PJ 20
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1990 6:45 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 55
Hatonn present in the light of truth and in service unto God and Man, salu.

I have waited until today to speak of the happenings in Jerusalem for I wanted all of you to pay attention and I, too, needed to witness that which would come forth through your cover-up boxes regarding the Palestinian/Israeli con­flict precipitated on Monday last. It may have been a day of remembering Columbus in America but it was a Zionist Holy Day in Jerusalem.



Why were the Palestinians present? Because the "Jews" had not come to their usual "wailing wall" to have worship--they had brought the foundation stone onto the Sacred ground of the holiest of holy Mosques of the Islamic religion. It was well planned and known about Jerusalem and taunted into the faces of the Arab community. Why did the Palestinians throw stones? Because they have no American supplied weapons and assault rifles with which to defend the populace--all they have to defend self and property, for the most part, are stones!

Why did not the American people become informed of this? On receiving of the information of the uprising--it was decreed by "national security" regula­tions to stop the information from the controlled media on the pretext of "causing undue panic and desire for reprisal against Israel". IT SLIPPED OUT, HOWEVER, ON TWO OCCASIONS. IT WAS IMMEDIATELY SQUASHED BUT IT DID COME FORTH ON TWO PROGRAMS AND NOW IT SHALL HAVE TO BE SPOKEN OF IF ENOUGH RAISE VOICES IN PROTEST AND DESIRE FOR INFORMATION.


The media had been told to refer to the incident as "Temple Mount" and re­frain from any mention of the Mosque involvement. BUT, the Arabs (not Palestinians for they are not heard at all) had already registered formal protests to all international leaders and governments requiring the "Temple Mount" reference be corrected throughout the media. Of course it has not been--but there are a few who certainly wish it had been for no one would have noticed, as usual, if they had simply told the truth.

The story is elaborate and the Zionists pronounce themselves innocent and "were attacked as they prayed". No, they were marching upon the Mosque and later pictures depicted the way it was--the Zionists in a long line dancing, laughing and ridiculing the press. I remind you ones, the last laugh is yet to he had!

Do you really think the U.S. would have joined in denouncing of Israel for the actions of Monday had there not been MORE than a stoning or a few killings of Palestinians? Everything so far in the Middle East has been set up against that day of laying of the first foundation stone of that temple and you ones who sleep on had best open your eyes for it is about to blow beyond your wildest imaginings. A HOLY WAR DOES NOT TAKE PLACE OVER A RECOVERY OF A TINY PLACE LIKE KUWAIT UNTO A STUPID RULING FIGUREHEAD. YOU ARE WITNESSING THE BEGINNING OF THE HOLY WAR TO END ALL HOLY WARS--OVER THAT TEM­PLE PLACEMENT FOR WITH THAT TEMPLE OF DESECRATION COMES THE PROJECTION OF THE ENDING OF YOUR WORLD! AND WORSE, YOUR FUNDAMENTALISTS OF "CHRISTIAN DOC­TRINES" WILL BALLYHOO AND WHOOP-DE-DEE FOR THEY NOW EXPECT TO BE LIFTED OFF IN RAPTURE OF SOME RIDICULOUS SORT. IT WILL BE A SORTING, BUT NOT AS THEY ARE EXPECTING, LET ME ASSURE YOU!

The secretive and subservient U.S. entanglement with Israel over the years has produced no significant benefits for your nation--quite the contrary in­deed. It has thrown the doors opened wide for alien agents and lobbyists to perpetrate murders, dirty tricks, sabotage, disinformation and espionage on an unprecedented scale within the United States--within your own houses.

These facts are confronting you now as truth is pouring forth from many sources which cannot be discounted as easily as you can discount God and the Hosts. Strange that it required a brave intelligence officer, laying his neck on the block, for you to begin to see and hear. I have been telling you this for years and my scribes refused to present it unto you--in fear--and those who did were quickly corrupted, bribed and distracted into the "spiritual incredi­bility of doctrine and New Age lies". Brave news reporters efforted to tell you truth for some 15 years in the passing, such as SPOTLIGHT, and you listened and read it not. Many brave and daring truth bringers have met the ultimate physical death and discredit for telling you truth which you would not accept and now you are on the brink of the fulfillment of the final prophecies. If you fail to act and take note--you are destined to play out the play as handed down--in terror and holocaust.

The thefted state of Israel has a lobby in the U.S. which has displayed its dominant power over the U.S. Establishment media by intimidating major news organizations into ignoring or dismissing such exposes as unbelievable--or, even more threateningly, as the product of ethnic prejudice or other anti­social urges.

