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  1. #9
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 51
    CHAPTER 15


    MON., JULY 6, 1992 11:08 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 325

    MONDAY, JULY 6, 1992

    America West now has AVAILABLE the book GEORGE BUSH, UNAUTHORIZED BIOGRAPHY, by Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin. It has been published elsewhere and I have no input as to resource. We will also have available the book through America West's publication, IMMACULATE DECEPTION, within about 3 to 4 weeks. I believe you will find IMMACULATE DECEPTION deals with the same subject matter as does the other document but we will have more control over pricing, etc. Our intent is to make it available to you at the same general pricing as the JOURNALS to insure keeping costs down for you buyers.

    I DO recommend the "Unauthorized Biography". It is, thus far, the best and most inclusive document on the subject, on the mar­ket. It was pushed through publication in great haste also, that you might have the information available for judgement value prior to elections in the fall. (Contact America West Publishers, a Nevada corporation, P.O. Box 2208, Carson City, NV 89702, 702-885-0700 for orders.)

    For you who feel you can't afford either of the other documents--keep reading ours for I will make sure you have enough information upon which to base decisions. We will effort to get another "segment" in this edition of the paper and into the DOURNAL in preparation. Please note that the JOURNALS are written as are "news-magazines" so that they will flow in dated series and one cannot get a full picture of anything if read in separation from the ones which come "before" except for certain subjects dealt with as "features". Our logs (journals) are ongoing, dated as received and written and each volume will not carry background nor full reference to anything--it is not in­tended as such. Some complain greatly about this point but I have to remind you: would you complain to Newsweek or U S News and World Report--or, Monthly Review? As we pick up more and more readers I realize it is difficult to immediately discern order of publication and the assumption is that we sim­ply "write books". No, we write TRUTH and FACT in the form of ongoing JOURNALS with each focusing on a major item in point but with continuing update as well, on a daily ba­sis. If you misunderstand intent and outlay of the material then your perceptions will not be accurate in dealing with the information. In other words, one cannot begin reading this LIBERATOR and have foundation of information enough to evaluate them ALL. WE INVITE SHARING IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE, TRASHING, SPINDLING, MUTILATING AND/OR SIMPLY READING ANYTHING WE PLACE BEFORE YOU. THE POINT IS TO GET THE PEOPLE INFORMED AND AWAKE AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. WE COME NOT TOPULL DOWN ANYTHING OR ANY "POWER" BUT, WITH INFORMATION IN TRUTH, YOU WILL BE ARMED WITH NECESSARY AMMUNITION TO CHANGE AND RECLAIM YOUR WORLD. BELIEVE ME, CHELAS, THE ADVERSARY WILL EVENTUALLY DESTROY SELVES AS THE VERY FACTIONS WHO WOULD DEVOUR AND ENSLAVE YOU--DEVOUR AND DESTROY THEMSELVES. DO NOT GO FORTH WITH SOME OOZIE MACHINE GUN AND START A WAR--YOU WILL LOSE--INSTANTLY AND MOST DISAS­TROUSLY. YOURS IS TO SURVIVE AND THEN RE­CLAIM IN FULL KNOWLEDGE AND WITHIN CONSTI­TUTIONAL LAW.


    I and my command are well recognized by the Elite and we have a signed (real document) treaty agreement with them as to what they will and will NOT do to our crew and remnant. We will keep under total control and not intervene beyond the limits as laid forth by cosmic councils regarding "behavior". They are allowed to effort to stop distribution of the WORD if they can do so--but they may not TOUCH ANYONE WHO CLAIMS OUR LIGHTED SHIELDS FOR PROTECTION. It behooves all of you to consider this most carefully. THEY, TOO, ARE GIVEN TO KNOW WHO IS "SINCERE" AND WHO IS PLAYING THE SILLY GAMES--SILLY GAME TIME IS OVER.

    By the way, yes there are pictures of our people with Bush--but not the pictures shown in your tabloids. Moreover, there are other nations wherein we are seen regularly. HOWEVER, this is our focus and hence it will be from here that we will work as to this WORD and information relative to here. If I seem disinterested regarding northern Mongolia, know that I am not focused on that particular area geographically for the first in­roads must be made in other locations. I am acting in the ca­pacity of a Commander of a group (Hosts) in a fleet--I do not play the role herein of either "all-knowing" or "God, the Light"--you will know very well indeed when I place that hat upon my , head! The real point is to protect my workers and my scribe; I SHALL NOT BE BURDENED WITH INFORMATION FROM THE SECRET PLACES FROM ALL OVER YOUR GLOBE--MINE IS TO KEEP HER SECURE--NOT GET HER KILLED TO SATISFY MAN'S CURIOSITY AS TO HIS OWN "SELF" PREFERENCES AND/OR DEMANDS. I am not going to play games with you--neither am I going to prove anything. You who have purpose with me will not have to "Prove" me--you will KNOW. I will not give you aunt Millie's mother's maiden name to prove my "magic". I have a massive purpose and mis­sion as do YOU. I will do all I possibly can to give you comfort and understanding--through information and revealing that which IS from that which is fed unto you--beyond that is your own discernment as to pathway and I shall not take that joy of experience in manifestation from you. God is a personal expe­rience and relationship within EACH--and no one can do it FOR YOU. I come as Captain of the Hosts--not a stage magician for your entertainment or imaginative methods of personal "ascension" or other nonsense. If you cling to the facade--ex­pect the body to be forfeit--no more and no less--so make up your own minds--I have nothing to prove and have no further intention of efforting to do so. If I need to "prove" to an indi­vidual, I shall do so for THAT individual so there is no mistak­ing my message--but further than that--even Dharma will NOT KNOW!

    You ones are moving into a new phase of operations wherein the technology of MAN is being set upon you. You need a different kind of help now and information of confirmation must be al­lowed to be shared. I know that you of earth have some "earthy" expressions which I find one or two to be unsuitable for use herein, however, "fish or cut bait time" is one which ex­presses the thought I believe.


    The controllers of your world are represented in the G-7(8) meetings this day! They are only a "tool" but close enough to give you shivers for they are sealing your economic fate right now!

    You think nothing happened over the Fourth of July--as "predicted"?? Oh, dear ones, you have no idea--NO IDEA!

    Now, on to the information subject in current outlay. We will utilize, again, R.R.'s sharing in the first portion herein which he has labeled No. 8 for my reference. I herein will say, how­ever, that as he lists references he only names a few who have written most intelligibly and has come into his attention wherein you can get confirmation. He gives you these refer­ences because, as with me, you ones fail to accept the word of knowing and own research--awaiting confirmation from, actually, the Elite themselves. I realize it is hard to accept--but it is time to recognize the terrible cover-ups perpetrated against you to the point that you, as the mass populace, are totally helpless within the snare. For decades ones such as Dr. Peter Beter, Eustace Mullins and countless writers have given you blow by blow descriptions and you slept on--you must now awaken or it will, indeed, be too late. I have covered EVERY subject R.R. presents to you--in detail--and we, too, took the total denial (even from ones who also wrote F the same thing) for they said it could not be from a space Commander. Oh, indeed, a space Commander! Never un­derestimate the POWER AND UNLIMITED PRESENCE OF GOD!! May you not linger longer in getting your reas­surances.

    From private files. Statements followed by references in paren­theses. Most references included in files. Some are in the pro­cess of being integrated with the computer network of the "CENTER FOR ACTION", [H: Commander James "Bo" Gritz.], Box 472, HCR 31, Sandy Valley, NV 89019, 702-723­5266 (Not a complete list.)

    1. George Bush, President. History of drug trafficking, assassi­nation, election fraud from A to Z. Zapata Offshore Oil!--Oil drilling platforms in the Gulf of Mexico were used to un­load heroin from fishing boats in the 1950's. From drilling platforms drugs were taken ashore via normal crew and equipment boats, thereby avoiding inspections. Bush was president and CEO of Zapata Offshore Oil. (References: John Judge, Mae Brussel Research Center, Christic Institute, William Cooper, etc., etc.) [H: Note that this is standard "knowledge" among ALL of the so-called UFO commu­nity "writers" and Intelligence organizations so there is no way to list all information resources. I will simply list ones as copied from this particular document offered for sharing.]

