PJ 19



Hatonn present in the Light of God and in service unto you in peace and substance.

Watch out for that which you tumble-for in the speeches which hide truth from you for what you don't know will not only hurt you--but can destroy you.

A major note should be taken of what Iran is doing. Hojatolislam Sayed Ali Khamenei has rallied Iran to break the embargo to Iraq and join with the Iraq brothers, even stating that Heaven awaits all martyrs. There are miles and miles of desolate border which are already being utilized. When your government says there are "negligible leaks in the embargo", KNOW THAT THERE ARE MAGNIFICENT LEAKS IN THE EMBARGO.


Also, pay attention to the ridiculous nonsense they pour in upon you--they are sending prices for heavy fuel for truckers and airlines out of orbit. They are claiming the shutdown in the Kuwaiti refineries is causing it--come now, Kuwait oil comes to you in the form of "crude". I can only urge you to pay attention!

But the budget for the U.S. is the one to really, really watch. They will play games and feign argument and then allow you and the Pentagoons to "force" a non-reduction in military spending plus add a whole big bunch in hidden sectors. They will pin it together with things such as benefits for your soldiers and ad nauseum "humanitarian" gifts but appended to the bills will be massive military outlays--THAT is why you have a war in the first place--for the bankers--remember? Now, it is the last ditch approach to even beginning to assist the economy. You are truly between a rock and a hard place, all nicely laid for you--either one you choose will "getcha". Your only prayer of returning to your country in freedom as set forth is to return to your Constitution and take the courage and discipline necessary to rebuild upon it within the sovereignty of the individual states.

Remember above all, the crisis must be kept going through that embargo long enough to precipitate incidents which "require" intervention with weapons for a precipitating incident is orchestrated to cover the actual plans for a strike whether or not--! WATCH THAT SHUTTLE AND ALL OTHER ROCKET LAUNCHES--YOU ARE NOT IN A VERY GOOD POSITION TO GO TO ALL-OUT WAR, DEAR FRIENDS, AND THAT IS EX­ACTLY WHAT IS PLANNED--SHORTLY!


What makes you think that your children are not scattered all over the backlands of Mexico as allowed in your "Free-Trade agreement" or for that matter, in Arizona, the Mojave Desert etc. If you fly them around a sufficient length of time while they are uncomfortable and playing cards and land them in iso­lated areas or at underground facilities--what have you? Men who think they are in Saudi Arabia in some of those fancy underground facilities, etc. I just ask you to use your heads because ANYTHING can be set up to fool you and HAS BEEN!

As you moved toward the deadline of War in mid-September 1982 there were more signals for which to watch. I again suggest you pay attention and generalize to see if the shirts still fit. You will be able to calculate the approximate time they plan to dump chemicals, etc. on your own troops from Israel. That means that the oil fields will be quickly nuked and the scenario will be ready for the unfolding. But especially watch the shuttle launches and any rocket launches--anywhere--with satellite capable thrust. Especially watch what Is­rael is doing and France in French Guiana.

In 1982 you should have watched for news of major nuclear false alarms and that still holds absolutely true. There is always a dry run of some type to try the recallable actions prior to possible failure. The new Space Command was untried and was a bigger problem then than now. By describing any exercise afterward as a "false nuclear alert", the war planners will be setting the stage for an alleged "accidental war".

Hold to your seats, brothers. By mid-summer of '82, Journals such as this
were giving you absolute details and what to look for if the war had to be scrubbed. Which it was, on the very day of planned launch--YOU MISSED IT BY MERE MINUTES. WHY DID IT NOT COME OFF? BECAUSE OF INFORMATION SUCH AS THIS JOURNAL PROVIDES! THEY SIMPLY DIDN'T DARE RUN THE RISK--TOO MUCH WAS GOING ON AND A VERY DARING RADIO HOST BLEW THE COVER--IN WASHINGTON!

By mid-summer it was known that the preliminary Phantom warplane H-bombs were set to explode at:



Back to signals in 1982! And today?? At at exactly 3:01 PM E.D.T. all of Russia would be in darkness. When the Indian Ocean Satellite signal would arrive confirming the attack, it would be followed within a minute or so by the EMP episode described before.

If you would be watching TV or listening to the radio, there would suddenly be horrendous static and possibly permanent damage to your receivers. There might also be a total power blackout and your telephone would proba­bly go dead. If those things would happen you certainly would not wait for some air raid sirens. What would be happening is that the American follow-up nuclear strike against Russia was being launched at that very minute. Re­taliating missiles from Russia could be expected very, very quickly.

If you would be in a prime coastal-target area, the Russian counter-strike would hit your area within minutes. The Russian short-range underwater-launched missiles which were planted along your shores and in the Great Lakes in 1976 and 1977 were and are still there! Their short lifetime, unfortunately, would leave at most a few minutes to take cover after the EMP episode.

ICBM's fired from Russia would take approximately 24 minutes to reach targets near the Canadian border; if you lived further south, it would take several additional minutes.

But if your area happend to be targeted by a Russian submarine-launched missile, the time could be cut to less than 10 minutes in most cases.

Russia's Moon bases and Cosmospheres overhead, both armed with their charged particle beam weapons, could still do great damage to major cities and the U.S. military installations, but these cause no fallout. Why do you think the bases are all but empty?

With action appropriate to the situation there is always hope and with God there is always possibility for His possibilities are infinite. But you have precedent herein.


In mid-summer 1982 the Superspy Satellite launched by the third Space Shuttle (in March) had detected something most puzzling in Russia. The puzzle consisted of large numbers of small domed installations arranged in rings around strategic Russian targets. There was a ring of those domes around each Cosmodrome and around each Cosmosphere Base in particular. Opin­ion was divided as to what they were. Some analysts believed they were more or less conventional anti-aircraft batteries with domed enclosures. Others thought they were missile batteries. Still others voted for beam weapons of some kind, either lasers or particle beams. The only agreement was that they were defensive weapons of some kind because Russia laid it right out to your President that they knew of the September plans. The layout of the arrangement highly indicated protective implications around all strategic targets. COULD IT BE THEY COULD SPOT YOUR "INVISIBLE" WAR­PLANES--RUSSIA ALREADY HAD THE CAPABILITY AND COULD BEAM DETONATE LONG BEFORE ANYTHING COULD STRIKE A TARGET, EVEN AS FAR BACK AS 1982--WHICH IS ACTUALLY NOT VERY LONG AGO.

Well, perhaps I shall give you a hint. Let us consider the possibility of a "Rail Gun". As you all know, I assume, Rail Guns have been under study for a number of years in both Russia and the U.S.--even prior to 1982.

