PJ 19


THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1990 7:45 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 285
Hatonn returned in the Light of God, in service unto Him and unto you of His Creations. Please allow this portion to be placed as chapter one in this Jour­nal. You must consider your current plight in order to recognize what is hap­pening. We simply increase the light shield and bend our backs to the task of outlaying information. Dharma becomes a bit faint of courage but there is no other way than to simply move right on ahead and get our work done. So he it and blessings rest upon you.

I have to leave much in the hands of you who query me! I know not how, in Earth "time" to get this information into the hands of the public in faster for­mat. Every paper we write is advanced in information but past critical by the time it reaches the public sector. I WILL NOT WRITE IT BEFORE IT UN­FOLDS FOR WE ARE NOT TO BE CONSIDERED PSYCHIC FORTUNE TELLERS NOR WILL I PLACE THE LIFE OF THESE ONES IN MORE CRITICAL JEOPARDY.

If, however, plans of the World Conspirators come off as they are efforting to arrange it--this Journal will arrive after the fact. Short of daily new press I know not how to get the information to you more quickly. As you know, no daily news press allows the carrying of this information. I must leave it in the hands of our publisher who is working beyond all human endurance to per­form in timely sequence and with such limited funding and general support that it brings only my humble gratitude. These ones in this place have given all with such little reward and yet I hear no complaints. I honor them beyond your Earth ability to measure. We shall continue to do the very best that we can and ask you the public how we can serve better within these Earth limita­tions.

The next resolution of the United Nations General Assembly will be NUM­BER 666. What will it be? Genocide or Reason? Will it be a Firestorm in Babylon or a tribute to Reason? Don't count on "reason".

To point out that which you might well look at in truth we will walk through the news of the moment!

The most important task laid forth to your nation, for your Constitution hangs in the balance, is selection of a justice to your Supreme Court--namely, David Souter. Who heads the selection and interrogation committee to decide upon the appointed? That's right--Joseph Biden--one of the most fervent and zeal­ous PRO-ISRAEL representatives in your Congress, along with other major members of the Trilaterals, Bilderhergers and Council of Foreign Relations--in other words, the most elite of the elite. So he it!

They announce great "winnings" in the Iraqi "war". "The hostages are flowing hack home!" No, no and no--they are not. The women and children are being sent home--expenses all paid. The only ones you could remotely label "hostages" are very definitely still in strategic places in Iraq and Kuwait.

Read my lips! 1 am going to give you hack some quotes from Bush's speech (Sept. 11, 1990) for your inspection. I will quote bits and pieces and then comment for your thoughts.

"Iraq will not be permitted to annex Kuwait. That's not a threat. That's not a boast. That's just the way it's going to be."

Funny thing--Kuwait was always annexed to Iraq. It was the British who split Kuwait from Iraq. Doesn't anyone look at the history or geography books? And who is Bush to announce such a thing--perhaps Iraq should have had in­put about the U.S. annexing Alaska and Hawaii?

"It will take time to have their full intended effect" (referring to em­bargos, etc.), "the (U.S.) will review all options." And he declared, "The U.S. won't let one so ruthless as Iraqi President Saddam Hussein dominate the world oil market. And Washington won't let Iraq deter U.S. policy by holding hundreds of hostages in Iraq and occupied Kuwait. America and the world must stand up to aggression, and we will. And one thing more: in the pursuit of these goals, America will not be intimidated."

What happened to the good old United Nations? The "options" refers to all-out war, dear friends--with your citizens in the middle of the targets. Who is the ruthless one where your citizens are concerned? Saddam did not drag these citizens into Iraq and Kuwait kicking and screaming--they were already there where your own Biden said they had no business being there.

Who is the aggressor? Iraq went into Kuwait, yes--their own people's land. Who is the world aggressor? It appears that the only aggressor is the U.S.-­nagged on by Britain and Israel--the other nations in participation had to be coerced or paid-off--by you! And "America will not be intimidated"? What happened, again, to the old U.N.? Who appears to head this "NEW WORLD ORDER" as this label is now the openly touted name of this new type of tyranny and Zionist autocracy'?

And what does Bush want Congress to do, along with a war, etc.?

"..Congress to pass four ambitious items...legislation with growth-ori­ented TAX MEASURES;..a five-year plan to reduce the budget deficit.. (Undoubtedly a "Balanced Budget AMENDMENT"! )..a new military spending plan and measures to increase domestic ENERGY INDEPENDENCE."

Why? You have already read his lips and new taxes are imminent--unlawfully of course! You have already lost judicial control of your Constitution. You already have a mandatory Balanced Budget ARTICLE in your Constitution which is totally avoided at all costs. Military spending is already again the black hole of the universe only to be matched by the national debt. Lastly, such a small amount (percentage) of oil comes from Iraq and Kuwait that the world would actually not notice its loss in the least! But "in their official re­sponse to the President, even congressional Democrats gave Mr. Bush `UNQUALIFIED' support for his Persian Gulf initiative--because it is `right'." But, it is further obvious that all want to blackmail other nations like Japan into paying for your initiative and actions!

Japan is head of the list of ones being blackmailed by the U.S. for they are having an economic downswing and the U.S. has them over the proverbial barrel because they were not going to renew carrying all your national debt for you this year. I suppose they will now reconsider to some extent. By the way, that big doozy comes due for roll-over and attention in early OCTOBER AND IS DISASTER BY DECEMBER! PAY ATTENTION!

Pay close attention to the next statements also:

Bush's demands: "...unconditional Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait; restoration of Kuwait's ousted government;" (This is the handpicked puppet government put in place by Great Britain!) "..security of other Persian Gulf countries---i.e. Israel, AND PROTECTION OF AMER­ICANS ABROAD." (Hold this last one in your heart as I point out another portion of his speech a bit later!) And then Mr. Bush added a fifth : "ESTABLISHMENT OFA NEW WORLD ORDER!"

And what did Bush say to Mikhail Gorbachev?