    Southeast Asia: Connections with drug trafficking through General Khun Sa, Richard Armitage, Ted Shackley, Don­ald Gregg, Air America. (References: Col. Bo Gritz, Christic Institute, Prof. Alfred McCoy, H. Ross Perot, Mae Brussel Research Center, Dave Emory--Radio Free America.) [H: If you have not had access to Col. Gritz' works, CALLED TO SERVE and the video tapes on the subject they are available from America West, a Nevada corporation or direct. A NATION BE­TRAYED is only available direct: at address above.]
    Assassination: Bush was a CIA asset in 1963 at the time of the Kennedy assassination. The CIA was deeply involved in the assassination. (Ref: Los Angeles Herald Examiner.) Bush has a long personal and business relationship with the Hinckley Family. John Hinckley was used in the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan in March 1981. None of Hinckley's bullets struck Reagan. [H: Bush was a member in service of the CIA since at least early 1961 (regardless of claims) and one of the "Bush Boys" (son) had a dinner meeting with Hinckley on the date of the attempt!] (Refs: John Judge, Mae Brussel Re­search Center.)

    Bush, William Casey, and Donald Gregg flew to Paris in October 1980 to arrange for the DELAY of the release of the Iranian Embassy Hostages until AFTER the November election and January inauguration thereby insuring a Rea­gan-Bush victory. (Refs: Richard Brenneke, OCTOBER SURPRISE by Barbara Honegger, Playboy article by Ab­bie Hoffman, Christopher Hitchins of THE NATION, Jimmy Carter, WITNESS by Mansur Raficadeh. [Gunter Russbacher also--who flew Bush back from Paris.]

    Noriega connection: As Director of Central Intelligence, Bush hired Noriega in 1976. Noriega assassinated Torri­jos? for the CIA. In 1981, as Vice President, Bush re­hired Noriega to continue the CIA's control of Panama and drug trafficking interests. [H: Israeli Mossad in over their ears in this one!] (Refs: Col. Bo Gritz [H: He was there!], Christic Institute, John Judge, Mae Brussel, Dave Emory)

    Communism: Bush's grandfather, George Herbert Walker, on the board of directors of the American International Corporation, a satellite of the Federal Reserve, financed Communism and the Bolshevik Revolution. Number One, Red Square in Moscow is the address of the Chase Manhattan Bank. (Refs: Eustace Mullins, Brad Kletz, Jonathan May, Lindsey Williams.)

    2. Kennedy assassination: A detailed, enhanced video tape of the Abraham Zapruder film identifies William Greer as the man who shot JFK. Many documents and video tapes pro-vide supporting details. (Refs: William Torbitt, David Lifton, Dr. Robert McClellan, Terry Weir, etc.)

    3. Assassination plot to shoot down the president's helicopter, "Marine One", in Venice, Italy in June 1986. The plot was to be executed by terrorists Abu Nidal and Monzer Al-Kassar, who were partners with 011ie North, Richard Secord and Albert Hakim, in providing the Polish AK-47's and Portuguese explosives for the Contras. These arms were ex-changed for drugs. (Refs: Dave Emory--Radio Free America #32, Christic Institute, John Judge, Vince Bielski and Dennis Bernstein in THE COCAINE CONNECTION, Iran-Contra hearings, John Picton Toronto Star.)

    In May 1986 the Christic Institute filed a lawsuit against the above named persons. The plan to assassinate Pres. Reagan was canceled. (Ref: #52 "Senate Subcommittee" page 163, COCAINE POLMCS: DRUGS, ARMIES. AND THE CIA IN CENTRAL AMERICA, Peter Dale Scott Chap. X.)

    4. The CIA is the drug wholesaler to the world. Col. Bo Gritz's interview of General Khun Sa revealed that the U.S. Government is the biggest customer of heroin from the "Golden Triangle". Khun Sa exported 3000 tons of opiates in 1989; Richard Armitage, Ted Shackley, and Santo Trafficante were agents and middlemen for the government. The Christic Institute lawsuit indicts the U.S. Government for trafficking and transporting cocaine on the Contra supply planes through Air Force bases such as Homestead in Florida and Vandenberg in California. (Refs: "A Nation Betrayed" by Col. Bo Gritz, Christic Institute, H. Ross Perot, Vince Bielski and Dennis Bernstein, movie "Cover-up", Alfred McCoy-THE POLMCS OF HEROIN, Mae Brussel Research Center, John Judge.) In the Bahamas, the efforts of U.S. Ambas-sadors have had little or no effect on the dnig trafficking there. (U.S. senate subcommittee report on Terrorism and Narcotics, "The Cutolo Affidavit")

    5. AIDS was manufactured by the U.S. Army Germ Warfare Laboratory at Fort Detrick, Maryland. House of Representatives Appropriations Committee allocated 10 million dollars to the Army labs to "develop a virus capable of destroying the human immune system".(Ref: U.S. Senate Library-- House Appropriation Committee HB 15090, 1970, Vol. VI, page 129.)

    The World Health Organization contaminated the smallpox vaccine with AIDS virus (HIV) to purposely spread AIDS all through Africa. The New York blood bank put AIDS virus in the Hepatitis vaccine and purposely infected thousands of homosexuals soon after the smallpox introduction. (Refs: Dr. Robert Strecker, Dr. William Campbell Douglass, London Times, May 11, 1987.) A U.S. Ambassador (Ted Maino), who lived for several years in Africa, may have further information on this subject.

    6. For more than 40 years massive cover-up, conspiracy, and secrecy has surrounded the UFO phenomenon. Seven U.S. presidents considered and/or attempted to reveal the truth to the American public (or at least said they would). One was murdered, one forced to resign in disgrace and one was a victim of covert election fraud. [H: I can tell you now, they were ALL replaced!] (Refs: Dr. Hermann Oberth, Dr. Albert Einstein, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Dr. Stanton Freidman, Robert Lazar, William Cooper, and other references temporarily withheld pending imminent public disclosure.)

    7. After World War hundreds of Nazis were brought to the United States. Two hundred sixty agents under control of Reinhard Gehlen of the Abwehr were integrated into the new CIA. Members of the German General Staff became members of Ronald Reagan's staff. Werner von Braun and Gen. Walter Dornberger and 300 Nazi scientists were brought to the U.S. to work on the NASA space program and Bell Heli­copter and other covert projects such as "Redlight". These Nazis were integrated into aspects of our government. Von Braun and Dornberger figured prominently in the murder of President John F. Kennedy. Others came to California and San Luis Obispo and entered local politics. Hellene Von Damm worked with Ronald Reagan (Project Paperclip--C. Lasby). (Refs: REINHARD GEHLEN, MASTER SPY, Mae Brussel Research Center, Christic Institute, William Torbitt Document, THE SECRET GOVERNMENT by William Cooper, Dave Emory, Peter Dale Scott--The Three­penny Review)

    8. MK/ULTRA: This is the name of the U.S. Government's mind control program, otherwise known as "artichoke" or "brainwashing". Much of this information came from Ger­many after WW-II, along with the scientists, doctors and drugs, such as methadone LSD. They are in such places as Fort Detrick, Maryland and Dugway Proving Ground, Utah. Mark David Chapman, who shot John Lennon, and John Hinckley, who shot AT Ronald Reagan, were graduates of MK/ULTRA. Many persons, such as Purdy, who killed the children in the Stockton (Calif.) schoolyard, are also products of this program. The Jim Jones Peoples Temple in Guiana is an example of the failure of MK/ULTRA. When Congress­man Leo Ryan discovered the truth, he and 900 men, women, and children were murdered by elements of the U.S. and British governments to protect the cover-up. [H: Oh in­deed! I wrote the entire story in detail in a JOURNAL. It is "beyond" fascinating reading--it is likely the most shocking of all of the revelations of cover-up.] This pro­gram has never been able to achieve a high percentage of success but one tool has shown to be quite effective. It is called television. (Refs: Joe Holtsinger--aide to Congress­man Ryan, John Judge; researcher, Mae Brussel Research Center, Dave Emory--Radio Free America, George Orwell author of 1984. (Orwell was an associate of William Steven­son--"Intrepid" of British Intelligence, William "Wild Bill" Donovan of the OSS, and Ian Fleming--creator of "James Bond--007".) [H: I suggest you are in error if the first thing you do is not to get all of the TANGLED WEBS series of JOURNALS, wherein we have outlaid the work­ings and connections of the various intelligence services including your own CIA.]
    9. San Luis Obispo County: A disproportionate number of county residents or former residents were involved in the many covert and illegal operations of the Reagan Administration and the secret government. William Clark, Edwin Meese, Louis Giuffrida, Ted Shackley, Thomas Clines, Frank Terpil, Albert Hakim, William Sessions, Richard Peasley. Louis Giuffrida and the origins and purpose of the California Specialized Training Institute at Camp San Luis and the Federal Emergency Man­agement Agency and special operations called "Rex 84", "Operation Cable Splicer", "Night Train", and "Golden Bear" are part of a covert plan to suspend the Constitution of the United States and install martial law and concentration camps for "dissidents". (Refs: "King Alfred Plan" by John Williams and/or Louis Giuffrida, THE RISE OF THE NATIONAL SE­CURITY STATE by Diana Reynolds, Covert Action, #33, Dave Emory--Radio Free America--#32, Congressman Jack Brooks--Iran-Contra hearings, RIOT SCHOOL POLITICS by Ned Long, John Stockwell--CIA, Christic Institute lawsuit, Mae Brussel Research Center, John Judge, plus many others.)

