PJ 20


SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1990 3:20 P.M. YEAR 4 DAY 59

Let us finish this Express and Journal Chapter with current circumstance. There is great misunderstanding regarding Jews, Zionists, U.S. Nationalism and anti-Semitism, or, any other anti-anything.

Zionism is a secular political movement dedicated to the establishment of a Jewish state. It seeks to transform religious hopes and the yearning for individual freedom into a nationalistic political program. Not until the first Zionist Congress in 1897 did Theodor Heal call for a "legally secured Jewish home in Palestine". Zionism uses the mask of religion to hide its blatant nationalism, racism and atheistic philosophy. (Doesn't sound like Father Joseph's or Mother Mary's Jewish children to me)!


Actually, since the U.S. abandoned her traditional nationalism and intervened in a European war and turned it into World War I, hundreds of thousands of young American service people have died in needless foreign wars.

It is imperative that the U.S. return to the old Monroe Doctrine in which you tolerated no European or Asian domination of any nation--IN YOUR HEMI­SPHERE. It is equally imperative that you observe ALL OF THE MON­ROE DOCTRINE, in which you pledged not to intervene in quarrels outside the Western Hemisphere.

Unless your leaders are forced to return to sanity, the world will be goaded into a devastating World War III. The greatest, most effective means the internationalists use to promote U.S. intervention in the volatile Middle East is the charge of "anti-Semitism" to those who oppose using American tax dol­lars to support Israeli aggression and oppression. You have developments un­folding this very day which prove the point.

Israel, on the yesterday, said they would not fight a UN force moving into Jerusalem to investigate Monday's fray. Now, today, they refuse any coopera­tion and denounce any such move and will effort at preventing any such group from entering. What does that tell you, America? Does it not say loudly and clearly that there is evil afoot? If you have nothing to hide from the world then why all this objection to finding truth. Surely if the Palestinians were the culprits, they would quickly be denounced as usual! No, the group will find foundation stones for the "new temple" and exclusion of the Palestinian wor­shippers from their Holy places--through intensified force!

Some of the "natural" incidents you are undergoing in America is to bring the Bush administration under control in an all-out effort to bring the Israelis un­der control--for if this is not done within mere days, that massive war will be underway!


Americans today are confused by various religious and historical myths that surround the question of the formation and destiny of the so-called "republic" of Israel. Uninformed so-called "Christians" believe that Zionism is a "religious" movement, instead of a political one.

The gravest confusion exists in the realm of the political, however. The phi­losophy of internationalism, which has been assiduously inculcated into the minds of two generations of Americans by a veritable army of well-financed brainwashers who aim to bring about a world of perpetual peace through perpetual war, has unfortunately been absorbed even by millions of Ameri­cans who consider themselves patriots--this certainly includes Jewish persons. perhaps to an even greater extent than others.

Most Americans seem subconsciously to believe that ANY FIGHT ANY­WHERE in the world between two groups justifies your nation's immediate intervention, the appropriation of millions or billions of dollars and the raising of an army to bring "peace" to the afflicted area.

Only a very tiny few Americans ever stop to think that there are at least three sides to any quarrel of foreigners--there is one side to each of the antagonists and also the American side. And contrary to the naive and childish interna­tionalist idea that wars are fought between the "good" and the "evil'', as Spinoza once said, they are fought between two "right" sides.

The question that America should answer when viewing the differences of others is not "Which side is right?" and "Which side should America take?" but "What are the interests of America?"!

As simple and as self-evident as this is, the thought is totally alien to most Americans--and particularly to your political leaders.

I will briefly herein touch on a few points which shall be enlarged upon in a future presentation allowing more space for publication.

Could you, for a minute, forget everything except being "American"? If you are of another country--pretend for this moment that you are American. Consider the Mideast problem from an unabashedly America-First stand­point, as peculiar and unpopular as such a position may be with the false pa­triots and the corrupt who deliberately strive to use the power of the Ameri­can people for alien ends and their Own personal profit.

The question you must attempt to answer is not, "Are the Jews or the Arabs (in this instance, Iraq) right"? but rather, "What is to America's best interest"? Now you must also realize that oil, to the citizen of the U.S., is not short of supply nor should there be outrageous prices for you have abundant supplies of oil both stored and unproduced domestically.

Readers will note that the above means what it says, as the writer herein does not mistake the interests of say, Standard Oil, for the national interest of America, and consider that anyone who would contemplate war for the pur­pose of protecting the profits of a few stateless international financiers and stockholders is unworthy of serious refutation.

