PJ 20
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1990 7:00 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 49

Hatonn present in light and in service; Saalome'.

As we go through some of today's comments, I ask that you now watch events which spread out and would appear to bear no relationship one to another. Note the uprising in the Philippines for it is going to backfire.

Note a most important event--the building explosion in Paris. The French people do not support the government's stance in Iraq and the French people are indeed independent in nature. There is a high level foreign meeting this day with Mitterand and the explosion was a well-orchestrated Mossad attack which will be blamed on Iraqi terrorists in order to bring the people into line.

A lot of attention is being given to the Japanese lobby in the U.S. during these past few days. This is total distraction for the Japanese have purchased much property in the U.S., etc. The Israelis own a lot of America but YOU have purchased it for them. Japan has supported your debt almost, single-handedly while YOU have totally supported all of Israel domestically and militarily. A lot of difference!

Why do I continue to speak of these things? Because your very planet revolves around whether or not you pay attention, see the truth and put a stop to that which is transpiring. It remains to be seen as to whether or not the war will begin immediately upon Hussein's return to Iraq or will be postponed to the backup date--watch the signs we have pointed out to you--look at historical events for similarity of "sequence" and above all, pay attention! The diplomats will shuffle around the playing field to distract you but KEEP IN MIND THAT WHICH I TOLD YOU YESTERDAY: "PRESIDENT BUSH AND GORBACHEV MADE A FORMAL AGREEMENT THAT A NUCLEAR WAR MUST NOT BE ALLOWED IN THE MIDDLE EAST UNTIL LATE 1992 OR 1993. Only the Israelis want a nuclear war! This does not mean that the Global Planners will cease with their plans to pull off these events on schedule--if possible. The Israelis have made the most of the distraction to all but destroy the West Bank and hardly any notice has been taken by the world--and NO notice has been shown by the U.S. Palestine is a sleeping giant, dear ones, for the Zionists will push too far and the Arab nation will rise in support, if it requires doing so with sticks and hatchets.

You are also in trouble with the budget package. Oh, it will likely pass because the Federal Reserve will write the insurance policy with manipulation of the currency and the precious metals. It doesn't really matter because nothing in the budget can solve the remarkable problem present. Any "thinking" con­gressman will realize what a farce it is but will probably eventually capitulate--as usual--unless you the people rise in a unified voice to stop the steam roller and, be prepared to face the depression which be dumped on you in reprisal. You are in it anyway, if you will but realize it.

I am plagued with rebuttals that Israel is not running your government--I know not how to make you further "see". I repeat that I most surely am not a bigot nor anti-Jew--I AM anti-Zionist I suppose, as concerns "actions", not persons. I shall once again point out some events and circumstances which are public knowledge in your placement and you be the judge.

Your entire foreign policy is totally dictated by alien interests--and I DO NOT mean "little gray aliens from the stars"!

Despite warnings from European allies that military intervention might well trigger an anti-U.S. "regional explosion" in the Middle East, the Israeli lobby mobilized all its resources to drive the Bush administration into a shooting war with Iraq. Remember that this occurred in Iraq at the end of the con­gressional session and in the interim vacation where there would be no oppo­sition.

Despite the fact that hundreds of thousands of Westerners, including some 3,500 Americans, would be detained by the Iraqi government and would likely become victims of their own countries weapons in the event of an all-out war, the Israelis continued to work relentlessly behind the scenes to bring about that very happening.

Although they oppose the recent Iraqi take-back of Kuwait, most NATO leaders privately feel that U.S. strategy toward Arab countries has been "twisted and subverted by excessive Israeli influence in Washington". France, of course, has been the most outspoken on the subject.

The concern among America's major European allies over the massive U.S. troop buildup in the Persian Gulf sprang partly from recent revelations that the Mossad, Israel's secret service, has long used disinformation and staged incidents to fuel tensions and hostility between the U.S. and the Arab world.

It is also obvious that if tensions are allowed to "cool" and the war be called off--you will lose your opportunity to attack without provocation. The Mossad will fix that, my friends! There WILL be more incidents piled upon one an­other and laid to the Iraq terrorists to keep the pot boiling.

The headlines about Iraq's poison-gas threat wasn't the first time the threat was used to incite American public opinion against the Arabs. Fake intelli­gence reports have come forth since the 1960's.

