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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#019, FIRESTORM IN BABYLON

    PJ 19


    TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1990 11:45 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 19
    Because we have a very long afternoon of meetings, we shall move on with the Journal and make no particular comments on your international situation. If you can't see the incredible bunk going on then you had better continue to catch up on history, especially the history of activities and arms gifts and sales to Israel from your country.

    After it became obvious that Israel had bombed the nuclear plant in Iraq there was a world outcry of "foul, foul". At first the U.S. did nothing but as outcry rose it was decided to place an embargo on F-16 Jet Fighter Bombers pending delivery to Israel.

    Less than six weeks later the embargo was lifted and, of course, had no impact what-so-ever. It was intended to have no meaning just as every other Ameri­can protest against Israel in over 33 years. The brief F-16 embargo was only for public consumption. It was a totally cosmetic move purely for the sake of appearance. By July 17, 1981, the fickle mind of the American public had moved on to other things, just as it always does. And so the F-16's were to be released to Israel.

    The announcement was to be made for the F-16's release on July 17 and the press was ready and the public paid no attention--but, the expected announcement didn't come forth that day, instead there was a nice new shock from the Middle East. The Israeli Air Force launched ALL-OUT BOMBING RAIDS ON CIVILIAN TARGETS THROUGHOUT SOUTHERN LEBANON. The bridge over the Ligani River was attacked, causing heavy damage and killing many people. The oil pipe line from Saudi Arabia which all of Lebanon depended upon for gasoline and other fuels, was attacked and blown up. As reported by the BBC, but not American television, Israeli jets bombed every major town throughout southern Lebanon; and Beirut, poor Beirut--wave after wave of Israeli war planes thundered over that city which was once the peaceful pearl of the Middle East.

    American-made jets with Star of David insignia rained a holocaust of devastation on heavily populated civilian communities. The pilots, many with U.S. and Israeli DUAL CITIZENSHIP, were practicing genocide on the defense­less Lebanese civilians. As the smoke cleared and the moans of anguish faded away, the dimensions of Lebanon's agony horrified the world. In that one raid some 300 Lebanese were killed, 800 more severely injured, and thousands left homeless. Over a two-week period some 450 died in southern Lebanon.

    During that same period SIX Israelis were killed in "alleged PLO raids". Is this what you ones call an eye for and eye? I think God weeps a lot at your antics.

    The White House was a divided house and behaved "AS IF" it had been caught off base. Then the embargo on jets to Israel was loudly proclaimed to be extended again. The U.S. pretended to be upset, and Israel pretended to be hurt about it. It was all prearranged to allow for a public distancing from Israel.

    There were, meanwhile, words of alarm from unaccustomed directions. Voices who normally are raised in support of Israel were beginning to say in effect: "What's going on here?" An example was an article in the New York Times for July 23, 1981:

    "Widespread distress among AMERICAN JEWS over the increased fighting in the Middle East, including the Israeli bombing of Beirut."

    According to the article, one influential Jewish leader condemned the raid as, quote:

    "Utterly without redeeming social or strategic value and in absolute violation of community standards."

    Another worried that actions like those represented a danger to Jews themselves. Others appeared simply bewildered, not sure what to think. One rabbi summed it up in the words:

    "I still don't think we have all the facts about why Israel did what it did."

    Those words were not far from the truth. The fact was that most Americans, including American Jews, were not being given the facts. The fact was that an interlocked military junta was controlling the military actions of both the U.S. and Israel.

    America's military policies were not in the best interests of most Americans. In exactly the same way, Israel's military policies were not in the best interests of most Jews.

    About seventy years ago a galaxy of prominent patriotic American Jews tried to prevent the creation of a Zionist state in Palestine. The Zionist plan to set up a new nation to be named "Israel" was, in their view, a cruel and tragic hoax upon mankind and especially the Jewish people.

    In those days Zionism as a political movement encompassed fewer than five
    per cent (5%) of American Jews and yet the small Zionist minority were claiming to speak for all Jews. Beyond that, the anti-Zionist Jews declared that the promises of the Zionists were not only false promises but prescrip­tions for tragedy.

    Israel, said the Zionists, would be the national home for the Jews, a place of ingathering, of safety, and of rest. In reply, the anti-Zionist Jews showed that the so-called nation of Israel could never live up to Zionist claims. They showed that the nation to be named "Israel" could never serve as home to more than a very small minority of the Jews of the world, and they predicted that the only real accomplishment of Zionist Israel would be never-ending conflict, ever-expanding bloodshed, and tragedy after tragedy.

    There were prophetic warnings of the anti-Zionist American Jews. But two generations later, very few Americans, Jew or otherwise, even were aware of any such warnings. It was those warnings, however, not the rosy promises of the Zionists, which were coming true before the world's eyes.

    As a place of ingathering for the Jews, the nation which called itself Israel had been a hopeless failure. Thirty-three years after its founding, the entire population of Jews in Israel remained less than that of New York City alone.

    From 1969 to 1979 alone, more than 500,000 Jews left Israel for the U.S. and by 1981 over 2,500 a month were leaving for the U.S. In a nation of only a few million, that was a hemorrhage of catastrophic proportions and in addition to the impact on Israel--look what happened in the U.S. as the Zionists began to really take over the reins of government and all political, professional and business aspects of the American structure. Is this bad to have "foreigners" move within your nation? No--not unless they plan all-out treasonist over­throw and absorption of your Government.

    So what happened to all those Zionist promises of a national home where Jews could live in tranquil security? During those thirty-three years no other nation on earth had been in conflict with its neighbors more consistently and constantly and with such bloodshed than Israel.

    Despite those facts, however, the Zionist image of Israel was the one which had been successfully planted in many minds. Even in major media reports it was often acknowledged that the Israel Lobby in Washington was a formidable force and that would be counted as one of the major understate­ments of the century.

    That power was built from several foundations. There were four major groupings in the U.S. which could always be counted upon to support Israel in any situation:

    (1) In one group, of course, are the outright Zionists in America. They always echo that Israeli line, be it right or wrong.

    (2) Then there are the Political Conservatives. Even when they may be privately irritated by specific Israeli actions, they remain supportive. They believe that, come what may, Israel is America s bastion against Russia in the Middle East.

    (3) The third group, a very large group indeed, is that of the Fundamentalist CHRISTIANS. They have been persuaded that this is the real Israel, the re­born Israel of the Bible (oh perish the thought of such atrocities perpetrated). This impression is one which has been fostered by the Zionists from the very beginning. The Khazar roots of modern Israel are generally unknown to al­most all Fundamentalist Christians--or anyone else, for that matter.

    (4) Then there are the politicians in important "swing" states. Wherever there is a rough balance between Democrats and Republicans, they tend to cancel each other out. That leaves the Zionist minority with the power to swing votes either way. Through money and political organizations they make sure that the politicians who win elections are beholden to them. These four major groups form the acknowledged support for Israel--the Zionists, the Conserva­tives, the Fundamentalist Christians, and beholden politicians.

    (5) There is another group, and it is the most important group. That group consists of what the professionals refer to as the "Little Jews". The small minority of self-proclaimed "Big Jews"--that is, the active Zionist leadership in the U.S.--work on the emotions of all the others. They do their best to keep all Jews scared, and therefore herded together defensively. The so-called "Big Jews" talk incessantly about the holocaust, making sure that fears and doubts never die. By means of emotionalism, the small Zionist minority has been able to persuade most Jews that Israel is somehow their "cause".

    It is the Jews of America themselves who most of all are the unwitting victims of Zionism. It is they who are becoming uneasy as they watch Israel throwing off all restraints. It was they who had to watch in confusion at what Israel did to Lebanon. And, it is they, the mass of Jews in America, who will begin to suffer for the actions of the Zionists.

    Let us look at the relationship between the two political forces known as Zionism and Bolshevism and let us look at them from the aspect of the early 1980s. You must have this background if you are to follow these groups through into today's events.

    Both were forged into living entities in the crucible of World War I. Both
    have common roots which claim to be Jewish but are not and both of those
    political forces use the community of all Jews as a cover for their own activities. The Bolsheviks, with headquarters in America, work hand in glove with their Zionists brothers who control Israel. THEIR JOINT GOAL IS ABSO­LUTE DOMINATION OF THE ENTIRE WORLD.