A Rail Gun is a kind of super high-speed "cannon". The projectile moves down a track between a pair of long conducting rails. When the gun is fired an incredibly powerful electromagnetic field races down the length of the rails welding them together as it moves. The projectile is forced along ahead of the extremely fast-moving electromagnetic field, leaving the muzzle with INCREDIBLE VELOCITY. Rail gun muzzle velocities of well above 25,000 feet per second had already been achieved. This was faster than the Space Shuttle in Earth Orbit.

The Rail Gun in 1982 was still a bit of curiosity in the U.S.--or so it was presented to the public. A Rail Gun can only be fired once because the rails weld themselves together, and the projectile has to be non-conducting. It can't be steel or other metal. But to the Russians faced with a Phantom warplanes threat, Rail Guns could be an excellent answer because the Russians already had the ability to aim Rail Guns at your Phantom warplanes using Psychoenergetic Range-Finding and a non-conducting projectile fired at astronomical velocities could penetrate the Stealth plane's Invisibility Field quite nicely and very easily.

The use of Rail Guns to defend against the Phantom warplanes would be a nasty surprise to the BZ's but as with all desperate criminals who have set up unholy wars against God and man--ones get to feeling destiny bound to create this type of annihilation and desolation in order to achieve Global control.

Let us examine what the government did to mislead you in 1982. On August 15, 1982 a story broke in the Los Angeles Times--A BOMBSHELL STORY--ABOUT WAR PLANS. The syndicated article revealed that an elaborate se­cret new protracted nuclear war plan was then ready. In fact that plan was al­ready totally operational.

The article said:

"According to a member of the Administration, the plan would contemplate nuclear warfare for as long as six months." (Now that would put you quietly to sleep again.)

The plan also drew attention to the then-present vulnerability of your "Military Command, Control, and Communications System." The article quoted a member of Reagan's staff in the words:


That very vulnerability was the key to the BZ's plan to set off the war by EMP
episode described herein. The fear over all was so great that within days the Pentagon announced extreme measures TO TRY TO SQUELCH THE DEBATE. Your Bolshevik Defense Secretary, Caspar Weinberger, sent out some 70 letters to key newspaper editors in the U.S. and abroad to try to diffuse the criticism--AND JUST WHERE IS CASPAR WEINBERGER RIGHT NOW??????

Russia's new anti-Bolshevik rulers regarded America as "Babylon", wallowing in ill-gotten wealth and degeneracy. If the American Bolsheviks were successful in forcing nuclear war upon the Kremlin, the fall of "Babylon" could well be at hand. It is now worse for it is globally accepted that you in the U.S. are simply puppets of the Zionists and you have become the most hated nation on the face of the Globe!

Perhaps you had best harken again to what the angel of Revelation revealed to John the Apostle, for the cries might very well ring out around the world:

"Alas, alas, that great city, Babylon, that mighty city, for in one hour is thy judgment come."


Let us review war in general. Let us look at the alleged economic, political, sociological, ecological and other consequences of perpetual war for perpet­ual peace.

The fact, of course, is that WAR is not, as presented to you by diplomats, the conduct of diplomacy by other means, but an essential tool for the organiza­tion and sustenance of modern society. It is concluded that sustainable peace is not only probably unattainable, but would not be in the best interests of so­ciety if it should be achieved. Now, I surmise that no ones asked your opin­ion?

The permanent possibility of war is the foundation for stable government; it supplies the basis for the general acceptance of political authority. It has always enabled societies to maintain necessary class distinctions, and it has ensured the subordination of the citizen to the state, by virtue of the residual war powers inherent in the concept of nationhood.

No political ruling group has ever successfully controlled its constituency after failing to sustain the continuing credibility of an external threat of war.

Economically, the spending associated with preparing for and waging war
serves an important social function: It is the fact that the "wastefulness" of war production" is exercised entirely outside the framework of the economy of supply and demand. As such, it provides the only critically large segment of the total economy that is subject to complete and arbitrary central control.

If industrial societies can be defined as those which have developed the capacity to produce more than is required for their economic survival, regardless of the equities of distribution of goods within them, military spending can be said to furnish the only balance wheel with sufficient inertia to stabilize the advance of their economies. The fact that war is wasteful is what enables it to serve this function. And the faster the economy advances, the heavier the balance wheel must be."

War creates an artificial demand for goods and services. It is long admitted that World War II allowed the U.S. to recover from the "Great Depression of the 1930's". Europe and Japan recovered, too, but not before suffering horri­ble physical destruction and loss of life. Any war coming forth today shall rain death and destruction on all places.

The Vietnam War unleashed an economic boom, as the effect of military spending rippled throughout the economy.

America's current military buildup in the Persian Gulf will cost an extra $40 billion per year if no shots are fired, and much, much more if a "manageable" conventional war is fought. But all bets would be off if chemical and even nuclear weapons would be used and they will be.

There are sociological, ecological, cultural and scientific blather in favor of a permanent state of war or near-war. Sociologically, war provides the machinery through which the motivational forces governing human behavior have been translated into binding social allegiance.

Ecologically, war has been the principal evolutionary device for maintaining a satisfactory ecological balance between gross human population and supplies available for its survival. It is unique to the human species. And, war-
orientation has determined the basic standards of value in the creative arts, and has provided the fundamental motivational source of scientific and technical progress...scientific and technical progress has been corollary to the parallel development of weaponry.

Man considers various alternatives to war as a means for sustaining a stable economic and social order and pronounces them all wanting. Space exploration, massive anti-pollution efforts, welfare spending, health, education, housing, and transportation spending, whatever their intrinsic merits and ability to soak up vast sums of money, all lack the virtue of being wasteful. In order to serve as an economic balance wheel, an activity must be wasteful in that it operates outside the usual supply and demand economy and is wholly subject to government control.

A phenomenon has arisen now which has the potential to replace war as a rat-hole down which billions, even trillions of dollars can be thrown, year in and year out, world without end, to the profit and benefit of the Establishment's leading cadre--the international bankers. That is interest payments, with special emphasis on interest paid on America's national debt--to name the largest.

Your national debt is in excess of $3.2 trillion, and interest costs will very soon exceed defense expenditures, even if the current unpleasantness in the Per­sian Gulf drags on for several years--which could very well happen if the li­mit war plans get thwarted. Over two-thirds of this debt has been incurred since the inauguration, in 1981, of Ronald Reagan as president. Reagan and his successor, George Bush, have presided over a conservative Republican continuum that, in a time of general peace and prosperity, has started you down a road to financial catastrophe as a nation. Not only that but it has also allowed for the irreversible infiltration of your government by a foreign group called the Zionists who now control your government. It also has insured that the Constitution of the U.S.A. shall be put down and their own implanted through such things as Executive Orders and false governmental police actions, such as the IRS. Destruction of your economy was insured by the adop­tion of the Federal Reserve System.