    San Luis Obispo County was or is a manufacturing and tran­shipment point for drugs. From the Sicilia-Falcone cartel in Tijuana, Mexico, to the motorcycle gangs, Long Beach, to a notorious biker bar in Los Osos, to a cocaine processing factory in Santa Margarita, there exist definite connections. Vanden­berg and the Air Force have been involved in drugs. Local bar owners and building contractors have close ties and close work­ing relationships with high ranking Sheriffs Department offi­cials and planning department officials. Several deaths under questionable circumstances have occurred. Although on the sur­face things appear to have quieted down, national statistics show that the drug business has greatly increased. (Refs: In lieu of several deaths and several threats, and in the interest of the safety of informants and witnesses, names are temporarily excluded from this reference.) The book THE UNDERGROUND EMPIRE is a very informative volume. A synopsis of the above subject is available to those interested enough to seek it out.

    Many of the "Project Paperclip" Germans and Nazis came to California, the Central Coast and San Luis Obispo (California). Hellene von Damm, who was once a secretary for the German High Command, became Governor Ronald Reagan's appoint­ments secretary. Heidi Kingsbury, who was one of three daughters of a "Paperclip" German General, became a secretary and court transcriber for Judge William Clark, a San Luis supe­rior court judge and Reagan's Secretary of the Interior. An ex­clusive resort or retreat, which was to be built in North County, was to be called "Eagles Nest". Look up the name of Adolph Hitler's retreat at Berchtesgaden in the Bavarian Alps.


    Editors: Please see that the page of "REFERENCES" attached to this paper be made available upon request for I do not wish to take valuable space for information on pages of reference list­ings. I honor the authors in all instances but to take room in this book is not feasible. There are actually so many more as to be regressive by the very printing of only a portion at any consid­eration.

    Dharma, I apologize for keeping you at this when there is such an important meeting due immediately. Chela, we shall simply have to get past this time of pressure as well as we can and participants will simply have to be in understanding of your needs as well.

    Hatonn to stand-by.

    PJ 51
    CHAPTER 16

    WED., JULY 8, 1992 8:36 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 327

    WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1992
    DATE: JUNE 8, 1992

    Thank you for sharing your summary regarding the photon belting into which your "home" is now nearing entry. I find your summary exceptionally well done as to present succinct information with sufficient research to allow listeners/readers to find logic, reason and confirmation.

    Thank you for reducing panic by non-sensationalism (which simply clouds ability to think within reason nor allows action through wisdom).

    I find the best way to handle these rather short documents is simply to have Dharma retype them so that we can consider more carefully the data included--and give any additional nota­tions in running sequence with the material.

    You and your fellow hosts of your programming team are doing a great, great service for your fellow-citizens through your "risking" in order to inform. Goodly people nor concerned Patriots consider such presentations "special" for it becomes simply "what must be done". But you must realize that thou­sands pay dearly for such willingness to step forth against the mass mesmerization of a civilization.

    I would, further, ask permission to publish the finished docu­ment under your by-line, if agreeable, in the LIBERATOR for people continue to ask for explanation and yours simplifies, greatly, the longer documents. I will not, however, publish your name without permission and/or recognizing you only by "initials" or anonymously. Eventually it will be ONES SUCH AS YOU WHO WRITE THE LIBERATOR!!

    I am most pleased to find that a very gracious radio host in Vermont is again asking my presence on this coming Friday to share a couple of hours. This was a particularly interesting of­fer since he attempted three times to have me speak and school children had a bit of a contest (as a school project) to enter questions. The first effort ended in total inability to make con­tact--I had to patch signals to simply make "phone" communica­tions. Then, what has happened prior to that, happened again--the transmission was so interrupted that ability to hear was ter­minated. Then finally, the program was aired and the response was so warm and loving that we remained an extra hour--but we of my crew had to provide the transmission facilities. This was so apparent that it is has been a very long time since effort has been made to override the Elite conspirators. But, friends, it IS time for the next set of blame and lies will be flowing very soon now and you who have established Truth will be the foundation upon which a people can survive and again rebuild in freedom within your Constitution if it is ever to be.

    If you need other speakers for your programming (I will make myself available to the extent possible for your needs), I can of­fer a suggestion or two (where I have great "pull" and "leverage"). At this time in "flow" I would not put my scribe/translator in discomfort but, as we move along, she would serve for Commanders Soltec (geophysical focus), Kor­ton (communications focus) and Germain ("every" focus), who is the speaker who comes with Walter Russell to present information regarding your spiritual creation, etc. I would ask that this be saved for a time when "comfort" is a bit more estab­lished.

    However, on your own place are many ones, such as Gene Dixon, Acting Dean of the Constitutional Law Center, who has some VERY INTERESTING cases in process right now--Tyson, Helmsley, Marcos and myriads of other less well known (but should be), such as the conspiracy against home owners in Santa Paula, Calif. The center has several "American Native" cases in litigation, have now won several concerning persons strangled by the RTC, S&L's and criminal banking system, etc. He is most presentable, humorous (has been around the block a lot of times and caused so much trouble in the courtrooms as to get thrown into prison for his stand). We also could suggest a young man who has, at our own request, set up facilities for in­corporation in the state of Nevada, Cort Christie, and he could be reached at this phone for he offices in both locations. God does NOT SUGGEST METHODS OF OPERATION IN ANSWER TO REQUESTS WITHOUT GIVING INFORMATION AS TO "HOW", "WHY", ETC. Our people have no interest in the "business" for simply "business sake" but rather, to inform, serve and give information--the rest will take care of itself if in­tent is kept on the goal of survival, growth and rebuilding of honest business with integrity.

    We can also supply you with listings of speakers who are in al­gae/living crystal for food resource as well as all kinds of un­derground and/or greenhouse growing of all types. We can supply you with speakers on survival facilities needed for possi­ble catastrophe but more especially to fulfill need of changes (severe) which will be coming upon you, such as steady winds of up to sustained 150 mph and sometimes gusting to well over 200 mph.

    To sustain well in this kind of environment you will need aero­dynamic structures such as domes and, also, dome clusters wherein a large dome can be constructed over the whole lot to give protection--such as in a "mall" setting.

    Also, in consideration before Congress THIS DAY, is a method of building of structures which is so inexpensive as to be less than half the cost of accepted material, uses NO WOOD so saves trees (your life resource) and will supply myriads of low cost housing facilities--in beauty and comfort.

    We can also offer "Little Crow", a Lakota Sioux who is THE one who will present the Oral Traditions in written form as we bring the first motion picture, SIPAPU ODYSSEY to release.

    I can also present to you the producer of that motion picture-- who this very day, is surveying the filming sites (for OUR participation) in the proper places "in" Utah. His name is Wally Gentleman--now residing in Canada but WELL known in Motion Picture circles--although they don't like "integrity" very much and statesmanship is a lost art in the circles of violence as now presented to you-the-sheeple.

    Often, we find that "space cadets" are interesting but physical hands-on instructors are more acceptable and come without having to make decision regarding "belief".

    I only present these things to you and your station because I can make these ones available--I do not "push". Some of the ones who are most readily available and may shock you considerably to find them in my company constantly, are ones such as Col. James "Bo" Gritz, and he will always make himself available if scheduling permits. Our relationship is most personal and private and we do not publicly speak of it and I would ask that you respect that relationship. He is worthy for these reasons--his strength and purpose unto you-the-people. He is a tireless patriot and Godly man and is destined to lead your nation "home" after the "fall". Therefore, he must be made known to all who will hear--for so shall it come to pass that leaders will need be to bring order from the chaos as the corruption and battle of the Elite against the Elite is played out.