This is the first assault on THE NEW WORLD (ORDER) that we see, the first test of our mettle. Had we not responded to this first provocation with clarity of purpose, if we do not continue to demon­strate our determination, it would be a signal to actual and potential despots around the world."

Mr. Bush further said of the over 100,000 U.S. soldiers (where are your other million and nine hundred thousand?) dispatched to Saudi Arabia, as well as any sent by other nations (little tiny print):

"...are in the OIL RICH KINGDOM to deter and, if need be, to de­fend against attack."

Who plans to attack? Saddam never had any intention of attacking anyone--he needed a sea port to continue to ship oil. He did not stop the oil flow--the U.S. stopped the flow of oil to you poor, underprivileged nations now helpless from an oil glut.



Speaking of those Americans in Iraq and Kuwait, Mr. Bush said:


Right here I shall interrupt in the most attention-getting manner possible--LOOK AT THE NEWS--TODAY! IN AMERICA THERE IS A TRAIN OF SOME HALF-MILE IN LENGTH (MINIMUM) LOADED TO THE CAR TOPS WITH CHEMICAL WEAPONS--ON THE MOVE TO THE SEAPORT. WHY? WELL, "THEY TELL YOU" THAT THE WEAPONS ARE HEADED FOR "DESTRUCTION" IN SOME UNNAMED, NON-EXISTENT SOUTH SEAS IS­LAND!!!!! How about buying another bridge, perhaps the Golden Gate this time? The train is headed for the wrong sea-port if it intends to end up in the South Seas!

Bush also expressed great emotional thrust regarding poor, starving Bangladesh:

"When Bangladesh is putting troops in harm's way, so should our pros- perous and powerful allies.' This through the wondrous one called Gebhardt (remember him?).

What they fail to mention is that the International Monetary Fund and World Bank told them that they would either participate and send troops or all aid would abruptly cease being sent to Bangladesh!!!! Remember Bangladesh? Several years of incredible floods and total famine! God weeps, dear broth­ers--does anyone feel His tears?

Bush further stated:

"...this is no time to risk America's capacity to protect her vital interests by cutting defense 'too deeply'."

And just how do you get what you want in the fuel industry? Wall Street Journal, Wed., Sept. 12, 1990:

...the President urges various federal agencies to expedite the permit­ting process required for certain oil drilling projects in the Beaufort Sea near Alaska and renewed his call for Congress to allow oil drilling in the Arctic Natural Wildlife Refuge in Alaska....to accelerate the de­velopment of Alaskan energy resources without damage to wildlife...establish pipeline projects designed to bring natural gas into California in projects designed to recover hard-to-get oil.

Among steps proposed by the Energy Department to encourage con­servation are calls for Americans to use gasoline with lower-octane ratings.

The President also called for efforts to increase fuel-switching. Higher oil prices are already persuading industries with dual-fuel capacity to switch to natural gas from oil. (What an interesting concept.) Energy Department officials have also looked at ways to remove barriers, such as transportation problems, that could inhibit the switching of fuels.

Then of course there would be "Tax Perks" for alternative energy pro­ductions, i.e. solar, etc.

Here is another good one! The GAO Chief Urges Congress to Set Higher Premiums Than Currently Planned: The banking industry's deposit insurance fund could require Treasury assistance if a recession strikes, according to the GAO, prompting some lawmakers to urge ANOTHER INCREASE IN BANK INSURANCE PREMIUMS--(for you the itty-bitty guys to fund).

Charles Bowsher, comptroller general for the GAO, the investigative arm of Congress, gave visions of a crisis similar to the S&L's debacle before the Sen­ate Banking Committee. He exhorted Congress to avert a need for federal assistance by giving banking regulators the authority to raise insurance premi­ums in the Bank Insurance Fund higher than is currently planned. Well, I don't think I need to go any further---! But, in reference to my writing re­garding the FDIC of a few days back, I offer the following--keeping in mind that there is ACTUALLY NO SUCH THING AS THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE.

"William Seidman, chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., which oversees both the bank and thrift insurance funds, said that he agreed with the GAO's projection that bank fund losses could reach $2 billion this year," (That isn t even for starters). "Moreover, if Congress gives the FDIC the authority to raise insurance premiums higher, the FDIC would consider it."

So much for your little banking buddies!

I am asked to clarify amounts of actual percentages of oil imports into the U.S. and from where. Yes, I can do that but it will make you bilious because you are going to see that Iraq just doesn't cut the percentage relative to the "flap". Any single importer could make up the difference without blinking.

The U.S. imports about 50 some odd percent of its oil. It doesn't need to for you have a total glut. But, EVERY BARREL OF IMPORTED OIL PAYS THE OIL COMPANY A MINIMUM OF $1.75 SUBSIDY, ACROSS THE BOARD, TAX FREE, PER BARREL. A breakdown by percentage of the top ten importers of oil to the U.S. in 1990 (January through May): Saudi Arabia, 14.98 percent; Venezuela, 11.96 percent; Nigeria, 11.23; IRAQ, 7.28; Virgin Islands, 3.74; Algeria, 3.54; Angola, 3.38 and United Kingdom, 2.86.

Dharma, please locate an Editorial from one Vincent J. Ryan, and reprint it herein. To say the least, he is quite kind and understates the obvious to the full extent of wise credibility.

"PERSONAL...FROM THE EDITOR" Yes, I deliberately leave out his publication--he likes to have his head attached to his shoulders!

"Here we are, right back where we started. After the expenditure of trillions of dollars and a 'national' debt of ionospheric proportions, the loss of millions of lives, two generations growing up with the specter of complete, global destruction through nuclear war, and the enormous resources diverted to protecting the world from communism, the loss of European hegemony over the globe etc., etc., the United States is isolated from the rest of the world, just like before World War I.

"We could have saved a lot of money and lives and heartache by simply minding our own business all those years.

"The isolation we are currently entering into is not a conscious decision of our world improvers or their international banking bankers, how­ever--it is being imposed upon us by the rest of the world, fed up with our meddling, our one-sided policy in favor of Israel in the Middle East, and our self-appointed role of global policeman.