    We have discussed the deadly competition underway in early 1980 in the U.S. between the Bolsheviks and the Rockefeller Cartel. Against all odds, the Rockefeller group was succeeding in regaining total control in many economic areas--and the economic power was intended to translate quickly into political power. If the Rockefeller interest could have their way, America was on the road to Fascism. Their pattern for America was that of Hitler's Germany. That was their alternative which they were pitting against the drive toward Marxist dictatorship in the U.S. by the Bolsheviks.

    Remember, Adolf Hitler was brought, to power in Germany. It was done through the power of giant industries secretly controlled by the Rockefeller combine. The Governmental structure set up by Hitler was Fascism, in which big industry was a privileged partner of government. The Corporate Socialists were working feverishly to repeat that pattern, only more so, right in the U.S. This time they intended for their corporate empire to be so powerful as to be beyond control by the government--and, through their own agents within government, they planned to have their own way against the Bolsheviks.

    The so-called Reagan Administration was beginning to show its Fascist colors in domestic affairs. Anti-trust laws had effectively been shelved. Instead, the U.S. Attorney General had given a clear green light for all-out corporate mergers and acquisitions. Meanwhile, the Administration was rapidly build­ing the walls to contain you all within the prison which America was to be­come.

    Under the guise of immigration control more and more detention centers were opening up. Likewise, the issue of prison overcrowding had been made into an overnight excuse for an enormous prison-building program. When the time would come, they would all be ready for their real intended use--AS CONCENTRATION CAMPS.

    The Rockefeller Corporate Socialists were looking forward to rounding up and silencing their opposition. In doing that they believed they would ulti­mately be helped by the Bolsheviks and Zionists themselves. The Rocke­fellers had always made a practice of studying the psychological profiles of their enemies and, in studying the Bolshevik/Zionist mentality, they had found an Achilles' heel--a fatal weakness. That weakness lay in the exercise of power itself. Whenever they have a free rein the Bolsheviks and Zionists al­ways go too far. One of these persons once stated, "We are becoming ex­tremely powerful, so powerful that it is a danger to us. The more power we acquire, the closer we come to the surface. We have left a trail and, as we come closer to the surface, the danger is that someday someone will start following that trail. And yet we cannot stop; we will continue to gather more power, coming ever closer to the surface until we destroy ourselves with our power."

    The Rockefeller group believed that it was starting to happen. In Israel the Zionists were casting off all restraints in warfare, creating revulsion world­wide in the process.

    In America the Bolsheviks were riding higher and higher. On all sides the self-proclaimed "Big Jews" were beginning to flaunt their power instead of using it surreptitiously. In the news media, in entertainment, in education, in government, on all sides it was beginning to happen. In all positions of power in America, Jews were becoming conspicuous by their numbers. Up to then, this was still a phenomenon which millions of Americans were telling them­selves they did not see--not good neighbors of Jewish background but powerful Zionists in control of all other segments. You never hesitated to count up the other ethnic groups you found in powerful positions--be they Japanese‑American, Chicanos, Blacks or whatever, but many Americans are made to feel vaguely anti-Semitic if they dare to count up Jews in the same way--a planned attack, of course. Millions of others see it but talk about it only in their parlors or country clubs. Politically, it is disaster to even mention the term.

    What it came down to was this: The Bolshevik/Zionist elements in America had acquired so much power that they were going too far. They surfaced in spite of themselves, and the Rockefeller Cartel intended to use that mistake to destroy them. The Administration would be forced to turn increasingly Fascist On the domestic front; and as the echos of Adolf Hitler would grow
    wilder and louder, there would be a rebirth of what used to be called "The Jewish Question".

    Well, the "Little Jews" blame the "Big Jews" because "they went too far". They had taken over all the reins of power in Germany. There was nothing they did not control, so the good apples had to suffer with the bad. This is the very reason the German government went after the Jews. They had taken control of the business and bought up the property and were suppressing the German natives. It is indeed sad for a group to be shattered by those they thought to be their own. The Zionists, I remind you, are NOT original Jews!

    Dharma, allow us to close this for it is time for the meeting. Thank you.

    This is a painful subject but we shall not leave it lay for it is the key to the world situation at this moment in your time of counting.

    PJ 19


    MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1990 10:14 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 25

    HOW IT "WAS"
    Again I remind you, we are looking backward at circumstances which can now be "seen" and you can then relate them to what is going on about you now. Just because a "thing" planned does not happen because changes are intro­duced, does not mean the entire plan "is off". If you can see the similarities and relate in generalizations, then the awakening becomes evident.

    Therefore, we shall again return to year 1982 and consider happenings going on in that summer.

    During June 4 through 6th, the eighth economic summit took place between the U.S. and six other leading industrial nations. The summit was hosted by France with the usual pomp and ceremony. The summit was supposed to enable a meeting of minds which would result in a more unified approach to solving the world's economic problems, but the entity known as President Reagan went there with far different goals in mind. The Bolshevik-dominated Reagan Administration was preoccupied with thoughts of war and intrigue--not with building a better world. This is no different than that which took place in Houston, Texas. Only this time (Houston) the results would be "war" AND the precipitation of the One World Order.

    Reagan was out of step with the other leaders at the summit from beginning to end for the preliminary meetings of the Trilaterals, Bilderbergers and For­eign Relations Council had not done their homework in enough secret ses­sions to understand the game plan. They did not make that error this time, my friends. If there is one thing more outstanding than desire for war, with the Zionists, it is the "locked-in" arrangements well laid forth in advance and now the Zionists have enough control of the U.S. government to DEMAND attention "or-else".

    Because of this radical difference in viewpoint, Reagan was out of step with the other leaders at the summit from start to finish. It was civilized at the very beginning when all the leaders were flown to the palace at Versailles in the blue-and-white French helicopters--all, that is, except President Reagan. He refused to ride in a French helicopter, arriving instead in his own Marine Corp chopper. "A matter of security", someone said. The Reagan obsession with security at Versailles verged on paranoia--and I hope that you ones who are Journal readers know WHY! Well, think about it!

    For example, he took his on supply of drinking water to France aboard Air Force 1. Why? Because he just did not trust French water, even the many kinds of world famous French bottled water. "Just a matter of security", someone said.

    The French were offended when they heard about Reagan's boycott of French water, but what really insulted them was the way he behaved toward the exquisite French cuisine at the Versailles Palace. Does this sound like the "good old Cowboy" you all thought you knew? While all the other world leaders were relaxing and enjoying themselves, Reagan was behaving as if some­one was out to get him. Reagan had two members of the Secret Service who were assigned as "food tasters", just like the royalty of old. He would eat nothing until they had tasted it first. If the food tasters didn't die, he con­cluded that the food was not poisoned as he ate it. When the Reagan food tasters invaded the Versailles Palace kitchens, the chefs were incensed. To question the French food was to demean the very glory of the French Repub­lic. As one indignant chef told reporters, "Our own president has no food tasters. He trusts French food."


    If the Reagan paranoid disdain at Versailles had been limited to matters of food and drink, it might have been shrugged off as unimportant but the fact is that, during the talks themselves, the U.S. was even more out of order. Your trading partners said, "Let's work out a way to bring down high interest rates which are killing our economy." The Europeans said, "We are vulnerable to economic catastrophe due to our near total dependence on Middle East and Persian Gulf oil. A war in the region could cripple us overnight. We must protect ourselves by obtaining a second source of energy. Therefore we must help build the Siberian pipe line to bring us natural gas from Russia."

    But the Reagan team replied: "If you build the pipe line, Russia will benefit, too, SO DON'T BUILD IT!"

    As the conference broke up, there were reports in the press that the U.S. had angered the other nations there. Instead of working to solve your own problems, the Reagan Administration was interested only in making problems for Russia.

    After the economic summit broke up the Reagan entourage continued on a extended trip through Europe. On June 9 and 10 a summit of NATO leaders was held in Bonn, West Germany. In the final closed session of that summit, the entity Reagan gave a summary statement so warlike that it totally stunned everyone else into silence.

    European diplomats were so worried about what Reagan said that some of
    them started telling the press about it. The controlled major media in America had carefully avoided this ominous story but it went throughout Europe. Finally a month later a syndicated article about it was published by Newsday. The article began:

    "President Reagan stunned allies at the NATO summit by telling them that as far as he is concerned the Soviet Union is at war with the United States, European officials said last week. The statement, which came as the President was summing up his views on the two-day meeting in Bonn, so surprised the other heads of state that they re­mained silent, and NATO Secretary General Joseph Luns immediately adjourned the session, according to these officials who were present at the summit a month ago."