I suggest you think carefully about an old adage: "War is good business--invest your sons and daughters." The Bilderhergers, the Trilateralists, the Insiders, the Elite, the Establishment, the Shadow Government, the Parallel Government--call them what you will--operated to ensure that war remains a func­tioning business, a going concern and it now stretches beyond your ability of control. I suggest you consider this information most diligently.

I am going to leave you with some chilling information as your own Allies voice war fears. I shall just take it as it would come to you--"IF" you received any truthful news.

As President George Bush mobilized ever-larger U.S. forces and all available allied support to cut off Iraq from the world, he barely seemed to notice that he was being isolated himself.

"We won't go to war in an American car driven by an Israeli, I assure you", French President Francois Mitterrand told a private gathering of news execu­tives on August 26, 1990.

A day later, the governments of the Western European Union--which includes
Italy, West Germany, France, Spain and Belgium, among others--sent a discreet diplomatic mission to Washington under former French Ambassador Herve Alphand.

Alphand arrived with a terse warning. While European naval patrols in the Persian Gulf will protect shipping, they will stay away from any fray that may flare up between American and Iraqi units, unless directed by the United Nations to intervene. This would be good if the U.N. were not controlled by the U.S./Zionists.

"What worries Mitterrand and other NATO leaders", said Dr. Philippe Pradier, a veteran political officer at U.N. headquarters in New York, "is the way Israel is beating the drums for war. The Europeans know that dual-loy­alist bureaucrats have twisted U.S. policy to serve Israel's interests on more than one occasion. They're afraid that this time the outcome will be a major war, and a cataclysmic upheaval throughout the Middle East."

As if to confirm the fears of America's NATO allies, defense consultant Richard Perle--who became known as one of the most powerful Israel firsters in Washington when he held a key post in the Pentagon during the Reagan years--bluntly advised the White House: "BOMB NOW, OR PAY LATER."

Efforts aimed at easing tension or at reconciliation were "a waste of time", Perle declared. He urged the president to order immediate air war--"extermination bombing"--against Iraq, because "history teaches that those who try to be law abiding or civilized in time of war always lose", as Perle asserted.

Despite such strident Israeli calls to barbarism, tensions appeared to be eas­ing throughout the Middle East as the gulf crisis entered its second month. In a demonstration that America's vital interests were not at stake in this con­flict, the oil ministers of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) voted overwhelmingly on August 30 to pump more oil in order to make up any shortages caused by the exclusion of Iraq and occupied Kuwait from the international markets.

Voting 10 to one at a special meeting in Vienna, the largest oil exporting nations, including Saudi Arabia, declared their intention to keep the energy markets "well supplied....with reasonably priced oil".

Of the 13 OPEC member governments, only Iranian Oil Minister Gholarm­reza Aghazadeh opposed the resolution. Iraq and Libya did not participate in the conference.

But while the OPEC resolution confirmed that despite the alarms sounded by Bush, egged on by a strident Establishment media, "our way of life" was not being threatened in the gulf, Israeli leaders called for war in a swelling chorus.

"We are troubled by these so-called moves toward reconciliation", declared Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Shamir, on August 27. U.N. officials noted his comment somberly indeed. They recalled that 42 years ago this week, Shamir, then known as Yitzhak Yazernitsky, leader of a Zionist hit squad called the Stern Gang, assassinated another messenger of peace, trying to bring reconciliation to the Middle East.

"We are taking every precaution to ensure that when he goes to Jordan for peace talks this week, U.N. Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar does not meet the same fate that ended Count Bernadott's mission", said Pradier.

He was referring to a Middle Eastern peace mission undertaken in September 1948 by Count Folke Bernadotte, head of the Swedish Red Cross. Sent to Palestine as a U.N. mediator, Bernadotte was shot to death point blank in his car by a murder team HEADED BY SHAMIR.

The assassins, who wore Israeli army uniforms, were afraid then--as Shamir is now--that any reconciliation in the Middle East would undermine Israel's drive for regional domination.

Other Israeli officials chimed in that the easing tensions in the crisis were not to their liking. Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Arens said that if Iraqi President Saddam Hussein "stays in power and retains the weapons, there will be grounds for concern in this region, and, I think, throughout the world. I hope this will not be the way the crisis ends", he said at the top of his lung power.

One Israeli official was quoted anonymously in the Washington Post as saying: "We would like Saddam Hussein to disappear, ONE WAY OR ANOTHER." Well, that is being taken care of by Saudi financing of your CIA to "OVERTHROW HUSSEIN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER!" YOU HEARD IT ON YOUR OWN NON-NEWS!

One Israeli official was quoted anonymously in the Washington Post as saying (always the evil projections are done anonymously): "We would like Saddam Hussein to disappear, ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. We believe that if there is a diplomatic solution that is forceful enough, that humiliates him and weak­ens him enough, force may not be necessary. But America needs a clear-cut victory. Any compromise that allows Saddain to achieve any of his aims would have disastrous results. It would be an invitation to aggression."

The newly appointed Israeli ambassador to the U.S., Zalman Shoval, echoed these thoughts. "The whole Middle East, and particularly Israel, would be in grave danger if Saddam survives", he said.

Another anonymously quoted Israeli government figure would allow Saddam to survive physically, and even to remain the head of government. "He can stay, as a weak puppet. But the main thing has to be to stop Iraq as a threat to Israel--and the Middle East."

He advised the U.S. to cripple Iraq as a military power, but "don't define it as getting rid of Saddam", since such an action would surely result in a more ruthless, and anti-American and anti-Israeli leader, assuming power.

"If Bush follows the path to war in the gulf, he'll find himself increasingly isolated from America's traditional allies--and the U.S. an international outcast, just like Israel. That is something every American voter must try to prevent."


I think, Dharma, that we will close this portion at this point. I believe that the tape discussion regarding the prophecies of Revelation of some weeks ago is ready. In order to expedite this material's release, let us read the transcript with the possibility of simply enclosing it as if--with the deletion, perhaps, of some private names which would not be good security to release inter­nationally. We are not interested in journalistic purity but rather to get the in­formation "out there" instantly. Thank you.

I move to stand-by that you might take rest. Hatonn to clear, please.

