out from Southeast Asia. They both lied and continued to lie about it to all of you while continuing with business as usual with your enemy who incarcerated those beloved ones betrayed.

    So what is being presented here? The same factual evidence as is coming through (now) elsewhere. Evidence is traced which proves abandonment of some minimum 350 American prisoners of war--left behind in Laos at the conclusion of U.S. combat participation in the Vietnam War in 1973--leads directly to the President's oval office and Kissinger's twinkle-toes.

    It has now been uncovered in several recordings, made in the Oval Office between March 21 and April 1, 1973, document­ing that the 350 victims were knowingly abandoned to the Communists as American combat troops were being with­drawn from Southeast Asia.

    Moreover, it has been learned that Adm. Thomas H. Moorer, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, sent a top-secret directive to his field commanders in Southeast Asia to halt the withdrawal of U.S. troops, as agreed upon under the Paris Peace Accords signed by U.S. and North Vietnamese negotia­tors, on January 27, 1973.

    Moorer was aware the Communists were not upholding their end of the agreement to release all American POWs.

    However, three days later, under orders from the White House, Moorer rescinded his order, and the withdrawal of U.S. combat troops continued.

    Nixon then decided to override Moorer which is fully detailed and outlaid to the Senate Select Committee, in the secret White House tapes.

    It was Nixon's penchant for tape recording the conversations that took place in the Oval Office, ironically, that led to the ulti­mate downfall of his administration in the Watergate scandal.

    Select Committee investigators have found that on March 21, U.S. Ambassador McMurtrie Godley, the American proconsul in Vientiane, the capital of Laos, called on the chief emissary of the Communist Pathet Lao forces to immediately turn over THE 350 American POWs. His demand was ignored by the Communists.

    Then, three days later, on March 24, Ambassador Godley again contacted the Pathet Lao emissary and demanded the release of all Americans, but again he was ignored.

    You have to remember, chelas, THIS only accounts for some 350 men in Laos. There were another 425, at least, left in Hanoi as evacuation took place leaving no room nor time for their safe evacuation.

    On March 28, the day before the last U.S. troops were with­drawn, the subject of the POWs was discussed at the White House by President Nixon, Dr. Henry Kissinger, the Presi­dent's national security adviser, and deputy Secretary of De­fense William Clements, at which time it was decided to close the book on the captive Americans.
    A high-ranking Nixon administration official said of the event that it make him "..feel a little sick. It was astonishing. Only the president could have gotten Tom Moorer to do that (reverse his decision to halt the withdrawal of U.S. troops until the POWs were returned)."

    It was then determined within the Oval Office, as it turns out, that if the POWs were determined to be alive it would be neces­sary to halt the withdrawal of American troops, which would lead to renewed war; and, the United States also would be bur­dened with the task of trying to compel North Vietnam to get its Laotian allies to release them.

    The Nixon administration had little means of pressuring Hanoi beyond a threat to start the war again, at the time in point. The White House seemed well aware this would never receive the support of Congress.

    Kissinger, in a September 22 appearance before the Senate Se­lect Committee, heatedly rejected assertions the Nixon Admin­istration knowingly "jettisoned" POWs in Laos, Vietnam or any­where else. Kissinger did say reports of live prisoners had crossed his desk, but that these could not be confirmed. Kissinger went on to blame an "evil" Communist government in Hanoi and a Congress that refused to assist in obtaining the re­lease of remaining U.S. servicemen held prisoner.

    Kissinger's testimony represented an admission he had lied nearly 20 years ago when he and other U.S. officials publicly asserted no Americans were still being held hostage in Southeast Asia.

    Kissinger then attempted to shift the guilt by accusing former Defense Secretaries Melvin Laird and James Schlesinger of spreading misinformation when they told Congress on Septem­ber 21 American POWs probably had not been returned by the Communists. Kissinger claimed the two men did not raise the POW issue in 1973, so they could not have any basis for their latest assertions.

    On April 6, 1973 Godley had wired Washington: "We have to assume that all the American POWs left in Laos are dead."

    He clearly knew better and is believed to have been acting upon direct orders from the President.

    Shortly thereafter, Clements told his deputy, Dr. Roger Shields: "All American POWs are dead."

    Shields, who also knew better and has since been interviewed by the Senate Select Committee, was appalled.

    "We can't say that," he protested to Clements.

    "You didn't hear me," Clements said, according to Shield's deposition, "I said they're all dead."