    For several years prior the war had raged between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. There was just no public admission of the fact that the war was al­ready under way between the superpowers--I think you referred to it publicly as a "cold" war, whatever that means.

    This was a war that could not remain secret forever. The momentum was building toward the moment when it would erupt into all-out war, Nuclear War One, and as that moment drew near both sides were starting to speak of war in clear terms.

    At the NATO meeting on June 10, (1982) the "alleged" President Reagan said that the U.S. and Russia were already at war. Several weeks later a top Rus­sian leader said almost the identical same thing.

    On July 13 Pravda published a speech by the entity Marshal Ustinov, the Soviet Defense Minister. Anything attributed to Ustinov carried a great deal of authority. Ustinov declared that the U.S. was orchestrating a trade, credit, and technological war against the Soviet Union. He also gave a blunt warning to Washington that a, quote:

    "..pre-emptive first-strike use of nuclear weapons could not insure an American victory."

    **Mr. Gorbachev just gave an identical warning to Mr. Bush on the yester­day!**

    Ustinov's warning reflected the fact that Russia's new leaders knew about the Reagan Administration plan to launch nuclear war soon and they were prepared to defeat the Bolshevik-triggered American first strike if it was carried out. Well, they gave you some really dandy reminders of Russia's power this very week so as to not allow any U.S. representatives at the war councils to misunderstand who controls space and thusly, any war on earth plane.

    Is anyone listening? That remains to be seen, doesn't it. The Bolsheviks in the U.S. in 1982 were not listening. The Bolshevik/Zionist mentality is Satanic and schizophrenic. Those obsessed by Bolshevik/Zionist thinking are totally incapable of persuasion by normal reasoning. They see shadows, like Reagan with his water jugs and food tasters in France. They are completely out of touch with reality and encourage things like "...forget the hostages--bomb Kuwait and Iraq." They plunge right ahead with plans for all-out war and this time, as in 1982, it is nuclear war.

    Remember, the war plan called for a five-track operation designed to start coming together around mid-1982.

    Track 1 of the American Bolshevik war plan called for stirring up as much internal turmoil as possible in Russia and her satellites. This is intended purely for distraction to keep Soviet authorities off balance. A most dramatic exam­ple of the ongoing campaign of internal harassment was the July 6 crash of the sabotaged Aeroflot jet in Moscow.

    Track 2 of the war plan called for preparing the American people for war. That part of the war plan went much farther than most people realized. You were becoming conditioned to the idea that getting ready for nuclear war was a No. 1 priority of the so-called Reagan Administration.

    A government which pretended to be bent on saving money was spending record amounts for military projects. Sound familiar? At the same time the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was vigorously publicizing alleged civil defense plans. The fact was that neither the new military projects nor the proposed new civil defense measures were expected to bear fruit for the general welfare of the public. Those things take time, and the Bolsheviks in the U.S. intended for Nuclear War One to erupt long before that could he accomplished. The only real purpose of those things was to make you think in terms of war with Russia--and to safeguard only the American Bolsheviks/(Zionists) in their well built private war bunkers. You see, in 1982 the Zionists did not have enough power and control to openly proclaim them­selves in control as they are now doing for all the world to hear loud and clear.

    Track 3 of the plan to prepare for war involved space and, in particular, the Space Shuttle Program as we have already discussed. There were planned a series of four initial missions for military purposes. The story was to be fed to the public that those would be test flights. Elaborate preparations were made well ahead of time to provide falsified television coverage of the orbital portion of each flight. This was done by means of advanced video taping. Mean­while, the actual military activities carried out by the shuttle astronauts would not be seen by the public. The plan called for all four of those crash military space shuttle missions to be completed by mid-1982 and it came off just as planned.

    The fourth mission was successful. The secret Air Force Cryogenic Sensor System was in geostationary orbit over the Indian Ocean. It was parked there waiting to do its job about six weeks after launch date--if--the Pentagon schedule was maintained. That job would be to confirm success of stage No. 1 of the planned American nuclear first strike against Russia.

    The Space Shuttle, however, had a second mission which was NOT successful. It was piggy-backed onto the mission in hopes of gaining additional Intelli­gence over Russia.

    The laser-armed robot Spy Satellite which was launched by the third shuttle did not last long enough to provide the basic new desired target information in full. It did pick up some unexpected information close to Russia's space bases. Strange installations of "some kind" were being built in many places in Russia, but Russian Cosmos Interceptors succeeded in destroying the super-spy satellite before it could be reprogrammed to take a closer look at the sites. So Space Shuttle #4 was given a second mission.

    High-power surveillance equipment was mounted in the rear bay of the crew compartment to look out through the windows at the top. The arrangement was very much like what had already been done in the second shuttle of November, 1981.

    The shuttle was launched initially into a minimum inclination orbit toward the equator. That was done to enable the Air Force sensor to be launched with its rocket booster into its high equatorial orbit. Then, to carry out the second mission, a little publicized additional capability of the space shuttle was used for the first time.

    At the insistence of the military, the shuttle was designed with the capability to change its orbital plane by a large amount. Space Shuttle #4 was initially in an orbit that went no farther than Cape Canaveral. In order to do any spying on Russia, it was necessary to swing much farther north. The shuttle accomplished this by changing its orbit less than 24 hours after launch. From its ini­tial 28-1/2 degree orbit, the shuttle fired its engines to achieve an orbit that took it above 40 degrees north. That was enough to take the shuttle over southern Russia where several of the mysterious new sites were located.

    By that point the space shuttle had been converted to nothing more than a gi­ant awkward spy satellite with lasers for self-defense--but it did not work.

    As soon as the shuttle headed north, it was attacked and destroyed by Russian space weapons. So, the Bolshevik/Zionists still didn't know what the rush-rush new Russian installations were all about--BUT--they did consider the mission a success for their precious attack-confirmation sensor was in orbit pointing directly at Russia.

    The final act in Shuttle Mission No. 4 was carried out on schedule with great fanfare on July Fourth. The final secret duplicate of the Space Shuttle Columbia swooped in to land at Edwards Air Force Base with the President watching. Afterwards the President gave a nice gooey speech in which he gave lip service to future support for NASA but the fact was that the Bolshevik/Zionists believed they had no further need for Space research. They believed the secret military shuttle program had done its job and that they were now ready for Nuclear War One. In recognition of that fact, the entity Rea­gan carried out a military ceremony at Edwards Air Force Base after the shut­tle landed.

    Major General James Abrahamson, who seized control of the shuttle for the military, was promoted to Lieutenant General. Abrahamson had nothing at all to do with developing the space shuttle, but he had guided its secret use in preparing for war, and for that service he was given the "Well done!" salute.

    Track 4 in the elaborate Bolshevik/Zionist plan to lead you into war called for the introduction of certain new offensive nuclear weaponry. That task was now essentially completed. The Minuteman TX mobile ICBM missiles were deployed and the Stealth Phantom warplanes were being deployed around Russia's borders.

    Track 5 of the plan called for a sudden mushrooming of simultaneous crises to provide the spark for war. Do you have itchy skin yet? It was happening then and it is happening now.

    The brutal Israeli invasion of Lebanon dragged on with no solution in sight. Every time anyone suggested a way out of the crisis the Begin government said "No Deal", just as every solution given to Mr. Bush is countered with "No Deal". Along with the "No Deal" in 1982 came a new bombing of Beirut.

    Since July 14, 1982, the Persian Gulf war between Iran and Iraq was multiplying the instability in the region. Iran's thrust into Iraq was doing exactly what Israel wanted, throwing the Arab OPEC nations into total disarray. The Iranian battle cry was "On to Jerusalem" and, up to that point, Jerusalem could not have been more pleased. All of this was paving the way for an IS­RAELI LIMITED NUCLEAR STRIKE TO DESTROY SAUDI ARABIAN OIL WELLS. This was another secret plan laid forth before 1975.

    Elsewhere around the world the fires were multiplying. Savage new fighting erupted between Somalia and Ethiopia. The war in Afghanistan was heating up to the boiling point and in Central America the El Salvador war was spreading to engulf Honduras and Nicaragua. So-called right-wing com­mandos from Honduras--trained, outfitted, and supplied by the CIA--were intensifying their attacks on Nicaragua. The U.S. was using troops and ma­teriel from its Panama Canal base to help Honduras against Nicaragua. This had placed the Panama Canal in dire jeopardy. By August of 1982 world crises were being planned to multiply and get rapidly worse and greater in scope. The Pentagoon's target date for Nuclear War One was still right on schedule for MID-SEPTEMBER, 1982.