    Ones who steadily march with God's Hosts with God's instructions will thrive and will not be set up greatly because there is a WRITTEN treaty that you are off-limits. The treaties are kept very closely held and we reveal those who act in double-dealing--but, those who are of our "crew" are protected and the higher levels of administration and military know as much. It does not mean that they do not attack at every opportunity; it does mean that if you are actually in service to our mission--you are protected.

    The understanding and "treaty", if you will, is fully laid forth: we WILL bring the WORD of Truth and journey for God's people. The facts are that the adversary will not dare stand forth for long in the Light of God. Seems a bit "preachy" but it IS the way it is. The consequences of "taking out" my crew members, for instance, are pretty unthinkable and the nerds on your place are not willing to take on Command--even through blatant stupidity.

    In addition, we WILL lift off our people if and when the sequence of events gives indication. A "rapture" to fluffy "radioactive" clouds simply will not "cut it".

    So, yes indeedy, there are bunches of things to talk about and share--but gradual integration is usually the way of WISDOM. The already present ones of your citizenry are the conduit to acceptance for they are only instructed to speak in wisdom, reason and logic--not hype nor self orientation. That does not mean, however, that some will not be "totally" self-oriented for they have not yet grown beyond their own ego needs of heroic attention but the information is valid in its unveiling of the workings of the conspiracy--but not totally valid in perceptions of spiritual workings--having still a locked-in "training" to not look at possibilities but to remain locked into books actually written for your further limiting and control.

    I simply offer these thoughts which I hope will be shared with your brother, Sam. I further suggest that our own people support your work by sponsor support--but through separation of speaker from focus on advertising if truth can be better served.

    At this point your contact is correctly focused but, for George Green of America West, you will later be able to reach only through Nevada. MY service point is right here at the number you are contacting.


    Thank you for your attention and I salute you for that which you do in service.

    I ask that this note be taken from the equipment, Dharma, and we will then consider the paper in point. I would, however, suggest that E.J. send this note on ahead so that the other will be expected shortly. Thank you.

    In brotherhood within this Lighted mission,

    (By any spelling, this is "George"--my label came from the Greek spelling and pronunciation. I am simply referred to for identification, as Hatonn and/or Aton for in the pronunciation of "Hatonn" the "H" is only a "sound" not spoken. And, yes, I do have a rather large amount of authority in matters of this transi­tion of cycle. Welcome home, son.)

    * * *
    NOTICE: THIS IS OF INTEREST FOR CONFIRMATION PURPOSES: An officer in the Navy, aboard a ship stationed off Bahrain (Saudi Arabia), just called approximately 10 minutes ago (11:32 A.M. Calif. time) by radio-phone to qui­etly ask for update on the "Photon Belt" and what is going on??? There have been continuous power outages wherein NOTHING on the ship will function and the "middies" are now under order to immediately repaint all EXIT and OTHER SIGNS OF IDENTIFICATION IN EMERGENCY STATUS, WITH LUMINOUS PAINT "IN PREPARATIONS FOR A PERIOD OF TIME WITHOUT 'POWER'". Chelas, I have nothing more to offer--it appears the plans will be con­tinued to attempt to pull this off on you. I, as you, serve in a capacity of not being allowed total knowledge of "how it will be"--I know the ending but I can't be shown the interim free-will actions any more than will you receive them. We work from probability of possibilities, just as must you--AND STAY PREPARED. We have no problem with this circumstance so you are at the closing end of the funnel but we are not allowed to interfere in any manner save dealing with our own "crew" aboard your planet. God's Laws or those of Creation--WILL NOT BE BROKEN FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF MAN. I CAN ONLY WARN AND TELL YOU PROBABILITIES AND POSSIBLE ACTIONS--YOU MUST TAKE HEED AND DO THAT WHICH YOU WILL WITH THE INFORMATION. I do suggest that it is little enough effort to pay attention and stay put pretty much, during the possible times expressed. Know, however, that SURPRISE is the ultimate modus operandi of the ad­versary with ultimate effort at secrecy until the moment of impact.
    When ones call from distant Bahrain to California just to find information resource--YOU MUST KNOW IT IS SE­RIOUS INDEED!!! Son, I can only suggest that you pass it along "for whatever it might be worth" to your listeners. What we as individual energies want most is to serve well, even if it be only in possible happening. I would suggest it be done in such manner as to not elicit controversy--simply "statement", perhaps even read this portion with no com­ment further than your own written dissertation as given to me and reprinted in the following document. I salute you, for it gets stickier and stickier from here on "in". Salu!
    * * *
    July 07, 1992
    C. Whitman

    This is a Compilation of Facts
    as taken from THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR
    May 5, 1992 VOLUME 19, #3

    Studies have shown that our solar system is moving into a cos­mic cloud called a "PHOTON BELT". This is part of a 12,000 year cycle (which is one-half a complete 24,000 year cycle).

    There was an article written in 1981 that was well documented which came from Australia. The Aborigines of Australia call this a "null" or "void" time in the existence of the human species of our planet.

    All over the world people are grasping out for bits and pieces of knowledge and information--enlightenment, if you will. Our hope for the future and the future of our children is of the up­permost importance in this time. The prophets of doom talk of physical horror and annihilation. It depends on which side of the coin you are on. If your service and balance is to the Lighted GOD, you will be moving back into following the guidelines given to you for harmony and balance.

    In the 1930's Carl David Anderson wrote about pulsed wave action Anti-electrons called Positrons. He gave them names ac­cording to what he perceived in his discoveries, a little particle, a little element, a little being, an ANTI-ELECTRON he called a POSITRON. Later, in the 50's, a couple of other particles were discovered and labeled ANTI-PROTONS and ANTI-NEU­TRONS.

    When an anti-particle is formed it comes into existence in a uni­verse of ordinary particles and it is only a matter of time, a fraction of a second, before it is going to meet and collide with an electron.

    Now these things cannot be new, can they???

    Only the perception, only the finding of these things is different because, within the universe within the LAWS of PHYSICS, UNIVERSAL PHYSICS, these are always present. SO...They didn't just happen. It means they are either reintroduced into the environment after somehow being removed or they were al­ways there and you just didn't know it.


    These particles, these charges, CANCEL each other out in the laboratory. When they do that, the total mass of the pair is then converted into energy in the form of PHOTONS, and now we at least have a bit of an assumption upon which to visualize this. Now what you have is an unprecedented powerful source of en­ergy.

    Now let's talk of a band, a belt of energy, if you will. This belt, this "Photon Belt" was discovered in the early 60's. Where was it before and why wasn't it found yet??? We live in a narrow world of lies and deception. It was not that it was not there, that it was not coming up in our perceived future at some point. Word was that the discovery of the photon belt was made by one of our satellites in 1961. It's there, most certainly.

    Dr. Halley (Halley's Comet) made a great study of the Pleiades system of which our sun is a part and discovered that, at absolute right angles to the movements of the sun, is a Photon Belt-- also called a "MONASIC RING"--a phenomenon which scientists have yet to produce with laboratory instruments.

    We are now poised to go through this Photon Belt. It is inevitable that we go through the belt, which takes some 2,000 years, and according to scientists from MIT and Lawrence Livermore Labs in California, we enter it probably before the end of this century (the Australian study indicated a date of July 25, 1992).

    [H: The facts are that the actual passage, if left to orderly transition, would fall in the early second decade of your new century. Your human technicians can, however, create the "null" time right now or play with it to your disadvantage for years as suits the needs of the Elite. They cannot, however, reproduce the actual "Photon" experience for any length of time to continue the facade past a very short duration. I will explain later what "they" have done to protect their own interests and passage.]
    If the earth enters the belt first--the sky will appear to be on fire (the color of the sky above a massive forest fire). This will produce an extremely bright reflection which can be severely damaging to the eyes if exposed for any length of time without very good protection. "But not to be concerned," they say, for just be assured this is a "cold" light.

    [H: The "permanently blinding" white light which may or may not come according to tinkering of your scientists-- would come from ignition of the radioactive belt around YOUR planet; I believe you call it Van Allen's Belt or something similar. The desire to ignite same would be to allow piercing the plasmic shielding created by that belting and allow the photons to actually be drained away, to some extent, long enough to accomplish desirable results for the Elite who intend to "save selves" and abandon you-the-people with "saving" of only a few to later SERVE them.]
    Well, as a matter of fact and not to bust your bubble, the sun is cold. Heat is not what you perceive. Those big flashes from the sun are flare-ups of energy and can be hot or cold but are basically visible energy rays. It is the invisible energy rays (X-rays) which are so damaging due to the fact that they are of a frequency of light which is penetrating without your ability to feel or see. The intense rays are actually "heard" and not "seen". Space is very cold, and the sun is shining right through space. So heat is not created by what comes off of the sun. It is created as what comes off and enters again into particulated atmosphere.