In the 1960's the Mossad sent fabricated intelligence reports to Washington warning that Egypt and Syria were building a missile arsenal with nerve-gas warheads. The purpose was to justify a series of assassinations: Mossad oper­atives killed more than a dozen European scientists and technicians working in the Middle Eastern countries.

In Washington, however, the Israeli disinformation was quickly leaked to the press as if it had been the confirmed truth. There was a wave of outrage against the Moslems and Hollywood turned out a popular movie, "The Odessa File", that persuaded millions the Arabs and Nazi scientists were plot­ting to douse Israel with poison gas. And now, this very day, Israel is passing out gas-masks to all her citizens. Why? No one plans to use gas except Israel and the United States--you have just sent a whole train-load of chemical weapons to the Middle East while telling you the people that they were going to a distant South Seas Island for disposal! Would Israel gas her own popula­tion to fool the world? OH, INDEED SHE WOULD AND PLANS TO DO EXACTLY THAT!

Closely guarded intelligence files have been opened on both sides of the Iron Curtain in these recent months, giving new and brilliant lighting upon long-hidden covert events and operations. You now have proof, in precise detail, that the Mossad fabricated those incidents in order to drive a wedge between the U.S. and the world of Islam.

Perhaps we can reconstruct a bit of the structure of Israeli disinformation. In 1960 the Mossad dispatched one of its operatives, the Austrian-born Dr. Otto Joklik, to the Middle East. He was disguised as an ex-Nazi German scientist. He attempted to ingratiate himself with Egyptian and Syrian leaders.

In 1961-'62, Israeli intelligence began feeding the CIA and other U.S. agen­cies alarming reports warning that Egypt and Syria were secretly developing an "ABC strike force". The abbreviation stood for "atomic-biological-chemi­cal" warheads, allegedly being stockpiled by the Arab nations in order to an­nihilate Israel and achieve supremacy in the Middle East.

The Mossad warned that these frightful weapons of mass destruction were being developed by teams of Nazi scientists working for Arab governments. In reality, the so-called "Nazi" scientist cited in the Israeli intelligence reports was Dr. Joklik--the disguised Mossad disinformation agent.

The entire incident was an Israeli fraud, staged to manipulate American policy. The deception went beyond merely stirring up hostility between Ameri­cans and Arabs. It is now well known that the Israelis used it to lobby the ad­ministration of President Lyndon B. Johnson for atomic weapons of their own--and they got them! Israel now has a tremendous stockpile of atomic weapons including the neutron and hydrogen bombs.

Persuaded that Israel faced the threat of doomsday weapons from Egypt and Syria, U.S. authorities conspired with the ministate's agents in providing Israel with the tools and materials for producing nuclear warheads--a fatal decision, kept SECRET FROM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, that ultimately changed the course of Middle Eastern history.

European countries and NATO leaders are now worried because every ad­ministration since Johnson's has based its strategic decisions on Israeli disin­formation.

In the early 1970's, the Mossad fed the CIA a stream of disinformation about Iran. The aim was to increase the huge arms sales to the regime of the Shah, on which Israeli munitions dealers were making "millions" of dollars, but the result was the overthrow of the Shah and a storm of anti-U.S. sentiment in that strategic gulf nation. This information is fact and comes right from a State Department intelligence analyst.

On a visit to Washington in early 1982, Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon gave Richard Allen, then serving as President Ronald Reagan's chief national security adviser, a file of top-secret Mossad reports about escalating Soviet missile emplacements on the Lebanese frontier. Sharon used those reports to persuade the White House that Syria and the Soviet Union were mounting a dangerous joint force in the region. This, Sharon argued, required preventive Israeli military action in Lebanon.

It fitted right into the plan for Nuclear War One and, in effect, the White House told Sharon to go ahead. The result was the bloody and disastrous Is­raeli invasion of Lebanon--financed and supported by arms and equipment from big brother, U.S.A., at taxpayer expense of both blood and money.

From files now open in Russia and East Germany, the Mossad reports on So­viet missile fortifications displayed by Sharon were a total fabrication. The af­termath of the Israeli aggression and refugee massacres in Lebanon damaged whatever standing the U.S. had left in the Arab world.

In 1984, Mossad Deputy Director David Kimche visited the White House with alarming secret information: The Soviet Union was planning to take over Iran. The way to counter this threatened move was to let Israel supply Iran with high-tech weapons and to open talks with Iran's moderates.