Although the judgments in this instance appear to be harsher against Israel and international Zionism than against the Iraqis, the reader is respectfully re­minded that if he wishes to know the pro-Israel viewpoint, all he has to do is to turn on his television set, buy a newspaper or contact his nearest politician.

The state of Israel is purely the product of the political machinations of one political group--the Zionists--made up largely of atheistic self-proclaimed and false Jews. You find the Zionists trying to involve the U.S. of America in their feud with the Arabs at every time--which involvement is over land which has been stolen by the Zionists.

Let us contrast the "traditional" basis of American foreign policy in rejecting "entangling alliances with foreign powers" and the political, economic and military disasters that have always resulted when this historic principle of non­intervention (neutrality) has been forgotten or ignored. You are going to re­ally have to reach back a long way for this one.

If America is to avoid being swept into the maelstrom of a nuclear confronta­tion in the Middle East and a resulting world war that would destroy all the fruits of Western culture and civilization, you must stand firm for a policy of neutrality and non-involvement in the Middle East and demand a return of your soldiers, equipment and all fragments thereof--HOME TO AMERICA!

Historians have already pointed out quite sufficiently that American intervention in the affairs of Europe in 1917 only created new problems for America. That, dear ones who don't remember, was the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Within only a couple of decades, the fruits of the Versailles Treaty were harvested: World War II. By secret planning of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and England's Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill, the U.S. experienced its greatest military disaster at Pearl Harbor, which led to your involvement once again in the ancient quarrels of other nations.

Yet, in spite of the sacrifice of thousands of American youth and the expendi­ture of billions of the taxpayers' money, no lasting accomplishment came out of the two world wars, as I am sure any of you can take note.

Thousands of American soldiers, almost forgotten, still patrol the uneasy bor­der between South and North Korea. An uneasy truce, constantly being vio­lated, reflects the failure to secure convincing victory either on the military or diplomatic fronts. Again, the violation of your policy of neutrality led to the needless death of countless American youths. Some of these soldiers still are POW's and, beloved chelas, a great number of them are in SOVIET PRIS­ONS IN RUSSIA AT THIS VERY TIME. Your intervention in Asian affairs has led to the upsetting of the subtle balance of power in Asia and has given the Soviet Empire the excuse for formation of the strongest military force in world history to protect its Asian empire from American encroachment.

Now you had better take a closer look at that which is taking place through China at the present time, for it is far more important than you can imagine. CHINA IS BEGINNING A VAST EXPLORATION OF THE ANTARC­TIC!! NOW JUST WHY DO YOU SUPPOSE THEY WOULD BE DOING SUCH A THING?

Your retreat from Vietnam, after the expenditure of more than 50,000 lives and hundreds of billions of dollars, constituted the first military defeat for the U.S. Although your troops were finally out, the war-torn peninsula remained aflame with intense conflict. Your intervention in Vietnam was a crime, not only to all Vietnamese but to yourselves, and the significance of your shameful defeat is not even vaguely understood by Americans. You have left your­selves open to be actually invaded by these Viet-Cong right into and up through your southern border with Mexico. Further, your government is in­deed over its head into the Opium trade from out of the Asian Golden Trian­gle.

Your misadventure in Vietnam is categorical in its proof of the total irrespon­sibility and stupidity of the internationalist policy of "perpetual war for per­petual peace", which you have followed since the days of poor foolish puppet Woodrow Wilson.

It is clearly established, by all these lessons of the past and present, that American involvement in the affairs of foreign nations is a costly and useless exercise in meddling.

Americans must examine carefully the unending propaganda of the Zionists, in the press, on the air and especially on the floor of Congress. Able expo­nents of Zionist schemes to entangle you in the quarrels and feuds of the Mideast forget their roles as "doves of peace" in the Vietnam conflict, and raise their shrill "war-hawk" cries for intervention in the Arab-Israeli conflict.

With Zionists in control of the American press, radio, and TV, the flood of advocates for American intervention are selling the American public a false religious-political sentimentality that, "Israel is God's chosen nation--you must save it"! Oh, perish the thought!

If your people and leaders ignore the lessons of the past and involve you in the angers and hates of the Mideast, then will come the most horrible nuclear holocaust and the death of the world you have known and presumably loved.