The stunning new book by Victor Ostrovsky, a former case officer of the Mossad, Israel's secret service, is headed for the best-seller lists--well over half a million orders have been received for it by its American publishers. Does it tell you things different from Hatonn's writings? No! Only "differently told". However, it is far easier for man to believe as it comes from man's visible experience. Yet, you experience it no differently than you experience reading a Journal--is that not so? So be it! Another point--there was more active government interference with the book by Ostrovsky in efforts to ban the ma­terial in the U.S. The intent by Kissinger and his mob was originally simply to remove Dharma and no one would notice. God works in most strange ways, His truth to present unto you little sheep.

The book is now public attention throughout the other parts of the world while being all but unnoted in the U.S. Just as with OTHER LOSSES it is hardly ever even mentioned on the screens of the media and never on pre­dominant pages of the papers. The French press, for instance, is giving it top billing just as they would the Journals, and will as they become presented unto them. A top French correspondent who served as a Middle Eastern press corp leader said, "The difference with this book is that the truth about Israeli subversion and terrorism can no longer be swept under the rug". Further, "The U.S. is going to have to confront the anger and consequences of their actions from all corners of the globe". That is a healthy mouthful, dear ones.

We have consistently and constantly presented the truth unto you and you have failed to listen. We have pointed out through writings and receivings through the years exactly what was transpiring herein and man pronounced that, "God would not speak of things in 'Caesar's world'". So be it! He who limits God and pronounces that God would not walk every step with His creations will find the whirlwind most uncomfortable--for if they will eliminate Him from their very existence--they will limit Him from their very salvation! AND THIS, BELOVED ONES IS WHY THERE WILL BE NO "RAPTURE" AS PRESENTED BY THE INDOCTRINED FOOLISH TOUTERS. YOU BUILD GOD IN YOUR IMAGE AND YOU WILL NOT FIND HIM WITHIN THOSE IMAGES!

The paper, SPOTLIGHT, for instance, has, over the years, given you a long string of carefully documented investigative reports marking the straight, and onerous, course of this group in unswerving pursuit of truth and the response of the nation and government has been to effort--in every manner possible--to silence the press.

The Israeli lobby in the U.S., led by the Anti-Defamation League and the World Zionist Organization, have long denounced the term "dual loyalist" as an ethnic "smear". Their propaganda was supported by the Israeli govern­ment, whose spokesmen strenuously denied that they ever recruited Ameri­can citizens with ethnic links to Israel as auxiliaries or agents for their min­istate's interests.

Now Ostrovsky's revelations have confirmed that the Mossad habitually en­lists and uses thousands of American-born sympathizers as auxiliaries or op­eratives for Israel's covert activities in your country. Further, you can see the "hawks" as they pronounce the need to invade Iraq--while Israel begins the building of the final temple. Yes, these are prominent persons, editors of major newspapers of the elite, Pulitzer prize writers and commentators, etc., to counter and spread the lies under the facade of integrity in editorials and opinions (Op Eds). These are the ones brought forth at this time and truth-bringers are excluded from all major news interviews. You won't find Larry King inviting a truth-bringer like George Green on the air-waves. He is only allowed to have the well-placed "appointed" disinformers.

The truth about those covert activities of the Mossad--espionage, disinforma­tion, economic plunder and political intrigue--has long formed the most anx­iously concealed aspect of this alien infiltration in the U.S. "We have no spies in America", Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin asserted in 1981, "and we strictly prohibit--in fact, would not tolerate for a minute--any clandestine activity against a friend such as the U.S.". "...they were liars from the begin­ning". "There is no truth in them". YOU HAD BEST REFRESH YOUR MEMORIES OF THE TRUTHS WHICH CAN BE FOUND WITHIN THE TAMPERED BOOK FOR SATAN IS ALWAYS REQUIRED TO WEAR A SIGN AND HE WILL ALWAYS PRESENT MORE "TRUTH" THAN LIE TO CAPTURE YOU AND MISLEAD YOU, THE MASSES OF UNSUSPECTING

Cover-ups have become so common-place that you no longer even question! The Establishment news organization in the U.S. is so in tune that you accept their presentations without notice.

In reality, precisely as we and others have exposed it, in fact, Ostrovsky has now confirmed that the Mossad and other covert Israeli agencies maintain large contingents of spies, electronic surveillance technicians, hideouts known as "safe houses" and other operatives in your country.

Israeli agents "were going to parties in Washington and New York, gathering information from senators and congressmen . . . . one of them ran an escort service that still exists", Ostrovsky informs you. His disclosures substantiate long-standing assumptions by the FBI that these alien espionage agencies used American Israel firsters and even "escort-service" prostitutes to sniff out secrets in the capital.