    Then-Deputy Secretary of Defense Lawrence Eagleburger (now acting Secretary of State) had only days prior to this exchange advised his boss, Secretary of Defense Elliott Richardson, that the 350 men were still unaccounted for in Laos, and even went so far as to urge the Communists be bombed to drive home the point that the United States wanted the men back.

    In turn, Richardson advised Kissinger of the remaining POWs.

    Thus, the cover-up of the fate of American POWs left behind during the war has continued for nearly two decades, with the successive administrations of Presidents Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George Bush perpetuating the hideous crime of knowingly leaving American servicemen be­hind to suffer and die in enemy hands.

    Now that the cover-up has been exposed for all America to see (if you looked), the last remaining act will be to account for those who may still be alive. What odds do you give of this happening, in actuality?

    Well, let me remind you of some very devastingly painful points in your political structure THIS DAY.

    Bush is NOT IN CONTROL OF YOUR GOVERNMENT! Remember, the key code sheets and "hot-boxes" (football) were taken from Bush. Kissinger, through Eagleburger, Scowcroft and others, is basically running your government RIGHT NOW. Bush knows that he is "out" and "Clinton is the chosen one" to fit the needs of these "Associates" and it is hard times in the old home town tonight! There is so much with which to blackmail the Bushes that there is little fear of Bush "telling". We, of the Command, even offered the poor sucker a way off this place and out of the mess and he (one of him) refused. If he can't pull something off with Perot--it is "all she wrote", brothers.

    Most of what Bush himself actually "hands-on" did, is carefully orchestrated as to be "legal" according to the "laws set up to protect the guilty"--so it's a hard bind in which your nation finds itself this day.

    By the way--yesterday was the day of KOL NEDRI (Vow of all vows) which means that in the "Zionists/Jewish" tradition on the first day of Holy Days of Passover, a vow is made negating all vows taken in the upcoming year. It's a real handy device for insured lying and protection from being caught cheating and ly­ing. If you vowed to break all subsequent vows through the year and update that every year--my, my, how handy and all comes within the "rights" and "rites" of RELIGION--you know, THAT religion that was made law by PUBLIC LAW 102-14. Have a nice day!

    Hatonn to clear. Salu. I suggest you go take your Crystal Life drops, your Hydrogen peroxide drops (very sparingly), eat your algae and TRY to survive long enough to find the Truth so you can change this nightmare! May the "Force be with you"! Good day. Over and out!

    PJ 56
    CHAPTER 10


    THU., OCTOBER 8, 1992 8:36 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 53


    Can you not see it? The Feds are getting ready to railroad Randy Weaver and Kevin Harris--AND BO GRITZ! You have a situation where a trial of people and unallowed bail release is going to take place in mere weeks when it usually takes years to bring this type of case to hearing--AND, you find the trial set at the ending of October with only a week to elections--wherein Bo Gritz is a witness and a candidate. Still think you aren't manip­ulated??

    You won't find CNN talking about either!

    Can you not see THIS one? The CIA has lied and presented false documents to both the Congress AND the court in Atlanta. Gates (Director CIA) has promised a "look into it". CNN, on both news channels this day with such a "breaking" story, sim­ply shows one, Drogoul, being granted a "rehearing" while all this breaks in the courtroom--BUT NOT VERY MUCH IN THE MEDIA, AT LEAST NOT ON CNN. WHY?? It is so bad this day that the story covers the fact that this is a "major Italian bank", it indicates that the problem is "somewhere" in the U.S. and it states that billions of dollars were funnelled into Iraq and that Drogoul "may not turn out to be the only involved figure".


    Interesting point is that CNN is in Atlanta. Ted Turner got "loads" of funding for his "media networks", comes to all state dinners at the White House with little "Jane" and sits with Gor­bachev and Kissinger. NEWS BLACKOUT? Oh, I think if you can stir up some interest in "tracking" you are going to find a rat's nest to end them all! It's up to YOU!

    CNN has an ongoing blackout on any mention of Bo Gritz--EVEN HIS NAME.

    Also, was it a "slip" perchance? This very morning during the reporting of the news in "old" Yugoslavia, where the fighting has been between Serbians and Moslems--what slip of the lip and printed sheet caused the announcer, without note or embar­rassment or----to say "....Syrian forces..." throughout two pre­sentations of the "Headline News".

    Remember our outline of the final days before THE war AS LAND MASSES ARE CHANGED and other things such as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and winds of 150 miles per hour, would sweep the lands? We also said that the ships would sink in the oceans and the ships would fall from the sky.