" And, although it's too early to be certain, it is beginning to look as
if things are cooling off and a diplomatic settlement might be reached, UNLESS ISRAEL GETS ITS WAY AND MANAGES TO PRO­VOKE AN INCIDENT THAT LEADS TO WAR (not too hard, con­sidering the sheer numbers of soldiers and military firepower assem­bled in the region).

"One thing is for sure, however. That is that the United States can no longer afford to he the global Keystone Kop, protecting the interests of others and earning only black eyes and pratfalls. Our own interests have been neglected for far too long, and our needs are too overwhelming to be overlooked any longer. Enormous debt, a faltering economy, a ravaged industrial base and a crumbling infrastructure are crying out for the attention of our criminal political leaders who, in seeking the coward's solution to the problems of peace, tried to get us into war.

"Iraq was only the first. There are brush-fire wars breaking out all over. Civil war in the Philippines, South Africa and Sri Lanka, a bor­der war between India and Pakistan, a regional war in the nations of East Africa and ethnic strife in Eastern Europe are all looming over the horizon. These are most assuredly not our problems, but we must beware the politicians' desire to make them ours to distract us from the difficulties we face at home.

'The new period of isolation we are entering into is, as mentioned ear­lier, being forced upon us by the hatred we have justly earned from the world's nations by our stupid interference. It at least affords us the chance to start over again. But just think what a country we could have had now if we had looked to our own interests as the Founding Fathers counseled, spent those trillions of dollars at home or not at all, and al­lowed all those lives lost in needless foreign wars to have been produc­tively lived out in peace.

"So it looks as if our innings are coming. Perhaps there's a silver lining in the black cloud of disaster the mattoids and their puppet politicians have made for America."

Please look carefully at this message and refer back to those things in the countdown to Nuclear War One in 1982 and feel the pressure on thine toes!

You may make it for a while for Russia is so far ahead of you in Space and technology that you plan a bloodbath suicide mission if you move on into war. However, your wondrous Global Elite politicians have set you up two won­drous methods to swallow trillions of unaccounted dollars into waste--the black hole of debt and now the black hole of military war spending. How nice of you to finance your own execution and funeral and set up those criminal "NEW WORLD ORDER" leeches into full power while you bend and scrape and offer the alms of your freedoms, your Constitution, your property and your very lives unto Satan! They even gave you the addicting sleep potions to keep you in a stupor while they Raped, Ravaged, Pillaged and Plundered you! Worse--you took it like candy from the sweet-shoppe.

Oh yes, there is indeed a firestorm in Babylon this day!

For the fourth time in a decade, the American military is being sent into the
Middle East. Two of these interventions, the abortive helicopter raid in Iran
and the Marines in Lebanon were totally disastrous. Only on the third intervention did you achieve anywhere near your objective, protecting the Persian Gulf oil route, despite casualties--no doubt to man, a worthy cause.

Mere technological superiority over the Middle East has not proven enough to ensure success; American leaders must also correctly assess the situation. A brilliant dissertation has been penned regarding the History of the Region in point and I shall excerpt from it for you know not that which ye do nor of that in which ye interfere.

You are dealing with a part of the world peopled with cultures dramatically different than your own. Unless you effort to understand these people, you will be violating one of the major rules for any conflict: "Know your enemy." You have no idea of that which you are up against.

While it might be impossible to summarize a culture in brevity, we shall at­tempt to point out crucial differences between American and traditional Arab thought patterns.

Some cultures see everything as related--violate a taboo in one area, and all aspects of life and the community will be sorely affected. Other cultures see more separation between different aspects of life.

American culture, being a mixture, seems to be in the middle, although in­creased specialization and judicial mandates to separate religious morality from all levels of government and education are creating a more atomistic cul­ture. Arab culture is even more atomistic, with a tendency to view life and the universe as a series of static, concrete and disjunct entities, loosely linked but without an organic interrelationship.

Society is not an organic whole, but an association of separate groups held to­gether by the ground below and the government above but owing no relation­ship or loyalty to each other. Towns are agglomerations of quarters, houses, clans and guilds only rarely with a corporate identity of their own. It is hard to get a citizenry to fight for a nation-state, given this world-view.

Unlike the European societies which are increasingly reluctant to use God as a goad to kill and conquer, the Islamic faith of the Arabs, since the beginning, has glorified holy wars (jihads) against unbelievers (infidels). This not only in­cludes fighting non-Moslems, but has also included using the development of fanatical sub-sects and cults to stir rural elements into a holy war against rulers and city-dwellers.

In an historical study of causes of wars versus casualties, around 10 percent of a population has been willing to die in the name of religion while less than 2 percent have been willing to die to preserve economic interests.

While it would be difficult for any Arab leader to rally his population to de­fend his nation-state, if Hussein can rally the Arabs in a true jihad against un­believers, his followers will accept a casualty rate beyond Americans willing to die in order to protect pipelines.

Islam (the word) means "to submit". Submission is seen as a positive virtue, to be practiced with loyalty and enthusiasm. Authoritarianism is respected and obeyed, whether it is a rigid theology, legal system or dictator.

Thus Americans may denounce Saddam Hussein At-Takriti as a thug and a bully who used chemical weapons against his own people, but these facts do not lessen the Arab duty to submit to him. Nor has the benevolence of the Kuwaiti rulers increased the duty of their citizens.

Only the demonstration that Saddam Hussein or the Kuwaiti royal house is acting in an un-Islamic manner would lessen the average Muslim's duty to submit, since revolt has almost always been based on religious grounds. As the fall of the Shah of Iran shows, this is a tool that can be used most easily against secular rulers who cooperate with the West.

To Europeans and Americans, "nationalism" is an easily understood term--loyalty to your people and culture and a recognition of a territory as rightfully belonging to a society. In the more atomism Arab culture, the concept did not exist until 1914 when the British appealed to Arab nationalism to encour­age them to rebel against the Ottoman Turks.