Israeli propaganda has long claimed that the Israeli state's military technology had grown so sophisticated that even the U.S. purchased some of its products, such as a new generation of advanced, pilotless aerial drones--small, remote-controlled planes used for reconnaissance. Most of this "advanced technology" was originally stolen from U.S. defense corporations. Zionists and Israeli agents now head most of your top corporations and aerospace companies.

I suggest that you get the Ostrovsky book for this man has now produced the detailed confirmation which can be researched.

You are in for some gruesome reading as you find that the Mossad has acted as advisers and teachers and "torture advisers" training "local" forces in brutal repression techniques--and was behind the bloody civil war, for instance, that devastated Sri Lanka. The truth is, if possible, even worse: Israeli operatives fueled the bloodshed in the long-peaceful Asian nation by training and equipping both the government and--for extra pay--the rebel side for mass killing.


Israeli "adviser teams" played similar roles as trainers of torture and repression techniques and arms peddlers in a dozen other Third World conflicts where heinous and horrible reports came back of atrocities beyond description. Even in Panama under the regime of Manuel Noriega, you will recall, the Mossad was there and very busy. They have infiltrated every part of your world with their evil.

Suffice it to say, this stunning, chilling account of alien penetration in America explains more about the underside of recent Middle Eastern events, and about the blundering, self-defeating role played in them by successive U.S. administrations, than any previous publication accepted by the American public. There are enough facts, irrefutable, within these documents to impeach Presidents and stand Congress on its ear--who in Congress, however, dares to step forward? We shall see, for if you the American people do not speak and stand against this "thing", you, as a nation, are destined to perish SOON!

Saddam was given the "green light" to invade Kuwait--BY THE U.S. ADMINISTRATION! Now he sits betrayed along with all your soldiers and YOU!

The evidence is coming forth, so pay attention. There is obvious cover-up. For instance, on only one point--the material sent by Saddam to show and play for the U.S. population had deleted all the information regarding conversations between Heads of State of Arab nations and between the U.S. Ambassador to Baghdad, April Glaspie, and Saddam Hussein on July 25, 1990, IN WHICH SHE TOLD THE IRAQI LEADER THAT PRESIDENT BUSH DESIRED BETTER RELATIONS BETWEEN THE TWO COUNTRTES AND THAT THE UNITED STATES HAD NO POSMON CONCERNING IRAQ'S BORDER DISPUTE WITH KUWAIT! That material has all been taken and placed in security with "no comment" status by reason of "national security". CHECK IT FOR YOURSELVES!!!

Further encouragement to Saddam was given in congressional testimony delivered by Assistant Secretary of State John Kelly on July 31, just two days before the Iraqi invasion. When asked by Rep. Lee Hamilton if the United States would come to Kuwait's defense if it were attacked, Kelly replied: "We have no defense treaty relationship with any Persian Gulf country".

Secretary of State James Baker has absolutely refused any comment as to whether or not Miss Glaspie's statements were appropriate and directed by the President. Baker said he "...would not deny 'the tolerant and friendly preinvasion U.S. policy' toward Iraq, but I'm going to say to you that there are probably 312,000 cables or so that go out over my name as Secretary of State from the Department of State".

In other words, little chelas, just as Pontious Pilote, he conveniently washed his hands of betrayal conspiracy while attending the planning of the opposition to bring your world to its knees--by total subterfuge.

Miss Glaspie was recalled in August from Iraq and has NOT BEEN SEEN PUBLICLY SINCE HER RECALL!

Bush himself has conceded that the U.S. sent no strong signals to Iraq that America would oppose military aggression, although he insisted that "there was some reason to believe", prior to the invasion, that attempting to improve Western relations with Iraq might well modify Saddam Hussein's behavior-- plus some mushy-mouthed and mumbled "non"-response to queries.

One of the reasons for the recent budget "discipline" of Congress was to get at the Democrats in the House who have begun to question and openly dispute the State Department's policies toward Iraq throughout the 1980's, charging that the Republican administrations of George Bush and Ronald Reagan en­couraged Saddam Hussein to invade Kuwait by providing him with material and moral support.


The soft policies toward Iraq by the Bush administration were certainly no se­cret. This was, however, the first serious criticism of U.S. Middle East policies leveled on Capitol Hill in the wake of the invasion and the U.S. military re­sponse. This barrage did not come forth, however, until the Bush administra­tion began proposing to sell Saudi Arabia up to $24 billion in advanced weaponry. Pro-Israel members of Congress immediately demanded the sale be scaled back and the administration acceded!