The intelligence reports Kimche brought along were totally brazen fabrica­tions. But the rule during those Reagan years was to accept those phony Mossad memos as if they were Holy Writ.

The outcome was, of course, a series of misbegotten covert operations from which only Israel and her agents got any profit, and a resounding scandal that covered the closing years of the Reagan era with disgrace.

Now President George Bush is urgently recruiting the aid of NATO allies for military action against Iraq. The NATO governments are once again seeing the U.S. blundering into a Middle Eastern crisis staged behind the scenes by deceptive Mossad tactics, but they dare not decline to participate because they know the consequences will be an all out nuclear war--if left to play its course.

Will innocent American civilians suffer death and injury at the hands of their own military? Of course.

The U.S. is being required to arm Arab nations and forgive debts and all these dandy maneuvers to counter this open knowledge in the world--only THE AMERICAN PEOPLE do not know.

Then, Israel comes back and proves the point by demanding a forgiveness of her military debts and more arms to protect herself and you will give that to her also. They fear those arms in Saudi Arabia and rightfully so for they will not be able to simply fool the world longer.

Your past and present experiences seem to account for naught. Do you not see that you are in a most precarious predicament? You have armed Kuwait with your own tanks and Hawk anti-aircraft missiles which now sit in the won­drous Iraqi hands. Those are deadly missiles and your planes will blow up as well as Soviet built planes. Further, the installations in Iraq which are placed there by the Russians render your "invisible" bombers "totally visible". These should be very sobering thoughts, America.

Simple! He is "anti-gun"!

David Souter, the Supreme Court nominee and now Judge, has gone on open record in support of gun-control legislation. Didn't any of you look up that lit­tle point? He will be used as a tool to disarm you the public at the earliest possible opportunity!

I suppose this might stun a few of you but most simply didn't give a damn about this man.

Mr. Souter, as attorney general of New Hampshire, in July, 1976, filed a brief revealing his position of supporting gun control. Whether or not Souter has other
''do-in the citizens" inclinations will be revealed, no doubt, in time.

Hear what he said:

"The Second Amendment DOES NOT create any right in U.S. citizens to possess any and all weapons regardless of state regulation, but rather concerns only authority of the states to keep and raise militias".

It seems a bit awkward to have a militia without weapons, to me--especially against the assault weapons which will be utilized against you. THE LAN­GUAGE IN THE SECOND AMENDMENT IS UNAMBIGUOUS IN AS­SERTING EVERY INDIVIDUAL'S RIGHT TO "KEEP AND BEAR ARMS". Right or wrong, that IS what it says!
Souter argued loudly in support of New Hampshire gun-control laws which had been challenged on Constitutional grounds.

Souter's brief cited an earlier Supreme Court ruling and said ".... the Second Amendment was merely a prohibition of federal suppression of state militias and did not create any right to carry dangerous weapons.

"Even in the state of Texas, a jurisdiction steeped in the lore of the Wild West of the quick draw and the showdown at high noon, it has been held that the state may, in the interest of public safety, prohibit carrying a pistol on one's person despite a state constitutional guarantee of the right to bear arms", Souter wrote.

"Surely no contrary result could be reached in a jurisdiction where no state constitutional right to bear arms exists and where the war whoop of hostile Indians was last heard in 1763", Souter concluded.

Now that the Mossad has assault weapons and atomic bombs it might appear that Biden's attempt to force Souter to disclose opinions on abortions may have been just a little bit of a distractor to you the citizens! So be it.


Another subtle observation which you fail to make is that the Gulf war is not really oil-related in its fundamental basis.

You might have to dig a bit beyond the debris and media hoopla emanating from the White House to find the reason for Bush's military move into Saudi Arabia. Besides, of course, the simple need to have war for economy reasons. Bush is not acting simply out of ignorance of the massive anti-American forces he is unleashing which will undoubtedly be arrayed against the U.S. in the near future to make this the bloodiest encounter on the face of your globe.

It is inconceivable that Bush would go against his oil cronies and banking mas­ters to topple Saddam Hussein, since these interests are crying all the way to all the world banks as a result of Saddam's move into Kuwait. It certainly is not to put less of a burden on you the taxpayer fledglings.