    If the sun enters this Photon Belt first (because it is invisible and you are not going to be able to see it, unless by instruments) we will go into immediate darkness (this is basically because the radiant waves from the sun will also come into null or neutral spectrum--for simplistic explanation). This period (of null) has now been computed and would last a duration of some 110 hours, approximately.

    As the earth moves into this radiation belt all molecules will become excited, all atoms will change, things will become luminescent. There will be then, constant light.


    What can we expect??? The rotation of the earth will diminish, speeds are going to change, impacts are going to occur, and we will not know enough about it to calculate it in any form.

    It might also be noted that the world communications centers, fixed satellites, U.S. Bases and experimental sites are within what is known by the U.S. intelligence community as the SAFE ZONE. Is this by design or by accident????

    [Hatonn: This is why the facilities are now placed so far in depth below the surface and so well buffered against the neutralization effect that they will continue to function to great extent without massive interruption of electrical pulses. For their own purposes they now utilize "photon pulse systems" on some aircraft, etc. Also, there would be capability of "propulsion" of such speeds prior to entry that the craft would simply "coast" its way through the electrical shut-down. We now must talk about "time-travel", how­ever, and this would only confuse the subject in point. The point is that the deeper into the earth, itself, that facilities can be structured--the less impact. You "ordinary citizens" are not included in the plans--for the plans of the Elite are to DEPOPULATE the planet and this is one of the means in probable use to do so.]


    Photon Energy is THE Energy of the FUTURE. Reports indi­cate that there are experimental PHOTON rockets on experi­mental craft. The AURORA CRAFT, for one, is now being regularly flown (beyond testing) in California. The SR-71 Black Bird has to be in the sky--at full speed--just to track this experi­mental craft. Find someone to talk about this if you dare. [Hatonn: Neither should you confuse the SR-71 "Black Bird" with the beyond-top-secret "Blackbird PROJECT".]

    A craft that uses Photon propulsion may have been a very slow, cumbersome craft in usual circumstances, but would, in the Photon "belt" become very, very speedy and very, very effi­cient. The Russians have space platforms RIGHT NOW...that have Particle Beam Weapons that the U.S. is most deathly afraid of. The U.S. has NO WEAPON TO COUNTER THIS TECHNOLOGY AT PRESENT AND ALL ATTEMPTS TO CONSTRUCT SAME ARE SIMPLY "TAKEN-OUT".

    This is an electromagnetic zone where there is an energy vac­uum and there is an absence of electromagnetic fields. Every­thing simply cancels everything.

    Electric Power Generating Systems utilize earth's magnetic grid to function; therefore, no grid, no electric power. Batteries simply will not work. This means cars, etc., will not run more than the battery will allow.

    [Hatonn: Facts are that you can expect worsening cancella­tion of electricity to the extent that in a very short period of time a battery will not emit power either. So, even genera­tors will first stall out and finally will not function. It there­fore becomes mandatory to have other types of lighting, heating, etc., than from the electrical grid during the null period.]

    There is no way that this has been missed!! It is only that we have been lied to and deliberately kept from this information.

    Oh... our adversaries... have perfected technology enough to use it for their own advantage. What is the game plan?? PLAN 2000... TOTAL GLOBAL CONTROL...

  2. #10
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 51
    CHAPTER 17


    THU., JULY 9, 1992 8:33 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 328

    THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1992

    Note please: Yeltsin got absolutely EVERYTHING he went af­ter at the G-7 Conference in Germany. The most dangerous transaction is the most outrageously clever maneuver of them all--giving you the industrial facilities (which you already con­trol and are totally worthless with billions of dollars needed to bring them into operation). I wonder if they offered to give you back "Kissinger and Associates" in Russia in exchange for ev­erything given them? If this were not so serious it would be the comic event of the centuries. My crew is still on the floor try­ing to catch their breath. Now watch the action in this now un­derway "summit" and see how much YOU gain or lose! I sim­ply do not see how you can look at your papers and newscasts with a straight face. I wish I had time to go down the articles, in order of writing, and point out the absurdity in each and ev­ery one. It is TOTAL hog-swill.

    For you who still don't believe "Dr." Kissinger has anything to do with your government and/or world affairs--let me reassure you that his input is taken as "gospel" and, while he operates one of the largest businesses in both Moscow, Russia and in China--he writes things like the following, which are carried in every Establishment paper as headline news:


    Los Angeles Times, July 5, 1992 by Henry Kissinger: former Secretary of State and frequent writer for The Times.

    Diplomacy: Russ[s]ia and the United States quietly sign a docu­ment aimed at remaking the world. The problem is they didn't ask anybody else. By Henry A. Kissinger, New York.

    President Boris N. Yeltsin's visit to the United States pro­duced a charter that seeks to give concrete meaning to the term new world order. The document could involve, if its ideas take hold, a revolutionary reordering of global relationships. Such radical changes should not be implemented without a full na­tional debate.

    True, statements of principle are rarely implemented literally. But they do reflect a state of mind and hidden assumptions that shape long-term policy.

    The most significant premises of "A Charter for American-Russian Partnership and Friendship" are that no geopolitical is­sues remain between the United States and Russia and that the spread of democracy will guarantee permanent peace. Russia is assumed to share identical goals, making possible a "strategic partnership" between the superpowers.

    Are these premises valid?

    The collapse of the Soviet Union is surely the seminal event of our time. But the nature of what is to replace it is still unset­tled. Other established patterns of global relations are bound to alter. Care must be taken not to foster principles of world order that unintentionally encourage a cycle of instability and constrain the evolution of newly free countries.

    The new charter is permeated by a tone redolent of a global Russo-U.S. condominium. [H: Does ANY reader know what Mr. Kissinger just said in this sentence?] Russia is called a "Strategic partner". In addition, "the United States and the Rus­sian Federation will unite [emphasis added] in their efforts toward strengthening international peace and security, preventing and settling regional conflicts, and solving global problems."

    Can the United States sustain such an undertaking? Should Russia be encouraged into a global role, which is like putting liquor before a reforming alcoholic? Where does this leave the U.S. allies?

    The atmosphere of condominium emphasizes the curious clause stating that the two countries abjure "the threat of use of force against the territorial integrity and political independence of each other [emphasis added]" . Could this not be read to mean that the threat of force against other countries is permitted by the charter? Previous U.S.-Soviet statements of principle always contained clauses declaring that nothing in them super­seded existing obligations, or they made new mutual obligations genera. The new restrictive clause, even if inadvertent, is bound to be noted. [H: And just how many of you noted this "...tone redolent of a global Russo-U.S. condominium. "? Did you, further, take note that this "...atmosphere of con­dominium emphasizes the curious clause stating that the two countries abjure. "?]
    The charter emphasizes a vast new effort by the United States and the Russian Federation to "support the strengthening of the Euro-Atlantic Community" because "security is indivisible from Vancouver to Vladivostok." When this concept first appeared in the Mikhail S. Gorbachev era, it was the slogan of European and Soviet leaders seeking to reduce U.S. influence and to gain maximum freedom of action for essentially national purposes. Once everybody is allied to everybody else, existing institutions will dissolve into a vague structure incapable of joint action and thus, in the end, best suited to nationalistic policies.

    [H: Oops--it appears Mr. Kissinger is just a bit concerned about some things that could come from this--like wipe-out his own business interests in some way. Let's see now, it seems Mr. Gorbachev is president of Kissinger & Associates in Moscow (by whatever "name"). It also appears that while Mr. Yeltsin was in the U.S., Mr. Gorbachev was doing "something absurd" with the Israelis in Tel Aviv. What could it have been? Why? Could it be that the "Bolsheviks" may be in trouble with the world order as it now appears to be coming down? Someone is certainly blackmailing some­one else, it appears to me.]

    The Euro-Atlantic Community seems to include the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the European neutrals, the new East European democracies and all the successor states of the Soviet Union. [H: What does he mean by "seems"--he is the very one who set up the originals. Don't you sort of think he "knows"?] The interests of these countries are assumed to be identical and to flow naturally from their democratic structures. But, in the real world, can this melange be called a community? Does the phrase "indivisible security" entitle either superpower to act alone in the likely event there is no consensus, or does each side have a veto? Is the choice between hegemony or paralysis?