    Dharma, allow us to leave this portion at this point please. We shall discuss the shifting of America unto a war footing in 1982 when we again meet.

    Thank you for your kind service.

    Hatonn to clear. Salu.

  2. #6
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#019, FIRESTORM IN BABYLON

    PJ 19
    MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1990 1:58 P.M. YEAR 4 DAY 25

    Approximately two weeks after the Economic Summit in France in July, 1982, the government of France "filed for divorce" in what amounted to a Declaration of Independence against the U.S.A. It consisted of a crisp two-paragraph statement issued in Paris. The statement ordered all French companies to honor their contracts to help build the Siberian gas pipe line from Russia to Europe. The French action was taken in angry defiance of the increasingly arrogant dictating to Europe by Washington.

    At the seven-nation Economic Summit the pipe line had been discussed at length. As usual the U.S. wanted to force Europe to back out of the deal. In exasperation the Europeans explained over and over how vital the pipe line was to them. Let me assure you sleepy lambs that it is indeed serious that France, of all European nations, gets fuel because almost all of her power comes from Nuclear Power with no alternative method of electric production and this becomes an insurmountable toxic waste problem to the entire globe.

    When the summit ended the Europeans were left believing that the U.S. would respect their position but, as the French said, it had all been the dialog of the deaf.

    On June 18, less than two weeks after the Summit, the entity President Rea­gan announced new measures to scuttle the pipe line. Now, without peeping at information--how many of you readers believe the pipe line was built? How many believe that it was scuttled? Where is the progress of that Siberian pipe line? Interesting how the mind forgets that which flooded the news for weeks, is it not? Well, even after I write this particular section I hope you will still be in a quandary enough to look up facts regarding this issue.

    In the prior December 1981 Reagan had announced a ban on American companies providing the equipment for the pipe line. On June 18 he expanded the ban internationally. He declared that even foreign companies operating in their home countries were banned from providing pipe line equipment if they made products under American licenses. It was a move with little or no foundation in International Law. Instead, it was based on sheer intimidation of your allies.

    The French announcement of July 22 was Europe's answer. First came the announcement concerning French companies; then, the same day, West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt was interviewed on American television. He announced that France was not alone in her decision. Schmidt said:

    "The pipe line will be built and the British, the French, the Germans and other Europeans will stick to the agreements which their firms have been making with the Soviets."

    Oops, do you really think the British would go along with bucking the Bolshevik/Zionists? You still had secret "stuff' under the covers with Britain.

    On French television Foreign Minister Claude Cheysson revealed that a ma­jor rift was taking place between Europe and the U.S. Speaking for France he described what was happening as a "progressive divorce". He also said, "We no longer speak the same language." The feelings he expressed were spread­ing fast throughout the leadership of Western Europe--or so it appeared on the surface. Even Britain came forth lying between the clinched teeth of Thatcher, whose government was dominated by Bolshevik/Zionists in the mili­tary sphere, but was finding it necessary to side with Europe on the pipe line issue. So what happened, good readers? WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT PIPE LINE?

    For years there were deliberate long-range economic and political plans being laid down regarding even conspiracy against the "dollar". There were planned consequences involving those plans. Those we have not covered will have to wait until we catch up a bit more to current status and then we can fill in some of the past connections of years prior. It was all made public but you might have missed it or it was deliberately hidden from your attention.

    The efforts of the Reagan Administration to sabotage the Siberian gas pipe line project was a direct threat to vital European interests. In response, your long-time European allies were banding together to protect themselves. Sooner or later it had to come to this. Europe had, up until then, been quite cowed by U.S. blackmail. The breach was now taking place between the U.S. and Europe and was giving rise to fears of a major trade war. Those fears were indeed well founded for America would go her own way pushed by the momentum of the New Imperialism. She would enter the tunnel of the Big Trade War with all of its self-protective devices. The free trade idea would have gasped its last breath if the U.S. could pull it off and it would all be over at any rate, with the Nuclear War One set for September.

    It unfolded on schedule. At the last part of July, around the 26th, an attempt to work out an agreement between Europe and the U.S. over steel imports collapsed. America's obsolescent steel industry was slowly going belly-up as steel from Europe's more modern government-subsidized plants began to flood your market. Reagan's response was to further deepen the rift by slap­ping taxes or increased duties on imports of European products. De­velopments like those were the inevitable consequences of forces which were deliberately set into motion long prior but they were also being manipulated to further the objectives of the American Bolshevik/Zionists who had won domination of the so-called Reagan Administration.

    As they led you down the path of nuclear war, they were also paving the way
    for their own total domination of America after such war. They expected to
    survive the nuclear devastation which they planned to bring down on all the rest of you--EXACTLY AS IS PRESENT TODAY!

    You see, if the war would turn sour and get out of control and turn America into a hopeless wasteland, they were totally prepared (and still are only more luxuriously) to leave after the mess and start Over in the Southern Hemi­sphere. But the fact was that they had it arranged and they were convinced that Nuclear War One would be far less disastrous than that. The Bolshevik/Zionists in the U.S. believed that what would he left of America after Nu­clear War One would still be a prize worth having. They expected 40- to 60-million Americans to survive the war in rural areas and small towns so rest easy, little ones in small towns and rural areas--they still consider that to be factual and plans are made accordingly. The major U.S. cities would be com­pletely gone, but so would their unmanageable problems such as urban decay and runaway crime!

    America's vast natural resources would still be there ready to be exploited. The Bolshevik/Zionists intended to position themselves to be your taskmas­ters and believe me--THAT ASSUMPTION HAS NOT CHANGED ONE IOTA! YOU ARE SET-UP AND HELPLESS AND TIME IS RUNNING OUT! They believed that a new Bolshevized/Zionized America would rise from the ashes and it would all be theirs to use however they choose. It is not the Phoenix of God which would be birthed, dear ones--the vulture of death would arise from those ashes of chaos.

    The Bolshevik/Zionists (BZ's) were expecting to repeat what they had done to take over Russia some three-quarters of a century earlier. It was the strain and suffering of World War I that finally made Russia vulnerable to a Bolshe­vik take-over. Having lost their control of Russia at the hands of Russia's new anti-Bolshevik rulers, they planned to try again--in the U.S.A. World War I gave them Russia, and they believed Nuclear War One would give them America.

    To help pave the way for their intended total postwar dictatorship over America, the BZ's in the U.S. were deliberately isolating you from the world. Your President was already alienating Europe. Likewise, the White House was also hitting the Japanese where it hurt by banning equipment for joint Japanese and Russian oil projects. These were in the works in Siberia and on Sakhalin Island and would result in important new energy supplies for Japan. And now, I think you might be able to attach significance to the current "oil" crisis as fits Japan!

    In Latin America Reagan Administration policy had done enormous damage to America's image. In the Falklands war between Britain and Argentina, American open support for Britain was carried out in ways that angered all of your own hemispheric neighbors--all of Latin America.

    In the Middle East the U.S. was losing all credibility with the Arabs with the attitude that Israel could do no wrong--little did they know that Israel already had gained control of America.

    As for Russia and the Soviet bloc, Reagan policies boiled down to nothing but fist shaking and goading. America's trade war against Russia was designed to turn the "cold war" into a "hot war". That is where "trade wars" always lead. In the 1930's the U.S. used oil embargoes and trade boycotts to goad Japan into war and the result was Pearl Harbor which was equally as well planned and exercised. The U.S. was again using embargoes, boycotts, and sanctions to pave the way for war with Russia.

    In every possible way the U.S. was isolating itself in order to appear with­drawn while building power and secret control. On July 9 (1982) the entity Reagan even announced that the U.S. would not sign a new "Law of the Sea" treaty. That treaty took eight years to negotiate and had been signed by 130 nations. Only four nations had said flatly "No" to it--and two of them were America and Israel.

    The self-inflicted show of isolation of America was totally deliberate. It was part of the Bolshevik strategy to create a sort of Masada complex in America--that was, turning in and upon itself. The more isolated America became, the more you would see yourselves as alone in a world with bitter enemies and no friends.