Your examination of American diplomatic history must begin at least as far back as Washington's Farewell Address of 1796, wherein he admonished your young country to guard against foreign entanglements. "It is our true policy", declared George Washington, "to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world--so far, I mean, as we are now at liberty to do it".

This policy of avoiding entanglements and maintaining neutrality in the Washington presidential tradition was solidified in Thomas Jefferson's first inaugural address, in which the new president supported the non-interventionist policy of Washington. Jefferson counseled his fellow citizens to enjoy ''peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, and entangling alliances with NONE".

Washington's great rule found further expression in the Monroe Doctrine, enunciated by President James Monroe in 1823. All Americans know that the chief executive here declared that the Western Hemisphere was the specific interest of the U.S. and that the nations of Europe and Asia were to keep out of the Western Hemisphere in terms of military adventure or conquest. You Further guaranteed the safety and preservation of these nations within your Western Hemisphere's geographical area--you most certainly did not promise to invade them as with Panama.

What many forget over and over, is that Monroe added another guarantee, namely: "As long as the other nations of the world respect our area of influence in the Western Hemisphere, we acknowledge that we have no MORAL right to interfere with the extensions of power by other nations in the other areas of the world". Thus, President Monroe sharply delineated his understanding of the moral basis for Washington's neutrality policy. It may come as a surprise to many misinformed Americans to learn that the Monroe Doctrine is a two-way street.

As log as your leaders were firm in supporting this doctrine, other nations respected it and observed its restrictions. In 1866, the Monroe Doctrine was invoked to oppose the intervention of France in Mexico, which had as its object the establishment of the Archduke Maximilian as Mexico's emperor. Again, in the late 1860's, President Ulysses Grant broadened the doctrine to forbid the transfer of European territory in the New World from one European power to another.

In 1905, Teddy Roosevelt added what was to become known as the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. President Roosevelt expounded the principle that "chronic wrongdoing, or an impotence resulting in the general loosening of the ties of civilized society on the part of a country in the Western Hemisphere, might require the U.S. to exercise an international police power".

Roosevelt's forceful declaration was generated by the situation in Latin America and the Caribbean area, where the navies of the British and German empires were setting up blockades of the Venezuelan coast.

The Pan American Conference of 1940 reasserted that no country in the New World could be transferred from one power to another, and the U.S. was authorized to act unilaterally in an emergency to enforce this principle.

One more example of this application of the Monroe Doctrine occurred in 1962, when President John F. Kennedy instituted a naval blockade around Cuba and announced a "naval quarantine of the island". After secret negotiations and an agreement, not yet made public, between the president and the leaders of the Kremlin, the missiles were "officially removed" from Cuba.

Your last foray in the New World under the Monroe Doctrine was in 1965, when U.S. Marines were sent into the Dominican Republic to quell a communist-inspired revolution.

After reading this profile of Washington's and Jefferson's advice to stay clear of involvement with foreign nations outside the Western Hemisphere, it is valid to pause and ask how you slipped up and permitted yourselves to become involved in two world wars and several "local wars"--set forth by 'Executive Order and never declared valid by your Congress.

Again, a review of history is requisite to a full comprehension of both of these twin disasters and the conspiratorial webs that ensnared your government. Though Americans claim to detest war, you have lost hundreds of thousands of your fighting men in both world wars in the effort to "make the world 'SAFE FOR DEMOCRACY'".

The critical question must arise: "Why did America permit itself to be baited into these terrible wars"? Most Americans remain woefully uninformed as to the whys and wherefores of the maneuvering that surreptitiously nudged the United States of America into those holocausts.

In 1916 the political parties of the U.S. sensed the mood of the electorate as calling for neutrality. The majority of citizens felt the quarrels of Europe were their own family affairs over there. Woodrow Wilson, hypocritically, was running as the candidate who "kept us out of war". The Republican platform also called for a "strict and honest neutrality in the European war". The Democratic platform condemned the efforts of every organization "that has for its object the advancement of the interest of a foreign power".

Then, on January 22, 1917, President Wilson told the Congress: "We do not desire any hostile conflict with the Imperial German government; we are the sincere friends of the German people and earnestly desire to remain at peace with the government that speaks for them".

While the American people were thus lulled into the belief that both political parties were "peace parties", already, hidden events were pushing Wilson to­ward a warlike position.


As one traces American steps of intervention toward both World Wars, histo­rians find it essential to examine the part which Zionism has played in getting Americans to fight European wars and then expose the real political objec­tives of the Zionists.