    And in what way can the five Central Asian republics of the Soviet Union or the three new states of the Caucasus be said to belong to a European security structure, not to speak of a Euro-Atlantic Community? If Kieghizstan, one of the Central Asian republics, becomes "European", why not Pakistan or India nearby? The unspoken premise is that all the states of the for­mer Soviet Union, however different their culture and history, are still treated as if they were under Moscow's tutelage.

    The unprecedented role assigned to the European Security Conference and the phrase that "America and the Russian Federation cannot accept another phase of European instability" point up the charter's basic incompatibility with existing Atlantic institutions. Within NATO, the United States opposes a sepa­rate European military force on the ground that it weakens the integrated command. The charter, however, leaves little scope for NATO, except to contribute forces and resources to the newly invented Euro-Atlantic Community as some kind of ex­clusive club directed against Asia.

    Similar ambiguities weaken the charter's relevance to the strains produced by the breakup of the Soviet Union. In less than a year, 15 new states have emerged. All have become members of the United Nations. None, except the Baltic states has known independence for the last 150 years. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the erstwhile Red Army remain on their territories. The soldiers intervene in local conflicts ostensibly to protect Russian minorities.

    While the Russian Republic has not directly challenged the independence of the new states, it has not fully accepted it either. [H: I could have sworn there were wars going on in al-most ALL of the new states--especially Yugoslavia at this very moment--who do YOU think is at war?] Russian leaders maneuver with persistence to establish themselves as the linear descendants of the historic empire. The entry of all the successor republics into the European Security Conference is a measure of this campaign's success.

    If Moscow attempts to recentralize its former empire, some sort of military conflict is probable. If it succeeds, even partly, alarm bells will ring around the Soviet periphery--but especially in Eastern Europe. The traditional pattern of mutual fear between Russia and its neighbors will reappear. The U.S.-Russian partnership will collapse.

    This may not be an acute problem as long as Russia, together with all the successor states, faces economic disaster. But as they recover, the question of whether the new charter reduces the dangers becomes relevant.

    The Bush Administration seems to assume that liberal democracy and market economics will, by themselves, achieve and preserve peace everywhere. But even if true, this point will not be reached for decades. Meanwhile, the United States must contribute to international stability with a foreign policy that goes beyond social engineering. The effort to shore up the Russian government is laudable, and the Congress should support it. But we must not so idealize and personalize the relationship as to lose sight of geopolitical imperatives. We need to balance the respect and cooperation to which Russia's reforms and potential power entitle it against the dangers of hegemony over smaller successor states.

    The toughest question raised is whether a Russia seeking to build democracy and a market economy and in need of vast amounts of foreign assistance can possibly fulfill the role as-signed to it by the charter. Is it wise to divert Russia into a global enterprise that may keep it from even defining a responsible role with respect to the internal relationships of the former Soviet Union? At the end of an evolution that we should assist, Russia may turn into the partner envisioned by the charter. As of now, such a role is at best premature, at worst dangerous.


    Goodness, this must have a "fog-factor" of somewhere near a 100%. At any rate, considering what a leader Mr. Kissinger is in the Elite One World Order Global 2000, is it just possible that Yeltsin (and moreover and above, Pamyat and Soyuz) may not be such vicious criminals against "you-the-little-or-dinary citizens" as against the Elite Administration?? It does become obvious that THAT man they all laughed at and insulted when he FIRST came to visit America has somehow gained a lot of power--enough to completely get EVERYTHING he goes after and your Elite grubbers capitulate at E'VERY TURN. Hmn-n-n! Does it not indicate that there is some kind of power somewhere? Why would the world capitulate to a broken, bankrupt and now defenseless nation if there is not "something" afoot that is VERY, VERY POWERFUL? Think about it most carefully before you read on and we share our next blast of insults from none other than the UFO Bible (magazine) as "faxed to me yesterday".
    Good gracious, a series about little old ME?!? Or is it to tear down George Green whom the UFO "community" is after for bringing you the truth about "things" and "them"? Let us let YOU decide--I am weary of "my" friends being the last to know what is going on.

    The following is from UFO, 30 Vol. 7, No. 4, 1992. A copy of the "article" was sent to my attention on July 8, 1992 so I as­sume the issue is "new". I think, for this particular group in point, it is interesting that the pictured copy of the LIBERATOR utilized was the one with the headline: Underground Bases Honeycomb U.S.. The adversary really didn't like THAT ONE. My scribe is at a great disadvantage for she has no idea WHO in the world these people are who so graciously write about our work. Perhaps Mr. Ecker (Don) will be relieved to know that I DO! Furthermore, he may just not like what I have to say in "that sought after interview" he claims to desire with "Hatonn". So be it.


    by Don Ecker

    In 1943, my father was a young merchant seaman on board a convoy leaving England to carry supplies to the Soviet Union. The Second World War was at its height, and the United States, along with England, France and the Soviet Union, was locked in a life-and-death struggle with Nazi Germany. The Nazis had overrun all of Western Europe, England was on her knees and everyone was sure that Russia was a rotting structure just wait­ing to topple.
    The supplies on board that convoy were intended to keep Russia in the war until such time as America could achieve a full war­time economy, and in concert with the British, the Russians and other peoples would ultimately beat the Nazi gangsters into the ground.
    There were other convoys headed toward Russia on a similar mission, and most did get through. But my Dad's ship did not.

    It was hit by a U-boat and then finished off by Nazi bombers. (My father survived the ordeal.)

    As we all know, WW-II had a successful ending,. the Nazi regime was destroyed, but by 1945, Nazis still had managed to kill about 20 million Russians, both military and civilian.

    The British lost just under a million people, both military and civilian, the French about 750,000 and Poland, 4 1/2 million. Loss of life in the death camps included 6 million Jews and 5 million Europeans of other races and backgrounds.

    Germany also suffered greatly. By war's end, she had lost around 11 million people, which consisted of military and civil­ian casualties. These figures are cited in The Encyclopedia of Military History, by Dupuy and Dupuy, Harper and Row, 1977.)

    I am sure you are by now wondering what this has to do with UFOs.

    We will get to that in a moment, but first let us drop back about 25 years to the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Back in 1967 and 1968, "flower power" was in. It was not uncommon to turn on the television and see news broadcasts of "love-ins", sit-ins and crowds of young high school and college-age kids marching for peace and calling for acceptance and equality of all people everywhere.

    We were all human after all, and for many the '60s ushered in the new age of love and understanding. There was no room for intolerance or bigotry.

    UFOs, on the other hand, were not faring quite as well under the scrutiny of Ed Condon at the University of Colorado's gov­ernment-sponsored inquiry. Later ridiculed by many, Condon's report seemed to ignore the many factual cases, instead concentrating on "contactee" or fringe-element reports.

    Contactee activity has been around as long as people have chased lights in the sky and thought often wacky and incredible, usually amounted to largely harmless claims. But much more recently, some of the contactee information has taken on darker overtones.

    In February, UFO became more directly involved in looking at some recent incarnations of the contactee message when a call came in from a reader in Chicago, who was inquiring about a publishing company called America West.

    Based in Tehachapi, California, [WRONG!!], America West Publishing is owned and operated by George and Desiree' Green. (It has no relationship to the airline.) The Greens' company regularly prints and distributes a newsprint publication called the PHOENIX LIBERATOR, formerly the PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS, purported to be transmissions from an extraterrestrial in orbit around Earth.