    The Bolsheviks in the U.S. were using the same strategy as their Zionist partners in Israel. The Yorkshire Post in England summed up the Zionist thinking perfectly in an editorial on January 16, 1982, quote:

    "The superhawks in the Israeli government want the Israelis to feel unloved, unwanted, and vulnerable by the world because then it can make it easier for the government to argue for more security needs to take precedence over everything else."

    That was exactly what was happening in Begin's Israel and that is what was happening in Reagan's America. America's isolation abroad was moving along hand in hand with measures to clamp down on Americans domestically. Several things were in the works to hit you in the pocketbook IF the plans for imminent nuclear war should somehow be delayed. See if any of these plans hit home into your consciousness.

    There was a great plan to repudiate the $100 bills AND then include the $50 currency. Funny thing happened regarding counterfeit dollar plates for printing currency. It was bad enough with the counterfeiting operations coming out of the Antarctic and South America but a new devil reared its head. LARGE AMOUNTS OF COUNTERFEIT $100 BILLS AND $50 BILLS WERE BEING MADE IN LATIN AMERICA USING AMERICAN PLATES FORMERLY USED BY THE CIA IN VIETNAM! Ouch! This would be used as one excuse to change or eliminate currency and place them in sud­den repudiation--when they no longer served a government purpose to erro­neously prop up the economy.

    There was also a new WAR POWERS ACT for economic purposes moving through Congress very quietly. It would authorize the President to impose wage and price controls, declare a bank holiday, close the Stock Markets, or take other measures by declaring a National Economic Emergency--double Ouchie?!? Under that cover, presidential war powers would also be activated without the public being aware of it.

    The prospect of imminent nuclear war was also tied in to economic matters in other ways. At the first of 1982 ALL GOLD AT THE NEW YORK ASSAY OFFICE OF THE U.S. MINT WAS BEING MOVED. Let us not confuse this with the Fort Knox Gold which we will cover at another time. This gold in point was being taken up the Hudson River to the West Point Depository, which was not designed for gold bullion storage. The reason given to employees was that it was for security purposes, even though security at West Point was greatly inferior to that at the Assay Office. Let us examine what hap­pened to that gold.

    The gold had been spirited out of the country in preparation for the nuclear war in the U.S. It was shipped to Geneva, Switzerland, by way of New Or­leans, Louisiana, and France. The shipment was met by Swiss Army Guards in France and from there it went by train and then by truck to an underground depository in Geneva. It was signed for in Geneva on May 12, 1982. The custodian of the gold is a Geneva bank. President Reagan agreed to the entire transfer far ahead of the moving of it.

    If history can he a guide at all, this and other movements of gold are clear signs that war is expected soon in any such circumstances! For centuries it had been customary for leaders of nations who know that war is imminent to move their gold to Switzerland for safekeeping. Not only the West Point Gold but other private gold hoards were moved from America to Switzerland. Likewise in Britain, the Rothschilds had been transferring their large gold holdings to Switzerland.

    In the case of the West Point gold, there was still one more important fact to report. That gold--gold rightly belonging to you, the citizens of America--had been consigned FOR THE USE OF THE GOVERNMENT OF I-S-R-A-E-L!

    Israel has continued to use it as collateral to finance continuing arms pur­chases at a staggering pace. Israel was and is secretly arming itself far beyond anything that could conceivably be needed to fight any enemy as proclaimed. So, of course, the question was (and is), "WHY ARE ALL THOSE WEAPONS BEING STOCKPILED IN ISRAEL?"

    The answer is that Israel's Zionist war lords were expecting to have a far bigger foe in the region. They were trying to drag Russia into the Middle East fighting on the way to nuclear war--AND THEY JUST DID IT AGAIN RIGHT BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES!

    All in all, the economy of the U.S. was being bled dry and of course it is now all but a dry hole and yet still the "paper" flows like chaff in the winds. Insatiable spending on sterile armaments was helping to fuel inflation as your dollars went for guns instead of butter. At that same time, record federal borrowing was also keeping interest rates at business-killing levels. The results were described in 1982 as STAGFLATION--a stagnating economy with continuing inflation. You were headed straight away to full scale and unmatched depression the likes of which you would never have seen before. It would be a depression with plenty of consumer goods in the stores but great numbers of people without the money to purchase them and credit limits already blown into astronomical reaches. It would become a full-fledged deflationary de­pression which would render you unable to recover. Prices for services, etc., would remain high for a period of time even as prices of goods might he decreasing--but without jobs, income and money no one could afford anything much at any rate.

    People would be selling their valuables in order to exist and, after a while, there would be no one to purchase the commodities.

    Families would be separated as people would take any employment available anywhere--even in foreign free-trade countries.

    The picture isn't too great is it? Even if nuclear war could somehow have been prevented in 1982 (which obviously it was) you would still have these things that we point out being brought upon you by the policies known as REAGANOM ICS.


    Am I simply trying to spoil your sleep tonight? No--I desire to spoil your sleep every night until you wake up and take stock of your situation and then perhaps we can take moves to return your government into your hands before the hour grows too late for any such action. WHAT HAVE YOU EXPECTED IN THE DAYS OF ARMAGEDDON AND THE PROPHECIES OF REVELATION, DANIEL AND EZEKIEL--ALONG WITH THOSE OF MOSES AND ALL YOUR OTHER PREDICTORS?

    Oh yes, I forgot, you were just going to be "raptured off'. Well, I wouldn't count on such a thing if I were you!

    Let us turn to other things abounding in summer of 1982. On July 6th, the Israeli government announced that American troops would soon be sent to Lebanon if necessary. Hours later the entity Reagan announced that, yes, in principle he was prepared to send in the Marines as part of a truce agree­ment. For public consumption, assurances were given that this would be done under certain comforting conditions. Supposedly, if the Marines were sent in, it would only be temporary, to police a truce, not fight and only if all sides agreed to their presence. All sounded safe, didn't it--sort of like stabilizing Saudi Arabia? This time they had to prepare you for probable death of your children, however, for they could not be sure you the public would tolerate an­other such fiasco. THEY COULD COUNT ON OLD AMERICA THOUGH, COULDN'T THEY?--TO BE FIRST OUT THERE WITH THE UNBURNED FLAGS READY TO KILL YOUR CHILDREN FOR THAT OLD BLACK OIL! HONOR MIGHT NOT CUT IT BUT GREED SURELY WOULD!

    To those who knew the reality of conditions in Lebanon, the proposal to send in the American troops had the ring of sheer insanity but then, when has insanity ever stopped the masses from insisting on destruction? It was just about like trying to smother a fire by dousing it with gasoline. It was certainly a situation set up and orchestrated wondrously for explosive incidents which must widen any confrontation.

    THE FOLLOWING DAY A LETTER OF WARNING AGAINST SEND­ING IN THE MARINES WAS DELIVERED TO REAGAN FROM SO­VIET PRESIDENT BREZHNEV. It was cryptic and blunt in warning al­though it contained no specific threats. In diplomatic language so blunt as to not allow for misunderstanding it simply said, "DO NOT DO IT!"

    In those days, anti-war warnings from Moscow were becoming increasingly urgent and frequent. On July 7, the Brezhnev warning against sending U.S. Marines into Lebanon was issued. Only six days later the Ustinov warning against an American nuclear first strike was issued.

    Russia's anti-war warnings included not only words, but also deeds. The Kremlin was now run by men who knew that words without deeds were use­less against the Bolsheviks--after all, they had just been kicked out of the Kremlin. Therefore it was certain that Russian pre-emptive measures would be expected to take place. Let's do a little reminding, please.

    The first major warning took place late in June, 1982. Millions of Americans
    watched the launch of Space Shuttle IV. You watched until the two solid
    rocket boosters separated and fell away from the shuttle. Moments later a
    jumbo Cosmosphere which was pacing the shuttle from a distance fired two
    quick blasts at the falling boosters which were no longer visible on TV. The
    Cosmosphere's beam weapon blew a hole in the side of each 18 million dollar
    booster shell. An Air Force C-130 airplane was tracking the boosters and saw
    the parachutes open. But when the spent boosters hit the water, they simply sank. Recovery teams were helpless to save them.

    Embarrassed NASA officials tried to explain away the loss but the lies were feeble at best. Meanwhile, the Russians could as easily have destroyed the shuttle itself--right on nationwide television but they would save that exercise for a more appropriate time.

