PJ 20


FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1990 8:30 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 64

Hatonn present to comment on an item or two and then move into this Jour­nal chapter so that we can close this Journal in timely manner.

Note that the arrangements for getting into the budget all that your President demanded--is done to perfection. You see, he holds "election" time shortage over the Congressional heads and they will play to perfection, the puppet role. You the people, as usual, will be the losers with no recourse. While the heat has been turned up several things have gotten approved while you weren't watching. Sen. Glenn and cronies, for instance, got a bill passed extending the time and force applicable by the IRS to collect on "unpaid taxes"--the IRS can now badger you for over ten years if "they" decide you owe them taxes in any amount--real or fantasy!

Note also that Sen. Byrd appeared intoxicated before the Senate to make his pitch while claiming "fatigue" from over-work on the budgeting process and at the same time saying he had to be home nights for this and that other reason. This would be amusing if it were not so destructive to you the people. At first it was set to allow no questions from the floor and then Byrd himself blew it by asking input from "Arkansas". You will find that "Arkansas" found and pulled forth the pages dealing with writing off the debts for Egypt, Israel, etc. The "assurance" was that "it didn't mean anything, only that it could later be dis­cussed". It was a poor show indeed, if anyone took note. Byrd immediately changed the tack and declared he was sick and tired of being picked at and he would take no guff from anyone--"...the President--down"! Kiddies, your playpen has been most nastily "messed" in. So be it.

Please, especially note the recent earth tremors in the San Francisco area and Southern California. Both were on little known fault-lines (to make a point) without bringing down the San Andreas and Hayward! Both were experi­enced with witnesses attesting to the fact of a loud ,"explosion-Like" precursor to the quake itself--these are important indeed! These are your clues to "man" vs. "God/Mother Earth" cause. The negotiations are at a high level and I suggest you ones stay alert.

Note that distractions are in play to keep attention away from Iraq at this moment. Further, problems are widespread into far-reaching countries; do not allow this to be lost on you. There is an incredible play for power being made, beyond that which you can grasp.

The Russians are utilizing Saudi Arabia to unload some gold onto the market without pulling the international price of gold to the bottom--I suggest you keep your eye on the hand for it is quick indeed. The U.S. administration knows what is going on but can't do anything about it, especially with the fa­cade of "paying" the U.S. and Britain for arms, etc. Don't be sucked in by such nonsense.

Note also, that Israel is angry and outspoken in accusations that the world is deliberately focusing on her actions instead of on Iraq where "the focus be­longs". Enjoy your insight, chelas, for it is indeed a fine game of circus chairs.

It was not always a fact that America's Bolsheviks planned a first-strike nu­clear attack on Russia. America's shift onto a first-strike posture was a rela­tively new development in American history at the time. This was true even though America's leaders had repeatedly gotten America into war, deliber­ately. The difference was that in the past America was always "dragged" into war by at least appearing to be attacked first. That enabled American public opinion to be rallied to be behind the desired war against the chosen enemy. This approach has always been necessary because most Americans would never support a war that they knew to be America's fault. THAT WAS "THEN" --NOW, YOU ACCEPT YOUR AGGRESSOR ROLE AND MOST CERTAINLY WOULD APPROVE SUCH A MANEUVER.

America's deliberate involvement in falsely defensive wars began as long ago, actually, as 1898. On February 15, 1898, the American battleship Maine was resting peacefully at anchor in the harbor of Havana, Cuba. Suddenly a giant explosion rocked the ship and it blew apart. Some 260 American fighting men aboard the ship lost their lives. To the cry of "Remember the Maine" America went off to war. Afterward, overwhelming evidence was found that the Spaniards had not been responsible for the Maine disaster; instead, American saboteurs had done the deed in order to bring on the desired war. But by the time those facts began to surface quietly, most Americans were not paying at­tention. You were just too pleased with yourselves for having crushed Spain and become suddenly a "global" power.

In 1941 America's leaders were spawning for an even bigger war than Amer­ica had ever fought before. The reasons had to do with Saudi Arabian oil, first and foremost, as has been detailed in the past. The Rockefeller Standard Oil interests had been locked out of the Persian Gulf by British boycott tac­tics. To cure that problem the Rockefeller cartel had helped create a threat to Britain in the form of Adolf Hitler.