What was generated was a nebulous pride and recognition of a common lan­guage, history and culture which is shared throughout the Arabian peninsula and parts of North Africa. Europe then offended this fledgling nationalism by seizing control of most of the Middle East, drawing borders not recognized by the Arabs and ruling them through mandates.

Even when given independence, Arab nations found themselves dominated both militarily and economically by Western forces. While prospering eco­nomically, they bitterly hated being ruled by non-Moslems, and incipient na­tionalism has combined with traditional religious fervor. The presence of Is­rael, European infidels, recalls the 200-year presence of crusader states.

Thus today Arab nationalism tends to combine an antipathy to Europeans, Americans and Israelis with a loyalty to a large area and population which have little or no relationship to current borders. One is reminded of Europe's Middle Ages, where kings and lords controlled as much territory as they could hold, but the average citizen owed only personal and local loyalties and a gen­eral sense of belonging to "Christendom'.

Saddam has attempted to rally this (Arab) nation to his support. He is not the first to do so. President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt used it successfully but died in 1970. Col. Muammar el-Kadaffi has attempted to use it, but his nation proved too vulnerable to outside attacks. Saddam is operating from Baghdad, a traditional center of the Arab world (and almost on top of the old city of Babylon!), and has hacked the Palestinians and battled Iran to a standstill. This makes him a strong, even heroic figure to many, many Arabs.

As a secular ruler originally belonging to the I3aathist party which was founded by a Christian and a Moslem, he could be vulnerable, but his strong stand against Israel and the West has strengthened his legitimacy in the eyes of most Arabs. Just as the crusader states fueled 200 years of Arab strong­men, you should not he surprised if the presence of Israel similarly generates a string of leaders exploiting the widespread nebulous anger of Arab national­ism.


Americans have only a short span of history and you tend to interpret all events from the perspective of the recent past. You explain most worldwide events in terms of the last 50 years--World War II until present day.

Thus, President George Bush denounces Saddam as "Hitler"! Do you see the correlation and the limited perspective?

The Arabs, however, belong to a far older culture; Iraq in particular being a center of civilization for thousands of years. You are dealing with a culture therefore which has a perspective of at least 2,000 years. To understand them you must know a little about their history.

Mesopotamia was first part of the Parthian, then (AD 226) the Persian (Sassanid) Empire. The area was politically united with Iran. Under the Parthians, Mesopotamia was one of several provinces, but under the Persians, the city of Ctesiphon, near Baghdad, was the imperial capital. Economically, the area was a major trade center between Persia and Roman principalities.

AD 500-AD 1000: Mesopotamia was the center of the Persian Empire, which expanded to include the eastern Mediterranean shore and Egypt (AD 600- 616). It was then conquered by Islamic armies (AD 636). Initially, the empire centered in Medina, then Damascus, while expanding to include North Africa, Spain, southern France, Pakistan, Afghanistan and parts of Central Asia.

In 749, the Ummyyad rulers were replaced by the Abbasids, who centered the empire once again in Mesopotamia, in Baghdad.

Arabic became the sole language of thought and culture in these realms, and even when areas became independent or dominated Mesopotamia, as Persia did near the year 1000, the caliphs and Baghdad retained a position similar to the popes and Rome in medieval Europe.

AD 1000-AD 1500: This begins the millennium of Turkish domination of the Middle East. Mesopotamia was conquered by the Seljuk Turks, breaking all ties with North Africa and uniting it with Persia and Anatolia (AD 1071). The Turks, a nomadic people, were allotted landholdings, transforming the Arabs into a feudal society.

In the late 1100's Mesopotamia became independent under the Abbasid caliphate but this interlude was merely a precursor to the turning point in Mesopotamian history, the savage Mongol-Turkic invasion of 1258. Hulagu, grandson of Genghis Khan, ordered the destruction of irrigation systems which had been in place since Babylon, reducing Iraq into steppe and swamp­lands.

Peasants were massacred and for the next 80 years Mesopotamia was a rav­aged, poverty-stricken province of Persia. Any chance at recovery was de­stroyed by Tamerlane (a Tatar or Turk) in 1401 with the massacre and razing of Baghdad. The latter part of the century saw Mesopotamia isolated from all but the eastern Caucuses and torn by warfare between the "Black Sheep" and "White Sheep" Turks.

Baghdad and Mesopotamian cities plummeted in economic importance, and Egypt, dominated by the Turkic Mameluke sultanate, successfully resisted the Mongols, destroyed the crusader states and became the dominant economic and political power of the Arab world.

AD 1500-NOW: In 1508, Mesopotamia was conquered by Persia but this union was ended in 1534 when Baghdad was conquered by the Ottoman Turks. The Ottomans ruled from Istanbul (Constantinople) and dominated North Africa west to Morocco and south to Sudan, as well as European terri­tory from the Balkans to the northern shore of the Black Sea.

Mesopotamia became the empire's turbulent eastern border, torn by wars with Persia and nomadic Arab tribes. From 30 million people in 1200, it had been reduced by centuries of warfare to a population of only 1.8 million by 1800.

Constantinople and Cairo were the cosmopolitan centers of wealth. The em­pire gradually decayed and by the late 1880's and early 1900's Europeans be­gan to occupy the empire's African and Arab lands.

Turkey's defeat in World War I led to the division of the Middle East under French and English mandates, with the kingdom of Iraq being given to the Hashemite family under a British mandate.

The country became independent in 1932 but was crushed by the British dur­ing World War II when it tried to ally with the Axis nations. In the late 1950's the monarchy was overthrown and the last British protectorates (along the western and southern coasts of the Persian Gulf) were given their indepen­dence in the following year.

The current situation in Iraq is grim for two reasons. As most readers know, Iraq is suffering from crippling war debts and needs cash for imports. The second reason, more profound for a river people and largely unacknowledged in America, is that Turkey and Syria have been damming the headwaters of the Tigris and Euphrates.

Syria and Iraq almost went to war when the Syrians created Lake Assad and completely stopped the flow of the Euphrates downstream, causing massive suffering among 3 million Iraqi farmers.