    Next came the Aeroflot crash in Moscow, followed by the reprisal on July 9 against the Pan Am jet in New Orleans.

    Six days later the Russians reminded the Bolshevik/Zionists of their combined capabilities in geophysical warfare and widespread sabotage. They reminded your government that they had planted nuclear mines where they could de­stroy countless dams around the U.S. Those devices are still there--waiting for use at the press of a button.

    On July 15, the Kremlin reminded you to think again. That day northern Colorado was reeling from incredible rainstorms, the product of Russian weather modification (we shall go back and cover this topic also, at a later time). Dams in that area were straining to hold back the onslaught of water. Then a low yield underwater nuclear mine was detonated at the base of the Long Lake Dam. The dam blew open and the flood waters rampaged down the canyon and through the resort town of Estes Park. Afterwards your government tried to cover its tracks by saying they had been worried about that dam. But the disaster actually came with absolutely no warning. This SHOULD remind you of unexpected killer tornados in Illinois which came without any warning from the weather service what-so-ever!

    The very next day there was yet another warning shot. On July 16, 1982 a United Airlines DC-10 took off from Boston bound for Los Angles. Among the passengers of the jet were certain key members of the Bolshevik ruling group there in the U.S. For a while the flight progressed without incident. But as the jet flew westward at 39,000 feet, a Russian Cosmosphere was stationing itself to intercept it. The Cosmosphere hovered several miles off to one side of the jet's flight path and a few hundred feet above it. The charged particle beam weapon of the Cosmosphere was aimed horizontally to fire a shot across the bow of the speeding DC-10. As the jet approached, the Cosmosphere crew charged up the beam weapon for a maximum energy blast in the defocused mode. The tremendous air blast just above the DC-10's altitude created a huge shock wave of downward racing air. An instant later the DC-10 flew into it.

    By the way, these Cosmosphere platforms can be quite visible and there have been daily sightings of a platform above Edwards Air Force Base both day and night for over a week. I believe I need not explain what happened to the missile at the test grounds!

    There was another warning on July 22, 1982. It was aimed squarely and specifically at the weapons specialists among the Bolsheviks in the U.S. That day the first full range test flight of the army's new Pershing II missile took place at Cape Canaveral. The Pershing II is the nuclear missile which the Reagan Administration wanted to place in Europe where it could attack Rus­sia. Europe would be used as a launching pad, in other words.

    A few seconds after the Pershing II lifted off from Cape Canaveral it was bathed in neutron radiation from a Russian Cosmosphere high above. Neu­tron radiation ruins electronic equipment. As a result, the missile lost its guidance system. The climbing missile flopped over on its side, then started cartwheeling through the Florida skies and it was only 17 seconds before the destruct button was required to prevent it settling down for a cozy explosion right back from whence it came.

    Your shuttle awaits lift-off this very day! It has been intentionally delayed--what do you think will happen now? Oh, do not be smug--Mr. Gorbachev made some very memorable points to Mr. Bush this week and it would be wise indeed if "YOU THE PEOPLE" take note of that which is being thrust upon you for you are still among the totally expendable!

    Let us leave this portion as it is surely enough upon which to chew for one sitting. May God give you insight in your world of lies and secrets. You are blessed lambs; please hear our call unto you that we may be of help for God has sent us forth in His name to sound the call. Adonai and AHO!

    PJ 19
    CHAPTER 10


    TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1990 8:15 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 26

    Precious, precious brothers, Hatonn returned in the Light of our most beloved Radiant One--in service unto God and unto you of wondrous Earth. I come to point out similarities and "coincidental" instances whereby you might better see your path in relationships which give confirmation.

    Again you are in the "season" when great things come upon you. Summer and late summer are the times, it seems, when man plans his attacks for the bene­fit of the most coverage. It has great significance for several reasons; mostly it revolves around ending Congress and recess of that Congress. Therefore almost all maneuvers and manipulations can be done in haste while the Congress is preoccupied with last minute budgets and other actions can he instigated through Executive Orders, etc.

    Because this is again the year of planned chaos and nuclear war we shall continue to give you outlay of similarities. Will Israel be able to arrange accom­plishment of that which she intends to have without nuclear war? It is hard to predict for most nations are efforting to avoid it. There are few "terrorist" ac­tions as blatant as a nuclear act somewhere which can be set up by Israel in order to require or permit retaliation of the military forces of other nations. It was, and still is, planned to be against the Saudi oil fields but it gets more diffi­cult to blatantly go to war with Russia and other nations watching and effort­ing to avert such actions.

    The BZ's do not have the advantage of surveillance, etc., with the satellites having failed to make it into space, i.e., as long as you continue to have leaks in the fuel lines and in the cooling system (as today s announcement read) the shuttle sits on the ground. One would think the announcements would be more discreet rather than all these carrier line leaks, one after another in a multi-billion dollar death weapon. Oh well, Satan has never had to be cre­ative or original for man falls for any stupid story told, even if it be idiotic and ridiculous.

    I am going to relate a story, with pictures, coming from Beirut in 1982 so that you can see the gullibility of people.

    On the first day of August 1982 (early August is always significant), a heart­rending symbol of the Beirut holocaust appeared in newspapers across America. It was a wire-service photograph of a nurse in a hospital in East Beirut cradling a small seven-week-old baby in her left arm as she fed it from a bottle. From the tip of the nose upward the baby's head was completely swathed in a mass of bandages covering eyes and all. The shoulders of the fully infant were wrapped in even more bandages. Where there should have been a pair of arms, there was nothing. The baby's arms had been blown off by an Israeli artillery shell landing near the Green Line separating East and West Beirut.

    A picture is worth a thousand words but in this case the picture was worth thousands reduced to weeping. Here was a tiny Lebanese baby, a new human life, ruined before it could even begin its life. The picture was a heartbreaking object lesson about the senseless tragedy of war, at least most people took it within in that manner.

    The above was not the reaction of the Begin government in Israel. When that picture was brought to their attention they wasted not a word on trivial mat­ters like simple human compassion, sympathy, or regret. Instead they lodged bitter protests against the wire services and newspapers who had published the photo. There was great concern over the public relations impact on Israel resulting from that photograph. Demands were made that retractions be printed about the Israeli responsibility for the baby's grievous wounds but to their credit, wire services refused to make any such retraction. It had been established very firmly that Israeli bombardment had caused the tragedy.

    To most of you far from the scene, that picture of a tiny baby horribly maimed for life would appear exceptional, however, the fact was that the plight of that infant had been repeated countless times in the Israeli rape of Lebanon.

    There were areas where the Israeli onslaught had caused thousands of deaths, mostly of civilians! There were strenuous Israeli efforts to cover up the extent of the carnage and hide it from the "outside" world. On many occasions Is­raeli bulldozers dug pits, shoveling in piles of bodies and covering them over. There were huge numbers of children killed and maimed. There were entire rooms piled high with children's body parts: fingers, hands, legs, arms and such which had been blown apart by the explosions and awaiting placement in the burial pits.

    In the U.S. the sheer enormity of the Israeli atrocities in Lebanon was being completely censored. When you would hear about disgusted Israeli soldiers leaving the front and returning to Israel to protest the war, you were unable to fully understand WHY. But elsewhere around the world the news media was less hampered by the strait jackets of the BZ censorship, and they were reporting the above facts to the world. The Israelis continued to butcher and maim and announce to the world that God had delivered their enemy into their hands according to God's plan.

    On August 8 the BBC reported the observations of an International Red
    Cross official about the carnage in Beirut. He said that more than 80% of the
    casualties in Lebanon were civilian, and he insisted that the killing and bombing going on in Beirut was much worse than occurred generally during World War II. Two days later the BBC carried a report about Relief women from Europe and New Zealand working in the Beirut battle zone. They had walked to the Green Line to protest the Israeli siege which had cut off food, fuel, and water for West Beirut. One reported, "These are the most horrible conditions I've seen in all our relief work around the world."

    No, the BBC does not have such opportunity in open reporting this day as back then because the British "have seen the light". They disliked the Israelis to extraordinary extent but now that the Zionists control the U.S. government, they have conveniently become supporters. My dear ones, the British are the most incredibly bigoted one group of people in the world--note South Africa. They did not just turn around in the tunnel and fall in love with the "Jews".

    Many of the military actions ordered by the Begin government in Lebanon could only be described as "war crimes". Men who reigned as terrorists in the 1940's CONTROL what had become the world's third most powerful military machine--that of Israel in the 1980's. The result was what you saw in Lebanon--total state terrorism. That is military power used according to ter­rorist doctrine.