By 1940 the threat was doing its job. The battle of Britain was underway, and Churchill was finally willing to come to terms. If the U.S. would intervene and stop Hitler, then after the war America could have the Saudi oil.

To carry out the bargain, FDR and his Rockefeller sponsors had to get America into war somehow. But most Americans did not want war; the only way to change your minds about that was to arrange for America to be at­tacked. The Germans were in no position to do that, but Japan was and Japan, Germany, and Italy were inseparably linked to the TRIPARTITE TREATY: so if Japan could be lured into attacking the U.S., you would also be at war with Germany, automatically. (Yes, I realize you hadn't known these things--but it is time you got into the shock and over with it so you can act). As a bonus, this strategy also promised great new gains for the U.S. in the Pa­cific itself. The solution, of course, was Pearl Harbor!

When FDR called it a "Day of Infamy", he was certainly correct. Roosevelt himself and other top American leaders were guilty of high treason for their role in setting up the Pearl Harbor disaster. I shall try to find opportunity to cover this subject in detail. By 1982 as new war plans were under way, a lot of the Pearl Harbor cover-up was beginning to be leaked and was becoming more widely known.

One, John Toland, wrote a book entitled INFAMY--PEARL HARBOR AND ITS AFTERMATH. In that book he documents the fact that FDR and his top military leaders had plenty of advance warning of the attack and yet no warning was given to the forces at Pearl Harbor! Why? Because FDR wanted the Japanese attack to fully succeed. The deliberate sacrifice of more than 2,000 American Servicemen's lives was just the right medicine to cure America's anti-war attitude. To the cries now, of "Remember Pearl Harbor", you Americans went off again to war to win Saudi oil for the Rockefeller oil cartel!

Once again in the early 1980's the rulers of the U.S. were trying to get Amer­ica into another big war but that time they dared not allow the enemy, Russia, to strike first as was done at Pearl Harbor by Japan. America's rulers of 1941 could afford the luxury of throwing away a big chunk of naval power in the Pearl Harbor attack. There was no chance that Japan could go on to actually defeat the U.S. with its enormous industrial might but today, dear friends, it is different and it was different by 1982 as regarded Russia.

The luxury of "time" was gone. If the weapons were not ready when war be­gan, they could not be built in time to help; and even more importantly, the intended enemy in 1982 was far more powerful militarily than the United States. And so top Pentagon strategists were first-strike oriented; in a military campaign, he who strikes the first blow always has the advantage. If the first blow is also a surprise, the advantage is tremendous because, of all factors of military strategy, surprise is the most important.

On September 17, 1982, the U.S. came within mere hours of actually launch­ing a surprise nuclear first strike against Russia. it was the culmination of a hurry-up war plan about which we have written extensively. The struggle over that war plan spawned major headlines that year. These included the Falk­lands War, then the "sudden resignation" (firing) of Secretary of State Alexander Haig. The plan suffered repeated setbacks and yet, it stayed on schedule. It was only during the final two weeks or so that the so-called "Project Z'' war plan finally fell apart too far to proceed. The critical events which brought that about were a policy change in Red China, Russian military action in space, and limited public exposure at the last minute--it is the last minute exposure such as we gave to the October 3rd, 1990 operation which shut down the actual attack.

The war planners were frustrated both times--AND THEY CAME VERY CLOSE TO SUCCEEDING BOTH TIMES. Having come that close to success in 1982, they were convinced they would succeed on the next attempt and built in alternative pronouncement and distractors if, as in October, 1990, it needed alternative scheduling.

The plans were to GET PLANNING UNDER WAY AND SCHEDULED FOR A FINAL-CRISIS SEQUENCE FOR THE NEXT ATTEMPT! At the time it was hoped to pull it off as early as 1984!

As the new (1984) plan was set in motion on September 14, three days before the aborted end of "Project Z", the Israeli plan to murder Lebanese President-elect Bashir Gemayel was carried out. That provided the excuse for the Israelis to invade Beirut and quickly arrange for a mass murder of Palestinian civilian refugees. The real pay-off of all this was the return of American Marines to Beirut in the beginning of a new and open-ended deployment in Lebanon.