PJ 19

Taken from taped session on August 17, 1990
Hatonn: We went through a few chapters of Revelations today that Oberli swore up and down were never in the Bible. We had to quarrel about it a little bit. Well I do not mind if you ones have not read that great book from cover to cover too many times. But one of the most untampered with sections within that book is Revelations because no one, number one, understood it--and still do not, and number two, God gave the law down and He said, "anyone who tampers with and adds to or takes from, is in real serious trouble." And since they couldn't understand it, anyway, it was easier to leave it than run that risk. So the Book of Revelations is pretty much John's vision as given to him. Is every word of it true? Absolutely not. For, number one, it was a vision. Number two, it has been translated and, for instance, where it talks of a thousand years, and a year, etc., the terminology is incorrect. The counting was different. The intent of the length of the cycle was different than a thousand years. But it was sufficient to give you an idea. You're waiting for the ending times in the Armageddon and you cannot quite equate these two magnificent series of events. And I think perhaps the best way to discuss this, if you would like to discuss this, this evening, or would you like to do something more fun?

Then I think it is worthy of listening. I don't know quite how to do it, Oberli, without you having to read the entire portion from the Bible. Aton chose this and you can't get much higher than that. And it was for a reason. If you are coming into the revelation of the newness, into this beginning, you must remember something. In the Elder Tribes, the Ancient of Ancients, all of those ancient calendars of the Aztecs, the Incas, etc., and the dream time of the Aborigines ceased on this day for three years ago. You are not building into this series as you think you are.

As I ponder this, maybe we could actually begin, Oberli, where it does start with reading from the Revelations, and perhaps we will stop along the way. I want you to listen to several things. I want you to be open in your minds, go within, get connected to your Source. I want that mental, I want that mind connected to God. Please, it's time you ones stopped playing games and come into your purpose. You must begin to recognize that it is both closer to home than you remembered; it is not going to be the tribes that you suspect because as history moves, so do circumstances and I want you to hold both the past and the present status of some countries on your globe uppermost in your mind as we go through some of these revelations. I call them revelations because this is where the seven angels come to pour the vials and it is incredibly important that you ones begin to get the players straight.

I told you--I've given you a major, major hint as to how things will come down and that will be through the thirteenth, not the twelve tribes of Israel. It will come through the thirteenth who proclaim themselves Jews. We are going back and we are going to call them Nords. These ones were from the Nordic Races, a cross between the Mongol and the Nordic tribes. They were absolutely the meanest creatures ever put on Earth, and can you imagine what it would be like when they met the Vikings? And they did! And it was some show. That should be a clue right off the top to let you realize that it is not as you thought it was. As we read through the words, I want you to think of the Nations that have outreached the rest and now benignly control your country financially through the banks--and do not confuse them at this point with the Zionists. Their purpose is different. Global control is prevalent in both but you're going to have to recognize your enemies because your enemies have seeped in until they have eaten the foundation of your nation. We're going to speak of things like Armageddon. But it's over. You are here, but its over.

I want you to come to the recognition within self as we go over this and you will come into the knowledge that now you remember. It won't be clear. Don't misunderstand me, it will not be clear. And you will still wonder who is doing this and who is doing that but I am telling you now that you are not moving into the cycle that you believe you are. You have already passed through that cycle once. It's called the First Death. The First Resurrection. And the children of God, if you will, then traveled to other planets, other places, to be trained to accept your final mission of coming back into this place for the end of what they called the "Thousand Years".

You are not looking forward to that thousand years of beautiful peace. The world passed it. Unto the time where Satan was loosed from the pit, for a brief period of time, and he would again rule because man will not have learned his lessons, as you look and see, and this is the final death. This is the Second Death referred to and this is why all the talk of rapture because that is the perception mankind remembers and therefore he thinks that he is going to take off to the skies somewhere. No, that is not what God said.

Now, does that mean that you're not going to smoke, drink or carouse? Forget it. Let's not even talk about these things; you are human beings, and of course you would. But you're brought back here as volunteers from that first "Resurrection". You have a job to do with the mop up crew, remember? Satan was loosed. Again he came upon the land and now you're moving into the final Armageddon, if you will, but, it does not have to be.

But you see what is unfolding in the Middle East is right along with the prophecies, as written. Man has this tendency to insist that his doom comes about himself. I want you to hear this knowing that you know it all. You know who the players are and you truly know that which has to be done to change. You know why you are here. You don't quite have it all workable yet. Your spiritual understanding will come the ancient teachers, Grandfather's Tribes, the Bird Tribes, the Eagle, the Little Crow, and you ones. Man has to be shown the way before the final death. Before the final resurrection. God promised that man would know. If he closes his ears, that's his business. If he closes his eyes, that's his business. Yours is to print it and get it out there and you reach man in many ways. Clint reaches them through poetry, and the truth of the land, and the knowledge of the Indians and the sharing of that intermediariness between the ancients and you over here, you honky white eyes, because you're all one and you can't quite understand it because you are fragmented. But you will become one, unified. And you're it.

You're stuck with it. You accepted it, you volunteered. And I don't know how to break it to you easily. Because I hear you speaking of the Revelations. I see you seeing what is going on and I see the pain as you see the lies being fed to you, and yet everything was told to you that it would be exactly this way and where it would be this way.

I'm talking about location. I've hounded you for two years that it would be in the Middle East. I wonder how many of you looked at a map so that you know exactly what is going on over there? Do you know where the Euphrates River is, for instance? Do you know where Syria is in relationship to Israel? It's adjacent and Israel went over and took the Golan Heights which is Syria. Hold in your heart where Jordan is, Iraq, Iran. These are basically in the Holy Land, the Ancient Holy Land. But, you can know that it will happen there and you can know that it happened there already because it said Babylon will fall and it will be split into three, and an earthquake will come and will render it split into thirds. And if you look up that river valley, where that fault line goes, it makes a "Y"; it splits into three.

It's over. It happened. You are born to go through it again because it is a repeat for the Second Resurrection. Now I will be quiet while Oberli reads that, and I want you to keep your minds open, because you are going to have some revelations here right now. (Revelations, Chapter 16, Verse 1)

And I heard a mighty voice shouting from the temple to the seven angels, "Now go your ways and empty out the seven flasks of the wrath of God upon the earth."

So the first angel left the temple and poured out his flask over the earth, and horrible, malignant sores broke out on everyone who had the mark of the Creature and was worshipping his statue.

The second angel poured out his flask upon the oceans, and they became like the watery blood of a dead man; and everything in all the oceans died.

The third angel poured out his flask upon the rivers and springs and they became blood.

And I heard this angel of the waters declaring, "You are just in sending this judgment, O Holy One, who is and was, for your saints and prophets have been martyred and their blood poured out upon the earth; and now, in turn, you have poured out the blood of those who murdered them; it is their just reward."