When one attempts to point out the part played by Zionists in getting you into war, the cry is immediately made that, You are anti-Semitic". This, many times, frightens the unsuspecting historian and closes his inquiry into this important aspect of political life--which is exactly that which it is created to perfect.

Oddly enough, one can successfully speak of German history without being branded anti-German; one can discuss the Irish, the Poles or Italians, without fear of reprisal. But let one discuss the origins of the present Arab-Israeli conflicts and--unless the Jews are cast in nothing but the most glowing terms--the "anti-Semitic" charge springs forward like some reflex, calculated to in­timidate and gag any concessions on behalf of the Arabs.

Yet, you cannot trace American intervention in World War I and your aban­donment of Gen. Washington's injunction "to avoid permanent alliances" without examining Zionism and its role in pushing the U.S. into war. So, without apology, we must trace the steps by which Zionists have pushed "gentile" nations into bitter conflict with or "gentile" nations, in order for the Zionsist nation to rise triumphant out of the discord and ruins of the goyim nations.

Zionism is an unknown quantity to most people; but one fact must be made unmistakably clear, and that is that Zionism IS NOT JUDAISM, NOR IS IT JEWRY. ZIONISM IS AN INTERNATIONAL AND CULTURAL SCHEME TO ESTABLISH A JEWISH HOMELAND IN WHAT WAS FORMERLY KNOWN AS PALESTINE AND IS NOW ISRAEL!
Zionism was founded not by Abraham or Moses, but by Theodor Herzl, a Hungarian journalist, in 1897. Herzl was Jewish, but there are many non-Jewish Zionists and many Jewish non-Zionists.

There was only one small and inconvenient difficulty with Herzl's dream of selling up this Zionist homeland in Palestine: 93 percent of its inhabitants were Arabs, and this had been historically true for 19 centuries. It is true that more than 3,000 years ago the area was INVADED AND CONQUERED BY BANDS OF HEBREWS AND A "MIXED MULTITUDE" OF OTH­ERS, but the blood relationship between these Biblical peoples and modern Jews, after more than a hundred generations, is most faint indeed--and that is to say the very least.

Dharma, allow us to close this portion lest the Express gain the length of a Journal in one issue. We shall finish this dissertation in the following Express. This is the most important fact about your modern day circumstances; more important than is any other. Until next time, I ask blessings upon you all and may God he thine shield. Saalome' Hatonn to clear.

PJ 20


SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1990 8:20 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 59

All I wish to say regarding today's watch is to pay close attention to that which is happening in widespread outlay. Note incredible bloodshed in Egypt, Palestine and elsewhere in far distant places, one from the other. This is typi­cal "distraction" while your government goes about its planned deceptions.

Pay close attention to the water supplies in Jordan and that entire region
around the Euphrates, Tigris and Jordan Rivers. Oil may be the point at issue this day, but it shall be the water which causes the massive wars as the wells dry and the rivers are choked off by the up-river dams utilized for the elite gains.

Please note the floods "of the century" from what were basically very small tropical type storms in your own Southeast. This massive deluge is not nature at work, it is manipulation of those small storms through sophisticated guid­ance systems. The conspiracy is beyond your imagination and those you con­sider to be "your own" defenders will do you in to gain their advantage. So be it.

Finally, Dharma:

First we will give a general breakdown of the situation for many were totally asleep as the S&L situation began to unfold. The cover-up has been massive as has been the unprecedented deception and thievery from you the people. The banks shall be worse as they fall prey to the elite trap and the economy shall collapse. The mouthings over the budget in Washington are simply that­--"mouthings". Perhaps more insight to just one facet of the major scams, the S&L's can give you insight as to that which you are up against. For if you have evil corruption in one MAJOR area of life--there will be corruption and evil in all other areas with the same participants. It is like this day as Israel says, "We will investigate the uprising of Monday last! We will not block the UN inves­tigators but neither will we answer to them". If the fox is eating the chickens within the hen house, you will not save the chickens until you rid yourselves of the foxes! The fox may well blame the "skunk" or "coon" for the chicken deaths but you must look beyond to the foxes you locked within the hen house for a chicken thief will always be a chicken thief--even if it glues feathers to it­self and calls itself a chicken!

We will just take the S&L situation from about the mid-1970's because you need current data. The fact that the groundwork was laid a century ago is evident but distracting. We will speak of that which has unfolded in your at­tention span.