Marines, as you recall, were sent there to become the focus of a major incident. This would come about under the joint plan of the Boshevik/Zionist controlled United States Pentagon and the Israeli Mossad. The Mossad was to arrange for a number of your Marines to be killed in an incident that would be blamed on the Arabs! This would be used to inflame American public opinion to help lead you into war, including, ultimately, nuclear war. It was to be a replay of the strategy used in 1898 with the Battleship Maine.

Already your psychological conditioning for that planned incident to come was well underway. On November 1, 1982, a car bomb exploded close to a marine position in the south of Beirut. There were no serious injuries that time because there were not meant to be any, but the atmosphere of danger to your leathernecks was being dramatized so you wouldn't miss the main event. At the same time the Government was starting to talk about sending in more Marines, many more, perhaps up to some 5,000, and those who were already in Lebanon were gradually fanning out into more and more dangerous duty areas.

All of this was set in motion in spite of blunt Russian warnings. This was accomplished by carrying out the Beirut Massacre but the massacre also had a dangerous side effect in the form of world-wide condemnation of Israel.

Throughout the latter half of September the reaction to the Beirut Massacre was building fast, especially among the public of Israel and America. Within Israel itself, ways were available to maneuver the protests and keep them from getting out of control. But in the U.S. it was essential to snuff out the reaction to the massacre very quickly, otherwise it could have done real damage to the Bolshevik-Zionist junta that ran the American and Israeli military machine. People were beginning to question America's blind support for Israel's military power.

In order to blot out the Beirut massacre from American minds, a second massacre was perpetrated barely two weeks later--right in America's dooryard--it was the Tylenol "massacre". The specter of over 1000 rotting bodies in far-off Beirut was quickly forgotten in the scare over those seven deaths in Chicago.

For most Americans the Tylenol scare just blanked out everything else. It was an evil masterpiece of psychological trickery. Most of you find it hard to identify with what happened in Beirut, but you could certainly identify with a person taking a headache pill and falling over dead of cyanide poison. One story had to do with a lot of foreign people in a far-off land; the other had to do with what was portrayed as a threat to each of you most personally indeed.

The "Tylenol story" was kept churning on the front pages for a full month, all through October (hold your breath for the rest of the show this month). Finally, there was starting to be some renewed emphasis of the Beirut tragedy in the news by early November. You were beginning to again hear from eye-witnesses to the slaughter who were contradicting Defense Minister Sharon's claim that the Israelis could not see the killing. But the psychological danger point passed for the Israelis. It quickly became "old news" to most people. No matter what would come later, it would have almost no chance of interfering with the ongoing war plans.

The Reagan Bolsheviks and the Begin Zionists were looking ahead to the next opportunity, but in doing so the Israeli cabinet suddenly noticed something that made their blood run a bit on the cold side--were they not totally "cold-blooded" to begin with. It was right there on the Hebrew lunar calendar which uses Hebrew letters instead of numbers to designate the year. For the next Jewish New Year dear ones, those letters spelled out the word "DOOM". The Begin cabinet was reacting to this discovery as if the finger of God had already appeared and written that word "DOOM" on the wall of the Knesset--and no wonder, because they have blood smeared all over their soiled hands.

The Jewish New Year in 1982 began with the Beirut massacre carried out under the AUTHORITY OF THE BEGIN CABINET, but the militant Zionists in Israel were reacting as they always react when confronted with unwelcome facts. They never consider changing their own ways, instead their solution is, in their own words, "to create new facts". And that is how they tried to erase that word "DOOM" from their calendar. On October 22 a resolution was passed before the Begin cabinet to change the designation of the next New Year by "REARRANGING THE LETTERS" of the calendar.

The American Bolsheviks and their Israeli Zionist allies started the lengthy process of recycling their war plans for another try. One factor in the new process would be Bolshevik intrigue to try to set off war between India and Pakistan. You had better take careful note of the news being made right now, regarding Pakistan!