H: I must stop you here, this is for precious Ed. There is something worse
than the Catholic Church, friends. Pope, Friar Pope, you see it was had
enough, the Inquisition, the Crusades, etc. Who had those? Who broke away from the Catholic Church? I'm going to help you, England! And they murdered the saints that were already created, if you will. They took what was holy from the church, which was very little, but it was more at that time. And they took those precious ones and they discredited them. They formed new religions which they called Protestant. They're both evil, do you see? They are both founded on secrecy and evil. But that's the way of it. And I want you to hold England in your heart, because you are going to get some lessons here. They are not your friends. You went to war with them once and declared independence from them and you have been working diligently to come back under that king's rule and parliamentary procedures and admiralty law. Go on please.

And I heard the angel of the altar say, "Yes, Lord God Almighty, your punishments are just and true."

Then the fourth angel poured out his flask upon the sun, causing it to scorch all men with its fire. Everyone was burned by this blast of heat, and they cursed the name of God who sent the plagues--they did not change their mind and attitude to give him glory.

Then the fifth angel poured out his flask upon the throne of the Creature from the sea, and his kingdom was plunged into darkness. And his subjects gnawed their tongues in anguish, and cursed the God of heaven for their pains and sores, but they refused to repent of all their evil deeds.

H: It hasn't changed, has it!

R: C The sixth angel poured out his flask upon the great River Eu­phrates (you had best go look at where the Great Euphrates River is located) and it dried up so that the Kings from the east could march their armies westward without hindrance.

H: And on January 19th of this year, they finished the dam and, with the turn of the valves, the Euphrates River is dry.

R: D And I saw three evil spirits disguised as frogs leap from the mouth of the Dragon, the Creature, and his False Prophet. These miracle-working demons conferred with all the rulers of the world to gather them for battle against the Lord on that great coming Judgment Day of God Almighty.

"Take note: I will come as unexpectedly as a thief! Blessed are all who are awaiting me, who keep their robes in readiness and will not need to walk naked and ashamed."

And they gathered all the armies of the world near a place called, in Hebrew, Armageddon--the Mountain of Megiddo.

Then the seventh angel poured out his flask into the air; and a mighty
shout came from the throne of the temple in heaven, saying, "It is finished!"

Then the thunder crashed and rolled, and lightning flashed; and there was a great earthquake of a magnitude unprecedented in human history. The great city of "Babylon' split into three sections, and cities around the world fell in heaps of rubble; and so all of "Babylon's" sins were remembered in God's thoughts, and she was punished to the last drop of anger in the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. And islands vanished, and mountains flattened out, and there was an incredible hailstorm from heaven; hailstones weighing a hundred pounds fell from the sky onto the people below, and they cursed God because of the terrible hail.

One of the seven angels who had poured out the plagues came over and talked with me. "Come with me," he said, "and I will show you what is going to happen to the Notorious Prostitute, who sits upon the many waters of the world. The Kings of the world have had immoral relations with her, and the people of the earth have been made drunk by the wine of her immorality."

So the angel took me in spirit into the wilderness. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet animal that had seven heads and ten horns, written all over with blasphemies against God. The woman wore purple and scarlet clothing and beautiful jewelry made of gold and precious gems and pearls, and held in her hand a golden goblet full of obscenities.

A mysterious caption was written on her forehead: "Babylon the Great, Mother of Prostitutes and of Idol Worship Everywhere around the World."

I could see that she was drunk--drunk with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus she had killed. I stared at her in horror.

"Why are you so surprised?" the angel asked, "I'll tell you who she is and what the animal she is riding represents. He was alive but isn't now. And yet, soon he will come up out of the bottomless pit and go to eternal destruction; and the people of the earth whose names have not been written in the Book of Life before the world began, will be dumb­founded at his reappearance after being dead.

"And now think hard: his seven heads represent a certain city built on seven hills where this woman has her residence. They also represent seven Kings. Five have already fallen, the sixth now reigns, and the seventh is yet to come, but his reign will be brief. The scarlet animal that died is the eighth king, having reigned before as one of the seven; after his second reign, he too, will go to his doom.

"His ten horns are ten Kings who have not yet risen to power, they will be appointed to their kingdoms for one brief moment, to reign with him. They will all sign a treaty giving their power and strength to him.

H: Do you hear? Do you hear? You have a United Nations, don't you? We are talking about the final global ruler. Second, you don't have the Pope. The Pope is a double, if you will. But you do have the Vatican so you are talking about the Holy Church anyway. And it is involved but you will find that the Holy Church is now capitulating with everyone.

Together they will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them; for he is Lord over all Lords, and King of Kings, and his people are the called and chosen and faithful ones.

"The oceans, lakes and rivers that the woman is sitting on represent masses of people of every race and nation.

"The scarlet animal and his ten horns--which represent ten Kings who will reign with him--all hate the woman, and will attack her and leave her naked and ravaged by fire. For God will put a plan into their minds, a plan that will carry out his purposes. They will mutually agree to give their authority to the scarlet animal, so that the words of God will be fulfilled. And this woman you saw in your vision represents the great city that rules over the Kings of the earth."

After all this I saw another angel come down from heaven with great authority, and the earth grew bright with his splendor.

He gave a mighty shout, "Babylon the Great is fallen, is fallen; she has become a den of demons, a haunt of devils and every kind of evil spirit. For all the nations have drunk the fatal wine of her intense immorality. The rulers of earth have enjoyed themselves with her, and businessmen throughout the world have grown rich from all her luxurious living."

Then I heard another voice calling from heaven, "Come away from her, my people; do not take part in her sins, or you will be punished with her. For her sins are piled as high as heaven and God is ready to judge her for her crimes. Do to her as she has done to you, and more--give double penalty for all her evil deeds. She brewed many a cup of woe for others--give twice as much to her. She has lived in luxury and pleasure--match it now with torments and with sorrows. She boasts, 'I am queen upon my throne. I am no helpless widow. I will not experience sorrow.' Therefore the sorrows of death and mourning and famine shall overtake her in a single day, and she shall be utterly con­sumed by fire; for mighty is the Lord who judges her."

And the world leaders, who took part in her immoral acts and enjoyed her favors, will mourn for her as they see the smoke rising from her charred remains. They will stand far off, trembling with fear and crying out, "Alas, Babylon, that mighty city! In one moment her judgment fell."

The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn for her, for there is no one left to buy their goods. She was their biggest customer for gold and silver, precious stones, pearls, finest linens, purple silks, and scarlet; and every kind of perfumed wood, and ivory goods and most expensive wooden carvings, and brass and iron and marble; and spices and perfumes and incense, ointment and frankincense, wine, olive oil, and fine flour; wheat, cattle, sheep, horses, chariots, and slaves--even the souls of men.

"All the fancy things you loved so much are gone," they cry. The dainty luxuries and splendor that you prized so much will never be yours again. They are gone forever."