The official Washington cover-up has moved along in desperation trying to hide the true dimensions of the savings and loan debacle for well over a decade. Aided and abetted by the thrift industry and its hired hands--accoun­tants, appraisers, attorneys--key figures in both parties have so relentlessly re­fused to face reality that American taxpayers will have to pay a cleanup bill that will easily exceed $500 billion within the next couple of years. This is in­clusive of ONLY the S&L's. There has been total collusion among the judi­ciary circles, investment operations and the old/new Resolution Trust Corpo­ration set forth to "save" you. The entire scenario is orchestrated to gain all property into the hands of the elite and movement is steadily in that consum­mation of actions. The manipulations of dishonesty and cover-up, just re­garding the property of Dharma and Oberli, moves from the grass roots S&L of Santa Barbara Savings, and attached corporations, all the way up and through participation by two U.S. presidents. It does require brave souls, in­deed, to go against such odds. First they effort at the lawyer level to strip a citizen of assets beyond which the case cannot be fought for no lawyer will take on such a case except until the funds are exhausted and most judges will dismiss a case unrepresented by a "brother" lawyer. THERE IS NO JUS­TICE REMAINING IN THE JUDICIARY SYSTEM. Even a just Judge can hardly stand against the laws enacted in the legislatures by lawyers to protect lawyers and not people.

The cost so far, just to these ones, is well in excess of $100,000 and the case it­self has not even begun--there has yet to be allowed hearing. There is proof that there was no sale and yet that fact (which the case is all about) is never allowed mention in the courtrooms. It is truly come to be a sad time in Camelot!

The S&L cover-up continues in more desperation today, with the federal agency in charge of the S&L bailout running out of cash and neither Congress nor the White House is willing to provide more funds, at least not on the sur­face. But that, too, is planned chaos to require the RTC to dump more and more business and private property--which will be scooped up by the elite wealthy and you are not supposed to be the wiser for the sleight of hand.

The problem WILL NOT GO AWAY. The over-dramatic jailing of Charles Keating, accused of criminal fraud for looting a large California thrift, thrust the scandal back onto the front pages. Neil Bush, the President's son, faced public hearings on his role in the failed Silverado (Colorado) S&L that will eventually bleed far over a billion dollars from you the people. We will take up this matter in depth in just a few paragraphs.

Let me outline what takes place in a "seized" S&L. I can use Santa Barbara Savings as an example for we deal with them every day and have witnessed first hand the operations. I realize that I could write a full Journal on each topic but we have neither the time nor the personnel to handle all the labor involved. We will simply work diligently to get the information to you in the most advantageous manner, as quickly as humanly possible.

Note that there was a "reminder" earth tremor in the San Francisco area within these 24 hours. I urge some of my beloved ones who think to transfer to that area to ponder that decision most carefully. The Hayward fault line is pegged for slippage in a massive way in the relatively near future when a ma­jor point can be made.

Pay attention to the Atlantis shuttle; it is not even kept secret that it will bear a major military pay-load and I suggest that you watch carefully the "natural" happenings of "mother nature". Whether or not you wish to believe or face facts, you are being manipulated by some very sophisticated "genetic robotoids" and they are without compassion or truth--YOU ARE THE EX­PENDABLES!

As we speak, federal regulators have filed a $200 million suit against Bush and other officers of Silverado. How much money do you think will be gleaned by lawyers, etc., from such a suit and do you actually think that there will be $200 million paid in fines? There was an "invasion" of Panama last December to save Bush property in Panama of some $300 million. I think you might see my point?

A few brigands and swindlers have gotten most of the publicity and blame; they could not have flourished without an amazing run of intentional cover-ups and mistakes by people who knew better: Congressmen and cabinet offi­cers, regulators, lobbyists and journalists who failed to allow the clues to sur­face. This is based on a drive of total greed and self-interest. The net result of the cover-up was to cripple the nation's financial immune system. "All kinds of safeguards were built into the system to make sure this didn't hap­pen", said William Seidman, who is overseeing the bailout. "And all of them didn't work". NO! All kinds of safeguards were built into the system for the crooks, and all of them DID WORK--for long enough! The security system has not failed--you have marched right on to the next phase of the dastardly scheme. They haven't finished the blood-letting by any form or means.