Turkey is currently filling the giant reservoir behind the Ataturk Darn. Both Syria and Turkey are undergoing the second year of a severe drought so the amount of water available is limited anyway, and when this is combined with the upstream darns, the Euphrates is so low that in many places one can walk across it without getting wet. With both Turkey and Syria planning to build many more dams, Iraq faces a dire future.

Americans tend to perceive borders drawn since World War I as permanent. From the Iraqi perspective, however, these borders are fairly recent and drawn by colonial powers which they have since rejected totally. Moreover these borders restrict Iraq to an abnormally small territory and no sea access.

During the last 2,000 years, Mesopotamia has spent 95 percent of its history incorporated into a bigger territory than today. Over 50 percent of that time Mesopotamia controlled most or all of the Tigris and Euphrates headwaters. For at least 80 percent of its history it has controlled Kuwait and the mouth of the two rivers. Only during the British and Mongol dominations have the two areas belonged to different sovereignties.


Just looking at these observations doesn't necessarily raise any sympathy for Iraq, but does present its point of view and explain the explosiveness of the current situation. The Iraqis, between a shortage of water and cash and a large growing population, face total starvation.

By returning to a coalition with Kuwait, Iraq can raise money and oil prices--along with the Kuwaitis. Saddam's actions, while condemned publicly by Arab leaders (who have been bought off by the Westerners), offend neither the lo­cal morality or religion. However, European and American intervention do offend large elements of the population, since you are neither Arab nor Is­lamic.

If Saddam is a modern man and economic consideration can force him to re­treat, you may be successful in your current endeavor.

If, however (and I suggest you REALLY STUDY THOSE PROPHECIES IN REVELATION), Arab nationalism and fanatical Islamic hatred of the infidel can be aroused against you, you may face very large casualties, not just from Iraqi military but from terrorists from every Arab nation as well for the na­tions may be suppressed by the "bribed" and wealth laden leaders coalesced to the West, but the terrorists will unite and you will have never witnessed such spillage of blood until the rivers turn red, perhaps? I suggest you also take into consideration the drying of the Euphrates and pay a bit of attention to the "oil" which could certainly hold a magnification clue as to the "luxuries" spoken about.

You err in calling Saddam a "Hitler" for what you witness is a probable be­coming of the new "Saladin", leading a holy war against what Arabs will con­sider the "NEW CRUSADES". Hitler's power lasted less than a dozen years--HOLY WARS LAST FOR GENERATIONS! THINK UPON THESE THINGS MOST CAREFULLY FOR YOUR DAYS BECOME NUM­BERED IN THE HOURGLASS.

Close this portion for it is enough to chew upon in one mouthful which I trust will be too large to swallow--it is time you ones begin to choke on the lies and awaken to the seriousness of your plight.

In the name of Holy God, I move to stand-by at ready.

Hatonn to clear. Thank you for your service and for your attention. Salu.

PJ 19


FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1990 9:00 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 15

To understand what is coming forth now, you must realize what connections "were" within your recent past and how the happenings in the Middle East today are relatively the same as in the late sixties. With this writing, as with other recent "chapters", this needs go forth as Express material, also.

The lies fly like chaff from the winnowing baskets in your daily media set-up. The Middle East countries are terrified of the sting of Israel and their Zionist march across the lands of the ancestral Arab World. Money from the U.S. pours into Israel at the rate of $10 million daily without question or interrup­tion along with multi-millions for military build-up and some $400 million for housing for Soviet Union Jews fully intended for the overrunning and dis­placement of Palestine. This is known by the world. The world also knows that the U.S. Congress is in the control of the Israeli lobby--they KNOW in the Middle East that the threat is not from one Hussein or Iraq/Kuwait. Look at a map, brothers, and prepare for a shock. It is much like having the U.S. go in and retake Delaware if it had been split away by a foreign power from the U.S., and then every nation in the world brings millions of troops along your border, telling you to move off, when all the while you know that Canada is waiting to blast the U.S. and Delaware out of existence. KUWAIT WAS A CITY AREA WITHIN IRAQ UNTIL ENGLAND SEPARATED HER AWAY AND SET UP PUPPET CONTROL.

There are two major oil pools--one under Iraq/Kuwait and one under Saudi-Arabia. Two of the largest pools known on earth--I said "known" for I just told you a few days ago that there is a much larger one in Indo-China and it, too, is known to and certainly has not been overlooked by Kissinger, et al.

Let us look at Israel in these days along with that which is coming into your attention in preparation for "anything" they decide to do from outright murder to Nuclear War One and world devastation. A poll yesterday on your CNN channel was asking response to a question as to whether or not it would be acceptable to kill your own hostages to gain control of the Iraq situation!! Did anyone really SEE what I just said? You guessed it--the majority felt it would be sad indeed to lose innocent people but "...this terror against the world has to be stopped at all costs to protect our interests!" YOU ARE VOTING FOR KILLING YOUR OWN INNOCENT CITIZENS--BLAMING IT ON IRAQ AND HUSSEIN--AND PROCLAIMING YOURSELVES WORK­ERS FOR FREEDOM AND GOD. Obviously the voters are neither "guests" nor soldiers--but rather couch potatoes who prefer their oil prices not he raised--which is going to happen, at any rate.

Well, let us look at expenditures, now, to Israel. The overall taxpayer (U.S.) "take" of Israel per year is well over $10 BILLION. I will break this down a bit later. Wouldn't that disturb you if you were Jordan or Lebanon or Palestine? DOESN'T IT DISTURB YOU THAT YOU ARE BUT A FINANCIAL SUPPORTING SATELLITE OF ISRAEL, MY GOOD AMERICAN BROTHERS? THE CAPITAL OF ISRAEL IS WASHINGTON, D.C., U.S.A.!