    It is happening daily--tit for tat (not even hidden in "response"). A cargo plane is dumped on people there and one is dumped on people here. Open up your eyes, chelas, or you will miss the clues. A little old jet liner drops its engines one day and another drops its engines the next!

    A bank indiscretion is caught in political corruption one day and Gorbachev is cast out of his "Foundation" center the next! "Foundation??"--"Think-tank Foundation" it's called and YOU help support it through donations gathered by Gorbachev in the U.S.--ah, but WHO really owns that "Think-tank"? That's right: Kissinger Associates!

    Since you have the same players in BCCI as in BNL AND LBS banks--you know, massive turnover of money directed by Kissinger, Scowcroft, Eagleburger and various and sundry gov­ernments (your own AND all your supposed enemies) what do you think is going to happen when you get to BANKAMER­ICA? CITIBANK? You already know the Rockefeller-Roth­schild (Committee of 300) ownership of CHASE and the FED­ERAL RESERVE. But, you say, what about the Japanese? What about them--their market is about to collapse and one after another the leaders are falling to scandals--every day. THE JAPANESE ELITE ARE MEMBERS OF THE TRILATERAL COMMISSION WHICH IS OWNED AND CONTROLLED BY "THE COMMITTEE OF 300--CLUB OF ROME".

    This period of time in America may well be the most seriously critical time for you in history as "seeming" enemies vie for the power "role". It is easy to see that things are "controlled" but how can that control be maintained? DISASTER AND FORCE!

    I hope you ones will go back and read the planned scenario for getting Bush "pardoned" and the inclusion of Perot into the pic­ture, etc. I can't rerun everything but you are seeing "A" plan in the working. Don't be too concerned over who is doing what to whom--remember: the goals are THE SAME: NEW WORLD ORDER-ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, DEPOPULATION OF THE GLOBE TO NOT MORE THAN 550 MILLION PEOPLE (PER GEORGE BUSH) AND TOTAL SUBMISSION OF ALL REMAINING PEOPLE.

    More valid confirmations have come in that indeed, there are the underground cities and bases as we have presented--only there are apparently MORE than we presented. Well, nobody is "perfect" short of GOD.

    Remember the big to-do about the sheep going blind in southern Patagonia--from THAT ultraviolet light slipping through the ozone hole? This was an Al Gore "victory" speech on envi­ronmental disasters and included in his infamous book on the environment??? OOPS! NOT SO! AND WORSE, EVEN "GREENPEACE" HAD TO MAKE A STATEMENT REGARDING SAME.

    In the investigation into the story of this wild claim of blindness resulting from exposure in several places where the "...ozone layer has holes", it has been found that the "sheep" and "some" people were infected with "PINKEYE" (a viral infection which is airborne). Most of the story made it to a production in San Francisco (channel KGO-TV, I am told). In going to Argentina with Greenpeace the man who broke the story correction was present so this is "first party", not Hatonnese or hearsay. The alleged sheep blinded by the ozone hole is a farce and fully planned in advance. In fact the parties involved were efforting to "prove the story correct", so eyeballs were brought back for analysis at a university medical center. The verdict is that "the sheep suffered from conjunctivitis, or pink eye, a highly in­fectious inflammation of the membrane covering the inside of eyelids and front of the eyeball."

    I have so many requests to present the information from New Zealand--not the least of which come FROM New Zealand, that I will plan to do so within the next few issues of the LIBERA­TOR. First, however, I must give you an outlay of how the or­ders have come down through Farmers Home Administration to "clear more farmers off the land". This is being done through FmHA debt settlement programs. This has become a nightmare in practice--a ship of no return if you have any connections with the FmHA and are more than 30 days late in making payments to that lending agency.

    The best disclosure comes from ACRES, USA but relatively few of you would ever see this article so we find it imperative to of­fer it to you. You who think this organization (FmHA) only lends against farms, etc., think again. It is into "building", projects, etc. Anything that possibly relates to the "land", Agri­culture, businesses related to agriculture, housing, etc. It has been an absolute gold-mine for some industries and from those industries have flowed marvelous benefits--BUT, it is designed to take out the farmers and clear them off their own lands. So, you have one more plan identical to the RTC to get control into the hands of the Elite Banksters and inside money-changers, ALL OF THE PROPERTY OF THE CITIZENRY.

    Thank you.

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