As with Santa Barbara Savings (SBS) as an example, the S&L got into "trouble" intentionally and was required to do business "differently". They, for a while, could only accept deposits and would have to cease making loans and what-not until their asset base was increased to a given level. But as business seemed to lag under the watchful eye of the regulators, the officers and own­ers gave themselves overnight bonuses of multi-thousands of dollars. Within 24 hours the Resolution Trust Corporation moved in and a Mr. Berry took control of the S&L. The word was publicly given forth that the officers had "retired". That does not mean that the officers do not still run the S&L. Fur­thermore, Mr. Berry made great publicity and then moved into the main SBS offices into a lovely office suite--expense free. All other employees, especially their legal department, remained the same. Now the facts are that nothing has changed--the operation can continue to do business as usual under the "supervision" of the RTC.

Now a fun game starts for those who have claims or suits against SBS, such as the Ekkers. There is a little known "form" which must list all claims against a given S&L, entered and registered with the special branch of the RTC group in charge of this "supervision" within a specified "short" period of days or THE CLAIM IS FOREVER BARRED FROM BEING ENTERED! That means, dear ones, that with very little manipulation and "in-the-mail accidents of non-­delivery of forms and instructions" a person with a pending court case finally gets hearing scheduled only to find out he has not entered the claim form and the case never opens!!!!

I would like to say at this point that SBS and their attorneys, as well as Mr. Berry, do not like Hatonn very much for I seem to botch their schemes at ev­ery turn. And still, we may not win the round--WE WILL WIN THE WAR! Believe me, by the time we are finished it would have been so much wiser of SBS to give the property and unlimited damages to these people for Hatonn sticks like super-glue to tissue paper. The lawyer in charge of SBS's case is a fine Zionist right from Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, a friend of the Reagans' benefactors, to be explicit. He doesn't know HOW we catch every last ma­neuver he pulls.

This lovely man, by the name of Steven Horn, even got continuances of 90 days in order to lapse the time of filing the "unknown" claim with the RTC! I sent Oberli, Dharma and Audrey to the office just before the lapse "to settle the matter with Mr. Berry". They were literally thrown out of the office by the lawyer, Mr. Berg, who had been involved in the deception and fraud from on­set of the case some three years past. What interesting things you find if you hear our nudges and follow through. This gave us opportunity to up the amount of damages and allowed Oberli to write some most insightful letters to Mr. Berry with copies to Mr. Seidman (mentioned above).

Well, for politicians, dear ones, a reckoning could come on election day! Some thrift officers, like Keating, face criminal and civil charges which might place them in Club Fed minimum security Country Club for a very brief period of time while they continue manipulation in absentia. But most of the critical figures will remain unaccountable to the voters or to the courts. Judgment, for them, will be rendered only by history, and their own consciences--both of which are rarely noted.

The thrift industry was created in the 1930's for the worthy purpose of enabling millions of Americans to buy homes on reasonable terms. But it contained a basic flaw: depositors could withdraw their money at any time, but thrifts themselves were committed to 20 or 30-year mortgages at low interest rates. This "maturity mismatch" would not have been tolerated by the financial markets, except for one thing: federal deposit insurance guaranteed the whole system against loss (and remember what I told you about that insurance? The law establishing such a thing was never ratified into law it does not exist in reality).

Franklin D. Roosevelt warned at his first press conference as President that insurance would "put a premium on unsound banking" and cause "a probable loss" He knew his colleagues better than you might suspect! Now comes the misconception, however, for the story goes on that, "Roosevelt signed it ultimately into law in any event". Ah, but it was never ratified and, therefore, became no law at all!

The system seemed to function well, for a while, under what was called the 3- 6-3 formula: depositors collected 3 percent interest on their accounts, the funds were lent to homeowners at 6 percent, and the thrift bosses headed to the golf course at 3 p.m. This system provided tidy profits for S&L owners and helped house the middle class for decades because interest rates stayed stable for a while. But in the late 1960's, the Vietnam War ignited an outburst of inflation, and in the early 1970's, the great surge in oil prices fueled it further. As interest rates rose, S&L depositors looked for better investments. This outflow of funds set off alarm bells, but Congress ignored the underlying problem. Banking experts argued that S&L's should be allowed to introduce adjustable-rate mortgages that could adapt to changing conditions. But populists on Capitol Hill, led by Senator William Proxmire, D-Wisconsin and later chairman of the Banking Committee, stopped the idea cold in 1974. In the populist's view, long-term, low-rate mortgages were an American birthright; they just never figured out how to pay the tab. The cover-up had begun in real intent!