To you the public, Bush justifies sending your children (his armada) in the name of protecting the flow of Arab oil, allegedly "vital to America's security" and "to defend democracy against latter-day Hitlers like Saddam" (and whom he supported up until a few weeks ago).

Since oil is gushing around the world and glutting the globe's markets DE­SPITE the cutoff in Iraq and Kuwait, the first justification is so much bunkdom garbage thrown out to the gullible and ignorant of the world.

The second justification, that "aggression will not be countenanced under any circumstances", is even worse bunkdom-dumb. It reeks of the same morality that has hidden the deaths of some 10,000 Panamanians in the Panama inva­sion, "Just Cause". The very label "Desert Shield" should show you the simi­larity of intent!

Hardly! There hasn't been a serious attack of "morality" since the crucifixion and even that was brief indeed.

Bush's sudden morality attack is simply a cover for implementing Israeli policy in the Middle East, using American troops (your husbands, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, grandchildren and fathers and mothers) as cannon targets and experimental receivers of war weapons.

Compared to the Communist invasions of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and the genocide of more than 100 million people by Communist butchers from the Soviet Union and China, and numerous other atrocities in the 20th century perpetrated by such de­monic despots as Pol Pot of Cambodia, Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire, King Hassan of Morocco and the genocide of the Palestinians by Israel, Saddam's one-day reclamation of Kuwait, which the British had stolen away from Iraq in the first place, rates barely a mention, dear defrauded friends.

In fact, successive U.S. administrations never punished the worst aggressors in history but instead rewarded them with blank-check financing and bailed them out over and over again with American blood and money--and they are right back at it today--TODAY!

It is, thus, ironic indeed that Iraq's previous aggression--its invasion of Iran 10 years ago--had the FULL BLESSING OF THE U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT AND OTHER SUCH STALWART DEFENDERS OF DEMOCRACY AS BRITAIN AND THE SOVIET UNION. In fact, the invasion was not launched until the U.S. advised Saddam--erroneously I might add--that the fundamentalist regime in Iran was weak and that the time to strike was at hand.

For eight years, Saddam was the golden boy of all the self-anointed champions of democracy while he was credited with dropping chemical bombs on Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's defensive forces. Khomeini's Iran was the object of universal blockade and frozen assets--doesn't anyone remember? This was in spite of his accession to power being peaceful and entirely fueled by the people's will.

When the Establishment media goes on the rampage against any country or person, it is always wise to ask not what they have done wrong but what they have done right. For, in the matter of evil, the likes of Saddam are mere innocents compared to the ultimate criminals of the internationalist Establishment and they plan to eat you alive.

The Establishment gave Saddam chemical bombs and refrained from criticizing him when he used them not only against the Iranians, but supposedly against his own rebellious Kurdish populations as well. Funny thing about those Mossad attacks - - - credit is often given to the wrong toy soldiers.

This means the source of the Establishment's hysterical about-face is that Saddam--in his own country a so-called ruthless and entirely effective politician but unschooled in the politics of the West--actually began to believe that he was free to assert Arab nationalism and independence from foreign control--you know, the old democratic demoniac propaganda.

The U.S. response, which will undoubtedly turn the Islamic world against the U.S., will in turn (it is hoped by the manipulators behind the scenes), "FORCE" America to join with the only "friendly" nation in the region: (oh no!) Israel! Do you suppose this might also force a settlement of those pretended strained relations with Israel over failure to resolve the Palestinian issue? That matter will somehow likely be dropped from the world agenda in short order if the Zionists and internationalists succeed in their attempt to foment war between Islam and the "civilized" countries. It already has been dropped and now the Palestinians can just die without causing problems for your conscience.

Dharma, please begin another document. Our ungracious "friends" again have your computer set to destruct the writing in two more paragraphs. The format will need attention also but the editors can see to that. Thank you. For you the people who are reading this, we are set up daily to have the computer kill the data inputted. Each day is different but Dharma is weary indeed of repetition and time consuming repairs to the documents. Thank you. It is noted and accepted that the "Establishment" doesn't care for our writings. So be it for that is our intent and the bombardment indicates we are getting our job done! God rests His hand upon thine head, Dharma, to tend of thine security. AHO.