    In normal military doctrine the most successful operations are those which minimize casualties but in military terrorism the opposite is the case. Every effort is made to multiply casualties for their own sake with no distinction between combatants and civilians. To the terrorist, death is power and the more death the more power.

    Throughout the siege of Beirut you saw the Israeli doctrine of military terror­ism at work in full-blown actions. On August 13 The Washington Post described the bewilderment created among Beirut residents by the merciless Is­raeli attacks. One was quoted in the words:

    "What is the sense of all this killing? What do the Israelis want? Are they crazy? The Palestinians have said that they are ready to go, so why don't they let them? Why do they continue to bomb us like this?"

    Of course the answers are all found in the doctrine of Military Terrorism practiced by the Begin government. What they wanted was total control through total fear and, to achieve that, death and suffering was intentionally increased to the greatest extent possible. These are the policies of genocide and of true war crimes. The war crimes committed in Lebanon by the militant Israeli Zionists were terrible to contemplate but you didn't stop and think about them carefully enough and you can fully expect worse military terrorist war crimes to come.

    The Reagan-Begin axis of the BZ's were working as fast as humanly possible to commit the ultimate war crime--THERMONUCLEAR WAR! The agony of such as Lebanon will pale beside that of America.

    Just as with NOW, there were plans under-cover to thwart the intended Nu‑
    clear War plans. The Bolsheviks did succeed in ousting the key man in the plan--General Alexander Haig (who you will note, is right in the thick of mouth spouting in the current debacle with no accountable reason for his least participation--he is a "former" everything). But, he remains even more powerful, having changed horses in the mid-stream and works behind the scenes with his other buddies in crime. Besides, all of Haig's "men" were not weeded out and no one could determine how things might go any more than you can determine what will happen in the Middle East today.

    Just as "then", there will be no warning to the public ahead of time.

    There were some signs, however, in 1982 which I will point out and you can overlay them on today's activities and see similarities which may benefit your planning and expectations. I can only give you "probabilities" for as long as there is human possibility of changing a "thing" it is never set in cement. Let us examine some observations and actions which can he applied to your situation today by simply changing the labels and locations.

    When the Israeli invasion of Lebanon began on June 5, 1982, it was called "OPERATION PEACE FOR GALILEE". Not greatly differing from "DESERT SHIELD", I think. Israel promised a nervous world that it would be only a "limited" operation with limited objectives. The Israelis gave their solemn promise that their armed forces would go no deeper than 40 kilome­ters (25 miles) into Lebanon. Within that limited zone close to Israel the in­tent was to eliminate all Palestinian fighting forces. Begin justified the opera­tion in the usual sanctimonious terms, telling the world that Israel had been forced into doing it. It was the only way, he said, for Israel to buy peace for its northern provinces.

    From the start to the finish, the so-called "PEACE FOR GALILEE" op­eration by Israel was tangled in lies. The word "peace" was used to give a halo to the most genocidal war yet by Israel, and the Biblical-sounding phrase "Peace for Galilee" was designed to hide the true nature of the campaign as much as possible--from Christians in particular!

    When you Christians hear the word "Galilee" you can't help thinking of your Lord Jesus Christos Sananda. The very word comes unto your ears and heart as "sacred" to you so at a subconscious level you are tempted to feel that you dare not condemn what the Israelis might be actually doing. These feelings were reinforced by Zionist influence experts through countless churches right there in America.

    The counterfeit Jews, the Khazar Jews, who control Israel, spent vast amounts
    of money (from you the people of America) to encourage counterfeit interpretations of the Bible. As a result, countless millions of well-meaning but misled Christians and Jews closed their eyes to Israel's war crimes, saying: "It's all in prophecy". Sound familiar???

    The Zionist lies about Israel's operation "PEACE FOR GALILEE" began even with the officially claimed date of the invasion. The agreed date used by the major media was June 6 when some Israeli forces went through a United Nations checkpoint but the invasion actually began ON JUNE 5, NOT JUNE 6. It was as if by changing the date of the invasion the Israelis were trying to avoid the prophet Ezekiel's prophecy of doom. Are any of you squeamish yet? --does "7 years" strike any blows to your senses? Well, the Israelis change a lot of "facts' to suit themselves but this is one that they could not change--calling one day "another" does not change of the day.

    To give correct record let us just give you an Earth example from your own New York Daily News for SUNDAY, JUNE 6, 1982:

    "Israeli tanks moved across the border into a Christian enclave in southern Lebanon yesterday while Israeli warplanes and gun boats pounded suspected Palestinian positions."

    Obviously no one gave them the "party line". The date of the paper was June 6. The reference to "yesterday" in the news article (and there were many, many others) means June 5th. Invasion of a country is a matter of fact, not words, and that invasion began with tanks crossing the border on June 5, 1982--the same day the official invasion order was signed!

    The Begin government began its abominations and military desolation in the SIXTH YEAR, IN THE SIXTH MONTH OF THE YEAR, ON THE FIFTH DAY OF THE MONTH! If the Israelis had incurred the wrath of God as spelled out in Ezekiel 8, it could not be undone by lying about the date of the invasion, could it?

    The extent of Israeli lies about the purpose of the Lebanon invasion is almost beyond belief, even to me who has a lot of things which are very hard to believe outlaying before me constantly. But that the world believed it is totally incredible even to a Space Command. What is so absolutely disturbing is the extent to which those lies were successfully hidden from almost ALL Americans--and it doesn't change. In eight years it seems to simply be a repeat with even bigger lies and the same level of total acceptance to the lies.

    The entire excuse for invading Lebanon was allegedly to end Palestinian violence against northern Israel. If you believe there was even one shred of truth to that, please follow on and I'll pronounce a quotation for you. It is taken from an article by columnist Anthony Lewis, New York Times, June 7, 1982.

    "For nine months not a single rocket or shell was fired by PLO gunners into Israel. When Israeli planes bombed Lebanon on April 21 for the first time since the truce started, the PLO did not respond. When there was another bombing on May 9, there was a limited response-‑about 100 rockets that Israel said caused no damage or casualties.

    Then after the massive Israeli bombing last week, the PLO responded with full-scale barrages. In short, the cease-fire kept the Galilee safe until Israel bombed Lebanon. The argument that aggressive new mili­tary action was needed to keep the rockets out, turns reality upside­-down."

    It all boils down to the fact that the Reagan-Begin axis was determined to set off war in the Middle East. The timing of the war had nothing to do with alleged provocations by the Palestinians. Instead, it was dictated by the joint plan of the American Bolsheviks and Israeli Zionists to set off nuclear war very quickly. That was why the Israeli forces did not even slow down when they reached their promised limit of 25 miles into Lebanon. The merciless bombardment and siege of Beirut itself had purposes far different from those stated. The presence of PLO headquarters there simply provided a convenient excuse for what was to BE THE INVASION OF AN ARAB CAPITAL.

    Throughout the Arab world an Israeli invasion or occupation of an Arab capital has always been seen as the ultimate taboo. SHUDDER NOW--YOU HAVE TAKEN OCCUPATION OF MECCA, THE HOLIEST CITY IN THE ARAB WORLD AND I WOULD BE NERVOUS IF I WERE YOU.

    You see the interesting correlation, perhaps? Had that been the outcome of the siege of Beirut, general war in the Middle East was virtually guaranteed and that would have created the ideal cover to explain away the surprise erup­tion of nuclear war very soon indeed. BUT, IT ALL ENDED IN QUITE AN ABRUPT SURPRISE!

    The Begin government had no intention of allowing negotiations for evacuation of the PLO to succeed. They kept turning the military screws tighter and tighter on Beirut while adding more and more demands to be met by the Palestinians.

    Each time the PLO confounded the Israelis by accepting demands which they had been expected to reject. As a result, time after time the Reagan envoy Philip Habib warned the White House that an agreement was becoming unavoidable. Each time that happened Begin was notified and the Israeli Air Force started pounding Beirut again! The result each time was exactly what the Israelis wanted--a brief derailment of the talks.