Adding fuel to the fire were charges by Senate intelligence committee chair­man David Boren that by the time of Kelly's testimony the CIA had already predicted "a really high degree of probability" that Iraq's military was ready to assault Kuwait, information ignored, seemingly, by the administration.

Rep. Tom Lantos of California called the administration's past approach to Iraq "a policy premised on fiction and fantasy". He also went on to allege that the "obsequious treatment of Saddam by a large number of high-ranking Bush administration officials encouraged him to invade Kuwait, and there's no es­caping that responsibility".

But Lantos and several other pro-Israel members also accused the adminis­tration of trying to "sneak" the Saudi arms sale past a Congress preoccupied with negotiating a budget and wrapping up work prior to the November elec­tions, and that it was trying to use the gulf crisis as cover for the sale.

Deputy Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger quickly announced that the administration would review the arms package on the basis of the complaints it was hearing from Capitol Hill.

However, the Saudis are unwilling to be left twisting in the winds. Washington representatives of the Saudi government have confirmed that the kingdom will simply look elsewhere for the arms needed for its long-term security re­quirements. This would deal an economic blow to U.S. defense industries, al­ready reeling from cutbacks resulting from the thaw between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. You see, the Arab nations all know what is going on and about the coalition between Israel and the U.S. to control the Middle East through war, force and power--AND, GET THAT TEMPLE BUILT ON "THE HOLY MOUNTAIN".

Although your James Baker refuses to be drawn into the squabble, he does say there were three signals sent to Saddam Hussein which have been ignored by the U.S. news media. The first, he described as export controls on goods shipped to Iraq announced by the Commerce Department on July 27. The administration did say, however, that it opposed the tougher sanctions then being considered by the Senate.

A second signal was to suspend Commodity Credit Corp. loan guarantees to Iraq for grain purchases--although that was an action taken by the Agriculture Department way back on April 14, and it was opposed by the State Depart­ment--while the third signal was to prevent the export of unspecified items Baker said might prove useful to Iraq in regard to missile or nuclear prolifera­tion.

Do any of you have an eerie sense of history in repetition? Iraq's invasion of Iran, which began a bloody 8 1/2-year war which nearly ruined both countries, was also encouraged by the United States, which told Saddam that Iran was weakened internally and ripe for the plucking. Is it then so unlikely that Sad­dam thought he was receiving the same kind of message in regard to Kuwait? So be it.

Now for a bit of confirmation regarding the war scheduled for October 3rd, which you ones want to discount and discredit Hatonn for the telling. I did not make the plans, I only reported that which was set and planned by the Is­raeli coalition and Global Elite. It was planned on that day so that by the day of October 8th (the Jewish Holy Day) the foundation stone could be laid for the temple and great celebration would take place. When the war was "postponed" the extremists refused to postpone the stone laying--no more and no less. YOU ARE IN GRAVE, GRAVE CIRCUMSTANCES OF WHICH MAGNITUDE YOU HAVE NO NOTION FOR THE FACTS ARE KEPT FROM YOU. IT IS INDEED OF MOST SERIOUS INCIDENT.

Why did Gen. Dugan get canned, really? Because he created explosive diplomatic problems when he disclosed that Israel had advised the U.S. on targeting within Iraq. The general said Israeli sources advised the Pentagon that the most "effective way" to affect Saddam Hussein's "thinking" is to at­tack "his family, his palace guard and his 'mistress' (of which lie has none). President Bush, of course, has labored tirelessly and endlessly to keep Israel from public attention in the Iraq crisis for fear of losing Arab support. He put it most succinctly: "The Arabs might be disturbed by Iraq, but they'll take any­thing over accepting Israel".

I will leave you with a bit of food for thought in relaying some incidents of confirmation.

These are quotes from national press items to which I am relatively sure you ones have not been made privy:

"U.S. officials have suspended their efforts to overturn a 1975 UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION EQUATING ZIONISM WITH RACISM because they need Arab support in the Persian Gulf, diplomats said. An unidentified State Department official insisted the U.S. is committed to repealing the resolution "as soon as possible." But a UN official said he had "seen no sign" of a U.S. move against the resolution in this UN session".


"In the LAND OF THE FREE you are allowed to burn the American flag, says the Supreme Court. BUT TWO MEN WERE ARRESTED IN PEKIN, ILLINOIS FOR BURNING AN ISRAELI FLAG. They were released on $50 bond each. Matt Hale and Steven Thornhill had intended to burn the flag in Peoria, but were threatened with arrest and a $500 fine. The men burned the flag as a protest against U.S. foreign policy in the Mideast". and so it goes - - - !