The key to war would be the disputed territory between India and Pakistan called Kashmir. Kashmir had been held together in relative stability since 1975 by Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah, known as the "Lion of Kashmir". But along about June of 1982 this stabilizer began to have strange and worrisome heart attacks--which, of course, were not an accident. Finally on September 8, after some five months of increasing attacks, he succumbed.

Abdullab's removal from the scene helped start setting the stage for the Hindu-Pakistani war. However, the Russians knew what was afoot--as they always do, and they were advising India's leader, Indira Gandhi, to defuse the situation. As a result, she invited Pakistan's General Zia to New Delhi for talks on improving relations. Zia arrived on November 1st, met with Mrs. Gandhi, and left a group of diplomats to work out details. I GUESS YOU ALL WELL--REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED TO MRS. GANDHI?


The process of recycling for another war-try involves many aspects of the total military picture and constant updating of circumstance. For one thing the Bolshevik Pentagon war planners hoped to rebuild and upgrade some sem­blance of their secret weapons reserves. Further, the Bolshevik-controlled se­cret naval facilities were not completely destroyed even though they were put out of action. A crash program immediately started to repair the damage, both at South Georgia Island and at the two Southern New Zealand sites. A portion of the Bolshevik Stealth Navy escaped altogether from the hostilities.

Another aspect of the Pentagon's recycling process had to do with America's newly deployed secret Stealth Planes, called "Phantom War Planes". Those had yet to be tested in combat but it was believed that they would be capable of successfully attacking Russia. However, due to the sudden change in China's policies in early September, the crucial Sinkiang Province launch area was unavailable. Should it remain unavailable at the next planned attempt, the Pentagon was determined to have the next best back-up site ready to serve. That back-up site, dear hearts, was none other than Kashmir, the dis­puted area between India and Pakistan. It is inferior to Sinkiang Province, China, being nearly twice as far away from Russia's Cosmosphere bases, but it is still better than anything else, so don't be surprised if Pakistan goes ahead and gets into war with India at a moment's notice.

The space shuttle remained the indispensable key to. the Pentagon's plans to use space for the coming nuclear war. All four shuttle missions up to Novem­ber, 1982, had been military missions, described to the public as "test flights". In November the fifth shuttle launch was scheduled (Nov. 11).

In order to preserve appearance, there was no choice but to start following through with some launches of civilian payloads. That was what space shuttle number five would be doing. For the first time there would be no particular military payload, as prior, on the shuttle. For that reason, on that flight you would probably get to see what was actually happening.

There were other changes, also, for the first four flights used a "skeleton crew" of only two astronauts. This fifth flight would carry four--Allen, Brand, Overmyer, and Lenoir--three of whom would be civilians.

The most important "first", however, would be one that was totally unsus­pected by the public. It would be the first mission to use just ONE shuttle from start to finish.

The first four missions used the two-shuttle stratagem which we have de­scribed. Each time you watched a shuttle with the name "Columbia" on the side take off from Florida. Once in orbit, the plan called for the astronauts to carry out their military mission while the public was shown falsified space movies about the flight. Then the two-man crew was to return to Earth, not aboard the shuttle itself but aboard a two-man re-entry capsule. The shuttle itself, if possible, was to return to Earth unmanned, landing by computer-con­trol in western Australia. Finally, back on Earth, the two astronauts boarded a different shuttle with the name "Columbia" on the side. It was boosted to high speed and then glided to Earth for the public to watch.

But for the fifth flight it was to be different and could carry four crew mem­bers (the return capsule could only carry two persons). The flight would take some five days and the landing was planned for California.

It was a very unnerving event for NASA. It was assumed that because there was no military payload that Russia would allow it to make the flight--but they had another very large worry--whether or not the heat tiles would work.

Details were worked out regarding all such contingencies because the space shuttle would be extremely important in all future plans--which were already under way. Those plans are still under way and the shuttles are still very im­portant indeed and although the last launch appeared to be successful--IT WAS NOT! SO BE IT!

Dharma, allow us to close this segment, please. I believe that this is an ap­propriate place to break off this Journal because the subject is too lengthy to complete herein and the volume will become unwieldy. I believe that I shall write all Introduction but will not take time for a Post-script for we will move right on with the same manner of presentation.