And so the merchants who have become wealthy by selling her these things shall stand at a distance, fearing danger to themselves, weeping and crying, "Alas, that great city, so beautiful--like a woman clothed in finest purple and scarlet linens, decked out with gold and precious stones and pearls! In one moment, all the wealth of the city is gone!"

And all the shipowners and captains of the merchant ships and crews will stand a long way off, crying as they watch the smoke ascend, and saying, "Where in all the world is there another city such as this?" And they will throw dust on their heads in their sorrow and say, "Alas, alas, for that great city! She made us all rich from her great wealth. And now in a single hour all is gone "

But you, O heaven, rejoice over her fate; and you, O children of God and the prophets and the apostles! For at last God has given judgment against her for you.

Then a mighty angel picked up a boulder shaped like a millstone and threw it into the ocean and shouted, "Babylon, that great city, shall he thrown away as I have thrown away this stone, and she shall disappear forever.

Never again will the sound of music be there--no more pianos, saxophones, and trumpets. No industry of any kind will ever again exist there, and there will be no more milling of the grain.

Dark, dark will be her nights; not even a lamp in a window will ever be seen again. No more joyous wedding bells and happy voices of the bridegrooms and the brides. Her businessmen were known around the world and she deceived all nations with her sorceries. And she was responsible for the blood of all the martyred prophets and the saints."

After this I heard the shouting of a vast crowd in heaven, "Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Salvation is from our God. Honor and authority belong to him alone; for his judgments are just and true. He has punished the Great Prostitute who corrupted the earth with her sin; and he has avenged the murder of his servants."

Again and again their voices rang, "Praise the Lord! The smoke from her burning ascends forever and forever!"

H: Let me interrupt. I don't want to pass this opportunity for the young people in the group. One of the first clues that you should have had as your world moved into greater degradation and got on that final path, was when one little musical group, called the Beatles, came forth and captured the world. That was the birth of Satanic Rock, mesmerization and entrancement of your children and it's been down hill all the way. What you are not exposed to is the true evil that is experienced in that place called Great Britain. You see only the surface. The seeds of corruption were sown there generations and generations ago. You had absolute monarchal rule and now it has been supplanted with parliamentary rule, if you will. Margaret Thatcher has a great deal of power. That is very much like the United States. Once it is decided who will rule, they also become puppets, but very, very dangerous ones. England produced your witches, your witchcraft and your Satanic structure. England has given you much including your heritage and your instructions. And all the while it has been done extremely cleverly through the banks, the bankers, the cartel. Great Britain produces the Queen who is the richest woman on the face of your planet, living in a country which is bankrupt, or so it is told, holding such wealth that they have to get it into Switzerland to protect it from the masses that they continue to tax and tax and tax. If you look closely you can see it without the magnifying glass. It lays there before you, like an open book. You have the richest woman in the world, the richest person in the world in the form of Elizabeth, Queen of England. Great Britain owns more of the United States of America property and businesses than any other nation of investors in the world, followed only second by Canada, which is British; Australia third, which is British; and then the Netherlands, Holland, if you will, which is very closely related to Britain; and way fifth, where you thought it would be first, is Japan. And now they have figured a way, finally, to collapse Japan and bring them into order, into control with the oil. They could not do it with the money.

All of you will harken back to the book, to the Journal, please, about the Antarctic, the counterfeit money, the facade of the Falkland Islands. England went down to get rid of the Rockefeller installation on St. George Island in the Antarctic. England is just everywhere and Margaret Thatcher and her henchmen have been here continually all the way through your Economic Summit Meeting, and before that you know what we revealed to you and now you have that confirmed in Colorado which ended up in Vail at Jerry Ford's place, then through the Houston Summit and then again through the Colorado Annual Meeting. You did not get independent from England. You bought the trip. England ruled the ocean, it's all there in the book. The King holds the seas. The King of England ruled and owned most of South Africa, India, Australia, New Zealand, you, Canada, parts of Indonesia, parts of the Far East and they did great trade in these places, and they were merciless from the time of inception. Do not give them quarter, for they will give you none. And yet, once again, because they have not built their military such as you, they have had you do it. Now, under the guise of the United Nations, you're sitting in Saudi Arabia where they can control their oil interests also.

Then the twenty-four Elders and four Living Beings fell down and worshiped God, who was sitting upon the throne, and said, "Amen! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!"

And out of the throne came a voice that said, "Praise our God, all you his servants, small and great, who respect him."

Then I heard again what sounded like the shouting of a huge crowd, or like the waves of a hundred oceans crashing on the shore, or like the mighty rolling of great thunder, "Praise the Lord. For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns. Let us be glad and rejoice and honor him; for the time has come for the wedding banquet of the Lamb, and his bride has prepared herself. She is permitted to wear the cleanest and whitest and finest of linens." (Fine linen represents the good deeds done by the people of God.)

And the angel dictated this sentence to me: "Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb." And he added, "God himself has stated this."

Then I fell down at his feet to worship him, but he said, "No! Don't! For I am a servant of God just as you are, and as your brother Christians are, who testify of their faith in Jesus. Worship God. The purpose of all prophecy and of all I have shown you is to tell about Jesus."

Then I saw heaven opened and a white horse standing there; and the one sitting on the horse was named "Faithful and True--the one who justly punishes and makes war. His eyes were like flames, and on his head were many crowns. A name was written on his forehead, and only he knew its meaning. He was clothed with garments dipped in blood, and his title was "The Word of God." The armies of heaven, dressed in finest linen, white and clean, followed him on white horses.

In his mouth he held a sharp sword to strike down the nations; he ruled them with an iron grip; and he trod the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God. On his robe and thigh was written his title: "King of Kings and Lord of Lords."

Then I saw an angel standing in the sunshine, shouting loudly to the birds, "Come! Gather together for the supper of the Great God! Come and eat the flesh of Kings, and captains, and great generals; of horses and riders; and of all humanity, both great and small, slave and free."

Then I saw the Evil Creature gathering the governments of the earth and their armies to fight against the one sitting on the horse and his arm. And the Evil Creature was captured, and with him the False Prophet, who could do mighty miracles when the Evil Creature was present--miracles that deceived all who had accepted the Evil Creature's mark, and who worshiped his statue. Both of them--the Evil Creature and his False Prophet--were thrown alive into the Lake of Fire that burns with sulphur. And their entire army was killed with the sharp sword in the mouth of the one riding the white horse, and all the birds of heaven were gorged with their flesh.

It is time that you ones recognize these various places and groupings. You must think in further dimensions--outside those things which are "accepted" dissertations for most all have missed the point and mislabelled the culprits. You must look more carefully at those who run things and have eaten away at your fiber and recognize the enemy for who he/she is. I was going to leave this message at this point but I think it better to continue, Dharma, if you would be so kind.