We would close this portion, Dharma. Thank you for your service for I realize you had other plans in mind this day as I had directed, but it is too urgent a matter regarding the Jerusalem Temple to allow another day to pass without bringing truth unto you ones. I repeat: THIS IS THE MOST CONFIRMING SIGN OF YOUR AGE! So be it and Selah!

Hatonn to clear, please. I am in appreciation for your attention. Saalome'.

PJ 20

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1990 8:38 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 57

I would please ask your indulgence and patience as we write this day. I am Hatonn and I come forth as sent, in service unto God, truth and Light. May we REASON together.

As I am flooded with queries regarding these days flowing past in confusion and seemingly intentless summation, I must remind you that you have been told over and again that in the days of Kali there would be that chaos from which man can draw no "reason" nor can they sort "wisdom and logic". The Prince of Deceit, the Liar with no truth within from the beginning, casts con­fusion and ridiculous circumstance in your path like rose petals at the wedding march. You, the people, will simply return to the mesmerizing shout of "play ball" and turn from the truth which could set you free. Is it not most conve­nient that you have now before you ball games for the bat and for the feet and no thought games for the "head"? Your shackles are being hewn and tempered in your Congressional halls and you turn to your gladiators to entertain you unto your destiny! You now see the great apostles of practical atheism, that make converts without persecuting and retain them without preaching, are at hand in your halls no longer ringing with freedom and justice--Wealth, Health, and Power.

Dear ones, when your President shouted his sarcastic slogan to the press on the yesterday, "Read my HIPS!", as he jogged with his entourage--actually said, "KISS MY ASS"! You are experiencing the making of a dictator, chelas, and so few seem to take notice. Wimp? No indeed! DICTATOR!

Men will always denounce those who bring truth for truth brings discomfort to the idle and self-oriented. Men desire luxuries of material gain, hot baths and wine and roses to play upon the senses and put the mind into deeper slumber for to change a thing from evil unto good requires wisdom and self-discipline. Even among those who claim to walk in the Hosts' very shadow oft-times re­ceive of the instructions and see not that they are for the receiver. When man chooses, in full knowledge, to walk forward with Satan's workers, he/she has made a most important decision while claiming to "allow" and "make no deci­sion at all". Credibility slips away like chaff from the gleaning baskets--for the workers in the fields can know not which wheat has been tainted by the asso­ciation within the growing places of the fungus.

How should men know what is coming to pass within them, when there are no words to grasp it? How could the drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on. Your subconscious (and unconscious) is like a vast subterranean factory with intricate machinery that is never idle, beloved friends, where work goes on day and night from the time you are born until the moment of your death--whatever might be your perception of either. It is the coming into consciousness which shall allow you to prevail above that which is enslaving unto yourself and species.

Along with the consciousness comes the guidance of conscience. You must come to believe in truth that humanness consists in what you might call that conscience, in that courage, if you wish, which you have shown, on perhaps only one single occasion, can prevail rather than in the cowardice which on many occasions has counselled prudence. It is sad indeed that the strongest feelings assigned to the conscience are not moral feelings at all; they express merely physical antipathies. And how does man plant of the seeds in his gar­den? How does he rear his children? 'Tis a fact, if the sewer of beans plants the bean seeds in crooked lines through mistake, the beans will make no mis­take--they will sprout and grow into maturity in the same crooked path in which sown. How many crooked garden rows have ye planted?

You ask me of "allowing"! "How do we allow without asking in Satan's hosts?" you ponder. Look at the other with objectivity of intent. See wherein you stray from conviction. Look within at the violence you do to yourselves in or­der to remain faithful to one you "claim" to "love"--to allow and bend always as the wind blows to please that "other". It is no better than an outright act of in­fidelity--for you only destroy both in the downfall. Faithfulness is to the emo­tional life what consistency is to the life of the intellect--if there is even a break in the consistency of faithfulness, there is destruction of truth and trust and the journey back into trust is all but vanished. Blatant faithlessness is to dump thine burden upon another as the child with the naughtiness--that the "other" might suffer long and he twisted within self in most deliberate manner. If the shoes seem to pinch the feet it is wise to check them for once causing blisters to the feet the journey of truth is but destined to be short indeed. How many pairs of painful shoes do you carry in order to punish self at the cost of that which was your destiny and purpose? How many times do YOU choose to walk with the deceiver rather than fulfill and stand responsible for your mission unto truth?

How many times do you withdraw unto things of worldly entertainment and self-need when the world is in pain and thine brethren overburdened in the daily work? What do YOU choose to do? Are you fulfilled in the ending? How many trusting friends do you betray in the seeking of and tending of that which openly presents itself as evil confusion? So be it, for the Masters are most cautious regarding the path taken by their workers for if the neighbor cannot retain the inner trust of credibility of the receiver--how then, can man come into total truth--Satan always gives mostly truth and deceives you finally by the lie. Does the shoe fit the ill-formed foot? Does the shoe cause a foot in handicap to become the crippling and disabling lie? Ponder it for some have most cloudy views in action.