    The cycle of talks, near agreement, and disruption by Israeli bombing took up almost the entire first half of the month of August 1982. Foreign newspapers were filled with editorials condemning the bloodbath in Beirut and demanding that the U.S. rein in Israel. It was put more bluntly by the Morning Star, a British newspaper with Soviet ties. On August 1 the paper declared that the U.S. on its own could end the siege of Beirut immediately if it cared to do so. But in Washington the entity President Reagan and his spokesmen just wrung their hands as if they were powerless to do a thing. The carnage in Beirut went right on with a continued green light from Washington.

    Meanwhile there were a series of increasingly threatening growls about the Beirut holocaust from the Russian Bear. Russia's new rulers were as anti-Zionist as they were anti-Bolshevik and they made no bones about it. On August 2 the BBC reported that Russia had condemned Israel as a "barbarian committing genocide in Lebanon". On August 3 Moscow Radio charged that the planning for the take-over of Lebanon had been done by the Defense Department in Washington. On August 4 the BBC reported increasingly fierce criticism of Israel and the U.S. by Russia. The next day Russia called for a United Nations Security Council meeting and at the meeting the next day described the Israeli aggression as one of insolence and craziness. The exchanges between the Russian and the Israeli delegates were some of the bitterest ever seen at the U.N.

    Russia has now warned you American/Zionists to not invade Iraq and I certainly suggest you listen to that warning for there is a line to be drawn, dear friends, and Gorbachev just drew it on Sunday last.

    While all of that was going on in public, the Russians were also flashing warning signs by way of diplomatic channels. The Kremlin was telling the White House to call off the dogs in Beirut but Washington was not listening. Mr. Bush might very well overstep this line also and woe unto your nation.

    Finally, the Russians decided 'Enough was Enough'. In the small hours of Thursday, August 12, the entity (hmmmm--tomorrow, eight years ago), the entity President Reagan was awakened out of a nice sound sleep. He was told that Soviet President Brezhnev was waiting to speak to him on the crisis HOT LINE. He was calling from his summer retreat in the Crimea--almost as sweet as Kennybunkport. When Reagan picked up that phone, Brezhnev's message was extremely short and pointedly blunt. Reagan listened as the slightly slurred words of an elderly man crackled over the phone in Russian. Then he turned to the interpreter listening on a parallel phone--in effect the message was:

    Both you and your Zionist partners are deceiving yourselves. In the end we will not permit a beachhead in Lebanon by your troops. Either you stop the Zionists now or we will fix them ourselves. What's more, we know all about your September war plan--DON'T DO IT!

    Reagan, who never made a single decision on his own, could only answer that he would check into it.

    As the Reagan-Brezhnev HOT-LINE conversation took place, dawn was just breaking over the besieged city of Beirut. It was a dawn that had been shattered by the beginning of the most devastating bombardment yet by the Israelis. Israeli Fighter Bombers were shrieking overhead, diving toward the city, then pointing up as they dropped their bombs. Land and seabased ar­tillery shells were exploding within the city at the rate of more than one per second.

    The reason for the Israeli attack was very obvious. A final negotiating session was scheduled for 4:00 P.M. by Reagan envoy Habib and top Lebanese officials. Habib had warned the White House that unless something was done, an agreement was a certainty so, to prevent that agreement, the Israelis unleashed everything they had on Beirut.

    The raids went on for 10 hours straight, from 6:00 A.M. until shortly after the meeting began, and it almost worked. Lebanese Prime Minister Chafic Waz­zan stormed out of the meeting with Habib in a total rage. He declared that negotiations were suspended indefinitely and, afterwards, speaking with Reagan's man Habib, Wazzan said:

    "I have told him I cannot carry on and hold him, as well as the United States, responsible for the consequences."

    If that had been the end of it the Reagan-Begin axis would have achieved exactly what they wanted. With the talks broken off indefinitely, the Begin gov­ernment would have had the excuse it wanted to proceed with its all-out inva­sion of Beirut.

    The reason it did not end there was the Brezhnev-Reagan HOT-LINE call which had taken place that morning. The Russians had threatened to "fix" the Zionists and suddenly there was evidence that they were preparing to do just that.


    When the reports reached Israeli and American Air Defense headquarters, the meaning of the blips was understood instantly. For the first time in several years the Russian Space Command was making a massive show of force using its fleet of Cosmospheres. Those sweet electrogravitic weapons platforms normally hover at the fringes of the atmosphere where they are invisible to radar but on that afternoon of August 12 over 100 of them descended straight down to within radar range over Lebanon and Israel.

    Now for you dear readers who continually suggest we of the Command make a massive presentation and the world would know the truth--how many of you have ever even heard of this particular incident???? Worse, that was simply a man-made spectacle! YOU ARE PEOPLE OF THE LIE AND YOU WILL BE GIVEN LIES IN ANY INSTANCE AND I AM WONDERING IF YOU WILL EVER STOP BELIEVING THAT "UFO" DRIVEL OF MISINFOR­MATION THRUST UPON YOU BY ACTIVE AGENTS OF THE GOV­ERNMENT'S CIA?

    Bolshevik military Intelligence analysts in Washington had to make a decision
    fast as to whether the Russians were bluffing or meant business. Because of the known anti-war attitude of the then Kremlin, Russian shows of force had not always been taken seriously in the U.S. but the Russians had been doing a lot of things to change that perception.

    All those "warning shots" were intended to show, without a shadow of a doubt, that the Kremlin was prepared to use its vast military power. When that information was added to the Brezhnev HOT LINE call, analysts got a pretty bad case of "sweaty palms" and "dry mouth". It was then decided that the Beirut invasion plan would have to be aborted. Somehow the PLO evacua­tion negotiations had to be started up once again.

    Suddenly all the excuses that America couldn't control Israel went flying out the window. Instead, evening news reports on August 12 led off by saying that Reagan was "cracking down" on Israel. There were planted stories that Rea­gan had called Begin and expressed outrage over the massive air raids that day. All of sudden, after not lifting a finger for two months to stop the in­discriminate Lebanon massacre, it seemed Reagan had gotten some sort of "religion".

    On the following day the Lebanese government agreed to resume the suspended talks over the PLO withdrawal. Suddenly all the previous obstacles seemed to evaporate. Within days the final agreement was struck. Barely a week later, on August 21, the first actual evacuation of PLO fighters from Beirut got underway supervised by French troops.

    The turnabout by the U.S. and Israel was so radical and so abrupt that a scapegoat had to be found to explain it away to you the public. For that rea­son everyone started pointing fingers at the Israeli Defense Minister Sharon. There were rumors that he alone was responsible for the insane bombard­ment of Beirut on August 12--shades of poor little Ollie North perhaps? All kinds of stories suddenly surfaced to the effect that Sharon always was kind of insubordinate and dangerous. It was all his fault, you were told, but Sharon said it was the fault of the Israeli Cabinet. You see, there isn't much "safety" among these types of thieves--they stab and mutilate their own at whim.

    The Russian powerplay saved Beirut from a total invasion but, when the American Bolsheviks and Israeli Zionists caved in and gave up on the Beirut invasion plan, it was only a retreat, not a surrender. They were as hell-bent on nuclear war as ever and were more determined to strike first than ever before.

    Oh, the facts were even more contorted. The next plan involved the U.S. Marines who arrived in Beirut to supposedly help police the PLO evacuation. Shades of "Desert Shield"? The plan was to stoke up a new crisis by creating an incident in which a number of Marines would be killed. In order to set the stage for it, the Israeli MOSSAD had already started creating so-called cease­fire violations which were blamed on the PLO.

    You were told all sorts of lies that Israel's enemy in its so-called PEACE FOR GALILEE operations was the PLO but on August 5 Israeli Foreign Minister Shamir revealed that the real enemy was Russia. Speaking to a group of Jewish leaders in New York City Shamir said:

    "Lebanon until now was dominated by the PLO and Syria, and behind them, the Soviets," and he boasted: "Soviet Russia doesn't plan any role now in our area."

    Well, it was quite a dandy surprise a week later to find out differently when the Russian Cosmosphere threat forced a surprise end to the Beirut holo­caust.

    The Israeli invasion of Lebanon was only part of a greater plan for nuclear war against Russia. The United States Marines had been introduced into Lebanon with a promise by President Reagan that they would be needed no longer than some 30 days.

    Before those 30 days were up, the Bolsheviks intended fully to set off a surprise American nuclear attack against Russia. I think I need not do more than remind you of what happened to those Marines!

    Dharma, allow us to close this and take a respite. I would like to finish this topic in the next chapter, please, and I ask that we do as much as possible this morning. Thank you.

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