Then I saw an angel come down from heaven with the key to the bottomless pit and a heavy chain in his hand. He seized the Dragon--that old Serpent, the devil, Satan--and bound him in chains for 1,000 years, and threw him into the bottomless pit, which he then shut and locked, so that he could not fool the nations any more until the thousand years were finished. Afterwards he would be released again for a little while.

Then I saw thrones, and sitting on them were those who had been given the right to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their testimony about Jesus, for proclaiming the Word of God, and who had not worshiped the Creature or his statue, nor accepted his mark on their foreheads or their hands. They had come to life again and now they reigned with Christ for a thousand years.

This is the First Resurrection. (The rest of the dead did not come back to life until the thousand years had ended.) Blessed and holy are those who share in the First Resurrection. For them the Second Death holds no terrors, for they will be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

When the thousand years end, Satan will be let out of his prison. He will go out to deceive the nations of the world and gather them together, with Gog and Magog, for battle--a mighty host

H: Do you know who Gog is?

John: That's Russia, isn't it?

H: It sure is. Go ahead, Oberli.

numberless as sand along the shore, they will go up across the broad plain of the earth and surround God's people and the beloved city of Jerusalem on every side. But fire from God in heaven will flash down on the attacking armies and consume them.

Then the devil who had betrayed them will again be thrown into the
Lake of Fire burning with sulphur where the Creature and False
Prophet are and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

And I saw a great white throne and the one who sat upon it, from whose face the earth and sky fled away, but they found no place to hide. 1 saw the dead, great and small, standing before God; and The Books were opened, including the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to the things written in The Books, each according to the deeds he had done. The oceans surrendered the bodies buried in them; and the earth and the underworld gave up the dead in them. Each was judged according to his deeds. And Death and Hell were thrown into the Lake of Fire. This is the Second Death--the Lake of Fire. And if anyone's name was not found recorded in the Book of Life, he was thrown into the Lake of Fire.

Then I saw a new earth (with no oceans!) and a new sky, for the present earth and sky had disappeared. And I, John, saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven. It was a glorious sight, beautiful as a bride at her wedding.

I heard a loud shout from the throne saying, "Look, the home of God is now among men, and he will live with them and they will be his people; yes, God himself will he among them. He will wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall he no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, nor pain. All of that has gone forever."

And the one sitting on the throne said, "See, I am making all things new!" And then he said to me, "Write this down, for what I tell you is trustworthy and true: It is finished! I am the A and the Z--the Beginning and the End. I will give to the thirsty the springs of the Water of Life--as a gift! Everyone who conquers will inherit all these blessings, and I will be his God and he will be my son. But cowards who turn back from following me, and those who are unfaithful to me, and the corrupt, and murderers, and the immoral, and those conversing with demons, and idol worshipers and all liars--their doom is in the Lake that burns with fire and sulphur. This is the Second Death."

Then one of the seven angels, who had emptied the flasks containing the seven last plagues, came and said to me, "Come with me and I will show you the bride, the Lamb's wife."

In a vision he took me to a towering mountain peak and from there I watched that wondrous city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of the skies from God. It was filled with the glory of God, and flashed and glowed like a precious gem, crystal clear like jasper. Its walls were broad and high, with twelve gates guarded by twelve angels. And the names of the twelve tribes of Israel were written on the gates. There were three gates on each side--north, south, east, and west. The wall has twelve foundation stones, and on them were written the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

The angel held in his hand a golden measuring stick to measure the city and its gates and walls. When he measured it, he found it was a square as wide as it was long; in fact it was in the form of a cube, for its height was exactly the same as its other dimensions--1,500 miles each way.

H: That's the size of a good medium-sized mother ship.

Then he measured the thickness of the walls and found them to be 216 feet across (the angel called out these measurements to me, using standard units).

The city itself was pure, transparent gold, like glass! The wall was made of jasper, and was built on twelve layers of foundation stones inlaid with gems:

The first layer with jasper;
The second with sapphire;
The third with chalcedony;
The fourth with emerald;
The fifth with sardonyx;
The sixth layer with sardus;
The seventh with crysolite;
The eighth with beryl;
The ninth with topaz;
The tenth with chrysophase;
The eleventh with jacinth;
The twelfth with amethyst.

The twelve gates were made of pearls--each gate from a single pearl! And the main street was pure, transparent gold, like glass.

No temple could be seen in the city, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are worshiped in it everywhere. And the city has no need of sun or moon to light it, for the glory of God and of the Lamb illuminate it. Its light will light the nations of the earth, and the rulers of the world will come and bring their glory to it. Its gates never close; they stay open all day long--and there is no night!

And the glory and honor of all the nations shall be brought into it. Nothing evil will be permitted in it--no one immoral or dishonest--but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life.

And he pointed out to me a river of pure Water of Life, clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and the Lamb, coursing down the center of the main street. On each side of the river grew Trees of Life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, with a fresh crop each month; the leaves were used for medicine to heal the nations.

There shall be nothing in the city which is evil; for the throne of God
and of the Lamb will be there, and his servants will worship him. And
they shall see his face; and his name shall be written on their foreheads. And there will be no night there--no need for lamps or sun--for the Lord God will be their light; and they shall reign forever and ever.

Then the angel said to me, "These words are trustworthy and true: 'I am coming soon!' God, who tells his prophets what the future holds, has sent his angel to tell you this will happen soon. Blessed are those who believe it and all else written in the scroll."

I, John, saw and heard all these things, and fell down to worship the angel who showed them to me; but again he said, "No, don't do anything like that. I, too, am a servant of Jesus as you are, and as your brothers the prophets are, as well as all those who heed the truth stated in this Book. Worship God alone."

Then he instructed me, "Do not seal up what you have written, for the time of fulfillment is near. And when that time comes, all doing wrong will do it more and more; the vile will become more vile; good men will he better; those who are holy will continue on in greater holiness.

"See, I am coming soon, and my reward is with me, to repay everyone according to the deeds he has done. I am the A and the Z, the Beginning and the End, the First and Last.

"Blessed forever are all who are washing their robes, to have the right to enter in through the gates of the city, and to eat the fruit from the Tree of Life.

"Outside the city are those who have strayed away from God, and the sorcerers and the immoral and murderers and idolaters, and all who love to lie, and do so. I, Jesus, have sent my angel to you to tell the churches all these things. I am both David's Root and his Descendant. I am the bright Morning Star.

"The Spirit and the bride say, 'Come'. Let each one who hears them say the same, 'Come.' Let the first one come--anyone who wants to; let him come and drink the Water of Life without charge. And I solemnly declare to everyone who reads this book: If anyone adds anything to what is written here, God shall add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone subtracts any part of these prophecies, God shall take away his share in the Tree of Life, and in the Holy City just de­scribed.