Faults are acknowledged IN ORDER TO REPAIR BY YOUR SINCERITY THE DAMAGE THEY HAVE DONE IN THE EYES OF OTHERS AND UNTO ANOTHER. They are never left untended in truth if the desire is, in truth, to become "better". The Master did not simply "forgive"--He said, "Be healed and go forth and sin no more". Where do you fit within this context? Then, if ye go and deliberately sin again and thine brethren object, do ye blame them for not inviting you within their houses and circles of truth? To err is human--to allow deliberate continuation of error and sanction it by thine cooperation is indeed not of God for ye, in turn, sanction the evil behavior and take it unto self. How often do you forsake God and brother in search of needs of self while claiming actions to be of "saving" another? So be it--for God will allow you to be in your incorrect perceptions unto the ending toll. 'Tis you who must hear the chiming of the bell and the song of the trumpet--for alone you will stand in answer for self--unto God.

I remind you all of a truth. You will rarely confide thine painful truths unto one who is "better" than you for shyness and self deceit has laws: you can only give yourself, tragically, to those who least understand and they will use that which is precious and sensitive to later control and destroy that which is the true self. To whom you tell your secrets, to him you resign your liberty! This is why, once betrayed, it is all but impossible to reclaim trust. Then, if you continue in lack of trust--you are the fool and deserve of the consequences of thine foolishness. If one errs and changes of his path to err no more, ye have glory--if he continues to espouse uncertainty of path and continues to com­pound the error--you are doomed to lose all which ye have gained of self for he is "using" you for his own reward.

But I pray and pray and pray and - - - - ! For what do ye pray? Do you pray to God to cause another to change or others to accept that which is wrong and evil so that you might have of your choices? It is, most vain to expect your prayers to be heard, IF YOU DO NOT STRIVE AS WELL AS PRAY! Do not ask a Godly person to accept Satan as a bedfellow! If that one turns away from Satan, then and only then, can the individual in truth be asked into the houses of God for in Heaven within God's mansions there shall be no evil brought within. If man offers to change--allow him distance in order for his ability to PROVE OF SELF AND INTENT. For if the relationship bears merit--"time" hath no measure for man must EARN his position or he resents self and all who supply him with crutches. No greater gift can be given another than to require that he stand strong for then, and only then, can self-es­teem birth and grow and the conscience be freed to fly with the eagles. How many flight feathers are you responsible for clipping in order to keep another in sickness to fit unto thine own needs and excuses for not making "whole" of self?

To ask that the laws of the universe be annulled in behalf of a single petitioner might well be most unworthy. To ask, effort and work toward changing of the self-individual to come within the laws of the universe is indeed divine--wherein do you fit?

The "budget" is of little consequence for you will be given that which "they" have decided you will be given. The box is constructed in order that you will compromise with no escape. How many have taken note that in the distraction of formation of the budget to "lessen the debt" in order to "save you", THE GOVERNMENT AND FEDERAL RESERVE JUST RAISED THE NATIONAL DEBT CEILING BY SEVERAL ADDITIONAL BILLIONS? DEAR ONES, ONE IS TOTALLY CONNECTED TO THE OTHER! CHECK OUT THAT WHICH GOES FORTH WHILE YOU PONDER YOUR BALL GAMES AND WASHINGTON GAMES OF "COVER-UP".

How many of you reading this document can tell me the immediate status of the investigation of Neil Bush? I thought not! So be it.

The new information regarding your troops and the deplorable condition of your military equipment--is it truth or distraction? Unfortunately, it is truth for let us consider your M-1 tanks, as an example. They don't run without constant technical attention and maintenance--there is no way they can be dependable in the desert of Saudi Arabia. The desert shall consume you if nothing else happens in "Desert Shield" what-so-ever. However, beware of the news projected that says you will not "be able" to have offensive warfare for at least two months---THAT IS DECEPTION! YOU SHOULDN'T PUSH IT BUT THAT IS TO COVER THE FACT THAT IF YOU ARE GOING TO ACT AT ALL IT MUST BE QUICKLY NOW WHILE ALL OF YOU ARE LULLED INTO SLEEP AGAIN BY THE AWAITING EQUIPMENT. Israel is ready for war--NOW! The time has come to fulfill the prophecies and "protocols" and that means building a Temple on Temple Mount--which is now underway and the dye is cast; the first stones laid.