PJ 20

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1990 10:50 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 51
Oh chela, chela, chela; it is fine that we have missed a day in writing for you are bound by human limits and the physical form is fatigued. You have enough to concern about with the nerds in your Congress and Administration without writing about the BANKS today. Blessings be unto Charles for he has given us the breath assistance which helps the soul to find a bit of peace and order--I am most grateful.

As we run and "mush" through these days of overload we shall simply have to cast aside that which is left unfinished. Reprioritize and allow it go for you cannot do of it all.

We must be most careful, however, to make sure that our priorities are in or­der. Today, for instance, is a day in which the most important ones almost did not come because it was perceived they could not bring of their little tots. We must remember that there are some twenty adults in this group, already in Tehachapi and any one or more could miss the meeting to keep the toddlers in safety, for any ones of you in the town could most easily miss of the meeting with me. Desiree, you must not "wait" for volunteers, precious, lest you never get help. So be it. You must not just require that the young ones with chil­dren do of it for they are the most consumed of all as to restrictions. There are plenty of grandfathers and grandmothers in this crowd and I am pained that it has even come to such a discussion. NEVER DO THE BABIES OR CHILDREN ANNOY HATONN OR GOD--SOME OF YOU OLDER ONES, YES! THE CHILDREN--NO, NEVER!

While we are on the subject of children, Dharma, I want you to take time this weekend to spend with the children and grandchildren. You have not seen them for months for we have not given you a day for rest or visiting in well over a year and we must remember that you cannot be all unto all. A family is a most precious thing and we have required that you have neglected and been neglected far too much in these days of pressure and bringing forth the writ­ings. I cannot function as clearly when you are distressed and burdened to the extent you are these days.

Blessings are unto all of you who have been pushed by the public for now the rewards can begin to flow back in the cycle. It has been and continues to be such a great responsibility--especially to George and Desiree who must face those multitudes of hounding questions and always accept the ones who are rude and insulting. You handle it superbly and soon, I shall come forth to do a little house cleaning when the station is nearby. You are welcome, at any time now, to interrupt your program when you get a "Fritz" on the line--to call upon me! I shall quite enjoy setting a few of these smart disinformation specialists to correct perceptions. I prefer to not bring this location nor Dharma into public encounter as to set up a program but I most certainly am most happy to interject a hit of thought correction.

I remind you ones of the "way out" of any encounter. Stand on truth and "this is MY PERCEPTION OF WHAT THIS OR THAT MEANS"! You do not need to, nor is it appropriate, to speak FOR any of us authors and you must always leave an opportunity "to be incorrect in your projections". This is not a correction unto you--it is simply to give you comfort. Another excellent re­sponse to dissenters is to simply keep asking if they have read ALL the Jour­nals. If not, they have no basis upon which to argue and refuse to do so. It is an incredible task to interject yourselves into the atmosphere of blackness with the talk show hosts themselves for they are already "authorities" on every subject and cannot keep their mouths shut long enough for input. Always a good response when they allow you to not speak is to simply let them ramble and when they run down and ask why you do not answer--tell them, "If you shut your mouth, perhaps I can"!

So much for this matter, we can discuss it. I shall probably decline to allow Dharma to listen in to too many because she becomes quite irate at the insults unto you who are just trying to discuss a subject. It is much like watching a child do a piano recital--the comments from the crowd who think the child plays badly are quite painful to the parent. And always remember: MY SHOULDERS FIT A NINE AND A HALF FOOT FRAME--THERE IS NO BURDEN I CANNOT CARRY FROM SUCH AS KIBITZERS AND I DO, IN FACT, ENJOY THE ENCOUNTER IMMENSELY.

It is unimportant. The pay-load on this shuttle is follow-on for the one they did not get launched and it will simply be removed by the Russians at the ap­propriate time. Sun probes indeed! This story is to cover for all of the heat sensing devices and sensitive apparatus they have on the system to monitor earth blasts. They don't even bother to change the scenario any longer. I think, though, that the public might just be starting to "smell the toast burning--frying, perhaps, in Fuel/Air holocaust. That was a BIG ONE THAT THE RUSSIANS GAVE UNTO YOU THROUGH THE "LEAK-VINE". You ones have absolutely no defense against those weapons and that public projection is truth. It was just the Russian's way of telling the bureaucrats to mind their business and not push too far. Mr. Bush didn't like that bean-spilling at all, on top of his slap in the face with the budget. Good for you people! Oh, the administration will make the piper (you) pay, but stand tall for you just pulled a coup on the criminals. You the public, John Q. Public, are going to get a real view of nasty politics now and you can make some real headway if you don't get sucked in by the lies they will conjure now. You can bet there will shortly be an incident in the Middle East to punish you ones, but keep your eyes open and don't let the truth fail to surface.