"He who has said all these things declares: Yes, I am coming soon!"

* * * * * * * * * *
And let all who read these words or hear them, know of the truth of it. He who pronounces his "opinion" as that of God's instruction in these closing days, unto the lambs of the flock--shall reap that which is given forth in the document.
The words of truth were disallowed from the tampering for it would be that Gods word would go forth in truth before the final closing--and it is done and so be it.

H: This is not to fall into what you would call the traditional Bible thumping group. These are for the instruction of things to look for about you. God doesn't want any groveling. God doesn't want any martyrs. We simply have a job to do. There doesn't need to be any false-ness, any false piousness. We don't need silly looks on idiot faces. We simply need a strong group in brotherhood to get our job done and, therefore, we have to face what is our job. And as we move, and the way seems clouded, you have to understand that God knows what He is doing, and He is as close as your thought within. And yet, you will never be given it any better spelled out; it is simply that you will not yet quite understand. But look how much more you understand today than you did a year ago, or two years ago. After all of the teachings that they could pour into your head, you have gotten your education in the last three years and I am honored to be a part of that because you cannot do anything unless you know the truth of it. What do you go battle? You are very apt to kill your friend because if you go by what has been told to you upon this Earth, you will kill your friend and save your enemy because that is what your old buddy, friend, is all about. He is deceit. He is the epitome of the deceiver, the cloud, the heyoka of God.

It's no wonder everybody falls into the trap. It looks so good. And then, suddenly you open your eyes and realize you have been deceived; it wasn't all that good and there is no fulfillment, and you run here and you run there and it is never quite enough--it is never quite enough. And you try to deaden it with this and you try to deaden it with that and you try to be a zombie. You just try to follow the rules, and it is not enough. Because, as long as you have a purpose, until you fulfill it, it will never be enough and it raises higher than the family, the community, the child. These are things that you cannot control. They have their own fulfillment to attend. Therefore, you ones must always know that what you are compelled to do, you are compelled to do. You can use wisdom with your actions, but you will stand naked with God as to what you do, and she or he will stand naked with God for what they do. And all you can do as you are walking this journey with one another, is give love and allowance. You cannot do it for anyone. You should respect them, allow them to go if they must go--and some will insist--and you pray hard for the courage to stand, once you have taken a stand, when you know a situation is incorrect.

To simply lay down and bleed yourself dry is of no assistance to anyone. But neither is it any assistance to anyone to shirk responsibility. So, you have to come into this little narrow line of responsibility towards self first. And if it requires going away somewhere alone to get your balance, or somewhere where you can think to get your balance, sometimes you must do it. Because I ask always that you ones use wisdom, in how you do it. It's called maturing. It's a hard road, it's a hard job that you've accepted. It is worthy on the other side and you will be glad you did it. Surprisingly enough, you'll have a wonderful time while you are doing it, especially as you look around at the number of dead people walking around, being further misled, and you have no choice except to allow it. Quarreling doesn't help it. Being a great preacher doesn't help it. But eventually they will be forced to see the lie in front of them. The ridiculousness of the scenario going on right in front of their noses.

Because Satan always is required to wear the sign, the clue will tell you. And he does. He always does and the most ridiculous stories come out of the mouths of these ones and pour about your ears and, at this point, the parents of America are bowing and scraping to this wondrous man who has just led your babies into the pit of near hell. It is a hundred and twenty five degrees in that desert and your children come out of air-conditioned homes, barracks, you wouldn't make your children suffer and get hardened. Worse than that, a young marine is a marine, and he is trained to kill. He watches Rambo and he thinks he is going over there and do great and wondrous things. And when Saddam Hussein says, "I will send them home in body bags," he means it. And you have had one casualty. The poor soul stood with his ear phones on in the middle of the road and got run over by one of your own trucks. And yet by the time they ship him home and have all of these magnificent patriotic funeral services, it looks like he was martyred on a cross, by the Iraqis. Watch and listen. Don't be among the fools. That's all I ask of you, as we ease through these days. Don't be among the fools who eat it up.

It's serious, what's happening. It could hardly be more serious; you see, they're riot allowing anyone to save face. And it is all being set up and Israel will push that button and they will cover it up; they will push the Palestinians and the Syrians to the point where they will fight and it will just ooze out. However how many troops they tell you they have, they have twice as many, at least. They have purposely emptied your defense system in this country. You are sitting ducks with your feet stuck in the mud tightly and they all have telescope lenses on their rifles. They will pull the National Guard in to insure that you do not have insurrection of you ones whom they have pulled down the curtain on. But now is the time to go for shelters. Where they made fun of the ones who built shelters, today it's not so funny, is it? It's not so far fetched today, is it? They'll tell you from Washington it is, but it's not, is it?

You're at war. It won't he declared war because that requires Congress. Everything else in your nation can be done by executive order and has been already done. And Mr. Nixon pulled them all in together so now you have one executive order that you act on and all of the rest fall in and that means, brothers, that they can pull you in to do hard manual labor in labor camps, in labor brigades. They can take over your banks on their Emergency Banking Regulations by executive order. They can confiscate everything you have under emergency order. They control the fuel supply, gas, electricity, you name it, it is done, and it is done through executive order. To make sure there would be no quarrel with how it is done, they waited until Congress was in recess. What can you do about it? You can keep doing what you are doing as hard as you can do it. Inform the people and require that they make a stand. You have to start, still, at the local level. You have to start with your state, which, in the Constitution of the United States of America, is sovereign. That is why you have no business as a State or as a nation in any other sovereign state. That is the only way they can control Saudi Arabia whose notes are being called by those bankers; it's all in the Journals.

What we are unfolding in the Journals now are things that have occurred and relating them to today. One of the biggest cover-ups that you ones can remember, because it is less than ten years ago, is your Space Shuttle lie. You have to know and now it is documented. And what do these idiots tell you on television, and you ones believe it--a washer was missing out of a billion and half dollar telescope that they have been working on for eight years? And that is why you have a near-sighted telescope? And they have the audacity to put it on your screens. Oops, forgot something. Well, that one didn't fly so well so by the next broadcast it was some measurement instrument that was off just this little bit, they decided. When it should be easy, confound it, to find out. It's over in White Sands. And you tried putting up a spy satellite. It's not up there, either. But you've got some dangerous weapons. And I don't know what else you do except just hold to us while we get the word to you and get it dispersed. And, in this, you need the support because we are going to integrate this with the Ancient Teachings. You still have got some fantastic experiences in front of you and they're not all bad. You're going to have some wonderful uncovering in this village because the best way to counter what they're doing is to give the vision back to the people in truth.