Through the late '70's, the deposits hemorrhaged out of S&L's into money-market accounts set up by banks and brokerage houses offering higher interest rates than thrifts were allowed to charge. In March, 1980, the entity Jimmy Carter signed legislation designed to ease the problem by lifting interest-rate ceilings for S&L's. Thrifts then found themselves paying as much as 18 percent to attract depositors, but since the measure did nothing to allow them to diversify their investments, they remained saddled with huge portfolios containing 6 percent mortgages. Given this gap, capital reserves of the thrift industry plunged from $31 billion to $4 billion in two years. The 1980 bill left the industry essentially bankrupt--but the elite Global 2000 Plan was set and under way in fine form!

The 1980 bill had other problems. It permitted federal officials to lower the capital levels thrifts were required to keep on hand. The idea was to give troubled institutions time to recover; the result was to rebaptize unhealthy institutions as healthy ones. In October, 1980, Jay Janis, head of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board (I like to give credit where due!), which then supervised the industry, lowered capital requirements from 5 percent of assets to 4 percent. Two years later Janis's successor, Richard Pratt, lopped off another point--the net effect allowed thrifts to increase their exposure by 65 percent.

Another damaging provision of the law raised the amount of federal deposit insurance from $40,000 per account to $100,000. While some experts protested, lawmakers said the aim was to enhance the security of the system. The result though, was to encourage some thrift operators to take risky gambles with those deposits. The change was done mainly under the prodding of Senator Alan Cranston a California Democrat, and Fernand St Germain, the Democratic chairman of the House Banking Committee, two of the largest recipients of S&L campaign donations! THESE DONATIONS CAME FROM ONES LIKE LINCOLN SAVINGS AND SANTA BARBARA SAVINGS, ETC., THROUGH OWNERS OF THE S&L'S SUCH AS THE LAW FIRM OF SHEA AND GOULD WITH WHOM THE MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGE IN MOJAVE, CALIFORNIA, AND THE SEATED JUDGE WHO DID IN DHARMA AND OBERLI, WAS A MEMBER OF THE FIRM. THEY ALSO GAVE GREAT DONATIONS TO THE CAMPAIGN OF DUKEMAJIAN, GOVERNOR! WHAT A TANGLED WEB IS BROKEN WHEN THE TRUTH IS FINALLY SPOKEN!
A "Common Cause" report says Cranston and St Germain received $144,000 each in the 1980's from S&L interests. That is only what showed on the surface--by accidental happenstance and poor record keeping. Acting with the U.S. League of Savings Institutions, they faced little opposition. S&L's were a potent force because they combined a sentimental, "little guy" image with a large bankroll that pumped $11.67 million into campaigns in the 1980's. The league's power was so great that it virtually controlled the bank board and its regional offices--compromising any oversight.

Lifting the insurance ceiling exposed taxpayers to tremendous new liabilities. When thrifts started paying handsome new rates, backed by taxpayer guarantees, Wall Street brokers were attracted by the lucrative, no-lose investments. They began packaging huge sums in $100,000 chunks and sending them around the country in search of the highest rate. One of the biggest packagers of brokered accounts was Merrill Lynch, the Wall Street firm run by Donald Regan until he became Ronald Reagan's Treasury Secretary--OOUCH! This led to dizzying growth by some thrifts and a frantic effort by others to keep pace by offering ever higher yields and taking greater investment risks to cover those costs.

Less than a year after the 1980 bill was signed, Reagan took office, bringing with him a deep devotion to the principle of "deregulation". So did Vice President George Bush, and why, of course, one of the reasons he was Vice President, who oversaw the administration's deregulation campaign, and Regan. Their policies encouraged subordinates like Richard Pratt, the head of the bank board, to lift the remaining shackles from the industry. Some of the deregulation was essential to allow thrifts to meet changing conditions in the finance industry, but other rules coaxed the cover-up along. During his two-year tenure, Pratt implemented a series of accounting changes which could well have been called "creative accounting" that allowed thrifts to mask their growing insolvency and to further erode the integrity of the system. Regan argued, of course, that his aim was not to obscure the problem but to give the industry time to recover its footing. "We saw a sick industry, and we wanted to help it out rather than see it sink into oblivion", he said. He now concedes that his policies led to disaster for the people. He also smiles and gets acco­lades from his elite colleagues for performing a superb and masterful operat­ion to glean the wealth of the nation and the property of the citizens into the barns of the Cartel Elite! A little egg on the face matters not if you end up with the entire egg factory and all the hens as well.