The war of emotions are full bore against the atrocities of Iraqis against brother Kuwaitis. Please pay attention to the ones telling of these atrocities and note the ones heading these investigative committees. Note similarity of projection of the horrendous stories and note the types of torture described. All "witnesses" work (read) from pre-prepared scripts, all liken the circumstance to "Hitler" and all tell of things which are typical of the Israeli Mossad-- not Arabs.

Now, let us consider the situation. You have exampled a state of WAR! WAR is not pretty, dear ones. War is the epitome of EVIL. What do you expect in war? Do you expect the conquering army to smile sweetly at the "enemy" while the enemy blows his head off and works with the enemy armies? Rape, ravage, pillage and plunder are traits of WAR and the experts from the Israeli Mossad have trained the world in RRPP. Further, I have terrible news for all of you who desire to continue the comparison with "Hitler". Adolf Hitler was an evil man in all true context--however, Adolf Hitler did not begin by seeking war--HE DID NOT WANT WAR! HE WAS PUSHED INTO WAR AND THAT WAS WHEN IT BECAME A HOLOCAUST. Perhaps I shall have opportunity to relay some of these truths to you as we find time, for the truth is interesting indeed.

The day has passed to make righteous impact in the eyes of the world regarding any statement from the United Nations Security Council and/or the U.S. You have just proven your ties and affiliations with Israel in the incident which began on Monday last. Funny thing, when Saddam so-called "invaded" Kuwait--the sanctions and denouncements were already written, signed and operative. Do you not see the point? Brothers, to be blind one thing--to refuse to open thine eyes and SEE is quite another! If there is any denouncement regarding Israel's actions it will be clouded with excuses and meaningless nothingness. The plan is in full operation and to distance through rhetoric and oratory is but part of the plan--IT IS REPEATED AGAIN AND AGAIN AND I HAVE POINTED THE INCIDENTS DIRECTLY TO YOUR ATTENTION OF 1982, JUST IMMEDIATELY PAST IN OUR WRITINGS. IT IS PART OF THE COVER-UP AND "DISTANCING" PROCEDURE WHILE MYRIADS OF OTHER DISTRACTORS ARE LAID FORTH TO CONSUME YOUR INTEREST AND POCKETBOOKS.

By the way, pay attention to that which your military proponents espouse. For instance, consider the Stealth B-2 bomber under consideration for funding-- while no one is looking. By the very words of the leaders it is noted that, "Russia continues to upgrade and refine all their equipment and stealth capabilities". The same leaders demand, "...continued support and continuing construction by 'Northrup' for they are the ones with the secret technology". All this and "security", too. Nothing is revealed for reasons of "national security", even to not allowing discussion of the open treasonous fraud known to be perpetrated by Northrup on you the people. Oh yes, these things even make it to your news channels and your government channels which you call C-SPAN and C-SPAN II. But it is indeed boring and frightful watching and always the most important committee hearings are DURING YOUR SPORTS AND SIT-COM PROJECTIONS OF BEST RATINGS TO KEEP VIEWERS TO AN ABSOLUTE MINIMUM IN NUMBERS.


I will go back to the discussion regarding mistreatment of Kuwait by Iraq and point out a possible reason for the push to condemn Saddam in order to sway public opinion. You have a Holy War brewing which shall be the worst happening to come on the planet and you quibble over "reading my lips". Let us consider the U.S. PROTECTION of terrorists and payment in the sum of $400 million dollars (personally) to Hafez al-Assad--REMEMBER HIM?

Arrests without cause, torture of the most heinous kind, summary prison hangings, shootings, police murders and official extortion have become "everyday threats" to the Syrian people under the dictatorship of Hafez al-As­sad under this new and Un-Holy alliance against his brothers and evil alliance with the U.S.' UN! Assad has imprisoned and massacred tens of thousands of innocent citizens in order to perpetuate his repressive regime in power. Where is your UN back-up to free those people? You have only joined in the horror and paid-off the hit-man handsomely indeed.

These are the stark and blatant findings of one of your own councils which you seem to mouth respect for and honor as hearing integrity, the UN Human Rights Commission. They have compiled an investigative report and have scheduled release of same during the current session of the General Assem­bly--how much attention do you think it will receive under the circumstances? It has already been postponed in the offering to the Assembly because it has run into unexpected extreme opposition from U.S. officials.

The reason: Assad, who has joined the multinational mobilization against Iraq in the Persian Gulf, is now regarded by the Bush administration as a "key ally" deserving pay-offs and protection from public disgrace. This has been fully confirmed and reported by Washington intelligence sources.