Oh my yes, the Fuel/Air explosions are bad--and it should shut down the stupid passing out of chemical gas masks. Every one of you participants in the Middle East hocus pocus have the ability to utilize those missiles and they are as horrendous as anything you have conjured up to devastate a scattered army. You see the "beams" as such are not too effective in a "scattered" situa­tion but these nice fire bombs can blanket miles in pure hell. The heat is so intense that you might as well be in a hydrogen blast except that radioactivity becomes a moot issue. I believe you can also see why it would be the weapon of choice wherein your enemies (Global Cartel) are not yet ready to give up the functioning world.

A city set afire by this weapon is going to burn the entire area without selec­tion because the entire area is blanketed in fire, but outlying areas in rural lo­cations will not suffer greatly and there is no need for radiation panic. These are just dandy to set all the Middle Eastern oil fields afire and yes, Mr. Hus­sein will do that just as soon as Mr. Shamir sets the Saudi fields afire and cre­ates the "incident" as planned.

Funny things happen in this kind of a game of wits. You see, Israel passed out gas masks to all her population in order to dump chemicals on her own peo­ple to cause the "incident" which would start the war. It was a superb way to wipe out the Palestinians because they wouldn't have masks and Hussein would be blamed for the entire matter. Never underestimate the capability of the Russians who sprang this new weaponry on you the public because Shamir would be a total and visible fool to douse his own with chemicals now. Keep your eyes ears open and pay attention for we are making some real progress and it will pick tip momentum as we move along.

The distractors shall be kept moving from one to another now as you all pay attention to the government closing operations; no one will even notice what happens to Keating, the senators involved, Neil Bush and thus and so. You will hardly notice when Bush calls a NATIONAL EMERGENCY and takes over through Executive Order under "national emergency regulations"! Sorry about that--but you had forgotten that he can do that and you needed re­minding. He can take away every one of your Bill of Rights by the signature on an order--without ever touching the budget papers. Well, it has not eluded his notice nor the notice of those "advisers" and manipulators--why do you think you had to have a Middle East incident in the first place? Oh yes, it is that bad, dear ones--it is even worse for you will have to have some kind of a war anyway in order to pull off the whole thing. TAKING BACK CONTROL OF YOUR DESTINY GOVERNMENT IS NOT AN EASY TASK BUT SURELY YOU SEE THAT IT CAN BE DONE IF YOU HOLD TRUE AND REQUIRE THAT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES "MEASURE UP" TO YOUR DEMANDS.

You will note that even the ones who quoted the Constitution--from Califor­nia indeed (and I directly thank you letter writers for that is where it came from), did not mention the way outlined in the Constitution to balance the budget and pay for these overburdens. Most do not even KNOW and the others are very, very careful to never let that get into your attention. Feel gratified for a job well done--you made them stop and pay attention for they dared not run rampant right over you the people in the last two days--ones of the criminal element are getting nervous about their jobs, dear hearts, so lets keep them nervous.

Even though we seem to walk through the shadows, we walk not alone for in the light are the pitfalls illuminated. Hold it ever in thine hearts. Keep ever in thine minds, also, that Gorbachev and Bush agreed that there should be no nuclear war in the Middle East until 1992/93. Keeping the Israelis in line may be impossible but I believe you can see that some "good judgment" is coming into play from the direction of Russia as regards weapons, etc. No, it does NOT mean that there will not be war; it does mean that it becomes pretty stupid to press the luck in the matter for an awfully large number of people are going to get hurt and killed and YOU WILL NEED THEM LATER FOR THE NEXT WAR--SO, GOOD JUDGMENT WOULD BE TO CALL THIS ONE OFF. Israel, however, is being pushed to get that West Bank into her clutches and mad-men in a frenzy do foolish things. So be it.

Dharma, allow us to close this as it is time for guests and you need a bit of respite before we begin our work during the remainder of this day. We can talk of these things during our meeting later today.

Hatonn to stand-by as I clear the frequency, please.