    This alleged ET calls himself, according to George, Gyeor­gos Ceres Hatonn, Commander in Chief, Earth Project Transi­tion, Pleiades Sector Flight Command, Intergalactic Federation Fleet--Ashtar Command. [H: He has a couple of things misconstrued--like being in the Command of someone named Ashtar. Ashtar is only a label given the entity who heads the evacuation Command and Central Computer system and I only have occasional need to participate with that fleet in any association. That association has been explained in de­tail in the JOURNALS. Further, I am IN COMMAND--not Commander-in-Chief. This is just for a bit of clarification for you readers of THIS document. Moreover, I am only occasionally in "orbit around your planet", if the difference is important to you. ] Earth Representative to the Cosmic Council and Intergalactic Federation Council on Earth Transi­tion. (But, he says, you can just call him "Hatonn.") [H: Ah so! Would it be so "strange" if this author introduced him­self as Mr. Don Ecker and said, you may call me "Don" or "Ecker"? Do you condemn a being for being courteous and using good manners? I do note that not many gracious manners are utilized by this one toward me and/or George Green and we have done NOTHING TO OR WITH HIM OR HIS MAGAZINE. HOW DOES HE HAVE INSIGHT ENOUGH TO PRONOUNCE SUCH CARNAGE UPON OUR PRESENCE AND RIGHT OF EXISTENCE? OR, IS THIS THE TYPE OF JOURNALISM NOW FULLY AC­CEPTED AND RESPECTED IN YOUR CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT OF DISINFORMERS?]
    Hatonn is not a specifically channeled entity, however, Green says, "He sends the information on a military channel that is re­ceived and written down by the scribe, Dharma." Dharma is Doris Ekker, a 60-ish grandmother who purportedly receives and then writes down the transmission from Commander Ha­tonn. [H: Well it is NOT a military channel. It is simply short-wave high-band transmission. Further, have none of you ever heard of a "translator" or a "secretary"? How quaint!]

    Cmdr. Hatonn does not limit himself to spiritual counsel. He is concerned with all aspects of life on Earth, particularly politi­cal aspects. In the myriad writings attributed to Hatonn, he "rains wisdom" on every subject from the history and instability of neighborhoods in Cuba and Peru to the covert agenda of the world's power-brokers. (Issues which are, of course, very much related). In DESTRUCTION OF A PLANET: ZION­ISM IS RACISM, Hatonn introduces himself, saying, "Hatonn present in the Light of Radiance, in service unto God and Man."

    For an extraterrestrial, Hatonn is extremely well informed and opinionated on just about everything. His diatribes encom­pass Reaganomics, medieval history, the "actual" origin of the Jews, the wisdom of incorporation and current American economic woes, and much more than can be described here. [H: Thank you for taking notation of the above. I will point out that in view of my accepted KNOWLEDGE of wide diver­sity--WHY WOULD MR. ECKER CHOOSE THIS PAR­TICULAR SUBJECT TO FOCUS UPON??? COULD IT BE WE HAVE AN ELITE GLOBALIST ON OUR HANDS OR SIMPLY A DISINFORMATION/MISINFORMATION COUNTERFEIT JOURNALIST??? I would suggest that almost ANY subject upon which I have written would be more valuable than the one he has chosen to blast universally and with intentional focus. Or, will we find that Mr. Ecker doesn't READ AT ALL OR IF SO, VERY, VERY POORLY AND BIS ARITHMETIC AND RESEARCH CAPABHIITES ARE SORELY LACKING.]
    The transmissions have a familiar ring. According to Hatonn--as recorded by "Dharma"--most of what is wrong with the world, and more specifically with America, is a "secret government" within the government. This secret government or New World Order is controlled by "The Committee of 300" and international bankers. [H: So? And do not all of Mr. Ecker's FORMER FRIENDS state the same thing?? What have we here? The UFO magazine's thrust has been the "secret government's cover-up of EVERYTHING--INCLUDING UF0s!]

    One of the caveats to interpreting common phrases such as "international bankers" is realizing its allusion to Jews and anti-Semitism. [H: Good grief--how so? I have told you over and over and over--SEMITES ARE NOT .TEWS! Surely Mr. Ecker, you can read better than THATU When queried, Green denies having any anti-Semitic feelings himself. But if he doesn't, Hatonn does. [H: WRONG! I AM A "SEMITE" AND SO IS GEORGE GREEN--you had better check out your historical research capabilities.] According to the works flowing from America West Publishers, attributed to "Commander Hatonn," most history is not what it is purported to be: books like Destruction of a Planet; Zionism IS Racism and The Trillion Dollar Lie: The HOLOCAUST, Vols. 1 and 2, assert that there was NO HOLOCAUST. [H: WRONG. There most certainly WAS a holocaust but NOT LIKE PRESENTED AND YOU REDUCE THE VERY HONOR TO THE ONES WHO "DID" SUFFER SO CRUELLY BY YOUR LIES AND DECEPTIONS! IT IS NOT "I", SIR, WHO IS THE FOOL] Hatonn says Jews are not really Jews, per se, but "Khazars," who came out of the area that used to be the U.S.S.R. [H: Indeed!]

    UFO material appears at times, with explanations no one else has come up with. According to the word from Hatonn per George Green, for instance, the Tunguska explosion in Siberia in June of 1908 was actually a secret, 30-megaton atomic bomb designed and built by a secret society of British and German scientists. Green tells UFO that the bomb was delivered by a balloon. [H: Where have you been Mr. Ecker?? Scientists on YOUR PLACE gave that information and a whole lot more and it has been written up in major well accepted news-letters such as Antony Sutton's works. There was a magnificent plan to actually tilt the planet with that explosion except the perpetrators couldn't get their time-zone changes correctly computed! As to balloon delivery: they did not have SR-71s and C-130's to utilize in clandestine activities as are present TODAY. Besides it would have been most propitious to use such "silent running" craft, would it not?]
    [H: Methinks this man has a hang-up of some sort for out of some sixty he can't seem to get rid of a nagging urge to beat this to death--something like does the ADL (branch of British Intelligence), WZO, WJC, and "hate crime" squealers. Do not you readers find this interesting? A "UFO" journal and no mention or curiosity is even SHOWN about possible UFO knowledge or possibilities of gleaning some information regarding the cosmos--JUST DEAL WITH GARBAGE, LIES AND DISINFORMATION AS NEARLY AS I CAN DISCERN. If YOU were given possible chance of information from a Space-command officer and a "Host" of Holy God who knows enough to see to it that the very workings of God and Universe is put to JOURNAL--would you ask about the numbers in Germany in the 1940's? Would you not think it wise to choose something which would actually be of interest to the masses and possibly give you insight to what confronts you as a species and civilization? So be it.]

    There were no death camps in Germany or Poland, according to the Phoenix material. [H: Mr. Ecker: you are full of it, as you later say about "me". There were camps in which death was incredibly massive so I suggest you GO READ THE MATERIAL AS WRITTEN AND POSSIBLY EVEN WRITE WITHOUT SELECTED TAKE-OUTS, THE WHOLE LOT OF MATERIAL--I HEREIN GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO REPRINT EVERY WORD I HAVE WRITTEN AND MY "BROTHERS" AS WELL! IN FACT, IF I HAD THE TIME I WOULD INSIST THAT YOU DO SO--IN YOUR SO-CALLED RESEARCH JOURNAL!] "There were not even six million Jews in all of Europe prior to the start of the war," Green stated. According to him and Ha­tonn, the copious number of photographs that showed the world the horrors endured by victims incarcerated in the Nazi concen­tration camps were misinterpreted; the mountains of dead, starved bodies, the tattooed numbers on the arms of all inmates, even small children, were all a fabrication. [H: Mr. Ecker--it is hard to believe you could twist statements to THIS extent by utilizing the term ALL, etc. Do you not think that even a deceiver would be more cautious than to make such encom­passing and stupid statements? It seems the term "all" in both instances is YOURS, not Mr. Green's.]

    In a casual tone of voice, Green told UFO that those corpses were actually dead Germans that Gen. Dwight David Eisen­hower, World War II Supreme Allied Commander and future President of the United States, had once interned in the former Nazi "work camps". Then, Green Said, Eisenhower allowed them to starve to death. [H: Gads, Mr. Ecker, where have YOU BEEN? Have you been so narrow in your research as to not READ what is available?? Try Spotlight, The New Federalist and dozens of other resources, AND how about the book called OTHER LOSSES by Bacque, which was "banned" in the U.S.? My, my, it would appear it is YOU who dwells in "outer space" and not Hatonn!]
    Of course, Green added, this is not his own information, but facts from the almost-omniscient Commander Hatonn, who stays in orbit and beams down wisdom from the stars. [H: Nope--no information from the "stars"--although I can give you a lot of information ABOUT THOSE STARS! "Almost-omni­scient"? Not too bad!]