The Bush administration has required that the Israeli government maintain a low profile while the U.S. military buildup continues in the Persian Gulf region. The reason is that American officials do not want to send out the truth while they try to marshal a united Arab front to counter the military aggres­sion of Iraq's Saddam Hussein At-Takriti. Further, they keep a big ridiculous facade of your Secretary of State Baker vacationing in unknown parts (during the most critical time your world has ever known), and proclaim to not really know his whereabouts--while he is shuttling between Iran and Israel making deals with your money and word, your nation and soldiers' lives. It's called "LET'S MAKE A DEAL".

Publicly, Bush has so far sent out public cover-up of any discussions of the gulf crisis with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, other than of Iraq's Sad­dam. Interestingly enough, Bush has openly talked with EVERY OTHER LEADER IN THE REGION. Further, it was also decided at the last minute to cancel a planned August 9 visit to Washington by Israeli Foreign Minister David Levy to discuss the Israel-Palestine situation. Clearly, photographs of Secretary of State James Baker meeting with Levy would not be viewed with favor in the Middle East--so, we go on "vacation" to secret "retreats" and meet with Shamir AND Levy--to hide from you the world.

There also have been concerns expressed about Israel's bragging that the Iraqi "invasion" of Kuwait proves that the real problem in the Middle East is not its handling of the occupied territories, but that of those nasty and aggres­sive Arab states. And, Israeli newspapers have been editorializing since Au­gust 2nd that Israel's special relationship with the U.S. has been REAFFIRMED by the current Middle East crisis.

U.S. government projected concerns over Israel's handling of the uprising in the occupied territories had given new weight to demands for a separate Palestinian state, while at the same time leading to speculation America's policy in the region might actually he undergoing change. Perish the thought of such a policy which would bring forth integrity.

Arab states have, of course, long complained about the U.S. bias toward Is­rael and many Washington based diplomats were beginning to express hope that the solidarity being exhibited toward Iraq might have some tangible re­sults. The Bush administration might, perhaps, be considering a more even­handed approach as plans are apparently in the works to supply several Arab states with sophisticated armaments. And, dear ones, where is all the funding going to come from for all this unConstitutional gift-giving? Do you never wake up and see what is being done to you?

Egypt is believed to be in line to receive more than $1 billion worth of F-16 jet fighters, air-to-ground missiles and cluster bombs. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain, Turkey and Morocco also would receive nice new and abundant supplies of weaponry.

With better armaments these U.S. allies would be better able to withstand aggression in the region and deployment of American forces would not he needed. However, Congress must approve all such deals and, if past history is any example, might reject the administration's plans as posing a threat to Israel. Well, that is, of course, foolish, for Israel is part of the planning commit­tee. The ultimate intent is to attack Russia and precipitate all out Global Control.

The U.S. has, since being the first government to extend recognition to Israel on May 14, 1948, consistently backed up that state with massive infusions of money and every type of technology and military supplies. It is a result of one of the few instances in your recorded world history in which a domestic special interest group has had a measurable effect on a sovereign government's for­eign policy.

The scam has been to fool the Jews more than anyone else in your world and it has worked beautifully. The Jewish people, having been scattered about the world, thought they were at last finding truth and unity for a Godly cause. They didn't realize that the Zionists have no care nor concern about the Jews as a people and will get rid of them FIRST. Don't you see that in this sce­nario--the people of America, especially the Jews, will have to be annihilated?

That makes the U.S. the most expendable one nation of people in the world--after they have utilized you for bomb targets and taken all property and money from your lands and people.

American Jews had agitated strongly on behalf of the establishment of Israel during World War II. In fact, both the Democratic and Republican Party political platforms contained pro-Zionists' planks in the 1944 presidential election although U.S. diplomats tried to assure Arab leaders these were not statements of foreign policy.

Harry Truman, who became President at Franklin Roosevelt's death in April, 1945, pressured Britain to liberalize its Jewish immigration policies in Palestine. However, Truman alluded to the pressure he was under when he said in November, 1945, he had to "answer to hundreds of thousands" of people anxious for the success of Zionism. He added, "I do not have hundreds of thousands of Arabs among my constituents."

This scenario for today's setting for the benefit of the play of Satan has been in the setting-up for centuries and recently the platform for the play has been cast into cement. I want you to remember that the Khazars pronounced themselves Jews--for they WERE NOT JEWS. They began to infiltrate the Jewish tribes and took on family names and designations so that they would bear the ethnic labels of the Jewish people--you understand, the typical Jew­ish recognized names. Now, pay attention to just WHO is giving forth the news, commentaries, and being major spokesmen for the U.S. government--and WHO has remained available in Washington while your Congress was on vacation!! The Levins, the ...bergs, the ...steins, the Abrahams and thus and so. Hatonn bigoted? Oh please, see the handwriting and doomsday message written for you the people.

Worse, these ones who would control the world for one reason have teamed up with the other segments who would control the world for material reasons--you are shaking the nitroglycerin bottle, beloved babes in the woods, and it is certainly going to blow up in your faces.

Within a few days of Israel's creation the Truman administration provided a $100 million loan and the largess has continued to mount. It was known in 1983 that Israel's take from U.S. taxpayers, in one form or another, had al­ready surmounted the $10 BILLION per year amount mentioned above.


Briefly let us click off a few rounded-off amounts--rounded to the LOW side to prevent exaggeration. Israel is by far and away the leading foreign aid beneficiary, receiving more than $3 BILLION in CASH (in 1990, so let s not think this is old hat--except that the amounts continually GROW). But look what else good old U.S.A. taxpayers did in addition: Egypt received about $2.3 BILLION, with Pakistan at $627,000, Turkey at nearly $614,000 and the Philippines some $614,000. These are the so-called Big Five in U.S. foreign aid. HOWEVER, ISRAEL'S PER CAPITA GROSS NATIONAL PROD­UCT (GNP) IN 1989 WAS ESTIMATED AT $6,210.! The closest to that in­credible "nothing" figure was Turkey with $1,110 a year. Then came Egypt with a per capita GNP of $760, the Philippines with $570 and Pakistan with $350. Therefore, I fear a very good case could be made that U.S. aid is aimed largely at maintaining Israel's economy, and its standard of living.