By 1982, with the thrift industry on the rocks, Congress passed another bill "to correct" the ills created two years earlier. The legislation, named for its two chief sponsors, St Germain (oops!) and Jake Garn, a Utah Republican, adopted a solution widely supported by the "experts": Let S&L's expand be­yond the home-building business, and permit them to invest in more high-risk, high-return ventures. It made sense in theory, but in practice, Garn-St Ger­main became a critical step on the road to total and final ruin--they get acco­lades also! Texas Democrat Jim Wright, who supported the bill as House majority leader, now calls it a "grotesque error" and now says of the scandal: "I'm ashamed. I wish I had seen it coming and organized to stop it from hap­pening. But I didn't". Oh sad sobs of shame--he pushed it through in full knowledge and participation and you the people know it!

The bill cracked open another glaring flaw in the S&L system, the division be­tween state and federally chartered institutions. An archaic distinction, it meant that thrift owners could choose to operate under the loosest available set of restrictions. Texas and Florida had already lifted investment limits by the time Garn-St Germain was in the works, but the biggest battleground was California, where legislators, eager for campaign cash from the thrift industry, wanted to keep as many institutions as possible under state control. On the last day of the 1982 legislative session in Sakramento, just weeks before Congress acted, California adopted a law sponsored by Republican Assem­blyman Pat Nolan eliminating all limits on thrift investments. Now what does Garn spout off and concede? That it was a major mistake not to force states to adhere to the federal regulations if depositors were going to get federal in­surance on their accounts. The largely unpolished state-chartered thrifts have accounted for about two-thirds of the industry's losses.

The stage was now set for anarchy and absolute fraud. Thrifts could lend money at any rate and invest in a wide range of speculative ventures, all with taxpayer-backed insurance. Brokered deposits flowed in from Wall Street while rules on capital standards and accounting procedures slackened. In their deregulatory zeal, federal officials dropped another critical safety net: they killed rules that had required thrifts to be owned y many shareholders, all living close to the institution. (This was a mouthful for you investigating the SBS v. Ekker case). In sum, one imprudent investor or, worse, a bandit or a law firm could capture an institution and operate with complete impunity!

Oh, you ask, what does Jason Brent, Judge, have to do with anything? For Municipal Court Judges are "elected". Not so, Jason Brent was APPOINTED to the bench following "retirement from the bench" of his predecessor. HE WAS APPOINTED BY GOVERNOR DUKEMAJLAN AFTER RECEIVING MORE THAN $50,000 (KNOWN) CONTRIBUTIONS FROM SBS OWNERS, THE LAW FIRM OF SHEA AND GOULD! (Jason Brent was a former partner in the firm of Shea & Gould). I thought you might begin to see the flicker of light at the end of the spider web! Further, an abundance of loans had been given forth on property in the area and now the "capture the property" time is at hand! Dharma and Oberli "just happened" to get caught in the fraud per­petration.


Scores of investors like Charles Keating moved in swiftly, turning the thrift in­dustry into a huge casino where only taxpayers could lose. The most un­scrupulous operators traded worthless land parcels back and forth, each time raising the value on their books and creating nothing of value. Many S&L kingpins lived like royalty, buying opulent homes, yachts and political influ­ence. Cronies and insiders obtained huge loans with almost no collateral or totally worthless collateral. In "cash for trash" schemes, some borrowers used the funds to buy real estate owned by an S&L at inflated prices. And many of those who weren't deliberately pillaging their S&L's were simply lousy busi­ness operatives, investing in everything from bull-sperm banks (from bulls al­ready deceased, in fact), to shopping centers in the desert. Others invested in highly speculative commercial real estate. Still others bought junk bonds that plunged in value immediately.

Officials at the U.S. League of Savings Institutions, which supported the rules changes, now rue them. "We didn't see the buccaneers coming. We thought we were dealing with the traditional people we had always dealt with", admits Noel Fahey. They were! Donald Regan, too, now says he has learned that there is an "avaricious, greedy, criminal element" in all industries--takes one to know one! If he, "--had known then what I know now, I would not have fa­vored so much deregulation". Weep, dear ones, at the lies for it is YOU against whom they are perpetrated--WITH NO CONSEQUENCES OF AC‑--------

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