    On page 162 of ZIONISM IS RACISM, Cmdr. Hatonn claims the Nazis decided "Since force could not be used (to get the Jews out of Germany) for fear of potential international repercussions, the way to break down their resistance was to in­still a distinctive Jewish identity amongst them by systematically promoting Jewish schools, athletic teams, Hebrew, Jewish art and music, etc. Combined with Zionist occupational re-training centers, this would induce the recalcitrant Jews to abandon their homeland." [H: Commander Hatonn "claims" this? Go read again, Mr. Ecker--that was a direct "quote" from an "earth" document and Hatonn "claims" nothing of the sort! This happened to be truth BUT NOW IS USED TOTALLY OUT OF CONTEXT IN THIS ARTICLE IN UFO as the entire ar­ticle is relative to Unidentified flying Objects and possible Cosmic (space) information and/or focus. If you are trying to discredit me, Mr. Ecker--you are ONLY discrediting self! I am come as a Host of God--and I find you ALSO AVOID THAT SUBJECT LIKE IT WILL GIVE YOU A BAD CASE OF PLAGUE.]
    We all know how very unconcerned the Nazi regime was about world opinion in 1936, when Hitler ordered German troops to re-occupy the Rhineland in violation of the Treaty at Versaille. Hitler had spelled out his plan years before in Mein Kampf, the book that became the Nazi bible. In Mein Kampf, Hitler stated for the record that he would "settle with the Jews". [H: Is that supposed to mean "slay them all"?--"gas them all?"--what mean you when you say, for instance, that you "...will settle with Mr. Cooper"--on the AIR yet?! Does that mean that you will murder him? How come you to this con­clusion? Taken out of context as you have, perhaps it meant he was going to settle accounts and pay them all they were owed? How about--settling by giving them Germany or Palestine? How is it you come to this particular conclusion which "infers" annihilation? Perhaps that is what it meant--but more likely, as with your own statement regarding Mr. Cooper--you didn't like accounts in some fashion and "would settle...."? You even claimed Mr. Cooper had threatened to "kill" you! and you stated that on an open radio interview--what are you, Mr. Ecker? Perhaps you would like me to share more with our readers, and yours!]
    In America(n) [sic, sic] West's volume entitled SPACE GATE, THE VEIL REMOVED, it appears that Commander Hatonn is not above plagiarizing. Taking sections from some of the voluminous tracts of Milton William Cooper (Cooper at one point threatened that he was going to sue Green), Hatonn put in his own words that tired old canard: "YES, DEAR ONES, PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY WAS MURDERED BY THE SECRET SERVICE AGENT WHO DROVE HIS CAR IN THE MOTORCADE." (All capitalized) [H: (ALL CAPITAL­IZED): I JUST WROTE IT AGAIN! THE FATAL SHOTS WERE FIRED BY GREER FROM THE LIMO DRIVER'S SEAT AND BY HUNT FROM THE "GRASSY KNOLL". There were many involved and I have named almost all of them in one place or another. By the way, JUST WHAT IS IT YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND, SIR? Funny thing about "plagiarizing"--TRUTH CANNOT BE PLAGIARIZED! Furthermore, I continually get correspondence urging me to look into the fact that "...Cooper is plagiarizing your work, Hatonn!" Can't have it BOTH WAYS, chelas! NOW, WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY ABOUT THAT INCI­DENT, I WONDER?? WHOSE SIDE MIGHT YOU BE ON, SIR? YOU SOUND PRETTY SELF-INCRIMINAT­ING TO ME.]
    THE TRILLION DOLLAR LIE. THE HOLOCAUST, again supposedly the dictums of Commander Hatonn, delivers rhetoric that sounds terrifyingly close to fascist propaganda. In it, we get the text of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", which purport to be a blueprint for a "Zionist" or Jewish takeover. Re­dundant quotes include, "Anarchy is something that the Jew promotes relentlessly. While in complete control of the finan­cial powers of the state, they promote internecine strife..." [H: What would you have me do, misquote a document utilized as an action blueprint for centuries?? I did not WRITE THE PROTOCOLS but you seem to present this as if some­how I DID! Nope, sorry--they came right along before and with the Communist Manifesto, Nazi Manifesto and now your New World Order--New World PLAN 2000.] Later, on page 153, Hatonn says that after a state exhausts itself during war or civil war, "IT CAN THEN, IN ANY CASE, BE AC­COUNTED AS IRRETRIEVABLY LOST AND IN THE POWER OF THE JEWS." Yet, Hatonn bills himself as an extraterrestrial bringer of light, condescendingly referring to his readers as "misguided children". Could Hatonn be a mouth­piece for someone else?
    [H: Yes, I COULD be. But I am not. I do suggest however, that I would not deprive you of the privilege of holding that honor, Mr. Don Ecker!]
    Part Two of this article will examine more of the information offered by America West. Don Ecker will attempt a direct inter­view of Hatonn, as well as speak to several survivors of the "non-existent" Jewish Holocaust.

    * * *

    Attempt an interview of Hatonn???? Attempt?? It seems any who have efforted to speak with Hatonn have received gracious time and service, although often I have been invited to attend your "interviews" and only have received threats, insults and stupidity in return for the reception. If this is your thrust and intent of dealing with such a subject in point--wherein you will "interview several survivors of the 'non-existent' Jewish Holo­caust" I suggest you are really "reaching", Mr. Ecker! I have yet to witness A SINGLE "SURVIVOR" WHO SAW ANY­THING PRONOUNCED AS HAVING HAPPENED AS TO DEATH CAMPS! I DO NOTE, HOWEVER, THAT THOSE "SURVIVORS" ARE VERY WILLING TO EXECUTE INNOCENT PEOPLE SUCH AS DEMJANJUK FOR CRIMES "NOT" COMMITTED.

    I would appreciate you readers giving me even ONE good REASON why I should subject my people to this nerd? He wants to know my relationship with my people? How about his relationship with one Vickie Cooper of UFO? When we speak of Hatonn, it should be noted that ones need to begin to think in terms of God, God's COMMANDMENTS and Creation's Universal LAWS.

    YOU, Mr. Ecker, do NOT WANT AN INTERVIEW WITH ME--you want more games in order to discredit Truth and cover your own insecure and ridiculous assets. You seem to tell the audience WHO HATONN IS--when will you tell them WHO YOU ARE?

    Ones such as you, Mr. Ecker, have turned what could have been a worthy JOURNAL information into what is nothing more than a rag-sheet of drivel and misinformation of the highest form. The articles are without merit, basis or truth in almost all instances and you dishonor anyone who would give you truth through just such articles as the foregoing. I do not judge you--I simply "judge" your work and actions and I find them sorely wanting value or truth. Your thrust is obviously toward misin­formation and Elite involvement to cover-up and disinformation--in order to further deceive readers seeking truth.

    Your world is coming apart and you would utilize trite misguid­ance and that would appear to me to be only a mammoth dis­credit to your own integrity. I would guess, herein, however, that Mr. William Cooper and I are in pretty much identical har­mony concerning the type of writer as are you. I sanction nei­ther of your behaviors--but I do suggest that, at least, in spite of flammable temper, problems of control through many means and misguided direction--HE AT LEAST TRIES TO BRING TRUTH WHEREIN YOU DELIBERATELY BREAK IT DOWN INTO A RUBBISH HEAP OF YOUR OWN GARBAGE. Now, rightfully so--as you so often quoted above: this is "...in Hatonn's opinion". I would, however, measure my some sixty books against your representations of almost every­thing you "cover". So be it.

    Consider this to be "PART II" of your "series". I don't think you actually want a personal interview with me--unless you can change the content and, therefore, it seems most unwise of me to do that to my people already being quite aware of a "fixed" setting.

    In fact, you desire self-ego stroking with your clever articles and accusations of false thrust and worse perception--please feel free to print this as Part II. You have stirred up others on the "Get Green and Hatonn Trail" and it is going to be most costly and painful to them, also, and I think they will not thank you for your "service" unto them. When in a "nest of thieves" the "thief' cannot find the foolishness of his visible projection.

    I am pleased to see that you are reading some of our material, however, and hope that some of it rubs off on your intelligence seeking brain system. One more presentation of a "sighting" from the 40's or 50's is going to make me heave-up. Do you not think the world and space has perhaps changed since half a century? Who cares about 1950 when you face the New World Order TODAY? In fact, how can you remain chained to a 1940 scenario as above--when the REAL HOLOCAUST is descend­ing upon you? Ah indeed, I have no need to interview one with such limited vision and narrow insight--I would consider it a dis­service to the readers seeking Truth.

    If this be your leadership representatives, readers, I have only compassion, or perhaps simple "pity", for you of mankind. Blessings upon you of vision who can understand the circum­stances confronting your species and globe. Blessings upon you who can see the dangers to your Constitution and your freedom--Pity upon you ones who dwell in the dark places and insist ALL OTHERS REMAIN IN THE DARK WITH YOU.


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