The largest Arab recipient of foreign aid, Egypt, was rewarded with that allocation ONLY AFTER IT SIGNED THE CAMP DAVID ACCORDS WITH ISRAEL!

Arab states have, of course, long been aware of the bias in U.S. Middle East policy toward Israel and even now are only mildly hopeful of a change--actually, they know the hope in the face of increasing "support" is indeed foolish but they have not the individual strength to stand against the monster. They have allowed the enemy to divide and conquer! They know they have not a prayer of changing the policy because the world knows the power the Israel lobby wields over a compliant, money-hungry U.S. Congress who has long since ceased to function under the national laws of the U.S. Constitution.

About 100 pro-Israel political action committees (PAC's) have been set up in the past 20 years to funnel money to key legislators. The Arab-American Institute in Washington has stated that the 25 senators with the most consistently pro-Israel voting records received an average of $91,000 per election cycle from these groups--that is a hefty income bonus every two years.

Therefore, the U.S position on the question of Palestinian statehood seems destined to follow the thinking of Israel's government. This means that, so long as pro-Israel PAC's provide money to members of Congress, the U.S. government will believe the fiction that Israel represents U.S. interests in the Middle East--no matter what happens in the occupied territories of anywhere else.

An excellent case in point is the unhappiness over the dialogue with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) that began at the end of the Reagan ad­ministration. The Israeli government strongly objected, despite the obvious fact that talking with one's enemies is clearly the best way to resolve differences.

However, the talks were suspended earlier this summer in the wake of a guerrilla attack blamed on the PLO faction which was actually done by the Israelis themselves. Many members of Congress in the pay of the Israel lobby de­manded that the contacts be severed because the PLO did not react properly to the incident. The legislators persisted in their demand even after it became KNOWN the small group responsible was opposed to the U.S./PLO dialogue and that Israel had actually precipitated the entire incident.



Meanwhile, back to planned practice for Armageddon. To the north and west of the Persian Gulf there lies a land whose ancient origins are lost in the mists of time. It is the land between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates, the cradle of civilization. Tradition has it that the Garden of Eden was in that area and, in fact, your Book of Genesis even mentions the Euphrates as one of its boundaries. Later you were told that the tower of Babel was located in that same area, spawning the ancient historical City of Babylon. I have no intent of be­ing distracted into discussion regarding the "facts" but am simply outlaying his­torical projections for the purpose of this dissertation.

Elsewhere in that same area the famous City of Nineveh also rose and flourished, becoming the center of the Assyrian Empire. All of those things took place long before the birth of your "Lord Jesus Christ" but centuries after His coming the glory of the land between the rivers rose again. Those were the days of the Muslim Saracen Empire of the Caliph. By around 800 A.D. the empire of Caliph Haroun al Raschid was tremendous. It encompassed all of Arabia, Persia, Egypt, Syria, North Africa, and parts of what is now southern Russia.

The home of the Saracen Empire was that rich land between the Tigris and Euphrates and the jewel at its very center was a magnificent city. The capital city of the ancient caliphs was built from scratch for that purpose, starting in about your year 762 A.D., and what a wondrous city it was. The Court of the Caliphs was the most magnificent the world has ever seen. The palace was so large that more than 80,000 (80 thousand) servants lived and worked within it. Gold, silver, and precious stones were turned into ornaments of unparalleled beauty by craftsmen educated in the highly advanced science of the day.

Oh yes, I fully intended to shock you into tossing up your "daily bread" at the realization that you are in the final phase and not in the "awaiting" stage as expressed in your accepted prophecies. Little dreamers, it is far later than you thought! We have already been over this by audial meetings with this group herein and I simply am not going to ask Dharma to repeat it all--we will try at some point to get it into this book, but not this chapter and/or Express.

In the Hall of Audience there stood a famous tree of gold and on the branches of the tree there were perched birds of gold and silver set with pre­cious stones. The birds were music boxes and they fluttered their mechanical wings as they poured forth intricate songs. Outside the palace the city was ar­ranged in expanding circles with a system of three walls at the outer boundary. The city quickly became a world center of commerce, science, literature, and art. The city was ancient BAGHDAD, the city also known as "The Thousand and One Arabian Nights." Hold your breath for there is a clue within that one sentence which should stun you all!

The splendor of old Baghdad made it a tempting prize for other less civilized peoples who heard of it. It was not long before ancient Baghdad became a focal point of warfare, involving especially the Mongols and Turks. Rapacious greed destroyed much of the beauty which had once been the hallmark of Baghdad. Constant warfare took its toll and over the centuries the Saracen Empire decayed in culture and power. The ancient irrigation systems were destroyed and what was once a Garden of Eden began to turn into a waste­land. In 1516 Baghdad fell permanently to the Turks and the once magnifi­cent Saracen Empire faded into the sands of a man-made desert. Could it happen to your Imperial Valley of California??? How about your San Joaquin Valley? How about the area of Texas growing fields known as Deaf Smith County where the aquifer is now becoming contaminated? Ponder these things--further, the Super-Collider is being set up to destroy the rest of the Texas area in that same location.

The Iraqi Baghdad of today is a far cry from that wondrous and fabled city of old. Modern Baghdad, Iraq, lies on the east bank of the Tigris across the river from the ruins of the ancient city. Even so, the Baghdad of today does have certain things in common with the Baghdad of old. Modern Baghdad has been struggling once again to become a city of science, culture, and power and, like the ancient city, modern Baghdad is faced with a powerful enemy who is determined to destroy it.

On June 7, 1981, an aerial strike force of 14 warplanes started their jet en­gines in the country that calls itself Israel. Eight of them, at least, were AMERICAN F-16's loaded with one-ton bombs. The other six were AMER­ICAN F-15's. The F-15's were air superiority fighters and were to fly along with the F-16's for protection from any possible defenders of the intended tar­gets. After the planes took off, they refueled from their accompanying aerial tanker for the long warflight they were about to undertake.

For days beforehand, the Israeli planes had been flying training exercises designed to look like the early part of the real raid. As a result when the war raid was launched, it looked like just another drill.