The Establishment media, beating the war drums "like a percussion hand conducted by Israel", as former UN press aide Hjalmar Tonggren put it, ig­nored the cover-up of Syria's criminal record and continuing horror activities.

"The facts can't be concealed forever", warned Tonggren, who served on the public information staff of the world organization's Human Rights Commis­sion before he took a sabbatical to write. "Our study contains the findings of several rights groups, including Amnesty International and other organiza­tions. Our conclusions are true, and the truth will out", says Tonggren. Well, there are some pretty good misinformers in those groups who invent truth to suit the needs of the moment--however, as we have described recent Assad iniquities, I am pretty sure the document will be fairly accurate in most in­stances.

Let us look at portions of this "shelved" draft report and check some of the revelations being squashed:

The Assad regime is sustained by 17 different secret-police and counterintelli­gence services employing more than 100,000 agents. That is a huge number of enforcers to watch over a nation of some 12 million. By comparison, to be comparable, the U.S. would need more than a million FBI agents.

It is concluded that the Assad administration is a "police government". The secret service chiefs, almost exclusively Alawite military officers with personal links to Assad, make all meaningful decisions. Well, where is your freedom? It appears to me that in this instance you are no different in context--you, too, have become a police government! The police instructors are right now de­ciding that which they will "take" from you taxpayers and citizenry--by gun if necessary!

The Assad regime holds an estimated 17,000 political prisoners. These are not in nice comfortable "Club Fed" facilities such as you have for your white-collar criminals. A black man in the South can be incarcerated at hard labor for life for stealing a pack of cigarettes (and has been) while ones who have stolen your nation and all your assets learn tennis and continue to run your nation.

Once in the hands of the ubiquitous secret police of Assad, few suspects es­cape torture of the most cruel and often revoltingly sadistic type. Among the most widely used "interrogation instruments" used by Assad's agents are the so-called al-Abd al-Aswad ("the black slave"), a mechanical device which slowly drives a heated rod into the victim's most sensitive body parts, and the "al-Kursi", an iron chair designed to twist and gradually break the victim's legs and ultimately his spine.

Thousands of innocent citizens are hauled in and mistreated each year simply as random spot checks on popular "attitudes and lurking discontent" against the regime. But prisoners suspected of real opposition activities or criticism of Assad are tortured with incredible intensity for months and occasionally, if the individual survives, for years.

Oh, you don't want to believe this? Well, this all comes from the same group telling you of all the other atrocities and you will note that these are the very methods TAUGHT BY THE MOSSAD. Where does this put your nation in the line-up? You have just paid this man off in taxpayer money! Mr. Baker dines and plans with this leader and bargains your taxpayer money AND THAT OF ISRAEL--IN HALFSIES, along with enforced contributions by Arab national rulers trying to save their wealthy kingdoms. Two hundred mil­lion comes directly from U.S. taxpayers, $200 million from Israel (with the original money assets for same coming directly from you the U.S. taxpayer 'to and through Israel', and the other $400 million as collection from wealthy Arab world "rulers" trying to save all those assets from their own people).

The report says that to heap political favors such as the suppression of the UN Human Rights Report, as well as payoffs and other benefits of an emerging alliance on such a reprehensible regime, "humiliates America and signals that our military deployment in the gulf has no moral purpose", says a veteran analyst on the State Department's Near Eastern desk, asking not to be quoted by name. "An alliance with Assad means complicity in some of the most horrifying atrocities and genocidal crimes of recent history". So be it and Selah! AND WHERE WERE YOU ON THE DAY THE WORLD ENDED?

Dharma, it is too late this writing to begin on the "Villains of the S&L Crisis" so we will close for now and hopefully, include it within the next scribing. The cover-up in the official Washington circles has gone on for well over a decade and now the distractions are hiding it most effectively while the RTC steals the rest of your assets--So be it, chelas--it is time for "put up" or "shut up". In the Santa Barbara Savings debacle alone, you will find it goes all the way past the past presidency of Reagan and right on into the present administration and, although personal in proximity unto you as a group--regarding this cur­rent property of my scribe--it is typical and rampant in the network of ALL. I certainly don't want to miss giving the proper ones credit where due. The plan has worked to perfection to bring your nation down and allow capturing of uncountable profits and property unto the money-mongers and greedy treasonists of your wondrously created nation. How could this have come to be? Easily! You were lulled to sleep by all the luxuries and "good life" and you didn't notice that the trap was closing and that there was not escape exit built into the dungeon.

There is one debacle after another built into your future and immediate course and each one will be larger and more extensive (and expensive) than the prior. You are in a DEPRESSION and you have somehow not noticed even though I have been badgering you endlessly about it.


Hatonn to clear, please. Thank you for your attendance.