To maintain the surprise, the Israeli strikeforce thundered eastward over Jordan at high altitude, mimicking Jordanian Air Force procedures. Next, the Is­raeli fighter bombers raced into and across northwest Saudi Arabia. Following secret orders from the Pentagon, the American-manned AWACS radar plane patrolling over Saudi Arabia did not report the Israeli intrusion into Saudi air space--for it was planned to pull off this attack in secret and escape public knowledge of the perpetrators.

Thanks to this preplanned cooperation by the U.S., the fate of the Israeli tar­get in Baghdad was sealed.

The Israeli F-15's and F-16's streaked across the Syrian desert of Iraq on the deck below Iraqi radar. As they neared Baghdad, they appeared to rise from nowhere out of the Iraqi countryside as they climbed to begin the attack. At 6:30 P.M. Baghdad time, a hail of one-ton bombs began raining down on the Iraqi nuclear reactor which was then under construction but did have nuclear material on site. Within a matter of minutes the reactor facility lay in ruins.

The Israeli bombing raid into Iraq was a momentous event, the kind of thing you expect to hear about IMMEDIATELY through your electronic news media. Instead, the world remained IGNORANT OF THE RAID FOR ANOTHER FULL DAY! Iraq imposed a news blackout about it at first for totally military reasons. The raid had come without warning or provocation and the Iraqis were not sure what else Israel might be about to do. Further, the cover-up was under way to make it appear Israel did not do the attack. But there was a blunder and the Israeli planes were identified immediately, pre-cluding other than sham attempts at later cover-up.


The U.S. Government knew about the raid beforehand but, true to form, the U.S. said nothing to the world about what it knew. It was left to Israel itself to publicly announce the raid, which it finally did in triumphant glowing terms when it was obvious to the world who had done the dastardly deed.

Around the world the reaction was revulsion, shock, and condemnation--and no wonder. For one thing, Israel was trying to justify its acts of war in arrogantly self-righteous terms. Israel complained that Iraq was building a reac­tor--but wanted everyone to forget HER OWN NUCLEAR CAPABILITY WAS BUILDING IN LEAPS AND BOUNDS. Israel was fully nuclear capa­ble and operational in 1981. Israel had refused to sign any Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which Iraq had signed. The Iraqi nuclear facility had been inspected regularly by the International Atomic Energy Agency during its construction phase when any violations would be impossible to hide but Israel--which has never once submitted to international inspection--bombed the plant anyway.

Beyond the matters of international law and simple justice, Israel had also opened the proverbial Pandora's Box in more ways than one. For one thing, Israel had broken an unwritten taboo against attacks of any kind against nuclear facilities. Now the nuclear power plants of the world had been made fair game and the outcome of such attacks would be unthinkable.

Military, paramilitary, or terrorists attacks on nuclear power plants would no longer he unthinkable, thanks to the Israeli raid into Iraq, and this includes the nearly a hundred nuclear power plants operating in the U.S.

By secretly working with the Israelis in the Iraq raid, the U.S. Pentagon sowed the seed of nuclear terrorism in your own country through direct participa­tion.

Most important of all, the Israeli raid on Iraq's nuclear plant was a dry run for a far more important raid. This was the coming Israeli attack on Saudi Ara­bia's oil fields. The nuclear destruction of Saudi Arabia's oil fields was far from a new idea, as we have already pointed out to you.

Over six years prior the plan revolved around the so-called "Sinai Accord" involving Egypt, Israel, and the U.S. Two hundred or so Americans were in the Sinai under that agreement and they were intended to become the focus of an incident to set oft war in the area. The actual attack on Saudi oil fields was to be carried out using Cobra helicopter gunships with special air-to-ground atomic missiles.

The plan was part of the ongoing joint plan between the long-time Rulers of the U.S. and the Soviet Union for world domination. As originally conceived, the plan called for a nuclear capping of Saudi oil fields sometime in 1976. It was not carried out at that time because the secret alliance between the U.S. and Russia started coming apart in 1976. The old Rockefeller allies in Russia, the Bolsheviks, were being quietly overthrown there. In their place a new ruling group was taking over. Russia's new rulers hated the Bolsheviks and had been expelling them from Russia in great numbers and, because Amer­ica's then Secret Rulers, the Rockefellers, had supported Bolshevik rule in Russia from 1917, Russia's new rulers were taking defensive actions. The re­sult was the still secret UNDERWATER MISSILE CRISIS of 1976. The collapse of the Rockefeller-Soviet alliance during 1976-1977 brought a re­prieve for Saudi Arabia.

But now, the American/Bolshevik/Zionist government has carried over the plan to destroy Saudi oil fields. The plan has been continuously updated and revised for maximum strategic value as the new international situations are impacted by changes. You are now in the Middle of the final really BIG PLAN and the outcome which seems to center around actions of Hussein are actually centering around what Russia will do! Russia is actually asking Sad­dam to back off for they know the intent is to create an incident by the Israelis and Americans to precipitate the nuclear war--AND IT IS STILL IN­TENDED TO BE A NUCLEAR FIRST STRIKE BY THE U.S./ISRAELI FORCES!

Since 1979 the secret plan for Saudi Arabia's nuclear doom has been inte­grated into new and more wondrously disastrous master strategies for nuclear war. Behind closed doors, America's Bolshevik military planners had secretly shifted to a first-strike nuclear strategy against Russia. When the Saudi oil would be capped off in the Israeli nuclear raid, it was intended to set in mo­tion a chain of events which would culminate in Nuclear War One.

Dharma, we are only about half way through this specific material but you are running out of time for your scheduled appointment and we have written for several hours. Allow us to close this portion and when we resume, we will please simply take up at this very point. Thank you for your service and accepting your task as information bringer for we understand the danger and sincerity of commitment on your part. Blessed be the truth-bringers for they bear the word of God. Perhaps rose petals are for another journey, chelas. So be it. In great love and respect, I salute you blessed brothers who serve upon that placement. Salu.